The Spectator



Subject—“The College Youth And His World."


Judges for The Contest May Be Se-

cured From McPherson

High School    

Mon, Oct. 21-The first allschool, essay contest, sponsored by the SPECTATOR IN cooperation with the English department of the col-

lege, is gaining headway rapidly. Up

to now. however, only a few students

have drawn their numbers. The editor desores that each one entering the contest secure his number at once.

Prizes offered by the SPECTATOR are $2.50, $1.50 and $1.00.These prizes are well worth trying for and every student is urged to enter the contest. The subject is “The College Youth and His World".

The rules of the contest are: 1. Any student of McPherson College, aside from the members of the SPECTATOR staff, may enter this


2.Contest is not open to individ-uals outside the college.

3.May be written in any of the following moods: indignant, Serious. Ironical, Humorous, Sarcastic, and Satirical.

4. Number of words Mininuim 500, Maximum 1200.

5. All manuscripts must be writ-ten on standard typing paper.

6. Manuscripts must be typewrit-


7. A margin of one and one half

inches must be left on the left side of the sheet.

8. Number of page must be at the top of each page on the left side.

9. The author does not put his name on his manuscriot . He draws a number from the editor of the SPEC-TATOR and the editor keeps the number and the corresponding name of the author. Only the author's number Is to appear on the manu-script

10. Write on one side of the sheet


11. Contestants may secure advice from the English instructors of the college.

12. Essays must be in the hands of the editor of the SPECTATOR by 6.30 P. M., November 8.

Judges for the contest may be se-cured from the English department in the city high schools. By doing this the students are left Free to go to their English instructors for help or advice.


Sat. Oct. 13—The McPherson Col-lege delegates to the state W. A. A.

invention held at the Kansas State Teachers college at Emporia resumed this Afternoon. The delegates go-ing from here were Velma Wine. Doris Ballard. Mildred Doyle and Florence Weaver.

The convention convened Thursday afternoon at a tea given the delega-tes. In the evening a dance was giv-en for the visitors. Friday President Butcher of K. S. T. C. addressed the convention. Other speakers were Dean of Women, Maude Minrow and

Bill" White, son of William Alien White, Group discussions were held and many organization problems were ironed out. Friday event a banquet was given. Saturday was given over to the business sessions.


Thursday Oct. 17—The ladies of college hill gave a tea this afternoon in honor of the college girls. The tea was given In the church parlors which were decorated with autumnal decorations. Mrs. Gates, dramatic art instructor at the college gave a


Thus., Oct. 17 — Dr. V. F, Schwalm talked to the World Service Group this evening This talk begins a series which he expects to give, The general theme will be Christian Service and Personal Evan-gellulion.

Dr Schwalm opened the discussion with the statement “Religion Is the humna need for a superior being''. The mission of the organized church is to minister to our spiritual needs. The needs pointed out were: a hun-gering for God, a desire for forgiv-eness of sin, power for larger service and assurance of eternal life. Human beings feel that they need an answer to the "Whence? Why! and Where?" of life. The first place looked to for guidance through life is the church If lt fails in any measure the charge Is always against lt. Our work is to present such charges.

Ida Lengel was elected secretary-treasurer of the group In fill the vacancy made by Milton Early's resignation.


Tues, Oct, 16—

“Make new friends but keep the old

Those are silver, these are gold—”

Centering about the relationship of a college girl to the other members of her family and of her home com-munity the Y. W. C. A. program this morning touched on the attitudes, Ideals, and duties of the girl to her friends at home.

Bringing out the thought of serv-ice as a part of home life Lila Fields. leader, read passage of scripture which emphasizes the fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man

A vocal duet "One Sweetly Solemn Thought" was then sung by Irene and Ellen Steinberg after which thought was given to two phases of home fellowship: In the home and In the community.

Helen Louise Hudson read Edgar Guest's poem "It Takes a Heap of Livin ", and Verna Beaver spoke on friendship within the home. Humming up her talk with the literary gem “Old Friends are Best".

Illustrating the prevalent attitude of friends in the home community toward the college student, Florence Lehman cooperated certain points of conduct which the Individual might profitably observe in his as-sociation with those at home.

Following the announcement that the Y. W. C. A. and Y. M. C A will hold a joint meeting next Tuesday the girls repealed the benediction and the group dispersed.

ladies. gentlemen, Fresh, and school teachers: Behold! (Yo Yo stringers Included), Upon this beau-tiful summer (I mean autumn day) when the leaves are falling and also the thermometers. I take my Ever-sharp in my paw and will endeavor (No, thus doesn't mean C. E.) to string you, dear suffering public, a line of hash, (Pardon. Mulligan Stew— since this Is Tuesdayl.

Yeah, I’m going to dish the dirt into your unwilling ears which will give you folks a chance to use the clean towel later when the season is over for hunting—like finding zoo-logical specimen in vegetables for supper—-esspecially in peas at the foot ball table. That's the stuff but the nonsense is In giving them fresh meat so far ahead of the game. How can one little worm be expected to do the work of thousands of its kind when there are four and thirty sturdy men to be fed? Huh?

Don't you like to be different? I do. In fact I'm so different no one wants to be like me which is very easily understood No?

Oh yes there's the Scotchman who _which one— the one who dropped

Today and Tomorrow — Miss Gaulde here.

Thursday, Oct 24—Thespian program.

Friday. Oct. 25—Bethel Game here.

Evening:—All school Masque-rade Party.

Sunday, Oct 27- Evangelistic

Meetings Begin.

Tuesday. Oct.29 — First num-ber of Lyceum Course



Kansas City. Oct. 19 Dr. J. Wil-lard Hershey, head of the chemistry department of McPherson College. addressed the Kansas City session of the American Chemical Society this evening at the Chamber of Commerce room. Kansas City Athletic Club giving his paper on synthetic dia-monds which he presented at the Minneapolis meeting last month.

Motion picture films and lantern slides Were showing depicting the procedure In making the artificial diamonds. The members of the so-ciety were given the opportunity to see the largest synthetic diamond in the world.



Sun,. Oct. 20—The subject of the students parts In the coming revival was under discussion In the Christian Endeavor group this evening. Melvin Landes advanced the idea that one of our duties is to receive as many ideas as possible and cultivate the worthy ones into. Ideals these become a dynamic force in our character. The discussion of personal responsibility Was continued by Ward Williams Special numbers of music that received special appreciation were a solo by Ruth Turner and a numher by the college male quartet .

Next Sunday evening a play is to be given In the chapel by the C. E. All students and friends are Invited.


Fri. Oct. 19—The Student Council announced this morning that on Friday evening, October 25, the Student Council will sponsor an All School Masquerade party In the gymnasium

The annual Halloween fray is looked Forward to with great enthu-siasm. The party this year Is differ ent and more unique In every way. No, affair of this kind has ever been given before upon the college cam-pus.

Prizes will be given for the best costume. Every student and faculty member is required to be in masque-rade costume. One of the many in-teresting events of the mysterious evening will be a “terrapin race".

Mr. Leonard Walker of the Walker Studio, will be At the party to take pictures for the Quadrangle.


A curtain raiser, "All On a Sum-mer's day", will to given by four-girls of the Advanced Eipn-sslnu class, on Thursday evening. October 24. This short skit will be given In conjunction with a one-act play "The Valiant" given by the Thespian Club on the same evening.

Those taking part are:

One    Velma Wine

Two    - Helen Hudson

Three    Florence Lehman

Negro Mammy    Ida Lengel


Profeesor H. H. Nininger of Mc -Pherson college has found a great many biology specimens , on his tour of Mexico, last week. He passed through the great Mexican desert last week, going from Monterrey to Torrean. Nininger observed many Interesting sights on this weeks lap of his journey.

In the Mexican desert Mr. Nininger watched closely the life of the people who reside there. Their life Is probably the most primitive of any In Mexico. They use no shoea on their feet, and they live In grass houses. Their living is made by making rope

from one of their native crops.

After Nininger reached Torrean he and his interpreter left on the train for Jimenez where they expect to find some materials. Jimenez was the tenter of the recent Mexican revolu-tion. and he reports that a great part of the village is torn down as the result. He will spend two days here.

From Jimenez he returned to Tor-rean where he started by auto for Saltillo. Here he spent the week end. Professor Nininger and his Interpreter both were sick here. However, the e sickness lasted for only a short time. He also visited a Mexican college In Saltillio. He reports that they have a splendid museum there.

The two men will leave Saltillo for San Louis Potosi In a few days Here they Will collect some materials and travel on to Mexico City.

Nininger finds all of the Mexican roads very rough and this necessity slow traveling He reports that they camp out In the open because the smaller villages are so filthy. He

says that besides many valuable

specimens of repiles, insects and

plants he has some splendid views of

Mexican life in moving pictures.


a nickel down a gopher hole: or the one who took an aeroplane ride . or the one who had a piano and owned only a cash register; or the one who had a garden of Scotch asparagus— no tips.

"What's in a name?” Yeah, I know my Shakespeare—why shouldn't I after a member of the same?

I like Bakora, especially Mildred. All young men have Beards but there is one Beard in school that not all young men have. Tough luck Beavers build dams and I'd be willing to be a dam site to be worked on by this little Beaver. Lucille don't be a Crabb. it's not becoming because

your Swain doesn't like girls that frown. There's a boy who run turn water into Wine but seeing is believ-ing, All you men would mob the kitchen to do the churning if they could get a Butterbaugh like what is churned up in Arnold. Ah! The first donation I will make to the M. C. managerie Will be a Campbell- no  humphs about it either! For study there is a nice quiet little Dell but with surprise here and there. I never knew Betts to be so Early

McPherson wins from OTTAWA ON HOME FIELD

Canines Outplay Visitors In Every Respect


Captain Nonken Makes Many Out-

standing Play

Bulldogdom, Fri, Oct. 18—The McPherson football team left the local athletic field, this afternoon, tri-umphhant over the Ottawa University eleven, by virtue of a 21-0 score, brought to be by completely outplay-ing the visitors on every detail of the game, thereby taking their positions next to the top in the Kansas Confer-ence. Early in the game the Bulldogs unveiled a winning variety of foot-ball, which caused them to score during the first three minutes of play. The Bulldog machine was working almost perfectly, the Interference was great, always clearing the path for a long end run, featuring either Non-ken or Miller carrying the ball for a long gain, sometimes thirty or forty yards. Householder and Wray, of the visitors' backfield furnished several real thrills for McPherson enthusi-asts when they carried the ball dan-gerously near the home goal line and threatened to score. McPherson's line was almost invinsible on defensive plays and it charged like a backfield on the offensive plays, plowing great holes in the visiors line through which many long gains were made. Lawrence Barngrover never failed to advance the pigskin with his mighty line plunges when it was hard to go around the end for substancial gains. Hochstrassor, Barngrover and Miller were In possession of the oval at the times when touchdowns were scor-ed. A pain from Miller to Hochstas-ser In the first quarter gave us six points, in the third period L. Barn-grover plunged over the line for a counter and in the flunt period Miller snatched Bradley's pass for a like number of points. Following each touchdown. Miller's too was good for an extra point.

Early In the last quarter the visit-ors placed the ball on the Bulldog 15-yard line and threatened to score, but began to gain after being held for downs, they lost the ball and were backed clear across the field to see their opponents score the third time, however they remained game to the end, The game was one of the cleanest played here for a long time and the score carried with it the widest margain of any played in the conference so far this season.

(Continued on Page Four)


Thurs,. Oct 17—Every loyal bull-dog, bullpup and other wise donned in their pajamas, old-fashioned night shirts, overalls, and other wise were all found rushing down Euclid street toward the fair city at 7 o’clock Thursday evening. The hand marched onward two blocks to warn the city of the coming invasion. After arriving in the city every one enjoyed themselves by playing In and out the building. No one in the city escaped hearing the bark of the pups, after every one had ruined his loft vocal apparatus saving his right one for the game the next day, the south show was rushed in ahead of the

band, and all interested in the wild west show. The evening ended with very one feeling as if they had won the fight


Mr Blanch Harris was elected

president of the Freshman class for the year. Esther Brown was elected vice-president and Lucille Crabb, sec-retary. There was no majority for treasurer at this meeting so this of-fice will be completed at a later meet-ing. Those officers are the perman-ent officers for the year.

about every thing until this year. What's the secret? Why do I go to Church? Helen, this seems to be an agricultural college on account of the Fields about and around. How much do I like Blanch? Oh just a Pyle-What colors do you prefer for girls Don? Brown, which is going to make a High bid, Saltz or Bernard? I'm going to sea and Sell myself to be a Saylor. Noble ambition. No, let's ace, it would be lots of fun to be be a Weaver of a Miller since a Weaver can put out the stuff and a Miller gets down to the (ground) (?)

Ouch, I can feel the first brick bat just a moment while I venture an-other one -time will Turn (er) to Bowers. Now you can make a Yowell about this If you want to but I'll go late the sporting games business with the brick bats I'm going to get which will be appreciated as it will save me raising the Capital instead or Cain.

Aw! Gee! It's just studd and non-sense anyhow. Don't take me wrong. Yours 'ti; honey time and we'll have the hives together.

—Sea See.


The Spectator

The Spectator

The Home of the


The School of Quality

The Student Newspaper of McPherson College, published by the Student Council

purposing to recount accurately past, present and future activities—tn stimulate continually future achievement -to uphold sane and constructive student opinions- to stimulate organi-zations for the betterment of the student body to emphasize further campus improvement*— in athletics-to be a good sport-win or lose -to recognise all activities and organizations 

and to live and cherish our on code "The School or Quality".

Entered as second class matter November 20, 1917 at the postoffice at McPherson

Kansas under the act of March 3, 1897

Subscription rates $1.50 Per year

Address all correspondence to THE SPECTATOR McPherson, Kansas.


Editor-ln-chief----Leland E. Lindell

Associate Editor ....Mildred Swenson

Associate Editor ----Donald L. Trostle


Business Manager Ernest E Watkins

Ass't Business Manager ... Fred Andrews

Circulation Manager ....Carroll D. Walker


Ethel Sherfy John Berkebile Beth Hess Bernise McClellan Emery Metzager

Chester Carter Attillia Anderson Gilbert Myers Merlin Hoover Alberta Yoder

Faculty Advisor .. Prof. Maurice A. Hess

contemporary undergraduate life In the American University ”Theat-ron”—Clarence Stratton, ( dealing in dramatics) '‘Contemporary Economic Thought” Paul T. Howan, "The English Essay and Essayists” — Hugh Walker and Volume I of "An Introduction to Economic Geogra-phy” (natural environment as re-lated to economic life}—Wellington D. Jones and Derment S. Whittles-ey, are a few of the many Interesting volumes recently placed In the library.


Ada Stutzman, a former student who is employed at the Bisonte in Hutchinson, called on friends Tuesday night.

Helen Hudson and Mildred Swen-son visited at Helen's home In Wiley, Colorado from Thursday until Mon-day.

Ray and Claude Mason of Nor-borne, Missouri, visited friends and relatives this week-end.

The college quartet and Milton

Early drove to Larned to the district conference there and returned Saturday night.



Mr. and Mrs. E. Engstrom announce the engagement of their daughter Selma to Mr. Louis Neu-

miller of Peoria, Illinois. Miss Eng-strom received her degree with the class of ’25.

Jay W. Tracey, A. B. ’22, is president of the Rotary Club in Rocky Ford, Colorado.

Bernice Peck. A. B-, '24, is attending Bush Conservatory of Music In Chicago where she is instructor in


Cliffe Elbert. A. B '27, a former teacher In the city schools, has a position In the Los Angeles public

school system.

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Barton are residing this year In Wood River, 111. Mr. Barton is coaching In the high school and Mrs. Barton is teaching


Mr. and Mrs. Haddon Baley an-nounce the birth of a daughter.

Jehn Cottingham remarked before the "Shirt-Tall" parade the other day, "Here's where I get another cold —shirt-tall parade Thursday even-ing".

A scientist announces discovery of eggs 150,000 years old, and the Jop lin News-Herald wonders why the

name of the restaurant was witheld.

We started reading H. O. Wells

"Outline of History" the other day -—

and stopped this morning -decid ed it would be best to wait till sum-mer.


   The freshman have been very loyal this fall In wearing their little

red caps. They are to be congratulated for they have received the In-spiration of the ''School of Qualtiy" that it is their duty to wear their freshman caps till the Thanksgiving game. Only a few times have they bean reminded that they are to wear their caps—not carry them In their pockets.

It has been rumored about the campus that the freshmen were going to meet and agree to discard their "little red Caps". If such a rumor manifests itself Into a reality and our freshman were to break loose some morning without their traditional caps—what would happen? Their loyalty would be broken—trouble would arise-—a tradition would be discarded.

What are traditions worth? Tradition tells us that Harvard and Yale an athletic enemies, that K. U. shall compel Its freshmen la wear their caps till the final whistle of the Thanksgiving game, that M. U’s “Tiger" shall roar against the "Jay Hawk". What are they worth to the student who has gone on Into the world of achievement? Those traditions are the lingerers In his memory of the unforgotten four years. They are the ’'spirt" and "fire" of one's enthusiasm. They are the pleasant features that bind a group together for one tense—one purpose—unity. They are the life of the "School of Quality"

If our freshmen caps were to go, and enforcement eliminated, a memory long cherished by those who have passed on through would dwindle and fade Into the distance as the dying embers of a fire. With them would go the memories of a fruitful past when freshmen were men—when they wore their caps.

Spare the rod—and caps go unworn—and the freshman la spoiled. He Is spoiled In temperament, spoiled in attitude, and spoiled for the sake of the Institution. He becomes haughty, and a sense of loftness Is prevailed upon his personality, J. Crosby Chapman and George S. Counts tell us that the personality of a man is revealed by the sum total of his specific responses lo particular situations.

This situation Is one that is calling for response. Students are voicing their sentiments, Freshmen are saying that If it wore not for their caps what means of a natural attainment of a spirited nature could be accomplished, Those who have gone through the same experience are wondering —yes, McPherson College could live without it, but— could that prevailing attitude of animated spirit, that thread of unity and growth, be lost and an abundant life of enthusiasm remain?—lt Is written.

Ferne Shoemaker, Anne Stutzman and Archie Blickenstaff of Little River spent Saturday night on the cam-

Invitations have been issued for the wedding of Miss Lucille Barna and Paul J. Engborg, both of Mc-Pherson, on October twenty-second.

William I. Nicholas says In the Atlantic Monthly that, "Our passion for well-rounded education Is such that we are In danger of manufacturing a nation of billiard balls"

Men an like keroseene lamps; they an not over bright, usually turned down, quite often smoke, and generally go out at nights.



Elfie Abeldt __Oct, 24

Edward Bradley _Oct. 28

Irene Gibson and Wray Whiteneck took dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Chester Murray on Tuesday evening.

Nellie Collins spent the week-end at her home near Larned.

Miss Glendora Elker spent the week-end with Esther Brown.

Leland Lindell visited his parents Saturday and Sunday.

Margaret Steggeman visited her parents near Hope over the week-end.


Fri, Oct, 18—An exceptionally well-preserved tibia of a Mammoth was found In a sandpit twelve miles

North west of McPherson and pre-sented to the museum by Mr. and Mrs. John Akers on whose farm it was found. They also found a tooth belonging to the same kind of animal and a vertebra, the Identifica-tion of Which Dr. H. J, Harnly, curator of the museum, is not sure.

The Mammoth is a gigantic animal living many thousands of years ago In a pre-glacial period, known amoung geologists as the Tertiary. This huge animal probably belonged to a species somewhat resembling the elephant.

Dr. Harnly has spent a great deal of time In enlarging and Improving the museum. He ls head of the biology department of the college and will give the main address to the biological study group at the Wichita division of the state teachers meeting the first part of November.

Miss Estelin Engle, ‘23 is row sec-retary of the Dean of Fine Arts of the University or Kansas. Miss Engle saw the St, Mary's-Bulldog game lost week-end.

Mr. Rachel B. Dyck. ‘96, died at the Halstead Hospital of Halstead, Kansas, September 2G.

In a recent letter from H. Clark Brumbaugh, B. S. '28, he gives the following statement:

"I have completed the work nec-

cessary for the Master of Arte degree In organic chemistry with the exception of completing my thesis, and am working on some the preliminary research for my Ph. D. I shall leave for the east and a visit to old M. C. about January first”,

Mr. Brumbaugh Is attending Le-

land Stanford University of California la.

Students Attention

For self supporting students desiring fascinating, remunerative work either temporary or permanent, may I suggest that many students or both sexes have earned scholarships and cash sufficient to defray alt college expenses, representing national magazine publishers, if interested, write or wire for details,—M. A. Steele, National Organizer, 5 Columbus Circle, New York, N. Y,

Life Is Just one fool thing after another; love is Just two fool things after each other.

Our Idea of luxury Is Sunday morn-leg whan someone says, "Time for eight o’clock class".

And we say, "Darn the class!" and turn over end go to sleep again.

Love is blind, but marriage Is an eye opener.

McPherson College,

McPherson, Kansas.

Oct 22, 1929.

Dear Editor;

Last week's "Spec" said that you was sufferin' from insomnia. We know a good cure for lt. Take a good night’s sleep.

Your's Sometimes.

H K.

Gee! Whis! Can't exercise without permission. Botcha fore long, u'll have to have a special permit to kiss your girt good night.

Yours with "Permission"

Horace Koller

many new interesting


Wed. Oct 16—Miss Margaret Hockethorn, librarian, stated this aft-lernoon that approximately a hun-dred new books have been added to the library. She also remarked that all the dabate material would bo kept upstairs at least till after the debate tryouts.

A few of the new books are outlined as follows:

“Mexico and It's Heritage"—

Ernst Gruening. Mary Austin, emi-cent -writer, says, “No book on the subject has the scope and finality of "Mexico and It's Heritage' ”,

“America Challenged"—Lewis F. Carr, This is a Late book dealing with the present agricultural problems.

“Musical Education"—Albert La-vignac, “Plans for Classroom Interpretation"—Edwin Van B. Knicker-

bocker “Football Conditioning"

K. C. Langmack, "A History of the Ancient World”—M. Rostontzeff, American Marriage and Family Re-lationship—Ernwt R. Groves and

William F. Ogbarn. "The Campus"_

Robert Cooley Angel, (a study of



Fri* Oct. 18—The rain failed to

lessen the enthusiasm and childish glee of the members of the Freshman and Senior classes who gathered this evening in the gymnasium for the annual "Kid Party".

Old school day games such as Drop the Handkerchief, London Bridge and Ring Around the Rosy were those played by the dignified Seniors and their freshman friends,

A program had been provided con-sisting of a special number by Harold Crist and Blanch Harris, a read-Ing by Chester Carter, a piano duet by Lawremce Turner and Ervin Des-chner a solo by Edmar KJira and a stunt. The latter took the form of a program presented In a country school on Friday afternoon to members of the school board and The president of the P. T. A. Each of the pu-pils were put through his part of the program with little urging from the teacher but with a great many interruptions by unruly pupils of the

At the close of the evening every-one was asked to go to Walker's Stu-dio where pictures were made which may be kept am reminders of one more “Kid Party".

Prizes to the amount of $12,500, and including tuition to music Conservatories. Will be presented to winners In the third national radio audi-tion, according to Prof, P, A, Beach, head of the department of music At the Emporia Teachers college. The purpose of the contest is to discover the best non-professional singers be-

tween the ages of 18 and 25. It is sponsored by the Atwater Kent Foun-dation.


That’s progress Each year the course Is the best yet, And

this year. is going to be no exception.

With his son in Jail accused of theft, his daughter's happiness at stake and the savings of a lifetime imperiled a man stands face to face with the greatest decision of his life It is Abe Potash, Mayor of Damaseus New York, in the presence of a heart-less and unscrupulous political boss who demands that the Mayor obey his corrupt dictates or he ruined fi-nanciallyand socially, What does the Mayor do? You will find the answer in one of the most exciting climaxes ever witnessed in the play, "His Honor Abe Potash”, to be presented in the auditorium on Tuesday, Oct, 29 as the first number of the Lyceum

Other numbers to follow include

two lectures, a magician, and two musical numbers one of which Is a Mexican orchestra.

Professor B. R. Baumgardt is a distinguished scientist and explorer and an outstanding figure In the lec-ture field. He has spoken twenty-four times at. the Belasco Theatre, Wash-ington, D. C.

Mardoni, the renowned escape art-ist will appear on the local platform. Madame Mardoni will give an exhi-bition of mind reading.

From his experiences as prosecutor in the Juvenile Court of Columbus, Ohio, Fred G. Bale will bring a worth-while lecture. His ability to present it in an interesting manner to, almost any type of audience is said to be remarkable.

The. Remos Mexican Orchestra with its fine music and its glamour of old Castilian Mexico will prove a wonderful treat.

To lovers of classical music and

national songs in costume, the ap-pcearance of the Betty Booth Concert Company will be a. great delight.

The ticket sale will start on Monday, Oct, 21,


Tues., Oct. 15—The moral and religious life of Mexico was briefly dis-cussed here this morning in Y. M. by professor R. E. Mohler.

He spoke from the studies he has made and from his observations while in that country the past summer,

Possibly 25,000 years ago a tribe of Indians lived In Mexico. They were, very religions for they built pyda-mids larger of base than the Egyp-tian pyramids though not so high.

A second tribe of Indiana, of which little is known, probably subdued them. In turn this tribe was subdued by the Aztecs who were there When the white man came.    

One of their religious rites was performed on the Sacrificial stone on' top of one of the pyramids. Six priestd led victim after victim up con-iminutsly for four days each year

The victims were‘killed to appease the gods.

When the Catholics came they began a building program. The most successful priest was the one who built the greatest number of beauti-ful church houses. As a result in one town having one hundred ninety families there are two hundred ten Catholic churches not one of which is as poor as the McPherson church house. These were built by the people working -four days each week for the church.

The priests were .run out of Mexico three years ago. They had for many years' dictated to the government until It became offensive. The government made the priests register and make certain agreements or cease functioning as priests. The priests refused to register so were forced to give up their Jobs. Last summer they came back and agreed in the conditions.

The moral life of the Mexicans in some thing of a contradiction. Sex^ morality Is at a low ebb. On the other hand sacks of money are carried be-tween banks with no thought of rob bery. And yet professor Mohler's friend was relieved of his pocket book while In one of the churches, Lottery and graft abound near the church and even within the church


Mon., Oct 13—Rev Keller pastor of the Methodist Church at Arkansas City, addressed the chapel assembly this morning. His theme was "The Dimensions of Life", in his opening remarks he classed himself with the rest of the optimistic Methodist preachers by stating that modern youth is all right and the world is no worse than ever.

Rev, Keller Insists that life has four dimensions. Length Is good, but not the ultimate end; breadth Is de-sirable but not to he gained by flattening out; depth Is much needed In the present day of surface living; heighth, real leaders, men of vision is the one quality that distinguishes the few.


Wed. Oct. 16—Henry L. Cecil,

representative of the National Associ-ation of Book Publishers, spoke in chapel this morning. He aimed that books are our tools and as essential to the student as a hammer to the carpenter. To be efficient we must select good tools. Books are our friends, constant. helpful, non-critic at, always willing to serve. Trashy reading was denounced bitterly, In closing, Mr. Cecil said, "Books and hours spent in reading will mean a Well rounded out life, greater efficiency In work, and a larger income".


Marion, Kan., Oct, 20-Four students of McPherson College were elected to positions In the Central District of the Christian Endeavor today. Lila Fields was reelected Quiet Hour supt. Gilbert Myers, college supt. Irene Gibson, efficiency supt., and Jessie Churchill reelected treasurer.

A number of the speakers who spoke during the three days the Christian Endeavor has been in session here, October 18, 19, 20 are as follows:    Harold Singer, Mid-West

secretary of the C. E.; Earl K. Duke. Wichita, State President,; Rev. Dan-do, Emporia and Rev. Fusen, Emporia, who has recently returned [ram China.

Those from McPherson are: Ethel

The Spectator


Early Edna Hoover, Hulse Barber Evelyn, Lila and Elden Fields, Irvin Rump. Jessie Churchill, Blench Harris and Harriot Hopkins,


A program that promises to be very interesting Is planned for the next Forensic meeting. No definite date but soon set as yet. but. it will probably be held the first of next Week.

The program is a debate on the question '’Resolved that first surprise money to come Into the possession of McPherson College to be used to Increase the endowment to standard rather than on further buildings". Kenneth Bitikofer will uphold the affirmative and Blanch Harris the negative.


Thurs., Oct. 17- -Dr. J. Willard

Hershey spoke to the Chemistry Society this afternoon on his experi-ment in making synthetic diamonds, At the close of the meeting lantern slides and motion pictures were shown of his experiments. Ross Cur-tis was in charge of the meeting.


<Continued from Page One)

The line-up follows:

McPherson Position Ottawa

Hochstrasser LE Wolgast

Lengel LT Hetzel

Windmill LG R. Smith

Bowers C Binns

King RJ Wilkins

Wine RT Phipps, C.

Sargent RE Petty

Miller QB Rend

Nonken, C. LHB Householder

L. Barngrover FB v Gray


McPherson — F. Barngrover for Swain, Keck for King, Bigham for Nonken, Christensen for Sargent, Bowman for Lengel. Whiteneck for Keck. Deschner for Hochstrasser. Anderson for L. Barngrover, Bradley for Nonken. Mowbray for Nonken, Andrews for Bowman. Zink for Windmill, Feebler for Whiteneck, Diggs for Zink.

Ottawa—-Larson for Felly. Bur-gess for Householder, Jones for Wilkins. Malstem for Hetzel. Garringer for R. Smith, Senter for Gray, Jones for Wilkins, Senter for L. smith, Mead for WolkaaL

Summary—Earned downs: Mc-

Pherson 13, Ollawa 4. Yards gain-ed from Scrimmage; McPherson 251, Ottawa 43. Yards lost from scrimmage: McPhoraon 2, Ottawa S3. Punts; McPherson 5 for 208 yards averaging 23.8 yards. Forward passes; McPherson attempted 15, completed 6 for 34 yards and In-tercepted 3 for 4 yards. Ottawa at-tempted 21 completed 3 for 55 yards and Intercepted 4 for 53 yards. Penalties; McPherson 6 for 55 yards, Ottawa 3 for 15 yards. Fumbles; McPherson 4, recovered 3; Ottawa 3, recovered 3. Touchdowns; Hockstrasser on pass from Miller, E. Barngrover. and Miller on pass from Bradley. Try-after-touchdown; Mill-er 3. Officials; McLean, Referee, Kansas U. Ahearn Umphire, Mussa-ghusotts Aggies Corsant, Headlines-man, Chicago, Y. M, C. A. College.

Score by quarters:—

McPherson    7    0    7    7 —21

Ottawa____ 0    0    0    0 — 0

McPherson to play


Tues. Oct. 22—-McPherson football fans will be entertained by the Bulldogs on the local field again Friday afternoon, with the Bethel Col-lege Mennonites furnishing the opposition. If dope means anything, the Bulldogs have a slight edge on the Newton crew again this year. An early season with Ottawa spoilled a 14-0 defeat for Bethel and last Friday the Bulldogs showed themselves to be too much for the Ottawa Unm.

Two years ago the Bulldogs gave the Railroad gang a 60-6 ''lickin' on the local fluid and last year 23-0 on their own field. The Bethel crow is a tricky one and nothing will be settled until after the game Friday, however the Bulldog rank in the Kansas conference will not be affected because this Is not a conference game.


Miss Trochesset is my teacher. I shall not pass.

She maketh me to analyze senten-ces;

She maketh me to write compactions for my grade's sake.

Yea. though I study until midnight I gain no good.

The parts of speech and their modifiers spall me.

She handeth my exam papers back

to me In the presence of my class-mates.

She telleth me to study harder, I try but to no avail.

Surely such conditions, exams and low grades will follow me the real of my life and i shall dwell in the Eng-lish class forever. -


An extensive forensic program is being planned by the Pi Kappa Delta at the Emporia Teachers college this year. An internural program will, be carried out which will Include men’s and women's debate, extemporaneous speaking and oratory. Handsome tro-phies are to be presented to organi-zations whose representative wins these contests and silver pins are offered to Individual winner*.


Alumni Gym., Thurs., Oct. 17— Coach Gardner handed out fifteen brand new red jerseys to his football lads here this afternoon to be worn, first, In the Ottawa game tomorrow. Besides being new, these jerseys are different from any worn by a Bulldog team In recent years, being wanted crimson colored garments, bearing large blocks of white duck on the front surrounding a huge letter M, and carrying eight inch felt numerals on the back.

This new apparel, of Spalding make, gives the Canine crew a fine appearance. In fact they will look like a championship bunch tomorrow afternoon when they go onto the fluid.


Wiliam Allen White, famed as Author and critic, and editor of the Emportia Gazette, has recently made an addition of 300 books to the ' browsing library'' which he originated at the College of Emporia several years ago. The books cover a variety of subjects and range In type from biography to scientific discus-sions.



A huge Iron door swung shut Sat, urday with a clang and, shrinking in ill-concealed fright, two McPher-son college coeds heard the Jangle of the keys which locked the doors of freedom behind them and made them, for the moment. Inmates of the Lamar prison,

Behind a double padlocked Iron door in a barred cell room, six or eight petty criminals slunk, And in their midst two handsome men (whose lives will he snuffed out like no much air according to the decision of the court) calmly walked.

Abehler, a man of medium also, said nothing to the visitors, but Roister, a tall, broad brunet who would have ,been handsome except for a somewhat mutilated lower Jaw, cynically observed.

“Well, I suppose you are surprised to see real human beings, aren't you? You probably expected to see horned beasts chewing brimstone and spitting fire!”

Turning to their guide, under-sheriff Guy Firebaugh, he said.

Well, Guy. we haven't caused you any trouble, have we?"

Five minutes later the girls were relieved to find themselves on the street again. But not until they had called at the city jail and had seen the notorious Ralph Fleagle did their curiosities feel satisfied.

Fleagle, whose trial Is In process today, according to his fair Saturday visitors might easily have passed for a bank president or some other business official of distinction. His silvery white hair and unfinishing grey-blue eyes seemed to loud an sir of dignity to their possessor. He did not cringe or cower, His fate and that of his brother Jake who is as yet uncaptured is the chief topic for conversation in the environs of La -tour,

Although "Danger, Keep Out" and ''Absolutely No Visitors Allowed” signs confronted them on every hand Helen Hudson and Mildred Swanson (the aforementionedcoed) were allowed to act- the convicts by Under-

sheriff Guy Firebaugh with whom Miss Hudson's father, Guy Hudson (an alumnus of M. C.), is well acquainted as he also is with Sheriff


Mr Firebaugh devoted at least an hour of his time showing his visitors. through the prisons and relating to them the outstanding incidents of

chewing brim- the case.