Wins Gold Medal At North Manches-ter, Indiana
Won First Place In State Contest Held At Sterling Last Spring
Tues, Oct. 15—Once more the School of Quality has proved herself worthy of the name, One of her orators has won the highest honor in the national oratorical contest sponsored
by the Intercollegiate Peace Association.
Lsst spring John Lehman won the local content and entered the state contest held at Sterling College. Here he was awarded first place with a price of sixty dollars. The past summer he won first place and a gold medal at the annual conference of the Church of the Brethren at North Manchester, Indiana.
And last but more Important comics the news from New Bedford, Massa-chusetts that "Jack." has won first place In the national content of orations Judged on thought and composition, A cash prize of sixty dollars was accepted by Mr. Lehman.
The contest included winning ora-tions of first and second place in each of seventeen states.
The representative of Earham College In Indiana won second place,
Mr. Lehman’s oration is attracting considerable attention. It Is to be printed In the New Bedford Standard. In the Messenger of Peace of Richmond, Indiana, and In the first
volume of a proposed annual compil-
ation of Intercollegiate orations by the Forensic Press at St. Peters, Minnesota, It has appeared In several of the church papers,
Mr, Lehman Is not only an efficient debater and orator but Is active In the Y. M. C. A. , is a member of the tennis team, is a student pastor, and Is president of the student council of his school.
Mr. Lehman's achievement is the climax of an excellent forensic record of his school. In the past six years, McPherson College has won first place In three state contests, second In one. third In one, and fourth In the other. During the same period her representative in the na-tioanl contest was awarded second place once and now has won first place for the first time.
The Y. W. C. A. is looking forward to a visit front Miss Olive Gauld of India on October 22nd and 23rd.
Miss Gauld spent most of last year visiting in the colleges of Southern Central and Eastern regions of the United States. This fall and winter she Is Visiting in the colleges of the Middle West and Rocky Mountain regions.
The purpose of her visits to camp uses is to Interest students in the needs of the world In the light of the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. She also explains the conditions In India in sociology, economics, history, religious education and education.
Tues., Oct. 15—Guy Hayes, cheer leader announced yesterday that the annual or traditional shirt-tail, or "evening” dress parade would be staged Thursday evening, starting from the Ad. building promptly at seven o’clock. All students are expect-ed to join In the parade and appear in some sort of evening attire, preferably. a night shirt of pajamas.
Being an annual affair this parade takes place before the first home game is played in the fall of the year. The purpose is to arouse "pep" in the local community as well as to get the student body tuned up for the game on the following afternoon.
To Be Sponsored By The SPECTATOR In Cooperation With The English Department
$2.50 First Prize—$1.50 Second Prize—$1.00 Third Prize
Subject—“The College Youth And His World"
1, Any Student of McPherson College, aside from the members of the SPECTATOR staff, may enter this
2. Contest Is not open to individuals outside the school.
3. May be written In any of the following moods; Indignant, Serious, Ironical. Humorous, Sarcastic, and Satirical.
4. Number of words—minimum 800, maximum 1200. 5. All manuscripts must be on standard typing papers.
6. Manuscripts must he typewritten.
7. A margin of one and one half inches must be left on the left side of the sheet.
8, Number of page must be at the top of each page on the left side.
9. The author does not put his name on his manuscript. He drawn a number from the editor of the SPECTATOR and the editor keeps the number and the corresponding name of the author. Only the author's number is to appear on the manuscript.
10. Write on one side of the sheet only.
11. Contestants may secure advice from the English Instructors of the college.
12. Essays must be in the hands of the editor of the SPECTATOR by 5:30 P. M,. November 8,
Tues., Oct. 8—Seventy-five men heard the Y, M. speakers proclaim the practicability of honesty here this morning.
The program was a continuation of the theme of last week. Charles Austin led devotions and spoke briefly of the Impossibility of hiding truth.
Melvin B. Landes spoke of Honesty in the Dormitory. He said that Cot-lege is life, dormitory life Is the major part of college. and therefore the Way we live In the dormitory will de-termine our future characters, Cred-it is a fundamental aspect of charac-ter and we must inspire credit In ourselves. Dishonesty destroys credit and spells failure. Honesty means absolute honesty in every detail, lt is the small dishonest act that it most dangerous for one act leads to another. The act of taking another's soap may lead one to become a criminal,
Honesty In the classrooms was discussed by Irvin Hump. Cribbing is one form of dishonesty which Is prac-ticed but lt does no good for the individual. It cannot leave him a clear conscience.
Cheating as distinct from cribbing involves the help of another person. It Is on the same plane as cribbing. lt doesn’t pay when one enters busi-ness to have such a record.
Be Genuine.
Lloyd Diggs sang "Litle Mother of Mine".
Thors , Oct. 11—Rush Holloway, president of the senior club as-nounced this morning that the Fresh-man-Senior Kid party would be held In the gymnasium Friday evening, October 18. The party was formerly to be held two weeks earlier but postponed on account of conflicting activ-ites. All freshmen and seniors are requested to attend the party dressed in a "kids" apparel.
Dear Dad: when these fellers take off their belts able. After a meal we all take a walk
I take my chair in hand and sitting there would be a general down fall— down the street. Another funny thing
on my pen will try to write you a few then guess they would be sorry. is that if a feller goes walking with
Lines to tell you I am still alive and a girls after breakfast they say he has
functioning after four weeks of There was some more queer things
School. about his institution. If a guy walks if that is what you judge by.
This school Is a funny place. The with a girl to the entrance and comes Oh yeah, Dad, I got a swell girl
way they treat a fellow here Is some- back by the gym they say he has a now. She is blond and little and cute
thing fierce. We have to wear a lousy "campus" date. As far as I can see as a cross-eyed hound dog, Boy! She
little red cap that you have to have just because you see a girl you might can certainly operate a Yo-Yo. That's
a rubber under your chin to keep it like and talk to her a while is no what attracted me at first.
on with. They tell us we have to wear reason why you have to have a date
it itll the Thanksgiving game on the with her. Then if you walk a girl to In closing I might say I could use
25th of Novermber. We have to wear the library and accidentally sit by ten dollars pretty goof. I wouldn't
them to church and meals. Some of her at the table you have a "library" mind having an old Ford car either.
the fellow sleep in 'em date. It beats me, that's all I can say. You might send me a new Yo-Yo.
The upper classmen sure think In the evenings here the girls all My girl wore my other one out.
they are tough. If the wind comes come out on the steps and the boys Your loving son.
along and blows the cap off then come out of their steps and they look
these guys all line up and take off at each other and never say a word P.S.- Guess I'll take my girl for
their belts and fiut fellar right l=along I don't see any point to that either a walk after breakfast tomorrow.
the gauntiet. I wissh sometimes that Looks like they would be man soci- Yours till the "oley" runs out
1*. -
Thursday, Oct. 1- Parade Friday, Oct. 18—Ottawa Game here
Evening- Sr.-Fr. Kid Party Oct. 18 to 20—C. E. Convention at Marion.
Monday, Oct, 21 — 8 P. M. Student Recital ■
This week has been reserved for the Sophomores to have their pictures taken at Walker's Studio for the 1930 Quadrangle. Also all Freshman who failed to Have their pictures taken last week are expected to report at the studio some time this week. It is very urgent that all Freshmen and Sophomores have thier picture taken before Saturday night, October 19. A deposit of $1.00 is required of each person at the studio. If you wish to have any pictures finished for your self the $1.00 deposited will count as part payment on the order.
—Quadrangle Staff.
Thurs., Oct. 11—Doris Ballard. Mildred Boyle, Velma Wine, and Florence Weaver were, at a special meeting of the Women’s Athletic As-sociation this evening, chosen as delagates to attend the state W. A. A. convention at Emporia October 17, 18, 19. The association voted to set aside thirty dollars to help defray the expenses of the delegates.
After some consideration of how many delegates to send, four were elected to represent the local organi-zation at Emporia. The association will stand the greater part of the ex-pense of these representatives.
According to Doris Ballard, presi-dent, the convention's progra, prom-ises to be educational as well as rec-reational. Alberta Hovis, who attend-ed thee state convention at Lawrence last year. declares that the occasion Is well worth while
Tues, Oct. 9 — In harmony with last week's program on "College Friendships" the theme considered In the Y. W. C. A. meeting this morning centered on “Friendship
with boys",
Two phases of the topic were considered; what a girl expects of a man friend, and what a man expects of hiss feminine comrades. The ma-terial presented In the talks on these subjects might well be considered authentic as the speakers Interview-ed a number of representative stu-dents on their outlook on the sub-
After an organ solo by Helen Eber-ly the group sang a hymn and Helen Flory. as leader, led In devotions with scripture reading and prayer.
Following a vocal duet by Janice Oliver and Una Morine, Beth Hess spoke on "What Girls Expect of a True Boy Friend”, Most girls, she pointed out. admire health, Intellect, and the ability to make friends as the outstanding traits in their associations of the other sex.
Chester Carter then presented the masculline side of the question giving information which she had received directly and Indirectly from various college men.
"Most men like a good sport", she declared. “and they like someone who Is at ease socially, Appearance Is a big factor too, they say",
Thee third of a series of friendship programs will be given next Tuesday, The topic Will be "Home Friend-ships"
Mr. Henry L. Cecil, connected with the National Association of Book Publishers of New York, will speak before the student body in chapel Wednesday morning at 10:00. Mr. Cecil will speak on "Books and Read-ings".
Contest Sponsored By "M" Club With College Emblems As Prizes
"Gene” Dawson Places Second And Mary Weddle Third
Gym., Thurs., Oct. 11—As the re-suit of a vote taken this morning by thu student body, Ward Williams won first place, and the large Mc-
Pherson College emblem, to the "New Yell" contest sponsoured by the "M" Club. Second place went to Miss "Gene'' Dawson and third prize to Miss Mary Weddle.
Officials of the "M” Club had elim-inated all yells presented but four. The four remaining entries were read before the "pep" assembly this morning by Guy Hayes, cheer leader and a vote by lifted hands was taken.
By winning second honors Miss Dawson received a large McPherson College pennant, a smaller pennant going to Miss Weddle for third place.
The prize winning yells are given as follows:
Abraham a room stick, a broom stick, a nick-a-nack, a brack-a-tack, a sing a song of Romeo, heigh-ro, high-ro, key-tim, penny get your foom-i-doodle, yellow dog, a rim-a-tim, chick-a-lack, a sick-a-tack, a sis boom bah!
M. C. M. C. Rah Rah Rah!
Ward Williams.
M. C. Bulldogs
Red and White.
Team and Students
Fight, Fight, Fight
Fight, Team Fight
Students Fight.
Team and Students.
Fight, Fight, Fight
Yea, Bulldogs— FIGHT
—"Gene" Dawson.
Off can. Who can? McPherson can! Katie did, who did? McPherson did! Whippoorwill, who will? McPherson
--Mary Weddle
After the voting the collegee Pep Band led the students in "pep'' songs. Guy Hayes and "Casey" Voran, cheer leaders, led the rootors in a number of yells.
Dr Lincoln Wirt widely known educator and lecturer as well as Western Secretary of the National Cuncil for Prevention of War will be in McPherson next Tuesday, Oc-tober 23, and will address the college.
assembly during the chapel period
During his stay In McPherson Dr. Wirt will give three address. One before the Rotarians at breakfast, at the C. A. C. at 2:00 and before the student body of McPherson Col-lege at 10:00.
McPherson should feel quite for-tunate in securing a speaker such as Dr. Wirt. Dr. Wirt's home is at Berk-ely, California and while making a tour east he will stop at only four other places besides McPherson ,including Topeka, Kansas Kalamazoo, Mich, Madison , Wis. and Chicago, Ill.
It is through the efforts of Dean R. E. Mobler that we are privleged to hear Dr. Wirt. Dean Mohler be-came acquainted with him this sum-mer while studying In Mexico.
Mon , Oct. l4- Miss Margaret
Heckethorne, librarian, announced this morning that the fourteenish edi-tion of the Encyclopyaedia Britanica was now in the library, It is a revised and rewritten edition.
The Home of the
The School of
The Student Newspaper of McPherson College, published by the Student Council
purposing to recount accurately past, present and future activities—tn stimulate continually future achievement -to uphold sane and constructive student opinions- to stimulate organi-zations for the betterment of the student body to emphasize further campus improvement*— in athletics-to be a good sport-win or lose -to recognise all activities and organizations
and to live and cherish our on code "The School or Quality".
Entered as second class matter November 20, 1917 at the postoffice at McPherson
Kansas under the act of March 3, 1897
Subscription rates $1.50 Per year
Address all correspondence to THE SPECTATOR McPherson, Kansas.
Editor-ln-chief----Leland E. Lindell
Associate Editor ....Mildred Swenson
Associate Editor ----Donald L. Trostle
Business Manager Ernest E Watkins
Ass't Business Manager ... Fred Andrews
Circulation Manager ....Carroll D. Walker
Ethel Sherfy John Berkebile Beth Hess Bernise McClellan Emery Metzager
Chester Carter Attillia Anderson Gilbert Myers Merlin Hoover Alberta Yoder
Faculty Advisor .. Prof. Maurice A. Hess
Are women coming Into their own when they say, "I shall work my way through college" Thousands of girls throughout our nation are saying
this one thing and are meeting the answer that lt is not best to do such a thing.
Conditions In the modern colleges have changed today from what they formerly were, it will cost the freshman of 1929 more than twice as much as it did the intrepid person Who worked her way through school before the war.
A thousand dollars a year is about the minimum of expense for the average college girl of today: this going for her board, room and tuition, leaving her nothing at all for clothes, doctor bills, amusements and emer-grencies. This hardly seems reasonable for a girl student In McPherson College and it probably isn't, but it represents an average far the whole of our country. The working girl can get along on five or six hundred a year.
Although the expenses of the ambitious student have doubled, the payment for such work that she might do has remained relatively the same as before the late war. The amount colleges pay for amateur assistance in library, laboratory, dining halls and etc., demand due consideration of the
management when they establish their yearly budget.
Moreover, few fields of money making enterprises are open to the young college girl. She ran get a position In a popular summer camp, but the chances are that her salary will be small. Along with this she would have her board and room to pay. What would she have left to go to school on? Very little, Theoretically she will be much better off In regards to her health after a summer camp life, It seems as though her greatest possibilities are better as a waitress.
College authorities are no longer favoring the college girl to work her way through school. Years of experience has taught them that few girls, however eager and willing to work that they may be. can stand up physically under the strain of money making and studying.
Very few girls can carry such a burden throughout a four year college course and not say in later life that their physical fittness was lowered. All of them are compelled to miss many of recreations, the friendships
and associations which are among the delightful features of our modern college life.
Even men students have been warned against making their way. The well known and popular youthful president of the University of Chicago, Robert M Hutchins, who himself worked his way through college, recently said: "I have waited on tables, washed dishes, worked In a factory and organised a cooperative tutoring school. But I wouldn't advise a student to work as hard as I did. lt burns up his energy".
Burning up one's energy is precisely what happens, and the burning la even more devastating to girls than to men.
According to an article appearing In a recent number of the Saturday Evening Post, by Elizabeth Jordan, the following statistics are given:
"According to Rochester College. Its 70 per cent of money-earning students attained an average grade of 75.07 per cent In their studies this year, while the 30 per cent whose expenses were paid for them had an average of only 71.56 per cent. One money-earning student made an average of 87 per cant. Nine averaged more than 82. Only three or the unemployed students ranked higher than that. Rochester naturally feels that Its moneyearning students have proved their ability ta meat their problems".
Dean Virginia Gildersleeve of Barnard is one of the moat outspoken authorities In her warning to girls who are eager to work their way through college, "It's a bad thing”, she frankly declares, "and to be avoided If there's any other possible way of getting an education".
We will appreciate it very much If you will report to the editor or any member of the SPECTATOR staff anything unique or of importance coming up In your class rooms or laboratories. The students are interested in anything of news value happening in the class rooms.
Dean Carl E. Seashore of the University of Iowa has suggested a motto for every college and university. The motto is this: "Keep each student busy at his highest natural level of successful achievement In order that he may be happy, useful and good.
Miss Olive Gauld, who is to visit our campus the latter part of this month, promises to be a very interesting and inspiring speaker. An individ-ual who has spent many years in the foreign field and studied the various conditions Of that people is sure to have a subject that will lateral the young men and woman.
The University Daily Kansan wonders what has happened to the follow who said he would shave in class the first time he saw a woman powder her nose while the Instructor was talking.
The biggest nuisances we know of are dry cleaner agents
There is a difference between a ride on a roller-coaster and a drive on the campus. You get more thrills on the campus.
Sure will be nice when winter comes. You won't have to carry an umbrella through the draw,
Ya venerated “ed" Is an worried about this little column he is com-plaining of Insomnia,
One hundred and sixty-five "sup-posin's" make a Math class.
Advice from popular Senior "Don't let your studies interfere with your college life".
Prof, Blair is going to Install a radio so that he won't have to miss Methods class to hear the World Series,
"Money Is the root of all evil" — give us more root.
October 15
Ross Curtis Oct. 15
HArold Melchert Oct 19
Gilbert Myers Oct. 16
Ethel Sherfy Oct. 16
Vernon Spilman Oct, 18
Goerge Wertz Oct 16
— Horace Koller
Miss Jeanette Hoover, who has been working at the Risonte Hottel in Hutchinson, visited friends on the campus Wednesday of last week while on route to her Home at Mor-rill. Kansas. Miss Hoover will enter McPherson College the second semes-ter.
Miss Mildred Swenson spent the
week end at her home near Windom.
Word has recently been received from Roy Vogt. Roy is working at his home near Versailles, Missouri this winter.
Miss Winoma Sever, a student at Southwestern University spent the weekend with friends on the campus.
Clifford Negley, an aviation student at Wichita, called on friends last week.
Mary Lou Williams spent Saturday night and Sunday with friends on the hill.
Mrs. Berkebile. Mrs. Mott, Gene
Mott. Madeline Austen, and Esther Weslan spent Saturday with John Berkebile and Verna Beaver.
Eugenia Dawson spent the week-end at Her home in Darlow.
Gilbert Myers and Leland Lindell spent the week end at their homes in Windom.
Ross Curtis Is celebrating his birthday with relatives near Dunlap. Kansas this week end and the first of this week.
Miss Ruth Linholm a freshman,
was operated on for appendicitis last Friday. When last reported Miss Lin-holm was doing well.
Mr, Irvin Rump accomanied Dr, Schwalm to Chase lasr Thursday evening. Dr. Schwalm spoke before the Parent Teachers Association.
What McPherson College In pos session of untold wealth?
Well, not yet but it Is the dream of many that In some future age the alumnao will not be asked to con-tribute to the endowment of their Alma Mater,
It has been suggested that ple may be served in the dormitory three days each week Instead of two. Some even hint that Dr, Yoder's fondest dreams for campus improvement may be realised. And at a later data the tennis courts may be proparly cared for.
What is to bring about this revolution? The answer Is—Oil.
To the east, near Canton lies one of the best oil fields of central Kansas, lt is In the process of develop ment Nearby and possibly within the
From a Freshman Conversation: It wasn’t me.
Ain’t it the truth7=? That shore is purty.
I know I soon 'em.
Have you got it?
He busted yer yo-yo string.
I thought she sung keen.
We X-PEC these collegiate infasts to learn English "as it is spoken-"not" as she spoke it".
Prof. Blair nearly missed his class the other day because of the World Series. Now that's hard luck, Prof.
Yes—we actually heard a musical voice from the chapel platform, be-side Mrs. Tate. last Wednesday morning. Wouldn't it be fascinating if the faculty would voluteer to sinhg hymn in chapel some morning Even the voice we heard was import-ed
We wager the pieces of "wood work” President Franklin mentioned possessed two legs and a red cup.
Francis Bacon says that studies serve for delight, for ornament and for ability. Now see here Francis, did you ever Indulge in chemistry and physics after an evening of a date and go to class next morning without your lesson prepared and your mind thinking of the feed yon had missed last night and taking a "quiz" at the same time?
The college Y. W. room is a much more inviting and pleasant place since, through the efforts of Mrs. W. C. Heaston and the kindness of wom-en on the hill and In the town, a number of chairs, divans, rugs, lamps, cushions and pictures , have been added to the former rather scanty stock of furnish lug*
The furniture has been arranged in unite, giving the room rhe appear-ance of a real home. The Y. W. is planning to do some redecorating which will enable those in charge to arrange the sofa more tastefully.
Books and magazines are being provided and an effort is being made to make every girl on the campus feel that the Y. W. room is her own and
that it is there for her to use and en-Joy. The organisation is truly grate-ful to those whome Interest and co-operation has made the furnishing program so much of a success
Mon. Oct.14—The Central Kan-sas District meeting of the Christian Endeavor will be held October 18, 19 and 20 at the Christian Church at Marion, Kansas, Officials, of the Col-lege C. E. organization stated this morning that they expect two or three car loads of members to go to Marion.
The fisrt session will begin at 7:00 P. M Friday. Earl Duke of Wichita and state president of the C. E. will speak. Other eminent speakers will be on the program.
field is a farm belonging to McPher-
son College.
Owing to the uncertainty of the oil game lt is safe to predict the improv-ability of the college coming into pos-session of fabulous stuns of money.
On the other hand, one never can tell. It's possible. There is a large »producing well about one and one half miles distant.
lt is reported that a drilling company to Interested in finding it for the college but operations have not commenced.
Sun. Oct 13- The C. E. program this evening was a continuation of the program last Sunday and proved to be interesting and practical. Prof.
G. N. Boone again offered sugges-tions for concideration in choosing ones life's work. He reviewed much of the ground covered last Sunday and made additional statements. Some conversations he mentioned are over crowded due to their sudden popular-ity. Others are super-saturated and in a few years will offer large openings
A discussion of thre duties, prepar-ation, qualifications and opportun-ities for the ministry was presented by Charles Austin. Discussions of the some phases of newspaper work, med- and vocational teaching were have been givenbut time did not permit.
Morrill, Kan. Oct. 8—The North East District meeting of the Church of the Brethren of Kansas came to a close today. The meeting has been in session since Friday, October 4. Those
representing the college were Dr. and Mrs. V. F. Schwalm. Dean and Mrs.
R. E. Mohler. Dr. and Mrs. J. J. Yoder and Professor and Mrs. Roy B. Teach, each giving addresses before the meeting.
Dr Schwalm gave three addresses, one ’'The auxilliration of the church as related to the general progra". Simple Living", and “Loyalty”.
Dean Mohler spoke first to the Fathers and Sons group, and deliver-ed the calof address of the welfare program on the subject of “The re-ation of the United States to Hispan-ic America and their effect upon world peace".
Dr. Yoder spoke to the missionary meeting on "What shall a Christian do with his money".
Prof. Teach spoke on the “Lure of the Immediate in Education".
Fri,Oct. 11—The college Chris-tian Endeavor held away at a party at the church parlors this evening to all those interested in the organiza-tion. Over one hundred students at-tended the entertainment.
The evening was spent first, play-ing active group games and then a short program was given. Mildred Doyle gave a musical reading "The Boy who Stuttered and the Girl Who Lisped". Again Chester Carter enter-tained the students with one of her readings "Courting Under Diffic ulties". A vocal solo was pleasingly presented by Ruth Turner. Then the college quartette sang several numbers which proved to be favorites for the students. The keen Interest in the program was shown by the applause which each number received. Bernice McClellan was in charge of the enter-tainment.
Light refreshments of ice cream, wafers, and hot chocolate were serv'd.
Before the party was broken up the group sang the college song, "O Sacred Truth”.
In Dean R. E. Mohler's private laboratory can be seen growing in a mass bed in the bottom of on aquar-ium some plants which are truly a rarity In this part of the country. These insective plants are com-mon to localities where there, Is ex-tensive rainfall and are known as the Pitcher Plant, the Venus-Fly-Trap and the Sun-dew,
The Pitcher Plant has a modified leaf form in the shape of a pitcher, this leaf Is partly filled with water and is lined with fine hairs from
which the insect is unable to escape once it has crawled down Into lt, The body of the insect is digested and used as food by the plant.
The Venus-Fly-Trap has a hinged leaf coveeed with hairs which when touched by an Inject, closes up, hold-ing the insect until is is digested. The Sun-dew is similar to the fly-trap in that it has a hair fringed leaf which closes up when irritated.
Wed. Oct 9—Pres. E. F. Frank-lin of Southwestern University, ad-dressed the student body in chapel this morning. He has just recently come to the institution from the East, He is attending the Methodist con-ference which is being held in the
city at the present time.Dr. Franklin spoke on the subject of the "Enlarg-ing Social Vision”,
A special treat of two solos by Ruth Turner was enjoyed. The re-lections were "O Heart Of Mine" and "Wild Song"
Fri. Oct. 11 — Dr. l. Gordon\ Chambers, pastor of the St. Paul's Methodist Church, Wichita, spoke in
chapel this morning. A message of
unuaual merit and brilliance of pre-sentation was brought on the subject "Flaming Youth".
Dr. Chambers has no patience with the Idea that youth is going wrong. Saye he " A lot that is interpreted as evil in the youth of today is merely the frankness of youth. Age is dia-erect, veneered, polished. Youth blurts out doesn't care what others
think... Out present System of
amalgamation and specialization has brought a terrible strain upon youth that parents can relieve only by prayers and childhhod training Schools such as this are delevloping Titan characters in an independant generation that are God Almighty's great dream".
Dr. J. W. Fields has recently added to his many generous gifts in worthy causes by sending a substantial check to President Schwalm. to be used for the Library, "or as you see best for the college'’.
Miss Della Hoerner has recently added $50.00 in a loan fund for girls which she started some time ago. This fund and others which the col-lege holds is used to help worthy girls through college.
Both those gifts are to causes that are worthy. We thank these friends heartily and hope that other friends of the college will take this effective way of expressing their Interest In the college.
Mon., Oct. 7—The first meeting of the Cecilian Music Society was held and all those present enjoyed the following program:
Piano Solo Francis Falkenrich
Vocal Solo Blanch Harris
Cornet solo Max Conner Piano duet
Ruth and Lawrence Turner Numbers College Male Quartet Miss Irene Steinberg, president of the society, urged that all interested in music join the club. It meets the first Monday in every month. The dues are $0.50 and should be paid to Lawrence Turner or Bernadine Van Blaricam before Thursday.
Mr and Mrs. J. Clyde Forney of South Bend, Indiana. announced the birth of a daughter, Darbarn Ruth, on October 6. Both Mr. and Mrs.
Forney are alumni of McPherson.
Mr. Marvin Steffon, '29, who Is coaching at Otis, visited friends on the campus Sunday.
Canines Make 2 Touchdowns First 10 Minutes
Line Men Do Good Work In Stopping The Irish
St, Mary's, Kan. Sat., Oct. 12— McPherson College Bulldogs humbled the St. Mary's Knights here this aft-ernnon by a. score of 13-7. The game was one continual group of thrills, going first in favor of one team and then Just as decided in the favor of the other. The first quarter was un-questionably McPherson's and the last three quarters were Just as un-questionable St. Mary’s. This football game might have been closely akin to the World Series baseball game that took place Just preceding it.
A play for play account of this game cannot be given since there was no Spectator reporter on the ground, but the account of thone Bulldog supporters who sae the game; say that the Knights kicked-off to the visiter’s forty-yard line. The canines return-ed the ball by hard playing through the tine and at times took to the air until they had placed the ball on the St. Mary's twenty yard line, when they lost possession of it. The Knights punted by the Bulldogs soon returned the ball and crossed the Irish goal line. The next few plays gave the Buildoge possession of the ball In Catholic territory again and they had soon crossed the St. Mary’s goal line twice in the first ten minutes of the game.
The second quarter saw the home team much stronger and by the end of the first half it looked to be St, Mary’s game Early In the third period the Irish crew scored and a large portion of the last half the game was played with the ball behind the visitor’s twenty-yard line, to the fourth period the Catholics placed the ball on the McPherson one-yard line and were gaining at every play until adjustments were made In the Bulldog line that stopped the terrible on-slaught of the Knightly fellows. Much honor of winning thu game Is due to the ability of Bowers, Zink. Sargent. Windmill, Wine, Hocherster and .Longel, line men. in stopping the Irish when they had crowded the pig-skin down within the shadows of their goal, McPherson gained possession of the ball In her own-territory about eight Inches from the goal line, punted out, and when the game was over, was still In possession of the ball marching steadily through the opposing line for it third touchdown.
The St. Mary's attack was largely an aerial one and the Bulldog at-tack was largely "straight football". Indications are that the total yard age gained for the local school was twice that of the visitors.
Score by quarters:
McPherson 13 0 0 0 13
St, Mary’s 0 0 7 0 7
Tues., Oct, 8—Otha Whiteneck opened the second Forensic Club meeting of the school year Tuesday night with the announcement of a picnic to be held soon, tentatively October 26. Dues for this semester were set at fifty cents per member and ar-rangements made to enroll the members before the picnic. Miss Mabel Lee Early was appointed as chairman of a committee, along with Ora Martin and Raymond Peterson, to have charge of the arrangements as to time and place\ of picnic.
The program followed with Miss Irene Mason at the piano; Miss Ches-ter Carter on the stage with a reading (about blood-curdling pirates and big bears); and "Jack" Lehman with a talk on "Why Forensics".
Conflict with chorus practice re-duced the size of the audience but the conflict will be removed before the next meeting, Is is intended to have the Forensic Club serve this year, not only public speaking, but all pub-lic appearances that are not already1 provided for by music and dramatic organizations.
The football teams of McPherson College and Ottawa University meet for the first time in history, on the local gridiron Friday afternoon. This is also the first 1929 home game for the Bulldogs, and with their performance against the Knights last week as a background, should be quite an outstanding attraction.
Both the Bulldogs and Braves rank in the 500 section of the conference standing, this week, each having played two games and tasted of vic-tory and defeat. The Bulldogs will go on to the field fresh from thu victory over the Knights, bolstered op by the help of their star quarterback and captain Ray Nonken, who was not In the St. Mary's game on account of Injuries sustained in the Salina game two weeks ago. Thu Braves suffered defeat at the hands of the Terrible Swedes last Friday, by a score of 13 0. They also played Bethel College and defeated them 14-o the week be fore.
The Bulldog victory over St Mary's last Saturday was the second In the nine years that the two teams have played each other, Their first contest, which took place In '21 ended 17-14 to favor of the Irish, The second contest. that of ’22 ended in favor of the Bulldogs, 12-14. Since then the Irish have always emerged victorious, until the clash last Saturday, In 1923 when the conference championship was held at McPherson, the Irish de-feated the Champs 6-0, being their only defeat of the season, In 1928 the Bulldogs tied the Knights at 6-6, aft-er being outplayed the entire game. The 7-13 defeat last Saturday was the worst trouncing the Bulldogs ever gave the strong Catholic team.
Mon., Oct. 7—Mrs. Gates, Instruct or of dramatic art and sponsor of the Thespian Club, announced the cast
for the one-act play, “The Valiant", this afternoon, to be given the later part of this month.
Orien High a member of the Thes-pian Club but who Is not attending college this summer, has consented to play the part of the leading character. James Dyke, a murderer to be hanged. If Hoyte Strickler, prison warden: John Lehman. Father Daly, the prison chaplin: Bernice McClellan. Josephine Ports; Murlin Hoover. Jailer, and Leland Lindell, attendant.
Another one-act play, given by the Prin. of Interpretation class under the direction of Miss Della Lehman, will be given the same evening.
Tues,, Oct. 8—A very delightful dinner was given this evening in the Y. W. room in honor of the birthday of Miss Beth Heaston and Miss Pauline Dell. The dinner was given by a group of friends.
A large white cake decorated with pink candles formed the centerpiece
COMING EVENTS Thursday. Oct. 10—Program by Men’s Bible Class at Church. Friday. Oct. 11—C. E. Party. Saturday, Oct. 12-—Game at St. Mary's.
for the long table at which the guests were seated.
Those present were: Viola De Vil-bias, Nellie Collins, Gene Dawson. Beth Heaston. Pauline Dell. Esther Brown, Kermit Hayes, Carroll Walker. Guy Hayes, Glen Seitz, Newell Wine, and Donald Trostle.