vol- XIII

McPherson college. McPherson, Kansas. Tuesday, oct. 8, 1929


The Spectator


Would Be Published Regularly By The Alumni Association


If Undertaken First Number Will , Appear About Commencement Week

Mon.. Oct, 7—The Alumni Associ-tion of McPherson Colllege is concid-ering the desirability of publishing regularly an alumni magazine.

At a meeting of the alumni board last week, Professor Boone an Dean Mohler were appointed as a commit-tee to investigate the possibilities.

Each class since the class of 1922

has a fund, the interest of which is

used In publishing an annual news

letter for the one class. The proposed step would appropriate these funds fur the purpose of publishing a mes-ulw nf interest to all alumni. In

justice to members of the classes now having these fund*, they would be granted lifetime subscriptions Others would have to pay a susb-


Inquiries have been made to other schools, the coat of such an enterprise is being investigated, and the class

editors and presidents are being con-sulted, The proposition is to be dis-cussed at the Thanksgiving reunion and Will probably be decided upon at that time or soon after. It undertak-en the final number would appear about commencement time.

There are a few distinct advan-tages of this plan, Each reader will get the news of his own class and that of other classes in addition. It will save the cost of sending out one or two letter to alumni by the asso-ciation, This is a matter of some seventy-five dollars for each letter, The individuall class publications ap-pear once each year, The proposed magazine would probably appear twice though that Is a matter yet lo be decidied upon,

Future classes are to be given opportunity to contribute and receive a lifetime subscription, or falling to so so they would pay the regular subscription rate.

There era many details to be worked out. It is yet uncertain how the news Would be obtained but those in

charge believe It can be handled satisfactorily.



Mon,. Sept. 30—For the purpose

of making plans far the year's work.

The Christian Endeavor cabinet members. their sponsor Jessie Churchill. and Reverend H. F. Rivchards met for a social and business hour this even-ing at the sand pits south of town.

After a weinie roast the problems confronting the organization were concidered. Ten cabinet members

were present.

The picnic lunch consisted of wein-ie's. buns, pickles, apples, and cookies served a la campfire style.

When all had finished eating a short business meeting was held. It

was decided to pledge twenty-five dollars as a society tot he state work, A- social sponsored by the Endeavor group will be held soon. Plans were made for attending the convention at Marlon.

Some of the aims to be used this

year are; church loyalty, world fel-lowship, peace and missions. The Ef-ficiency Chart is to be used during the year.


Wed, Oct 1—Lloyd Diggs was elected president of the men's glee club today and Walter Fillmore vice-president. Blanch Harris, secretary

and treasurer and Francis Falkenrich



What Do You Know About It?

In next weeks, SPECTATOR there will appear something of interest to every setudent in McPherson College. WE are trying somethin g new, something we feel will arouse interest and enthusiasm especially among those who are interested in this line of activity. It is something of value to the college student. It is of educa-tional value to anyone and is being sponsored by the SPECTATOR in cooperation with a department of the college.






Picture Of Ira Remsen Secured During Summer

Thurs, Oct. 3—The election of of-ficers of the Chemistry Society was held this afternoon. Dr. J. Willard Hershey, head of the chemistry de-partment and permanent president of the society was chairman of the meeting.

Rosa Curtis, Chemistry assistant, was elected vice-president for the en-suing year- John Cottingham will act as secretary and Leland Lindell will serve as reporter.

The program committee will be in charge of Hoyt Strickler. chairman: Fred L. Perry, and Daniel P. John-son. The social committee will be composed of Attillia Anderson, chair-man: Mildred Doyle, and Vernon Gustafson.

Suggestions were made for future programs. Different phases of the in-

dustrial chemistry were suggested The first meeting; will probably be given by Dr. Hershey in the presentation of his films and slides showing his experiments in making synthetic diamonds.

At the close of the meeting Dr Hershey announced that during the summer the chemistry department hud purchased a large picture of Ira Remsen which will be placed Id the hallway on first floor of Harnly Hall. Remsen Is one of the pioneer chem-ists of the United States and his

achievements have added many fields to the advancement of science. Dr, Hershey studied for one year under Remsen.


Sat. Sept. 28—Miss Edith McGaf-fey served dinner this evening to twelve lady friends, at her home on College Hill. Most of the guests were member* of the college faculty.

the two course dinner the evening was spent In a social way.

Those enjoying the hospitality of the- McGaffey house were: Miss Jessie Brown. Miss* Fern Lingenfelter. Miss

Mildred Thurow, Miss Maragret Shel-ley. Miss Clara Colline, Miss Elima-beth Hocruer, Miss Delia Lehman. Miss Grace Brubaker. Miss Lora

Trostle. Miss Margaret Hecketthorne and Mrs, Glenn Strickler of Hamuna,


Old Emporor Anthracite was a hat. ancient rone,

A hilarious old chap was he

He demanded his Lucky Strikes

And howled for Coon-Sanders Trem-bling Trio.

Every jazz-hound had an instrument

of torture.

And every fellow had a mtAaphuuu

( Sax Appeal)

Blue note. High note. New note went the orchestra.

Oh. there's none so modernistic

As can possibly excel

As Old Emperor Anthracite and his

jazz baud.

Jack attain agility.

Jack command briskness Jack elevate your carcass over the candlebra    -

Small Jack Horner Repoired in a secluded spot Gastronomically disjoining of his

Yuletide confection,

He incited hid first digit:

And extracted the drupacious fruit

Sun, Oct. 6- Prof. G. N. Boone of the industrial Arts department of the

college, spoke to the Christian En-deavor this evening. His subject was "Principles for Choosing One's Life Work" A very instructive and Inter-esting discussion of the subject was given. The society voted to have the subjected discussion in open forum next Sunday evening with Professor Boone as leader,

According to Professor Boone the

three major operations which confront the young man or woman- Whom shall I serve? Whom shall I marry" And What shall I do? In determining the last question, one must discover the individuals ability and the re-quirements of the job and then fil

them together. This is by no means easy and should be done scientific-ally.

The principal steps in scientifical-ly finding one's vocation are getting all available information concerning the vocation, advocating the one to be followed, preparing fro the work, getting started, and making good. The two elements which most in-fluence one in choosing are: the vo-\

cations on has had contact with and a child, and one's school contacts

and ijstructions. Professor Boone did not minimize the value of the man-ual laorer, for he divided all honor-able work in mechanical chemical and professional, all of them necessary and worthy.

"Do not pick up the thing nearest at hand simply because it will bring in a few sollars", said the speaker. "If you find something you like to do better that out. make that your life work, provided it is honorable and yields sufficient financial gain", he quoted from an ambient authority. And finally "Study the field and see what It offers that you can group".


Wed,m Oct 2- Alvin "Cheesy" Voran gave the student body an un-usual treat this morning in the form of three solos. Students who were here before last year were impressed with bis exceptional improvement. New students were held enthralled with the beauty of his voice. The numbers sung were: The Floral Dance, Roda Marie, and In Ms Heart's Land. They presented a va-riety of themes and execution, all excellent ad much appreciated

And exclaimed "What an example of righteousness have I become!"

Humpty-Dumpty was situated on a rampart.

Humpty-Dumpty attained a large dislocation of his anatomy

Several horse and numerous men

Are unable to restore Humpty-Dumpty to his previous position

Jack and Jill ascended a natural ele-vation

To procure a vessel of moisture,

Jack ceased to be erect and shuttered his cranium

And Jill approached in a rapid manner.

Give heed! Give heed!

The Canines do vociferate

The holos are entering the town ship.

Designated persons in jailers

Designated person in shreds

Certain ones in Paris creations

Small Miss Muffet

Reposed on a toad stool

Miss Mildred Thurow Speak To


Wed, Oct, 2—In the dim quiet of thu college church the members of the Young WOmens's Christian Asso-ciation this eveing held their an-nual candle lighting service.

As Harriet Hopkins played an organ processional the girls, led by Ruth Blickenstaff filed into the church each "little sister"accom-panied by her "big sister". Candle light provided the illumination for the service.

Viola De Vilbiss played a violin solo accompanied at the piano by Pauline Dell. Esther Dahliner, ac-companied by Ruth Turner, then sang "The Lord is my Light".

Pointing out he basic Ideals in which college girls may let their lives shine as a light In the Jesus way. Miss Mildred Thurow, head of the home economics department, spoke on the subject "The Light of the World is Jesus".

“A foundation of the true prin-ciples of the Christian life are essen-

tial to a full creative life", she de-ciarod.

She further indicated how various groups of people who have received the light In different ways represent the same ideal.

Following the brief talk the girls formed a line and lighted the candles they bore at the candlebra held by Ruth Blickenstaff, president of the organization. When the circle of light second the church was complete the group sang " Follow the Gleam" and quietly marched out..


Thurs. Oct. 3- It was decided at a meeting of the Thespian Club this evening that the organization would give a one act play about Monday evening. October 21. in the college chapel. The play that was decided upon was "The Valiant", by Holworthy Hall and Robert Middlemass.

The play Is a powerful production and promises to be the most gripping one act play given by any organization of McPherson College in recent years. Mrs. Gates will coach the play.

Disposing of the products of the


There approached a zoological speci-men

And reclined near by

And intimidated Miss Muffet hence.

There was an ancient female who re-

sided in an Oxford

She was possessed of such numerous offspring, she was distracted She fed them some nourishment de-prived of the stuff of life.

She chastised them severely and forced them to their slumbers.

Tom was a saxophone player's off-spring.

He appropriated a swine. And thence he departed. The swine was consumed and Tom

And Tom galloped, vociferatingly down the boulevard.

Yours 'till Mother Goose does the Varsity Drag—




Next Stop Will Be At Torrean, Will Remain A Few Days


Saw Only One American In


Sat. Oct. 5- According to news

recieved here today Professor Nin-inger, of the college biology depart-ment has crossed the border into Mexico and his trip, which will take him far intot he interior of the coun-try, is well under way.

Nininger spent most of last Friday with Mexican customs officials. He spent a great deal of time arrang-ing the supplies for the trip in his car at Lorraido, Texas. He says that It was discouraging to have to dis-arrange all these goods, but after spending the day with the officials they permitted him to continue his meteorite hunt.

He spent Sunday in the Mexican city of Monterrey, Here the professor visited a theatre. He says that the program consisted of music sung in Spanish. Of the 140,000 inhabitants of Monterrey Nininger says he saw only one AMerican. He recieved his water supply here by the siphon method from barrels. He plans to visit the mines and Mexican Univer-sity before leaving the city.

Professor Nininger will spend sev-eral days at Torreou, Mexico, his next stop. He will make a thorough

search for meteorites there, From Torreon he will travel to Mexico City . Mr. Richard is travelling with Nin- inger and is acting as interpreter for him. They expect to return home sometime in December unless they find material of sufficient interest to keep them there longer.



Tues. Oct, 1- In Y. M. here today was presented a program on the sub-ject of being genuine.

Fred Andrews led devotion and made a few remarks In keeping with the general theme.

Did Christ practice honestly or was He genuine? Waller Fillmore said He was true to God, to friends, to fol-lowers, and true to his duty. He lost friends because he was true to his duty. Even as Christ was genuine, so man should be. Honesty is a vir-tue demanded of every friend.

Honesty is giving something in re-turn for what we recieve., Clinton Trostle pointed out some of the im-plications of such a statement.

Honesty in education deamnds that a better life be given society in re-turn for educational opportunities.

Honesty demads as pure a life as that expected of one's life-companion Honesty demands that we contrib-ute to society and add to our heri-tage.


Sat , Oct. 5. The wedding of Miss Roberta Brown , '28 elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Brown, Hutch-inson, Kansas, to Franklin Evans, '28, took place at the home of the bride at twelve-thrity today. The Rev. W. T. Dunner of the local church performed the ceremony.

Miss Floy Brown , her sister was maid of honor. Leland Lindell, a col-lege friend, attended to bridegroom, Mr. and Mrs. Evans left this after-noon for a short trip into southern New Mexico, After November 1, the Evans' will be at home at Kearney, Nebraska,


The University of Indiana has plans for a new $400,000 chemistry building. The building is to be three stories high and of Gothic architect-ure, according to Robert Duggett, an Indianapolis architect.

The Spectator


The School of

The Heme of the Bulldogs

The Student Newspaper of McPherson College, published by the Student Council

purposing to recount accurately past, present and future activities—tn stimulate continually future achievement -to uphold sane and constructive student opinions- to stimulate organi-zations for the betterment of the student body to emphasize further campus improvement*— in athletics-to be a good sport-win or lose -to recognise all activities and organizations    

and to live and cherish our on code "The School or Quality".

Entered as second class matter November 20, 1917.,    at the postoffice at McPherson,

Kansas, under the act of March 3, 1897.

$1.50- Per year

Subscription rates

Address all correspondence to



Editor-ln-chief----Leland E. Lindell

Associate Editor ....Mildred Swenson

Associate Editor ----Donald L. Trostle


Business Manager Ernest E. Watkins

Ass't Business Manager ... Fred Andrews

Circulation Manager ....Carroll D. Walker


Ethel Sherfy    John Berkebile Beth Hess    Bernise McClellan Emery Metzager

Chester Carter Attillia Anderson Gilbert Myers Merlin Hoover Alberta Yoder

Faculty Advisor ...Prof. Maurice A. Hess


The night was cold and rainy. The street lights were darkened. It was nearly ten o’clock.

"Oh! John. Where are we? It is so dark. Do yon know where we are, dear?”    

"We ought to be near the ‘hill* by now. We must find It soon for it is

nearly time for the dorm to close".    

The two rode awhile In silence. The cold rain beat against the wind-shieldd and kept the two huddled close together for warmth. The car left the pavement and went sputtering along a winding tree clad road.

"Where are we, John dear?"

Just then the car was given a tremendous Jolt. The engine seemed to leap Into the air and fall shivering and quivering to the earth. The lights of the car flickered—then, went out. A spray of water came In on them. The car lunged forward, waivered as if in fright, and came to a silent stop.

John breathed heavily. "Thank goodness, dear. I know where we are now—we just crossed that sidewalk In front of the ‘Ad* building'—we are home at last, dear”.


If the average American college student today can learn in his classes how to pull teeth, win a law case or draw plans for a house, he is not at-all

Interested In the prime purpose of the college, that of liberal education.

The diversions which make up college life are partly the carefree risking* of the traditional lamb, but they are increasingly the training school for future Babbitts- It Is through them that the ambitious and sagacious young man learns how to "mix", how to make "contacts” which will be useful later; learns, in short, what he was sent to college to learn, He Is not Interested any more than his father usually Is in education and Ideas, but he known even more surely' than his father that college in the place to gain social prestige and Influential friends. And his sister knows that It is worth while to spend a year at a college for women In order to be eligible for the alumnac club of her homo town. Everyone knows that the road to financial success does not load through the college library.

While business has attracted many men of genius, It has also, with entire impartiality, glided the straightened forhead of the fool, incomes of the illiterate in this country drive home the painful fact that education is A positive obstacle to financial success. That Is why our university alumni are utmost Invariably wealthy or well-to-do.

(J. Douglas Bush in the Bookman),



Dirt is anything out of place. What would a freshman be called if he went without hie cap?

It's nice to be alone—especially if your girl is with you.

Why Study?

The more you study the more you know;

The more you know the more you forget;

The more you forget the less you know;

Bo Why study?

The less you study the less you know;

The less you know the less you forget.    

The less yon forget the more you know;

So why study?

We SPEC that the faculty are so afraid of having a strenuous week that they can’t go to church on Sunday evening but must get eleven hours of sleep.

Bulldog Spectator dubiously watching a tackle at the fooball game: "That's what I call caveman neck-ing!"

Second Spectator: "Well, If that’s the case our men need to know more about It".

Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Mohler end family of Wellington. Kansas spent Sunday with their nephew. Leser

Mohler, who is a student here. Sunday the Mohler family and Lester motored to Lyons. Here the party visited relatives.

Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Berkebile of St, John, Kansas visited their son John here Sunday afternoon.

"Red" King, Emery Windmill and Ray Nonken visited in Larned over the week end,

Glen Sietz spent Saturday and Sunday at home in Larned.

The pulpit at the Larned rural Brethren church was filled by Ward Williams, a freshman at McPherson college, Sunday.

Mr. Fillmore filled tho pulpit at the Conway Springs church Sunday.

Ada Stutzman, who is working at the Bisonte In Hutchinson, visited friends on the campus last week.

Jeanette Hoover called at the campus and attended the game at Salina on Friday,

Miss Nina Stull, Adeline Taylor. Ferne Shoemaker, Mercie Shatto, Edith Nyquist, Ida Markhum. Edna Nyquist visited Sunday afternoon at

the dormitory,

Mr. and Mrs. Chester Murray visited friends on the campus Sunday.

Esther Brown, Leland Lindell and Miss McGaffey spent the week end in Hutchinson.

Aw heck! We knew that old Jumbo would use the wrong comb and we would have worms in the elephant dandruff. .

Ain’t that funny? Harold Fike, Wray Whiteneck, and Carrol Walker had dates last Sunday evening.

Guy Hayes says that if a human can throw one of those Yo Yos four times straight he is doing very good for a freshman.

One reason far telling the truth Is that you don't have to remember what you any.

Herbert Hockstrasser, working on cedar chest, "This ought to hold all of Junior's clothes".

R, U, is making experiments with oleo by kitting rats. That's nothin', they use human beings hero.

Windy: "Let’s trade our car for an airplane".

Miller: "How could folks read the wise cracks then?"

Betty: "Why did you stop singing in the choir. Hot Shot?"

Hot Shot: "Well, one Sunday I was sick and didn't sing, and a lot of people In the congregation asked It the organ had been fixed".

They tell us that the girls of today have no back bone. Any observing young man knows better.

To the youth of today luxuries are

a necessity.

The best way to get around a woman is to hug her.

Cradle Roll

Bethe Heaston

Pauline Dell --Oct. 8.

Marthe Krehbiel__ Oct. 8.

Lester Pote --Oct. 8.

Mabel Lee Early Oct. 12. Christine Mohler  Oct. 13.

! ? 1 HOW COME 1 ? !


Someone to care for a little girl occasionally on Monday or Wednesday afternoon.

Bee me nt once. Edith McGaffey.

(The above sign appeared In Arnold Hall).

—Horace Koller.


Tues., Oct. 1—"On the sea of life there are many ships. One large fleet known as Relationships includes Friendships, among which arc found

College Friendships”.

So declared Doris Ballard as she Introduced the topic for discussion in the Y. W. C. A. meeting this morning.’This program was the first of a series of relationship programs to be given this fall.

After a violin prelude and a devo-tional period thought was given to the demands and rewards of friendships made la school. Following talks appertaining to the subject and a musical number the meeting was adjourned.

As the group assembled, Viola Do Vilbiss played a violin solo after which Doris Ballard led the morning's devotions.

Alberta Yoder spoke on the "Demands of Friendship" emphasizing the fact that the Institution to be successful must be on a fifty-fifty baata.

The wealth and possibilities of school associations was pointed out by Velma Wine who spoke on "What College Friendships Have Meant to Me”.

Ethel Sherfy and Irene Mason then sang a vocal duet and the group dispensed after the benediction.


Kansas Aggie athletic teams will now be officially known us the K-Aggies, The decision to officially discard the team “Wildcats" came after several conferences with Director M, F, Ahern and other members of the Kansas State Athletic Department. The new name la to be pronounced an

though it were spoiled "Kay-Aggiss" The reason for the adoption was because of the fact that there are large number of college and high school teams throughout the country which are designated as ‘‘Wildcats" and it was thought that K-Aggies was a more distinctive cognomen for the Kansas Aggie Teams.

Miss Dorothy Swain, ’29, who is now attending the University of Kan-

sas is playing the cello la the or-chestra there. She received the fellowship from McPherson College to the University.


Freshman Requested To Make Ap-

pointments This Week

All individual student pictures for the Quadrangle are to be taken this month at Walker's studio on Main Street, across the street from. the Tourney Theatre.

A deposit of $1.00 is required of each student. This dollar will count as a part payment on any Individual finishing work you may want done for yourself.

This week is reserved for the Freshmen. Every Freshman is expected to report at Walker's Studio, be-tween the hours of 3 and 6 some aft-rnoon this week or make an appoint-ment with Mr. Walker for some other hour.    



Thurs., Oct. 3—The World Service Group met for Its first session of the year this evening. The large number present Indicates an active interest in the work of the organization.

The devotional period was led by Emery Metzger. president Lawrence R, Turner then in a brief way outlined the purpose and function of the World Service Group on the campus.

The present need", according to Mr. Turner, "is not for a large or-ganization, but rather for an organization willing to do Intensive work In a wholly consecrated way",

Plans were discussed for the depu-tation work which Is sponsored by the Group. Teams are to be sent out In the full this year Instead of in the spring as has been the former cuntom. This Is considered a better plan because of weather and road condi-tions as well as because of curricular activities.

Ruth Ellenberger was elected chairman of the deputation team committee, Trips to Oklahoma and Colorado will be made as well as a number of trips to nearby points.

The programs are to follow definite themes, such as Peace, Temperance, and World Fellowship.

The project of starting a Sunday school In a school district near Galva was discussed. The need of religion: work there is evident and offers a good opportunity for the Group, ac-cording to observations made..

In addition to these large projects the organisation plans to have charge of two chapel programs each semes-ter and to send groups of singers to be shut-ins on college hill and to to the hospital each Sunday. Glenn Harris will be responsible for the chapel programs and Pearl Holder-read heads the singing committee.


Thurs„ Oct. 3—A growling group of Bulldogs met In the gymnasium this morning to dispose of some of their pep. The meeting was in charge of the college pep mentor, Guy Hayes. Hayes was assisted In leading the songs and yells by Alvin Voran, former McPherson college cheer leader.

The college pep hand accompanied the college songs, and a clever stunt was given by a group of girls. These pep meetings arc held each Thursday, and all students are urged to contribute their portion to the cheering section.


If the All Mighty was to appear and place Judgment upon the whole of the human race, the egotistical Person of a skeptic criticism would probably be ignored and blessed with the consolation that a pair of gloves would be given him to keep his hands free from calluses while using the flre-pokor.

Students Attention

For self supporting students de-siring fascinating, remunerative work either temporary or permanent, may I suggest that many students of both sexes have earned scholarships and cash sufficient to defray all college expenses, representing national magazine publishers. if interested, write or wire for details—M. A. Steele, National Organizer, 5 Columbus Circle, New York, N, Y.

The Spectator



Wed,. Oct. 2- The Women’s Athletic Association Is sponsoring a girls' tennis class this year under the direction of the organization's tennis manager, Jessie, Churchill. Two tennis courts are reserved on Wednesday and Friday at 1:30 o'clock for practice.

The teachers are Alberta Hovis.

Fern Heckman, Velma Wine, Helen Kline. and Jessie Churchill.

The girls who are taking part in the classes are Helen Hudson, Alary Davis, Florence Weaver, Mabel Lee Early, Veta Thompson, Edna Hoover, Nellie Collins, Margaret Stegeman, Velma. Butterbaugh, Pearl Holder-read, Ada Brunk, Irene Stover, Blanche Holgerson, Ethel Early, and Lola Hanson.



Fri. -Oct. 4- The Class of 1930

held a business meeting this morning, in preparation for the year that is before them. The adoption of the budget for the year and the assessment of class dues were two of the important items of business taken tip,

Murlin Hoover, class secretary, reported his efforts toward securing a commencement speaker for next spring. Hoyt Strickler gave a report on the findings of the Invitation committee.

The date for the Senior-Frosh Kid Party was set for Friday, October 18

The class loyalty and enthusiasm, which has been characteristics of the class of '30, Is still there and one cannot sit in a class meeting without feeling a sense of class unity.


This is Anniversary year at the University of Kansas. Seventy-five years ago capable and resolute idealists founded a settlement at Lawrence to make possible a Kansas forever free of slavery. Such were the men who founded the University of Kansas and gave it a great heritage.



FrI., Oct, -4—The chapel orchestra made Its first appearance In public this morning in chapel. Two numbers were played: Mignonette and The Dance of the Goblins. Approximately thirty players were included and a


splendid balance of Instruments has been secured,

Most of the players are experienced, The orchestra is practicing twice a week, so much Improvement may be expected. Miss Shelley, instructor in violin. is conducting the orchestra.




Wesleyan kicks off to Bulldag 4

yard Line and Nonken races 16 yards with ball in broken field. Miller carries it 8 and Nonken 2 yards. Barngrover gains then makes incom-plete pass then gains 4 yards. Miller punts 30 yards but Perkins returns it 20. Overholtzer gains 2 yards then makes incomplete pass to Perkins. Perkins carries ball and makes 3 yard gain, Wesleyan kicks It 32 yards and out of bounds. Miller punts to Wesleyan 42 yard line and Perkins brings it back. 8 yards. Perkins passed and Wesleyan gained 40 yards on one play. On Mcpherson 2 yard line. Wesleyan gains a yard and Perkins plunges over line for second touchdown. The kick was good. Wes-leyan kicked to McPherson's 13 yard line, It is returned 9 yards and Miller punts 32 yards and Perkins brings It back 2 yards. Coyotes punt 37 yards and Nonken gains 8, then 5. Miller’s pass Incomplete, the next one to Hochstrasser good for 11 yards. Miller’s pass incomplete. Nonken makes 15 yard gain on broken field. Nonkon’a pass good for 11 yard Harngrover fumbles ball. Sergent recovers It. Perkins makes incomplete pass. They punt 26 yards. Time, Score McPherson 0. Wesleyan 14.

The final period opened Willi the ball on the Bulldog's 25 yard line Miller's pass Incomplete. Nonken to

Miller pass good for 8 yard. Nonken again. Wesleyan penalized 15 yards. Nonken to Christenson pass good for 17 yards. Nonken makea noble try but pass incomplete as he races for Coyote goal line. Miller to Christenson pass good no gain. Coyotes Inter-cept Miller's pass. Perkins gains 7 yards and McPherson fa penalized 16 yards. Perkins fumbles and loses 2yards. Pass to Perkins good for 17 yards, Another 3 yard gain for Wes-leyan and Perkins gets loose for 8 yards. Two more yards for Wesleyan an Incomplete pass over the goal line. They are penalized 10 yards, McPher-son's pass Incomplete. Miller punts 25 yards but Williams returns It 12 yards. Perkins tries twice but no gain. A pair of incomplete passes by Wesleyan and a like number by the Bulldogs. Miller’s 37 yard punt re-turned by Williams. Herman off-side twice and McPherson gets 2 5-yard penalties. Williams punts to Johnson good for 4 yards. An Incomplete Wesleyan pass. McPherson In-tercepts a Wesleyan pass and gains 4 yards. Wesleyan makes 2 yard gain then fumbles a pass then pass 15 yards and the game ends with the ball on McPherson 4 yard line. Score, McPherson 0. Wesleyan 14.

Perkins The Coyote Half Back Is Outstanding Player


Nonken Injured But Plays First. And Third Quarters

Salina . Kan. Fir. Oct 4- The McPherson College Bulldogs bowed to a 14-0 defeat before the Kansas Wesleyan football aggregation here this afternoon. The game was not so one sided as the score would seem indicate, but the teams were evenly matched, with the Coyotes having a slight advantage on weight. The game was played mostly In the center of the field with the bull slightly on the Bulldog end most at the time. Each team placed the ball In reasonable scoring position many times, but the Canines, with spirits dampened by the loss of Nonken, captain, In the first period, seemed to lack the punch to put the pigskin across the last line.

Perkins, halfback on the Coyote team Was a "Jinx" to the Bulldogs He continually carried the pigskin for long gains. teaming with Jilka and Williams. he was easily the outstanding player on the field. Nonken, Canine quaterback, was Injured In the first period and did not return to the game until the third quarter. Bulldogs responsible for long gains with Nonken were Miller and L. Barngrover.

A play for play account of the game shows that Wesleyan kicked off to McPherson's 25 yard line. Hochstrasser returned the ball 5 yards. Miller fumbles, Reinhardt recovers it and gains 5 yards. Over holtzer makes a 5 yard gain, then 2 more yards thru Bulldog line at center. Jilk's's pass to Perkins on third down was good lor 1/2 yard, Coyotes punt to McPherson 26 yard line, L. Barngrover carried hall, Miller punts

52 yards and Perkins returns It 5 yards. Sargent passes to Jilka for 12 yards, Perkins gets 9 yards, ho fumbles then makes an incomplete pass, McPherson offside and gets a 5 yard penalty. Jilka gains 3 yards last down and 2 ti go. they punt, then get 2. Millar punts 42 yards. Over holtrer gains 4 yards through Bull-dog line. Wesleyan punts 14 yards. Miller's pass to Nonken incomplete then Overholtzer interferes, Bull-

dog's advance 2 yards. Nonken goes

right through Coyotes line a couple yards McPherson penalized 15 yards as Baragrover carries ball. Miller’s pass to Sargent incomplete. Again Miller punts 43 yards. Williams punts Baxer gets ball on own 22 yard line. Williams carries ball!

5 yards. then punts 26 yards, but Nonken returns It 2 yards. Miller punts 48 yards. Nonken Injured as Perkins advances pigskin 17 yards on broken field, Jilka gains 3 then 12 yards. Time with ball on McPherson's 44 yard line. Score M. C.—O. K. W.


Wesleyan was penalized to start the second quarter 16 yards. Jilka punts 49 yards, but Barngrover re-covers It 10. Swain carries it three times and makes 9 yards. McPherson punts and ball goes out of bounds on the Coyotes 30 yard line, they punt 41 yards. McPherson penalized 5

yards and then lose a yard in scrim-mace. Miller punts 39 yards to Per-kins. Overholtzer smashes Bulldog right guard for four yards. L. Barn-

grover kicks the ball 16 yards, then loses 2, Wesleyan intercepts Miller's pass. Wesleyan gets 3 yards by scrim-age and then passes but Miller in-tercepts it for a 9 yard returns. Mc-Pherson penalized 5 yards. A series of gains by Perkins and Overholtzer place the ball on McPherson 13 yard line, Williams makes a sideline run for 8 yards. He plunges four yards, A pass Perkins to Williams and Wesleyan scores a touchdown. Baxter’s kick was good. Kansas Wesleyan kicked off to McPherson's 3 yard line. Barngrover returns ball. Wesleyan offsides, they kick to Bull-dog 11 yard line and Barngrover re-

McPherson Position Wesleyan Hochstrasser le  Bishop

Lingel lt       Cunningham

Kock g Baxer

Bowers v Betterson

Windmill rg Cornwall

Wine rt Reinhardt

Sargent re Sargent

Nonken q.b Williams

Swain hb Perkins

Miller hb F. Jilka

L. Barngrover fb Overholtzer

turns it 22 yards- Miller's pass to Hockstrasser good for 14 yards. First half up. Score McPherson 0. Wesley-


First Downs- McPherson 7. Kan-sas Wesleyan7

Yard from Scrimmage- McPher-son 126. Kansas Wesleyan 163

Passes- McPherson attempted 23 completed 6 for 41 yards: Kansas Wesleyan attempted 16, completed 6 for 20 yards.

Punts- McPherson 12 for 425 yards; Kansas Wesleyan 8 tor 190 yards.

Pennalties—McPherson 6 for 50

yard, Kansas Wesleyan 4 for 45 yards.

Substitutions - McPherson, F. Barngrover for Nonken, Bowman for Lingel, King forr Kock, Whiteneck for King, Christenson fur Sargent. Chris-tenson for Sargent, Bigham for L. Barngrover, Tice lor Lingel. Ehrsam for Christenson, Whiteneck for Windmill. Bradley for Miller, F. Barn-grover for Swain. Herman for Bowers. Anderson for Bigham. Bow-man for Tice. Zink for Keek, O, Whiteneck for Herman, Deschner for Ehrsam and King for Zink. Kansas Wesleyan:, Coup for Bishop Hayden u for Jilka, Soxton for Hayton on, Dice for Cornwall, Jilka for Sexton, Bish-op for Coup. Sexton for Jilka, John-son for Perkins, Williams for Johnson, Messeck for Carnwall, Barbeyer for Gertson, and Fred Jilka for Wil-


Score by Quarters

McPherson------- 0    ,0    0    0    0

Kansas Wesleyan —    0     7    7    0    14

Referee, Thomas. Kansas U, Umpire, Corsaut, Chicago Y. M. C. A. College.

Head Linesman, Meyers, Kansas 8-A. C,

COMING EVENTS Thursday. Oct, 10—Program by Men’s Bible Class at Church. Friday, Oct. 11—C. E. Party. Saturday, Oct. 12—-Game at St. Marys.