Asking That Each Student Give Fifty Cents To Help In The Purchase Of Six Chests.
Competition Was Strong And Judges Experienced Difficulty In Making Selections For The Varsity Team
Rotary Club, High Schools and Cen-tral College Conducting Sim-ilar Campaign
The world Service Group of the
college is starting a campaign this morning to purchase six medicine
chests to ne used in the rural schools
of Mexico.
It will be recalled that during Dr.
L. Lindom Wirt's visit, secretary of
the western section of the National Council For the Prevention of War to the McPherson campus October 21. an urgent need was stressed for med-ical chests in the rural districts of
Mexico. Accounts of Mexican and In-dian needs and responses to kindness and help were pointed out. The closing appeal of Dr. Wirt's a address will be remembered distinct-ly: "Oh, you children of the Church of the Brethren, if you want to fol-low in the steps of your parents and your Master, help to bind up the wounds of Mexico. What will your call be that of Diven or of the Good
It is the purpose of the World Service Group to solicit, fifty cents
from each member of the student boDy whuch will be sufficient to pur-chase six medicine chests at twenty-five dollars each.
The campaign is being conducted along with the present interest in world peace and international good
will and friendliness and it is hoped that the student body will react free-
ly in response to this worthy call.
The honor roll has been announced
and for the first time no name of
names of the male species appeared and only four women received the distinction as honor students.
The honor roll consists of students securing forty honor points for schol-astic work. Those securing the high-est distinction were Ethel Sherfy Ethel Jamison, Mildred Swenson, and Ruth Blickenstaff.
Mon. Nov , 18- The W.A A. meet-ing this evening was a very clever modern style show with emphasis on modern sport clothes for the college girl. Ethel Sherfy give a short talk about sport styles, stressing such points as the essentials of a good
sport costume, comfortable and become
ingness of costume.
After the talk, girls representing such sport style appeared in proper
dress. In some instances a contrast was given of proper and improper costume therefore clearly showing to each girl the correct form of dress for each sport.
Winfield, Kan., Nov. 21--John Porter, a senior at Southwestern col-lege, was awarded the medal given by Dr. J. Thompson Baker, head of the department of public speaking for the winner of the Baker Oratorical
contest held annually at the college.
Mr. Porter delivered the oration
"Liberty and Happiness", by Inger-
A big bonfire and the burn-ing of a "Swede" effigy will venture the pep rally to be staged north of the campus to-
morrow evening.
Over Hundred Members Alumni Association Are Expected To the Present
Seventy-sic people were the guests of the advances expression student-at a colonial tea given this afternoon in the Y. W. C. A. room.
After a program consisting of a playlette, a reading, a pntomime, and a vocal solo, they were served tea wafers and opera sticks.
Each member of the dramatic art and interpretation classes was by the expression students to bring a guest to the tea seventy-six were
Following a vocal solo, :When You and I Were Young, Maggie", by Lila Lengel, Beth Hess, Sylvin Edge
comb, and Martin Hoover pantomin-ed Cowell's "The Courtin" as it was read by Miss Della Lehman, Martin Hoover then gave the reading "Ag-nes, I Love Thee" after which Helen Louise Hudson, Velma Elaine Wine, presented a clolnial playette"All on Florence Lehman and Ida Lengel a Summer's Day".
Luncheon was then served and the guests departed expressing their ap-preciation and enjoyment of a pleas-ent hour.
Fri, Nov 22 -A musical program was given in chapel this morning by the chapel orchestra and the musi-cians with the Rayburn evangelistic party. The orchestra played Hungar-ian Dance No. 5. Mr. G. W. Otteson and Mrs. Dena Stover were the Ray-burn respresentatives. Mrs. Stover, the women's worker, played a cornet solo "My Heart At Thy Sweet Voice" from Samson and Delihah, and sang "One Fine Day" from Madam Butterfly. Mr. Otteson sang "I'll Serve Him Today".
What? That's what! What's what?
That's what they all say!
What do they all say? BEAT THE SWEDES!
Yeah, That's just the sentiments of the whole gang and all other expres-sions of such-and-which.
There's no doubt at all about the Turkey Day game. The score will end up 13 to 6 or better in favor of the Bulldogs. It might be even better if the score were 21-0 but of course we all believe in Santa Claus so It's a and also your pep and trot to the bleachers and see a game that will be a walk away for the wonderful, the marvelous the mag-nificant, unbeatable Bulldogs or Ca-nines or what have you.
The pep in M.C. is like the tides of the Atlantic Pacific, Artic, South Se. Mediterranean and all points sout. Don't know my geography very well so ran out of sea names but no-
tice no one mentioned the Dead Sea
which is dead and doesn't know it. Pep in M. C is not wet and never did die down. Everybody is so peppy that il we never say "hello" but "Beat the Swedes" Insteas," Beat the Swedes" Instead of saying "pass the syrup and oloy ". Now how couls it be said any oftener, I'll leave to you?
There are lots of people going to be at the game who are so dumb they think a football is a business but a blind man could see M. C. as vic-
Now the Swedes are a wonderful people and their football team is all we hold against them and that won't be long. They have the prettiest girls the best coffee, and the sweetest rusks or any town in Kansas, with the exceptions of M. C. Their music is sublime and the harmony is wonder-ful—but the tune they will dance to on Turkey Day will be "We'll Give You Anything But A Score Baby". While this is a popular selection it will be quite classical in application
such as twisted ankles black eyes
Thurs., Nov. 21--The latest defin-ite report from the members of the several committees working on the
annual Thanksgiving Homecoming is
that this one will be the biggest and best Homecoming held here in many years. The committee have been working diligently in complete every detail and in every way make the
day a success.
At 11:30 Thanksgiving morning a turkey dinner and all the fixin's that
go with it will be served in the col-
lege dormitory dining hall in all visiting alumni, friends, and college
A snappy program "pep" in preparation for the Bulldog-Swede football fray will be given folliowing the dinner. "Pep" songs, yells and talks will be given alumni, friends, and college students. The college male quartet will sing several num-bers which will add to the occassion.
Special invitations have been sent to over two hundred of the alumni in Kansas. It is anticipated that a hun-dred or more will accept the invita-tions and be present for the big din-ner and rally before the game..
Wed., Nov. 20--Superintendent R.
W. Potwin of the city schools spoke in chapel this morning on the subject of "A Well-Rounded Personality". There are some traits which we in-herit which are not useful in present day civilization. Some things must be built in to have a well-rounded personality.
The steps in the personality rang-
ing from lowest to highest are: production, voluntary movement, gre-garious social instinct, wider group social instinct, appreciation of art and
literature, and appreciation of sci-ence, and religion. The first three can be education for good but we must go higher if we are to rise
the animal. These qualities al-so must be developed in four-square fashion or our lives will be peaked
and lacking in fullness of consent.
Tonight 6:30---Women's De-
bate Tryout
Tomorrow night--Mardoni Company Lyceum Thursday--Beat the Swedes. Friday 7:30-- All School Social Y. W. room.
Sun., Nov. 24--Mr. Fred E. Gates for twelve years a chautauqua lec-turer, a Y. M. C. A. worker in the World War, and at present a busin-ess man of this city, gave an illus-trated lecture on the horrors of war this evening in the chapel before the Christian Endeavor assembly.
"You've heard how Sherman defin-ed war", Mr. Gates began. I'll try to show you In this group of pictures that that definition isn't far wrong”. From the picture of the ship on which he sailed to France to the one of the vessel on which he returned, the speaker showed the horrors of the strife which involved nations the world over eleven years ago. De-molished homes, hospitals, and rail-roads, entire cities in ruins, and fertile fields laid waste with shell holes and trenches were mute evidence of the incomparable devastation and suffering resulting from war.
Showing the last picture of the series, a soldier's cemetery in France, Mr. Gates declared, "Seven hundred soldiers be buried on this one hill-side. The crosses silently testify to
the horrors of war".
Fri. Nov. 22--The freshmen-soph-more girls Sunday School class as guests of the freshmen-sophmore men's class were entertaining at 7:30 this evening in the parlors of the Church of the Brethren.
The evening was spent in playing games of a general group nature. Milton Early led the two classes in
the games after which a light lunch
was served.
and swear words.
Honestly, the Bulldogs are such wonderful men that it isn't even fun-ny anymore. They are the Kings of the Pig Skin and The Terrors of the Gridiron. They are Supermen of Passes and Touchdowns. The dear captain to wings in his feet—best place to have them anyhow. His shoulder pads would prevent them sprouting on his shoulders.
We heard over the radio advance notice that the Swedes were trembl-ing in their ear muffs and Eskismo houses. Well tremble while you can becayse after the crushing defeat of Turkey Day you'll feel too flat to even quiver in eye lash.
Now I'm talking cold Turkey and passing the curk? and upsetting the dope bucket but with what a firm foundation I can lay my claims upon. What could be firmer than the mus-cled backs of the Unique and Dread-ful Bulldogs.
Yours til the Swedes quit dipping coffee and drinking rusks.
Will Make First Appearance At The
Southwestern Forensic Tourney On December Fifth
Thurs., Nov. 21--One freshman, Ward Williams, one sophomore, Otto Whitneck, one junior, John Lehman, and one senior, Melvin B. Lan-des, will represent McPherson College as the men's varsity degate team as a result of tryouts held this evening. Competition was "keen" and those
making the varsity are well worthy of their rank and the judges had
great difficulty in coming to a decision.
Guy Hayes and Myron Miller were chosen as alternates to the first team and therefore members of the second along with William Grant and Blanch Harris. Alternates for the sec-
end team are Kermlt Hayes and Lilham Gottman.
The judges for the tryouts consist-
ed of five members of the faculty in-cludiing debate coach Maurice A, Hess. The other four judges were Prof. Roy C. Petry, Prof. Edith Mc-Gaffey, Prof. Hugh Heckman and Prof, J. A. Blair. It was noted in the judges' decisions that no one judge cast his vote for all four of the se-lected members of the varsity team.
Ward Williams, Egeland, North
Dakota, has experienced three years of high school debating and in 1926 (continued on Page Two)
the International Relation Group
and to be composed of students un-
der the leadership of Prof, Roy C Petry, whose purpose will be to study international relations in regards to world peace, is under consideration.
A meeting of all those interested will be held soon after the Thanks-giving vacation. There will be no formal organization, and it has been suggested that members fo the gov-erment class and all history majors
might be interested in the formation
of such a group.
Tues., Nov. 26--For those who
cannot go home over the Thanksgiving recess, there will be some en-tertainment provided. A big social will be held in the Y. W. room Fri-
day evening beginning at 7:30 o'clock
under the direction of the Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. and a hearty wel-come is being extended to all students living in the dormitories and on col-lege hill who cannot spend Thanks-giving at home. The evening's fun
will be under the general guidance of "Berries" Crist, which means there
will be fun for all.
Fri. Nov. 22 —The senior class met this morning to decide upon a commencement speaker.
President E. Guy Catshall of the Hill School of Theology of Denver will deliver the address for the class of '30. Dr. Catshall visited our cam-pas last year and spoke chapel. He brought a timely message as many comments testify.
The Spectator
The Home Of the
Bull dogmas
The School of Quality
The Student Newspaper of McPherson College, published by the Student Council
purposing to recount accurately past, present and future activities—tn stimulate continually future achievement -to uphold sane and constructive student opinions- to stimulate organizations for the betterment of the student body to emphasize further campus improvement*— in athletics-to be a good sport-win or lose -to recognise all activities and organizations
and to live and cherish our on code "The School or Quality".
Entered as second class matter November 20, 1917 at the postoffice at McPherson
Kansas under the act of March 3, 1897
Subscription rates $1.50 Per year
Address all correspondence to THE SPECTATOR McPherson, Kansas.
Editor-ln-chief----Leland E. Lindell
Associate Editor ....Mildred Swenson
Associate Editor ----Donald L. Trostle
Business Manager Ernest E Watkins
Ass't Business Manager ... Fred Andrews
Circulation Manager ....Carroll D. Walker
Ethel Sherfy John Berkebile Beth Hess Bernise McClellan Emery Metzager
Chester Carter Attillia Anderson Gilbert Myers Merlin Hoover Alberta Yoder
Faculty Advisor .. Prof. Maurice A. Hess
In a answer to a query, submitted to the public by Crane & Company of Topeka, as to what was the best definition of the word "hero", 13,000 re-plies were received. Small prizes were offered to the first and second best definitions. The one receiving first honor read as follows:
* A hem is one who can live in the present age of social crlme and law breaking and maintain an honorable upright American character".
The one chosen as second best is thus:
"My analysis of a hero is a man who can stay on the job while every-one else is chasing rainbows in unpaid-for autos".
As winter settles down and Thanksgiving day is drawing near we lift our faces to the heavens and give thanks to Him for all our worldly goods and achievements of the past.
We are thankful for Him and all his glorious words of inspiration and thought—for his sympathy and kindness during illness and death—for his watchful guidance and ruling hand in moulding characters of men. We lift a hand to Him on high and praise Him for nature’s lasting beauty untll death.
As a college we have much to be thankful for. We are thankful that we have the Church of the Brethren behind us in our every move; for with-out the church, our medium through which we receive the grace of God, our success in life's wide field of worldly good would not be the will of the spirit.
For the Y. W. C. A. and the Y. M. C. A. we express our gratitude. The religious organizations on the campus are the branches of the church that extend to each and every one that seek His truth. We are thankful for their leadership in creating a lasting impression upon the minds of those who seek the way of God.
We are thankful for our President. He is a man of highly graduated mind and soul who is trying to settle our problems in the light of the student's situation. It is in him that the Brethren Church has entrusted the development and existance of McPherson College. We are thankful to have him as our president.
We are thankful for our faculty. Men and women who have through years of toil and sacrifice mastered their respective branches of cultured knowledge of the world and are now transmitting to us the fruits of their harvest so that we might know and do.
We are thankful for our clean, unadulterated athletics which have been stimulated and upheld by our coach. Last spring we won the confer-ence championshlp in basketball—we were victorious on the field and track -- we went high up in the national basketball tournament at Kansas City. Some of our noble athletes will be playing their last game of football Thursday when they pit thelr strength against our friendly rivals of the north. This closing grid season has been a sucess in light of the fact that our victories went more numerous than of last year.
In forensics we are thankful for our wonderful successes. By winning the national peace oratorical contest, the state peace contest, the anti-tobacco a contest and triumph in the field of debate place an honor upon not only our college but also upon our coach with the distinction and admiration of the state and nation.
We are thankful that we are going to have our alumni back with us again during the Thanksgiving season. lt is through them that we see the results of the high standards that are constantly set forth in the “Quality School". We are thankful for their loyalty and may their influence be the medium through which McPherson College may grow.
We are thankful for the achievements of the faculty in the past year— both in the world of creative science and the international relationshlps that arc due in time to create a world peace for the brotherhood of mankind.
We are thankful for our parents and a home to which we might go to give thanks to Him. We are thankful for the sacrifices our parents are making in our behalf. lt is through their efforts that we realize the ad-
vantageous necessity for knowledge—-the better things life afford. lt is our fathers and mothers who are toiling at home so that we might receive the fruits of their past worries. We will not disappoint them tor lt saps the very blood from their souls when, ever we fall short of our comings. To them we give homeage.
We are thankful for the insuing school year and its present successes. May the intellectual atmosphere continue to be dominant upon our campus and may we continue to oppugn the plague of mob spirit. Let us lift our selves to united grouping for the sake of the life of the college. May our minds be free from the antagonistic group who are forever depicting the faults and misfortunes of others.
We are thankful that we are alive that we might scan the beauty of our surrounding environment upon which our future lives may rest. May each one of us find ourselves and preserve lt for the sake of another.
We offer a prayer for our Thanksgiving to Him: Dear Father, we thank thee for the past year and its wonders. In our own humble manner we thank thee that we are alive and can live in a world of peace with a
brotherhood of man. Amen.
Beat The Swedes! Beat The Swedes!
Once there were two giants. One of these giants was called Swede and the other was called Bulldog.
Now children, ain't Swede an aw-ful name for a giant? Well, this Swede giant had yellow hair. He had big feet. In fact his feet were so big that he stepped on another giant called Bethel and just squashed the soup out of him.
The Swede giant felt as big as some prof. who has just flunked a guy.
"Gr—-r—-er—r", says the Swede giant, "Or—rer—er— r", says he Then he gr—r—-cr-—r's again and says:
"Guess I'll have Bulldog giant for Thanksgiving instead of turkey".
Then the Swede giant starts exer-cisin' and doin' workouts and things so that he can have that Bulldog meat.
Thanksgiving eve comes and the Swede giant got so hungry for that Bulldog meat that he gets all hostile.
“Bring on your Bulldog meat", he yells. "Bring on your Bulldog meat", yells he.
Came the Dawn! The Swede giant put on hls seven league boots (two Fords) and took three steps into the Bulldog giant's country.
Bulldog giant saw him comin' and
he got hostile too.
“T want Bulldog meat! ! want Bull-dog meat! I want Bulldog meat". bellered the Swede giant.
"You go to-------the Bulldog
giant said as he put on his armor (football suit).
"How's your Aunt Lizzy? And so's your old man", the Bulldog giant growled while he put on his helmet.
Boy, oh! Boy! That Bulldog giant socked the Swede giant between the eyes with a foot ball and then just walloped the very glzzard out of him.
When that Bulldog giant got done with that Swede giant they picked up the swede giant with blotters and wrung him out in a tank, throwed him on a wheelbarrow, and took him back to Swedenborg.
And the Swede giant didn't have Bulldog meat for Thanksgiving din-ner.
--Horace Kolier,
Mon., Nov. 25-—January 13th has definitely been set as the date for the presentation of the Thespian play "The Queen's Husband". In Conven-tlon Hall.
The play is under the personal direction of Mrs. Lawrence Gates, in-structor in dramatic art, who has re-reived her dramatic training from the American Academy of Dramatic Art In New York City,
Rehearsals have been in progress for the last three weeks. Elaborate scenery is now being constructed es-pecially for "The Queen's Husband”.
Tues., Nov. 19—The "M” Club had charge of the Y. M. meeting. They gave the attitude of the athlete to-ward his game.
Eber Tice spoke from the fresh- man's attitude. He stressed particularly the fellowship and social bene-fits to be derlved from participation in athletics.
Bush Holloway spoke as a veteran player and high school couch. He says it helps to keep one physically fit, especially does lt show up the ill effects of the use of tobacco. The ath-lete may enjoy the experience of winning, along with lt however comes the bitter morsel of defeat. Self-reliance, sacrifice for others, playing the game fair but hitting hard, and subbing are all taught by athletics.
Thurs., Nov. 21—This evening at 6:30 the World Service Group met in the Y. W. C. A. room to dicuss the Mexican Medlclne Chest project. It is hoped to equip six chests with medi-cal necessities.
Dean Mohler, who made a study ur Mexican conditions this summer, will secure the blue prints which will be
used in making the chests here in the Industrial Arts Department. All the
materials which will go into the chests will be secured at cost. The transportation on this project will be paid to Mexico. Then the chests will be distributed to tho needed areas by the Mexican government.
Dr. Edward L. Saylor, B. S. '22, has a splendid position in the pathol-ogy department of the Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit, Michigan. Dr. Saylor took his medical course at K. U. and his interne work at Pittsburgh, Pa.
Margaret Hughes, A. B. '28, is spending the winter months with rel-atives at Lawrence and Kansas City.
Dorothy Swain. A. B. J29 and K.
U. fellow, is a member of the K. U. symphony orchestra this season. The orchestra was heard over station WREN recently.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl V. Reed an-nounce the birth of a son, November 15, whom they have named Donald
Aubrey C. Hale, r26, is engaged in
insurance work In Stevens Point
Marlin W. Carlson. B. S. '?7 is a junior in Northwestern School of Medicine, Chicago, and is a member of Alpha Kappa Kappa medical fra-
Blanche Holgserson spent the week
end at her home in Windom.
Gilbert Myers and Leland Lindell visited with home folks Sunday at
Winfield. Kan., Nov. 21—Twentyeight senlor and Junior colleges of Kansas, Oklahoma. Missouri and Ne-braska have accepted the invitation of Dean Leroy Allen, coach of debate at Southwestern, to participate in a pre-season debate tournament at Southwestern, December 6 and 7.
The junior college teams will com-pete with the senior college teams using the official Pi Kappa Delta question for this year: Resolved. That the nations should adopt a plan of complete disarmament excepting such forces is are needed for police purposes.
Evelyn Saylor______Nov. 27
Six intra-mural basket ball teams
were organized last week. About forty men are participating at this time and a tournament will be run off before the Christmas holidays.
The men’s intra-mural basket ball
tournaments are always good in years
past and this seems to be no excep-
tion, for a keen interest is being tak-
en. The teams that are now organiz-ed are:
THE CREAM OF SOCIETY—with L. Gettmann, captain. L. Diggs. Mar-tin, Fike, Walker. Kelly, and Larson. Colors: White.
WILDHAIRS—with Guy Hayes, captain, Smart, Sherfy, Williams, Wagoner, and Seitz. Colors: Red and White.
FLASHY QUINTET — With Don Trostle, captain. C. Darrah, A. Miller, Ehrsam, Wertz, and L. Peterson, Col-ors: Orange and Blue.
BLACK KNIGHTS—with Mohler, captain, McAvoy, Austln, Fillmore, R. Eby, Shank, and Betts. Colors: Black and White,
BLUE, RIBBONS — With Martin Hoover, captain, Early, R, Peterson, Harmann, Blough and Andrews. Col-ors: Blue and White.
THE MANIACS —with Kermit Hayes, captain, M. r. Landes, Zinn, G. Harris, B. Harris, and Negley. Col-ors Yellow and Purple.
The Swedes evidently read the Spectator, or they could not have banged back at us the way they did. It is interesting to note that they in-tend to end their football season with a bang, but really we wonder If they did not mean boom instead of bang. They will probably faw down and go BOOM when the Bulldogs hit them and thus they will have ended their football season in 1929.
lt is evident by the slze of the path that is constantly being worn across the southeast corner of the campus that Jim Elrod is running competi-tion with the Smoke House down town.
MEN'S DEBATE TRYOUTS (Continued from Page One) was a member of the state champion-ship team of North Dakota. Othe, Whiteneck, Aline, Oklahoma, has had two years of high school debate and last year was a member of the champion McPherson College second team. John Lehman, national peace orator-ical champion of 1929 and state peace oratorical champlon of the same year, has had two years experience on the McPherson Cottage Academy team and was a member of the team when it won the honors in its league. Five years ago Lehman was chosen as a member of the varsity team but was compelled to withdraw on account of ill health. Melvin Landes, Harrison-burg, Virginia, has high school debate-
ing and college oratory to his credit. He has attended Elizabethtown College and Harrisonburg State Teach-ers College both of Virginia.
The first debating of the season will be at the Southwestern College forensic tournament at Wlnfield, Kansas, December 5th.
As a result of recent arrangements made with "The Southwestern Coll-gian" the SPECTATOR will receive news of general interest from South-western College at Winfield, and in return will give news of general from McPherson Collage for publication in their student newspaper.
Beat The Swedes!
SIX YEARS AGO THIS WEEK it was announced this week that the Dramatic Art department would present six plays to aid in the en-dowment fund.
interesting happenings revealed in nine
Sport Editor Digs Deep Into The History Of Bulldog-Swede Relations And
Brings Many Interesting Facts To Light
That "lt takes only three words to change history--Beat the Swedes was the in famous soliloquy of Captain Moffat Eakes, of the Bulldog football team in 1926, a few weeks prior to the Swede game that year. ln a certain magazine article that appeared recently someone tried to say it takes some real history and time to make the annual grudge battle mean anything in the schools involved. If history grudge, age and strong teams are what
it takes to make a good Thanksgiving football game then the one between the Bethany Swedes and the McPherson Bulldogs, that comes the day after tomorrow will fill the the bill in fine shape..
Thursday's classic on the local ath-letic field will be the ninth annual affair of its kind and as for "dope" ours is perfect this year, as it in every year. Each team was defeated by one point by Sterling and each in turn fell before Kansas Wesleyan by two touchdowns while each defeated Bethel and Ottawa and St. Mary's tre-mendouslly. The Swedes beat Baker
and Baker got us which has made it
possible for the Scandinavians to be awarded the Kansas conference title if they are successful in beating the
Bulldogs Thursday.
Two years ago Dean Mohler said that each team considers that it has
that a successful season of it is fortun-ate enough to annex the Turkey Day game regardless of the past season's history with other schools. Each team would rather win Thursday's game than to become conference champions.
The manuscripts of the past have recently been consulted in order to let the Bulldog-Swede games, of the years gone by speak for themselves
and throw what light they may on
the games of the future. As a result, the information that is to follow in the result of the investigation that has been made.
in 1921 the two teams met for the first time on the gridiron and the Bulldogs were defeated 7 to 6 as a result of failing to add the point aft-er their touchdown. The Swedes were outplayed in every phase of the game,
the Bulldogs making 16 first downs
to the Swedes 4. The game was play-ed at Lindsborg. (
In 1922 Bethany took advantage of a McPherson fumble In a field of mud and its eight plunges they put the ball over. It rained that day and the game was played in the minute quar-ter. The score was 6 to 0 in favor of the Swedes.
The Bulldogs were champions in the Kansas conference in 1923. This was the first time they were ever able to outscore the Swedes. They did it in the Armistice Day game. The Bulldogs made 22 first downs and at no time did the Sweeds make yarrdage. Bulldogs 7, Swedes 3.
Bethany 9, Bulldogs 6, the score, read in 1924. This was the first time the thing was not settled on the grid-iron.
The Swedes were Kansas confer-ence champions in 1925, going through the entire season wlthout their goal line being crossed and when they played us they merely bolted down the cellar door on the Bulldogs. The score 28 to 0 for those fair friends of ours.
Ray Nonken was McPherson’s hopeful young freshman halfback in
1926 and already the other confer-ence teams had learned to fear him. Even the Swedes had a hard time keeping him down in the Turkey Day game which was really a hard fought battle, Score. M. C. 0, B. C. 14.
Those Scandinavians made their greatest triumph in 1927 on the Mc-Pherson athletic field and the Bull-dogs after holding them well the first half fell hard. lt was a good day but we were snowed under. 39 to 0. Last year we played the Swedes on their own field and thought we had them beat the first half when the score was 6-0 in our favor but they got smart and when the game was over we held the short end of a 9 to 6 score. It was a rainy day, Thanks-giving 1928.
In 1929—?—? You decide for yourself what it will be. Will the un-expected continue to happen? We have decided lo Beat the Swedes on the Grid this year and have put away the aged and out of date barbaric custom of nocturnal campus fights between the two schools and it only remains to be seen what will happen to the Flaxon-haired fellows after the Canine folk have conserved their energies previous to the game. Our slogan has become a by-word almost.
but it is still BEAT THE SWEDES.
Six victories have been for the
Swedes, one for the Bulldogs and one a toss up. The ninth battle should be a Bulldog victory. lt is up in us for the Swedes are just as determined as we are. Let's beat 'em.
- Sport Editor.
Beat the Swedes!
We ''Spec." the Rayburn man thought it was good psychology in show Bulldog "pep" but it would have been better not to admit his marriage to go Iarge a group of coeds.
For self supporting students de-siring fascinating, remunerative work either temporary or permainent, may I suggest that many students of both sexes have earned scholarships and each sufficient to defray all col-lege expenses, representing national magazine publishers. If interested, write or wire for details --M. A. Steele. National Organizer, 5 Colum-bus Circle, New York. N.Y.
The First Floor bunch in Arnold Hall '’Spex" there is a reason tor. somebody doing somebody's ironing.
the Spectator
Yearlings Held Scoreless On Slick
Snow Covered Ground
Fri. Nov. 22--The Sophmore grid team completely smothered the
Freshmen crew on the snow covered
athletic field here this afternoon. The score was 13 to 9. The Frosh were completely 'outplayed in every de-partment of the game, but their de-
termination to win the annual con-test brought and the best that was in the Second year fellows to con-
quor them Halfbacks. Lerew and G. Hayes of the two year men were the outstanding players in the game, each making substantial gains with the pigskin against the strong yearling, defense.
The line up:
Sophomores Position Freshmen Hoffman LE Austin
D. Trostle Lt Breedin
Sell LG Shank
K. Hayes C Darrah
Negley RG Hodge
Johnson RT Berkebile
Bartles Re Harris
G. Hayes QB Eby
Voran LH Mose Stucky
Lerew RH Lerew
Georing FB Milo Stucky.
Substitutions--Sophomores; Biti-kofer for Negley, and Kelly for Hoff
kofer for Negley, and Kelly for Hoff-man. Freshmen: Bowers for Harris, Peterson for Berkbile, Voth for Shank, Peterson for Voth, Voth for
Larson, Mattox for Harris , Bowers for Stuck, Larson for Peterson, Summary:--First in Tens Soph-omores 1 Freshmen 0. Yards gained from scrimmage; Sophomores 25, Freshmen 7, Punts: Sophomores for 65 yards. Freshmen 5 for 72 yards. Forward passes: Sophomores attempted 6 complete none. Fresh-men attempted none. Fumbles: Soph-mores 2, recovered 4, Freshmen 3. recovered 1. Yards Lost in scrim-mages: Sophomores 9. Freshmen 31. Penalties: Sophomores 1 for 5 yards, Freshmen none. Touchdowns: G.
Hayes 2. Points after touchdown Voran 1.
Score by quarters:
Sophomores 6 0 0 7 13
Freshmen 0 0 0 0 0
Officials; Referee F. Barngrover, M. C. and H. Swain, M. C. Umpire,
Ohmart M. C. Headlinesmen: Kerk,
M. C, Zink. M. C.
W. L. T. Pet.
Kansas Wesleyan 3 0 1 1000
Bethany 3 1 0 .750
Baker 2 1 1 .667
McPherson 2 2 0 .500
St. Mary's 1 2 2 .200
Ottawa 0 5 0 .000
Beat The Swedes
The big thing to keep in mind these days is that we play the Swedes on Thanksgiving Day and that we aim to
beat them this year and also that the
great day is but two days off, the game but about fifty hours away now. There is always a lot of speculating
done as to the probable outcome of
this annual fray and the unexpected or the impossible is just sure to hap-pen each year. At any rate the Bull-( dogs have their hardest game ahead pf them and they realize it too. It was a touching scene in the dining hall last Monday evening to watch the expressions change on the faces of the fellows at the football table who had played a Swede Game before and knew something of its signifi-cance. when the other students start-ed to sing our favorite "M. C. Will Shine To Night" with the "Swedes Will Weep" application.
The latest information on the pre-season basketball games is briefly this the University of Mexico will play here on January the ninth, Mc-Pherson willing: Gardner is trying
or is in the process of getting away-from-home games with the following: Baylor University at Waco, Texas; Rico Institute at Houston, Texas; ; Texas State Unversity at Austin and with Texas Christian College at Fort Worth. Among the teams mentioned are some of the strongest basketball squads in the Lone Star state as well as in the South. lt is planned that the
Bulldog cagers spend the early part
of the winter in the balmy southern climate in order to be in the best of shape for the stiff Kansas conference schedule that will be theirs in 1930.