McPherson college. McPherson, Kansas,
Assisted By High School Orchestra And A String Quartet—No
Admission Will Be
Fri., Nov. 15—The McPherson Col-ege chorus, under the direction of Mrs. Anna Tate, will present a sac-ted concert Sunday afternoon, De-cember 8th, at 3 p. m. in the City Auditorium. The chorus will be as-sisted by the high school orchestra which will play a few selections at the beginning of the program.
The chorus will sing two numbers "How Lovely Are the Messengers" from St. Paul by Mendelssolm and Fear Not O Israel" by Max Spieker. This will be followed by a short Christmas cantata "Childe Jesus" by J. W. Clolsey and H. J. Kirk. This is a collection of Christmas carols be-ginning with a Gregorian Melody of the 8th century and including Swedish, French, Tayoleab and Danish Christmas carols concluding with "Adeste Fideles".
The cantata will be accompanied by a string quartet played by Gladys Beyer, Max Conner, Iola De Vilbiss, Herbert Eby and Harriet Hopkins at the piano.
The soloists for the choruses and cantata will be Esther Dahlonger, Lloyd Diggs, Orvllle Voran, Eugenia Dawson, Helen Eberly, Irene Stein-bery, Blanche Harris and Margaret Okerlind.
The public is cordially invited: no admission will be charged.
Fri., Nov. 15—The Girls Glee Club made its first appearance in chapel this morning. The numbers sung were "Lift Thine Eyes" from Elijah, and "In The Time Of Roses". Future appearances are being planned for chapel entertainment Mrs. Anne Tate, voice instructor is the director of the club.
Miss A. Lapped addresser the student body this morning. She gave a number of pictures of her work as a Red Cross worker during the world war. The work of a Red Cross in peace times was pointed out.
Sun., Nov 17--"The League of Nations, the Kellogg Peace Pact, and the various other peace movements have accomplished practically nothing" asserted Leland Lindell, leader of the Christian Endeavor meeting this evening, "and all because they lack support and execution".
After the piano prelude played by Ruth Turner and a short period de-voted to group singing, Ross Curtis sang "The Mighty Deep". The leader then led devotions after which the topic "What has our government ac-complished toward World Peace"
was discussed.
Pointing out wherein the United States has contributed and wherein it has fallen short of contributing to World Peace, three phases of the question were considered. Guy Hayes discussed what the League of Nations has done and what it can do. Herbert Eby summarized the contents of the Kellogg Peace Pact and its signifi-cance, and Ward Williams in tracing the development of the peace move-ment pointed out the fact that there has been more progress recently to-ward the promotion of war than to-ward peace.
During the union evangelistic serv-ice down town the Christian Endeav-or meetings will convene at six fif- teen o'clock.
Thurs., Nov. 14—A very interest-ing program was given at the Chemistry Society meeting this afternoon consisting of discussions on recent happenings in the scientific world.
The program consisted of the following discussions:
Sweeter milk sugar made commer-cially—Fern Heckman.
T. R. Effects from germless cou-pounds—Esther Brown
Fatal gas used in few refrigerators--Ernest Rogalsky.
Ten mile vacuum beam for light check—Charles Austin.
Air in gasoline—Myrl Miller.
Burning of Al: Dust for intense flame—Posey Jamison.
Many new elements in sun—Grace Heckman.
Universe dying unless matter is created—Vernon Gustafson.
Preparation of para hydrogen--Daniel P. Johnson.
At the close of the meeting Dr. Hershey made a few remarks regard-ing the Chemistry Society party to be given on the evening of December 13. Dr. Hershey stated that all old members of the society were invited to the party and that any member would be privileged to bring their friend.
Miss Catharyn Mohler, A. B. '22, who is teaching in the Wellington High School, Wellington, Kansas, is sponsor for The Crimson Rambler, biweekly newspaper that in 1927 and 1928 won first place honors in the Kansas High School Newspaper con-test: All-American Honor Rating. 1927, C. L. P. A.; 1928, 1929, N. S. P. A.
Tues.. Nov. 12—"We are ships on the sea of life. It is well that we salute those we meet", stated Miss Delia Lehman this morning in open-ing the discussion of friendship.
Should friendship for the individ-uaI be a matter of giving or getting, of lifting or learning? We should chose friends from both classes for we must have a source of inspiration to supply our fountain of usefulness. Also the question, what is the real essence of friendship, came up? An affinity of souls, common interests, and sharing of joys and sorrows are among the most important sources of friendship. The test of friendship, both with God and man, is the spon-taneous desire to tell them of our joys and sorrows and to feel their approval or disapproval of our deeds.
Next week the study of internation-al relationships will be started. Eng-land will be the subject for the next meeting.
Dear Baby Yon know this last week has been too hectic for connected thought and my train of thought has been derailed so what else can I do but have a ses-sion with College Life and pass along some stuff that people are paid to turn out at so much per turn.
The absent minded Professor always has his funtimer and there is the one Professor Goof who tarred his wife and kissed the roof.
Thus the absent minded prof was fired because he reported a pretty girl's grade as U.S.A.
Incidentally neck and neck describes the progress of the human race.
Yes. it is sad Indeed. Girls aren't what they used to be since modesty bas shrunk until it barelu covers the essentials.
Names are funiny things--They call him Cliff, he's such a big bluff. There is a girl called Well Enough, they leave Well Enough alone.
They call her Banana Peel, she makes a fellow slip.
He: "If I am the first man you ever kissed why are you so good at it?
She: If I am the first girl you ever kissed, how do know I am?
Tact is a necessary thing and the wide-awake col-legian takes a Fiske tired along every time he calls on his sweetie to inform her mother that is time to retire.
Nothing is more humiliating than a last minute
All the eyes of a college are not on the dormitory breakfast menu.
Little things affect a co-ed most. Runners in five dollar silk hosiery, for instance.
With so many college men hopefully, or perhaps hopelessly trying to raise moustaches, many co-eds are feeling down at the mouth more frequently.
A girl's first kiss is sweet because it is imperfect. All things have their appeal when perfected and pro- duced on a mass basis.
The football players will now oblige with that rollicking campus ditty: "Our Coach has seen much Better Days: We'll Trade it for a Coupe ".
When a man is hungry he swallows his pride.
And there is the flustered young prof. in a girl's school who emphasising several points in handwriting made the remark, 'Dot your i's and cross your knees".
You don't have to live in a tree to be a sap.
The Glee Club will now join in that song hit en-titled, "I'm Glad I Made You Cry Little Girl Your Face Is Cleaner Now".
This I" Gilbert Myer's idea of an ideal Co-ed— There ain't no such menagerie".
Yours til the Personals stop getting mixed up with the Bulldogmas. — Sen-See.
Thursday, Nov. 21— Men's De- bate try out, 6:30.
Friday, Nov. 22 Frosh-Sopho football game, 2:30.
Tuesday, Nov. 26--Women's Debate Tryout. 6:30.
Fri., Nov. 15--The Men's Glee Club of McPherson college will enter the state state intercollegiate glee club contest to be held at Sterling College Jan- uary 31st.
here about the middle of January as-sisted by other musical organizations of the school.
Tues., Nov. 12--This would be a poor world in which to Iive were it not for the influence of Christianity.
Charles Austin attributes every good thing to Christ or the working of his principles. It is impossible to picture conditions if all Christian in-influnce were to be erased.
Paul Sherfy pointed out many mistake the church has made through-out history. But he asserted his be-lief that it has done much more good than harm as the agency for spreading Christian influence. It played a large part in the founding of our nation and of several of our large uni- versities.
Is Christianity the best religion? Leland Lindell spoke briefly of four religions -- Confucianism without prayer or belief in a future life. Bud-dism with its holiness through self-denial. Mohammedanism which link-ed attack and plunder with the pro-gress of religion, and Christianity with its fine moral concepts
Probably Christianity is synonu-mous with progress toward civilization.
"Getting out a college paper is no picnic. If we print jokes, students say we are silly. If we don't, they say we are too serious. If we publish original stuff they say we lack variety. If we clip from other papers they say we are too lazy to write. If we stay in the office we ought to be out hunting up news. If we hunt up news we are not tending to business. If we wear old cloths we're stingy. If we wear new ones they're not paid for. Like as not some will say we swiped this article from another newspaper. We did.
— ETC. —
Tues., Nov. 13 — Rumors have been about for the past several weeks to the effect that McPherson College was going to match her Bulldog bas-ketball team with the cagers of the University of Mexico at present nothing definitely has been done concerning the game except the
athletic board has placed the matter in the hands of Coach Gardner, who has been instructed to come to rea-sonable terms and if possible con-tract a game with the far Southerners.
A game here with Mexico should be a real attraction It would be a contest between two champions. The Mexican team happens to be nation-al champions in Mexico this year, coming from the university student body of ten thousand and having played in competition with thirteen other schools in our neighboring na-
tion. The strength of this team in comparison with that of American teams is unknown, but it has been suggested that the bulldogs might have to put up a real fight to defeat them. The game, if played at all, will likely take place immediately follow-ing the Christmas recess and will probably be the first appearance of the visitors in this part of the coun-try.
Tues., Nov. 12—Mrs. A. J. Voran, 200 Maxwell, delightfully entertain-ed a small group of young people this evening at a six o'clock dinner in honor of her son’s birthday, Mr. Or-ville "Casey" Voran. The evening’s entertainment consisted of Rook.
Besides the honored guest, those present were Ellen Steinberg, Irene Steinberg, Corinne Bowen, Verna Beaver, Posey Jamison, Ralph John son, and John Berkehile.
Wed., Nov 13—Prof. Maurice A. Hess, debate coach of McPherson Col-lege attended a conference of the debate coaches of Kansas and Miss-ouri held at Kansas City, Mo., Nov. 11, 12.
At this time there was also a meet-ing of all Kansas debate coaches as-sociation to draw up debate sched-ules. The varsity team will debate Sterling on Feb. 21, Bethany on March 7, and Kansas Wesleyan on March 21. Tentative dates have been made for the girls' team with Beth-any and Bethel.
The Old Line Oratorical Associa-tion state context will be held at Mc-Pherson about March 1. The subject for the extemporaneous speeches will be "The lntercollegiate Athletic Association.
Three Act Comedy “The Queen's Husband" To Be Presented First Of January
Mrs. Helen Gates, Head Of College Darmatics, Will Direct The Play
Thurs., Nov. 14 --After a great deal of difficulty in selections and tryouts the final cast of the Thespian Club play. "The Queen's Husband", by Robert Er???t Sherwood, a comedy in three acts, was made final today by the club and Mrs. Helen Gates, head of the college dramatic department and director of the Thespian play.
The production is to be presented some time before the end of the first semester although the exact date has not been definitely decided upon by the club. The following cast was made be selections and tryouts.
King Eric VIII Murlin Hoover Queen Martha Ruth Blickenstaff Princess Anne Beth Hess Frederick Grapton Leland Lindell General Northrup Hoyt Strickler Lord Birten John Berkebile Phipps Phillip Lauver Dr. Feliman Harold Crist Laker Orville Voran Prince William Edmar Kjera Major Blent Glen Harris Petley First Lady-in Waiting Mildred Doyle Second Lady-in-Waiting Bernice McClellan Soldier |
The play is to be presented in the Community Hall of the city.
The background of the play is a mythical and anonymous kingdom on an island in the North Sea and the
(Continued on Page Three)
Mon., Nov. 11 -- The most unique and unusuaI Forensic Club meeting of the year was given this evening in the auditorium. Ward Williams was in charge of the evening’s enter-tainment.
Four members of the club were given notice that they were to talk on any topic which they might choose, preferably something humor-ous. The first number on the program was a piano solo by Pauline Dell. The remainder of the evening was taken up by those who were assigned to speak on topics.
Lilburn Gottman chose as his topic "Dictionary Blues". Humorous talks were given by Myron Miller and Mil-ton Early. Mr. Miller's talk was quite unique in that he bought into his
speech a great many new jokes. Ray-
mond Peterson chose as his topic a humorous reading which, it is said was enjoyed by greatly by the club members.
Sat., Nov. 16--This evening the faculty was host to the McPherson college students at their respective homes. The students were assigned certain homes by a group working in cooperation with the sociaI commit-tee of the faculty. Leaders were ap-pointed to plan the entertainment for each group.
After nearly two hours of various kinds of social entertainment, the guests were served sandwiches, date stick and punch.
The faculty members in whose homes students were entertained in-cluded Dr. J. Willard Hershey, Coach George Gardner, President V. F. Schwalm, Dr. J. H. Harnly, Dean R. E. Mohler, Dr. J. J. Yoder, Prof. J. A. Blair, Prof. J. A. Bowmen, and Prof. J. H. Heckaum.
The Home of the Bulldogs
The School of
The Student Newspaper of McPherson College, published by the Student Council,
purposing to recount accurately past, present and future activities--to stimulate continually
future achievement--to uphold sane and constructive student opinion— to stimulate organi-zations for the betterment of the student body--to emphasize further campus improvements--
in athletics--to be a good sport--win or lose--to recognize all activities and organizations--and to live and cherish our code--The School of Quality.
Entered as second class matter November 20, 1917, at the postoffice at McPherson, Kansas under the set of March 3, 1907.
Superscription rates............................................................................ $1.50 per year.
Address all correspondence to THE SPECTATOR McPherson, Kansas.
EDITORIAL STAFF Editor-in-chief----Leland E. Lindell Associate editor ------ Mildred Swenson Associate Editor — donald L. Trostle |
BUSINESS STAFF Business Manager__ __ Ernest E. Watkins Ass't. Business Manager__Fred Andrews Circulation Manager . — Carrell D. Walker |
John Berkebile
Alberta Yoder
Faculty Adviser
Only nine more days till the big Thanksgiving game with the "Swedes" —can you tell it? It seems as though life is ebbing—our spirits have fallen. What is the matter with us?
Two years ago this fall we won only one football tilt. More "pep” and enthusiasm was manifested during one game of the 1927 season than has been during the present football invasions of this Fall. It is not the fault of the cheer leaders, for they, and no one else, have stressed every effort in their behalf to stimulate "pep’' in the student body—we might say, "coax” it from them. Two years ago we were compelled to guard our campus against the nightly invasions of the paint "slingers" from the north.
What was the situation last year? It was as the year before. Our spirit was alive—it was a living reaction. The "Swedes" came—we guarded against them—we visited their campus and returned their compliments. The "Swedes” were courageous enough to visit our campus in an aeroplane and attempted to litter our grounds with confetti and stickers—but failed. A week before the game a "Swede” effigy hanged from the northwest corner of Fahnestock Hall.
Those were the days that will linger longest in the minds of those who participated in the creation of reactionary spirited “pep".
Some students have suggested that we are not enjoying school this year as much as we have in former years. That on account of this we cannot let our spirit flow freely. ls this our fault—maybe it is—maybe it is not.
In the November 15th issue of "The Wesleyan Advance” we read that the Bethany ”Swedes” invaded the Salina Campus with paint pots. The Coyotes guarded their campus day and night and free hamburgers and coffee were given to those guarding. Donations from the business men of Salina made the free eats possible.
Do the "Swedes' have any "pep"? Did they not invade the Salina campus a week ago? Did not those who made trips to Lindsborg last Fall receive a hearty reception? It is up to us—what are we going to do about it?
We read in our exchange papers that the Ohio State University is wondering how they can save their dying school spirit. Their student sen-ate has started an investigation. A revival of some of the old freshman traditions has been suggested as a bolster. Are we, McPherson College, going to let our spirit die? It is apparent that we are afraid to yell . . . afraid to hang dummys . . . afraid !
We are not advocating guarding the campus—nor are we disapproving it. If there is some other way to create this spirit let us make it known. We have not forgotten that last year a truce was made between Bethany and McPherson (a truce has been made a number of times). If it is not ''campus guarding” what is It? I'll bite—you suggest one.
Good Manners— well-bred behavior, based on the kindness of heart and courtesy of mind in which they originate—are fundamental to civilised life. Etiquette—the great body of rules to which good society conforms— is the correct expression of good manners. Culture—In the social sense— may be defined as the higher polish of mind and conduct which results when good manners In every detail have become second nature.
Some students of our institution have never attended a formal dinner. We do not mean to state that their manners are not what they should be but we do say with deep concern that they could be greatly Improved. Formality is not a degrading feature of one's life. Occasions may arise, and will arise whereby one Is compelled or privileged to attend a formal gathering. Are you going to be embarrassed? What excuses are you going to make for yourself—your social training?
The purpose of McPherson College Is: "The College considers education a development of the whole being—body, mind, and spirit. . . .High Ideals of character are constantly held forth for true education includes both the acquisition of power and the direction of their power to worthy ends. Training for honorable service for humanity and for appreciation of the best things life affords, are Ideals distinctly taught”.
McPherson College intends to produce a well rounded life. Her task Is hard, her failures few, and her successes many. "And for appreciation of the best things life affords, are ideals distinctly taught",—the better things of life—our behavior while In the group.
If we are ever to receive any training in etiquette and good manners where will we receive it If it is not here? Yes! Some have attained such things as a result of their home environment, others have not. A formal dinner once In a while in the dormitory could result in a more distinctive appreciation "of the best things life affords", the cultured things of our life we hare yet to live.
It is true that a formal dinner would mean a little more toil on the part of those who would prepare it. But their labors would be rewarded ten-fold, results would be accomplished—an attainment reached. It would be an act for the betterment of society.
Good manners are for those who use them and those who do not, have need to worry over the embarrassments in their future. They will regret it many folds If they let this splendid opportunity slip by and go in their self-styled manner. Life is worth more than the common-every-day hap-penings. Standards of group associations have come about as a result of the Great Society in which we live.
"High ideals of character are constantly held forth ... ".
when Mary Steps On It A long-legged sheep in the* Hima
layas is able to run forty miles an hour. That’s the kind of little lamb to follow Mary nowadays.
Near The Dangerous Age
"Dear Lord", prayed the young lady, "I don't ask anything for myself but please give mother a son-in-law".
Maybe Two
Prof. Boone says that two old evening gowns sewed together make an excellent pen-wiper.
Prof. Harnly: "What do elephants have that no other animals have”?
John Bowers: "Little elephants".
Any one ought to be boiled In oil that would borrow a Yo-Yo and not, wind it up when he returned It.
When the college gets all those thousand and tens of thousands of dollars the dormitory will serve a
MENUE Hors D'-Oeuvres
Canapes or cocktails with plain sand-wiches or wafers Soup
Celery, radishes and olives after the soup
Steamed, fried or baked fish, demand a piquant one
Patties with or without rolls Salad
Fruit salads served with thin, unsugared crackers
Frappes with small cakes or wafers
Served with cigarettes and liqueurs.
Harry Hinson -Nov. 23 Ralph Johnston Nov. 25 Melvin R. Landes___Nov. 25 "Jack" Lehman Nov. 19 |
In a recent letter from Prof. H. H. Nininger from Mexico City, dated Nov. 3, to Dr. V. F. Schwalm, the following extracts are taken:
"We are safely landed In the cap-itol of Mexico. Our journey—tho dif-flcult—was very interesting and fruitful In Information, pictures and numerous biological specimens.
"Now I have seen an number of officials, and have been officially invited to make a complete study of all Mexican meteorites—especially those In the collections here In the School of Mines, the National Museum and in the Institute Geologica, to the staff of which I have been admitted as a guest member. Have received very courteous treatment indeed.
"The collection of meteorites here Is not so large In numbers as I had anticipated; but Is much finer than I had thot. In quality of specimens it stands without peer in either conti-nent—unquestlonably.
"The scientists, I have only met In most cases, but two whom I have learned to know fairly well are very high grade scholars. The one with whom I work is a young German—a paleontologist, who speaks seven lan-guages and is a real scientist' and a gentleman. Buildings and equipment are meager for a National Institution, excepting the department ??-which is good. I am wading through a lot of documents in Spanish and French which requires labor.
"We shall probably be in and out of this city for a month o rmore. We may Include a trip to Yucatan Peni-sula where collecting Is said to be very good.
"It is strongly probable that we shall have to dispose of the car and make our return Journey up the west coast by train. There are said to be no roads to West Coast. This is much to our regret; but we shall make several stops along the way anad do the best we can. It Is safer than by car".
Professor Nininger closed his letter by adding: "We trust M. C. is having a good year, and Best Wishes. Greatings to the Student Body”!
To study, or not to study—
That's the question:
Whether It's nobler for a man to
His chemistry exams for the whole semester,
Or take arms against his zero.
And by studying end them- To work:
to study
Nothing more; and by a little work
we shall end
The heart-ache and discouragement which we all have when
Our low grades appear. To work: to study:
To study; perchance to pass—ay.
For In that study, temptations of quitting may come.
Out friends may want us to go to shows to parties, and what-not.
But no, we can't. why not? Because
we must study to reap all A’s.
—The Reflector. Indiana Central College.
Beth Hess and Beth Heaston spent the week-end in Lawrence.
Mary Weddle and Paul Sherfy vis»-Ited friends and relatives near Bloom, Kansas Saturday and Sunday.
Warren Sisler, one of last year's graduates, now of Emmett, Idaho, attended the game here Friday.
Hoyt Strickler spent the week-end in Kansas City.
Pearl Holderread visited with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Philippi of Plevna, Kansas saturday and Sunday.
Lois Dell and Iva Crumpacker of Windom visited on the hill this weekend.
Ernest Toland of Durham was a campus visitor Sunday.
Blanche Holgerson spent the week-end at her home in Windom.
Kansas Wesleyan has just become the recipient of a substantial gift from Walter P. Chrysler, head of the Chrysler Motor Corporation and also a member of the board of trustees of the University. This gift of $10.000 came In answer to the problem of the need of money which was presented to Mr. Chrysler by President Bowers. Mr. Chrysler prefers to build char-acter in men and women for his monument rather than to spend his money for tablets of stone.
How to save their dying school spirit is worrying the Ohio State University. The student senate has started an Investigation among students, faculty members, and alumni to determine Just what is necessary to keep the school spirit alive. A reviv-al of some of the old freshmen traditions has been suggested as a bolster.
The University of Kansas and tho Kansas Aggies have made a peace pact concerning campus invasions before their annual football battles. The peace pact was drawn up by the representatives of the student governing bodies from the two schools.
MId-semester grades will be issued at the University of Kansas to freshmen and sophomores. Junior and sen
ior grades are not asked for unless the student is not doing satisfactory work.
Wray Whiteneck finds that Leon-ard Walker has need for a hair dress-ing parlor In connection with his photo studio.
Fish was served at the dining hall Friday. We knew something would come from this wet weather.
November the eleventh meant a real Armistice for John Miller and George Shank.
The women of 17th century Eng-land were artfully artless. And, they’re artfully ‘eartless the world over.
We kinda Spec. the ditch being built around Harnly Hall Is a moat to fortify the science and art profes-sors against the riots of the students when they receive their grades.
Prof. Blair says that there are three types of liars—first, the common liar; second, the D-A-M liar, and third, statistics.
Miss Mayme King, A. B. '22. is taking graduate work in the School of Speech of Northwestern university, Evanston, Illinois.
Miss Marietta Byerly, A. B. '22, who taught home economics in our college the past two years, Is this year devoting her time to the study of dietetics at Cook County Hospital, Chicago. The course provides for work In the diet kitchen, social service work in homes of patients, and work In private hospitals In the city.
Peter W. Classen, N. '09 Is devot-ing part of his sabbatical year from his duties at Cornell University where he holds a full professorship In entomology to some special work at Ohio Slate University.
Miss Aileen Ostlind has accepted a stenographic position In the C. R. Anthony Store, .Salina, Kansas.
Miss Carrie Mugler, who has been teaching In the high school at Alamogordo. New Mexico, Is visiting her parents. Miss Mugler will sail soon for Barcelona, Spain, where she will be employed as a private tutor In the home of an American representative
EIGHT YEARS AGO THIS WEEK It was announced that McPherson
College would stage a big Homecom-ing November 24.
(Exchange Service) Winfield, Kan.—"Quoins and Turtles”, recently organised journalism society at Southwestern College, was established to foster Interest in journalism among the students of the college. Membership Is based upon Interest In Journalism, and only those students who have attained the second semester of their sophomore year, completed at least one semester of Journalism, with an average grade of C are eligible for membership.
Only five weeks until Christmas. Order your Christmas cards now. See Ernest B. Watkins.
The Spectator
Do You Know What Your Napkin Is For; Do You Know What To Eat With Your Fingers? Do You Know How To Cool Your Coffee?
Since ettiquette is, in the sight of the uninformed, that mode of con-ducting oneself In society to be most uncomfortable, a few rules conductive to attaining that end are here set forth.
Upon accepting a dinner Invitation, be sure to arrive early. This will save the host's anxiety that you are unable to come. If it is impossible to come at least fifteen minutes before the appointed time, breeze in late. It will create a sensation.
Be the first to enter the dining room so as to avoid the embarrass-ment of being without a place at the table (In case of an oversight on the part of the hostess ), seat yourself immediately, and start the conversation because In the flurry of seating her guests the hostess may be at a loss as to what to talk about.
Make yourself as comfortable as the circumstances will permit: If the back of the chair is too straight, tilt
forward and rest your elbows on the table.
Shake your napkin out and tuck it under your chin. Napkins were Invented for the purpose of protecting one's clothes.
If you are unfortunate enough to drop or spill something, do not apologise. If the hostess sees fit she will.
Consume your food as rapidly as possible so as to avoid the embarrassment of being the last one through. It |s better to finish first and entertain the rest of the party with original antics and clever Jokes while they are completing the process. This will also tend to distract the attention from the general noise of eating.
In order to dispatch soup with speed and alacrity, break bits of cracker Into It. If It is especially good and you have difficulty in getting the last drop, tip the bowl.
Be sure to leave your plate clean. A small piece of bread very effectively takes the place of a mop and has the advantage of being edible.
When eating the bread spread a whole slice at a time and partake thereof. Breaking bread into bits makes unsightly crumbs.
Hot coffee may be cooled by blowing on it or by pouring it Into the saucer.
Graceful hands add much to one's bearing. In drinking coffee or tea firmly grasp the handle of the cup but leave the little finger disengaged and curve it at a becoming angle. In passing food, drape your fingers gracefully over the edge of the dish. Should they encounter the contents, lick them off (your fingers) as quietly as possible, or wipe them on the edge of the table cloth.
If (he others at the table seem dull, carry on a conversation with the waitress. She will appreciate being notIced.
When you are through eating, carefully lay the silverware as you first found It (unless, of course, you take a piece as a souvenir). Then shake the crumbs of the napkin and fold it with meticulous care. This will indi-cate tidiness on your part.
Besides being useful Implements to eat with, the knife and fork are very convenient to use In emphasizing a point in an argument. The art of ges-iculating gracefully with the silverware Is one which everyone should know and practice.
Never eat crackers, pickles, olives, celery, radishes, fruit, salted nuts, or cheese with the fingers. It shows lack of breeding.
After having ecquainted himself with the above fundamentals no one should feel at ease In company, and he can therefore feel assured that his knowledge of etiquette is complete.—Meandering Suzanne.
SEVEN YEARS AGO THIS WEEK McPherson's second big Homecom
ing was held this week, the main feature of which was the dedication of Harnly Hall.
FOUR YEARS AGO THIS WEEK President D. W. Kurtz gave a num-
her of addresses In Michigan. Minnesota and Iowa this week.
"The Cotter’s Saturday Night" was
presented this week as a number of the lyceum.
Bell Telephone company laboratories found out why practically every college yell has “Rah. Rah. Rah”, in it.
Men ordinarily speak this sound louder than they do any other vowel sound. If the value of 50 he assigned to the amount of energy delivered by a man's voice to the air for this particular sound, then its nearest rival, the sound "a" as in “lap" comes
next at 44, and as in "talk" at 37.
Women’s voices present quite a contrast to men's voices in that there are four vowel sounds of practically the same loudness. These are the vowels in ' tone ', "talk”, and “rah’’. “Ah’ i.s the easiest sound to produce because fewer throat and mouth mus-cles are tensed, hence it is the basic vowel sound in most languages.
Mr. Paul Lentz. '26, chemist major under Dr. Hershey, and editor of the Spectator, has recently accepted the position as assistant chief chemist for the Oil Refining company of New Oak, Ohio.
The freshmen men have accepted the challenge given by the sophomore men to a football game to be played between the two classes Friday aft-ernoon. No man is eligible to play who Is going out for football. Both classes are now practicing for the Friday fray.
If you have a tale to tell.
Boil it down
Write it out and write it well.
Being careful how you spell.
Send the kernel, keep the shell.
Boil if down, Boil it down!
If yon want the world to know,
Boil it down!
If you have good cause to crow;
If you'd tell how churches grow. Whence you come or where you go.
Boil it down! Boil it down!
Then, when all the job Is done,
Boil It down!
If you want to share our fun.
Know just how our paper's run,
Day by day, from sun to sun.
boil It down! Boil it down!
When there’s not a word to spare Boil it down! Boil it down!
Heave a sigh and lift a prayer.
Stamp your foot and tear your hair. Then begin again with care—
Boil it down! Boil It down!
When, all done, you send it In. We'll boil it down.
Where you end, there we begin; This is our besetting sin;
With a scowl or with a grin,
We'll boil it down; boil it down.
THESPIANS WORK O NPLAY (Continued from Page One)
characters are typical of those one meets in every day life. The scene of the play is the King's private office on the second floor of the palace. The costumes and settings are modern and dignified as would suit a palatial mansion.
A very elaborate array of scenery and costumes are being planned and
constructed for the Thespian production. A number of students outside
the club who are interested in costuming, making or painting scenery or making lighting or noise effects
have been enlisted to help in making this play a production which will be well worthwhile.
linesman, Poort. Washburn. Score by quarters:
McPherson ......0 6 0 7 13 Sterling 7 0 7 0 14 |
McPherson 13 sterling 14
McPherson. Kan.. Nov 15—The Sterling College football team eked out with the long end of a 14-13 score in their game with the Bull-dogs here this afternoon; play on the white snow blanketed field at the McPherson Country Club grounds. The Bulldogs lost in the score due to the failure of Miller's toe to make a good place kick following their first touchdown. McPherson outplaye the visitors in every department of the game, but seemingly were unable to score except on some sort of a break. It was the best game seen here this season. It was played largely on the center of the field and was mingled with a lot of sensational plays that continually thrilled the crowd. Non-ken reeled off lung runa almost every time he carried the ball. At one time he returned a punt forty-three yards and at another time near the end of the game he raced eighty-two yards with the ball for a touchdown. Miller, playing quarter for the Bulldogs, did a fine job of directing the play and he made large goins of his own often ten to fifteen yards and his work on the serial attack of the unbeatable type. Clay, Sterling quarterback played an outstanding game for the visitors and was a constant terror to the Bulldog linesmen. His end runs and line plunging added substantial-ly to Sterling’s total yardage.
Visitors Outplayed Throughout game But Fail To Score
W L T Pct Kansas Wesleyan_3 0 1 1000 Bethany 3 1 0 .750 Baker __2 1 1 667 McPherson _2 2__ 0 .500 St. Mary"s 0 2 1 .000 Ottawa 0 4 0 .000 |
Ottawa still holds the undisputed possession of the cellar position with four losses and no gains. This week it was Kansas Wesleyan's fault 26-19. The three uppermost schools in the conference have almost even chances at the title this year, it seems this week.
If George Gardner is sucessful In lining up a basketball game with the University of Mexico, McPherson, the "basketball city of America" and seat of McPherson College should make a strong bid for basketball fans some evening early In January. These Kansas conference champioms of the past two years have been practicing for nearly a month now and after the season opens they will attract a huge crowd every time they play. It might even be possible to sell tickets and have an audience during practice per-iods this winter. At any rate prepar-ations are being quietly made to have the conference title locate here again in 1930.
The Bulldogs played the first quar-ter without the services of their cap-tain, Ray Nonken. It was during the second period that Nonken went in but he was unable to show up very well against the strong Sterling defensive which was at once centered on him. In the last half Nonken show-ed up well and in the final period near the end of the game he thrilled the spectators when he got away on an end run from his own eighteen yard line and raced unaided on a broken field for a touchdown. The Bulldog serial attack worked almost perfectly in Spite of the fact that the ball was wet and the players' hands were cold. Nonken gave the oval an aeroplane ride to Hochstrasser over the goal line in the second quarter, but a Barrelmaker Interfered with the receiver and the team was penalized. McPherson getting the ball on Sterling's 1-yard line. A couple line plunges by the Line Breaking Barn-grover put the ball over for the Bull-
Kansas Wesleyan defeated Ottawa last Friday, 26 to 19. It looks like Ottawa almost spilled the dope for the Coyotes. But dope was actually upset Saturday afternoon when St. Mary's tied the strong Baker aggra-gation. The Knights do have their day. The score was 0 to 0.
Nine more days, 221 hours, and our 1929 football season will be over and the Swedes will be weeping over victories not theirs.
It took Nonken's feature run to put pep into the student body at the Sterling game. In fact the pep wsa apparently dead around here since Baker beat us. It is almost asking too much of our players to ask them to pull some "Hair raising" stunt on the field in order to arouse a little pep in the cheering section. It might be well to suggest that we start some pep around here right away if we want to have enough enthusiasm to BEAT THE SWEDES.
The Line up: McPherson Position Sterling Hochstrasser LE Stinson Lengel LT Kloxin Windmill LG Harrington Bowers C Lindsay King RG Best Wine RT Richards Sargent RE Lintecum Miller QB Clay Anderson LH Carder Swain RH Turner L. Barngrover FB Moram |
Substitutions-- McPherson: Non-ken for Anderson. Tice for Wine. Keck for King. Bigham for Barngrov-er, Ohmart for Sargent. W. White-neck for Keck, F. Barngrover for Swain. Bowman for Tice, W. White-neck for Bowman. Bowman for Tice, and Andersen for F. Barngrover. Sterling; < ?> for Harrington. Crow-Iey for Best.
Summary-- First Downs earned from Scrimmage: MCPherson 12, Sterling 11. Yards gained in scrlm-mage McPherson 298; Sterling 245. Forward Passes McPherson attempted 11, completed 3 for 16 yards; Sterling attempted 2, complet-ed 1 for 12 yards. Intercepted 3 for 4 yards. Punts McPherson 6 for 217 yards, averaging 36.1 yards, Sterling ? for 243 yards, averaging 34.5 yards. Fumbles: McPherson 2, recovered 3; Sterling 2. recovered 1. Yards lost In scrimmage:. McPherson 21, Sterling 6 Penalities: McPherson 2 for 10 yards, Sterling 2 for 17 yards
Officials: Referee Ream, Wash-burn. Umpire, Thomas. K. U.; Mead