The Spectator


McPherson college, mcPHERSON, Kansas, Tuesday, sept. 17, 1929


enrollment will be gradually increased

Number Of Students Is Less Because of Crop Conditions


Juniors Are Hard Hit With Of Students

Sept. 13—Gradually Increasing with the arrival of late students, the enrollment here today reached two hundred forty-five. Of these ninety-nearly forty' percent, are fresh-

Because of poor crop conditions

amounting to complete failure in some sections of the country the number of students is less than usual. In view of this economic fact, how-ever,

the general outlook is good ac-cording to J. H. Fries, business man-ager.

Of those already registered one

hundred twenty are girls and the re-maining one hundred twenty-five

belong to the more stalwart sex. Sixty-five or more than two thirds

of, the freshman personnel is mascu-


Ranking second in size, the sopho-more class boasts an enrollment of sixty-five. Twenty-six students are of third year ranking, and the seniors number fifty.

"I'm sure I don't know how we will finance the junior-senior banquet next spring". Eugenta Dawson, Junior president remarked.

And a senior observed, "Toothpicks and water will probably consti-

tute the menu",

However, there are hopes of this class as well as the others increasing in numbers as the lute students ar-

rive and new ones enter at the beginning of the second semester. Although the enrollment closed of-

ficially Wednesday morning, Prof. Fries stated today that a number of

new students entered school today and that more are expected.



Administration Bulldog Has Been Improved To A Great Extent

During the summer vacation the college management made a number of improvements that have enhanced the beauty of our campus and build-


New sidewalks have replaced the old ones from the "Ad" building to the college entrance and the sp-

proaches to the "Ad" building have been repaired and rebuilt

One of the large rooms on the main floor of the "Ad" building has been divided into two smaller rooms. one for a class room and the other be office of the Dean. The halls

in this same building have been re-

decorated and bulletin boards chang-


Both the women's and boy's dorm-itaries have been improved in ap-pearance with paint on the interior. Natural gas has replaced coal in the heating plant,



Sept, 13—The annual watermelon feed, sponsored by the Y. W. C. A. and Y M. C. A. was held on the cam-pus this evening south of the "Ad" building. An evening of physical rec-reation and readings. songs and plenty of watermelon was enjoyed by the student body.

Coach George Gardner and "Jack" Lehman were in charge of a series of group games The program consisted of the following: reading, Lucille Crabb; vocal solo. Melvin Landes

pipe organ solo. Lawrence Turner, reading, Harold Crist French harp solo Homer McAvoy. melo-drama. by a group of students.


Is Serving in Place of Hoover, who Failed to Return to School

"Casey" Voran has been appointed by Guy Hayes, cheer leader, to act as one of the Bulldog cheer leaders for the ensuing school year. Voran la filling the vacancy left by Jeanette Hoover, who was elected to the post last year.

The student council gave Hayes

the privilege in choose an assistant, leader. However Voran will act as one of the regular leaders rather than an assistant, Should Jeanette Hoover re-enter school for the last

semester she will retain her original position on the Bulldog ‘pep' staff.

McPherson college STUDENTS AT ESTES

Thirteen Attend Student Sum-mer Conference In June


Life At Its Best And Ways Of Discovering God Were  Discussed

A group of thirteen enthusiastic McPherson College students trekked In Warren Sister's. '29. "prairie schooner" Chevrolet in Estes Park. Colorado to the Student Summer Conference held in the Association Camp at that place. June 7-17. The group was part of 4GO delegates com-

ming from the colleges and universi-ties of Colorado. Wyoming. Utah. Ne-braska, Kansas and New Mexico.

The conference this year was a

great exploration Into Life. Life at its best and ways of discovering God were discussed from the platform

and in the many quest groups. Many fine experiences came from morning

worship services led by Dr. W. O. Mendenhall of Friends University. Dr. Bruce Curry discussed the ap-proach to God through the light of modern psychology. Powers Hap-good of Indianapolis described con-

ditions and attitudes as be found them as a laborer in the European coal mines. The conference was made to see the possibility of international mindedness by the splendid fellow ship of Dr. T. Z. Koo and his family of China. Mile Kirkova, of Bulgaria. and the many Negro and foreign stu-dents that were present. The foreign policy of the United States was dis-cussed by Dr. Curry, Dr. Koo. Mr. Hapgood. and Col. Dickerson of Col-

orado Teachers College.

Other things that were discussed were problems of human existence such as religious belief, prayer, or-ganized religion, social relations, in-dustrial relations, international questions and rare relationships. O-ther outstanding leaders and speak-

(Continues on Page Three.

The Spectator is a unique college

paper. It plunges Into the unknown depths and brings forth pearls of wisdom which are cast before the collegiate mind for consumption. (No. allusion is made to swine. however,

The "Spec" is embarking upon the uncertain seas of the year 1929-30 under a strange, fearful, wonderful, yet prophetic omen, it cannot be a coincidence; therefore the Seven Sis-ters of Fate must have their inning somewhere. The “Spec" must be guided by The eighth star of the Zo-diac which rules all great and poten-tial wonders of this universe.

However, the populace of M. C. will not be compelled to remain in ignorance long concerning the history of this document which was names, and appropriately so, for the learned authors Addison and Steele who, hav-ing been bitten by the bug of journal ism, produced a group of papers call-ed the "Spectator"


To you—the "groom tops", the “freshies" who are begin-

to grasp a new tank,

we extend our greetings:

We say this with a sense of pity not that we have any hard feelings, but that we have also

experienced the adventure which you are reading. Our pity is based on experience - we were the root of the pranks the subjects of the sarcastic col-

nmist, the delight of others the embarrassment of ourselves —but we have lived and now we cherish the belief that freschman are"great" only


Freshman- you are entering a new world of life. It is a part of your life. You have heard of the typical college

type—the campus eik - but you will find that being in the minority. Some of you have come with the ideas that you are going to be "it" because you were a leader of your kind in high school. We once had a chapel speaker that told us that while we were in high school our record was a live

"lion” - after we gave our "lion" does not come with us In the so-called "high-hatted" manner. Leave your dead "li ons" behind, for here you be-come associated with the val-edictorians and the salutator-ians and all the other fellas the titles that go with high school life.

(Continued on Page Three)

Y. W. Cabinet Retreat

Sept 13- Purposting is set definite goals and make plans to the work of the

Young Women Christian Asso-ciation for the coming year. the cabi-

net members and their advisors held

their annual “retreat" last evening at the sand pits south of town.

Arriving at the place shortly after four o'clock the members of the group built a camp fire and indulged in a weinie roast.

As the fire smouldered they seated themselves about the glowing coals and discussed the vital problems con-

fronting the organization.

Practical aims were suggested, goals determined, programs discus

sed. and finance considered. After sketching the basic culture of the year's work the group adjourned at

a late hour after singing "Day is

Dying in the West"


Y. W. Vespers Services- Thurs-

day. September 19

"Dad" Elliot Friday. Septem-


Y. W. Bonfire - Monday. Sep-tember 22.

No. 13

Ah! The secret is about to be di-vulged!! The venerable "Spec" is in Its thirteenth year of existence! This is the thirteenth volume! It has thirteen columns! There are thirteen on it's staff! Last and most import-ant—the birthday of the very capa-ble editor-in-chief is on the thir-teenth!!! (He is the seventh son of a seventh father and great are his Powers thereof)!

The "number thirteen" has an overwhelming significance and it is the watch word of the "Spec" man-agment this year.

The editor has to tell his staff thirteen times what to do and how.

Thirteen times a day the business manager trips down to the city and waits thirteen minutes until the man-ager of a store can be persuaded by the effect of thirteen tears which

trickle down the nose to take an ad of thirteen inches. The proof reader reads all copy thirteen times pro-



Sept. 11- School opened this morning with a chapel address by

Pres. V. F. Schwalm.

“College", he said "Has cultural and practical curricula, neither of which should be neglected". Students were advised to take precaution against "Officates" Especially freshman urged to be careful of their choices for "We are classified by our choices; we will be known by our re-sponse in our environment".

Devotions were led by Dr. J. J. Yoder, now treasurer of the college. Mrs. Anne Tate sang, "A Birthday" Miss Shelley, new Instructor In the

violin department, played "An Old Refrain". Both numbers were greatly appreciated.



The New Members Enhance Quality Of Faculty


Prof. Petry Made Highest Scholastic

Record at Manchester

During the summer vacation five new members have been added to the faculty to fill vacancies by the resig-nations of former members. The new instructors will teach in the his-tory, commercial, home economics, violin and dramatic departments. Prof. Roy C. Potry will teach in the history department while Prof. J. D. Bright continues his studies at the University of Wisconsin. Since being graduated from Manchester College Mr. Petry has spent the past three years in the University of Chi-cago. Prof. Petry made the best

acoustic record ever made at Man-chester College and he is making mar-velous records at the University of Chicago where he has won a fellow-ship in the Church History depart-ment. Prof Petry is a former stu-dent of Pres. Schwalm and he comes to us with splendid recommendations as to ability and character.

The position in the commercial de-partement left vacant by Miss Lamb will be filled by Prof. Earl R. Boh-ling, A. B. B. M. Prof. Bohling, after being graduated from Kansas Wes-leyon University with the honor fel-lowship, attended the University of Kansas. Here he won recognition by and exceptionally strong student. He come to McPherson College with high recommendations from both Kansas Wesleyan University and the University of Kansas.

The Home Economics Department will be under the direction of Miss Mildred Thurow of Stocksville, Kan-

sas. Miss Tharow comes to us as a graduate of Kansas State Agricultur-al College at Manhattan where she recieved both her R. S. and M. S. de-

( Continued on Page Four)

vent common errors: of the English

language she spoke" (and wrote from protruding.

Seriously, however. the sign thir-teen is lucky to those who do not mistreat it or give weinies without

being cooked. It is as temperamental

an the young co-ed who is hesitating between taking a date with a senior or with a freshman. It Is not to be trifled with any more than with dy-


All the staff should take thirteen swallows of water before retiring; thirteen exercises in the morning

spweak to thirteen people before breakfast study thirteen minutes a day- all this to preserve and incal-rate the principle of the lucky sign of thirteen

1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 -

8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13..

P. S - Thls Is a legitimate situa-

tion. No spooks need apply. All posi-tions are filled.


Speaks Before International Convention At Minneapolis


Gains Nation Wide Attention From His Experiments

Minneaspolis. Minn, Sept, 12- The largest synthetic diamonds in the

world and the only ones made in the United States were made in the lab-rotories of McPherson College by Dr. J. W. Hershey according to in-formation received from Washington D. C. last week.

In the last six months Dr. Hersh-ey's experiments have been attract-ing the attention of the leading chemists of the country. This morn-ning he appeared before the National Chemistry Society at Minneapolis, giving an illustrated lecture explain-ing his experiments. He used slides and a film showing the entire pro-cess of making synthetic diamonds.

Of countless attempts to make

synthetics diamonds, only two per-sons have suceeded. Of those in the United States only Dr. Hershey has been successful. In 1924-25 two stu-dents, at Marathon High and Glade Fisher, assisted Dr. Hershey in this long experiment. After dissolving o-ther materials used in the making, the largest synthetic diamond ever made was found the following year by Loren Beekwith, another student

The diamond is slightly smaller than a pin-head but is four times as large as any other synthetic dia-

mond in the world.

Inquires have been received by Dr. Hershey from jewelry firms but tas yet no diamonds have been pro-duced of sufficient size to be of com-mercial value.



Will Be Here Only One Day-Friday, Sept. 20.

"Dad" Elliot will be In McPherson Friday for a visit to the local Young Men’s Christian Association. The

McPherson Association is very fortu-

nate In getting "'Dad" this day. He is coming to Kansas for the Fall Of-

ficers Retreat at Topeka September 21 and 22 and since he is coming a

day earlier he has consented to visit one local college. "Dad" will speak In chapel Friday to the entire stu-

dent body at the regular morning pe-riod. The remainder of the time will be taken up with personal interviews and a conference with the Cabinets of

the Christian Association.

"Dad" Elliot is well known for his address on campus problems and students, who were in school two years ago when "Dad" gave us three

days of his time. we'll remember how he struck deep chords into our cam-pus life. Those who have heard him

once are eager to listen to him a-




The Work Of The Y. M. C. A. Is Explained to the Freshman

Sept.. 11. The Y. M. C. A. cabinet sponsored a hike and picnic for the freshman men at Anderson's Grove this evening. After a period of games a program and a light lunch was enjoyed.

The following program preceded the lunch: Vocal solo. Melvin Landes, freshman: reading, Paul Shorfy, freshman; reading Jay Hertzler, freshman: talk, Glenn Harris, "If I

were a freshman again": talk, John Lehman. "What shall I Stand For": talk. Emery Metager, president of the Y. M. "Work of our college Y. M. C. A. ” The response from the freshman class was given by Pres-ident Blanch Harris.

The spectator

The Home of the


The School of Quality

The Student Newspaper of McPherson College, published by the Student Council-

purposing to recount accuarely past, present and future activities- to stimulate continual

future achievments -to uphold sane and constructive student opinion- to stimulate origan-zations for the betterment of the student body-

In athletics- to be a good sport- win or lose-- to recognise all avtivities and oragnizations and to live and cherish our one code- "The School of Quality"

Entered as second class matter November 20, 1917, at the postoffice at McPherson.

Kansas, under the act of March 3, 1817.

thing. If you ever heard some one sayin' "supposin" this, supposin' that, supposin' several other things", that’s Prof. Bowman talkin in that rich language called Algebra. Or if ya hear some body sayin' "That's right Miss So-and-so", or "'That's

right Mr. Somebody else" he ain't know body but Prof. Hershey telling some kid very politely that he or she might not flunk in Chemistry. Well the editor just said that if I didn't get this in pretty soon he would wring my!? @$ neck. So I am yours tilt Dr. Schwalm's YoYo string breaks.

Your little


"Ad” building it was requested that only one Spectator go to each stu-dent. He thought that only one could view it at once.

He was cold and shivering.

But was shaking not from fright; He had shaved In cold water. Now look—-what a sight.

Miss Lehman says that a budget is something like a time schedule. It's nice to know what time the train is supposed to arrive even If

It doesn't.

There isn't such a coarse as

“snap" course, but we agree that some of them keep up "snapping".

And to our great disappointment when we returned—we found that there was no "tanglefoot".


Dr. G. R. Dean of the city present-

ed the college a showcase during the summer months that will be used as

a display case in the museum

gift of tills kind is appreciated very much.


$1. 50 Per year.

Address all correspondence to



Editor-in-chief    Leland E. Lindell

Associate Editor   Mildred Swenson

Associate Editor   Donald L. Trostle 


Business Manager

Ass't Business Manager

Circulation Manager

Ernest E Watkins

Fred Andrews Carroll D. Walker


Ethel Sherfy    John Berkebile Beth Hess Bernice McClellan    Emery Metager

Chester Carter Atollia Anderson Gert Myers Merlin Hoover Alberta Yoder

Faculty Advisor. .....

Prof. Maurice A. Hess


Tbe throb of presses is the pulse-beat of a college, Strong college newspapers, like worthy active students, are vital to the strength and growth of our national collegiate life. They speak to the students and friends with the Voice of the institution—they guard the liberties we cherish—they serve us all!

In formulating and constructing a policy the SPECTATOR has endeavored to present Itself as the pulse-beat of McPherson Collage. In presenting our policy we sincerely state that accomplishing and abiding by its principles will be our one great aim.

1. ACCURACY FIRST. The truth and nothing but the truth, interest-ingly presented, makes the best presentation. We will bear In mind that every mistake we make will hurt somebody. Accuracy In our typograph-ical style, grammar and make-up will come first of all.

2. TO STIMULATE CONTINUALLY FUTURE ACHIEVEMENT. To the future activities and accomplishments we stress our hope.

3.    TO LIVE AND CHERISH OUR ONE CODE—"THE SCHOOL OF QUALITY". The way of the world plus the way we live gives the degree of quality. Our spirit and attitude plus the advantages that are offered gives the degree of quality.

4. TO STIMULATE ORGANIZATIONS FOR THE BETTERMENT OF THE STUDENT BODY. In this we mean that there are organisations not on our campus that would be a betterment to the student body—as a whole—If organised under their present constructive programs.

5. TO UPHOLD SANE AND CONSTRUCTIVE STUDENT OPINION. When one deals with student opinion in the news columns he has a "tick-lish” case to handle. Sane and constructive student opinion Is either in the majority or the minority—it is up to the newspaper man to find out.


preciate the campus improvements that were made during the summer months and hope that others will be made In the near future. Our ap-pearance is vital to a growing Institution.

7. IN ATHLETICS—TO BE A GOOD SPORT—WIN OR LOSE. Good sportsmanship Is necessary for a winning team. In our winning let us learn to lose—to lose manly.

8. TO RECOGNIZE ALL ACTIVITIES AND ORGANIZATIONS. In presenting the news we hope to do away with prejudices toward certain activities, Some happenings demand greater recognition. The organization that is a "live” group and who are doing things Is the one that should re-ceive the "space". Space will ho apportioned according to worth and ac-tivity.     


(Continued from Page One)

C where you used to get an A You will find competition keen. Just because you got a does not mean that you are not doing your best but it does mean that others are as good or even better than you. Don’t let that worry you.

Don't let your present ten-sive mind be dominated with a feeling of superiority In ath-

letics. You may have been a ''star” back home, but let that star "rust”. Be a good sport and prove your worth.

We have given you the "don't" side of college life— for the present—but yon will realize that more will come from the "carpet” In your four years. This is not a "Cheery" greeting but it is a little inside "dope” of what is expected of you. We can't tell you to "do" this or "do” that—you learn by experience. As a result of our own experience as a "frosh”, we have reached one great truth or a medium of eti-quette for the "green freshie” and that is this- "Speak when you are spoken to, and do what you are told to do, ”

We take our "hats off” to you and wish you all success— again we welcome you.



Sept. 7—Mr. Blanch Harris of Ida-ho was elected temporary president of the freshman class this evening at the home of Dr. V. F. Schwalm, Miss Lucille Crabb of this city was elected temporary secretary.


The time has come, and once more the ever curious freshmen is wandering aimlessly about the campus. He has entered a strange new world of modern advancement. During his first year he lays the founda-tion for his future three years of college life. His attitude now will he the dislike of admiration of his collegiates during the years to come.

We understand fully that all the upperclassmen are busy planning their courses and establishing themselves for another year. The sparing of a few minutes In showing the "green" freshman around or cheering him up a bit to make him forget about home will be a great benefit to the be-ginner. He Will appreciate It.


get mad at the teachers.

Don’t make faces at each other.

McPherson College Campus,

After seeing some of the green up-shoots around here we agree with Fatima—"What a whale of a difference a few sense makes".

Oh Dear me. Scientists say that a man shortens his life three min-

utes every time he kisses a girl. From what we've heard some of these steadies must have tried to commit suicide the first nite back.


Don’t stick out your tongue at the teachers.

Don't pull girl's curls.

Don't throw gum on the floor. Put it on the bottom of the chairs.

Don’t cry for milk after 10: 30 at


Don't go out without a handker


Don’t leave your shoe strings drag.

Don’t stamp your feet when you

September 17, 1929

Dear New Bulldogs and Bulldoglets:

How do you like your profs, by now? Huh? We just wrote you so we could explain some of the things on the campus. When ever you see two heads that look like one head on the campus in the moon light, that’s; Harold Fike and Bernidean Van Blarican, And something else that you may want to know—the reason that the chairs In the library have bottoms—It’s so that you won’t have

to throw your gum on the floor after you smack It In everybody’s ears. And dear folks, that guy that goes in Kline Hall all the time ain't no beauty parlor agent or silk sock salesman. It's Ernie Watkins goin’ over to see Louise Allen. You don’t

See Rube Bowman go over there so much cause he goes over in the morning and stays till dark! little Bulldoglets, don’t ever get like some

of those upper classmen. And another


Sept. 13—Professor Harvey H, Nininger, head of the biology department of McPherson College, left late this evening on a leave of absence for the first semester of the present school year. He plans to spend this time traveling In Mexico doing scientific study and research.

The trip is being made in a car especially adapted for such use. The route to be covered extends along the eastern coast, and the western coast will be followed on the return trip. About three weeks will be spent In Mexico City, the capital of Mexico.

Alex Richards, a former McPherson student, will accompany Prof. Nininger, and collect specimens for the museums of the University of Iowa and the University of Michigan.

While In Mexico Mr. Nininger hopes to add more meteorites to his interesting collection. While on similar trip In the south several years ago he discovered some ancient tracks of a species of the cat family Now he wishes to make even more definite scientific research into the historic life of this species of animal which lived thousands of years ago.

He also plans to take moving pictures of tropic life which will reveal many Interesting facts.

Prof. Nininger has spent years in the field studying rare birds and an-imals. and in excavation research. During 1927-28 he conducted a nat-

ural history trek covering most of the United States.


We have discovered at least one great man out of the freshman class. He is one we will all look up to.

One of out gallant freshmen not-

iced that on the Spectator box in the


Our advertisers will be inter-ested in knowing that the "Growl Book" and the "Bull-dog Bull" are being Publish-ed by the Student Council this year without advertising matter from the business men.



Schwalm Attends University Of Chicago For A Month


Niniger Has Charged of Palmer Lake

Sunmmer School

Many and a varied nature of ac-tivities were experienced by mem-

bers of the faculty during the sum-

mer. Some were at play while others strengthened their knowledge

their respective line of work.

Dr. V. F. Schwalm attended the Annual Conference of the Church of the Brethren At North Manchester giving a few addresses and then spending a month In the University at Chicago studying special courses in college administration and college problems Dr. Harnley, Dr. Yoder and Prof. Tench also attended the con-ference.

Dr. Harnly spent some time look-ing after his wheat interests in Tex-ad. Dr. Yoder toured the south east Kansas section and Oklahoma in the interests of the General Ministerial Board.

Prof. Blair had charge of the Mc-Pherson Summer School and later studied for six weeks In the Univer-sity of Iowa. Prof. Hershey, Hess

and McGaffey taught In the summer school at McPherson. Prof. Fries had charge of the business of the summer

school. Miss Brown, Lingerfelter

and Colline taught in the fine arts department Of McPherson College summer school. Miss Heckethorn

had charge of the library*

Prof. H. H. Nininger was In charge of the summer school at Palmer Lake suring the summer. Miss Lehman also taught at Palmer Lake.

Prof. Boone visited In California. He studied part of the summer In the University of Southern California at Los Angeles.

Prof. Utrecht stayed at home In McPherson. Prof Bowman attended the Annual conference after which he divided his time between harvest-ing wheat and home study.

ference at North Manchester being

Prof. Heckman attended the con-in charge of the Bible hour. He

later visited friends In Ohio and Chi-cago. Prof. Roy Teach was In the field for more studunts the major part of the summer. Mrs. Tate studied in the Chicago Musical Col-lege under the direction of Richard Hageman. Miss Lingenfelter Studied in the Chicago Musical College. Coach George Gardner spent part of his summer In the field for students.

Miss Trostle and Miss Jessie Brown made an extended trip Into Colorado the latter part of the summer Miss Trostle stopping off with friends at Palmer Lake while Miss Brown Journeyed on to Denver and Boulder,

McPherson at estes

(Continued from Page One)

ers were Rev. Paul Johnston of Lin-coln, Nebraska: Rev. Alfred Swan of

Greely, Colorado; Dr. Gustavesto of the chemistry department at U. of C. at Boulder, Colorado: Governor Sweet of Colorado; W. L Hutcher-son of Wichita as well as a score of student secretaries, student pastors, college presidents and faculty mem-bers.

Informal hours followed the morn-ing address at which time the stu-dents discussed any differences of opinion that mich arise from the ad-dresses. The afternoons were devoted to recreation consisting of baseball, tennis, horse shoes, riding and hiking to nearby points of interest.

Places visited by the McPherson group in Estes park and enroute were Fern Lake, Odessa Lake, Bart-

holf Park, Great Continental Divide. Big Thompson Canyon, Boulder Canyon. Denver, Groeley, Maniton, Gar-den of the Gods, Colorado Springs, and Rocky Ford. Those attending the conference from McPherson were the Misses Ruth Blickenstaff, Norine Howard. Ruth Miller, Florence

Dresher, Nina Hammond, Edna Hoover. Blenda Asp. Mildred Mitchell. Myrtle Ainsworth, Ingeborg Swan-

son and Messrs Warren Sister, Ker-mit Hayes and Emery Metzger.


Spends Three Weeks Studying Various Conditions

Three weeks of Dean R. E. Moh-ler's vacation were spent, witli a parly of seventy students, studying con-ditions In Mexico in an effort to bring about more friendly relations be-tween that republic and the United Slates. The group was sponsored by the committed on Cultural Rela-tions with Latin America and was

composed of people from twenty-four states who were representatives of many educational. journalistic and professional interests.

An intensive program of lectures

and trips to the agricultural college, the rural schools, normal schools, churches and pyramids were provided by the committee in cooperation with the Mexican government.

"Enormous amounts of money are being spent each year for the opening of schools and the financing of clinics in an effort to reduce illiter-

acy and raise the health standards of

the mass of people". Dean Mohler


Dean Mohler spoke highly of the

scenic beauty of Mexico and its in-vigurating climate, which he said, a-side from the educational value would make such a trip well worth while.


Archie Blickenstaff, Clara Davis,

and Fern SHoemaker, members of

last year's graduating class, spent the week end in McPherson.

Mary Lou Williams, who is teach-ing in a rural school near McPher-son, spent the week end at the home of Dr. Schwalm.

Orvis Weddie of Hutchinson visit-

ed his sister, Mar, Saturday and


Anne Mae Strickler visited on the bill Sunday

Dwight Stutzman, Lloyd Johnson, Ruth Hoffman and Melvin Moohler spent Sunday in McPherson

Sam Mohler spent a few days of the opening week with his sister, Christine.

Roberts Brown accompanied her sister, Eather to McPherson during Freshman week.

Dr. L. Miller spent Saturday of Freshman week in McPherson. He is employed in the Windom schools.

Lois Dell, who is teaching at Win-dom, brought the cabinet of her Girl Reserve to the college campus as they

were starting on their retreat,

Frantz Crumpacker spent part of Freshman week on the campus. He is working near Bloom, Kansas.

Many parents of students were on the campus during the first week to visit friends and assist their children in getting started. Among them were Rev. W. H. Yoder of Morrill, Mr. and Mrs. Buskirk of Eldorado, Mr. and Mrs. Miller of Carleton, Ne-braska. Mrs. Blickenstaff and son of Norton, Mr and Mrs, Abeldt of Hope. Mrs. Brown of Hutchinson. Mr. Dell of Beatrice, Nebraska. Mrs. Beaver of St. John, Mr. Dawson of Darlow. Mr. and Mrs. Berkebile of St. John, Mr.

and Mrs. Martin of Larned, Mr. and

Mrs. Mohler of Octaria, Nebraska. Mr. Collins of Larned.

The Spectator



Seven Letter Men Are Back This Year


The Line Will Be Much Heavier This Season

McPherson College has bright pros-pects for a food football season this year. When Coach Gardner blew his whistle last Monday for the first

workout, there were a few more than twenty men that responded, but each day others are being added to the training list until al this time there arn more than thirty on the field

each day.

Although the Bulldog squad is small In numbers, there seems to be the kind of material In it that is

necessary to make up a winning team. The Bulldog line will be much heavier than In former years and there appears to be added speed. There are many candidates for posi-tions In the line, but there seems to be a shortage in backfield men at

early practices.

It is hard to say at this early date, which players look the best, hat some new man that are showing up well are: Lawerence Barngrover of Mc Pherson who has played for two years with the U. S. Marines as half back and end: E Tice of Sumerfield, tackle: B. Leagel of Burlington, Col-orado, tackle: Christensen of Mc-Pherson, tackle: Deschner of New-

ton, end; Ehraam of Hope, halfback and end: Bradley of Chase, quarter-back: and Shackleford of Arlington, fullback. Otho Whiteneck, Lloyd Diggs, Herbert Mowbray, Harvey King, last year's second string men and a few other old students are

back In training, amoung which Is Marvin Hill, a former basketball are who appears to be a real contender for an end position. The seven letter men out for practice the first week were: Ray Nonken, 1928 cap-tain and halfback: Barney Swain

halfback: Lawrence Sargent, and: Clarence Zink, guard: Paul Bowers,

center; Reuben Bowman, tackle:

ans Herbert Hochstrasser, end. Three other letter men Who will return to school shortly are: Wray Whiteneck. guard; Melvin Miller, end and half-back: and Emery Windmill, guard The Canines are facing a hard sea-

son this year. The other conference teams that Were real strong last year will be Just as strong this year. Ra-ker and St. Mary's each lost but a few men last year and they have new material sufficient to fill any vacancy. McPherson's season opener will be October 4 at Salina against the strong Kansas Wesleyan Coyotes. Who have been reported as being as strong as last year except for the loss of their crack quarterback, who failed to return to school this fall

There will be four home games for the bulldogs this year. the first being with the Ottawa Braves October 15. Bethel Is scheduled play here on November 5, but due to the fact that October 25 is an open date for

the Bulldogs, there is a possibility that the Meanonite game will be shifted to that day. The Turkey Day game will be played on the home soil this year with the Terrible Swed-es of Bethany furnishing the oppo-sition.

Coach Gardner has been trying to schedule a pre-season game in which to try his men under fire before the

conference season opens. The game

will be away from home and likely with some college or university In Nebraska. The date will be Septem-

ber 28.

McPherson college


September, 28 - Kearney College,

October 4 — Kansas Wesleyan at


October 12 — St. Mary's College at St. Mary's.

October 18 — Ottawa University,


October 25 — Open.

November 1 — Baker University at Baldwin

November 8 — Bethel College, here

November 15 — Sterling College


November 28 — Bethany College "Terrible Swedes", here.


(COntinued from Page One)

gree. While taking her undergrad-

uate and graduate work at Manhat-tan she won honors In th Home Ec-onomics Society. Honor Scholastic Society and Honor Forensic Frater-nity. Miss Thurow has taught for three years, In of which having been in the high school at Anthony, Kansas.

Miss Margaret L. Shelley, A. B. B. M. from Bethany College has been

selected for the position of violin in-

structor. Miss Shelley whose home

is in Elmdale, Kansas, spent the past year studying in Columbia Uni-versity taking violin lessons from Samuel Gardner of N. Y. C. When in college Miss Shelley played first violin in the Messiah Symphony and in the Bethany Symphony Orchestra. All those who heard Miss Shelley play during chapel Wednesday will agree that she is Indeed a fine artist.

Mrs F. E. Gates of this city will have charge of the dramatic department Mrs. Gates has studied exten-

sively in New York City along this line of work. She comes to us very highly recommended.


Monday, Sept. 16- The faculty of the college were hosts of the student body this eventing at the traditional faculty reception In the basement of the Church of the Brethren. Prof. I. A. Blair was master of ceremonies.

The students convened about eight o'clock and were ushered past the receiving line of faculty members into the church basement. All old students made themselves known by self-introduction to the new ones.

Members of the faculty presented a very interesting program. Miss

Shelley Instructor In violin, played a violin solo. Miss Della Lehman read for the guests, Prof. Hugh Heckman

gave the faculty welcome to the stu-dents Into the School of Quality.

Mrs. Anna C. Tate. Instructor In voice, sang two solos, Pres. V. F. Schwalm closed the program with a

few remarks on college friends and friendship.

A light lunch of ice cream and cake followed the program of the evening. The meeting adjourned after singing the college song.

Some of the girls are wondering If "Hot Shot" is walking in his sleep or leaves his night apparel on to save time. (Some one of the weaker sex

might get dizzy and fall for him).

Dr. Schwalm said that habit is a groove in the mind by which action runs without thought. We wonder If that's why the Inmates of Fahnestock frequent the parlors of Arnold Hull,

When Danny Johnson got that narrow chasm of his filled with watermelon last Friday evening they used him for a thermometer.