


Volume XLIII

McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas, November 7. 1958

Administration Announces New Rules On Grade Points

New rules on the Macollege grading system have been announced.

In order to graduute a student must have an over-all scholastic index of 1.0. A transfer student must also have a scholastic index of 1.0 on all work taken at Macollege.

A freshman will be placed on academic probation if his scholastic index is below .5 at the end of his first semester or below .75 at the end of his second semester.

Any student who has earned an index of less than .75 at the end of the first semester of his sophomore year will be placed on academic probation and will remain on academic probation until his cumulative index is brought up to 1.0.

At the end of the sophomore year or thereafter, any student whose index for a particular semester falls below .75 will be placed on academic probation for one semester regardless of his cumulative index.

Any student who has a cumulative scholastic index of less than .80 when he reaches the point at which he would normally begin his junior year shall be ineligible for further attendance.

Any student who is ready to begin his senior year but has a cumulative scholastic index of less than .90 shall be ineligible for further attendance.

Any student who foils to demonstrate a likelihood of reaching the 1.0 average by the end of the eighth semester will not be permitted to make formal appli-cation for graduation.

A student who has been refused permission to re-enroll because of low scholarship may apply for readmission after one academic year has passed. The student must be prepared to improve his quality of work.

Mrs. Tipton Feels Happier Working

"I feel a lot happier working than sitting at home all day” said Mrs. Ernest Tipton, secretary for the Macollege business office.

Mrs. Tipton is a graduate of McPherson College and her major was in the field of education and psychology. "I began my college work in '22 and finished in '52 and had a family in between.” she said.

Home for the Tiptons is a farm one and one-half miles west of McPherson. They have one son one daughter, and one grandson. Their vacations are spent in Louisiana and Colorado.

The gym. Dotzour Hall, and the college courts arc three of the major changes Mrs. Tipton has observed since she began working for the college in 1952. Spare time is usually occupied by reading, watching TV, participating in club activities and selling tickets for the college sports activities.

Pre-enrollment To Begin Monday Dean States

‘‘Pre-enrollment is scheduled to begin Nov. 10 and will be concluded on Dec. 12 allowing about a month for pre-enrollment.” says Wayne F. Geisert, dean of McPherson College.

Reasons for early pre-enrolling are to give the for counseling the students, dex determina the sections unusually swa found in the the time when trying to wor preenrollment

Dinner To Show Appreciation

To show their appreciation for a job well-done, the college and the student teachers will honor their supervising teachers and administrators at an Appreciation Dinner.

The Appreciation Dinner will be held Nov. 17, at 6:30, in the Church of the Philo Sunday-erve the meal, people are ex-this dinner. McPherson Col-ited to the din-should be in ose interested Dayton Roth-




No. 9

A Game Refuge Is Planned At College Pond And Area

B. I. E


Sponsored By C Of C, CTA


Groups To Visit Macampus Today

Three high school groups will be guests of McPherson College for the McPherson-Bethany football game tonight.

A group from the Nickerson area, sponsored by the Salem Community Church Youth Fellowship, and their leaders, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Runyan of Nickerson, are visiting on the campus this afternoon and will attend the last football game of the season for Macollcge.     

A group of football boys from Geneseo and their leader. Dick Eders, and a group from Mound-ridge, led by Giv Galley, will also be on hand for the game.

Mac Skaters To Roll Saturday At Lyons

The Skate Club is having a party, on Saturday night. Nov 8. The party will be at the Lyons Skating Rink. Those who wish to go should meet at Dotzour Lounge at 6:30 p.m. Saturday evening.

Modernization Is Quad Emphasis

The members of the Quadrangle staff arc working hard to meet their first deadline. The section including activities and campus life should be done by Nov. 24. The cover will also be done at this time.

As is to be expected, the editorial policy of the Quadrangle changes with the different editors and this year is no exception The editor has put emphasis on modernization for this year's Quad.

The Quad this year will be a compact model with emphasis on more double page spreads and on many more larger pictures. Less space will be Wasted on the pages in this way and the interest will be higher.

There will be four pages less this year and as a result there will be room for less pictures of an unnecessary nature. This new, streamlined Quad will be more interesting and easier to look at.

Those on the staff include Ronald Harden, editor. Don Hollenbeck. assistant editor, Ken Tompkins. business manager, and Stan Ilin, student photographer.

Geisert Will Speak At Wiley Homecoming

Dr. Wayne F. Geisert, Macollege dean, will be the main speaker at the homecoming celebrations of the Wiley, Col., Church of the Brethren on Sunday, Nov. 9.

Winter Formal Plans Are Made

The Social Committee has been meeting to plan for the various activities of the year. They have planned a series of films to be shown in the chapel during the year that will include many top films.

Other events being planned are various nights of recreation to be held in the gym and the WPA week which will soon be coming up. The committee heads have also been chosen for the Winter Formal.

Don Hollenbeck has been named head of the program committee and Karen Yoder has been named head of the decoration committee. The chairmen will choose their own committee members.

The winter formal will be held this year on Dec. 13 in the gym. There will be a program and a king and queen chosen from the student body to reign over the event.

McPherson College instructors will join those teaching in McPherson in the public school system, Central College, and St. Joseph’s Catholic School in B.

I. B. Day — Business, Industry, and Education Day — next Wednesday, Nov, 12,

The purpose of this meeting is to better acquaint the teachers in the city schools with the business and industry of the city and to establish a clearer view of the educational program for the businessmen of the city. It is spon sored jointly by the Chamber of Commerce and the McPherson City Teachers Association.

An out-of-town speaker and a film. “Everybody's Business!” will be presented at the 1:30 session in the afternoon at the and itorium of the junior high school. This session will begin the activities of the day.

All of the teachers will be directed on tours of 10-15 people to twelve businesses and firms downtown at the 3:00 o'clock hour.

The Board of Education of the city schools will host the members of the chamber of Commerce and their wives at a hot lunch at the high school at 6:30 that evening. McPherson High school will present music for the supper.

"Expansion needs school facilities development in relation to a great increase in students is the topic for discussion at a session at 7:30 p.m. All teachers and businessmen are invited to attend.

Halloween Party

Is A Success

A last minute change featuring a sketch with Harvy Hess, sophomore, Waterloo, Ia., Donald Hollenbeck, sophomore, Udell. Ia., Winston Beal, sophomore, Maxwell, Ia., Eddy Longmire, sophomore, Dallas Center, Ia., and Larry King, junior, North English, Ia., with Bill Winter, sophomore, Wichita, as a victim, was one of the highlights of the Ag Club Halloween party held last Friday Oct. 31 in the gymnasium.

“Doc Jordan, a professional caller from Lindsborg, and his wife, Mildred, did a commendable job of giving instructions and pulling the group together during the folk games,” said John Myers, member of the program committee.

Apple cider and doughnuts highlighted the refreshments and apple bobbing was part of the recreation.

Decorations included colored lights, orange and black streamers, and corn shocks. One big shock of sargo surrounded by pumkins was placed in center of the floor. Bales of hay were placed around the edge for the party goers to sit on.

Hayride Is Included For Sunday’s CBYF

A hayrack ride to the college farm is part of the scheduled activities for the CBYF program this Sunday evening Nov. 9 commencing at the Church of the Brethren at 5 p.m. according to Donelda Arick, sophomore, Sa-betha.

Other portions of the program will include singing, worship, recreation, and refreshments.

Price per person will be 50 cents.

Committee chairmen arc David Hykes, transportation, Juanita Fike, worship; Sherland Ng and Carl Harris, recreation: Donelda Arick, food; and Valerie Miller, singing.

Each student should bring a clothes hanger for the weanier roast.

A game refuge for the McPherson College farm pond and the immediate surrounding area is being planned according to John Colyn, graduate 1950, and teacher of physical education and general science at the McPherson intermediate school.

Mr. Colyn indicated that he was presently engaged in making "Game Refuge” signs for the area.

On Nov. 1, the eighth grade conservation class cleaned the irrigation ditch in preparation for filling the pond.

About three years ago the pond was seined and restocked. About 1.000 pounds of rough fish were removed.

After seining, the fish and game workers from Pratt poisoned the pond and then restocked it with channel cot, bass and blue gill.

"A tree planning project that could make the site nice for camping, usable for class studies by the college, and other possibilities is under consideration, ” Mr. Colyn said.  The game refuge, an idea receiving much enthusiasm from eighth grade conservation class, has been discussed and agreed too by Dr. Desmond Bittinger, president of McPherson College and John Ward, director of rural life and manager of the college farm.

“I was born and raised on the farm and have always had an interest in hunting and fishing which accounts for my interest in game preservation,” Mr. Colyn said.

Mr. Colyn mentioned that he had approached the city school administration about starting a class in conservation and now teaches one entitled "Natural Science and Conservation.”

Mac Is Western Region Headquarters

Closely affiliated with college, but not an actual part of it is the Western Regional headquarters, located in the basement of Sharp Hall.

In the office are Floyd Bantz, executive officer of the Western Region; Mrs. Gordon Yoder, administrative secretary to Bantz: and Kenneth Holderread, Western Region Youth Director.

The Church of the Brethren in North America has been divided into five geographical areas that form five functional organizations known as Regions.

The Western Region extends from the Canadian border to the Gulf of Mexico and from the Mississippi River to the Rocky Mountains.

The executive body for the region is the Western Region Board

made up of one member from each district in the region. There are 14 of these districts in this region. General Brotherhood Board members residing in the region and the college president also are on the Western Region Board.

Five members arc elected from this board to the Executive Committee of the Western Region. The chairman of this committee is Warren Hoover of Preston, Minn.

Other members arc Leland Wilson, Overland Park, Kas.; Charles Dumond, Jr., Hutchinson, Kas.; Kent Naylor, Warrensburg, Mo.; and John Ditmars, Holms-ville, Nebr.

Floyd Bantz is employed by the Western Region, through its committees, to promote and give guidance to the total church; to give impetus to church extension

and conservation: aid in pastoral recruitment, training, and placement; and to be to the region what a pastor is to a church, a district officer to a district, or a general executive to the whole denomination.

His relation to McPherson College is about the same as it would be to a separate district.

Kenneth Holderread, Youth Director for the Western Region, would also have the same relationship to the college. He works with the youth cabinet, composed of a youth and an adult from each district, and the Executive Committee of the CBYF in planning activities and youth conferences.

The Executive Committee of the Western Region consists of Irvin Wagner. McPherson, pres-

ident; Valerie Miller, Rocky Ford, Colo., Fellowship; Marlene Klotz, Fredricksburg, Iowa, Citizenship.

Carl Harris. Jennings. La., Witness; Bob Dell, McPherson, Faith; Dick Landrum. Hutchinson, Kas., Outreach; Paul Wagnor, Regional Youth Counselor; and Kenneth Holderread.

The president, youth counselor, and youth director make up the Administrative Committee which covers the five area functions; Fellowship. Citizenship. Witness, Faith, and Outreach.

Novice Debaters On KSC Campus

Two debate teams from McPherson College will be attending the Novice Debate Tournament at Kansas State College. Manhattan on Saturday. Nov. 8. The debate is for debaters who are inexperienced in college debate.

The subject for debate is: Resolved, that further development of nuclear weapons should be prohibited by international agreement.

Prof. Guy Hayes will accompany the teams to Manhattan. The teams arc Mary Ann Guth-als and Chester Peckover as one team, and Faye Fields and Don Hollenbeck as the other team.

The group will leave McPherson at 6:30 a.m. The tournament starts at 9:30. Other debaters may attend the meeting, but they can not participate in it.

BVF To Hold Its First Monthly Meet


There were two mistakes in last week’s Spec. Violet Hansen, who has been a cook in the cafeteria for five years, is the mother of two sons and two daughters.    

Mrs. Matilda Willems has worked in the cafeteria for five years.

The first meeting of the newly organized B.V.F. organization will be held Sunday, Nov. 9, at 3 p.m, All former B.V.S'ers are invited

Grades Will Be Issued

Teachers are to turn in the nine-week grades for students next Tuesday, Nov. 11.

What Is Educational Goal In Civilized Nations Today?

Wo need more scientists! We need more powerful bombs, faster airplanes, bigger guns and more rockets.

We must out do Russia in the conquest of space, in fact we must out do every nation because after all we are the best nation on the earth!

Fellow students, is this the goal of American education? Is this the goal of every civilized nation?

Oh. don’t get me wrong, we need men of science, tremendously! But we desperately need men and women trained in liberal arts as well. We need more social workers, more teachers, better doctors. We need lawyers, politicians, ministers and just plain educated citizens for this world.

It is too easy for a nation to pride itself in its technical achievement and to neglect what is just as important, political and moral leardership.

Is our most important goal to launch man-made satellites? What does it matter if men arc suffering, starving and dying from disease?

What does it matter if the minds of our children are warped and their bodies twisted and deformed from effects of atomic testing? Just so long as we are prepared to whip Russia in a nuculear war all is well.

What does it matter if crime and violence and war plague our earth—just so long as we have scads of little spheres circling around the earth—just so long as we can beat the Russians in launching a rocket destined for the moon all is well with the world.

J. E. N.

Are You Scared?

Student Ponders Thought Of College Career Ending

Cheer The Bulldogs To A Victory Tonight

Macollege students.!!! Did you realize you had a top winning team in the Kansas Conference? Would you like to show your appreciation to a team and two coaches who are hard to beat?

If you would like to show your appreciation, come out tonight to the final game of the 1958 football season as our Bulldogs take on the Bethany Swedes.

It promises to be real football weather, but don't let it scare you away. Bring blankets, gloves, carmuffs, and hot bricks, if you have them, and cheer our “Canine Vidors" on to another win.

Juniors Seniors Plan Sunday Breakfast

The Junior-Senior Sunday School Class will hold a breakfast at Vaniman Hall Sunday, Nov. 9, at 8 a.m. The Sunday school lesson will be discussed there and class will be dismissed in time for church services.

By Dr. D. W. Bittinger

Russia and the United States have been flexing their engineering muscles to show each other and all of their neighbors which one can throw a ball farther. Up to now the U.S.A. has thrown her ball higher, but Russia has been able to throw a bigger ball and keep it up longer. This throwing of the balls is supposed to scare everybody.

It has done a pretty good job of it.

But the thing we need to be scared of most is not the explosion which might result from such a ball. The danger is rather, that we may concentrate our entire education in the direction of producing balls and throwing them, rather than producing men.

An informed, scientifically trained mind is important. But a strong man with disciplines and wisdom is more important. Information will soon get out of date, but strength of character is never out of date.

By Eddy Longmire

As I sat in the Spec office looking out across the roof of Sharp Hall into the beautiful Kansas sky of fall. I thought that the college career of most of us is like the summer brought to an end by fall.

Summer ends in a blaze of glory with brilliant blue skies and golden and brown leaves. The air gets chilly and the grass seems to die. Yet it returns again the next year just as was promised by fall.

And so it is with a year in college. At least that is the way it should be. The college year and career should end with a blaze of glory like the fall and with a promise for future years.

But so often it seems like a college career ends looking as dead as late fall with no promise at all. This is not right for it lends to dead lives and dreams of what might have been.

Dreams that will never come true but will only hamper and remove what ambition a person has left from his lost college career. What a waste of life and talent this represents.

What a waste of brilliant minds. And yet we students continually waste our time and efforts in an attempt to merely get by and not really learn or want to learn. Why this is I cannot say.

Yet, I know that it behooves every single one of us to do the very best we can in all that we undertake. In this way and in this way only, it seems to me. can we build a real and vital interest in existence.

Each one of us should examine

ourselves to see just where our interest lies and where we are headed. Is your fuure bright or does it seem to be hidden by the mounds or work that you can’t seem to be interested in?

Just try to relate the work you arc doing to your future happiness and see how essential it is that you do your best no matter how boring the job. You will soon find a real interest in your work.

How about it? Will your college career end in a blaze of glory like the Kansas fall or will it pass fall by and turn into a Kansas winter? It is entirely up to you and your own ideals.

Dean Geisert Speaks In Tuesday's Chapel

"As Christians, we have a double concern,” said Dean Wayne Geisert in chapel Tues. Nov. 4 as he contrasted characterizations in the story of the Good Samaritan with the people of today. As Christians we should have a code of ethics and a feeling of responsibility for mankind he added.

Mr. Geisert described Christian love as, "a love that is patient, thorough, divine, dynamic, and always looking for more to encompass.”

Through life, we become involved in an incomplete kind of love.” Mr. Geisert said, and "our concern is not to help the other fellow, but to win the other fellow to our side.”

Larry Hayes, senior, McPherson. rend the scripture and Mr. Geisert offered the closing prayer.

McPherson Bulldogs To End Grid Season Tonight

Ten Seniors Play Last Game As Bethany Swedes Invade

Canines Use Aerial Attack As They Down Ottawa 27-0

Oklahoma Bids For Orange Bowl

The McPherson College Bulldogs, rated by many as the toughest team in the Kansas Conference, will end their 1958 grid season playing host to the Bethany Swedes at the College Stadium tonight at 7:30.

The second place Bulldogs, still stinging from their only defeat by Baker, will be playing to win their eighth gome in nine starts. A win tonight over the Swedes would give them undisputed second place in the KCAC.


Ten of the Bulldogs will be playing their last game of football. The seniors include Don Cotton. McPherson, a 21 year old, six foot, 180 pound center; Ed Delk, Topeka, 23 year old, six foot, one inch, 170 pound star end, Gene Elliot, McPherson. 160 pound, five foot, ten inch, 20 year old halfback; Wayne Gross-nickle, Laurens, Iowa, 105 pound, six foot, two inch, 22 year old tackle: Rick Hood, Cobool, Mo., 20 year old guard, six foot, 180 pounder.

McPherson Rolls; Baker Still First

Raker University continued its winning steak by turning back Kansas Wesleyan 20-7 lost Saturday and maintained its lead in the Kansas Conference.

McPherson, rated by many as the toughest team in the league, showed its strength by downing Ottawa 27-0. McPherson's only possibility of sharing the title is by Ottawa knocking off the Baker Wildcats on Nov. 14 with McPherson defeating Bethany tonight.

Other games played found College of Emporia winning over Bethel 35-26 and Friends playing Bethany to 7-7 tic.

KCAC Standings

Marvin Keck, McPherson, 21 year old. five foot, six inch, 170 pound fullback: Jerry McPherson. McLouth, 190 pound tackle, six foot, three incher, 20 years old. Tom Ragland, Lawrence, five root, eight inch, 21 year old, 165 pound halfback.

Larry Sams, Salina, 21 year old, five foot, five inch, 130 pound quarterback:    and    Ken

Stucky, 21 year old, five foot, ten inch, 175 pound quarterback Swedes

The Swedes were held to a 7-7 tie last week by Friends, a team previously beaten by the Bulldogs 54-27. Bethany has been able to register only two wins in conference play this season.

Bethany was left alone in the cellar last season, being unable to win a conference game.

The Bulldogs have lost to the Swedes 20 times and have been the victors of 12 games. Since the series between the two schools began in 1920 only three ties have prevailed.

Best Record Since '52 McPherson will end the season with its best record since 1952 when the title went to the Bull dogs. The canines were tied once and victorious in the other eight games played.

A victory tonight would tie the 1953 record of eight wins and one loss. In that year the Bulldogs also placed second. College of Emporia, the 1953 KCAC champions. handed McPherson the defeat.

The Bethany team is coached by Harold Collins and assisted by Dale Bloss

Iowa Continues Pace

The Iowa Hawkeyes all but wrapped up the Big Ton championship and a trip to the Rose Bowl by scoring its first victory over Michigan since 1924.

Northwestern kept up its hopes by shocking Ohio Slate 21-0. The Wildcats are in second position with only a defeat to Iowa marring their record.

The strong Purdue team knocked off Illinois 31-8, while Wisconsin held off Michigan State to win 9-7. In the other Big Ten game Indiana sneaked by Minnesota 6-0.

The McPherson College Bulldogs took to the air Saturday night to defeat the Ottawa Braves 27-0 in a Kansas Conference game. This win put the Bulldogs into an undisputed second place with a 6-1 record.

Late in the first quarter. Tom Richards hit the left side of the line to score on a three yard plunge. Gordon Lewis kicked the extra point.

In the first half of play Ed Delk, senior end, made an outstanding catch on a short pass from Stucky to score the second Bulldog touchdown. In the second half, Delk again grabbed a pass and ran 60 yards to score.

Cotton, Center Of Line, Receives This Week’s Honor

Displaying fine action in defensive play has earned Donald Cotton the distinction of "Athlete of the Week."

Standing 6' tall and weighing 180 pounds, Don, who is a senior hails from McPherson, Kas. He  is married to the former Ivadelle Wisler from Cando, N. Dak.

Larry McPherson, stocky freshman tackle become the second tackle to score this year when he grabbed a loose ball on the eight yard line and ran it across for a touchdown. His brother. Jerry, also a tackle, scored on a similar play early in the season.

The turning point of the game seemed to have been the excellent pass defense of the Bulldogs. Heinz. Gene Elliott, and Delk grabbed six passes out of the hands of the Ottawa receivers to set up excellent scoring opportunities.

The Braves, running from a single wing most of the time, hit the Bulldog’s line hard but were unable to score. The Braves staged several long drives but never penetrated inside the Bulldog's 20 yard line.

The Bulldogs outgunned the Braves with 20 first downs against eight for the losers. The Bulldogs tallied 384 total yards while Ottawa got only 186 yards.

Oklahoma's 23-7 victory over Colorado allowed the Sooners to clear another hurdle toward the 1959 Orange Bowl.

Only two other conference games were ployed in the Big Eight, those being Kansas over Kansas State 21-12 and Missouri holding Nebraska scoreless 31-0.

Iowa State, In a non-conference game, soundly whipped South Dakota 53-0. The Cyclones, however, have been unsuccessful thus far in downing a Big Eight Team.

Oklahoma State lost a close one to the Air Force team 33-29.

You are not one person but three — the one you think you are. the one other people think you are and the person you really are.

Gymnasium Is Site Of Married Group’s Social

“Cookies, punch, and games are on the agenda for the College Church of the Brethren young married peoples Sunday school class social to be held in the gymnasium Sunday evening Nov. 9," says Melvin Swinger, member in charge for the evening.

Members of the class and persons who may be interested in the class are invited to join in the activities.

The social will be the third in a series of planned and varied activities designed for and administered by young college married couples.

Prodigal Proverbs

Learn to make good grades; buy our handy book, "Cribbing Made Easy."

Make many friends; buy a car.

Are you having trouble with the English Proficiency Test or with Freshman English? Then buy our latest publication. "How To Rede and Spel G u d e.” by Mrs. Homer T. Bunk.

Attend a few classes every day. they break the routine of college life.

Keep watching for T. F. M. S. L. Despite recent investigations by the faculty and student court, we’re still working on it.

Geisert Will Speak At Annual Dinner Nov. 20

Dr. Wayne F. Geisert, dean of the college, will be the guest speaker at the MCA family-style dinner on Nov. 20. Beginning at 6:15 p.m., the dinner will be held in the church social rooms.

Also on the program is the Ladies Trio.

Richard Bittinger, MCA president, will be the master of ceremonies. Elizabeth Pittman, Don-elda Arick, and Veneta Howell are in charge of the meal.

The entire student body is invited to attend.

the amount of water to be used in water color painting.

An Interview Shows Painting As Interest Of Prof. Slimon

sas City, Mo., and the Wichita Art Museum.

"The Nelson Art Gallery is widely recognized for its Oriental art collections, and the Murdock collection is probably the most significant at the Wichita Art Museum." Mr. Slimon said.

Mr. and Mrs. Slimon live in V a n i m a n Hall. Mrs. Slimon (Donna) is a sophomore in Macol-lege.

Mr. Slimon has traveled considerably in the United States He is originally from St. Louis. Mo. and received part of his ed ucation at Washington University in St. Louis.

Most of three years were spent by Mr. Slimon teaching at the University of Wichita. He also attended the University of Wichita, and received an MFA in June 1957.

Lecturing and administrative duties at the Wichita Art Museum were a part of Mr. Slimon's activities for a few months in 1955-56.

Pain makes man think. Thinking makes man wise. Wisdom makes life endurable.

Richard Slimon, Macollege art instructor is pictured above instructing a student concerning

“Painting is my dominating interest and I seriously feel it goes hand in hand with teaching, said Richard Slimon, assistant professor of art at McPherson College.

During the week Mr. Slimon instructs between forty and fifty students of whom John Sheets, director of public relations, is one. Subject matter pertaining to painting. sculpture, ceramics, and art appreciation are portions of the various courses of study.

Mr. Slimon indicated a desire for expansion of subject matter in the Art Department next year.

"An art major for the school is a general objective." Mr. Slimon said.

To major in art. extensions in the field of graphics, art history, and philosophy would be necessary and also courses in the field of lithography, etching, engraving, and silk screen would have to be added or expanded.

“The biggest obstacle to an etching or lithograph program is the extreme cast of presses. Mr. Slimon said.

Tentative plans for future class activities include possible trips to the Nelson Art Gallery in Kan-

Student Finds Work Unique, But Interesting

Stanley Ilin, a sophomore from Nampa, Idaho, has an unusual job this year. He is employed by Danielson-Ball funeral home as an assistant. His duties consist of various general functions.

He drives the ambulance when the need arises and drives the pall-bearer car at funerals. He does other assorted duties when he is called on to do so. Stanley is oh call Wednesdays and weekends.

He says he likes the work very much but he does not intend to become an undertaker.

Five Students Present Scenes From Comedy

Five Macollege students appeared in a telecast over the Hutchinson station yesterday. The students were Glen Faus, Faye Fields, Loren Reyher, Joan Walters, and Karen York.

They presented scenes from the ploy. "See How They Run,” which will be presented Nov. 22, 24, and 25.

Prof. Peter Coulson, director of the play, accompanied the students.

Chaff Pretents ...

By Faus, Foley, and Harris

An important monkey in the barrel of fun is a code of ethics.

Therefore, as another public service. Chaff has again done voluminous research into the wisdom of the ancients, and has come up with this special series of prodigal proverbs, especially designed for you. the McPherson College Student.

We feel that these proverbs are essential for a successful college career.

Try to pass your courses; laugh at the professor’s jokes.

Get plenty of moderate exercise; stack your neighbor’s room.

Read good literature; throw this stuff away.

Budget your time; spend part of it at Dotzour, part of it at the Doghouse, and the rest foolishly.

Get to know your classmates; you may need money sometime in the future.

Get to know your faculty; into each life some rain must fall.

Don’t study in chapel: sleep.

Dress neatly; pick a roommate about your size who has good taste in clothing.

Don’t run down the cafeteria: be a martyr.

Keep an open mind; wash your ears regularly.

Early to bed. early to rise, prevents those bags that grow under your eyes.

Don’t cram at the last minute; fail.

A steady income is necessary for college; write home regularly.

Prof. Students 'Attend State Physics Confab

George Arnold, assistant professor of mathematics and physics. was accompanied by Fred Koons, junior, Lyons, Kas., and Joe Reeves, senior, Cleo Springs, Okla., to the Midwest Solid State Conference on Physics at the University of Kansas in Lawrence last Saturday.

The main address was given by Prof. N. Bloembergen on "Solid State Masers.”

Lost And Found

If anyone has lost any articles since they have come to college, they should check with Mrs. Guy Hayes, secretary of the College Church.

Several items have collected there in the “Lost and Found" department — such as car keys, Bibles, ear rings, and a camera.