Six Honor Roll Students Will Receive Who’s Who Awards
Six Macollege seniors have been selected for Who’s Who among Students in American Universities and Colleges. They are Richard Bittinger, Donald Cotton, Carl Harris, Glenna Hawbaker, Irvin Wagner and Norma Watkins. Each one is an honor roll student.
Volume XLIII
McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas, October 31,1958
No. 8
Final dales for the Macollege production. “See How They Run,” have been set. The dales will be Nov. 22, 24, and 25.
The play will be presented in the Student Union Room, using horseshoe staging. Horseshoe staging is similar to arena theatre only' the audience will sit on only three sides.
The advantages of this type of staging arc as follows:
1. There is a sense of intimacy between the actors and audience.
2. Gestures and facial expressions can be more subtle.
3. Audience actually feels as if it is in the room with the actors. It tends to interest them more.
4. The play becomes more realistic.
5. The actors and furniture does not have to be all facing the front.
6. The make-up is more subtle.
This type of staging was started
with the Greeks. It has lately been revived and is now popular in Europe and the United States, with permanent theatres in Paris and the University of Washington.
Two hundred Macollege students and town-people will be seated each night of the performance. Students will be admitted by their activity tickets. However, they must be validated for the night they wish to come.
D. R. (Doc) Jordan, president of the North Central Caller's Association and a director of the State Caller's Association, will appear tonight at the Ag Club Halloween party at 7:30 p.m. in the McPherson College gymnasium
Folk games, music, and other entertainment including "Chaff' arc on the agenda according to John Myers, chairman of the program committee, Cliff Tussing, senior, Baltimore, Md., will add to the entertainment with his guitar.
Mr. Jordan called for the Ag Club sponsored barn party last spring and via comment said, "I really enjoyed it and hope they enjoyed it as much as I did. They arc a wonderful group to work with.”
Apple cider and doughnuts arc slated as refreshments for the evening and decorations for the building are being planned accord ing to Doyle Royer, member of the refreshment committee.
Mac Profs To Speak Before Alumni Teachers
Dale Brown, director of religious life, and Dr. Raymond Flory, professor of history and political science, will speak before the McPherson College Kansas alumni teachers during the state teachers conventions Nov. 7 at Topeka and Hutchinson.
Dr. Flory will speak at Eddie's Sunset Restaurant in Hutchinson at 12:30 p.m. The price per person will be $1.50 and reservations may be made with Ray Nonken, 72 Random Road, Hutchinson, by Nov. 4.
Professor Brown will speak at Bishop's Restaurant in Topeka at 12:30 p.m. The price per person is $1.60 and reservations may be made with Mrs. Evelyn Arga-bright, 1617 Clay St., Topeka by Nov. 4.
Tonight, Halloween Party in the gym.
Tomorrow night, football game at Ottawa.
Friday, Nov. 7, football game with Bethany.
Saturday, Nov. 8, skating party.
Teams Will Represent Mac At Novice Debate
The Novice Debate Tournament will be held at Kansas State College in Manhattan Nov. 8. This tournament is for college debaters who have had no experience in debate. There will be four rounds of debate.
Two teams will be going from McPherson College. These teams are Mary Ann Guthals and Chester Peckover as one team, and Faye Fields and Don Hollenbeck as the second team. Other debaters may go. but they can not participate.
The Doghouse was started approximately twelve years ago by the Student Council with the cooperation of the McPherson College faculty.
The purpose of the Doghouse was to provide a place for students and faculty to meet their friends and also a place for fellowship and snacking together. Later, Sunday night lunches were served.
The room decided upon was a room in the basement near the SUR. This room was used for conferences and sometimes it was used for classes. It is still the same room with many improvements.
When the Doghouse was first started there were no booths, refrigerator, or pop machines, like there are now. The booths were furnished by Harry Frantz, Class of '34, and installed by Prof. S. M. Dell. The present booths were made by professor Dell and his woodworking classes, and the material was donated by Harry Frantz.
The Doghouse got its name because the mascot of the school is a Bulldog and the doghouse is where he lives, so the name is very appropriate for McPherson College.
The Doghouse is operated through the Student Council by a student manager and his help. The student manager is picked by the Student Council. The em-
plovees and the student manager are paid for working in the Doghouse. Every year except one the finances for the Doghouse have been "in the black."
There is also a Doghouse Committee consisting of Dr. Bittinger, Dean Giesert, treasurer of Student Council and the student manager. which is the chairman of the council.
Officers of the Ag Club are Terry Weddle, president. Doyle Rover, vice president, and Melvin Roberts, secretary-treasurer.
Doghouse manager this year is Dick Rienke. Those employed in the Dog House are Eileen Olt-man, JoNelle Thoreen, Betty Oltman, Larry Sanders, and Diane Browning.
CBYF To Emphasize Rural Problems’ Nov. 9
The CBYP cabinet Is planning a hayrack ride and wienier roast for Sunday, Nov. 9. All those planning to go should sign their names on one of the papers posted on the bulletin hoard in Sharp Hall or Dotzour Hall.
The theme of the evening program will be "Rural Problems." There will be recreation and worship A fee of 50 cents will be charged to cover cost of food and transportation. The CBYF invites everyone to attend.
The CBYF and the farmers loaning tractors and hayracks for the event will not be responsible for any accidents.
The English Proficiency Test has been issued for this year and the results arc expected to be posted by Friday noon according to Prof. Harley Stump, associate professor of English.
One hundred and one students took the test which proved to be more difficult than was anticipated. The papers are in the final process of cheeking now and general errors will be noted.
Where it is indicated, remedial work will be used to help the student do better. Names will be posted on the board in Sharp under the professor who will talk over the results with those that took the test.
Those that took the test should sec the professor under which their name is listed. As was indicated, the quality of English left something to be desired but it is hoped that this can be remedied.
New Trends in Christian Education” was the central theme of a recent scries of five meetings held at the Educational Building of the college church. Mrs. Gordon Yoder was the Dean of the School, the first of its kind in many years in the city of McPherson.
A rhythmic interpretation of Christian Education was presented in three parts on Sunday evening, Sept. 28. Part one consisted of a Verse Choir directed by Bob Dell, sophomore from McPherson. They delivered "The Creation" by J. Weldon Johnson.
Tenor soloist. Nelson Stump, son of Harley Stump, assistant professor of English and literature. sang the “Lord's Prayer." while a group of high school youth interpreted it in rhythm.
A "family orchestra" also had its birth at this service, under the direction of Donald Frederick, professor of voice, director of choral organization, and director of bands. It is hoped that in future years this group will unite parents and children into a standing group and that they can perform occasionally in the church.
One hundred were in attendance at the teachers appreciation din’ ner on Oct. 2. Mary Ann Robinson, a Presbyterian from McPherson, who recently returned from an International Christian Education Convention in Tokyo. Japan, was
the speaker of the evening.
Eskil Anderson, the guidance counselor at the McPherson High School, spoke on the subject, "Why We Are As We Arc" on Oct. 9.
Attending the Farebault Laboratory School in Farebault, Minn, this summer was Mrs. R. E. Mohler. From this experience, she spoke on the subject. "Why And How of Creative Teaching, or Making a Classroom Come to Life," at the Oct. 16 meeting.
Five college students participated in a play. "Random Target" at the last meeting of the scries. Those portraying the parts in the play were Carolyn Fillmore, sophomore from Belle Plaine, Kas., Norma Watkins, senior from Welda, Kas., Larry King, junior from North English, Iowa, and Vernard Foley, sophomore from Morrill, Kas. Glenna Hawbaker, a senior from Dallas Center, Iowa, dircted the play.
An interdenominational flavor was added to the series when the leaders of the various age group discussions came from six churches. These discussions followed each session.
Former Mac Nurse Sails
Betty Arnett who was Macollege school nurse in 1955-56, left New York for Africa, Oct. 15.
She was to be in Garkida, Africa on Oct. 25, where she will do mission work.
Student Council Pesident
Carl Harris, son of Rev. and Mrs. Glen Harris, Jennings, Lais president of the Student Council. He has also held other positions on the Student Council. Last year he was Student Council treasurer.
Also during his junior year Carl was a member of A Cap-pella Choir, the board of Publications. CBYF, MCA, Men’s Council, Rec Council, Pi Kappa Delta and a Spectator Editor. He had the leading male role in "Wit-tness For the Prosecution” presented last year.
As a sophomore he was a member of varsity debate, Players' Club, Spec Staff, and a class officer.
Don Cotton is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Cotton. 709 S. Walnut. He is married to the former Ivadelle Wisler, Cando, North Dakota.
Don has been active in football since his freshmen year. He is senior representative on the Student Council and a member of M Club. As a junior he participated in band, Players' Club, student council, student court, and International Relations Club.
Actress. Journalist
Glenna Hawbaker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ezra J. Hawbaker, Dallas Center, Iowa, is an English major. She is a Student Council representative, president of Rec Council, member of the board of Publication, MCA, CBYF, and SNEA.
Glenna was editor of the Spectator when she was a sophomore. Last year she had one of the lead roles in the production "Wit-tness for the Prosecution." She is a member of Pi Kappa Delta, having been a varsity debater.
Music Majors
Norma Watkins was born in Welda, Kas., and graduated from Welda High School. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Watkins.
Norma is a music major. She has been a member of A Cap-pella Choir, Ladies Trio and MENC since she was a sophomore.
In her junior year Norma was a member of Student Council. Women’s Council, dorm council, MCA cabinet, and a class officer.
During her freshman year she participated in Chapel Choir. Intramurals. Players' Club and the Peace Group.
Irvin Wagner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Orval Wagner, 1111 E. Kansas, McPherson, was born in Osborne, Kas. He is a music major and is assistant director of the McPherson College Band.
(Continued on Page Four)
By Dr. D.
One has a panicky feeling when he is lost, especially if he cannot read the street signs, or ask questions in the language of the country. This happened to us several times this summer in Europe.
But a worst "lostness" is when one has a sense of being all alone in the midst of a crowd of his own fellows. One does not know how to escape from this kind of lostness. It is hard to read the signs, or speak the language which liberates from this lost ness.
There ore some students on every campus, including McPherson campus, who have this sense
W. Bittinger
of being lost. They are surrounded by several hundred young people of their own ages. But they do not feel that they belong: that they really know anyone; that they have any heart-to-heart friends.
You can read the loneliness in the eyes of this '‘lost” boy or girl.
Perhaps all of us are thoughtless at this point. We may not be conscious of these people; consequently. are not seeking to help anyone who has this sense of lostness to find any street signs which will help him into friendship.
Can you be helpful at this point?
College society is very interesting. It consists of many different people and ideas and situations. Sometimes these ideas of people conflict with each other and hinder their getting along with each other.
Members of the college family must get along just as members of any family. It is evident that disrespect for a house can cause much trouble in a family and much unhappiness.
In the same way disrespect for a home can cause trouble, disrespect for the dormitory can cause trouble in the- college family. All of us want to get along and be a peaceful family.
However, those who write on-the walls and leave trash and bottles in the halls must be ex ceptions. It takes little effort to sweep up dirt into a pan and dump it in a can.
But. more often than not. dirt is swept from the rooms into the broom closet and left on the floor. Apple fights arc fun but why leave the cores on the hall floor?
Young people must have a little fun and horsplay but when
they leave the evidence for the janitor to clean up it shows their immaturity and their unwillingness to conform to the normal.
Let's all grow up a little and show the respect for our dorm homes that they deserve. In this way we can make the dorms better places to live during our years in college. — a student.
As the March of Dimes moves forward Toward Greater Victories, its first new targets are two of the greatest cripplers of all— arthritis and birth defects (congenital malforma-ions).
The average man is proof that the average woman can take a joke.
Dr. George Williams in his new and critical commentary on higher education in America. "Some Of My Best Friends Are Professors”, warns that there is only one way to be a good professor, but there are a least seven ways to bo a very bad one.
These suggestions should be weighed perhaps by the students who have just completed their first week of practice teaching.
The first bad professor is the stupid professor. He is a rule-follower. because rule-following simplifies life for him.
The second professor, the smug professor, is the one who is convinced that he is most clever and most knowing and has proved to himself that he is a pretty smart fellow. He must be a pretty smart fellow after all to have gotten where he is.
Less common is the third type, the arrogant one. He is never arrogant to those above, but always arrogant to his students.
as well as to faculty members who are his inferiors.
He is rude and has forgotten what Emerson knew — that the secret of education lies in respecting the pupil.
The fourth type of bad professor is the one who just does not care about people. He likes science and scholarship, books and libraries. He enjoys talking about what he knows, but he has no understanding of the points of view of his students.
Dr. Williams describes several other types of “bad” professors. The final type of bad professor whom Dr. Williams excoriates teaches in a supremely businesslike way. To this professor the students are so many items to be processed, so many completed jobs to be turned out according to schedule.
If Dr. Williams is severe on some of the professorial types in his book, he reminds us all, in his title, that "Some Of My Best Friends Are Professors."
By Fans, Foley, and Harris
An important hole in the road of education is sleeping through chapel. It happens this way; it is Friday, a day like any other day. a chapel session like any other chapel session, except YOU ARE THERE.
The organ has finally been drowned out by the murmur of conversation, the curtains open, revealing a quaint little man with a grey mustache, peering over the top of the rostrum.
He clears his throat, waves a ream of paper, and says, "Will you please give your attention to a few important announcements, They are as follow;
"There will be an important meeting of the SNEA, The Slightly Neurotic Educators of America, immediately following chapel in the business office, to find out what happened to last years' dues.
"Mr. and Mrs. Rollo Tubb announce the engagement of their daughter, Ima Tubb to Mr. Doug Graves, son of Mr. and Mrs. Phil Graves.
"Next Monday night the Student Ministers' Group will meet in the Community Building Auditorium to hear Dr. Evan Jellik speak on "Why Ministers Shouldn't Marry Barmaids.” Professor Dale Brown will introduce the speaker and wake the audience when it is time to go home.
“Mr. and Mrs. Ply Wood of Greenwood. Minn., announce the engagement of their daughter. Shirley Wood, to Mr. Rex Carrs, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rod Carrs of Wheeling, West. Va. Rex is at present a sophomore at McPherson College majoring in automechanics and first aid.
“All girls wishing to have dates this weekend please meet at midnight tonight in room 410 Dotzour.
“ALL boys desiring dates this weekend write your name on a $10 bill, address it to CHAFF, and put it in the Spectator mailbox.
"Mr. and Mrs. Otto Horn announce that their daughter, Ooga Horn, is interested in becoming engaged. All boys who are interested please meet at the back of chapel after chapel today.
“The Faculty Social Committee wishes to announce that since Lotta Drive and Earnest Ree Sis-tence have had three dates in a row. they are now going steady until further notice. This decision upholds an earlier pronouncement of the Dotzour Dorm Council.
The members of the Student Court are asked to meet at 9:30 this evening for an investigation of loom 410. Dotzour.”
“The following people have been chosen to be co-captains of the intramural hula-hooping teams. Will they please meet after chapel in the broom closet under the chapel. Ruth Less and Will Cheat. Sally Forth and Harry Armpitt, Rannie Hertz and Russel Kattle, Marion Kind and Nat Available, Wanda Flirt and Thurston Long."
“The coming of T. F. M. S. L. is rapidly drawing near. Be sure you are prepared for it. Remember. T.F.M.S.L. spelled backwards is L.S.M.F.T."
So what was chapel like today? It was a chapel like any other chapel, filled with those events which warp and deteriorate our minds, and YOU WERE THERE.
Bulldogs Wallop Quakers -To Remain In Second Place
McPherson College Bulldogs will travel to Ottawa tomorrow night as they face the Ottawa University Braves in a KCAC game beginning at 7:30 p.m.
The Braves were victorious in last week's play, defeating Bethany. The Braves will enter tomorrow's game with a 2-1-1 record.
The two teams were evenly matched in last year's contest with McPherson edging the Braves 13-12. The Bulldogs came from behind in the last quarter to win their homecoming game.
Since the series began with Ottawa. McPherson has won 12 games and lost 14.
Ottawa finished fifth in the KACA standings last season with a 3-3 record.
Iowa’s victory over Northwestern left the Hawkeyes in undisputed possession of the Big Ten lead. The championship could be decided two weeks from tomorrow when Iowa and Ohio State meet.
In Big Ten action last week Iowa held off a strong Northwestern team 26-20. Illinois blanked Michigan State 16-0 while Michigan tripped Minnesota 20-19.
A strong Wisconsin outfit held Ohio State to a ,7-7 deadlock. The Boilermakers of Purdue knocked off Notre Dame 29-22. Indiana registered a win by defeating Miami, Ohio, 12-7.
Baker Continues To Lead KCAC
The Wildcats of Baker University continue to lead the KCAC race by defeating Bethel 41-20 last Saturday.
McPherson maintained its second place position by crushing Friends 54-27. Friends remains in the league cellar.
The three way tie for third position which prevailed last week was broken as Kansas Wesleyan defeated College of Emporia 2721.
Ottawa's 19-14 win over Bethany gave Kansas Wesleyan undisputed possession of third place. Conference Standings
Athlete Of The Week
Delk Receives Recognition For Fine All-Around Play
For playing a tough defensive and offensive game in the Mc-: Pherson-Friends tilt, Edmund Delk, better known as "Ed," has been sleeted as "Athlete of the Week.”
Ed. a senior now student-teaching at Moundridge, Kas., stands 6’ 1" high and weighs 170 pounds.
Ed. who is one of the best pass receivers in the conference, was elected to the All-Conference se-cond team last year. He is a rugged defensive end and a player that is a good competitor all of the way.
Ed not only is a good end. but is one of the-stalwarts of the Bulldog basketball team.
Ed and his wife, Sharon, live in McPherson.
Interested in fifty dollars?
Fifty dollars is waiting for the best ideas of Christmas decorations on Main Street of McPherson for the 1959 season. The Chamber of Commerce is asking all people with ideas to prepare them for the contest The deadline for submitting designs is Dec. 1, this year.
These designs may be in pencil sketches, water colors, or even small models. An area of five or six feet below the lights will be available for the designs Entries may be mailed to the Chamber office at 118 North Ash, McPherson.
The McPherson College Bulldogs scored eight touchdowns and six extra points to wallop the Quakers of Friends University 54 to 27 in a Kansas Conference game.
With two minutes remaining in the game, the tempers of several of the boys were aroused which resulted in a fist fight. The referees were unable to control the players so the game was called.
The Bulldogs hit quick to score two touchdowns in the first five minutes of play. They scored one on a pass from Stucky to Don Elliott and another on a run by Ragland. The Quakers also scored on a 85 yard kickoff return early in the first quarter.
The highlight of the second quarter was the play of the senior end. Ed Delk. Delk scored two touchdowns, one on a 30 yard pass play which resulted in a spectacular catch, and another one on a 23 yard pass interception runback.
The star of the third quarter was another senior. Gene Elliott He also scored two touchdowns, one on a pass from Stucky and another one on a run around right end for six yards. Elliott also caught a pass for an extra point Most of the scoring done by the Quakers was done against the
Kansas University’s upset of Tulane 14-9 gains the spotlight in eyes of the Big Eight this week. Oklahoma continued its wining pace by rolling over Kansas State 40-6.
Colorado, the only team with possibilities of stopping Oklahoma, was victorious over Nebraska 2716. The Oklahoma-Colorado game will be played tomorrow
Missouri came out on top in their action with Iowa State 14-6. Oklahoma State overpowered Cin cinnati to win 19-14.
second and third units of the Bulldogs. The second unit of the Bulldogs showed some fire by running some very fine plays called by the quarterbacks Sams and Heidebrecht.
Five men were involved in scoring the eight touchdowns which made up the 54 points. Delk, Don Elliott, and Gene Elliott each secored two, while Ragland and Richards scored one each. Gordon Lewis kicked four of the extra points and passed two. one to Gene Elliott and one to Heidebrecht.
The Bulldogs had a total of 176 yards rushing while the Quakers had 97 yards. The Bulldogs had 188 yards passing to Friend’s 129 yards. The Quakers lost the ball five times by fumbles which helped to set up several of the Bulldogs touchdowns.
Mac Student Is Licensed Pilot
If you see a plane buzzing the tops of the buildings of McPherson College, do not become alarmed. It may be one of the college’s own students.
We have a female pilot on our campus this year. ’ Miss Edith Martin from Canton, Kas., is a licensed pilot.
Miss Martin first became interested in flying when her employer in Canton purchased a private plane. He urged everyone of his employees to learn to pilot the plane. He offered to pay for the lessons for those who wished to learn.
Miss Martin and two other employees became interested and took the flying lessons. Miss Mar-
Sports Calendar
Friday, Oct. 31
Friends at Bethany (night) Saturday, Nov. 1 C of E at Bethel (afternoon) Kansas Wesleyan at Baker (afternoon)
McPherson at Ottawa (night)
B-Squad Boasts A Record Of 3-1
'Training for the future," arc the words used by George Keim, assistant coach, to describe the Macollege B-football squad.
The team consists mostly of freshmen and also sophomores and juniors who do not play in the varsity games.
"Principally, the B-squad is used as a means of training players for the A team and is designed to observe the boys under pressure." Mr. Keim stated.
Four games have been played to date with a total of three wins and one loss. McPherson capped two over Wesleyan. The loss was a yield to Sterling which, however, was sucessfully atoned last Monday with a 14-6 win.
tin was the only woman who took them.
Miss Martin took lessons at the McPherson Airport. Her instructor was a postman when not instructing flying lessons. She received her license in 1956.
Miss Martin says that she would rather fly than do almost anything else. Landing is her greatest pleasure. It took longer to learn how to land, and it gives her a lot of satisfaction when she lands her plane.
Miss Martin flies for pleasure ns well as business.
She works in Canton where she lives. She drives to school each morning. She is enrolled as a freshman this year.
Three college students played with the Navy Band during one of the concerts given. Gary Stelt-ing and Inin Wagner played trombone, and Danny Olmsted played the sousaphone. The number they played was "National Emblem.”
People who talk fast and much often outrun their facts.
Noel Grove was unintentionally omitted from last week’s story of the “See How They Run" play cast.
Noel is laying the role of the Reverend Lionel Toop, husband of Penilope Toop. Lionel is a mellow sort of man trying to play referee between his wife and an obviously-attracted old-maid.
Five Macollege girls are enrolled in beginning foods class this semester. They are Ellen Strycker, Karen Yoder, Veneta Howell, Elizabeth Pittman, and Roberta Varner. Miss Mildred Siek, head of the home economics department is their instructor.
In studying foods, the technique is on meal planning. The girls and their instructor decide on the over all goals of planning a meal.
An outline is set up to determine what they have to study, the plans to be made, the problems that present themselves, and then attaining these objectives.
There arc basic objectives in foods and preparing of food. Some of the more important objectives are using the food dollar wisely or purchasing food wisely. Preparing nutrious, palatable, and attractive meals is another one of the objectives to attain.
The study of the principles of food preparation to conserve nutrients is an important objective. The students consider proper table etiquette and proper forms of serving food as objectives to attain.
The management of time is important. The students study how to manage the time to conserve energy and at the same time accomplish the task in a given time.
The students objective is to develop an appreciation for all foods. Also, they develop an ap-preciation for food preparation. It is an expression of them. They develop a creative sense in the preparation and service of food.
This semester, the students in foods class will serve family style dinners. These dinners will not necessarily be served family style, but they will be very informal.
Monday 6:00 Ag Club. Frantz Hall.
6:45 Memory Chapel, Church. 7:00 Ministerial and Missionary Fellowship Vaniman Hall.
Tuesday 6:30 Orchestra. S.A.R. 6:45 Memory Chapel. Church. Wednesday 6:30 Student Council. Dr. Flory's.
6:45 Memory Chapel. Church Thursday 6:00 Spectator Staff. Office.
6:45 MCA meetings.
(Continued from Page One)
Irv is a member of Music Educators National Conference, the A Cappella Choir. Male Quintet, and president of the Student Court.
Other organizations Inin has participated in are CBYF, MCA and Players’ Club. He was president of the Western Region Youth Cabinet during his junior year. He was a class officer his freshman year.
Student Religious Leader
Richard Bittinger was born in Garkida, Nigeria W. Africa where his parents. Dr. and Mrs. D. W. Bittinger, were missionaries at that time.
Richard is a history major and plans to teach. He is also a licensed minister. He is president of the McPherson Christian. Association. and a member of the Student Court.
In his sophomore and junior years Richard was editor of the Quadrangle. Also in his junior year he was a member of the Church of the Brethren Western Region Youth Cabinet, Pi Kappa Delta. Phi Alpha Theta, the M club and the Board of Publications. He has participated in field and track and cross country
Sermon topics and evening services at the College Church have been announced for the month of November, according to Mrs. Guy Hayes, church secretary. They are as follows:
Nov. 2 — Morning. "What the World Is Waiting For" by Rev. Harry K. Zeller. Jr.
Evening. "What Scientists Shall We Believe" also by Rev. Zeller.
Nov. 9 — Morning. "Wrath and Love" by Prof. Dale Brown, director of religious life.
Evening, "The Count Down” — 30 minute picture and discussion.
Nov. 16 — Morning. Message will be delivered by Dr. D. W. Bittinger, president of the college.
Evening. Hymn Sing, directed by Prof. Donold Frederick, minister of music.
Nov. 23 — Morning. "Less Than the Best." by Rev. Zeller.
Evening. Thanksgiving Program
Nov. 30 — Morning "Nothing Succeeds Like Failure" by Rev. Zeller.
Evening — The student ministers will be in charge.
Check Reveals Spending For Meals In Cafeteria
Mrs. Slifer, head cook at the cafeteria, has kept a record of the tickets of both girls and boys for a two week period in October. The boys’ tickets were kept separate from the girls’ so the average cost per meal could be determined.
For girls the average for breakfast was 25 cents. The average cost for dinner was 53 cents, and for the supper meal it was 40 cents. The average cost per day for girls was $1.18.
The average cost for breakfast for boys was 33 cents. For dinner the average was 70 cents, and the supper average was 55 cents. The average cost per day for boys was $1.58.
Preview Of Play Will Appear Over TV Nov. 6
Peter Coulson. assistant professor of literature and drama, will accompany a group of students to Hutchinson where they will appear on television.
The group will be giving excerpts from the play "Sec How They Run" by Phillip King.
The program is scheduled for Thursday. Nov. 6 at 4:45 p.m.
Siek To Show Pictures At Grade School Today
Mrs. George Keim. a teacher Wickersham Grade School has invited Miss Mildred Siek to visit the school and show her pictures of Alaska to the pupils. Miss Sick will show her pictures to the school today.
The cooks in the college cafeteria are very seldon seen by students. They work hard in a hot kitchen to prepare a good meal three times a day.
Mrs. Ethel Slifer, head cook, has been on the campus working for fifteen years. Miss Marie Boese is the one who makes the pies. She has worked on Macampus for six years.
Violet Hansen has been a cafeteria cook for five years. Mrs. Hansen is the mother of two sons and one daughter.
Mrs. Mina Sifret has just begun working in the cafeteria. Her husband is a student in the college. She has two boys ages three and four and a half.
Mrs. Matilda Willems has spent seven years of her life working back in the kitchen. Her husband works at Dillons’. She has three grown children.
Dean Wayne F. Geisert is one of some fifteen young educators across the nation selected to participate in the Leadership Training Program of the North Central Association for the academic year 1958-1959, according to word received by President Bittinger.
Members of the training program are selected on the basis of their administrative positions, their record of scholarly activities. and the promise they show of becoming future leaders in American higher education.
Dr. Geisert was nominated for this honor by President Bittinger and was selected by the North Central Association.
Dr. Geisert will be in Chicago Nov. 6 and 7 to participate in the first conference of the Leadership Training Program, where he and other members of the program will discuss major problems of American higher education, methods of evaluating institutions of higher education, and plans for visits to representative colleges throughout the country.
During his year of participation in this training program. Dr. Giesert will attend several workshops and conferences and will visit, with a team of two others, five colleges and universities.
Next summer he will attend a two-week summer workshop to evaluate the year’s experiences.
Seven Are Listed On Chapel Committe
Planning and arranging for chapels for the Macollege faculty and students are two students and five faculty members.
The committee under the chairmanship of Dale Brown, includes Marlene Klotz and Don Cotton, student representatives; and Harley Stump. Wayne F. Geisert, Paul Sollenberger, and Audrey San Romani, faculty representatives.
Wallace, Willits
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Wallace. 2740 E. Douglas Ave., Des Moines, Iowa, announce the engagement of their daughter. Delores, to Donald Willits, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Willits of McLouth, Kan.
Delores is a senior this year, majoring in biology. Don is a sophomore, majoring in industrial arts.
The wedding date is not yet definite.
"McPherson College community chest donations totaled $433.50 Monday. Oct. 27. and represents the donations of 43 family units.” according to Guy Hayes, professor of speech and debate and the community chest representative at McPherson College.
The drive, which was hoped to be completed by today, aids seven organizations. They are the Red Cross, the YMCA, the Boy Scouts, the Girl ‘Scouts, the Salvation Army, the Kansas Children’s Service League, and the Speech Correction Association.
Persons wishing to designate specific areas of contribution may do so.
Professor Hayes said they would like to have people affiliated with the college to make
Milling Machine Used By Students In Training
"The chips are flying from the milling machine,” says Alvin Willems. assistant professor in industrial arts and mechanics.
The milling machine was acquired during the last School year and is now used as a portion of the shop student training.
"The milling machine is a used Brown and Sharp and originally sold new in the vicinity of $6,200," Mr. Willems said.
Milling machines are principally for metal grooving and shaping work.
"A Van Norman plain mill will soon be added to the shop equipment," Mr. Willems added. The plain mill is similar to the vertical mill though not quite as versatile.
Students taking shop courses are formulating projects for the semester. One student. Jerry Adams, freshman, Lyons, has just finished a 16 inch by seven inch by four inch metal tool box complete with tray which was his project in the bench metal course.
their contributions through the college in order to make the total amount for the school more substantial.
John Ferrill, registrar and professor of political science at Central College, is the community chest representative for Central.