Macampus was busy with homecoming activities on Saturday. The campus decorations were judged at 11 a.m. The prize winners were announced at the football game. Kline Hall won first place. $30: Freshman Class, second. $20: and WAA, third, $10. The five honorable mention winners of $5 each are Arnold Hall. Fahnestock Hall. Junior Class. MCA. and Sophomore Class. The judges were Dr. John Burkholder. biology professor at Mac; Mr. Bill Sheets, a local realtor: and Mrs. Marcia Cotterill of Marcia's Gift Shop. M-Club Luncheon Dr. Wayne Blickenstaff, a former member of the Macollege football squad and the M-Club, was the guest speaker at the M-Club luncheion at 12:15 p.m. The present and many alumni lettermen were present. The music department presented a program for the alumni in the auditorium at 3 p.m. followed by the annual alumni tea in the SUR. The Pep Club served a chili supper in the church social rooms for all alumni and college students at 4:30-6 p.m. Football Game The McPherson College Bulldogs whipped the Kansas Wesleyan Coyotes 19-0 in the homecoming game at 7:30 at the college sta-dium. In the pre-game show the queen and her attendants were escorted on to the field and seated in front of the grandstand. At half-time the Macollege Marching Band performed. The members of the football teams of 1953 and 1948 were honored and introduced at this time. After the game students and alumni shared in a coffee hour in the Dog House and the cafeteria. This brought the 1958 homecoming activities to a close, McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas October 24, 1958 Leaders, Laymen To Gather Tomorrow For Regional Meet Outstanding Church of the Brethren leaders from all over the Brotherhood will arrive tomorrow for the Annual Western Region Conference. Between 400 and 500 church ministers, laymen, and women are expected to arrive on campus for sessions beginning tomorrow morning and ending Thursday noon. College Calendar Tomorrow night, football game at Friends University, Wichita; Tomorrow, Regional Conference begins. Thursday. Oct. 30, Regional Conference ends. Friday. Oct. 31, all school Halloween party in the gym. sponsored by the Ag Club. When Will He Be Lord?" Tomorrow’s Meetings Of special interest to students are some of tomorrow’s meetings. Vaniman Hall is the location of a conference on Church Comping. Paul Weaver, national director of Jr. High Work and Camping, and George Harvey, regional director of the same, are the leaders. Only one expense will be charged for this conference, each person attending will pay for and help cook his own dinner. The Regional C.B.Y.F. Cabinet will also meet this afternoon and tomorrow morning. Three other one-day conferences will be in session tomorrow-conferences for Men's Work, for Women’s Work, and for Distinct Directors of Children’s Work. Coppock Will Present Colored Slides Tonight For the entertainment of those interested. Miss Doris Coppock will show the slides of her European summer tour, tonight at 7:00 in the chapel. There will be no charge for the showing of these pictures. Deans Attend Meet Of Kansas Association Attending the Kansas Deans and Registrars meeting at Fort Hays State College, Fort Hays, Kas., yesterday were Mrs. Alice B. Martin, registrar; Wayne F. Gei-sert, dean of Macollege; S. M. Dell, dean of men; Mrs. Kathryn Bechtel, dean of women; and Raymond Flory, dean of students. Mrs. Martin presented a sum-mary of a Registrar's Summer workshop which she attended this past summer in Stockton, Calif. There were exhibits from more than fourty-four different companies from the surrounding area. Fields, Fans To Play Leads In Players’ Fall Production Terrell Phenice, playing the part of The Intruder, a loyal Red waiting for the revolution; Kay Wall-erich, playing the part of the Bishop of Lax. Penelope's Uncle who is shocked at the doings in this house. Loren Reyher, playing the part of the Rev. Arthur Humphrey, who gets thoroughly confused at the life in the Vicarage: and Larry Hayes, playing the part of the Sergeant Towers who takes care of the Intruder. Virginia Sales, the noted American character actress who appeared on Macampus Oct. 7, remarked that the play had appeared in a summer stock production in which she had participated. and that it was well received. The play first appeared in Lon-this last year he became allergic Theatre '49. Plainfield. N. J. The action of "See How They Run." lakes place in the hall at the Vicarage. Merton-Cum-Middle-wick, England. Rev. Harry Zeller Announces Resignation As Of June, 1959 Tour. This past summer. European travel and a visit to Russia was included in his schedule. "Peace Is Our Business" is a volume of sermons written by Rev. Zeller, as a labor of Love. Education Rev. Zeller has graduated from seven colleges and universities and has five degrees credited to him. including an A.B. degree from Bridgewater College, '36, a B.D. degree from Bethany Biblical Seminary. '41 an M.A. degree from Butler University. '43. Doctor of Divinity from Bridgewater, '54, and Doctor of Sacred The ology from Ripon College, '58. Other colleges are Union Theological Seminary and Yale University. Class Travels To Lindsborg The Arts and Crafts class under the sponsorship of Professor S. M. Dell participated in a field trip to Lindsborg Oct. 10th The first stop on the trip was to see the work of Antone Pierson. Mr. Pierson makes wood carvings out of native cottonwood. he used to use redwood but this last year he became allergic to it. He tries to revive the work of the Swedish pioneers. Also, while at the home of Mr. Pierson the class saw the flower garden of Mrs. Pierson, which consisted of some lovely orchids, Improvements Appear On Campus This Fall Those who have seen the improvements that have been made on the campus will appreciate the beautiful new grass in front of Fannestock Hall and the fresh look it gives to the Campus. The new roof on the gym is responsible for the look of newness it gives to the building. There are other things that have been done to improve our campus during the summer. Fahnestock Hall has received a new coat of paint in the rooms and new metal furniture that is gray and will last for many years. Ceiling lights were added With the return of many alumni, McPherson College celebrated its homecoming last weekend. Beginning with the crowning of the 1958 homecoming queen. Eileen Oltman, on Friday, Oct. 17, the events continued until Saturday evening. Eileen was crowned by Ivadelle Cotton, the retiring queen, at the Queen's Banquet Friday in the church social rooms at 6:30. "The Renaissance" was the theme of the banquet. A pink and maroon color scheme was carried out in the false walls and lowered ceiling. White candles with gold glitter provided the only light. The table cloths were of linen brocade. The focus of interest was a gold jeweled crown set on maroon drapes behind and above the main table. Program Listed on the program was an interpretation of a portion of the Shakesperian play, "Much Ado About Nothing" by Joan Walters and Eddie Longmire. A mixed quartet number by Norma Watkins. Carolyn Fill more. Harvey Hess, and Dohn Kruschwitz was presented. Harvey Hess wrote the vocal and instrumental music and the words for this quartet. Bob Dell, Irvin Wagner, Marvin Weddle and Gary Stelting accompanied the group on their trombones. Noel Grove acted as the minister of protocol in charge of the coronation. Vernard Foley, dressed in the costume of a court jester, was the major-domo in charge of the program of music, and dramatics. Harvey Hess wrote the special music for the coronation and supplied authentic dinner music which was played throughout the meal. Faye Fields and Glen Faus will play the leading roles in the play. "See How They Run." to be given sometime in November. Faye, a sophomore from Wichita, Kas., majoring in English, will play the part of Penelope Toop Glen, a sophomore from Manheim, Pa., majoring in Philosophy and Religion, will portray Corporal Clive Winton. This fast-paced modern force takes place in England and moves at such a rapid speed, it leaves the audience breathless from laughter. Other members of the cast are Karen York, playing the role of Ida. the maid who has seen too many American movies: Jo an Walters, playing the part of Miss Skillion, a jilted old-maid who gets her first taste of alco-hol. Ex-BVS’ers Organize; Will Meet Monthly The Brethren Volunteer Felow-ship, a new organization on camus. met last Sunday night to organize. They elected a steering committee consisting of Pat Huber, Clara Zunkle and Bryan Stof-fer. The organization will be meeting on the second Sunday of each month from 3 - 5 p.m. Purpose of BVF is to promote fellowship between former BVSers on campus and to promote the work of BVS. Ex-BVSers on Macampus are Clifford Tusing, Roberto Varner, Kathy Kestner, Vena Catherine Wray, Roger Killian, Bonnie and Hudson Sadd, Pat Huber, Charles Lauver, Jim Merrifield, Allen Driver, and Joe Looker- |
Volume XLIII Chapel To Be Held At Church Next Week Chapel will be changed temporarily to the McPherson Church of the Brethren Turesday Oct. 28 and Wednesday Oct. 29 according to Dale Brown, director of religious life. Regular classes scheduled for 9:35 a.m. Wednesday Oct. 29 will be held Friday during the regular chapel hour. Dr. Gaston Foote, noted Methodist minister from Fort Worth. Tex., will speak during the chapel services on "The College Student and God" and "The Magnificent You." Professor S. M. Dell and Mr. Gene Nelson. McPherson Hi g h School Industrial Arts Instructor, accompanied, by Ben Boese, Industrial Arts Instructor at Mound-ridge High School, and Mr. Peter Kaufman and Mr. Menno Stucky, instructors of Industrial Art at Bethel College, attended a meeting of a four-state Industrial Arts Conference in Pittsburg on Oct. 10 and 11 The states represented in this conference were Missouri. Arkansas. Oklahoma, and Kansas. This was the record conference for this district. Junior high school and college teachers were present at this meeting. Dr. Carl Reng, president of Arkansas State College, was the main speaker. His topic was "Vocational Education for Industral-ization": also Doyle Kemper spoke on the "Changes of Vocational Education". There was a panel discussion on "New Ideas For Industrial Education”. Rev. Harry K. Zeller. Jr., announced his resignation as pastor of the McPherson Church of the Brethren on Sunday. October 19, effective June 30. 1959. His new pastorate will be the LaVerne. Calif., Church of the Brethren, a church with appromixately 1,000 members. Rev. Zeller held pastorates in Richmond, Va.. two years; Indianapolis, Ind., three years: and Elgin, Ill., six years: previous to his McPherson assignment. He and his family—Mrs. Zeller, the two girls. Marie Ann and Karen Sue, and the two boys, Norman and Richard—came to live in McPherson in 1950. Since coming to McPherson, denominational chores of Rev. Zeller have included the General Brotherhood Board since 1950, the Standing Committee and twice as Southwestern Kansas District Moderator. Active In Community An active part has also been taken by Rev. Zeller in this community as a member of the Board of Directors of the YMCA since 1953, of the McPherson Ministerial Association several years acting as president in 1954, and of the Rotary since 1951. Travels Travels have been quite broad for Rev. Zeller. In 1955. he and Mrs. Zeller visited the Brethren Service - installations in Europe. Rev. Zeller was also the Official Guest of the Federal Republic of Western Germany 1955 Study |
Speakers Speeches will be given each evening of the Conference in the church sanctuary. Gaston Foote, pastor of the First Methodist Church. Ft. Worth. Texas, will speak on "The World In Which We Live" Tuesday evening, and "The Timely and the Timeless" Wednesday. Norman Baugher, the General Secretary of the General Brotherhood Board. Elgin is presenting the address at the Monday evening session, while Rev. Harry K. Zeller. Jr., is speaking on Conference Sunday on the topic "The Ingredients of Faith". Chapel hour has been changed next week to Tuesday and Wed nesday. and will be in the church sanctuary. Gaston Foote will i speak at both sessions. On Tuesday. his topic will be "The College Student and God." and on Wednesday. "The Magnificent You." Installation Installation for Floyd Bantz as the executive secretary of the Western Region is on Monday evening. A special delegate from the National Council of Churches and other influential dignitaries of the churches will be present. Norman Baugher presents the address of the evening. Other speeches by Baugher during the conference includes an 11:25 a.m. presentation on Monday and Tuesday when he will speak on "Now. Where Are We?" and "Where To From Here,” repect-ively. Bible Hour Dale Brown, director of religious life and assistant professor of Philosophy and Religion on campus, will conduct a Bible Hour Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. from 8:40 til 9:30 on a succession of topics—"Who Is This Lord?", "How Is He Lord?", and Illness Strikes Two Of Macollege Family Released yesterday from the McPherson County Hospital was Dr. O. A. Olson, professor of economics and business administration at Macollege. Also in the McPherson County Hospital was Mrs. Audrey San Romani, associate professor of piano and organ. She entered the hospital Oct. 17 and was released Wednesday. Oct. 22. |
No. 7 Training Sessions Afternoon training sessions are designed to co-ordinate pastor-lay relationships. It is lo help each to understand the roles which they play in the total program of the church and to encourage an active church member. The "Pastor as Preacher" will be presented by Rev. Zeller on Monday afternoon. The topic on Tuesday is the Pastor as Administrator” in "The Church School." by S. L. Bowman. in "Planning the Church Year." by Meredith Rogers, and ‘With Committees” by Ray E. Zook. Again on Wednesday, the session "The Pastor and His Community." will be divided into three parts: ’Serving the Community." by Kurtis Naylor. "—Informing the Community” by Charles Dum-mond, Jr., and "—Putting the Dollar To Work," by Gordon Yoder. Special Music Several musical organizations of the college will offer numbers during the conference. A musical will be presented by the Macol-lege M u s i c Department. College Civil Orchestra and College Choral organizations at 7:30 p.m., Saturday evening at the church. The Church Choir is scheduled to sing for the Sunday Morning Service. College groups are individually scheduled as follows: Sunday evening—College Church Choir, Monday—College Mixed Quartette at the Bible Hour, and the Mixed Quartettes at the installation service. Tuesday-College Varsity Quartette at the Bible Hour, Ladies Trio at Chapel, and A Capelin Choir at the evening session. Wednesday-Male Quintette at the Bible Hour. Trio at the Ministers' Fllowship Dinner, and Chapel Choir at the evening session. Fellowship Hour ' A conference fellowship hour scheduled for 10:30 a.m. each day of the conference, will give college students an opportunity to visit with friends from home. All conference guests have been invited to eat in the cafeteria but will give preference to students at noon on school days. Lodging is being furnished by the McPherson people with pay. |
Bulldogs Down Coyotes 19-0 To Take Over Second Place
Friends University will be the target of invasion for the McPherson Bulldogs as they travel to Wichita tomorrow evening to meet “The Fighting Quakers” on Fred Hoyt Field at 7:45 p.m.
Although the Quaker’s record fails to boast a win. they certainly won’t be a pushover. Conference leader, Baker, sneaked by the Quakers with only two touchdowns a couple of weeks ago. 14-7.
The Bulldogs will again ploy in a homecoming atmosphere as the Quakers arc busy in homecoming activities.
George Hutchens. Friends University head football coach, is in his second season at Friends. A graduate of F. U., Hutchens played football there also.
The Quakers have been victor-ious only three' times over the Bulldogs in the previous 16 games. 1931 was the last time the Bulldogs fell before a Friends team.
Sixteen lettermen form the nucleus of the Quaker squad. The No. 1 quarterback is Larry Richardson, a six-foot two-inch, 175 pounder. Richardson is a rugged runner who passes well.
The Bulldogs trounced the Quakers 32-0 in last year's game. McPherson capitalized on costly mistakes of the Quakers and turned fumbles into touchdowns.
Since 1952 the Quakers have only been able to tally 38 points while the Bulldogs racked up 278. The Bulldogs blanketed them in the last two meetings on the gridiron.
All m e m b e r s of the KCA will be playing league games this weekend. All games will be played on Saturday.
McPherson at Friends
College of Emporia at Kansas Wesleyan
Ottawa at Bethany
Baker at Bethel
Freshman halfback. Tom Rich-ards threw two touch down passes Saturday night as the Mac Bulldogs downed Kansas Wesleyan 19-0 to take over second place in the Kansas Conference standings.
In the first quarter of play the southpaw halfback rolled out to the left and passed eight yards to Stucky in the end zone for the first touchdown. In the fourth quarter Richards again rolled out to the left to hit the veteran end. Ed Delk for an 18 yard touchdown pass.
Stucky Receives Honor In Scoring 12 Of Mac’s Points
For scoring two of the three Athlete Of The Week touchdowns made in the McPher-
son-Kansas Wesleyan game Friday night, Ken Stucky has been chosen as this week’s "Athlete of the Week."
Ken. who is from Moundridge.
Kas., is a senior this year, with plenty of experience in football, basketball, and other sports.
Ken’s intended vocation is teaching or coaching; probably a combination of both.
For his first touchdown. Ken received a pass and ran it over.
On his second touchdown, he scored by a fake pass and then running it over.
For the past, three years. Ken has been a great advantage to the Macollege Bulldogs. With his good defensive playing as well ns his offensive playing he is important to the success of the team.
The All-American Red Heads, world's champion professional girls basketball team will play an exhibition game at Convention Hall next Monday night, Oct. 27. at 8:30 o'clock.
Benny & Carl's city league men's basketball team, who will be sponsoring the appearance of the girls, will be playing them.
Among their repertoire of entertainment. the Red Heads feature fancy passing, clever ball handling, deceptive plays, amusing routines as well as good basketball.
During halftime, the Red Heads will present a show of trick shooting, ball spinning, and many other outstanding tricks.
The All-American Red Heads professional team was originated and organized in 1936 by “Ole" Olson, coach-owner and feature star of the world famous "Olson's Terrible Swedes."
The Red Heads play out of Car away. Ark.
Games, games, games, all over the place. That is what one student said when she entered the Student Union Room, in the basement of Sharp Hall. The many uses of the SUR are to watch TV. study when there is some silence, play the piano, play checkers and chess, etc. The Student Council sponsors this room and it is open whenever Sharp Hall is open. The purpose of this room is to provide a place * to have some recreation.
Also, we can not over-look the gym game room. In this room a person can play ping pong, use the bar bells, use the trampoline if there are four spotters for safety purposes.
There are also some tumbling mats and tumbling equipment. If you are interested in using the trampoline or any of the tumbling equipment, you should contact Mr. Smith or Mr. Keim for the time available.
In the second quarter of play Delk raced 29 yards on a screen pass to set up the other Bulldog touchdown. Stucky then went back to throw to Delk again, but saw light and ran 18 yards to score the third Mac six pointer.
Once again the Bulldog's defense proved effective to hold the Coyotes to only 90 yards of rushing while the Bulldog's offense rushed for 179 yards. The Bulldogs also showed a good passing attack with a total of 88 yards in passing.
The Coyotes, boasting a strong passing attack, completed only once for short yardage. The Bull dogs intercepted and knocked down several of the Coyote's attempts.
The Bulldogs led the offensive game getting 14 first downs to the Coyotes six. The thing which hurt the Coyotes most was the loss of the ball five times by fumbles.
The Bulldogs also scored a fourth touchdown on a pass from Stucky to Richards, but it was called back due to a 15 yard holding penalty. The Bulldogs a-gain scored high in the penalty department with a total of 55 yards.
As a result of last week’s games, the McPherson Bulldogs take over undisputed second place by their 19-0 win over Kansas Wesleyan.
Baker remains in the number one position by defeating the Bethany Swedes 14-0.
In the other conference game Bethel downed Friends 21-7.
Non-conference action saw College of Emporia soundly whip Sterling 41-14 in C of E's homecoming. Missouri Valley proved too much for the Ottawa Braves who were trounced 34-13.
Some folks make monkeys of themselves just by carrying tales.
Let's fear no storms until we feel a shower.
Paul Miller To Speak At Mass MCA Meet
Rev. Paul Miller, pastor of the Panther Creek Church of the Brethren. Adel. Iowa, will be the speaker at the mass MCA meeting next Thursday evening at 6:45 in the chemistry lecture room. He will speak of his work in a rural church.
There will be an opportunity for questions after his talk.
Monday. Oct. 20. Dr. Bittinger attended a meeting of the Kansas Foundation of Colleges at Topeka. The meeting is an annual meeting of the 19 member organization. The member colleges solicit the city while at the meet-ing for finances of the organization.