Volume XLIII
McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas, October 17, 1958
No. 6
McPherson College faculty and students will witness the crowning of the 1958 homecoming queen at the Queen’s banquet being held tonight at 6:30 in the basement of the college church.
Eileen Oltman, junior from En-ders, Neb., will be crowned by Ivadelle Wisler Cotton, retiring queen and senior from McPherson. Attendants to the Queen will be Bonnie Lewis, sophomore from Orlando, Fla., and Linda Larsen, freshman from McPherson.
The homecoming queen will be escorted by Sid Smith, Jr., a Macollege graduate who is now a student at Kansas State College. Manhattan. Bonnie Lewis will be escorted by her cousin. Maynard Preston. Orlando, Fla., and Linda Larsen's escort will be Galen Huffman. St. Jospeh, Mo.
The Renissance
"The Renissance" will be the theme of the banquet. A pink and maroon color scheme will be carried out in the false wall and lowered ceiling. White candles with gold glitter will provide the only light and decoration on the tables except for a pink streamer down the center of the table The candles will be in crystal holders. The table cloths will be of linen brocade.
The focus of interest will be a gold jeweled crown behind and above the main table. Maroon drapes will be draped away from the crown.
An insignia bearing the terms “Regina Eileen" will also be behind the main table. This will be a modified version of the coat of arms.
The fireplace in the back of the room will have lighted candles on it. Program booklets will be white with scarlet printing in Old English type.
The menu will consist of tomato juice, with ritz crackers as an accompaniment, ham, buttered potatoes, fresh frozen com. jello with spiced grapes. French bread and pineapple sherbet with cookies.
Listed on the program is an interpretation of a portion of the Shakesperian play. "Much Ado About Nothing" by Joan Walters and Eddie Longmire.
A mixed quartet number by Pat. Albright. Harvey Hess. Carolyn Fillmore and Dohn Krusch-witz, will be presented. Harvey Hess has written the vocal and: instrumental music and the words for this quartet.
Bob Dell. Irvin Wagner. Marvin Weddle and Gary Stelting will accompany the group on their trombones.
Noel Grove will be in charge of the coronation. Vernard Foley, dressed in the costume of a court jester,, will be the major domo in charge of the program.
Harvey Hess has also written special music for the coronation a fanfare and supplied authentic dinner music which will be play ed throughout the meal.
The decorations committee for the banquet was Don Hollenbeck, chairman; Joan Furry: Melvin Roberts; Joyce Berry; and Zo-ann Ewing.
Table decorations committee consisted of Deanna Shellenburg-er, Shirley Wilson, Tom Ruhser, Lavonne Albin, Larry Elliott, and Russell Miles.
Mrs. Mary Jo Christy, daughter of Prof, and Mrs. S. M. Dell is in charge of meal preparation. She will be assisted by ladies of the church. Students will act as waiters and waitresses.
Joan Walters and Don Hollenbeck were co-chairmen of the program committee and were as sisted by Vernard Foley, Mary Beth Tolle and Irvin Wagner.
Approximately 160 guests are expected at the banquet according to Don Hollenbeck.
Linda Larsen, freshman from McPherson, Eileen Oltman, Junior from Enders, Neb., Ivadelle Wisler Cotton, Senior from McPherson, and Bonnie Lewis, sophomore from Orlando, Fla., will be honored at the 1958 homecoming events.
Eileen will be crowned by the retiring queen, Ivadelle, at the Queen’s banquet tonight. Bonnie and Linda will be her attendants.
KHECC To -Hold Annual Meeting
McPherson College will be represented at the 6th Annual Work shop of the Kansas Home Economics College Clubs to be held at Mount St. Scholastica College in Atchison tomorrow.
The theme of the Workshop is "Woman in a Scientific World,’ and the sessions will highlight ideas of peaceful uses of atomic and human energy-
The National Program of Work will be discussed. This program was set up at the National Meeting held in Philadelphia last June.
Kansas was represented at this meeting by three students, including the State Club President, Martha Sellmeyer of the college in Atchison.
Other problems to be taken up at the Workshop will include revision of the state club constitution, special programs on each campus, and planning the induction of graduating seniors into the American and Kansas Home Economics Association.
The faculty adviser. Mildred Sick and Kathryn Burkholder will attend the Workshop. Kathryn is the state secretary of the Kansas Home Economics College Club.
The State Meeting will be held in Wichita. March 20-21 at the Broadview Hotel.
The McPherson College Catalog will be revised this year according to Alice B. Martin, Registrar. Heads of all deportments are asked to turn in changes in courses for the next two years by Nov. 15, 1958.
Many campus organizations are busy planning homecoming activities tomorrow. Macollege Bulldogs will play Kansas Wesleyan Coyotes in the home coming game tomorrow night.
Harvey Hess, sophomore from at ISTC. Waterloo, Iowa, has composed music for the Queen’s Banquet tonight, including song settings, fanfares, and a recessional to go along with the program.
"I like to write music for special occasions or purposes,” Harvey says.
He has written special incidental music for three 3-act plays given at Iowa State Teachers Col-ege, where he was a student last
He has also written five contatas, six masses, and a one act opera, "The Boat."
Several of his religious hymns have been used at the College Church in Cedar Falls, Iowa.
Among some of his compositions which have been presented at the Iowa State Teachers College arc a cycle of love songs, a sonata for flute and piano, and a concerto grosso.
His passion according to St.
John was done by a private group
Just this fall Harvey flew back to Iowa to conduct one of his special compositions, written for the dedication of his home church in Waterloo. The composition was a setting of the 100th Psalm.
Harvey studied music composition at ISTC and used a scholarship granted by ISTC to study music composition in Paris during the summer of 1958.
Harvey still has a copy of a hymn, the first piece of music he composed at the age of 11 or 12 years.
When asked why he decided to come to Macollege he replied "because it is so friendly and also I wanted to take some train ing in theology here. Philosophy and Religion is my major.
Harvey's present plans are to graduate from Macollege. Then he will probably attend Bethany Biblical Seminary in Chicago.
Harvey plays the flute and the recorder.
The judging of the campus decorations will start at 11 a.m. Prize winners will be announced during the football game.
The awards are $30, first prize; $20, second: $10, third; and $5, five honorable mentions. The judging will be based on the appropriateness of the decoration theme, the general appearance and construction, and originality.
All decorations will be in position until sundown, Saturday evening, to give visitors ample time to see them.
M-Club Luncheon At 12:15 the M-Club will have a luncheon at a Waren Hotel room. Dr. Wayne Blickenstaff, a former member of the Macol-lege football squad and the M-Club, will be the guest speaker.
Various students in charge of the luncheon are Gene Wenger Darrell Howell, and Larry Sams. All present and alumni lettermen are invited.
Alumni Program The music department will present a program for the alumni in the auditorium. The purpose of this program which was started last year is to acquaint alumni with student activities.
At 3:30 p.m. the annual alumni tea will be held in the SUR.
"The Christian Life As Poetry” is the topic of Rev. Harry K. Zeller. Jr., for his sermon on the morning of Oct. 19. In the evening. he will take the audience on a trip to Russia through colored slides.
There arc ten of the professors’ wives working on campus this year. The wives fill a number of different positions.
Mrs. John Sheets is secretary for Paul Wagoner in the Alumni Office. Mrs. Harley Stump is a secretary in the Admissions Office.
The Regional Office secretary is Mrs. Gordon Yoder. President Bittinger’s secretary is Mrs. S. M. Dell, Mrs. Arnold works as part time secretary to Dean Gei-sert.
Not all of the wives are secretaries. Some of the wives are faculty members, Mrs. Olson is a teacher of shorthand and typing. Mrs. Verda DeCoursey teaches part time in the Home Economics Department.
In the Music Department, Mrs.
Dorothy Sollenberger teaches piano. Mrs. Bechtel is the Dean of Women, and Mrs. Guy Hayes is secretary at the church.
College Calendar
6:30 p.m., Queen's Banquet in the basement of the College Church.
12:15 a.m., M Club Luncheon in the Warren Hotel.
3 p.m., program in the chapel.
3:30 p.m., annual alumni tea.
5 p.m., chili supper in the Church basement.
7:30 p.m., homecoming game, KWU vs. Mac.
Following the game, refreshments in the Doghouse and cafeteria.
Band To Appear Downtown Oct. 22
To celebrate the 60th anniversary of their founding, t h e People’s State Bank of McPherson is sponsoring the appearance of the Navy Band in McPherson, Oct. 22 in Convention Hall.
The band, which has around 100 members, is under the direction of Commander Charles Brend-ler. The band is one of the most outstanding musical organization of the nation.
Commander Charles Brendler has been with the band since its inception. He has served as president of the American Bandmasters Association.
The Navy Band will put on three concerts. These concerts will be at 2 p.m., 3:10 p.m., and 8 p.m. Each concert is arranged for a different age group.
The concerts will have solos from a number of famous band members.
The concerts are free to the public, and students who wish to attend will be excused from classes.
The tea gives alumni on oppor-unity to renew old acquaintances and to meet the faculty members.
Chili Supper
The Pep Club will be serving a chili supper in the church social rooms for all alumni and col-lege students at 4:30 - 6 p.m.
Ellen and Helen Williams are the co-chairmen of this supper. Janis Emswiler assigned the various jobs, and JoNelle Thoren has charge of the tickets.
The cost will be 35 cents. Chili, relish, coffee, carrot sticks, and pie are on the menu.
Football Game
The McPherson Bulldogs will meet the Kansas Wesleyan Coyotes in the homecoming football game at 7:30 at the college stadium.
The members of the football teams of 1933 and 1948 will be honored at this time also.
After the game students and alumni are invited to share in a coffee hour to be held in the Dog House and the cafeteria. This will bring the 1958 homecoming activities to a close.
Pre-Game Show The Macollege Marching band will honor the queen and her attendants by a pre-game show by forming the initials of each girl and playing a song in each formation.
To dose the pre-game show the band will play the National Anthem.
Half-time Show
The band will honor the retiring alumni at the half time. The first formation will be "Sharp Hall" and the band will play "Auld Lang Syne" and "O Sacred Truth." the school song.
Then the band will form an "M” and at this point the former members of the 1948 and 1933 teams will be honored and introduced. "Our Boys Will Shine Tonight" will be played with the band in a goal post formation for the last number.
Who’s Who Now Being Selected
Jesse H. Ziegler, psychologist, and professor at Bethany Biblical Seminary in Chicago for many years, is on Macampus today for the purpose of interviewing persons intersted in church vocations and especially persons interested in attending Bethany Biblical Seminary.
Anyone wishing an appointment for an interview may contact Dale Brown, director of religious life.
The members of the faculty are now considering names to be entered in the Who's Who of American Colleges and Universities according to Dr. Wayne F. Geisert, Dean of the college.
The names were chosen by the Personnel Committee from a long list of eligible people. After the Personnel Committee nominates the person, the faculty meets to discuss the nominations and vote on them.
The names are voted on by secret ballot and those chosen are then sent in to Who’s Who for approval. The nominees are usually seniors. However, outstanding juniors may be considered.
Factors entering into the nomination are excellence of scholarship. ability in leadership, participation in activities, citizenship, service to the school, and the promise exhibited for future service and usefulness.
Pondering With The President
By Dr. D W. Bittinger
There are a few animals in the total realm of nature who turn upon their own young and devour them, if these young are not separated from them immediately after birth. We look upon these animals as “cold-blooded,” devoid of any elements of love.
In certain parts of the United States now we are closing our schools because we are apprehensive about having children study together if their skin pigmentation differs.
These schools endanger their accreditation in their regional organizations because they are not operating the required number of days. The teachers cannot afford to jeopardize their future in this manner and will likely gravitate to other places for more secure teaching jobs.
The students will fall behind and find their college careers jeopardized later because of this short sightedness, as well as because their schools are not accredited.
Prejudice and hatred are diseases. They gnaw away at the emotional vitals. They are more dangerous than physical malignancies because they destroy, not the body, but the spirit.
Our hope for the future lies in our youth; they are our future. Are we not devouring our future when we damage our youth?
Hail, Queen Eileen Reigns
The Spectator staff joins the students and facul ty in extending a hand of welcome to all Macollege alumni returning to Macollege to observe homecoming this week-end.
If the walls of old Sharp Hall could speak, certainly they too would join in a chorus of “Welcome Back to' Mac.” Although we do not know all of the alumni who will be on compus today and tomorrow we have a common bond between us. At one time each of us has worked, played, met joy and sorrow within the walls of our old alma mater.
Chaff Review!
By Faus, Foley, and Harris Dear Freshmen,
This weekend the general calm routine of college life will be disrupted by the colorful event of homecoming. Yes. this weekend will be such a gala occasion that you may wonder what the background and origin of such a celebration could be.
Therefore, as another public service, Chaff has done voluminous research into the musty files and records in the yellowed pages of last year's phone book to bring you this first complete history of the growth and development of the celebration of the event of homecoming on the McPherson College Campus.
McPherson College had its beginning in the year of 1887. but no homecoming celebration was held that year due to the fact that there was no one to come home. Also, crepe paper had not been invented yet.
Actually, the first homecoming was held in 1888. Now you may
think that there still wouldn't have been any ex-students to come home then, but you underestimate the strictness of t h e Board of Trustees who had expelled half the 1887 student body for such practices as buggy racing. wearing flashy grey coats, neglecting to get the president’s permission to walk with girls, and spooning without being engaged.
The high point of this homecoming celebration occurred when the horse pulling the queen’s buggy ran away, wrecking the visitor’s stands and scattering the other, team like chaff in. one of the biggest upsets of the year.
Then there was the memorable homecoming of 1908 when we play-ly Normal Teacher's College. It was a rough game since the representatives of the Teachers’ College were typically brawny and brainless, but fortunately during the third quarter Haley’s Comet appeared, and these future teachers. having been concentrating on educational theory rather than basic subject matter, were thrown into superstitious panic and fled from the field.
But the main excitement of the roaring twenties occurred in 1928
when McPherson fans first saw the forward pass used. This happened on a wide end sweep when the left end made a pass at the queen. Guy Haze considered this very forward indeed and therefore intercepted the pass with a crushing tackle, which was rather unusual since he was sitting on the bench at the time.
By the time 1938 rolled around we were in the midst of the depression and football was discontinued because of expense. Less expensive sports such as checkers and Rook playing were recommended. Therefore, the largest crowd in history showed up for homecoming in 1938.
Fans are still talking about the big jump of checker champion Feemour Bosdick when he leapt from the third floor window of the girls' dorm to escape a neher catastrophe.
In 1948 an unusual event occurred when we were unable to schedule a homecoming game and had to play an intra-squad scrimmage for the fans. Most experts said this happened because McPherson had a very offensive team in 1948. since soap was still rationed.
This then, is the glorious history of homecoming. If you will notice, the peak events have always occurred on the eighth year of each decade. The last big one was in 1948.
1958 is the big year. Therefore, we predict the coming of T. F. M. S. L. Watch for it.
"Yelling is for the freshmen and high school delinquents” "I don’t like to yell when I'm with a date because I might embarass her!” “Oh! I don’t yell when I go with him because I want him to think I am very feminine”
The above were statements made recently to one of the Macol-lege cheerleaders, when surveying the students to find out why they didn’t yell at the games.
One of the biggest reasons the students didn’t yell was because they didn’t know the yells. Anyone who has attended Macollege for one. two. or three years and doesn’t now the school cheers might be accused of school-spirit delinquency!!!
School spirit or yelling at ball games is not a sign of mental illness or deficiency. It is a healthy normal every-game occurence that happens all over the United States on Friday and Saturday nights.
"Well, what is the use to yell? The players can't hear us out on the field.” So what? The players sitting on the bench can. and it is important to them as they go into the game to know they
have someone or several some-ones rooting for them in the stands.
A perfectly good reason for showing some school spirit is a sportsmanship trophy that is awarded each year to the school showing the must sportsmanship and school spirit during the football and basketball seasons.
The trophy is sponsored by the Kansas Conference Student Association. and is awarded to the school having the most votes from the other schools.
Dear students, the cheerleaders are not out there to hear themselves yell. They do that everyday at practice. They are there to lead you in cheering your winning 1958-1959 Bulldogs on to more victories.
Standings Given Of Intramurals
The McPherson College Bulldogs will battle the Kansas Wesleyan University Coyotes tomorrow night at the College Stadium beginning at 7:30.
The game with the Coyotes will highlight the weekend’s homecoming events.
Kansas Wesleyan, the defending champions, were victorious in last week’s game, defeating Ottawa 14-7. They have a 2-1 standing entering tomorrow's game.
The Coyotes have four starters from last year’s squad, plus ten other returning lettermen. Each of these four starters received recognition as members of the 1957 all-conference squad.
The Bulldogs fell beneath the defending champs 33-14 last year in a game played at Salina. The Coyotes were strong throughout the game and held a 20-7 halftime margin.
Twelve wins prevail on McPherson’s record with the Coyotes. The Bulldogs have lost 18 games and tied two since the series began in 1921.
Big Time Coaches Are Satirized
The last time McPherson beat the Coyotes was in 1955 when the Bulldogs tied for second place in the conference with the Coyotes.
McPherson enters the game with a 2-1 record, the same as the Coyotes.
For scoring two touchdowns in his first offensive play. Dennis Brubaker, a freshman from Prairie City, Iowa, has been chosen as the Spectator's "Athlete of the Week.”
In his first offensive effort playing against the College of Emporia. Dennis scored two of the three touchdowns made in that game. During all the previous games, he has played an excellent defensive game.
Dennis, a 5'9” — 155 pounder, is a sure tackier, and is invaluable to the team as a good football player. A trait found in Dennis is he never has much to say but always performs well and can be counted on.
Sports Calendar
Games coming up this week include three conference games and two non-conference.
Only one game is to be played today. The rest will Ik* Saturday games.
Bethany at Baker
Kansas Wesleyan at McPher Pherson
Bethel at Friends
Sterling at College of Empor
Missouri Valley, at Ottawa Conference games.
A satire on big-time football coaches written by Gerald Holland in the Oct. 13 issue of Sports Illustrated presents a picture of the coach which will be revealing to fans who are familiar only with the idealized, character-building type of football mentor.
In an introduction to the article. in which Sports Illustrat-ed’s editors invite their readers to meet the coach in this “fictional. b u t factual dialogue that takes some dramatic license — but not very much." the magazine says:
"Saturday’s football spectacles, when all is said and done, are the creation of a single personality: the coach. He is the talent scout, the writer of the script, the director, the producer and the No. 1 beater of the big publicity drum.
"The coach is paid well, works hard, lives high, operates under a code of ethics that enables him to see himself as a public benefactor."
The coach whom Hollard has created" is a lias-been reduced to working in a small football deemphasized college.
Through the device of giving advice to a young, earnest coach who has come to him for inspiration, the coach reveals the modern, businesslike, promotional and workings of successful coaching.
Baker still remains undefeated in KCAC play and maintains its lead in the conference race.
The results of all games played follow:
McPherson over College of Emporia 19-0 Baker over Friends 14-7 Bethany over Bethel 26-0 Kansas Wesleyan over Ottawa 14-7
One hundred fifty dollars and choice of five valuable cameras is yours for winning the 1958 contest for college photography. Any student of all colleges listed in the U. S. Education Directory is eligible to enter. Closing date for the contest, sponsored by "The Collegian." is Nov. 1, 1958.
Student life and education in America is the theme of the contest. Photographs should catch any aspect of the meaning of college life as it comes to focus in persons in the joy of new discovery; in doting, leisure, or sports: in the spark of an idea: in the challenge of the unknown; or in friendship and group life
There are many other photographic ideas that might win the contest-
Awards and equipment valued at $850 are offered in prizes.
Each contestant is limited to six entries. They may be single
IRC is mainly a study group but they will attempt to reach some conclusions concerning international affairs and to ‘suggest things that might be done to al leviate conditions in international affairs.
or in a series, developing the theme or a photographic essay.
Unmounted black and white-prints at least 5x7 and no bigger than 11 x 14 only are accepted.
The contestant's name and address. the camera and exposure used must be on the back of each print. One entry blank completed and signed must accompany each entry. Entry blanks are available at YMCAs and YWCAs.
Lyle Neher, Macollege dairy herd manager, plans to take his Guernsey to the State Guernsey Sale in Independence Friday, Oct.
"Consignments for the sale begin one or two month in advance and literature is prepared for buyers representing Kansas and the southwest area." Lyle said.
A cow bred by Lyle topped the sale last year.
The college married Sunday school class of the Church of the Brethren will meet in the new education building (if possible) Sunday, Oct. 19 at 6:30 p.m. to formulate topics of discussion for future meetings.
The Sunday school class formally organized Sunday Oct. 12. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Beach were elected president. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry McPherson were elected vice president, and Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Swinger were elected secretary-treasurer.
Couples wishing information pertaining to class activities may contact one of the officers or George Keim, class instructor.
New Squad Will Appear
A new football squad will soon be seen on the Macollege campus according to S. M. Dell, professor of industrial arts education.
The team consists of eleven miniature seven and one-half inch by 11 1/4 inch bulldogs and are the result of an industrial arts project.
M Club dinner displays, homecomings, and football formation explanations for chapel programs are some of the various ways Professor Dell indicated the new gold lettered dogs may be used
"Ceramic tile work in arts and crafts is another project to begin soon" Professor Dell said.
The project will begin with simple things first following the introduction by observation of Swedish import material held in Lindsborg last week.
Dennis Brubaker, a freshman halfback, tallied twice as the Bulldogs defeated the College of Emporia 19-0 Saturday night.
After a very tight defensive game through out most of the first half, Brubaker dashed 76 yards on a quick opener for the first touchdown. Then in the fourth quarter, Brubaker again scored on a 58-yard pass from Stucky.
The other touchdown was scored by Stucky, a senior quarterback, on a six yard plunge after the Bulldogs grabbed a fumble on the 17-yard-line of C. of E.
The outstanding factor again seemed to be the defensive play of the Bulldogs. The Presbies threatened to score several times on clever plays off of a single wing formation, but the Bulldog’s defense held tight.
Early in the first period of play, the Presbies pushed their way down to the Bulldog’s five yard-line, but a strong goal line defense held them out for four downs to take over the ball. Again in the third quarter the Presbies put on an all out drive, but were stopped when they fumbled and the Bulldogs picked up the ball.
The outstanding ground gainers for the College of Emporia team were Coleman, a speedy halfback, and Rusty Addleman, a 210 pound fullback.
Marriage is a process of finding out what kind of a guy your wife would have preferred.
Donald Ullom, Macollege graduate, is in Brethren Volunteer Service at an International Work Camp in Germany.