Volume XLIII
McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas, October 10, 1958
No. 5
Assistantships Have Been Approved By Administration
Thirty-six students have been approved for assistantships according to Wayne Geisert, dean of McPherson College.
Assistants are chosen by the professors and are subject to approval of the administration'committee.
Students who will be assisting in the Humanities Department are Glenda Wine, Enders, Neb., Pat Albright, Pretty Prairie, Eileen Oltman, Enders, Neb., Jane Clouse, McPherson, Joan Walters, Pueblo, Colo., Gary Stelting, McPherson, Delores Peek, Warrens-burg, Mo., Norma Watkins, Wel-da, and Donna Slimon, McPherson.
Students helping in the Social Science Department arc Vernon Reinecker, Quinter, Juanita Fike, Peace Valley, Mo., Harold Pfalz-graf, McPherson, Carl Harris, Jennings, La., and Richard Bit-tinger. McPherson.
Kenneth Tompkins. Fruita. Colo., has been selected to aid Dean Geisert in the Audio Visual Department.
Those assisting in the Practi cal Arts and Professions Department are Betty Oltman, Enders, Neb., Diane Browning, Des Moines, la., Donna Beach, Mc-Cune, Lynn Christy, Garrison, la., Doyle Royer, Adel. Ia., Don Hollenbeck, Udell. Ia.. Dennis Dirksen, Canton, Virginia Lichty, Morrill, and Thelma Clouse. McPherson.
The Natural Science Department has selected Mildred Jacobson. Elmo. James Freed, Homestead. Okla., Bill Winter, Wichita, Carl Gustafson, McPherson, Joe Reeves, Cleo Springs, Okla., Larry Clark, Mayfield, Fred Koons, Lyons, Joyce Ulrich, Quinter, John Brand, McPherson, Marvin Keck, McPherson, Rossie Monk, McNeil, Ark., and Kathy Burkholder, Preston, Minn.
Tonight, Movie in the Chapel.
Tomorrow, Student Council members will attend KSAC Conference at Wichita.
Tomorrow night. Football game at Emporia.
Oct 17, Queen’s banquet.
Oct. 18, Homecoming, Bulldogs play Kansas Wesleyan.
New Twist Prevails During Faculty Meeting Programs
Concentrated study and discussion of college problems is the basis for a new twist in McPherson College faculty meeting programs for the 1958-59 school year.
Augmentation of the new twist in faculty meetings was conceived as a result of planning for significant use of the time devoted to faculty meetings.
Division of the faculty into five groups for intensive study of pertinent college problems, formulation of possible solutions, performance of tests or research of the study, and to arrive at recommendations is the planned procedure. Recommendations and study reviews will be presented to the entire faculty.
Results of the study, depending on the nature of the problems, are expected to enlighten the faculty without necessitating formal action, enable decisions upon courses of action by the entire faculty. make reference of the problem with recommendations for action to an appropriate committee. or make recommendations to
the college trustees.
Each group will choose its topic for study according to Dr. John Burkholder, chairman of the program committee.
The main topics for discussion are “Student Welfare, Faculty Welfare. Professional Advancement. Improvement of Scholarship, and Problems Facing the Christian Liberal College Today.” The main topics arc sub-divided into more specific areas of study.
Chairmen for individual discussion groups are Raymond Flory. professor of history. Merlin Frantz, professor of education and psychology. John Ward, director of rural life. Harley Stump, professor of English, and Dale Brown, Director of religious life.
Members of the faculty program committee arc Dr. John Burkholder, chairman. Prof. Dayton Rothrock, Prof. George Arnold, Prof. Donald Frederick, and Mrs. Homer Brunk.
“A faculty that studies its problems thoroughly and pushes toward their solution” is the faculty program committee’s goal.
The Social Committee is planning an activity for Friday night. Oct. 10. A movie will be shown in the Chapel at 7 p.m. The movie is “All That Heaven Allows' starring Rock Hudson.
There will be a charge of 25c which the students will pay as they leave the Chapel after the movie.
On Nov. 14. “Written On The Wind" will be presented, Dec. 13, the movie will be “The Bennie Goodman Story.”
These movies are for the benefit of the student body and all the proceeds will go for the initial cost of the movie. Each year the Social Committee presents movies and other social functions for the school year.
Hayes Continues Work On Master’s In Summer
Guy Hayes, professor of speech and debate, took a course of speech therapy for cerebral palsied patients at the Orthopedic Hospital this summer.
The course, which gave Professor Hayes credit on his master's degree, was sponsored by the 'University of Southern California. It consisted of observation. lectures, and practice therapy. The course lasted for two weeks.
Professor Hayes says one thing that interested him tremendously was the different geographical and job representation of the people in the class.
Four Macollege girls will be honored at 1958 homecoming activities, Oct. 17-18.
They are Linda Larsen, freshman from McPherson, Eileen Oltman, Junior from Enders, Neb., Iva-delle Wisler Cotton, senior from McPherson, and Bonnie Lewis, sophomore from Orlando, Fla.
Eileen Oltman will be the 1958 homecoming queen. Bonnie and Linda will be her attendants. Iva-delle is the retiring queen.
Incubutor Is Given To Biology Department
A incubator was given to the Macollege Biology Department by John M. Miller of the Miller X-Ray Company. Oklahoma Ci t y. The incubator has a thermostat control and neon indicator light. The temperatures ranges to 60 de-grees centigrade.
Interest Groups Selected For Weekly MCA Meetings
CBYF To Hold Regional Cabinet Meet Oct. 24-25
A regional CBYF cabinet meeting will coinside with the regional conference for the Western Region of the Church of the Brethren here in McPherson according to Kenneth Holderread, the Western Region Youth Director.
The cabinet will meet Friday evening. Oct. 24 at 7:30 p.m. in the new educational building for a short service and to get acquainted.
Plans for Saturday. Oct. 25. include reports, group discussions, and business.
The theme for the meeting will be “How Stewardship Applies To Young People."
The McPherson Christian Association interest groups met Thursday. Oct. 2, and each chose a steering committee to lead their thinking this semester. All groups will meet each Thursday for study.
The What and Why of Religion group will meet in room 310 in Harnly Hall. This group will seek to find answers to why men have religion and just what their religion consists of.
The Race Relations group will meet in room 28 in Sharp Hall to consider race relations problems from the view of other races in an attempt to find a practical answer to the race problems.
The Peace Group will meet in room 27 in Sharp Hall and discuss the ways and means of peace on a world-wide scale in an effort
to discover just what peace is and what it means to everyone.
Members of the steering committee are Stanley llin, chairman; Faye Fields, and Jo Nelle Thor-een.
The Where Are You and Alone In the Crowd group will meet in room 106 Harnly Hall. They have two booklets which they will follow in determining ways to help the lonely and insecure student on campus.
Steering committee members are Nancy Ruth Erisman, chairman: Eddy Longmire, and Terrel Phenice.
Everyone is invited to attend the group of his choice and to take an active part in the discussions in an effort to heighten understanding and to promote the welfare of the campus.
Eileen Oltman, junior from Enders, Neb., was elected the 1958 Macollege Homecoming Queen last Friday. Oct. 3. in chapel. She will reign over the activities after being crowned at the banquet on Oct. 17.
Her attendants will be Bonnie Lewis, sophomore from Orlando. Fla., and Linda Larsen, freshman from McPherson.
Queen’s Banquet The queen and her attendants will be formally installed at the Queen's Banquet. Eileen, will be crowned by the retiring queen. Ivadelle Wisler Cotton, senior from Cando, N. D.
Many activities arc planned for the homecoming weekend. The alumni will present a program for the student assembly at 9:35
Dr. Gaston Foote, minister of the First Methodist Church in Fort Worth. Tex., will be one of the principal speakers for the 1958 Regional Conference for the Western (Region Church of the Brethren Oct. 25. in McPherson.
Doctor Foote retains numerous degrees such as AB, MA. and BD which were received at Southern Methodist University in Dallas. Tex. He is also a doctor of theology, an honorary doctor of divinity, and a doctor of laws.
Doctor Foote has traveled ex tcnsively in the United States and Europe including Scotland, England, and Norway.
His writings include “Keys to Conquest.” “Just Plain Bread" "Lamps Without Oil", and "The Words of Jesus From the Cross.” Some of the editings by Doctor Foote are “Communion Meditations,” “Living in Four Dimin-
Zeller Announces Topic For Sermon October 12
“Headaches for Heartaches" is the sermon topic chosen by Rev. Zeller for this Sunday. Oct. 12.
In the evening the year ending Quarterly Council will be held at the Church. If anyone within the student body would like to attend, they are welcome.
sions," and “Footnotes.” a column on the editorial page of a Fort Worth Sunday paper.
Registration for the conference will begin at 9 a.m. Saturday. Oct 25.
Dean Wayne F. Geisert was ip Chicago. Thursday and today representing McPherson College at the forty-first annual meeting of the American Council on Education.
This year's meetings were built around the theme “Education Accepts New Challenges."
Discussion topics included the changing characteristics and needs of college students; improved aids to teaching; recruitment, preparation, and retention of college teachers; and strengthening higher education through intercultural programs.
Representatives at the meeting came from colleges and universities across the nation.
SNEA Plans Program On ‘Beginning Teachers’
The Student National Education Association will meet on Wednesday. Oct. 15 at 7 p.m. in Room 27 Sharp Hall.
The planned program will be a panel discussion. The panel will discuss "Beginning Teachers”. Local teachers will make up t h e panel.
The meeting is opened to everyone who wishes to combi Freshmen and sophomores are especially invited to attend.
Those who haven’t paid dues will have a chance to do so at this meeting.
Mac Graduate Dies At Age 84 Years
An 1896 Macollege graduate. Everett Kemp, known as “Uncle Ezra." to radio listeners and TV viewers died recently at the age of 84. He had been in show business for 60 years and his career included the Chautauqa circuits, movies, radio and television.
His most recent show was on KCMO-TV where he was master of ceremonies on Saturdays for Frontier Theater. He began his radio career in 1928 with WDAF. Kemp grew up in Goodland, Kas., and received dramatic training in Chicago after attending McPherson College.
The English Proficiency Test will be given this semester on Thursday. Oct. 16, at 7:45 in the chemistry lecture room (101) Harnly Hall. All juniors and seniors who have not taken or completed the test must do so.
The test is to measure the student's ability to use the English language in a manner becoming a college graduate and will be a short composition on a topic of current interest.
Papers that arc done in ink with neat appearance will be preferred over papers done in pencil. The grade will be based upon content, organization, and English usage.
Points will be taken off for misspelled words and for improper punctuation. Rules for the test may be found in the Freshman English text or in the back of the Merriam-Webster New Collegiate Dictionary.
The test is under the direction of Harley Stump, associate professor of English. Any conflicts or questions may be discussed with him in his office in Room 28. Sharp Hall.
on Friday morning. Oct. 17. The Queen’s Banquet will be at 6:30 that evening with the Social Committee in charge.
Saturday Activities
On Saturday the judging of the campus decorations will start at 11 a.m. Prizes will be announced during the football game.
At 12:15 the M-Club will have a luncheon in the Blue Room of the Warren Hotel. AH present and alumni lettermen are invited.
At 3 p.m. the music department will present a program for the alumni in the auditorium. The purpose of this program which was started last year is to acquaint alumni with student activities.
The annual alumni tea will be held in the SUR at 3:30. The tea gives alumni an opportunity to renew old acquaintances and to meet the faculty members.
At 5 p m. the Pep Club will be serving a chili supper in the church social rooms for all alumni and college students.
Football Game
The McPherson Bulldogs will meet the Kansas Wesleyan Coyotes in the homecoming football game at 7:30. At halftime the college band will perform. The members of the football teams of 1933 and 1948 will be honored at this time also.
After the game students and alumni are invited to share in a coffee hour to be held in the Dog House and the cafeteria. This will bring the homecoming activities to a close.
Tryouts Will Be Held Next Week For Play
"See How They Run” by Philip King will be the subject for play try outs to be held Oct. 13 and 14 at 7 p.m. in room 32 of Sharp Hall according to Peter Coulson, assistant professor of literature and drama at McPherson College.
Mr. Coulson said six men and three women plus persons for various back stage jobs will be needed for the quick-paced farce.
Nov. 22 has been set as the date for the performance of the play. "See How They Run,” according to Peter J. Coulson, assistant professor of literature and drama.
The most historical and fascinating place on Macampus is probably the college museum, located on the fourth floor of Harnly Hall. This is one of the most outstanding museums in this part of the country
Curator of the museum is Dr. Robert E. Mohler, professor emeritus of biology. Dr. Mohler was a member of the Macollege faculty for 39 years. He retired in 1952.
The first thing Dr. Mohler does when a new item is received by the museum is to number and file it in its proper place.
The museum catalogue contains a description of the article, date received by the museum, and the donor. The original copy of this catalogue is kept in the fire proof vault in Sharp Hall and the carbon copy is kept in Dr. Mohler’s office in the museum.
Relics are grouped into 13 different divisions, paleontology, geology. rocks and minerals, handicraft with special emphasis on the Early American handicraft, modern animals, modern plants, art and pictures of historic interest.
Guns and war relics; curios and unclassified objects; historic items of special interest to McPherson College; birds, general anthropology; anthropology of Africa. China, India. Mexico, and Puerto Rico; books; and medical.
In the paleontology division are many pre-historic specimens including some ones of the Ambe-lodon Shoveltusk mastodon, a dinosaur track three feet in length, a complete sabertooth tiger skeleton and a slab containing more than 700 bones of rhinoceros, hog, and other mammals.
The Ambelodon Shoveltusk mastodon was found in the Le Brea Tar Pits of California and was donated to the museum by the late Dr. James Gilbert '94. who was one of the first Macollege graduates. He was head of the science department of a large high school in California for some time.
The first and largest synthetic diamond in the world is on display in the McPherson College Museum. It was made in the Macollege chemistry laboratory by the late Dr. J. Willard Her-shey, a former Macollege chemistry professor.
Dr. Harvey H. Nininger, a graduate and former professor of McPherson College, has given many meteorites to the museum. Dr. Nininger is considered the most outstanding authority on meteorites in the world.
The African display includes articles Dr. and Mrs. Bittinger
brought back from Africa and the Chinese display includes pottery and art works Rev. Ernest Iken-berry brought back from China when he returned from serving as a missionary.
There are coins from approximately 30 countries in the world displayed in the museum. A bear’s paw clam shell from near the Philippine Islands weighing 300 pounds and estimated worth of $450 is on display also.
Some of the articles in the museum were excavated from caves inhabited by men long before the birth of Christ.
Among the items of Brethren historical significance include old Bibles, hymnals, the bonnets of Brethren women and other pioneer items.
Lewis, Byers
Mr. and Mrs. Paul William Lewis, 1301 Santa Anita. Orlando. Fla., announce the engagement of their daughter. Bonnie, to John D. Byers, Pennslyvania.
Mr. Byers is presently teaching English in Jonesboro, Tenn. He has one more year at Bethany Seminary and he will become a licensed minister.
Bonnie is a sophomore at McPherson College. No definite plans have been made for the wedding yet.
Dr. and Mrs. D. W. Bittinger were host and hostess to 94 freshmen at the annual freshman breakfast. Sunday, Oct. 3.
The committee which helped plan and prepare the menu consisted of Vena Catherine Wray, Jim Nettleton, Violet Oliver and Esther Bollinger.
Breakfast was served cafeteria style in the kitchen and consisted of orange juice, hot rolls, ham. scrambled eggs and cocoa.
After breakfast was over and the dishes were done, everyone joined together in the living-room for Sunday school class. Dr. Bittinger gave a talk about some of his experiences as a missionary in Africa.
Mrs. Bittinger has a collection of bells from all over the world which she showed and told of their origin or use.
Dr. R. E. Mohler, Curator of the Macollege Museum, explains his system of filing each relic which is donated to the museum to two Mac students, Roger Killian, freshman from Bryan, Ohio, and Mary Ann Guthals, junior from Elmo, Kans.
In the background is the skeleton excavated from the Le Brea Tar Pits of California and donated to the college by Dr. James Gilbert, who graduated from Macollege in 1894.
The Macollege Marching Band personnel has been announced by Irvin Wagner, assistant director.
In the trombone section are Gary Stelting, Sharon McDaneld, Bob Dell, Jan Brallier, Cliffton Baile, Playing cornets are Jim Quinn. Galen Huffman. Patsy Bolen, Bonnie Lewis, Kay Wal-lerich, and Joe Reeves.
On the baritones are Loren Reyer, Dohn Kruschwitz, and Tom Henderson. Playing sousa-phones are Danny Olmsted and Glenn Ferguson.
In the saxophone section are Elma Holmes, Delores Lahman, Norma Hintz, Shirley Turner, Avis
Prochaska, and Lynda Igel.
Ploying clarinets are Mary Lou Kingery, Emilee Rowland, Katherine Ratts, Bonnie Hodgden, Terrel Phenice, and Larry Dresh-er. At the bell lyre is JoNelle Thoreen.
In the percussion section are Larry Sanders. Ann Swinger, Melvin Roberts. Joyce Berry, and Marlene Klotz. Playing the flute is Carolyn Fillmore.
Macollege twirlers are Janis Emswiler, Shirley Reynolds, Lin-do Owens, Sharon, Schrock, and Eileen Turner, Drum major for Macollege is Marvin Weddle.
By Harold Connell
Do you ever have the feeling that McPherson College is too strict in its student regulations'
An exacting discipline was enforced in the college when it was organized in 1878. A list of the rules and regulations as they appeared in the first catalog of the college are incorporated below.
1. Students should bring with them, besides text tooks, a Bible or Testament, Brethren's Hymn book or Gospel Hymns, towels, and a blanket or two. and should have their garments marked with full name.
2. All students are required to be present at chapel exercises and all recitation; also to attend Sunday School and one church service each Lord’s day. at the college chapel or at some other place, where their parents or guardian may direct in writing.
3. Students arc required to go to their rooms at the ringing of the study bell and to observe order so as not to disturb others in
4. Students must extinguish their lights' promptly at 10 p.m. unless excused by the professor in charge of the hall.
5. No lady or gentleman will be allowed to tresspass on the territory of the opposite sex. except by special permission of the President.
6. Students desiring to leave the grounds or to visit other students during study hours must obtain permission from the professor in charge of their hall.
7. Ladies and geneltmen will not ride, walk, or play together except by special arrangement with the President.
8. Students will be held responsible for misconduct in their rooms and for damage done to the school property.
9. No students rooming in the dormitory shall be absent after the hours which shall be set by the President.
10. Students may organize literary societies which shall be governed and controlled by a constitution and by-laws approved by the faculty.
11. Students desiring to visit the cemetery or to go to the city must obtain permission from the President, except on Saturday afternoon between the hours of one and four o'clock, when general liberty to go to the city and return is granted.
12. Students will be permitted to meet in the chapel for social intercourse twenty minutes immediately after supper of each day — Sunday excepted — also for twenty minutes after the close of society meeting, such social meetings to be under the supervision of one or more of the faculty.
13. Visitors desiring to call upon students in the building must apply to the President.
14. AH members of the Brethren or German Baptist Church are required to comply with the principles of non-conformity to the world and to conform to the general order of the church in apparel and wearing of the hair.
Those who arc not members of the German Baptist church are expected to make no display in the use of jewelry and to observe the laws of plainness and simplicity in their apparel.
As you can see, fellow students, our student regulations are quite liberal when compared with the regulations of the early Macollege students.
While rapidly running over the list many humorous things came to my mind.
Read and heed the Spec ads.