Baker University Wildcats will invade the McPherson College Stadium tonight at 7:30. The undefeated Bulldogs will be facing the Wildcats, who have one of the finest lines in the league.
The Baker squad has a fine attack lead by speedster Bill White and sophomore sensation Jim Paramore. Both are good passers.
' Coach Sid Smith, who scouted the Baker-C. of E. game last week, regards the Wildcats highly in view of the fact that they are undefeated and hold a lopsided victory over a fine C. of E. team.
The visitors are expected to run from a short-punt and singlewing formation.
In the series with Baker which began in 1921. the Bulldogs have been victorious only nine times while suffering 20 losses. Three ties have prevailed.
The Bulldogs were blanketed 19-0 in last year’s contest hled at Baldwin. The Wildcats dominated nearly all the way in the game.
The Bulldogs will be out for blood in tonight’s game attempting to seek revenge for last year’s defeat and also to maintain their undefeated status. The Bulldogs will enter tonight's game with a 3-0 win-loss record.
The results of last week’s games in the Kansas Conference are as follows: McPherson 34 — Bethel 0. Bethany 13 — K. W. U. 0. Baker 43 — C. of E. 7. Ottawa 39 — Friends 7.
The Kansas Conference scoring leaders to date are as follows:
Spectator Will Begin New Series Next Week
Beginning next week the Spectator will begin a new series on the sports page. This series will be entitled "Player of the Week."
The player of the week will be chosen by the editor-in-chief, managing editor, campus editor, and sports editor of the Spectator. Points will be given on basis of. statistics from the games, and general attitude of player to sports and school.
Statistics will be available to the editors through Coach Sid Smith.
Brightly colored plastic rings approximately three feet in diameter. called “Hula - Hoops.” “Spin - a - hoops" or "Hoop - de-dos" have invaded Macampus.
These are also being found orbiting around four million tor-soes in backyards, at barbecues, playgrounds and beaches all over the United States.
These hoops, the new fad in America, can be skipped through, manipulated around the human body, tossed in the air and made to climb stairs.
Instructions accompanying Spina-hoops say. "Hug the hoop to the back side — Push hard with the right hand — Now rock, man, rock! — Don't twist — Swing it-Sway it — You've got it!"
Thirteen Mae Students
Work In Cafeteria
Thirteen Macollege students will assist Mrs. Sliffer in the college cafeteria this year. They arc El- len and Helen Williams, jun- iors from Minnesota: Rosalie Bar- nett, freshman: Elverda Fike, junior from Missouri: Bonnie Hodgeman, freshman.
Delores Peek and Hazel Miles, seniors from Missouri: Elizabeth Pittman and Jake Guenther, soph-omores from Iowa; Gus Papan-dropoulus, freshman from Greece: Don Hollenbeck, sophomore from Iowa: Jim Freed, sophomore from Oklahoma: and Bob Erisman, senior from Missouri.
Officers of the Student Council ore: Carl Harris, president. Don Cotton, vice president: Mary Ann Guthals, secretary and Sherland Ng. treasurer. The president is elected by the student body from the senior class: the treasurer is elected by the student body from the junior class. The treasurer of the previous year’s Council is also included in the Student Council.
The Student Council of McPherson College is elected from the student body. The purpose of the Council is to govern the stu-
Each class elects two representatives to the Council and the extra curricular activities elect two representatives. The Council also consists of the Dean of the College, the Dean of Students, the Dean of Men and the Dean of Women.
The Macollege Bulldogs defeated'the Bethel Greymaroons 34-0 Saturday night, in Newton, to win their opening Kansas Conference football game of the season.
McPherson showed a strong defense against the much heavier Bethel team, holding the Grey-maroons to 125 yards rushing while piling up 268 yards for themselves.
The Bulldogs drew first blood in the opening quarter on a 23-yard end run by Mac's veteran quarterback. Ken Stucky.
This was followed up in the second quarter by Rich Heide-brecht as he plunged over from the one-yard-line after a 45-yard drive by the Bulldogs.
Dennis Brubaker scored the first of his two touchdowns in the third quarter following another Mac drive. In the same period. Jerry McPherson. 190-pound tackle, picked up a Bethel fumble and raced 25 yards to score.
Gordon Lewis. Mac’s freshman kicker, converted on four out of five extra point attempts.
The Bulldogs scored once again
in the fourth when Bethel fumb
led the ball in the end zone and Brubaker fell on it to score for Mac.
Bethel’s one threat came in the fourth period of play when they had the ball on the McPherson one-yard line, but the Mac defense, made up mostly of re serves at that time, held them there.
Annual Tug-Of-War Held Yesterday At Lagoon
A tug of war between the sophomores and freshman at Lakeside Park Thursday afternoon settled the question of whether or not the freshmen would wear their little red beanies for another week.
The sophomores were the victors so the little red beanies will be seen on campus for another week.
SoCo Makes Plans For Coming Activities
The SoCo of Macollege has been hard at work planning the activities for the coming year.
Some of the plans for the near future are a movie in the chapel on Oct. 10. and the Queen's banquet Oct. 17.
Don Hollenbeck and Joan Wallers are the co-chairman for the banquet. The decoration committee is made up of Don Hollenbeck, Joyce Berry, Joan Furry, ZoAnn Ewing and Melvin Roberts.
Joan Walters, Vernard Foley, Irv Wagner and Mary Beth Tolle make up the program committee.
At some time the amibition of every small boy is to wash his mother’s ears.
Read and heed the Spec ads.
Dues Are Payable Now For SNEA Memberships
SNEA dues are being collected this week in both the girls’ and boys’ dormitories. If someone does not contact you. see Linda Owens. 326 Dotzour Hall. The dues are $3.00.
From these dues, members will receive the NEA magazine and the KSTA magazine.
SNEA meets on the third Wednesday of the month. The time and type of meeting will be posted.
Kelly Day To Travel Around The World
Kelly Day. HPI representative in Austria, left Kassel. Germany on August 23 and will be traveling around the world before returning to his home in Missouri in October.
Kelly was a former studnet at McPherson College.
Bittinger To Speak At | Student Ministers’ Meet
Dr. Bittinger will speak on “The Joys of Christian Service", Mon-day, Oct. 6, 1958, at the Student Ministers and Christian Vocations meeting.
Eddy Longmire will be in charge of the devotions for the' meeting which will be held at Vaniman Hall.
Anybody who is planning a Christain vocation is invited to attend.