McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas, October 3, 1958

Macollege Will Participate In TV College Credit Series

Brunk Asked To Serve On AAUW Committe

Mrs. Homer Brunk, Associate Professor of English and Journalism, has been asked to serve on the resolutions committee of the Kansas division of the American Association of University Women.

sessions on the McPherson campus. and to counsel with Professor Arnold concerning the subject matter of the course.

Those who enroll in the course at McPherson College will come to the campus three or four times during the semester for workshop and exam sessions that will be held on Saturdays.

The television course is intended to help all teachers and adult viewers as well as teachers of science. The course is an effort to bring up • to - date the understanding of physics held by science teachers and by the general public.

Other participating colleges in this area are Wichita University and Bethany College.

Further information may be received by contacting Mrs. Alice Martin, McPherson College Registrar, or Professor George Arnold.

Candidates for the 1958 homecoming queen converse in Dotzour Hall, the Girls’ dormitory. Pictured left to right are Sherland Ng, Hawaii; Rowena Carr, North Manchester, Ind. Eileen Oltman, Enders, Nebr.; and Sharon Schrock, Hampton, Iowa. One of these girls was selected homecoming queen by vote of the student body in assembly this morning.

Doghouse Adds New Equipment

Homecoming Queen Selected By Student Body In Assembly

College Calendar

Tonight, 7:30, football game with Baker, here

Saturday, Oct. 11. KSCA Conference at Wichita.

Saturday, Oct. 11, Football game at Emporia.

Saturday. Oct. 11, District Meeting at Wichita.

Saturday, Oct. 18, Homecoming

Oct. 25 - 30. Western Region Conference.

Retired Teacher Spoke This Morning In Class

Mrs. Homer Brunk, associate professor of English and journal ism, invited Mr. Clifford Dresh-er, a retired McPherson High School teacher, to speak in her Secondary School Class this morning, Friday. Oct. 3.

Sale To Appear As Chapel Guest

Virginia Sale, noted Broadway and Hollywood actress, will appear in Chapel Tuesday, Oct. 7. Miss Sale is noted most for her famous "American Character’ sketches.

Some people will know Virginia Sale as Martha in the series known as “Those We Love.' which she appeared in for eight years.

Miss Sale was nominated by

Oct. 5- Set For Communion

The McPherson Church of the Brethren will conduct communion services on Oct. 5, in observance of World Wide Communion Sunday.

The full Love Feast will be held in the social rooms of the church commencing at 6:30 p.m. Rev. Harry K. Zeller invites all who desire so to commune with them.

A bread and wine communion service will be held in memory chapel at 8:30 a.m.

Thirty-five Are Named As Personnel Of Chapel Choir

Coulson Has Natural Hobby; Drama, Collecting Old Plays

lector’s item and of no other value,” Mr. Coulson said.

"Plays arc much cheaper in England than in the United States because their theater history is much older than ours and consequently. their abundance of material is greater making the price lower," stated Mr. Coulson-

Mr. Coulson also has several others plays published in the sixteen and seventeen hundreds.

Tuscon, Arizona, has been Mr. Coulson's home since 1942 and was the source of a scholarship at the University of Arizona where he mastered and received his BFA in 1955.

Bethany To Hold Inauguration

Dr. L. Dale Lund will be inaugurated as the sixth president of Bethany College, Oct. 8.

Dr. N. Everett Hodeen, Salina, president of the West Central Conference of the Augustana Lutheran Church, will install Dr. Lund.

Dr. Joseph Sittler, member of the Federated Theological Facul ty of the University of Chicago, will deliver the principal address at the 10 a.m. inaugeral in Pres-ser Hall.

Dr. D. W. Bittinger will represent McPherson College at the inauguration. He will also represent the Association of American Colleges.

MCA Organizes Interest Groups

McPherson Christian Association interest groups have been selected. All Macollege students are automatically members of the MCA and may participate in one of these discussion groups.

Interest groups arc the Peace Group, which will meet in room 27, Sharp; Race Relations, which will meet in room 28. Sharp; The What and Why of Religion, which will meet in room 310 Harnly; and Where Are You and Alone in a Crowd, which will meet in room 106, Harnly.

MCA meets at 6:45 every Thursday evening.

Professors To Attend Industrial Art Meet

S. M. Dell, dean of men and professor of industrial arts education. and Alvin Willems, assistant professor in industrial arts and mechanics, plan to attend the “Four States Industrial Arts Conference" to be held at the teachers college in Pittsburg October 10 and 11.

Industrial art instructors from Kansas. Missouri, Oklahoma, and Arkansas will participate in the conference.

Students Will Begin Teaching Program

Student teachers of the college will begin their practice teaching on Oct. 20. There are 42 students taking part in the secondary practice teaching program.

Volume XLIII

“Physics for the Atomic Age” will be the theme for a new nationally televised college credit course in which McPherson College will participate.

New in the history of McPherson College and the history of education is the nation-wide TV classroom course which is jointly sponsored by the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, the National Broadcasting Company, local television stations, and the educational institutions participating in the program.

George Arnold, assistant professor of mathematics 'and physics, will coordinate the course for those who enroll through McPherson College.

Prof. Harvey E. White, vice chairman, Department of Physics, University of California, will be the instructor who appears on the telecast.

The course will be televised five days each week, excepting holidays. from 6:30 to 7 a.m. by KARD, Channel 3, Wichita, and KCKT, Channel 2 in Great Bend beginning October 6 and ending February 6. The second semester will begin February 11.

Viewers may enroll in t h e course for three hours of college credit, or they may enroll in the course for non-credit audit priv-* ileges which will include receding all materials necessary for identifying assignments and problems.

Credit enrollments as well as non-credit enrollment, will allow the enrollee to attend workshop

"Antepodes, an old play published in 1640, is the oldest collector's item in my collection of old plays and books,” says Peter Coulson, assistant professor of literature and drama at McPherson College.

"Theater, drama is my natural interest, began as a hobby in London, England, while on leave from the army,” Mr. Coulson


"The basement of an old book store on Bond Street (The Myers Co. Ltd.) revealed many o 1 d items ridiculously cheap” remarked Mr. Coulson, “and since then I have received a number of items from them by mail."

Mr. Coulson indicated dealers in Los Angeles and Hollywood also handle out of print items.

“Another item, a first edition of Jeremy Collier’s book "A Short View of the Immorality and Profanes of the English Stage," published in 1698, is famous in theater history because of its controversial issues,” said Mr. Coulson.

John Dryden wrote a public apology for his participation in creating a need for such a book and started a reform movement in morals of the stage.

Mr. Coulson also has an old 1791 share in the “Theatre Royal Drury Lane” which mentions for- mer playwrite Richard Sheridan. The theater burned and has been rebuilt since the share was issued.

“The share is strictly a col-

Bank To Host Military Band

On Nov. l, 1958, the People's Stale Bank, one of the first banks in Kansas, is celebrating its 60th Anniversary. For this occasion, the People's state Bank is bringing the Navy Band to McPherson. The band will be here Oct. 22.

The band will put on three concerts in Convention Hall. Each concert is for a different age group. The first concert, at 2 p.m.. is for grade school children above the second grade and for intermediates.

The second concert will be at 3:10 p.m. for the high school and college students. The evening performance is scheduled for 8 p.m. This performance Is for adults.

The concert, under the direction of Commander Charles Brend-ler, is free to the public.

Virginia Sale

her Delta Gamma Sorority as "outstanding in profession." and by National Lecture Manager of bookers as "most cooperative and consistently entertaining woman on the lecture platform."

Miss Sale has been seen on more than 100 TV shows, guest starring on the Kate Smith, Garry Moore, Herb Shriner, Paul Winchell, Kraft, Lux, Chevrolet shows, and forty-seven other shows which she wrote for television.

Also, she has appeared and starred in the summer theaters at Kennebunkport and Boothbay, Maine; Hilltop; Baltimore; and Theatre-by-the-Sea, Matunuck, R I.

Variety Magazine says. "She is in the same class as Beatrice Herford, Cissie Loftus, Cornelia Otis Skinner and Ruth Draper That’s big-time company but Virginia Sale rates it."

No. 4

The Doghouse manager. Dick Rienke, announces that a new griddle, a new 7-Up machine, and equipment to make malts and nilk shakes have been added to the Doghouse recently. Plans are to have on all flavor pop machine added also in the near future.

Those employed in live Dog House are Eileen Oltman, Jo-Nelle Thoreen, Betty Oltman, Larry Sanders, and Diane Brown-ing.

Doghouse Hours

Hours the Doghouse will be open are:

8:40 - 9:30 a.m. Monday, Tues-day, Wednesday. Thursday anc Friday.

10:30 - 11:20 a.m. Monday, Tues day, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.

8:30 - 10 a.m. Saturday.

2 - 3:30 p.m. Monday, Tuesday Wednesday, Thursday and Fri day.

4 - 6 p.m. Sunday.

8:15 - 9:45 p.m. Sunday. Mon-day, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.

8:15 - 11:45 p.m. Friday.

8:15 - 10:45 p.m. Saturday.

School Nurse Sets Hours At Dotzour

Eileen Turner, the graduate nurse serving Macollege, will as-sume regular hours at Dotzour Hall.

Hours, unless posted otherwise, will be from 1 to 3 p.m. Monday, 5 to 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, 11:30 a.m, to 12 noon Wednesday, and 1 to 2:30 p.m, on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.

Head residents will still sign slips to see the doctor. Head resident for the girls is Miss Neher. Mr. and Mrs. Ruhser will sign for the boys in Arnold Hall and off-campus boys and Mr. and Mrs. Arnold will sign for the boys in Fahnestock Hall.

Miss Turner lives at 1301 South Walnut and the phone number is 1905Y.

Members of the Macollege Chapel Choir have been announced according to Miss Doris Coppock, director of the choir.

In the soprano section are Judy Beaver, Bonnie Hodgden, Vena Catherine Wray, Ellen Strycker, Elizabeth Pittman, Glenda Wine, Karen Stoner, Helen Williams, Shirley Reynolds, Carolyn Cotton and Linda Rodabaugh.

The altos are Linda Larsen, Margaret Glotfelty, LaVonne Al-bin, Joyce Ulrich, Velma Harrris, Mildred Jacobson, Diane Browning, Delores Lahman, Gail Fillmore, Elma Holmes, and Roberta Varner.

Members of the tenor section are Eddy Longmire, Dennis Hubbard, Jim Quinn, Larry Wertz, Jerry Tictjens, Charles Lauver, and Don Hollenbeck.

In the bass section arc John Myers. Jon Burkholder. Vernard Foley, Nicky Dolloff, Glen Draper, and Jim Nettleton.

Homecoming queen candidates were voted on by the student body in assembly today. Oct. 3. Sharon Shrock, Rowena Carr, Eileen Oltman, and Sherland Ng were the candidates.

The attendants from the sophomore and freshman classes were also elected. The candidates for attendant to the queen from the sophomore class were Patsy Bolen. Sheryl Strom, Karen Yoder, and Bonnie Lewis.

Freshman candidates were Carolyn Cotton, Nancy Miller, Sandra Shrock, and Linda Larsen.

The queen and her attendants will be crowned at the Queen's Banquet, Friday, Oct. 17. They will reign at the football game on Saturday, Oct. 18, the Homecoming game against Kansas Wesleyan.

One of these candidates will be chosen from each class. The junior girl will be the Homecoming queen, with the sophomore and freshman girls acting as attendants to the queen.

Ivadelle Wisler Cotton is the retiring queen.

The campus will be decorated for homecoming by the various organizations on campus. The decorations will be judged at 11 a.m. on Saturday, Oct. 18, and prizes will be awarded.

Leaders Named For Conference

Regional Conference of the Western Region Church of the Brethren will be held Oct. 25-30. The theme will be “Under the Lordship of Christ.”

Conference leaders will include Norman Baugher, general secretary of the General Brotherhood Board, Elgin. III.; Loren Bowman, Executive Secretary of Christian Education Commission, Elgin, Ill.: Dale Brown, director of religious life and assistant Profes-or of philosophy and religion at Macollege.

Gaston Foote, pastor of First Methodist’ Church, Fort Worth, Texas; Mrs. Paul Halladay, president of Women's Work, North Manchester, Ind.: Rufus King, director of Adult Education, Elgin, Ill

Mary Spessard director of Children’s Work, Elgin, Ill.; Paul Weaver, director of Junior High Work and Camping, Elgin, Ill-; and Harry K. Zeller, pastor of the Church of the Brethren. McPherson.

58 Grad Is Enrolled In College Of Vet Med.

Dwayne L. Jeffries, member of the 1958 graduating class, is presently enrolled in the College of Veterinary Medicine of Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Okla.

with Your Brownie Hawkeye Camera.”

Those of you who prefer quiz shows will enjoy .22. The categor-ies tonight will include mummy wrapping, why pygmies smell bad, chicken plucking, the feeding habits of the man-eating lion, and hair styles of Egyptian mummies. Feemore Bosdick will reveal tonight whether he will keep his lollipop and go home, or go on to the next plateau.

Due to circumstances beyond our control, we will present the weekly "Lawrence Welt Social Functioning Party."

Kiddies will appreciate "The Children’s Hour." which comes on from 2 to 2:30 a.m- Special guests this week are James Hoffa and his boys. Boris Karload and his monsters, and Raymond Flory and his trained stool.

If you need exercises, you’ll benefit from the body-building routines on our daily show. "The Shape Shop." This week we have a series on "How to Pull Yourself Together.” by Dr. Frank N. Stein, expert on body-building.

So in closing we say:

Jack be nimble, look and see What’s in store on WARP-TV.

Chaff Presents

Sympathy Is Expressed

The Macollege family extends sympathy to Karen Yoder, sophomore, and Joan Walters, senior, and their families, for the death of a grandparent.

The survivors of Mrs. Frank Wampler, Karen’s grandmother, include three daughters and sons-in-law. Arlene and Royal Yoder of Conway; Rowena and Lyle Albright of Udell, Iowa; Donnis and Melvin Fishburn, Capitola, Calif.

Joan Walters’ grandfather. J. R. Crosse of Glennwood Springs, Colo., passed away recently.

TV Station Information

By Fans. Foley, and Harris

As we all know, television is an important leak in the dike of

education. But as we see it, television fails to measure up to the mental standards of the average college student.

Television experts say that most programs are beamed at the thirteen year - old level. So to meet the desperate need.

Dear Mom.

Well, here I am back at Mac.

I can tell that it is Mac by the complaining about the cafeteria. I do not say that I have not done my share either because I have complained along with everyone else.

But I, for one. intend to stop. I have complained enough. We all have to beef about something guess, but most of us carry it too far and really. It is not as bad as we make it sound.

Even if a situation is bad complaining about it will not help. A little constructive criticism is much better than complaining. Complaining only builds resent ment and conflicts that need not be.

I wonder what would happen if everyone would say a word of praise for a good point when they feel about ready to beef about a bad one? A little praise has been

October 3, 1958 The Spectator Page 2

Pondering With The President

Give Thought To This

Recently I ran across a statistical listing which indicated that there are actual financial benefits to making up your mind early in your college career concerning what you would like to do in life.

This study indicated that the students who, as freshmen, knew what they wanted to do and began to prepare in that direction, later in life earned an average of more than $100 per month more than a student who made up his mind as an under classman. The ones who made up their minds as seniors averaged least of all.

This indicates that if you can decide what you want to do and start working seriously toward that end early in your college career it will pay off, not only in peace of mind and greater enjoyment of your studies while you are in college, but it will pay off also in many thousands of dollars during your earning years.

Financial rewards are not the only rewards of working, however. In fact, in my judgment, they are among the lesser rewards. But to have a purpose for being in college, to be preparing for a worthwhile goal, to be making a worthwhile contribution when you are through college, all of these add to one s continual day by day joy of living.

Do you have a goal ? If not, why not talk to other students and to one of your college teachers or administrators about it? There are a lot of things waiting to be done that are worthwhile.

You are needed.

Praise Is Urged Instead Of Criticism At Macollege

known to do wonders.

These people down here are all college age and as such you think that they would realize what the score is and remedy the situation. They ought to realize what it Founds like to an outsider.

But, maybe that is too much to ask of college age people. Maybe we just are not mature enough to realize what the score is. I wonder what we would do if we were on the receiving end of the beefing.

I believe we would feel resentment and not really care how we did our job if something about it was always being attacked. But if we were praised a little. I think we would feel like doing a little better.

But I guess that is not for me to say I am just another student who is caught in the web of social pressure and who is finding it hard to keep from following the crowd.

Campus Observer

CHAFF brings you television for the college mind, written on a six-year old level.

These programs, can be seen on McPherson’s first television station. WARP-TV, Channel XIV, operating on 475 motorcycles, 131/2 tricycles, and a wildly fluctuating business cycle.

WARP’s studios are located in room 410 Dotzour, with transmitters behind the Iron Curtain.

WARP’s daily schedule will be set up as follows: 6 a.m. to 12 midnight — Weather and commercials. 12 midnight to 3 am.— Programs 3 a.m. to 6 a.m-Test pattern (coffeebreak, sleep, dorm raid, etc. 'Have you ever el cetera?).

Here now are some of the fall spectacles we plan to present to you. the viewing public. Here's what you see on WARP - TV. when you care enough to watch the very best.

For you Western fans, we recommend "Have Sores, Can’t Travel," the story of a tenderfoot, starring Lance Boils. And coming up next is Wyatt Earp.

In the realm of personalities, we continue Edwurd R. Murro’s well - known series. "Parson to Parson." This week Oral Roberts, noted theologian, interviews Rev. Harry K. Zeller on the topic, "How to Take Better Color Slides

Baker Wildcats To Challenge Bulldogs In Tonight's Game

Bulldogs Romp Over Bethel In 34-0 Conference Opener

Baker University Wildcats will invade the McPherson College Stadium tonight at 7:30. The undefeated Bulldogs will be facing the Wildcats, who have one of the finest lines in the league.

The Baker squad has a fine attack lead by speedster Bill White and sophomore sensation Jim Paramore. Both are good passers.

' Coach Sid Smith, who scouted the Baker-C. of E. game last week, regards the Wildcats highly in view of the fact that they are undefeated and hold a lopsided victory over a fine C. of E. team.

The visitors are expected to run from a short-punt and singlewing formation.

In the series with Baker which began in 1921. the Bulldogs have been victorious only nine times while suffering 20 losses. Three ties have prevailed.

The Bulldogs were blanketed 19-0 in last year’s contest hled at Baldwin. The Wildcats dominated nearly all the way in the game.

The Bulldogs will be out for blood in tonight’s game attempting to seek revenge for last year’s defeat and also to maintain their undefeated status. The Bulldogs will enter tonight's game with a 3-0 win-loss record.

Tie Prevails In KCAC Scoring

The results of last week’s games in the Kansas Conference are as follows: McPherson 34 — Bethel 0. Bethany 13 — K. W. U. 0. Baker 43 — C. of E. 7. Ottawa 39 — Friends 7.

The Kansas Conference scoring leaders to date are as follows:

Spectator Will Begin New Series Next Week

Beginning next week the Spectator will begin a new series on the sports page. This series will be entitled "Player of the Week."

The player of the week will be chosen by the editor-in-chief, managing editor, campus editor, and sports editor of the Spectator. Points will be given on basis of. statistics from the games, and general attitude of player to sports and school.

Statistics will be available to the editors through Coach Sid Smith.

Hula-de-Hoops Invade Campus

Brightly colored plastic rings approximately three feet in diameter. called “Hula - Hoops.” “Spin - a - hoops" or "Hoop - de-dos" have invaded Macampus.

These are also being found orbiting around four million tor-soes in backyards, at barbecues, playgrounds and beaches all over the United States.

These hoops, the new fad in America, can be skipped through, manipulated around the human body, tossed in the air and made to climb stairs.

Instructions accompanying Spina-hoops say. "Hug the hoop to the back side — Push hard with the right hand — Now rock, man, rock! — Don't twist — Swing it-Sway it — You've got it!"

Thirteen Mae Students    

Work In Cafeteria    

Thirteen Macollege students will assist Mrs. Sliffer in the college cafeteria this year. They arc El- len and Helen Williams, jun- iors from Minnesota: Rosalie Bar- nett, freshman: Elverda Fike, junior from Missouri: Bonnie Hodgeman, freshman.

Delores Peek and Hazel Miles, seniors from Missouri: Elizabeth Pittman and Jake Guenther, soph-omores from Iowa; Gus Papan-dropoulus, freshman from Greece: Don Hollenbeck, sophomore from Iowa: Jim Freed, sophomore from Oklahoma: and Bob Erisman, senior from Missouri.

Harris Heads Student Council

Officers of the Student Council ore: Carl Harris, president. Don Cotton, vice president: Mary Ann Guthals, secretary and Sherland Ng. treasurer. The president is elected by the student body from the senior class: the treasurer is elected by the student body from the junior class. The treasurer of the previous year’s Council is also included in the Student Council.

The Student Council of McPherson College is elected from the student body. The purpose of the Council is to govern the stu-


Each class elects two representatives to the Council and the extra curricular activities elect two representatives. The Council also consists of the Dean of the College, the Dean of Students, the Dean of Men and the Dean of Women.

The Macollege Bulldogs defeated'the Bethel Greymaroons 34-0 Saturday night, in Newton, to win their opening Kansas Conference football game of the season.

McPherson showed a strong defense against the much heavier Bethel team, holding the Grey-maroons to 125 yards rushing while piling up 268 yards for themselves.

The Bulldogs drew first blood in the opening quarter on a 23-yard end run by Mac's veteran quarterback. Ken Stucky.

This was followed up in the second quarter by Rich Heide-brecht as he plunged over from the one-yard-line after a 45-yard drive by the Bulldogs.

Dennis Brubaker scored the first of his two touchdowns in the third quarter following another Mac drive. In the same period. Jerry McPherson. 190-pound tackle, picked up a Bethel fumble and raced 25 yards to score.

Gordon Lewis. Mac’s freshman kicker, converted on four out of five extra point attempts.

The Bulldogs scored once again

in the fourth when Bethel fumb

led the ball in the end zone and Brubaker fell on it to score for Mac.

Bethel’s one threat came in the fourth period of play when they had the ball on the McPherson one-yard line, but the Mac defense, made up mostly of re serves at that time, held them there.

Annual Tug-Of-War Held Yesterday At Lagoon

A tug of war between the sophomores and freshman at Lakeside Park Thursday afternoon settled the question of whether or not the freshmen would wear their little red beanies for another week.

The sophomores were the victors so the little red beanies will be seen on campus for another week.

SoCo Makes Plans For Coming Activities

The SoCo of Macollege has been hard at work planning the activities for the coming year.

Some of the plans for the near future are a movie in the chapel on Oct. 10. and the Queen's banquet Oct. 17.

Don Hollenbeck and Joan Wallers are the co-chairman for the banquet. The decoration committee is made up of Don Hollenbeck, Joyce Berry, Joan Furry, ZoAnn Ewing and Melvin Roberts.

Joan Walters, Vernard Foley, Irv Wagner and Mary Beth Tolle make up the program committee.

At some time the amibition of every small boy is to wash his mother’s ears.

Read and heed the Spec ads.

Dues Are Payable Now For SNEA Memberships

SNEA dues are being collected this week in both the girls’ and boys’ dormitories. If someone does not contact you. see Linda Owens. 326 Dotzour Hall. The dues are $3.00.

From these dues, members will receive the NEA magazine and the KSTA magazine.

SNEA meets on the third Wednesday of the month. The time and type of meeting will be posted.

Kelly Day To Travel Around The World

Kelly Day. HPI representative in Austria, left Kassel. Germany on August 23 and will be traveling around the world before returning to his home in Missouri in October.

Kelly was a former studnet at McPherson College.

Bittinger To Speak At | Student Ministers’ Meet

Dr. Bittinger will speak on “The Joys of Christian Service", Mon-day, Oct. 6, 1958, at the Student Ministers and Christian Vocations meeting.

Eddy Longmire will be in charge of the devotions for the' meeting which will be held at Vaniman Hall.

Anybody who is planning a Christain vocation is invited to attend.

Mac Grads Continue Writing Letters For Twenty Years

ren’s work and Administrative Secretary.

In Los Angeles, Calif., Lowell Brubaker is the principal of a new high school. Mr. and Mrs. Brubaker are also busy in church work.

Paul Miller and Kurtis Naylor are prominate ministers in the Western Region. Paul has served on the General Brotherhood Board for several years and made a journey to Russia.

Kurtis and Gladys Naylor have served the church in Germany, Ecuador and are now serving in the Prince of Peace Church in Denver.

Ira Milton Hoover is a progressive farmer in the Kansas City Area and Lucile is active in music circles, 4-H work, and church work Mr. Hoover was formerly a trustee of McPherson College.

Russell Herpich is the irrigation specialist with the Kansas State College Extension Service at Manhattan. Theresa teaches in the Manhattan public schools.

Lois Fager Is Living With German Family

' Lois Eager, Macollege representative in Europe, is now living with a German family in Falken-diek Herford, Germany and is helping in the juvenile deliquent home of which the father in her German home is responsible.

This is a protestant home for some 48 boys, ages 12-20, who have committed minor offenses.

During the last of October Lois will begin attending the Paedag-ogische Hochsehulc at Goetteing-en, Germany.

Young Harry: “Father, what's the difference between a gun and a machine gun?"

Dad: "There's a big difference. It's just as if I spoke and then your mother spoke.”

What will the friends you make at Macollege be doing 20 years from now? Seven Macollege girls decided before they graduated in 1938 to start a round robin letter which would keep them in touch with each other.

These girls were Theresa Storm. Gladys Shank. Lucile Ul-lery, Glee Coughnour, Estelle Baile, Eugenia Hogan and Ellen Divine. After the girls were married each of their husbands added his bit to the letter since all but one of the husbands were also Macollege graduates.

The seven families have kept this letter going for the past 20 years, holding reunions and get-to-gethers whenever possible.

This summer the children of these families met on their own at Lake Junaluska. They were not strangers to each other since their pictures and activities had been included in the round robin letters which the families had shared with their children. They had also met at reunions and visits of the families-

Those attending the conference were Jon Brubaker, son of Lowell '39 and Eugenia Hogan Brubaker ’38, Hawthorne, Calif., Judy Miller, daughter of Paul ’37 and Ellen Davine Miller ’38, Adel, Iowa: Beth Hoover, daughter of Ira Milton '39 and Lucille Ul-lery Hoover '38, Plattsburg, Mo.

Marcia Yoder, daughter of Gordon '39 and Glee Coughnour Yoder, '38, McPherson: and Steve Mohler, son of Harold '38 and Estelle Mohler '38, Warrensburg, Mo.

The only family not represented was that of Russell and Theresa Herpich.

Active In Church, Community

Each of these seven families have been active in community affairs and taken an active part in activities in the Church of the Brethren these past 20 years.

Warrensburg, Missouri, is the home of the Mohlers.

Harold Mohler conducts a large insurance business in Warrensburg, Mo. The Mohlers have been in camp work for many years and are active in local and district church work. Harold is a trustee of McPherson College.

Gordon Yoder is treasurer and business manager at McPherson College and Mrs. Yoder is the Regional Director of the Child-

Hawbaker, Wampler

Mr. and Mrs. Ezra J. Haw-baker, Dallas Center, Iowa, announce the engagement of their daughter, Glenna, to Garland Wampler, Weyers Cave, Va-, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Wampler.

Glenna is a senior at Macol-lege majoring in English and Garland is a sophomore. A Christmas wedding is being planned.

Do We Chatter?

By Dick Ferris

Webster defines gossip as: A gossip’s tattle; groundless rumor; also, chatter.

Almost everyone is, and has been in the past, capable of chatter or, to use a better term, idle gossip. On small campuses this type of talk takes place almost more than any other.

The other evening, there was a group of boys sitting in my room and we were talking about different people. Many of the things we said amounted to groundless rumor or idle gossip.

But this is not ture only of the boys' dorm. In the girls' dorm, the favorite topic of conversation may well be the boy who has taken them out on a date that same evening.

I think that those who listen to malicious gossip are just as guilty as those who spread it around.

Gossip, idle chatter, is a very dangerous thing. The same point was made in the old story about the Quaker and his dog Tray. "Go to,” said the Quaker to poor Tray. "I will not kill thee, but I will give thee a bad name.”

"And so he turned poor Tray into the streets with the cry of "Mad Dog!" and then someone else did kill poor Tray.

Do you chatter?

Fike Returns From Europe

Juanita Fike, junior from Peace Valley, Mo., has returned to Macollege after spending a year as an exchange student in Germany. While in Germany, she went to school, worked, and traveled over Europe.

Upon arrival in Germany. Juanita went to Lemgo to work in an institution for epileptics and mentally ill for three months.

She then entered school at Sup-pertal. She attended school seven months. In Germany, they have two month vacations in the spring. During this vacation, Juanita and Joellen Leonard, exchange student from LaVerae College toured Europe.

After finishing school. Juanita visited Lemgo, and traveled to Castle and other points in Germany connected with the 250th Anniversary of our church. She and Joellen then traveled to Paris and on to Lallarve, France, where they boarded ship for the U.S.

Juanita says she is glad to be back at Mac. but is very happy to have had the chance to spend a year in Germany.

Geisert To Nominate Danforth Candidates

President of Macollege, Dr. D. W. Bittinger, has named Dr. Wayne F. Geisert as the Liaison Officer to nominate to the Danforth Foundation candidates for the 1959 fellowships. Students with or without financial aid are invited to apply. Two or not more than three candidates will be nominated for these 1959 fellowships

133 Students Listed In Church Program

The McPherson Church of the Brethren student membership program is in effect again this year with 133 students signifying their desire to become members for the school term.

This does not indicate a break with the home church but merely an effort to make the students feel more a part of the church during the school year.

Rev. Harry K. Zeller invites those who wish to become student members and have not yet signed a card to do so. Cards may be obtained at the church office.

Members Of Mac Family Europe This Summer

Miss Della Lehman, former Macollege English professor, lead a tour through Europe this summer. The group set sail for Europe June 6.

With the group were two 1958 graduates of Macollege, Duane Fike of Ramona, Kas., and Anne Keim of Nampa, Idaho. Also with the group was Dennis Hubbard. Hugoton. Kas., freshman at Macollege this year.

Brunk Siek Present At AAUW Meet

Mrs. Sarah May Brunk, associate professor of English and journalism, and Miss Mildred Siek, professor of home economics, attended a workshop for the American Association of University Women.

Many Attend Sunday Services

A large crowd attended the dedication service for the now Church of the Brethren Educational Building Sunday. Parents, visited their children in classes during Sunday school in the new building.

The dedication service at 10:30 a.m. included "What Mean These Stones?”, the sermon by J. Norman Bougher; the presenting of the keys by the contractor, and the dedication of the building.

A public open house was held in the afternoon for inspection of the Educational Building. A tour of the structure found large classrooms, a crib room and nursery. offices for the church, and a large heating system.

A feature of this system includes using the same ducts for heat and air conditioning. Also the church building can be healed with the same equipment with a few minor alterations.

Church Paper Contains Article Written By Prof.

Prof. Harley Stump has an article appearing in' the Sept. 20 edition of the Gospel Messenger.