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Volume XLIII

McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas, May 22, 1959

No. 30

Seniors To Receive Diplomas May 31

Slimmer Session Begins June 1, At McPherson

The 1959 Summer Session begins June 1 and ends Aug. 14. Enrollment for the first sessions is on June 1. Additional dates for enrollment for other sessions arc on June 8, June 15, July 6, and July 27.

The summer session for this summer is following a new program. The courses are being taught on the work-shop plan. Students will be permitted to take only one course at a time.

Regular Tuition The tuition fees are $15 a semester hour. Enrollment will take place during the first hour at the beginning of each course sequence. It is best to enroll for the whole summer at the time of the original summer enroll ment.

All courses numbered above 100 are normally open only to those who have attained junior class standing. All classes are scheduled to begin at 8 a.m. each day unless the professor and his students make modifications after the course begins.

Organ, Piano Organ and piano lessons will be available by appointment. Consultation with individual instructors should be made prior to enrollment.

Students desiring to transfer' summer school credit or obtain transcripts of work taken during these sessions should notify the Registrar of this at enrollment time.

Other Courses

Courses being taught this summer are Driver Education Instructor’s Course. Natural Science Workshop. Principles of Speech, U. S. History. Child Growth, Development and Psychology, Recreational Leadership, Shakespeare, and Elementary Music Methods.

Other courses being taught from July 6 through July 27 are Geology, History of Education, Trans-Mississippi West, Life and Teachings of Jesus, Short Story, Economics, and First Aid.

Courses being taught from July 27 through Aug. 14 are Cultural Anthropology. Principles of Arithmetic. Music History and Appreciation. and Field Session in Mexican History.

Professors for the summer’s session will be Lane, DeCoursey, Zaffaroni, Hayes, Dresher, Flory, Frantz, Dell, Brunk, SanRomani, Metzler, Olson, Keim, Bechtel, and Sollenberger.

Kline Hall will be open for women during the summer sessions, and Arnold Hall will be open to men wanting rooms. Meals will be available at restaurants in the city.

For further information write to Dean Wayne F. Geisert. For reservations or information on housing write to Gordon Yoder. Business Manager.

Alumni Meet Saturday, May 31

The Alumni Banquet will culminate a series of alumni gatherings on Saturday. May 31. The banquet will be held at 6:30 p.m. at Convention Hall.

Mrs. Una Ring Yoder, '34, McPherson, will be the toastmis-tress. The seniors of this year will be special guests of the college as they are welcomed into the alumni group.

Mrs. Sara Ann Bittinger, '58, McPherson, will present the class of ’59. Robert Burkholder, ’47, Windom, will give the welcome and Donald Cotton, ’59, McPherson, will respond.

Donald Dresher, ’33, Canton, will present the class of ’34 on their 25th anniversary. Robert Burkholder will present the 50-year class, ’09.

Dr. D. W. Bittinger will give the address, “A Look at the Future." The meeting will close with the singing of the school song.

Trail Hike Reminder: Register By July 1

A reminder is offered to all prospective hikers of the Rocky Mountain Trail Hike this summer. Aug. 27-Sept. 2. to get in their registrations by July 1. These should be sent to the Regional Youth Office,. 1G00 East Euclid, McPherson.

Anyone who is 18 or over or graduated from high school who enjoys the great out of doors is eligible to attend. This includes married couples as well as single individuals.

The hikers will live in the rugged Colorado mountains for the period and will partake in swimming. fishing, meditation, and inspiration.

College Calendar

Today, May 22. All "School Recital in chapel 7:30 p.m. Movie in chapel 8:45 p.m.

Tomorrow, May 23. Spring Formal in College Gym 8 p.m.

Sunday, May 24. Elma Holmes’ senior recital at Church of the Brethren 3 p.m. Spring Festival at park 4:30 p.m.

May 26-May 29. Final Exams.

Friday, May 29. President's Formal Reception for seniors 8 p.m.

Saturday, May 30. Alumni Banquet at Convention Hall 6:30 p.m

Sunday, May 31. Baccalaureate at 10:45 and Commencement 7:30 at Church of the Brethren.

Monday, June 1. Summer School Enrollment.

New Touch Graces Formal

An entirely new. unusual number is a special feature of the Spring Formal tomorrow night in the gym beginning at 8 p.m.

Noel Grove will be the master of ceremonies for the evening. The theme is “Hawaiian Holiday," and the decorations will feature an island with coconut trees.

In addition to the surprise num ber, Sherland Ng will do a hula dance and Chaff will present a comedy skit.

The College Mixed Quartet will present a 7-minute selection of songs from South Pacific. A trio of Rowena Carr, LaVonne Albin, and Joyce Berry will sing "Blue Hawaii.”

A dance will follow the program with music furnished by college students. There will also be a floor show intermission and a special instrumental ensemble.

Faculty Given Service Awards

A college faculty dinner was held on the roof garden of the Warren Hotel Monday evening. May 18, at 6:30. Professor Dale Brown was master of ceremonies.

The dinner was in recognition of all college employees who have served ten years or more.

Service award pins were presented to the following:

Thirty Years Or More J. L. Bowman, Jessie Brown, H. H. Fries, Maurice A. Hess, Della Lehman and R. E. Mohler.

Kline, Arnold Open For Summer School

College dorms, Dotzour H a 11 and Fahnestock will close at noon Monday June 1.

Kline Hall and Arnold Hall will, remain open for students in sum mer school.

Merlin Frantz To Speak Merlin Frantz, associate professor of education and psychology. will be guest speaker at the commencement this evening at Lehigh.

Virginia Harris.

Ten Years Or More Kenneth C. Bechtel, Donald R. Frederick, D. W. Bittinger, Anne Krehbiel, Audrey San Romani, R. Gordon Yoder, Keith Cline, Sarah May Brunk, Mary Fee, Earl Frantz and Raymond Flory.

The service awards pins carry the seal of McPherson College. Twenty-five Years Or More S. M. Dell.

Twenty Years Or More Burton Metzler and Alice B. Martin.

Fifteen Years Or More Oscar A. Olson. Edna Neher. Mildred Sick. Ethel Slifer and

Elma Holmes To Present Senior Organ Recital

Elma Holmes, senior, Galva, will present here senior organ recital May 24, 3 p.m., in the McPherson Church of the Brethren.

During her college years, she has participated in band, orchestra. Chapel Choir. Music Educators National Conference. Women’s Athletic Association, and Student National Education Association.

Last year Elma attended college at Chico, Calif. She was a member of the Chico A Cappella Choir.

Her repertoire will include "Trumpet Voluntary," by Purcell; "Prelude and Fugue in E Minor," Bach; "Jesu Joy of Man's Desiring," Bach: "Notur no," Respighi; "Chorale" and

Five Make Plans For June Unit Of BVS

Four Macollege students and one Macollege graduate are planning to enter Brethren Volunteer Service (BVS) in the June 1959 unit.

Glenda Wine, sophomore, En-ders, Neb.; Linda Igel, junior, Ottawa; Harold Connell, sophomore, Brooklyn, Iowa; and Lila Cook, sophomore, Lyons, will all go to their homes as soon as school is out and will leave from there.

Ed Emmert, class of '58, whose home is in Redfield, Iowa; will also be entering the program in June.

All five of these people will first go to a training period at New Windsor, Md., the location of the BVS training school. After two months, they will be on project.

Stump To Be Speaker At Spring Fellowship

A free supper, entertainment, and a speaker will be featured at the College-Church Spring Fellowship Sunday. May 24. All college students are cordially invited.

Harley Stump, professor of English, will be the speaker for the evening. The College Male Quintet will present the entertainment.

Farewell Planned For Zellers

A farewell for the Rev. Harry K. Zeller family has been planned for Sunday, June 28, at 4:00 p.m. at the Church of the Brethren.    

All church members, college students, here for the summer, and friends are encouraged and invited to attend.

Music and various short speeches, in addition to refreshments served by the Social Committee of the church, constitutes the tentative program now planned. There will also be an opportunity for the people to express their wishes to the family.

The Zellers will be leaving for a new pastorate on July 1 in Long Beach, Calif., after a 9-year pastorate in McPherson.

Four children — Marie Norman, Richard, and Karen Sue — make up the family. Marie graduates from McPherson High School this spring.

Dorm “Raids” Investigated

The Student Court met this week as an investigating body concerning dorm "raids.” The intent was not to punish, but to merely discover facts concerning "raids." Some things which the court would like to make known to the student body arc:

1.    The court discovered that dorm “raids" are considered traditional among students, and that tradition is not easy to change.

2.    Entering the dormitory after the doors are locked is more than a violation of college rules: it is a breech of civil law.

3.    Shooting firecrackers in the city limits, especially inside a building is breaking a city ordinance.

4.    Upon checking with our insurance officials it was found that the storage or use of firecrackers in the buildings endan gers our insurance policies.

There is a good possibility that our insurance rates would become much higher if Insurance inspectors knew that firecrackers were being stored and used in the buildings.

Also, there is the possibility that this insurance company would discontinue our insurance on two of our older buildings.

5.    The Court found that stu-

Elma Holmes

“Minuet" from “Boellman Suite" "Andante," Mendelssohn, and “Toccato," Nevin.

Larry Sanders, senior. D e s Moines, Iowa, will accompany Elma at the piano for the Respighi selection.

Elma will be teaching at Wood-ston next year.

McPherson College’s seventy-first annual commencement will be held in the McPherson Church of the Brethren at 7:30 p.m. on Sunday. May 31. Diplomas will be given to 84 persons. 46 with the Bachelor of Arts degree and 38 with a Bachelor of Science degree.


Commencement services will begin with the processional by Mrs. Audrey Son Romani. Dean Wayne F. Geisert will give the invocation.

Prof. Paul Sollenberger, accompanied by his wife, Dorothy, will play the violin solo, "Andante,” The commencement address, "Facing the Spiritual Fall-Out,” will be given by Dr. George Ogden Kirk. Pastor of the Plymouth Congregational Church, Wichita.

The College Ladies Trio will follow with "God of the Open Air.”

Present Candidates

Pres. D. W. Bittinger will announce the honors, and Dean Geisert and Registrar Alice B. Martin will present the candidates for graduation.

Those who ore receiving citations this year are Herbert J. Hockstrasser, area of education and conservation; Leslie L. Saylor, medicine; Susie Slusher Saylor, motherhood; Elmer B. Staats, government; Ernest A. Wall, business and churchmanship.

College Song

The commencement service will close with the Male Quintet singing. "Go Not Far From Me, O God.” The audience will sing the college song, "O Sacred Truth.”

Rev. Floyd E. Bantz will give the benediction.

Prior to the commencement exercises will be baccalaureate services in the church at 10:45 a.m.

Dr. Bittinger will present the sermon on the topic, I Will Show You.”    

The Varsity Mixed Quartet will sing "God’s Mountains." The McPherson Church Choir will sing. "The Lord's Prayer."

Senior Reception To Be Held May 29

The graduating seniors will be the guests of Dr. and Mrs. D. W. Bittinger at their home for the annual reception for seniors, May 29, 8 p.m.

Some of the seniors will furnish the program. Irvin Wagner will give a trombone number. Clara Zunkel and Norma Watkins will each sing.     

Several of the seniors will give brief comments of some of their highlights at Macollege. Glenna Wampler will give a reading.

First Aid Clash Helps At Carnival

Twelve McPherson College students helped to man the First Aid tent at the park during the May-Day activities last week. George Keim, instructor of first aid at Macollege, said that the students helped more than any other group when an accident occurred at the carnival.

Ed Delk, Paul Kolman, Bob Erisman, A1 Guiot, Max Gross-nickle, Jim Rogge, Irvin Wagner, Carl Harris, Larry Sanders, Janis Emswiler, Rod Alward, and Winston Beal helped at the First Aid tent sponsored by the local Red Cross chapter.

Opening Week Plans Set For School, 1959-60 Plans for the next year are under way. Students Who are returning to school next year will enroll Sept. 7 to 9. The classes for the year will convene on Sept. 10.

71st Commencement To Be Held May Thirty First

(Continued on Page Three)

Spectator, Page 2

May22, 1959

Chaff Says Farewell

By Faus, Foley, and Harris

Listen my children and you shall hear

Of a three semester reign of fear. T’was February of '58.

Everyone shudders to think of that date.

When the wind was a torrent of darkness among the gusty trees.

The moon was a ghostly galleon tossed upon cloudy seas. The Spec was a pure, chaste paper, although a terrible bore. When CHAFF came writing, writing, writing, up to the Spec office door.

Then, last week, for the first time in our career, we wrote the absolute truth. This truth so aroused the McPherson Woodsman of the Year that he wrote foul blasts against us.

Now. to show our noble character and to more - expeditiously bring the facts before you, we

New StuCo Members Entertained By Old

A Student Council picnic for both past and present members was held at Dr. Raymond L. Flory's home Wednesday evening, May 13.

Carl Harris and Charles Lauver prepared the meal. “Lauver's special sloppy joe" was the main attraction on the menu.

A short business meeting was held following the picnic.

Spanish Speaker To Be German Club President

An international atmosphere reigned at the last meeting of the year for Der Deutsche Klub, when Henry Esquino, a freshman from Mexico was elected president for next year.

The main dish of the evening was Linsensuppe — a bean soup with frankfurters and other types of vegetables mixed in.

Other officers elected were Linda Owens, vice president; and Manfred Grote, secretary-treasurer.


Witnessing For Christ Is Christian Occupation

sacrifice some of our column space to print the words of the Woodsman.


I think that I shall'never see An outfit slanderous os these three.

Three men who sleep through class all day.

And their tuition never pay. Three goofs who write with fiendish glee

About my chopping down a tree A tree who had no more good


Than to’ fall across Prof. Flory’s fence.

Columns are written by fools, I know.

These three and Flory want my dough.

Later, when the Woodsman saw CHAFF sleeping in chapel, he commented. "Yon Chaff has a mean and scroungy look. T h e y write too much. Such men are dangerous."

Chaff’s Revenge But Chaff vowed vengence, made voluminous plans, and students heard Chaff say;

Look for us by moonlight.

Watch for us by moonlight.

By Watson

First of all, I want to thank all the people who have written letters and in other ways helped the column along during its seven-week run.

I would like to answer through this column all the letters I've received, but since this is the last issue of WAND’RINGS. I would like to use the space to say a few words about CHRISTIAN WITNESS.

Christian witness is one way that we can show we are Christian and proud of it. I always feel depressed when I am out in a crowd and, let a chance go by to witness for Christ.

The many people who consider Christian witness obnoxious are the ones to whom we need to witness the most.

Many times "actions speak

We'll raid the dorm by moonlight.

Though Neher should' bar the way.

And upon that midnight dreary, when we left there, weak and weary.

We met a quaint and curious caucus waiting at the door.

Tis the Student Court we muttered, only this, and nothing more.

While we stood there, neatly lying, up there stepped the Dean, replying.

"Chaff is banished from McPherson, to be seen there Nevermore!"

louder than words." This is also applicable in the realm of Chris tian witness, but true Christian' will know when the time comes for vocal witnessing.

I do not think we refrain from witnessing because we are asham ed of Christ and His works but rather because we are ashamed of what our friends will think of us.

I had much rather be called a Christian because I witnessed than to be a coward because I was afraid to speak out for what I thought was right.

Not only is Christian witnessing to be done in the church, but also it is to be done on street corners, in homes, on farms, in stores, and anywhere else that sin prevails.

A Christian college should offer strength and hope to Christians everywhere through the witness of its students.

If every church member would witness for Christ once each day. the church would move and spread at Pentecostal speed.

CHRISTIAN WITNESSING is a soul-inspiring work, and if during the coming summer you will witness for Christ in both deed and w o r d, then the aim of WAND'RINGS has not been missed.

Spec Editor Bids Farewell To Oncoming Journalists

Not only does graduation draw near as the 195859 school year, comes to its close, but wedding bells will be ringing for many Mac students this summer.

What is the feeling of the editor who edits his last issue? Is he happy or sad? Can he look back over the past weeks and be proud of what he has done?    

My emotions are mixed on the subject. Naturally I am happy to be relieved of the weekly worry of “will my reporters turn in enough copy. I will once again have my noon hours free and have plenty of time to get to work.    '

The Spec staff has three deadlines to meet each week. All stories must be in the office by the first of the week that those stories are to be printed.

The editors must then edit the stories and write headlines for each before taking them to the Republican office where they are set into type.

The editor-in-chief must make up a dummy—a liagram arranging each story as it is to appear each Wednesday. On Thursday afternoon he “sets up” the type in the forms, called chases, and after a proof has been “pulled”, he must read each story and check it for errors.

The Specs are printed on Friday morning and then delivered to the college, by the editor, at noon.

What does all this have to do with the way I feel about my last issue? It all tells why I am sad about leaving my position. Although much time and effort is spent each week, it has given me a good feeling while doing it.

An editor learns to know much about the problems of an editor of a daily publication.

Thank you to each of my readers, Republican workers, reporters, campus editor, managing editor, and Mrs. Brunk, my advisor. Without your support my work would not have been complete.

As I leave this corner to the next editor, Faye Fields, I leave with her the joys and hardships of being an editor.

Pondering With The President

Checking Up At Mac

By Dr. D. W. Bittinger

Another year of college is ending. This is a good time to check on myself. I may have unfinished business.    

I shall answer the following questions with a “yes,” or “no.”

Our Epitaph

If I can answer yes to most of these, then, this has been a good year.

Connell’s Corner


May 22, 1959

Spectator, Page 3

Clearing the bar at 13’ 21/2” to break his own school record, Galen Huffman, freshman, set a new record at the 1959 Doane Relays in the pole vaulting event. (Spectator Photo)

Coach Smith Awards Fifty-Nine Letter Awards

Coach Sid Smith awarded 59 letter awards to varsity athletes at the Awards Assembly Tuesday. Fifteen athletes were awarded provisional letters. These fifteen will be considered as two-year lettermen if they return and letter next year in the same sport.


Coach Smith recalled the football season during which the Bulldogs lost only one game, by one point. He also recognized Ed Delk, who was named to the Little All-American football team and to the All-Conference team along with Ken Stucky, Jerry McPherson, Wayne Grossnickle, Tom Ragland, and Don Cotton. He said that he considered every athlete who lettered as being outstanding.


Coach Smith reviewed the high points of the basketball season: beating Nebraska Wesleyan, which went on to the NAIA tournament: breaking Ottawa University’s winning streak, Ed Delk being named to the Little All-American basketball team and the only unanimous choice for the conference first team; and winning 20 of 26 games.

He then awarded Clifton Baile, Dennis Brunner, Ed Delk, Richard Heidebrecht, Bryce Heinz, Jerry McPherson, Ivan Prochas-ka, and Garth Werner their letters.

Max Grossnickle, Richard Keefer, Larry Werner, and Don Wil lils were recognized for provisional letters.


Coach Smith commended the track squad for a successful season during which three school records were broken. Seventeen athletes received their track letters after this introduction. Dick Bittinger, Lynn Cabbage, Don Elliott, Gene Elliott, Stuart Frazier.

John Heidebrecht, Richard Heidebrecht, Bryce Heinz, Galen Huffman, Richard Keefer, Gor die Lewis, Jerry McPherson, Dar-ry Melton, Gary Otte, Thomas Ragland, Jerry Rolfs, and Garth Werner received their M awards.

Jerald Hadley, Gary Metsker, Ivan Prochaska, and Tim Wesse-lowski are to receive provisional letters in track.

Tennis, Golf

Vilas Likhite, Phil Wachtman, Marvin Weddle, Gene Wenger, and Norman Yoder received awards for tennis.

Rex Morris, Don Nelson, and Pete Reinecker were named from a team of six to receive letters for golf. The golf team won 3 of 6 meets this season.


And finally, Coach Smith gave awards to the four cheerleaders Glen Faus, Faye Fields, Betty Oltman, and Jim Smallwood.

in 1:58.6.

Ottawa First

Ottawa took first place in the meet with a total of 66 2-5 points. Bethel placed second with 37 3-4, Macollege third with 27, Bethany fourth with 26 3-4, Baker fifth with 21, C. of E. sixth with 14 3-4 followed by K. W. U. with 12 9-10.

Ottawa piled up six firsts, Mac and Bethel each took three firsts. Baker, Friends, and Bethany won one first place each.

Ragland took first and Keefer fourth for McPherson in the broad jump. Heinz placed fifth in the 440-yard run. Ragland placed fifth in the 100-yard dash, and Ragland placed first and Keefer fifth in the 220 low hurdles.

Galen Huffman placed first and Gene Elliot followed in second place to give Mac the first two places in the pole vault event. The Macollege mile relay team placed third at the meet.

A new college record for McPherson was set in t he Mile Relay event at the recent 1959 Doane Relays. The team composed of Tom Ragland, Dick Keefer, Bryce Heinz, and Don Elliott covered the mile distance in 3:28.4 minutes. (Spectator Photo)

Winter Speaks To Athletes

Tex Winter, head basketball coach at Kansas State College. Manhattan, was the guest speaker at the annual athletic banquet sponsored by the McPherson Chamber of Commerce.

About 100 lettermen from McPherson College, Central College, and McPherson High School received special recognition from the businessmen of the city.

The banquet was sponsored by the athletic committee of the Chamber of Commerce which conducted a ticket sale among

the businessmen of the city to help finance the affair.

L. E. Lindell was the toastmaster for the banquet, Rev. Vernon Ballinger of the F o u r-square Church offered the invocation, and Fred McKenna. President of the Chamber of Commerce, welcomed the athletes and guests.

Record Setters Go To District AAU

Tom Ragland. McPherson College senior from Lawrence, and Galen Huffman, Macollege freshman from St. Joseph, Mo., will compete in the District AAU track meet in Kansas City tomorrow. Ragland will run in the 220 yard low hurdles and will broad jump. Huffman will compete in the pole vault.

Ten winners will qualify at this meet to attend the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics’ meet in Sioux Falls, S. Dak. This meet will be June 5-6.    

Dorm “Raids”

(Continued from Page One)

dents have mixed feelings about dorm "raids.” Some are indifferent, some see no harm in them, and some are strongly opposed.

6. The Student Court wishes to be known as a governing body in opposition to dorm "raids.”

Ragland, Huffman Secure New KC Track Records •

Tom Ragland and Galen Huffman set two of the three new Kansas Conference track records set at the annual Kansas Conference track meet-in Ottawa last Friday. Macollege finished third in the meet.

Ragland Sets Record

Tom Ragland set a new broad jump record with a leap of 23' oh”. Tom's leap shattered the record set in 1952 by Wheaton of Ottawa with a leap of 23 ft.

Ragland was also the high individual scorer of the meet with 11 points to his credit. Tom finished the season with a total of 159 points in eight meets.

Huffman Wins

Galen Huffman, Mac’s freshman pole vaulter, set a new mark in the conference in the pole vault event, clearing the bar at 13’ 3-4”. Galen bettered the previous mark set by Coppoc of Ottawa in 1955 when he cleared the bar at 12’ 10”.

The third record set at the meet was set by Tyson of Friends University. He set a record in the 880-yard run running it in 1:57.8 bettering the old record set by Hoisington of Kansas Wesleyan in 1928 when he ran it

Spectator, Page 4

May 22, 1959

Wedding Bells Will Be Ringing For Mac Students

Summer Weddings Begin For College Couples, May 30

Walters, Keele

Miss Joan Walters, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Robert E. Walters, Pueblo, Colo., and Mr. Gordon Keele, son of Mrs. Beulah Keele, Payette, Idaho, will exchange wedding vows on May 30 at 4 p.'m. at the McPherson Church of the Brethren.  Carol Cunningham, a sophomore at Mac, will be the maid of honor. Other Mac students in the wedding will be Elsie Holder-read, soloist; Linda Larsen, violinist; Eileen Oilman, reception entertainer; and Carol Duncan, Barbara Jackson, Terry Strom, Zoann Ewing, Clara Zunkel, and Ellen Kurtz.

Joan is a senior at Mac. The couple will make their home in Corpus Christi, Texas, this summer.

Igel, Connell

Miss Lynda Igel, daughter of Mrs. Carl S. Igel, Ottawa, will wed Mr. Harold Connell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Connell, Brooklyn. Iowa, at 7:30 p.m., June 2, at the Main Street United Presbyterian Church. Ottawa.

Shirley Turner, junior, and Norma Hintz, sophomore, will be the bridesmaids; Sheryl Strom and JoNelle Thoreen, sophomores, candlighters; Eddy Longmire, Winston Beal, Lester Zook, and Glen Faus, sophomores, groomsmen.

Dr. D. W. Bittinger will officiate the ceremony, which was written in blank verse by Prof. Harley Stump.

Lynda is a junior while Harold is a sophomore. The couple plans to enter the June unit of Brethren Volunteer Service for two years and then return to school.

Turner. Jones Miss Eileen Turner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Turner, McPherson, and Mr. David Jones, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jones, Aurora, Mo., will be united in marriage at 8 p.m., June 5, at the Free Methodist Church, McPherson.

Eileen is a first semester senior. The couple will leave for Hawaii on June 9. Eileen will attend the University of Hawaii while David is stationed in Honolulu with the U. S. Navy.

Cook, Emmert Miss Lila Cook, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence B. Cook, Lyons, will, be wed to Mr. Edward Emmert, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dale Emmert, Redfield, Iowa, at 7:30 p.m., June 10, at the McPherson Church of the Brethren.

Ruth Kolbe, former Mac student, will be the bridesmaid. Dr. Burton Metzler will perform the ceremony while Paul Wagoner will be the soloist.

Lila is a junior; Edward is a 1958 Mac graduate. The couple plans to go into BVS on June 14 in Ann Arbor, Mich., for the next two years.

Groth, Kasper Miss Shirley Groth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John B. Groth, Independence, and Mr. Larry Kasper, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph J. Kasper, Canton, will be united in marriage at 2 p.m., June 14, at the Independence Church of the Brethren.

Sherri MacDaneld, freshman, will be a bridesmaid.

Shirley is a senior. The couple will live in Canton.

Goranson, Morris Miss Shirley Goranson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Goranson, McPherson, and Mr. Rex Morris, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Morris, McPherson will exchange wedding vows at 8 p.m., June 21, at the Trinity Lutheran Church. McPherson.

Rollyn Wall, freshman, will be best man; Vernon Reinecker, junior, will be an usher.

Rex is a junior at Mac. The couple will make their home in the College Courts while Rex finishes his senior year at Mac.

Vassiloff, Buskirk Miss Anna Vassiloff, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stergios Vassi loff, Salonika, Greece, will wed Mr. LeRoy Buskirk, son of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Buskirk, McPherson, at 3:30 p.m., June 21,

at the McPherson Church of the Brethren.

Bridesmaids will be Carolyn Fillmore, sophomore; and Elsie Holderread. Others are Pat Albright, soloist; and Ken Holder-read. usher.

Anna is a senior; LeRoy, is a 1958 Mac graduate. They will make their home in Junction City where Anna will teach while LeRoy teaches at Hope.

Butterbaugh, Killian Miss Ruthanne Butterbaugh, daughter of Mrs. Anne E. Butterbaugh, Elizabethtown, Pa., and Mr. Roger A. Killian, son of Mr. and Mrs. Marshall R. Killian, Bryan, Ohio, will be united in marriage at 4:30 p.m., Aug. 22, at the Elizabethtown Church of the Brethren.

Roger is a freshman at Mac. The couple will live in Kline Hall, Ruthanne will teach while Roger finishes college.

Huber, Hykes Miss Patricia Huber, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Huber. Elida, Ohio, will wed Mr. David Hykes, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Hykes, Adel. Iowa at 7:30 p.m., Aug. 23, at the Lima, Ohio. Church of the Brethren.

Mrs. Glenna Wampler, senior, will be a bridesmaid.

Both are sophomores at Mac. The couple will make their home in Kline Hall.

Jacobson, Guthals Miss Mildred Jacobson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Jacobson, Elmo, Kas., will be united in marriage with Mr. Calvin Guthals, son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Guthals, Elmo, in an evening wedding in August at the First Baptist Church of Dickinson County, Elmo.

Mary Ann Guthals, sister of the groom and a junior, will be the soloist.

Mildred is a sophomore at Mac. The couple will farm in Elmo.

Cullison, Hood

Miss Patricia Cullison, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl C. Cullison, Cabool, Mo., will exchange wedding vows with Mr. Rick Hood, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mert L. Hood, also of Cabool, at 8 p.m., June 20, at the First Baptist Church, Cabool.

Jerry McPherson, Mac senior, will be the best man. Roy Jones, sophomore, Vic Waits and Wilbur Will, former Mac students, ushers.

Rick is a senior. The couple will make their home in Cabool, where Rick will teach in the fall.

Fields, Brunner

Miss Faye Fields, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fayette Fields, Wichita, and Mr. Dennis Brunner, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Brunner, Ramona, will be united in marriage at 3 p.m., Aug. 30, at the Wichita First Church of the Brethren.

JoNelle Thoreen, sophomore, will be a bridesmaid.

Faye is a sophomore while Dennis is a junior. The couple will make their home at 803 N. Walnut to finish school at McPherson.

Bielefeldt, Wagner

Miss JoAnn Bielefeldt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Bielefeldt, Waterloo, Iowa, will wed Mr. Irvin Wagner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Orval Wagner, McPherson, at 2:30 p.m., June 7, at the South Waterloo Church of the Brethren.

Don Butler, brother-in-law of the groom and a Mac graduate, will be the best man. Bob Dell, sophomore, will be a groomsman.

Other Mac graduates are Dwight Oltman, organist; Forrest Krusch-witz and Ed Butler, ushers.

Irvin is a senior, and JoAnn will finish nurses training at the State University of Iowa in August. The couple will move to Rochester, New York, where Irvin will do his graduate work at Eastman School of Music.

Wise, Zook Miss Mary Lou Wise, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Wise, Nevada, Iowa, and Mr. Lester Zook, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Zook, Sr., Minot, N. D., will be united in marriage at 7:30 p.m., June 12, at the First Congregational Church, Ames. Iowa.

Mrs. Gene Wenger, sister of the bride and a junior at Mac, will be the matron of honor. Gene Wenger will be an usher. Marlene Klotz, sophomore, will play at the reception.

Lester is a sophomore at Mac while Mary Lou, a 1958 Mac graduate, is teaching in Newton. The couple will make their home in McPherson.

Royer, Fairchild

Mr. and Mrs. Alton L. Royer. Adel, Iowa, announce the engagement of their daughter, Linda, to Mr. Don Fairchild, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Don Fairchild, Sr., McPherson.

Both are students at Macollege.

No definite plans have been made for the wedding yet.

Chaff Faces Libel Charge

Dear Editor:

We hereby wish to cancel our subscription to the Spectator because of the corrupt, the immoral, the Chaffish advertizing found in recent issues of your paper.

In all good faith we sent a self-addressed stamped envelope to Chaff Inc., c-o Room 410 Dot-zour, for a solid hand-carved Chaff Cedar Sweatshirt, and enclosed a $20 bill. However, as of yet, we have not received our sweatshirt or a refund of money.

We, therefore, demand a joint investigation by the FBI and the Senate Racketeer Investigating Committee. After voluminous research, we have acquired Dr. Flory’s lawyer. Following the completion of the Flory vs. Geisert Supreme Court Case, we will be suing, so help us Dayton Rothrock!

Two Chaffed Shirtless Subscribers

Motor vehicle accidents killed 36,700 and injured 2,825,000 on U. S. highways during 1958.

Read and heed Spec ads.