College Calendar

Today, May 15, All Schools' Day. Conference Track Meet at Ottawa, Freshman - Sophomore Picnic 2-4 p.m.

Tomorrow, May 16. Ag Club Picnic 6-7:30 p.m. Movie in chapel 7:30 p.m.

Sunday, May 17. Faye Frederick's Organ Recital in Church of the Brethren 3-4 p.m.

Tuesday, May 19. Chamber of Commerce Athletic Banquet.

Friday, May 22. All School Recital in chapel 7:30 p.m. Movie in chapel 8:45 p.m.

Greek Student Given Physics Handbook

The Chemical Rubber Co. each year sends a chemistry and physics hand book to the chemistry department to be given to the student making the most progress in second semester general college chemistry.

The choice is a difficult one but must be made by the chemistry professor.

Prof. DeCoursey announced that Constantine Papandreopoulos was chosen to receive the handbook. He also may take an examination to compete for $100 worth of science books to be given to the school library.

Service Dinner Honors Macollege Faculty

A dinner for all full-time faculty members of Macollege will be held May 18. 6:30 p.m. in the Blue Room of the Warren Hotel.

The dinner is an attempt to recognize service and to provide an incentive for further service.

Dr. D. W. Bittinger will present awards to various faculty members for their service to the college.

Plans for the dinner were made by faculty committees, with Gordon Yoder and S. M. Dell heading the committees.

Eighty-Day Jaunt Is Theme Of 46th All - School's Day

Student Art Displayed In Mac Union Room

A student art show of paintings, drawings, sculpturing, and ceramics is now on display in the Student Union Room.

The art show is comprised of the work of students that are in Professor Richard Slimon's art classes.

The display will last for sev eral weeks.

No school was held today because of the 46th annual A11 School's Day in honor of the graduating eighth grade students of McPherson County.

The theme of this year’s program was, “Around the World in Eighty Days." The event began with the entrance of the royalty, in which Dr. R. E. Mohler’s son, Edwin, was Prince Charming.

Volume XLIII

McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas, May 15, 1959

Mac Officials To Give Commencment Addresse Pres. D. W. Bittinger, Dean Wayne F. Geisert, and Prof. Dale Brown are giving commencement addresses this spring at various places in Kansas.    

Dr. Bittinger will be at Burr-ton High School on May 21: Union Valley Grade School, Hutchinson, May 26; and McPherson High School, May 27.

On May 21 Dean Geisert will give the Lincolnville Grade School commencement address and Prof.  Brown at Durham High School.

Mac Admissions Director Announces Resignation

Mr. John K. Sheets, director of admissions and assistant in public relations at McPherson College. has announced his resignation effective May 31, 1959. Mr. Sheets came to the McPherson position in 1956.

Mr. Sheets, a 1949 graduate of McPherson College, was commerce instructor at Quinter High School prior to coming to McPherson.

Chem Students Hear American Chemical Pres.

Dr. Wesley DeCoursey took five chemistry students to Manhattan Monday afternoon to hear Dr. John C. Bailar. President of the American Chemical Society of the University of Illinois speak to the Manhattan section of the American Chemical Society.

His lecture was on Isomerism of Organic and Inorganic compounds.

Accompanying Dr. DeCoursey were John Brand, Marvin Keck, Galen Horten, Jim Snyder, and John Lehman.

John Sheets

He will continue his education for a master's degree in Business Education at Kansas State Teachers College of Emporia. He has also been accepted for a teaching assistantship in the Department of Business Education at Emporia State.

The family will continue to live in McPherson. Mrs. Sheets is presently employed as secretary of the McPherson College Alumni Office.

Admission Applications Higher This Year

John Sheets, director of admissions. reports that the number of applications for admission to McPherson College was 26 per cent higher on May first than the number at the same time one year ago.

The October 1958 enrollment at McPherson was eleven per cent above that of October 1957. Present indications point to a similar increase for the 1959-60 school term.

Mr. Sheets urges all prospective students to send applications, for admissions immediately to the admissions office. "This will facilitate the completion of admissions data and will reserve dormitory ‘space." suggests Mr. Sheets.

All requests for information on admissions, scholarship, academic requirements should be addressed to the admissions office.

Bittinger Attends Brother's Funeral

Pres. D. W. Bittinger attended the funeral of his brother, Foster. at Union, Ohio, Monday afternoon. Foster Bittinger was the pastor of the Salem Church of the Brethren in Southern Ohio before his sudden death.

After the funeral the family took the body to their home in West Virginia for burial.

Dr. Bittinger returned to his duties at Macollege later in the week.

Ag Club Picnic Set For Tomorrow Night

The spring picnic and weiner roast of the Ag Club will be held tomorrow night at the Lagoon. The picnic starts at 6:30, and following the supper, the election of officers for the next year will be held.

This year's officers are Terry Weddle, president: Doyle Royer, vice - president; and Melvin Rob erts, secretary - treasurer.

M. R. Zigler To Speak At McPherson Area Rally

M. R. Zigler

Irvin Wagner Accepted By Eastman Music School

Mrs. Frederick To Present Her Senior Organ Recital

Mrs. Faye Frederick. McPherson. will present her senior organ recital Sunday. May 17, at the Church of the Brethren at 3 p.m. She is the wife of the head of the music department. Prof. Donald R. Frederick.

She began taking organ lessons while her husband was a student at Bethany Biblical Seminary in Chicago. At McPherson she has studied under Mrs. Audrey San Romani.

The Fredericks' moved to McPherson in 1946 when Prof. Fred

erick joined the Macollege faculty. They have three children, Denny, a freshman in high school, Susan, a sixth - grader, and Joel 16 months.

Sunday, she will play "Fugue in C Major." Buxtehuch; "Sleepers Awake.” Bach: "Toccata and Fugue in D Minor,” Bach: "Communion in E Major," Vierne; "Chant de Paix,” Langlais; “Be-nedictus," Reger.

Piano, Organ Duet Marie Zeller and Faye will play a piano and organ duet, “Rhapso-

Irvin Wagner, senior from McPherson, has been accepted to the Eastman School of Music. Rochester, N. Y. This is one of the leading schools of music and is very selective.

In February, Irvin auditioned in St. Louis for the head of the admissions committee of the school. He played his trombone and took a Theory in Harmony test.

He will begin work in September on his master's degree which he expects will take him two years. His major will be brass literature with the trombone as his applied instrument.

For graduation he will have to give a recital and write an es-ay. He commented that the essay was similar to a thesis only shorter. He then plans to teach music.

While at Macollege, Irvin has been in band, orchestra, A Cap-pella Choir, and small ensemble. This year he is student director of band.

He has been president of Student Court, MENC, band, A Cap-pella. Regional Youth Cabinet. This year he was selected to Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities.

Hawaiian Holiday Set For Formal Theme

“Hawaiian Holiday” is the theme for the spring formal which will be held in the college gym May 22, 7:30 p.m.

Following the program, a dance will be held. The entire program will be based on a Hawaiian theme.

Faculty and students are invited to attend.

dy.” by Damarest. Other organ numbers are “Prelude de La Damoiselle Elue," Debussy; “Gavotte," Martini; and "Now Thank We All,” Karg-Elert.

Awards Chapel Set For May 19

Awards Chapel will be May 19 this year. At this time students will be recognized for their outstanding achievements for this year.

Athletic awards will be given in football, basketball, golf, tennis. and track. The M Club, WAA, and Pep Club will also acknowledge outstanding members.

Sherland Ng, Student Council treasurer, will give the annual treasurer’s report. The Council will give awards for publications, student activities, and student government.

Other awards will be music, speech and drama. Who’s Who, McPherson College Honor Scholarships. The program will close with the singing of the school song.

M. R. Zigler. who recently returned to the United States after ten years of service in Geneva. Switzerland, as the Church of the Brethren representative to the World Council of Churches, will speak at an area rally, Thursday. May 21, at 7:30 p.m., at the McPherson Church of the Brethren. The public is invited to attend.

He will also speak in the College Chapel on May 22, 9:35 a.m.

30 Rallies

Dr. Zigler will appear in 30 area rallies during the months of April and May across the United States which arc being sponsored by the Church of the Brethren for the purpose of interpreting the political, social and religious conditions of Europe.

Since 1941 he has been closely associated with the Brethren Service Commission, the service arm of the Church. He was the Commission’s Executive Secretary until 1948 when he was appointed director of Brethren Service activities in Europe and the Church of the Brethren’s repre sentative to the World Council of Churches, in Geneva. Switzerland. Active Since 1919

Dr. Zigler has been active in a leadership capacity since 1919 when he became associate with the denomination's world head quarters in Elgin. Illinois.

Along with his work in the Church of the Brethren. Dr. Zigler has been greatly interested in the interdenominational acti vities of many organizations and movements, among them, the Home Missions Council of North America, the National Council of Churches, Church World Service, CARE, CRALOG, Rural Life Association, and World Council of Churches.

Dr. Zigler was a delegate to the world-wide religious conferences at Edinburg and Oxford in 1937 and to the Amsterdam assembly of the World Council of Churches in 1948.

World Council

He was one of the representatives of the Church of the Brethren to the World Council Assembly at Evanston in 1954. In addition to his extensive travel in Europe since 1945, he visited China and Japan in 1947 and India in 1953.

Various Countries Different numbers on the program represented various countries, cities, and states. Those represented were England. Scotland. Germany, Spain, Greenland, Vienna, Paris, Sweden, Persia, Russia, Alaska, Jamacia, Hawaii, Japan, Canada, and America.

Friday morning's activities began with a band concert on Main Street by the McPherson High School Symphonettes, after which a second performance of the May Fete took place in the bandshell of the park.


At 10:55, the crowd heard our national anthem played by all 28 bands which marched in the parade. The parade began at 11 a.m. with 40 floats entered, including our McPherson College float made by the sophomore class;

28 bands, including Macollege band; 50 bicycle floats, and 200 horsemen from various saddle clubs.

Prizes for the best floats in each division of the parade will be given and the winners announc- ed in the Saturday Republican.

Fourteen Divisions In the fourteen float division of the parade were: Floats from rural districts; class A, two-teacher districts; three - or more teacher districts with eight - month school; floats from nine - month grade schools; best decorated floats or original idea in cither float or marching combination from any county college; individual. rural community, or organization floats; pony and pet for boys and girls under 13: decorated bicycles — boys and girls under 13: juvenile floats, marching combinations or other entry from Cub or Boy Scouts. Explorer, Brownie, or Girl Scouts.

Other divisions were: Best original idea by individual, organization or community; McPherson City Schools (no prizes); and Antique - old cars, tractors, etc. (no prizes).

Following the parade, t h e eighth graders were dinner guests at Convention Hall.

Graduation Ceremonies Tills afternoon's events will begin with graduation ceremonies in the city auditorium, at which Mr. Alvin F. Grauerholz will speak on the theme. “This is the Beginning of the End,” and 216 eighth grade graduates of the county will receive diplomas.

At 2 p.m., there will be a horse show free to the public at the 4-H grounds, presented by the McPherson Saddle Club. The floats in the parade will be exhibited on Main Street from noon until 3 p.m.

This evening’s program starts with a show in the city auditorium at 7:30 p.m. with television personalities in person.

Square Dance

Sugar Smith will call for a square dance at 8 p.m. in the 4-H building, and Hi-Fi Hop will be held at Convention Hall for the teen-agers with Vern Nydger's Orchestra playing.


During the May Day Festival the Broadbek & Schrader Shows of Carnival will be located at the old Rock Island Depot Site on Kansas Ave. three blocks cast of Main Street. The carnival will be there over Saturday.

Also the M-Club has a booth on Euclid at the Rock Island Railroad Tracks north of the carnival. It opened last night at 5:00 and this morning at 11:00. It will be open the rest of today and Saturday from 11 a.m. on into the evening.

The booth sells homemade ice cream, pie, and various other short orders to raise money for gifts for graduating Seniors.

No. 29

The Spectator, Page 2

May 15, 1959

By Dr. D. W. Bittinger

Within a few more days some of you will leave the college with diplomas and degrees. Others of you will leave to return, at the end of the summer; some of you may be concluding your higher education venture now.

Regardless of which category is yours, you will henceforth be numbered among those who have received some higher education.

With this significant opportun ity and achievement comes responsibility. There are many in our own country and vast multitudes around the world who will never have the privilege of high-er education.

If our world is to move in the right direction, and if our nation is to live into the future, a lot of the responsibility rests with the educated. That includes you.

If the educated are to lead, the following things arc implied:

L It is more important what we are than what we say. We must lead by being, and doing, rather than by exhortation and

Geisert Turns Lumberjack; Damages Flory Property

By Fans, Foley, and Harris

A rift recently developed in the relationship between t w o members of the McPherson College Faculty.

The hostilities involve an incident in which damage was done to the property of Dr. Raymond L. Flory, head of the History department, by Dr. Wayne F. Geisert, Dean of the college and instructor of Elementary Economics.

The damages occurred when Dr. Geisert was clearing trees from the lot just south of the Flory estate at 421 N. Carrie.

Dr. Geisert, being a prudent woodsman, had taken the precaution to top the trees before he felled them. The action of topping trees involves cutting enough of the tops out of them beforehand so that the trunk is shorten-

ed and therefore will not hit any nearby objects when it falls.

These precautions having been taken, the Dean chopped the tree down. Unfortunately, his calculations were in error, his simple arithmetic failed him in the moment of need, and the tree fell shattering three of the four sections of the wooden Flory fence.

The Dean immediately apologized to Dr. Flory, saying he would make good the damages. And Dr. Flory was satisfied with this.    

The Dean, however, had one more tree which he wanted to cut down. This time he was es-

pecially careful in his measurements and topping. Having double checked everything, he felled the final tree.

When it fell, there was a horrid splintering sound, a thunderous roar, and the fourth section of the Flory fence was no more.

Reporters slate that Dr. Flory’s comment was, “Well, it took you two shots, but you got the whole fence. I’m going to demand a new fence and $100 out of this."

Dr. Geisert was not available for comment.

Reporters’ Oath

We, the three reporters who wrote this news story do hereby solemnly swear that for the first time in our career we have written the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth to the extent of our feeble mental ca pacities, so help us. Dayton Roth-rock.

If you doubt our word, ask Dr. Flory and he will vouch for our facts.

Connell’s Corner

With the end of classes near, many, including the editor, are being overpowered with a very contagious disease commonly known as spring fever.

I fear that this disease will soon become so infestive on the campus that something must be done about it immediately after the first of June.

Unless some control is suggested this disease may be the downfall of many industrious students.

I am afraid it is too late----I am feeling weak

.....I wouldn’t be able to fini ....

Exam Schedule Is Announced

The semester examination schedule for second semester was announced earlier this week. The exams are to begin Tuesday, May 26, and continue through Friday. May 29.


8-10, all 7:45 T.W.F., classes except Freshman English.

10-12, all Freshman English classes.

1:20-3:20, all United States His-tory classes.

3:20-5:20, all 10:30 M. W. classes.


8-10, all 10:30 T. Th. F. classes except New Testament and U. S. History.

10-12, all 1:15 T. Th. classes (including Ceramics.).

1:20-3:20, all 9:35 M. W. Th.

classes except Freshman English and U. S. History.

3:20-5:20, all 8:40 M. W. F. Classes except Freshman English.


8-10, all 11:25 M. T. Th. classes except Freshman English.

10-12, all 1:15 M. W. F. classes.

1:20-3:20, all 11:25 W. F. classes.

3:20-5:20, all 8:40 T. Th. classes except Freshman English.


8-10, New Testament Life and Literature.

10-12, all 2:10 M. W. F. classes except New Testament.

1:20-3:20, all 2:10 T. Th. classes.

3:20-5:20, all 3:05 classes as well as unscheduled examinations.

Evening School

All evening school examinations will be held at the regular time of the class session on Wednesday evening. May 27.

Pondering With The President ...

Now That You Are Educated

advice only. The teacher teaches more by what he is than by what he says.

2.    We must think. Though there have been great thinkers of the past and though many of their thoughts have been written down, the circumstances of life change so rapidly that even our own thoughts of yesterday no longer apply adequately to today. Our brains must be kept awake, our vision must be forward, we must think.

But being upright and exemplary and thinking clearly does still not offer sufficient leadership.

3.    We must venture. We must stick our necks out. We must be willing to be wrong from time to time in order to achieve successfully during the times when we ore right. Being beaten down once should not keep us from rising again. We must courageously and persistently venture.

In this manner we who have now achieved some education can help lead into and build a better future.

The Spectator, Page'3
May 15, 1959
Ragland, Huffman Set New Records For Mac

Tom Ragland. McPherson College senior from Lawrence, won the broad jump at the 1959 Doane Relays with a leap covering 22’ 111/2".

Ragland's jump, in addition to winning the event, carried him over the previous Macollege record. Tom out jumped the previous record of 22' 91/4" set by Dale Carpenter in 1952 by 21/4”. Tom also ran on the record-breaking mile relay team.

Galen Huffman, a Mac freshman from St. Joseph, Mo., vaulted to another McPherson College track record at the same meet.

Huffman cleared the bar at 13' '21/2” to win the event and to

break his own school record of 13’ l” set previously this season. This vault also broke the Doane Relay’s pole vault record held by Coppock of Ottawa University, 13’ 13/4".

The Bulldog’s mile relay team sped to a new Macollege record in the mile relay.

Tom Ragland. Dick Keefer, freshman from McPherson; Bryce Heinz, junior from Digh-ton; and Don Elliott, freshman from Greely, Colo., teamed up to run the distance in 3:28.4, erasing the old record. 3:29, set in 1956 by the team of Ragland, Galen Stucky. Don Widrig, and Richard Heidebrecht.

History Prof To Give Commencement Talks

Dr. Raymond L. Flory will give two commencement addresses next week.

May 20, he will deliver the Zook Grade School commencement and on May 21. he will give the address at the Culver Rural High School.

Bulldogs Take Quadrangular

The Bulldog trackmen triumphed in a quadrangular track meet over Tabor, Bethany, and Sterling Tuesday. 861/2-543/4-461/2-341/4 respectively. The Bulldogs are completing the 1959 track season today at the Kansas College Athletic Conference meet at Ottawa.

The Bulldogs won four events and picked up points with six second places and many third, fourth, and fifth places. Following are the placings of Macollege trackmen in the meet:

Mile — Melton — 2nd, Hadley— 5th

440 — Heinz — :53.5, Elliott — 3rd

100 — Ragland — 3rd High hurdles — Rolfs — 3rd. Elliott - 5th

Low hurdles — Ragland — :25.-4. Keefer — 3rd 880 — Frazier — 2nd. Heidebrecht — 5th 2 mile — Bittinger — 2nd. Cabbage — 3rd, Hadley — 4th Shot — McPherson — 2nd, Otte — 3rd. Wesselowski — 4th Pole vault — Huffman — 12 6", Elliott - 2nd Javelin — Lewis — 3rd Discus — McPherson — 3rd High jump — Frazier and Heidebrecht — 3 way tie for 2nd Pro-chaska and Baile — 4 way tic for 5th

Mar Loses At WU;
But Beats Tabor

Bethany won the KCAC tennis tournament at Wichita last Sat; urday by winning 2 doubles and 4 of 5 singles events. Bethany scored 20 points in winning the tournament, followed by Baker with 7. Other teams in order were Ottawa. C. or E., McPherson, Bethel, Friends, and Kansas Wesleyan.

The McPherson College tennis team returned from the KCAC tournament in Wichita and defeated the Tabor College team 7-0 Monday, Likhite, Wenger, Wachtman, Weddle, and Yoder all won their singles events: then Likhite - Wachtman and Wender-Weddie won the doubles matches.

Sweatshirts Cleaned Out!

That’s right. We cleaned ”out our closets and found hundreds more of those wonderful Chaff Cedar Sweatshirts. So if you still need a solid wood hand carved sweatshirt, rush your $20 bill and size to room 410 Dotzour.

Broad jump — Ragland — 22’ 7”, Keefer — 3rd. Heidebrecht-5th

Mile relay — McPherson — 3rd

Read and heed the Spec ads.

SNEA To Picnic At Lakeside Park The regular May meeting of the SNEA will consist of a picnic at Lakeside Park on May 20.

The group will meet at the Girl Scout cabin at 5:30 p.m. Recreation will last until 6 at which time SNEAers will eat.

Members are invited to bring their husbands or wives.

TV Pupil's Take' Physics By View

From coast to coast students and teachers are getting up at 6:30 a.m. weekday mornings for a college credit course in atomic age physics telecast from NBC studios. Four Macollege students are taking credit for this course.

The Continental Classroom project, as it is called, grew out of the work of the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education Subcommittee on Television and Teacher Education.

Since the first semester of the Continental Classroom starting Oct. 6, well over 300,000 Americans have indicated their interest in the class. Of this number, 5000 have enrolled for credit at one of the 280 colleges which give


Twinkling, twinkling star. Watching through the dark night. See Angels fly to the earth Bringing a pure heart From heaven afar.

Lan Ying Fu

Tom Ragland shows how he leaped to a new broad jump record of 22’ 111/2” at the 1959 Daone Relays. His leap broke the. Macollege record set by Dale Carpenter in-1952 by 21/4”. (Spectator Photo)

Three Bulldogs Run Their Last For MC

Three McPherson College -Seniors will complete their collegiate athletic careers this afternoon at Ottawa in the KCAC track meet. Tom Ragland. Jerry McPherson, and Dick Bittinger will compete for the last time under the name of the McPherson College Bulldogs.

Tom is from Lawrence. Jerry from McLouth, and Dick is from McPherson. Both Jerry and Dick are married. All three are members of the M-Club.

academic credit for the course.

In Kansas alone, it is estimated that more than 500 are following the lessons. From Macollege, Howard Melander, Burton Holmes, Howard Learned, and Leroy Buskirk are taking the course for credit.

Several others, including a few high school students, are auditing the course. The Continental Classroom was designed primarily for high school science teachers.

Three hours of college credit are offered for the course.

MCA To Participate In Evening Services

Macollege’s MCA is in charge of the evening service at the College Church this Sunday. May 17, 1959.    

President of this year's McPherson Christian Association' is Richard Bittinger, senior.

Wildcats Win KCAC Title

Baker University won the KCAC golf title for the fourth straight year last weekend. Bob Jones and Peter Johnson, both of Baker, tied for medalist honors with 54 hole totals of 254. Baker's team total was 1035.

Kansas Wesleyan followed with 1066, Ottawa hod 1100, Friends scored 1139, the McPherson team totaled 1278, and C. of E. scored 1303.

The meet was held on the Rolling Hills Country Club in Wichita.

Bechtels Entertain

Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth C. Bechtel had a dinner in their home Tuesday evening, May 12, for all the German Club members.

IRC Final Meeting Held On Flory’s Lawn

The International Relations Club had its final meeting of the year with a picnic on Dr. Raymond L. Flory’s lawn. May 11.

The following members were elected as steering committee for next year: Dennis Dirksen, Constantine Papandreopoulos, and Robert Willems. -

The Spectator, Page 4

May 15, 1959

Wester Region committee is: back row; Paul Wagoner, counselor, Kenneth Holderread, youth director; Juanita Fike; Bonnie Hodgen; Dick Landrum.

Front row: Bob Dell; Marlene Klotz; and Valerie Miller. (Spectator Photo).

Regional Cabinet Plans Youth Program For ’59-’60

Functioning as the Regional Youth Cabinet for 1959-1960 are six youth and two adults, all of McPherson College. The six young people were chosen by a group of youth representatives of the churches of the region — two delegates from each of the 13 districts.

Cabinet Members

Those serving on this cabinet are: Robert Dell, sophomore. McPherson. as chairman: Richard Landrum, sophomore. Hutchinson, Faith chairman and financial

secretary: Juanita Fike, junior, Peace Valley, Mo., Outreach chairman and secretary.

Bonnie Hodgen, freshman, Me-Cune, Witness chairman: Marlene Klotz, sophomore, Iowa. Citizenship chairman; and Valerie Miller, junior, Rocky Ford, Colo., Fellowship chairman.

Paul Wagoner, Alumni secretary, is the adult counselor for the group and Kenneth Holder-read is the Regional Youth Director.

The main duty of this cabinet is to train district cabinets

throughout the region as officers in the five commissions of Youth Work.

This group is also in charge of Regional Youth Conference next March. They will be making plans and seeing they are carried out, as well as publicizing the conference.

Next Year’s Activities

Several activities have already been planned for next year. Besides Regional Youth Conference, there will be regional cabinet ‘meeting, district youth rallies and camps. Political Seminar. Earn and Serve, and Trail Hike.

Cullison, Hood

Mr. and Mrs. Carl C. Cullison of Cabool, Missouri announce the engagement of their daughter. Patricia, to Mr. Rick Hood, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mert L. Hood of Cabool, Missouri.

Pat is a sophomore at Southwest Baptist Junior College of Bolivar. Missouri, majoring in elementary education. Rick is a McPherson College senior majoring in history.

A June 20 wedding is being planned. The couple will live near Cabool during the summer months.

More Seniors Accept Teaching Positions

Three more Macollege seniors have accepted teaching positions for next fall.

Clara Zunkel of Denver, Colo.. will teach music at Hope.

Earl Guiot, Glasco, will teach social science and physical education at Kinsley. His duties will also include coaching football and wrestling.

Bob Erisman of Fairview, Mo., will coach basketball and baseball and will teach social science at Willis.


Macollege Girl Seeks Help For Overcoming Temptation

By Watson

• The other day, I found in my mail box a note from a girl on campus who wrote:

“I hove tried several times to become a better Christian, but every time I try. I'm confronted with a new temptation. If God wants people to become Christian. why does He let them be tempted when they try to do the right thing?”

Overcome Temptations My answer is that we can only become better Christians by overcoming temptations. Every time we face a temptation, and still do the right and moral thing, our faith is just that much stronger.

Although we realize that it is our Christian duty to do things as we think Christ would have done them, this becomes very difficult when we are confronted with repeated temptations.

Temptations could also be called ’'testings.” for it is through our temptations that our faith is tested.

I think that we should be glad we have temptations. They give us a chance to show just how

strong our faith, is.

The actions of Christians are watched very closely, and many times the way that they act in the face of a great temptation has an enormous effect on others.

Varied Temptations

Such things as wars, floods, and tornadoes arc also temptations, for many times it is through, these we have an opportunity to show our faith, and we of little faith con odd on to our faith.

All I can say to the girl who wrote to me is every time you are tempted, just say to yourself, "Here is a chance to show that I have faith that God will see me through."

I'm sure that if you do this, you will soon find that for every temptation you overcome, you will be able to overcome the next one just that much easier.

One cart-pushing husband to another: “I estimate the cost per mile to operate one of these things is around $300!” (The Reader’s Digest)