Volume XLIII
McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas, May 8, 1959
No. 28
Orchestra Concert Includes Varied Musical Program
Student Directors Present One-Acts Tonight, May 8
Prof. Paul Sollenberger
College Calendar
Tonight, May 8, Three, One-Act Plays in Church of t h e Brethren parlor, 8 p.m.
Tomorrow, May 9, Orchestra Concert in chapel, 8 p.m.
Sunday, May 10, Senior Music Recital in chapel, 2:30-3:30 p.m.
Friday, May 15, All-Schools Day.
Friday, May 15, Conference Track Meet at Ottawa.
And The Rains Came, But Work Didn’t
Heavy rains earlier in the week have slowed progress on Mohler Hall and Brown Auditorium.
Rain amounting to more than three inches fell on Monday evening and Tuesday, filling the hole dug for the basement with over a foot of water.
Workmen have been attempting to pump the water out of the hole. Fortunately the digging had been completed prior to t h e rains.
Bittinger To Deliver Commencement Address
President D. W. Bittinger will give the Commencement address at Bloom on May 14.
On May 16. he will be in Elgin. Ill., for a meeting of the Brethren Service Commission of which he is chairman.
Class Officers Selected For 1959-60 School Year
Mac Cooperates In Slate CES
McPherson College is cooperating with the Comprehensive Educational Survey of the state legislature. At the present time the faculty and administration ore filling out questionnaires.
Mrs. Alice Martin, registrar, has completed many detailed forms telling such things as where the students are from and what their majors are.
Each faculty member is filling out forms concerning his assignment, size of load, experience, education, and background.
Shortly, the administration will be sending in reports on space utilization. This will include the size of each classroom, office, other educational space and its use each hour.
and Sherland Ng. Lahaina, Maui, Hawaii, treasurer.
Sharon Schrock from Hampton. Iowa, was the newly elected Student Council representative and Larry Werner from Winona, was chosen to remain on the Student Council.
Watkins Will Present Senior Recital Sunday
Facing Spiritual Fallout Is Commencement Address
Rev. Dr. George Ogden Kirk
The McPherson College - Civic Orchestra, under the direction of Paul Sollenberger, assistant professor of music theory and stringed instruments, will present a concert of serious, semi-classical, and popular show music Saturday evening at 8 p.m., in the Sharp Hall auditorium, Selections on the program include an overture by G. F. Handel, two movements from the “Symphony in G Minor" by W. A. Mozart, Buckaroo Holiday from the ballet, RODEO, by Aaron Copland, a medley from the Victor Herbert operetta, “Sweethearts".
Also included will be "Stormy Weather" by Koehler and Arlen, and “Speak Low" from the show “One Touch Of Venus” by Kurt Weill.
Personnel of the orchestra includes Jean Ray, Linda Larsen, Merril Grohman, Joan Zerger, Jim Nettleton, Jane Clouse, Margaret Lehman, and Dorothy Sol-lenberger on violins.
Clara Zunkel and Valerie Miller on violas; Faye Fields, Marvin Weddle, and Marlene Klotz on cellos; Norma Watkins and Patsy Bolen on basses; Carolyn Fillmore and Harvey Hess on flutes.
Haney Hess on piccolo; Sharon Shrock on oboe; Eileen Olt-man and Betty Oltman on clarinets; Lynda Igel on alto saxophone: Shirley Turner on tenor saxophone: Irvin Wagner and Delores Lahman on bassoons.
Jim Quinn. Don Frederick, and Patsy Bolen on trumpets; Gary Stelting, Cliff Baile, and Les Sperling on trombones: Joyce Berry and Irvin Wagner on percussion.
Five Contracts Signed For Next School Year
Five seniors have signed teaching contracts for next fall. Mrs. Melvin Swinger, Essex, Mo., will teach in the lower grades at Elyria, Jane Clouse, McPherson, will be teaching the fifth grade at Oakley.
Neel Grove, South English, Iowa, will teach English at Inman. Joan Walters will teach debate in her home school of Pueblo. Colo. Kermit Daum, McPherson, will be teaching science at Derby.
"The Clod." The Romancers.” and "Yesterday’s Rations," three one-act plays, will be given tonight, 8 p.m., in the Church of the Brethren parlor.
Faye Fields, sophomore Wichita, will direct "The Clod." The cast is Mary Trask, Nancy Miller; Thad Trask, Vernard Foley; Southerner, Carl Harris; Northerner, Eddie Longmire; and Dick, Larry Elliott.
Valerie Miller, junior, Rocky Ford, Colo., will direct “Yesterday’s Rations." Lemuel Wade will be played by David Fruth; Ed Martin, Glen Faus; Mollie Wade.
JoNelle Thoreen; and Mary
Stone. Marilyn Hanley.
"The Romancers." will be directed by Larry King, junior. North English, Iowa. Sylvette will be played by Carolyn Fillmore; Percinet, Stanley Ilin: Pasqui-not, Ken Watson; Bergamin, Kay Wallerich; and Straferal, Terrell Phenice.
The play's will be presented in arena staging with the audience seated, completely around the ac tors. This will give the student directors a chance to work with another type of staging.
No admission will be charged for the plays.
An estimated 30-40 floats will be in the May Day Parade downtown on May 15. Numbers must be obtained beforehand at Strouse’s Store.
Two performances of the May Fete will be held at Lakeside Park. The first will be Thursday. May 14, at 6 p.m. The second at 9 a.m. on Friday morning.
A free horse show is scheduled at the 4-H grounds for 2 p.m.
The evening program will include Mickey Decker and his trio from the McPherson High School. The Hilltopppers, vocal recording and television artists, will also be there.
The Country Gentlemen from the Grand Ole Opry will be featured.
Royalty from McPherson High School are Janice Gustafson. May Queen. Edwin Mohler, Prince Charming, and LaVonne Stucky, attendant.
Two More To Go Says Spec Editor
"Two more issues of the Spectator will be printed after this issue — May 15 and May 22", said Harold Connell, SPEC Editor.
Fifteen issues of the Spectator arc printed each semester. The papers arc issued at dates not conflicting with holidays or vacations.
New class officers for the 1959-60 school year were elected by the classes after chapel Tuesday.
Glenn Lorei from Ramona was elected president of next fall's Sophomore Class. Other Sophomore class officers are Loren Rehyer, Wiley, Colo., vice president: Karen Stoner, King Ferry, N. Y.. secretary; and Stuart Fraz-r, Charles City, Iowa, treasur-
Sandra Schrock, Hampton, Iowa, was the newly elected Student Council representative and Wesley Albin, Grundy Center, Io-wa was elected to remain the Student Council representative.
Roberts Leads Juniors Melvin Roberts from Quinter was chosen to be the Junior Class president. Larry Dresher, Canton was chosen vice president. Joyce Ulrich from Quinter was chosen secretary and Veneta Howell from St. John was elected treasurer.
Faye Fields, Wichita, was the new student council representative and Dick Reinke, Ashland, Ohio was chosen to remain on the Student Council.
Seniors Choose Max Next year’s Senior Class chose Max Grossnickle, from Laurens, Iowa as their president. Others elected were Jerry Tietjens, Frankfort, vice president: Rossie Monk, McNeil, Ark., secretary;
Dean Featured Speaker At Bethany Assembly
Dean Wayne F. Geisert will be speaking May 11 at the Bethany College Honor’s Assembly in Lindsborg.
Seniors To Be Guests Of The Bittingers
The graduating seniors will be the guests of Dr. and Mrs. D. W Bittinger at their home for the annual reception for seniors. May 29, 8 p.m.
Some of the seniors will furnish the program. Irvin Wagner will give a trombone number. Clara Zunkel and Norma Watkins will each sing.
Several of the seniors will give brief comments of some of their highlights at Macollege. Glenna Wampler will give a reading.
Norma Watkins, a senior from Welda, will present her senior recital May 10, 2:30 p.m., in the college chapel. She will be accompanied by Eileen Oltman, jun-ior, Enders, Neb.
This year Norma was elected to Who’s Who. She is an ac
Home Ec Department Gives Fashion Show
Fundamentals of Clothing. Applied Dress Design, and Tailoring classes presented a fashion show at Vaniman Hall Wednesday. May 6. The food’s class served tea.
Those who served the tea were Roberta Varner, Elizabeth Pittman, Ellen Strycker, V e n e t a Howell, and Karen Yoder.
Fundamentals of Clothing class included Donna Coe. Avis Pro-chaska, Bonnie Hodgden, Carol Duncan, Carol Cheek, and Norma Hintz. Applied Dress Design class included Ellen Williams, Helen Williams, Lila Cook, Zo-Ann Ewing, and JoAnn Negley.
Tailoring class inluded the girls from the Applied Dress Design class and Arlene Rolfs.
tive member of M.C.A., Pep Club, A Cappella Choir, Ladies Trio, Orchestra, and the Music Educators National Conference.
She is a member of student court and has held various offices during her four years of college.
Her repertoire for Sunday will include "Sounds.” by Klemm; "Care Selve", Handel; "Tomorrow", Strauss; “Alone in the Fields". Brahms: "Monotone",
Cornelius: "The Wanderer”, Schubert.
"There's Weeping in My Heart". Debussy; "Remembrance". Godard; "If Thou Shouldst Tell Me,” Chaminade; "Romance," Debussy; "Open Thy Blue Eyes,” Massenet.
Her last group will be "I Heard You Singing," "Green River", "O Lovely Night," "Sure on This Shining Night,” and "The Time for Making Songs Has Come."
Next year, Norma will be teaching vocal music at Quinter.
"Facing the Spiritual Fall-Out” will be the title of the 1959 commencement address given by The Rev. Dr. George Ogden Kirk, minister of the Plymouth Congregational Church. Wichita.
Wichita Pastor
Dr. Kirk has served in Wichita for five years. Before coming to Wichita, he was pastor of the First Congregational Church in Chicago. He is a native of New Jersey and was educated at New York University and Drew Theological Seminary.
He served two ten-year pastorates in Montclair and Passaic. New Jersey, respectively and then was called to be one of the national secretaries of the Missions Council of the Congregational - Christian Churches.
Public Relations Man
Dr. Kirk was Director of Public Relations of the Chicago Theological Seminary of the University of Chicago prior to his pastorate at First Church in Chicago.
Active in civic and municipal affairs in Wichita, he is a member of the Board of Directors of the United Fund; the Salvation Army; Kiwanis Club: and is a past president of the Wichita Ministerial Association.
Urban Agency
He is a member of the Urban Renewal Agency of Wichita and served as chairman of the Mental Health Committee of the Wichita Community Planning Council. This last named committee submitted a report, after a three year study, which recommended the established mental Health Clinic.
A lecturer on Psychology of Religion, he has written numerous articles or. the Christian Philosophy of life and has spoken in many churches throughout the country.
Dr. and Mrs. Kirk have four children: two who live in the East: one son who is a teacher at Southeast High School in Wichita and a son who is finishing his first year at Southeast High.
Chapel Choir Picnics, Recreates In Halstead
A picnic was held for thirty-four chapel choir members and guests accompanied by Doris Coppock in the Halstead Park. Sunday. May 3 at Halstead.
Charles Lauver, Roberta Varner. and Bonnie Hodgden were on the food committee. Karen Stoner was head of the recreation committee.
The group had a weiner roast. Softball and swimming were the main activities participated in af-ter the meal.
Baby Dedication To Be Mother’s Day Highlight
A Mother's Day dedication of the new babies in the church will be held this Sunday in the McPherson Church of the Brethren. All new college parents (within the past two years) are invited to dedicate their children.
In the evening, a color slide review of a “Decade in McPherson" will be shown. "The Creation" will also be presented.
Dr. D. W. Bittinger
By John Dilley The contractors now have the bulldozer, not Chaff, and progress on the new buildings is proceeding with careful measurement and quite a lot of noise.
To the disappointment of some students, the hole in front of Sharp is not a ten-foot deep grave, in which to bury worn-out facilty members and old books when the last week of May ends, nor is it a swimming pool, instead it is a valley in which the foundation of the Jesse Brown Auditorium •will be built.
Since this is supposed to be the instrument room, it has been suggested that instead of buying all that expensive cement, all the
More than forty years of Soviet rule have not squelched the Russian people's capacity for independent thought.
This is the conclusion of Yale University student Charles Neff, who toured the Soviet Union recently with seventeen fellow members of the Yale Russian Chorus.
Neff and his friends visited Russia as students rather than singers; thus they had no '‘official” concerts scheduled. But when
Science Profs Attend Academy Conference
Three Macollege professors attended the Kansas Academy of Science conference held at the University of Kansas at Lawrence last weekend.
The conference, which was held Thursday evening and Friday, was attended by Dr. John Burkholder, Dr. Wesley DeCoursey, and Prof George Arnold.
The conference consisted of various lectures and discussions.
Pondering With The President . . .
In the spring months of the year. I enjoy several unusual privileges.
1. I am asked to go out to meet with various alumni groups in various cities and states across our country. At these, I meet people who were in college at McPherson as much as a decade before I was born.
I like to tell them that McPherson College is not a group of buildings at the end of Euclid Street in McPherson, Kansas. Rather, it is people, people who are at the end of Euclid now, and people who have been at the end of Euclid 60 years ago—people who are living and serving across America and in all parts of the world.
2. Added to the privilege of meeting this older segment of McPherson College, I also meet many high school youngsters who are planning to come to college. Some say, “Only one more year until I am there!" Others say, “only three more years!” But with enthusiasm they look forward to being a part of the McPherson College family.
Then I come back and meet those who are here.
This group—those yet to come, those here, and those serving widely—comprises McPherson College. It is a privilege to have a part in this chain of development and growth and to try to help each link become as strong as possible.
Macollege has among its new additions a mountain in front of Harnly Hall and then the Iron Curtain which extends from the Phys. Ed Building to the Library and from the city street to Sharp Hall. The Iron Curtain is to keep Bulldogs out and aliens in, and the mountain is the dumping place for the dirt taken from the valley in front of Sharp Hall.
The general contractors are Hahner-Foreman Calc Inc. from Great Bend. They will hire various other contractors such as electricians and plumbers. The Architects and Engineers are from Mann and Company in Hutchinson and members of AIA (American Institute of Architects).
Throughout the Iron Curtain area are objects resembling
Lively discussions usually followed their concerts. Neff reports. Peace was the central theme.
With surprising frequency the opinions expressed by Russian citizens varied from the "party square platforms. These ore where the workmen will start the building.
Many of the students have probably noticed the widened sidewalk running from the Arnold Hall parking lot to Sharp Hall's mailbox. It is not a drag strip, but is a service entrance for the mailtruck, the trucks coming in with supplies for the Doghouse.
Connell's Corner
Sunday, May 10 is set aside for Mother. Bertha Nolan has set into poetry words which I feel could describe mothers the world over.
If I should paint thy portrait, mother dear,
I could not picture your kind look and ways.
Your constancy and care, through childhood days; In lonely hours how oft I’ve wished you near!
These words are futile, though I speak your praise,
No tribute ever sung or said, portrays
Your steadfast love and faith from year to year.
All undeserving of a love like yours,
A love that never failed me, that endures;
Today I'll wear this crimson flower for you,
My Childhood’s trustful faith again renew.
With contrite heart, I humbly kneel, and pray,
“God bless and keep you,” mother dear, today.
ine." When, for example, some' young Communist officials' began eciting party - line slogans, a group of citizens shouted, "Oh, come on, we’ve heard that be-fore."
So deep is the Russians’ de-sire for peace, says Neff, that some indicated they would stand up to the Kremlin if it tried to send them into battle. One middle-aged worker declared: "I
will never kill a man again — ex-cept to shoot the officer who tells me to shoot.”
Neff's conclusion: The Soviet people are not about to revolt. They are, however, critical of their rulers — often in a highly vocal way. And significantly, the criticism seems to be increasing.
Read and heed Spec ads.
The McPherson College track-men came out on top in a triangular track meet with Baker University and Kansas Wesleyan University trackmen April 30.
McPherson accumulated 65 points with six firsts and placings in all the events. Baker was only two points behind with 63 and host KWU hod 34 points. Baker won six events and tied for one with Kansas Wesleyan, which won only two events .
Tom Ragland. McPherson College senior, was the big winner of the meet, winning four events and picking up 20 points for his team.
Following ore the placings of the Bulldogs in the events.
Read and heed the Spec ads.
Chaff Tests . . .
Tri-College Recital Held At Tabor
The third annual Tri-College Piano Recital is being held today at Tabor College. The recital includes students from Tabor. Sterling. and McPherson Colleges.
Norma Watkins, Valerie Miller, and Marlene Klotz are participating in the piano recital. Each of the girls will present two piano solos. Mrs. Dorothy Sollenberger, instructor in piano, is accompanying the group.
Homo Ec Club To Install Officers
The Home Economics Club meeting this week will be a smor-gasboard dinner meeting at As-saria.
The program will be the installation of new officers. Three seniors — Arlene Rolfs, Kathy Burkholder, and Rachel Goering — will be included into the State and National Home Economics Association:
Mac Golfers Attend KC Meet
Rolling Hills Country Club in Wichita is the site of the Kansas Conference golf meet today and tomorrow, May 8-9.
Pairings for the meet were to be announced this morning before the conference golfers teed off on 18 holes at 7:30. Another 9 holes will be played beginning at 12:30 p.m. making a total of 27 holes for the day.
Tomorrow at 7:30 they will tee off on another 13 holes and again at 12:30 for 9 more holes, making 27 holes for the day and a tournament total, of 54 holes.
The championship trophy will be presented to the champion-hip four-man team. Medalist and runner-up will also be recognized.
Friends University of Wichita will be acting as hosts of the meet. Fred Hoyt is tournament director.
Doane College Scene Of Annual Relays
Ten Bulldog trackmen traveled to Crete, Neb., to participate in the postponed Doane College Relays Wednesday, May C. Rains and wet grounds forced postponement of the meet on Tuesday. Coaches Sid Smith and George Keim took the team which left Wednesday morning. The boys were back for classes on Thurs-day.
Coach Smith planned to enter the McPherson team in relay events in addition to some individual events.
Ron Anderson, a Mac graduate, currently holds the discus record of the Doane Relays. Other McPherson trackmen have held relay records there, but they have been broken in the past few runnings of the event.
Melton Selected M-Club Head
Harry Melton, a junior from Asherville was elected president of the M-Club of McPherson College for the coming year. LeRoy Hayes, Geneseo, was elected to serve as vice president of the club. LeRoy is also a junior, Lynn Cabbage, a sophomore from Prairie City, Iowa, was elected secretary-treasurer.
Jerry McPherson, senior from McCIouth, will retire as president at the end of this year. Rick Hood, Cabool, Mo., another senior, has served as vice president the past year and Melton, the new president, served as secretary-treasurer this year for the lettermen's club.
M-Club Sponsors Annual May Day Concessions
The M-Club will sponsor a MayDay stand at the All-Schools Day celebration in McPherson. The stand will feature home-made ice cream. Other concessions available will be pop. coffee, hot-dogs, and home-made pie.
The stand will open Thursday. May 14 and remain open for the All-Schools Day festivities through Saturday.
New Deutsche Klub Holds First Meeting
The words. “Mein Hut, er hat drei Ecken,” mingled with the enthusiastic cheers of the intramural softball game below as Der Deutsche Klub opened its first meeting in the Music Room of Harnly Wednesday, April 29.
Manfred Grote, junior from Sulingen, Germany, answered questions about Germany asked by the ten students and the faculty member present.
Plans are being made for the next meeting of Der Deutsche Klub on Tuesday, May 12, to be a Deutsche Essen '(German dinner).
One Senator to another, leav ing Capitol: “I’d hate to have to go out and make a living under those laws, we just passed.” (Reader's Digest)
By Faus, Foley, and Harris
As you enter the homestretch of the school year, are your worried about final exams? CHAFF sure is. ‘
Therefore we did undocumented research and have devised a comprehensive practice exam which you can take to- see how well prepared you are for the exams.
We absolutely guarantee that if you pass our exam, you are so maladjusted that you will flunk out before the time comes to take finals.
In this comprehensive test we have tried to cover all fields of human knowledge, and the questions are numbered consecutively. If you notice some of the numbers missing, this means that these questions have been censored.
1. Biology: Ostriches lay eggs because (a) They can't throw them. (b) Half of them can’t help it. (c) It gives them a feeling of security.
2. English: A verb am (a) a three letter word ending in X: (b) something you is got to be able to find before you can understand grammar; (c) A little 1/4 inch gizmo that you screw into the back end of a predicate.
3. History: The war cry, “54— 40 — or fight” is used by the Curvy Corset Company in the Battle of the Bulge. True—False.
5. Chemistry: In the Chemistry Lab, when you mix GL-70 with 2-4-D, you get toothpaste that kills insects. True — False.
7. Psychology: ...............
discovered ............... in the
year ................... Explain
10. Chemistry: In the lab. if you mix Axolotl with Hexachlor-ophene, you get (a) Bloody arm stumps; (b) a miracle detergent; (c) a good stiff chaser; (d) on F in Chemistry.
11. History: The famous Open
Door Policy refers to (a) People who were born in a barn; (b) A recent petition proposed to the trustees by the Dateless Droops of Dotzour, but unfortunately defeated: (c) The campaign against coin-operated bathroom stalls.
16. Physics: If a watertower is 1264 feet tall, 531/4 feet in cir-cumfrence, has a capacity of 7942 sackfuls, the steel used in its construction has a tensile strength of 19 ergs, and the specific gravity of water is roughly 1, then how long will the boys who paint it spend in jail?
17. Music: The composer Beethoven wrote (a) "Mule Train": (b) "White Christmas"; (c) "She Was a Printer's Daughter. So We Called Her Adeline". (d) Schu bert's Beer Bust Polka."
18. Political Science: The term "Cold War" refers to (a) playing freeze-out in the back seat of a convertible; (b) dropping ice cubes down people’s necks; (c) A date between an inner circle girl and an outer circle boy.
19. Math: If student X has a date with student Y 7:00 p.m., and if he leaves Arnold Hall at 7:15 p.m. and runs at the rate of 12 light years per second toward Dotzour, how long will it take him to climb out of the Jesse Brown Memorial Swimming Pool?
Lace Figures In Marital Bliss
Sentimental and beautiful Swiss Handerkerchiefs have always figured importantly in courtship and in marriage ceremonies.
Whether the bride wears her traditional Swiss wedding handkerchief in her blue garter, her lace edged decolletage, or coyly tucked at the wrist to cloud that ‘third finger left hand”, they are all bridal points, of etiquette.
Many Swiss brides think their marriage will be tearful if they don't carry a handkerchief down the aisle — a notion perhaps encouraged by their skilled countrymen. who’ve supplied intricate lace handkerchiefs to generations of European and American brides.
Swiss handkerchiefs have long been a favorite gift of the bride to her bridesmaids.
Some other European brides court luck by weeping on the way to church. Perhaps in this tradition Marie Antoinette wept on her way from her beloved Austria to marry Louis XVI of France.
The story says that she tore a piece of beautiful lace from her dress to dry her tears. Lace became her favorite and the ladies of the court followed her lead.
It’s "Yours Free!
That’s right. When you send your $20 for a fragrant Chaff Cedar Sweatshirt, it comes in brown wrapping paper which is yours free. So rush your $20 bills to room 410 Dotzour.
Read and heed Spec ads.
Mountain Trail Hike Set For Western Region Youth
Rocky Mountain Trail Hike will be held for the older youth in the Region from Aug. 27 to Sept. 2, 1959. The trail hike is set up to provide a “mountain-top experience" both physically and spiritually according to Kenneth Holderread regional youth director.
Leaving from a place near Aspen, Colorado, the hikers will cover some 35 miles in the six days.
Pre-registration is due on July 1. The cost of the trip is $20.
18 or Older
Those eligible to attend are any high school graduates (18 years
or older). This includes married couples, as well.
Variety characterizes the physical part of the hike: the hikers get opportunities to fish, meditate, climb mountains, explore, swim; and get a chance to learn many camping tricks, survival, and an insight into mountain nature.
Sponsored by Youth
Anyone interested in registering for this year’s trail hike can obtain registration blanks and more information from the Regional Youth Department at the college. This group is sponsoring the hike.
Schubert Had Nothing Over Dotzour Serenade
Suddenly through the stillness of the cool night air of April 30 sounded the harmonious discords of the newly formed Dotzour Hall Serenading Society. The Society has two musical contrap-ions, one auto harp and one out-oftune guitar. Both are to be found on fourth floor of Arnold Hall.
As the Society started their rehearsal under the trees south of the two boys’ dorms and east of the L-shaped building across the street, faces appeared in the windows of the latter building. The rehearsal included such songs as ‘She’ll Be Comin Around the Mountain.’’ “I'll See You in My Dreams," “Little Liza Jane", (an instrumental duct by the auto harp and guitar), and many other songs.
The Faculty Recognition Dinner, the first such affair at McPherson College, will be held in the Blue 'Room of the Warren Hotel May 18 beginning at 6:30 p.m. Service awards will be presented to faculty members who have served McPherson College for a number of years.
Some musical numbers will be presented during the program. There will be no special outside speaker.
About 50 invitations were sent out to present and retired faculty members and about 75-80 are expected to attend, including wives and husbands of faculty members.
Tickets for the dinner are available to the faculty in the business office. The affair may become an annual event.
First Woman To Graduate With Rural Life Major
Mrs. Thelma Clouse is the first woman to graduate from Macol-lege with a Rural Life major. "I’ve certainly learned a lot," was Mrs. Clouse’s comment about her major.
Student Teaching Continues At Mac
The student teaching program has been conducted during the second semester of this year in the McPherson Public Schools. The student teachers are supervised by teachers in the McPherson schools.
In the secondary level, Cary Cletus, Howard Clements, Dale Delauter, Howard Duncan, Carl Ediger, Joan Johnson, Bernice Singleton, Viola Sprague, Joan Walter, and Clara Zunkel have been taking part in the student teaching program.
Their supervising teachers are Mrs. Kohler, Mr. Rickner, Mr. Nelson, Mr. Zerger, Mr. Frazier, Mrs. Matson, Mrs. Maddox, Miss Hollingsworth, Mrs. Noyes, and Mr. Sperling.
Nancy Erisman, Jeannette Stump, and Clara Zunkel have been participating in the elementary level student teaching program.
Supervising teachers in the elementary level were Mrs. Keim, Miss Virginia Smith, and Mrs. Dresher.
True Christians Keep Commandments, Do Good
By Lan Ying Fu
Why is the world so created By your wonderful hands That full of happiness,
Grief, prejudice, and pride Should be the pattern of our lives?
We seek an answer.
But the voice of truth is silent. And our heart with confusion throbs
By Watson
Arc you a NEGATIVE Christian? Many of us arc. We make our claim to Christianity on the basis that we have never done anything wrong.
Having never done anything wrong is not enough, for we must do good things, too. A good Christian does no wrong, and he goes about doing good, too.
The example for doing good and no wrong comes from the time that Jesus was in the flesh. He most certainly did no wrong, but He also went about doing good to His fellow man.
The lawyer in the New Test-ment who said that he had kept the Commandments from his youth was told to sell all that he had and do good to the poor.
The Ten Commandments were given to us to be kept, but just keeping the Commandments is not enough.
Every time I hear a person say, “I don’t drink, smoke, or swear," I want to ask him, “So what? That doesn't get you any closer to Heaven than the people who do good, but do not believe in God."
Negative Christians often lead non-believers astray.
Let us take a close look and see what a good Christian really is: (1) he keeps the Commandments. and (2) he is willing to help his fellow man in time of need.
If we do good only to those who we think can help us. then we are falling short of the mark of Christianity.
Only a person who keeps the Commandments. AND helps others has the right to call himself Christian.
College Church Pastor To Be Chapel Guest
Rev. Harry K. Zeller, pastor of the McPherson Church of the Brethren, will be the chapel speaker next Tuesday.
Since school is dismissed for All-Schools Day. there will be no assembly on Friday.
Hendryx, Heidebrecht Unite In Marriage
Miss Linda Hendryx, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Hendryx, McPherson, and Mr. John S. Heidebrecht, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Heidebrecht, McPherson, were united in marriage on Friday, April 24. The candlelight ceremony was officiated at the First Presbyterian Church at Emporia.
The bride’ chose a powder blue lace street length dress with matching accessories.
Both Mr. and Mrs. Heidebrecht are Macollege students. After a few days in Kansas City, the couple now make their home at 304 S. Hickory.
Drivers under 25 years of age were involved in 27 per cent of the fatal accidents in 1958.
Thelma Clouse
Plans to major in biology and some day become a woman doctor were interrupted in 1937 when she married D. B. Clouse. Prior to this time she had attended school at Central College and Wichita University.
In 1954, Mrs. Clouse was dean of women at Central College. Before coming to Mac to study. Mrs. Clouse and her husband were in full time ministry in the Methodist church.
Rural Life Major
Taking two years work in three years at Mac, Mrs. Clouse has taken such classes in her major field as landscape gardening, farm crops, soils, principles of feeding, animal husbandry, poultry husbandry, and one of her favorites, entymology.
In her entymology class, she made an insect collection which was one of her more interesting projects. She has also made projects in landscape gardening, some of which will be left in the department.
The Clouses have lived in and around the Wichita area most of their lives. They plan to continue working in Mac after Mrs. Clouse and their daughter, Jane graduate in May.
Future Plans
Future plans Include returning to the ministry. Mrs. Clouse believes her Rural Life major will be quite helpful in the rural ministry.
Mrs. Clouse comments about her major. "It was interesting, and I believe it will be very helpful in future contact with people in rural ministry."
In 1958, more than 49 per cent of the traffic injuries resulted from weekend accidents.