One Month To Go
Volume XLIII
McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas May 1, 1959
No. 27
Five people will be recipients of citations of merit at commencement exercises on May 31. They are Herbert H. Hockstras-ser, Leslie L. Saylor, Susie Slush-er Saylor, Elmer B. Staats, and Ernest A. Wall.
Mr. Hockstrasser is receiving his citation in the area of education and conservation.
From his teaching base in Fort Morgan, Colo., he has received national attention and national awards for unusual work done in the field of conservation: forests, soils, water, and wildlife. H i s specialty is teaching conservation to youth and directing junior conservation clubs.
Mrs. J. Harvey Saylor, area of motherhood, is the mother of a 100 per cent family of McPherson College graduates. She was the first woman to graduate with a bachelors degree. 1896.
Her doctor husband and all of her children received degrees from McPherson.
Dr. Leslie Saylor, area of medicine, one of her sons, has achieved distinction as a physician and surgeon in the field of medicine.
In March, 1959, Mr. Staats, area of government, was appointed by President Eisenhower to the position of deputy di rector of (he bureau of the budget. He works in the executive office of the President.
He has served also in the fields of business and education. In addition to his degree from McPherson. he has an M.A. from the University of Kansas and a Ph.D. from the University of Minnesota.
Mr. Wall, area of business and churchmanship, has lived since his birth in McPherson or in the McPherson area. His business contacts, however, reach into various other parts of the world.
During his career, he has been chairman of or has served on, most of the significant committees which have given guidance to McPherson business and civic affairs.
He has served similarly in the McPherson church and for McPherson College; he has been a college trustee for 33 years.
Students Asked To Cooperate
The administration has asked the cooperation of students in keeping the service drive south of Sharp Hall clear for deliveryman and service trucks. The drive has been temporarily set up for use during the construction of Mohler Hall.
Surfacing of the parking lots has been postponed until the first of June because of the congested parking that would result from having both circle drive and the parking lots torn up at the same time.
The administration is doing some research on new areas for parking but nothing can be done effectively along that line until after the completion of Mohler Hall. There is a possibility of cutting the street in around campus to make parking like that in front of Dotzour Hall.
Work progresses as the basement is being dug for Mohler Hall and Jessie Brown Auditorium. The basement under the stage of the auditorium will house practice rooms for choral and instrumental music.
Seven Accept Positions
Richard Bittinger, senior from McPherson, has been accepted to the graduate school of the Uni versity of Kansas. He plans to work toward a master’s degree in history.
From the scholarship fund of the University he has received a scholarship which will cover his tuition plus a $600 stipend which will be paid to him during the year.
His wife, Sara Ann. '53. will also go to school at the University of Kansas.
College Calendar
Tonight, May 1, Junior-Senior Banquet at Salina, 6:30 p.m.
Tomorrow, May 2, Skating party at Lyons, 6:30 p.m.
Friday, May 8, One-act plays in Church of the Brethren parlor.
Saturday, May 9, Orchestra Concert in chapel, 8 p.m.
Switzer Chosen Spec Assistant
Eighty-four seniors will be graduating this year at commencement on May 31 at the McPherson Church of the Brethren.
Forty-six will be receiving bachelor of arts degrees. Fourteen will complete their work in the summer.
Thirty-eight will receive bachelor of science degrees with one finishing work in the summer.
Senior Lifesaving Class Takes Life Guard Tests
Members of the Senior Lifesaving class, who passed the written exam on Monday. April 20. went to the Salina YMCA Pool on Monday evening. April 27. to take their final swimming test for certification as a Senior Life Guard.
The eleven boys in the class are as follows: Manfred Grote, Carl Harris, Kenneth Holderread, Karl Johnson, Joe Looker, Gory Otte, Dick Reinke, Melvin Roberts, Hudson Sadd, Jim Smallwood, and Kenneth Tompkins, The class is taught by Doris Coppock.
Seven seniors have accepted teaching positions for the following years.
Don Widrig, Beloit, has accepted the positions of teaching social sciences, drivers’ training, head coach in track, and assistant coach in other sports at his home school of Beloit.
Harry Livermore, McPherson, accepted a position at Spearville. He will teach English.
Charles Beech, Leonard, Mo., accepted a position in Milwaukee, Wis., teaching industrial arts.
Jerry Dundas, McPherson, has accepted a position in the elementary schools of Great Bend. Kenneth Stucky, also of McPherson, will coach and teach industrial arts at Lucas. Carl Ediger will teach science and mathematics at Assaria.
Norman Yoder, International Falls, Minn., has accepted a position to coach and teach industrial arts at Enterprise.
Pre-enrollment Ends Today, May 1
Pre-enrollment ends today. All students who have not pre-enroll-ed and are returning to McPherson College next fall are asked to pre-enroll by the end of today.
Students who are not returning to college next fall should fill out blanks in the registrar's office.
Tonight the juniors will be honoring the seniors at the annual junior-senior banquet being held this year at the Swedish Diner. Salina, at 7 p.m.
Following the banquet there will be a dance in the basement until midnight.
The theme is "Blue Mist,” Larry King will be the master of ceremonies. Eileen Oltman will give a farewell to the seniors. For music, Rowena Carr will sing and Prof. Paul V. Sollenberger will play his violin.
Don Cotton, senior class president, and LeRoy Hayes, junior class president, will give comments.
Mrs. Maxine Johnson, a teacher from Minneapolis will be the guest speaker. Her husband is a former.
She graduated from McPherson College in 1944. While here in school she was vice president of Student Council her senior year, and acting president second semester of that year.
She was on the debate squad for four years and president of Pi Kappa Delta. She also edited the Spectator and was in dramatics.
Those in charge of the committees are Valerie Miller, program; Larry Werner, tickets; Janis Emswiler, decorations; Rex Morris, transportation; Zoann Ewing, food; Janelle Miller, dance: and Sherland Ng, time and place.
Eileen Oltman and Ron Harden are the general chairmen.
Coining Events
Tonight, May 1. Junior Senior Banquet, Swedish Diner at Salina.
Saturday. May 9. Orchestra Concert.
Sunday, May 10, Senior Music Recital.
Friday, May 15, All-Schools Day. a
Sunday, May 17, Organ recital.
Sunday, May 24, Spring festival.
Friday, May 22, All school re- cital.
Saturday, May 2.3, Spring Formal.
Sunday, May 24, Organ recital.
Sunday, May 24, Spring festival
May 26-29. Final exams.
Friday, May 29, President’s formal reception to seniors.
Saturday, May 30, Alumni Banquet.
Sunday, May 31, Baccalaureate and Commencement.
Amish Beliefs Told To Sociology Classes
The Rural Sociology and Social Psychology classes accompanied by Dr. Kenneth C. Bechtel went on a field trip to the Yoder rural community Wednesday afternoon April 22.
The group interviewed Bishop Keim in his home. He told them of many beliefs and customs in the Amish community.
Leadership Camp Set May 12-15
The Leadership Training Camp for the Western Region will be held in Harvey County Park on May 12-15.
The emphasis will be on small-group living experience, living out-of-doors, crafts, outdoor cook cry. and understanding of church camping on different age levels.
Those who should attend in elude camp directors, comp coun selors, camp managers, camp cooks, age-group leaders, district and local church leaders, and one else interested in camping.
Loren Switzer from Haxtun. Colo., has been chosen by the Board of Publications to become assistant business manager of the Spec.
Loren is a freshman and his intended major is philosophy and religion.
On campus, Loren is active in intramurals, CBYF, student ministers, and is treasurer of Arnold Hall.
In his senior year in high school Loren was a member of the yearbook staff. -
Loren will serve as assistant business manager of the 'Spec his sophomore year and will move up to business manager his junior year.
The new 1959 Macollege Quadrangle will be out by May 15.
All students who have taken at least 12 hours both semesters are eligible to receive a Quadrangle. The price of the Quadrangle was included in the tuition.
The new 1959 Quadrangle will contain 104 pages and it will have an unusual cover.
Ron Harden is the editor of the 1959 Quadrangle and he made a big effort to get all the students pictures in it.
Don Hollenbeck was associate editor of this year's Quadrangle and he will be editor of next years. He is already at work planning the layout for the 1960 Quadrangle.
Donelda Arick will serve as as
sociate editor of the 1960 Quadrangle.
Mrs. Homer Brunk served as faculty adviser of the Quadrangle and she stated. "The Quad this year is going to be unusually good.”
The new Quadrangle will be available to the parents and fac-ulty for the price of $5. Any student who attended college only one semester may obtain one for $2.50.
Anyone interested in purchasing a Quadrangle should place their order with Ken Tompkins or Pat Huber.
The Quadrangles will be distributed in the SUR and the definite date of distribution will be announced later.
"Well, I was plenty surprised!" laughed Carl Harris when asked how he felt after being awarded two national fellowships, one by the Danforth Foundation and one by the Rockefeller Foundation.
Carl is one of 87 young men in the United States who has been awarded a fellowship by the Danforth Foundation this year. This fellowship will cover all expenses which he cannot meet himself, up to $1,400 plus tuition annually, until he has completed work for his Ph.D.
Danforth Fellowships are granted annually to approximately 100 young men in the U. S. who are preparing themselves to be col-
lege teachers.
The Rockefeller Fellowship was also granted on the basis of stiff nation-wide competition and will cover all expenses for the 1959-60 school year.
To Enter Yale
Carl, a senior history major at Macollege. plans to enter Yale Divinity School in the fall.
At McPherson College Carl has been an outstanding journalist, debater. musician, dramatist and student leader. He was selected for Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities last fall.
Active At Mac
During his college career he has served as president and treasurer of the student council, editor of the college paper and held offices in other campus organizations.
He has been a member of A Cappella Choir. Alpha Psi Omega. Pi Kappa Delta, Men’s Council, the Board of Publications, Recreational Council, Student National Education Association and others.
Carl has played the leading male role in two of Macollege’s major productions, "Witness for the Prosecution," and "The Hasty Heart," as well as playing roles in other minor productions.
Parents Mac Grads
Carl's parents, Rev. and Mrs. Glen Harris, Jennings, La., are McPherson College graduates, Rev. Harris is a rice farmer and Church of the Brethren minister.
Macollege Bulldogs Bite First Place In Quad Meet Mac Girls’ Nine Defeats Tabor The girls’ softball team, coached by Doris Coppock, played their first game of the season Saturday, April 25, against Tabor College, McPherson won, 14-1. The next two games will be played here, one on Thursday at 4:15 against Central and one on Saturday. morning against Tabor. Members of the team are: Sandy Schrock, Rosanna Forsyth, Gail Fillmore. Emilee Rowland Virginia Lichty, Bonnie Lewis, LaDonna Powers, Valerie Miller, JoNelle Thoreen, and Delores Lahman. The Bulldogs of McPherson College won a quadrangular track meet at Sterling by a margin of 52 points last Thursday. The Bulldog thinclads piled up 961/2 points with firsts in the 440 yard dash. 880 yard dash, mile relay, pole vault, and the broad jump and many placings in the other events. Bethany scored 441/2 to take second, Kansas Wesleyan won only one first place but received 42 points for third place, and host Sterling picked up 36 points, including 4 firsts. Bethany and McPherson both won five events. Following are the winners of the events and Macollege plac-ings: Mile — Danielson, Bethany — 4:46.0. 440 yd. dash — Elliott. Mac — :52.4. 100 yd. dash — Wheeler, Bethany — :10.2: 2nd — Ragland; 3rd — Heinz; 4th — Keefer. High hurdles — Wilkie. Sterling — : 15.7; 2nd — Rolfs; 5th— Lead Unchanged In Intramurals Melvin Roberts still leads the intramural softball in home runs with three. Paul Kolman, Larry Sams, and Larry Wilson each have two home runs. Delk-Lichty are on the top with four wins against no losses. Brunner-Thoreen are next with three wins against no losses. The standings are as follows: Tracksters Take C Of E Meet The McPherson College track-sters won a dual meet with College of Emporia Tuesday. 76 2-354 1-3. McPherson swept all places in the 440 yard dash and the 2 mile. The Bulldogs won 8 of the 15 events. Tom Ragland won the 440 yd. dash, 220 yd. low hurdles, and the broad jump. Tex Winter Scheduled For All-Athlete FestThe All-Athlete banquet, sponsored by the McPherson Chamber of Commerce, will be held May 19 at 6:30-in-the-Commun ity Auditorium. Tex Winter, head basketball coach at Kansas State University, will be the featured speaker. Varsity’ athletes from McPherson College, Central College, and McPherson High School are to be the gusets. All men out for the varsity sports are included. Classes To Choose New Student CouncilStudent Council representatives will soon be elected. The election will be held during a future chapel. Further notice of the election will be given later. |
Metsker. 880 yd. dash — Frazier, Mac— 2:07.4; 5th — D. Roger. 220 yd. Dash — Wheeler, Bethany - :23.l; 2nd. Ragland; 3rd-Heinz; 4th — Keefer. 2 mile — Danielson, Bethany— 10:49.1; 2nd — Bittinger; 3rd — Melton; 4th — Cabbage; 5th — Hadley. 220 yd. low hurdles — Wilkie. Sterling — :25.5; 3rd — Keefer; 5th - Rolfs. Mile relay — McPherson — 3:29.2. Shot put — Stout. Sterling — 42’ 10"; 2nd — McPherson; 3rd— Otte; 4th — Wesselowski. Discus — England. Sterling — 121’ 51/2"; 2nd — McPherson. Javelin — R. Howe, Wesleyan— 167' 6": 2nd — Lewis. Pole Vault — Huffman, Mac-12’; 2nd - Elliott. High jump — Edgell, Bethany — 6’ 11/2”: 2nd — Tie, Prochas-ka, J. Heidebrecht, and Frazier. Broad jump — Ragland, Mac-20’ 81/2"; 3rd Keefer. Mac Men Attend FCA At Bellville George Keim, assistant coach of athletics at McPherson College, Dennis Brubaker and Don Elliott attended the meeting of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes at Belleville Wednesday afternoon. April 29. The three will attend the meetings of the organization to learn about its functions and organization. Pep Club Officers Elected For ‘59, ‘60 New Pep Club officers for 19591960 were elected Friday. April 17. Those elected were. Janis, Ems-wiler, president; Janelle Miller, vice president: Donelda Arick, secretary treasurer; JoNelle Thoreen, points chairman, and Faye Fields, publicity chairman. Treva Brown and Charles Lau-ver were elected as concessions co-chairman. |
Golf Team Splits Victories With FriendsThe Macollege golf team split victories with the Friends University team from Wichita. The Bulldogs won at the Wichita Rolling Hills Country Club and the Quakers won at the McPherson Country Club, 11-4. The Mac tennis team was victorious over the College of Emporia team. 7-0, Monday. |
By Faus, Foley, and Harris As the year draws to a close, Chaff feels that it is fitting and proper to summarize its activities, to overexaggerate its meager achievements and to ignore its voluminous failures. Circulation First of all we are proud to report that latest statistics from the Library of Congress reveal that the combined circulation of CHAFF and the Readers’ Digest has now reached 7,000,483, and is being translated into 32 foreign languages such as King’s Eng-lish, Texas Drawl, Louisiana, Pennsylwania Dutch, Russian, Brunkian, and the 19 primitive dialects of Quinter. This is one of those weeks when we did not write everything we knew, for which many may be thankful. Order Cedar Sweatshirts Hurry to place your order for a Chaff solid Cedar wooden Sweatshirt. Remember. Chaff fragrant Cedar Sweatshirts eliminate the need for sticky cream underarm deoderants or for messy spray deoderants. With their sweet woodsy cedar armona, chaff Sweatshirts make you sweeter than all outdoors. Don’t be half safe, be completely safe with a Chaff Cedar Sweatshirt, which protects you from underarm perspiration, from falling objects, from potato bugs, from radioactive fallout, in fact, from anything but termites. But hurry, our supply is dwindling! Yes, our supply of ready cash is dwindling, so rush your $20 bills to room 410 Dotzour. |
‘ Chaff Tunnel Dedication We are pleased to report that work on the Chaff Tunnel is nearing completion, mainly be-cause we borrowed the bulldozer from Circle Drive during t h e nights last week. This proved to be amazingly faster than digging with discarded cafeteria knives. Dedication services for the new Chaff Tunnel ore being planned for the evening of April 31, starting at 11:30. The public is cordially invited to attend the dedication and ribbon cutting ceremony, which will be held at the tunnel entrance in the church basement. The program of the dedication ceremony is as follows: Background music: By Irvin Wagner and the Brass Quintet, popularly known as the Horny Five. They will play "Beethoven’s Third Sympathy for Tunnel Dedications.” Main Address: By the Honorable Gov. Stocking. Title of the address will be “The Future of Tunnels as a Strong Bond Between the Church and Higher Education in America Today.’ His speech will include a complete summary of his title, and then will proceed to how his glorious Democratic administration has given state aid to the building of the Chaff Tunnel. Ribbon Cutting Ribbon Cutting: Background |
Smith, Wagoner Attend Alumni MeetingSid Smith. McPherson College Athletic Director, and Paul Wagoner. Alumni Director, were in Topeka, Kans.. Wednesday for an Alumni meeting. music will again be supplied by the Brass Quintet messing up "Bach's Low Moss for Tunnel Ribbon Cuttings.” The ribbon will be formally cut by our contractor. Elmer the Mole, who will chew it in two. After he has finished digesting the ribbon. Elmer the Mole will present the keys to the Board of Trustees. (Don’t panic, the keys don’t fit the lock anyhow.) Elmer will then propose a toast, while the quintet plays "Beetho-van’s Unfinished Fifth.” Following the ceremony, there will be a guided tour of the Chaff Tunnel, culminating in the first formal dorm raid of the season. |
The Spectator, Page 4
May 1, 1959
“Mighty oaks from little acorns grow." From tender saplings grow cedars and elms, this has been a port of Macollege for the last century.
About the turn of the century,
Joseph Andes planted 20 giant cedars around Circle Drive. Soft maple trees from river banks of Eastern Kansas and Missouri were also planted. By 1913, most of the maples had died.
When Dr. R. E. Mohler arrived on Macampus, he told the college if they would plant some trees, he would care for them during the summer, seeing that Recreation Theme they were watered and cared
When Dr. Mohler’s request was turned down because of scarcity of funds, he solicited funds for new trees from residents of college hill. In 1914, he planted 40 American elms, bought at ten cents each with money given by College Hill residents.
The Chinese elm trees planted around the circle drive were secured by the building-grounds committee of the college.
Though many of the trees have been uprooted in preparation for new Mohler Hall, some still remain. They will continue to be a part of Macollege's heritage.
Mrs. Brunk Absent Due To Father’s Death
Mrs. Homer Brunk was absent from her classes Thursday and Friday due to the death of her father, Joel A. Vancil.
An ordained minister in the Church of the Brethren, Mr. Vancil was 77 years old. For the past four years, he had been an invalid.
Funeral services were held Saturday, April 25, in Ottawa.
Larry King Chosen SoCo Head Next Year
Larry King has been chosen to be the chairman of the Social Committee for next year. He is a junior majoring in history and is from South English, Iowa.
Others on the committee are Ron Harden, junior from McPherson; Gail Fillmore freshman from Nampa, Idaho; Terrell Phe; nice, freshman from Welsh, La..' and Carolyn Cotton, freshman from McPherson.
The committee was elected by the Student Council from a ballot prepared by a committee of the council.
Recreation Theme Of Class Field Trip
The Social Problems class accompanied by Dr. Kenneth C. Bechtel took a field trip to Wich ita Thursday, April 23.
They visited such places as recreation headquarters in the city building. Arts and Crafts Cen ter, recreation department of the city, and McKinley Pork Community Center.
Skating Party In Lyons Saturday
There will be a skating party this Saturday night at the Lyons Skating Rink. All those wanting rides should meet in the Dotzour Hall Lounge at 6:30.
Spring Formal Heads Selected By SoCo
Committees for the Spring Formal to be held in the college gym May 23. have been named.
Lillian Aotaki is chairman of the decoration committee. She will he assisted by Roger Killian and Eleanor Draper.
The program committee is composed of Mary Ann Guthals, chairman: Joyce Berry and Dick Landrum.
Patsy Bolen is chairman of the refreshment committee. Also on the committee are Ann Swinger and Wes Albin.
The music committee is made up of Irv Wagner, chairman: Dohn Krushwitz and Carolyn Fillmore.
High School Youth Sponsors Family Night
Family night fellowship will be sponsored for this Sunday evening at 7:30 at the college church. The high school youth is in charge. In the morning service, the sermon of Rev. Harry K. Zeller. Jr., will be preaching on “The Aspirers.”
50-50 Aid Granted By “Corporation Alumn
The Alumni Office has a list of 55 names of corporations which are cooperating in the "Corporation Alumnus" concept of matching gifts. If there are any alumni working for any of the 55 companies. that company will match any gift that person makes to the school.
CSS To Give Exams On Saturday, May 9
The Civil Service Commission announces the last Federal Service Entrance Examination for the current school year will be given on Saturday. May 9.
Applications to compete for an entrance-level position in the Federal Government were accepted until April 23. Starting salaries for college level applicants are from $4,040 to $4,980 a year.
College seniors and graduates may take advantage of this opportunity for a career with our nation's largest, single employer. It is now possible for government agencies to start persons with a bachelor's degree at the higher salary.
Further information about the FSEE and application cards can be obtained from placement offices. most post offices, and the Ninth U. S. Civil Service Region, St. Louis 1, Mo.
KCSA Holds Spring Meet
Kansas Conference Students Association held their 1959 spring conference at Sterling College in Sterling April 24-25.
The meeting which was held Friday the 24th was a meeting of old and new council presidents. Carl Harris, McPherson’s retiring President, and John Myers. McPherson’s President-elect, represented Macollege at this meeting.
The regular conference began on Saturday with all of the schools in the conference sending representatives to several different workshop sessions. The workshop sessions consisted of different areas of student campus activity. The groups discussed common problems in the different areas.
Ron Harden and Rita Small wood represented Macollege in the pep session, Dennis Hubbard and Eleanor Draper in newspaper, Dick Bittinger in religious life, Constantine Papandreopoulos in international relations, and Larry King in social activities.
Carl Harris and John Myers represented Macollege in Student Government.
Vancil Presides The meeting was called to order by President Martin Vancil from Ottawa University. Ottawa. During the business meeting another Ottawa student was elected as next year’s president. Bill Sheeder was elected.
The K. C. S. A. holds two conferences a year, one in the spring and one in the fall. The fall conference this year will be held at Southwestern College in Winfield.
The tentative exchange chapel program was set up for next year at this meeting also.
By Watson
Almost invariably we will turn to prayer when nothing else will work. Even the most ardent atheist will call on God to help him when he is in physical danger.
No force on earth is equal to the power of prayer, but I wonder why most of us pray only when we need something? Why do we look to God only when we are in trouble? Why can't we bring ourselves to thank God spontaneously for His blessings?
Why should we only “take" God's gifts, and never “give' Him thanks for what He has already done for us? Do we ever stop and thank God for the air we breathe, or the ground we walk on? Of course we do; many of us include these things when we thank God for our food at mealtimes.
Is this enough? Is three times a day all we should thank God?
A person cannot look around him but what he sees many ways
in which he has been blessed. God can be seen vividly in nature. We should thank Him for the streams, the fresh air, the early morning dew, and the newly green grass.
Even our great machines are only possible through God. God can also be seen in a busy city. Let us give Him credit for the buildings, the sidewalks, and the people. Men cannot build a city without the help of God.
No matter where we look, we will see a way in which we have been blessed. Everything we have is a gift of God. He doesn't expect us to repay Him for it all. but we should at least thank Him for it.
We should learn to recognize God's gifts to us, and accustom ourselves to thanking Him as soon as we recognize them.
One wedding guest to another: "Her 'something borrowed' is my boy friend.’’