


Movies In Chapel This Weekend

Volume XLII

McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas, April 17, 1959

No. 25

Rare-Blooded Student To Donate First Pint


Blood Not Sold

Red Cross blood is never sold, but is given to those needing it. Doctors and hospitals charge for their services in giving transfusions/ however.

Donors of blood are asked to be very careful of the food they eat the day of the donation. No fatty foods should be eaten the day of the donation.

Recommended Meal

A recommended meal is dry toast, jelly, crackers, fruits, fruit Juices, vegetables, boiled or poached eggs, and black coffee.

Students should eat breakfast before donating blood. People who are donating blood in the afternoon should be careful about what they eat.

Each donor will be interviewed about his medical history. The temperature and blood pressure will be taken. The donors will be checked for anemia.

A full meal will be served to all who donate blood. The meal will consist of a meat dish, vegetable, dessert, and a choice of

Newly elected teasurer of the Student Council Stanley Ilin and president elect, John Myers are busy talking over duties and responsibilities with retiring president Carl Harris.

Macollegians Choose President From Missouri

John Myers, a junior from Dexter, Mo., and Stanley Ilin, a sophomore from Nampa, Idaho, were elected to lead Macollege students at the recent Student Council election.

Student Council Officers John was elected to be Student Council President for the 1959-60 school year. John has been ac-tive in CBYF, Intramurals, Skate Club, Chapel Choir, Mac Ag Club, and Pep Club.

Stanley was elected to be treasurer of the Student Council for next year. In college. Stanley has been active in MCA, Photo Club, Pep Club, Chapel Choir, and College Church Choir.

Si! Si! To Mexico City For Summer History Class

Mexico City will be the site for about two weeks of study which the summer session of Mexican History will be doing this summer. The class will be directed by Dr. Raymond L. Flo-ry, professor of history and political science.

The class will run the regular three weeks session from July 27 to Aug. 14. No one will be permitted to participate with the group who does not enroll in the course.

First Week On Campus

The first week of the course will be spent on the campus during which time the class will meet in regular sessions and do outside reading as well as having sessions discussing what will be needed on the trip to Mexico and ironing out such things as physical examinations prior to the time of departure.

The last two weeks of the course will, be spent largely in and about Mexico City. Time will be spent in studying not only prehistoric remains in Mexico but also the contempory political and social picture.

One section of the course will deal with the American foreign services abroad. In dealing with this subject the class will visit the American embassy in Mexico City and probably get some briefing sessions from some of the people in the embassy.

Cost Not Definite

The cost of the trip is not yet definite but the probable automobile transportation will cost something like $60 per person for the trip. The lodging will probably run close to $35 or $40. Items

Pre-College Students To Present Recital

Piano students of Faye Frederick will present a recital in the college chapel on Sunday, April 19, at 2:30 p.m.

The recital will begin with a duo-piano number “Sicilienne” by Bach, and will close with a piano-organ duct, "Rhapsodie" by Dem-arest. There will be a variety of solos and duets throughout the recital.

The students are David Melan-der, Terry Wokaty, Gary Wo-katy, Yolanda Stowe, Lennette Lundberg, Genelle Mohler, Lyn-ette Holloway, Sharon Goossen, LaVonne Goossen, Rita DeCour-sey, Tommy DeCoursey, Marie Zeller, Donald Ayers, Ellen Sell, Susan Sell, Anita Joy Ledell, and Mary Carol Ledell.

Jim Nettleton, Macollege’s representative to a school in Goettingen, is locating Germany on the MCA bulletin board. Elise Holderread on the left and Juanita Fike to the right are former Macollege exchangees to Goettingen.

Macollege Frosh Selected As First Direct-Exchangee

Nettleton’s name has been sent to the German government in order that all of the official papers can be prepared and sent to him. That government will be paying the tuition of his year’s education and will give him a small allowance.

Lois Fager, Clovis, N. Mex., is now in Germany. In past years, Elsie Lucore Holderread, secretary to the dean, from Arriba, Colo., and Juanita Fike, Peace Valley, Mo., have both been exchangees.

Juanita is now helping Jim with conversational German. Jim is also enrolled in Dr. Kenneth Bechtel's German class.

Nettleton has been active in campus organizations. He is a member of the CBYF. Chapel Choir, College Church Choir, and McPherson College Orchestra.

Dick Reinke, Dog House manager and a sophomore from Ashland, Ohio, is scheduled to give the first pint of blood toward the goal of 160 pints for the Red Cross Monday. Dick has AB negative blood, the rarest type.

Donors Receive Cards

The bloodmobile will be at the Church of the Brethren 10-3:15 Monday. April 20. Blood donor appointment cards will be given to each registered donor today or tomorrow.

Anyone who wishes to donate blood and has not signed a registration card may register with Mrs. Elsie Holderread, secretary to the dean, or Mrs. Homer Brunk, college Red Cross representative.

The bloodmobile will arrive at the church at 8:30 am., and college fellows will help set up the equipment in the basement of the church.

Students may designate their blood as replacement for blood given to someone. One Macol-lege student is replacing blood which was used for her grand

McPherson College's exchange student to Germany next year. James W. Nettleton, will leave the United States around the first of September this fall.

Jim. a freshman from Albert Lea, Minn., son of Mr. and Mrs. Warner Nettleton, was selected recently to be the first person in a direct exchange with a college in Goettingen. Germany.

Dr. D. W. Bittinger, made the plans for this two-way exchange while he was in Europe for the World Council of Churches meet ing and the 250th Anniversary of the Church of the Brethren last summer.

This university is scattered throughout the city of Goettingen. It is an old and well-established school. Jim has been told that various other nationalities are represented at this school yearly.

Male Quintet Leaves For Tour Of Iowa

The male quintet left Saturday morning, April 11, for a ten day tour of churches in Iowa.

The group was scheduled to make appearances at the Iowa churches of Albia, Ottumwa, Batavia, Ollie, South English, Clarence, Cedar Rapids, Garrison, Greene, Waterloo, Des Moines, and Elkhart.

The quintet will present a high school program at Elkhart, Ia.

The quintet includes Irvin Wagner. McPherson; Marvin Weddle. Bloom; Glen Ferguson. Des Moines, Iowa; Bob Dell, McPherson; and Gary Stelting, McPherson, Paul Wagoner, alumni secretary, accompanied the group.

Chapels To Feature Choir, Ottawa Exchange

Chapel Choir will give a concert next Tuesday in chapel. The choir is directed by Doris Cop-pock.

The Friday assembly will be an exchange program with Ot tawa University. The Student Council arranged for the program.

Bittinger Speaks In Dallas Center

President D. W. Bittinger spoke at the Dellas Center, Iowa, Church of the Brethren last Sun day in the observance of Christian College Sunday. This was on his way home from the General Brotherhood Board meeting in Elgin, Ill.

Ag Barn Party To Have Royalty

John Ward will sponsor the Ag Club barn party to be held a week from this coming Friday night, April 24. at the college farm. A hayrack ride to and from the college farm is featured.

A short skit will be put on by the Chaff, Incorporated. Rick Hood will be master of ceremonies of a program, at which time a King and Queen will be chosen by selected judges.

Mr. Jordan from Lindsborg, along with Clifford Tusing, better known as the “Stomping Parson,” will provide the feature music for the square dance.

Other members contributing to the party include Terry Weddle, president; Melvin Roberts, secretary-treasurer; Doyle Royer, chairman of the refreshment committee; and John Myers chairman of the program committee.

1959 Alumni Banquet Scheduled, May 30

The Alumni Banquet for all McPherson College alumni will be held at Convention Hall, May 30, 6:30 p.m. The 1959 seniors will be the newest alumni.

The honored guests will be the graduates of 1909, 1934, 1944, and 1949 who will be observing their fiftieth, twenty-fifth, fifteenth, and tenth anniversaries respectively.

such as food and entertainment will be taken care of by the student himself.

Unlike most summer courses enrollment in the Mexican History course cannot be accepted at the last minute. This is obvious since advance reservations for lodging and advance prepara tion for automobile travel will have to be made.

Enroll By June 1

Consequently, people arc expected to enroll in the course by June 1. Students who arc now on campus and are planning on taking the course arc expected to enroll before leaving the campus to go home for the summer.

The $45 tuition fee is to be paid at the business ofice by-June 1 and in case a person later changes his mind and decides not to take the course, it is possible that the $45 deposit might have to be transferred to the automobile in which that person were to ride to defray expenses which normally would have been his.

The Mexican History course is one of limited enrollment and in case there are too many enrol-lees, the list will have to be chopped starting with the latecomers in terms of their inquiries and interest in the course. Any one who is not enrolled by June 1 will be turned down.

Upper, Lower Level

The Mexican History course is open to both upper and lower level students. Any student who is interested may contact Dr. Flory with any questions concern ing the course.

College Calendar

Tonight, April 17, Richard II, Shakespearean movie in chapel, 7 p.m.

Tomorrow, April 18, movie in chapel, 7:30 p.m.

Sunday, April 19, Piano Recital in chapel, 2:30 p.m.

Monday, April 20, Bloodmobile at church.

Friday, April 24, Barn Party at College Farm.

Chapel Choir Ends Tour Of Schools, Churches

The Chapel Choir was on tour from April 9 to 12. They toured schools and churches in eastern Kansas. The 37 members were accompanied by Doris Coppock, instructor of music.

The choir presented high school programs at Roxbury, Durham, Centre, Hope, Overbrook, and McLouth. Church programs were presented at Appanoose, Kansas City, Mo., and Rochester.

The choir gave a community program at Navarre. They presented a program at the Kansas State Boys Industrial School at Topeka, and the Winter General Veterans Hospital.


Rita Smallwood, Diane Browning, Loren Reyher, and Ron Harden were elected to be the varsity cheerleaders next year.

Rita, a sophomore from Twin Falls. Idaho, was a freshman cheerleader, freshman class officer. and the freshman homecoming attendant. She is active in Pep Club. Home Ec Club, intramurals, SNEA, Skate Club, and Quadrangle Staff.

Diane is a sophomore from Des Moines, Iowa. She has par ticipated in CBYF. Chapel Choir intramurals, Pep Club, MCA Spec Staff, Skate Club, and WAA

Loren is a freshman from Wiley, Colo. He was a freshman cheerleader and participates in the McPherson College Players Club, marching band, and College Church Choir.

Ron. a junior from McPherson, was a cheerleader in his freshman and sophomore years. He has been active in MCA, Pep Club, Skate Club, intramurals, McPherson College Players Club.

M Club, and Board of Publications. Ron is also editor of this year’s Quadrangle.

Student Court

Stuart Frazier, Charles City. Iowa; Gail Fillmore, Nampa, Idaho: and Larry Elliott, Fredericksburg, Iowa; were the three freshmen elected to the sophomore Student Court positions.

Melvin Roberts, Quinter; La-Vena Murrey, Conway; Patsy Bolen, Quinter and Gary Stelt-ing. McPherson; were the four sophomores elected to the four junior Student Court positions.

Valerie Miller, Rocky Ford, Colo.; LeRoy Hayes, Geneseo;

(Continued on Page Two)

smoothly. When that engine starts moaning, that’s the time to get it checked; think of all the shiny new parts you can get.

6.    As for the body, it pays to leave rust spots and dents just as they are. It pays, and pays, and pays.

7.    One way to get your car to the junk-pile in a hurry is to skip checking the lights. You won’t have to do the work your self, either. Someone will gladly do it for you when you stall on a dark road at night.

8.    Most important of all. nev er drain out your antifreeze in the spring. And don’t flush the radiator. It might keep corrosion from eating it away.

Do you think you've done your part? Not quite. The Joneses are still way ahead. There are some special driving tricks that can help you catch up, though. They’re guaranteed to make your car a wreck in the shortest possible time.

9.    First of all. you should always accelerate on bumpy, dipping roads. It gives you that roller-coaster feeling; it also gives the chassis a nice beating.

10.    If that isn't enough, try hitting the shoulder at high speed. If you're lucky, it might crack

the universal. Then again, maybe it won’t. There’s always another chance.


(Continued from Page One)

Pete Reinecker, Quinter; Darry Melton, Asherville: and Ron Harden. McPherson; were elected to the Senior Student Court positions.

MCA Cabinet

Elected to the MCA cabinet offices were: Juanita Fike, Peace Valley, Mo., president; Melvin Roberts, Quinter, vice president; Patsy Bolen, Quinter, secretary-treasurer; Joyce Ulrich, Quinter, publicity chairman; and Wesley Albin, Grundy Center, Iowa, interdenominational representative.

In keeping up with the Joneses, it is necessary that you let your car become just like theirs. The Joneses and millions of other American families have discovered the easy way to send their car to the junk pile.

The first thing to remember is not to trust the mechanic After all, he doesn’t know anything about cars: he only fixes them for a living. Get your advice from someone who really knows, like the postman or the grocer.

Experts have found that there arc ten highly popular, surefire ways to do the most damage with the least effort. Let’s take a look at them.

1. Remember never to rotate your tires. At least, postpone the

soliciting for funds in western Kansas.

Sign under an office clock: ‘‘It's earlier than you think.’’

Responsibilities Require President's Absence President D. W. Bittinger will be speaking at an alumni meeting in Rocky Ford, Colo., April 24. The next day he will be in

Pondering With The President. . .

Mississippi Provides Lesson For All Men

By Dr. D. W. Bittinger


I heard only recently that along the lower Mississippi, when it becomes evident that the river will overflow its banks and fill the basements of houses with muddy river water, the people who live in the houses fill their basements with clean water before they flee. This clean water keeps the muddy water out        

When the river has gone back within its banks the home owners return, pump out the clean water and find their basements unfilled with soggy mud.

When I heard of this interesting principle it occurred to me that this has value for the human mind and spirit. It also has value for behavior and conduct.

One of the best ways to keep the mind and spirit clean is to have them always busy and progressive. One of the best ways to keep daily conduct from going wrong is to be very occupied with doing right.

This lesson from the lower Mississippi is worthy of meditation and action.

Keep Up With The Joneses! Ruin Car In 10 Easy Ways job as long as possible. Experts suggest rotation every 5,000 miles, but delay will insure maximum wear and make it possible for you to buy new ones, 2,000 to 10,000 miles earlier, and new tires | aren’t expensive; they just feel that way.

2.    If your brakes are low. keep them that way. Brake fluid is just a needless expense. Think of all the money you can save by warping or scratching the broke drum.

3.    Always keep the headlights, radio, and inside lights on at the same time, especially with the ignition turned off. You’ll keep battery manufacturers in business.

4.    Oil doesn’t need changing every 1,000 miles; that’s just pro paganda. Wait for at least 2,500

or more. Then you can have your valve and ring job at the same time your oil is changed. It will save you a trip to the garage.

5.    Forget about tune-ups too. There’s no sense in looking for trouble while the car is running

Connell Returns To Corner

The editor returns to his desk with this issue after a visit from Fields. I feel that you can look forward to many more good issues next fall. Fields and her staff did a good job.

After a four week vacation from work on the SPEC and a partial vacation from studies, one finds it difficult to get back in the routine.

I feel that a vacation does everyone some good. I feel so much better from mine that I am ready to enjoy another as soon as someone will give me a chance.

Much activity is booming around campus this week with construction beginning on new Mohler Hall and Brown Auditorium, work on the resurfacing of a couple of parking lots, and the general maintenance of keeping the campus in good shape.

Things have quieted down considerably since the political campaigns and election runoffs have been held. Congratulations are given to the new Missourian Student Council President (not Truman) and the other new officeholders.

The appearance of the bloodmobile on campus Monday should give all the opportunity to help save a life. Even though you can not give a pint of blood, you may help in many other ways.

The editor gave -a pint last year and would do so again only they haven’t been able to classify his first pint yet.

The beautiful Kansas weather has much to brag about. For instance I awoke Sunday morning to a beautiful covering of snow on the ground. By mid-afternoon the snow had disappeared and spring had reappeared. "


On April 26, the Kansas Foundations of Colleges will hold an executive meeting in Great Bend. The next two days they will be

Czaplinskys Sponsored By Married Couples Class

The general contractor moved in Monday on the McPherson College campus to start construction work on the new Sharp Hall, the administration building of the college.

The new building will include an auditorium as well as classrooms besides the administrative department.

The general contract has been awarded to Hahner - Foreman-Cale, Inc., of Great Bend, the same contractor for the new telephone building in McPherson.

The general contract was for $512,000 and was written with a 90-day postponement clause on two items so the college might determine if additional funds will be available.

The heating and plumbing contract went to Kirkpatrick Heat ing and Plumbing Company. Newton. at $134,000, and The Dyson Electric Company. Hutchinson, won the electrical contract at $58,000.

The three contracts for the large and modernistic building amount to a total of $702,000.

Monday the general contractor started moving in equipment set posts for a fence around the building area and blocked off the circle drive in front of the old Sharp Hall.

The new building will be erect

tration camp which, it was felt, was contributed to the deliberate denial of food and warm clothing.

Now, in America, this family has built up their lives and home. They have purchased a home at 412 W. Seitz in McPherson, and have remodeled it.

Vladimir is working at the McPherson Concrete Products Company. Plus this, he is an excellent gardener.

Vladimir. Vera, and their children are Russian Orthodox, but they have been attending the McPherson Church of the Brethren since they arrived.

Since they have come to the United States, they have been blessed with an American Citi-en, Helen, their daughter, was bom on July 29, 1955.

English Language The English language has been somewhat of a handicap to the Czaplinskys, However Mr. Cza-poinsky is now studying English’ under Mrs. Homer Brunk, professor of English at Macollege.

His vocabulary is not big now and it is hard for him to catch the words. However. Mr. Czaplinsky says. "I am very thankful to Mrs. Brunk, for she gave me the key to pronunciation — Web ster’s New Collegiate Dictionary Now I am able just to use any book and any newspaper, and I am able to read and understand and pronounce the words.”

Mr. Czaplinsky began to learn different poems two or three years ago through a book of verse given to Helen, his daugh ter. He says, "The music of poems concretes in the memory the form and sentence of the new words and the sentence building."

Immediately after their arrival in McPherson, Vladimir made this comment: "We can sleep at

Bulldogs Tame Tabor Thinclads

The Bulldogs from McPherson were victorious over the Tabor College track crew Tuesday. 8249. The meet was a dual contest held on the McPherson College Athletic Field.

The next meet for the thin-clads will be a triangular meet at Newton with Bethel and Bethany College next Tuesday. On Thursday, they will compete in a quadrangular meet at Sterling with Kansas Wesleyan, Sterling, and Bethany.

The Bethel College net team will be at Mac this afternoon for a meet with the McPherson tennis team. Monday the Sterling College team will come to the Mac courts for a tennis match with the Bulldogs.

night without fear. Here I have no fear of someone coming in the night and taking my wife, my boys or myself."

It was and is a new life for all of them but they are looking to the future with a great deal of enthusiasm and hope.

In June of 1951, Vladimir Cza-plinsky, his wife, Vera, and their sons. George and Eugene, ages six and seven and one-half, came to the United States as a displaced persons family.

This Ukranian family was brought to America by the Church World Service organization. They came to McPherson under the auspices of the Friendly Forum class, a young married couples class of the Church of the Brethren.


The Czaplinskys came originally from the Ukraine in Southern Russia, where he operated an extensive grain and horse farm, but during the war, his land was overrun by the Nazis and he was taken prisoner. All he had, which he described in his broken English as "much money and property." was taken from him and he was placed in a forced labor camp in Germany.

Escaped To Poland

When Communism invaded the Ukraine. Vladimir and his family escaped, to Poland by covered wagon. Later, when the Com munists took Poland, they moved on to Germany. Many of their relatives were left in Russia, and they have not been able to communicate with them.

Mrs. Czaplinsky was the daughter of a Kulak — the prosperous Russian farmers whom Stalin hit hardest when agriculture was tak en over by the state. Her family lost its farm in the south of the Ukraine in 1928, when she was eight.

Her family drifted across the land to where they settled with a brother. Vera went through Communist-run schools, got her degree in animal husbandry, and won a medal for marksmanship along the way.

The Czaplinsky’s lost a three month-old daughter in a concen

Mac Men Swamp Sweden In Dual Meet

The McPherson College trackmen won a dual meet last Friday with the Bethany College Swedes 93-38. The Bulldogs took ten firsts to only 5 by the Swedes.

Wheeler of Bethany won both short dashes; 100 — 10.0 and 220 - 23.1. Elliott of McPherson won the 440 yd. dash in 52.2; Frazier, the 880 in 2:06.5; Ragland, the low hurdles in 13.5 and the broad jump. 22' 7 1/2”; Rolfs, the high hurdles in 10.5.

Huffman, the pole vault, 12' 8 3/4"; Heidebrecht, high jump — 5’ 10”: Wesselowski, shot put — 39’ 8 1/2”; Lewis, javelin — 165’ 7 1/2; and the 440 yard relay team from McPherson all won their events, the relay time — 3:32.

Les Says ...

There is a lot more to playing the role of an athlete than participating in 'sports. An athlete has a great moral obligation to fulfill because of the influence he has over the lives of the people who admire and respect him, especially younger people.

From the time sporting events began the athlete has been looked up to with respect and has won the admiration of many youngsters who wish to pattern their lives after him. He will be held in this position as long as there are sporting events on earth.

A person would be almost surprised sometimes at the things that a little boy would do to be like his hero. If a star college athlete lived on the block and claimed that milk made him strong, every little boy on the block would drink milk whether he liked it nor not.

On the other hand, if the star athlete thought it was smart to smoke, his fan club would be sneaking out in the alley to try their hand at smoking. That is the way it is and there is nothing we can do about it except live the kind of life that we would be proud to have copied.

The real trouble with many athletes today is that they accept only part of the responsibility of playing the role of athlete and forget the part that goes necessarily along with the name, the part of influencing the lives of young people.

An athlete will influence some lives one way or another and he can't get away from it. His responsibility comes in deciding in which way he wants to influence the young people who look up to him with admiration and respect.

ed in front of the old-Sharp Hall, which will be used until the new structure is ready for use.

Bulldogs Bow To Swedes

Macollege tennis boys bowed to the Swedes of Bethany College Monday night in a 7 to 0 defeat. The Swedes have a pile of victories to their credit this year and have been defeated only once by Southwestern.

The Bethany College team made a clean sweep of the match by not allowing any member of the Bulldogs team a win. The complete summary of the match follows:

Dahlsten, Bethany,    defeated

Likhite, McPherson, 6-1. 6-4.

Robinson. Bethany, defeated Wenger. McPherson, 6-0, 8-6.

Pitts, Bethany, defeated Wacht-man, McPherson, 6-4, 1-6, 7-5.

Leaf, Bethany, defeated Yoder, McPherson, 6-4, 6-3.

Larson.    Bethany.    defeated

Grove, McPherson, 6-1, 6-1.

Robinson - Leaf, Bethany, defeated Likhite - Wachtman, McPherson, 8-6, 6-3.

Dahlsten - Pitts, Bethany, defeated Wenger - Luty, McPherson, 6-2, 6-0.

Preparations For New Sharp Start On Macollege Campus

Macollege Junior Recalls Heifer Donations In Europe

Blood Donors

(Continued from Page One)

Kelly Day. Macollege junior, brings to campus a background of service in Austria and Germany as he distributed heifers in Europe for almost two years. The call of service and the lure of adventure led Kelly of War-rensburg, Mo., Church of the Brethren to enter Brethren Volunteer Service in September, 1956.    

Normal Control Patient After a two month training period at the Brethren Service Center. New Windsor, Md., Day volunteered as a Normal Control patient at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Md.

As a Normal Control, he had activated soap injected into his blood to "test the action of radioactivity on the heart.

Later that fall Kelly was sent to Europe on a Greek ship with 19 head of cattle. After visiting a BVS team in northern Greece he was sent to Germany for a brief orientation at the Brethren House in Kassel.

Work In Austria By June. 1957. Day was devoting his time to the Heifer Project, Inc., in Linz. Austria. Day reports that from 1954 to 1958, 313 heifers had been distributed among 333 families in Austria. Six hundred seven small children were receiving milk from these animals.

The combined worth of the progeny of bulls given to the Federal Artificial Insemination Center at Wels, Upper Austria, since 1948, is estimated at over $2,000.000.

Day experienced the generous hospitality of the Austrian people when the Upper Austrian Chamber held a dinner in his honor before he left Austria.

He was interviewed by radio and press and was privileged to have a conference with state and federal men.

Impressed By Culture Day was deeply impressed by the character and culture of the European people, the rapid recovery they have made since the war, both economically and spiritually, and their apprecia-

tion of beauty.

"As many Americans I had the misconception that all of Europe would be war tom and filled with starving people,” he comments.

He feels that the real worth of the BVS program in Europe is not the tangible aspects of material aid. but the intangible values of peace, IF peace con be considered intangible.

The visitation program and other person to person encounters help bring into focus the values of other cultures and erase mutual distortions between cultures.

Day is majoring in Rural Life. Using his education he hopes to return to Europe to be of further service.

Gets In Blood

"Once you’ve been in Europe, it gets in your blood!” he comments. "The snow capped Alps, the blue Danube winding among the budding fruit trees on a spring morning, the Austrian peasants. dressed in their native costumes and mowing their fields with scythes are sights you never forget!"

Mac Seniors Accept Teaching Positions

Three more Macollege seniors have accepted teaching positions for the next year.

Eugene Johnson Courtland, will teach secondary commerce and coach at Esbon.

Evan Johnson. Inman, will teach secondary mathematics and science at Walton.

Mrs. Gene Wenger. McPherson, will teach fourth grade at River Grove, Illinois.


Milk is being furnished by a local dairy, and cakes are being donated by college hill residents.

The Home Economics Club is preparing the meal and serving it. Arlene Rolfs is the student chairman of the meal.

Solicited Donors Fifteen donors are coming from Central College. Town people are also coming to the campus to donate blood. Players’ Club sponsored a solicitation of residents of College Hill.

Six nurses will come with the bloodmobile from Wichita. Five local volunteer registered nurses and one doctor will also be present.

The local Red Cross is supplying nurses aides, clerks, typists. Student hostesses will greet each donor.

The blood which is donated will be packed in ice and taken to the Wichita Red Cross Center. It may be used as whole blood, or after 21 days, it is used, for derivatives of blood. No blood is wasted.

Each person’s blood is kept separately so the Red Cross can type it. Each person will receive a notice of his blood type and RH factor.

Three-Gallon Donor Because the college bloodmobile visit came after her 60th birthday and donors over 60 are not accepted, one McPherson woman drove to Lyons two weeks ago to give her 24th pint to make her a three-gallon donor.

Some faculty members have donated blood every year that the bloodmobile has been on the campus.    

Cards for student volunteers below 21 were mailed to the parents last week.


Conceitedness Is Pitfall Of Unwary Christians

by Watson

A common pitfall among Christians is for them to be proud of their Christianity. Some people ore even proud of their lack of Christianity.

Now. pride is a fine thing, as long as it is not in excess. Then it becomes CONCEIT.

Conceit And Sin

Conceit is a sin which is all too prevalent in the world. It is a sin which was present long before Christ, and will probably be present long after our generation.

The greatest problem about conceit is that it can be acquired without our realizing it.

Conceit will slip up upon a Christian in such a subtle way that many conceited people consider Themselves Christian.

The easiest way for us to recognize conceit is to make an examination of ourselves, deciding of which qualities or virtues we are especially boastful.

Many Forms

Conceit can occur in many forms. We can be conceited about our money, clothes, car, friends, grades, or our lack of any of these.

When it is only in oder to be “different”, conceit can be closely connected with "non-conformity”.

Many people have the audacity to be conceited in their own con


It is also conceited for us to pick our friends in such a way that we can be “name-droppers”.

Examine Selves

It is up to us, individually, to make our own examination and decide in what things we arc conceited. Then, we must make up our mind that we will do something about it.

Christians must always be on guard against this sin. The slightest laxity will give way to conceit.

We should count well our many blessings from God. but let’s not shout about them.

Students Attend Psychiatric Workshop

Four students and Professor Dayton Rothrock went to Prairie View Hospital at Newton for a pre-professional psychiatric workshop.

Adel, and Des Moines.

They will present programs in two Minnesota churches, Minneapolis and Reading. A school program will be given at Kingsley, Iowa.

The quartet includes Larry Sanders, Des Moines, Iowa, Sheryl S t r o m, Worthington, Minn., Clara Zunkel, Denver, Colo., and Dick Reinke, Ashland, Ohio. Valerie Miller, Rocky Ford, Colo., is accompanist for the quartet.

Harvey Lehman accompanied the quartet on the tour.

The reason the Romans had to quit holding their big carnivals in the arenas was the overhead. The lions kept eating all the prophets.

Varsity Four Return Sunday

The College Varsity Mixed Quartet left Friday. April 10, for a ten day tour in Iowa and Minnesota. They will return from the tour on Sunday, April 19.

The quartet will present programs in the Iowa churches of Lenox, Laurens, Sheldon, Kingsley, Grundy Center, Marshalltown, Nevada, Gowrie, Dallas Center,