Skate Tonight At Lyons

Volume XLIII

Wake Up And Read!


McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas, April 10, 1959

No. 24

Arnold Receives Grant From Science Foundation

George Arnold, assistant professor of physics and mathematics at McPherson College, has received a grant from the National Science Foundation to study at the University of Kansas at Lawrence this summer.

Two other Macollege professors. Dr. Wesley DeCoursey and Dr. John Burkholder, have also received grants for study this summer. Their grants were announced in previous issues of the Spectator.

Professor Arnold will be studying some of the modem developments in mathematics at the Mathematics Summer Institute which lasts eight weeks, beginning June 8.

Professor Arnold, who was accepted by two other institutions for summer study also, will take his family with him for the eight-week period.

College Calendar

Tonight, April 10, Skating party at Lyons.

Friday, April 17, Shakespeare movie in chapel.

Saturday, April 18, Social Committee Movie

Sunday, April 19, Senior piano recital

Monday, April 20, Bloodmobile on campus

Counselors To Release Nine-Week Grades

Counselors will distribute grades this nine weeks under a new plan being tried by the college.

Previously the Registrar’s Office distributed grades, but each student will need to see his counselor to obtain his grades.

Grades will be available Monday, April 13.

Space Expert Will Speak In Special Assembly Monday

Student President Receives Rockefeller Grant To Yale

Wichita Pastor To Be Commencement Speaker

George Ogden Kirk, pastor of the Plymouth Congregational Church. Wichita, will be the Commencement speaker. He will deliver his address on May 31, 7:30 p.m., in the McPherson Church of the Brethren.

Sharp Contract Let To Great Bend Firm

The general contract for the new administration building has been let to the Hahner-Foreman-Cale Inc., Construction Company of Great Bend.

Heating and plumbing for the new building will be installed by Kirkpatrick of Newton, and electricity by Dyson of Hutchinson.

Work on the building should begin in the immediate future. The contract calls for the auditorium to be completed by the 1960 com mencement and the rest of the building by fall of the following school year.

Macampus Prepares Self For Annual Bloodmobile Visit

Blood donors were recruited from Macollege faculty and students this week for the April 20 visit of the Red Cross bloodmobile to Macampus.

Solicitors Meet

Student solicitors met Monday evening. April 6, with Mrs. Simon Strouse, chairman of the McPherson County blood program: Mrs. Naomi Rafaelson, McPherson County Red Cross executive secretary ; and Mrs. Homer Brunk, Red Cross college representative.

Mrs. Strouse explained the history of the blood program, the need for blood, and the uses made of the blood which is donated. Supplies and instructions for the solicitation were given.

Central College students and faculty arc also participating in the April 20 bloodmobile visit and will come to Macollege to give their blood.

A total of 200 volunteers is being sought since a goal of 160 pints of blood has been set for this visit.

Anyone who has not registered to give blood may see Mrs. Elsie Holderread, secretary to the dean, to fill out a blood donor card.

The bloodmobile equipment will be set up in the basement of the Church of the Brethren, and a McPherson doctor and both Red Cross and McPherson registered nurses will be on duty at the blood center at all times.

Meal Served

A free meal prepared by the Home Ecbnomics Club will be served to all those volunteering to give blood on April 20.

Mrs. Arlene Rolfs, senior home economics major, and Miss Mildred Siek, professor of home economics, are supervising the plan

ning, preparation and serving of the meal.

Students who are unable to donate blood are being recruited to serve as hosts and hostesses, to do typing, to help set up and take down the equipment, to drive the Red Cross car to bring the Central College donors to the center. and to do some telephoning and soliciting for donors.

Negative Needed

A special call for 37 people with negative factor blood has been issued by the Regional Blood Center. This is to include three with the rare AB type.

Student captains conducted the solicitation for donors. Dotzour solicitors were Elverda F i k e, Carol Duncan, Carol Cunning ham, Lillian Aotaki, and JoNelle Thoreen.

For Arnold Hall solicitors were Thayne Groff, Glenn Lorei, and Jimmy Fox.

Fahnestock solicitors were Lorry Werner, Jon Burkholder, and Darry Melton, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Holderread solicited in Kline Hall. Noel Grove was solicitor for College Courts.

Solicitors for students living off campus and in their own homes were Jim Nettleton, Karl Bus-kirk, Gary Stelting, Anita White, Gary Stelting, Anita White, Caro-Carolyn Cotton, Joan Corwin, and Judy Nigh.

Cards for the consent of the parents of students under 21 will be mailed tomorrow, but the cords for students in Hawaii were mailed earlier this week.

Carl Harris, Macollege Student Council president, has been granted a Rockefeller Brothers Theological Fellowship for the 195960 school year.

The all-expense fellowship was granted as a result of stiff nation-wide competition.

Carl, a senior history major from Jennings, La., plans to enter Yale Divinity School in the fall.

Because of Carl’s ability as an outstanding scholar, debater, journalist, dramatist and student lead-er he was selected for Who’s Who in American Colleges and Universities last fall.

During Carl’s college career he has served as president and treasurer of the Student Council as well as holding offices in various other organizations.

On the Spectator staff. Carl has served as editor, reporter, and columnist. He is a member of the A Cappella Choir, Alpha Psi Omega, Pi Kappa Delta, SNEA, CB-YF, MCA, Rec Council, IRC, Men’s Council, and the Board of Publications.

Carl has played the leading male role in two of Macollege’s major productions. "Witness for the Prosecution," and "The Hasty Heart," as well as playing roles in other minor productions.

For six semesters Carl has maintained a straight A average

on the college honor roll.

In Jennings High School Carl was active in music, dramatics, journalism, football, and track. He is the son of Rev. and Mrs. Glen Harris Jennings.

Leland Lengel, ’56, is currently studying at Duke University on a Rockefeller Fellowship.

Six Seniors Accept Positions

Six seniors have accepted teaching positions in Kansas for the following year.

Two students, Norma Watkins, Welda, and Nancy Ruth Erisman, Fairview, Mo., will be teaching in Quinter. Norma will teach elementary vocal music and Nancy Ruth will teach seventh and eighth grades. Nancy Ruth previously taught in Quinter.

Elma Holmes, Galva, will teach both elementary and secondary music in Woodston.

Rachel Goering, Lehigh, will teach secondary home economics in Lehigh. Rachel’s husband, Bill, is also teaching in Lehigh.

Another married student, Jerry McPherson, McLouth, will coach and teach social science in Ax-tell.

Anna Vassiloff, Greece, will teach Latin in Junction City.

Positions Open For Spec, Quad

Four positions of the Macollege publications will be open next semester for qualified candidates announces Sherland Ng, chairman of the Board of Publications.

Candidates for the positions of associate editor of the Q u a d-rangle, of campus editor of the Spectator, and of assistant business manager of each publica-tion should apply in writing to Sherland by Wednesday, April 15, by 3 p.m.

The campus editor position is held after one semester after which the campus editor moves up to managing editor the second semester and finally editor-in-chief in the third semester.

The other three positions are held for two semesters with the associate editor becoming editor-in-chief and the assistant business managers succeeding the business managers the following year.

Any person interested in any of these positions and who desires more information concerning them may contact either Sherland Ng or Mrs. Homer Brunk, faculty adviser.

Debate To Be Held In Assembly Friday

Joan Walters and Don Hollenbeck will debate a team from Tabor College, Hillsboro, in assembly next Friday. The debate will be shortened to allow it to be finished during the assembly hour.

They will debate the question for this year, Resoived: That further development of nuclear wea-pons should be prohibited by international agreement. The Macol-lege team will take the negative arguments.

Assembly next week will be held Monday. April 13, at 9:35 instead of Tuesday. Classes usually held at 9:35 on Monday will meet Tuesday at 9:35.

Orvil A. Anderson, retired major general in the United States Air Force, a pioneer of space exploration. will be the featured speaker Monday. His subject will be "The Conquest of Space."

Since 1920, when he was graduated from the Army Airship School, General Anderson has been engaged in the study of space. Among the most noteworthy of his accomplishments is his early exploration of space in balloons.

During his military career he has received decorations from the United States, France, Great Britain, and Belgium.

On Dec. 15, 1954, he was appointed Executive Director of the Air Force Historical Foundation by the Executive Committee Of the Foundation, with offices at Maxwell Air Force Base, Ala.

Macollege Students Elect 1959-60 School Leaders

Students and faculty who have had penicillin may now volunteer to give blood. A new directive on this procedure was announced by the Red Cross Wednesday. April 8.

Anyone who has not volunteered because of a penicillin shot may see Mrs. Elsie Holderread or Mrs. Homer Brunk for a donor registration cord.

Sociology Class Studies Chicago

Dr. Kenneth C. Bechtel’s Urban Sociology class left for Chicago Wednesday. April 8. Jim Merrifield and Rex Morris drove.

Other students on the trip include Jane Clouse. Nancy Erisman, Elverda Fike, Daryle Howell, Darry Melton, Eileen Turner, and Jack Oneal.

The group arrived in Chicago Thursday and visited West Madison Avenue, better known as Skid Row.

Today they are visiting the juvenile court. Board of Trade, a juvenile delinquency area, Chi cago Tribune, and a planetarium.

Saturday will be spent seeing Hull House, the city planning commission. Merchandise Mart, and Museum of Science and Industry. The evening will be left open for each member to make his own choice.

Sunday morning the group will attend the First Church of Deliverance. a Negro church.

In the afternoon they will attend the Jewish Ghetto before beginning their journey home.

The group will arrive back on campus sometime early Monday morning, April 13.

Students Enroll For Next Year

Pre-enrollment for next year is underway on Macampus now and will continue until May 1, Mrs. Alice Martin, registrar, asks that students make appointments with their counselors soon.

Schedules of classes and enrollment cards are available in the Registrar's Office.

All sophomores will make a plan for their junior and senior work to be filed in the Registrar's Office.

Counselors will keep the enrollment cards this time and return them to the Registrar's Office instead of giving them to the students to hand in.

Nettleton To Study In Germany Next Year

James W. Nettleton, freshman, from Albert Lea, Minn., has been chosen to represent McPherson College in an exchange program with Goettingen. Germany.

He plans to leave the United States around the first of August.

Fields-Edited Spec Serves As Prep Work

This issue of the Spectator was edited by Faye Fields, a Wichita sophomore. Faye acted as editor-in-chief for this issue in preparation for her job next year as editor.

Faye is currently managing editor of the Spec. Dennis Hubbard is acting managing editor of the Spec for this issue.

Elections were held in chapel this morning, April 10. for the Student Council President. Student Council treasurer, the MCA cabinet, the varsity cheerleaders, and the Student Court members for next year.

Sherland Ng, David Bastin, and John Myers were the three Macollege students who ran for the Student Council president.

Stanley Ilin, Glen Faus, and Richard Reinke ran for Student Council treasurer.    

Two boys and two girls were chosen to become the varsity cheerleaders for next year. Those who were running were JoNelle Thoreen, Diane Browning, Rita Smallwood, Ron Harden, and Loren Reyher.

The freshman class chose Stuart Frazier, Nancy Miller, Gail Fillmore, James Nettleton, and Larry Elliott to run for the three positions on the Student Court held by the freshmen.

Melvin Roberts. LaVena Mur-ray, Dick Landrum, Patsy Bolen, Gary Stelting, and Tom Ruh-ser were the nominees for the four positions on the Student Court held by the sophomore class.

Valerie Miller. LeRoy Hayes. Pete Reinecker, Darry Melton, Max Grossnickle, Janelle Miller, and Ron Harden were the juniors running for the five positions on the Student Court held by the junior class.

The retiring MCA cabinet chose Lois Fager and Juanita Fike to run for MCA president: Melvin Roberts and James Merrifield for the vice president; Patsy Bolen and Veneta Howell for the secretary - treasurer:    Gail Fill

more and Joyce Ulrich for the publicity chairman: and Wes Al-bin and Larry Elliott for the In terdenominational representative.

Results of the elections will be carried in next week's paper.

Pondering With The President . . .

What Will Your Move Be For Equality, Integration?

Ten-thousand young people assembled in Washington, D. C. last October 25th to make a solemn affirmation of their support for equal education for the integration of the schools.

Many of these "young people 'were students, just like you and me. "Most of them came from schools and colleges in the East. Negroes and white were both present in almost equal numbers.

These students promised themselves as well as the people of the nation that they would fight for integration, and that they would return to Washington bringing more young people with them.

Soon, you as students on McPherson Campus will be much closer to the problem, perhaps even closer than ever before. You will be closer because these dedicated young people are on the move, and they will be contacting you through the media of televisions, radio, and petitions.

What will your answer be to these fighters for equality? Will you help them?

Do We Have ‘Ins’ And ‘Outs’?

By Dr. D. W. Bittinger

No family can be an absolute unity. There art-some who feel close in and others who wish they were closer in. In nations this gives rise to revolutions or to elections, either peacefully or violently conducted.

Often the differences between the “in” and the “out” group are very small. It may be an emotional or attitudinal condition, more than anything else.

It has always been my hope that at McPherson College there will be a minimum of difference felt between certain inevitable natural groupings: those who come from the town, those who come from other parts of America or the world, those who are members of the Church of the Brethren, those who arc members of other churches, those who are married, those who are single.    

It seems to me that our sense of unity here is as good as in any college I know. It takes effort on the part of all of us to make this true.

I hope that it can become even truer, and that faculty members and their families can always also be involved in this of "one group” with one general overall coordinated purpose.    

May we be. always, a group of friendly, sharing searchers.

Wake Up And Read!

1959 Liberty Week Theme

The Spectator, Page 2

April 10, 1959

Thousands of communities throughout the United States will be celebrating the second National Library Week next week. From April 12 to April 18 the event, sponsored by the National Book Committee in cooperation with the American Library Association. will be in full swing.

Devoted To Heading National Library Week is devoted to the importance of reading in American life and to the importance of libraries of all kinds — public, school and university libraries, and the libraries maintained by individuals in their own homes.

Leading magazines, newspa-

pers, radio and television stations, and leaders in the business and educational world will join in participating in the celebration and in providing special attention to reading and libraries in publications and broadcasts.

The objective of the week, as stated in the LIBRARY JOUR NAL, is to remind the American people that reading can help them to explore and to satisfy their need for a greater sense of purpose and meaning in their lives; to urge them to use more fully the libraries of all kinds in which the treasures of the printed word await throughout the land.

But there is a wider aim: to set apart a time when people

can rededicate themselves to the ideas and ideals of a free society.

Re-Assess Values National Library Week is a time to re-assess personal riches of mind and opportunity. It is also a time to explore, through reading, intellectual potential: to develop readiness to adapt to the changes that an age of atoms and automation is bringing.

Though it can be an unparalleled source of entertainment, reading is not a tranquilizer, but a channel to new ideas and viewpoints that can help Americans respond to the challenge of lei sure in a creative, satisfying way.

It offers an exciting form of escape from preoccupation merely with having and doing, into a full life of being, knowing, understanding and believing.

No Non-Readers The second year continues the work of the first. The same theme

Wake Up and Read!”, will be used again to underline the same conviction: we cannot afford a nation of non-readers. We should strive "for a better-read, better-informed America."

To help celebrate National Li brary Week, the library staff will distribute literature all over campus. They will also place table cards in the cafeteria on each table. The idea te to make students aware of the opportunity, which is always present, to read.

A display will be set up in the library which will contain books selected by the professors of the college as their favorites through the years. The books will be displayed with the name of the prof, who selected them.

Never pay much attention to criticism after you have drawn what wisdom you can from it.

Easter Project Results In "Hole” New Area

An Easter vacation project of cutting a hole in a basement wall by Prof. S. M. Dell and Prof. Alvin Willems has nearly doubled the space of work area in the Industrial Arts building.

By cutting a hole in the basement and building a stairway, they were able to gain entrance to an old storage room in the basement.

The new room in the basement also has a storage room, that will permit material for experiment to be stored when not in use.

The new space is now being used by the bench metal and the bench sheet metal class.

The new room will be equipped \vith florescent lighting.

Earn And Serve Plans Retreat

An all day training retreat has been planned for ten students of Macollege who will be In the Earn and Serve program this summer. It is set for Saturday. May 23, 1959, and special leaders will be engaged for it.

Among the students going are: Ethan Grahm, Detroit, and David Fruth, Quinter, at Kansas City; Tom Ragland, Lawrence, and LeRoy Kingery, Greene, Iowa, to Topeka; Treva Brown, Wichita, and Eleanor Diaper, El-dora, Iowa, to Newton.

Going ‘to Minot - Surrey. N. D., are Galen Huffman. St. Joseph, Mo., and Terrill Phe-nice, Welsh, Louisiana.

Marge Hanley, Webster, Iowa, and Janice Bower, Wichita, will be at Council Bluffs, Iowa.

Businessmen, Athletes Have Annual Snack Fest

About 245 McPherson men and athletes took part in the third annual Snack Fest in Spite of rainy weather Tuesday night. The rain curtailed part of the outdoor activities but 67 athletes and 178 McPherson Chamber of Commerce members and businessmen participated in indoor games in the College gymnasium.

The men feasted on a ham. potato salad, baked beans, and coffee and had ice cream bars and pop to top it off. Then they set out to enjoy an evening of athletic events.

They threw darts, practiced free throws, played tether ball, jumped on the trampoline, lifted weights and played other skill games the rest of the evening.  The Snack Fest is sponsored by the McPherson College M-Club and put on by them and the college athletes for the businessmen of McPherson in appreciation for the help and cooperation they have given the college athletic department during t It e school year.

The School Planning Group from Stanford University in California was also present at the evening of festivities. The members of the group are experts in school improvements, school buildings and planning future schools.

Several prospective athletes were also guests at the affair.

Pep Club To Elec!

New Officers, Friday

New officers for the Pep Club arc to be elected in assembly Friday, April 17. Candidates for the election will be nominated by the nominating committee.

Those positions to be filled are president, vice president, secretary-treasurer. points chairman, and publicity chairman.

Bulldogs Win II Firsts Over Coyotes At Salina

McPherson trackmen overcame the Kansas Wesleyan thinclads in a dual meet at Salina April 2, 853/4 to 451/4.

The Bulldogs piled up 10 firsts to only 4 for the Coyotes, and won all 6 field events. The Bulldogs took sweepstakes in the high jump, discus, low hurdles and the 220 yard dash.

Tom Ragland, the big winner for McPherson, took four firsts: 100 yd. dash — 10.3; 220 yd. dash

—    23.9; low hurdles — 26.1; broad jump — 21' 101/4".

Other firsts went to R. Heide-brecht, 440 yd. dash — 54.2; Melton, 2 mile — 11:31.8; Prochaska, discus — 114’ 4”; Huffman, pole vault — 12' 6”; Lewis, javelin

—    181' 2": and Heidebrecht tied for first in the high jump, 5'

Mac Golfers Host Kansas Wesleyan U.

Macollege played host to the KWU golf team last Friday but went down in defeat at the hands of the Coyotes 141/2 to 31/2. Rex Morris, the only letterman on the team, shared high point honors with a KWU man with 92 points each.

Don Nelson was the next high man for Mac with 95, Pete Rei-necker had a 104, Howard Gar-wick had a 105, Stanley Stover had a 112 and Larry Clark had a 115.

The meet scheduled for Tuesday with Bethel was called because of wet ground.

Ragland Second At Big Eight

Tom Ragland placed second in the March 21 indoor track meet at Kansas State University.

Richard and John Heidebrecht, Dick Keefer, and Tom Ragland ran the mile relay in 3:31, just two seconds over the McPherson College record of 3:29.

Ragland leaped 22’ 8 1/4” in the broad jump to place second among competitors from the "Big Eight" colleges and universities.

About the mile relay team, Coach Smith says, "I expect those boys to set a new school record before the season is completed." The four speedsters placed second in their heat in the meet.

Softball Begins On Macampus

Intramural softball teams have been chosen for the spring intramural program. Teams are made up of students who signed sheets expressing their desire to play.

One girl and one boy were named to serve as captains on each team. At least eight players from each team must be present for intramural games and three must be girls. Less than this number results in a forfeit.

The six teams are: Hood and Turner Capt. Kolman, Jones, Leffler, Walle, Esquino, G. Fruth, Rowland, Hodgden, Lewis, Ibsen, and Powers.

Delk and Lichty-capt., Roberts, Howell, Stoner, Bowman, Bral-lier, Fillmore, Wymore, Jackson, Heintz, and Cunningham.

Livengood and Forsyth-Capt., T. Weddle, Stine, Fox, Post. J. Meyers, Koon, Monk, T. Brown, Sanders, Strom, and Oliver.

Brunner and Thoreen - Capt., Sams, Guiot, Bert, Draper, Wilson, Groff, Coppock, F i e 1 d s, Reynolds, and E. Draper.

Tennis Team Wins Opening Match

McPherson College tennis team won their opening match from Kansas Wesleyan University April 3, 6-1. The Bulldogs won 4 singles and both doubles while the Coyotes won only one singles event.

Vilas Likhite defeated Mosburg, 7-5, 6-3; Gene Wenger overcame D. Near, 6-2, 12-10; Phil Wacht-man beat Supernaw, 6-0, 6-0; Dick Landrum defeated Greene, 6-3, 6-1; and Norman Yoder went down to Culley, 6-3, 6-2.

Likhite and Wachtman combined to down Mossburg and Culley, 6-2, 6-0 and Wenger and Weddle defeated Near and Supernaw, 6-4, 6-4.

Skaters Roll To Lyons For Skate Club Fun

A skating party is planned for tonight. April 10. at the skating rink in Lyons. All those wanting rides should meet in Dotzour Lounge at 6:30 p.m.

Burkholder and Browning-capt., Hayes, Dolloff, Rolston, C. Johnson, Mohler, Dilley, V. Miller, A. Brown, Bengston, Rodabaugh, and Negley.

Holderread and Lehman-Capt., L. Werner, Smalley, W. Albin, D. Fruth, Kruschwitz, Hubbard, White, Ng. E. Fike, and Harris.

One game will be played by each team every week and a tournament will be held after a complete round robin has been played.

Intramural softball will be available on Sunday afternoons but there will be no team competition. Umpires and organizers will be present for Sunday games.

“Home Economics is no ‘gingerbread education, but is vital, basic and essential". This statement was made by Cliff Titus, aircraft executive and headline speaker at the State Home Economics meeting in Wichita.

The State Home Economics

Ed Delk Named To NAIA Team

Macollege's Ed Delk was named to the NAIA all-star team. Delk is on the first team headed by Dick Barnett of Tenn. A&I, twice voted the most outstanding player in the national intercollegiate tournament.

Barnett, top rated in NAIA’s all star team, averaged 29.9 points per game this past season.

The National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics’ all star team is based on recommendations by its district chairman and ballots of coaches. Seniors are given preference.

Coach Smith Seeks Student Managers

Interested in being a student trainer and manager for the football team next fall? Any boys interested should contract Sid Smith as soon as possible. The trainer will be paid for his work next fall. ’

A summer course in athletic training is required. This course consists of six lessons, a lesson every two weeks. Those interest ed can obtain more information from Sid Smith, athletic director.

The Spectator, Page 3

April 10, 1959

Club meeting was held in Wichita at the Broadview Hotel on Friday and Saturday. April 20 and 21. Over 250 home economists from 100 Kansas towns participated in the meeting.

Cliff Titus also said, "O u r science must be a well-rounded science — a science for good living. More than, space science, we need a science of living right here in the space we now occupy."

The Friday night banquet speaker was Mrs. Bea Johnson, director of women’s activities for KMBC - KFRM - KMBC-TV, Kansas City, Mo.

Mrs. Johnson entertained the home economists with a talk and pictures of her trip to Russia.

Veneta Howell, a sophomore from St. John, was officially made State Treasurer of the College Home Economics Clubs.

Miss Siek will automatically become one of the State Advisors.

Pastry Education Not Basis Of Home Ec Training

M-Club Fete Features Barkstrom, Chicken.

Approximately 60 M-Club members and their guests ate a chicken supper and were entertained by special numbers from Mickey Decker and his band Friday. April 3, at the annual M-Club Banquet. The annual spring event was held in the Blue Room of the Warren Hotel.

"Swede" Backstrom, athletic director of Kansas Wesleyan University at Salina, was the featured speaker at the occasion.

The dance following the banquet featured the music of Mickey Decker and his band.

Chaff Champions. . .

More Moral Manners

Watson's Wond’rings

Prayer Provides The Key To Your Inner-Peace

Bus Repairs, Snow Add Zest To A Cappella Tour

A Cappella Choir will give its home concert at the McPherson City Auditorium Saturday evening. May 2.

The A Cappella Choir ended its Easter season tour with a concert at the McPherson Church of the Brethren Sunday evening. April 5.

The tour began March 20 with a concert to the Macollege student body. The choir left at 1 p.m. for St. John to give a high school concert in the afternoon and another concert in the evening.

Traveling was slowed up during the afternoon because of a snow storm. Since the vision was obscured, the bus slipped into a ditch. A tractor-trailer pulled the bus out and sent it on to St. John where they arrived 20 minutes late for their concert.

The choir was ready to go to Garden City the following morn-

The Spectator, Page 4

April 10, 1959

By Faus, Harris and Foley

Chaff realizes that a great moral awakening is sweeping over the campus. We have studied this trend, but the press of our tight schedules has cut down our usual voluminous research, and we have been restricted to short research.

But even this short study has convinced us that a great uplift has come in campus ethics. In line with this trend. Chaff has some recommendations to make in order to broaden the scope of this reformation.

There is a time and place for various things. A public hallway is not the place for saying goodnight. Please say goodnight in a more private place, such as your car. Or get a reservation from Chaff for the laundry closet in the hall. Thank you for your cooperation.

There is a time and place for various things. The bloodmobile is the place for bleeding. Please wear loose fitting clothing when you come to give blood as this will allow good circulation and will reduce the chances of your fainting. Thank you for your cooperation.

There is a time and place for various things. The Chaff tunnel is not the place for wearing formal attire. Please put on working clothes before coming to the Chaff tunnel. By the way. the tunnel is progressing nicely. More volunteer labor would be appreciated. Thank you for your cooperation.

There is a time and place for various things. Flory's history class is not the place for a short nap. Please stay awake or there may be a slack in your grade. Thank you for your cooperation.

There is a time and place for various things. The library is not the place for discussions, even short discussions. Please spend your time in the library girdling

yourself with truth. Thank you for your cooperation.

There is a time and place for various things. The cafeteria is not the place for a short meal. Please come prepared for a long wait in line at the cafeteria. But don’t come too late, as the line stops as soon as there is a slack in the line. And remember the short orders of the cafeteria. Thank you for your cooperation.

SNEA Officers Elected For School Year ,59-,60

SNEA officers were elected for the following year. Those elected were Larry Werner, president; Joan Furry, vice president; La-Vena Murray, secretary; Larry Clark, treasurer: Janelle Miller, historian.

Play Tryouts Held Wednesday

Tryouts for the three one-act plays were held Wednesday night. The cast will be announced later.

Faye Fields will direct "The Clod,” Larry King, "The Romancers,” and Valerie Miller, “Yesterday’s Rations."

The plays will be given May 8 in the basement of the Church of the Brethren. Arena staging will be used in which the audience will be seated entirely around the actors.

Students See Saw In Arts Building

A new nine inch radial saw has been added to the industrial arts equipment in Franz Hall.

The new saw will enable students to learn how to use the different types of modern equipment.

ing when they received news that the bus needed repair work. For the trip to Garden City, a school bus was used which gave a crowded 140 miles.

By Sunday the regular bus caught up with the choir and they continued on to Wile y. Colo. Monday evening the choir gave a concert at Rocky Ford. Colo.

Tuesday afternoon the choir had an hour television appearance at Colorado Springs, Colo. By this time it had begun to snow.

No traveling was done on Wednesday and by Thursday morning the choir canceled the rest of the tour and returned to McPherson.

Emswiler, Sams

Rev. and Mrs. Mark W. Ems-wiler, Froid, Mont., announce the engagement of their daughter. Janis, to Mr. Larry Sams, son of Mr. and Mrs. Oran Sams, Glas-co, Kas.

Janis is a junior at Macollege majoring in Business Administration Education. Larry is a senior majoring in mathematics and plans to attend Kansas State University in the fall to obtain his engineering degree.

No wedding date has been set yet.

Have you ever been too busy to notice God? I often get that way. Then, I see something that reminds me of my Creator.

It may be a lawn that has been green for weeks, it may be a bird that has been singing since dawn, or it may be a person that I have just seen also as my friend. This way God makes me aware of His love, and through His love. I am made aware of God.

This shapes my Spirit into a peaceful brook making its way down some distant mountain. Going from rock to rock, from sunbeam to sunbeam, from daydream to daydream, it slowly edges its way into the black, churning sea of turbulent, evil sin.

But. it adds a minute of calm to that sea before it is swallowed up and dissolved.

That minute of calm in INNER-PEACE, and to gain that precious

Vassiloff, Buskirk

Mr. and Mrs. Stergios Vassiloff, Salonika, Greece, announce the engagement of their daughter. Anna, to Mr. LeRoy Burkirk, son of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Buskirk, McPherson.

Anna is a senior at Macollege majoring in English and will be teaching at Junction City in the fall. LeRoy, 1958 Macollege graduate, is a science teacher at Hope.

A June wedding has been planned.

minute of peace, kings have forsaken their kingdom, thieves hove given up their flight, and lost souls have turned to Christ.

Many claim that inner-peace is impossible to achieve, but I submit that prayer is the key. Through prayer — diligent, earnest. relentless prayer — a person can obtain a closeness to God that is termed “emotion" by cynics.

Some people will tell you that they find inner-peace while they are praying, others will say they find it at the close of a prayer session. But both will agree that they have inner-peace only when they have laid their sins before God. and asked His forgiveness.

Faw, Neher

Dr. and Mrs. Chalmer E. Faw, Chicago, Ill., announce the engagement of their daughter, Linda. to Mr. Leon Neher, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Neher, Quin-ter, Kas.

Linda is a student at Manchester College. Leon, a' 1957 Macollege graduate, is attending the Bethany Biblical Seminary in Chicago.

A late summer wedding is planned.

White, Leffler

Mr. and Mrs. George White, Canton, Kas., announce the engagement of their daughter, Geor-gianna, to Mr. Don Leffler, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Leffler, Canton.     

Georgianffa is a senior in high school while Don is a sophomore at Macollege.

No definite wedding plans have been made.

If you have a chance, look into the eyes of a deeply religious person when he has just ceased praying. You will find a peace and serenity there that is almost beyond comprehension. There is no greater feeling than to have God’s peace in your heart.

We can obtain inner-peace by prayer, we can lift many of life’s burdens by prayer, we can feel that we and God ore one, through prayer.

How long has it been since you have had a long, deep TALK WITH GOD???

Cupid's Arrow Finds Mark