Easter Recess Begins Today

Volume XL1I1

McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas, March 20, 1959

Applications Are Needed For Earn And Serve

More applications are still needed for this summer's Earn and Serve projects sponsored by the Western Regional Youth Office.

Six projects have been set up by the Western Regional Youth Office for this summer. These are in churches in three different states of the region — Iowa, Kansas, and North Dakota.

“Two of the six are in Iowa, located at Council Bluffs and Cedar Rapids. In Kansas, there are three sites — Topeka, Kansas City, and Newton. Minot and Surrey, North Dak., have a joint program worked out which makes up the sixth project.

Both boys and girls are eligible to participate. Some of the duties that are available in the “Serve" portion of the program are helping in Bible School, assisting in music program of the church, teaching in Church School Classes, visitation and resurveys of communities, providing recreation leadership to all age groups in the church, and general programming assistance.

All of the participants have an opportunity to work in some type of job during the summer to earn money. This is the “Earn' part of the program.

Before students are eligible for the Earn and Serve projects, they must fill out application blanks that arc available in the regional office. Then the applications must be approved by the members of the regional executive committee. The applications are then sent on to the church that is to receive the Earn and Servers so they can start planning a summer program for them.

This is on opportunity to make money needed for coming back to college and it is also an opportunity for one to serve his church and prepare his life for the future.

All interested people should con tact Kenneth Holderread, director of the CBYF Regional youth, or Richard Landrum, chairman of the Outreach Commission of the Regional CBYF youth cabinet. Ken’s office is in the basement of Sharp Hall, and Richard lives in Arnold Hall.

Alumni Meeting Planned For Kansas City Area

A McPherson College Alumni meeting has been planned for April 4 in the Kansas City, Mo., Church of the Brethren. The Alumni meeting will include the alumni from all the greater Kansas City area.

Dean W. F. Geisert will be the guest speaker, and the ladies’ trio will present several musical numbers.

Mrs. Ruth Zook and Mr. Ralph Landes are making the arrangements for the meeting.

College Calendar

Future Chapels To Be Varied

Awards for the winning peace and anti-alcohol orations will be featured in chapel Tuesday. March 31. with Prof. Guy Hayes in charge of the program.

The views of several speech students on different college campus issues will also be sponsored by Prof. Hayes in assembly Friday, April 3.

The Venerable William S. Anthony. Deacon of the Episcopalian Church in Salina will be the chapel speaker Tuesday. April 7.

He is the Arch Deacon under Bishop Lewis in this area of Kansas, which includes the McPherson Episcopalian Church.

Carl Harris, president of the student council, will lead the election of new officers for the coming school year in assembly Friday. April 10.

Stump speeches will be given for the different candidates nom inated for election. The election of the nominee's will be held following the speeches.

A Cappella Choir Tour Bogins Today At 12:30

Thirty-eight members of the A Cappella Choir will leave at 12:30 p.m. today for a 10-day tour of Colorado, Nebraska, and Kansas.

Professor Donald R. Frederick, director of choral organizations, will accompany the group.

Youth Director Thanks Students

Despite the storm. 339 out of town guests attended the Regional Youth Conference this year. A total of 103 college students registered for the conference. The total attendance at the banquet was 480.

The Peace and Citizenship Speech contest this year was won by Marianne Bittinger, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. D. W. Bittinger. She will represent this region in the national contest held at Annual Conference in June.

Ken Holderread, Regional Youth Director, had this to say about the conference: “I feel that the conference was a success. The many college students who worked on committees, opened their rooms to conference guests, and cooperated with the conference, are the ones responsible for the success of the conference.

“For this I am grateful. Thank-you. each of you. very much for making this experience a very enjoyable one for me, and I hope for you as well."

Arnold, DeCoursey Judge Al Marymount

George Arnold, assistant professor of physics and math, and Dr. Wesley DeCoursey, professor of chemistry, will serve as judges at Marymount College at Salina, Friday, March 20.

They will judge science research papers of the Kansas Junior Academy of Science Young People.

Winners of this regional competition will present their research papers and projects at the Senior Kansas Academy of Science meeting to be held May 1-2 at Kansas University.


Earn and Serve Program

No. 23

Next Spec Printed Friday, April 10

The Spectator will not be issued next week. The next edition will be April 10.

Faye Fields, sophomore. Wichita, will edit this paper as her practice issue. She will be acting as editor-in-chief in preparation for next year when she will hold this position.

Dennis Hubbard will be managing editor for the April 10 issue.

The position of managing editor is now held by Faye.

Biology Professor To Spend Summer Working On Cell

Petitions For Students Election Now Available

Petitions for the Student Council election to be held April 10 arc now available from Carl Harris.

The petitions for the president and the treasurer of the Student Council and for the four cheerleaders must be signed by at least 50 students and turned in by April 7 at 5 p.m.

Pre-enrollment Begins April 1

Pre-enrollment for the next semester will begin Wednesday, April 1. The period for enrollment will last until May 1. All students who are coming back next year are asked to pre-enroll.

Students can pick up the necessary materials for pre-enrollment at the Registrar's Office. They should then see their counselors.

The tentative enrollment cards are to be left with the counselors this time. After the counselors have signed the cards, they will turn them into the Registrar’s Office.

All students who are not coming back next year are asked to fill out a blank giving the Registrar's Office this information.

Easier Vacation Begins Today, March 20

Rothrock To Attend St. Louis Conference

Prof. Dayton Rothrock, assistant professor of education, will attend the Association for Childhood Education Conference in St. Louis from March 30 to April 1.

Many of the leaders in the elementary education field will present research, demonstrations, and lectures in the field. Conference participants will also have the opportunity to visit child centers and classrooms in the St. Louis area.

Students Reserve:

Rooms For Next Year

Next year's room reservation fee of $10.00 may be paid at the Business Office at any time. Present students will be given preference over new students in selection of rooms if the reservation is received by April 18.

A Cappella Choir Ends Emphasis Week

With the A Cappella Choir giving a sacred concert in chapel this morning, the activities of Religious Emphasis Week on Macampus were over.

The college has been cooperating with the McPherson Church of the Brethren in this endeavor. Rev. Dale Brown, assistant professor of philosophy and religion has been the speaker.

He will also speak tonight and Sunday morning.

Easter vacation officially begins at 5 p.m. today, March 20, and ends at 7:45 a.m. Tuesday, March 31.

The library closes at 5 p.m. today, March 20, and opens at 7:45 a.m. Tuesday, March 31. Books for use during Easter vacation should be checked out by 5 p.m. today.

The cafeteria will close at noon today and breakfast will be served at 6:45 on March 31.

Dotzour Hall will close Saturday noon. March 21, and open Monday, March 30, at noon. Kline Hall will remain open for students staying on campus during the vacation.

City To Unite For Holy Week

Union Holy Week evening services are being held in the Free Methodist Church at 7:30 p.m.

The Sunday evening speaker will be Rev. Richard Bollinger, pastor of the Rochester Community Church of the Brethren. Topeka.

Rev. David Scovil, rector of the Episcopal Church. Hutchinson. will be the Monday evening speaker. The speaker for Tuesday evening will be Rev. Tom Parrish from the Central Christian Church of Wichita.

The Wednesday evening service will be presented by Bishop C. V. Fairbairn of the Free Methodist Church, McPherson.

Communion services will be held in the churches on Thursday evening. Rev. G. A. Gough of the First Church of the Nazarene in Wichita will be the speaker for the Friday night service.

The Trinity Lutheran Church will host the Good Friday services. The service will be from 12 noon until 3 p.m.

An Easter Sunrise Service is set for 6:30 a.m. at Lakeside Park. The United Christian Youth Movement sponsors this service. Rev. Zeller will bring the message. The High School Ensenble will sing.

Chapel Choir To Tour Kansas

The Chapel Choir will tour parts of Kansas April 9-12. The 37 members will be accompanied by Doris Coppock, instructor of music.

High school programs will be given at Roxbury, Durham, Na-varre, Hope, Overbrook, and Mc-Louth.

Concerts will be given at the Lone Star Church of the Brethren and at the Topeka Church of the Brethren.

Want To Study In Europe?

Deadline for applications to become a McPherson College exchange student is April 3, the Friday following Easter vacation. Anyone interested may turn in written statement of why they are interested in the exchange student program to Prof. Paul Sollenberger, Prof. Dale Brown or in the President’s office.

The German government will pay the student's college expenses. His only expense will be his transportation to and from Goettingen. Germany. The MCA will support the German student at tending Macollege.

Chem Class Visits Co-op Oil Refinery

The organic chemistry class visited the Cooperative Oil Refinery Tuesday. March 17.

They observed how important sources of energy are separated into useful components.

Bittinger To Speak At E-Town College

Dr. D. W. Bittinger will be holding pre-Easter services at Elizabethtown College. Elizabethtown. Pa. This is one of the sister colleges of McPherson College. Rev. Nevin Zuck is the pastor there.

From March 22-29. he will be speaking each night at the church as well as various civic clubs in the city.

His topic will be "Personalities of Passion Week." Both he and Mrs. Bittinger graduated from Elizabethtown College.

Dr. John Burkholder, professor of biology, has been chosen by the National Science Foundation to attend a summer institute on the biology of the cell at the University of Wisconsin, June 22-Aug. 1.


The objectives of the institute are (a) to improve the subject-matter competence of the participating teachers: (b) to strengthen the capacity of the teachers for motivating able students to consider careers in science; (c) to bring these teachers into personal contact with prominent scientists: and (d) to effect greater mutual understanding and appreciation of each other's teaching problems among teachers of science at college level.

Accepted By Three

Dr. Burkholder applied to two other institutes and was accepted by both of them. He chose the institute at the University of Wisconsin because it will provide him with the most helpful information.

The other institutes were the institute on radiation biology. University of Washington at Seattle. Washington; and the institute on desert biology. Arizona State University at Tempe, Arizona.

The institute will consist of discussions and lectures on various topics. Some of the topics are mitochondrial organization and enzyme systems; plastics and photosynthesis: structure, chemistry. and metabolism of the nucleus chromosomes: problems in cell division; and nucleo-cytoplas-mic interaction.

Dr. Burkholder’s family will accompany him when he attends the institute. He will be'given approximately $800 plus a travel allowance by the National Science Foundation for expenses.

The institute is financed by the Notional Science Foundation and is sponsored by the American Society of Zoologists and the University of Wisconsin.

Next Movie Scheduled Stars James Dean

Rebel Without a Cause." starring James Dean will be the next movie shown in the college chapel Saturday, April 4, 7:30 p.m.

Banquet Results Show $15,077 In Cash Gifts

Final tabulation of the results of the Booster Banquet showed a total of $15,077 in cash gifts to the college for current operational expenses. The total included payments on pledges and the purchase of tickets.

A total of 550 persons were at the community building Saturday night for the banquet.

DeCoursey To Attend Emporia State Meet

Dr. Wesley DeCoursey, professor of chemistry, will attend the Kansas Association of Physical Science Teachers meeting at Kan sas State Teachers College, Emporia, Saturday, March 21.

He will accompany Clifford Dresher, retired teacher of physics and chemistry in McPherson High School.

Juanita Fike To Show Slides Of Germany

At the MCA meeting on April 2. Juanita Fike will speak and show her slides on her year as an exchange student in Germany, This is the monthly mass meeting of all the small groups.

Former Mac Dean Accepts Assignment In Formosa

Dr. James M. Berkebile, professor of chemistry at Elizabethtown, has been granted a two-year leave of absence to accept a position with the International Cooperation Administration i n Taipei, Formosa, A. C. Baugher, president of Elizabethtown College announced.

Dr. Berkebile will serve as a Teacher Education Advisor in science in implementing and improving the school system on Formosa. He will undertake his new assignment as of June 15.

Dr. Berkebile, former dean of McPherson College, went to Elizabethtown in 1957. He is a graduate of Manchester College, where he received his A. B. degree in 1934. He corned his A. M. in 1935 and his Ph. D. in 1951, both at Ohio State University.

He will be accompanied to Formosa by his wife and two children: Rozann, 15, and Ray, 18. Rozann will study in Formosa. Ray is scheduled to attend college in the Philippines.

y leadership, but many func-tions of his presidential office as well.

The present congress will be the proof, but it may not be too exaggerated to say that right now Lyndon Johnson (D-Tex), Senate Majority Leader, and not President Eisenhower is the real power of the government in domestic affairs.

And with the retirement of the compromising Senator Green (DR. I.) as Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and the assumption of that chair by Senator Fulbright (D-Ark), we may well see something similar occurring in the foreign area.

The views of this article do not necessarily reflect the views of the newspaper.

I’ve Built A Chapel

I’ve built a little chapel in my soul

Where I may-kneel and let God speak to me:

Here I extend to Him the ful control

Of all I am or ever hope to be

The vesper, chimes ring out the call to prayer;

The sunset glorifies the dying day:

Within my chapel worldliness and care

Take wing and with the shadows flee away.

My soul may turn to God each hour:

Throughout the busy day H i s hand may guide.

But there is sweeter union, peace, and power

When heart to heart, with Him at eventide.

In solitude my inner eyes can sec

The path of faith God's lamp reveals to me.

From "The Touch of the Master’s Hand" by Myra Brooks Welch

connected with this is the very lack of policy.

Vacillation and inflexible stand patism hove been characteristic of the Administration. Although policy has often been quite def inite, it has all too often suf fered from a vagueness that amounts to drift and sometimes even camouflaged anarchy.

The two major things with which Eisenhower entered the White House were a ‘‘crusade’ and a decision to reform and revitalize the Republican Party.

His attempts at these, lasted roughly through his first term and were not completely unsuccessful. But since that time, he has. in effect, abdicated not only his moral "crusade'' and his par-

Some men get all the exercise they need just wrestling with their conscience.

Pondering With The President

Does Easter Mean Anything To You?

By Dr. D. W. Bittinger

The series of talks entered into by students, by Coach Smith, and by Reverend Zook on the subject “What Easter Means To Me, ’ were helpful and inspiring. All of us who listened to Sid Smith’s personal testimony concerning Easter and its deep meaning to him will probably never be able to forget it.

The longest day in the world was the Saturday which stretched endlessly between Friday night’s burial of the Savior.

If he had stayed in the tomb, all of our lives would have been different.

There would have been no churches, no Christian hospitals, no Christian colleges, no Christian camps and youth retreats, no church conferences, likely no increasing effort to have understandings between na tions and peoples.    

But does Easter mean anything to you personal ly?

Only you can answer.

Old Soldiers Never Die, They Just Fade Away

The following excerpts appeared recently in Washington’s Whitman College PIONEER, signed by Doug Cole:

It is an old adage which says. "Old Soldiers never die. they just fade away." Although President Eisenhower has been perilously close to death on two occasions, he fits the adage well for the most significant thing about American politics today is the demise of Eisenhower and his "crusade."

No longer is he sacrosanct, no longer does he hold undisputed leadership on Capital Hill, no longer is he the guiding force of his party and the government.

There are many reasons for this and not least among them is the 22nd Amendment. limiting his presidential tenure.

But. the major reason is simply the lack of willingness to pursue his policies with the necessary amount of action. Closely

Connell’s Corner

A former college editor, now NBC’s White House correspondent, revealed in his old paper, Valparaiso University TORCH, why he switched to radio.

It was Ray Scherer’s first day as TORCH editor, and the hand-set page forms were on the bed of the ancient press. The pressman pushed the “start” button, and ten thousand pieces of type were sprayed on the pressroom floor. Friend pressman had forgotten to lock in the plates.

Scherer remembers his advisor saying, “No one can say your career didn’t start with a bang.”

What the men are wearing makes the front page of New Mexico State University’s ROUND UP. In a published letter to the school’s president, an alumnus criticizes the “stomp" atmosphere that "has crept up on us during the past ten years.

" ‘Stomp’ standards of dress include skin-tight levis, worn as lewdly as possible, ‘cowboy’ boots and a 10-gallon hat (never to be removed from the head.)”

Hats are worn even at meals, a custom the letter writer feels is particularly bad. Foreign visitors have even taken pictures of the students dining with hats on, seeking to report this strange habit to their countrymen.

The alumnus sees danger in the “stomp” element, noting there are those on campus “seeking to undermine fraternities and sororities.” This could be of concern to all persons interested in our educational institutions, since these groups, particularly here, furnish the sole opportunity for students to develop the social graces.”

Bittinger Speaker To Church Women

President D. W. Bittinger spoke to the United Council of Church Women at their annual meeting in Great Bend, Tuesday evening. His topic was, "Challenges Confronting Women Around t h e World.”

Thinclads Travel To KS Campus

Ten McPherson College track men will go to Manhattan, tomorrow, to compete in the indoor meet at Kansas State College. It will be the first meet tor the Mac leant this year.

Gene Elliott and Galen Huffman will he competing in the pole vault: John Heidebrecht in the relays and high jump: Richard Heidebrecht, Bryce Heinz, Jim Wrage and Doyle Royer will run in relay events: Dick Keefer will enter the low hurdle, broad jump and relay events; Tom Ragland will compote in the broad jump and relays; and Jerry Rolfs in the high hurdle event

Other track’ members continue to work out for the meet with Kansas Wesleyan University at Salina on April 2.

Spring Sports Schedule Released By Athletic Dept.

Delk Makes All-Conference Two Get Honorable Mention

We have a lot to look forward to as we return to school from the spring recess. Intercollegiate spring sports will be getting in full swing as well as spring intramurals which offer any Macol-lege student a chance for sporting activity.

Intramurals are set up for the benefit of the students of Mac and will help you as students maintain better physical conditions as well as giving you a chance to participate in the sport of your choice.

Here’s hoping that we all will return from vacation fully rested and replenished in the things which will help us to finish the year in good stride, good faith, good health, and a strong spirit.

—L. A. Z

Ed Delk

Macollcge cage star Ed Delk topped the 1959 All-Kansas Conference team as the only unanimous selection on the team. Dennis Brunner and Jerry McPherson both received honorable mention.

Delk, a three-year letterman, has played 78 games for Mac scoring a total of 1500 points for a 19.2 average. Ed scored 36 points for his lop individual performance in one game.

The 1959 All - Conference team headed by Delk is composed of Richard Freeman. C. of E.; Jim Kean, Baker: Bob Knight, Otta wa: and Don Wedel, Baker.

Ottawa, this year’s KCAC champs, had two men named to the second all-KCAC team. Vince Driski and Dave Owen of Ottawa shared the second team honors with Ken Miller. C. of E.: Gary Robinson, Bethany: and Bill White, Baker.

Along with Macollege cagers Dennis Brunner and Jerry McPherson. four other KCAC basketball men received honorable mention: Jerry Nickel, Bethel: Virgil Puetz and Larry Peck-ham, Friends; and Billy Toms, Kansas Wesleyan.

Learn to stop grumbling if you can't sec any good in the world: keep all the bad to yourself.

In the midst of the excitement of the beginning of spring sports and the finishing off of winter sports, we pause this next week to commemorate the blessed event of the crucifixion and resurrection of our Lord, Jesus Christ.

We have heard many inspring and encouraging talks in the past few weeks on the subject of Easter which should have planted in our minds a seed of thought about just what Easter really means to you.

Rest Minds, Bodies It is during this week that we will be able to build ourselves up spiritually, mentally, and physically so that we will return to school ready to enter into the rigorous routine of spring activities and studies with clean rested bodies and open minds.

The athlete who has taken full advantage of a good training and practice schedule is the athlete who is able to put out a last minute burst of energy to pull himself or his team out of the clutches of certain defeat to a thrilling victory.

The student who takes full advantage of the Easter recess to prepare his mind and body for remainder of the school year through prayer, worship, and good, well-earned rest will be the student who will still be going strong as he faces the final tests of the year.


McPherson College trackmen will bo competing in 13 meets this season, beginning tomorrow at Manhattan and ending May 15 with the KCAC meet at Ottawa.

The 1959 McPherson College Track Schedule:

March 21 — Indoor meet at Kansas State College, 11 a.m. April 2 — Wesleyan at Salina. April 8 — Tabor at Hillsboro April 10 — Bethany at Linds borg.

April 11 — Emporia Relays at Emporia.

April 13 — Bethany and Tabor at McPherson April 21 — Bethel, Bethany, and Mac at Newton April 23 — Sterling, K. W. U., Bethany and Mac at Sterling April 23 — C. of E. at Emporia May 1 — Baker and K. W. U. at Salina

May 5 — Doane Relays at Crete, Nebr., time unknown May 8 — Mac, Bethany and Sterling at Lindsborg, 3:30 May 15 — KCAC Conference meet at Ottawa, time unknown Unless otherwise specified, all meets begin at 2:30.


The 1959 McPherson College tennis schedule is as follows:

Legionnaires Tromp Wichita Stars, 92-69

Accuracy from the field helped the McPherson Legion team tromp over the Wichita Stars 9209 last Friday night. The Legionnaires hit 50 per cent of its shots from the field against 30 per cent for the Stars.

Five men scored in the double figures led by Willie Johnson and Ed Delk with 21 and 14 points respectively. The Legionnaires hit 44 per cent from the field in the first half and an accurate 60 per cent the last half.

1959 McPherson College Golf Schedule:

April 2 — K. W. U. at Salina

Conversing and working under Dr. Burton Met-zler, head of Philosphy and Religion Department are Prof. Dale Brown's greatest enjoyments at Macol-lege. (Spectator Photo)

Brown Plans To Try All-Niglit Study Schedule

Men Plan Open House

College students and the public are invited to attend the open house of Fahnestock Hall and of Arnold Hall which will be held Sunday. April 4.

Fahnestock's rooms will be open from 2:30-5 p.m. and Arnold's rooms will be open from 1-3:30 p.m.

Refreshments will be served at both of the dorms.

A wealthy Texas oilman cashed a huge personal check which came back from the bank with “Insufficient Funds" stamped across its face. Beneath the stamped words was the hand-written notation: "Not you — us.”

The Spectator, Page 4

March 20, 1959

“I feel it is a high privilege to work under Dr. Burton Metz-ler. I think this is one of the fortunate things which have happened to me," commented Dale Brown, assistant professor of philosophy and religion.

This is his first year at Macollege. He has a half-time teaching load leaving him the rest of the time to serve as the director of religious life.

Rev. Brown is on the chapel and religious committees of the faculty. He also works with the MCA and CBYF cabinets as an ex-officio member.

Doctorate Thesis

Presently he is also working on his doctorate thesis. He will receive a Doctor of Philosophy in religion from Northwestern University. Evanston, Ill. This is in cooperation with Garrett Biblical Institute.

The title of his dissertation is ‘‘Pietism Redefined." The Pietis-tic movement was an eighteenth century movement in Germany from which the Church of the Brethren came.

He plans to spend the whole summer working on his thesis. The research must all be done in German.

New Study Method During the summer, he is trying out a method of study which

others have recommended. He will do his studying after the family has gone to bed beginning at 9:30 p.m. and continuing to 4 or 5 a.m.

Then he will go to bed until about noon. This will give him the afternoon and evening with the family as well as a long period of uninterrupted study.

Dale Brown graduated from Macollege in 1946. He and his wife Lois, '47, have two children, Deanna. 31/2, and Dennis, 2.

Seminary Graduate

He graduated from Bethany Biblical Seminary in 1949. He served a summer pastorate in Enders, Nebr., while in Seminary. For seven years he was the pastor at Stover Memorial Church of the Brethren in Des Moines. Iowa

In 1956, he returned to graduate school and teaching at Bethany Biblical Seminary. When he went to Des Moines he had only intended to stay a couple of years before going back to school. However, he and his wife liked the ministry so well they stayed longer than planned.

Bench Metal Students Visit Jobber Foundry

The Bench Metal class and Prof. Alvin Willems took a field trip to the Hutchinson Foundry.

At the foundry many of the basic foundry operations were observed. The foundry is a jobber foundry and is not on any certain production schedule.

The field trip was of particular interest to the students because the operations were much like what had been done in class.

Mac Receives Federal Aid

McPherson College has received $1269 from the United States Department of Health, Education. and Welfare for loans to students under the Notional Defense Act.

The National Act stipulates that special consideration be given to students who plan to enter the fields of elementary or secondary education, science or mathematics. Financial need is to be the primary factor.

The individual college will select the students who receive the loans.

Payments will not need to begin until after the student completes his college education. The loan will start to draw interest at the rate of three per cent one year after the borrower ceases to be a full-time student.

In addition to the government's grant. McPherson College has added funds which bring its total National Defense loan fund to $1410.    

The government provides 90 per cent of the loan with each of the 1227 institutions taking part in the program adding the remaining 10 per cent.

A total of $97,508 was received

Emswiler Takes Top Pep Points

Janis Emswiller is the first known member in the history of the Macollege Pep Club to achieve over 1800 points. Janis is a junior this year and has accumulated a total of 1864 points.

Ron Hardin and Bob Erisman are closest to Janis with a total of 1660 and 1573 points, respectively.

Being an officer on the committee proves to be the best way to make points.

Some of the other ways to make points ore roping off seats, decorating goal posts, wearing red and white on game days, helping to make signs, posters, etc. for games.

The awards being offered are megaphone — 100 points; jacket — 300 points; small sterling silver bulldog — 700 points; at the discretion of the club — 1200 points; and a cup — 1800 points.

April Showers Bring May Flowers And Plays

Student directors, Faye Fields, Larry King, and Valerie Miller, will choose and direct three one-act plays in early May.

The plays will be given in theatre - in - the - round. This will help the directors to experience both types of staging.

Tryouts will be held after Easter vacation. Dates will be announced later.

Dean Geisert To Attend Akron, Ohio Meeting

Wayne F. Geisert, dean of McPherson College, will take part in the North Central Visitation Trip as part of the leadership training project at the University of Akron, Akron, Ohio, from March 29 - April 3.

The visitation to the University of Akron is the last visit that Dean Geisert will make to institutions as a part of the training project.

Others who will make the visitations are Dean W. L. Thomp-kins from the Missouri Valley College; and Prof. R. W. Coonrod of Arizona State University.

Widening Begins On Main Street

Construction started Monday for the widening of Main Street. Twelve feet will be added to the traffic area from the Sante Fe tracks to Sutherland Street. The street will be 76 feet wide with 12 feet sidewalks.

A total of 20 plaza-type safety islands will be installed at the ends of each block in the widened area. The construction will also cut the curbline down to a maximum of nine inches at any point.

Construction firm officials emphasized that even if paving work on the street is not completed, “the street will be opened for the All-Schools Day parade.” The contract calls for completion in 60 working days.

The City is also studying a system of one-way streets to surround the business district. The City Commission has approved the general idea of the one-way streets but have many details to work out as yet.