Groundbreaking Draws

of Trustees; Andrew Bremyer, the mayor of the city; Clare Miller, director of city solicitation; Irvin Wagner, president of Regional Youth — all of McPherson: and Carl Harris, president of the student body, from Jennings, La.

Ernest Wall, McPherson, a member of the college's Trustee Board for 33 years, was the first to turn the shovel. He was followed by Mr. Bremyer, Mr. Miller, Mr. Harris, and Mr. Wagner.

Dr. Burton Metzler, professor of philosophy and religion at the college, turned the shovel for Dr. D. W. Bittinger, president of the college. This was to represent the Religious Life of the campus.

The Brass Quintet of the college presented the music for the service.

of Public Worship.”

Wednesday. "The Prayer of Faith" (faith healing).

Thursday. "The Christian Interpretation of Sex."

Friday chapel, A Cappella Choir.

Friday evening, "The Cross and You.”

Sunday a.m., “The Failure of Success."

Since religious activities on campus will be limited to two chapel periods, students are invited to attend as many of the church meetings as possible.

McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas, March 13, 1959

Big Crowd To Macampus

Approximately 400 people attended the groundbreaking service for the new administration, auditorium and classroom building to be erected on McPherson College campus.

The building will be built in front of the present Sharp Hall. It will be named for two longtime teachers of the college.

Miss Jessie M. Brown; professor emeritus of piano, is the person for whom the auditorium will be named.

The administration - classroom building will be called Mohler Hall in honor of Robert E. Mohler, former science professor and present curator of the college museum.

In the service last Saturday, five brief comments were made. Paul Sargent spoke for the Board

Religious Emphasis Week Speaker Is Brown

The Rev. Dale Brown, director of religious life, will be the speaker for Religious Emphasis Week March 15-20 on Macampus.

The President of the college. Dr. D. W. Bittinger, and the call committee of the church have set up the following program.

Sunday, a.m., "What Is Man?"

Sunday p.m., "Am I My Brother’s Keeper?”

Monday, "Preaching In Season and Out of Season."

Tuesday chapel, "Losing One's Reason.".

Tuesday evening. "The Drama

Although bids were higher than anticipated, ground breaking ceremonies for the new Mohler Hall proceeded as planned on Saturday. Participating were, left to right, Ivin Wagner, Regional Youth President; Carl Harris, Student Council Presi-

Volume XLIII dent; Dr. D. W. Bittinger, McPherson College president; A. W. Bremyer, Mayor of McPherson; M. Clare Miller, chairman of fund drive; and Ernest Wall, former president of the Board of Trustees. (Republican Photo)

No. 22

Bob Dell Is Elected Regional Youth Head

Bob Dell. McPherson, is the new president of the Western Region Youth. He will hold this position for the next two years. Election was held last Saturday during the Regional Youth Conference.    

Five commission area chairmen will be assisting Bob for the next year. They are Dick Landrum from Hutchinson; Marlene Klotz, Fredericksburg. Iowa; Bonnie  Hodgen, McCune; Valerie Miller, Rocky Ford, Colo., and Juanita Fike, Peace Valley, Mo.

Paul Wagoner, alumni secretary of the college, will be the adult advisor of the group. Ken Holder-read will remain on the staff as full-time youth worker for the Region.

Student Directors Present Three One-Act’s Tonight

Trustees Make Changes

Twenty-two trustees met here last weekend during the Regional Youth Conference for their annual meeting.

Mohler-Brown Hall

Groundbreaking for the new Mohler Hall and Brown Auditorium was one of the main tasks of the group.

Bids were held on the building on Saturday afternoon. Hahner, Foreman, and Cale, Great Bend, was low bidder on the general contract. Kirkpatrick Plumbing Co., Newton, bid low on heating and plumbing, and Dyson Electric Co., Hutchinson on the electrical contract.

The trustees are seeking to raise more money for the bidding since the bids were higher than expected. Dr. D. W. Bittinger, president, said. “We will need to secure more money for

Petitions for the student council election to be held April 10, will be available March 17. from Carl Harris. The petitions of candidates for the Student Council president. Student Council treasurer. and for the cheerleaders must be signed by at least 50 students and turned in by April 7 at 5 p.m.

The candidates for the MCA steering committee will be chosen by the retiring MCA cabinet. Each class will choose candidates for the Student Court election.

The election of cheerleaders is for two boys and two girls who will be the varsity cheerleaders next year.

Qualifications for the student body president are a next year’s senior, a student carrying at least 12 semester hours at" McPherson College, and one who preferably has had previous Student Council

College Calendar

Tonight, March 13, three one-act plays in chapel, 8 p.m.

Tomorrow. March 14, Booster Banquet in Community Building at 6 - 7:30 p.m.

March 15-20, Religious Emphasis Week.

March 20, Easter Recess Begins. 5 p.m.

March 31, Easter Recess ends, 7:45 a.m.


Elections will be held April 10. in assembly for the president and treasurer of the Student Council, MCA steering committee, cheerleaders and Student Court representatives.

Booster Banquet Features Oriental Guest Speaker

Tomorrow evening the annual Booster Banquet will be held at the Community Building. The buffet dinner will be served from 6-7;30 p.m.


The program in the community auditorium will begin at 0 p.m. Fred McKenna, president of the Chamber of Commerce, will be the Master of Ceremonies. Rev. Paul Matthaei will give the invocation.

The Male Quintet will furnish the music. Linn Peterson will give a report of the city contacts and Dr. Bittinger will give a thank you from the college.

The address at the 29th Booster Banquet will be given by Dr. No Yong Park. His topic is "A Squint-Eye View of Oriental Life and Culture."

Those who have contributed to the college receive tickets which enable them to come to the banquet being sponsored by the

A Cappella Will Tour In Three Slate Area

The McPherson College A Cappella Choir will travel to churches in Kansas. Colorado and Nebraska for its annual Easter vacation tour. The group will leave McPherson March 20 and will return March 30.

Kansas Brethren churches included in the tour are Eden Valley. St. John; Garden City: Prairie View, Friend; Maple Grove, Norton; and Quinter, Wiley, Rocky Ford, Colorado Springs, Denver First, Denver Prince of Peace, and Bethel churches in Colorado will be included.

The Enders, Neb., Church of the Brethren will also receive the choir.

The A Cappella Choir numbers 37 voices and includes in its repertoire a wide variety of sacred

arrangements. Prof. Donald R. Frederick is in his 12th year as director.

building or greatly modify the building. And we hope we will not need to eliminate any of the building extras."

Future Plans

In addition to voting the go ahead with the new hall, trustees discussed other college buildings and projects. Some of these are:

1.    Parking will need to be arranged to take the place of Circle Drive.

2.    Plans for other buildings such as a student union - cafeteria, a new girls’ dorm addition and a married students’ apartment building are in the future.

Faculty salaries were also raised by the trustees.

After considerable discussion and prayer, the trustees passed a motion allowing folk and social dancing to be sponsored by the college.

city and the college. Students who have contributed to the Sharp Hall Development Fund will receive letters which will admit them.

Meal Planning

Miss Mildred Siek is in charge of the meal. Kathryn Burkholder, senior from Preston. Minn., will be assisting her. o The faculty members and their husbands or wives will be serving the meal and acting as hosts and hostesses.

Ticket Sales

Harvey C. Lehman and John Sheets are in charge of ticket sales and ticket canvassing. Sid Smith and Dr. John Burkholder and the fellows on the athletic work program are in charge of setting up the tables and chairs.

Mrs. Homer E. Brunk and Richard Slimon will take care of the decorations. George Arnold will check the coats. Elmer Ruhser will move the necessary equipment in the college pickup.

Election Time Nears Macampus

Rothrock Chosen Five Faculty VP

Dayton Rothrock, assistant professor of education, was chosen as vice-president of the Five-Faculty College KSTA. He was chosen along with Mr. Albert Nelson, president, from Wesleyan and Miss Jen Jenkins, secretary, from Bethany.

At this meeting on Feb. 14. the group also decided to recommend that, Sterling College, Tabor College, and Southwestern College be invited to become members of the Five-Faculty Conference.

Mac Scores In Peace Match

Joan Walters, senior from Pueblo, Colo., placed first in the local peace oratory contest last Friday. On Saturday she placed first in the state contest at Hillsboro. The title of her oration is "Enlist for Peace.”

Raymond Hull, sophomore from McPherson, placed second in the local contest and tied for third in the men’s division of the state contest. His oration was “Peace Through the Power of Love."

David Hykes, sophomore from Adel. Iowa, and Dick Ferris, junior from Topeka, were also in the local contest. Their titles were "Our Pilot for Peace" and "Ultimatum."

Dick Bittinger, senior from McPherson, placed third in the State peace extemp contest.

In debate. Joan Walters and Don Hollenbeck, sophomore from Udell, Iowa, won three out of four debates. Dick Kerris and Dick Bittinger won one out of four debates.

The schools represented were Baker. Bethel. McPherson, Ottawa. Southwestern. Tabor, and Wichita. The contest was held at Tabor College, Hillsboro.

Miss Siek Will Attend State Home Ec Meet

Miss Mildred Sick, professor of Home Economics, will be attending the meeting of the Kansas State Home Economics Association in Wichita on March 20 and 21.

Miss Siek, who is state secretary, will attend the council meeting of the Association on March 19.

The State College Clubs will also meet on March 20 and 21.

Three one-act plays will be given this evening at 8 in the chapel. The plays, under student direction, are open to the public.

"Sham", a social satire, is directed by Valerie Miller, a junior from Rocky Ford, Colo. The cast is Harold Connell as Charles; Dick Reinke as the Thief; Lynda Igel as Clara; and Ve-neta Howell as the Reporter.

A thief enters a home. While he is there, he finds that the family is putting on an act pretending to be high classed. The thief is discovered in the home and a real situation develops.

Faye Fields, a sophomore from Wichita, will direct the farce. “Box and Cox”. John Myers plays Box; Kenneth Watson plays Cox; and Marilyn Hanley plays Mrs. Bouncer.

"Box and Cox" tells the story of two men unknowingly sharing the same room. The landlady is doing this to get double rent. Cox works during the day, and Box works at night.

The director of "The Boor" is Lurry King, a junior from South English, Iowa. "The Boor", a farce, is written by Chekov, Glen-na Wampler, Terrell Phenice, and Bob Dell will play the roles of Helena Ivanovana Popov, Grigori Stephanovitch Smirov, ‘and Luka, respectively.

“The Boor" is the story of a widow who has mourned the loss of her husband for seven months. She has been demanded to pay a debt of. her husband’s.

Call Program Continues On Macollege Campus The Call to Witness program continued this week with student visitation and the call to responsibility of the church members. Six teams visited the members to call on their responsibility to witness.

Card Catalogs Improved By College Library Staff

Bethany Will Present Handel’s “Messiah”

This Easter season the Bethany College Oratorio Society presents the 78th performance of Handel’s "Messiah.” The two performances will be on March 22 at 3 p.m. and on March 29 at 8 p.m.

As the result of a study which has been made as to the demands on card catalogs and the adequacy with which the catalogs are meeting the demands, the library staff has been working to improve the catalog for Macollege students.

The study indicated that the catalogs tested were successful in the majority of Cases. The exceptions were due to the incorrect or incomplete bibliographical data with which the student had approached the catalog.

Study Reports

The report from the study stated that: (a) the quality of instruction in bibliographical citation should be improved in secondary schools and colleges.

Also: (b) instructors should be warned against exclusive oral or

incomplete citation of bibliographical references, since it results in misunderstandings or misspelling of the authors’ names.

Guide Cards

To help correct any difficulty which the students here may be having, the library staff has placed guide cards with the heading "How to Use This Catalog" in the front of each of the 30 drawers of the catalog.

This editorial from WESLEYAN PHAROS. West Virginia Wesley an College, typifies many current articles in the college press on cheating:

Finals are over, but stories of cheating aren't. Cheating has become commonplace among college students, probably the result of an over-all breakdown of the old moral-codes.

A survey report in a recent issue of "School and Society magazine showed that 57 per cent of the students questioned had cheated at some point in their college careers and that 75 per cent of the seniors had done so.

Cheating is not only widespread but is not condemned by the student body. Responses showed that

Read and heed Spec ads.

Pondering With The President

To Break Ground

By Dr. D. W. Bittinger

It was a thrill for the large audience which was present, and for those who participated, to break ground for new buildings on Macampus last Saturday,

But with it there were mingled emotions and memories for some. One who was older said, "This is all of McPherson that I remember. Everything else is gone”.

This is true only in a physical sense. Everything good that has been McPherson through the years should still be alive and growing. It should always be here as well as at the thousands of other places where McPherson College is and has gone.

For Macollege is not buildings or campus; it never should be allowed to become only that. McPherson College is people and the everlasting in fluences they exert!

Old Sharp has served well. Her services cannot be dispensed with yet, even though her floors are weary. So old Sharp will likely need to stand and serve for a while longer as a campus building until other buildings for student and faculty uses can replace her. This may take a while.

Regardless of her future as a building, the spirit of old Sharp should be that which makes us "break new ground” in all the areas of life and in many areas of the world.

Cheating Is Approved By Student Bodies

only 12 per cent were willing to inform on a student that had cheated, and that 22 per cent were willing to entrust the class treasury to a person known to have cheated on an examination.

The article concluded, "Students are parts of a system in which the attainment of knowledge has become secondary to the completion of a prescribed course which our culture demands.

"Examinations are part of the process. One passes or one does not depending on his ability to beat the testing system.

"The system becomes a kind of game in which the professor has certain techniques and devices and the student has counter-moves. Cheating has been used as one of these." Those who hit home runs in January, however, may strike out next May.

Connell’s Corner

We owe the development of the raw-cotton industry to the invention of Eli Whitney, for almost all the world’s cotton crop is ginned today by improved adaptions of Whitney’s principle.

The patent for his invention was issued on March 14, 1794. Several types of roller gins were developed prior to Whitney’s however, his proved to be the most adaptable.


The day we have been waiting for is drawing near. The “wearin’ of the green” is Tuesday, March' 17.

St. Patrick’s Day is the feast day of St. Patrick, a Christain missionary to Ireland in the 5th century. He is the founder of many churches and schools throughout Ireland. He was born in about 389.

St. Patrick’s Day, Ireland’s national holiday, is celebrated by Irishmen and their descendants the world over.

Green is the color of the day, and the Shamrock s worn to commemorate St. Patrick’s use of it as symbolic of the Trinity.

to indicate subdivisions of subject headings. An attempt is being made to keep cross reference cards up to date.

The library staff can assist students by providing special signs and guides in the catalog. Faculty members can help students by preparing accurate and complete bibliographies.

Les Says...

Mac Exchange Student Will Attend German School

History Classes Experiment With New Teaching Method

Two sections of U. S. History are being used this semester for an experiment on a new technique for teaching a larger number of students without increasing the number of faculty.

The technique being used by the History Department, according to Dr. Raymond Flory, professor of history, is one in which the students attend only one class a week for a briefing session and also for the regular tests.

Two Classes

The experiment on this type of teaching is being conducted with two classes so that one class can be used as a control. The control class will attend classes reg-uarly throughout the whole semester.

The second class attended classes regularly the first six weeks of the semester just as the control class did. The second six weeks period the second class is only attending class for one meet ing each week.

The one meeting each week that the class has with the professor is a briefing session in which ho will point out the main points of emphasis which they should study on their own.

• Tests Every two weeks, both classes will take the some test over the same material. The tests will

McPherson College’s exchange student for next year will participate in a direct institution exchange program between McPherson College and Goettingen. Germany.

April 3 has been set as the deadline for applications. Any interested student may turn in his application to Prof. Paul Sollen-berger, Prof. Dale Brown, or the President’s office.

German Exchangee

This exchange program came into effect when Dr. D. W. Bit tinger and the Goettingen school made a written agreement in Germany this summer.

The German government will pay for the American student’s tuition, room, and board while Macollege will support the German exchange student who will come to McPherson from Goettingen.

The only expense the exchange student will have is his transportation to and from Goettingen. But he may save enough from the government grant to travel while in Europe.

McPherson Exchangee

While abroad. Mac’s exchangee will live in the school’s dormitory. He may go to Germany anytime in the summer. It is hoped that he will do some Brethren volunteer work before his school starts in October if possible.

The American students will become a member of the German exchangee’s family while abroad. It is expected that the German student will become a part of the Macollege exchangee’s fam-


Better Program

According to Dr. Bittinger, this is a better program than pre viously had. The college is also working towards a freer and easier transfer of credits.

The MCA will be supporting the German student who comes to Mac. A committee of five composed of students and faculty members has been chosen by the MCA cabinet to select the Macol lege exchange student.

Lois Fager is now at Goettingen as Mac’s exchange student.

show up any difference between the two classes and will demonstrate whether or not the new technique will work efficiently.

Student assistants are set up with regular office hours for counseling. Any students of the experiment group which have any questions or problems can see the assistants at their scheduled hours.

Idea From NEA

Dr. Flory got the idea for this experiment from a- conference which he attended in March of *58. The theme of the conference was Current Issues in Higher Education and was held by the Association for Higher Education of the NEA.

At this conference one of the study groups which Flory attended was on new techniques and developments for teaching larger numbers of students without increasing the number of faculty.

Reports were given to the group from several institutions for higher learning which have tried either the plan like we are trying or a similar one.

Some of the colleges and uni versifies which reported were the University of Kentucky. Los Angeles State College, Smith College, and the University of Colorado.

Intramurals Include Table Tennis, Softball

Spring intramural program at McPherson College will include table tennis and softball, reports George Keim, and will begin after Easter vacation.

Girls’ Varsity Takes Second

Macollege Girls’ Varsity basketball team took second place in a tournament held at Bethel College. Bethel took first and Tabor and Sterling took third and fourth respectively.

Bethel beat Tabor in the first game of the tournament led in scoring by Lorraine Dick. In the second game of the tourney. Jo Ann Kerr of Mac led her team to a 49-22 victory over Sterling, Kerr scored 20 points.

Tabor squeezed out Sterling in the first game of the final evening of play to take third place. Bethel copped first place by beating Mac 52-39 in the championship game. Kerr of Mac and Dick of Bethel each scored 24 points.

The girls were served supper, family style, in the Bethel College dining hall.

Harris Reports Book Loans

KWU Athletic Director To Be M-Club Speaker

Daffin ’Swede’’ Backstrom, athletic director at Kansas Wesleyan, will be the speaker at the annual M-Club Banquet April 13. The banquet is an annual spring affair for the M-Club members.

Weibert Wins Tournament

Tournament time showed surprises as the two favored intramural teams. Roberts and Brubaker were defeated the first night. Weibert defeated Chilson to be crowned the top tournament team.

Brubaker led the league in final league standings with a league record of 6-1. Roberts tied with Weibert for second place each with a league record of 5-2. The final league standings:

WAA Initiates Fifteen Today

WAA will initiate 15 girls today. Friday the 13th. The list of initiates includes Treva Brown Bonnie Lewis, LaDonna Powers Shirley Reynolds, Connie Ibsen, Delores' Lahman, Alferdteen Brown, Donna Sanders, and Irma Wymore.

Also initiated will be Emile Rowland, Velma Harris, Gail Fillmore, Patsy Bolen, Jo Nelle Thoreen, and Violet Oliver. Besides the costumes the girls will be wearing, they will be carrying a clothes brush with them to dust off the old members.

The new members will make breakfast for the old members some morning in the future.

Top notch Kansas high school teams ace meeting this week in tournaments which should prove to be thrillers. Saturday night will see four high school champions crowned from the four classes of high school play.

This writer has laid his head on the chopping block by predicting the outcome of each of the four tournaments. The preliminary tournaments to date have showed a number of upsets so these predictions may prove to be all wet.

Class AA In the Class AA tournament at Wichita two top teams will meet. I pick Wyandotte to play Newton in the final game with last year's champs to take the title back to Kansas City with them.

Class A

A new champ will be crowned at the close of the Class A tourney in Hutchinson. Last year’s champ, Scott City lost out in the elimination tournament and will not get a chance to defend.

This writer sees Russell pitted against Goodland Saturday night at Hutch in the final Class A game. Goodland should take this one although Russell has had better tournament teams.

Class B In the Class B tourney at Emporia, I pick last year's title holder, Natoma, over Minneapolis. Both of these teams have perfect season records. Natoma has a record of 23-0 and Minneapolis has 24-0.

Class BB In the Class BB tournament at Dodge City we will see another new champion crowned. Last year's BB title holder, Rolla, also lost out in the elimination meets.

For the final Class BB game I pick Prescott (24-0) to play against Ada (20-4), the team that surprised us in the tournament at Galva. Prescott will take this one unless Ada has more surprises stored up.

The final tournament games, as well as all of the games, should prove to be exciting thrillers. Upsets are all too frequent at tournament time and the final out-come is anybody’s guess. You have just read mine.

— L. A. Z

McPherson Cops State AAU Title

The McPherson American Legion copped the Missouri Valley AAU title from the Wichita Bun-galoe team 83-70 Saturday night in Wichita. This is the fourth title for the Legion team.

The win Saturday, night gave the McPherson American Legion team a birth in the national AAU tournament at Denver.

Macollege eager Ed Delk and U. S. Grant were both named to the all-tournament team. Grant has played in all 14 AAU tournaments held in Wichita with his Legion team.

Wednseday night the Legion team held a practice session at the college gym. Also to help get in shape for the national tourna ment at Denver, the Legion has tried to schedule a game here for this weekend.

As part of the annual report. Virginia Harris, librarian of the Macollege Library, gives to the trustees, the circulation records showing the number of books, periodicals, and pamphlets loaned from the library.

Listed below are the numbers of pieces of literature loaned for home use. from the reserve shelves, and to faculty members in the last two years and the first two months of this year:

The number of reserve books used in a year depends largely on which classes are in session that year. Some classes held every other year require more books to-be placed on reserve than classes held every year.

Men’s Fellowship Meets Last Time, Thursday

The final meeting for this year of the Alexander Mack Men’s Fel lowship of the McPherson Church of the Brethren will be held next Thursday in the Church Social Rooms.

On the program will be the election of officers for next year. Those on the nominating com mittee are Wilbur Yoder, chr.: Guy Brammell, and Guy Hayes.

The Women’s Work of the church will serve the meal.

Chemistry Prof Chosen By Indiana Institute

Fahnestock Parents Become Real Parents

Jeanne Marie was bom March 5 to Prof, and Mrs. George Arnold. Weighing 5 pounds 12 ounces. she is their first child.

Prof. Arnold is the assistant professor of mathematics and physics at Macollege.

The Arnold’s are head resi dents of Fahnestock Hall, men’s residence.

Art Prof Shows Work At BU

Twenty paintings and several drawings by Richard Slimon, McPherson College assistant professor of art, are on show in the Elsie Allen Art Gallery at Baker University.

Drawings, paintings, and prints by Professor Slimon and by Walter Ball comprise the art show. Walter Ball, a graduate of Baker University, is teaching art at Wisconsin State College.

The art show is being held from March 1-20.

In April there will be an art show on the Macollege campus of the work of Professor Slimon’s art students.    

Another art show will be held in May with Professor Slimon presenting his paintings and drawings.

At the present time Professor Slimon has some of his work in Wichita at the Air Capital Annual and he also has some paintings in Topeka atthe Mulvain Art Gallery.

With printing as a hobby, Harley Stump, assistant professor of English, enjoys the weekly task of printing his church bulletins. His press is located in the basement of his home. (Spectator Photo)

4-P Professor Likes Poetry, Preaching, Printing

Poet, printer, professor, preacher describe the interests and activities of Prof. Harley Stump. Professor Stump is the chairman of the English Department at Macollege.

His hobby of printing grew out of his work as a preacher and a weekly printing job on his printing press of his church bulletins. He commented that he did printing for his own enjoyment, with one exception "I don't print greenbacks.”


' I wrote my first poem because I had an intense feeling about something." Prof Stump described his first feeling as a place in ruins which he saw while herding" sheep when he was about 18.

In his poem he expressed what all the rock foundations could say about a life which had once been there if they could only talk.

A number of his poems he has written for special services and memorial services while in his ministry. One marriage ceremony he performed he had written in blank verse at the request of the bride.    

Prof. Stump estimated that he

has written about 200 poems. He has submitted very few of them for publication. Of the ten or so which he has submitted, he has had more published than rejected.

‘‘They’re not good enough!" was his reason for not submitting more poems for publication. He said his poems are not written because he is a writer.

He feels that some of his students have written better poetry than he will ever be able to do. He is more interested in the angle of teaching and helping his students write poetry.

When he has more leisure, he hopes to write more poetry. Also he said he would like to do more writing of short stories. He has written one but as yet has not

submitted it for publication.


He was a preacher full-time before he came to Macollege in the fall of 1957 and now fills a pulpit on Sundays at the Pleasant View Church, Darlow.

Before coming to McPherson, he had been an ordained minister for 24 years. During this time he held pastorates at Waka, Texas; Washita Church, Cordell, Okla.; Oklahoma City, Okla.; and Empire, Calif.


Prior to coming to Macollege. Prof. Stump had taught on both the elementary and high school levels. While he was at Bethany Biblical Seminary, he taught English there.

During the summers he is working on his doctorate from the University of Oklahoma.

His wife. Jeanette, is a senior at Macollege and will graduate at the end of the summer session. One son, Harl, is a sophomore at LaVerne College, La-Verne, Calif., and another son, Nelson, is a senior at McPherson High School.

Dr. Wesley DeCoursey, profes-sor of chemistry, has been accepted by the National Science Foundation Summer Institute. June 15 - July 10, at Bloomington, Ind.

Dr. DeCoursey applied to two institutes and was accepted by both. He chose the Indiana institute because it will provide a course of study which he needs. The other institute was at Fort Lewis A & M College in Colorado.

The morning sessions will be devoted to co-ordinated lectures on recent developments and trends in analytical inorganic, organic, and physical chemistry.

In the afternoons. Dr. DeCoursey will have a choice of participating in group discussions, working with modern research instruments. or participating in research.

Professor Harvey Diehl of Iowa State College, who was a member of Dr. DeCoursey’s Doctoral Committee at Iowa State, will be one of the lecturers at the Institute.

The DeCoursey family will visit in the Earl Grove home in Iowa while Dr. DeCoursey attends the Institute. The Groves are parents of Mrs. DeCoursey.

Keim, DeBord

Mr. and'Mrs. Stanley B. Keim, Nampa, Idaho, announce the engagement of their daughter, Anne, to Bob DeBord, "Payette, Idaho.

Miss Keim, a ’58 graduate of McPherson College, is teaching in Boise, Idaho.

Brown Will Hold Pre-Easter Meetings

Dale Brown, director of religious life and assistant professor in philosophy and religion, will be holding pre-Easter meetings at the First Church of the Brethren in Wichita March 22-27.

His theme is "The Cross." This is his home church.

SNEA To See Film; Elect Officers

SNEA will meet Wednesday, March 18, in the chapel. A film. "A Desk For Billie.” will be shown. An election of officers will be held, and a quorum is necessary for election.