A feature of Regional Youth Conference will be the books on display in the west end of the SUR. These books will cover the five areas of Faith, Fellowship, Citizenship. Witness, and O u t-reach.
The theme for the display is Hands, and Kathy Jones, a sophomore from McPherson, has drawn five posters of hands signifying the five areas.
Two tables will emphasize Earn and Serve. Trail Hike, and Adult Counselor Training Retreat. The large bulletin board at the foot of the stairs in Sharp will be dedicated to the Call Program.
The Display Committee will put up a large map of the Earn and Serve projects on the pep club bulletin board.
This display of books will be open on Friday at these hours: 8-9:30; 10:25 - 12:30; 1-2; 4:306:30 and 9:30-12. It will be open on Saturday from 8-10; 11-11:15; 1-5:25; and 8:30-11.
Members of the Display Committee are: Co-chairmen Joyce Ulrich and Karen Yoder, Linda Larsen, and David Fruth.
Macollege is host to over 500 young people from throughout the Western Region this weekend, while they are here for the Regional Youth Conference. The Conference began yesterday afternoon and continues through Sunday.
The Western Region Executive Committee were preparing for this weekend’s conference as this picture was taken.
Members of Executive Committee left to right are Bob Dell, Faith; Dick
Landrum, Outreach; Marlene Klotz, Citizenship; Paul Wagoner, counselor; Kenneth Holderread, director; Irvin Wagner, chairman; and Valerie Miller, Fellowship. Car! Harris, Witness, was not present.
This weekend the Board of Trustees are meeting for their annual spring session. The main item of business is to be the letting of the bids for the building of new Sharp Hall.
They also intend to discuss plans for taking care of the expected increasing enrollment of the future. Reemploying the faculty and setting faculty salaries will be considered.
Tomorrow afternoon at 4 will be the groundbreaking ceremony for the new Sharp Hall. Mayor Andy Bremeyer will speak for the city. Clare Miller, chairman of the city campaign, will say a few words.
Paul Sargent will represent the Board of Trustees. Carl Harris will represent the student body and Irvin Wagner, the regional youth. Pres. D. W. Bittinger will speak for the faculty and college.
Each of these speakers will turn a shovel of earth.
The featured guest for the conference is Rev. Earle W. Fike who was one of the speakers at the National Youth Conference this past summer in Lake Junal-uska, N. C. Rev. Fike’s home is in Chicago.
The theme of the conference is "Count Well The Cost."
Volume XLIII
McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas, March 6, 1959
No. 21
"The Hasty Heart,” a three-act play by John Patrick, will be given March 10 and 11 at 8 p.m. in the college chapel.
A convalescent ward in a British hospital during World War II is the setting for the play. John Patrick, the author, served in the field service* division in World War II which inspired the writing of this play. Brotherhood of man is the overall theme of the play.
Carl Harris and JoAnn Negley will head the cast, playing the roles of Lachlen and Margaret. Carl is a senior from Jennings. La., and JoAnn is a junior from Durham.
Other members of the cast are: Orderly. Larry King: Yank, Noel Grove; Digger, Vernard Foley; Tommy, Kay Wallerich: Colonel, Terrell Phenice; and Blossom, Larry Hayes.
William Alward will be stage manager. Karen York is in charge of properties, and Violet Oliver, costumes.
Students will be admitted with their activity tickets. Adult tickets, $1, and children, 50c, will be sold at the door.
Peter Coulson, assistant professor of literature and drama, will direct the production.
Conference Speaker Is Bridgewater Grad
Earle W. Fike, Jr., the main speaker for Regional Youth Conference this weekend, attended Broadway High School. Broadway, Va., and graduated from Bridgewater College in 1951 with a B. A. degree.
Bittinger To Speak Tuesday, Thursday
Pres. D. W. Bittinger will be speaking March 10 at the Sedgwick County Teachers’ Association in Wichita.
He also will be speaking at Bethel College. North Newton, on March 12, at a banquet for the supporters of the college.
Rev. Fike entered Bethany Biblical Seminary in 1951 and graduated with a B. D. degree in 1954. While there, he directed the recreational program of the Sem inary one year, and he served a summer pastoral work at Beaver, Iowa.
Other schooling during this period included three semesters of work in Physical Education at the University of Illinois in Chicago. and two courses in Phys
(Continued on Page Two)
Conference Index
2 p.m. Earl W. Fike in Church Speech Contest in Church
4:30 Campus tours and District Cabinet Meetings
8 Musical Concert in Community Building (downtown)
12 Lights out Saturday:
8:30 Bible Hour with Warren Hoover in Chapel
9:30 Business session
10 Earle W. Fike in Church
11 Regional Cabinet Meeting in Church Basement
11:15 Panel Discussion in Church
2 Question and Answer Forum —Earle Fike In Chapel
3 BVS Program — Peggy Zimmerman in Chapel
4 Groundbreaking for N e w Sharp Hall
6:30 Banquet at Community Building
9:30 Singspiration in Chapel
10 Closing Worship
11 Bed Time Sunday:
9:30 Organ Meditation in Church
9:45 Church School — Dedication of new Executive Committee
10:45 Morning Worship — Rev. Harry K. Zeller, Jr.
Longmire Places First In State
Ed Longmire, sophomore from Dallas Center, Iowa, placed first in the state contest with his antialcohol oration. Tuesday night at Russell. He won a cash prize of $50. The contest is sponsored by the WCTU.
In late September he will represent Kansas at the national contest at San Antonio. Texas. The title of his oration is "One View of Life.”
The last time Macollege had a state winner was in 1955 when Irene Shull Reynolds placed with her oration.
Mac Band Presents Various Selections
Various musical selections will be included in the Macollege Concert Band program tonight at 8 in the Community Building
Some numbers on the program include “Golden Eagle,” "Prayer to Dream," "Porgy & Bess," "Carnival of Venice," "Head-lines,” "Finlandia," "Men of Ohio," "Autumn Leaves," "In A Persian Market," "Colorama,” and "Naughty Marietta.”
Today through Sunday, Western Region Youth Conference on Macampus.
March 10 - 11, "The Hasty Heart," three-act play held in chapel beginning at 8 p.m. each evening.
Friday, March 13, three one-act plays in chapel at 8 p.m.
March 15-20, Religious Emphasis Week.
March 20-30, Easter Recess.
Mac Senior Accepts Teaching Position
Joan Walters and Don Hollenbeck. Dick Ferris and Richard Bittinger will be the two teams which will represent Macollege in the League Debate Tournament at Tabor College, Hillsboro, tomorrow.
Richard Bittinger will also be entering in peace extemp speaking.
Joan Walters will be in the women’s division of peace oratory. Dick Ferris. Raymond Hull, and David Hykes are entered in peace oratory and will have an elimination contest this afternoon to see who represents Macollege in the men’s division.
Last weekend Dick Ferris and Don Hollenbeck were at University of Nebraska. Lincoln, Nebr., for a debate tournament. Dr. K. C. Bechtel accompanied them.
The boys won one of their five rounds of debate. -Don also entered in extemp speaking receiving ratings of good, excellent, and superior. In interpretative reading he received all good ratings.
Dick Ferris entered in discussion receiving ratings of good, and excellent.
Forty-one schools were represented at the tournament.
Don Cotton, senior, McPherson, has accepted a teaching position at the Windom Rural High School. He will be teaching mathematics.
Don has been active in football since his freshman year. He is senior representative on the Student Council and a member of the M-Club.
As a junior he participated in band. Players' Club. Student Council, student court and International Relations Club.
During his senior year, he received recognition in the Who's Who.
Other Leaders
Other leaders are Warren Hoover. pastor of the Preston, Minn., Church of the Brethren; Harry K. Zeller, Jr., pastor of the Mc-Pherson Church of the Brethren; D. W. Bittinger, president of McPherson College: and Betty Hol-derread, elementary school teacher, Newton.
Earle Fike will speak for the second time today at 2 p.m. in the college church on "R.S.V.P. — At Great Cost". His initial speech was during the 9:35 chapel hour this morning.
Band Concert Tonight
The College Concert Band, joined by the A Cappella and Chapel Choirs will present a musical program in the Community Building at 8 p.m. Later folk games will be held in the gym.
Tomorrow the program begins at 8:30 a.m. with the Bible Hour in the chapel.
"Price Tags for Churchman-ship" will be Rev. Fike’s topic at 11 a.m. in the church sanctuary. At 2 p.m. he will conduct a question and answer forum in the church.
Peggy Zimmerman, who just returned from Europe, will present a special program on Brethren Volunteer Service in the chapel at 3:30 p.m.
New Sharp Hall will have its beginning at the groundbreaking service at 4 p.m.
The banquet will be at the McPherson Community Building at 6 p.m. with Carl Harris as master of ceremonies. The program will be presented by college students.
Rev. Fike’s topic following the banquet at 8 p.m. will be "Blessed Are the Extravagant."
Sunday Morning
Sunday morning there will be Sunday school and morning worship in college church beginning with organ meditations at 9:30.
Nine Weeks Tests Will Be Divided
Tests scheduled for the nine weeks period are to be staggered over a two week period, according to Wayne F. Geisert, dean of McPherson College.
Purpose of spreading the tests over the week before and the week after Easter vacation, is to ease the demand on students during a time when Religious Emphasis Week and Easter vacation fail close together.
The nine weeks grades are due in the Registrar's Office April 7 and will be computed by Friday. April 10.
Central America Is Home Ec Club Meeting
"A Trip to Central America" is on the program for-the regular March 10 meeting of the Home Economics Club.
Regional Banquet Planned For Tomorrow
"Count Well The Cost" will be
the theme of the 1959 Regional Youth Conference Banquet tomorrow at 6:30 p.m. in the McPherson Community building.
Following the banquet, Rev. Earle W Fike, Chicago, will speak on the subject "Blessed are the Extravagant."
Carl Harris, president of Macol-lege student body, will be the master of ceremonies.
The banquet program will include a number of selections by the College Ladies Trio, the presentation of new leaders, and the regional speech contest winners.
The banquet meal will be prepared by the First Mennonite Church ladies of McPherson. On the menu for the banquet are ham. scalloped potatoes, peas and carrots, raspberry-apple sauce, rolls and butter, gingerbread, and coffee or milk.
March 6, 1959
The Spectator, Page 4
Meeting Bible Leader Is Native Iowan
Rev. Warren Hoover
Warren W. Hoover. Bible Leader for Regional Youth Conference this weekend, grew up on a farm near Cedar Rapids, Iowa, graduated from McPherson College and married Ruth Lichty also from Iowa in 1947.
In 1948, Rev. Hoover enrolled at Bethany Seminary in Chicago, after a year of public school teaching and a summer of BVS.
Following Seminary graduation. Rev. Hoover went to the Root River Church of the Brethren in Preston. Minn., as pastor. He is still serving in this location.
Rev. Hoover will be heard in the Bible Hour twice during the conference — at 8:30 a.m. on Friday and Saturday in the Church of the Brethren sanctuary.
Profs Learn New Tilings, Too
Among the faculty members there is a social organization which meets monthly for “enlightenment in areas in which they are not well learned,” This group is open to all members of the faculty and their husbands or wives who wish to attend.
The meeting at Vaniman Hall begins with a planned potluck meal after which there is an educational discussion. So far this year the majority of the programs have been presented by the faculty members themselves.
Prof. Paul V. Sollenberger, assistant professor of music, explained jazz and what it is. Prof. Richard Slimon, assistant professor of art, told about interpreting modem art, Dr. John Burkholder, professor of biology, discussed fluoridation.
Rev. Harry K. Zeller talked to the group about Russia and a lawyer presented the legal knowledge the average man should know.
This is the second year this group has been organized.
Coming Event Preview To Be Seen Tuesday
A preview of the three-act play. “The Hasty Heart,” will be given in chapel next Tuesday.
On Friday. Rev. G. A. Zook will speak on "What Easter Means to Me” taking the viewpoint of a minister.
Former Student Completes Training
Harold Groves, former Macol lege student, has completed a nine - week training program for BVS at New Windsor, Maryland. He has been assigned to work at the Inner-City Protestant Parish. Cleveland, Ohio: and will serve for approximately 22 months.
Harold is the son of' Mr. and Mrs. Marvin J. Groves, Waka, Texas. He is the graduate of Spearman High School, Spearman, Texas, and attended McPherson College for one year.
The Inner-City Protestant Parish was organized in Cleveland. Ohio, in Feb. 1954. It relates the Gospel to the total life of the men. women and children living in the overcrowded and deteriorating areas of the city.
The Inner-City Parish today is
Sophomore Wins WCTU Contest
Ed Longmire, sophomore from Dallas Center, Iowa, was the winner of the local alcohol contest sponsored by the WCTU last Monday. The title of his oration is “One View of Life.”
Faye Fields, sophomore from Wichita, was second and Veneta Howell, sophomore from St. John, was third. Faye’s oration was "The Little Brown Jug." and Ve-neta’s, “The Easy Way Out."
Prizes furnished by the WCTU were $7.50 for first place and $3.75 each for the other two.
Judges for the contest were Mrs. Chester Gleason, Dr. Burton Metzler, and Prof. Dayton Rothrock.
Quad Deadline Is March 13
The deadline for this year’s Quadrangle is March 13. The new Quadrangle is scheduled to come out in May and will contain 104 pages.
Ron Harden, editor of the 1959 Quadrangle, states that the cover for this year’s Quadrangle will be different. Don Hollenbeck is associate editor; Ken Tompkins, business manager: and Pat Huber, assistant business manager. Also working on the staff are Donalda Arick, Eddy Longmire, Rita Smallwood, and Mrs. Homer Brunk, sponsor.
Don Hollenbeck will become editor next year and Pat Huber will be business manager. A new associate editor and assistant business manager will be chosen by the Board of Publications this spring.
College students who wish to have individual prints of the class pictures taken for the Quadrangle may obtain them from Don’s Studio.
made up of six churches and centers. Its program includes worship services. Sunday school, family counseling, teen-age p r o-grams, camping programs a n d group activities for all ages. Harold’s mailing address is: Harold Groves Inner-City Protestant Parish 4514 Franklin Blvd.
Cleveland 2. Ohio
Urban Sociology Class Will Visit Chicago
Dr. Kenneth C. Bechtel will accompany t h e Urban Sociology class on a field trip to Chicago. They will leave the college campus by car Wednesday afternoon. April 7.
The group plans to visit such places as Skid Row. juvenile court. Board of Trade. Hull House. Ghetto Area. Chicago Tribune, and the Gold Coast and slum area.
The majority of the class plans to go. The group will return to McPherson early Monday, morning, April 13.
By Faus, Foley, and Harris Dear Conference Guests,
Inasmuch as multitudes have bored you with long, hollow welcome speeches, let CHAFF be the first to wish you a safe and speedy trip home.
Since we ourselves come from a humble background, we know what confusion you must feel upon being thrust into this teeming multitude, this boiling melting pot of inhumanity.
Key Spots
In order to set you straight, CHAFF has listed a few key spots on campus that you must visit before leaving.
1. Get a liberal education, learn some of the finer arts, discover techniques for successful living, visit Dotzour Hall at closing time.
2. If you need a place to take your date after the evening programs. CHAFF recommends the museum on fourth floor Harnly Hall. It has several giant skeletons guaranteed to frighten your girl.
3. The Pit. which is located northeast of Harnly Hall. This is where all freshmen who flunk first semester English are taken out, shot, and cremated.
4. No one should miss the nerve center of the campus, Chaff's headquarters in room 410 Dot-zour. Special hours for this week only are 12 midnight to 4 a.m.
For your enlightenment, a book display has been set up in 410. featuring such recent best sellers as: "How to Cut Corners on Your Tithing," by R. Gordon Yoder: "Ten Reliable Ways to Wreck a Local Youth Group," by Ken Holderread: “How to Expand Your Local Church Through Use
of the Church Loyalty Oath,” by the General Brotherhood Board.
Chaff Supplements The Regional Executive Committee, which dictated the religious experiences of the region, has said that the conference program should offer something of interest for everyone so that all may participate and gain something of value.
Therefore, CHAFF, as a public service, has done voluminous research and has scheduled some special events to supplement the weaker spots on the conference program.
Like, for instance, this afternoon. they are having a speech contest on the topic "Dare to Be Different.” Now those of you who really dare to be different should come with us down to the park where we will have a gala grasshopper fry. Afterwards, Rabbi Schnitzel will speak on the topic, "How to Stand Out as a Heretic in Your Local Church.”
Now tonight they're having a band concert down at the community building. For those of you who are tone deaf, (and that includes half the band) we are planning a stomp next door, featuring Chauncy Hippner and his Pink Mountain Playboys, playing earthy music.
Saturday morning they are having a business session. You might as well attend it. After your activities of Friday night, you'll
Jacobson, Guthals
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Jacobson. Elmo, Kas., announce the en-gaement of their daughter, Mildred, to Mr. Colvin A. Guthals, son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis H. Guthals, Elmo.
Mildred is a sophomore at Macollege while Calvin is farming near Elmo.
A summer wedding is being planned.
need the extra sleep.
Saturday afternoon, the trustees are holding a ground breaking ceremony for the new Sharp Hall. Of far greater importance for the future of the college, however, is the ground breaking for the Chaff Tunnel, to connect the church basement to Dotzour Hall, and to provide 24 hour access to the church basement.
This groundbreaking will be held in the church basement at 4 p.m. You don’t even have to dress up to attend this ceremony. Just bring picks and shovels.
And in closing, we wish that when you leave you at least can say with truth and integrety, "I attended one meeting."
The average American: A person who works himself to death so he can live.