Volume XLII
McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas September 19, 1958
No. 2
Freshman Initiation Begins Rules Stated By Committee
Here is what all freshmen have looked forward to in their college life, freshman initiation. Walking around campus, downtown, at football games, and wherever freshman go, the little red beanies will be seen bobbing up and down, back and forth, behind trees and houses and comers of
Sunday school classes have been organized for Macollege students attending the McPherson Church of the Brethren this school year.
The freshman class meets in the center balcony and is taught by Dr. D. W. Bittinger, who is assisted by Mrs. Bittinger.
The sophomore class, which meets in the west balcony, has not selected a teacher to date.
The juniors and seniors meet together in the east balcony. Prof. Dale Brown is their teacher. The class officers are Juanita Fike, president; Nancy Ruth Erisman vice president, and David Bastin secretary-treasurer.
George Keim is the teacher for the college married couples class. This class meets in the east part of the sanctuary.
The exterior of the new walk through dairy parlor of the College farm is pictured. The ‘Macollege Dairy is classed as a grade A dairy.
New Milking Parlor Installed At McPherson College Farm
Milk cows on the farm are registered with the Dairy Herd Improvement Association and have consistently token top place for butterfat content in McPherson County since becoming a member last February
The herd has led in six out of the last seven months competing with 40 herds.
Lake Kanopolis To Be Site Of College Picnic Monday
The All-School picnic will be held Monday, September 22, at Kanopolis Lake, and all available cars are to meet in front of Sharp Hall at 1 :30 p.m.
Final preparations are being made for the all-school picnic by the Social Committee headed by Linda Royer. Assisting in the preparation arc Faye Fields, secretary - treasurer. Pat Albright, Larry King, Eddy Longmire, and advisors Doris Coppock and Alvin Willems.
The Recreation Council and the McPherson Christian Association will also contribute to the pro
gram planned for the all-school picnic.
Classes will be telescoped for the day as follows:
7:45 classes meet 7:45-8:15.
8:40 classes meet 8:20-8:50.
9:35 classes meet 8:55-9:25. 10:30 classes meet 9:30-10:00.
11:25 classes meet 10:05-10:35.
l:15 Classes meet 10:40-11:10.
2:10 classes meet 11:15-11:45.
low 3.000. the lowest point of registery by the milk tester.
At the west end of the milking parlor is the office where records of the animals, milk production. and breeding data are kept.
This latest farm improvement meets all the state requirements and will serve the college and the community as a model milking center.
Construction on the new building began last February and terminated in June John Ward and Lyle Neher, the dairy farm manager, drew the plans for the building.
The college farm is located three miles west of the college on First Street.
BVF May Form On Macampus
Brethren Volunteer Fellowship may soon be a new Macollege campus organization according to Kenneth Holderread, Western Region Youth Director.
The tentative BVF organization is being considered as a means to aid former Brethren Volunteer Service workers on a spiritual basis.
Holderread said, “three significant reasons for organizing former _BVS'ers would be to promote BVS, to provide fellowship, and to help the former service workers to remember the things they had wanted to do while they were in BVS.”
Coulson Reveals Title Of Comedy To Be Given
“ ‘See How They Run', by Philip King is the title of the first play to be given at Macollege this year." announced Mr. Peter Coulson, assistant professor of English and Drama.
The play is a fast-paced, lighthearted farce comedy in a modern setting. The date for the play has not been announced.
Trustees To Meet Tomorrow Start Of New Sharp Is Issue
Tomorrow the Board of Trustees will convene on McPherson College campus to discuss the plana for new Sharp Hall and the Development Fund pro-
Here are the regulations set up by the freshman Initiation Committee of the Student Court.
Freshmen will be required to wear their beanies in compliance with the following regulations:
I. Beanies must be worn from Friday, Sept. 19 until Thursday. Oct. 2.
II. On the day of Oct. 2, a tug-of-war will be held between the freshmen and sophomores.
A. The teams will comprise of 15 members from each respective class.
B. The event will be held at the park lagoon at 12:30 p.m.
C. If the sophomores win, it will be mandatory for the freshmen to wear their hats an extra week which will extend the initiation period to Friday. Oct. 10.
III. Beanies will be worn in light of the following considera tions:
A. Hats must be worn on fresh man heads, not carried, anywhere that it is appropriate to wear them according to these regulations.
B. The hats shall be worn at all times except:
1. When professors will not allow it in class.
2. On Sunday.
3. On very formal occasions.
4. When in bed.
C. Sophomores shall be eligible to report all freshmen not wearing their hats to the Initiation Committee.
D. The Initiation Committee will be in charge of further initiation and penalties.
The Initiation Committee, a branch of the Student Court, is composed of Lynda Igel, Dick Bittinger, Jim Freed, and Dick Landrum.
Spectator Staff Urges Readers To Give Leads
Do you know any news about some event on campus or any little human interest items? Be sure to notify one of the Spec editors or leave a note in the Spectator mail box located in the business office.
Who celebrated a birthday in Dotzour Hall last night? What class is planning a field trip next week? When will your organization meet?
Be sure to get your news in before Wednesday so it will get into the Friday paper.
Sunday School Classes Meet
Rehearsals Announced For Orchestra And Band
Rehearsals for the McPherson College - Civic Orchestra, a nd McPherson College Band have been announced.
String orchestra will rehearse on Mondays at 4 p.m. Full or chestra rehearsals will be on Tuesday evenings at 6:30 p.m. The orchestra is under the direction of Prof. Paul Sollenberger.
The band will rehearse on Tuesdays at 3:05. Wednesdays at 4 p.m., and Fridays at 4 p.m. Assistant director of the band will be Irvin Wagner, senior from McPherson, Kas.
Children To Be Honored Sunday
Sunday school promotion will be held in the social room of the Church of the Brethren Sun day. Sept. 21. Twenty seven out of approximately too children will receive promotion certificates. The others will be promoted within the departments.
According to Mrs. Kenneth Bechtel, the Rev. Harry Zeller is to present to them Bibles with the names of the incoming juniors on them.
The children will then be en to see their classrooms in the new educational building which will be dedicated next Sunday. Sept. 28. The Rev. Norman Baugh-er will be the main speaker for the dedication.
Sermon topic for this Sunday morning is “Springs of Creative Giving.”
, Slides on the 250th Anniversary Celebration of the Church of the Brethren will be shown at the evening service.
"Efficiency and sanitation are the two important features incorporated in the new milking parlor at the McPherson College farm," says John Ward, head of the Rural Life Department.
Feed storage Is located over the two-aisle, six-stall, walkthrough bam and can be measured in desired quantities for each cow
The measured feed is deposited in hinged, free-swinging self-feed-ers that are attached to the stalls.
The milking machine operator stands in a shallow pit with three stalls on each side enabling him to stand up for the entire operation.
The operator milks three cows at a time and prepares three more while the milkers are working.
Milk is taken from the cows and transported to the 500 gallon self-contained bulk tank in a transparent glass pipe without being touched or handled.
Sanitation is apparent since the milk bacteria count registers be-
Zeller To Speak At MCA Meet
Rev. Harry K. Zeller will speak on his visit to Russia at the first and mass meeting of the McPherson Christian Association on Thursday. Sept. 25, in the Chapel. He will also show slides.
The evening’s program will begin at 6:45.
The MCA will also introduce its organization to the students. All are invited to attend.
The McPherson Christian Association is the center of religious activity on Macampus. The officers for this year arc president. Dick Bittinger vice president. Jim Freed; secretary -treasurer, Pat Albright: publicity chairman, Sherland Ng: and inter-denominational representative, Alfredteen Brown.
M. C. A.'s purpose is to meet the various religious needs of all students and faculty.
Article By Miss Coppock Appears In Publication
Miss Doris Coppock. Director of Physical Education for Women, has had an article published in the current May issue of the Research Quarterly.
In the article, Miss Coppock reports on round shoulders in women. its causes, and other tabulations.
In the special session the trustees will have the final plans and specifications from the architects to consider and to make any changes in the floor plans or furnishings they feel necessary.
Another point the trustees will consider is that of finance. By August 20 the Development Campaign had a total of $594,698 in pledges of the goal of $725,000.
The Board of Trustees consists of 23 members. 15 of whom represent each of the college districts.
The remaining eight are from McPherson and the region at large.
Members of the Board of Trustees are Harold Beahm, McPherson: Milford Beeghly, Pierson.
Iowa; Louis Bowman, Quinter.
Kas.; Jacob Davidson, McCune,
Kas.; Ray Emmert, Des Moines, Iowa; Mark Emswiler, Froid, Mont.: Homer Ferguson, McPherson, Kas.; George Grove, South English, Iowa; Glenn Harris, Jennings, La.; Leslie Holderread, Cushing, Okla.; Ray Blickenstaff, Nampa, Ida.
Ralph Landes. Kansas City, Kas.; Harold Mohler, Warrens,
burg, Mo.; Mrs. Leland Moore, Newton, Kas.; George Oltman, Enders, Nebr.; Vernon Rhoades, Rocky Ford, Colo.; Paul Sargent, McPherson, Kas.; Paul Sherfy, McPherson, Kas.; Hubert Swing: er, Essex, Mo.; E. A. Wall,.McPherson, Kas.; Royal Yoder,-Conway, Kas.
Dr. D. W. Bittinger and R. Gordon Yoder are ex officio members of the Board.
Head Residents Begin New Year In Dorms
Head residents for all campus living quarters have been greet-ing students back to college this past week.
Prof, and Mrs. George Arnold are head residents of Fahnestock Hall for the second year. Also for the second year Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Ruhser are head residents of Arnold Hall.
Miss Edna Neher has returned as housemother for the girls’ dorm Dotzour Hall. Clara Zun-kel Macollege student will be counselor to the girls living in Kline Hall this year.
Wardrobe Trunk In Use By Second Generation
One generation later Esther Bollinger, freshman from Sebring, Fla., is attending Macollege, us-ng the same large wardrobe trunk which her mother used at Elizabethtown College.
Esther’s mother, Mrs. Elsie Lininger Bollinger, and Mrs. D. W. Bittinger, were roommates at Elizabethtown College when they were freshmen.
Dr. Mohler Gives Advice; Relates Past Experiences
Macollege Faculty Scatters During Summer Vacation
the local club as well as the district governor at one time. Prince of Peace Church Pastor In spite of his many honors Dr. Mohler states that one of his biggest thrills was being interim pastor at the Prince of Peace Church in Denver for one year.
Dr. Mohler took over the pastorate when one of his biology majors, Kurtis Naylor, who was at that time pastor of the church, was offered an outstanding one year scholarship to Union Theological Seminary.
A total of 66 new members joined the church while Dr. Mohler was pastor. On Easter morning 33 new members joined the church.
Youth and Childhood Dr. Mohler was raised in Nebraska, attended his freshman year at McPherson College, and graduated from Mt. Morris, now a part of Manchester College, Ind.
He recalls some of his many interesting childhood experiences such as hunting and fishing with his father and catching skunks for spending money.
One of Dr. Mohler’s hobbies is keeping a record of his speeches and where they were given. He has delivered over 225 lectures, commencement or baccalaureate addresses in many different states and towns.
After 39 years of teaching at McPherson College Dr. Mohler retired in 1952. At present he resides with his wife and children in McPherson.
Macollege Students, Alumni Build The World Of Today
Will I wake up tomorrow? Have you ever had this thought in the back of your mind as you went to bed at night?
But this thought was not so remote to some of the international students we have on Macampus who have had parents, friends, and loved ones killed or nearly killed in the war, and in some cases came within a hairs breadth of being killed themselves.
Why talk about the past? Because it is our duty as students of a Christian college to mend the war-torn world and to build a better world today.
"What would you do differently if you had your life to live over?” This bit of advice for college students was asked of Dr. Robert Mohler, former member of the Macollege faculty.
"I'd take a lot of English and do more writing during my life time." Another bit of advice is "After you have definitely decided on a career don't hurry into that profession but get a good education first."
Teaching Profession Dr. Mohler chose teaching as a profession because he likes people, especially young people. "And." he states, "there is some-tiling creative in teaching."
"I think he has taught everything except home economics and music." his wife commented,
One of Dr. Mohler's greatest joys in teaching is to see his pupils make good in the world. Some of his former students are leading physicians in Kansas.
Dr. Mohler came to Mac as a professor in the agriculture department in 1913. He also coached athletics for 18 years at Mac. He coached 400 basketball games in 10 years.
Dr. Mohler was Academic Dean at Mac six years and secretary of the State Dean's Association four years. He was active in Kansas Academy of Science and in 195354 was president of this organization which consists of many Kansas University and Kansas State professors.
He has been active in Rotary 36 years and was president of
Beginning next week memory Chapel will be held again this year from 6:30 to 6:45 p.m. on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays for all Macollege students.
The McPherson Christian Association sponsors these evening chapels for all those interested in taking time out from busy schedules to meditate. Music will be provided to make a worshipful atmosphere.
These chapels will be held in the Memory Chapel of the College Church.
Garland Wampler, sophomore from Virginia, will operate the college'book store this year. He has announced the following hours when the bookstore will be open:
8:40 to 9:30 a.m. Monday through Friday: 10:30 to 11:20 a.m. on Monday and Wednesday:
1:15 to 4 p.m.. Tuesday and Thursday: 3 to 4 p.m. on Friday.
The Macoliege faculty was widely scattered during the summer months.
Dr. D. W. Bittinger and his wife spent July and August in Europe where Dr. Bittinger had business concerning the Church of the Brethren.
Dean Wayne Geisert attended the Intellectual Life Conference in Nova Scotia in July. He had business in Des Moines Iowa in June.
Prof- Joseph Bowman received a Certificate of Merit at the Brethren Annual Conference in Des Moines in recognition of his teaching career at Macollege
Dr. Wesley DeCoursey was employed at Sequioia and Kings Canyon Notional Parks where he was a park ranger. Mrs. DeCour-sey and their children were with him there. ,
Miss Mildred Siek spent her summer vacation in Alaska and the Northwest part of the States. Miss Doris Coppock participated in a work camp project in Europe.
Dr. and Mrs. Raymond Flory directed a family camp at Meadows Idaho.
Mrs. Alice Martin was in California during the middle part of the summer. Prof. Paul Sollen-berger studied at Wichita University and Prof. Harley Stump attended Oklahoma University.
Professors George Keim and George Arnold did graduate study at Emporia State College.
The Gorden Yoders vacationed in Iowa and Illinois after Annual
(Editorial note: Anna Vassiloff is a Macoliege international student from Salonica, Greece. She is a second semester senior majoring in Psychology and Education. )
By Anna Vassiloff
I was looking at the breaking of day one morning! It was so peaceful and my happiness was growing because of the calmness. But my mind turned back to the old days when the war was destroying everything, and became sad only remembering the war and the endless fighting in my country.
You that belong here in peace, you that wake up in the morning with a happy feeling, to you I make this cry! Appreciate the beauty of the campus, community and country where you live and don't take for granted all the beautiful blessings that God offers you everyday.
While we complain about the food, just stop and think — thousands of naked children in other countries run around the streets of a neighborhood searching for a piece of bread. That's what the war had done a long tune ago!
Dr. Robert Mohler
Subscribe‘To The' Speck For Folks At Home
Tired of writing letters? Just send the Spectator to your parents and all of your friends. For $2.00 you can send a Spectator to your parents each week tills year.
'Howard Duncan, Business Manager of the Spectator, will take your subscriptions. Howard's address is 401 N. Maxwell, phone 266.
Overheard: "There was a time she could have married any man she pleased — but she didn’t please any man.”
Conference. The Paul Wagoners spent a short vacation. The John Sheets family was in N. Dak. for a short period. Mr. Wagoner and Mr. Sheets did some counseling at Summer youth camps in their respective areas.
A number of the professors spent their summer in McPherson and taught during the summer school session.
Read and heed Spec ads.
Coach Sid Smith, trainers Earl Guiot and Don Widrig, and assistant coach George Keim have
been busy shaping up the 1958 Bulldog football team for their first home game tonight.
Teams Organize For Volleyball
The intramural program of Macollege will begin Monday. Sept. 22. with volleyball compe- tition heading the list. The league will be composed of 15 teams, each with a boy and girl co-cap- tain. There will also be five teams composed of married couples.
Gomes will be played Monday. Tuesday, and Wednesday evenings and all interested students are urged to participate. If neces- sary, more teams will be set up to accommodate any extra par- ticipants.
Students Swim At YMCA
Taught by Miss Doris Coppock, swimming classes are held downtown at the Y. M. C. A. for Macollege students. Besides swimming classes. Miss Coppock also teaches life-saving.
Members of the life saving class are Carol Duncan. Stanley llin. Tom Ruhser, and Jo Ann Negley.
In the 8:40 Thursday swimming section are Bonnie Sadd, Hudson Sadd, Lloyd Albin, Harold Connell, Larry Elliot, Terry Strom, Norma Schrieber, Harvey Hayes, Kay Wallerich, and Janis Ems-wiler.
In the 9:35 Thursday section are Vena Wray, Irma Wymore, Margaret Long, Roger Killion, Joe Looker, Bob Willems, and Marlene Klotz.
At 10:30 Friday are David
Coach Sid Smith's Bulldogs will encounter St. Mary’s of the Plains in Mac's first home game of the season. Friday evening at 7:30 on the college field.
St. Mary's was decisively defeated by a powerful Silver, N. Mex., team in its first game. However, the visitors can be expected to present a formidable attack including a pair of 235 pound tackles in a line which will average 210 pounds per man.
This is the first season in which St. Mary's has fielded a grid machine and so the team is expected to compensate for its inexperience with enthusiasm and hustle.
Coach Smith anticipates a strong pass game on the part of the visitors because of two rangy, glue-fingered ends and a pair of talented quarterbacks who also engineer a powerful ground attack.
Macollege Grad Figures In Newspaper Contest
In the daily newspaper divi sion of the third annual Kansas “better newspaper contest.” Dean Coughenour, Oberlin, Kas., a Mc Pherson College graduate, was sweepstakes winner for his paper, the Oberlin Herald.
Hykes Joan Walters, Marjorie Hanley. Carl Johnson. Gary Otte, Kenneth Tompkins. Edwin Penny. Willis Hervel, Glenn Draper, and Joan Halfman.
The fourth swimming class. 11:25 Friday, include Jo Nelle Thoreen, Sheryl Strom, David Fruth, Winston Beal, Bill Winters, John Myers, Elizabeth Pitt man, Merril Grohman, Fred Grote, Dick Reinke, Betty Olt man, and Eileen Turner.
The McPherson Bulldogs open-ed their 1958 football season last i Saturday night by soundly trounc- ing the Sterling Warriors to the tune of 33-7.
Marvin Keck. Tom Ragland. and Tom Richards each scored touchdowns from five yards out on ground plays. Ragland also scored on a 50 yard run in the final quarter.
Ken Stucky accounted for the final TD on a pass interception from 26 yards out. Gordon Lewis made good three of his five attempted conversions.
The Warriors entered into the scoring picture in the third quarter. using an aerial attack. Junior Nachigal received a 27 yard pass to score six points. Wilkey kicked the conversion, bringing the total of Sterling's score to seven.
Coach Sid Smith was able to vary his lineup considerably with the free substitution rule in effect. Many freshmen got a chance to enter into the action. Several of them showed promising possibilities. lacking mainly experience.
The backing behind both teams was strong and a large number of McPherson College students made the trip to Sterling.
Dean Wayne F. Geisert and Dr. V. F. Schwalm, former president of Macollege and Manchester College are guest speakers at the Southern Iowa District Meet being held today through Sunday.
Dean Geisert spoke this morning and will speak again this afternoon.
The Bulldogs scored touchdowns in each of the first three quarters and twice in the remaining one. The Bulldogs rushed t h e Warriors hard throughout the contest gaining 350 yards by rushing.
Chaff Returns . . .
Do Not Read This
engagement rate.
7. Slept through 398 classes.
8. Flunked 22 courses.
9. Became the first three men in history to record all negative scores on the freshmen entrance exams.
10. Got blamed for 298 pranks we had nothing to do with.
11. Pulled 376 pranks and never got caught.
12. Spent three nights in jail.
13. Got acquainted when we picked up each other’s shoes at the freshman shoe scramble last year, which was quite a coincidence since we had all come to the party barefooted.
And so, girls, you can now see that these amazing accomplishments of the past have been of no benefit whatsoever to you.
But this year we arc planning to broaden our efforts into more areas of doing nothing worthwhile, hoping that this may be of some small benefit to you.
And now, until next week, remember, McPherson College will ittle note nor long remember what CHAFF did here, but it can never live down what it printed here.
Holderread Is Youth Director
Kenneth Holderread, Ripley, Okla... took over Leon Neher’s place as Regional Youth Director of the Western Region Church of the Brethren on June 1.
Ken was a sophomore at Macol-lege last year. As Regional Youth Director. Ken will work with the regional executive secretary in coordinating the youth program in the entire church program.
Ken and Elsie (Lucore) Hold-erread live in Kline Hall. Elsie is a Macollegc senior.
By Faus, Foley, and Harris Dear Freshman girls.
You may think that you have successfully struggled through your first two hectic weeks of college, but beware — you still have before you the staggering task of reading this column; which is brought to you every week as a public service of CHAFF incorporated.
Now you may not have had the opportunity of reading this CHAFF column before, so let us introduce CHAFF to you.
Eight moons and ten days ago our newspaper brought forth upon this campus a new corporation, conceived in desperation and dedicated to the proposition that all students are created confused; that they are endowed by the college trustees with certain inalienable rights, and that among these arc life, liberty, and the happiness of pursuit.
The name of this corporation is CHAFF, which means Corporation of Harris And Faus & Foley.
Lest you be misled by certain subversive forces on campus about CHAFF’S purpose, we again publish our statement of purpose, our declaration of intent, our grand and glorious CHAFF oath:
"We, the CHAFF of McPherson College do hereby on our stack of Mad magazines and dis-clared history books solemnly and eloquently swear."
So this, freshmen girls, is CHAFF, a public service column written by three typically maladjusted upperclassmen.
In its short life. CHAFF has produced many amazing accomplishments. most of which are recorded in the Student Court minutes of the college. Here are a few of our more important accomplishments.
I. Ruined 6 typewriters.
2. Ruined 3 reputations (ours).
3. Wrote 10 columns that were more boring than Flory's history classes.
4. Wasted 678 1/2 inches of printed material.
5. Stole copy from 26 leading newspapers and the Kinzie report.
6. Established a marriage counseling service that has already resulted in 5 divorces and has caused a shocking reduction in the
Six former Macollege students have completed a nine week training program for Brethren Volunteer Service at New Windsor, Md., and have been assigned to service projects. Four former Mac students entered the September unit.
Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Neher, were assigned to the Brethren Service Project in Castaner, Puerto Rico. Mrs. Neher is the former Sharon Bailey. The volunteers serve as teachers, nurses, farmers, builders, and recreation leaders.
Kenton Harris will serve at El-Guacio, a community service project near San Sebastian, Puerto Rico. The purpose is to provide needy people in an underdeveloped area with health, education and other benefits.
Kenton's twin brother. Kenneth, will assist with farming dairying. construction, maintenance work. Sunday school, and youth work at the Brethren Service Farm in Falfurrias, Tex.
Assisting with the Protestant religious education program of the Intermountain School. Brigham City. Utah, is Richard Frazier.
Wilbur Will, will assist Ora Huston in 1-W work at the Church of the Brethren General Offices in Elgin, I11.
Bettie Crain. Carolyn Bowers. Vera Mohler, and Carol Hickey entered the September B V S unit.
The soft maple tree located west of Arnold Hall and cast of the drinking fountain is considered the oldest tree on the campus.
ed to their "handles a short linked chain with iron spindle. Purpose of the spindle was to provide a means for hanging the lamp from the top of a chair to give light for reading or sewing and a means for fastening the lamp in a position at the fireplace to give light for cooking.
The first Home Economics Club on Macampus was organized in 1953 when 21 girls pledged themselves to the task of improving the American home.
The signature of charter members is framed and hanging in the office of Miss Mildred Siek, Home Ec Club sponsor.
Not only so the light of the Betty lamp — the symbol of American Home Economics Association — will ever shine more brightly in their own homes, but Macollege home economics girls have dedicated their lives to kindle other lamps to shine as well, so that all homes in the world may radiate health, beauty, happiness. and peace.
Miss Virginia Harris, college librarian, has announced that the library will be open from 7:45 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday. On Fridays the library will close at 5:00 p.m. The library will be open 8 a.m. until noon, Saturdays.
Macollege students assisting' Miss Harris in the library this year will be Mildred Jacobson, sophomore from Elmo, Kas.; Sherland Ng, junior from Hawaii; Robert Willems, junior from McPherson: Lillian Aotaki, sophomore from Hawaii; Mary Ann Guthals, junior from Elmo, Kas.
Ellen Kurtz, senior from Oklahoma City; Donelda Arick, sophomore from Sabetha, Kas.; Yu Lang Fu, junior from China and Pat Huber, sophomore from Ohio.
Home Ec Club Has Symbol Of American Homemaker
Girls of the McPherson College Home Economics Club are proud to be keepers of the Betty Lamp, official emblem of the American Home Economics Association.
Adopted in 1926, the Betty Lamp was chosen by the AHEA to symbolize the idea for which AHEA stands; the application of learning in the sciences and the arts to improve the well being of the individual and of families, the improvement of homes and the preservation of values Significant in home life.
Betty lamps are open wick iron lamps which the first New England pioneers brought with them to this country. They were in 1620 called Plymouth lamps.
It was in America that this oil lamp became known as the Betty lamp. It is thought that the name "Betty" comes from the corrupting of the German word "bes-ser,” which means better. At that time some of the lamps users placed a cover over the oil pan to make it produce light more efficiently.
Many of the Betty lamps used by pioneer housewives had attach-
Read and heed the Spec ads.