St. Valentine's Day Is Tomorrow
Brotherhood Week Feb. 15-22
Volume XLIII
McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas February 13, 1969
No. 18
“‘I’m afraid I’ll have more time than energy or money to travel all I would like,” writes Lois Fager from Germany in telling about her vacation plans for between semesters.
Rather than the few days of vacation between semester that Lois had as a student at Macol-lege, she now has two months from Feb. 28 to May 5. She is planning to spend some of this time in Greece.
Lois is representing Macollege in Europe as an exchange student in Germany. Before going abroad, she attended Macolllege for two years.
She was on the committee to choose the German student who will come to Macollege next year. She commented, "I am sorry that they cannot all go."
Lois is doing some student teaching in English. "I shall use the direct method if possible.” she said. "The children will probably be able to understand that as well, or better, than my German.”
She expressed appreciation of a tape recording from the students at Macollege.
Her address until the end of February is Lois Fager, Fridtjof-Nansen-Haus, Gottingen, Merkel-strasse 4, Germany.
Lois tells of her college class going on a ski trip. "I ’thought we would have great fun skiing whenever we wanted. However, I learned that the trip was a course.
"We all were sore after skiing six hours a day for four days. (Perhaps the skiing did not make us as sore as the falling down and struggling to get up.)”
She mentioned that she spent New Year’s Eve in the home of Gerth Riwer who was a student at Macollege last year.
Dr. Frantz Attends AACTE Meeting
Dr. Merlin L. Frantz, chairman of the department of education and psychology, is attending the annual meeting of the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE) in Chicago, Ill., this weekend.
He will serve as a group recorder for a series of round table discussions which will consider AACTE policy for the future. Macollege is a member of the AACTE.
College Calendar
Today, Feb. 13, student recital in chapel at 4:30 p.m.
Tomorrow, Feb. 14, basketball game with Bethel at Newton.
Tuesday, Feb. 17, basketball game with Ottawa here. Preliminary game 6:15 p.m. A game at
Friday, Feb. 20, movie in chapel.
’56 Grad Is In Greece
BVS’er, Arlene Merkey, '56, Portis, is now a member of the Greek Team in Ioannina, Greece.
Arlene’s work consists mainly of giving demonstrations to the women of the villages on sewing and improved methods of cooking. She has plans for beginning a girls' club in her village to help them with these projects.
“The Greek people are quite curious to see my house, and how everything works.” says Arlene. "It is not really fixed up at all according to the standards at home, but to them it is really beautiful. Vegetable grater. egg beater, pots and pans— these are all new to them."
Arlene was a member of the 1956 June unit and worked first with refugee resettlement in Austria. Then she worked for one year as secretary to M. R. Zigler in Geneva.
Royce Roesch, another former Macollege student, Quinter, is al so doing BVS work in Ioannina. He is working with the American School on improved agricultural methods.
Chapel Choir Plans Four-Day Tour
A four-day tour has been planned for the Northeastern section of Kansas by the Chapel Choir of the college. The lour will be taken April 9-12.
Thirty-five voices are in the choir under the direction of Miss Doris Coppock, associate professor of music. They plan to sing in high schools, churches, and other institutions.
Winter Project Sends Dean To Colorado
Dean Wayne F. Geisert visited the campus of the Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colo., Feb. 9-11. This visit is a part of his winter’s work, in the North Central Association’s Leadership Training project.
He and two other associates accompanied the official examination committee of North Central Association during its visit to the Golden campus. Colorado School of Mines has requested accreditation by the North Central Association.
The chairman of the team for the examining visit is Dr. J. H. Nelson. Dean of the Graduate School of the University of Kansas.
Special Students Meet At Night
Richard Bittinger, Richard Ferris, Larry Hayes, and Don Hollenbeck, accompanied by Prof. Guy. Hayes, attended a debate tournament at William Jewell College in Liberty, Mo.
The tournament which was strictly debate was held Saturday. Feb. 7. It was similar to the Economy Debate Tournament held in McPherson in that it consists of four rounds of debate.
The debate squad left Mac early Saturday morning and returned late Saturday night. They won three out of eight debates.
Eighteen schools from, Missouri, Kansas, and Nebraska participat-
ed in the debates. A total of 51 teams were sent from the various schools.
Present plans of the Macollege debate squad include the possibil-ity of attending a tournament held at Texas Christian in Ft. Worth Tex., on Feb. 20 and 21. They also may attend the tournament held at the University of Nebras ka in Lincoln, Neb., on Feb. 27 and 28.
The league tournament in de bate, peace oratory, and peace extemporaneous speaking will be held at Tabor College in Hillsboro on Saturday. March 7.
Six courses are being offered in the Macollege evening school this semester. This service is offered for special students. Regularly enrolled students are to take classes meeting during the day.
In the first session, from 4:507:15 p.m., four courses are offered. For lower level credit there arc children's literature taught by Mrs. Homer E. Brunk and freshman English taught by Prof. Harley Stump.
For upper level credit there are urban sociology taught by Dr. Kenneth C. Bechtel and prophet-statesmen of the Old Testament taught by Dr. Burton Metzler.
In the second session from 7:259:50 p.m. two upper-level courses are offered. Dr. Wesley DeCour-sey is teaching geology and Dr. Raymond L. Flory is teaching trans-Mississippi west.
All courses are for three hours of credit.
Witness Program Planned By MCA
MCA is organizing a Call to Witness program for college students. This will be a non-de-nominational effort to reach every student in college.
The calling will take place between Regional Youth Conference and Religious Emphasis Week.
The MCA cabinet will select a committee who will choose the team captains. The captains will select their teams and they in turn will divide up the student body for the calling.
Macollege library has recently received a $200 grant from Association of College and Research Libraries for biographical reference materials. The reference material which the library received was Dictionary of National Biography.
The Dictionary of National Biography is a 22 volume set with five supplements. The set is printed by the Oxford University Press and contains biographies of noteworthy British people.
76 Awarded Grants ACRL’s Committee on Foundation Grants awarded subgrants to 76 college libraries at a recent meeting in Atlanta.
Applications in the ACRL grants program were received from nearly 300 institutions. Needs expressed in the applications were obviously far greater than could be met by the funds available to the committee.
In money the requests totalled more than $160,000. As indicators of the outside help sorely needed by college and university libraries they are even more impressive.
MMF Presents Program To Bethel
Thursday evening the Missionary and Ministerial Fellowship presented a short program to the Bethel College M.M.F. at Bethel.
The program was an exchange program in return for a program which the Bethel Fellowship presented in Mac last year.
Bob Dell gave a summary of the work done by the Mac Fellowship this year. Gary Stelting led the group in devotions and a duet was sung by Dick Landrum and Emilie Rowland.
The Bethel group was in charge of entertainment and fellowship following the program presented by the Mac Fellowship.
YWCA Girls To Visit Macollege Compus
Y. W. C. A. girls from Wichita will visit Macollege campus the weekend of Feb. 21 and 22. The girls will attend a program Fri day evening and will tour the campus Saturday, beginning with breakfast at the cafeteria.
Students To Present Afternoon Recital
Students from the music de partment will be presenting a recital this afternoon at 4:30 in the college chapel.
Those who will be playing piano numbers are Mary Lou Kin-gery, Marlene Klotz, Margaret Lehman, Valerie Miiler, Emilie Rowland, and Kay Wallcrich
Vocalists will be Pat Albright, Patsy Bolen, Rowena Carr, Marlene Klotz, Norma Watkins, and Clara Zunkel.
Gary Stelting and Irvin Wagner will give trombone numbers.
These are the students of Prof. Donald R. Frederick, Miss Anne Krehbiel, and Mrs. Dorothy Sollenberger.
President Solicits In Hutchinson
Pres. D. W. Bittinger was in Hutchinson yesterday soliciting for the Kansas Foundation of Colleges. The presidents of the Kansas Foundation colleges cooperate in soliciting the Kansas business men.
Grants Are Given To McPherson College
McPherson College has been the recipient of a series of grants made available under the terms of "grants to independent colleges”. by large firms and companies.
More than GOO colleges and universities receive grants of this type.
The amount given to each college is determined by application of a formula which is based on the annual current expenditures per student for educational purposes and the percentage of contributing.
Dr. No Yong Park
The date for the 29th Annual Booster Banquet has been announced for March 14. The banquet is sponsored by McPherson College and the city of McPherson.
Fred McKenna, president of the McPherson Chamber of Commerce will be master of ceremonies for the buffet dinner and program.
Dr. No Yong Park, a Chinese philosopher and humorist, will be the speaker. Dr. Park was bom in Manchuria, of Korean parentage. He was educated in China Japan, and Korea.
Dr. Park received his doctor’s degree from Harvard. His speech is entitled “A Squint-Eye View of Oriental Life and Culture."
Buntz, Yoders Attend Meeting
Floyd E. Bantz, executive secretary of the Western Region, and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Yoder, business manager and Western Region secretary respectively, attended the annual meeting of the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of Churches in Omaha, Neb., Feb. 9-13.
Sectional meetings provided opportunities for the group of Christian educators to associate with each other for mutual help and inspiration, for sharing of ideas and experience, for expressing judgments on major policies, for developing standards, and furtherance of the work of their fields of interest.
Some of these sections wore: The Administration and Leader ship, Adult Work, Children’s Work, Missionary Education and Weekday and Youth Work.
Three Practice Teach In Elementary Grades
Three Macollege students arc practice teaching in the elementary grades at the present time according to Prof. Dayton Roth-rock, assistant professor of education.
Nancy Erisman is taking her student teaching in the fourth grade under Mrs. Joan Keim, Mrs. Jeannette Slump is practicing in the fifth grade under Miss Virginia Smith.
Margaret Schierling is teaching in the first grade at Inman under Mrs. Bernice Gaeddert.
4th Year
This is the fourth year of ACRL’s grants program. In its course so far the committee has distributed more than $165,000 to over 300 college libraries.
Of those awarded grants this year 33 libraries participated in the program for the first time. 34 for the second, and nine for the third.
Other colleges in this region who received grants were Bethel College with a grant of $300 for communications and business periodicals and College of Emporia with a grant of $200 for science materials.
Women’s Religious Role Is Meeting’s Theme
"The Role of Women in the History of Religion" is the topic of Pres. D. W. Bittinger’s address in Emporia Tuesday evening. Feb. 16. He will be speaking to an A. A. U. W. meeting.
One-Act Tryouts To Be Feb. 18
Tryouts for the three one-act plays to be given by members of the advanced, play production class will be held Wednesday. Feb. 18. 1959, in the SAR.
"Sham” by Frank Tompkins, will be directed by Valerie Miller: "Box and Cox” by John M Morton will be directed by Faye Fields; and. "The Boor" by Anton Tchekov will be directed by Larry King.
Tryouts for, "Sham" will be held at 4 p.m. The other tryouts will be "The Boor” at 7 p.m.; and "Box and Cox" at 9 p.m.
Direction of these plays is a class project for the three students. Anyone is eligible to tryout for any of the parts. Ten people will be needed to fill the roles of the three casts.
Flory To Be On Committee
Raymond Flory, professor of history and political science at McPherson College, has been appointed to the Education Committee of the Legislative Council.
The statewide study of education is authorized by the state senate for "a study, survey, report. and recommendations regarding the state educational system. beginning with kindergarten and extending through college or university.”
Dr. Robert J. Keller, professor of education at the University of Minnesota, is the director of the committee along with the professional staff of Dean A. L. Pugsley of Kansas State, as coordinator, and Dr. N. H. Evers of Washburn University, as director of field services.
From the Kansas Association of Church Related Colleges, six representatives have been nominated. One of these is to represent the six private two-year schools, and five are to represent the fifteen four-year colleges.
Bittinger Speaks In Lyons
Pres. D. W. Bittinger is speaking today in Lyons in observance of the World Day of Prayer.
The Spectator Page 2
February 13, 1959
Pondering With The President
By Dr. D. W. Bittinger
Some one has said that our modern education, particularly at the pre-college level, aims at producing conformists. Education, they say is like a machine; it makes men to a single pattern.
Conformity can stifle initiative. Education ought to encourage initiative and growth.
At McPherson we now see some “non-conformists” with beards of varying styles and thickness. We also see, and have seen, some “non-conformity” in the manner of feminine dress.
The real test of non-conformity, however, is in thinking. Can you think a thought which is bigger than that which has ever been thought before? Can you comprehend a truth more completely than it has ever been comprehended? Can you shape a life, your own, more beautifully than most lives are lived?
These also are ways of non-conformity.
Ever wish on a falling star? Or bulldoze bad luck with a knock on wood? Ever change course when a black cat crosses your path?
If you do, you’re not the only one. Though no one admits it, practically everyone has at least one pet superstition.
Today. Friday the 13th, is probably one that everyone is especially careful about his action. The Bible is full of Friday calamities — the fall of Adam and Eve. the flood, the confusion at Babel; the death of Christ.
And when you add to fateful Friday the fearful number 13 (there were 13 at the Last Supper of Jesus), the result is a combination that awes many a superstitious citizen.
No less a personage than Winston Churchill refuses to travel on Friday the 13th.
Knocking On Wood
Knocking on wood comes from the Druids of ancient England
who believed trees were in habited by gods. When asking a favor. Druid priests would touch the bark of a tree. If the tree-god was in a good mood he’d return the Druid’s knock.
If some wooden things are lucky. why arc wooden ladders so fearful? This superstition stems from early mystics who saw the triangle as a symbol of the Trinity, and hence, of eternity.
Anyone who barges through the triangle under a ladder is therefore tempting the fates — who may retaliate by pushing the paint bucket over.
But the blunderer can save himself in one of three magic ways:
1) By making a wish.
2) By crossing his fingers.
3) By making the sign of the fig.
Rabbit's Foot
Where did the carrying of ra-bit's feet originate? This comes from our cave man ancestors who were awed by the way a rabbit thumped his hind foot, as if signalling other cottontails, while romping around in t h e moonlight.
Almost all of us have the habit
Two hundred and eight years ago today the first American magazine was published.
The history began with the rivalry in the Philadelphia field of Benjamin Franklin and Andrew Bradford.
Franklin planned the first magazine in the New World, but Bradford learned of his intention and issued the first number of his American Magazine on Feb. 13, 1741, three days before Franklin’s General Magazine.
Both of the publications were dated for January and both were monthly miscellanies. Bradford’s lasted only three months and Franklin’s six.
of covering our mouth when we yawn. Surely not a superstition, we say, but just good manners.
And yet it all began when our forebears were afraid that yawning would let an evil spirit enter their bodies. They were afriad, very literally, of "losing their breath’’.
Lucky Charms
An estimated 20 million of us tote lucky charms of one sort or another. President Eisenhower carries a five-guinea gold piece.
Harry Truman can’t be separated from a miniature piano. Countless numbers of us wear "lucky” clothes at crucial times.
So instead of burying that rabbit's foot in your pocket, take it out and show it to your friends. They might turn out to be fellow fetishists! But be careful.
A gust of ill-wind might blow your lucky charm under a ladder or across a black cat's path. All the four-leaf clovers in Ireland couldn't help you then!
Brotherhood Week Feb. 15-22
"Brotherhood is one of the most demanding — and most rewarding — principles in our lives. Its application is not limited to our homes or to our homeland. The responsibilities of brotherhood stretch around the world: and wherever men dwell, their successes are for all to share" — Dwight D. Eisenhower. Honorary Chairman. Brotherhood Week.
Brotherhood Week is sponsored by the National Conference of Christians and Jews. ,
Tomorrow, St. Valentine’s Day, has been dedicated since the fourteenth century to lovers. The day is traditionally observed by the sending of messages and gifts, usually employing the motif of a red heart, between men and women.
One tradition derives the customs of the day from the old Roman February feast called the Luper-calia, at which time young men and maidens drew partners by lot for the coming February feast.
Later, this ancient festival custom was associated with the name of a Christain bishop, Valentine, who was martyred Feb. 14, 271.
Other tradition attributes the observances of the day to the fact that it falls within the mating season for birds and is, therefore, an appropriate season for young people to choose their “Valentines,” or lovers.
Two businessmen at lunch in a luxurious restaurant: "No. Harry, let's go Dutch — you use your expense account and I’ll use mine.” ‘The Reader’s Digest)
Boy Scouts of America celebrated their 49th birthday Sunday, Feb. 8. The organization, nonmili-tary'and undenominational, was incorporated in 1910.
“Be Prepared” is the motto of the boy scouts. The organization is chiefly composed of boys from 11 to 18 years of age, which has for its object the mental, moral, and physical training of its members so that they may become good citizens and live up ‘ to their motto.
The boy scout movement originated in England by Sir Robert Baden-Powell. The further authorization of scouts in the United States was done by an act of Congress in June 1916.
Religion is worth loyalty.
—Alfred North Whitehead
The Spectator Page 3
February 13, 1959
McPherson College Bulldogs will be at Newton for a court battle with the Bethel College Graymaroons tomorrow night. Feb. 14. The Bulldogs won the Jan. 16 battle between the two teams.
The two teams split victories this season: McPherson losing to the Bethel team in the Mound-ridge Tournament early in the season and winning the second game. The victor will show his dominance over the other team this season by winning this "rubber” game.
The Ottawa Braves, unbeaten in the KCAC the past two seasons, will be at McPherson Feb. 17 to try to extend their streak. One of the Bulldog's losses this season came at the hands of the Braves.
This will be the next to last home game for the Bulldogs this basketball season. Feb. 24 will mark the date of the last home game and the last game of the season for the 1958-1959 McPherson College Bulldogs.
Brown Defeats Ng In Girls’ Basketball
Alfredteen Brown defeated Sher-land Ng in girls' basketball last Monday night 27-24. High scorer for Brown was Mariann Wass-miller with 16 and Sandra Schrock for Ng with 14.
Next week’s game will be played between Brown and Turner.
Keim Attends Classes At K-State
George Keim, assistant coach and director in physical education at McPherson College, is attending Kansas State Teachers College at Emporia.
Each Saturday he drives to Em-poria for his classes, “Programs and Recreations” and "Equipment and Facilities in Physical Education."
The classes arc for this semester and he will receive four hours credit for his work.
Coach Sid To Attend Texas Football Clinic
Future Of BVF’ers To Be Viewed Sunday
"After B.V.S. — Then What?" will be discussed at the B. V. F. meeting Sunday. Feb. 15. at 3 p.m. at Vaniman Hall. Although the organization is of ex - B.V.S.-ers, the meeting is open to all students. Refreshments will be served.
The annual M-Club Carnival will be held in the McPherson College gym Feb. 27 from 7 to 10 p.m. A king and queen will be crowned and prizes given away. Local merchants are cooperating f o r prizes and indications are that prizes will be as big as last year.
The M-Club Carnival King and Queen will be elected by votes, each penny counting one vote. Nominations for King and Queen will be a nickel and all other votes a penny.
Voting will be done in the cafeteria and possibly in the Dog-
house after Chapel. Voting facilities will be available at every, meal. For nominations and votes, see Dennis Brunner or Larry Schlehuber.
Attractions of the Carnival besides the King and Queen are the games. Nail driving, cake walk, free-throw contest, tank spill, bingo, dart board, and other carnival games with prizes for the winners available to participators.
The various committees are working on the carnival, which is (two weeks hence.
Sid Smith, director of athletics and head coach, will attend the "Coach of the Year Football Clinic" to be held at Dallas, Tex., Feb. 26-28.
The clinic, sponsored by the Kellogg Company, will be conducted at four different locations across the country.
The staff for the clinic includes Coaches Paul Dietzel, Louisiana State University; Forest Evashe-vski, University of Iowa; Eddie Erdelatz, U. S. Naval Academy; Bud Wilkinson, Oklahoma University; and Duffy Daugherty, Michigan State.
Dells, Wagners Hear Quintet Program
Prof, and Mrs. S. M. Dell and Mr. and Mrs. Orval Wagner were in Wichita last Sunday evening to hear the Male Quintet program there, as the Quintet completed its tour.
Their sons. Bob Dell and Irvin Wagner, are members of the quintet.
Man to family climbing out of car: ‘Well, we finally found a parking space. Does anybody remember why we're here?"
Macollege Gratis Become Parents
A 7 lb. 5 oz. boy. Darrell Bruce was born Friday, Feb. 6, to Bob and Anita (McSpadden) Wise.
Bob '54 is currently employed by Navy Intelligence in Washington. D. C. and is attending night school at the George Washington University where he is working on his law degree.
Prior to the arrival of Darrell Bruce. Anita ’55 had been employed os Secretary for Air Traffic of America.
Bob and Anita were both active while attending school in Mac. Bob participated in sports all four years for Mac and served as assistant coach for a year after he graduated.
Anita, besides being active in numerous clubs, served Mac as a cheerleader and homecoming queen.
The couple are making their home in Alexandria. Va
Variety Is Offered In Chapel Programs
Mr. Elmer Ediger, administrator from the Prairie View Hospital at Newton, was the chapel speak Tuesday morning. Feb. 10.
He spoke on mental health and the causes of mental illness. The treatment of patients and the reasons people have headaehes were described fully by Mr. Ediger.
Dr. D. W. Bittinger, Prof. Dale Brown, Lillian Aotaki, Bernard De Sa, and Anna Vassiloff were those participating in the assembly program this morning.
A world day for prayer was emphasized during the program.
Field goals in the closing sec-onds of play led C. of E. to a 70-68 Kansas Conference victory over the Macollege Bulldogs Saturday night.
The Bulldogs led the Presbies by one point three times in the last quarter. The Bulldogs missed four straight free throws and three lay-in shots for field goals.
C. of E. led 38-30 at the half but the two teams battled all the way in the last half with only a few points margin most of the time.
Rich Freeman of Emporia led the scoring with 24. Mac's Ed Delk was second in line with 18. The box score:
Aluminum Puzzles Made In Arts Class
Construction of some cubes is one of the projects in Prof. Alvin Willem's, Problems in Industrial Arts class for the semester.
They arc made out of solid aluminum and are mathematical puzzles. A milling machine is being used in the construction of these cubes.
A total of seven soma cubes are in a completed set, and they have an accuracy capable of a thousandth of an inch.
Bulldogs Tame Swedes In Wednesday Clash
McPherson College Bulldogs faced Bethany Wednesday night on the local hardcourt. The tilt was a Kansas Conference game