Volume XLIII
McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas, January 16, 1959
No. 15
Youth To Make Annual Tour To Washington, New York
The Brethren Youth Seminar to Washington and the United Nations is February 1-6, 1959. The Seminar is open to all youth fourteen years and over. The cost will be approximately $90 for the trip.
The $90 covers the travel expense, room, and food. The meals on the way to the Seminar will be extra. At the present time 22 people are going, but it is hoped to get 29. A bus will be chartered for transportation.
The purpose of the Seminar is for young people to have an op-portunity to study the United States Government at its source.
The visit to the United Notions gives a close-up view of the international relations and the present world organization.
There will be visits to New York to the United Notions building. its council and committee meetings, and to various foreign delegations.
In Washington the group will visit the Senate, the House of Representatives, committee hearings. the Supreme Court, the White House, and the State Department.
They will also visit various for
eign embassies, the National Service Board for Religious Objectors, the Library of Congress, and the Archives.
The group will hear a number of speakers and will hold interviews with legislators and other officials.
The 1959 Brethren Youth Seminar is the tenth in a scries of seminars held annually since 1950. They are sponsored jointly by the Social Education Depart-ment of the Brethren Service Commission and the Youth Department of the Christian Education Commission of the General Brotherhood Board, and t h e Church of the Brethren.
Connell Becomes New Spec Editor
Harold Connell, sophomore. Brooklyn, Iowa, will continue serving the Macollege student body as editor-in-chief of The Spectator next semester.
Harold, a business major, has been a member of the Spec staff three full semesters and enjoys journalism as a hobby. He has held several positions on the staff, the last being managing editor of The Spectator.
Experience in journalism be-gan for Harold in Brooklyn High School where he served as sports editor on the school paper. He is also a member of the Quill and
Home Ec Club Visits R. E. Mohler Home
The Home Economics Club meeting was held on Wednesday evening, Jan. 14. The members of the club went to Mrs. R. E. Mohler’s home for their meeting.
Mrs. Mohler showed the girls some of her collections. One of the collections she showed the girls was a group of thimbles.
The Mohlers have decorated one of their rooms with Indian designs. The room was one of the attractions of the club meeting.
School Of Missions Studies “Middle East” This Month
Hayes Is Admitted To Medical School
Larry Hayes, son of Prof and Mrs. Guy Hayes, has been admitted to the University of Kansas School of Medicine.
Larry is a senior biology major at Macollege and was assistant to Dr. John Burkholder in the Biology Department for two years.
Final Exam Schedules Are Posted For First Semester
Final exams arc scheduled for next week.
All classes arc rescheduled with a two-hour period allowed for each exam. Periods set for exams are 8-10, 10-12, 1:20-3:20, and 3:205:20.
Friday, Jan. 23, is reserved for the enrollment of new students.
Monday, January 19
8-10 a.m., all 7:45 T. W. F. classes except Freshman English.
10-12 a.m., all Freshman English classes.
1:20-3:20 p.m., all United States History classes.
3:20-5:20 p.m., all 10:30 M. W. classes.
Tuesday. Jan. 20
8-10 a.m., all 10:30 T. Th. F. classes except Old Testament Life and Literature.
10-12 a.m., all 11:25 M. T. Th. classes except Freshman English.
1:20-3:20 p.m., all 2:10 M. W. F. classes except Old Testament Life and Literature.
Wednesday, Jan. 21 8-10 a.m., all 9:35 M. W. Th. classes except Freshman English.
10-12 a.m., all 1:15 M. W. F. classes.
1:20 - 3:20 p.m., all 8:40 M. W. F. classes except Freshman English.
3:20 - 5:20 p.m., all 7:45 M. and 8:40 T. Th. classes except Freshman English.
Thursday, Jan. 22 8-10 a.m. Old Testament Life and Literature.
10-12 a.m. all 2:10 T. Th. clas-
1:20-3:20 p.m., all 1:15 T. Th. classes.
3:20-5:20 all 3:05 classes and unscheduled exams and appointment classes.
Scroll, an international honorary society of high school journalists.
Eight Mac Students Return From La Verne Conference
Middle East” is the theme for the Church of the Brethren January School of Missions study which started Jan. 8. The school will continue on Thursday and Sunday evenings until Feb. 1.
Special sessions arc planned for each Thursday evening. At 6:30 supper is served: and following a short worship period, the congregation meets in various age group study sessions.
Adult classes are learning more about the countries "most in the news" today and how they are changing history.
Adults and college youths are divided into three groups, study-
The American Literature course is being changed under Prof. Stump, associate professor of English. The course was divided into two sections known as American Fiction and Drama a n d American Poetry and Essay.
It was felt that there was not a sufficient number comprehend ing the material under the old system so the new method will be to study the material in comprehensive sections of time.
The first period studied will be the one of American Literature up to the Civil War and will be numbered 117. The second section will cover the Civil War up to the middle of the 20th century and will be numbered 118.
These courses will be offered alternately in the spring terms so that they will not interfere with the block system for student teachers. It was felt that this would be an easier and more continuous study.
Eight McPherson College students returned home from BS-CM conference on Sunday, Jan. 4, 1959. Among the aproximate 130 students attending the meeting. all six of the Brethren colleges were represented.
Two principal activities of the conference were stated as highlights by two of the conferees from here. These were the worship service on New Year's eve which was the closing meeting of the conference, and the Wednesday workshops.
Slides of the three areas of the conference — Arts, Recreation, and World Action — were projected on a screen as a challenge was given to the Brethren youth to the effect, "Cut out the dabbling, and get to digging!"
This was followed by a medi tation which led into the first words of the New Year — the "Lord's Prayer."
The workshops were also divided into,the three areas. In these groups, discussions were held and recommendations were made for future reference and action. A copy of these recommendations will be posted on the hall bulletin board as soon as they are sent to the McPherson delegation.
Bob Tully, recreation director of one of the state schools of Indiana, led the Recreation group. The beginning of recreation in the church was in 1931 when a group of youth met and decided on emphases for the next t e n years of Youth Work.
These were peace and recreation. Since that time it has grown. Because recreation is both creative and joyful, the group set up the following recommenda-
lions for the future
1) In general, it was suggested a study be made of the creative use of leisure time and 2) Encouragement was offered to people to take recreation courses in college.
Dr. C. Ernest Davis, one of the outstanding leaders of the church, defined World Action as "whatever we do as a church in the world." while LeRoy Doty, Macollege graduate, referred to it as "what we can do for the world to create better life."
Recommendations made by this group on World Action were: 1) The Brethren are most active picking up the pieces after the damage is done, and 2) The church needs to grow into a plan of preventive and curative world action.
The third group on Arts, were presented with a resume of the Brethren works in the Arts, such as hymnwriting, poetry, music, and play writing. Even though some has been done in this field, it was said that the Brethren have often ignored this part of the program.
Outstanding in some of these fields are Welch who wrote the well-known poem, "The Touch of the Master's Hand" and Donald Frederick, director of music on campus, who has written and arranged many hymns, anthems, etc.
Two recommendations were made in this group also. They are: 1) Workshops should be held in creative arts to establish a fellowship in this field, and 2) Art is a very creative means of expression and an attempt should be made to use it.
Three Plan To Attend Brethren Colleges Meet
Dr. D. W. Bittinger, Dr. Raymond Flory, and Dr. Wayne Gei sert will attend a meeting of the Church of the Brethren Colleges in Chicago Jan. 22-24.
This meeting is held once every four years and involves the presidents, deans, and other faculty representatives from each o! the Brethren colleges and Bethany Seminary.
Paul Sargent, chairman of the Macollege Board of Trustees will also attend the meeting.
ing under the direction of Dr. Wesley DeCoursey, Mrs. Homer Brunk, and Dr. Raymond Flory.
The meals on Thursday evenings are served by various organizations. The Jan. 22 meal will be served by the Altruist Class, the Jan. 29 meal by the MCA, and Feb. 1 by the Church Social Committee. Each meal will cost approximately 40 cents.
This Sunday evening Prof. Dayton Rothrock will direct a one-act drama. “The Khannum and Her Treasures." The cast will consist of the Junior High and Senior High youth.
Dr. and Mrs. Willard Kaufman of Moundridge will present a program on his work among the Arab refugees in the Jerusalem area on Jan. 25.
The School will conclude with a dinner at 6:30 p.m., Feb. 1, with Dr. D. W. Bittinger as the speaker. He will relate his experiences of his European tour in the summer of 1958.
Last Sunday evening Don Good-fellow presented a program on Iraq. He served alternative service in Iraq and now farms near Lyons, Kas.
Students are invited to the Thursday evening meals and dis-cussions sessions as well as to the Sunday evening service.
Macollege Is Successful In KCAC Tournament
McPherson College Bulldogs Baile, also from McPherson, and
Tonight, basketball game here with Bethel.
Next week, Monday through Thursday, final exams.
Friday. Jan. 23, enrollment for new students.
Saturday, Jan. 24, basketball game with Ottawa there.
Macollege Plays Host Again To Regional Youth March 5-8
Last-Chance Enrollment; Deadline Is Today
Today is the deadline for registration. All students must be enrolled by 4 p.m. today or pay a late enrollment fee of $10.
Plans are marching ahead for Western Regional Youth Conference which will be held March 5-8. 1959, on Macollege campus, according to Regional Youth Director, Ken Holderread.
The theme, "Count Well the Cost," taken from the hymn of the same name will be in the area of Churchmanship.
Earle W. Fike, Jr., of the First Church of the Brethren in Chicago will be the main speaker of the week. As leader of the Bible Hour. Warren W. Hoover, minister of the Preston, Minn., Church of the Brethren, will be heard.
Several other leaders will be engaged later.
A meeting of the Executive Committee of the Region was called for last Friday. These eight people have set up the schedule for the conference and have planned the activities for the week.
Those on the Committee arc Irvin Wagner, chairman; Paul Wagoner, cabinet advisor: Marlene Klotz, Citizenship chairman: Valerie Miller, Fellowship chairman; Carl Harris, Witness chairman; Richard Landrum, Outreach chairman: and Bob Dell, Faith chairman.
won the1958 KCAC Tournament over the Christmas holidays by beating Bethany 68-59. It was the first championship for the Bull dogs in six years, although the: had been in the finals three times.
The Mac cagers trimmed Kansas Wesleyan in their first game 81-52. Delk scored 23 points to lead scorers and Brunner sank 22. Baile and McPherson scored 14 and 13 points respectively.
In their second tournament battle. the Mac team outscored Bak er, 96-75. This game also featur ed high, balanced scoring. Delk and Baile combined for 52 points. Delk hitting for 28 and Baile net ting 24 to top the games scoring. Richard Heidebrecht had 10 and Brunner bagged 15 points totaling 83 points between the four players.
In t h e championship game against Bethany, Baile led McPherson with 23 points and Delk scored 16. The Bulldogs were held below their tournament average, but also held Bethany below their average.
The Bulldogs averaged over 81 points per game in their three victories in the tournament. Meanwhile. they held their opponents to 62 points per game, giving a 19 point winning advantage.
College of Emporia took third place in the tournament by trimming Baker University, 73-56. Bethel College beat Friends University, 74-69, for fifth place and Sterling escaped Kansas Wesleyan, 67-63, for seventh place.
Ed Delk of McPherson College led all scorers in the tournament with 22.3 points per game. Cliff
Virgil Puetz from Friends University each scored 20.3 points per game and Robinson from Bethany averaged 20. Delk scor-ed 28 points against Baker to record the single game high point total for the tournament.
"The Hasty Heart," a comedy-drama by John Patrick, has been selected by Mr. Peter Coulson, assistant professor of literature and drama, to be the second major production of the year for McPherson College.
Scheduled to be presented March 13, 14 on the McPherson Chapel stage, the play is the story of a wounded Scotch soldier whose last few weeks of life, spent in a convalescent ward of a hospital in the Orient, are changed by the attitude taken toward him and ultimately by him to his fellow-patients.
The man's extreme independence of spirit nearly wrecks the good intentions of those who want to make him happy, but at last — particularly after he falls in love with the nurse — he learns the great lesson of love for his neighbor.
Tryouts for the production will be January 26, 27, at 7 p.m. in the SAR.
Several weeks ago. Don Murray, well-known Brethren actor, appeared in "The Hasty Heart." on TV’s Playhouse 90.
Cagers Play Bethel Tonight; Ottawa And Wesleyan Next
Mac Cagers Win And Lose In Opening Conference Tilts
The McPherson College Bulldogs will be entertaining the Bethel Greymoroons tonight in the high school gym. The preliminary game will commence at 6:15 and will be followed by the A game at 8 p.m.
The Bulldogs enter tonight’s game with a 2-1 record as to Bethel's 1-2 record of wins and
The two teams have met once before in the Moundridge Tournament with Bethel winning by a slim margin. In the two contests held last year both teams each scored a victory.
The Macollege cagers will seek action next with the Ottawa
Braves at Ottawa on Jan. 24 to continue their battle in conference play.
The following Tuesday, Jan. 27, they will be back on the home court facing the Wesleyan Coyotes.
The 1958 defending champs. Ottawa. have scored 17 straight con ference victories. They current ly lead the conference with a 3-0 record.
The Bulldogs have defeated Wesleyan prior to this forthcoming tilt 81-52 during the Kansas Conference Tournament.
Tuesday's win by KWU over C of E gave them a 1-2 conference record.
Ottawa, the 1958 champions, leads the Kansas Conference with a 3-0 record. |
Bulldogs Baffle Swedes In A High-Foul Tilt
The Bulldogs won their second conference game of the season last Tuesday night at Lindsborg, defeating the Swedes 76-58.
It was a hard game most of the way and a total of 54 fouls were recorded, with each team losing three teammates on fouls.
This win gave McPherson a 123 seasonal record and a 2-1 for conference play. Bethany was pushed down to a 1-2 conference
record and an 8-4 seasonal.
Ed Delk put through 29 and Clifton Baile 23 points for the high individual scorers for McPherson.
High point man for Bethany was Jim Ostlind with 14 points.
The Bulldogs were defeated in the preliminary' g a m e 76-67. High man for the Bulldogs “B” was Heidebrecht with 15, and for Bethany, Pitts with 14.
Today Board Picks
New Editor. Manager
The Board of Publications will meet today to select a new Campus Editor for the Spectator and Assistant Business Manager for the Spectator.
The Board of Publications consists of Sherland Ng, chairman Norma Watkins, Linda Larsen, Mrs. Homer Brunk, Gordon Yoder, Howard Duncan, Glenna Hawbaker Wampler, Carl Harris Harold Connell and JoAnn Neg-ley.
Christinas Recess Festive For Macollege Filters
The McPherson College Bulldogs completed a successful round of Christmas holiday games, winning seven and losing none. On Dec. 19 and 20, they took two games from Phillips University at Enid, Oklahoma, 63-60, and 6159. The B-squad won the second game 56-42, but lost the first game to the Phillips B-squad, 70-64.
Then t h e Bulldogs romped through the KCAC Tournament at McPherson, beating Kansas Wesleyan. 81-52; turning down Baker.
and outscoring Bethany in the championship game, 68-59.
The Macollege cagers went on to Lincoln, Nebr., for a court battle with Nebraska Wesleyan University on December 29 and came out on top, 63 - 62. The game was very close, being tied 11 times and the score chang-ing hands even more times. Ed Delk of McPherson emerged from the battle as high scorer; he bagged 25 points.
And on Jan. 3. the Bulldog: traveled to Sterling College for
the second meeting of the two earns this year. McPherson cont-inued their dominance over the Sterling team, winning this game by a 96 to 30 score. Delk again demonstrated his value by scor-ng 28 points and Baile adding 22.
Merrifield Represents MCA at Y Meeting
Jim Merrifield, Macollege junior from Urbana, Ill., represented the MCA at the Sixth National Student Assembly of the YMCA-YWCA on Dec. 23, 1958 — Jan. 3, 1959. The conference was held on the University of Illinois campus at Urbana.
The MCA is an affiliated member of the YMCA-YWCA.
No Spec Next Week Due To Final Exams
There will be no Spec publish ed next week during final exam week. The next Spectator will be published Friday, Jan. 30, ac-cording to next semester’s editor-in-chief.
Well known is the fact that a winning team is backed by an, enthusiastic cheering section! I believe that McPherson College is lacking in this respect.
Do you as students realize that our Mac cagers had a seven straight win series going into the College of Emporia game? Did you also notice how the C. of E. backers kept their team going even when they were behind?
Did you also notice how the Mac pepsters let their team down as they fell farther behind in the last minutes of the game?
Students, the players feel the enthusiasm and they also feel the lack of it! Let’s not let them down again. Let's be behind our team all the way. We’re proud of them!! Let’s prove it!!
I cannot give you the formula for success, but I can give you the formula for failure — Try to please everybody.
Win Opener
The McPherson Bulldogs open-ed the Kansas Conference Jan. 7 by defeating Baker University 8072.
The victory over Baker gave the Bulldogs a 11-2 record and Baker 4-5. This is the second time this season these two teams have met, however, this is the first conference game for each. The Bulldogs defeated Baker in, the KCAC tournament during the holidays.
Clifton Baile led the Bulldogs inscoring with 22 points, Dennis Brunner 18 and the usually high; pointer Ed Delk with 14.
High scorer for Baker was Bill White with 18, also with Jim Kean and Jim Lee each with 16.
The preliminary game was also won by McPherson, defeating the Baker seconds 51-46.
John Heidebrecht of McPherson led with 20 pointers. Grubb and Spear tallied each 10 points for Baker.
The Bulldogs lost their first conference game to the Emporia
Presbies 82-73. Friday.
Both teams were hitting from the field, as McPherson hit 51 per cent and the Presbies hit 50 per cent. The Bulldogs were out-scored from the charity line.
Ed Delk and Cliftord Baile were the high individuals for McPherson with 24 and 20 points respectively.
Kenneth Miller led Emporia with 27 points.
Emporia took an early lead in the game, and slowly the Bulldogs came from behind to tie the ‘game 28-all.‘McPherson led 38-33
at the half.
The Bulldogs kept the lead early in the second half, but Em poria cut the lead down and tied the game 55-all. From then on it was Emporia’s game.
This game gave Emporia a 2-0 record in conference and McPherson a l-l. McPherson's season record is 11-3.
The Emporia B team also won the preliminary game 53-46. Baily was high point man for the Pres bies and Grossniekle had 10 for the Bulldogs;
Sixty Teams Participate In Mae Economy Tourney
Three teams have been formed for womens intramural basketball by the Women’s Athletic Association.
Shirley Turner’s team won Monday night's game 41-35 over Al-ferdteen Brown’s. High scorer for the winners was Doris Coppock with 30 and for the losers. Mar-iann Wassmiller with 18.
Sherland Ng's team won over Brown's last week 26-24. Marlene Hicks was high scorer for the winning team with 14’ points while Wassmiller was high for the losers with 12.
Games are played, on Monday nights at 6:45.
Members of the three teams are as follows:
Alferdteen Brown, captain: Joyce Berry, Barbara Jackson, Sharon Schrock, Mariann Wassmiller, forwards: JoNelle Thor-een, Elverda Fike, Glenda Wine, Marlene Klotz, guards.
Shirley Turner, captain; Patsy Bolen, Diane Browning, Doris Coppock, Delores Lahman, JoAnn Kerr, Mary Lou Kingery, forwards; Carolyn Beach, Valerie Miller, Marilyn Hanley, guards.
Sherland Ng, captain; Gail Fillmore, Sandra Schrock, Terri Garibay, Dixie White, Marlene Hicks, forwards: Virginia Lickty, Connie Ibsen, Elma Holmes, guards.
Sixty debate teams from a large portion of the midwest responded to McPherson College's invitation to participate in the annual economy tournament here Jan. 9 according to Guy Hayes professor of speech and debate.
"The large numbers, the'largest in a number of years, shows the cooperative attitude of the schools and is a compliment to McPherson College,” Professor Hayes said.
Many of the schools entered novice debates and they came from as far as Sioux Falls, S.D.
Seven teams won all four rounds of the debate. Thirteen teams boasted three out of four at the close of the third round.
Economy tournament is the, name applied to events of this na-; ture where there are no trophies
awarded and where there are no registration fees for the entrants. The only expense to the schools is for their trip and for their meals.
Each school must provide a judge for each of their teams, however, the judges do not work with their own teams during the debates.
Debate is one of the methods used by high schools and institutions of higher education to improve speaking techniques and logic. *
Men are led by trifles. |
Time is the chrysalis of eternity. |
Winter Brings Warm HeartsChaff Writes Home • • • Lazy Man’s Letter Hawbaker, Wampler Unite In Matrimony Miss Glenna Hawbaker, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ezra J. Hawbaker, Dallas Center, Iowa, and Garland J. Wampler, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Wampler, Weyers Cave, Va., were united in marriage at the Church of the Brethren, Dallas Center, Dec. 27, 1958. The bride wore a floor-length gown of white silk. The gown was princess style and slightly bustled in the back. Her bouquet was a colonial cascade of white carnations and roses. Mrs. Dale Shenefelt, a former college roommate of the bride, was the matron of honor. Eddy Longmire, Macollege sophomore, sang "O Perfect Love” before the ceremony and “A Wedding Prayer” during the ceremony. The newlyweds are students at McPherson College. They are residing at the College Courts. Walters, Keele Rev. and Mrs. Robert E. Walters, Pueblo, Colo., announce the engagement of their daughter, Joan, to Mr. Gordon Keele, son of Mrs. Beulah Keele, Payette, Idaho. Joan, an English major, is a senior at Macollege. Gordon is stationed with the Naval Air Force at Corpus Christi, Texas. Rev. Walters, father of the bride and pastor of the Church of the Brethren in Pueblo, will perform the wedding ceremony in McPherson on May 30. By Faus, Foley, and Harris According to voluminous re search, Chaff has discovered that many of you freshmen have written home only once this semester. Shame on you! We’ll bet that most busy seniors have written home at least 8 times in their college careers. Incidentally, they have had to make 8 tuition payments so far. Now at the end of the semester is an important time to write home. However, you are obviously quite busy with semester finals, term papers, outside read ing, late papers, etc. (Have you ever et cetera?) Therefore, CHAFF, as another public service, has developed for you a simple handy form letter to fill out and send home. Just clip it out, encircle the correct word or phrase in each set of parentheses, and mail it home. Do not put your return address on it, or you will have the U. S. Postal authorities after you for a violation of the Un - American Activities Act, Volume X, Section XI, Article XII, Page XIII, Column XIIII, which says. “Thou shalt not mail Chaff, lest the ungodly shall flourish." Here is the letter: Dear (Family, Sweetheart, Friends, rich Uncle, Fan-Club.) The end of the semester is almost here and semester tests are coming up. Therefor I am study- Albin, Kruschwitz The Reverend and Mrs. Charles A. Albin, Grundy Center, Iowa, announce the engagement of their daughter, LaVonne, to Forrest Kruschwitz, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Kruschwitz, Grundy Center. LaVonne is a sophomore elementary major. Forrest is a teacher’s aid in the Grundy Center School system and a ‘58 graduate of Macollege. A summer wedding is planned. Blauser, Mummert Mr. and Mrs. Charles Blauser, York, Pa., announces the engagement of their daughter, Judy, to Mr. Donald Mummert, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy H. Mummert, York. Judy is a senior at Central High School, York. Donald is a freshman at Macollege having completed two years of alternative service in Falfurrias, Texas. A summer wedding is being planned. Putterick, Seales Mr. and Mrs. William Putterick, Springville, N. Y., announce the engagement of their daughter, Janet, to Mr. Jimmy Seales, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Seales. Hemphill. Texas. Janet is a graduate of Houghton College, N. Y., while Jimmy is a junior at Macollege majoring in industrial arts. The wedding is planned for Jan. 25. 1959. The fewer words the better prayer.
Groth, Kasper Mr. and Mrs. John B. Groth, Independence, Kas., announce the engagement of their daughter, Shirley, to Mr. Larry Kasper, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Kasper, Canton, Kas. Shirley is a senior English major at Macollege. Larry is presently employed by McPherson Concrete Company. They plan to be married June 14 in the Independence’ Church of the Brethren. They will be married by Shirley’s brother, Rev. John F. Groth of Bieber, Calif. Goranson, Morris Mr. and Mrs. Herb Goranson McPherson, announce the engagement of their daughter. Shirley, to Mr. Rex Morris, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Morris, McPherson. Shirley is a secretary' at the McPherson Intermediate School. Rex is a Macollege junior. No date has been set for the wedding. Cook, Emmert Mr. and Mrs. Clarence B. Cook, Lyons, Kas., announce the engagement of their daughter, Lila, to Mr. Edward Emmert, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dale Emmert, Red-field, Iowa. Lila is a junior home economics major at Macollege. Ed. a '58 graduate of Macollege, is a chemist at Iowa Soya. No plans have been made for the wedding date. Jackson, Egbert Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Jackson, McCune, Kas., announce the engagement of their daughter, Barbara, to Mr. Vernon Egbert, son of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Egbert, McCune. Barbara, a Macollege freshman. is a commerce major. Vernon is farming near McCune. No date is set for the wedding. Jordon, Melton Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jordon, Beloit, announce the engagement of their daughter. Linda, to Mr, Darry Melton, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Melton, Asherville, Kas. Linda is a first semester junior at Westmar College, LeMars, Iowa, Darry, is a first semester junior at Macollege. The couple plan to be married after completing college. |
CBYF Cabinet Members To Be Elected Sunday Election of 3 new cabinet members will be held at the next C. B. Y. F. meeting at 6:30 p.m. Sunday in the Church of the Brethren Social Rooms. Also. Dale Brown will speak on seminary. The Beatitudes, Drama Make Up Sunday Servic The schedule for this Sunday's services, Jan. 18. 1959. at the College Church is as follows: Morning— The sermon, “The Beatitudes" will be presented by Rev. Harry K. Zeller. Jr. Evening— A play will be given by a Junior and Senior High cast directed by Dayton Rothrock, assistant professor of education. French Class To Eat A French Breakfast French class students will be the guests of their instructor, Mrs. D. W. Bittinger, for a French breakfast at her home next Tuesday morning at 10. |
Changes Made In Summer SchoolThe schedule for summer school has been released. Several changes have been made. Classes will be taught all summer instead of just for two months. Students will be permitted to take only one course at a time and that class will meet once every day. All classes are scheduled to begin at 8 a.m. The summer session is scheduled as follows: June 1 - July 5 — Driver Education Instructor’s Course, (five hours). June l - June 7 — Natural Science work shop, (one hour) June 8 - July 5 — Chemistry I. (four hours) June 1 - June 14 — Principles of Speech, (two hours) June 15 - July 5— U. S. History. Child Growth Development and Psychology, Recreational leadership or Shakespeare, (three hours) July 6 - July 26 — Geology, History of Education. Trans-Mississippi West Life and Teachings of Jesus or Short Story, (three hours) July 27 - August 14 — Cultural Anthropology. Principles of Arithmetic. Music History and Appreciation or Field Session Mexican History, (three hours) Organ and piano lessons will be available by appointment. Duncans Are Parents Of A Baby Daughter Lauralee Ann "Lauree”, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Duncan, McPherson, was born Jan. 5, 1959 in the Lindsborg Hospital. Her parents are both students at Macollege. Janice is a sophomore English major. Howard is a senior business major and present business manager of the Spectator. Peel Is Accepted For Med Technology Mrs. Florence Peel, a Macollege sophomore, has been admitted to the School of Medical Technology in Hutchinson. |
ing like (Mad, Crazy, A botony major at a flower show, A Human Biology major at a burlesque show) and because of that I am (frustrated, poophed, cut down to five dotes a week, filling air with dirty language.) I have just finished enrolling for next semester and am taking (as little as possible, off. The Life and Teachings of Benedict Arnold, Underwater Brething, Introduction to Borffology.) As far as extracurricular activities are concerned, I am (flirting, doting, becoming frustrated, watching television, watching moon, watching other, collecting soft, warm, cuddly stuffed animals for companionship.) I think that T.F.M.S.L. stands for (Three Fatheaded McPherson Student Liars, The Faculous McPherson Social Life. The First Moon Satellite Launching.) You loving (sun, doter, grand-muvver) Now that our public service is finished for the week, we must rush off to write our first letter home for the year. Tuition payments due next week, you know.