McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas, December 19, 1958

Volume XLIII

Church School Of Missions To Study Middle East

Macollege To Release New Alumni Directory

McPherson College is expected to have a new Alumni Directory ready for distribution sometime in January according to Paul Wagoner. alumni secretary.

The 1959 revised edition of the Directory will include an alphabetical listing of alumni, a geographical listing, and a listing of alumni by classes.

Included in the new directory will be names of graduates of McPherson and also many former students who have completed 24 hours or more of college work, but may not have completed college work at McPherson

The former students Included is in no way a complete listing, but is a listing of those who have been included in alumni records to date.

An alumni on the active mail ing list will receive a copy of the directory.

“Middle East” is the theme for the Church of the Brethren January School of Missions study this year. The Missions Committee of the church has planned the various phases of the school.

Prof. Alvin Willems and two of his children, Mark and Susan enjoy antique toys. Making replicas of antique toys is an interesting hobby of Prof. Willems.

The first session is on Jan. 8. The school will continue on Thursday and Sunday evenings until Feb. 1.

Special sessions are planned for each Thursday evening during January. At 6:30 the congregation will cat together and following a short devotional period, will meet in the various age group study sessions.

Adults and college youth will be divided into groups, studying under the direction of Dr. Wesley DeCoursey, Mrs. Homer Brunk, and Dr. Raymond Flory, Mrs. Lucille Bowman will serve as the Dean of the School.

The meals on Thusday evenings will be served by various organizations. The Jan. 8 meal will be prepared by the Friendly Forum Sunday School Class, the Jan. 15 meal by the Philo Class, the Jan. 22 meal by the Altruist Class, and the Jan. 29 meal by the MCA.

Each meal will cost approximately 40 cents.

Sunday Evenings Iraq will be the subject of a talk and slides presented by Don Goodfellow, '55, on Jan. 11, Mr. Goodfellow served alternative service in Iraq and now farms near Lyons, Kas.

Prof. Dayton Rothrock will direct a one-act drama. 'The Khan-um and Her Treasures." on Jan. 18. The cast will consist of the Junior High and Senior High youth.

Dr. Willard Kaufman of Mound-ridge will present a program on his work among the Arab refugees in the Jerusalem area on Jon. 25.

On Feb. 1 Dr. D. W. Bittinger will relate some of his experiences of his European tour in the summer of 1958.

Students arc invited to the Thursday evening meals and discussion groups as well as to the Sunday evening services.

College Calendar

Making Antique Toy Replicas Is Hobby Of Alvin Willems

Today at 5:00 p.m., Christmas vacation starts.

Monday - Wednesday, Dec. 2224, KCAC tournament.

Friday. Jan. 2. Game with Sterling. there.

Monday, Jan. 5, Christmas vacation ends.

Wednesday. Jan. 7. Basketball game here.

Friday. Jan. 9. Basketball game with College of Emporia, here.

Sunday, Jan. 11, 2-5 p.m., Dotzour Hall open house.

Friday, Jan. 13, Basketball game with Bethany, there.

Monday Friday, Jan, 12 - 16, Student Enrollment.

Friday, Jan. 16, Basketball game with Bethel, here.

have to be dug out of someone's old attic.

Many people are reluctant to give up their antique toys however. they will loan them out long enough for Prof. Willems to make a replica of them.

One Toy Is 75 Years Old One of the original antiques, a toy train which Prof. Willems considers to be at least 75 years old. was found by accident when he was scratching around in the right place in one of his uncles farms. Some of the parts of the toy train were missing and had to be duplicated.

Prof. Willems says that this hobby is probably mostly for his own personal satisfaction. It is not an expensive hobby but it takes a lot of patience.

Although it was only three years ago that Prof. Willems began to make replicas of antique toys he had been collecting them for quite some time before this. Ever since his high school days, he has been interested in foundry.

During the second semester the course. Bench Metal, which is under the instruction of Prof. Willems. will be doing some foundry work.

Mac May Offer    

Driver Education

Juniors and seniors who are interested in taking a driver-education instructor's course during next summer's summer session in order to qualify to teach Driver Education in the public schools of Kansas or other states are asked by the dean to indicate their interest by completing one of the college's questionnaires on the subject.

These questionnaires ore available from Prof. Merlin Frantz. Prof. S. M. Dell. Coach Sid Smith, Coach George Keim, the registrar's office, and the dean's office.

Santa Claus’s History Revealed In Chapel

"Why I Believe In Santa Claus," was the theme of Tuesday’s chapel, presented by Dale Brown, assistant professor of philosophy and religion.

The two mixed quartets sang Christmas carols with Anna Vas-siloff singing a solo.

Students Part For Holidays

Home for the international students on Macampus is too far away for a holiday vacation, but many will go to their American homes with their various roommates and friends. Those staying in McPherson will be entertained by the townspeople and church-people of the city.

For the married couples on campus and any girls wishing to stay here over the holidays. Kline Hall will remain open. Other girls have been allowed to stay in the home of the R. E. Mohler’s for the holidays.

The dorms will open at noon on Jan. 4. and classes will convene at 7:45 Jan. 5. Any cuts before or after vacation ends will be counted as a double cut unless special permission is received from the dean.

Brethren Youth Seminar To Be Held In February

In New York interviews will be held with legislators, government and private agency executives. UN officials and foreign delegation officials. Some time will be provided for recreation, sight-seeing, worship and d a i 1 y evaluation.

January Issue Of Coronet Reviews BVS Program

Eight Will Attend BSCM

Eight Macollege students will be going to BSCM conference at LaVerne College during the vacation. They will leave McPherson early Dec. 27, 1958, and will return Jan. 3, 1959.

Those going are Terry Garibay, freshman, Montebello, Calif.; Joe and Lucy (Blough) (’58 grad) Reeves, McPherson, Kas.; Hazel Miles, senior, Leonard, Mo.; Shirley Turner, junior, Milledgeville, Ill.; Emilie Rowland, junior, Hutchinson, Kas.; Bob Dell, sophomore, McPherson: and John Lehman, junior, McPherson.

Macollege Heads To Attend Meet

Dr. D. W. Bittinger and Dr. Wayne F. Geisert will attend the meeting of American Association of Colleges in Kansas in Kansas City, Mo., Jan. 5.

Dr. Bittinger will act as chairman of the Resolutions Committee of the Association.

Dr. Geisert will attend the Resolutions Committee meeting and also the Conference of Academic Deans which will also be held in Kansas City that day.

Latin-FIavored Birthday Makes Make-Up Fun

Latin classes met at the home of Mrs. Brunk on Dec. 3 and 17. The classes were make-up classes for those who have been on deputation.

The class on Dec. 17 was a combination Latin class and a birthday party. The class listened to Latin records by Harvey Hess.

Making reproductions of antique toys, employing the foundry technique, is one of the many interesting hobbies of Prof. Alvin Willems. Macollege’s assistant professor, in industrial arts and mechanics.

Prof. Willems considers this hobby in the line of art although there is a lot of technology involved. He thinks that if people recognized industry as an art they would appreciate it more. He also says that very few people realize that foundry is the sixth largest industry in the United States.

The procedure Prof. Willems follows in his hobby is to first make a sand mold using the original antique toy as a pattern. Then the replica is cast in aluminum using the mold he has made from the original toy as a pattern.

It was only three years ago that Prof. Willems started, making replicas of antique toys. Although progress was slow at first he now has at the present made copies of 25-30 different toys.

Difficult Finding Antique Toys

He indicates that you can't buy the original copies but they

Brethren youth will have an opportunity to see Congress in action, observe t h e Supreme Court, visit a United Nations Meeting and other important government agencies on the annual Brethren Youth Seminar to be Feb. 1-6, 1959.

The seminar is open to all youth 14 years and older. The cost will be about $40 plus travel to and from seminar. Travel will be by chartered bus.    

An advance registration of $8.50 must be mailed by Jan. 18 to the Youth Department. 22 South State Street, Elgin, Ill.

Seminar speakers include legislators. government executives, diplomats, representatives of foreign governments, leaders of labor. management, agriculture, press, racial groups and church groups.

In Washington visits will be made to the Senate, the House of Representatives, committee hearings, the Supreme Court, the White House, the State Department. various foreign embassies, the National Service Board for Religious Objectors, the Library of Congress and the Archives.

Visits in New York will be made to the United Nations Building, its council and committee meetings and to various foreign delegation headquarters.

Spec Takes A Vacation

The next issue of the Spectator will be published the second Friday after Christmas vocation, There will be no Spectator published during the week of semester exams.

Spec Seeks New Editor

Prospective editors for the Spectator are being considered now by the Board of Publications for the second semester campus editor position.

Applications for the position may be submitted by any regularly enrolled student who is interested in becoming editor in chief of the Spectator in three semesters.

Campus editor advances to managing editor alter one semester and then to editor in chief the following semester.

Sherland Ng, chairman of the Board of Publications, is receiving the applications. Anyone who has a question about the position may talk to her, to any of the present editors, or to Mrs. Homer Brunk, advisor.

Student Council, of which the Publications Board is a committee. employs the editors. The editor in chief receives a salary of $80 which may be increased to $100 for the semester if the paper has a profit.

Present campus editor is Faye Fields, sophomore from Wichita, Kas. Harold Connell, sophomore from Brooklyn. Iowa, is the present managing editor, but will be the editor in chief next semester.

JoAnn Negley, junior from Durham, Kas., will retire from the editorial staff at the end of the present semester.

Eight Debaters Attend Tourney

Eight debaters attended the Southwestern Debate Tournament December 12 and 13 at Winfield. Kansas. Those participating were Richard Bittinger, James DeVine, Richard Ferris, Mary Ann Guthals, Larry Hayes.

Don Hollenbeck, Chester Peck-over, and Joan Walters. All Debate teams won one or more of the five rounds of debate. The ladies reached the octofinals but were eliminated in the quarter finals.

Richard Bittinger received one of the eleven excellent ratings in discussion while James DeVine and Larry Hayes won preliminary rounds in the extemp contest. Both lust in the semifinals, however.

Macollege placed seventh of all the schools there out of 47. There were 130 teams present. Teams came from as far away as Arizona University and Dartmouth in New Hampshire.

Southwestern University of Springfield. Missouri won the sweepstakes in the debate. Prof. Hayes and Prof. Bechtel accompanied the debaters and were judges at the tournament.

Children's Open House To Be Sunday Night

Children's Christmas Open House, sponsored annually by the Children's Department of t h e Church School, will be held this Sunday evening. It will take the form of a Christmas Open House with the emphasis on family and fellowship with refreshments rather than gifts.

Sunday morning's topic will be, "A Lover's Quarrel With Life,"-presented by Rev. Harry K. Zel ler, Jr.

"God's Silent Heroes", an article appearing in the January 1959. Coronet magazine, is about the history of the Church of the Brethren and the Brethren Volunteer Service Program. Service projects all over the world arc covered in the article.

While Mr. Theodore Irwin, author of the article, made visits to some of the projects, he came to the Brethren Service Center in New Windsor. Maryland.

Vena Catherine Wray, freshman and former B. V. from McPherson, was on project there at that time and came in contact with Mr. Irwin as he interviewed several volunteers on that project.

Mr. Irwin, in another part of his story, points up the work done by "normal controls" at the National Institutes of Health in Be-thesda, Maryland, a suburb of

No. 14

Washington, D. C. Approximately 20-50 volunteers are on project here.

Experiments are run on these people followed by comparisons of the ill and the well. Roberta Varner, freshman. Kansas City. Mo., and Roger Killian, freshman, Byron, Ohio, have both spent some time with them.

Bettie Crain of Waterloo. Iowa who attended for one year at McPherson ('57 - '58), is at the institutes now. A similar project is found in Ann Arbor, Michigan, at the University of Michigan.

The article mentions the founding of the Church of the Brethren and the celebration of its 250th Anniversary.

This magazine may be found in the college library by students who wish to read the article.

The Spectator, Page 2 December 19, 1958

Pondering With The President

Jingle Bells!

At the Christmas formal on Saturday nigh we came into an enclosure composed of bells and Christmas trees. These faced us toward a Gothie window through which we presently saw in silhouette the Mother and the Christ. Child. Approaching this Child came those who represented many cultures, and many professions to do honor and to declare allegiance.

It was a good program. It helped us all.

But have you stopped to think that in the very representations and decorations which surround Christmas there is a great sweep of culture and history which focuses on the Christ?

The Gothic window comes from the tall arches of the Black Forests of Germany. The Christmas tree is a symbolism from the worship of the ancient Teutonic gods. The stars come from the knowledge of astronomy held by the Arabs. The bells may come from the Siberian plains, the tinsel from Norway, and so on.

Represented in our Christmas formal and play was the tradition of centuries honoring Him. If we really would honor Him not only by decorations and songs, but from our hearts, the future could look better.

Let us keep growing in that direction.

little Man on Campus

by Dick Bibler


Music Hath Charms

Christmas Lights Have Historical Backgrounds

The celebration of Christmas with light is one of the oldest holiday traditions. Though the earliest Christian churches blazed with Christmas candle light, the first Christmas trees were unlighted.

Candles were added to the Christmas tree by Martin Luther. founder of the Lutheran Church. The shiny star on top? Credit to the bright Boniface with

that additional inspiration.

In millions of American homes, particularly on the Atlantic seaboard, lighted candles will appear at the windows on Christmas eve. This lovely ritual, borrowed from Ireland, is intended to light the Holy Family on its way.

It also commemorates a fact of which many people ore unaware: That on the night Jesus

(Continued on Page Four)

Conform Or Not To Conform That Is The Question

Jane really “rates." Jane is part of the crowd. She always wears the latest fashion. She always goes along with the crowd. She always conforms to the whims and whimpers of the group.

-“But Jane is not happy. She goes through life unhappy because she tries to conform to the desires of and standards of a vast group of people who are also unhappy.

This group of people which Jane is a part of are unhappy because they say what they think others think and expect them to think. They act as they think others think they ought to act.

They are shocked at the things they think other people think are wrong. They fear people who are different and who have different ideas. They are afraid to be themselves.

They go through life by acting as they think their peers think other people think they ought to act.

Jane has set out to “rate" with the crowd — to make herself a lord in society, but she has only become a slave to custom, society and self fear.

When she learns to be a servant to society she will be more like a lord for she will be the ruler of her own thoughts and convictions. Then neither custom, society or self can haggle her.

J. E. N.

By Fails. Foley, and Harris

A sour note in the college chorus of culture ‘ is the three hour music requirement for graduation.

To aid those who have not yet pre-enrolled, and to be sure that you do not forget this vital requirement, Chaff had done voluminous research in the college catalog, and now presents the courses offered by the music department so that you can look them over very carefully and then take something else.


Beginning Voice — The student learns to talk. Stress is placed on the basic essential sounds such as ooo, aah, ugh, argh, eek, money.

Intermediate Voice — Student learns practical voice arts such as hog calling, moaning, groaning, shrieking, and clearing throat.

Advanced Voice — Stress is placed on important words such as: Help, Ouch, Stop, Please, More: and also important phrases such as: Hello baby, What’cha doin’ tonight?, I was wonderin' if?, Aw, why not?, You haf'ta study!!?. Well, call your room-mate to the phone.

Vocal repertoire — Student learns to fill air with dirty language.


Various choirs are available for the music student to participate in. leading up to the top one. the McPherson College All

Kaputt Choir.

Marching Band — Offers football field maneuvers for those who couldn’t make the football team. Their theme song is "I'm A Trampin.”

Orchestra — Offers opportunities for more serious musicians, especially those interested in mandolins and harmonicas. They also need a good man on the advanced spoons.

The Chaff Trio — Prerequisites: Brass. Plagurism, Speech Defects, Tone Deafness Theory

Music Depreciation — Study is made of such artists as Elvis

Pretzle, Fats Vomito, Little Richard, Irvin Wagner, Jerry Lee Lewis, Prof. Sollenberger, and Spike Jones.

Basic Theory — Includes study of pitch (Rules of playing Pitch), Rhythm (How to make time), and Melody (How to carry a tune in a basket.)

Advanced Theory — How to tune a radio, operate a Hi-Fi-Set, and play a juke-box.

Problems of Music — Professor Frederick.

First Year Harmony — Only for those going steady.

Second Year Harmony — Prerequisite: Marriage and Family.

Instrumental Music

Instrumental Methods — The study of the practical playing of the various instruments of the modern band and orchestra: Jews Harp, Chinese Gong ( fingering techniques), Bagpipes, Lute pluck-ing VooDoo Drums, banging garbage can lids.

Violin I — Student learns to open violin case and remove instrument.

Violin II — Student learns methods of greasing bow and screw

ing the tuning knobs and handles.

Violin III — Student learns to repair broken strings and draw the bridge.

Violin IV — Student learns proper method to replace instrument and close case.

Cello — Six delicious flavors: Strawberry. Raspberry. Peanut Butter, Tomato, Lemon Schubert, and others.

Brass I — How to get by Miss Neher.

Brass II — Use of the mouthpiece.

Brass III — Lip Techniques.

God help the man who won’t marry until he finds the perfect woman: and God help him still more if he finds her.

The Spectator, Page 3

December 19, 1958

KCAC Tournament Slated To Begin Monday, Dec. 22

Court Battles Scheduled For Canine Cagers

Trustees Entertain Macollege Faculty

The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees has invited all of the Macollege Faculty mem- bers and their wives to a Christ- mas celebration dinner at the well known smorgasbord at Assaria tonight.

This is being held as an expression of appreciation and sense of good will toward the faculty.

The Macollege Bulldogs will travel to Sterling. Kansas for the first game of 1959 for the Mac cagers. They will meet Saturday night. January 3 on the Sterling court. The game will also be the first for the Bulldogs after returning from a trip into Nebraska and Oklahoma for four games.

The meeting will be the second for the two clubs this season. McPherson winning the first. 87-67. However, the Mac ballclub will be without the home floor advan

tage, which sometimes makes a difference.

On January 7, the Baker Wildcats will be at McPherson for a conference game with the Bulldogs. Out of 69 games played with Baker, the Bulldogs have won 35 and lost 34. In 5 games over the past two seasons. Baker has won only once over the Mac cagers: that game being a three point affair. The game will be the first meeting for the two clubs this season in regular season play.

Coppock Is Director Of Church Cantatas

Miss Doris Coppock directed two cantatas at the Trinity Lutheran Church. The cantatas were presented on Sunday afternoon.

Dec. 14.

The senior choir of the church presented the cantata “When the Christ Child Came’’ by Clokey. The junior choir presented the cantata "The First Christmas” by Kountz.

Three of the college students participated in the presentations. Miss Eileen Oilman was one of the accompanists, Anna Vassiloff and Glenn Lorei sang in the choir.

Ravens Fly Over Canines In Non-Conferenee Tilt

Dr. Bittinger Solicits Funds For KFPC

Dr. D. W. Bittinger, President of Macollege, was in Wichita soliciting for the Kansas Foundation of Private Colleges, Dec. 16.

Dr. Bittinger is president of this organization.

Bulldog Cagers Travel


During Christmas Holidays

By many hands the work of God is done.

Over 200 attended the winter formal December 13 in the gym. The theme of the formal was “Holiday Bells" and’ It was carried out in the decorations and refreshments.

Decorations were made up of symbolic crepe paper Christmas trees interspersed with red bells. There was one large tree decorated with tinsel and bells.

The refreshments were cake and punch. The cake had white frosting and green bells while the punch was red in a green bow-ed punch bowl. Refreshments were served alter the program,  The program was in keeping with the traditional Christmas  spirit. Old carols were sung by everybody and then a skit was presented about a department store Santa Claus.

A ballet was given to “Moonlight in Vermont" and a Christmas Masque was the final event. The Masque dealt with the spirits of Christmas. Education. The Church, and the Earth and what they mean to us.

WAA Names Sports Heads

WAA sport heads for the winter season were chosen at a recent organization meeting. They are Diane Browning, basketball: Alferdteen Brown, volleyball: Nancy Ruth Erisman, outing: and Sherland Ng, individual.

Each sport head has the responsibility of scheduling t h e sports and keeping a record of those participating.

April 17 was set as the date of the WAA annual spring banquet at the meeting also.

Read and heed Spec ads.

In the sixth annual Kansas Col-lege Athletic Conference Tournament. Dec. 22-24, Sterling College will be the guest team this year. Each year 7 of the 8 conference teams plus one outside team play in this tournament, sponsored by the Shrine Club of McPherson.

In the games this year. Bethel will meet College of Emporia at 1:30 p.m. and Baker and Friends will meet at 3:30 p.m. on Monday. Dec. 22. Bethany and Sterling will clash at 7:30 and at 9:00 the same night. McPherson and Kansas Wesleyan will battle to complete the first round games.

The Bethel-C. of E. winner will meet the Bethany Sterling win-ner Tuesday night along with the Mac Kansas Wesleyan winner!  in a contest with the Baker-Friends winner. The losers of the two brackets will meet in the: afternoon games.

The championship game will be played Wednesday afternoon. Dec. 24. at 3:00. The consolation winner will be decided in a contest preceding the championship game.

While most students take a break during the Christmas holidays. the Macollege cagers will be working for more marks in the “Won" column, December 19 and 20 will come with the Bulldogs playing at Enid, Oklahoma in an effort to beat the Philllips University team.

The 22-23-24 of this month will be occupied by the KCAC Tournament at McPherson. At the end of the year, the 29th. the Mac cagers will travel to Nebraska to battle the Nebraska Wesleyan cagers at Lincoln. The Bulldogs were beaten in a close game last year at Lincoln. 62-61.

Before returning to Kansas, the Mac club will journey to Hastings, Nebraska to meet in a court battle. The Bulldogs will then return to McPherson, having completed their road trip.

Fifth and seventh place will be decided in games played in the morning on Wednesday.

No games will be played on Christmas Eve. The games plan ned for Wednesday night will bet played in the afternoon and af- ternoon games have been moved up to the morning so the tour- nament will be completed about 5:00 p.m. Wednesday evening on, the 24th.

Each team plays three games in the tournament and helps experience the teams in early season games as well as provide basketball fans a view of the KCAC basketball teams during the holiday. The tournament is one of the most successful of its kind in this state, as its large crowds at the past tournaments have shown.-

Officials of the tournament games will be H. E. Hamlin and Jim Peterson of Emporia. Dean Groves of Salina, and Johnny Overby from Wichita. The head timekeeper for night games will be Fred Carpenter and Guy Hayes will be timekeeper of the games played in the afternoon.

Over 200 People Attend Formal

Nature is but a name for effect whose cause is God.

Delk Receives Football Honor

Ed Delk, senior Macollege athlete, has been selected by the Williamson’s Rating Bureau, Houston, Texas, as Little All-American end for his outstanding performance in football.

The selection is based on a poll of coaches and athletic directors in this area. The bureau rates all teams for pre-season and postseason places for both small and large colleges.

Ed received other honors this season by being selected for the KCAC All-Conference Team.

‘58 Grads Choose Many Professions

Graduates of the McPherson College Gass of 1958 are now situated in thirteen" vocational areas. Fifteen per cent of the class is continuing in additional study.

Over fifty per cent of the class members are teaching in public schools. Of the class of 100, 57 are in the teaching profession, according to alumni office records.

Fifteen graduates are attending graduate schools or taking additional undergraduate work.

The breakdown by number and vocational areas is as follows: three in business, five homemakers, five in general farming, two in military service, three in voluntary church service.

One is a laboratory chemist one in insurance work, one an of fice worker, one in oil well ser vice, one in pastoral work, and one a poultryman. The vocational areas of four were unknown.

Miss Ana Rosa Rodriguez, ’58, is teaching English in a vocational high school in Mayaguez, Puerto Rico. The school has 500 pupils and Ana Rosa teaches five classes a day.

In a non-conference game last Friday night, the St. Benedicts Ravens defeated the McPherson Bulldogs 59 to 53.

The Bulldogs led most of the game, until in the last period. Then the Ravens found their range and surpassed the Bull-dogs 32-29 lead at the half, to win the match.

Coach Sid Smith used only the first, five starters, with no substitutions during the game.

Ed Delk led the Bulldogs in scoring, by scoring over half of the points. He registered 26, and no fouls. Dennis Brunner was second in the scoring with 15 points.

Veale of St. Benedicts was their high scorer with 14 points.

The Bulldogs won the preliminary game over the Ravens 59 to 54.

Macollege To Be Site Of Debate Tournament

The economy debate tournament will be held on Macampus Saturday, Jan. 10. There will be about fifteen to twenty schools participating with about forty-five to fifty teams competing.

The Spectator, Page 4

December 19, 1958

Christmas Lights

(Continued from Page Two)

Final Exam Schedules Are Posted For First Semester

was bom. candles burned in the Holy Land — in celebration of Chanukah, the Jewish Festival of Light.

It is said that the stars and candlelight of a Christmas midnight inspired Joseph Mohr to write the words of the carol Silent Night in 1818.

Another source of Christmas light illuminates this old French legend, a child-pleasing explanation of how the robin got its red chest. An early bird used its wings to fan the fire that kept the Christ Child worm as He lay in the manger. The glowing heat of the flames kept the robin’s breast red forever after.

Some of the world’s most colorful Christmas customs we have are practiced in other lands. The Mexican posada is held on each of the eight nights prior to the Christmas eve. Carrying candles and figurines of Mary and Joseph, members of a family go from door to door seeking entry.

Turned away by each of their neighbors, they’re admitted to the


1:20-3:20 p.m., all 2:10 M. W. F. classes except Old Testament Life and Literature.

Wednesday, Jan. 21

8-10 a.m., all 9:35 M. W. Th. classes except Freshman English.

10-12 a.m., all 1:15 M. W. F. classes.

1:20 - 3:20 p.m., all 8:40 M. W. F. classes except Freshman English.

3:20 - 5:20 p.m., ail 7:45 M. and 8:40 T. Th. classes except Freshman English.

Thursday, Jan. 22

8-10 a.m. Old Testament Life and Literature.

10-12 a.m. all 2:10 T. Th. classes.    

1:20-3:20 p.m., all 1:15 T. Th. classes.

3:20-5:20 all 3:05 classes and unscheduled exams and appointment classes.

Final examinations for first semester will be given the third week after Christmas vacation on Jan. 19-22.

All classes are rescheduled with a two-hour period allowed for each exam. Periods set for exams are 8-10, 10-12, 1:20-3:20, and 3:205:20.

Friday, Jan. 23, is reserved for the enrollment of new students.

Monday, January 19

8-10 a.m., all 7:45 T. W. F. classes except Freshman English.

10-12 a.m., all Freshman English classes.

1:20-3:20 p.m., all United States History classes.

3:20-5:20 p.m., all 10:30 M. W. classes.

Tuesday. Jan. 20

8-10 a.m., all 10:30 T. Th. F. classes except Old Testament Life and Literature.

10-12 a.m., all 11:25 M. T. Th. classes except Freshman Eng

Holderread Is Director Of Western Region Youth

Library Selections Include Various Country Histories

The Regional Youth Director for the Western Region of the Church of the Brethren is Kenneth Holderread. His office is in the regional office in Sharp Hall. He is under the Regional Executive Committee.

Some of the duties of the job are in helping the committee carry out some of its plans such as the Regional Youth Conference held in the spring on Macampus for the entire region.

Some of Ken’s other duties consist of promotional work for the various rallies in the region, attending some of the rallies, and leadership training, and general youth work.

Ken also heads up the Earn and Serve project on Macampus. This consists of sending students

Books on the history of various countries have been added to the college library recently.

Africa in the Modern World edited by Calvin W. Stillman provides a searching analysis of Africa as a political, social, and economic factor in the world today.

Great Britain and the United States by H. C. Allen interprets the ties between the two great nations over a period of one hundred and seventy years. It gives new meaning to the misunderstandings of the past and presents the vital current issues.

Mexico: the Struggle for Peace and Bread by Frank Tannenbaum is a survey of what Mexico is in terms of sociology, politics, economics. and psychology. It tells how Mexico came to be that way out to the various churches in the region for the summer to serve in the church in whatever capacity the church needs.

Then they get a regular job if possible to earn money to continue their college work. Ken is supposed to spend half of his time in and half of his time out of the regional office.

Ken and his wife. Elsie, live in Kline Hall. Mrs. Holderread is completing her senior year at Macollege this year. Ken will return to his college work when his job is done. The job is for two years.

Ken has completed two years of work now and he says that he plans to go to Bethany Seminary when his college work here at Macollege is over.

and ponders on what it is likely to become.

Inside Russia Today by John Gunther tells of a new. post-Stalin Russia, in which monolithic rigidity has been replaced by something much more fluid, experimental, dynamic, and perhaps. more dangerous.

The State of Latin America by German Arciniegas is a survey of the political realities of the Latin-American states in which democracy and dictatorship struggle for the control of 153,000,000


Dance of the Millions by the late Vernon L. Fluharty is an analytic and objective study of the rise of the people in Columbia during 1930-56.

Economic Aspects of Argentine Federalism by Miron Burgin reconstructs and examines the economic background of the political struggles of the period from 1820-1852; defines in economic terms the doctrines and the programs of the two major political parties, and analyzes the evolution of the federalist concept in Argentina in the light of that country’s economic development.

Free India in Asia by Werner Levi is a documented study of India's position in the whole of Asia and her relations with each of the countries in the area, with emphasis on developments since India's independence in 1947.

The Suppression of the African Slave-Trade to the United States of America by W .E. B. Du Bois shows how the slave-trade and the struggle for its suppression left an impact on the entire pattern of American development.

A famous headmaster of a school said that if he saw a boy in despair over his work he always gave him a higher mark than he deserved. The following week the boy always made a higher mark himself.

last house on their "route," where they enter and sing their thanks. Next night a different family goes forth, etc., until the cycle is completed.

But perhaps some Yuletide novelties are better left abroad. We’d hate to ban Christmas as it was in Britain in 1644, when Oliver Cromwell and his Puritan followers came to power. They looked askance at the gay and noisy celebration that had become a Christmas custom. One traditional item was the Yule log.

This huge tree, chopped down with much merrymaking and burned throughout the holiday, has been the focus of seasonal revelry since the pagan sun-worshipping rites of ancient Britain, which had also taken place in December. That was enough for Oliver, who banned the whole Christmas celebration as "immoral sun-worshippe."

No doubt drab Oliver would have protested to our modern Christmas, with its blazing glory of neon lights above the main thoroughfare of most American towns.

In New York, a three mile row of lighted Christmas trees—right down the center of Park Avenue — leads to a huge cross of lighted windows high in a towering skyscraper.

Biggest blaze of Gotham glory is the mammoth tree outside Rockefeller Center. The largest Christmas tree in the world, its 64 feet of height arc illuminated by 3,000 electric candles.

The most spectacular tree of all time brings to mind the most spectacular gifts of all time — and these too. have often involved lights.

One devout Spanish king built a brilliantly lit chapel as a Christmas present for his queen. Less pious monarchs and millionaires have traditionally favored flashing jewels as Christmas love-tokens.

Macollege students in the Arts and Crafts class and the Woodworking class are making interesting projects in Frantz Hall, the industrial arts building.

Several of them are making Christmas presents. Some of these projects include book ends, book shelves, head boards and trays.

The Arts and Crafts class has made wax candles and done some leather work.

One of the interesting projects of the Woodworking class is making candle holders from the lumber of on old tree which lived on Macampus about 10 years ago.

It had been located east of the old boys dormitory but. died after college students started parking cars around it and packing the ground.

It was cut down, and sawed into lumber and packed away in

Imprisioned World Was Subject Of Chapel

Dr. Tom Jones, member of the Advisory Council for American Colleges, spoke in chapel last Friday, Dec. 12. His speech concerned the "prison” that the world lives in today.

Music was presented by the McPherson College Chapel Choir.

Walls Become Parents Of A Baby Boy

Mr. and Mrs. Rollyn Wall became the parents of a baby boy. Eric Allen, born Saturday, Dec. 13, at 8:21 p.m.

Rollyn is a freshman at Macollege.

the top of the industrial arts building. It has been drying since 1949 and is just now dry enough to work with.

Another project which the arts and crafts class and the woodworking class cooperate in making are guest books. These guest books are given free to all students who are married here in college.

These books have a wooden cover with a copper tooled image of Sharp Hall on the front cover. The students are also making a similar book with a picture of a cat on the cover for Miss Mildred Siek, professor of Home Economics at Macollege. Miss Sick happens to be a lover of cats.

There are eight students in the arts and crafts class and 28 students in the woodworking class. Both classes are instructed by Prof. S. M. Dell, professor of industrial arts education.

Interesting Projects Made By Classes In Frantz Hall

President’s Speech Has International Flavor

“Christmas Around the World" was the title of Dr. Bittinger’s speech today in chapel this morning. Special music was presented by Paul Sollenberger, assistant professor of music education and theory.