Attend The Moundridge Tourney
Movie In Chapel Tonight
McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas December 5, 1958
No. 12
"McPherson is one of the nicest little towns I have ever been in,” says Enrique (Henry) Esquino, freshman, Mexico City.
Enrique recently moved from Arnold Hall to 227 South Grand so he could be with his mother and sister. Maria de Los Angeles, a sophomore in McPherson High School.
Enrique (En re' k) plans to major in the field of chemistry and wonts to be cither a petroleum chemist or a teacher. His other interests are varied with emphasis on sports such as football. basketball, soccer, and ping pong and also languages.
"Mother likes it very much here but will probably die with the cold.” Enrique said. “It is much colder here in the winter and hotter in the summer than it is in Mexico City,” he added. The average year-round temperature in Mexico City is about 75 degrees.
Mrs. Esquino 'likes the quick methods of food preparation that arc available according to Enrique. "Food is very different,” he said. “In Mexico, a lot of chili pepper is used and there is no gravy. The apples aren't very good, but there arc mangoes, a fruit about the size of an avocado with a very special flavor."
Enrique compared the schools in Mexico with those in the states saying "In Mexico, the subjects are given the students and they are told to learn them. In the states, the student can choose his courses and can ask questions."
"Kansas is a very empty place it seems.” Enrique remarked after describing Mexico City as a city of about three million and very much like Chicago with big buildings and fast moving cars.
Mrs. Betty Ruth Collier, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Stutz-man, McPherson, is a friend of the Esquinos and recommend ed McPherson College to them, which was one of the factors that brought Enrique to this school.
Freshmen Elect Cheerleaders
Newly-elected Freshmen Cheerleaders: Karen Stoner. King Kerry, N. Y.: Sandy Schrock, Hampton, Iowa; Carolyn Cotton, McPherson; Wes Albin, Grundy Center, Iowa; and Loren Reyher, Wiley, Colo.; were selected Nov. 21 by a vote of the freshmen.
The cheerleaders have chosen white outfits with red letters and red shoes. The boys will wear while corduroy trousers with while wool crew neck sweaters, and the girls will wear white wool pleated skirts and white wool crew neck sweaters.
The cheerleaders exhibited their abilities at the opening game with Tabor Tuesday.
Jason Amuses
Humor and fine music blended with intelligence and personality was today’s schedule for the chapel appearance by George Jason.
Mr. Jason was bom in Tiflis, Republic of Georgia, Caucasus, Russia, and was provided with a fine education by his parents.
Two years during World War II were spent by Mr. Jason entertaining service men all over the world including a “command performance” at Hyde Park for President and Mrs. Roosevelt.
Sunday’s Agenda Is Outlined
"Nothing Succeeds Like Failure" is the topic of the sermon Sunday morning, Dec. 7, at the College Church, according to Rev. Harry K. Zeller, Jr.
A Christmas program entitled "The Lost Carol” and directed by Doris Coppock, associate professor in music will supply the evening program. Winston ('50» and Rita Evans (’58) Beam and Max McAuley (’52) will speak during the program, with the music being furnished by the Youth Choir.
Last Sunday, the evening service was charged to the Ministerial and Missionary Fellowship. Merrill Grohman, sophomore and pastor of the Little River Congregational Church, presented the sermon, "Why Close The Door". Gary Stelting, sophomore of McPherson, presided, Bob Dell, sophomore from McPherson, led the singing.
Rev. Zeller's sermon topic for Sunday morning was "Spiritual Surgery".
Wayne Geisert a Host MCA Family Dinner
Approximately 200 students and faculty of Macollege attended the McPherson Christian Association family-style dinner on Nov. 20 in the church social rooms.
f)r. Wayne F. Geisert, dean of the college, and Mrs. Geisert were the hosts for the meal. They were the guest speakers. "Thanksgiving Turkey A La Mode" was Dr. Geisert’s topic.
Richard Bittinger, MCA president, was the master of ceremonies.
Elizabeth Pittman, Donelda Arick, and Veneta Howell were in charge of the meal.
College Calendar
Tonight, Friday, Dec. 5, Movie in chapel at 7:30 p.m.
Tuesday, Dec. 9, Basketball game at high school with Sterling. B game at 6:15 p.m. followed by A game at 8 p.m.
Friday, Dec. 12. Skating Party.
Saturday. Dee. 13. Winter Formal in gym.
Bittinger To Be Chairman Again
Although his illness prevented his being chairman of the Resolutions Committee of the American Association of Colleges last year. Dr. D. W. Bittinger, president of Macollege, has been asked to serve in this position again this year.
It is rare for the president of a small church-related college to be asked to serve as chairman of this committee. This position is usually held by the presidents of large, state universities.
During the past week, Dr. Bit-tinger, accompanied by R. Gordon Yoder, Macollege business manager, and Dean Wayne F. Geisert, attended a meeting of this committee in Kansas City.
KCCC Meets On Macampus
Nineteen member presidents of the Kansas Council of Church-Related Colleges and about seven others met yesterday, Dec. 4, on Macampus.
Father James P. Shannon, president of the College of Saint Thomas. St. Paul, Minn., was the discussion leader.
"Can Virtue Be Taught?” was the topic discussed. The substance for the discussion was Plato’s "Meno.”
New officers were also elected at the business meeting at 2:30 p.m.
D. Arthur Zook, president of Kansas Wesleyan University, was the past president.
The executive council of the Kansas Foundation of Private Colleges consisting of the nineteen member presidents met also. The Foundation's business is to meet with the industrial leaders to solicit financial aid for the colleges.
Dr. D. W. Bittinger, Macollege president, is the head of the Kansas Foundation.
Deputation Team To Leave Dec. 8
Mary Lou Kingery, freshman, Mt. Etna, Iowa, will be replacing Marlene Klotz on the deputation tour to be made Dec. 8-12. She will be pianist for the group.
Others making the trip are Juanita Fike, senior, West Plains, Mo.; Vernard Foley, sophomore, Morrill, Kas.; Richard Landrum, sophomore, Hutchinson, Kas.; and Paul Wagoner, faculty sponsor.
Miss Fike was an exchange student in Germany during the last school year. Foley is active in campus dramatics and speech activities, while Landrum, a ministerial student, participates in musical groups.
All take an active interest in the McPherson Christian Association and other religious groups on the campus.
Formal Highlight To Be Masque
Highlight of the Winter Formal to be held in the gym Dec. 13 at 7:30 p.m. will be a Christmas Masque. Don Hollenbeck will star and a cast of seven plus a choir of eight will be backing him. The Masque is entitled "Christmas Spirits."
It was written by Leslie Hol-lingworth. The music for the production is being written by Harvey Hess, sophomore from Waterloo. Iowa, and it will be directed by Eddy Longmire, sophomore, Dallas Center, Iowa. The choir is a mixed octette.
Members arc Eileen Oilman, Karen Stoner, Carolyn Fillmore, Marlene Klotz, Harvey Hess, Irvin Wagner, Roger Killion, and Jim Nettleton. Medieval Christmas music will be used.
The cast of the Masque includes Don Hollenbeck, Bob Dell, Eddy Longmire, Terrill Phenice, Anna Vassiloff, Charles Lauver, Dick Ferris, and Loren Reyher.
Approximately 450 people saw the comedy. "See How They Run" by Philip King, during its three night run in the Student Union Room. Nov. 22. 24. and 25.
The split-second timing on the lines and acting contributed to the fast puce at which the play moved through the hilarious scenes of mistaken identity.
Prof. Peter Coulson, director, stated that his biggest worry before the play was not the actors but the props as the number of hand props in the play kept the stage crew on edge lest an important clerical collar might not be at the right place at the crucial moment.
The month of December is upon us once again. The word December is derived from the Latin word decem meaning ten. December was the tenth month among the early Romans, who began the year in March.
The month of December contains many notable anniversaries and other dates.
On Dec. 1, 1917 Father Edward Flanagan founded Boys Town in Nebraska. On the following day in 1927, Henry Ford launched his Model A car successor to the famous Model T. Price of the roadster was $385.
On Dec. 6, 1941, President
Roosevelt sent a note to Emperor Hirohito expressing his "fervent hope that Your Majesty may. as I am doing, give thought in this definite emergency to ways of dispelling the dark clouds.”
The next day Japan attacked Pearl Harbor.
Dec. 14, 1799, George Washington died at Mount Vernon "I thank you for your attention; you had better not take any more trouble about me. but let me go off quietly.” — His last words to his doctors.
On the 15th of the month in 1890 Sitting Bull, a chief of the Sioux Indians, was shot and kill
Longmire Has Poem Published
Dennis Hartman, secretary of the National Poetry Association has announced that the poem "Futility.” written by Eddy Long-mire, sophomore from Dallas Center, Iowa, has been accepted for publication in the Annual Anthology of College Poetry.
The Anthology is a compilation of the finest poetry written by the college men and women of America, representing every section of the country. Selections were made from thousands of poems submitted.
A copy of Longmire’s poem is published elsewhere in today's paper.
Woodworking Students Make Leaf-Shaped Bowls
"Leaf-shaped, hand-tooled bowls have been our present project in industrial arts” Prof. S. M. Dell said, as he explained the necessity of teaching students how to handle wood grains.
Students have hod the opportunity to work with a large assortment of wood including tulip, ovidire, and mahogany in their projects which vary from bed heads to M-Club paddles.
Some of the students have been working on colorful S shaped nic-nac bowls as a port of their project.
ed while resisting arrest by police and Federal troops.
The famous Boston Tea Party look place in 1773 on the evening of Dec. 16. On the following day in the year 1903 the Wright brothers at Killy Hawk, N. C, made their first flight.
In 1620 on the 21st the Pilgrims stepped from the shallop of the Mayflower to Plymouth Rock. The first day of winter arrives, so be aware. ("Winter comes but once a year and when it comes it brings good cheer." — Ogden Nash).
Christmas remains the most notable date of this month. "For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior which is Christ the Lord." — The Gospel according to St. Luke.
"Silent Night. Holy Night" was sung for the first time in 1818 on Dec. 25 in Oberndorff, Germany.
Dec. 26, 1947, will be long remembered by those of the Northeastern United Slates as "the day the snow came down." That portion of the country was hit by the heaviest blizzard since 1888— 27 inches.
Dec. 31 must not be left out as that is New Year's Eve. The New Year 1959 waits rather impatiently for Father Time to cast out Old Year 1958.
MCA Announces Proposed Budget
On the basis of the pledges turn cd in. a proposed budget has been made by the MCA for this school year. The budget is as follows: Exchange Student Project $300 Operational Expenses 75
YMCA and YWCA 10
World University Service 100
The operational expenses include UCYM dues, rental of films, and guest speaker and printing expenses.
Also, this year the MCA is sending a delegate to the National YMCA-YWCA Conference during the Christmas vacation. Jim Merrifield is the representative.
The MCA will welcome any additional pledges. Pledge cards may be obtained from any Cabinet member,
The Cabinet consists of Dick Bittinger, Jim Freed, Pat Albright, Alferdteen Brown, Sher-land Ng, Prof. Dale Brown, and Prof. Paul Sollenberger.
Pre-Enrollment Deadline Is Set Next Friday
Approximately 123 students have pre-enrolled for second semester according to the Registrar’s Of-fice on Dec. l. The deadline for pro-enrollment is next Friday, Dec. 12, at 5 p.m.
Students arc urged to see their counselors to complete their enrollment within the next week.
Twelve seniors have pre-enroll-ed out of the class of 83; 20 juniors out of 77; 43 sophomores out of 104: and 48 freshmen out of 165.
Four former McPherson College students have completed a nine-week training program for Brethren Volunteer Service at New Windsor and have now been assigned to service projects.
Bettie Crain of Waterloo, Iowa, who attended for one year (’57’58) has been assigned as a normal control patient at the National Institutes of Health in Beth-esda, Maryland. After several months there, she will be reassigned to another project.
Here Brethren Volunteer Service workers serve as normal volunteer patients in the Clinical Center, participating actively in medical research studies. Normal volunteers arc vitally important to such studies, in order to compare the effects of certain treatments and drugs on normal persons and on those who are ill.
Bettie’s new address is: Brethren Volunteer Normal Control, Clinical Center, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda 14. Maryland.
Carolyn Bowers of Roanoke, La., who was at Mac '57-’58, has gone to Modesto, Calif., to work with the Community Church in its community and club programs. Through this South Modesto Community Church, the Church of the Brethren maintains a community service for the people of the area — many of whom are former migrant laborers seeking to establish more permanent roots.
Playground recreation, club work for boys and girls of different ages, dramatic and music programs are some of the activities carried out on the project.
Mail will reach Carolyn at the following address: South Modesto Community Church. 2027 Tulsa Street, Modesto, Calif.
Carol Hickey, of Adel. Iowa, who attended McPherson for two years (’56-’58> has been assigned to work with the Indians in Richfield, Utah; helping with the protest ant religious program.
Volunteers who serve here have the major responsibility to help bring a religious ministry to the Navajo Indian students who live there in boarding homes and attend neighboring white schools.
Mail for Carol should be sent: c-o Nathan T. Helm, 36 East Second South Street. Richfield, Utah.
Vera Mohler, a 1958 graduate of McPherson, sailed Nov. 18 aboard the S. S. United States to begin her work with the Brethren Service Commission in Europe. Headquarters arc found in both Kassel, Germany, and in Linz. Austria.
The program in both countries covers many areas, including material aid to the sick and needy, selection of refugees for emigration to the U.S.. and a high school and college student exchange.
After an orientation period, the volunteers assigned to Europe are assigned again to projects according to their training and abilities.
Vera’s, address is: Brethren
Haus, 5 Witzenhauserstrasse, Kas-sel-Rothenditmold, Germany.
Bettie, Carolyn, and Carol will each sene 10 months in B.V.S., while Vera’s term is for 22 months.
Pondering With The President
Those Christmas Lights
By Dr. D. W. Bittinger
I was in Chicago when they turned on their Christmas lights. State Street lived up to its publicity as being the most brightly lighted street in the world, and one of the most beautifully decorated at Christmas time. It is a pleasure just to walk along such a street and look at the shop windows and their decora tions.
I read recently that McPherson is to have new-lighting on Main Street. We are presently to have one of the best lighted main streets of any city in Kansas. We shall be proud of it, but even now our streets tingle with Christmas lights.
As I look at these lights I cannot help but remember vast areas of the world where there are no Christmas lights. In such areas there are no Christmas trees; no Christmas presents. In fact, there is no knowledge of Christmas, or of the Christ who started it all.
It is good to share our Christmas cards. Let us give to each other our gifts; but may our hearts be forever restless until we have done more for the areas of the world where there are no Christmas lights; no Christmas lights of any kind.
Youth Of America Faced With Problems, Challenge
Never before in history has any generation faced the great responsibility and grave dangers that we, the youth of the world, face today.
Hatred and racial prejudice, the possibility of utter destruction of life on the earth, the possibility that future generations may be warped in body and mind because of atomic fall-out are a few of the problems we face.
Together, Russia and America possess more than enough nuclear weapons to put an end to life on the earth.
But we are not ready to accept the fact that we are “licked” or that problems we face are too much for us to cope with.
No one can deny the situation which faces out generation is a serious one but. can anyone say it is any more serious than the Dark Ages or the two previous World Wars.
We face a challenge—a great challenge. Perhaps we have no immediate decisions to offer. Perhaps past generations have been too hasty in reaching decisions.
We are not “licked." Together you and I will meet the challenge the future presents to our generation.
Needed—One Baity Bed
As a public service the editor would like to help students who are in need of help in securing the necessities of life.
The following ad appeared in the Nov. 28 issue of the Daily Republican:
Wanted: Miscellaneous GOOD baby bed. Phone 27F1L1. dition. Contact Dennis Hubbard, Fahnestock Hall, Mocollege.
If any one knows where Dennis may find such a bed I am sure that he would appreciate your help. — hlc
What unknown spirit steals away all power?
What nameless horror darkens every hour
And presses down man’s struggling. fighting will
To live, yea, seeks instead the heart to kill.
Thou hateful viper, spawn of Satan's goal.
By name unknown, yet thou hast crushed the soul.
Eddy Longmire
0 anguished soul, lost in the dark of fear.
Thou burning thirst for peace unquenched, unhealed.
Yea, lifeless spirit, drowned by thought unclear.
Why stealest thou the mind, dead, unaneled?
E'en love is there but yet seems not to aid.
God’s works and causes rise but do not build
Great strength, but cause instead weak will to fade.