Women Rule Next Week

Volume XLIII

McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas November 14, 1958

Harnly To Be Guest Speaker At Appreciation Dinner

New Directory To Be Released


Season Is Near

No. 10

Dr. Paul Harnly, assistant superintendent of schools in Wichita, will be the main speaker for the Appreciation Dinner to be held in the Church of the Brethren basement Monday night, Nov. 17 at 6:30

Dr. Paul Harnly has recently-toured southern Europe and will show colored slides of the area he visited. He will also compare their educational system with our schools.

Special music will be supplied by two international students Anna Vassiloff and Constantine Papend-reopoulos.

Joan Walters will present a reading. The SNEA will be in charge of the decorations.

The purpose of the Appreciation Dinner is to show appreciation to the supervising teachers for their cooperation in the program.

Supervising teachers from Moundridge, Canton, Galva, Hillsboro, McPherson, Windom, and Little River will be present

The Philo Sunday school class will serve the meal. Approximately 125 people are expected to attend the dinner.

Members of the McPherson College faculty are invited to the dinner also.

College Calendar

Tonight at 7:30, movie, “Written on the Wind," in college chapel.

Monday. Nov. 17, 6:30 - 8:30 p.m., Appreciation Dinner at the College Church of the Brethren.

Sunday - Saturday, Nov. 16 -22, W.P.A. Week.

Friday - Nov. 21, 7 - 8 p.m., student recital in chapel.

Nov. 22, 24, 25 at 7:30 p.m. Three-act farce, "See How They Run," in the SUR.

Nov. 26 - 29, Thanksgiving vacation.

"A new Alumni Directory will soon be distributed to McPherson College Alumni.” according to Paul Wagoner, alumni secretary arid assistant in public relations.

The directory will come out in late December or early January, and is expected to have a drawing of the new Sharp Hall on the cover.

The directory consists of names of McPherson College graduates and many former students, depending on available information Names are classified alphabetically. by class or year of graduation, and geographically.

Longmire Is Named As Play Stage Manager

The cast for the play "See How They Run” are continuing to rehearse for the production go be given November 22, 24, and 25 in the S.U.R.

Eddie L o n g m i r e has been named stage manager for the production and a prop man is yet to be named. Students are reminded that they may attend on their activity tickets.

Members of the cast put on a few scenes on the Macollege TV Show Thursday. Nov. 6 at station HARD in Hutchinson. They ore now in the final stages of rehearsal.

Geiserts Will Be Hosts At MCA Family-style Dinner

WPA Week Commences This Sunday, Ends Saturday

Attention, Girls WPA Is Here

Girls, let’s make this year’s W.P.A. Week a big success! There is no excuse for staying home. Nine weeks tests are over.

There are plenty of activities going on this week. Check the college calendar — or be original and plan something on your own or as a group.

You don’t have to be a raving beauty or roiling in money to show some guy a swell time. Ask him today — or even better ask several.

Ladies Trio Appears With Stump In Iowa

The Macollege Ladies Trio was accompanied by Harley Stump, assistant professor of English and literature, to Praire City, Iowa, Nov. 2 for that church's McPherson College Day. The pastor of the church is Ed Zook

Professor Stump presented the morning message and the trio gave special music in the morning and a program of numbers in the afternoon.

Bittinger Will Preach At College Church

President D. W. Bittinger will preach this Sunday morning at the College Church on "One More Mountain To Cross.” In the evening. Donald Frederick, director of music, will conduct a Hymn Sing.

Many Faiths Are Represented

According to Mrs. Martin, the Registrar, the Church of the Brethren is dominate at McPherson College with 229 members and four with preference to it.

Next is the Methodist Church with a membership of 57 and a preference of 13, followed by the Baptist Church with a membership of 29 and a preference of one

The Lutheran Church comes next with a membership of 15, while the Presbyterian and Men-nonite Churches have a membership each of ten; each of these three churches has a preference of one.

Seven people are members of no church and have no preference while seven members are here attending the Free Methodist and Christian Churches.

The Congregational, Episcopal, and Evangelical United Brethren each has three members: while the Greek Orthodox, Friends, Church of God. Church of Christ Catholic, and Brethren in Christ each has two members attending McPherson College.

Trinity Lutheran. Latter Day Saints. Hebrew. Grace Baptist, Foursquare, Evangelical. Community Church, Church of God in Christ, and the Progressive Brethren each has one member.

Ahoy girls! At last the week we have all been waiting for is about to arrive!

Women Pay All week is scheduled to begin Sunday. Nov. 16. and continue until Saturday night. 11 p.m., Nov. 22. This annual affair is designed to help the boys retain what they have left in their billfolds.

The girls will ask for. arrange for. and pay for the dates. They will open car doors, dorm doors, theatre doors, end restaurant doors. They will call for the boys at Fahnestock and Arnold Halls, also any off-campus dwellings.

The MCA Family-Style Dinner, the student recital, the high-school's presentation of "Oklahoma,” and the Drama Department's preoduction of "See How They Run," are some of the events to which the girls may take their dates.

W.P.A. Week is observed an nually at Macollege. It originally included a Sadie Hawkins - Day celebration.

W.P.A. Week is sponsored by the SoCo. Committee, which consists of Linda Royer, chairman Faye Fields, Pat Albright, Larry King, and Eddie Longmire

Ministers To Hear Profs Discuss

Three Students Fill Pulpit As Part-time Pastorates

"Science and Religion — a Conflict?" will be the topic discussed at the Missionary and Ministerial Fellowship meeting next Monday evening, Nov. 17, at 7:00 p.m., in Room 310, Harnly Hall.

A presentation of both sides of the question by Dr. Burton Metzler, professor of philosphy and religion, and Dr. John Burkholder. professor of biology, will be followed by group discussion.

All interested in missions, the ministry, or full-time Christian vocations are invited, whether they have previously attended or not. The group meets regularly the first and third Mondays of each month.

Dr. Wayne F. Geisert, dean of the college, will be the guest speaker at the MCA family-style dinner on Nov. 20. Beginning at 6:15 p.m., the dinner will be held in the Church of the Brethren social rooms.

"Thanksgiving Turkey A La Mode” will be Dr. Geisert’s topic. Also on the program will be a musical selection by the Ladies Trio and brief remarks by Mrs. Wayne Geisert.

Dr. and Mrs. Geisert will act as hosts for the evening. Richard Bittinger, MCA president, will be the master of ceremonies.

Elizabeth Pittman. Donelda Arick, and Veneta Howell arc in charge of the meal.

On the menu are roast turkey, dressing, gravy, candied sweet potatoes, buttered peas, cranberry salad, hot rolls, pumpkin pic, 'coffee, and relish (celery, carrots and pickles).

Tickets ar $1 per person and may be purchased from any cabinet member.

The MCA Cabinet members are Richard Bittinger, president: Jim Freed, vice-president: Pat Albright, secretary-treasurer; 'Sher-land Ng, publicity chairman; and Alferdteen Brown, interdenomin- ation representative.

Two Assume Responsibilities For Mrs. San Romani

Two professors' wives have taken over the responsibilities of Mrs. Audrey San Romani, associate professor of piano and organ, during her recent illness.

They are Mrs. Faye Frederick, wife of Donald Frederick, director of music, teaching the organ lessons, and Mrs. Dale Brown, wife of Dale Brown, director of religious life, teaching the piano students.

Mrs. Frederick has taught piano for over ten years. She is now taking the eight of Mrs.

San Romani's students in organ plus twelve piano students of her own, and is classified as a senior with five hours of college work.

Three children are in the Frederick family — Dennis, 14, Susan, 11, and Joel, nine months.

Studies for Mrs. Frederick have been here at Mac for five years and one year in Chicago.

Mrs. Brown spends 14-15 hours teaching 20 to 21 students piano each week for, Mrs. San Romani. While attending college here, she worked her way through by teaching piano.

She was a student under Miss Jessie Brown, professor emeritus of piano, and Mrs. San Romani She was also organist for the local Presbyterian Church.

Since her graduation in '47, she has taught piano, especially to children, as that is her favorite type of work.

There are two children in the Brown family — Deanna Gae, three and Dennis, one.

Three students have part-time pastorates along with’ other studies this year. They are Glen Faus, a sophomore from Man-heim, Pa., who goes to the Ver-digras Church of the Brethren, Merrill Grohman, a sophomore whose home is in Little River, his pastorate, and Robert Martin, a senior, orginally from Elkhart, Ind., who serves the Castleton Community Church.


Glen drives a distance of about 100 miles three Sundays out of each month to a small church of 40-50 in attendance located 14 miles south of Emporia.

When asked how he felt about this responsibility, he stated, "Some people feel it is a burden. or a pain in the neck, but I feel it is a terrific challenge to a young man. I would advise it to others if they can give it all they have conscientiously."

Little River

Since September. Merrill and his wife and their family of three — two girls and a boy — have lived in the Little River. Has.. Congregational parsonage where

Merrill has served as pastor. It is a church of approximately 200 local members and 35 non-resident members.

Previous to their assignment at the Little River parish, the Grohmans served as assistant pastor in Broomfield, Colo., and Sacramento, Calif.

Castelton Robert Martin, better known as "Bob", is the full-time pastor of the Castleton Community Church in Castleton, southwest of Hutchinson. Bob and his wife and two children, Larry and Cynthia, travel that 100 miles distance regularly.    *

Before coming to Macollege, they served as pastor of a church in Michigan for five years. Bob has also completed two years of Bethany Training School.

Darry Melton, a junior from Asherville, Kas., does not have a part or full-time pastorate but frequently fills the pulpit at his home church in Asherville.

they are without a pastor there. It is the Community Baptist Church and approximately 50 at-tend regulary.

Students To Present Recital On Nov. 21

A student recital is scheduled for Nov. 21, at 7 p.m. in the chapel.

Vocalists participating in the recital are Carolyn Fillmore, Pat Albright, Rowena Carr, Palsy Bolen, Clara Zunkel, Norma Watkins, Margaret Lehman, and Mur-lene Klotz.

Pianists in the recital include Valerie Miller, Margaret Lehman, Marvin Weddle, and Mary Lou Kingery.

Instrumentalist is Gary Sidling who will play trombone.

Ex-BVS’ers Organize At First Meeting

Ten former B.V.S.ers met for their first monthly meeting last Sunday afternoon, Clara Zunkel, chairman of the guidance committee of three, conducted a few get-acquainted games and singing. after which the group discussed the future plans of the organization.

Another meeting is scheduled for Dec. 7. when the group will get together and write letters' to B.V.S.ers, those from McPherson College and from specific units.

“Written On The Wind” To Appear In Chapel

The Social Committee announces the movie “Written on the Wind” to be shown for twenty-five cents in chapel on Nov. 14. at 7:30 p.m. The committee urges all to attend.

Plans Are Made For Annual January School Of Missions

Siek Will Attend Home Ec Meet Today

Miss Mildred Sick, professor of home economics, will attend the Kansas Home Economics Administration meeting today. The meeting is being held in the Home Economics Department of Kansas State Teachers’ College. Emporia.

Frances Zuill from the Home Economics Department of the University of Wisconsin will be the speaker and discussion lead-

Frantz Accepts KAST Office

Merlin Frantz, associate prolessor of education and psychology has taken the position of secretary-treasurer of the Kansas Association of Student Teachers.    

The organization is a state organization affiliated with the national organization.

Dr. and Mrs. Desmond Ballinger will relate some experiences of their official trip to Europe during the School of Missions program at the Church of the Brethren during the month of January.

The first session for the School of Missions will be Thursday evening, Jan. 8 at 6:30 p.m. and will continue on Thursday and Sunday evenings until Feb. 1.

On Thursday evenings. meals costing approximately 40 cents will be served by the Sunday school classes and the McPherson Christian Association.

Iraq will be the subject of a talk and slides presented by Don Goodfellow, ’55, on Jan. 11. Mr. Goodfellow served alternate service in Iraq and now farms near Lyons.

Mr. Goodfellow is a former

member of the Macollege track team and married Mac-graduate. Eula Mae Murray, class of ’54.

Macollege faculty members participating in the School of Missions program are. Paul Wagoner. Dr. John Burkholder, John Sheets, Rev. Dale Brown. Dr. Raymond F 1 o r y. Mr. Homer Brunk, and Dr. Wesley De Cour-sey.

Theme for the program will be "The Middle East." and college students are invited.

Local Theater To Show Wildlife Production

Walt Disney's White Widlerness

will be shown at the Manor Theater down town in McPherson. Wednesday Nov. 19 through Saturday, Nov. 22.

How’s Your Etiquette?

How’s your etiquette? It’s time to brush up on your table manners and plan to attend the MCA dinner next Thursday night. Etiquette makes life more enjoyable. Good manners based on kindness of heart are fundamental to our civilized nation.

How about putting your manners to practice here at college—in the cafeteria, in the dorms or on a date or where ever you happen to be.

Occasions will arise in everyone’s life when he must attend a banquet or formal dinner. Will you be embarrassed?

College days are the time to practice up on such little courtesies. The mark of a well educated man is courtesy and consideration of others.


All Fields Have Registered Progress During November

tive 18 hour run will long be remembered by TV fans who watched the telethon Nov. 30. 1957. In these 19 hours, Jerry Lewis collected $7000,000 for Muscular Dystrophy Associations of America, striking a significant blow against this mysterious, devastating disease.

The future of the Institute will largely be determined by the success of this November’s drive. November, 1958, may mark the beginning of the conquest of Muscular Dystrophy.

In November. 1877. Edison told the world he had perfected a

talking machine."

The horseless carriage had many colorful November adventures.

America’s first auto race raised the dust from Chicago to Evanston, Ill., in Nov. 1895. Four Novembers later the first automobile show was held in Madison Square Garden on November 3, 1900.

The tradition of November gratitude began with the passengers of the Mayflower, who held feasts and church services that month to celebrate the passing of their precarious year in the new world.

In 1789, George Wahington designated Nov. 28 as a day of thanksgiving — for the adoption of the new American Constitution.

In 1863, at the request of President Lincoln. America celebrated the first Thanksgiving Day on the last Thursday in November.

There is nothing by which men display their character so much as in what they consider ridiculous.

The Thanksgiving month deserves a vote of thanks. Pioneers and trailblazers of all kinds have flourished in its discouraging climate and the November barometer has consistently registered progress in all fields.

Many innovators had November beginnings, among them physicist Marie Currie, inventor Rob ert Fulton, pioneer prototype Daniel Boone and magnate Andrew Carnegie.

Labor leaders have also pio-neered in November. In November, 1881 Samuel Gompers found ed The Federation of Organized Trades and Labor Unions, forerunner of the better-known AFL.

In November 1935 John L. Lewis bent his famous eyebrows to the problem of organizing an industrial union for workers not eligible for AFL membership. Result: the CIO.

Although it launched a "Czar-dom," November weather has more often than not been congenial to democracy. Winston Churchill was bom during November 1875. North and South Ka kota, Washington and Oklahoma joined the Union in November.

Archeologist entered the tomb of King Tut in November 1922.

Several years later Admiral Byrd telegraphed his arrival at the South Pole.

Historic runs are a November specialty. November has introduced many a theatrical hit. On Nov. 3, 1939. Life With Father began its 3 year run. A consecu

I Love The Spec

I love the Spec.

I think it's swell.

On Friday noons I run pell mell

To get my copy And read each line.

The stories and columns I think are fine.

I laugh at the jokes.

I read all the ads.

I take up all the fads.

When I praise the paper I scorn those who laugh.

I’m really most loyal —

I’m one of the staff.

La Verne To Host BSCM Over Christmas Recess

Deadline for pre-registration for this year’s Brethren Student Christian Movement’s conference is set for Thanksgiving vacation. The conference will be held on Dec. 29-31, 1958, on the LaVerne College Campus, in LaVerne, Calif. Bob Dell, McPherson’s representative on the planning committee. is now accepting the preregistrations from here.

"Do Dunkers Dabble or Dig, in the arts, recreation, and world action?" is the topic for this con ference. Such leaders as C. Ern

Chaff Gives A Test

By Faus, Foley, and Harris

est Davis, Ralph Smeltzer, Bob Tully, Galen Ogden, and Kurt Naylor will enlarge upon this subject.

too difficult to take. They are too hard on the mind, the eyesight, and other parts of the body.

Therefore. CHAFF, as another public service, has done voluminous firsthand observation and has devised one single, comprehensive all-inclusive aptipsy-chointermatic problimatical test which sees all, knows all, discourages all.

These questions are carefully constructed to reveal your strengths and weaknesses In many fields of talent and personality. Simply underline the answer that seems most logical to you in each question.

1.    Which of the following would you rather do? <a> Clean skyscraper windows. <b> hunt penguins, <c> wrestle an octopus.

d) count snow.

2.    Which of the following foods would you rather eat? (a) Rus-ian salad. (b) Italian pizza, (c) Spanish rice, (d) McPherson cat loaf.

3.    Which of the following words has a meaning closest to the meaning of the word Chaff? <a> evil. (b) filth. (c) trash.

4.    Suppose you are sent to the ocean with a five gallon wash-tub, a three liter sieve, and a cracked football helmet and are told to measure out 3.1416 fathoms of water. Which would be logical first step? <a> Fill wash-tub from ocean. (b) fill sieve using football helmet. <c> fill air with dirty language. (d) give up and go swimming.

5.    Which would you rather do on your vacation? <a> Visit Russia and take colored pictures with your Brownie Hawkeye cam-

Martin Named Officer Of State Organization

Mrs. Alice B. Martin. Macol-lege Registrar, was elected Treasurer of the Kansas State Registrar’s Association, at the annual State Registrar's and Dean’s meeting held at Hays State College recently.

Muddling The Mind

As our adult advisor, Socrates, once said, "Know thyself." Nowadays this business of knowing thyself is made easier by many I. Q. tests, aptitude tests, psychological tests, and interest tests which will show just exactly what you are like deep down inside.

But all these long tests are

era. <b> Build flimsy houses and sell them at astounding prices. (c) Work in a national park posing as a grizzley bear.

6.    Which literature would you rather read? <a> Shakespeare. <b> Pogo, (c) Chaff.

7.    Suppose you are in charge of the government ‘effort to launch a rocket to the moon. Arrange these steps in their correct order for launching procedure: <a> postpone launching.

b) locate moon, <c> begin countdown, <d> phone Eisenhower with an excuse. <e> stoke boiler, <f> pose for photographers, <g> light fuse, (h) Run, (i) phone Eisenhower with another excuse (j) watch explosion, (k) pick up pieces, (l) fill air with dirty language.

8.    Which of the following sentences am correct? «a» John done shot the bear. (b) John did shot the bear. <c> John have shot the bear. <d) John is missed the bear. <e> John is missed.

9.    Which of the following would you rather do on a date? <a> Discuss the weather, (b) Look at a scrapbook, (c) Pick flowers, <d> Other things.

10.    Which of the following is arranged in the correct order? <a> L. S. M. F. T.. (b) M.’ S. L. F. T.. <c> T. F. M. S. L.

If you are maladjusted enough to think you have passed this test, you may come to room 410 Dotzour to have it scored and interpreted for the small fee of buying us three zombies.

Pondering With The President

On My Campfires

By Dr. D. W. Bittinger

At Dodge City there is an interesting statue of a cowboy. He wears a wide-brimmed hat and carries his guns low.

On the bottom of the statue are these words. “On my campfires you build your cities.”

What he said is demonstrated by the string of cities which followed him across the west: Abilene, Dodge City, Rocky Ford, Denver, Laramie, and on to the Pacific Ocean. Pioneering is not ended.

We should be building some campfires in intellectual, spiritual, and social realms which will become the strongholds of a better world tomorrow.

Bulldogs Clinch Second In Downing Bethany 23-7

Early in the first period, a fired-up Bethany team picked up a Bulldog fumble on the 22-yard line of the Bulldogs. Two plays later. Bruce Harding of the Swedes ran around right end to score Bethany's only touchdown,

Rick Hood, senior guard, returned to the Bulldog lineup after being out six weeks with a knee injury, to play a fine game.

The Bulldogs out rushed the Swedes by racking up 242 yards, to the Swedes’ 197. The Bulldogs bad 12 firstdowns, and Bethany had only 10, Bethany was penalized 70 yards, while the Bulldogs received just 40 yards of penalties.

This was the final game of their college career for nine members of the Bulldog squad. They are Jerry McPherson. Ed mund Delk, Donald Cotton, Rickie Hood, Thomas Ragland, Ken neth Stucky, Wayne Grossnickle, Larry Sams, and Gene Elliott.,

Offensive Efforts Earn Ragland This Week’s Honor

In a downpour of cold rain and a strong shifting wind, the Macollege Bulldogs scored three touchdowns and a safety to defeat the Bethany Swedes 23 to 7 in the last conference game of the season.

Midway in the first period of play. Ken Stucky, senior quarterback. skirted the right end for a 22 yard touchdown play. In the final period. Stucky again ran around the end for a five-yard touchdown.

The other touchdown was scored late in the first period when Tom Ragland, senior halfback, made a spectacular 46 yard touchdown run. Gordon Lewis kicked the extra point.

The additional two points Were scored by a safety, when Ed Delk, senior end, blocked a Bethany point in the end zone. Delk was injured on this play but later returned to the game.

Tom Ragland has been selected for the "Athlete of the Week." He was chosen for his speedy offensive play as well as his efforts in scoring a touchdown for the Bulldogs.

Tom. a senior from Lawrence. Kas., played left halfback for the Bulldogs this year. He was one of the fastest boys on the Canine squad. Tom stands 5'8" high, and weighs in at 165 pounds.

At the present time. Tom is student teaching at McPherson High School, where he is gaining experience in his major field of industrial arts.

Sports Calendar

Friday, Nov. 14 Baker at Ottawa Southwestern at Kansas Wesleyan.

Saturday. Nov. 15 Iowa State at Kansas State. Kansas at Oklahoma State. Missouri at Oklahoma. Pittsburgh at Nebraska. Colorado at Utah.

Purdue at Northwestern.

Ohio State at Iowa.

Wisconsin at Illinois.

Indiana at Michigan.

Mich. State at Minnesota.

Four Teams Have Perfect Records

Only two weeks remain of intramural volleyball competition. One of these weeks will consist of regular ploy while the other will be a tournament.

Four teams have come thus far in the season with no defeats. The captains of these teams are Ed Delk, Clifton Baile-Shirley Turner, Melvin Rob-erts-Margaret Lehman, and Earl Guiot.

The standings for both leagues listed below are correct as of

The Baker Wildcats fell by the wayside in the list of the nation’s unbeaten and untied college football teams as William Jewell defeated them 20-7 in a nonconference game.

McPherson ended its season with a win over Bethany 23-7. The Bulldogs clinched second position in the KCAC and finished with an overall season record of eight wins and one defeat.

Two other KCAC members completed the conference season as Bethel defeated Kansas Wesleyan 39-14.

The other game played in the KCAC found the Ottawa Braves

Co-captains for the 1958 football season were elected by the squad members last week. Each squad member was allowed to vote for two boys, preferably one lineman and one backfieldman.

The results of the voting showed the co-captains to be Edmund Delk, end, and Kenneth Stucky, quarterback.

Ed Delk

Ed is a business major and at the present time is practice teaching at Moundridge, Kas. He is formerly of Topeka, Kas.,

Cagers Begin Practice Monday For Season

Basketball practice will begin in earnest for everyone Monday afternoon. Nov. 17," says Coach Sid Smith, director of athletics at McPherson College.

The first basketball meeting of the year was held last Wednesday. Nov. 11, followed by a practice for the new men yesterday and one scheduled for today.

Practice is scheduled to be the same as football' and will be at 3 p.m. every afternoon.

"Handcards of the games will soon be handed out." Coach Smith said.

Missouri At Oklahoma For Orange Bowl Seat

The bid for the oranges will be at stake tomorrow in Norman. Okla., as the Missouri Tigers meet the Sooners of Oklahoma.

Missouri poured the steam on Colorado in the third period to romp over them 33-9.

Oklahoma played in Ames where they beat a subborn Iowa State team 20-0.

Kansas State was downed by Oklahoma State, a team ineligible for the title until 1960. 14-7.

The Kansas Jayhawks rolled over Nebraska 29-7 in order to bring their season to an even .500.

Stucky make their home here in McPherson.

Kenneth has attended Macollege four years and has lettered in football all four years. Last year Ken was named to the second all-conference team.

Suspense Looms High As Conference Race Closes

rollling over College of Emporia 26-6.

Ottawa is the team that McPherson will be supporting tonight as they face Baker. An upset by the Braves would put the Bulldogs in a tie for first position with Baker.

KSCA Standings

Stucky And Delk Selected As Co-Captains Of ’58 Squad

but now he and his wife, Sharon, make their home in McPherson.

Ed has attended Mac College three years and has lettered in football all three years. Last year Ed was named to the second all-conference team and the year before that he made the first all-conference team.

Ken Stucky

Ken is an industrial arts major and at the present time he is also practice teaching at Mound-ridge. Ken is formerly of Mound-ridge but now he and Mrs.

Athlete of The Week ,

You can make others better by being good to yourself.

Don’t look back. Something might be gaining on you.

The Spectator Page 4

November 14, 1958

Miller, Trustee, Donates X-ray Equipment To College

John Miller, a college trustee from Oklahoma City, Okla., has presented the McPherson College Physics Department with some used X-ray equipment according to George Arnold, assistant professor’ of math and physics.

“We were very glad to get it because it would be quite expensive to buy it new," Mr. Arnold said.

This is the second gift from Mr. Miller in recent months. Last summer. Mr. Miller gave an incubator to the Biology Department. The incubator is used especially for bacteriology.

Mr. Miller was recently elected trustee to fill the unexpired term of Leslie Holderread. He has two daughters attending Macollege. They are Nancy, a freshman living in Dotzour Hall, and Jan-elle, a junior living in Kline Hall.

“The X-ray equipment is used in atomic physics in the atomic theory course, and we are fix

ing up the dark room to develop the film," Mr. Arnold said.

Mr. Arnold mentioned that he wanted to use the X-ray for an experiment with mutations on flies when the next class in genetics is organized.

"There arc seven students in the atomic theory class,” Mr. Arnold said, "and they study the structure of atoms, radioactivity, property of electrons, production of spectra, and x-rays by various atoms."

"Several of the physics students have been watching the 6:30 a.m. TV physics course. Mr. Arnold said.

Seven students from this area are enrolled and three audit the TV physics course which ' Mr. Arnold coordinates for the McPherson area.

Mr. Arnold indicated the experimental TV course has been working well and that it would be continued next semester in nuclear physics.

Future Chapel Programs Listed

A group of dramatists from McPherson High School under the direction of Mrs. Kohler will give excerpts from the musical "Oklahoma" at chapel Tuesday. Nov. 18. The high school group will present the musical later in the season.

Prof. Slimon will present an art movie for Friday’s assembly.

The Music Department will present a Thanksgiving Sacred Music Concert during chapel on Nov. 25.

On Dec. 2, Englishman Colin Jackson, an expert on international relations will speak to the students.

Mr. Jackson will meet with the International Relations Club on Monday night and will be in chapel the next day. He has traveled in Russia besides many other places.

George Jason, comedian, pianist, linguist, TV star, and entertainer will be featured in the Dec. 5 assembly. He has been well received by students in many schools.

Design Principles Interest Several Home Ec Majors

Class To Visit Clinic At Salina

Seven students, accompanied by Prof. Kenneth Bechtel, professor of sociology and language, will go to Salina to the Child Guidance Clinic there.

Psychacrists, psychiatric social workers, and psychologists all work with the child along with the parents. It is considered one of the most recent clinics of this kind in this part of the country.

Those students making the trip are Monsuru Disu, a senior from Lagos, Nigeria, Africa, Nancy Erisman, senior from Fairview, Mo., Elverda Fike, junior from West Plains, Mo.

Darry Melton, junior from Ash-erville, Kas., Lawrence Miller, senior from McPherson, Sharon Schrock, junior from Hampton Iowa, and Clifford Tusing, sen ior from Baltimore, Md.

Debaters Successful In Winning Two Rounds

Two debate teams and Professor Hayes went to Manhattan to participate in the Novice Debate Tournament Saturday. Nov. 8. The squad won two rounds of debate and lost four rounds.

There were 25 schools participating in the debate tournament. There were 63 teams from the 25 schools. Kansas. Nebraska, and Missouri were represented. Of the colleges close to McPherson. Wichita University. Hutchinson Junior Colege, and Sterling participated.

Club Calendar


6:45 Memory Chapel. Church. 7:00 Ministerial and Missionary Fellowship. Harnly 310. Tuesday:

6:45 Memory Chapel. Church. 6:30 Orchestra. SAR Wednesday:

6:30 Student Council, Prof. Flory’s.

6:45 Memory Chapel. Church. Thursday:

6:45 MCA. Various buzz groups.

Macollege students enrolled in design class this semester are Esther Bollinger. Janice Bower. Carol Cheek. Donna Coe, Marjorie Hanley, Bonnie Hodgden, Avis Prochaska, Shirley Reynolds and Roberta Varner.

Design is a basic course. Other design courses are built from it.

Design is a study of the principles of design and not the techniques. The techniques of design are minor points. They are not studied with the principles.

Different projects are being made all the time. The projects are not elaborated on. The class studies the principles of them, and then they make the design.

One of the projects in design class was to take a string and dip it into paste. The string was then dropped on a piece of paper and made into a design.

Another one of the projects was textures. The same idea was carried through only with different types of textures. One of the projects was a braid of hair made of yarn with a plastic comb placed beside it.

One of the projects was on sewing materials. It had different types of buttons, material, and other items that are used to sew with.

Weed arrangements were made. The girls picked weeds and used them in arrangements with drift wood. The drift wood and weed arrangements were made for form al balance.

Lettering is another one of their many projects. They made letter arrangements to learn how to letter properly.

At Christmas time, the design students will make mobiles. Before the class is finished, they will design a chair on paper.

SNEA To Feature Fashion Show Nov. 19

The SNEA meeting will be Wednesday. Nov. 19 at 7 p.m. in room 30 Sharp Hall. A Fashion Show will be presented as the program.

Faculty Is Involved In Catalog Revision

Most of the members of the faculty are involved in some work being done on the revision of the catalog for the years of 1959, 1960, 1961, and 1962.

There will be no major course changes in the new catalog and major department changes will be made with the approval of the curriculum committee.

Some parts of the catalog will be written by the faculty committee. the president of the college, the heads of the departments, the dean, and the registrar.

The aims and purposes of the college will be rewritten by a faculty committee and the business manager will rewrite the part pertaining to finance.

Members Are Initiated At Home Ec Meeting

The Home Economics Club meeting, was held Tuesday evening, Nov. 11 in Harnly Hall. After a business meeting, new members of the club were initiated. The initiation was a candlelight service.

Beauty seen is partly in him who sees it.

MENC Plans Programs For Future Meetings

The next MENC meeting will be Dec. 3.

The MENC meeting was held on Wednesday evening. Nov. 5. The main purpose of the meeting was to sign the membership cards.

The members discussed programs for future meetings, and the possibility of local dues.