Volume XLIII
McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas, September 12, 1958
No. 1
Four new faces will be seen among the Macollege faculty members this year. Pictured left to right are Peter Coulson of Tucson, Ariz., who will replace Miss Della Lehman in the English Department, Harvey Lehman of St. John. Kans., assisting John Sheets in the public relations office. Dale Brown, a 194 6 Macollege graduate, assisting Dr. Burton Metzler in the Philosophy and Relligion Department, and Prof. Richard Silmon of Wichita, replacing Prof. Kenneth Kenzie in the Art Department.
Four New Members Join Macollege Faculty This Fall
Four new members joined the Macollege faculty this fall. They were the Rev. Dale Brown, the Rev. Harvey Lehman. James Peter Coulson and Mr. Richard Sli-mon.
The Rev. Dale W. Brown, who will be working in the Philosophy and Religion Department, is a 1946 McPherson College graduate. He received his B. D. from Bethany Biblical Seminary in 1949.
The Rev. Harvey C. Lehman joins the Macollege family with his specific duties focused largely on the Development Campaign, which is to bring into being new Sharp Hall. Rev. Lehman was pastor of the Eden Valley, Kas. Church of the Brethren.
James Peter Coulson of Tucson. Ariz.. is also joining the Macollege faculty this fall. Mr. Coulson will be teaching in the field of literature and dramatics.
Mr. Richard J. Slimon, Wichita, Kas., has been employed as Assistant Professor of Art at McPherson College for the new school year. He will succeed Mr. Kenneth Kinzie.
Rev. Baugher To Speak For Dedication Service
Rev. Norman Baugher. General Secretary of the Brotherhood Board of the Church of the Brethren, will speak Sunday morning Sept. 28 for the dedication of the new Educational Building for the McPherson Church of the Brethren.
Open house for the college students will be held during the Sunday school period. Town people will have the opportunity to visit the building in the afternoon.
Theme of the evening service at the church will be “New Trends in Religious Education" and will feature a series of slide pictures showing the progression of the educational building, choral speaking, and a rhythmic interpretation of the "Lord’s Prayer."
Children's classes will be held in the new building one week before dedication.
Trustees Will Hold Meet To Discuss Sharp Hall Plan
Final plans for the new Sharp Hall are completed and ready for approval by the Trustee Board which will hold a special meeting on campus Sept. 20 The architects have submitted a total estimated cost as well as itemized expenses. The trustees will need to analyze the way the money is coming in to determine what the procedure will be for the actual construction to
Fike Resumes Study At Mac Fager To Study In Germany
Juanita Fike, a junior from Peace Valley, Mo., is returning to her Studies at Macollege after spending a year in Germany as an exchange student.
Replacing her is Lois Fager, a junior from Fresno, Calif., who arrived in Bremerhaven on Aug. 3. She is living with a German family near Herford until school begins in November. She will attend the teachers college in Goettingen.
Lois writes that she learns some German words the hard way. "For instance, one of' the fellows who watches after the boys said ’Spazieren gang?’ I could not remember what spaz-ieren was. He could not say it in English, and so he left. When I looked it up later, I learned that he wanted me to go for a walk. I'll know next time!”
Her German parents are managers and house parents’ of a home for boys between the ages of 12 to 20 who have committed minor crimes.
She had two German brothers and three German sisters. Lois reports that she is surprised at how much the part of Germany • she is in is like America.
“I never worry about going hungry., We cat four times a day —'sometimes five. We have potatoes with each meal just like we 'Americans) have salt on the table for each meal. We have as much bread as potatoes."
Juanita had semester vacation in March and April. During that time she and an exchangee from LaVerne College took a one and one half month trip through Switzerland, Italy, Austria, and southern Germany.
She says that the school she attends is a seven month school, with a two month vacation be-tween each semester.
“The classes are mostly of the lecture type with much less opportunity to learn to know students individually. We have no specific assignments and do not have to attend classes.
“The only tests are given to the student after he has attended here three years. The ideal system would be a happy medium between the mad rush and social emphasis at Mac and the slow pace and lifelessness of the student here.”
The MCA sponsored Juanita and Lois as exchange students.
They will also consider the final plans and make any changes which they feel necessary.
The total goal of the McPher-son College Development Campaign is $725,000 of which $594,698 had been pledged by Aug. 20. An amount of $102,194 has been received in actual payment on the same date.
Pres. D. W. Bittinger pointed out that since the pledges are made over a five-year time, it is obvious that to begin in the first year of receiving the pledges would mean borrowing money. The trustees will discuss this.
He feels that the architects have planned a beautiful as well a functional and efficient building.
Dr. Bittinger stated. "From the mood of the letters from the trustees. they are in favor of beginning the building of a new Sharp Hall as soon as possible."
Mr. Floyd Bantz, pastor of the Kansas City. Mo., Church of the Brethren for nine years, took over the position of Regional Executive Secretary on June 1. His office is in the Regional Office at Macollege.
Mr. Bantz is a graduate of Manchester College and Bethany Biblical Seminary. His duties at Macollege include giving speeches at various district conferences in the Western Region.
Mr. Bantz's schedules for the next few weeks include attending a reception for Harold Statler, a former Church of the Brethren minister who was appointed new executive of the Kansas Council' of Churches at Topeka Sept, 11.
Also scheduled are visits to the North Missouri meet, North East Kansas District Meet, and the new Golden Valley Church in Minneapolis.
Dr. Robert W. Buggert, head of the graduate study in music at Wichita University and three of the university’s students will present a variety percussion program as part of the faculty reception tonight.
The program begins at 8:15 in the Chapel.
Dr. Buggert is an authority on percussion instruments and is a consultant for music clinics in the U. S. He also writes for the "Instrumentalist," a music magazine.
Following the musical program, all McPherson College students will be welcomed into the home of Dr. D. W. Bittinger, president
Mac Students May Join College Church Sunday
This Sunday will be Student Membership Sunday at the Church of the Brethren. Any student who wishes to may become a student member of the local Church of the Brethren while retaining his present membership in his home church.
Floyd Bantz
Earn And Serve Members To Hold Retreat Tomorrow
Dr. Bittinger Welcomes Students In Assembly
The first student assembly was held this morning with Dr. D. W. Bittinger, president of the college, presiding. He gave his annual welcome to the college students.
Tonight. 6:30. Faculty reception for students in chapel and D. W. Bittinger’s home.
Saturday. Sept. 13, 7:30 p.m., Football game with Sterling, there.
Sunday, Sept. 14, 7:30 p.m., Church reception for all students, Church of the Brethren.
Tuesday. Sept. 16, 7:30 p.m., Freshmen Talent Program, auditorium.
Thursday, Sept 18, 6:30 p.m., Pajama Parade.
Members of the Earn and Serve teams will meet tomorrow at Vaniman Hall from 8:30-noon to discuss and evaluate each of the 10 projects which were located in six different states. Earn and Serve Projects were sponsored by the Western Region Church of the Brethren during the summer.
Group singing will open the meeting. Following will be reports from each team with a discussion. After this year has been discussed, the group will look into the future in determining the prospects, for the coming years.
The Denver Earn and Serve team will have charge of the closing worship. The meeting will adjourn at noon.
This summer there were ten projects in seven different states in the Western Region. Colorado. Kansas, and Iowa each had two projects. Oklahoma, Texas. Missouri. and North Dakota each had one.
The purpose of the retreat at the end of the summer is to
bring the group back together for a period of fellowship and of sharing their experiences.
Students working with the various projects were Jerry Flory, Marjorie Hanley, and Larry King, South English, Iowa: Bill Kalt-sounis, Greece; Sherland Ng and Lillian Aotaki, Hawaii; Martha Earley, Bellefontaine, Ohio; De-lores-Lehman and Joyce Ulrich, Quinter, Kas.
Glenna Hawbaker and Eddie Longmire. Dallas Center. Iowa; Imogene Haas, Abilene, Kas.; Ellen Williams, Worthington, Minn.; Bernard Desa, India; Lester Zook Minot N. Dak.; Ethan Gramm Detroit Kas.; Karen Yoder Conway, Kas.; Tom Ruhs-er, McPherson; Harold Connell. Brooklyn. Iowa.
Kay Wallerich, Ollie, Iowa; Vernard Folley, Morrill, Kas.; John Myers, Essex, Mo.; Dale Myers, Rolla, Mo.; Barbara Berlin Waynesboro, Pa.; Glenda Wine, Enders, Nebr.; Jake Guenther, Fredericksburg, Iowa; and Glen Faus, Monheim, Pa.
of the college at 1000 E. Euclid.
There have been many other activities throughout the week to’ help new students become acquainted and feel at home.
Men’s Supper
All faculty and student men were served a supper in the Doghouse on Thursday evening at 6 by the Men’s Council of the college.
Upper classmen, or big brothers. brought their little brothers, who were new students and freshmen. This was a get acquainted meeting for faculty and students.
Men’s Council officers are Dar-ry Melton, president: and Dick Reinke, secretary-treasurer.
Women’s Tea
Faculty and student women were entertained at a formal tea at 4 p.m. yesterday afternoon. This tea was held in the SUR, for the purpose of introducing the little sisters to upperclassmen women and faculty women-Women’s Council sponsors the annual Formal Tea. The officers are Norma Watkins, president; Delores Wallace, vice president; Delores Peek, secretary; Ellen Kurtz, treasurer; Joan Furry, publicity chairman.
Talent Show
The McPherson Christian Association sponsored the all-school talent show and the watermelon feed which followed on Wednesday evening at 7:30.
Non-freshman students presented this talent program for the entertainment of the entire student body and the faculty members.
Members of the MCA cabinet are Dick Bittinger, president; Jim Freed, vice president; Pat Albright, secretary-treasurer; Sher-land Ng. publicity chairman, and Alfredteen Brown, inter-denominational representative.
Song Fest
Prof Doris Coppock led students and faculty members in a song fest on Tuesday evening, Sept. 9, in the Chapel.
Freshman Party Members of the McPherson College Recreational Council were in charge of an active program in the gym on Monday evening. This was an annual affair sponsored by the Rec Council to help the freshmen get acquainted with their own classmates.
Red Council officers are Glen-na Hawbaker, president; Donelda Arick, vice president; Pat Huber, secretary; and Don Hollenbeck, treasurer.
Editors of the Quadrangle, the McPherson College yearbook, are busy working on the Quad. Individual pictures of each college student will be taken soon.
Bittingers Return To Mac After Busy Summer Abroad
Welcome, freshmen! Welcome to college and congratulations on your desire to learn. But before you begin the daily routine of college life, THINK-What will your college education mean to you in four years? What does an education mean? The dictionary definition of education is to develop the character by training and to cultivate mentally and morally.
A Chicago professor is reported to have given the pupils in his class a certain group of questions and told them they were not educated until they could answer “yes” to every question. Following are a few of the questions.
‘’Will a lonely dog follow you down the street?
“Can you be happy alone?
“Can you look into a mud puddle and see anything but mud?
“Can you look into the sky at night and see beyond the stars?
“Can your soul claim relationship with the Creator?”
jects behind the iron curtain in Poland and in Russia itself."
Missionaries In Africa Anagaya Mselia, who officiated at the 250th Anniversary Celebration of the Church of the Brethren in Germany, was a small boy in one of the Nigerian Villages where Dr. and Mrs. Bittinger were missionaries.
At that time Nigeria was so unsettled the Bittingers had to sign contracts which would not hold the British government responsible for any misfortune which might befall them.
First White People Dr. and Mrs. Bittinger and their family were the first while people in many of the Nigerian villages. The Nigerian explanation of why the Bittingers were so white was that they had been hidden away in a hole in the ground for too long and had bleached.
"The white man will get you if you are naughty," Nigerian
This is Dr. and Mrs. D. W. Bittinger. President of Macol lege and his wife, who are known as just "Mom and Pop." to the Macollege family.
Announce Debate Topic
Resolved: That the Further Development of Nuclear Weapons Should be Prohibited by International Agreement. The above is the debate topic for the school year, 1958-1959.
All students interested in debate for this year should contact Prof. Guy Hayes.
“Mom and Pop" as Dr. and Mrs. D. W. Bittinger are known to the Macollege family have returned after a busy summer in Europe. ,
Although the Bittingers traveled in 10 different countries by all means of transportation, visited in all types of communities and homes and attended conferences with people from all over the world, the thing that impressed and inspired them most was everywhere they went there was a former Macollege student at work.
Duties in Europe Dr. Bittinger’s duties in Europe concerning the church of the Brethren were to act as moderator for the 250th Anniversary Celebration in Germany, to represent the church at the World Council of Churches and to visit work camps and projects of the church in Europe.
"Eventually," states Dr. Bittinger. "we hope to establish pro
children were told and many were frightened when they saw the Bittingers for the first time.
The big job of the Bittingers was to begin schools and churches in Nigeria when there was no word for book, pencil, or paper. Lessons were prepared on banana leaves or in the sand until necessary supplies were obtained.
Many Experiences An interesting experience of Dr. Bittinger was hunting game for food in Africa. One of Mrs. Bittinger’s interesting experiences was translating a book so rare that she had to go through three locked doors to get to it and then the librarian had a turn the pages for her.
The book told of, the early history of the Sudan when it had a highly developed civilization. The material was used for Dr. Bittinger’s Ph.D. thesis.
Dr. Bittinger’s ambition has always been to climb the highest
mountain in the area and this summer he climbed the highest mountain in the Alps-In spite of his many interesting experiences Dr. Bittinger says that his most interesting exper-ences have always involved people and their problems.
Read and heed Spec ads.
Six Macollege students head the second semester 1957-58 honor roll with a 3.00 average. They are Richard Bittinger, Thelma Clouse, Carl Harris, Florence Peel, Harold Pfalzgraf, and Robert Dean Schrock.
Others on the honor roll are Richard Herder, 2.92; Robert Dell, 2.91; James Freed. 2.81; Ed Sink, 2.79; Mary Ann Guthals and Lynda Igel, 2.77; Valerie Miller, 2.74; Mario Oltman, 2.70; Donald Hawley. 2.0).
Fred Koons, 2.67; Janice Bower, 2.64; Jane Clouse and Donald Cotton, 2.63; Larry Hayes, 2.61; Wanda Soden, 2.60; Richard Landrum, 2.56; Willard Stucky, 2.54; Doris Peltzman, 2.53; Dennis Dirksen and John Lehman, 2.50.
Heading the honorable mention list are Janis Emswiler and Ver-nard Foley, 2.47; Pat Albright, Joan Furry, Glenna Hawbaker, Vera Mohler, and Irvin Wagner, 2.44; Ed Butler and Larry Werner, 2.41; Delores Kaufman, Elsie Holderread, and Loren Zook, 2.40; Robert Pittman, 2.39.
Faye Fields. William Janssen, and Margaret Lehman, 2.38; Kenneth Fancher, 2.36; Sherland Ng and Sidney Smith, 2.35; Donna
Beach, Forrest Kruschwitz, and Boyd Mathes, 2.33; Carol Hickey, 2.31; Bernice Bernstorf, 2.30; Don Hollenbeck and Norma Watkins, 2.28-
Ellen Strycker, 2.27; John Brand, Carl Gustafson, LeRoy Hayes, Marvin Krehbiel, Fred Spate, and Elaine Winslow, 2.25.
Honor roll members must have a 2.50 average or higher, and those receiving honorable men-tion must have from 2.25 to 2.50. A student must carry 12 hours to be eligible for the honor lists.
Spec Needs Reporters
Students interested in newspaper work may receive one hour's credit by reporting for the Spectator. They may also report for the Spec as an extra-curricular activity.
Read and heed the Spec ads.
The backfield lettermen are Gene Elliot. LeRoy Hayes, Marvin Keek. Darry Melton, Thomas Ragland, Larry Sams, Kenneth Stucky, and Richard Heidebrecht.
The freshmen on the squad number 16, seniors are next with ten. the juniors and sophomores each have seven members.
Other squad members are Dennis Brubaker. Lynn Cabbage, Don Elliot. Thayne Groff, A1 Gu-iot, Bryce Heinz, Roy Jones, Jerry Kinzie, Marvin Lawrence, Sheldon Livengood, Larry McPherson, Thomas Richards, and Ralph Rindt.
Others are Alvin Rowe. Leon Redko, Dale Smalley, Gordon Lewis, Art Chilson, Dean Scott and Larry Weibert.
The McPherson College Bulldogs open their 1958 grid season tomorrow against the Sterling College Warriors at 8 p.m. at Sterling. The Bulldogs defeated the Warriors 14-7 in last year's opener.
Practice for the Bulldogs began on Monday. Sept. 1. The 40 member squad has shaped up in fine condition in the past two weeks.
Twenty lettermen returned to the squad this fall. The list includes linesmen Dennis Brunner, Donald Cotton, Ed Delk, Max Grossnickle, Wayne Grossnickle, Rick Hood, Daryle Howell, and Jerry McPherson.
Also are Ivan Prochaska, Larry Schlehuber, Larry Werner, and Don Willits.
Guiot And Widrig Serve As Grid Team Trainers
Earl Guiot and Don Widrig, seniors, will serve as team trainers for the McPherson football squad-
Both Earl and Don were members of the squad for four years and both are lettermen. They are sociology majors.
Pupose Of “M” Club Is Building Fellowship
"M" Club is an organization for Macollege athletes who through their athletic and scholarship ability earn a school letter in any varsity sport at the college.
Purpose of the "M" Club is to promote fellowship and school spirit and to build and maintain an athletic program of which McPherson College may be proud.
Officers of the “M" Club are Jerry McPherson, president; and Darry Melton, secretary-treasurer.
To introduce new Freshmen to the Women's Athletic Association on Macollege campus, the W.A.A. is sponsoring a breakfast. Saturday, Sept. 13, at the football stadium.
The W. A. A., one of the organizations on Macampus, is open to all girls interested in sports. Its aim is to promote greater physical efficiency, fellowship.
A nine game schedule faces the McPherson College Bulldogs in the 1958 grid season. The opener is with Sterling tomorrow night.
Friday. Sept. 19, finds the Bulldogs at home facing St. Mary at 7:30 p.m. McPherson will travel to Bethel, Saturday, Sept. 27.
The next home game will be played with Baker on Friday. Oct. 3. The Bulldogs then travel to Emporia on Saturday. Oct. 11.
The homecoming game will be played against Kansas Wesleyan on Saturday. Oct. 18.
The next two games ore on the rood. Saturday. Oct. 25. they venture to the Friends campus and on Saturday. Nov. l, play at Ottawa.
The final game of the season is played at home with Bethany on Friday, Nov. 7.
The Bulldogs finished last season in Kansas Conference play tied with Bethel for third and fourth places. Five wins and two defeats made up the win-loss record in conference play.
The Bulldogs had an over-all record of six wins and three losses.
Have you ever had the urge to run around town in your pajamas? Or have you ever wanted to eat hotdogs and potato chips while leisurely attired in p.j.’s?
If you have, then you'll find all of this at the annual Pep Club Picnic and Pajama Parade. Thursday. Sept. 18. beginning at 4:45 in Lakeside, Park.
The Pep Club Picnic will begin at 4:45 at the Girl Scout Club-house and totem pole. Everyone is invited to attend in their pajamas.
After the picnic, all pajama parade participants will form the traditional line at 6 p.m., to parade through the streets of downtown McPherson.
Lead by the cheerleaders -- the line will weave in and out of stores and around traffic. After the parade the students will attend a show at one of the local theatres.
Macollege Team Wins In City Tennis Tournament
Macollege was represented in the city tennis tournament for all ages which is sponsored annually by the City Recreation Commission .in McPherson.
Delbert Kelly defeated B o b Luty, a freshman at Macollege this year to win the singles championship. Gordon Yoder, class of '39 and Gene Wenger, Macollege senior, defeated Bob Luty and Keith Rickner, class of '53 to win the doubles championship.
scholarship and sportsmanship.
Officers of the W. A. A. are Valerie Miller, president: Shirley Turner, vice president: treasurer, Pat Huber; and publicity chairman, Glenda Wine-
Freshman, Beware!
Summer Romances Bring Weddings, Engagements
Total registration for the Lake Junaluska National Youth Conference held Aug. 25-29 reached 2,675. Many Macollege students attended the second national conference of Brethren youth.
The Western Region of the Church of the Brethren was well represented with a total of 350. This was a 75 per cent increase over the number that attended the Anderson. Ind., conference in 1954.
Western Region youth traveled to the conference by eight chartered buses and many cars. Various districts and state organizations were responsible for organizing the bus transportation.
"Our Faith Tremendous,” the conference theme, set a mood for serious study of what Christian faith is and how it can be applied to the daily and lifetime decisions of youth.
Major addresses were given on the theme by Earle W. Fike, Jr., pastor, Chicago; J. Henry Long. Executive Secretary Foreign Missions Comm., Elgin; Don Snider, pastor, Dixon, Ill.; and Harry K. Zeller, pastor. McPherson.
Also Jesse H. Ziegler. Professor. Bethany Seminary. Chicago; and Wayne Zunkel, pastor, Harrisburg, Pa.
In addition to major addresses, matters of faith were probed by nearly 150 small discussion groups twice each day.
For the daily Bible Hour, led by the Rev. Edward K. Ziegler, Roanoke, Va., the 2,600-seat auditorium was filled to overflow ing.
"Talk - back" sessions after each major address enabled the youth to question speakers regarding the viewpoints they presented.
Singing played a unique part in the week's activities. Half of the 2,675 youth expressed interest in joining the conference choir. Facilities limited the participants to
a selected 200.
A 53-piece orchestra accompanied the choral presentations and congregational singing. An antiphonal sing under a full Carolina moon took place across the lake.
A memorial service remembered the 20 Brethren who were among the 99 persons killed in the trans-Atlantic plane crash two weeks earlier. Several of the victims were planning to attend the youth conference.
James Rose. Brethren. Mich., national youth president, said at the service, “Life is more than years spent. To live abundantly is not to live long, but to live well. Their deaths are overshadowed by their lives, and we feel their presence with us even at this moment in this place, testifying to the unfolding love of God."
Vernard Eller, La Vern, Calif., led the closing service of commitment in which the youth restated their baptismal vows.
Familiar faces to Macollege students among the conference staff included Rev. Harry K. Zeller, Jr., pastor of the McPherson Church of the Brethren. Prof. Donald Frederick, professor of voice at Macollege, and Carl Harris, senior at Macollege.
Rev. Zeller addressed the conference guests during the first general session held on Monday evening.
Prof. Frederick was the director of the 200-member Conference Choir.
Carl Harris. Jennings, La., served in the position of editor-inchief of the Junaluska Journal, published every day of the conference.
Several McPherson College students became husband and wife during the summer vacation. The Spectator staff has attempted to publish a complete list of the weddings.
Married couples who are returning to college this semester include Lewis and Shirley Williams, Noel and Deanna (Goer-ing) Grove. Gene and Betty Ann (Wise) Wenger. Howard and Jan-is (Brallier) Duncan, and Don
and Ivadelle (Wissler) Cotton.
In some cases only half of the family is returning. These include David and Alma (Goodfel-low) Nigh, Roy and Phillies (Willems) Stern, Ken and Elsie (Lu-core) Holderread, Doyle and Sandra (Mitchell) Royer, and Rich-
ard and Sara Ann (Coffman) Bit-tinger.
Doris Davidson and Karen Hiller, both Mac students last semester, were also married during the summer.
Doris married Glenn Crum-packer. Karen became the wife' of Jay Ratzlaff.
Two other former students married to each other are Marlo and Frances (Straka) Oltman.
Mrs. Carl S. Igel, 429 S. Elm, Ottawa, Kas., announces the engagement of her daughter, Lynda Anne. Co Mr. Harold L. Connell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn A. Connell. Brooklyn. Iowa.
Lynda, the daughter of the late
vada, Iowa, announce the engagement of their daughter, Mary Lou, to Lester Zook, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Zook. Minot, No. Dak.
Mary Lou is a ’58 graduate of Macollege and is presently teaching English in Newton, Kas.
Lester is presently majoring in history at Mac.
The wedding date is set for
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Larson. Haxtun, Colo., announce the engagement of their daughter. Delaine, to Gary Carlson of McPherson, Kansas.
Carl S. Igel, is a 1957 graduate of Ottawa High School. Harold is a 1957 graduate of Brooklyn High School.
Lynda, a junior, is majoring in education and psychology. Harold. a sophomore, is a business administration major.
The couple will be wed on June 2, 1959, in Ottawa, Kas.
Wise, Zook
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Wise. Ne
June 12, 1959.
Soden, Land Mr. and Mrs. Lester So den. Rocky Ford; Colo,, announce the engagement of their daughter. Wanda, to Floyd Land, Colo.
Wanda was a Macollege student last semester.