Mac Lays Welcome Mat For Returning Alumni

Volume XLII

McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas, November 1, 1957

Wisler Will Be Crowned Queen At Banquet Tonight

Friends, relatives, and alumni will over-populate Macampus this weekend as the homecoming celebration proceeds.

No. 8

Ivadelle Wisler will be crowned homecoming queen at the Queen’s Banquet tonight at 6:30 in the church basement.

Nine Macollege Seniors Chosen To Receive Who's Who Award

Nine Macollege seniors have been selected for Who’s Who among Students in American Universities and Colleges.

They are Sara Ann Coffman, Duane Fike, Dick Herder. Elsie Lu-core, Dwight Oltman, Marlo Oltman. Sid Smith, Willard Stucky, and Mary Lou Wise.

(Don’s Studio)

Sara Ann Coffman

Student Council President

Duane Fike. son of Mrs. Floyd Fike. Ramona, Kas., is an English major and plans to teach high school English and speech.

At present Duane is president of the Student Council and Players Club, vice - president of Alpha Psi Omega, and secretary-treasurer of SPEC.

He has been the editor of the Spectator, class representative on Student Council, chairman of the Student Council SUR Commitee. and a member of the Board of Publications.

A member of the SNEA. Men’s Council, and Alpha Phi Gamma, is well known for his wit and his spontaneous He has been the mas-of ceremonies for the Re-Youth Conference banquet the BSCM banquet.

Has Seven Children Richard Herder, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Herder. Bloomington. Ill., is majoring in education. Dick makes his home in Mc-

tee. She sings in the Ladies’ Quartette and the A Cappella Choir, and has been in the Chapel Choir, College Church Choir, and band.

She is a member of CBYF. MCA, Women’s Council, and the honor roll, and has participated in basketball, Peace Group, and

(Don’s Studio)

Elsie Lucore

Ivadelle Wisler, (second from left) newly elected Homecoming Queen, receives advice from retiring queen Sara Ann Coffman while her attendants listen In. At the extreme left is Deanna Goering, sophomore attendant, and on the right Is Rita Smallwood, freshman attendant.

(Don’s Studio Photo)

Last Year’s Queen

Sara Ann Coffman, a home economics major, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Virgil S. Coffman. South English, Iowa.

Besides serving as president of Dotzour Hall this year, Sara Ann is the secretary of the Student Council and Student Court. She has also been on the Macollege Women Quartette and A Cap-pella Choir since her sophomore year.

She is the retiring homecoming queen this year.

Sara Ann has been a member of the Chapel Choir. Church Choir. McPherson College Players Club. WAA. Dotzour Hall council. MCA. CBYF. Home Economics Club. IRC, honor roll, and sophomore class council.

Dick Herder

(Don’s Studio )


Student Court President

Dwight Oltman. a music major, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. George Oltman of Enders. Nebr.

This year he is president of the Student Court. He has served on it two other years.

He is also directing the college band this year. He is a member of the A Cappella Choir, the College-Civic Orchestra, and the ME-NC. He has been a member of the Western Region Executive Committee three years.

Dwight has participated in college football, basketball, and track. He has been a varsity de-bator and a member of Pi Kappa Delta.

He has also been a member of SCA. MCA. CBYF. honor roll. Peace Group. Rec Council. FTA,

and SNEA.

MCA President

Mario Oltman, an older brother of Dwight, is a history major.

He is president of the McPherson Christian Association this year.

Mario has played basketball, football, and been on the track team. He has been in the concert and pep bands, and a member of SCA, CBYF. and MCA. He

(Don’s Studio)

Duane Fike

(Doc’s Studio)

Pherson with his wife and seven children. In 1955 he moved to McPherson from northwestern Iowa where he was engaged in farming for three years.

He is about to fulfill a lifelong desire for a college education when he graduates this year.

Dick has been on the debate squad and is an honor roll student.

Exchange Student

Elsie Lucore. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Lucore of Arriba. Colo., is majoring in philosophy and religion. Last year she represented McPherson College as an exchange student to Germany. She was sponsored by the MCA.

She is a member of the Western Region Executive Commit-

Dwight Oltman

(Don's Studio)

Mario Oltman

was a sophomore class officer.

Between his sophomore and junior years he served two years of alternative srevice in Europe under the Brethren Service Commission.

Mario is an honor roll student, and has debated and participated the International Relations Club.

M Club President

Sidney Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney L. Smith. McPherson. is majoring in engineering.

He has participated in sports all four years in college. He has been a member of the Bulldogs football squad four years and a member of the basketball team

(Continued on Page    Three)

Ivadelle Wisler. junior from Cando. N. D.. was elected homecoming queen last Tuesday because the previous queen-elect, Ruth Hanagame. found it necessary to leave school and return to her home.

Ivadelle is an elementary education major. She is a member of the pep club and of the A Cappella Choir.

The queen will be crowned at the Queen’s Banquet by Sara Ann Coffman, the retiring queen. Her attendants will be Deanna Goering, sophomore, and Rita Smallwood, freshman. The banquet will be in the social rooms of the church.

At 11:30 Saturday morning, the floats put up around the campus by various organizations will be judged. First prize will be $30; second. $20; third. $10; and five honorable mentions of $5 each. The floats will be on display from 11 a.m. until sundown.

The M-Club will have a luncheon at 12:45 in the Blue Room of the Warren Hotel. All present and alumni lettermen are invited.

At 3 p.m. the music department will present a program for the alumni. The A Cappella Choir will sing five selections and the Male Quartet will present one vocal and one instrumental number. Duane Fike will be the master of ceremonies.

This program is being present-ed for the first time this year. Its purpose is to acquaint alumni with student activities.

At 3:30 the annual alumni tea will be held in the SUR. The tea gives alumni an opportunity to renew old acquaintances and to meet the faculty members.

The committee in charge of the tea are Mrs. Anita Hopkins, chairman; Mrs. Fern Mohler; Mrs. Ruth Nigh; and Mrs. Marilee McAuley. There will be a receiving line of Dr. and Mrs. Bittinger. Dr. and Mrs. Geisert, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Burkholder, and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wagoner.

At 5 p.m. the Pep Club will

be serving a chili supper in the church social rooms for all alumni and college students. The menu will be chili, crackers, relish, coffee, and pie.

Carol Hickey and Ivadelle Wisler are the co-chairmen of the supper. Janis Emswiler is in charge of the decorations, and Delores Peek is chairman of the ticket sales committee.

At 7:30 the McPherson Bulldogs will meet the Ottawa Braves in the Homecoming football game. At halftime, the Quinter High School Band, directed by Charles Royer, ’51, will perform. The members of the football teams of 1932 and 1947 will be honored.

After the game students and alumni are invited to share in a coffee hour to be held in the Dog House and the cafeteria. This will bring the homecoming activities to a close.

Women Pay All Cost Next Week

WPA Week (Women Pay All Week) will be next week. Nov. 3-9. It is an annual affair in which the girls take the initiative to ask the fellows for dates and pay for the costs.

Anne Keim, social committee chairman, says that WPA Week is to give the boys a lift in their pocket books as the women pay all or stay home.

Movies, group parties, and the Macollege-Bethany football game are some of the events to which girls may take their fellows.

Arnold, Kline Halls To Hold Open House

Arnold Hall, one of the men’s dormitories on campus, and Kline Hall, the married couples residence on campus, are having their open house this Sunday at 2-4 p.m.

All are invited to visit these dormitories.

The season for homecomings is here and McPherson College is no exception. The Bulldogs will play hosts to the Ottawa University Braves tomorrow night at the college stadium. Game time is 7:30 p.m.

In the past games between the two teams results show they have been fairly even. McPherson winning 11 games and Ot tawa receiving 14 victories.

The Bulldogs poured on the steam in last year’s game defeating the Braves 40-14.

Ottawa ended up in the cellar last year. In playing seven conference games, they were unable to register a victory-The Bulldogs will be out to scalp the Braves to make the homecoming a successful event.

Read and heed the Spec ads.

The Editorial Staff

Car) Harris

Editor in Chief

Sherland Ng

Managing Editor

JoAnn Negley

Campus Editor

Harold Connell

Sports Editor

Sarah Hay Brunk

. Faculty Advisor

Reporters and Writers

Dr. D. W. Bittinger

Cliff Tusing

Joyce Ulrich

Anna Vassiloff

Donelda Arick

Glenda Wine

Stanley Ilin

Vernard Foley

Faye Fields

Georgia Lee Bengtson

Dick Ferris

Glen Faus

The Business Staff

Rill Gripe

Business Manager

Howard Duncan

. Asst. Business Mgr.

Diane Browning

Circulation Manager

Gordon Yoder

__ Faculty Advisor

Bulldogs Out To Scalp Braves In Home Game

Macollege Seniors Help In High School Play

Duane Fike and Mary Lou Wise. Macollege seniors, assisted Mrs. Lloyd Starks. McPherson Senior High dramatics teacher. with the coaching, make-up. and costumes of the school’s senior three-act play presented Tuesday evening. Oct. 29. at the high school auditorium.

Since one of the actors was ill Duane filled in for him.

The play. “The Family Nobody Wanted." was a comedy based on the book by Helen Grigsby Doss.

Mary Lou and Duane. English majors, have been student teaching at the high school since the block system began last Monday.

faith in God and Jesus Christ have an unparalled opportunity to be witnesses for that faith. This program has a potential beyond conception to remold America in one generation." Branch Rickey.

“I consider this a frontal attack on juvenile delinquency." Palmer Hoyt.

"I believe that the F. C. A. can have more effect on the youth of America in challenging and presenting Christ to them than any other group apart from the church." Ferguson Wood.

Intramural Standings

Due to the Regional Conference held during the earlier part of the week there were no intramural games this week.

The intra-mural volleyball stand ings as of October 26 are:

Captains    Won-Loss

Stucky ..................... 7-0

Holderread. Miller .......... 7-0

Hood. Gatewood     7-0

Dadisman. Kolbe ........ 4-0

Widrig ................... 6-0

Kingery, Turner ............ 4-1

Johnson. Groth ........... 4-1

Fruth. Kaufman .......... 4-2

Jeffries. Maul...........3-2

Sink ............... 3-3

Grossnickle. Blough .     3-3

Morris, Ng ....... 2-2

Lowe, Negley .............. 2-3

Oltman. Straka..........2-4

Nelson .................. 2-5

Erisman. Thralls ....... 2-5

Ragland. Keim     2-6

Dresher. Williams ....... 1-4

Gripe ................... 0-2

Guenther. Peek ......... 0-5

Willits. Wise............0-6

Frazier ................. 0-7

Bulldogs Blank Quakers In Lopsided Game, 32-0

Only those who have the patience to do simple things perfectly ever acquire the skill to do difficult things easily. — Johann von Schiller

Read and heed the Spec ads.

CBYF To Sing Sunday

Prof. Don Frederick will lead the C.B.Y.F. in a “sing spiration" on Sunday at 6:45 p.m. in the social room of the church.

Jeffrey Speaks For FCA

James N. Jeffrey, of Fort Worth. Texas, will be speaking on behalf of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes at 7:30 Tuesday. Nov. 5, in the municipal auditorium in McPherson. Everyone is invited to attend.

Mr. Don McClanen. the founder of the F. C. A., will be introduced at this dinner meeting with civic leaders and athletes.

Mr. Jeffrey is an All-Conference half-back from Baylor University. He is a dynamic speaker.

The F. C. A., founded in 1954 is a program and movement to confront athletes — and through them the youth of the nation -— with the challenge and adventure in the Christian life.

Mr. McClanen is the present executive secretary.

The program for the fiscal year ahead will emphasize city-wide programs which will be conducted in Nashville and Oklahoma City.

The following quotations arc listed here to evidence the reactions expressed by leaders of government. business, church, sports world, etc., who have caught the vision of what F. C. A. might be expected to do for the youth of the nation.

“There is a tremendous expectancy throughout America about what goes on at Estes Park. I wish you the greatest success." Dwight D. Eisenhower.

“I feel sure that Christian Athletes. appearing before teenage groups, can wield tremendous influence in curbing delinquent tendencies. America’s future depends on such an influence.” J. Edgar Hoover.

“Athletes who have a sincere

Rev. Zeller To. Speak On Little Words: And

"Little Words: AND” will be the topic of Rev. Harry K. Zeller’s sermon at the college church service. Sunday. Nov. 3

Color slides entitled “Oh Beautiful For Spacious Skies" will be shown at the evening service.

The Friends University Quakers were clawed by the McPherson College Bulldogs 32-0 in a Kansas conference game last Friday.

The extremely cold weather played an important part in the loss of six fumbles by the Quakers. These fumbles were quickly recovered by the Bulldogs.

Although the first quarter was quite evenly matched, the second quarter saw the Bulldogs score three touchdowns and two extra points to give them a 20-0 half time. lead.

Keim hit first pay dirt with 9:42 left in the period. Ragland kicked the conversion. T h i drive started after recovering a fumble of Friends late in the first period.

Another Friends' fumble set up McPherson's second TD. Case-beer, who has been sidelined with an injury the past two games, clinched the drive on a plunge from the one-yard line for the TD. Ragland made good the conversion.

Late in the second quarter the Bulldogs took a punt on their own 30-yard line. Keim took the ball and on a play through the left side of the line and sprinted the 70 yards for a McPherson TD. The attempted conversion by Ragland was no good.

' Ragland went around end on a 25-yard run to score with the clock showing 10:21 left in the third period. This TD was also set up after recovering a Friends’ fumble.

Late in the third quarter Friends made its only threat of the game. Coach Sid Smith put his first squad back in at the start of the fourth period. They found the Quakers on the three-yard line threatening to score. The Quakers threw a pass which was caught in the end zone. However, the official ruled that the receiver had pushed a McPherson player, thus cancelling the TD.

Don't Read It . . .

WPA Week Wisdom

Who’s Who

(Continued from Page One)

By Norris and Carl

In the days of Fikus Disgustus a decree went out from the Social Committee that beginning Nov.

. 3, 1957. and ending Nov. 9, 1957. all girls are ordered to pay all expenses incurred on dates, and furthermore they shall assume the responsibility of asking for and arranging for all dates on campus during that period.

This presents a rather unusual situation for all of us on campus (except married students) as we will be thrust into rolls for which we have little or no experience.

The girls may be aided in asking for dates by reviewing last week's column for advice on the subject.

But you poor fellows who have no knowledge of methods of date allurement will be happy to know that Norris and Carl have hired a spy from the opposite sex, and she has formulated a plan for you fellows to follow to get the girls to ask you for dates.

Here is the plan.

First, make yourself available to the girls. Sit by one of the cute young things in the library a couple nights in a row and she may get the idea.

Then be sure to hang around the Dog House from about 9:30 or so until closing time, situating yourself near the door where the girls will have to pass on the way out. making it apparent that you have no one to walk you home, and striking up a conversation every time one comes within earshot.

In case there are some girls watching TV you could--sit by one. and when she gets up to leave, you should also arise and saunter leisurely toward the door.

She will naturally feel obligated to offer to walk you to the dorm. At this you should look extremely surprised, and accept.

On the way to the dorm you should mention the good show at the theater downtown, and the ball gome at Lindsborg Friday night.

This would also be a good time

Sid Smith

(Don’s Studio)

in early.

And now we leave you with one parting thought. Watch for the E. O. T. S.

(Don’s Studio)

(Don’s Studio)

vada. Iowa. She is an English major.

three years.

In his sophomore year he became a member of the M Club. Last year he was treasurer of the M Club and this year he is the president.

He was a candidate for student council president last spring. He is a member of the honor roll.

Sid’s father is a coach and teacher at Macollege.

Student Minister

Willard Stucky, a sociology and philosophy and religion major, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Gid-

Willard Stucky

Davidson, Crumpacker

Mr. and Mrs. Jake Davidson. McCune. Kas., announce the engagement of their daughter. Doris, to Mr. Glenn Crumpacker, son of Mr. and Mrs. David Crumpacker. Girard. Kas.

She is a varsity cheerleader this year, and last year was president of the Pep Club. She has served on the Student Council and the Women’s Council.

Lost year Mary Lou was M Club Carnival Queen. She has debated. participated in Players’ Club, helped direct plays, and been a member and officer of Pi Kappa Delta, national forensic Fraternity.

She has served on the Church of the Brethren Western Region Executive Committee.

Her brother Robert was elected to Who’s Who in 1955.

to suggest studying together for a test you both must take. Stress especially that you know nothing about the course, and want her to help you. as she seems to know all about it.

Second, take a sudden interest in such things as cooking, sewing, fashions, and true romance magazines, talking continuously about them even if you don’t know a cotton-picken thing about them.

This would be a good time to take a liking to Siamese kittens and become an authority on orchids and roses.

If this approach fails to work, there may be something wrong with your outward appearance. For example, you may have slum-ing shoulders. Pull them up to give them a square appearance.

Wear tight sweaters to accentuate the square shoulders. If they still slump, wear shoulder pads. These can either be of the type which are built into your shirt, or the insert type. The inflatable type should be avoided, as a puncture may be disastrously embarrassing.

To enhance your appearance further, it would be advisable to wear sweet smelling hair oil and shaving lotion.

If your hair is a mousy gray color, the appearance can be improved by use of concentrated Clorox. This may also induce that distinguished bald look.

When you have used all these methods for a few days, some girl is bound to ask you for a date. When this happens, play hard to get. When she comes to the dorm to call you, take fifteen minutes to come down stairs.

When she asks you. act mildly interested, say that you really should study, but that you guess it will be O. K. if you can come

eon Stucky. McPherson.

Willard is a student minister, and has participated in the campus student ministers’ organization. Last year he was junior class vice - president has also participated in intramurals.

For three years Willard did relief work in Europe under the Mennonite Central Committee. He went to Europe in the spring of 1954.

He also spent a summer on the Hopi Indian Reservation in Arizona working with missionaries.

Willard attended his first year of college at Bethel College, Newton. Kas. He attended his last three years of college at McPherson. He is an honor roll student.


Mary Lou Wise is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jake Wise. Ne-

Mary Lou Wise

Pondering With The President . . .

Sputnik And Little Rock

ly concerned with the second bit of news than with the first.

It was that, in America, it took an army to make it safe for nine Negro children to go to school. It was that schools could be closed rather than have colored children sit in them with white children.

Since most of the world is of color, and the white race is only of the minority with a lot of power in its hands, even the power of Sputnik, the question of what the white people are going to do about color, or what the colored people are going to do about the whites, cuts deeply into the emotions. and casts a long shadow across the emerging future.

The new era which Sputnik opened looked frightening because of Little Rock, and the shadows cast across the world by Little Rock.

We raised a great deal of fuss about who got Sputnik up first. This was really of little importance. because no one nation could put Sputnik up without the accumulated knowledge, some of which came from every nation, in the world through all the centuries that have existed up to the present time.

Even "The Wise Men of the East" had something to do with it. Putting Sputnik up was not the enterprise of the Russians, it was an enterprise of all history, culminating only now. This new knowledge can be used helpfully or hurtfully.

What happened at Little Rock

is also a product of the centuries. It indicates how dreadful ly far we have yet to go. for if we would go forward, we must go forward together.

Sputnik indicates progress; Little Rock raises questions about progress. Both indicate that we need still more education.

Glenn And The Bear

By Dr. D. W. Bittinger

Two events hit the news recently with shattering intensity. Both of them were significant, not only to one part of the world, but to all of the world. Both of them were headlined in the newspapers wherever newspapers are published and beyond that they were spoken of in every nook and cranny of our earth where news can permeate.

No doubt, two Africans, walking barefoot across the southern Sahara, conversed on these two things.

No doubt, two Chinese, laboring on the Yellow River, spoke about these things.

No doubt, two Indians deep in the jungles of South America, who could hardly see the sun because of the dense shade, fishing together in their stream, spoke of these things.

One of these was the shooting of Sputnik out as a new star to sail around our earth. This was spoken of because if seemed to open for us a total new dimension.

Just as Columbus sailed across an ocean and found a new world with new people in it and was eager to bring the people back so that they could be seen, so this gave promise of a new world where we might sail forth into space to bring back new things, new knowledge, and even perhaps new people.

This revived the interest in space ships all over again. This was like standing at the opening of a new age. or the opening of the curtain upon a new scene.

But the other news item was spoken of with even deeper emotional intensity. Likely the two men in Africa, or the two Indians under the trees in South America, were more personal-

Why Ruth Left

This week an unusual situation arose when our Homecoming Queen-elect, Ruth Hanagarne, felt it was necessary to leave school and return to her home.

We were all sorry that she left us and we wondered why she did it just before she was to become our queen.

Ruth explained that, because of trouble in her home and for financial reasons, she knew she would have to leave school soon, probably before the end of this semester.

Also, she plans to be married soon, and she wanted to be with her family before that.

She decided that it would not be right for her to accept the honor of being Homecoming Queen when she knew she would be leaving shortly and would not be able to complete her year's reign and crown next year’s queen.

In her humble way. Ruth thought it would be best if she left quietly and let the students pick someone else who could reign as queen for the entire year.

While Ruth was here, she was a leader on campus, serving as an officer in many organizations, and representing her class on the Student Council. We are sorry that she has left us, but we do respect her for doing what she thought was right — The Editor

By Faus and Foley

Smoke curled lazily from the chimney of a small cabin deep in the Pennsylvania woods. Inside. Foley was cooking his usual breakfast; caviar and meat-balls. while Faus was outside writing love letters in the sand.

It was a brisk October morning. and soon these two stalwart young nobles would be venturing into the woods for another day of bear hunting.

Our heroes ate their breakfast, slung their packs over their shoulders, and were off into the mountains. They had walked only 20 miles when Foley turned to Faus.

“Faus. I do believe we’ve forgotten something!"

And sure enough, upon investigating. they realized what they had forgotten — their guns.

So Foley went back for their Pennsylvania long rifles, while Faus went bravely on alone.

The sly one had started across a clearing when he heard a noise coming from behind him. As he whirled, a huge Polar bear came charging through the underbrush. With one terriffic leap the monster was upon him.

But Faus was very calm and fearless. With only his bare hands and a rusty hairpin, he engaged the brute in battle.

On into the afternoon the battle raged. First the bear was down, then Faus was down. Then they were both down. They scrap-pled. they tussled, they clawed, they rolled, they chewed, they strained, they sweated, they choked. and they roared.

And on the seventh hour they rested.

After their pause, the fighters stood apart, glared, then were at it again. Fierce was their mighty battle. Trees were shaken loose, huge boulders were moved, and the noise could be heard for miles as the two continued their life struggle.

At last the bear began to pant, his reflexes slowed, his muscles grew tired and aching. Faus saw his chance. Rising to his full height, he inflated his brawny chest and drew back his powerful left arm. all bulging with

Sellers, Dorris

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sellers. McPherson. announce the engagement of their daughter. Ardith, to Mr. Lewis Dorris, son of Mr. and Mrs. Marion Dorris, Erie.

Ardith is a freshman at Macollege. Lewis is a senior. They are planning for an Easter wedding.

Every man has a right to his own opinion, but no man has a right to be wrong, in his facts. — Bernard M. Baruch muscle, gleaming sweaty in the waning glow of the sun. all gory with the fluid of life, impressive in its masculine form, all aweinspiring with the literary license vested in it

Then the bear killed him.
