


Volume XLII




McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas, October 25, 1957

No. 7

Church Leaders Arrive For Regional Conference

The Regional Conference of the Western Region Church of the Brethren will begin here tomorrow and will continue through Thursday, Oct. 31.

Players’ Club To Hold One-Act Play Tryouts

The three one - act plays which will be presented Nov. 15 by the Macollege Players Club are "Revolt of Mother" by Mary Wilkens Freeman. “The Devil and Daniel Webster” by Stephen V. Benet, and "How to Propose" by Conrad Seiler.

Tryouts for all students interested in being in these plays will be held Monday evening. 6:15 to 7:30 and Tuesday afternoon 3:30 to 5:00 in the SAR.

Copies of these plays are on reserve in the library for all stu

ed in the high school auditorium by the College Music Department.

Sunday Harold Row will speak i "The Brethren and the World Outreach Program." Monday Paul

Mac To Present Annual Musicale

The McPherson College Music Department will present a musicale in the McPherson High School Auditorium at 7:30 tomorrow night.

The presentation will be "A Hymn of Praise" composed by F. Mendelssohn - Bartholdy. The English version Is by J. Alfred Novello.

The musicale will be presented by the A Cappella Choir, the Chapel Choir, and the College Civic Orchestra directed by Prof. Don Frederick.

Dotzour Primes For Open House

A steady parade of brooms and dust pans, mops and scrub buc kets have been marching up and down the halls of Dotzour this week as the girls prepare for open house Sunday afternoon, Oct. 27.

Quite a few changes have been made as bulletin boards are revised, textbooks dusted off. old boy friends' pictures put away ..

Miss Edna Neher, housemother, cordially invites visitors and regional conference guests to inspect the dormitory from hours 2-4 p.m.

Refreshments will be served to all guests in the lounge room.

Harley Stump, professor of English at McPherson College, declares that teaching at McPherson College is the most fun he has had in his whole life. He not only has a full time teaching job. but also serves as minister at the Pleasant View Church of the Brethren located at Darlow. Kas.. six miles south of Hutchinson.

Prof. Stump is married and has two sons. Harl, who is a freshman at Macollege and Nelson, who is a junior at McPherson High School.

Prof. Stump says he really docs not have too much free time with' his teaching, preaching, and family, but he does have some hobbies. He enjoys writing verse, and has done some prose writing for the Gospel Messenger.

Also, he has a small printing press which he has carried with him across the U. S. When he was minister of the Empire Church of the Brethren in Central Northern California, he print

Hanagarne To Reign As Queen Over Homecoming Weekend

The 1957 Macollege Homecoming Court discuss plans for their Homecoming reign November 2. From left to right are Rita Smallwood, freshman attendant, Deanna Goering, sophomore attendant, Homecoming Queen Ruth Hanagarne, and last year’s queen, Sara Ann Coffman, who will crown Ruth at the Queen's Banquet Nov. l. The queen and her attendants were elected last Friday In chapel.

(Don's Studio)

Former Macollege Student Returns To Teach English

sociate editor of the Quadrangle, secretary of the junior class, publicity chairman of Pep Club, and a member of the Student Council, student court, and church and chapel choirs.

Ruth's sister; Alice Hanagarne Heidebrecht. was attendant to the queen in 1954.

Deanna Goering, the attendant for the sophomore class, is an elementary education major from McPherson. She is a member of the A Cappella Choir and student court.

Rita Smallwood from Twin Falls. Idaho, is the attendant from the freshman class. She is the treasurer of her class.

The queen and her attendants will be formally installed at the Queen’s Banquet Nov. 1. Ruth will be crowned by the retiring queen. Sara Ann Coffman, senior from South English. Iowa.

Many activities are planned for Saturday. Nov. 2. Judging of the campus decorations will start at

All meetings will be held in the McPherson Church of the Brethren unless otherwise indicated.

Conference guests are invited to eat at the college cafeteria. Lodging will be furnished by the McPherson people.

Anna Warstler. director of women's work at Elgin. 111., will be the speaker at the Women's Work Conference beginning at 9:00 a.m. Saturday, and at the women's work meetings on Monday and Wednesday morning at 7:45.

Also on Saturday is the Training Conference for Men's Work and a workshop for district CB YF cabinet members.

The sermon Sunday morning will be given by Harry K. Zeller Jr., pastor of the McPherson Church of the Brethren. His subject is, "An Odyssey Into Poli tics.”

The meditation at the Bible Hour at 8.40 Monday through Wednesday will be given by W Harold Row. executive secretary of the Brethren Service Commission at Elgin, Ill. Worship leader is James Beahm, pastor of the Church of the Brethren at Wichita. Kas.

At 9:35 on Monday will be an address by Stewart Kauffman, director of ministry and evangel ism. Elgin.

On Tuesday and Wednesday the chapel hour address will be given by Dale E. Turner, minister of Plymouth Congregational Church. Lawrence Kas.

At 12:30 Monday Rev. Norman Baugher. general secretary of the Brotherhood Board in Elgin, will speak at the Youth Worker's luncheon. Anyone interested in youth work is invited to attend.

At 2:30 Monday through Wednesday Stewart Kauffman will be in charge of the Evangelism Training Conference.

The evening session of the conference will be held at 7:30 Saturday through Wednesday. Saturday a musicale will be present

Dr. Dale E. Turner

Miller, pastor of the Panther Creek Church. Adel. Iowa, will speak on "Russian Journey”.

The address on Tuesday and Wednesday will be presented by Dale E. Turner, entitled “Keeping Alive as Long as We Live" and "The Tides of the Spirit”, respectively.

The college male quartet will sing at the College Fellowship Supper on Monday and at chapel on Tuesday. The faculty quartet will sing at the Men’s Work luncheon on Saturday and at the Bible Hour on Wednesday.

The Ladies Quartet will sing Monday night and at the dinner for field men and directors of evangelism on Wednesday. The Ladies Trio will sing at the luncheon for deacons on Tuesday and at chapel on Wednesday.

The College Church Choir. Chapel Choir, and A Cappella Choir will sing at the evening session on Sunday. Tuesday, and Wednesday nights respectively.

dents interested in reading them before trying out.

Duane Fike. Glenna Hawbaker. and Joan Walters will be the student directors.

"The Revolt of Mother" is taken from American literature.

"How to Propose" is an illustrated lecture on the history of •proposals from cave man era to present day Brooklyn.

"The Devil and Daniel Webster” is a brilliant bit of American folk lore and a delightful comedy.

Macollege is preparing for the homecoming activities next weekend. Queen Ruth Hanagarne will reign over the activities after being crowned at the banquet next Friday night.

Many Macollege graduates will return to the campus which will be gaily decorated Saturday morning by various Macollege organizations. The football game next Saturday night against the Ottawa Braves will highlight the homecoming activities.

Ruth Hanagarne. junior from Shiprock. N. M.. was elected queen from four candidates from the junior class by the student body at the Oct. 18 assembly.

Her attendants will be Deanna Goering, sophomore, and Rita Smallwood, freshman.

Ruth, a math major, is the as-ed his own bulletins on his press.

McPherson is the first college Professor Stump has taught in, He has done some teaching in elementary and high schools, but most of his time has been spent in the ministry.

The rebuilding of the Oklahoma City Church within a few months after it had been burned to the ground was the most rewording experience Prof. Stump has had He was pastor of the church at that time.

McPherson College was where Prof. Stump spent his freshman year; after three semesters at Mac he married. The next three years were spent at the following schools: West Texas State. University of Oklahoma, and South Western State in Oklahoma.

While Prof. Stump was studying for his masters degree at the University of Oklahoma, he became a very enthusiastic football fan and still gets enthusiastic over the University’s games.

Chapels To Be Held In Church

The college chapel services next week will be held in the church at 9:35 on Tuesday and Wednesday in connection with Regional Conference. The classes that usually meet on Wednesday at 9:35 will meet on Friday at that hour.

In the Tuesday chapel service Dr. Dale E. Turner will speak on "The Choice Before Us." and on Wednesday he will talk' on "Service Beyond Measure."

Dr. Bittinger Speaks, Solicits Over Weekend

Dr. D. W. Bittinger, president of Macollege attended the District Meeting of Southeast Kansas on October 19-20, at Osage.

Dr. Bittinger gave hree addresses at the meeting.

He spent two days in Topeka, Kas.. this week, soliciting for the Church Related Colleges of Kansas.

11:30. Prizes will be announced during the football game. First prize consists of $30; second. $20; third, $10; and five honorable mention prizes of $5 each will be given.

A student program will be presented for the alumni in the chapel at 3 p.m. At 3:30 there will

be an alumni tea in the SUR.

At 5 p.m. the Pep Club will serve a chili supper in the social rooms of the church.

The McPherson College Bulldogs will play Ottawa University at 7:30 p.m. Half time guest band show will be given by the Quinter High School Band. Charles Royer, who graduated from Macollege in 1951, is the director of the band.

Football teams of 1932 and 1947 will be honored.

A coffee hour for students and alumni in the Dog House and cafeteria after the game will bring the homecoming activities to a close.

IRC Chooses Theme

"Inter - group Relations" is the year’s theme of the Macollege International Relations Club. This theme was chosen at the dinner - meeting held on Tuesday night, Oct. 22, at Dr. Raymond Flory’s home.

The theme will cover the different races and their cultural backgrounds and religions.

College Calendar

Tonight, 7:30, Football game here with Friends University.

Tomorrow through Thursday, Oct. 31. Regional Conference.

Tomorrow night, 7:30, Choir Concert at the high school auditorium.

Sunday afternoon, 2-4, Dotzour Hall open house.

Friday, Nov. 1, 6:30 p.m.. Queen's Banquet in the social rooms of the church.

Saturday, Nov. 2, Homecoming Day. Football game with Ottawa at 7:30 p.m.

Macollege To Host Quakers Tonight

Tonight at 7:30 p.m. the Mc-Pherson Bulldogs will play host to the Quakers of Friends University at the college stadium.

The game tonight will be the 15th of the series between the two schools. The Bulldogs have won 11 of the games. Only three games have been lost to the Quakers. The only tie occured in 1925.

The Bulldogs blanked the Quaker team 30-0 last year. The Quakers ended up in sixth place in the final standings.

Last week's play saw Bethel defeat the Friends 19-7. McPherson has previously beat Bethel 18-16.

and played fullback for the Bulldogs. Melvin is six feet tall and weighs 155 pounds. He is working out at guard and should develop into a fine lineman. He has a fine attitude and is willing to work. Melvin is from Lorraine. Kas.

HARL STUMP — Harl is from McPherson. He is 5'9” toll and weighs 155 pounds. He is working out at end and should develop into a fine wing man if he continues to show the drive and desire that he exhibited in early workouts.

DON WILLITS — Don is a second semester freshman from Mc-Clouth. Kas. He has returned after a time out from school. He is 6’3" tall and weighs 185 pounds. He is working at left end and doing a fine job. Don should make it really rough for the opposition.


Read and heed the Spec ads.

Sophomores On Mac Eleven

In addition to the other sophomores on the Macollege football team who were listed in a recent issue of the "Spectator" are Leroy Hayes and Larry Clark.

LEROY HAYES - Leroy from Geneseo, Kas. During high school he played in the backfield. Leroy weighs 155 pounds and stands 5’ 10" tall. He has proved to be a good defensive player as well as a fullback.

LARRY CLARK — He is from Mayfield, Kas. This is his first year playing college ball. Larry weighs 155 pounds and is 5' 4" tall and plays the guard position. Larry played football four years at Wellington High School.

Bulldogs Bow To Coyotes To Make Mac Record 2-2

Mac Tracksters Run In Wichita Event

The McPherson College crosscountry team participated in an event held at Wichita on Friday. October 18.

Voth of Wichita won with a time of 16:56 over a field of 20 participants.

B Squad Hosts KWU

The McPherson Bulldogs "B" squad played host to the "B” team of Kansas Wesleyan on Monday afternoon. The Bulldogs went down in defeat 13-7.

The Bulldogs' only touchdown came in the fourth quarter on a pass from Sams to Elliot. Elliot scored the extra point on an end run.

The Editorial Staff

Carl Harris

Editor in Chief

Sherland Ng .......

Managing Editor

JoAnn Negley

Campus Editor

Harold Connell

Sports Editor

Sarah May Brunk

Faculty Advisor

Reporters and Writers

Dr. D. W. Bittinger

Cliff Tusing

Joyce Ulrich

Duane Cissner

Anna Vassiloff

Donelda Arick

Glenda Wine

Stanley Ilin

Vernard Foley

Faye Fields

Georgia Lee Bengtson

Dick Ferris

Glen Faus

The Business Staff

Bill Gripe ............

Business Manager

Howard Duncan

. Asst. Business Mgr.

Diane Browning

Circulation Manager

Gordon Yoder

Faculty Advisor

Nine Freshmen Make Mac Team

Spotlighting the news this week are the nine freshmen members of the McPherson College football squad.

LYNN CABBAGE — Lynn has played some six-man football. He comes from Prairie City. Iowa, and is working out at the quarterback position. He weighs 155 pounds and stands six feet. Lynn has a very good attitude and is working hard to develop into a fine signal caller.

ROY JONES - He is from Ca bool. Mo., and is also working out in the quarterback position. Roy is handling the ball like a veteran. Although he is small at 140 pounds he is determined to hold his ground. An injury received in practice has slowed him up a bit:

PAUL KOLMAN — Paul is the younger brother of Verlin and is almost like a carbon copy of him. He is 5’7" tall and weighs 147 pounds. He has never played 11 man football, but he has shown the desire and willingness to learn. His home is in Cuba. Kas.

IVAN PROCHASKA - "Pro.” as he is called by most of the boys, is from Simpson High School where he played six-man football. He stands 6'3 1/2" in height and weighs 195 pounds. “Pro" has already received some experience from the tackle position and is one of the most promising freshmen.

MELVIN ROBERTS — Melvin is a center coming from Quinter, Kas. He. is six feet tall, weighs 162 pounds, and has some of the fire and aggressiveness that his older brother had. He has a fine attitude and he will help out a great deal.

MELVIN ROLFS — Melvin is the brother of Merle Rolfs, who graduated from Mac last spring

The Kansas Wesleyan University Coyotes proved to be the strong outfit they have been all season by defeating the McPherson Bulldogs 33-14 last Saturday evening.

Saturday’s game left KWU in first place with four wins and no defeats. The Bulldogs now have a 2-2 record in league play.

With the first quarter half gone. House tallied the first TD for KWU on an end run. Sorrell kicked the extra point.

Sorrell scored the second KWU TD with 1:30 still remaining in the first period. He converted and gave his team a 14-0 advantage.

Mulch was the next Coyote to reach pay dirt. Early in the second quarter he scored plunging from the one-yard line.

On an 86 yard march the Bulldogs got back into the game by a touchdown pass from Widrig home is in Dallas Center, Iowa. He is 5’ 11" tall and weighs 170 pounds. He has shown much desire in practice and is working out in the fullback position. He should come in real handy in the future.

to Keim. Delk made good the con version.

McPherson was threatning as the half ended giving KWU a 20-7 margin.

House and Culley were responsible in the third period for two touchdowns. Sorrell made good only one extra point. Culley’s 66-yard run ended KWU's scoring.

The Bulldogs came back late in the last period scoring on the last play. Melton went over from the four-yard line to rally. Delk kicked the conversion.

Intramural Standings

The intramural volleyball standings as of Oct. 19 are:

Stucky ............... 6-0

Holderread. Miller    6-0

Hood. Gatewood    5-0

Dadisman. Kolbe ......... 3-0

Widrig ...................... 6-1

Kingery. Turner ............ 3-1

Jeffries. Maul ............... 3-1

Johnson, Groth........ 2-1

Morris, Ng ............... 2-1

Sink .................... 3-2

Grossnickle. Blough    3-2

Oltman, Straka ...........2-2

Fruth, Kaufman..........2-2

Nelson .................. 2-4

Dresher, Williams ...... 1-3

Lowe. Negley .............. 1-3

Erisman, Thralls ........... 1*5

Ragland. Keim ...........1*6

Guenther. Peek ............. 0-3

Willits. Wise ............... 0*5

Frazier .................. 0-6

The McPherson members placed as follows: Dick Bittinger placed fifth with a time of 18:02; Fred Grote, fourteenth: Dwight Royer, sixteenth; and Doyle Royer, seventeenth.

October 25, 1957 The Spectator Page 3

Pondering With The President . . .

We Are Glad To See You

Mac Receives Last Of Grant

McPherson College received the final portion of the Ford Foundation grant during the past summer. The check was for $46,500.

The total grant of $91,500 must be invested and the income from the investment is to be used to increase faculty salaries. After 10 years the principle sum may be used for continued salary increases, or for other college purposes as determined by the board of trustees.

Over 600 privately supported colleges and universities in the United States received grants from the Ford Foundation.

Lehman Interprets Benet’s “Western Star”

Stephen V. Benet's “Western Star” was interpreted by Miss Della Lehman. Professor of English at a meeting of Chapter A.Y of P.E.O. at the Warren Hotel downtown. Saturday afternoon.

Other interpretators of this work were Mrs. Ted Washburn. Macollege Alumnus, and Mrs. Francis Noyes.

gress McPherson is making.

We invite you to visit us thoroughly. Go through the dormitories. Look up the students in their rooms. Visit the classrooms and the playing field. Do not forget the museum which is on the top floor of Harnly Hall. Visit our Rural Life and Industrial Arts building.

Take a look at the College Farm, which is west of town. Visit Vaniman Hall and see what is happening in the field of art. Look us over carefully.

If you have advice and counsel to give us. do not hesitate to speak. We can grow and progress and improve only when our friends help us.

Welcome to McPherson! Be at home here! Come back again!

MCA Announces Group Leaders

Steering committees for the four McPherson Christian Association groups were elected for the semester.

Norma Watkins is the chairman of the "Christian Living Day by. Day” group. Her steering committee is Kenneth Holderread, Phil Carr, and Valerie Miller.

Topics which this group has discussed are "Devotions" and "Religious Life on Mac Campus.” "Christian Leadership and Service” is headed by Judy Brammell with a steering committee consisting of Howard Duncan, Larry Sanders, and Margaret Lehman.

Prof. S. M. Dell showed this group slides of service abroad and Rev. X. L. Coppock talked on individual service.

The "Peace Group” has Sher-land Ng. Mary Ann Guthals. and David Hykes as its steering committee. Lois Fager is the MCA representative for this group.

For programs they have had a panel discussion on military service. a talk by Leon Neher on "Peace”, and a study of the Bible's background for peace led by Paul Wagoner.

Darry Melton and Doris Davidson are the steering committee for “Bible Personalities.” This group has been discussing Jesus and they soon will begin a study of the minor prophets.

The four groups meet every Thursday evening from 6:45-8:00 on campus. Every student" is automatically a member of this organization when he enrolls at Macollege.

Ten new biography books have been added to the college library.

Alexander the Great and His Time by Agnes Savill relates the story of the best-known ruler of the Greek civilization and tells how he and his world affected each other.

Chaucer and His England by

G. G. Coulton discusses the life of the poet who helped make the English language as we know it. with particular attention to the social structure of England at that time.

Puritan Sage: Collected Writings "of Jonathan Edwards edited by Vergilius Ferm shows the clear thinking of one of the famous people of our early history.

Traitorous Hero: The Life and Fortunes of Benedict Arnold by Willard M. Wallace is an attempt to explain Arnold’s treason in the light of new evidence discovered by the author.

Lincoln and Greeley by Harlan Hoyt Horner compares the lives of the president and the editor and tells of the friction between them in the pursuit of a com-

Library Receives New Books

Read and heed the Spectator advertisements.

Read and heed the Spec ads.

Each year we look forward lo the several events during the year which bring us visitors. One of these comes at Regional Conference time. At this time friends of the college workers in the church, parents and friends of the students come to us from areas hundreds of miles, or even more than a thousand miles, away.

We want you to come. McPherson College is your college. Many of the young people here are your children.

Many of you were in college here. Some of your parents were. Almost before you know it. some of you who feel quite young now. will have children and grandchildren here. It is good, therefore, for you to come and see what pro

Macollege Photo Club To Develop Films

The Macollege Photo Club will develop films for students as one of its projects to help finance its film and photopaper. It will be

fast and qualified service and the officers of the club think that developing of the films can be done inexpensively.

The goals of the members are to improve the quality of pictures on campus and to aid the Spectator and Quadrangle pictures.

The club meets every Tuesday and Wednesday from 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. in Vaniman Hall.

Ole Kolestad. club president received his training in photography from Howard Dunham, local photographer.

Rev. Dave Metzler Will Speak To CBYF

Rev. Dave Metzler, pastor of the Oklahoma City Church of the Brethren, will be the guest speaker at CBYF at 6:30 p.m. Sunday.

Dave Metzler is the son of Dr. Burton Metzler, professor of religion at McPherson College, and Mrs. Metzler.

His topic is “Why I Am Brethren and Why I Want To Be Brethren." Ken Holderread, Macollege sophomore, is in charge of the meeting.

Rev. Zeller To Speak On Politics Sunday

‘An Odyssey Into Politics” will be Rev. Harry K. Zeller's sermon topic at the morning worship at the college church, Sunday. Oct. 27.

With this session of Regional Conference, Don Rowe concludes his service as secretary of the Western Region.

Memory Chapel To Be In Morning, Evening

Memory Chapel is being held from 7:15 to 7:30 a.m. each morning and from 6:30 to 6:45 p.m. on Monday. Tuesday, and Wednesday.

The MCA. the sponsor, invites all interested to take this time to meditate. Music is provided for the evening chapels to make a worshipful atmosphere.

mon cause, the preservation of the Union.

Lincoln and His Generals by T. Harry Williams is the story of the Civil War president as commander in chief. It relates his search for a good general to his own development into a military strategist.

Kingdom of the Saints by Ray B. West. Jr. tells the story of the Mormon church from its founding to the present day, with emphasis on the lives of Joseph Smith and Brigham Young.

La Follette and the Rise of the Progressives in Wisconsin by Robert S. Maxwell portarys the spirit which gave birth to the Progressive movement in Wisconsin in the early 1900's and the changes to which this movement led.

The Kaiser by Joachim von Kurenberg. who was appointed by Kaiser Wilhelm to be his biographer, uses the opinions of many people to show the events that took place in the Kaiser’s life.

Don’t Read It. . .

It’s Not Too Late To Get A Date

revised by crossing off the names of all married women. Then draw a diamond beside the name of each engaged girl, and an asterisk (•) beside the seniors. This is to indicate that they are likely date bait, as this is their last year.

Now. on the basis of your research. choose a girl to bless with your charms. Your choice can best be made on the basis of our point system.

Score three points if she is pretty. three points if she has a nice personality, and three if she is intelligent.

If she has any two of these three characteristics, give her ten points, and if she has all three, send her name to the editor.

Once you have chosen the girl, formulate a plan of attack.

Using the scientific approach, you walk bravely up to the lucky young thing and say. “Hello, you doll. I've decided to give you a break and take you out tonight. Be ready in 15 minutes.”

This method is scientifically calculated to sweep her off her feet. If it doesn't though, she may knock you off yours.

If by some chance she doesn’t accept, by all means don’t ask another girl for a date for a week, or the gossip on the Dotzour grapevine will ruin you.

And now, in closing, we again predict the coming of the E. 0.

Successful Study Secrets

T. S.

Keep watching for it.

By Norris and Carl

Students, beware! A Valuable part of our social heritage has nearly slipped from our grasp. The ancient art of pitching woo has degenerated into a helter-skelter chaos of random mating.

Just look at the evidence. Our college average of engagements for this year is way below the ten-year average of one per week.

Men. where is your initiative? Girls, where are your diamonds? Jewelers, where are your profits?

Men. the Queen’s Banquet is coming up next Friday, and it, is time for you to get on the ball and get a date. However, some of you may not know how to go about this.

Therefore, to remedy this situation. we present a new scientific approach known as the Harms and Harris Handy Helpful Heterosexual    . (We

couldn't think of a good word that started with an “H", fill one in yourself.)

To follow this scientific method it is necessary to have command of all the pertinent facts. Collect data on the names, size, shape, age. residence, shape, and phone number of all girls who belong to the McPherson College Family.

The list of names and residences can be obtained from the Student Directory printed by the registrar's office. A phone book and tape measure are needed to obtain the other information.

This list must immediately be

Sorry, Wrong Number!

Lois Fager and Mrs. Lois Hayes were among a group of people working in the church one afternoon last week.

Presently the telephone rang and a voice asked for Lois. Lois Fager answered the phone and the conversation ran somewhat like this:

Guy Hayes: Hello, darling. I won’t be home for supper.

Lois Fager: You must have the wrong Lois. I ain’t nobodys darling.

By Faus and Foley

Many students come to school without adequate study habits. Although Macollege offers an orientation course to freshmen, we feel that this does not fully cover the field, so here are a few bits of advice submitted for your help.

The student will need some aid to study. We strongly reccmmend books for this purpose. Buy all the books you can lay hands on. Even if you never use them for study, you can burn them in the winter for heat. Then. too. you can throw them at proctors, or barricade your door with them when you have food in your room.

Another invaluable study habit is that of studying in advance. We heartily recommend studying ahead — blonde, brunette, or redhead.

Memory association is another great help to study. For instance, suppose you’re trying to remember in history that women’s suffrage was achieved in 1920. Next to you in class sits a woman of 19 or 20 years of age. As f o r the suffrage part — well, we’ll leave that to you.

Hurried cramming should be avoided in test preparation. Instead. the student should try to sleep on the material studied. This may have uncomfortable results. but if you're used to sleeping on a dorm bed. it probably makes no difference.

Finally, use your time to your best advantage. In a recent poll taken on Macampus. 50 per cent of the students interviewed wasted too much time at Dotzour, spending much of the precious time accomplishing nothing. As for Foley, he knits in the evening.    F & . . . . f