Miller, Row To Be Speakers At Regional Conference

The Reverends Paul Miller. Adel. Iowa, and W. Harold Row. Elgin. III., will be speakers at the Regional Conference to be held in McPherson Oct. 26-31.

Rev. Miller will tell of his 1956 trip delivering a shipload of heifers behind the Iron Curtain while Rev. Row will speak on “The Brethren and the World Outreach Program.” Row will also give the meditations at the Bible Hour each morning.

Miller graduated from McPher- son College in 1937 and from Bethany Biblical Seminary in 1940.

He has served as pastor at the Milledgeville Church of the Brethren and at the Panther

Creek Church of the Brethren in Adel. Iowa, for 14 years.

Rev. Row received his B. X, degree from Bridgewater in 1933. an M. A. degree from Penn, in February 1939, and a B. D. from Crozer in June 1939. An honorary

Queen, Attendants Elected In Assembly

McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas, October 18. 1957

at the Summit Church of the Brethren and in Churches of the Brethren in Virginia.

In 1942 Rev. Row became the National Director of Brethren Civilian Public Service. In 1946 he was appointed associate secretary of the Brethren Service Commission and in 1948 was appointed to his present position of executive secretary.

Currently serving as chairman of the Executive Committee of International Voluntary Services. Inc., and of the National Service Board for Religious Objectors, he is a vice president of Care.

Rev. Row is a member or dU rector of various national and international church organizations and of agencies promoting relief and social work. He is a visiting instructor of Christian Social Ethics at Bethany Biblical Seminary.

Besides traveling extensively in

mentions of $5 each.

If instructions are not clear, or if there are other groups desiring locations. Paul Wagoner may be contacted in the alumni office.

CANDIDATES FOR HOMECOMING COURT—The candidates for homecoming queen are from the junior class From left to right on the bottom row they are Ruth Hanagarne, Verona Thralls, Ivadelle Wisler. and Arlene Rolfs. In the second row from left to right are the soph' omore attendant candidates: Valerie Miller. Sherland Ng, Delores Kaufman, and Deanna Goering. The freshman candidate's for attendant are in the top row. They are Margaret Leh-man, Sheryl Strom, and Rita Smallwood. Karen Voder, also from the freshman class is not pictured. The election was held in chapel this morning. (Photo by Don's Studio)

Lehman Will Lead Group In Summer European Tour

continent the group will travel in a private bus.

The cost of the tour will be approximately $1100.

Miss Lehman had conducted a party of girls through Europe several years ago.

America, he has made repeat ed administrative visits to Puerto Rico. Europe. Africa, the Middle East, and the Far East.

Last month Rev. Row returned from Europe where he visited Brethren Service projects. His trip included a visit to Poland to complete plans for an exchange program encouraged by the U. S. Department of State.

He also visited the Don Murray project for refugees in Sardinia.

In 1934 Rev. Row married Le-ona Myers Zigler of Broadway. Va. They have a son. Harold Jr., and a daughter. Betty Jo.

Miss Lehman will conduct a party of 15 to 20 men and women through Europe next summer. The group will sail from Montreal the second week in June for the seven-week tour.

Emphasis will be placed on the literary and art cultures of the countries visited. McPherson College will give credit in art and literature to students taking the tour.

Countries visited will be Ping-land. Holland. Belgium. Switzerland. Germany. Italy, and France.

Transportation in England will be by public bus or train. On the

Students To Practice Teach As Block System Begins

The Macollege Homecoming Queen and her attendants were elected in chapel this morning. The Royal Court will reign during the homecoming festivities on Saturday. Nov. 2.

The candidates for queen were from the junior class. They were Ruth Hanagarne, Vernona Thralls. Ivadelle Wisler and Arlene Rolfs.

Candidates for sophomore attendant were Valerie Miller, Sherland Ng, Deanna Goering, and Delores Kaufman.

The freshman candidates for attendant were Sheryl Strom, Margaret Lehman. Rita Smallwood and Karen Yoder.

The queen will be crowned at the Queen’s Banquet which will be at 6:30 Friday evening, Nov.

1 in the social rooms in the church basement.

The campus will be decorated for homecoming by the various organizations on campus. Locations of the decorations are listed in a separate story. The decorations- will be judged at 11:30 on Saturday, Nov. 2, and prizes will be awarded.

The M Club will have a luncheon in the Blue Room of the Warren Hotel at 12 noon that day.

At 3 p.m. a student program will be presented for the alumni in the chapel. At 3:30 there will be an alumni tea in the SUR.

At 5 p.m. the Pep Club will serve a chili supper in the social rooms of the church.

The homecoming football game against Ottawa will be played at 7:30.

The Quinter High School band, directed by Charles Royer '51, will perform at halftime. Football teams of 1932 and 1947 will be honored.

A coffee hour for students and alumni in the Dog House and cafeteria after the game will bring the homecoming activities to a close.

Volume XLII

Decoration Sites Are Announced

Plans for the homecoming dec-orations are being made, and the locations for the various organisational decorations are as follows:

The dormitory residents on campus will have their display in front of their respective hall.

Senior class, library: junior class, north side of the circle drive in the back third: sophomore class, north side of circle drive in the middle third; freshman class, front entrance to campus.

WAA. in front of physical education building; MCA, inside circle drive in the back half on the north side: FTA. along Eshel-man Street facing Dotzour in the south area.

Ag Club, in front of Frantz Hall; Home Ec Club. Harnly Hall; Phi Alpha Theta, north side of circle drive in the front third; Players Club, inside circle in the back half on the south side.

M Club, south side of circle drive in the back third; Pep Club, south side of the circle drive in middle third; Skate Club.

Paul Miller

College Calendar

Tonight, 7:30, Movie in the chapel.

Tomorrow night at 8 o'clock, Football game at Kansas Wesleyan.

Friday, October 25. Regional Conference begins.

Friday night. October 25, Football game against Friends University here at 7:30.

comer of Euclid and Eshelman on Dotzour lawn.

Rec. Council, south side circle drive in the front third; Spectator along Eshelman Street facing Dotzour in the middle area.

All decorations are to be finished. and in place by 11:00 a.m., on the morning of Nov. 2. Judging will start at 11:30 a.m.. and the prize winners will be announced during the game.

Any decoration not completed by judging time will be disqualified. All decorations are to be left in position until sundown. Saturday evening. Decorations should not be left on campus any later than this time.

The prizes for the decorations are first place. $30: second. $20 third. $10; and five honorable

D. D. degree was conferred on him in 1950 by Bethany Biblical Seminary.

Rev. Row has served as pastor

Harold Row

IRC To Discuss Intergroup Relations

The first meeting of the International Relations Club will be next Tuesday. Oct. 22. The discussion topic for this year is "Technique of Intergroup Relations." Anyone interested in international relations is eligible for membership in this club.

The International Relations Group meets at 6 p.m. on the fourth Tuesday of each month, at 421 N. Carrie.

The steering committee for the International Relations Club consists of Mario Oltman. Don Cotton and DeLaine Larson.

MCA Hears Blough

Dr. Marvin Blough was the speaker at the mass M. C. A. meeting in chapel last night. He showed pictures and talked on “Medical Work in Nigeria at Gar-


No. 6

Fifty - two Macollege student teachers begin their eight weeks of supervised practice teaching Oct. 21. in public schools under the block system which was adopted last fall.

Canton. Galva. Windom. Inman. Moundridge, and Hutchinson arc supervising the practice of fifteen student teachers.

Under the block system the students spend the entire day for a period of eight weeks at the school instead of just the hour or two a day for a semester.

The block system has been recommended by the State Department of Public Instruction.

Teaching school on the secondary level at Canton are Ed Emmert and Bob Geiman; at Galva. Stanley Krehbiel and Robert Nelson: at Inman. Robert Pittman and Bernard Whirley: and at Moundridge. Kenneth Fanch-er. Wayne Price and Ed Switzer.

Teaching at Windom are Anne Keim. Melvin Lolling. Mario Oilman. Carol Fancher and Mardel-la Guenther. June Dirks will teach

Married Students To Meet At YMCA

All married students at Macollege are invited to enjoy an evening of recreation tomorrow night beginning at 7:00 at the Y.M.C.A. down town.

at Hutchinson.

Student teachers at McPherson High School are Ronald Anderson. Jack Borth, LeRoy Buskirk. Richard Carter. Sara Ann Coffman. Carol Fancher, Duane Fike, Gerald Fisher. Mardella Guenther. Hal Heisey, Richard Herder, and Don Holderread.

Others teaching at McPherson High School are Herb Johnson. Marion Johnson. Verlin Kolman, Marvin Krehbiel. Dwight Olt-man. Joe Rich. Mary Lou Wise. Anna Rosa Rodriguez. Charlotte Schlender, and Ed Sink.

Elementary student teachers at Lincoln School are Alma Good fellow. Delaine Larson. Barbara Maul. Vera Mohler. Pauline Lund-berg and Joan Johnson.

At Wickersham Grade School student teachers are Gordalee Rosebrough. Neva Shenefelt. Mrs. Jerry Peltzman, and Carol Fancher.

Beverly Blackwell. Imogene Haas. Donna Rhoades, Barbara King. Mrs. Peltzman. and Joan Johnson will be the student teachers at Washington Grade School.

SoCo Planning Queen’s Banquet

The Social Committee, headed by Anne Keim, senior, is making plans for the Queen's Banquet to be held in the church basement at 6:30 p.m. Nov. 1.

Delores Wallace is chairman of the decorations committee, and Sid Smith is in charge of the program committee. Sara Ann Coffman will be in charge of waiters and waitresses.

Chuck Ebbert, social committee treasurer, will have charge of ticket sales. The Student Council will be in charge of the crowning. The banquet will be served by the ladies of the church.

The committee is also considering changing the Christmas formal to a winter formal, to be held on Dec. 6. They arc talking about holding W. P. A. week, and are considering having Dress Night at the cafeteria.

Graduates To Speak At SNEA Meeting

Student NEA will hold its initial regular meeting at 7 p.m. next Wednesday. Oct. 23. in room 28. Sharp Hall.

The program for this month will be presented by some beginning teachers who were in school at Macollege last year. These teachers will tell some of their experiences as beginning teachers to give the students some idea of what they can expect.

Bulldogs Bite C of E Presbies

In 40-7 Victory

Macollege Shows Strength Throughout Entire Game

Commanding all the way. the McPherson Bulldogs soundly whip-ped the College of Emporia Pres-bies to the tune of 40-7. Approximately 2,000 fans watched the game played on Oct. 11 at the Mac stadium.

Much of the credit of the fine game turned in by the Bulldogs goes to the fine blocking and good ball handling of the team.

Leading in the McPherson scoring was Stucky who ran around end three times for as many touchdowns. Guiot, Jeffries, and

Keim accounted for the other three TD’s. The other four points came from the toe of Delk who mode good four conversions.

With nine and a half minutes remaining in the first period, Guiot scored on a play set up by the recovery of a fumble by Jerry McPherson on the Presses’ 31-yard line. Delk kicked the extra point.

Jeffries rang up six more points still in the first quarter on an aggression beginning on

Carl Harris

Editor In Chief

Sherland Ng ....

Managing Editor

JoAan Negley

Campus Editor

Harold Connell

Sports Editor

Sarah May Brunk

Faculty Advisor

Reporters and Writers

Dr. D. W. Bittinger

Cliff Tusing

Joyce Ulrich

Duane Cissner

Anna Vassiloff

Donelda Arick

Glenda Wine

Stanley Ilin

Vernard Foley

Faye Fields

Georgia Lee Bengtson

Dick Ferris

Glen Faus

The Business Staff

Bill Gripe------

Business Manager

Howard Duncan

Asst. Business Mgr.

Diane Browning

Circulation Manager

Gordon Yoder.

Faculty Advisor

The Editorial Staff

Rec Council To Hold Dinner At Vaniman Hall

Monday evening. Oct. 21, Recreational Council .is. having, a semi formal dinner at 5:30 p.m. in Vaniman Hall. The dinner is for the Rec Council members and their invited guests.

The group is preparing and serving the meal themselves. Entertainment will be provided by members in the Rec Council.

Bulldogs To Tangle With KWU In Salina

Tomorrow afternoon the Kan-sas Wesleyan University Coyotes will play host to the McPherson College Bulldogs at Salina. Game time is 8 p.m.

KWU is one of the teams to beat. They are leading in conference play and they are the defending champions.

The KWU team defeated Ottawa 14-7 last week. Friends and Bethany have also been knocked off by this team.

Losses numbering 17 have been given the Bulldogs by KWU. The Bulldogs have recorded 13 wins and two ties in the 32 game series with the Coyotes which began in 1921.

The coach of the KWU team is Gene Bissell. Bissell has been head coach at KWU since 1952.

He has brought his team from 6th place in 1952. to the title in 1956.

After blasting second place C. of E. Presbies last week, the Bulldogs will be up to par to give the Coyotes a run for their money in tomorrow’s game.

the MC 41-yard line. Delk again kicked the conversion.

With only 1:35 gone in the second period Stucky broke around right end for nine yards and a TD. Delk made good for a third time the conversion.

Stucky tallied his second touchdown and McPherson’s fourth with 4:46 remaining in the second quarter. Delk failed on the conversion try.

At the half time the Bulldogs had a 27-0 commanding lead which looked good to the McPherson fans.

The C. of E. team got its first break late in the third quartet when they recovered a McPherson fumble after a fourth down punt by themselves. Coleman scored on a two yard plunge for the Presbies only TD. Baker kicked the extra point to make the score 27-7.

McPherson rallied again in the fourth period when Keim' went over on a plunge after Widrig set up the touchdown with a 22-yard dash. Delk added the extra point.

Stucky scored the final touchdown of the game with 11:04 remaining on an end run for 21 yards. Delk missed the conversion.

Guiot was the work horse averaging 4.7 yards on each of his 16 runs. Stucky carried 14 times averaging 3.7 and Jeffries nine times for seven yards per carry. Keim averaged six yards for seven times.

Korean Students Cook Dinner For Lehman

A Korean dinner was prepared at the home of Miss Della Lehman, professor of English, by Young Park and Eui Young Kim. Korean students at Macollege Sunday evening.

Eight Colleges Play In KCAC

Eight colleges are members of the Kansas College Athletic Conference this year.

The colleges are as follows:

Baker University. Baldwin, was organized in 1858. Baker is affiliated with the Methodist denomination. Dr. W. J. Scarborough is the president.

Organized in 1881. Bethany College is located in Lindsborg. Dr. Robert Mortvedt is the president of this Augustana Lutheran college.

Bethel College was organized in 1887. The Mennonite school is located in North Newton. Dr. D. C. Wedel is this organization’s president.

The Presbyterian member of the conference is the College of Emporia. Organized in 1882, the institution is located in Emporia. The president is Dr. L. E. Sharpe.

Located in Wichita is Friends University. Dr. L. E. Roberts is the acting president of the Society, of Friends school which was organized in 1898.

Another Methodist school is Kansas Wesleyan University. The

school is in Salina. Organized in 1886. Dr. D. Arthur Zook is the president McPherson College, which was organized in 1887. is one of the charter members.

The eighth institution is located in Ottawa. The Ottawa University was organized in 1865. Dr. A. W. Martin is president of this Baptist institution.


Baker .............. Wildcats

Bethany ........... Swedes

Bethel ........ Graymaroons

C. of E.......... Presbies

Friends ........... Quakers

K. W. U.......... Coyotes

McPherson ........ Bulldogs

Ottawa ............- Braves

The Kansas College Athletic Conference of which McPherson College is a member was reorganized in December. 1928.

At that time there were only six members. St. Mary’s left the organization in 1931 and is now a Jesuit Seminary. Three, all former members, re-joined: C. of E. in 1933. Bethel in 1939, and Friends in 1953.

Intramural: Standings

The intramural volleyball standings as of October 12 are as follows:




Stucky —

... 6


Holderread. Miller



Hood, Gatewood

... 3


Dadisman, Kolbe

.... 2


Kingery, Turner

.... 2


Widrig ............

... 5


Sink ..............

... 3


Jeffries, Maul ..

.... 2


Oltman, Straka

... 2


Grossnickle, Blough

... 2


Johnson, Groth


Dresher, Williams



Fruth, Kaufman

.... 1


Lowe, Negley . .

... 1


Morris. Ng ......

.... 1


Nelson ..........



Ragland, Keim

... 1


Guenther. Peek



Erisman, Thralls .

... 0


Willits, Wise .....

... 0


Frazier ..........

... 0


Pondering With The President . . .

When Can We Build It?

Seik Is Attending Meeting In Chicago

Miss Mildred Seik, Professor of Home Economics, is attending the Regional Meeting of College Foods and Nutrition Teachers being held today and tomorrow at the Congress Hotel in Chicago.

Speakers and discussion groups will emphasize teaching home economics in colleges.

Miss Seik left McPherson by train early Thursday morning.

Beginning foods class assignment was to compile a list of grocery prices by visiting down town stores during their laboratory period.

By Dr. D. W. Bittinger

The first thing which should be said in a brief article of this kind, is to give hearty thanks and congratulations to McPherson College and McPherson community for the splendid way in which the Development Campaign for $150,000 went far beyond its goal.

This is due to the splendid cooperation and enthusiastic work of many people in the community. including the people of the college.

When we had our Victory Dinner and discovered that the amount was $173,000 plus, instead of $150,000. we. indeed, felt deeply moved. This seemed to indicate that McPherson College stands in high regard among its own immediate family fellowship and within the community where it seeks to live and serve.

The faculty subscribed nearly $20,000, the students nearly $10.-000. This is beyond the anticipation of all of us and gives us occasion to say thank you and congratulations to each other.

The question immediately follows: when, now, will Sharp Hall be built? Unless one stops to think about it, it would seem like we should start at once. These words, therefore, of explanation are necessary.

Bittinger To Attend Conference At Osage

Dr. D. W. Bittinger will attend the Kansas Southeast District Conference at the Osage church this weekend.

He will speak several times on Saturday and Sunday, and will go directly from Osage to Topeka. where he will spend the first two days of next week in solicitation of funds from the business and industry in Topeka.

Read and heed the Spec ads.

In the campaign some cash was given. Some pledges were made to be paid beginning the first of October. This will mean that more cash will be coming in.

This entire fund-raising effort was organized by a fund raising company which has certain techniques and knowledges concerning fund raising, and can therefore, organize such a campaign well.

The expenses of such a fund raising firm, however, are rather high and. actually, the amount of cash which has accrued up to the present is not quite sufficient to finance the total expense of the fund raising campaign.

This means that cash to begin

Geisert Returns To Mac After Studying, Teaching

Would you like to try to outtalk a state champion in debate? If you think you are able, make an appointment with Dr. Wayne Geisert, dean of McPherson College.

Dean Geisert was not only a state Champion debator several times while he was attending Macollege during 1940-44, but he was also the treasurer and president of two of his classes, business manager of the "Spectator.” treasurer of the Student Council, and president of the Student Council.

After graduation from Mac 1944, Geisert entered the Navy. During his two years in the service. he was an education officer and did a considerable amount of traveling in the Pacific.

The following two years he taught social science, speech, and dramatics at Hamilton High

to build Sharp Hall is not yet in hand. This is not a note of discouragement; it is simply a statement of fact. Cash will now begin to accumulate each month and each quarter.

It is the decision and intent of the college and its duly constituted authorities that as soon as sufficient cash is in hand to justify the beginning of Sharp Hall, it will be begun. It is hoped that the cash will come in quickly.

Those of you who read this can help the building of Sharp Hall by paying your pledges promptly, or even more rapidly than you intended.

It is likely not the intent that we shall wait until sufficient money is on hand to pay for the entire building, but it is necessary to wait until sufficient money is on hand to justify borrowing some in order to complete the building.

What. then, shall we do in the meantime? It is now that we can begin to sharpen and complete the plans for the building.

Three or four years ago plans were circulated among faculty people and students. Many suggestions were made and plans were drawn and redrawn until a building as it could have been constituted at that time was in its first draft on the drawing boards.

During several years naturally other factors come into the picture. and it is now time to circulate plans and accumulate sug-gestions from students " and faculty concerning the building and to bring the present plans up-to-date in the light of these suggestions.

This, therefore, is to invite suggestions from students and from faculty. We are building, not only for our own time, but for our

Ag Club To Spend Weekend In K. C.

The Macollege Ag Club will leave tomorrow morning for Kansas City. Prob John Ward, club sponsor, is accompanying them.

On the trip they will see th6 Co-op nitrogen plant at Lawrence. Kas.. the oil and grease and paint manufacturing facilities at Kansas City, the wholesale offices of the Consumers Cooperative Association for several midwestern states, the Howard A. Cowden Landrace swine farm, the American Royal Livestock show.

They will attend Sunday morning church services at Cherokee Hills Brethren Mission church.

Those taking the trip will be Kenneth Harris. Kenton Harris. Ed Butler. Ed Switzer, Lee Dadisman. Ronald Bowman. Billy Joe Hildreth. Curtis' Broadwater, Wayne Bert. Doyle Royer, Terry Weddle. John Myers, and Charles Ebbert.

The tour will be conducted by Kurtz Ebbert. fieldman for the Consumer's Cooperative Association. Kurtz, an alumnus of Macollege. is a brother of Charles Ebbert who is president of the McPherson College Agricultural Club.

Expenses for the trip are being largely underwritten by the local and Kansas City Consumer’s Cooperative Associations.

School. Hamilton. Kas.. and then two years at Kendall College. Evanston. Ill. While in Illinois he attended Northwestern where he received his doctor of philosophy degree in 1951.

The next six years the dean was at Manchester College. North Manchester. Ind.. as the head of the economics and business department.

Dean Geisert has spent many summers in graduate work. In the summer of 1955 he studied the management and construction of the Peoples' Gas Corporation. Chicago. Ill., on a fellowship granted by the Foundation of Economics.

Four Geiserts attended Macollege — the dean’s two brothers, his sister, and himself. Mrs. Wayne Geisert also graduated from Mac.

future. Those who are in the college will have their children utilizing and enjoying Sharp Hall.

We welcome your suggestions, as we plan for these future gen erations and for ourselves.

All suggestions will be carefully considered and as fully as possible the building will be made to conform to the wishes of all of us.

Don't Read It . . .

A Neat Trick, That Sputnik

By Norris and Carl

Fellow Americans, beware! Our scientific heritage is in danger. In fact, you arc in danger. The Russian satelite. Sputnik, beeps ominously over head.

Since the launching of the satelite. confusion and terror have reigned among the people of America. Everyone got worried because we had lost the moon race to Russia.

Our great national leaders, however, remained cool. calm, and collected. After due deliberation they presented the official U. S. policy toward the satelite. Please notice the precise, calculated coordination in these reports made by various leaders.

Official U. S. Policy

From President Eisenhower's vacation headquarters came this report. “Congratulations to the Russians on their great scientific achievement. We are all just one big happy family here on earth, and there wasn’t any race after all.”

Senator Symington (D-Mo.) promptly backed up Eisenhower's statement, saying. “I demand a Senate investigation of everybody. There is absolutely no reason for the stupid Russians beating us in the satelite race. This gives them a tremendous advantage in the world arms race.”

Vice - President Nixon agreed, saying. “The Russians aren’t any stronger than they were before they launched Sputnik. The United States is still stronger than the communist world."

He went on to say. “This Russian satelite may be a good thing. It should scare all the taxpayers enough that they will want more defense spending and won’t clamor for a tax cut. That means more money for us to spend. Hooray for Sputnik.”

In the U. S. News and World

Report for Oct. 18. 1957, is this report: “Dr. Homer E. Newell, Jr., scientific coordinator of the Navy’s project Vanguard, say! oh a TV show recently. ‘We’ve already built a satelite and it’s been in operation for two weeks. It's operating perfectly in a vacuum temperature chamber.’

A group of American scientists issued a statement saying. “The Russian satelite is primitive and isn’t giving them much information. When better satelites are built, America will build them. Just give us time.’’

Alfred E. Neuman, in a recent press release remarked, "What, me worry?”

Now, we leave the realm of politics and delve into the basic nature of the satelite itself.

First we quote local playboy, Duane Fike as saying, "T h e satelite is nothing more than a mere metal chicken crate full of baby chicks going peep, peep, peep. By standing out in the open and looking up, one may

Fashions For The Future

By Faus and Foley

Swami Faus and Swamier Foley have gazed into their chrys-tal ball, and have come up with these predictions for the years to come.

The first thing wee see — EEEEk! What is this horrible monster awaiting us in the future? Oh, it’s only our reflection in our chrystal ball.

Looking deeper, we see many amazing things. Men will be wearing swept - wing hats, torsion-level shoes, and smoking high-compression cigars.

The ladies will be wearing fender skirts and on their heads ra-iation proof hub caps, and will follow the trend toward better designed trunks.

Baby bottles will be replaced by fuel - injection units, and baby carriages will feature automatic change indicators.

Blue jeans for the active youngster will be retreadable. feature advanced rear end styling, and have improved knee-joint suspension.

These arc the fashions for the future, so folks, don’t throw away your old automobile parts, some lady may be wearing them someday.    F & . . . . f

get an eyeful of the satelite." And now, in closing, we pre-

dict the E. 0. T. S. Watch for it.