Students, Faculty Pledge For Sharp

Macollege students and faculty have pledged during the past week to help build new Sharp Hall. The totals, incomplete at the Spectator deadline, were announced in chapel this morning.

Reflections On My Work In European Refugee Camps

McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas, October 4, l957

One thing I am sure I will never regret in spite of its many difficulties and discouragements is the fact that I was privileged to learn to know the German people by working with these refugees.

I was working with the German Y.M.C.A. in the areas of crafts, recreation, and counseling or visiting people within the two camps where I worked at different times. Oftentimes I was just a person on whom they could unload their gripes and discouragements of camp life.

I learned specifically a lot about East Germany, but of course I learned of West Germany as it is today and all of Germany as it once was in the past. I learned about Communism, and Russia and its satellites.

I woke up to a lot of the pro blems of the world today and realized that I have a lot of responsibility as a Christian world citizen.

Many German people often said to me. "Oh, it's too bad that you came so far and now have to work in such awful places and can’t see the beautiful parts of Germany." Of course. Germany being a country with much valuable cultural opportunity, the people were right in a sense, but I did sec some interesting and famous things in Germany and several other European countries as well

My work was centered near Bremen and in Hamburg, so I hadn’t much opportunity to see southern Germany, but I did get to travel, both because of conferences and on my own. in Switzerland. Austria. Holland, Denmark. Sweden, Norway, and England.

Probably because I was with Germans so much. I learned the language and ways of the people and really felt quite at home for the most part. I found that I was much, like the Germans in my way of thinking, so that often times I forgot that I was American and so did the people with whom I worked.

Now I am glad for the opportunity to be in America again, but I hope it isn't loo long until I can return to my German friends to learn more of the ways of the world and fulfill as well as possible my duties as a Christian world citizen.

Clara Zunkel, junior from Denver, Colo., is shown at work in the family refugee camp at Hamburg, Germany. Clara was assigned to refugee work through Brethren Volunteer Service. Her work included conducting English classes for children and adults, working with youth, and visiting refugee families.

Ruth Kolbe Is Macollege Nurse

Ruth Kolbe, McPherson College school nurse, announces that she may be contacted between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 7 p.m. on Mondays and Wednesdays, and between 4 p.m. and 5 p.m. on Tuesday. Thursday and Friday. So in case of minor illness call Miss Kolbe at Dotzour Hall at the above time. Ruth can be contacted at anytime in case of emergency.

Ruth is unable to make prescriptions or to admit anyone to the infirmary; however, she will examine you in case of illness, and if necessary refer your case to a doctor.

Ruth is a member of the McPherson College Marching Band and the Mac Recreational Council.

Planning to transfer to Kansas University Medical Center next fall, Ruth wants to be a missionary either among the Navajo Indians or in India.

College Calendar

Tonight, Football game against Baker at Baldwin. Kas.

Tomorrow, Skating party at Lyons; skaters meet in Dotzour Hall lounge at 6:30 p.m.

Rudolph Harley Dies Suddenly

Rudolph Harley, a sophomore majoring in mathematics and physics, died suddely from heart failure last Sunday noon. He and his wife were getting ready to eat dinner in their apartment in Kline Hall when he passed away.

He had transferred to McPherson College this semester from Manchester College, North Manchester. Ind.

The rescue squad of the fire department was called, as well as a doctor, and firemen used the resuscitator for 25 minutes without results.

Samuel Rudolph Harley was born on Nov. 22, 1938, at Harris-berg, Va., son of Rev. and Mrs. Samuel A. Harley. He was married to Barbara Montel on August 25. this year, at her home at Syracuse, Ind., and moved to McPherson College just before the start of the fall term.

He had not been ill prior to his sudden death.

Besides the widow, survivors included his parents, one brother, Gail T. Harley, Detroit; one sister, Dorothy Harley, of the home and other relatives.

A brief memorial service was held Monday afternoon at the Danielson-Ball Funeral Home with Rev. Harry K. Zeller in charge.

The body has been sent to North Manchester, Ind., for funeral and burial services.

Seven Courses Taught In Mac Night School

Seven courses are taught at the McPherson College Evening School for the first semester of 1957. The fallowing classes meet on Wednesday:

4:55 to 7:15-Life and Letters of Paul and Science and Life.

7:25 to 9:45—Elementary Economics, Astronomy, Painting, and Historiography.

A class in The Teaching of Reading meets on Monday and Wednesday evening from 6 to 7:15.

Church Invites All To Communions

McPherson College students are invited to join people around the world in the observance of World Communion Day. Sunday. Oct. 6.

The observance of the Passion will begin down under in New Zealand and follow the time span from east to west around the globe.

The McPherson Church of the Brethren will hold two Communion services during the day. The first Communion service will be held in Memory Chapel at 8:30 a.m.

This bread and cup communion

Volume XLII

By Clara Zunkel

For two years, I left Mac College and went to Germany as a Brethren Volunteer Service worker.

Being in a different country, living with people of a different culture and who speak a different language, and knowing that one won’t be returning home until his 21 months are over can really make changes in a person.

Whether or not I was really mature enough for such a venture, I still do not know, but I learned a lot and I feel sure that my thinking has matured perhaps more than it would have had I remained in college to graduate before entering B.V.S.

We hear quite a bit about Germany today, because, besides England, it is probably our strongest ally in Europe. It has made amazing strides toward recovery since the destruction and defeat of the war, but it is still a "sick” country with many problems.

Probably the largest single problem is that of the refugees who come daily, weekly, and monthly through the Iron Curtain from East to West Germany. They* are fleeing a way of life Which we can hardly even imagine because of the many infrigements it places on the freedom of its people.

Half Of Enrolled Are Brethren

Fifty-seven per cent of the students on Macampus are members of or prefer the Church of the Brethren.

The distribution of the protes-tant religions on campus is as follows: Church of the Brethren. 211 members and 7 preferences; Methodist, 56 members; 4 preferences; Baptist, 24 members and 1 preference; Presbyterian. 15 members, 1 preference; Menno-nite 10 members; Christian Church, 11 members; Lutheran, 12 members; Free Methodist. 4 members.

United Brethren. 3 members Brethren in Christ, 3 members Episcopal, 3 members; Congre-gationalist. 3 members; Foursquare Gospel, 2 members; Church of God. 2 members.

There is one member in each of the following churches: Church of Christ. Church of the Nazarene. German Protestant Church. Grace Bible Church. Assembly of God. Covenant Mission, Christian Science Church. Evangelical and Reformed Churches.

Non-protestant religions on campus are Greek Orthodox. 2 mem bers; Roman Catholic, 1 member; Jewish, 1 preference.

Letters have been sent by Dr. D. W. Bittinger to the pastors of these churches in McPherson telling the names of students of their denominations. These letters indicated that all students are welcome at the Church of the Brethren but that pastors can feel free to call on the students.

Freshmen Elect Fans To Lead

The freshman class elected class officers and student council representatives during the orientation period on Friday. Sept. 27. The election was conducted by Duane Fike, president of' the student body.

Results were as follows:

Glen Faus. president: Charles Banks, vice president; Patsy Bolen. secretary; Rita Smallwood, treasurer: Wayne Zuck and Betty Oltman, student council representatives.

Bechtel Selects Seven For Women’s Council

New members of the Women’s Council are Philips Willems, De-lores Peek. Lillian Aotaki. De-lores Wallace, Judy Brammell, Norma Watkins, and Elaine Winslow.

Old members and officers of Women’s Council are Vera Mohler. president: Rossie Monk, vice president; Ruth Barcelo. secretary: Ellen Kurtz, treasurer;-Joan Furry, publicity chairman: Mary Lou Wise, and Elsie Lucore.

Mrs. Kenneth Bechtel, Dean of Women. is the faculty advisor.

This council, composed of twelve to fifteen girls representing the various living arrangements and campus organizations for women is chosen by the Dean of Women. It meets with her regularly every other week.

The objectives of the council are to promote good fellowship among women students, to discuss campus problems, to provide opportunities for correct soc ial behavior.

No. 4

Mac Skaters To Lyons

Macollege Skate Club will hold a skating party at Lyons Saturday night. Everyone who plans to attend will meet in the Dotzour Hall lounge at 6:30 p.m.

Bechtel Attends Sociology Meet

Dr. Kenneth C. Bechtel, Macollege professor of sociology and language, attended the national convention of the American Sociological Society August 27-29 in Washington. D. C.

This meeting was attended by 1500 sociologists. It is the top sociological meeting in the nation. The theme was "Current Problems and Prospects in Sociology."

Three other sociological societies met with it this year. They are the Rural Sociological Society. The Society for Study of Social Problems, and the American Anthropological Association.

Dr. Robert K. Merton from Columbia University, president of the American Sociological Society. presided at the meeting. The president next year is to be Dr. Robin M. Williams from Cornell University. The meetings were held in the Shoreham Hotel in Washington, D. C.

Dr. Bechtel comments that there were seven different meetings going on at the same time during much of the convention They were discussing many different topics pertaining to sociology.

Dr. Bechtel states that the thing which impressed him most at the convention was the modem scientific approach to social study.

So Co Orders Movie, Selects Banquet Heads

Ed Sink and Barbara Maul were selected by the Social Committee as co-chairmen of the Queen’s Banquet. This banquet is part of the Homecoming activities and will be held on Nov. 1.

The committee has ordered a color movie which will be shown on Oct. 18.

□ The pledge program was introduced to the students last Friday at assembly by Dr. D. W. Bittinger. This week all students have been contacted by student workers who were organized by Mr. Musgrove director of the campaign for new Sharp Hall.

Duane Fike, student council president, was the campus chairman for the Sharp Hall campaign. Under him were four class representatives, Mario Oltman. senior. Gene Wenger, junior. Kenneth Holderread, sophomore, and Jim Smallwood, freshman.

The class representatives chose class captains, who in turn chose five workers to contact five students each.

Senior class captains were Don Holderread. Dorothy Blough, and Wilbur Smith. Junior class captains were Noel Grove. Norma Watkins, and Carl Harris.

Sophomore captains were Kenton Wrightsman, Valerie Miller, and Sherland Ng. Freshman captains were Gloria Applegate. Sara Harnly. Don Hollenbeck, and Wayne Zuck.

Prof. Guy Hayes has been the chairman of the campaign among the faculty members, and has contacted all of them.

The McPherson College Development Fund campaign was launched last March in McPherson. In May the churches were contacted and asked to pledge one dollar per family per month for the next five years.

On August 28 the city phase of the campaign was kicked off. Over one-half of the city goal has been reached now.

Mac Students Edit ‘Horizons’

Glenna Hawbaker, Mac junior, and Eileen Oltman, sophomore, are editing an issue of Horizons for the Western Region Youth of the Church of the Brethren.

The theme will be "Milestones with Meaning." The issue will appear on the Sunday prior to Annual Conference in June.

All articles except the regular columns, and all stories, poems, illustrations and pictures will be written or drown by the Western Region young people.

The last Western Region issue was put out on Sept. 30, 1956. It was edited by Ruth Davidson, a 1957 Mac graduate.

is designed primarily for those who have not been accustomed to the practice of Love Feast and Communion. The service is open to all who care to participate in the observance of the day by the celebration of the Bread and Cup.

Love Feast and Communion will be observed in the Social Rooms of the church at 6:30 in the evening. This is the traditional Brethren Love Feast and feet-washing service.

The Brethren celebrate the Love Feast and Communion in the tradition of the New Testament.

Ail are invited to attend.

Baker Will Host Macollege Tonight

Football Captains . . .

Jefferies, McPherson Lead Macollege Bulldogs

Baker University of Baldwin City will play host to the McPherson Bulldogs tonight in another Kansas Conference game.

Baker defeated 27-13 by the Bull dogs last year, tied with Bethel for fourth place in lost year’s league.

Baker has been predominate in the previous 31 games winning 19 games, losing nine, and being tied only three times. One of the ties was a scoreless gome.

Tonight's game will be the second away game for the Bulldogs and the fourth game of the season.

The Editorial Staff

Carl Harris

Editor in Chief

Sherland Ng.

Managing Editor

JoAnn Neeley

Campus Editor

Harold Connell

Sports Editor

Sarah May Brunk

Faculty Advisor

Reporters and Writers

Dr. D. W. Bittinger

Cliff Tusing

Joyce Ulrich

Duane Cissner

Anna Vassiloff

Donelda Arick

Glenda Wine

Stanley Ilin

Vernard Foley

Faye Fields

Georgia Lee Bangston

Dick Ferris

Glen Faus

The Business Staff

Bill Gripe

Business Manager

Howard Duncan

Asst. Business Mgr.

Diane Browning

Circulation Manager

Gordon Yoder

Faculty Advisor

Dwayne Jefferies

Miss Lehman Attends Great Books Program

A Great Books program, sponsored by the Great Books Club, is being held in Wichita every other Tuesday evening.

Miss Della Lehman, Professor of English, attended the first

Bulldogs Trounce Bethel In League Opener, 18-16

He is not only idle who does nothing, but he is idle who might be better employed. — Socrates

Peace cannot be kept By force. It can only be achieved by understanding. — Albert Einstein

some of the mechanics of teaching.

S.N.E.A. held its first meeting after a cook out at Lakeside Park Wednesday, Sept. 25.

WAA Is In Charge Of Concession Stands

Macollege Women’s Athletic Association is in charge of the concession stands at the football games played at Mac. Almost every member of the club works In the stand. Each of the five cabinet members have a night to be in charge of the stand since there are five home games.

Girls may earn points for an award by participating in tennis, individual, outing and table tennis.

The WAA sponsors a banquet in the spring for the club members and their dates.

The purpose of the club is to promote the ideas of health, to stimulate an interest in the participation of athletic activities, and to create a spirit of good sportsmanship.

The members of the cabinet are Dorothy Blough, president; De-lores Peek, vice president; Shirley Turner, secretary; Doris Davidson, treasurer; and Lois Pager, publicity chairman.

SNEA Organizes

Officers of the Student National Education Association, formerly known on Macampus as the Future Teachers of America, are Ed Switzer, president; Don Holderread. vice president; Donna Rhoades, secretary; Barbara Maul. treasurer; and Glenna Haw-baker, historian librarian.

The purpose of the S.N.E.A. is to familiarize the student who plans to teach with the national teachers organization and with

Football Co-Captains of the Macollege Bulldogs for the 1957-1958 season are Dwayne Jefferies, and Jerry McPherson.

Dwayne is a senior from Ring-wood, Okla., and plays right half-

Jerry McPherson back. Dwayne weighs 165 pounds and stands 5’9” tall.

Jerry is a junior from McClouth, Kan., and plays tackle. He weighs 190 pounds and is 6'3” tall.

meeting Oct. 1. The discussion was on the Declaration of Independence. Plato's Apology was also discussed.

There will be ten programs in all. Any student who whshes to attend future meetings of the Great Books Club may contact Miss Lehman.

In a game which saw both teams with their ups and downs, 'the Bulldogs nipped the Bethel Graymoroons 18-16 in the opening Kansas. Conference game for both teams.

Macollege’s 18 points came as the result of three TD’s scored

Six Teams Victorious In Intramural Games

The results of the intramural volleyball games played last week show the winners were: Ragland and Kiem over Sink; Grossnickle and Blough over Willits and Wise; Jeffries and Maul over Oltman and Straka; Stucky over Fruth and Kaufman; Holderread and Miller over B. Frazier; Hood and Gatewood over Nelson.    

Next week several new teams will be organized. Those who have signed up to play volleyball, will be playing soon.

by Widrig. Willits, and Keim.

A total of 220 yards were netted by the Bulldogs' offensive in rushing. Yards gained through the air were 64. The opponents were held to a net total of 122 yards in rushing, but were allowed 126 yards by passes.

The Bulldogs were penalized 45 yards while Bethel's penalties amounted to only 20 yards.

Penner of Bethel was responsible for his team’s touchback scored in the opening moments of the game. Mueller and Penner scored the two TD’s and Stucky accounted for the two completed conversions.

Pondering With The President . . .

Am I Any Bigger?

you place your ideas before the group and have them discussed impartially? Can you give and take as an adult, rather than as an adolescent or a child?

If you can do these things you already will have friends, and you will have still more in the future.

8. Are your ideas about what you should do as your life work clearer than they used to be? Do you know what is needing to be done in the world? Do you know whether your own abilities would help you to work at those tasks successfully? Do you know what brings you satisfaction as you work at it? Are you more committed to real service than you have ever been before? Are you clearer about how your life should be invested?

If you con answer, “Yes,” to these questions, you are growing. If you are not certain about them, you may not be growing.

Arc you growing at McPherson College?

CBYF Elects New Officers

New members of the C.B.Y.F. steering committee are Doris Davidson. Kenneth Holderread and Bob Dell. This election was held at the C. B. Y. F. meeting Sunday evening and the results were announced after a short worship program.

The three new members of the steering committee will work with three old members, Gene Wenger. Lois Fager. and Bob Erisman. to plan the C.B.Y.F. programs.

Prof. Paul Sollenberger is faculty advisor of the C.B.Y.F.

Through the McPherson College C.B.Y.F. students are given an opportunity to become a part of the local church group.

Davidson, Beach

Mr. and Mrs. Jake Davidson. McCune. Kas., announce the engagement of their daughter, Donna. to Mr. Charles Beach, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Beach. Leanord, Mo.

Donna, a home economics major. and Charles, an industrial arts major, are both juniors at McPherson College.

Plans for the wedding are indefinite.

Mac Students Work In Summer Camps

Three students represented Macollege this summer in camp work. Ana Rosa Rodriguez, a senior, Carl Harris, a junior, and Valerie Miller, a sophomore, worked in camps in Louisiana, Oklahoma, Nebraska, Iowa, and Kansas.

Leading singing and recreation, heading worship committees, and acting as cabin counselors were some of the duties of these summer camp workers.

The students traveled by car and bus to the various camps. They were in one junior camp, one junior high camp, three youth comps, and one family camp.

Trail Hike, which involves real camping out, was a climax to the summer.

Students Mark Another Year

October marks the beginning of another year in the lives of twenty - four members of the Macollege family.

Rita Smallwood heads the list of the October babies. Her birthday is on Oct. 2. Joe Dooley's follows on Oct. 3.

Others whose birthdays fall in October are Deanna Shellenberg-er,- Oct. 4; Phil Bradley, .Oct. 7; Gladys Torrey, Oct. 10; Pearl Winslow, Larry Dresher, Thelma Clouse, and Richard Carter, Oct. 13; Earl Guiot, Mae Campbell, and Joyce Berry. Oct. 14; Gerald Andrews, Oct. 10.

Others are Linda Royer, Oct. 22; Maida Tinsley, Mary Hill. Jan Brallier, and Hayne Bert, Oct. 23; Gary Stelting, Oct. 25; Mary Ann Guthals. Oct. 27; Frances Straka and Eugene Snyder, Oct. 28; and Richard Hart and Bernice Bernstorf, Oct. 29.

Think all you speak, hut speak not all you think. Thoughts are your own: your words are so no more. — Henry Delaune

By Dr. D. W. Bittinger

When I was a lad my parents marked on the frame of the door leading to the kitchen, the height of various members of the family. This reached all the way from dad's height down to the smallest child. We would all line up with our backs to the door frame, while our heights were carefully checked. We could then compare our own heights against where we had been six months ago. It was possible, also, to measure our growth in comparison with our brothers and sisters. If we were growing more-rapidly than some, this gave us satisfaction. If we were being out distanced, or if we were not growing at all. we tried to figure out why and to cat something differently, or do something differently, so that we could grow.

It is good if a student at McPherson College can measure himself against some kind of door frame to see whether he is growing. If he is not growing at all. he should be concerned about it. If he is not growing as rapidly as others, he. likewise, should be concerned about it.

Are you willing to measure yourself and see whether you are making progress?

If you are. then against what door frame shall you stand in order to measure yourself?

Here are a few suggestions.

1.    Are you making better grades as you continue in school? You should be. You should be understanding more clearly what is expected of you. You should be learning how to study better. You should know how to allocate your time more carefully. You should be able to read faster. You should make better grades as you progress.

2.    Are you having more friends?

Can you accept an idea which

is different from the one previously held? Can you admit that you are wrong on some subjects without becoming angry about it. or having a sense of defeat? Can

Sophomores Victorious; Freshmen Wear Beanies

The Sophomores pulled the freshmen in the lagoon at the annual tug-of-war held Wednesday -at Lakeside Park.

Freshmen are therefore required to wear their red beanies until next Wednesday.

Debate Sites Named

Debate tournaments in which McPherson College will participate in will be held at Kansas State College. Wichita University, and Southwestern College.

The first debate tournament to be held at Kansas State College. Manhattan, is for those who are beginning debate in college. This tournament will take place Nov. 9.

Debate, oration, and extemporaneous speaking are the various divisions of the tournament to be held at Wichita University, Nov 22-23.

The tournament to he held at Southwestern College. Winfield, Dec. 13-14 will consist of oration, extemporaneous speaking, salesmanship. and debate.

Thirteen students showed an interest in debate at the first initial meeting after chapel Tuesday, Sept. 24. Other students have also expressed an interest in debate who were not at the meeting.

Mildred Siek Attends Home Economics Meet

Miss Mildred Siek. Macollege professor of home economics, attended meetings at Kansas University all day Saturday. Sept. 29.

The morning meeting consisted of a council meeting of the State Home Economics Association. She also attended the program planning of the State Home Economics association which planned the program for the state convention to be held next March.

In the afternoon she attended a planning committee meeting for the heads of home economics departments of colleges and universities in Kansas. The purpose of this meeting was to make plans for meeting of groups to be held at Kansas University Oct. 26.

Don't Read It . . .

The Mob Is For Faubus

would have the audacity to speak out freely against decrees from the highest law of the land.

Action. When he saw the peace and quiet of the town of Little Rock, he knew something had to be done. Being a man of im mediate action, he called in the national guard and the state police.

Poof, there went the peace and quiet. Things started happening If Faubus were president, things would be happening all over the country.

Patriotism. He upholds the tried and proven standards of social organization, refusing to bend to the passing fancies of misdirected Yankees. (Not the baseball team.)

Protector of the common man. He has shown that he will lend a sympathetic ear to the masses when they assemble to make their desires known, and he even encourages them to assemble for this purpose. Yes, he will listen in the mobs, not to the aristocratic few who are in high places.

So you see. dear friends. Faubus is our only hope. Only he can preserve our beloved American Way of Life. Only he has the courage, patriotism, love of liberty, action leadership, and concern for the rights of the common white man.

When Faubus is president, hostile planes won't go flying all over our 6th fleet day after day with nothing happening to them. He will call out the campfire girls and cub scouts to chase them away.

Send for your free “The Mob’s for Fob” buttons and posters now. Address your letters to "Norris

One Worthless Western

By Norris and Carl

Fellow Americans, beware! These are the times that try mens souls. Your American heritage is in danger! Our nation lacks staunch leadership.

Ever since the death of the late Senator Joseph McCarthy, our sovereign nation has needed a new Moses to lead us out of the wilderness.

After years of searching, Norris and Carl have finally found the ideal American statesman. These chaotic times have revealed his sterling character, loyalty, courage, stamina, patriotism, individuality. and moral vigor.

This man is none other than the Honorable Governor Orval Faubus (popularly known as Fob) from Arkansas, champion of the people, defender of the truth, and guardian of the fundamental rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Let us demonstrate how the past few hectic weeks have shown the following inherent leadership qualities which he possesses: Courage. What other man would have the courage to defy the supreme court, the president of the United States, and the U. S. Army. Even George Washington would have withered before such formidable foes.

Free Speech. Only Faubus

In Sympathy

The students and faculty of McPherson College sympathize with Mrs. Rudolph Harley in the loss of her husband. We all share the loss when one of our McPherson College Family is taken from us.

Some of the students and facul ty members have contributed to a memorial fund for Rudolph. It has been collected by the Marry Macs, and will be sent to Mrs. Harley.

When Faubus is president, the supreme court will no longer be able to stop free elections among free, honest, hardworking, red-blooded. American laborers. In fact, the Supreme Court will no longer be.

The presidential election is only three years away. Now is the time to get on the Bandbus for

By Faus and Foley

Return with us now to those thrilling days of the Old West, when men were men. women were scarce, and the only law west of the Mississsippi was a U. S. Marshall and the smell of Gunpowder!

One of the unsung heroes of the Old West was Five-Firearm Fred-ruck. Freddy never made the big time because he couldn’t ride a horse, and couldn’t get a good spot on TV.

Freddy, forerunner of all the two-gun heroes, never rode a horse because with all those guns wrapped around him. he didn't have any place to straddle a saddle.

He was one of those guys who always worked behind the scenes It was he who blacked the Lone Ranger’s eyes, and he who held the pail while Wyatt Earped.

It was Freddy who stopped the

reign of terror of the Liverlips Logan gang by selling them belt dressing instead of chapstick. Freddy was at the time working in a general store for a couple of fellows named Grant and Lee.

Yes, our hero was always at work, behind the scenes, helping the most famous western heroes along. Once on a history test, he remembered the Alamo. He was the first man to say, "Stop ’em at the pass, boys.” He was lecturing on women at the time.

Like his creators, however. Freddy ran out of material. He was demoted to riding in posses, and never recovered from the blow. When last seen, he was headed for Kansas territory, looking for those two idiots responsible for him:


and Carl" in care of The Spectator. Enclose $2.29 for handling charges.
