


Volume XLII

McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas, September 20, 1957

Macollege Student Returns After Year In Germany

A walk which turned out to be a hike of 24 miles was one of the many experiences that Elsie Lu-core had as an exchange student abroad.

Elsie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lucore, went as an exchange student to Germany in July, 1956. The CBYF and Peace Group paid half of her expenses.

On July 3, 1956. the ship with Elsie and four other exchange students sailed from Quebec to Europe. After eleven days at sea, the ship docked in Bremerhaven. Germany. The group was met there by Esther Mohler, head of Student Exchange.

A brief orientation was held in Kassel before the students went to their new homes. Two of the students went to Austria and the others were in different parts of Germany. Elsie’s new home was in Bielefeld, Germany.

She arrived in Bielefeld on July 18. about a week before the end of the summer semester of school. This week she spent at the school. For the next three

months, until the fall semester started on Nov. 1, she worked In an epileptic colony of 7,000 in Bethel, Germany.

School daze began; however, vacation followed closely. On March 1 school was dismissed for a two month vacation. During this time Elsie visited Anneliese and Eugen Lupri and Christa Koch and did some traveling.

She attended a student exchange conference in Geneva, Switzerland; took a two week study trip to Italy; and worked with Arlene Merkey in a refugee camp in Linz, Austria.

In Bielefeld on May 1 the summer semester of school started. It was in session until August 1.

At this school of approximately 200 students (only around 20 of which were girls), Elsie took 21 hours the first semester and 19 the second. Her classes dealt with Bible, church history, and systematic theology.

She was a member of the choir and a teacher in an English Club.

At the end of the school year.

Enrollment Up Over Last Year

Enrollment figures show an increase of four students over enrollment last year as of Sept. 16. A total of 403 students have enrolled at Macollege this semester.

This total includes 145 fresh men, 86 sophomores, 70 juniors, 86 seniors, and 20 special students.

The total enrollment at this time last year was 399, including 131 freshmen, 81 sophomores, 92 juniors, 76 seniors and 19 special students.




No. 2

Recreators To Go Picnicking At Lake Kanopolis Monday

Elsie co-directed an international work camp near Frankfort. There were 23 youths in this camp representing 10 different nations.

After work camp Elsie traveled to LeHavre. France, where she sailed for her home in Amercia

Elsie Lucore is a senior at Macollege this year. Before her year in Europe, she was a member of Women’s Council, CBYF, and Peace Group. She plans to go into nursing after graduating.

When asked how she felt about the year as an exchange student, Elsie said that she would recom mend It to any student

Frederick, Coppock Announce Personnel Of Mac Choirs

Members of the Macollege Choirs have been announced by Prof. Donald Frederick and Miss Doris Coppock.

The personnel of the McPherson College A Cappella Choir is

as follows:

First sopranos arc Mary Ann Guthals, Barbara King. Elsie Lucore, Anne Kelm, Sharon Thompson, Delaine Larson, and Sheryl Strom, alternate.

Second sopranos are Sara Ann Coffman. Mardella Guenther, Valeric Miller, Joyce Berry. Carolyn Fillmore, and Patty Albright, alternate.

First altos are Norma Watkins. Dorothy Blough, Shirley Rhoades. Deanna Goering, and Shirley Groth, alternate.

Second altos arc Alma Good-fellow, Vera Mohler, Delores Wallace. Vernona Thralls. Ivadale Wisler, and Kathy Burkholder, alternate.

First tenors are Forrest Kru-schwitz. LeRoy Buskirk. Paul Freemyer, and Noel Grove.

Second tenors are Larry Sanders. Don Holderread, Carl Harris. and Wayne Zuck.

First basses are Irvin Wagner. Marlon Landhuis, Gary Stelting, Delaine Perkins. Larry King, alternate. and Bill Gripe, alternate.

Second basses are Dwight Olt-man. Kenneth Holderread. Jan Brallier, Marvin Weddle, Robert Dell, Garland Wampler, and Richard Reinke, alternate.

College Church Choir

The following students have been chosen as members of the McPherson College Church Choir:

Sopranos are Sheryl Strom, Ellen Strycker, Ann Swinger, Glenda Rae Wine, Elizabeth Pittman, Carolyn Bowers, Mary Gate-wood, Mildred Jacobson, Rossie Monk, Shirley Williams, JoAnn Negley, Arinade Grillo, and Ven-eta Howell.

Altos are Shirley Groth, Margaret Lehman, Donna Rhoades, Ruth Hanagarne, Sandra Mitchell, Marlene Klotz, Jo Nelle Thor-ccn, Helen Williams and Elverda Fike.

Tenors are Paul Freemyer, Dick Ferris. Larry Myers, Stanley Hin, and Clifford Tusing.

Basses are Larry King. Bill Gripe, Marlon Landhuis, Jan Bral-lier, Richard Reinke, and Garland Wampler.

Chapel Choir

Miss Doris Coppock has announced that the personnel of the Chapel Choir will be as follows:

First sopranos are Glenda Wine. Gloria Applegate, Elizabeth Pittman. Maida Tinsley, Mary Gate-wood. Arinade Grillo. and Carolyn Bowers, alternate.

Second sopranos are Anna Vas-silof, Betty Oltman, Ann Swinger, Linda Owens, Veneta Howell, alternate, and Ellen Strycker, alternate.

First altos are Marlene Klotz, Patsy Bolen, Joyce Ulrick, Jo Nelle Noreen, and La Vena Murrey, alternate.

Second altos are Donna Rhoades, Ruth Hanagarne, Margaret Lehman, Sandra Mitchell, Pat Johnson, and Karen Yoder, alternate.

First tenors are Dick Ferris,

Phil Carr, Larry Myers. Gerth Riwer, and Eugene Jahn, alternate.

Second tenors are Howard Duncan, Richard Landrum. Stanley Hin, Jon Burkholder, alternate, and David Hykes, alternate.

First basses are Vernon Reinecker, Winston Beal, Larry Dresher, Ed Emmert, and Donald Hollenbeck, alternate.

Second basses are Clifford Tusing, John Myers, Jacob Guenther, Billy Joe Hildreth, Glen Faus, and Ethan Gramm, alternate.

The A Cappella and Chapel Choirs rehearse at 3 o'clock each Monday and at 4 o’clock every Tuesday and Thursday.

The College Church Choir practices every Wednesday at 4:10.

Freshmen Show Talent

The freshman class displayed a wide variety of talent and personality before the rest of the Macollege students and the faculty at the Freshman Talent Show, Tuesday evening, Sept. 17.

The bombshell of the show was Glen Faus, the master of ceremonies. Doing vocal solos were Marlene Klotz, Carolyn Bowers.

Mildred Jacobson played a piano solo. Several other solos were Eddie Longmire, banjo; Betty Oltman, clarinet, Patricia Albright. marimba; and Winston Beal, the baritone. A ladies quartet consisted of Margaret Lehman. Gloria Apple-gate, Joyce Ulrich, and Patsy Bolen. They were accompanied by Valerie Miller, sophomore.

Rhythm filled the assembly when the Dixie - Land band took the stage. These rhythm makers were Gary Stelting. Jimmy Quinn. Danny Olmstead. Richard Landrum, and accompanied by Dwight Oltman, senior..

Alfredteen Brown gave a reading entitled "Our American Heri tage."

Terry Spitzer, second semester freshman, gave a reading on the teacher’s version of "Sixteen Tons."

A freshman interpretation of enrollment was presented by Glen Faus, Richard Landrum, Vern Foley. Bob Dell. Patsy Bolen and Faye Fields.

A humerous monologue, "Did You Ever Have Peanut Butter Stuck In The Top Of Your Mouth?" was presented by Faye Fields.,

Frederick Lists Small Ensembles

Donald Frederick, Professor of Voice and Director of Choral Organizations, has announced the small choral groups' membership as follows:

Making up the College Male Quartet are Forrest Kruschwitz first tenor and student leader; Irvin Wagner, second tenor; Gary Stelting, first bass; and Dwight Oltman, second bass. The mem bers of this group will also form a brass quartet.

Sharon Thompson, first soprano; Sara Ann Coffman, second soprano and student leader; 'Deanna Goering, first alto and pianist and Vera Mohler, second alto are the members of the Ladies’ Quartet.

. Making up the Ladies Trio arc Barbara King, soprano; Carolyn Fillmore, mezzo; Norma Watkins

contralto and student leader, and Eileen Oltman, accompanist.

Mac Repainted During Summer

Painters and carpenters have been busy on Macampus during the summer making many general improvements. The main improvements were made in the way' of painting.

Painting was done in the hall and third floor classrooms of Sharp Hall, the Dean’s office, the bathrooms and the exterior of Dotzour Hall, the exterior of all houses in the College Courts, the trimmings on Kline Hall, and in the Industrial Arts Building.

Two local town residents, Pete Blankley, and Walter Freeburg spent two months painting.

Mac Improves Campus

Many campus improvements have been made at Macollege.

New roses were planted on the front lawn by the Nelson’s Nursery.

The old steam line between the main plant in Sharp Hall and Arnold Hall was removed and insulated.

All the old gutters on Kline Hall and the Industrial Arts Building were removed and replaced with new ones. The eves were rebuilt.

A new exhaust fan has been added in the cafeteria and various other minor improvements have been made on campus.

Skaters Go To Lyons

The Skate Club will hold its first skating party tonight at Lyons. Kas. All students interested in going will meet at Dotzour Hall at 6:30 p.m. to arrange rides.

The first meeting of the Skate Club was held Friday, Sept. 13 following chapel. The following officers were elected: Marion Johnson, president; Ronald Harden, vice president; Janis Ems-wiler, secrteary-treasurer; and Danny Crouse and Lee Dadisman, publicity committee.

The faculty advisor is Prof. Kenneth Kinzie.

The all-school picnic is Monday afternoon, Sept. 23. After a morning of telescoped classes students and faculty will retire to the shores of Kanopolis Lake for an afternoon of recreation and fellowship.

The recreational program is being planned by members of the Recreational Council. Officers of Rec. Council are Hazel Miles, Carl Harris, Delores Peek, and Glenna Hawbaker.

Swimming will be one of the activities for the students.

After a picnic supper featuring hot dogs the McPherson Christian Association will be in charge of vesper services.

MCA officers are Mario Oltman, Judy Brammell, Lois Fager, Norma Watkins, and Darry Melton.

The overall sponsor of the picnic is the Social Committee. Anne Keim, is chairman of this group. Other members of the social committee are Loren Zook. Francis Strata. Kenneth Holderread, Chuck Ebbert. and Danny Crouse.

Classes for the day will be telescoped as follows:

7:45 classes meet 7:45 - 8:15.

8:40 classes meet 8:20 - 8:50.

9:35 classes meet 8:55 - 9:25

10:30 classes meet 9:30 - 10:00.

11:25 classes meet 10:05-10:35.

1:15 classes meet 10:40 - 11:10.

2:10 classes meet 11:15 -11:45.

Students May Join Church Of Brethren

McPherson college students will be given the opportunity to make the McPherson Church of the Brethren their church during the 1957-58 school term.

The Reverend Harry K. Zeller announced that membership cards may be presented at the Sunday service.

Picture-Taking For Quad Scheduled For Next Week

Church Entertains Macollege Students

Last Sunday evening the college students were entertained at an informal reception at the college church.

A short song fest, directed by Prof. Donald Frederick, and slides, shown by Rev. Harry K. Zeller, made up the program. Refreshments were served by the social committee.

Individual pictures for the Quadrangle will be taken next week Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.

Dick Bittinger, Quadrangle editor, has requested that when students come to have their pictures taken they dress as follows:

Senior men wear dark suits, white shirts, and dark bow ties. Senior women wear medium colored low round necked dresses.

Junior men wear dark coats, white shirts, and dark long ties. Junior women wear medium colored suits and white blouses.

Sophomore men wear light colored sport coats and bow ties. Sophomore women wear dark sweaters and pearls.

Freshmen men wear sport shirts open at the neck and their red Freshman beanies. Freshmen women wear sweaters and white

collars and red beanies.

Dick has posted a list of students showing when they are to come for their pictures. He said that if anyone cannot come at their appointed time or if another time would be more convenient, it would be all right to trade times with someone else. If this cannot be done, see Dick or Ruth Hanagame.

The picture taking will start Tuesday afternoon with the freshmen being taken in alphabetical order from Lavonne Albin to Ronald Keiser at three minute intervals.

At 8 Wednesday morning the rest of the freshman classes will be taken, and then the sophomore class pictures will be completed Wednesday.

Thursday the Junior and Senior classes will be taken.

Bulldogs To Clash With Doane Tonight

Seven Seniors On Mac Squad

Seven members of the 1957 edition of the McPherson College Bulldogs are seniors playing their last year of college football. Here is a brief rundown on them

George Casebeer—George is a graduate of McPherson High and is the leading contender for the Fullback spot. He is a 3-year letterman at Mac and is expected to play a lot of offensive and defensive football this season. George is one of the married men on the squad. He is six feet tall and weighs in at 170 pounds.

Gerald Fisher—A new man on the squad, Gerald is trying for the first time to earn a letter in football. Gerald is from Cuba. Kansas and is trying out for the guard spot. He weighs 165 pounds and stands 5'8" tall.

Earl Guiot — Earl is from Glasco, Kansas. He is a letter-man weighing 175 pounds and standing six feet. He has played both fullback and right-half. He has had a lot of experience and is expected to carry a good share of the load this season.

Dwayne Jeffries—A senior from Ringwood, Okla.. he is starting his fourth year as a squad member. Dwayne is one of the most deadly tacklers on the squad. He is a letterman weighing 165 pounds and is 5'9". He will play at right-half this season.

Verlin Kolman—He is a senior from Cuba. Kansas, and is starting his first year as a football player. Early indications are that Verlin will develop rapidly. He has a lot of hustle and keen desire to play. He weighs 150 pounds and is 5’7".

Ed Sink—Ed is from Highland Park, Kas.. and he is playing his last year for the Bulldogs. Ed has been a steady boy in both basketball and football for three years. Ed is married, weighs 187 pounds, and is 6 4” tall. He has been valuable at both guard and center. His spirit and drive has been a large factor in the Bull-

dogs’ success for the past two years.

Sidney Smith—Sid has played end all four years. He earned his position during the end of his junior year and should ploy a lot of ball for the Bulldogs this fall Sid is 5'11” tall and weighs 157 pounds.

Gene Snyder—Gene is from McPherson. and has been shifted to guard this fall. He has been in and out of football each year. This season he has been showing a lot of desire in early work-outs and could do the team a lot of good. He weighs in at 165 pounds and is 5'9" tall.

Delk Grabs Two TD Passes As Bulldogs Beat Sterling

Dotzour Girls Meet To Discuss Rules

Ail Dotzour Hall girls and girls, from the third floor of Kline met in the college chapel, Monday night at 10:00 for the first dorm meeting of the year.

Dotzour Hall rules and regulations were explained to the girls, and other problems were discussed.

The dorm council presented a short skit featuring a new freshman girl and how she meets and copes with the problems in dormitory life.

The freshman girl was played by Kathy Burkholder. Norma Watkins portrayed Miss Edna Ne-her. the house mother, and Judy Brammell portrayed a series of “things" such as clothes lines, cockroaches, and storage rooms.

Sara Ann Coffman, dorm president. was the announcer.

After a short talk by Mrs. Kenneth Bechtel, Dean of Women, and Miss Neher, the meeting was adjourned.

Prejudice, which sees what it pleases, cannot see what is plain. —Aubrey de Vere

Coach Sid Smith and his Bulldogs are ready for a tough battle tonight with the Doane team at Crete, Neb.

Doane will have the same out fit as the one which defeated the Bulldogs 14-7 last year. This will be the second meeting of the two teams.

Last year's game was fairly even according to statistics in the two teams playing.

Tonight's game will be the first away game. The Bulldogs will be out for revenge and student body is with them.

Yearbook Staffs Meet At McPherson College

Yearbook representatives from three colleges and three high schools met at McPherson Monday for a conference with Mr. Frank Wright from the Myers and Co. Yearbook Publishers in Topeka, Kas.

Colleges represented were McPherson College, Central College, and Tabor College. High Schools were Lyons. McPherson, and Newton.

Mr. Wright showed pictures of the Myers Company plant and the yearbook publishing processes.

He also talked about how to prepare copy, and he showed different page layouts that can be used.

Different yearbooks were studied for ideas. Wright also went over the yearbook contracts with the editors.

SoCo Makes Plans For All School Picnic Plans for. the all-school picnic. Monday. Sept. 23. were made at the first meeting of the Social Committee on Monday. Sept, 16.

They also discussed plans for other social functions to be held during the coming year.

Members of the Social Committee are Anne Keim, chairman. Loren Zook. Francis Straka. Kenneth Holderread. Chuck Ebbert, and Danny Crouse.

Faculty advisors are Dr. John Burkholder. Prof. Dayton Rothrock. and Prof. Merlin Frantz.

Class Goes To Fair

The Dairy Husbandry class and Prof. John Ward of the Rural Life Department attended the Kansas State Fair in Hutchinson Thursday. Sept 19.

The Editorial Staff

Carl Harris

Editor in Chief

Sherland Ng........-.....

Managing Editor

JoAnn Negley—-i..~

Campus Editor

Sarah May Brunk.

....Faculty Advisor

Reporters and Writers

Dr. D. W. Bittinger

Cliff Tusing

Dick Farris

The Business Staff

Bill Grips.........

—Business Manager

Howard Duncan

..Asst. Business Mgr.

Neva Shenefelt .

.Circulation Manager

Gordon Yoder--

----Faculty Advisor

Captains Chosen For Intramurals

Intramural vollyball will soon get underway here at Macollege. Team captains have been appointed and they are choosing their team members now.

The intramural program is being directed by George Keim, and he is being helped by two student directers. Bob Nelson and Jerry McPherson.

George stressed that anyone who wants to play intramural volleyball and who has not yet been chosen on a team should see either him or one of the student directers. and they will see that everyone gets on a team.

Teams will have 5 boys and 3 girl members. Married teams will have 4 couples. One faculty member will be allowed on each team.

Games will be played on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday nights, starting promptly at 6:15, 7. and 7:45.

Captains of the six married teams are Ed Sink, Don Holderread. Don Widrig, Stucky. Bernie Frazier, and Bob Nelson.

Other team captains are Mario Oltman-Frances Straka, Gene Wenger-Betty Ann Wise, Don Wil-lits-Mary Lu Wise. Bob Erisman-Vemona Thralls, Tom Ragland-Anne Keim, Kenneth Holderread-Valerie Miller, Rickie Hood-Mary Gatewood. Dwayne Jeffries-Bar-bara Maul. Wayne Grossnickle-Dorothy Blough, and David Fruth —Delores Kaufman.

Playing a hard fought game all the way the Bulldogs defeated the Sterling Warriors in the last few minutes of the game by a score of 14-7 last Friday night.

Two passes from Stucky to Delk accounted for Mac's touchdowns. The first touchdown was tallied late in the second quarter. The conversion was good giving a 7-0 lead to the Bulldogs at half time. With time running out in the game the second TD was scored.

In the first down category the Bulldogs made 16 as compared to Sterling’s 10.

Sterling led the field in passes attempting 16 and completing seven while only seven were tried by the Bulldogs. However the Bulldogs completed four passes giving them a percentage of 57 per cent.

Rushing plays netted 230 yards for the Bulldogs and only 77 yards for Sterling. Sterling gained 137 yards through' the air while the Bulldogs attained 39 yards.

Both teams should be commended on the fact that only a total of 15 yards were lost by penalties. This shows that although it was a hard fought game it was also clean fought.

Rec Council Holds Meeting At Dell’s

The first meeting of Recreational Council was hold at the home of Prof, and Mrs. Samuel M. Dell, Monday at 6:30 p.m.

After a watermellon feed in the backyard everyone.. gathered in the basement for recreation and a short business meeting.

Officers of Rec. Council are Hazel Miles. Carl Harris. Delores Peek, and Glenna Hawbaker.

Teams Chosen For Program

This week the Macollege development program was introduced to the students of the college. Duane Fike, student council president, is student director for this program.

The program will give each stu-dent the opportunity, to participate in a five year program of giving for the new Sharp Hall.

Brochures will be given to the students to provide them with more information about the program. Each class has five teams working with class representatives and the college. These teams will contact students and these students in turn will contact more students.

The class representatives are Marlo Oltman, senior class; Gene Wenger, junior class; Ken Holderread. sophomore class; and Jim Smallwood, freshman class. The faculty representative is Prof. Guy Hayes.

Pondering With The President . . .

Who Is Really Hurt?

hard, look at the expressions on the faces of the little children who must do this. Their motivation is to establish freedom for all our children, both white and black for the days of the future.

Note also the expressions on the faces of their mothers; they too must suffer.

3. All the Nations of the World America now has the opportunity to lead the world in a remarkable way. Indeed, like it or not, the events of history have mode America the leading nation in the world.

Several ideologies thrust upward into our world for supremacy, Since we all live so closely to each other, one will likely need presently to become dominant Shall democracy and freedom be the leading ideology?

All the world is hurt when America falters in her leadership at this point.

Dynamiting a school because of a little handful of Negro students, a Governor Faubus, fixed guns, jeering mobs—all of these speak more resoundingly for the Communist way of life than do volumes written by the Communists themselves, or a score of Communist youth cells.

What, then, of the future?

We need education, prayer, courage in order to make longer steps toward the good future.

We can take those steps only if our spirits are attuned to God and our hands are in His. We must completely surrender ourselves to his leadership.

May God show us the way!

Students Of World Come To Macollege

Students Dominate Mac Cafeteria Staff

Several students are employed in the cafeteria for this semester.

The cashier is Delores Peek. Counter girls are Shirley Turner, Neva Shenefelt, and Elverda Fike. Dish scraper is Doris Davidson, and Hazel Miles is tray and table washer.

Charles Beach is the dishwasher; dish dryers are Shirley Williams and Donna Rhoades. Working on pots and pans are Donald Hollenbeck and Lewis Williams. Bob Erisman is the kitchen helper.

Greece; and Eui Young Kim from Korea.

Because of the Christian emphasis at McPherson College. Bernard Desa came here to begin his college career. He is a freshman from Bombay. India.

Although he is still fond of his mother country. Bernard finds McPherson a better place than India. He likes the attitude and spirit of the people towards a foreigner.

This is Bernard’s first year in the United States. He has three brothers. He plans to major in petroleum engineering.

A former student of New York University and Elizabethtown Col-

lege. Tai Kyun Kim is a junior majoring in economics. He is from Seoul. Korea.

Tai Kyun plans to graduate from Mac.

He worked in Japan for four years in the Foreign Trade and Company of which his brother is the president. He has two brothers and two sisters.

Freshman Stanley Ilin is formerly from Linz. Upper Austria. He has been living in the United States for-a year with the Blicken staffs of Idaho.

Planning to major in engineering. Stanley hopes to get his U

S. citizenship someday.

A junior majoring in political science is Young K. Kim from Seoul, Korea. He enjoys being here at Macollege but would like to come in closer contact with the American students.

Young Kim comes from a family of five sisters and one brother. He lost his brother in the Korean War, but gained about 50 other 'brothers and sisters when his mother founded an orphanage during the war. He has lost contact with two of his sisters who are still in North Korea.

Leon Neher, youth director for the Western Region of the Church of the Brethren, and Young Kim worked together in an international work camp in Korea several years ago. Through Leon. Young learned of Macollege.

From Lahaina. Maui. Hawaii, is Lillian Aotaki, a freshman. She plans to major in some medical field.

Lillian finds everyone very friendly. She has one brother.

Fu Lan Ying is a junior from Taipei, Taiwan. She has one broth er and four sisters.

She is majoring in library work. When Arinade Grillo, freshman from Awe-Oyo, Nigeria, W. Africa was asked how she liked Mac, she

Everything comes to him who hustles while he waits. — Thomas A. Edison

Read and heed the Spec ads.

Mr. and Mrs. Ira N. H. Brammell. McLouth. Kas. announce

the engagement of their daughter Judy, to Mr. Edward Butler, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Butler. Eldora, Iowa.

Judy is a sophomore and Ed is a senior at Macollege.

Our newspapers in general seem to be quite pre-oecupied with accounts of the discords and occasional acts of violence which attend the racial question. These indicate our painful attempt to live up to the precepts of the Constitution which our progenitors set up for us a long time ago.

Some of us experienced much joy when the news releases recently contained a long list of cities, schools, and areas where, in a quiet way, forward steps toward integration and justice, as concerns the different people who God has created, are being made.

While we thank God fervently for such forward moving steps, whether they occur in America or in any other part of the world, all of us must feel some concern that the steps forward are still too few and too short.

Who really is hurt when steps toward equality and justice falter?

1.    Always first and foremost, the people who fail to take the forward steps.

Whereas it would be hard to convince those who have been enslaved and oppressed that this is true, yet it has been demonstrated again and again that those doing the sinning have in the end suffered more than those sinned against.

Those enslaved often become amenable to the touch of the hand of God and walk close to him. Those who oppress become hardened. callous, and presently perish as all who become that way must.

This has been demonstrated by the history of Hebrew people, not only in ancient Egypt, but over and over again even until our own times.

The United States would have been infinitely better off if slavery had never entered here. Its scars still mark us whether we live in the North or in the South. Our integration agonies in both North and South stem from it. Some of its blights will be on us all forever. It will take us generations yet to overcome what it did to our economy and to our spirits.

May God help those of us who do the sinning when oppression of any kind takes place!'

2.    Those Who Are Oppressed How gallantly these people suffer! Our forefathers at Valley Forge; the gallant dead in Hungary; Martin Luther King in Montgomery, Ala.; little Negro boys ond girls who must go to school through jeering mobs or even approach fixed military guns which will stop them.

If you do not believe this is

Twenty-one international students from all parts of the globe have joined the Macollege family this semester.

Nine of these students are new to McPherson’s campus this year. Most of them are freshmen.

These new students are Arinade Grillo, Fu Lan Ying, Bernard Desa, Gerth Riwer, Lillian Aotaki. Young Y. Kim, Tai Kyun Kim, Stanley Ilin, and Christian Okerea-for.

The international students who have returned to Mac this year are Young Min Park, senior from Seoul. Korea; Bill Kaltsounis, sophomore from Igoumenitsa, Greece; Ana Rosa Rodriquez, senior from Castaner. Puerto. Rico; Ramon Paoli, junior from Chicago. Ill., but formerly from Castaner.

Others are Blanca Paoli. sophomore and sister of Ramon; Manfred Grete, sophomore from Sul-ingen, Germany Vilas Likhite junior originally from India, but now a U. S. resident, Sherland Ng sophomore from Lahaina. Maui, Hawaii.

Also are Domingo Torres, sophomore from Castaner, Puerto Rico; Ruth Barcelo. sophomore from Adjuntas, Puerto Rico; Anna Vas-siloff, junior from Thessalonica

Councils Run Dorms

Dormitories are no different than a club or organization, for they too have councils to administer regulations.

Dotzour Hall Council consists of Sara Ann Coffman, president-, Norma Watkins, vice-president; Kathy Burkholder, secretary; and Judy Brammell, treasurer.

Fahnestock Hall council is made up of Dwayne Jeffries, president; and Noel Grove, secretary treasurer.

Arnold Hall Council consists of Tom Ragland, president; Kenton Wrightsman. secretary; and Charles Beach, treasurer.

Coffman, Bittinger

Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Coffman, South English. Iowa, announce the engagement of their daughter, Sara Ann. to Mr. Richard Bittinger. son of Dr. and Mrs. Bittinger. McPherson. Kas.

Sara Ann, a home economics major, is a senior at Macollege. Dick is a junior.

Brammell, Butler

replied. "It's wonderful!”

Arinade is majoring in education. She is married to Isaac Grillo, a 1954 Mac graduate who is now at Kansas University.

From Kassel. Germany, comes Gerth Riwer, freshman. Garth met Peggy Sargent Van Assalt in Germany and corresponded with her’ last year. The Si Sargents are Gerth’s American parents now.

He finds it a little difficult to study because of the language barrier but hopes to improve soon. He is interested in English.

Christian Okereafor is a sophomore from Ahana, West Africa. He plans to major in Biology and Chemistry.

After working with the government in the department of agriculture in Africa for one and a half year, Christian attended Central State College, Wilberforce. Ohio, for one year.

This past summer he worked with the University of Illinois in research hospitals.

Christian says that McPherson College has a good reputation in Ahana since it has trained so many Africans to be able to lead their people spiritually and physically.

Don't Read It . . .

Norris, Carl Strike Back

5.    Last year Mary weighed 130 pounds. This year she weighs 160 pounds. How long til Mary catches on and goes on a diet?

6.    Andrew Jackson (a) started the spoils system by installing a garbage disposal unit in the White House, (b) Was known as ‘‘Old Hiccough,” (c) chopped down a hickory tree because he wanted to be a big wheel like George Washington.

7.    The Monroe Doctrine said.

(a)    Keep your cottonpicken hands off our southern neighbors, (b) Keep your cottonpicken hands off our Marilyn.

8.    Student A slept through 2 classes, student B slept through 4 classes, student C slept through 0 classes. How long will it be till student C learns how to play Rook?

, “Don’t Read It” Is the funniest thing in the Spectator. True — True.

10.    Uncle Tom’s Cabin was (a) Tom Jefferson’s summer home.

(b)    a delux motel, (c) a front for a bookie joint'.

11.    Trigger Was once a member of the Communist Party. True — False.

12.    Davy Crockett killed a fifth when he was only three. True — False.

13.    Tom left McPherson at 8:03 driving toward Wichita at 87 mph. How long till a state cop stops him?

These 13 questions comprise our comprehensive Hentrance Hexam. If you can pass it, you are more maladjusted than wo are and should take over writing this column for us.

Seven Work In Library

Seven Macollege students are working in the library this semester.

They are Lois Fager. Doris Davidson, Ellen Kurtz. Shirley Stafford. Robert Willems. Mary Ann Guthals, and Sherland Ng.

Futile Philosophies

Read and heed the Spec ads.

What’s virtue in man can’t be vice in a cat. — Gail Hamilton.

By Norris and Carl

Dear Freshman:

In case you have not had the opportunity of reading this col umn before, we wish to introduce you to ‘‘Don’t Read It,” a column presented as a public service by Norris and Cart, two typical maladjusted upper classmen.

Because of letters to the editor, and increasing public pressure, the great team of Norris and Carl was forced to quit writing second semester of last year.

Now however, the worm has turned. CARL IS THE EDITOR. So today. Norris and Carl strike back. Even now giant presses are roaring and pounding, and sleek black trunks are racing through the night so this new version may reach you.

You frenzied, frustrated freshmen have been run through the mill of entrance exams, and are in a good position to see that they are much too involved and complicated for this modern day and age. We have, therefore, designed a new, simpler, more streamlined test.

So we present to you the Harms and Harris Handy Hentrance He-xam. Simply underline the correct answer, or fill in the blanks.

1.    Roosevelt started the new deal because: (a) Herbert Hoover advised it, (b) Wall Street came a-tumblin down, (c) no one could open.

2.    McCarthy was a Communist for the FBI. True — False.

3.    Dr. Raymond L. Flory is a stool pigeon. True — False.

4.    We are likely to pass History. False — False.

Juniors, Seniors To Take Exam

Junors and seniors will take the English Proficiency Test on Thursday, Sept: 26. in the chemistry lecture room.

Passing the, test is a requirement for graduation. All juniors, and all seniors who have not passed the test, are required to take it.

The test consists of the writing of a prose composition on a subject selected at the time of the exam from a prepared list of


The purpose of the test is to detect and help correct the deficiencies of upper classmen who have difficulty in writing.

Papers are rated by the English Department on content and form. The papers arc coded so the professors will not know whose

papers they are rating.

Ratings of S for satisfactory. Q for questionable, and U for unsatisfactory are given. Ratings Q or U indicate the student needs further work.

Mac Students Are Janitors

Much of the janitor work in Macollege buildings is being done by students as part time jobs.

The janitors in Sharp Hall are Earl Guoit. Ronald Anderson, Jerry Andrews, Max Gossnickle, Darry Melton, and Bob Nelson.

Dotzour Hall janitors are Mary Ann Guthals. Wanda Soden, Deanna Shellenberger. Elsie Lucore, and Valerie Miller.

The fellows who keep Arnold Hall clean are Bernard Desa, Bob Erisman, and Dennis Brunner.

Janitors in Fahnestock arc Jon Burkholder, Kenneth Holderread, and Gene Wenger.

Clara Zunkel is janitor in Kline Hall.

Working in the industrial arts building are Ed Switzer, Ed Butler, and Carl Harris. Larry King is Vaniman Hall’s janitor, and Duane Fike has charge of the library.

Roy Stern has the Harnly Hall janitor job, and Garland Wampler is cafeteria janitor.

Herbert Johnson does the trash hauling, and Carl Harner is in charge of locking up the buildings at night.

By Fans and Foley

This, dear students, is a column written for the purpose of passing along the wisdom of the ages (Dark Ages) in capsule form, for the purposes of informing students, and disturbing psychiatrists.

Our main job, however, is to take up extra space.

Our huge, monster staff (made up of two monsters) after much research, has come up with the following foolosophies for all new or otherwise handicapped students.

Spend your money only for important tilings — books can be stolen.

Gel at least eight hours of sleep — almost any class period will do.

Find out how the other half lives — visit Dotzour.

Don’t forget to write home — your parents will find out anyway.

Really use your brain — leave no stone unturned.

Study in a good atmosphere —

bathe regularly.

Although no class as such is offered, every student should learn to read.

Treat your books with care — some tree died that you might learn.

Take advantage of every opportunity — drop history now.

Please don't kill the flies in your room — they keep the gnats under control.

Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today — start packing.

Closing (it’s about time) with our motto, “A penny saved is unusual,” we remain F&F

He is not only idle who docs nothing, but he is idle who might be better employed. — Socrates