Past Presidents Leave Their Marks On Macollege

McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas, November 22, 1957

No. 11

Ellwood To Join Faculty As Ceramics Professor

College Calendar

Tonight. 7:30, Movie in the Chapel.

Tomorrow night. 6:30, Skate Party.

Wednesday, Nov. 27, Thanksgiving Vacation begins at 5 p.m.

Friday Nov. 29, Basketball game. McPherson at Southwestern.

Dec. 5-7. Moundridge basketball tournament.

Dec. 6. 8 p.m. Winter Formal in the gym.

Macollege Is Invited To Great Books Meet

Students and faculty members are invited to attend a demonstration meeting of the Great Books program at Vaniman Hall Tuesday. Nov. 26 at 7:30 p.m.

The Great Books discussion group will be headed by Dr. D. W. Bittinger.

There are hundreds of Great Books Clubs organized across the United States for the purpose of stimulating good reading at low cost to the participants.

Works to be discussed include the “Declaration of Independence.” Thoreau’s “Walden.” selections from “The Federalists.” and Shakespeare’s "MacBeth."

Freshmen Eat, Worship At Annual Breakfast

Approximately 100 freshmen ate. sang, and worshipped together at the annual Freshman Breakfast held at the home of the President on Nov. 7.

The committee which helped prepare the breakfast arrived by 7 a.m. and had ail in readiness by the time the great influx of students began at 8.

Members of the committee were Robert Dell. La Vena Murrey. and Sheryl Strom.

Donalda Arick and Robert Dell led in games, Marlene Klotz led the singing, and Dr. D. W. Bittinger conducted the Sunday School lesson.

The breakfast concluded in time for the class to go to the regular church service at 11 a.m.

□ The new ceramics teacher at McPherson College will be Mrs. Garth Ellwood. a graduate of Kansas University. Lawrence. Kas. She will replace Prof. Kenneth Kinzie, who is going to Mexico to study art.

Mrs. Ellwood taught the first ceramics class offered to Macollege students in 1953. At that time the class was held in Frantz Hall.

Last September Mr. and Mrs Ellwood returned to McPherson after being gone for several years. They were married in 1953. After their marriage Mrs. Ellwood taught at Macollege for one semester. At that time Mr. Ellwood was a student at Macollege.

The Ellwoods have two children, Dennis, four years, and William. one year. Mrs. Ellwood is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sheets. McPherson. Mr. Ell-wood’s parents are residents of Windom, Kas.

Mr. Ellwood is a member of the advertising staff of the McPherson Daily Republican. He has also been on the editorial staff of the Lindsborg News Record when they lived in Lindsborg. He received his master’s degree from Kansas State College.

Miss Fu Studies At Mac After Fleeing From China

Rotarians Open Homes To Foreign Students

For several years members of the Rotary Club have called the college, volunteering their homes for international students on Thanksgiving Day.

This has been a pleasant relationship. and international students have had opportunity to see how this holiday is celebrated in a typical American home.

International students wishing to avail themselves of this opportunity should leave their names in the President’s office.

One sister lived with Fu in Taipei. The rest of her family is on the mainland, and she has not heard from them for many years.

Fu has had to work hard and use her own resources to make her dream of coming to the United States to study come true.

Marri-Macs To Meet

Marri-Macs. the organization on campus for married students, will meet tomorrow night at 7:30 at the YMCA.

Students May Apply For Dairy Scholarships

The American Guernsey Cattle Club, Peterborough. N. H., offers three $300 Training Scholarships to outstanding undergraduate students in the school of agriculture interested in dairying.

Recommended applicants will be assigned to work three months during the summer of 1958 on Guernsey farms well qualified to give this training.

Scholarships will be awarded after completion of the summer work on the basis of the application, performance of the work at the farm and the applicant's written report of the summer work, which must be mailed to the American Guernsey Cattle Club and postmarked not later than Oct. 1. 1958.

Church. College To Present Christmas Musicale Dec. 15

The music department of the college and the various choirs of the Church of the Brethren will present a Christmas musicale on Sunday. Dec. 15. in the Brethren Church. The program is under the direction of Prof. Don Frederick.

The Adult Church Choir will be seated in the choir loft: the A Cappella Choir in the west balcony: the Chapel Choir in the north balcony: and the Youth and Junior Choirs in the east balcony.

Members of the College Church Choir who are not in A Cappella or Chapel Choir will sing with the Adult Church Choir.

The choirs will lead the audience in congregational singing, will present special numbers, and will participate in two - choir and antiphonal singing. Special numbers will be presented by each of the small ensembles.

Everyone is invited to share in this festival of Christmas music. |

Class Develops Art, Craft Skills

Members of the arts and crafts class, taught by Professor Dell, have many projects during the semester.

They have made fruit and candy trays by gouging mahogany. They have also carved figures out of wood.

They are now making wooden baskets out of ice cream bar sticks. Besides the baskets, they are working with leather.

Some of the projects are coasters. clutch bags, gypsies, belts, billfolds, brief cases and camera boxes.

Plans for the future include Christmas tree decorations, package wrappings, and fiber glass bowls. Other projects will be tak-en up if time permits.

Zeller’s Sermon To Be Let Church Be Church

“Let the Church Be the Church" will be Rev. Harry Zeller's sermon topic at the morning worship at the college church. Sunday. Nov. 24.

The Junior - High Group is in charge of the evening service with a program called Bible Night. There will be a display of many different kinds of Bibles.

Thanksgiving Vacation To Begin Wednesday

Next Wednesday afternoon Macollege students will scatter in many directions as they begin to travel to their homes for the Thanksgiving holiday.

Volume XLII

Seniors To Pick Kings Monday

All seniors who are considering purchasing a class ring are asked to attend a meeting in room 28 in Sharp Hall at 7 p.m. Monday. Nov. 25.

Mario Oltman. senior class president, announces that the ring committee has narrowed the selection so that it will be possible for those purchasing rings to choose a class ring.

Mr. John C. Cook, representative from the Star Engraving Company, will be present to display the rings and take orders.

Anyone interested in purchasing a ring, but unable to attend the meeting should sec Anne Keim or Dwayne Jeffries before Monday.

Mac May Seek Accreditation

The faculty of McPherson Col lege is undertaking as a project the self-study of the college to determine whether McPherson could be accredited by the AA-UW. the American Association of University Women.

If the faculty decides Macollege is ready for this accreditation, a committe will be invited to the campus to study the college.

Metzler Attends Meet

Dr. Burton Metzler, professor of philosphy and religion, attended the meeting of the Board of Directors of Bethany Seminary at Elgin. Ill., last Friday. Nov. 15.

By Glenna Wine

McPherson College, in the past as well as the present, has bene-fitted from the leadership of capable. well-educated, and dedicated Christian men.

Preceding Dr. Bittinger. Dr. W. W. Peters became president in 1941. Dr. Peters was an instructor at the University of Illinois for seven years, and dean of Drury College in Springfield. Mo.

He had served as president of Mount Morris College in Illinois, a Brethren school no longer in existence. During the two years preceding his presidency of McPherson. he was head of the Department of Education at Manchester College.-

Dr. Peters was a man who understood the problems of education. He was president of McPherson until 1950.

Dr. Vernon Franklin Schwalm was president from 1927-1941. He started teaching in Manchester College in 1911 while still taking work there. He received his bachelor's degree in 1913.

In 1916 he received his Master's degree at the University of Chicago. In 1918 he became dean of Manchester College, a position he held until he became president at McPherson.

In 1926 Dr. Schwalm received the degree of doctor of philosophy in history from Chicago University.

Dr. Schwalm was a popular and inspiring instructor, and prominent as a preacher and lecturer.

Dr. Schwalm's appearance, was of a calm and kindly dignity, which bespoke his spiritual nature and his love for his Maker and his fellow men.

During Dr. Schwalm's presidency the Chapel was enlarged, a stadium built, the athletic field modernized, the physical educational building erected, and the college re-admitted into accredited standing with North Central Association of Colleges.

Dr. Schwalm constantly labored to provide in McPherson the atmosphere, ideals, faculty, and physical equipment necessary to educate for lives of productivity and service.

Miss Fu Lan-Ying. an international student on Macampus, comes from Raipei. Taiwan (Formosa). about 200 miles from the mainland of China.

She came to the United States on a trans-ocean airliner: arriving in Oakland. Calif., on Sept.

6 and came from there to McPherson.

Fu was born in Nunking. (Tsi-tsibar), in northeast China. She went to high school and Chi Lu University there. After her graduation from Boone Library School, which was founded by an American church, she was appointed cataloger in the Central Government Library.

When the Communists occupied the mainland. Fu fled to Taiwan. There she worked in the National Taiwan University Library as chief cataloger. She has a two year leave of absence for study in the United States.

Fu wanted to come to the United States to get a degree. She read a book describing colleges and universities in the United States. A friend had told her that small colleges were better, so Fu applied at several small schools including McPherson.

After receiving a letter from Dr. Bittinger saying that McPherson would welcome her. she decided to come here. She is receiving a scholarship.

Fu is studying library science. She has had six years of English and is taking special English lessons while she is here.

Students To Go To BSCM Meet

Eleven Macollege students will leave here Tuesday evening for Huntingdon. Pa., to attend BSCM Conference at Juniata College.

BSCM. Brethren Student Christian Movement, is a conference of the students of all the Brethren Colleges. The theme this year is “Rivals of the Christian Faith.

Dianfe Browning. Kathy Burkholder. Bob Dell. Glen Faus, Carolyn Fillmore. Billy Joe Hildreth. Ken Holderread. Elsie Lucore. Dwight Oltman. Larry Sanders and Shirley Stafford are planning to attend the conference.

Thanksgiving vacation will start officially Wednesday. Nov. 27 at 5 p.m. and will end Monday. Dec. 2. at 7:45 a.m.

Any students wishing to leave early or to return late must receive permission from the Curriculum Committee to whom a written request must be sent. These students must also appear before the committee.

Students not receiving permission to cut classes will receive a double cut for each class missed.

The cafeteria will serve the last meal before Thanksgiving vacation at Wednesday noon. It will reopen for breakfast Monday morning at 7 a.m.

However, all dorms will remain open during Thanksgiving vacations for students who do not go home.

Any international students who wish to be invited out for Thanksgiving dinner should leave their names in the President’s office. They will be invited to the homes of members of the Rotary Club.

Frederick Named Choral Arranger

Don Frederick, professor of music at Macollege, has consented to serve as the staff choral arranger of a New York publishing company, which has recently published nine of his choral compositions and arrangements.

His new anthem, “O Church of Christ, Count Well Your Charge.” has been accepted for publication by the Hall and McCreary Publishing Co., of Minneapolis, Minn.

He is also the author of a series of four articles entitled “Music, the Handmaiden of the Church." appearing in the July church publication. Ministry of Music.

Prof. Frederick is the author of “Organ: Instrument of Praise” which appeared on the back of bulletin stock from Elgin. Ill., Nov. 4th.

Myers In IVS


Gene Myers. '57. is now in Viet-Nam, originally Indo Chino, serving in IVS.

IVS. International Voluntary Service, is a non-profit organization for the purpose of the development of and the distribution of aid to undeveloped communities.

The team Gene is on is striving to raise the standards of health, agriculture and education of the country.

The requirements of IVS are to be 22 years of age. a college background, a member of good standing in .some church, a farm background, and a major in agriculture.

Gene left his home in Dexter Missouri, on June 3. Some of the places he stopped on his journey were Honolulu. Wake Island.. Tokyo, and Hong Kong.

While in Hong Kong. Gene visited a communist youth center with Mr. Su. his guide. Gene learned that boys joined this club because they can get food so much cheaper. He thinks it would be easy to be trapped.

John Myers, a sophomore this year, is Gene’s brother.

There will be two games played each evening. In the first round McPherson will play Tabor while Bethel will be paired against Bethany.

The Bethel College Band, consisting of 18 members, will be the official college band for the tournament.

College students may purchase season tickets for $1.25 during the first week of December from Athletic Director Sid Smith. These will be reserved seats. General admission for college students will be $1.00 per session.

There will be a new Challenge Trophy awarded this year. Any team winning the tournament three years in a row will keep the traveling trophy. Bethel accomplished this goal last year.

The CKC tournament, an annual affair, started seven years ago when the Moundridge people wished to dedicate their new gymnasium. They decided to hold an invitational basketball tournament for the surrounding col-

The Editorial Staff

Carl Harris ..........

Editor in Chief

Manuring Editor

Campus Editor

Harold Connell

Sports Editor

Sarah May Brunk

Faculty Advisor

Reporters and Writers

Dr. D. W. Bittinger

Cliff Tusing

Joyce Ulrich

Duane Cissner

Anna Vassiloff

Donelda Arick

Glenda Wine

Stanley Ilin

Vernard Foley

Faye Fields

Georgia Lee Bengtson

Dick Ferris

Glen Faus

The Business Staff

Rill Gripe —.......

Howard Duncan Diane Browning Gordon Yoder

Business Manager _Asst. Business Mgr. Circulation Manager ____ Faculty Advisor

Mac Plays Tabor In Opener Of Moundridge Tournament

Delk, Whirley To Lead Mac

The seventh annual Central Kansas Collegiate Tournament will be held Dec. 5 and 7 at the Moundridge High School gym.

Watch for S&BWW.

Watch for S&BWW.

Jones To Study Mac

Dr. Thomas E. Jones, of Richmond. Ind., has been invited to Macampus to study the college and to make suggestions for its improvement.

Dr. Jones is president of Earl-ham College, a Quaker school. He is connected with the American Association of Colleges.

Bernard Whirley

leges. It turned out to be such a success that they have continued it and each year have thus improved it.

The Moundridge gym is centrally located and it also employs a large seating Capacity.

Intramurals End Next Week

The intramural volleyball season for 1957 is drawing to a close. One week of regular games remain. During the first and second weeks in December the top eight teams will participate in the volleyball tournament.

After the volleyball intramurals are over there will be one week spent in organizing teams for intramural basketball.

There will be both girls' and boys’ teams. Doris Coppock. di rector of physical education for women, will be in charge of the girls' teams; Instructor in physical education, George Keim, will head the boys’ teams.

County Teachers Meet; Discuss Industrial Arts

The industrial arts teachers of the-county and the student teachers of the college met in Frantz Hall last night.

Demonstrations and discussions made up the program.

Four Intramural Teams Remain Undefeated

The intramural volleyball stand-ings as of Nov. 15 were: Captains    Wins-Losses

Holderread. Miller    10-0

Hood. Gatewood    10-0

Stucky    9-0

Dadisman. Kolbe .........7-0

Widrig    8-1

Jeffries. Maul    4-2

Johnson. Groth    5-3

Kingery. Turner    4-3

Fruth. Kaufman    4-4

Grossnickle, Blough    4-4

Morris. Ng    3-4

Oltman. Straka    4-5

Erisman. Thralls    4-5

Lowe. Negley    3-5

Ragland, Keim    4-7

Sink    3-6

Dresher. Williams    2-5

Nelson    2-7

Guenther, Peek    1-6

Gripe    0-5

Willits. Wise    0-9

Frazier    0-9

Expected to lead the Macollege Bulldogs in the KCAC basketball race this year are Ed Delk. a 6'1" sophomore and Bernard Whirley, a 6' senior.

Last year Delk made the KCAC All - Conference basketball team. He had a scoring average of 18.3 points per game.

Ed is a married veteran from

Topeka. Kas.

Whirley made the second allconference team last year. He is especially noted for his hard-to-stop jump shot.

Bernard is married and lives here in McPherson now.

21 Non-Lettermen On Mac Gage Roster

The roster of the 1957 - 58 bas-ketball squad of the McPherson College Bulldogs includes twenty - one non-letter winners.

The juniors represented on the squad are Don Cotton. Gene Elliott. Bob Erisman, Rick Hood, and Ken Stucky.

Representatives of the sophomores are Max Grossnickle. Dar-ry Melton. Dwight Royer. Larry Schlehuber, Larry Werner. Don Willits, and Kenton Wrightsman.

Lloyd Albin, Jerry Andrews. Nicky Dolloff, Roy Jones, Gerry Maxey. Larry Myers. Gary Otte, Ivan Prochaska, and Tom Ruh-ser comprise the freshmen trying out for the team.

Read and heed the Spec ads.

Pondering With The President . . .

Different Kind Of Exchange

an education, the right to be respected and to call ourselves men.

It is good for us to look at ourselves. We get caught in strange quirks of culture. We get boxed up in confused ideas. We think we are free, and then we impose upon ourselves in our still very young culture restrictions which keep us from being free.

No one is to blame but us. We must keep on growing.

How thankful can I be that I am free when I know of others who are not free? This is a good question at Thanksgiving time.

Macollege Foods Class To Serve First Meal

Girls in the beginning foods class at Macollege, will serve their first meal Tuesday afternoon. Nov. 26.

They have been planning the menu, foods order list, work schedule, etc., during the last few laboratory periods.

The meal was postponed from yesterday afternoon until next Tuesday so that the girls would have a hearty appetite for the MCA's family style dinner last night.

De Coursey Speaks On Diamonds To Group

Dr. Wesley DeCoursey, chemistry instructor at McPherson College spoke to the Kansas Gem Society Nov. 17 at Hotel McCourt on “The Geology of Diamonds."

He also showed the group a film on “The Making of Synthetic Diamonds" by the late J. Willard Hershy, who was head of the McPherson College Chemistry department for many years.

The group was very much interested in the whole subject of synthetic diamonds, and spent an additional half hour discussing this subject.

As a token of appreciation. Dr. DeCoursey was given a South American emerald by the Gem Society.

Kansas Youth Join Others To Promote Traffic Safety

The idea of calling youth together is not new. What is new is that the Teen-Age Traffic Safety Conferences have been equally important with adult conferences, and adults are taking action on their recommendations.

Recent statistics show teen-age traffic safety conferences are developing into one of the most popular and effective traffic safety  activities for young drivers.

Watch for S&BWW.

Watch for S&BWW.

Watch for S&BWW.

By Dr. D. W. Bittinger

Recently, Dave Berger from Wilmington College. Ohio, enrolled at Knoxville College, a Negro college in Knoxville. Tenn. Ken Howard, a Negro from Knoxville, exchanged with Dave and enrolled in Wilmington College.

Dave was the first Caucasian ever to enroll in this Negro college.

Here he faced, for the first time, the problem of discrimination. He needed to work and con-sqeuently went into the city to find a job. He would tell prospective employers that he was an exchange student looking for a parttime job. They assumed that he was from the university and in some cases, were ready to give him a job.

When it turned out however that he attended Knoxville, they usually exclaimed. “What college!" When he would reply, “Knoxville College." that was the end of the conversation. He was unable to get a job.

In similar manner he was unable to follow through on his practice teaching. He was excluded from the Negro schools because of a city ruling which barred whites from teaching in Negro schools.

He could not do practice teaching in the white schools, because they would not allow one to teach among them who attended Knox ville College.

When he went into the theaters or other public places of the town he found that he needed to go with his Negro friends.

He found that the facilities available were usually dirty and small. He found that many of his friends would not utilize these facilities and. consequently, were barred from the privilege of attending movies, skating places, and so on.

Dave Berger finding out about discrimination. He. a white lad. is being discriminated against by other white people because he goes to a college for colored people.

We are now approaching Thanksgiving. Among the things for which we shall be giving gracious thanks is the right to freedom of worship, the right to economic opportunity, the right to get

Geisert To Speak At Navarre Church

Dean Wayne Geisert will speak at the Navarre Church of the Brethren morning worship service Sunday, Dec. 1.

This will be the homecoming exercises.

He spoke at the Father-Son Banquet of the Evangelical Reform Church at New Basel, Kas.. last week.

By Jim MacDonald

Ed. note: Jim MacDonald. Macollege freshman, is vice-pres-dent of the state organization of he Kansas Teenage Traffic Safe-y Association, and he recently attended the national safety con-erence in Chicago.

In the state of Kansas for the first six months of 1937 there were 1,130 teenage traffic accidents out of 12.628 total accidents and 29 teen-agers were killed. What can we as teen-agers do to “back the attack" against these accidents?

“The youth of our state and the entire nation have been branded as careless and irresponsible drivers because of the thought less ac tions and carelessness of a few!’ This was the thought expressed by youth of five states as they assembled in their own Teen-Age Traffic Safety Conferences.

The first such statewide conference was held in Colorado. Then California. Florida, Arkansas. Wyoming, and now Kansas gave youth a chance to speak up and share in solving their traffic accident problem. Metropolitan Chicago joined the ranks with other cities also planning area conferences.

Just this past October a National Teen-Age Traffic Safety Conference was held in order to coordinate state organizations with each other and for representatives from state organizations to get together and exchange ideas.

The underlying factor behind the local, state, and national conferences is to promote traffic safety and to reduce the number of traffic accidents on our streets and highways. Remember. "If you want to drive — STAY ALIVE — There are no cars in heaven!"

Don't Read It . . .

Watch For T. E. 0. T. S.


once a month, and do all the other things that occupy a students' time.

What then do those ancient folk have to do with us today?

Watch for S. & B. W. W.

Well, you might look at the situation this way. Back in those days when a loaded bow went off. the person in front of the arrow might not contract radiation poisoning, but he was fair game for a casualty list, just the same

Admittedly, those old boys didn't worry much about the high cost of living, especially with reference to supermarkets and housing. but food was rather a problem when three or four feet of snow covered the ground and houses weren’t easily built of frozen timber.

In fact, when it came to technical leadership, those English lads were sort of caught with their powder wet, in about the same sort of situation we face today in relation to this matter of rocketry.

But strangely enough the Puritans didn't let this stop them. Of course, a few of them got picked off now and then, and be

By Norris and Carl

Dear Friends.

The coming of T. E. 0. T. S. will mean the end of some of our problems, and it may mean the end of some of us. So watch for T. E. 0. T. S.

All slogans such as the words “Watch for” used with initials are the exclusive property of Norris and Carl. Inc., and are not to be plagarized by other columns.

This includes our new slogan, “Watch for the S. & B. W. W."

Now we have bad news, there is more to this column. So continue to “Don’t Read."

Once upon a time there was a pleasant green valley down among the mountains. It would have been very peaceful and happy. except for a giant ogre who came down out of the mountains every Saturday night and spread Facist propaganda.

Everyone was terribly afraid of the big bad ogre.

In the peaceful valley there lived a little boy named Foley, and be was a bright young chap. (Evidently no relation to our Ver-nard.) He decided to rid the valley of the terrible ogre so that he could spread capitalistic propaganda.

Foley studied and worked, and one bright day bright Foley invented the slingshot. This was a great scientific advancement, because now he could throw stones so much farther and faster.

The next Saturday he slew all the ogres who came to town. He thought he would be a great hero

now. but all the people were afraid of him and his slingshot.

They said. "He will kill everybody and it will be the end of the peaceful palley." But it wasn't.

Now Foley had a slave with a Pennsylvania Dutch accent named Faus. (Evidently the great great grandfather of our Glen.)

He got tired of Foley's capitalistic propaganda, mainly because he wanted to spread Communist propaganda. Of course, to do this he had to get Foley out of the way. so he invented a bow and arrow, and shot Foley.

Now everybody was afraid of Faus, because he had this terrible new weapon, and they cried, “This will mean the end of peaceful valley." But it didn't.

Now Faus had a wife, an ardent supporter of woman's suffrage. Since Faus would not listen to her propaganda, she invented a terrible new weapon, the rolling pin.

She clobbered Faus over the head with it, and all the men were terribly afraid for they said.

This marks the end of man’s freedom. (It did.)

Uh - oh! Here comes Ann (Mrs. Harms) with her rolling pin!

(Norris just left, suddenly. Mumbled something about promising to be home early tonight. Guess that means the end of the column for this week. — Carl.)

Thoughts For

By Faus and Foley

Quite a few years ago a small black clad band of Puritans gave their sea legs a rest on a chunk of granite we now call Plymouth Rock. Since that historic landing, reams of paper have been turned into documents, commentaries, and other writings on our founding fathers.

Far be it from us to attempt to equal the efforts of more skilled writers, but to us the story stands on its own merit, so please permit a few words on our forebears.

Why. the struggling student may ask. should we worry about those old fogies? We all have studied about them from first grade upwards. All there is to know about them we have already forgotten.

Besides, we have other things to think about. Our congressmen have Sputnik spasms, budget blues, and craniums care-creased by chronic crises.

We as students must study, eat. bull session, keep gas in our car. borrow money from our dorm mate, then avoid our dorm mate, make our beds at least

fore they managed to adapt, about half of them passed to their reward from exposure, disease, and malnutrition, but they stuck with their colony, and eventually made the most of it.

Watch for T. E. O. T. S.

What do you suppose was their secret? Was it their iron axes, or their matchlock muskets that gave them the edge in writing American history? No. we think


It was another thing; their religion. Now don't get us wrong. We're not talking about churches and Bibles so much as a good life and hard, decent work, and a man's whole self given to God.

Perhaps we should ^investigate the faith of our forbears a little further. It worked for them, why not us    F &.....f