Gals Hook Fellows For Sadie's Party

Climbing trees, struggling through bushes, up to the top of buildings and running wild! Women trapping, chasing, and hunting madly after men!

That’s the way things have been since yesterday, Thursday noon, when the annual Sadie Hawkins chase began, and will end today at 12:00 noon.

All of this and more will be

Vol. XXXVII McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas, November 7, 1952 No. 9

College Calendar

Friday. Nvo. 7;

Bethany football game at McPherson.

Saturday Nov. 8:

Sadie Hawkins’ party 7:30 in the gym.

Friday, Nov. 14:

Friends football game at McPherson.

Saturday, Nov. 15:

* Movie: "Miracle on 34th Street.” Sunday, Nov. 16 - Thurs., Nov. 20: Regional Conference.

Monday, Nov. 17:

Ploy: “Brazilian Gold.” Wednesday, Nov. 19:

Opera: ’The Mikado.”

'Mikado' Cast Burns Midnight Oil

Students in the music department are beginning to burn a little more midnight oil than usual to prepare tomorrow’s lessons. They may be heard singing strange songs and doing even stranger capers as they learn their parts. Already butterflies are beginning to flutter in tummies, measurements have been taken, and soon both costumes and scenery will be arriving.

Central College Students Visit Library

Thursday evening Oct. 30, the library received 'approximately thirty visitors from Central College.

The visitors were fishermen who were trying to become better acquainted with the library through an English assignment.

Professors Run Police Analyses

Have you ever been asked what to do for a bathtub turned red by iodine stain? Likely not However. Prof. Wesley DeCourscy and Dean James Berkebile would not classify this question in the "odd request" for they frequently run into such doings in their job of off-the-record analysis.

Dr. Berkebile has even been aroused in the middle of the night and asked to run a blood analysis for the police. (Incidently, sodium thiosulphate, or photographer’s hypo, will remove iodine stain.)

Recently C. T. Lindgren, president of the Farmer’s State Bank at Canton, asked advice on drilling a well. It seems that wells drilled on the east side of Cottonwood Creek produce hard water while water from the wells on the west side of the creek is soft.

Knowing this, Mr. Lindgren drilled a well on the west side, piping the water under the creek to his house on the east side. Analysis for bacteria also revealed calcium and magnesium salts which made the water hard.

The well had been dug on a bend in the river, running into the calcium and magnesium deposit which was mostly on the cast side of the river.

Election Night Is A Restless One; Men Go To Abilene

Election night for most Macol-lcge students was mostly one of bluring radios shouting ••Adlai” or "Ike”, cowbells, and finally a restless sleep, but not for five fellows of third floor Fahnestock Hall.

John Nettelton, Bob Price, Gordon Fishburn, Paul Spohn. and Joe Johns, all went to Abilene,, president-elect Dwight D. Eisenhower’s childhood home.

The boys descended upon Abilene about 11 p. m. and thereupon proceeded to join in with the dancing in the streets. Many newsreel cameras were there, and every time one of them started to grind away, ull five boys promptly jumped in front of it.

John Nettleton was one of three people in the town to be interviewed by a United Press Newsreel man. Nettleton was quoted as saying. "We came up here a hundred miles from McPherson College just to sec the celebration.”

After the boys got tired of hogging newsreels, they hopped into their car and went at 4 a. m. back sixty miles to McPherson!

They all said they had a good time, especially Paul Spohn. who exclaimed, "I wouldn’t have missed it for a hundred dollars!"—W. L.

When a new well had been dug there “is still hope."

farther in from the west bank,    '    -    -

following the advice of Professor DeCdursey, Mr. Lindgren had the soft water he desired.

In another well-digging episode, a rock layer was struck which was thought to be gold. It was "fool’s gold".

Professor DeCoursey and Dr.

Berkebile have been asked to analyze metals, soils and foods thought to be poisonous, and to identify the date of an old coin and an original serial number which had been filed off and stamped over with a new number.

If complete data on an analysis cannot be given, samples are sometimes sent to the Smithsonian Institute in Washington D. C. where they are analyzed free of charge.

Spohn Announces Bookstore Hours

Paul Spohn, bookstore manager, has announced a new schedule for the bookstore.

On Monday and Wednesday the hours will be: 8:00-8:55, 11:20 - 12:00, and 2:15-3:15.    

On Tuesday and Thursday the bookstore will be open two hours: 9:50-10:20 and 1:15-2:15.

Friday's schedule is 8:00-8:55 and 2:15-3:15.    •

The bookstore will not be open on Saturday.

Bell Collection Is Added To Museum

Have you been up in the museum lately? A new added attraction is the collection of bells donated recently by D. C. Wilhelm of Gillet. Wyo.

Among his collection are caravan bells from Persia, a Chinese fish gong, a mission bell from Mexico, Russian and Norwegian sleigh bells, sheep bells and cow bells, and a wooden hand - carved water buffalo bell from the island of Bali

Dale Wilhelm began collecting bells in 1940. At the time he was operating a service station and had a personal museum in connection. Tourists spent hours poking among his - Indian relics, old -guns and knick-knacs. One of these visitors gave him his first bell.

All of his bells have served some useful purpose.

One of his most prized bells came off an engine that once ran 29 miles between Clearmont and. Buffalo, Wyo. for the Wyoming Railroad Co. which may have been the nation’ shortest railroad.

At one time Mr. Wilehlm had a collection of car license plates which covered all Wyoming licenses from the first issue. He once remarked that his prescription for happiness was, "Start a collection.”

Arnold Will Become Men’s Dorm; New Dorm Is Planned For Women

Erected in 1916, Arnold Hall has served the girls of McPherson College. for 36 years.

Previous to that time, women students had lived in one half of the old Fahnestock Hall.

Members of the committee who made plans for Arnold Hall were J. J. Yoder, H. J. Harnly. F. P. Detter, A. J. Flory. and J. N. Dresher.

Year by year improvements have been made. Until 1949, the present cafeteria was a dining room; meals were served in family style. Another improvement, the apartment where Miss Edna Neher. housemother, now lives, was completed only last year. Originally Miss Neh-er's office had a partition through the middle. The back half was the housemother's bedroom. Later the partition was removed and the room next to the office became her bedroom. Recently the kitchen was also added.

After the girls are moved to the new dormitory. Arnold Hall Will be made into a boys’ dormitory. Several improvements will be made

Class Works With Crafts

The Arts and Crafts class has been working with several different mediums during the past nine weeks. Projects have included the making of flowers. Kaleidoscopes, wood carving, weaving, metal foil, and leather work.

Favorite subject for the wood carvdrs has been the bulldog. In the weaving project, many table place mats and rugs have been made. Work with leather will include making billfolds, purses, and belts.

Prof. S. M. Dell, instructor, stat-

Students Assist Professors

Professors aren't the only ones who teach and work. Quite often in the absence of a professor, his student assistant will take over.

Assistants in the Industrial Arts, and Rural Life Departments arc Eldon (Butch) Coffman, head assistant. Glendon Button, junior assistant, and Donald Butler, beginning assistant

Also in the Industrial Arts Department are Lorene Marshall, secretary. and secretary of the Rural Life Department, Betty Young.

James Crill Speaks To Drawing Class

James Crill, ’41, spoke to Prof.

S. M. Dell’s Engineering Drawing class Tuesday, Nov. 4.

Mr. Crill is empolyed as a tool engineer by Boeing Aircraft in led that the class would probably Wichita.    I start making Christmas gifts soon.

brought to a climax tomorrow night, Nov. 8. 7:30, at a Sadie Hawkins Party in the gym. The stronger sex, being the females at this time, are to escort their “catch” to the party, and make a corsage for him out of anything from onions and carrots to candy and leaves. Prixes will be given for the best Lil Abner and Daisy Mae and the best growth of whiskers.

At the party, there will be races, musical entertainment and folk games, followed by eats for everyone. The cost is 25 cents a couple.

WPA Week Starts Sunday

WPA Week will begin Sunday, Nov. 9. and will last until Sunday, Nov. 23.

The gals, at this time, take turns about and ask the fellows for dates, etc., and pay the bills.

Chairmen of the Sadie Hawkins and WPA Week affairs are:

Planning committee Lyle Neher. Gary Jones, Juanita Bellah and Ina Ditmars.

Foods committee: Alvin Fishburn and Faye Ellen Trostle.

Recreation committee — Dwight McSpadden and Eleanor Louthan.

Decorations committee — A1 Zun-kel.

Trustees Discuss College Expansion

The executive board of the trustees has called a special meeting of McPherson College trustees for one-day meeting Nov. 15.

The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the future ten-year expansion program of McPherson College.

Ghosts Appear On CBYF Hayride

By Leon Albert

The college CBYF had a Halloween hayride last Saturday night, Nov. 1, to Anderson’s Grove. And it is a night that will not be forgotten for a long time.

While the wagon and truck bumped over the rough road, "hiccups" added to the fun «s .everyone tried his best to sing favorite camp songs.

Hay found a way down unsuspecting people’s necks to add to the enjoyment and frustration of the evening.

Upon arrival at the grove, a short hike through ravines revealed that the group was not the only existence there. Four ghosts—Leon Neher. Karl Baldncr, Wesley Ik-cnberry. and Leon Albert — seemed to know where to haunt. Poor Lois Stinnette was their first victim as she was carried away from the group.

All gave their faces a washing when they bobbed for apples. As some bobbed for apples, Velva Wagoner told a ghost story os objects around the circle representing various parts of, a dead body.

Chills and laughter caught hold as Ted Vance told the story of "The Thing”. Lee Hogle uttered a delicious "story of baloney, which he showed how to use very well. Dr. D. W. Bittinger then brought back the chills as he told Edgar Allan Poe’s famous story of "The Fall of the House of Usher".

The reminder of dorm hours soon had everyone returning to the wagon and truck. Once again hay was king until the homeward bound excursion came to end in front of Sharp Hall where all had started.

Library Orders Collier’s 20-Volume Encyclopedia

A new 20-colume encyclopedia with a 1952 copyright date has been ordered for the college library and is expected soon.

Collier’s Encyclopedia is a new reference work aimed at the junior college level. The style is popular, clear, and concise; a few articles are long and well developed, but most are short articles under limited subjects.

Alphabeting is letter by letter. Pronunciation is indicated by the international phonetic alphabet. Binding is black buckram.

Bibliographies do not accompany the articles but are placed with the index in volume 20.

The work is more advanced than the juvenile encyclopedias, such as the World Book and Compton’s, in its treatment and choice of subjects, but its coverage is not as great as that of, pic Encyclopedia Britannica or the Encyclopedia Americana.    *

Miss Virginia Harris, librarian, stated that this new encyclopedia will be especially valuable to freshmen.    

Catalog Revision Is Discussed

A committee to consider revisions for the McPherson College catalog met Thursday, in Dr. D. W. Bittinger’s office.

One of the main points of discussion was Whether to publish the catalog every two years instead of at the first of every year, as the administration has been doing in the past.

The revision committee consists of Dean James Berkebile, Pres.

W. Bittinger. Dr. Maurice A. Hess, Sarah May Vancil, Gordon Yoder, Prof. Jack Kough, Alice Martin, and Miriam Dell.

Class Writes Short Stories

Miss Sarah May Vancil’s Creative Writing class has recently completed the writing of a section of short stories.

The stories are on the reserve shelf of the library for the convenience of those interested in reading them.

The stories are written by Garth Ellwood, Marilee Grove, Martha McClung. Moussa Razinia. Marlin Walters, Don West, and Alvin Zun-kel.

Bittinger Goes To Chicago Today

Dr. D. W. Bittinger. president, will leave today for Chicago where he will attend meetings of the General Brotherhood Board Monday through Thursday.

On Saturday, Nov. 8, he will attend the meeting of Goals and Program Committee in Elgin.

On Sunday, Nov. 9, he will meet with the Chicagoland Chapter of the Alumni Association.

Dr. Bittinger will arrive back in McPherson next weekend in time for the beginning sessions of Regional Conference.

Stage, Make-up Committee For Opera Are Chosen

Committees for the opera, "The Mikado.” which will be presented by Macollege Nov. 19, were selected -at the Players. Club meeting Nov. 4. The committees, are as follows: staging—Ted Vance and Eugene Neff, co-chairman, and Jerry Miller.

Make-up, to be done assemblyline style, is divided into four parts. Chairman of base make-up is Phyllis Kingery and helping her are Martha Switzer and Lyla Whitham; Eye make-up—chairman is Maxine Hanley with Evelyn Williams, La-Von Widegren, and Jean Slaubaugh helping; Powder—Wayne Hutcherson. chairman, with Margaret Yost and Jack Harter. LaFaughn Hubbard is chairman of rouge and lipstick. with Lois Stinnette and Betty Baerg helping.

Also selected were committees for "Brazilian Gold,” which will be presented Nov. 17 during Regional Conference. Phyllis Kingery is in charge of props and make-up; Ted Vance, lighting; Margaret Yost, ushers, and Al Zunkel, posters. Mrs. Una Yoder is directing the play.

What’s the occasion for all this? Well, it’s in preparation for the performance of "The Mikado,” a Gilbert and Sullivan opera which will be presented by Macollege Nov. 19. The story—in a Japanese setting — is about Nanki Poo and Yum Yum who are in love. There arc complications, as there always is in true love, including the fact that Nanki Poo will be "decapitated” three months after his marriage to Yum Yum.

The cast Is as’ follows: Nanki Poo, Keith Allison; Ko Ko. Joe Kennedy; Pooh Bah, Don West; Pish Tush. Don Thralls; Katisha, Elsie Kindley: Pitti Sing, Anita Rogers; Yum-Yum, Florene Hale; Peep Bo, Peggy Sargent; Mikado Bill Mollhagen.

Understudies are: Nanki Poo. Herb Edmonds; Ko Ko Curtis Lcicht; Pooh Bah. Leon Albert; Pish Tush. Myron Krehbiel; Katisha, Velva Wagner; Pitti Sing. Margaret Baile; Yum-Yum. Donna Wagoner. Peep Bo. Elsa Kurtz; Mikado, Leon Neher.

Prof. Donald R. Frederick is director of music. Mrs. Una Yoder is stage director. Prof. Paul A. Sollenberger is concert master.

The first act of The Mikado, was "put together" on the stage last Saturday -evening. Confusion and sour notes reigned as a result of several of the orchestra and chorus members being gone for the week end and the rest of the chorus still hoarse from yelling at the game Friday. However, Prof. Frederick, director stated that

The rehearsal schedule is as follows: Sunday, Nov. 9, 2:30 p. m., chapel; Monday, Nov. 10, 4:00 p. m., chapel and 7:30 p. m., SAR; Tuesday, Nov. 11, 4:00 and 7:30 in Chapel; Wednesday, Nov. 12. 7:30 In chapel; Thursday. Nov. 13, 4:00 at civic auditorium.

Monday. Nov. 17, 4:00 and 7:30 at civic auditorium; Tuesday, Nov. 18, 4:00 and 7:30 at civic auditorium—dress rehearsal. Wednesday, Nov. 19 at 3:00 p. m. will be the last rehearsal at the civic auditorium before the performance that evening.

CBYF, SCA Plan Christmas Project

The CBYF and SCA are combining their efforts for a Christmas project. The organizations urge people in the college, church, and community to search for old toys. If they would be willing to donate them for this project, the toys should be brought to the church on or before Sunday, Nov. 9.

The two organizations will take these toys, repair them as much as necessary and give them to some relief program.

The SCA and CBYF ask all students, faculty members, and members of the community to help them make this project a success.

in the future. No definite plans arc yet made for the cafeteria and kitchen.

The new girls’ dormitory will feature a large parlor with a fireplace; a smaller parlor for small groups will be set off from the main one by sliding doors. Two telephone booths will be included.

The housemother will have an apartment with a private telephone. The nurse, also, will have an apartment. The infirmary will be furnished with beds and will have an outside entrance.

Large washing and ironing rooms will be furnished with several outlets, and a kitchenette for the use of the girls will be in the building. Storage closets on each floor will provide space for cleaning supplies. ■ Bookcases and tables will be a part of the building rather than separate pieces of furniture. Included in .plans are tile ceilings and rubber tile floors.

Arnold Hall now bouses 64 girls. The new dormitory is expected to accomodate 108.

The Coat Of Glue

Thinking With The President

The McPherson Team

Many of us have likely never been more continuously thrilled than we were at the Ottawa game the other right. Apparently the William Jewell game, at least during part of the time, must have been equally as thrilling.

It was not the winning alone which thrilled us. In fact, we couldn't know until the very last seconds of the games who would win and who would lose. The abiding thrill came, of course, from the final suits but the thrills of the game from beginning to end came from the way the teams played.

And that is the way they played —as teams. Had cither side been divided into little non-cooperating units the result would have been very different. Or had cither team had on it any individuals who were seeking for personal glory above team success the results would have been different.

The McPherson Ball Club plays as a team. Without argument we can all see that team-work pays!

Personally. I like to think that the entire college is a team. In the athletic events Coach Woodard likes to think of it that way; we have heard him speak of it again and again. Not only arc the boys playing but we all are backing them and playing with them.

Beyond the athletic events and encompassing every activity of the college we are also working as a team. Some of our group went recently to Idaho. They represented us there as a part of the McPherson team.

Every Sunday some members of the team, students or faculty, are somewhere. The president is continually going here and there to represent the college. Knowledge of us has reached beyond the seas and is still growing. People know about McPherson through different members of the team.

So whether we arc in football, choirs, quartets, operas, preaching missions, drama, hay rides, studying, or just visiting, we are all a part of the McPherson College Team.

Fifteen Rahs for the team!— D. W. B.    

Dear Jane:

You have now been in college ten weeks Your letters reflect the excitement, the friendships, the problems, and some of the bewilderment which comes to a girl in college.    

Perhaps some of the bewilderment comes from some attitudes which you have allowed yourself to take. When a groups of girls sit down for a hen session after horn's, the conversations of that session are not always on the highest level. As risque stories start flitting back and forth, I dan see your brow knitting in shy consternation When everyone else laughs, you laugh too. After all, it is very important not to become a prig.

Have you ever noticed how much more difficult it is to forget a dirty joke than it is to forget a clean joke?

The same is true when you hear something derogatory about another person. Everytime you see that person you remember someone told you that he hides cookies in his pocket as he goes through cafeteria line.

It is again true when you read obscene literature and look at obscene pictures. The risque seems to be coated with glue. It sticks to your mind.

Try to change the subject when the hen session goes risque or when the gossip starts to run freely from loose tongues. As less such things go through your mind, the fewer traces of glue you will find.

Make your college career a happy one. By so doing your entire life will be happier.

Love, Mother.

Proxy Needle . . .

(ACP) Registration usually causes a lot of confusion, and a coed at North Texas State College almost got the worst of it.

She was going through registration lines when she was ushered into a separate room. There a nurse told her that since she had no record of a previous vaccinution, she would have to take one now.

"But.” the young lady stammered, "will that work? I'm registering for my husband.”

Lost Weekend . . .

(ACP) Ad in Daily Texan: "Lost Saturday night pair of light weight trousers, lettered Le-Bak."

Mugler Students Give Piano Recital

The first of a series of studio recitals by the piano students of Miss Minnie Mugler was given Saturday afternoon Nov. 1. at 4:00 at the downtown studio.

The pupils appearing on the program were: Ralph Juhnke Marcio Krehbiel. Genelle Mohler. Quentin Wood. Karen Krehbiel. Marcia Yoder, Cheri Frans, John Dalke, Kay Kutina and Carolyn Cotton.

Bittinger Writes Messenger Article

“How Shall I Vote?" written by Pres. D. W. Bittinger. has been published in the Oct. 2S issue of the Gospel Messenger.

In his article Dr. Bittinger stated that he would probably change his mind every three days before the coming national presidential election.

He concluded by stating, "I shall veer back and forth while I try to decide which one of the leading contenders will do most to help our country fulfill best its function in the world. The one which will help do that will also help us achieve most completely our own growth and destiny."

Dr. Bittinger was formerly editor of the Gospel Messenger.

Look Through A Window

(ACP) You know those windows that you can see Out of when you're inside, but nobody can see you from the outside? Well, the rest room in the new girls’ dorm at Alabama Polytechnic Institute is equipped with such windows—only they were installed backwards by mistake.

by Emmanuel Msa Thompson ....

The history of learning In Nigeria can without doubt bo traced back to the days of the explorers and missionaries who first visited afrl-ca—the dark continent, and the Whiteman’s grave. It had been a very trying period multifarious experience and hardship. The climate’ was unhealthy, so was the habita-tion; civilization was very backward, and so wins the culture. However, by fits and starts, these white pioneers began to settle down among the natives with whom (Hey soon became friendly and acquainted.

With the settlement of missionaries in Nigeria came Christianity and then learning. Schools and Churches were built and these Good Samaritans Had to travel from village to village, and house to house, begging the natives to send their children to school. This is quite unlike what happens at the present time. Today, children have to beg their parents to be sent to school and even beg so they may be admitted owing to the pressure of too many children wishing to learn,

However, many of these missionaries like Dr. Walter Miller, of blessed memory, did tremendous amount of work to foster education and Nigeria's outlook, her advancement today, her doctors, her lawyers, her engineers, and Her clergy owe their enlightenment to this great awakening.

Among the various denominations doing good work in Nigeria today are the Church Missionary Society, the American Baptist Mission, the Sudan Interior Mission, the Roman Catholic Mission, and the Salvation Army, to mention just a few. They have converted much of the pagan tribes of the Bauchi and Plateau Provinces irt Northern Nigeria. The Brethren Community does deserve its own praise.

When one takes a careful survey of the amosphere of McPherson College as it is today, one finds a difference which did not exist a few years back. What is this difference? It is the inclusion of six Nigerian students among the family of Macollege. These six students represent the principal ethic groups of their country. The north is represented as is the east and the west. This representation has only been made possible by the extension of the right hand of fellowship stretched out across the sea. ova- seven thousand miles from America to Africa.

We laud the president of McPherson College, who, not only as a Brethren missionary, has been instrumental in making our presence here possible, but for the good work he did many years ago when he was a messenger of goodwill in our country. We laud the Brethren Church in general, we are grateful to the Faculty with whose cooperation most of us have been able to fit properly into life on Macampus.

As the earlier part of this article reads, the missionaries were largely responsible for fostering education in cnn- country, they have been of help in the development of our spiritual and mental talents, and their work is continuous to this day. Wherever Nigerian educational history shall be mentioned, it shall always be said of them that they first showed the light, and we found the way.

Besides, it may be mentioned in passing that, whenever McPherson College wishes to recount her past and-present educational history, she drill be proud of havng the share of training and educating Africa’s children.

The Contented Cow

By La Faughn Hubbard

The other night as I walked into the Dog House I tried to decide

which is the least fattening—ice cream, a candy bar, or a coke. Finally I closed toy eyes and tried not to think of either toy figure or my weight and asked for vanilla ice cream. After the waitress peered into the confairier, I was asked whether I preferred paying for a dish of ice cream or cleaning out the nearly empty carton for free. Being a economical - minded land weight conscious) individual, I chose the free, almost empty carton.

Thus armed with a two and a half gallon carton and a spoon. I sat down on a nearby chair and began my feast. (There were only about a half a dozen spoonfuls Several people gave me strange looks, while others blinked their eyes and looked twice. Eyes popped jaws dropped as students came in the door. One brave soul even examined my head while y friends assured surprised bystanders that I was completely sane.

Perhaps the most appropos statement I heard came from a nearby observer, "She looks like the Con-tented Cow." Well, who wouldn't' be contented with an almost empty but free carton of ice cream.

of philosophy.

The Heritage of Symbolism by

Cecil Bowra is a book of literary criticism which treats the Symbolist Movement and gives detailed studies of five writer of symbolistic literature.

The Creative Experiment by Bowva will be of interest to literature students primarily for its explanation and criticism of T. S. Eliot’s "The Waste Land."

The Great Tradition by F. R. Leavis is a study of George Eliot, Henry James, and Joseph Conrad.

In the field of recreation and athletics 14 new books have been added. Of these, eight are instructor's guides in archery, badminton, baseball, basketball, bowling, golf, tennis, and volleyball.

Read all the advertisements in the Spectator.

We Are Grateful To The Brethren Of Macollege
New Books Go Into Circulation

New books at the college library find their way into circulation rapidly. Miss Vriginia Harris, librarian stated as she placed another group recent additions on the new book shelf this week.

Two new books for parents and church school teachers are Children in the Bible School by LeBar and Our Children and God by Hamilton.

The Retarded Child by Herta Loewy is a handbook for the teacher and the social worker as well as the parents of the backward child.

Peace. War and You by Jerome Davis has the thesis that war can be prevented. Dr. Davis shows some positive courses for the average person to take in preventing war.

Financial History of the United States by Paul Studenski attempts to give a better understanding of the genesis. interrelationship and effects of governmental fiscal, monetary, banking, and tariff policies and institutional management.

Economics of American Manufacturing by Edward Allen examines 19 representative industries from three standpoints — setting in national economy, structure of the Industry, and financial factors.

The Fundmental Questions of Philosophy by Alfred Ewing is designed for beginners In the study

Bulldog Barks

Last weekend it was rather quiet on campus with a number of kids gone. But this weekend people will probably come from everywhere to see the game.

Let’s hope we can "bum the Swede" on the football field the way we did last night in the fire.

Trio Sings For Lutherans

Macollege Ladies Trio sang at the men’s meeting at the Lutheran Church in McPherson. Nov. 3. The girls sang "Bear Me. Lord". "Swing Low Sweet Chariot.” and "Fantasy From Snow White”. Since it was ladies’ night, the trio dedicated the last number to the ladies.

Miss Della Lehman was the evening speaker. She spoke of her travels this past summer.

The Ladies Trio is composed of LaFaughn Hubbard, Margaret Bai-le, and Elsa Kurtz. Shirley Coppock is accompanist.

Professor Gives Ten Easy Lessons In Flunking Out

(ACP) Here are "10 Ways to Get Through College Without Even Trying." as written in Pageant magazine by Prof. Robert Tyson of Hunter College:

1.    Bring the professor newspaper clippings dealing with his subject. If you don't find clippings dealing with his subject, bring in clippings at random. He thinks everything deals with his subject.

2.    Look alert. Take notes eagerly If £ou look at your watch don’t stare at it unbelievingly and shake it.

3.    Nod frequently and murmur "How true!" To you. this seems exaggerated. To him it’s quite objective.

4.    Sit in front, near him. (applies only if you intend to stay awake).

5.    Laugh at his jokes. You can tell. U he looks up from his notes and smiles expectantly he has told a joke.

6.    Ask for outside reading. You don't have to read it. Just ask.

7.    If you must sleep, arrange to be called at the end of the hour. It creates an unfavorable impression if the rest of the class has left and you sit there alone, doz-

noon. The rest of the- families- -are-. going, too. Bet the kids come back '

Who’s been smearing red stuff on car windows? Halloween's over, youngsters.

The spectators really yelled last Friday night. It seemed like one half the college went along with townspeople. It was anybody's ball game, and I'm glad it came out ours—now for tonight.

CBYF had a chilling party Saturday night complete with ghosts who talked and hovered in the background to catch people off guard. The atmosphere was just right— a smoking fire, wind whistling through the trees, sheeted ghosts, noises in the distance and once in a while a blood freezing scream from a spine curdling story.

The Ladies Quartet is back from their 3400 mile trip through Colorado. Utah. Wyoming. 'Kansas, and Idaho. They went in Bob Mays’ car and while staying ’ overnight one time, they short sheeted his bed. Well, the next morning the gals woke up to find their jeans, shirts and socks sewed together. Turn about is fair play!

They went on a weiner roast in the desert of Wyoming. Probably built a bonfire of cactus. Also, had a picnic phis plenty of ants in Idaho. They were invited to a square dance club there, too. and had their bit of fun "meeting new people."

They even went to Oregon and had a half-hour radio broadcast. Sounds like they had a lot of fun and work along with miles and miles or roads to cover.

Shirley Alexander went to her home in Kansas City this weekend and she talked her parents, into buying her a car. She has a winsome way. The second thing she did most, next to talking her way into getting a 'car. was shopping. In her spare time, she loafed

Did you know Marvin Ferguson is stationed at Fort Riley and will stay there for his basic training? It’s only 100 miles from here to there. Lucky Shirl.

Betty Brammell got to sec her fiance in Norman, Okla. last weekend where he is stationed. She stayed at his brother and sister-inlaw's home there. She seemed rather sleepy Monday in Chapel but you would to if you'd just gotten off the train 20 minutes before.

Dr. Mohler and Prof. De Coursey are .getting their heads together and planning a geological field trip around Kanapolis Dam this afterwith more rocks than the experts do.

Saturday night Eddie Ball, Kathy Russell. Lu Carpenter, and Ed Frantz went to Wichita for dinner and entertainment during the evening. Then Sunday, Kathy and Ed went to his grandparent’s home in Pratt. Kansas.

A group of Arnold Fourth Floor girls borrowed Oat’s horses and went riding. They got up the stairs of old Arnold, so they must not have been too sore.

Long Speaks At Nickerson

Norman Long, freshman from Worthington. Minn, was the speaker at the Salem Community Church in Nickerson on Sunday. Nov. 2.

For his sermon topic he chose "The CCC Recovery Program;” The thress C’s stand for Conscience, Confidence, and Courage.

Norman also sang a solo, "My Task,” accompanied by Galen Sli-— fer, Whilten, Iowa. Martin Gauby . of Falfurrias, Texas, was in charge of devotions.

Norman was asked by the Student Ministers, of which he t member, to take this church service. Following the service they went to the home of Lawrence Brooks.

The Student Ministers Quartet was in charge of the Sunday evening service.

Read all the advertisements in the Spectator.

The enemy lay In his coffin of black (To be carried away To a burning stack.)

At nine o'clock

On the eve of the game

To burn the Swede

-This was his name.

The funeral party Meet in front of Sharp Even angels were there To play a harp.

From there he was carried By the coffin bear-ers.

And on the way

We heard muttered pray-ers.

The band in the distance Played soft and glum For soon would be the end Of our Swedish chum.

And too. in the distance Arose the fire As the coffin moved To the funeral pier.    

Slowly they came Down the aisle that was made And the music was sorrowful By the band which played.

To the foot of the fire.

There stopped a short while And then held him over That burning pile.

The moment was here 'Twas one desire As the pall-bearers dropped him To the embers of fire.

Shouts wont up And the band played on For the Swede was burned And the game will be won.

(we hope.) By Lu Carpenter.

Fall Enrollment Exceeds Expectations

Early reports of fall enrollments received by the U. S. Office of Education indicate that pessimistic predictions mode last spring of further decreases in college enrollment this year were not justified.

It now appears that enrollment will be about the same as it was a year ago. although later reports to the Office may change the picture slightly. The most encouraging aspect of the Situation is the increase of over-all freshman enrollment by 15 percent. This increase has been reflected in the first-time enrollment of both men and women students. The increase is particularly notable in the smaller institutions. In some of the larger instructions the® over-all enrollment is not equally favorable.

Reasons for the increase In enrollment appear to be that of the upturn in the birthrate of the thirties is being reflected for the first time in more high-school graduates.

Hallowe’en Is A Night Of Mystery

A misty moon, lazy leaves pushed by a whirling wind, slinking shadows and Halloween passed over Mil campus.

But now that the night of black cats and pumpkins has passed, curiosity asks how, when and where Halloween received its name.

The evening of the thirty-first of October has been set aside for this holiday. Its real meaning is All Saints Eve or Hallowed Even.

It started approximately two thousand years ago by the prophots of Great Britain. It was the night that witches and goblins were to be on the loose.

Various customs have come from this holiday from many countries. Rome had a festival of fruits and gardens. Scotland had a cabbage broth feast. England had pagan rituals which lasted ten day’s. In these ten days, parades and loud music of pots and pans appeared. Chaos seemed to rule.

Last Friday night in America customs still held true. Masks and false faces, bobbing for apples, walking upstairs backwards, looking in a mirror by candle light and other unusual and traditional things were carried out. Not to forget the prank of tricks or treats.

The Nutcrttck Night in England and Scotland were observed traditionally for cabbage broth could be smelled over the isle's countryside as the songs of pots and pans clamored.

Johnny hurried out to get the evening paper when, it was delivered. Tomorrow was picnic day, and he wanted to read the weather forecast.

"Well, dear, what do they predict?” mother asked.

"They haven’t decided yet." the youngster decided gloomily. "Haven’t decided?”

"No. mother." Johnny explained. "it says here "unsettled!”


Little outs from classes.

Little slips marked "late.”

Makes the student wonder If he’ll graduate.

Now I lay me down to rest: Before I take tomorrow’s test.

If I should die before 1 wake Thank God! I’ll have no test to take.

Big Hurry . . .

(ACP) A South Dakota State College coed tells of her experience during * registration. It seems things were going smoothly until she stepped into an especially long line. After a two hour wait, she reached—the men's washroom.

A Sizzled Swede . . Students Grade Teachers

Brown Entertains

Miss Jessie Brown who. until last spring had been the head of the Music Department, was the hostess at a dinner party last week.

Guests included Mrs. Effie Nog-gle. Miss Della Hoerner. Miss Edna Neher. Mrs. Mary Neher. Miss' Mary Fee, and Miss Mildred Sick.

(ACP) Students taking Liberal Arts at the University of Toledo will get a chance to tell their instructors this semester exactly what they think of them.

The faculty there voted last week to let students rate their teachers' performances at the end of the semester. Questionnaires will be unsigned, so a highly critical student need not fear the wrath of his professor.

The Campus Collegion was optimistic about the plan. It declared, 'This is a progressive step which we heartily endorse. Now, instead of griping in the cafeteria, students will at least have an opportunity to offer some constructive criticism. Instead of complaining that he has nothing to do. a student can' ask his professor for more homework ..."

‘Morning Star’ Stars Tom Rea

Tom Rea, former Macollegc student, has starred in another KU drama production. His role -for this fall was that of Abelard, the male lead, in, "The Morning'Star”, a-play written by Henry C. Haskell.

Rea has starred in many KU productions, some of which came to McPherson on tour. These included ”Hamlet.” "She Stoops to Conquer.” and Twelfth Night."

Mr. Rea is instructor in speech and drama at KU/

Yoder Hears ‘Curtain Time’

Mrs. Una Yoder, head of McPherson College dramatics department, heard Cornellia Stabler at Bethany Nov. 3. Miss Stabler gave an original monologue sequence, "It’s Curtain Time.”

In a series of related character sketches, both comic and dramatic, Miss Stabler enacted the life-story of a teacher and her adopted child, beginning in 1949 in New York City, cutting back to scenes twenty years before, and in the last sketch, returning to the present time. '

A new England grandmother, a chorus girl, a secretary and a French actress were among the characters who played an important part in the unfolding of the story.

Neher, Bittinger Give Chapel Programs

Dean Neher was in charge of Monday’s chapel program. He showed slides of a bicycle trip which he and Don Durnbaugh made in Europe. They peddled 1500 miles on their bicycles through six countries. The main purpose of their trip was to meet and get acquainted with the common people.

Wayne Blickenstaff was in charge of Wednesday's chapel program. The freshmen octette sang and Dr. D. W. Bittinger spoke "The Future of McPherson College."

Brewster Of KU To 9peak At Chemistry Seminar

Dr. Ray Q. Brewster. Head of the Chemistry Department at Kansas University and author of the present Macollege organic chemistry text book, will speak at chemistry Seminar, Tuesday, Nov. 11, at 7 p. m.

Dr. Brewster, a scholar, author, lecturer, teacher and scientist, will use as his subject “Chemistry in Egypt.” He has recently been a Fulbright lecturer in Egypt.

Professor DeCoursey cordially invites anyone who would be interested in attending.

Dr. Brewster will speak in Chapel Monday on Palestine.

Be sure the book you read during the lecture looks like a book from the course. If you do math in psychology class and psychology in math class, match the books for size and color.

Ask any questions you think he can answer. Conversely, avoid announcing that you have found the answer to a question he couldn’t answer, and in your younger brother’s second reader at that.

Cali attention to his writing. Produces an exquisitely pleasant experience connected with you. If you know he’s written a book or an article, ask in class if he wrote it.

(Editor’s note: We of McPherson College are glad to report that we give our professors more credit for their intelligence than do the above statements.

Magazine Changes Name Occupations, the Vocational Guidance Journal, has been replaced by The Personnel and Guidance Journal, Miss Virginia Harris, librarian. announced this week.

The last issue of Occupations was May, 1952; the first issue of its successor was October. 1952.

Macollege library has on file copies of Occupations since January, 1949. and is now subscribing to The Personnel and Guidance Journal.

FRIDAY, NOV. 7, 1952 The Spectator 4

League Title Is On Block Tonight

Bulldogs Outscore Ottawa Braves

McPherson College Bulldogs clinched a tie for first at Ottawa last Friday night when they outscored the Ottawa Braves 47-40. Coach “Woody” Woodards team skilfully combined rapier like thrusts through the air with bull like charges into Ottawa’s line to score almost at will. Only once during the entire evening was McPherson forced to punt. Only four times did McPherson have control of the ball and fail to score.' Three of the four times McPherson lost the ball, because of fumbles.

lead ball game at 40 all. They missed the extra point.

Ottawa jumped to an early lead when McPherson fumbled the ball on the first play from scrimmage and Ottawa recovered. They quickly pushed down to the 10 yard line, from where they completed a touchdown pass to end Simons to make the score 6-0 with only three minutes gone in the game. The try for the extra point failed.

The Bulldogs came back fast. Featuring running by Gone Smith, Eddie Ball, and Dwight McSpad-den, they drove to the one yard line, from where Gene Smith lugged the pigskin over to tie the game. John Robison carried the extra point over.

McPherson kicked to Ottawa and Ottawa again started a touchdown march. Killingsworth was the main spark of this march doing much of the running, including a 40-yard run that advanced the ball to McPherson’s 23. He also caught the pass that gave Ottawa its second T. D. Ryan converted and the score was 13-7 at the quarter.

McPherson’s defensive unit held just after the quarter and forced Ottawa to kick. McPherson took over on the Braves 44-yard line. On the first play Wayne Blicken-staff passed to Clive Sharpe which was good for 20 yards. Gene Smith and Wayne Blickenstaff carried to the 15, and from there Wayne threw a pass to Dwight McSpadden who crossed into pay dirt to tie the score. Robison again carried the ball for the extra point.

After on exchange of fumbles, McPherson was on Ottawa's one yard line. Ottawa’s punt to the Bulldogs only went to Ottawa’s 27. The Bulldogs again combined running and passing plays with Gene Smith carrying the last two yards for a marker. The try for the extra point failed and the score was 20-13 in favor of McPherson.

After McPherson’s kickoff the Bulldog defensive unit again held the Braves and forced them to kick. It was returned to McPherson’s 47 and the Bulldogs were again on the march. Wayne passed the last 10 yards to Dwight McSpadden to score and Dwight also kicked the extra point to make the score 27-13 at half time.

Ottawa received at the start of the second half. They covered 62 yards in three pass-plays to score. One was a 36 yard pass to Clifton and they scored on an 18 yard pass to Simons. Ryan converted to make the score 27-20.

Again McPherson traded Ottawa touchdown for touchdown to stay in the lead. The final eight yards of the T. D. march was made with a pass from Wayne Blickenstaff to Clive Sharpe. McSpadden kicked the extra point and McPherson led 34-20.

Just before the end of third quarter Ottawa tallied again. This tithe it was Clifton who carried the pigskin over from the four-yard line, with Ryan kicking the extra point the score was 34-27.

At the beginning of the fourth quarter Eddie Ball broke loose for a 45-yard run that carried down to the Ottawa 11. Two plays later McPherson fumbled on the eight yard line and Ottawa recovered. Two long passes- quickly put the Braves deep into McPherson territory and several plays later Patty carried over for the T. D. Ryan kicked the extra point to tie the game up 34-34.

Ottawa kicked off and after several plays. McPherson was penalized 15 yards to give them first and 25 yards to go. At this point Wayne handed off to Gene Smith who spun, weaved and stiff-armed his way for 70 yards and a touchdown. MC missed the extra point and the score was still 40-34.

Ottawa came back with a vengeance. On the kickoff they executed a perfect reverse and returned the ball clear down to the McPherson 30-yard line. On the next play Clifton carried the ball the remaining 30 yards and again tied up the

McPherson countered with another drive towards pay dirt that was sparked by Blickenstaff s 30-yard pass to Dwight McSpadden. Several plays later Ball carried over to make the score 46-40. McSpadden kicked the extra point to make the score 47-40, with two minutes remaining in the game.

On the Braves’ first play from scrimmage they went to the air to again try to tic the score. At this point Dwight McSpadden made the defensive play of .the game as he went high into the air and intercepted the pass. The Bulldogs stalled the last minute and a half.

Game Statistics.


In Previous Years

1920 — MC 0

BC 6

1921 — MC 6

BC 7

1922 — MC 0

BC 6

1923 — MC 7

BC 3

1924 — MC 6

BC 6

1925 — MC 0

BC 28

1926 — MC 0

BC 14

1927 — MC 0

BC 39

1928 — MC 6

BC 9

1929 — MC 0

BC 12

1930 — MC 6

BC 19

1931 — MC 0

BC 0

1932 — MC 2

BC 7

1933 — MC 39

BC 0

1934 — MC 26

BC 0

1935 — MC 27

BC 7

1936 — MC 2

BC 6

1937 — MC 7

BC 26

1938 — MC 0

BC 12

1939 — MC 0

BC 0

1940 - MC 0

BC 7

1941 — MC 6

BC 21

1942 — MC 0

BC 13

1946 — MC 13

BC 20

1947 — MC 6

BC 33

1948 — MC 0

BC 31

1949 — MC 13

BC 75

1950 — MC 31

BC 7

1951 — MC 34

BC 21

Mice Gaines

All Games










Pts Op


0 0











1 0











2 0











2 1











2 1











4 0











& 0










First Downs Net yards Rushing Passes Attempted Passes Completed Yds. gained passing Passes inter, by Times punting Ave. punt Times penalized Yds. penalized Fumbles

Own fumbles Roc.


























The Cracked Crystal Ball

By The Seer Seasons Record Right, 120; Wrong, 36; Ties, 10; Pet. .769.

The major colleges kept rolling right along last week. Michigan State came as close as any of the big powers to losing last week when it defeated Purdue 14-7. With about two minutes remaining in the game Michigan State intercepted a pass on their own eight yard line to- relieve the pressure and insure a victory for Michigan State.

Oklahoma found it easy going with Iowa State 41-0 as did Maryland who defeated Boston U. 34-7.

In a game that was billed before hand as a tossup turned into a minor rout when UCLA handed California its second loss in two weeks. 28-7. This was the second time in two years that California had lost two in a row. both to the same two teams. USC and UCLA. These same two teams are still un-defeated out on the West Coast.

Several games this week have the possibility of being very close. The top battle will feature Oklahoma U. against Notre Dame at South Bend. Ind. Notre Dame doesn’t have the powerhouse of previous years, but they are always tough on their home field. OU will definitely be up for this intersectional battle as they had a ’’breather last week.

Another game that could go cither way is the Georgia Tech - Army game. Georgia Tech is undefeated in 21 games and Army, after a dismal season last year, is definitely on the recovery.

For the second week in a row.

my percentage has been dropping. The reason for this is one that would like to know. Probably the thing is that I bad terrific luck for the first few weeks and now the odds arc just catching up with me. At one time last Saturday, with the scores for five games in, I had one right and four wrong.

Whatever the trouble has been, I know I have the correct winners figured out for this week, I keep telling myself. For whatever it’s worth, here are the games that are being played over the nation this weekend, and in my opinion the winners.

Rice over Arkansas Georgia Tech over Army Texas over Baylor California over Washington Missouri over Colorado Iowa State over Drake Pennsylvania over Georgia Illinois over Iowa Michigan State over Indiana Wyoming over Kansas S.

Kansas U. over Nebraska Tulane over Kentucky Tennessee over LSU Purdue over Minnesota Navy over Duke North Carolina over Virginia Wisconsin over Northwestern Oklahoma U. over Notre Dame Ohio S. over Pittsburgh UCLA over Oregon S. Washington S. over Oregon U. USC over Stanford Texas A & M over SMU KWU over Bethel Ottawa over C. of E.

Baker over Friends



C. Ediger



E. Frantz



L.yle Neher



J. D. Pote



G. Gayer



P. Radatz



D. McSpadden



D. Coppock



P. Coffman



B. Powell



Mr. Bechtel



D. McKellip



N. Long



B. Miller



M. Krehbiel



National League



B. Wilson



E. Ball



W. Blickenstaff



J. Kough



H. Zook



C. Sharpe



K. Iloao



L. Frantz



A. Thieson



G. Jones



C. Metsker



Bechtel - Tyler



Leon Neher



G. Buton

Rushing Averages



Chicago Plans Big Livestock Event

Agriculture’s greatest show will celebrate its 53rd year as plans take effect for the 1952 edition of the International Live Stock Exposition. The big annual spectacle is slated for Nov. 29 through Dec. 6 in the International Amphitheatre of the Chicago Stock Yards.

Once again Chicago will be transformed into a meeting place for the continent's grand champions in livestock and crops and for the nearly half a million people who will come from all parts of farmland in the United States and many foreign countries.

Over 11,000 head of the country’s top cattle, sheep, swine, and horses from 34 states are expected at the coming show. Grand champions from state and regional shows will vie for over $100,000 in cash award and for the enviable International purple and blue ribbons that make them the continent’s best.

Eddie Ball John Robison Gene Smith Dwight McSpadden Wayne Blickenstaff

Yds. Per Try 10.00 7.14 6.99 5.64 3.37

New Coach?

The flip of the football season came out Friday, Oct. 31, at the Ottawa - McPherson game. But it didn't happen on the football field. It was printed quite boldly on the football programs.

Listed as the assistant coach for McPherson Bulldogs was "Lorene Marshall Hayes." This proved em-barassing to the assistant coach since his name is Harrison Guy Hayes and especially since Lorene Marshall is a girl enrolled at Mac-ollege.

No one has been able to give a clue os to how this error was made,

Jobs Arc Offered In Agriculture

.The United States Civil Service Commission has announced its annual examination for Junior Agricultural assistant. The jobs to be filled from this examination are Agricultural Economist, Agricultural Writer-Editor. Agronomist, Animal Hushandman, Botanist, Entomologist, Fishery Biologist; For ester. Geneticist. Home Economist, Horticulturist, Plant Pathologist. Plant Quarantine Inspector. Poultry. Poultry Husbandman. Soil Scientist. Statistician, Wildlife Biologist, and Zoologist.

Full information, including instructions on how to apply, may be obtained from the head of the department where the courses are given. Applications must be filed not later than Oct. 21. 1952.

Dogs Meet Swedes On Home Gridiron

Tonight at 8 o'clock at the local field the Bulldogs go against the Bethany Swedes in the most important game the Bulldogs will have played in .the last several years.

If McPherson wins tonight, it will give McPherson their first conference title In 29 years.

Facing the Bulldogs tonight are tho surprise team of the conference. The Bethany Swedes were regleted before the season started, to the conference cellar along with Bethel. However the Swedes forgot to read the predictions and arc, at the moment, in third place in the conference with a record of three wins and two losses. They haven’t been overwhelming their opponents, two of the conference games were won by one point, but somehow or other they do have a facility for winning.

Tonight marks the thirtieth meeting of these two teams. This series is the longest of that of any of McPherson's opponents. The ser- * ies started in 1920 and has continued without a break, except for the war years when neither school fielded a team. Bethany so far has won far more than their show of the games with McPherson. In the 30 games McPherson has only come out on top six times.

Coaching the Swedes is the

Dean” of the Kansas Conference, Ray Hahn. This is Ray’s twelfth year in the conference, and good year or bad he is always able to have his team in condition to play top notch against McPherson.

The Bethany backfield will be a question mark until kickoff time tonight. Several of the main players have been out of the- lineup with injuries, and it is doubtful whether or not they will be ready to start. However here is the back-field that will start if at all possible. At Q. B. Carol Pcrcival. a transfer student from Iola J. C. At.the two halfbacks will be Charles Macey and Norman Kliewer. The fullback position will be manned by either Larry Peterson or Ralph Lundgren. If Lundgren is not at fullback he will be playing center on the team.

Bethany relies to a great extent on a passing attack. At times they shift to the TCU spread formation with Macey about eight yards behind the center and the ends and other three backs spread way out and go down the field wide open for a try to get in the open to catch a pass.