Tonight at 8 o’clock McPherson College Bulldogs go against Ottawa Braves at Ottawa in a game that could decide the conference title.
At the present both teams ore undefeated in conference play, McPherson having four conference victories under their belt and Ottawa having three.
Both teams have played six games. Ottawa's record Is unblemished while McPherson has only a tie with William Jewell to mar their record. Ottawa bolds a decided edge over McPherson in previous games. Last year the Bulldogs won here at McPherson 21-19, but to find the next victory it is necessary to go clear back to 1949 when McPherson won 6-0. The complete record between the two schools is seven wins for McPher-'son and twelve wins for Ottawa.
Before last Saturday’s game most experts would have said that this game tonight would be a battle between a team with a devastating ground attack and one that could gain almost at will through the air. However. Wayne Blicken-staff when he found the touchdown route blocked on the ground threw eleven passes and completed six. one for a touchdown, against Wm. Jewell.
Ottawa proved that they had a running attack against Bethany last Friday night as they gained better than 250 yards on the ground.
Ottawa’s team this year is sparked by two great ends, Simons and Ryan. Both of them are high on the list of leading conference scorers. Ryan is leading the conference at the moment, thanks partly to 32 extra points that he has kicked.
In the backfield for the Braves are three players whose names should be familiar to McPherson fans. They are Clifton. Paddy, and Killingsworth. Clifton and Kil-lingsworth do the running for Ottawa and Paddy is Ottawa’s famous passer.
Starting tor McPherson in the line tonight are seven players that ought to be better known to McPherson fans than they are. The average fan sees a long run and says that the backfield man can really run. True, bat if it wouldn’t be for these seven men opening holes in the line big enough for a truck to go through, those gains wouldn’t be possible. After the Backs get through the line they still recieve help from these linemen in getting the way cleared for a glorious touchdown run.
These players are at end. Bob Peel and Bob Bechtel: at tackle, arc Bob Powell and George Keim. They are the quarterbacks of the line under “Woody’s” formation. They call a line maneuver each time that will put the backs through the hole through which the Quarterback said they should go.
The guards are Roland Delay and Steve Bersuch, with Alvin Fish-burn and Tommy Taylor also seeing quite a bit of action. Centering for the Bulldogs is Jack Richardson for Little River.
McPherson came out of the Wm Jewell game in good physical condition. The only player with a bad bruise is end. Bob Peel, whose leg is pretty well marked up. It is, however. expected to be in good enough shape for him to play tonight.
McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas, October 31, 1952 No. 8
Once again the annual and traditional Sadie Hawkin’s Day am approaching. The chase will be on, much to the sorrow of male and joy of female in “Mac Dogpatch.”
CBYF Sponsors Hallowe’en Party
The College CBYF will sponsor a Hallowe’en hayride Saturday night. Nov. 1. at 8:30. Guests will meet in front of Sharp Hall and proceed to Anderson’s Grove, where they will have a Hallowe’en program. Guests are to bring ghost stories, but leave their nerves at home.
Those who are in opera practice Saturday evening will still be able to attend the party since practice will conclude at 8:30.
The Sunday night program of the CBYF will evolve around a speech to bo given by Dr. James Berke-bilc. This meeting will be held in the basement of the college church at 6:30.
Library Records Reflect Close Of Nine Weeks
Library circulation records showed a sudden jump last week as the first nine weeks drew to a close and freshman English students met the deadline for outlines and bibliographies Monday and Tuesday of this week.
A total of 394 library articles were checked from the library during the week of Oct. 20-25. as compared with a circulation of 176 the previous week and 213 the week of Oct. 6-11.
Circulation figures do not include the books, magazines, and pamphlets used in the library and not checked out. Miss Virginia Harris, librarian, pointful out.
-■■V. -■ ■
Reed's Oil Paintings Are Shown In Library
The McPherson College Art Department is sponsoring an exhibition of 15 oil paintings to be shown in the Beeghly Library Nov. 1-21. These oil paintings were done by Ralph Reed.
The paintings will include “Cuban Funeral.” "Dogwood,” Man of War,” "Street Scene in Haiti,” "Cathedral in Havana.”
This art has been secured through the Studio Guild in New York.
Most of them are for sale. Anyone interested in securing any painting may contact Prof. E. S. Hershberger of the Art Department.
Ike Wins On Macampus
Dwight D. Eisenhower. Republican candidate for the presidency, won an unofficial election conducted on Macampus Oct. 27. The election results showed 229 votes for Ike and 86 for Adlai Stevenson. Only the two major parties, republican and democratic, were on the ballots.
The election was preceded by ballyhoo speeches giving their qualifications and some of the stands of the two candidates and their running mates. Gene Becthel, junior, spoke in behalf of Eisenhower and Bob Wise, freshman, for Richard Nixon. Miss Della Lehman. Macollege instructor, spoke for Senator John Sparkman, and Mrs. Joe Rich, vice-president of the Central Committee of Democrats in McPherson County spoke for Stevenson.
Chairman for the election was Prof. Guy Hayes, instructor of history. Members of the U. S. History class assisted in passing, collecting, and counting ballots.
Rec Council Has Halloween Parly In Barn
Ghosts, spooks and jack-o-lant-erns!
The Rec Council had a hallowe-en party in the Marvin Krehbiel barn, 5 mi. north of town, Monday evening. Oct. 27, and each wore weird or unusual mask.
The group of 21 was divided into two sections — one the Spirits, and the other, the Mortals. Several relays were played, after which the group bobbed for apples.
Jack-o-lanterns and ghosts peeped around and between bales of hay.
Refreshments were cheese sandwiches, carrot strips, apple cider, and chocolate cupcakes.
After eating, everyone gathered in a circle and started telling a ghost story. Each person would add something on to the story as it went along.
The story started out about Hor-ntio, the spook, and ended with a woman in a coffin, who was given coughdrops to stop her coughing.
Wareham Attends Recreation Workshop As Church Representative
Dick Wareham, Director of Physical Education, will attend the first national Workshop on Recreation for Leaders in Religious Organizations Nov. 4-13. which will be held at Spring Mill State Park near Mitchell. Ind.
Dick has been chosen to be the representative to this workshop from the entire Brotherhood.
The workshop is sponsored by Indiana University under the leadership of Robert W. Tully, department of Recreation. Representatives from Catholic, Jewish and Protestant organizations all over the United States will be present.
The purposes of the workshop arc: to rethink and rework what is being done in recreation in relation to religious life, to evaluate critically what is being done in and through recreation as it relates to religious growth in persons. and to examine present recreation programs and endeavor to determine desirable present and future emphasis.
He will leave directly after the Ottawa game Friday and stop off on his return trip to visit Rolland and Mary Plasterer In St. Louis, Mo., Mr. Plasterer was formerly a voice Instructor at McPherson College and Mrs. Plasterer taugn. also In the Home Economics Department.
Mr. Wareham’s classes will be assigned special projects during his absence or have a special -evening make-up session upon his return.
Decorations Added To Home Ec Rooms
Home Economics Department has been brightened up with new drapes, curtains, dining sets, and department displays.
Added to Miss Mildred Siek’s office are new drapes. Fabric designed in different shades of brown with accents of rose and green were chosen to harmonize with the light green walls and the beige floor covering.
New in the kitchen are curtains of yellow print with yellow plaid valances and four sets of tables and chairs. The Howell tables and chairs arc chrome and plastic hued in yellow, gray and green.
Curtains in the clothing lab are made of white self-check sheer organdy.
During homecoming weekend the nutrition class prepared a display on water as it is necessary to the human body. At the first part of this week the design class prepared a display with winter flowers in connection with its work on balance.
Miss Sick stated that a special department display will probably be prepared during Regional Conference.
Nightly Practices Begin On Opera
Practice on the Mikado, the Gilbert and Sullivan opera to be presented by Macollege Nov. 19, is becoming a nightly affair. Practices began this week with the orchestra and rehearsing in the SAR and the principals or A cast rehearsing lines in Harnly.
Tuesday, the chorus spent part of the regular choir time working on chorus parts. During the evening the orchestra again practiced and principals practiced singing parts. Mrs. Una Yoder appeared on the scene Wednesday evening to help direct stage appearance. Thursday the ladies of the chorus and the orchestra worked together.
The opera will be put together for the first time Saturday evening at 6:30. A similiar schedule will be followed until the opera is presented.
Stage director is Mrs. Una Yoder, head of dramatics department: concertmaster and instrumental director, Paul A. Sollenberger; coach of principals choral director and conductor. Donald R. Frederick: rehearsal accompanist. Berwyn Oltman; administrative assistants, Gordon Fishburn and Curtis Leicht.
Staging committee is Ted Vance, Jerry Miller. Harold Patton, and Eugene Neff. Lighting: Bryce Miller, Stanley McClung, and Ted Vance. Costumes: Marilee Grove, Anita Rogers, Don West, Angie Flora, Don Wagoner.
Business: Dean Neher, Gordon Yoder, Barbara Berry; Publicity: Garth Ellwood, LaFaughn Hubbard, Lorene Marshall; Ticket sales: Al Zunkcl. La Von Widegren, Peggy Sargent. Kathy McLeod, John Nettleton.
Makeup: Una Yoder. Jack Harter, Phyllis Kingcry, Martha Switzer, and members of the dramatics class and player club. Costume consultants: Hutsuko Kanazawa. Jimmie Ohse, and Jack Kough.
Dotzours Delay Visit To Macollege
When Mr. and Mrs. Royer Dot-zour left their home in Boulder. Colorado, they intended to come to McPherson College.
On their way here they stopped at their home in Johnson, Kansas. Since the weather has been so dry, they have been unable to plant the wheat, so the Dotzours decided to delay their visit here.
Mr. Dotzour is experimenting with a new venture in southwest Kansas; that of irrigation by wells. He is using his own land and some land he has given the college for his experimenting.
Mr. and Mrs. Royer Dotzour plan to visit Macampus later, but have not set a date as yet.
Players’ Club Will Meet Nov. 4
The Players’ Club will hold a meeting Nov. 4. Tuesday at 7 p. m. in SAR.
A number of plans and committees will be discussed and decided at this meeting.
Final plans will be made for the opera, and committees will be named for makeup, lighting, screening. and staging.
Committees will be organized for the ploy that will be presented during Regional Conference, and also The Players’. Club will be in charge of the Chapel program on Nov. 24.
If you are interested in helping in any of these productions, Mrs. Wilbur Yoder asks that you please be present at this meeting.
Everyone is welcome to attend.
Although many a college "Abner” has finally "married up” with many a "Daisy Mac”, there arc still bachelors and maids who am eligible to be chased and to chase. Nov. 6. and following, until after the Sadie Hawkin’s Party, Nov. 8.
Rules and regulations are as hereby related: Fit punishments shall befall them what don’t comply-
1. Female shall pursueth male.
2. The pursuit shall commence on the twelfth and one-half hour. Thursday. Nov. 6. with the assembling of both sexes on the end of the gridiron.
3. Men have advantage of ten paces in the starting line-up.
4. At the shot of the firing piece the race is on.
5. For one hour from the above stated time, there shall be an open free-for-all at which time the pursued shall not enter a building or leave the premises of the campus. Any man found within the boundary of a wall within this hour can be legally caught by seisure. Falling to adhere to this above regulation meaneth that the pursuer has the authority to establish claim on the pursued.
6. From this point the chase will be continued until high noon on Friday, Nov. 7.
7. The procedure for catching a male will be hereto limited by:
a. Not over six rambunctious females to one defenseless male—unless accompanied, by a responsible faculty member.
B. The hunted is safe within the walls of all campus buildings after the hour free-for-all. as no female can chase or drag them from the above realms. The penalty is the catch becoming null and void.
c. List and not least. due to severe drouth in Kansas, no water shall be used for drownin of the opposite sex.
8. To legalise the catch, both male and female must present themselves to the license bureau located In the Arnold Hall parlor for a "writ by hand” marriage license.
A twenty-five cent refreshment fee will be required as admittance to the grand finale Saturday night.
There will be a chase at the shindig for all those uncatched and those that didn't catch. However, all singles pay the whole sum total of twenty-five cents, so it pays to catch and be caught.
The Sadie Hawkin’s Party will be in the gym. Saturday night, Nov. 8. at 7:45. Girls, be sure to remember your dates’ corsages.
The foods committee is headed by co-chairmen. Faye Ellen Trostle and Alvin Fishburn.
Recreation for the party will be in charge of Dwight McSpadden and Eleanor Louthan. The decorations committee, headed by Al Zunkel, will deck out the gym in appropriate Dogpatch style.
Everyone Is to wear a costume to the Sadie Hawkin’s Party, whether it be patched jeans or an elaborate rig.
There will be judges of the costumes, and prizes for the best ones. All married couples are eligible to attend.
Gate Proves 'Fall Down'
Grade Cards Are Due
All faculty members arc to have their grade cards in at the Registrar’s Office not later than 5 p. m. Tuesday, Nov. 4.
Metzler And Trio Appear At Wiley Homecoming
The Macollege Ladies Trio and Dr. Burton Metzler and Mrs. Metzler attended the homecoming at the Wiley, Colo. Church of the Brethren Oct 26. Rev. and Mrs. Russell West parents of Don West, Macollege senior, are pastors at Wiley.
The trio is composed of LaFaughn Hubbard, Margaret Baile, Elsa Kurtz, and Shirley Coppock, accompanist.
College Calendar
Friday 31:
McPherson football game at Ottawa at 7:45 p. m.
Saturday 1:
Halloween Hayride sponsored by the CBYF at 8:30.
Thurdsay 8:
Sadie Hawkin’s chase starting at 1:00 p. m. and ending Friday 12:00 p. m.
Friday 7:
Bethany football game at McPherson.
Saturday 8:
Sadie Hawkins' party 7:30 p.m. in the gym.
Friends football game at McPherson.
Saturday 15:
Movie, Miracle on 34th Street, in the Chemistry lecture room.
Some years ago the classes of 1912 and 1913 voted to give a pair of entrance gates to McPherson College. Little was it realized that one of these two gifts would prove to be the downfall, or best to say, the fall down of a Macollege coed.
Ah yes. the fateful day of Sunday. October 26, 1952, dawned
bright and balmy. It was a happy one for Miss Coed. The very essence of the air was enough to give her an immeasurable amount of energy. Studies kept her from immediately spending some of this excess energy, but come time to walk back to the dormitory and the race was on.
There were do obstacle courses In sight, so Miss Coed’s alternative step was to turn cartwheels the entire length of one block. Alas, this was no solution. True, it burned up a bit of that energy, but Bliss coed’s feeling was not only one of exhilaration and exuberating, but
By Peg Kerley
was one of extreme desire to raise herself a few feet off the terra firms.
Yes, jumping was the solution. Having an athletic inclination or two, she liked to jump, so jump she would. Fortunately; Miss Coed was traveling with two companions who finally convinced her that the weathervane on Sharp Hall would be too much for her to clear without the assistance of a pole. All of a sudden Miss Coed’s eyes fell upon the aforementioned entrance gates, the fateful gifts of the classes of 1912 and 1913. This would be a simple achievement. Unlike the pole vaultin' parson, this lassie needed no pole. Accompanied by the shrieks of her companions she jumped over the entrance proudly labeled 1912.
Alaekaday, gloom fell upon the scene. Miss Coed had not timed herself properly. She cleared the
entrance.—but she let her left leg drop too quickly. This leg hit the entrance, causing Bliss Coed to fly through the air with the greatest of ease and to make a three point landing on her forehead, cheek, and chin. After her companions pulled her up from the trench she had dug with her head, they discovered she had left part of her anatomy on the entrance gate.
With much heaving and being Miss Coed was transported to Arnold Hall to receive first aid. End result of the Jump was not only the denation of her energy, but, also, the Inflation of her left leg and tight eye. Perhaps this tale should be on the athletic page. After all. Bliss Coed did accomplish quite an athletic feat. How often can a swollen leg. two black eyes and one sklnned-up face be accomplished with one hop, skip and a Jump?
Bulldog Barkscoed was on campus over the weekend visiting with friends and taking a look at the college again. Lois Rolfs and Bill Moore spent last Saturday at the home of Lois's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rolfs of Lorraine. Last Saturday night Janet Rueh-len had a slumber party at her home here in town. Betty Bram-mell, Gerry Goering, Shirley Alexander, and Kathy Russell were all there. They cussed and discussed the game til the wee hours of the . morning. They must have been waiting. In the- meantime, several pretty tired when they went to bed. because Gerry brushed her teeth with shaving cream instead of tooth paste. Bittingers Attend Camp In Oklahoma Dr. D. W. Bittinger, president of Macollege. and family attended a family camp at Camp Spring Lake in southwest Oklahoma last weekend. The theme of the camp was Home and Family 'Life.” The district camp was represented mostly, by the states of Oklahoma and Texas. Dr. Bittinger stated that they had a very pleasant drive, to Oklahoma Saturday afternoon, and could hear the McPherson game all the way down to southwest Oklahoma. Cafeteria Workers Are Early Risers The earliest risers on campus in the mornings are probably the students that work in the cafeteria. Thirteen students are regular workers this year in the cafeteria with several other students working as part time helpers. Maxine Hanley, .junior, serves the vegetables from behind the counter. Serving the desserts and dipping the ice cream is Jo Ann Royer, senior. The bread, milk, and juice is kept out to be served by Maud Ditmars, sophomore.^. Errand girl is Carole Davis, sophomore, who keeps the food .from the kitchen out on the counter for serving. Ina Ditmars, senior, scrapes the dirty dishes and takes them to the kitchen where Al Zun-kel, senior, _ washes the dishes and June Slough,-and Glendon Button, both juniors, dry them. Wiping the tables and trays is Alberta Eb-bert, sophomore. Don , Wogoner and Lee Hogle, juniors, wash and dry all of the pots and pans. Don Butler is the caveman as he keeps the kitchen furnished with the supplies from the cave. Dolores Sigle, junior, has the privilege of taking all the money at the end of the line by operating the cash register. Iowa has more students represented working in the cafeteria than Kansas. Last Saturday when we pulled-from an under-dog score to a 2020 game, our boys really fought. Even the radio spectators got excited. Downtown at Miller - Kennedy’s, they had their radio blaring away, as fingers were crossed and most people were in suspense. After the game was over and the boys were nearing town, a car pulled up along side the car Woody was in and he was told to flag the other cars down. Soon, all the football fellas’ cars were stopped and the heroes were told to go in as a group because a bonfire would be cars slowed down to sec what was the matter and Peel yelled out, “It’s okay, he isn’t hurt bad.’’—just to be onery. They were greeted with cheers as the cheerleaders led the group. Their costumes were rather unusual. Don West had on dress slacks, white shirt and bow tie, Kathy Russell wore a red sweater and a plaid shirt, Ann Carpenter (substituting once again) had on jeans and Bob Wilson wore cords and a shirt—what a sight. Although the whole bonfire idea was impromptu, it brought yells from the crowd and happy smiles on the faces of the team and Woody. It's a good thing the sophomore tug-o-war team didn’t wear bow ties and white shirts this year like last year’s soph team did, because it would have ruined them. Well, what can you expect with 223 pound men like Jim Dougherty on the freshmen team against 120 pound men on the sophomore’s side. The green hats floated away as the freshman dragged the weaklings through the water. Last weekend the Ladies Trio —Elsa Kurtz, La Faughn Hubbard, Margaret Baile—went to Wiley. Colo, to sing eight songs in one Sunday. A surprise awaited La-Faughn when she found her parents sitting in the congregation. Don West’s dad is the minister there. A number of Iowans went back to Adel for the weekend. Lorene Marshall. JoAnn Royer, Ken Sheaf-fer, Robina Royer, Don and Donna Wagoner were the ones that went. A lot of their time was spent fooling around in Des Moines. Lorene got to cast her vote in the presi-dential election for the first time. Since Mrs. Paul Sargent is in California and Peggy Sargent on quartet tour, Ann Carpenter and Marilee Grove have been “keeping house" for Mr. Sargent. As yet he hasn't had any ill effects from their cooking. Has anyone been smelling a nauseating stench in the boys’ dorm? Wonder who smeared the limber-ger cheese on the registers Leon Albert got his first pheasant this year—congratulations. I think lie has been trying for six years now. Jean Walker went to Wayne Jones’ home in Cordell, Okla. last weekend. Friday afternoon, Oct. 24. five Macollege students—Maud and Ina Ditmars, Angie Flora, Mildred Beck and Don Fike—took off for far off Chicago and Elgin, I will The kids stopped at Ina and Maud’s home up in Washington, Kans., and then journeyed on to Illinois with more Ditmars relatives. They rolled into Elgin about noon Saturday. Maud and Ina, and all their relation attended their brother, Lloyd’s wedding Sunday afternoon. From Elgin. Angie, Mildred, and Don took a train into Chicago. Mildred and Angie visited with Angie’s brother and wife, Sylvus and Martha (Lucore) Flora, who are at Bethany. Don took off for the School of Nursing of the Presbyterian Hospital and just happened to stop in to see Shirley Wine. I guess Shirley turned from red to white, and .was just pretty surprised and shaky for several hours. Pleasant surprise. though, no less. They left Elgin about 6:30 Sunday night, and along with about five flat tires, they arrived in Mac Monday noon, a tired and worn-out bunch of kids. Alice Flory, a former Macollege |
Spohn Takes Position Of Bookstore ManagerPaul Spohn, sophomore from Inman, Kans. will replace J. D. Pote as bookstore manager beginning Monday, Nov. 3. _ D. Pote was manager of the bookstore last year, and up to the present time. _____ Paul announces that there will be a change in the bookstore hours. Mrs. Yoder Teaches Class For Wichita ChurchesMrs. R. Gordon Yoder” is the guest leader this year at the Fall School for Christian Service sponsored by the Education Department of the Wichita Council of Churches, Mrs. Yoder is director of children’s work for the Church of the Brethren in the Western Region. About 225 people are enrolled in the six courses of the six-week school which is being taught each Tuesday evening in the Education Building of the Wichita First Methodist Church. Mrs. Yoder is teaching a course entitled Teaching Primary Children. |
Macollege Students Will Attend Conference At Parkville, MissouriMcPherson College students will be chosen to attend, with students from 20 other colleges in Missouri and Kansas, the Danforth Conference on College Teaching as a Christian Vocation to be held at Park College, parkville, Mo., Nov. 8 and 9. The purpose of the meeting is to point out to a selected group of college students the service which one may render to society as a college teacher. The young men and women who attend will be urged to give careful consideration and thought to college teaching as a career. The qualifications for the students who will be selected are: 1. They must be Christian leaders on their respective campuses'. 2. They must rank in the upper fourth of their classes academically.- They must have a well rounded personality 4. They must be students who as yet have not decided upon college teaching as a career but might be interested in college teaching if they knew more about it. The only cost to the students attending will be transportation the Foundation will pay for the cost of the meals and lodging. Students representing McPherson College will be announced next week. In college days I must confess, I've often heard it said: “The biggest block to one’s success Is usually one’s head.” |
Tug Of War Is Won By Frosh: Green Caps Are Taken OffMembers of the freshman class cheered Monday. Oct. 27 as their team pulled sophomores into the water at the annual tug-of-war. The victory made the wearing of green caps a thing of the past: freshmen had previously been required to wear them. Those on the freshman team were Jim Dougherty, Omer Terrill. Jerry Green, Wayne Jones, Lewis Me-Kcllip. Ken Wahl, Gary Jones, Gerald Barnes, Bill Smith, Steve Ber-such, Don Moeller, and Al Fishbum. Pulling for the sophomores were Lyle Neher. Dean McKellip. Bill Goering, Jack Richardson, Ed Frantz, John Nettleton, Vernon Petefish, Eugene Elrod. Don Good-fellow. Tom Taylor. Joe Johns, and Harold Zook. The second part of the freshman initiation, the orientation class, taught by Dean James M. Berke-bile, will also be completed soon. ,The last session will be Nov. 5, at which time the freshmen will take the K C. E. test. Read all the advertisements in the Spectator. Logopedics Institute Speech Class Visits The speech correction class taug t by Mrs. Una Yoder visited the Institute of Logopedics in Wichita on Tuesday, Oct., 28. Members of the class are Jean Bullard, Pat Ford, Maxine Hanley, Cordell Ingman, Phyllis Kingery. Donna Phelan, Ann Powell, Ellis Powell, Virginia Reist, Jo Ann Royer, Norann Royer, Robina Royer, Donna Schrock, and Donna Wagon- On the tour of the Institute the class visited in the various class rooms of the children that have speech and hearing defects. The class also observed children that were recieving individual lessons. Four members of the class remained in Wichita and attended the Jose Iturbi concert which was held in The Forum Tuesday evening Those members were Jean Bullard, Phyllis Kingery, Virginia Reist, and Ellis Powell. Craig Speaks To Youth Jim Craig, Macollege sophomore from Nigeria, spoke last Monday evening at the Youth Council meeting of the Wichita Council of Churches, in Wichita. Rev. Harvey R. Hostetler of the Wichita Church of the Brethren made Jim’s speech possible. The meeting was held at the First Presbyterian Church. Jim was surprised to notice that many college-age students at the gathering had never heard of McPherson. Irrational Ratio (ACP) Men, if you think the ratio of males to females on your campus is too steep, try attending Davidson College. Its enrollment: 825 men, one woman. |
McPherson College Bulldogs and William Jewell Cardinals battled with all they had last Saturday at Liberty. Mo., and the net results was a 20-20 tie. More than 4.000 frenzied spectators witnessed this battle between the two unbeaten titans of small college football and countless other fans listened to the game via radio.
At one time in the second quarter the Bulldogs were trilling by the seeming insurmountable score of 21-7 and were allowing William Jewell to gain yards almost at will. Then something happened. That missing spark that the team was looking for was provided by Gene Smith. With third down and better than 10 yards to go on Mac's 25, Gene rot off a terrific kick that traveled 55 yards in the air and rolled to a stop on William Jewell's one-yard line.
The second half was an almost complete reversal of the play the first half. The Bulldogs, finding themselves in an unusual position at halftime, that of being behind, took all of the second half trying to win the game, with a valiant uphill battle. Two costly fumbles kept the Bulldogs from completely fulfilling their desires.
The defensive unit put on a great stand in the final minutes of the fourth quarter. The Cardinals pushed down to Mac’s five, but there the line stiffened and took the ball away from William Jewell.
To single out any McPherson players in this game would be futile. All of the team played inspired football. However, several of the Bulldogs stood out especially on defense. Taking a brutal beating on every end run. there were at times six players . leading the play for William Jewell, and yet stopping the William Jewell attack cold the second half was Mac's two ends. Bob Peel and Ed Frantz. Another player who was in on a majority of tackles, some of them decisive, was Lowell Hoch, junior tackle from Dwight, Kans.. and the "Grandad” of the team.
Eddie Ball, of course, again sparked the offensive unit. But the surprise of the day was the way McPherson was able to go to the air lanes when their running attack failed. Wayne Blickenstaff connected on six of 11 passes one of which was good for a touchdown.
William Jewell started out fast in the game with a quick first quarter touchdown. Cook went over from the one yard line after the Cardinals had marched 87 yards in nine plays. The try for the extra point failed.
Eddie Ball fielded William Jewell’s kickoff on his 15 yard line and with the help of several key blocks went an the way down the sidelines to tie up the game, McSpad-den converted to make the score 7-6 in favor of Mac.
William Jewell’s offense had yet to be solved by the Bulldogs, though and after the kickoff the Cardinals Went 78 yards in 7 plays with Happy scoring from the five yard line. He also kicked the extra point to make the score 13-7 at the end of the first quarter.
Early in the second quarter the Cardinal’s scored again, this time using the airways. They scored from the 20 on a pass from Happy to Fisher. The conversion made the score 20-7.
With about three minutes left to play in the half McPherson took over the ball on their own 22. Wayne Blickenstaff mixed in passing and running plays superbly to cover the 78 yards in 11 plays with Dwight McSpadden going over the last five yards and then kicking the extra point to make the halftime score 20-14.
- Twice in the third quarter McPherson’s hopes dimmed when the elusive pigskin squirted out of player’s hands and were recovered by the Cardinals. The first time the Bulldogs were on the Jewell 37 yard line and the second time they were clear down on the Jew
ell four.
In the final period the Bulldogs captallsed on a Jewell fumble. Mac had penetrated down to the William Jewell 22 where the, lest the boll on downs. On the Cardinals first play, the, tumbled with Me-pheraoo recovering. Blickenstaff
pasted the last 11 yards to Bechtel to tie the score at 20 all.
That was all the scoring for the day. William Jewell drove down to McPherson's five yard line in the closing minutes before the Bulldog line stiffened and held. The Bulldogs got the ball back to their own 40 before time ran out.
Wm. J.
First Downs Net Yds. rushing Passes attempted Passes completed Yards passing Passes intercepted by Punt average Yards on kick returns Opp. fumbles recovered Penalties
Jewell 13 7
McPherson 7 7
J. |
Me. |
19 |
18 |
294 |
201 |
7 |
12 |
4 |
7 |
65 |
82 |
0 |
1 |
37 |
48 |
66 |
164 |
2 |
1 |
70 |
35 |
0 — 20 | |
6 ■ |
- 20 |
Police Escort Team To William Jewell
The Macollege football team had a thrilling experience over the last weekend, when the Kansas and Missouri State Highway Patrol gave them escort on part of their trip to the football game with Wm. Jewell at Liberty. Mo.
The team left McPherson Friday night, and stayed overnight at Ottawa. Ks. It was at Ottawa that Coach ’’Woody” and the Kansas State Highway Patrol met. and the Patrol offered to give escort to Kansas? City. The team, in six cars driven by Coach Woody. Guy Hayes Howard Todd, Garth Ell wood. Eddie Ball, and Wayne Blickenstaff. were met at Kansas City by the Missouri- Highway Patrol who escorted them through the city at high speed.
On the highway to Liberty, some of the cars could not keep up with the patrol car going at over 70 mph.
It was a great thrill for the boys to have patrol escort, and to travel at speeds more than they could cope with. Several times they had narrow escapes and one boy remarked. "It was fun while it lasted, but I would hate to do it again."
The Cracked Crystal Ball
8—mobs record: Right 98: Wrong 28; Ties 10: S Pet. 778
As the football season moved Into the halfway point of the race last week, some notable upsets occurred that might be worthy of mention here. Probably the major one was the entirely unforeseen victory by Iowa U. over Ohio S.. 8-0. This was Iowa’s first conference victory
since mid 1850.
Upsets were also registered to a greater or lesser extent in Purdue's defeat of Illinois. West Virginia s victory over Pittsburgh, USC's win from California,' and Columbia’s tie with Army.
However, several of the nation s powers continued their winning ways. Notable were the victories posted by the “Big Three" of col-ege football this year.
Michigan State’s three offensive backfields alternated to overwhelm Pennsylvania S. 34-7. Maryland used the air lanes extensively to trounce LSU 34-6. And Oklahoma U. made mincemeat of weak Kansas S. with a 49-6 score. Inci-. dentally Leake and McPhail. who alternate kicking extra points for O. U.. together have now made 30 extra points in a row.
Now for a glance at this week s games:
Alabama over Georgia Texas A & M over Arkansas Army over VMI Florida over Auburn UCLA over California Colorado U. over Utah Columbia over Cornell Denver over Drake Georgia Tech over Duke Michigan over Illinois Oklahoma U. over Iowa S. Minnesota over Iowa U.
Kansas U. over Kansas S. Mississippi over LSU Maryland over Boston U. Michigan S. over Purdue .Nebraska over Missouri U. Notre Dame over Navy Tennessee over North Carolina Ohio S. over Northwestern Oklahoma A & M over Tulsa Oregon over College of Pacific Pennsylvania over Penn S. Wisconsin over Rice Texas over SMU Stanford over San Jose S. Washington over Oregon S. Baker over KWU Bethany over York. (Neb.)
C of E. over Bethel
GOP Scores Victor At KWU
The student body, faculty, and staff of Kansas Wesleyan university of Salina. like Ike for President.
A straw poll on the campus early last week revealed that over 70 percent of the "voters" prefer Dwight D. Eisenhower and a Republican administration. About two-thirds of the cligibles voted in the mock election, to give a good cross-section of campus opinion.
The poll was sponsored by the Advance, student newspaper, and the international relations club.
The result of the election was a landslide vote for the man from Abilene. Out of 211 ballots cast in the poll by faculty and students, the Republican party drew 147. In the faculty vote there were 13 for Gov. Stevenson and 22 for Eisenhower, or a margin of less than two to one for Eisenhower. In the student vote there were 125 for Eisenhower and 41 for the Governor. or slightly more than three to one.
Impression From A Pressbox
Wilson’s Team Still Undefeated
Last week Bob Bean and I were asked by the local radio station KNEX to go along to the William Jewell game. We were to go as spotters for the announcers which brought the game to those who were unable to attend.
The day was perfect for a homecoming game. Crisp in the morning, but nice and warm for both the players and spectators after dinner.
We arrived at Jewell field approximately 9:30 a. m. and set up our equipment Then, we watched .the parade around the town square. Since it was William Jewell who was making all the noise, I wanted Mac to win ail the worse. I believe only a spectator can have that feeling of wanting to win so badly, because he feels so helpless.
After dinner, radio station WDAF of Kansas City approached us for a spotter from our school, and was selected. My job was to keep the announcer informed of who was
in the game, who carried the ball and who made the tackles.
The hardest task was to sit there and keep my emotions halfway concealed'and be up on what the announcer was expecting. I wanted to yell my head off but all I could do was to tear my hair, beat my fists together and watch. I ran every run. blocked every block and made every tackle, inside me. One time I almost pushed the table over on an end run. The game was one of the best I have ever seen.
A student from William Jewell also spotted. After a fumble we made one time, he looked over at me with a relieved look and I knew what he felt like when they missed the field goal attempt in the latter part of the game.
When the game was over, were both relieved, but both thought our team should have won.
Suddenly the announcer shoved the mike in my face and asked me what I thought of the game. What would you say?
National League
B. Wilson E. Ball
W. Blickenstaff
J. Kough
C. Sharpe
K. Ilooa H. Zook
S McClung A. Theisen
L. Frantz . G. Jones
C. Metsker Leon Neher Bechtel - Tyler G. Button
Kansas Conference Standings
W |
L T |
Pet |
Pts |
Op |
W |
L |
T |
Pet |
Pts |
Op | |
McPherson |
-l |
0 0 |
1.000 |
14D |
47 |
5 |
0 |
1 |
.917 |
215 |
67 |
Ottawa ... |
0 0 |
1.000 |
116 |
20 |
6 |
0 |
0 |
1.000 |
246 |
111 | |
Baker ....... |
.............2 |
1 1 |
.675 |
65 |
77 |
2 |
2 |
1 |
.500 |
79 |
112 |
Bethany . |
. 3 |
2 0 |
.600 |
59 |
95 |
3 |
3 |
0 |
.500 |
73 |
114 |
C. of K. |
. _____1 |
2 1 |
.375 |
58 |
45 |
2 |
3 |
1 |
.418 |
123 |
71 |
K. W. U. ... |
_____0 |
4 0 |
.000 |
47 |
118 |
4 |
0 |
.333 |
81 |
144 | |
Bethel___ |
---------0 |
4 0 |
.000 |
20 |
106 |
2 |
4 |
0 |
.333 |
66 |
137 |
American League
E. Frantz
C. Ediger J. D. Pote G. Gayer Lyle Neher D Coppock P. Radatz P. Coffman
D. McSpadden B. Powell
T. O’Dell Mr. Bechtel N. Long B. Miller D. McKellip M. Krehbiel
He: I don’t see where he gets off-springing a test like that. It was too long and he didn’t even go over the stuff in class.
She: I flunked it, too.
Small Colleges Take Spotlight
McPherson College Bulldogs and William Jewell Cardirals shared the football spotlight with big league teams last Saturday, when these two mighty small-college teams met on the gridiron.
Radio station WDAF in Kansas City gave up the Big Seven tilt between Missouri and Iowa State to broadcast the McPherson - William Jewell game.
McPherson and William Jewell are rated as two of the top small-college football teams in the nation this season. Enthusiasm for the game was running high, since neither team had been defeated. At the end of the fourth quarter the score read 20 up—both teams arc still on top.
Mr. Leland Lindell spoke to a group of Spectator staff members Monday evening. Oct. 27. at Miss Sarah May Vancil’s apartment.
Mr. Lindell. who was an editor of the Spectator while attending Macollege. gave the staff some pointers to help improve the paper and to make it more interesting for the readers. .
Miss Vancil served refreshments of hot chocolate and cookies Guests were Lorene Marshall, Manly Draper, LaFaughn Hubbard, Esther Ikenberry, Joann Royer, Ina Ditmars, Ruth Papa. Mr. and Mrs. Garth Ellwood, add Mr. Lindell.
(ACP) Ohio State’s 1953 yearbook. the Makio, will be heard as well as seen.
In.each yearbook there will be a 15-minute phonograph record of some of the sounds most familiar to Ohio State students—the chimes, the marching band, school songs and excerpts from speeches by campus leaders.
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