Make The Coyote
Welcome Home!
Alumni, Friends!
McPherson college, mcpherson. Kansas, October 17, 1952
Cinderella Reigns At Queen’s Dinner Into the land of magic and charm —and a Cinderella and her royal court! This Is the setting of the allschool formal homecoming banquet for her majesty, Queen Rowena Merkey. and attendants, Ada-In Carpenter and Norann Royer. The time and the place of this royal feast is 6:30 this evening at the 4-H Building. Howard Mehlinger will be the master of ceremonies for the occasion. The coronation of the new homecoming queen will take place before the banquet, and the queen will reign over her royal court through the dinner. Retiring queen. Anita Rogers, who will appear as the fairy godmother, will crown the new queen. . The queen’s musical entertainment for the banquet, will be provided by a brass quartet, composed of Curtis Leicht. Bob Pence. Don West, and Gone Bechtel, and the Ladies' Quartet composed of Peggy Sargent. Elsie Kindley, LaVon Widegren, and Florene Hale. The guests will be directed to their table by magic wands, eat favors from glass slippers, and watch the clock to see what is in store for them. Miss Della Lehman will take the position of storyteller, as she portrays the story of the modern Cinderella. Shirley Alexander will give a poem "Cinders to Cloud,” written by Adalu Carpenter. Following the fanfare and exit of the royal party, the guests will be taken Into a Cinderella fantasy. The social committee, which is in charge of the entertainment, is planning a grand march, such as might have taken place in the magical period of Cinderella, folk games, and possibly some ballet and special acts for the royal occasion. A farm bureau group, headed by Mrs. Herman Goering, is serving the meal. Mary Louise Hutcherson is chairman of the general arrangements. The Men’s Council were in charge of tickets sales, and the Women’s Council are in charge of the decorations. Marilee Grove and Peggy Sargent are planning the coronation ceremony. It has been requested that there be no corsages. Adalu Carpenter And Norann Royer Will Attend Queen In Festivities Church Conference Plans Are Released The date for Regional Conference for 1952 is Nov. 16 to 20. On Nov. 15, there will be preconference meetings for the Women’s Work, Children’s Work and the Executive Committee. The members of the Executive Committee are: Russell West. Glenn Swinger. Paul Miller, Francis Shenefelt, Harry Zeller, and D. W. Bittinger. On Sunday evening and Monday evening the addresses will be given by Blair Helman on "Christianity and Communism" and “The Mission of the Church in a Changing Culture,” respectively. Mr. Hel-man is preparing his thesis for his doctor's degree on a comparison of the United States and Russia. In his messages he will give us an insight to his research. Monday evening the College Play. “The Brazilian Gold.” will be given in the College Chapel. Tuesday evening Dean Paul Roberta will speak on ”The Rcvclance of the Church.”. Wednesday evening an opera in two acts—“The Mikado.” by Gilbert and Sullivan, will be presented by the Music Department of McPherson College. Thursday at 11:25 the conference will close with Dean Roberts speaking on ”Your Place.” There will be other speakers during each day of conference. On Tuesday and Wednesday mornings at 8 o’clock there will be (Photo by Meloan) Pert, Rowena Merkey, from 'Clayton, Kans, will reign over the homecoming festivities this year. Queen Rowena, who is a junior this year, is an active and energetic worker on Maeampus. Rowena, is president of Pep Club, secretary of Rec Council, and is active in WAA and SCA. She is a member of the College church choir. Her main interests are sports, and she has shown her ability and leadership by being a lively cheerleader last year. She is on the intramural volley ball team, and is head of softball in WAA. With her quick smile and friendly nature, Rowena has won many friends. The student body honors her in her reign as Homecoming Queen of 1952. Edgar Ruine’s Lecture Resembles A London Novel For the third time Edgar C. Raine again stepped before a Mac-oliege audience and told them about his home. Alaska. This is Mr. Ralne’s 37th year of touring America. He has appeared in every college and university in the United States from one to ten times. This year’s engagements will include appearances In 41 states. Like something from a Jack London novel. Mr. Raine unfolded before his audience his adventures of the North. As a young man. Mr. Raine was lured to the winter wonderland of Alaska by the Klondike gold rush in 1897. His adventures did not stop with the gold rush, lie laid out the first ten towns in Alaska; as the only town official he arrested a group of desperadoes single handed; he tramped the frozen trials and during his sojourn in the North found five men frozen to death along those trails; he spent days snow bound in Alaskan mountains. While' visiting in Siberia. Mr. Raine observed the ancient custom of the natives killing off the older and useless member of the tribe. This practice does not exist today in Alaska with the advent of governmental supervision. - In on interview with Mr. Raine, he stated that the people of Alaska are not ready for statehood. He said hardly any progress had been made in Alaska until World War II and this progress was confined almost entirely to military accomplishment. He said there were sevr eral paper, and pulp mills and salmon canneries. Mr. Raine remarked that college Students were the best audience In the world. He loves to lecture, especially about bis favorite subject, Alaska. He usually spends ten months a year lecturing and spends the remainder of his time at his home at Fairbanks, Alaska. students arc asked to assist in _ making this homecoming visit ^ ministers' meeting in the Memory Six Are Selected For Who's Who Donor Of Dormitory Gives Additional Gift Council during his junior year and is now president of Student Council. An athletic star all through college. Bob has participated in football, basketball and the M Club each four years. He has been a member of the track team for three years. Marilee Grove, daughter of .Mr. and Mrs. George Grove of South English, Iowa, has been active In music and also is a member of several student governing bodies. She has been a member of the A Cappella Choir for four years, sang alto in the Ladles’ Trio for three yean. In fact, all members of IMS • 1950 Ladies Trio made Who’s Who this year. Marilee has been a number, of Six Micollege seniors have been elected to Who’s Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges. A look at the records of these six people tell one that they are among the busiest students on Macampus. Those elected are: Robert Bechtel, Marilee Grove, Mrs. Florene Hale. Howard Mehl inger, Anita Rogers and LaVon Widegren. Election to this honor is based on scholarship, personality, service contribution to the college and potential contribution to society after they graduate. Robert Bechtel, son of Dr and Mrs. Kenneth Bechtel, McPherson, gains much of his recognition through his abilities in athletics and in student government. He was a member of the Student College Labors For Best Parade McPherson College’s homecoming queen will reign over the festivities of the homecoming parade to be held at 3 p. m. tomorrow as many colorful floats, bands, and commercial cars will combine to try to make this year's parade as unforgetable as the one of last year. Campus organizations tentatively making plans for floats include M Club. WAA. Pep Club. Arnold Hall. Kline Hall. Fahnestock Hall. Spectator. SCA. and the frehsman. sophomore, junior and senior classes. Many bands from this part of Kansas will particiapte in this parade and lend a helping hand to our own Macollcgc musicians. To add a touch of spice to the occasion, the McPherson Saddle Club will bo in the parade. Commercial cars from many of the downtown firms will be seen also. The parade will be assembled on Woodside Avc.. one block north of the railroad tracks on Main Street. Prizes will be given for the best floats. For the best ’float, a prize of $15.00 will be given; second place is $10.00; and the organization that wins third place will receive $5.00 for their efforts;.. Enthusiasm is running high ;for this parade, Last year’s parade was considered By many to be the .best parade ever sponsored by McPherson College. Being very competitive in spirit everyone's efforts have been directed towards making fee-1952 homecoming parade a parade to be remembered for years to come. • — College Calendar Friday 17: .... ...... Queen’s Banquet at 6:30 p. m. in the 4-H Building. A party afterwards in the same building. Saturday 18: "M" Club Luncheon at 12:15 a. m. at the Warren Hotel. Parade 3:00 p. m. on the Main Street. Alumni-Faculty Tea 4:00 Homecoming Dinner 5:30 p. m. in the College Church. Homecoming game. Queen's entrance to the field 8=15 p. m. Kansas Wesleyan football game at McPherson at 8:30. Alumni Entertain Queen Rowena ■ About 150 Macollcgc alumni will welcome Queen Rowena when she and her attendants attend the 1952 Alumni Homecoming dinner to be held in the Brethren Church basement. tomorrow at 5:30 p. m. There is no definite program for this dinner. Prior to the dinner, there will be the faculty-alumni tea party in the SUR., at 4 p. m. At the homecoming game at 8:30 p. m.. about 400 alumni will be present to sec the game against the Kansas Wesleyan Coyotes. It is hoped that the visiting alumni will be very much at home when they visit their Alma Mater. However. very interesting and memorable one for all the alumni, |
(Photo by Meloan) Norann Royer Norann Royer,. the dark-eyed freshman girl from Dallas Center, la who has won the hearts of the students by her sweetness will attend Queen Rowena this weekend- Norann has been a favorite among students before being homecoming queen In high school. Nornnn'K main Interest is music, and she Is In Chapel Choir. Chapel. All student ministers of the college are invited to attend. (Continued to page Two) |
BSCM Conference Is Being Planned A Faith For Our Age" is the theme of the Brethren Student Christian Movement (BSCM) Conference to be held at Juniata College, Huntingdon, Pa., from Nov. 27-30. Plans arc being made and considered regarding transportation and expenses, but the final arrangements will be announced later. It is necessary though, to determine the number interested in going from Macollege soon, as Juniata must be notified by Nov. 1. Outstanding leaders speaking and directing the activities of the Conference will be: Al Brightbill. former Director of Music at Bethany Biblical Seminary in Chicago; Bob Byerly, who is on the faculty at Elizabethtown College; and Ed Grill, National Youth Director. Vernard Eller, editor of youth publications; C. C. Ellis, president of Juniata College; Wayne Glick, Prof, of Bible at Juniata; and Button Metzler, Prof, of Bible at McPherson. • T. Wayne Ricman, director of religious activities at Manchester; Bob Richards, who is with the faculty at La Verne College; and Harold Row, secretary of Brethren Service. Don Royer, who is on the Manchester College faculty list; Don Smucker, Associate Prof, of Biblical Theology at Bethany Biblical Seminary; Bill Willoughby, Prof, of Sociology at Bridgewater, and adult advisor of the southeastern regional youth; and John Oliver Nelson of Yale Divinity School and author of " Young Laymen—Young Church.” Each region is represented by a leader at the Conference. |
(Photo by Meloan) Adalu Carpenter Vivacious Adalu Carpenter, sophomore, comes clear from Las Vegas, Nev., and will be one of the attendants in Queen Ro-wena’s court. Adalu adds a lot of pep to the cheerleader squad this year. Her friendly and pleasant manner has proved to win many friends. Adalu Is active in campus activities, such as Pep Club, Chapel Choir, sports and Spec staff. Debate Squad Is Being Organized ’’Resolved that the Congress of the United States shall adopt compulsory Fair Employment Practices law” has been chosen for debate question of 1952-53. Dr. James Berkebile, debate coach, states that the debate squad is being organized with eighteen possible members. First meeting of the debate squad will be Oct. 27 at 7 p. m. in room 27 of Sharp Hall. Gene Bechtel and Joe Kennedy will present an affirmative case. They will be prepared to give the. points of rebuttal for their own case. The first tournament in which only first-year debaters will participate will be held November 15 at Kansas State College. The second tournament will be open to all debaters and will held at Bethel. Nov. 21 and 22. Ann Carpenter Will Be Leading Cheers If you’ve heard smothered groans on campus, you'll know it’s Ann Carpenter. Of late, she’s been working out with Bob Wilson to be his partner for the homecoming game, tomorrow night, and her joints are a little stiff. She's getting back in the swing of “Fight ’em Team Fight ’em”, and all the rest of the yells she used to do two years back when- she was a sophomore cheerleader. Bob Wilson also cheered that year. She's doing pretty good, even though she a few years older. Lu Carpenter, her sister, is one of the cheerleaders this year, but since she is sophomore attendant to the Queen. Ann is donning the red and white to lead the cheers tomorrow night Several months ago Edna and Royer Dotzour. of Johnson, Kans., and Boulder. Colo., gave ten quarter sections of land located in the Hugoton gas field and valued at $250,000.00, to McPherson College for the erection of a girls' dormitory. Mann and Company, architects of Hutchinson, Kans.. designed a very modem building which will have an all-glass front and rear. It will accommodate 108 girls and will have in U many of the modern dormitory arrangements which are to be found in large dormitories in the East On September 24th the bids were opened for the dormitory. The top |
M Club Members Meet Tomorrow For Luncheon M-Club is planning for a Homecoming Luncheon to be held tomorrow in the Blue Room of the Hotel Warren, starting at 12:13 p. m. The M-Club has a total membership of 36 this year, and has sent out 400 invitations to old members to attend this Homecoming Lundh-eon. One of these invitations went to Dick Burger in far-off West Africa. and another to Everett Fas-nach, India. Unfortunately, these two members arc among the few that will not be able to attend because of the distances involved. . Mr. Tony Voshell. who, at one time during the past few years helped with coaching the Bulldogs football squad, will be the speaker at the luncheon. There will also be some musical numbers included id the program. bid, including architect’s fees. w*3 $370,000.00; the low bid. including architect’s fees, was $288,000.00. The college administration, after examining these bids and discussing them, removed several alternates to bring the low bid, including architects’ fees, to $275,000.00. They then contacted Mr. aid Mrs. Dotzour and explained bow the bids had fallen. Mr. and Mrs.‘Dotzour, over the telephone, sent word that they would like for the bids to be accepted and they would pay the additional $25,000.00 beyond the $250,00000 which they already had given. When Mr. and Mrs. Dotzour re- |
The Spectator 2
FRIDAY. OCT. 17, 1952
You Can't Go BackMr. and Mrs. Mac Grad will be visiting our campus this weekend. It will be the job of Johnny Mac and Mary Pherson to see that Mr. and Mrs. Grad are made to feel at home—not merely visitors. Of course, we realize that their primary point of visit is not to see Johnnv and Mary but to take another look at the campus, to walk the lanes they used to walk, to look at their old dorm rooms, to prove to their professors that they are trying to use the knowledge gained here, and to see old friends with whom they went to college. They’ll probably look at us students and remark, “College'kids get younger every year.” We hope there will be no cause for them to say, “College isn’t what it used to be.” They may wish that they were back reliving their college days." And in the next thought realize that they are glad they can’t come back, because they know it would not be the same. They have learned through experience that persons can never go back and find something the way they left it. Their old friends are gone; their interests have changed; life has become broader; the old jokes are stale. Realizing nil the changes Mr. and Mrs. Grad will find, Johnny Mac and Mary Pherson must do their best to give them a real welcome—to make it a real homecoming for them. After all, Johnny and Mary have hopes of being Mr. and Mrs. Mac Grad some day, and they will want to feel at home when they come to visit their alma mater. (Continued from page One) Rec Council for four years. Women’s Council four years and now serves as vice president of that organization. She has been a member of the Student Court for three years and is now secretary. Student Council for two years and served as treasurer last year. She is also a member of SCA. Pep Club. WAA and was one year a member of the Players’ Club. Another Iowan and also a member of 1949 - 1950 Trio is Anita Rogers, daughter of Harry K. Rogers of ML Etna. Anita will take part in homecoming activities this weekend as retiring queen. She was elected by the student body last fall as homecoming queen. Anita has been in A Cappella Choir four years: was in Ladies' Trio three years. This year she is in the first cast of the opera Mikado. and will sing the part of Pitti Sing. She served in the capacity of class secretary for two years, has .been in Women’s Council four years and was treasurer one year, has been in SCA four years. She has also been secretary to Prof. Raymond Flory for two years. The other member of the 19491950 Trio is Mrs. Fiorene Messick Hale, daughter of Mrs. Anna Messick. Lyons. Florene has contribut- |
Apologies Are In Order The following note given to the editor reminds us that we are negligent in getting full news coverage last week, thereby leaving out one of the dormitories. We wish to, assure the residents of Kline Hall that the oversight was not intentional, and we will do our best to see that it does not happen again. ”We of Kline Hall would like to think that we are considered a dorm on Macollege Campus. “The article ’Fire Drill Surprises Students’ included much comment an the happenings in Arnold and Fahnestock, while it completely ignores Kline Hall, which had a fire drill at the same time as the oth- ‘We also had a student in the showers, but she had enough sense to realize that it might not be just a drill, and responded as quickly as possible. “We were all out in good time, too—girls and married couples alike. "We hope that we were not left out intentionally, and your forgiveness is granted, but please don't forget us again Thanks. (Our thanks to you also for calling this slip to our attention.—Ed. Police Receive Aid From College Chemists Dr. James Berkebile and Prof. Wesley DeCoursey. representing the Chemistry Department, attended a meeting of Law Enforcement Officers of the County at the Court House Monday evening. Oct. 13. The purpose of the meeting was to hold an “Intoximeter School”, gaining information on tests for indication of intoxication. Dr. Berkebile and Prof. DeCoursey answered questions which involved the chemistry of the tests. They 'are to run analysis for the Police Department concerning intoxication. Professor DeCoursey testified in an intoxication case Tuesday morning. Oct. 14. the College Choir. She then interrupted her college career to enter Brethren Volunteer Service for one year. She worked in home missions in Rose Pine, La. Since her enrollment at Macollege. she has become active in many organizations. This is her second year in A Cappella Choir and is also a member of the Ladies’ Quartet. She is co-chairman of SCA and is president of the senior class and vice president of the players Club. This is also her second year in WAA and has served one year on the Student Court. She is assistant to Dr. Kenneth Bechtel and is Director of Social Action for Youth in the Western Region. |
Thinking With The President Coming Home Today we welcome back to McPherson College its former graduates, students, and friends. We want this to be. for you, a good homecoming. We who live here at the college call ourselves the McPherson College Family- The implication of such a designation is that McPherson College is our home, and that we build here in the college something of the spirit of the home. We would like for all of you who come back to homecoming to renew this sense of belonging to a school which was formerly your home, and which still reaches out and includes you as a member of the larger McPherson Family, though you know that is the way you would want it to be. Perhaps some new buildings are added: perhaps some old buildings that were familiar to you are gone; the library is not as it was; a new girls’ dormitory is coming into being: the attendance at the football games is larger: intramural sport takes in the whole college family. These things may be somewhat different from when you were here, but they indicate that the family is growing. That is the way that good alumni like to feel on homecoming day. We feel certain that you will want to add to the spirit of Homecoming. You can do it by feeling yourself to be an important part of the homecoming day. Hunt up your old friends and greet them; reach out your hands to make new friends. The present McPherson students may be somewhat awed by your success and achievement. Be friendly to them. If there was something interesting that happened to you here at McPherson tell the present students about it. Perhaps you found a life companion here: perhaps you decided on a significant life work; perhaps you developed a direction for your life. Tell our students about it so that they too can be anticipating the fullest possible blessings which McPherson can give to them. . Welcome to homecoming. Lets make it a real Coming Home. |
Freshmen are reminded of their obligation to wear their freshmen beanies, at all times, except at church and social functions. „ Beanies must be worn until Monday. Oct. 20. when a tug of war between the sophomore and freshmen classes will decide whether freshmen will continue to wear their little green caps for another month until Thanksgiving. Freshmen who do not wear their beanies will be subject to a penalty imposed by the Student Court. Sophomore class Berkebile Is Elected to Standing Committee At the Southwest District Conference held at Friend, Kans.. last weekend. Dean James ’Berkebile was elected to serve one year on the Standing Committee of the Church of the Brethren. The Standing Committee is made up of representatives in Brethren districts in the United States and in foreign countries. It is the duty of the Committee to review and recommend to the delegate body queries which are forwarded to the Committee by the churches in the Brotherhood. These queries are then acted upon by the Delegate Body, a body made up of representatives from every church. Besides reviewing these problems sent in by individual churches, the Standing Committee also studies the world activities of the church and proposes new action which will strengthen the Brethren Service program. Wingfield Speaks Of Hope In The Present World Appearing in Chapel next Wednesday, Oct. 22, will be Dr. Marshall Wingfield, religious news reporter. his topic will be “Some Grounds for Optimism in the Present World." i<> Dr., Marshall Wingfield With an interest in international affairs sharpened by conducting many study groups through Europe. Dr. Wingfield was a delegate to the Delaware Conference in 1942, to the National Study Conference 1945. and to the UNESCO Conference, by Department of State appointment, in 1949. His addresses in Arlington National Cemetery and on other nofable occasions have ;been read into the Congressional Record. ed much to Macoflege by developing her brilliant soprano voice. Last year she sang the lead in the opera, ‘‘Bohemian Girl,,* and again sings the lead In “The Mikado” to be given in November. Florene has been a member of the A Cappella Choir four years, was in Ladies’ Trio one year, and is starting her third year in Ladies’ Quartet.. Florene has also been a member of Pep Club one year, SCA two years, and dorm council one year. Her husband. Russell Hale, is with the air force in San Antonio, Tex. Howard Mehlinger. son of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Mehlinger, McPherson, Is president of both the M Club, of which he has been a member three years, and the Men’s Council. He is is also manager of the Dog House. He has played football four years and was a member of the Intramural Council one year, and the Athletic Committee. A history major. Howard has had an assistantship in that department two years. The sixth elected to Who’s Who Is LaVon Widegren. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Widegren, Grand Junction, Colo. This is only LaVon’s second year at Macollege. She took her first two years of work at Mesa Junior College at Grand Junction. While at Mesa she was a member of Ladies’ Doable Trio two years and |
Dogs Face Coyotes Tomorrow NightTomorrow night at 8:30 McPherson College - goes against Kansas Wesleyan University in McPherson’s homecoming game. Wesleyan has had a so-so season so far, winning two and losing two. Their two victories have been non-conference foes. One was a 21-9 victory from Southwestern of the CIC. In both their starts against conference foes they have been unable to win. Last Saturday night Ottawa defeated them 34-13. They have a new coach to replace Wally Fosberg this year, Gene Bissell, and he has installed essentially the same formation as Coach Woodard uses. The Cracked Crystal Ball By the Seer Four weeks have gone by since I first started this column and here is my percentage up to the present: right 77; wrong 19; ties 6; Pct. .802. The teams have been playing the same as in previous years; i. e. there have been upsets as well as games that the way they were supposed to. One of the major upsets occurred last week when Wisconsin, who was ranked first in the nation last week, lost to Ohio State, unranked, by the score of 23-14. In the Kansas Conference the surprise team has been Bethany fifth in the standings and they lost most of their veterans. Most preseason “experts” had pushed Bethany to the cellar along with Bethel. Notwithstanding all of this. Bethany is at the moment tied with McPherson for the lead with record. Their opponents have been outgaining them all over the field but Bethany gets the points. This week I'm going to change the format of the column slightly. Instead of just listing all of the teams. I’m going to give a reason or reasons, on the games of special interest, why I think one team will defeat the other. Oklahoma over Kansas U.: This game should be the game of the week and probably will feature high scoring by both teams. The reason for going with O. U. is that they have proved their worth against stronger teams than has Bulldogs Defeat Presbies In Their Homecoming Game McPherson won Its third confer-D-ence time against no defeats at Emporia last Saturday afternoon, by outscoring C. of E. 26 to 26. The victory kept McPherson tied for the conference championship along with Ottawa and Bethany. Nine fumbles were chalked up against McPherson during the game, and one of them was recovered by McPherson. Emporia also had trouble with fumbles five be-ing charged against them. Fumbles stopped several McPherson marches. Despite the bad case of fumblitis. the Bulldogs scored once in each period of the game. McPherson kicked off at the start of the game and on Emporia's second play, the Presbies fumbled and Bob Peel recovered the pigskin on the Emporia 39. Then there was an exchange of fumbles, and McPherson finally gained possession of the boll and drive to the Emporia 16 before losing it on downs. Emporia took over and promptly fumbled and Eddie Ball recovered it for the Bulldogs on the Emporia 21. Wayne Blickenstaff carried It to the 15. on the next play Gene Smith advanced to the nine, and after several more tries Ball went over from the one yard line to score. Blickenstaff went over for the extra point to make the score 7-0. Lem Harkey, carried the ball several times and with the ball on the Emporia 45 they passed. Dwight McSpadden intercepted for McPherson on their 45. On the first play McPherson lost the ball on a fumble to Emporia. A pass from Harkey to Hardesty gained 26 yards to the McPherson 13; and in four plays the Presbies drove to the McPherson two-yard line, on-lv to fumble and have the bell recovered, by McPherson. On the first play of scrimmage. Gene Smith almost, broke lose but was finally ‘ tackled on the 30-yard stripe after a 28 yard run. On the next play Emporia recovered a McPherson fumble. McPherson started another touchdown march early in the second quarter. Ball broke lose and went 38 yards for an apparent touch, down only to have the run nullified by a 5-yard penalty. Ball. Smith. Robison, and Blickenstaff then advanced the ball slowly finally reaching the 5-yard line. An attempted pass from Blick enstaff was incomplete, and then two plays later. John Robison went over from the two yard marker to give McPherson their second touchdown of the game. The try for the \extra point was no good. \ Near the end of the second quarter. Emporia got possession of the ball on McPherson’s 38 when the Bulldogs failed to make 10 yards in their four tries. Hart made 18 yards. for the Presbies on a fake pass play to reach the 20. A pass to Crosley was good for 15 yards and another pass to Hardesty was good for the touchdown. Hardesty kicked the goal for the extra point. Frantz, Ball, Wilson Have Undefeated Volleyball Teams There have been quite a few changes in the volleyball leagues since the standings last appeared in the Spectator two weeks ago. The undefeated ranks have been vastly depleted in each league. In the American League the following teams have dropped from the undefeated ranks: Dr. Bechtel. C. Ed-iger. Lyle Neher. P. Radatz and D. Coppock. This leaves Eddie Frantz with a record of 3-0 cut the top of the league by himself. The bottom status of the league has also changed complexion. Two weeks ago five teams had yet to win a game in the' American League and now only two teams have yet to gain a victory. Over in the National League this equalizing trend is also apparent. Three teams have suffered their At the start of the third period. Smith made a 26-yard run to the Emporia 34. McPherson fumbled on the next play with Emporia recovering. Then after a series of passes and ground plays, Emporia finally reached the McPherson 7-yard line and a pass from Hart to Hogue was good for Emporia’s second touchdown. The attempted extra point was no good. This tied the game up, 13-13. After this Emporia tally, McPherson returned the kickoff to their own 27. On the first play Ball broke through the Emporia defenses for a 57 yard Jaunt before being caught from behind by Willie Gaines, a fleet-footed,, colored freshman, from Harkey’s home town. This put the ball on Emporia’s twelve. Three plays later Robison went over from the three to score. Ball carried the pigskin around end for the extra point. And the score was now 20-13 in favor of Mac. In the fourth quarter Blickenstaff fired a 38 yard pass to Bail to advance the ball to Emporia's seven yard line. Robison went to the one, and Blickenstaff went over from there. The attempt for the extra point failed. Elrod kicked off for McPherson and got off a nice high one that carried clear down to the Emporia 10 yard line. Will Gaines gathered the ball in at this point ajtd cut to his right. Threading the out-ofbounds marker, he headed straight for McPherson's goal line. At the 50, he was in the clear and went all the way for the touchdown. Emporia made their extra point to end the scoring for the day. Several scoring attempts by both teams in the closing minutes of the game came to naught and the final Score was McPherson 26. Emporia
K. U. That tie game with C. U. was more because of O. U.’s not being used to the rarefied air than anything else. Kansas air is the same as Oklahoma’s. Maryland over Navy: The two powerhouses of the east meet Saturday in this game. Both have yet to lose a game and both will be out to protect this record. Maryland started out slow, but the convincing way that they handled Georgia last week. 37-0. convinced me that they have now found themselves. Purdue over Notre Dame: Purdue has been playing good steady ball all season long. Notre Dame has been very erratic. At times they’ve looked like the Notre Dame of old and at other times they have beep terrible. They might be up for this game, but somehow I just don’t think so. U. C. L. A. over Stanford; After this game the number of undefeated California teams will drop from 4 to 3. Stanford so far has lucked out in their games, but they will need a lot more than luck against U. C. L. A.’s powerhouse. Wisconsin over Iowa U.: Iowa hasn’t won a game yet and it doesn’t look like they have any chance of breaking the record this week. Wisconsin should be fighting mad after losing to Ohio State last week, but even if they aren’t it will be a runaway. Baker over Bethany; Every predictor predicts one upset each week and this is mine for this week. Bethany has been winning by too close a score all the time for me 1 not to think that someone won't bump them off their pedestal. first defeat in the last two weeks They are Gary Jones. Clive Sharpe, and Leon Neher. Only Bob Wilson with a record of 5-0 and Eddie Ball with 3-0 are still preserving their undefeated string. Every team in the National League has won at least one game already this season. The last team to come through with a victory was Button’s team last Monday night. They defeated Leon Neher's team in two out of three games. |
Tonight's battle marks the 28th time that the McPherson Bulldogs and the Wesleyan Coyotes have met on the football field. In the previous 27 times McPherson has won ten. KWU has won 15 and two have been ties. In the two times that the Bulldogs have met the Coyotes since Coach Woodard has been at McPherson, each team has won one garner. In Woody's first year here, KWU snatched victory from the very hands of defeat when with just a short time remaining and Mac leading 19-14. Wesleyan pulled a “Screen Pass" that went half the distance of. the field for a touchdown to .give the winning margin to the Coyotes 20-19. Last year McPherson .iron 19-14. Tomorrow night continues a tradition that has been going on for quite a few years. That's the tradition that the McPherson - Wesleyan game is always a homecoming game. No matter whether the game is at McPherson or Salina the home team annually proclaims this as the homecoming battle. The last two years each team has ruined the other’s homecoming. Thirteen lettermen form the nucleus of the KWU team this year. They are especially strong at end where four lettermen returned from last year's squad. At quarterback position Coach Bissell is experimenting with a freshmen. Bob Harris, who came straight out of the CKL from Clay Center. Last year |
he made the AU-CKL team at QB. The unusual thing about this year’s Wesleyan team is the fact that two men that had their college career interrupted to serve a stint for Uncle Sam are now back on the squad. It reminds a person of the way conditions were in all of the colleges just after the Second World War. Thirteen freshmen are included in the roster of 36 men listed by KWU. which is evidence of the "Youth Movement’’ now underway at the Kansas Conference school. With a young team like that one never knows when they will all get together and start clicking like a championship team. Woody’s boys came out of ‘the Emporia game with nothing except minor Injuries. However with the practice field getting dryer and harder every day. Woody Is never sure from one day to the next in what physical condition the team will be. At the moment the big question mark seems to be the ope halfback position. With Me-Spadden still a questionable starter. because of the hip Injury suffered In the Baker game, and Bean, out for the season with a broken leg. Woodard probably will either call on sophomore. Bill Goering, or else try to shift one of the fullbacks to this position. All In all the game tomorrow night, if its like previous tussles with the Coyotes, will be one humdinger of a game. |