Rowena Merkey Is Queen; Carpenter, Royer Attendants

Rowena Merkey, junior from Clayton, Kans., will reign as the 1952 Homecoming Queen. Her sophomore attendant will be Adalu Carpenter of Las Vegas Nev Norann Royer of Dallas Center, la., will be freshman attendant. Anita Rogers of Mt. Etna, la., is the retiring queen..

No. 6

Vol. XXXVII McPherson College McPherson, Kansas, October 10, 1952

Raine Speaks Tonight On Land Of Midnight Sun

Mel. Soprano Will Appear At Lindsborg

Lucine Amaru, young soprano of the Metropolitan Opera Association. will appear at Bethany College, Lindsborg. next Monday, Oct. 13, to present the first of Bethany's concert series. .

Tonight, at 8 o'clock, brings the opportunity for a vicarious experience in Alaska. At that time Edgar C. Raine will present a lecture and travelogue in natural colors in the Chapel.

His lecture. “The Land of tho Midnight Sun,” will be illustrated with 150 colored views. Many of his pictures were taken when Alaska was a country of “Hardship and Romance." He has seen it evolve from a Land of Faro-Banks to a land of Savings Banks. Mr. Raine packed an outfit over the famous Chilcoot Pass in 1897, during the stampede to the Klondike.

Mr. Raine is advertised as one who knows more of Alaska, by actual contact with all parts of It, than any other man in the world; having resided in and traveled extensively through the territory during the past 33 years, ten of which, as the representative of the United States Treasury Department, he visited every town and village in Alaska and many villages In Siberia, once a year.

This is Mr. Raino's twenty-eighth annual tour of the United States.

His appearance is being sponsored by the Social Committee. An offering will be taken to defray expenses.

Lucine Amara

Miss Amara made her concert debut with the San Francisco Symphony Orchestra after she had studied voice at-the University of Southern California. Her career has been a succession of triumphs since she won the Atwater Kent Award in 1948.

Players Present Brazilian Gold’

Brazilian Gold." an hour-long, one-act play by Elliot Field, will be presented by the Player’s Club Nov. 17.. during Regional Conference. The play shows the results of Christian good policy at work. Tryouts were held Thursday evening by Mrs. Una Yoder, director of the ploy.

Approximately 30 students attended the first meeting of the Player's

Club held Oct. 7. The group discussed staging, lighting, and make up for the Mikado which will be presented by Macollege Nov. 19.

Bryce Miller is president of the organization. LaVon Widegren, vice-president. and Margaret Yost, secretary - treasurer. Mrs. Una Yoder is sponsor.

Will Give Only One Performance Of Opera

Plans for two performances of the opera. "The Mikado," have been changed to only one performance. Prof. Don Frederick announced Tuesday. Oct. 7. This leaves the date of the opera for Nov. 19 instead of Nov. 20-21.

The performance will be given in the Community Building.


Surprises Students

Fahnestock Hall and Arnold Hall residents were completely taken by surprise Monday night when the fire alarm signals went off for fire drill exercises. ,

Fahnestock Hall was first to have the alarm at about 10:05 p. m.. and for a full minute. the alarm was unheeded by the boys who took it for a joke. When they came to realize that it was meant for a fire drill, it did not take them long to leave “Fanny" and to watch it "burn” from a distance of about 40 feet. However, one student slept through it all. while another went through the

ordeal” undisturbed In the shower. His remarks: “I was much safer in the shower any way, I can not get burnt in there.”

Ten minutes after, the alarm went off in Arnold Hall, and there was much confusion os the girls took to the fire escapes. Onions were strewn all over third floor, girls forgot to wear their dressing robes, others screamed, and one of the many Macampus cats was hastily taken to the shower. It was quite a sight, but the girls survived through it all, and Arnold Hall was finally evacuated after two riotous minutes.

Despite the unpreparedness and the confusion, however, the observing fire officials thought that the students on the whole did a mighty good job of evacuating the two buildings.

The after effects? Boys still think that it is impossible for "Fanny" to burn, while the girls wished they were in their "dream hostel" — the “New Dorm."

Edgar C. Raine

Iowa 4-H Clubs President Is Freshman At Macollege

Bob Wise. 18-year old Macollege freshman, is president of the Iowa boys’ 4-H clubs. Elected last June at the State Convention. Bob's term will end in June of '53.

Bob stated that his main duties arc to preside over the State Convention and to help with the 4-H Division at the State Fair held in August. As a result of his election Bob is elgible to take one of two trips—to the National Livestock Show in Chicago in November, or to the National 4-H camp in Washington D. C. in June.

Bob's major here at Macollege is psychology. He plans to study low later. His main interests are football anti debate.

District Conference Held This Weekend

The' Southwest Kansas District Conference will be held this weekend. Oct. 10-12 at the Prairie View Church of the Brethren near Friend. Kans.

Delegates from the McPherson Church are: Peggy Sargent, Mrs. R. E, Mohler, Jack Kough and Robert Mays. Rev. Harry K. Zeller will serve as moderator of the conference. •

Information concerning the location of the church and lodging arrangements is available ‘    

in the Church Office.


Rowena Becomes Cinderella At Queen’s Banquet

On the night of Oct. 17 when the clock strikes 6:30, the court composed of Macollege royalty and peers will assemble in the Social Rooms of the Methodist Church to welcome Cinderella to her banquet. The fairy godmother will appear in the personage of Anita Rogers, retiring queen, and crown Cinderella, Rowena Merkey- homecoming queen of 1952.

At the royal banquet guests will be directed to their places by magic wands and will eat favors from glass slippers and watch the clock *to sec what is in store for them.

Coach Chalmer Woodard will preside over the queen’s court and will introduce her serenaders. a string ensemble and the Ladies' Quartette.    

The banquet is being planned by u coordinating committee compos

NINE YEARS IN 4-H CLUB WORK—Miss Eula Mae Murrey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Murrey of the Conway community, has completed nine years at a member of the Goodluck 4-H Club. This week she is starting her tenth year. She Is shown above in the outfit she made and In which she won the reserve championship In the style revue at tho recent Kansas State Fair at Hutchinson. (Republican Photo).

Rowena, who is the daughter of-Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Merkey of Clayton. Kans. was selected as Homecoming Queen by the student body Monday, Oct. 6.

A major in Education 8c Psychology is Rowena’s plans at Macol-lcgc. Her main interests center around sports, of which basketball is her favorite. She also likes to meet and associate with people.

Rowena was cheerleader last year, and this year she is president of the Pep Club. She is an active member of WAA, SC A. and is secretary of Recreational Council. She also sings in the College Church choir. Last year she was on the gtrls' varsity basketball team.

In high school. Rowena was active in many extra curricular activities, and was president of the senior class. She was active in 4-H work for five years.

Other nominees for Homecoming Queen were Elsie Kindley of Downs, Kans., Dolores Sigle. Osborne. Kans., and Beverly Turner of McPherson.

Adalu Carpenter, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. F. C. Carpenter of Las Vegas, Nev. is the sophomore attendant.

Adalu is majoring in Home Economics. with her main ambition of getting a B. S. degree in that field.

Sports is one of Adalu’s main interests. She likes to make and enjoy new friendships.

Tbis year Adalu is one of the cheerleaders, and is also secretary treasurer of the Pep Club. She sings in the Chapel Choir, and is on the Spec staff.

Last year Adalu was on the girls' varsity basketball team, sang in church choir, and was a freshman cheerleader.

Highlights of Adalu’s high school career were being Junior Prom Queen attendant, cheerleader, and President of GLC. She was treasurer of her junior and senior: class, and was in both junior and senior plays.

Other Sophomore nominees for attendant were Betty Brammell. Perry, Kans.. Carole Davis. Noconn. Tex., and Joan McRoberts, Greene, la.

Freshman attendant, Norann Royer. is the daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Harold Royer of Dallas Center, la.

Norann is planning to major in Elementary' Education. Her main interests are in music, and she is in Chapel Choir this year. She likes to meet new faces, and just enjoys people, in general.

Norann is a member of Women's Council, and is in WAA.

In high school, Norann Was Homecoming Queen her senior year. She was active in music, being in the girls’ sextette and mixed chorus. She was also in her senior play.

Norann was in Africa with her parents, who are missionaries, and just returned two years ago.

The freshman nominees were Jean Walker. Pampa, Tex., Donna Schrock. Greene, la., and Beverly Schechter, Worthington, Minn.

Anita Rogers, retiring homecoming queen, is the daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Harry K. Rogers of Mt. Etna. la.

Anita, who is majoring in Business Administration, has as her main interest, namely, music. She is in the A Cappella Choir, and was formerly in Women’s Trio.

Arnold Hall Has Final Open House

“Arnold Hall’s Finale” opened the doors of the girls’ dormitory Saturday, Oct.4. 7:30 to 9.p.. m.

Each of the three floors had its own theme, and refreshments were served in the individual rooms.

Second floor was called “The Hall of the Swinging Doors;” residents on that floor served pretzels and ice water at the end of the hall. Several paintings by Virginia Bower, freshman from Wichita, Kansas, decorated the halls.

Third floor’s theme was “the Greatest Floor on Earth." Three side shows were used in the circus, and refreshments of arctic snow, animal crackers, and ice-water were served on the porch. Each resident on ‘ the floor was named and the doors to individual rooms were decorated.accordingly. _

"You are now entering heaven’ greeted guests as they went to fourth floor. Saint Peter stood at the top of the steps to welcome callers. and all girls living on that floor were saints, and wore halos. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bus kirk from Prairie Gardens Fower Shop sent a center-piece of chrysanthemums for the occasion, and enough rose-buds for each room,

College Calendar

Friday 10 — Alaskan lecture by Edgar C. Raine at 8:00 in the Chapel.

Saturday 11— McPherson football at College of Emporia at 2:00 p. m.

Friday 17— Queen’s Banquet.

Saturday 18 Homecoming Parade.

Home coming Dinner.

Kansas Wesleyan football at McPherson at 8:30 p. m.

Twenty-Six Pairs Of Siblings Are On Campus

Did you know that one out of every six students here at Macollege are brothers and sisters? This year there are twenty-six pairs of siblings present. As could be ex pec ted. most of them are from cither Kansas or Iowa.

Kansas claims eleven pairs, which include Phil and Paul Spohn. Stanley and Willis Kochn, Bob and Gene Becthel, Don and Lowell Hoch, Dick and Jack Mason. Gordon and Alvin Fishbum Bill and Gene Smith, Lyle and Dean Ncher. Faye Ellen and Carol Tros-tle. Ina and Maud Ditmars, and Arleen and Rowena Merkey.

Iowa comes in second place, with six pairs. Virginia and Verlee Reist. Ralph and Norann Royer, Paul and Eldon Coffman, Bob and Ann Powell, Ellis and Darrell Powell. and Don and Donna Wagoner <Macolleges’ only pair of twins.)

From Missouri come Don and Elmer Fike. Mary Swinger and Dorothy Swinger Nicholson. Idaho comes next with Ted and Robert Vance. Dean and Louis McKcllip.

Nebraska claims Mario and Berwyn Oltman. Minnesota has Sherman and Allan Blocker, from Texas arc Juanita and Glerin Bcllah from Nevada. Adalu and Ann Carpenter, and even far off California sends Stan and Martha McClung.

Faculty Discusses College Expansion

The faculty meeting Friday, Oct. 3, was a continuation of discussion on the expansion of McPherson College. Some of the things discussed were: What should be included In rebuilt Sharp Hall; How should Sharp be rebuilt to enlarge Chapel; Where shall the cafeteria be put after boys take over Arnold, and does Macollege need a separate Student Union building?

Dr. D. W. Bittinger announced that a group of experts arc to come to Macollege next week to study the buildings.

In the coming weeks the faculty will continue to discuss ideas for the most convenient .physical arrangement of Macollege.

They will also look again at our grading system, particularly night classes and music organizations, continue to work on a change of schedule for college, discuss the possibility of union of campus organizations to cut down overlapping. discuss possibility of eliminating fees for extra-curricular organizations, and discuss the requirements for a teaching certificate.

Eula Murrey Returns

From West Virginia

After attending a Rural Life Youth Conference in Jackson's Mill. West Virginia. Eula Mae Murrey has returned to McPherson.

The purpose of this conference was to promote understanding among different rural organizations; eleven rural organizations, -including church groups, scouts, 4-H. and others, attended. The theme used was “Grasping Our Responsibilities.”

Transportation to and from West Virginia was by airplane, and Eula Mae recommends this kind of travel very highly. On the way, she stopped at Chicago, Columbus, Dayton, and got off the plane at Pittsburgh.

Eula Mae won this trip through Promotional Activity of 4-H in which she participated this summer.

Chapel Choir Gives Program Wednesday

The Chapel Choir will be In charge of the chapel program on Wednesday. October 15. The choir will sing a couple of numbers and there will be solos and instrumental selections from members of the choir. A devotional period will close the program.

Wesley Ikenberry, president of the Chapel Choir, will be in charge of the program. Doris Coppock Is the director of the choir.

Homecoming Plans Are Released

A tentative schedule for homecoming activities has been released. To initiate the welcome for visitors the students and faculty will work together to clean up the campus.

Morning classes will be telescoped Friday. Oct. 17. so that the clean up may precede from 10 to 12 o’clock. The SCA and M Club are jointly responsible for the clean up. Afternoon classes will be conducted during their usual hours. This schedule has been worked out by Dean James Berkebile.

The queen’s banquet will be held at the Methodist church at 6:30 o’clock Friday evening. The queen will be crowned at that time.

Saturday Is the day of the parade and the game with Kansas Wesleyan . The parade is being officiated by Jack Kough and Bob Mays. The queen enters the football field at 8:15 and the game will start at 8:30.

The M Club luncheon is also being held on Saturday noon at the Warren Hotel. An after-game social for students is being planned by the Social Committee.

Sepcial activities are being planned for the alumni. A faculty-alumni tea has been tentatively scheduled for 4 p. m. Friday, and the homecoming dinner will be held at 5:30. A coffee-donut social in the cafeteria has been planned for the alumni after the game.

The Student Council Is responsible for the queen’s banquet, the queen’s float in the parade, for her throne and pre-game program, and for the parade prizes.

ed of Sarah May Vancil, Howard Mchlinger and chaired by Mary Louise Hutcherson. Working under this committee arc representatives of the Women’s Council—Margaret Yost, Maxine Hanely. Pauline Hess, and Marincll Johnson, who is chairman of the decorations committee.

The program is being planned by the Social Committee under the direction of Glendon Button, president Ina Ditmars and Adalu Carpenter are writing the skit.

In charge of the coronation ceremony are Peggy Sargent and Mar-ilee Grove.

Posters will be made by Virginia Bowers.

Admittance to the banquet may be gained by buying a ticket from a member of the Men’s Council. The tickets are being sold for $1.25.

Six Student Assistants Work In College Library

Six Macollege students arc working in the college library this semester as library assistants.

Betty Jo Baker, senior; Clara Bechtel, senior; Betty Holderread. freshman; Velva Wagner. Junior; Lyla Whitham, sophomore, and Margaret Yost, junior, are the assistants.

Betty and Lyla are new assistants this semester. Betty Jo Is beginning her fourth year at the library while Clara, Velva. and Margaret are beginning their third year.    •

Wilbur Bastin, junior, is the library janitor.

Assistants work 8-10 hours a week helping other students to obtain the materials they need and assisting Miss Virginia Harris, librarian, in such jobs as keeping records, processing books, typing, filing, and shelving.

DeConrsey Directs Second Chem Seminar

Chemical Seminar was held in the Chemistry Lecture room Tuesday evening at 7 p. m. under the direction of Professor Wesley Dc-Coursey. Head of the Chemistry Department.

A strange purple light brought out brilliant hues of green, red. yellow and pink of various rock samples. Of course the source of the light was 'from an ultra-violet lamp showing up flourcscence and phosphoresence substances such as calcite, petroleum and various ores.

Other interests of the evening were observing luminous paint, lipstick, dyes and salts under ultraviolet light. A few persons were able to observe the “bouncing’' of phosphorus rays off of the luminous dial of a clock.

The next three meetings will be a film on arc welding. “Atomic Hydrogen Torch Welding"; “Magic and Chemistry:" and "Things of Science”. Prof. DeCour-sey cordially invites anyone who wishes to attend.

Library Adds More Gift Books

Nineteen book titles appear on this week's list of recent additions? to the McPherson College Library. Thirteen of these were gifts to the library.

This Place Called Kansas by Charles C. Howes is one of the six history books on the list.

This volume is not a history in the usual sense of the word, but a collection of entertaining and revealing anecdotes representative of the social and cultural pattern of the state.

Mr. Howe compiled his book largely from the clippings and documents collected by his father who for nearly fifty years was state-house reporter in Topeka for the Kansas City Star.

Back Door to War by Charles C. Tansill. a study of the Roosevelt foreign policy, 1933-1941. is based on an examination of the files of confidential correspondence in the State Department.

The author is Professor of American Diplomatic History in Georgetown University. Washington. D. C.

Another book on diplomatic relations is The United States and Mexico by James Rippy. This is an older book, but it was the first general survey of U. S.^Mexican

It Takes Courage!

Every day young men are receiving their ‘“greetings” from Uncle Sam. Most of these inductees are going into army camps and a few others, because of their beliefs, are going into alternate service. Each stand is equally recognized by the government.

Both groups are reluctant to leave their homes. They have already begun to count the days when they will be back home, because that thirst for adventure that arises in people during war was quenched during World War II.

It is sometimes hard for each of us to appreciate the stand of the other. According to our background, we have been reared to believe that our first duty is to love our country and to protect it and those we love. Also, we have been taught that our first duty is to God who said, “Thou shalt not kill,” and his Son who said, "Blessed are the peace makers.”

It takes courage to walk up the gangplank of an embarkation ship with a hollow feeling in the pit of your stomach telling you that you may never again see this lartd you love and the loved ones for whom you are fighting. You remember the words, “they shall not have died in vain” and wonder what they mean.

It also takes courage to know that you will be scorned for the religious stand you take. You -hear those mocking whispers of “coward, coward!” and they cut deep. It takes courage to know that your -business may fall, that your family may suffer ridicule, that you won’t be welcome in your home community.

It takes true American tolerance and kindness for these two groups to understand and respect each other. If we can develop understanding for such conflicting ideas, maybe we can spread this understanding to world issues. —L. M. _____

Lehman Describes I Lehman stated that the Ger-

f-i    man people disliked occupation of

European Hostels their country by armed forces. The     armed forces have taken over many

Miss Delia Lehman, professor of of their public buildings. As an exEnglish, took the student body and ample of this, she said that the faculty on an imaginary trip Munich Art Museum .had been through Europe “In Youth Hostels turned into an Officer’s Club with and On Bicycle” during Monday just a small portion remaining to Chapel. Oct. 6.    the display of art.

Hostels in Europe were establish- Miss Lehman said that she was ed 25 years ago. They accept any- stopped in one town after having one traveling oh foot, by bieycle developed “motor trouble” and ask-or canoe from the ages of A to ed by two policemen why she was 94. The cost of staying in a hostel there. A woman who understood over night is around 15c for those English chanced by and told them under 25 and double that for per- that Miss Lehman was a teacher sons older.    on vacation touring Europe.

Miss Lehman ”said she stayed fn' "the lady 'seemed" quite glad to everything from an old castle to see an American, having visited a hayloft. Most of the beds were her son in New York, made up of burlap sacks and straw - Miss Lehman was quite amused but she visited one Hostel in Hoi- When she made the comment, land that had rubber foam mat- “American women are so sporty!”, tresses four inches thick.    which was made as a compliment.

Each hostel had a “common While in Europe Miss Lehman al-room" where she visited with young so visited Gina Munda at the people of many different countries. American Embassy in Rome and They seemed interested in America acted as a resource leader in a but seemed to think that all Amer- Brethren work camp in Germany, icans were very rich.    The progarm began with the sing-

She said that because of her ing of two German folk songs, mode of travel she was not classed ’Ade Zur Guten Nacht” and "Wenn as a "plutocrat”. She remarked 'Alle Brunnlein Fliessen" by the that there was some fear of capi-1 Ladies’ Quartette dressed in Ger-talism but more fear of commun- man frocks.

Thinking With The President

We Want to Be Helpfal

The facility at 'McPherson College are here for the purpose of being helpful to young people rather than-to see what they can get out of the college by way of a job, or by way of finances. Some of the faculty members have turned down jobs that would pay much more, just because they wanted to be here with the McPherson family-

.We are not able to help the students'very much, however, unless they want us to or will .allow us.

There is it counseling program set up in which each student is supposed to have a counselor. It operates in this manner: Each freshman is assigned to some college teacher who will act as his counselor. The assignment is made, as much as possible, according to the indicated interest of the student on his application blank and the recommendations we receive from hig high school authorities and his friends

Thus, if his major interest is religion he probably will be assigned to Dr. Metzler; if the major interest is English it will probably be Miss Lehman,' Miss Vancil, or Dr. Hess; if it is athletics it will probably be Woody, Wareham, or Miss Coppock; and so on. If the student would prefer another counselor, or wishes to make a change, the college administration is very' happy to have that occur.

After the student has selected his area of specialization, or his major. the major professor in that field usually becomes the counselor so that he can help the student work out his problems of curriculum arrangement. However, every teacher is glad to be a counselor and every administrative officer, and staff member around the college is eager to be of Help if any student wishes to counsel with him.

The faculty members do not wish to force themselves upon the student. or to stop the student along the walk and ask whether he has a problem. However, the faculty doors are open and the faculty interests are out toward every one who would like to drop in and raise a problem or chat awhile with faculty member.

We who are members of the faculty want to be included in the McPherson family.

It has occurred to me that the family spirit this fall at the college got under way very quickly. Let us keep spreading it around until it includes every student in the college.—D. W. B.

'Hymnal Criminals

(ACP) Somebody’s been stealing hymnals from the chapel at Wart-burg College, Iowa.

“With an average of more than 300 attending chapel services nightly.” complains the Wartburg Trumpet. “nearly 100 stand with motionless tongues, obviously embarrassed. It’s no fun trying to join in a worship service with one’s eyes shut.

Read all the Spec advertisements

Seniors Plan Float

The senior class met Tuesday, Oct. 7, to appoint a committee for their homecoming float. Ellis Powell was appointed chairman with Butch Coffman. Pat Ford, and Anita* Rogers to assist him.

The class also discussed a possible gift to be given to the college. An investigating committee was appointed. Florene Hale chairs' this committee with Phyllis Beam and Bob Wilson assisting her.

Dr. Wesley DeCoursey was appointed class advisor.

Officers of the senior class are: LaVon Widegren, president, Ina Ditmars, vice president, Ann Carpenter. secretary, and Herb Edmonds. treasurer.

relations that appeared in any language.

The study was based on primary materials, and the author documented his writing with many footnotes.

Aspects of Mexican Civilization by Jose Vasconcelos presents a view of the people and problems of Mexico by a native Mexican.

Carl Van Doren’s Secret History of the American Revolution is an account of the conspiracies of Benedict Arnold and others drawn from the secret service papers of the British headquarters in North America.

Two books. Only Yesterday: Informal History of the 1920's and Since Yesterday: 1930’s in Amer-icia, by Frederick Alien give insight into two decades of American history.

The third volume of Trevelyan’s Illustrated English Social History covers the eighteenth century.

A new book. The Family in Various Cultures, is a survey of 11 family systems in different cultural and historical settings throughout the world.

Among the family groups studied are those of the Hopi, the ancient Hebrews, the early Christians. the Anglo-Saxons, and the English colonists in America.

The Story of Our Hymns is a handbook to the Hymnal of the Evangelical and Reformed Church. It contains much material on hymns which has not been published previously.

Of interest to students in sociology is the bibliography entitled Rehabilitation of the Handicapped.

Intolerance by Winfred Garrison is a study of this problem in America. .This book is about twenty years old. but many of the situations discussed ' still exist in America today.

Biography of an Idea By John

it’s Nice “Out There” . . .

(ACP) The probing fingers of survey conductors have unearthed a hand-hill of hope for the college student who looks toward graduation as "the end of the world.” Apparently all is not dark on the outside. In fact, only one per cent of the national collegiate class of 1951. is currently unemployed, according to a survey taken by the National Scientific Register.

■The Register, a federal agency, found that 63 per cent of the male graduates are employed, 18 per cent are in military service, and 17 per cent are in graduate or professional school.

Almost all those employed are doing work which requires college training. The remainder are engaged in such obviously non-professional jobs as “laborer,” ’’taxi driver,” or "tourist guide.”

The Ice Man Cometh

Following is a poem written by Mrs. Lenore Shultz, cook in Mac-ollege cafeteria, as she was waiting for the iceman to make his daily delivery.

"How can you sleep in a place like this?

It’s sure one corner the flies don’t miss

One trips o’reer my glasses on his toes

Then slippery slides to the end of my nose.

A half dozen lit on my ear. I think And are using it for a skating rink. Or maybe it’s for a midget track •But if Harold (the iceman) doesn’t come on    ’

I’ll blow my stack!

I'm going now, north, south, east, west.

And yours for a better place to rest."

Bainbridge is the story of mutual fire and casualty insurance.

Two books of fiction on the list are The Heart of the Crimson Cross* by J. Maurice Henry and The Cross of Peace by Philip Gibbs.

Other books on the list are: The Ethics of Redistribution by Bertrand de Jouvenel. The American Rhodes Scholarships by Frank Aydelotte. the Red Cross First Aid Textbook for Juniors, and An age of Criticism, 1900-1950_ by William O’Connor.

Party Honors Hale

A surprise birthday party, * in. honor of Mrs. Florene Hale, was held at the home of Doris Coppock and Mrs. Hale Sunday evening, Oct.

5. Guests included: Anita Rogers, Peggy Sargent, LaVon Widegren. Elsie Kindley. Betty Byers. Shirley Coppock. LaFaughn Hubbard, and Peg Kerley. Refreshments of sherbert and cake were    served.    j0

#    children.

Magazine Opens Contest For -Guest Editors    jj

Mademoiselle magazine is now & accepting applications from under- the graduate women for. membership on its 1952-53 College Board.    p

Girls who are accepted on the College Board do three assign- I ments during the college year. Assignments give College Board Members a chance to write features jabout life on their campus: to sub- CJ mit art work, fashion or promotion ideas for possible use in Mademoiselle; to develop their crit- ical and creative talents: to discover their own abilities and job interests.     g

College Board Members who come out among the top twenty on the Assignments win a Madem- Roiselle Guest Editorship, will be Lege brought to New York next June to help write, edit and illustrate the * August College issue. They will be of paid a regular salary for their and month’s work, plus round - trip " transportation to New York.

November 30 is the deadline for applying for membership on the College Board.

Nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely.—Auguste Rodin    .

Bulldog Barks

blessed with an eight pound baby boy.

Try to get to the game tomorrow night. We want a big crowd out there to yell. If you don’t have car. find some one who does, but be sure to go and take your pep with you.

Porters Are Parents

A son has been born to Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Porter, graduates of 1952. The eight-pound, 12-ounce boy was born Oct. 5, in Manhattan. Kans. He has been named Ran-del (Randy) Lane.

Randy’s grandparents are Mr; and Mrs. Chester Murrey. Conway, and Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Porter. Quinter.

Mrs. Porter is the former Betty Ann Murrey, sister of Eula Mae. freshman.

Girls Give BVS Reports

Ten Macollege girls gave reports on their work under Brethren Volunteer Service on Friday October 3. at the monthly meeting of the Women’s .Work of the Church of the Brethren.

The program was planned by the Peace and Temperance Committee.

Those taking part were Betty Young, Maud -Ditmars. Jo Ann Royer. LaVerne Burger. LaVon Wide-gren, Esther Merkey, Kathy McLeod. Frances Hamsher, Peggy Sargent, and Jean Bullard.

Campus Committee Makes Clean Up Suggestions

In Chapel Monday morning, Oct. 6. the Campus Committee proposed two recommendations to the college family in order that the Macollege campus may be kept more orderly.

The first suggestion was that drivers should use more care when parking in the campus parking areas so that there would be ade quate space for all cars; also that cars should be parked only or graveled areas so that the mea ger supply of grass on campus wil not be further diminished.

The Campus Committee sugges ted secondly that each member of the college family appoint himself as a committee of one to see tha waste paper, such as candy ba wrappers and test papers, i thrown in trash cans.

The Campus Committee is corr posed of: Mr. Keith Cline. Mr. Lee Kendall. Dr. D. W. Bittinger Coach Chalmer Woodard, Gordo Yoder, Dr. R. E. Mohler, an Prof. Guy Hayes.

Gibson, Cole Marry

Evelyn Joy Gibson, daugher of Mrs. Eva Gibson of Canton, an Donald Leroy Cole (ex ’55). son of Mr. and Mrs. Jewett E. Cole of McPherson, were married Sept. 26 at the home of the bride’s mother.

Read all the advertisements in the Spectator.

Arnold Hall really had an Open House! Fourth floor's ideas came a little bit from everyone with Shirley Alexander. Betty Jo Baker, Mildred Beck, and Barbara Berry beading the committee for materials and planning- Hours of time and work were spent on clouds, heavenly sunshine, angels and a devil.

Third floor came through with a circus theme, and some of their confetti got up in “Heaven." Donna Lou Soqby headed their committee and saw to it that the necessities got to the dorm by using her old hoopy.

Second floor’s ideas on their swinging .doors were pretty good. The frosh had their rooms all perked up and ready to go for the night. Their refreshments were pretzels and water.

Dolores Sigle, Macollege junior, spent last week end in the McPherson hospital having her tonsils removed. Dolores stated that while she was there she visited Bob Bean whose "room was just down the hall."

The fumes of onions came reeking out of fourth floor rooms Monday evening. Wonder who did that, third floor, hmm?

Monday evening brought a thrill of a lifetime to one fourth floor gal. A group of Macollege kids were invited out to Gerry Goer-ing's for a get-together. Amidst talking, laughing and gaiety. Bob Kerr calmly walked out of the front door, came back in and started passing cigars around. The kids caught on quick as Betty Brammell’s diamond sparkled brilliantly on her finger.

When Betty got home that evening. four choristers were waiting to sing and ring bells tg proclaim the good news. Mouths dropped and sleepy eyes bugged, as Betty smiled through it all.

Bob Wilson. Dick King, Butch Coffman. Gene Elrod, Herb Edmonds. and Adrian Saylor put their cooking potentialities together last weekend at Saylor’s home in St John. Kans.. to create new concoctions to live on for a few days, among which were biscuits—hard.

They had the hunting idea in their heads and took off in the early morning’s dew. During the events of the day. Dick -King got shot by accident, in the leg—but though it did sting a little, it didn't harm him. However, he let his feelings be known.

They wound up with two squirrels, six rabbits, and ten mud-hens—the best meat you can find. Coffman’s car rolled on campus Sunday afternoon loaded down with watermelon and a bunch of beat-out guys.

Zellers had a little girl last Monday. No wonder he didn’t talk too long on Sunday.

Betty Ann and Irwin Porter were

Bethel Seniors Present ‘The Robe’

The senior class of Bethel College, Newton, will present "The Robe” as their homecoming play. Oct. 24 and 25.

The play has been dramatized by John McGreevey from the novel by Lloyd C. Douglas and deals with the happenings which occurred following the crucifixion.

Tickets are 60 cents each.

Zellers Have New Daughter

A daughter was born Monday morning, Oct. 6. to Rev. and Mrs. Harry K. Zeller, Jr. The little girl has been named Karen Sue.

The Zellers have three other children, Marie, Norman, and Richard.

Brammell, Kerr Are Engaged

Mr. and Mrs. Ira N. H. Bram-mell of Perry, Kans., announce the engagement of their daughter, Betty, to Robert Kerr, son of Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Kerr of Garber, Okla.

Betty is enrolled as a sophomore and Bob is a ’52 graduate of Macollege.

No date has been set for the wedding.

Engagement Is Announced

Mrs.. Alice B. Martin announces the engagement of her daughter, Bonnie, to John Ward, son of Mrs. Ethel Ward of McPherson.

Miss Martin is a graduate of McPherson College and teaches history and government at Canton High School. Mr. Ward is also a McPherson College' graduate and was recently discharged from service in the army.

Coronation Ceremony Seals Cost $9.80

Seats for 88.000 people — they would stretch twenty-seven miles if placed wad to end—are to be put up by the British Government for the next year's coronation of Britain’s 26-year old Queen Elizabeth II.

Mr. David Eccles, the forty-seven-years - old Minister of Works, said: "The price of the seats on the seven-miles-route has not yet been worked out. They look like costing $9.80 for an uncovered seat and $15.40 for the covered ones. None of the seats will be allocated to individuals. All will go to organizations, and steps will be taken to prevent resale of the tickets.

Mr. Eccles further said that the aim of this step was to give the queen and her people the impression of a pageant passing through all the countries of the Britist Commonwealth.

Special stands are to be put up all around St. Margaret’s West minster, which will hold about 15. 000. At least half of these scats will be for visitors coming from Coro monwealth countries and the Col onies.

On this issue, Mr. Eccles said “We want everyone even from the furthest corners of the earth who looks towards the queen, to find his flag or emblem prominent r ly displayed."

He has, therefore, given ins,tructions for a single design in Parlia . meat Square and Broad Sanctuar ’ which would include and represet all the realms and territories of which the queen is head.

Swedish Festival Prevails In Lindsborg

The people of Lindsborg step into colorful costumes this weekend. Oct. 10-12. to celebrate the "Svens-ke Hyllnings Fest.”

The festival opened this morning at 10 o’clock with a parade. depicting historical events from the founding of the community by immigrants down to the present time.

The afternoon program on the street stage will include Swedish folk games by students of the city elementary school, music by the Karzv Ridge Kowbows. a drama. ’Sons of the Prairies.”

The Saturday program offers about the same with the parade, smorgasbord served from 11:30 to 1:30, street folk dances with the addition of Bethany versus Bethel football game at 2:30.

Arts and crafts and souvenirs will be on display all through the festival.

The festival closes Sunday. Oct. 12, with a community worship service at 11 a. m. in Presser Hall.

College Courts Hove Open House

Open House at College Courts was held Sunday, Oct. 5, between 2 and 4 p. m. The doors of the apartments were opened to visitors, and refreshments were served.

Those living in the College Courts are: Don Moeller, Kenneth Wahl, Bob Wise. Tommy O’Dell. Dwight McSpadden, Vernon Petefish, Bob Bean. Tom Taylor, Don Hoch, Galen Slifer, Bill Moore, Elijah Odo-kara. Daniel Onyema, Martin Gau-by. Dale DeLauter, Eugen Lupri, Norman Long, Clinton Krehbeil, Roland Wray, Darrell Powell, Russell Graham, and Dean Neher, president. Several married couples also have apartments there.

High School Seniors Give

-    "Room For One More”

The senior class of McPherson High School will present the two-act play. "Room for One More,"

. Oct. 27 and 28.

This play is based on a true ' story and was made into a movie  lust year. The play deals with the  psychological problem a family of four has in adopting three other children into the home.

Diane Hawley and R. A. Chambers have been selected to play the mother and father. The play ' is being directed by Mrs. Margar-

*    et Starks, dramatics instructor.

3    _

*    Dell Will Attend

-    Industrial Arts Conference

*    . Prof. S. M. Dell, head of the In dustrial Arts Dept., will attend the s Industrial Arts Conference in Chicago, Nov. 13-14.

r During his absence, assistants ’ will take over his classes.

b Read Paintings Will Be o Shown In Library

n An art exhibit of paintings by . Ralph Read will be held in the Col-J lege library from Nov. 1-24.

to Th exhibit is entitled "Travel c Paintings." and oil paintings are be of scences in Haiti. Tahiti. Cuba their and Morocco.

The Spectator 4
.FRIDAY, OCT 10, 1952

Bulldogs Challenge Presbies Tomorrow

The Cracked Crystal Ball

By The Seer Season’s Record

Right 53 Wrong 16 Ties 6 Pt. .770 This is the fourth week of the football season and already several of the major conferences have begun to take shape. In the column this week I will attempt to take a quick glance at the conferences and by some method or the other to come out with the conference champions.

Swinging first to the Southeast Conference and the producer of last year's mythical champion. Tennessee. we find a fairly stable situation already. Georgia Tech is definitely the team to watch here. They have already won their first three games (two against non-conference opponents) and at the moment look invincible. The only possible contender is Tennessee and they have already lost one game, to a non-conferance opponent.

The situation in the Southern Conference is fluid right now. The reason for this is that Maryland and Clemson. the conference top teams, were suspended for one year last winter for participating in postseason games, and so are inelig-ble for the conference title. As a result the title will probably go to either Duke, who last week dropped Tennessee from the undefeated ranks or VMI.

The Midwest is the next stop on tour of the major conferences. Here we find the titan of all the conferences. the Big Ten. The defending champion, Illinois, went down to defeat at the hands of Wiscon-son. who will take the title, go to the Rose Bowl, and on January first will defeat the P. C. L. champion to give the Big Ten the seventh Rose Bowl triumph in a row.

The nation’s mythical champion will also be from the Midwest. This is Michigan State who received just enough of a scare from Oregon State last week to make them invincible for the rest of the year.

The other major, conference in the Midwest is the Big Seven. Here arc such perrenial powerhouses as Kansas U., Missouri U., and Oklahoma U. This year a recently added member to the conference, Colorado U., is also looking good. The title will be decided, for all practical purposes, at Lawrence on Oct. 18. At that date Kansas U. and Oklahoma U. will tangle and in this writer’s estimation the crown will go to O. U.

Down in the Southwest Conference wide open football is the order of the day. In this league is S. M. U.. the originator of the theory of "pass, pass, and pass again.” From this team has come Doak Walker and Freddie Benners. The defending champion, and they probably will retain the title, is T. C. U.. who lost to K. U. earlier in the season.    

The Pacific Coast League, as in the past, will be dominated by the four California teams. They are Stanford. UCLA. California, and USC. Out of this pack, it looks from here, will come U. C. L. A. as the conference title-holder and the PCL’s representative in the Rose Bowl.

Now to the games for this week, we find the situation something like this:

Army over Dartmouth California over Oregon Colorado U. over Arizona Yale over Columbia

This pass from Wayne Blickenstaff to Bob Bechtel was good for nine yards and a touchdown early in the third period. It made the score 45-13.__

Bulldogs Lick Cats 52-13

Bill Eddcy kicked the extra point to give Baker the lead for the only time in the game 13-12.

Baker’s lead was short lived and after several ground gains. Ball swung around end for 10 yards to advance the pigskin to Baker’s 14. On the next play Bobby Bean carried the ball over for the score. Ball then plunged the extra point.

McPherson kicked off and after several plays Baker was force to punt. McPherson quickly advanced the ball to the Baker 30. Smith then carried for 11 yards and on the next play it was John Robison all the way for another tally. The try for the extra point failed.

Just before the half. McPherson again regained control of the ball. Taking advantage of every possible scoring opportunity, the Bulldogs moved the ball to the 28 from where the line opened a magnificent hole to allow Gene Smith to travel the 28 yards and go over the double stripe standing up. Ball

carried the pigskin over for the extra point and the score at halftime stood 32-13.

Mac added three more touchdowns in the third period. The first was the opening play of the third quarter. McPherson recieved. and Smith took the kickoff on his own 17 yard line. Going straight up the middle he found the desired opening and wont all the way to score McPherson’s sixth touchdown of the evening. Bill Goering made the extra point.

Woody's defensive unit again forced Baker to punt. This time the Bulldogs took over on their own 14. Another sustained drive was then started. The attack bogged down momentarily on Baker’s 40 yard stripe. With fourth down and 10 to go. Blickenstaff gambled and instead of punting pitched out to Eddie Ball who made the gamble pay off with a 31 yard run. On the next play Blickenstaff fired a nine yard puss to Bob Bechtel on the goal line for another touchdown, Robison carried for the extra point.

Just before the period ended Rob-sion lugged the ball around the left end to finish the scoring for the evening. The extra point try failed.

During the final period. Coach Woodard substituted freely and most of the reserves got into the game. No serious threat to score was made by cither team in this period.

Box Score:

The McPherson College Bulldogs last Friday night lengthened their victory string to six games by trouncing the Baker University Wildcats 52-13. It was the second conference game for both teams.

McPherson picked up 596 yards from rushing while Baker made only 192 yards. That was the most yards ever gained by a McPherson team.

Eddie Ball. Gene Smith. John Robison. Bobby Bean and Bob Bechtel all made touchdowns for the Bulldogs. Ball. Smith, and Robison each scored twice. Bean and Becthel once each and Ball made two extra points. Robison one and Bill Goering one.

McPherson held a 32 to 13 lead at the end of the first half, and only in the final period did they fail to cross the double stripe. The ^serves played most of the fourth quarter.

> McPherson's offense was again great; however, a facet of the game that was missed by some people was the play of the defensive team. Except for two. momentary lapses at the beginning of the game. Baker was unable to penetrate into McPherson territory enough to score.

Singling out players for mention on the defensive team is especially difficult because it takes all of them working together to stop the other team. Some players that earned attention are Bill Smith. Lowell Hoch, George Keim, Eddie Frantz and Tommy O’Dell.

The game began with Baker kicking off to McPherson. Several punt exchanges then ensued, with the Bulldogs ending up with the pigskin on their own 2 yard line. From there they made a 98 yard sus-' tained march ending when Eddie Ball, with the help of some terrific downfield blocking, went 55 yards for McPherson's first touchdown and making the score 6-0. The attempted conversion was wide.

Baker came right back late in the first’ quarter to tie the score up with a 15-yard pass from Gene Perry to Connie Braun, who crossed the double lines to tally. Baker's attempt for the conversion also failed.

Early in the second quarter, Mc-Spaddcn carried the ball over from the 15-yard line only to see his TD nullified because of backfield motion. Ball and Smith then made gains through the line and Blick-enstaff tossed a five-yard pass to Bechtel for another apparent score. However, this time the line was offside so McPherson was moved back to the 10-yard line. The next time the Bulldogs made sure and Eddie Ball, on a pitchout from Blickenstaff. went the 10 yards without a hand touching him to make the score 12-6. The attempt for the extra point again failed.

On McPherson’s kickoff after this touchdown. Palmer Mai. Baker back, took the ball on Baker's five-yard line, cut to the right side line-at about the 20 and then -outran the whole McPherson kickoff team for a 95 yard kickoff return. This knotted the score at 12 all.

“Too Young Or Too Old” Describes Baseball Stars In Season’s Big Leagues

It all started more than seven months ago down in the spring training camps. At that time all 16 managers and owners were confident that this was "Our Year”.

The season was distinguished by the fact that the "stars" this year were relative old men or else youngsters who had just recently broken into the big time. Notably absent among the big players were the ones who would have broken in between 42-46 if it had not been for the World War.

The most improved team in each league was the Chicago Cubs in the National League, who finished fifth after the pre-season experts had tabbed them for the cellar and the Washington Senators, who did the same thing in the American League that the Cubs did in the National.

In the National League three players pretty much dominated the scene for individual honors, they were Stan Musial, who captured his third straight batting title and boosted his total number of titles to six; Hank Sauer, who drove more runs in than any other player in either league: and Robin Roberts fireballing Philadelphia pitcher, who compiled a won-loss record of 28-7.

The American League had only one real outstanding star that was able to receive all kinds of stories whenever he played. This was dim-unitivc Bobby Shantz who struck out Bobby Thomson, Jackie Robinson, and Stan Musial in a row during the All-Star game this summer and had a 24-7 record, when he broke his wrist with a week to go in the season.

Ball When all the shouting was over the New York Yankees and the Brooklyn Dodgers each finished on the top of their respective leagues in spite of late season rushes by Cleveland and the New York Giants.

For the opening game of the World Series each of the managers up called on their most effective hur-i lers. For the Dodgers it was fresh-i man Don Black, a reliefer most of i the year, and going for the Yankees was Big Chief Allie Reynolds. the Dodgers came out the victors 4-2.    

, The Yankees took the second game, the Dodgers the third, Yankees the fourth. Dodgers the fifth, and the Yankees took the crucial i sixth and seventh games.

I Superb playing by Brooklyn’s | outfielders kept the Dodgers in the , series right up to the last day. Af-, ter the Yankees lost the first game, i old Casey Stengel, manager of , the Yankees, philosophized by . saying’’ you can’t catch them if they’re in the stands" referring to the home runs hit by the Dodgers.

, However last Sunday that saying i came back to haunt him as the . Dodger outfielders twice caught  balls that were just dropping into the stands for home runs.

Home runs were the one thing I that the spectators saw plenty of , during the series. A total of 16 i were hit by both teams a new rec-. ord. Leading the onslaught was a Dodger outfielder named Duke Snider who. playing like he had not read that the Dodgers were to lose the scries, hit four of them.

This year’s "hero” honors should be split between two players. One just at the dawn of his career and the other at the twilight of it. Yes. they are Mickey Mantle and Johnny Mize. Johnny Mize has-been playing professional ball for 22 years. All he did in the series was hit three home runs, a double, and three singles and he didn’t even play in the first two games.

, which all. in nil is pretty good for a man who is older than Mickey Mantle’s father.

Bean Is Injured

McPherson College lost the services of Bobby Bean for the season last Friday night when the hardhitting halfback broke his leg in the game against Baker. It was one of those freakish kind of accidents that could have happened to anyone. After-catching a. nine yard pass from Wayne Blickenstaff. he pivoted but his one foot was caught in the grass and getting tackled at the same time was just enough to break the leg.

Bean had been seeing considerable service this year at the halfback position. At this early stage of the season he had already scored two touchdowns.

He is a junior and this is his third year out for football. He lettered his sophomore year.

Duke over South Carolina Florida over Clemson Georgia Tech, over Tulane Maryland over Georgia Illinois over Washington Michigan over Indiana Kansas U. over Iowa S.

Purdue over Iowa U.

Nebraska over Kansas S. Michigan S. over Texas A&M. Minnesota over Northwestern Missouri over S. M. U.

Navy over William and Mary Notre Dame over Pittsburgh Wisconsin over Ohio State Oklahoma A&M over Wichita Oklahoma U. over Texas Stanford over Oregon S. Pennsylvania over Princeton U. S. C. over San Diego NTS TCU over Trinity (Tex.)

U. C. L. A. over Rice Ottawa over K. W. U.

Bethany over Bethel

Tomorrow afternoon, Saturday, October 11, the McPherson College Bulldogs travel to Emporia to meet the College of Emporia Presbies in a conference game. Game time is two o’clock in this the third conference go for the Bulldogs.

This game has been designated as C of E.’s homecoming game. This is the first of a series of four homecoming games that the Bulldogs will participate in. One of which will be at McPherson against Kansas Wesleyan Oct. 18.

McPherson should be in about top physical condition for this game. The only possible exception to this would be Dwight McSpaddon. who bruised his hip in the Baker game and is still having a little trouble with his running.

The Presbies are still looking for their first victory this year. Tagged by the Topeka Daily Capital as one of the strong contenders for the Conference Crown, which they won last year, they so far haven’t been able to get an offense going. In their first three games, two of them they were only able to score one touchdown in each of them.

They went into the games with Baker and Bethany as favorites both times, but were just able to tie Baker and they lost to Bethany 7-6.

Back from last year’s championship team that defeated McPherson 30-19. is Lem Harkey the allstate back from Ada. Okla. This year he brought along with him another All-Stater from the same town by the name of Willie Gaines, who is even faster than Harkey.