Number 4

Construction Begins On New Dorm

Jarvis Company Of Salina

Two Campus Houses Have Open House This Weekend

Arnold Hall and the College Courts are holding open houses this weekend.

Arnold Hall is holding its open house tomorrow evening, Oct. 4 from 7:30 to 9.

Open House at the College Courts, which is located northeast of the College campus, will be held Sunday afternoon, Oct. 5 from 2 until 4.

Refreshment arrangements for-open house at Arnold are being left up to the individual rooms, as was decided at a dorm meeting Tues Sept. 30.

Each floor of the dormitory will have its own theme.

Those on the parlor decoration committee are Adalu Carpenter.

Jean Walker. Lera Kesler, and Betty Jean Baerg.

Open House at the College Courts is being left mostly up to the individuals. Refreshments are not definite, but it was decided that there would be some difficulty in preparing house refreshments, No definite plans have been made, according to Dean Neher, Pres.

Gains Building Contract

Bidding- for the construe new girls dormitory was clos job making the total sum $259,240.00.

The new dormitory will Church of the Brethren, just building will face the east. -:-£

Murrey Wins Plane Trip To W. Virginia

An airplane trip to Jackson’s Mill, West Virginia, is the award given to Eula Mae Murrey, one of the four winners in the Promotional Activity of 4-H.

Early in the spring. Eula Mae had prepared a talk for Promotional Activity which she gave at county ajjd regional 4-H Club Days. She won first prize at both events.

She was then invited to the 4-H Round-Up at Manhattan, Kans. held in May. at which she again gave her talk. At this conference the 4-H members received help with their talks and were asked to give them as many times as possible to promote 4-H work during the summer.

Eula Mae spoke to five civic groups during June, July, and August. She then made a promotional notebook recording her summer activity. which she sent in to Manhattan where the winners were cho-:n.

She will attend the Rural Life Youth Conference. Oct. 2-5. Leaving Hutchinson by train at 1 a. m. Oct. 1. she will join the rest of the group in Kansas City. They left Kansas City by TWA flight 408 and win return Monday morning. Oct. 6.

The Sears-Roebuck Foundation provides this trip including lodging. transportation, and conference fees. Others selected to receive the award were: Elaine Lunt, Pratt County; Gary Neilan. Cheyenne County; and Jack Brink, Coffey County.

The winners will be accompanied by Mr. Raymond Fort of the State 4-H staff and Mrs. Hugh Erring-ton. Ruleton. a member of the state committee on 4-H camping and the Kansas Committee on 4-H Club work. __

German Couple Are Together Here ,

Among the foreign students who are furthering their education at McPherson College are Anneliese Koch and Eugen Lupri. This couple has come, although separately, to America from Germany to study In this country.

Anneliese, a Fraulein beauty who speaks fluent English, came to McPherson College from Hocheim Main. Germany, in time for the second semester of last year. And now. proving that things have a way of working out for the best, Eugen is here with her at McPherson.

Eugen’s interest lies in Agriculture. Before coming here from his home in Duesseldorf. Germany, he attended an agriculture college in that country for two years. Now he is continuing his studies in this line here.

A general education course is the object of Anneliese’s studies. She has a teaching Job "in mind when she returns to her homeland.

While Anneliese was born and raised in Germany she is no stranger to this country. She spent ten and one-half months in Galesburg," Kansas. as an exchange high school student During this time she learned much about American People and their customs but she wants to learn more.

Both young people like America and McPherson College very well. They would like to be able to stay but both feel that they are needed more at home.

Anneliese and Eugen are both members of UNESCO here on the campus and want to join other student activities soon.

Anneliese is living at the Prof. Bowman residence and Eugen is at the College Courts.

They have proved their desire for more education just by coming all the way from Germany since they are both good students they are sure to make the most of this opportunity to study at McPherson College.

Mikado Chorus Is Announced

Chorus for "The Mikado." an opera in two acts by Gilbert and Sullivan, was announced Sept. 30 by Prof. Donald R. Frederick, director. The 40 voice choir includes: sopranos—Donna Wagoner, Margaret Baile. Barbara Berry, La-Faugh'n Hubbard. Lorene Marshall. Kathie McLeod. LaVerne Burger. Angie Flora, Dolores Sigle. Donna Ford. Norann Royer, Barbara Bowman.

The altos are: Elsa Kurtz, Velva Wagner. Clara Bechtel. LaVon Widegren. Mildred Beck. Marilee Grove, Evelyn Williams, Esther Ik-enberry. Dorothy Swinger Nicholson. Elaine Burkholder. Evelyn Hornbaker, Lois Stinoctte.

Tenors include: Herb Edmunds. Gordon Fishburn. Laurence Brooks, John Nettloton. Norman Long. Don Wagoner. A1 Zunkel. Wesley Ikenbcrry. Basses are: Myron Krehbiel. Karl Baldner, Garth Ellswood. Berwyn .Oltman, Don Fike. Dale Royer. Paul Stern, Eugene Neff:    

’ Prof. Frederick announced that costumes will be ordered for the members. Rehearsals will be on

Students Teach; Prof. Watches

In "Methods of Teaching In High School.” the professor becomes a student and the students become teachers.    .

At every class session one student teaches for thirty minutes and then the class discusses his teaching techniques for twenty minutes

The student teacher chooses a subject from his own major field and tells the class the role they are supposed to play. The role varies from Home Economics (boys in the class try to behave as girls would i to a stiff course in Physics

The only assignments given are those given by student teachers. No exams will be given in the course. Grades will be based upon teaching, discussion, arid attendance.    

The supervisor of the class is Prof. Jack Kough.

Players Club To Give Production In November

Macollege Players Club met last week to discuss plans for the school year 1952-53. The group, under the direction of Mrs. Una Yoder, will present a short play during Regional Conference and assist in the production of the opera. The Mikado. Both events will be in November.

Mrs. Yoder stated that a meeting will be called soon and will be open to anyone wishing to join the organization. She also stated that anyone may tryout for parts in plays and the characters will not be selected from the Players Club alone.

members. Rehearsals will be on Tuesday evenings at 8:00.

Wise Is Elected Freshman Prexy

At the freshman class meeting held last Thursday, Sept. 25, the. following were elected class* officers for 1952-53: President—Robert Wise, from Navada, Iowa; VicePresident — Leland Lengel. from Windsor, Colorado: Treasurer — Jean Walker from Pampa, Texas; and Secretary — Juniata Bellah, from Nocona, Texas. Faculty Advisor for the class’ is Jack Kough of the Public Relations Department. His alternate is Dr. Wesley De Coursey of the Chemistry Department.

At a second meeting of this class held Tuesday. Sept. 30, the following were elected to the Student Council: Don Moeller from Oyer-brook, Kansas, and Anneliese Koch from Hochheim, Germany.

Candidates for the class attendant to toe homocoming queen are Beverly Shechter. Jean Walker. Norann Royer, and Donna Schrock.

Male Octette Is Organized

The Freshman Male Octette,

new vocal organization on campus. have been announced by Prof. D. R. Frederick. They are: Wesley Ikenberry. Galen Silfer, first tenor; Laurence Brooks, Norman Long, second tenor, Leon Neher. Dwight Blough. baritone, Paul Stem, Leland Lengel, bass. Leon Albert is accompanist and student leader.____

Orchestra For Opera Is Chosen

Prof. Paul V. Sollenberger, director of the College orchestra has announced the personnel for the Opera orchestra.

Playing violins, will be Mary Louise Hutcherson, Linda Larsen. La-Vern Eck, Ronald Klemmedson, and Walter Blough.

On toe cello, will be Betty Hold-erread, bass, Roger Hogle, and on the flutes Leon Albert and Carol Trestle.

Faye Ellen Trostle and Lois Kessler will play the clarinets, with Shirley Hamilton and Lloyd Hamilton on the Alto Saxophones.

Playing the horns will be Doris Coppock and Virgie San Romani, while Curtis Leicht and Leon Neher will play the trumpets.

On the trombone will be Bob ' Price, and the percussion instruments will be played by Clctus Cary and Lois Knickstedt.

ranks of Macollege couples are Anneliese Koch and Eugen Lupri from Germany. Anneliese came to America last winter to start her college education. Undaunted, Eugen followed her this summer with two purposes in mind—to study agriculture to help rebuild his own country and to be with his girl,

“Jimmie” Joins Macollege Family

Takashi "Jimmie" Ohse. the lit-tic Japanese boy on McPherson College campus, is another of our foreign students that came to America to study.    

"Jimmie". got his name'from the American soldiers that he forked with in Japan, ‘•Jimmie" has set out for a ’general education course, because he feels he doesn't know English well enough to pick a major to work toward. Also, he believes that the speech class in which he is enrolled can help him in mastering our language.    "

Passage to the United States and schooling at McPherson College was arranged for Jimmie by Marlin C. Miller, an ex-army officer who served in Korea and Japan. Jimmie" had been looking for an opportunity like this and was eager to start school in America. He arrived here in July and is staying with Miller, now. of course, out or the service.

Tokyo is Jimmie’s home town where’ he graduated from high school. For the last three years he has been working on an army camp near Tokyo.

Jimmie feels that his studies should be given all his time so he hasn't joined any of the extra-curricular activities here on campus.

Jimmie likes McPherson College very well and wants to learn all that is possible in the time he will be here with us. When asked how long that would be. he shrugged his shoulders and spread his hands in a typically American manner and answered, "Cannot say for sure.”

Whether it be one year or four years, we’re sure that Jimmie will always remember his stay at McPherson College as a pleasant and educational experience.

Players Club Meets Tuesday

The Players Club will meet OcL 7 in the SAR at 7 p. m. At this meeting the members will practice with Japanese make-up and making beards from crepe hair.

Officers of the club are: Bryce Miller, president: La Von Widegren.

• vice president; Margaret Yost, secretary-treasurer, and Mrs. Una Yoder. faculty sponsor.

Mrs. Yoder states that anyone can join the club and will be welcome at the next meeting.

College Calendar

Friday 3—Baker football game at McPherson at 8:00 p. m.

Saturday 4 —.Arnold Hall open house.

Sunday College Courts Open House.

Tuesday 7—Chemistry Seminar. Friday 10—Alaskan lecture by Edgar C. Raine at 8:00 p. m. In the Chapel.

Saturday 11—McPherson football at College of Emporia at 2:U0 p. m.

Memory Clapel Devotions Held Three Times A Week

The annual Memory Chapel programs began this week under the sponsorship of SCA. The fifteen-minute devotional periods are held in Memory Chapel at the Church of toe Brethren at 6:45 every Monday. Tuesday, and Wednesday evenings.

The committee responsible for the programs includes Esther Ikenber-ry, Leon Albert. Virginia Holder-read, and Norman Long.

The committee has planned their weekly programs in sets of three in order to give them more unity. Some of the themes they hope to use are: Creation of the World, of Man and of the Church; Faith. Love and Hope; Past. Present and Future.

Zeller Hears Truman Speak

Rev. Harry K. Zeller Jr., pastor of the college church, attended a Conference of Citizenship in Washington. D. C. last week.

Featured speakers of the Conference were, Harry S. Truman. President of the United States. Attorney General. Frank McGrannery. and Mrs. Eleanor' Roosevelt. Other members of our church who attended were W. Harold Row, and Dr. Paul H. Bowman.

Following President Truman’s speech, the United States District Court, under the gavel of Judge Letts, convened. Fifty-two foreign-born immigrants from twenty-one countries were naturalized into American Citizenship.

Rev. Zeller said the whole ceremony was very impressive.

The Conference on Citizenship was sponsored by the National Education Association. It dealt, especially. with the problems relating to foreign born citizens.

During his stay at the Statler Hotel in Washington. Rev. Zeller visited Dwight Horner in the State Department. Mr. Horner is a former member of this church and a McPherson College graduate.

Alaskan Lecturer Comes Here Oct. 10

Edgar C. Raine will present an Alaskan travelogue In natural colors In the College Chapel at 8 p. m. Friday. Oct. 10.

Mr. Raine has had much actual contact with the Alaskan people. For ten years he was a representative of the United States Treasury Department and visited every town and village in Alaska and many villages in Siberia, once a year.    .

The topic of his lecture is The Land of the Midnight Sun” which he illustrates with 150 colored views.

The lecturer is being sponsored by the College Social Committee.

An offering will be taken to defray expenses.

ction of McPherson College's ;ed with the contracts for the

to    be spent on this building,

be built on the lot east of the off the campus proper. The

The Mel Jarvis Construction Company of Salina is to build the dormitory. His base bid was $223,500.00 but was brought down to $210,900.00 by a decision of the college board to do without three items in the actual construction that were proposed in the previous plans.

The plumbing and heating contract was given to Carlson Plumbing and Heating Company, McPher-

*    son. Carlson’s bid was $35,500.00.

The electrical contract went to : the Brown Electric Company, Wich-! ita. $12,840.00 was his bid.

1    Construction is to start as soon e as possible. No completion date

*    has been set although it is hoped  that the new dorm will be com-J pleted by Sept. 1. 1953.

; The construction company stat- ed they would not move onto location until the steel is available for : immediate use. The priority for ' the steel has been given to McPher-

I    son College but it is not as yet

*    available.

” Revised Version Of Holy Bible of Is Published

U Bible .Week has had special sig-y nificance this year. Making it especially significant has been the n release of the Revised Standard l- Version of the Holy Bible. The is-e suing of the Bible comes on the e 500th anniversary of the Gutenberg tt Bible—the first book ever printed e from movable type.

>’ In 385 Jerome, a Latin scholar who lived in Bethlehem, produced d the Vulgate Bible; translated the e Hebrew and “old Latin” into Latin f- of his day; for 1,000 years the found dation of all other translations.

*    In 1382 John Wyclif supervised b the translating and copying of Wy-

cliffite Bible, the first complete Bible in English language; all copies 3 were made in hand writing.

In 1455 Johann Gutenberg, inventor of printing via movable type, published the first book ever print° ed. The Library of Congress in at Washington has one of few copies e known to exist

1_    , In 1530 William Tyndale, an Eng-

'• lish scholar, made the first English y translation from original Hebrew and Greek; handwritten, it had 0 enormous influence * on all subsequent English translations; exiled. m Tyndale was finally burned at the *: stake in Brussells. d In 1650 the Geneva Bible was a printed. It was the most accurate, most scholarly, most popular ver-r* sion before the King James version which came 61 years later. l" The year 1611 marked the release

m    of the King James .Bible, best ]' known and most influential book of l all history; the crowning glory of s English literature.

es Several translations of the New Testament have been made during the twentieth century, but the cli-She max came last Tuesday when the When complete revision Of the King  James Version was published. This and represents 15 years of work by n. interdenominational, Protestant

ten    faiths.    '

g On Tuesday the Post Office Department issued a special stamp

she commemorating the printing of the 9" Gutenberg Bible.

wantts One millon copies of the Standard Revised Version of the Holy Bibljf were sold Tuesday, the day of its well release. If the paper jackets which covered the Bible had been placed needed end to end, they would have ex- tended 79 miles.

i- Attention Pre-Metl )f Students

is All pro-medical students who wish to take the entrance examin-or ation on November 2, 1952, must-ill make application on or before Oct. ce 20.        

All seniors this year who plan this to attend medical school in the on fall of 1953 should plan to take the examination.

Student Directory is Released

The Central office has just released the student directory for this semester. Nigeria leads the other foreign countries with five students enrolled, which is mare than some nearby states have enrolled.

Students by states and countries.

Whither Bourd

By J. Enuen

Every one, without doubt, accepts the ethics and morals incorporated in that Light of the world, the Eye-opener, the Truth, nay, the scheme of things that goes by the name of Christianity. Everyone talks of it and commends it with highfaluting phraseologies. Most people have adopted it as a way of life and have always given or at least tried to give the impression that they are on the right path, jn every direction as far as the practice of this blessing on mankind is concerned; but the question at this age is' "Whither bound, 'Christianity?”

Could it mean that the theory of climax even as applied to a literary piece of writing Is applicable in this case and that, consequently, Christianity, having got up as far as the present age is now declining? Or to it still on the march towards the climax, what follows, a decline or a “journey's end” being left to time to decide? To the layman, it all sounds interesting. and his every thought on the first hearing the Word is mainly directed to this new find, this wonder. The same layman, after being in the fold, quietly observes and perhaps meditates on the keynote of this great religion. He wanders if the light really illuminates the minds of the people or if they just refuse to walk in its path. He searches for the opened eyes of the people and perhaps finds just a few. and a majority of half-closed and completely closed ones. He gropes for the Truth but “bah!’* it is not there, it must have been removed or else veiled not by any material aid, but by the very spirit with which it is kept, unlike that with which it is received.

Nothing is ever perfect, we say. but there is no reason why one should not strive to be perfect in any undertaking. Such a measure clearly serves to keep one on the guard as far as shortcomings are concerned. Could it all be due to ignorance? It is almost unbelievable. at this age at least.

Let us for a moment take one or two specific cases. As such a consideration. not only throws light on the whole issue, but serves to make us sit right, examine ourselves, and think.

A boy is travelling a long distance by bus. He gets to a bus depot and hungry as he is, finds his way into a cafe or perhaps a coffee shop. All eyes turn on him as if he is a criminal. He senses this and observes the uninviting expressions on the faces of all present. Perhaps he is refused serv-


College students are taught to be critical; critical of what they read, see and hear and sometimes just plain critical. Somewhere along that line of learning, most of us have failed to be impressed or have forgotten that before criticism can be of any value it mu st be constructive.

Speakers who appear before college students say -we are thier most difficult audience. College students who appear in Chapel programs before the rest of us say they would rather appear before almost any other assembly. Now, this doesn’t mean our Chapel audiences are more critical than other college groups. It simply means students of our own group know we are critical; and if they are going to be criticized, they would rather have someone they don’t know do it.

Many college towns have also gained the reputation of being unfriendly and snobbish. College students are fortunate enough not to have to work for a living, they represent the most intelligent young people of America, they are the future leaders of the world; or so we are told often enough! No wonder we get a little huffy.

I think McPherson College and the city of McPherson hold themselves above this category of unfriendliness and snobbishness. We call ourselves the “friendly college" and the ’’friendliest city in Kansas,” and I think these are more than mere slogans.

Another place where criticism is prevalent and probably most biting is in the college dormitories. Since we live so close together and learn to know each other so Well, it comes almost natural for us to talk about each other. At hen sessions and bull sessions, the fat we’re chewing just isn’t juicy enough unless it is ninety percent gossip.

These traps set for and by college students are hard to escape. But it is much easier to step over a trap after we have seen it lying in the grass.—L. M.

Sargent’s Speech    9"        

-rw    visited in Paris went on to Hol-

Shows Contrast    land and then to Kassel, Germany,

n    j " n    where she joined a work camp.

P^lW^t Joy Horror    The job of the work camp was to

Peggy Sargent gave a speech in build a community house for a few Chapel Wednesday, Oct, 1. which of the people of Germany who had showed vivid contrast between no homes.

the fun she had in meeting and The people were hospitable to her, learning to know people of other and she said she felt guUty eating countries and the horror and sad- their eggs, when she knew the fam-ness she felt in seeing the bombed jjies would have only one egg dur-cities and miles of white crosses ing a two-week period.

war of Am She visited the W. W. Peters in erican men killed in war.    Austria —Bob Ziegler Geneva

She emphasized the Importance    in Geneva

internation    relief work a picnic along the Blue Dan-

of international relief for    ube which isn’t blue at all. but

for peace an icky green”), went for a gon-S sailing from New York Learned to    ride vienna art swam in

many of the different types of peo- lake geneva in Switzerland. pie who make up the world. She She closed the service by having enjoyed square dancing, movies, everyone repeat the Lord’s Prayer sunbathing and visiting on the boat in his own language.

California .




District of Columbia
































New Mexico




North Dakota






Oregon Pennsylvania Puerto Rico Samoa





South Dakota Texas





There are 22 states, the District

of Columbia, two U. S.


and five foreign countries repre-

sented this year.

Thinking With The President

Adial or Ike

Within a short time you will be asked to vote, some morning at the College Chapel, concerning your preference for the next President of the United States.

The vote which you cast should be more intelligently cast than the average vote which will be cast in November. The reason why this is so is that you are college students and the average educational level across the entire United States is several years less than a college level. Accordingly, you should have thought more deeply into the issues involved and should make your selection more intelligently. -

At the present moment the campaign seems to be conducted on a basis which, not only does not reach college level but does not reach the average level of intelligence which we claim for our entire country. If our average achievement in America is a sophomore in high school then the campaign is running two or three years below that.

The major candidates have been trying to keep the campaign on a higher level. They started off well. The general populace, however, began to pull at them, insisting that they should "Fight.” By fighting, the populace seem to mean that they should lambast each other and dip into the mud-pots-rather than to talk on real issues. The candidates eventually gave way to these demands and it centers now around who received the biggest income, how did he pay his taxes, are there any places in his career where he made a mistake?

This seeking for opportunities to throw mud is in reality sidetracking us from the real issues of the campaign. Some of the questions we should ask ourselves as we vote are these.

1.    What does Ike and what does Adlai believe about Civil Rights How do each of them stand on the Poll Tax? Will they insist on maintaining in this country two levels of citizenship, a first class and a second class?

2.    What does Ike and what docs Adlai believe about Military Conscription for the youth of America? Does either of them wish to have an ROTC in every college of the land and will they supress free education to bring this about?

3.    What does each of them believe about the right of the laboring man as over against the right of capital and management?

4.    What do they think about Korea?

5.    How do they stand on world cooperation in the United Nations apart from military force?

6.    What about taxes and what shall the taxes be used for?

There are some questions we should ask ourselves in this time of mud-slinging.

d, Christians?

wemba Obi

ice, or at most gets the barest service. Perhaps still, he gets the normal service, but those eyes on him. those expressions on the people's faces, could they be forgotten? This happens to him, not once, not twice, not even in one or two towns, but in many more, and is thus forced by such circumstances to resolve not to go Into any cafe again till he gets to his destination no matter how hungry he may be. What is the crime?

Another boy is given an appointment for a job that has been advertised, but as soon as his would-be employer sees him, “I am sorry,” he says. "If I give you this job, I will lose my customers.” Who are the customers? Are they not members of the community who in turn are members of the Christian fold, people who are supposed to lead that exemplary life set by Christ? Why should there be any fear of the loss of customers when they themselves have had their eyes opened and cherish among other Christian principles the teachings on forgiveness, on love, and help, and on the doctrine of “live and let live?”

What again to the crime of this second boy? The crime of these who. of course, to the central figure of Christianity. There are a host of shortcomings on the part of mankind. Men are poor creatures who get entangled day in and day out Ln all forms of sin. but When such as infringment of the Truth, an order from on high, persists and to even encouraged directly or otherwise, then may we ask,.“Whither bound?”

It will surely be a great pace forward if we examine ourselves and decide to open our eyes, if we stand right and move only in the path of the Light, and if we meditate on these things in no small measure and put the Truth where it should be. at the “journey’s end,” for then, we shall have succeeded in giving the only fitting answer to that disturbing question "Whither bound. Christianity?”

Vancil Completes Work For Makers Degree

Miss Sarah May Vancil. assistant professor of English, completed her work for the degree Master of Arts at the University of Kansas Saturday. The degree will be granted in October.

Bulldog Barks

Raids, raids and more raids. Seems like no one can leave her room and expect it to be in one piece upon returning.

Last Sunday, the "greenies” came home to find their rooms in an uproar. They also found piles of shoes to shine 'with a lengthy note aside of them telling exactly what the procedure was. The fate of freshmen!

third floor Arnold had a party —popcorn and all the trimmings.

About 24 guys and gals attended Pres, and Mrs. Bittinger’s September birthday party last Sunday. They played games, sang songs, and visited. Refreshments were chocolate cake, and tea. Per usual, the Bittinger’s hospitality put everyone at ease and all had fun.

Betty Frandle asked Joan Silver to spend Sunday afternoon with her at her home in Topeka, Kans. Most of their time was spent catching up on rest and eating.

The four frosh "Berkey” Boys— Doyle Smith, Wesley Ikenberry. Leon Neher. and Gerald Ulrich went to Doyle’s home in Quinter, Kans. Leon had a district cabinet meeting for C. B. Y. F.. and he joined the other boys in visiting and seeing a football game.

For a last fling of the season, a group of Macollege guys donned their swimming suits to head toward Lake After for boating, swimming and hot dog gorging. Bob Wilson, Gary Jonhs, Wilbur Bastin, Gene Elrod, and Harold Zook came back with the "well done" burnt look.

At the style show Monday evening, several girls wore their form-als and ushered the people to their seats. The show included: children’s styles, hairdos, men’s clothing. women’s suits, formals, and afternoon attire. There were several special numbers including renditions by the college ladies’ quartette. Peg Sargent, LaVon Wide-gren, Florene Hale, and Elsie Kind-ley wore contrasting autumn colored formals.

Ushers were Peggy Sargent, Bev Turner, Betty Bramrnell, Lu Carpenter. Margaret Baile, Kathy Russell, and Jerry Goering.

Maccollege grads coming back for a look-see recently, were Dale Oltman and Gordon Stutzman.

Chapel Choir mode its first public appearance last Wednesday. Doris Coppock is getting the choir well under way. and she has a good group to work with.

Tonight’s the first home game. The Pep Club is to sit in a roped off section in the bleachers and, of course, the rest of the student body should bring their pep too.

Let’s back our team and show Baker what we can do!

Professor DeCoursey has started a new idea this year similar to a Chemistry Club, however, it is called Chemistry Seminar. Every Tuesday night promptly at 7 and ending at 8 o’clock, new reactions and experiments are shown which pertain to the more practical side of life. Last Tuesday they took up "Color in Chemistry." Quite a crowd was there. It’s open to anyone.

Fourth floor Arnold gals are getting their heads together to get on the ball for open house. They have a lot of plans and new ideas. Tomorrow night is The big shin-dig.

The gals ’ll put it over Really—BIG!

Refreshments there    0

For all the hungry You’ll see everything Various and sundry.

Rec. Council Has Retreat, Initiates New Members

Thirteen new members of the Recreational Council were initiated last Monday night at the regular meeting of the group.

The Recreation Council Retreat was held Sunday at Chigawassa Springs. Twenty seven members left following church for Lake Marion where they ate dinner. From there they went on to Chigawassa Springs and looked for Indian relics.

The group returned to Lake Marion for swimming and boating in the evening. They cooked their own supper out-of-doors. A camp fire service concluded the days’ activities.     

for it’s open house

t old Arnold Rail So come one and see it One and all.

P. S. Don’t forget that there really will be refreshments.

Students Are Honored At A Birthday Party

All September birthday celebrants were entertained at a party Sunday evening. Sept. 28, at the home of Dr. and Mrs. D. W. Bit-tinger. The evening was spent playing games, after which a lunch of tea and cake was served.

Before the guests departed, several songs were sung.

Those having birthdays in Sept that were present included: Garth Ellswood. Mrs. Howard Todd, Esther Merkey, Maxine Hanley, Dorothy Lucore. Jean Bullard, Frances Williams, Ann Carpenter, George Boyd. Paul Coffman. Don Butler, Martin Gauby, Ed Fratnz, and Jack Harter.

The faculty, in cooperation with the Men’s and Women’s Council will hold a party each month for the students having birthdays.

Each month the party will be held at a different faculty home, thus enabling both the student and the faculty to become better acquainted.

Also the students who have birthdays in the summer, will be given a separate party.

Mary Caster Marries

Mary Caster (ex ’54) became the bride of Lowell Akers on Sunday, September 28. in the Liberty Church of the Brethren, Liberty, Illinois.

Mary attended McPherson College the last two years. The couple will make their home in Liberty.

Class Goes To Lindsborg

The Arts and Crafts class will go to Lindsborg this afternoofi. The purpose of their trip is to see the wood carvings made by Anton Pearson.

Schulz, Tolle Will Marry

Mr. and Mrs. Glen C. Schulz of Canton, Kans. announce the approaching marriage of their daughter, Virginia May, to Mr. Willard R. Tolle. son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward B. Tolle of Gypsum.

The wedding will take place Sunday. Oct. 19, 8:00 p. m.. at the Methodist Church in Canton.

They will make their home in Roxbury. Kans.

Bill Tolle is a ’52 graduate of Macollege.

Lehman Speaks At Harvest Services

Miss Della Lehman spoke Sunday, Sept. 28. at the Harvest Services of the Larned Church. Burtor Holms '52, pastor.

Her topic for the Sunday morning Service was "Opportuni ties for Brethren Service in Eur ope. Meeting the Common Peo ple at Youth Hostels and on Bicy cle” was the topic of her afternoon speech.

Special music was provided by Prof. Wesley Decoursey and Mis: Arlilie Hudson.

Read all the Spec advertisement!

Library Receives Gifts Of Books

Lists of books added to the McPherson College Library are distributed to faculty members at intervals during the year.

The first list for this year was dated Sept. 23. It contained- 41 titles. 19 of which were gifts to the library.

Television Works Like This by Jeanne Bendick is a juvenile book which many college students will find interesting because of the simplified illustrated explanation of TV broadcasting and receiving.

Other recent Juvenile science books are Today’s Science And You by Lynn Poole, Animal Babies by Margaret Bauer, and A Pet Book For Boys and Girls by Alfred Morgan.

During election year the new reference book. Who’s Who In United States Politics And American Political Almanac, will prove to be

handy directory of prominent members in the minority parties as well as in the two main parties.

This encyclopedia-sized volume gives 10,000 biographies, rosters of each state administration and legislature and of some city governments, historical facts about elections and political parties such as convention balloting and party platforms.

More books were added in the social science and literature divisions than in all the other groups this time. A gift of some contemporary fiction made that group larger than usual. Miss Virginia Harris. librarian, stated.

I. A. Richards’s Principles of Literary Criticism and Marcel Raymond's study From Baudelaire To Surrealism, are two of the important additions in the 800's.

200 Miles Up by Gordon Va-eth is a book of science which tells about recent developments in the use of rockets, balloons, and airborne instruments in exploring the frontiers of space.

The author, who is an aeronautical engineer in the Office of Naval Research, has illustrated the book with 62 photographs and charts. He gives one explanation for many of the "flying saucer stories.”

Of interest to both students of biology and the average person is a new book on genetics. Understanding Heredity by Goldschmidt.

The Biology of Mental Defect by Lionel Penrose, which is the work of an English scientist, is a technical study of human abnormalities.

Of Societies And Men by Caryl Haskins deals with social evolution and human social organization. The author is a scientist whose researches lie in the fields of biophysics, biochemistry, and genetics.

In this book, he seeks to trace significant trends in the formation, the growth, and the duration of societies.

Harters Visit Here

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Harter, Los Angeles, Calif., have been visiting on the campus for the past week. They are grandparents of Jack, Macollege senior.

Martins Are Parents

Kafhleen Gail was born to Mr. and Mrs. Keith Martin, Saturday. Sept. 20.

Mrs. Martin is the former Barbara Marchand of McPherson who attended McPherson College in 1950-5i.

The Martins are now living in Tecumseh, Neb.

Carters Speak About India

Clyde and Eleanor Carter, returned missionaries from India, spoke to the student body during Monday Chapel. Sept. 29, using the topic "Why India Beckons Us."

The Carters gave a challenge to the students asking them to look over their own abilities to see if they might be able to go into Christian service on some mission field. Mrs. Carter was wearing a native "Sari” gown and sandal - like "Champals” on her feet.

Mr. Carter graduated from La-Verne College in ’43 and then received further training in Bethany Biblical Seminary where he met his wife. The Carters have two children, Elvin, almost six, and David, just turned three.

Graduating from Bethany in ’46, the Carters went to the mission station at Bulsar, India, where Mrs. Carter served as a Nurse's Aid and leader in women's work: and Mr. Carter became Supervisor of Schools, also making short trips doing evangelistic work.

The Carters stopped here on their way from California to Elgin, Ill. They will return to the mission field in November, starting another six-year term of service.

Woman's Council Has Picnic

Women’s Council will hold its an-naul picnic Monday evening. Oct. 6. at the fireplace north of Ham-ly. The girls are each contributing in the way of eats for the picnic.

Women’s Council, with Miss Mary Fee as sponsor, has selected its new members.

The new members are Donne Wagoner, Adel. Ia.: Marinell Johnson. McPherson: Maxine Hanley South English. Ia.: Shirley Cop pock, Dayton. Ohio: Norann Roy er, Dallas Center, la.; Loreen Cline, Conway, Kans.; and Velvi Wagner, McPherson. _

Old members are Pauline Hess McPherson; Anita Rogers, Mt. Et na, la.; Jerry Goering, McPher son, Margaret Yost, Payette, Idaho Ruth Papa, Octavia, Nebr.; am Betty Jo Baker. Friend, Kans.

1952 Graduates Go To Bethany

Macollege class of '52 has five couples attending Bethany Seminary in Chicago, 111.

The couples are Mr. and Mrs. Harold Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Zook. Mr. and Mrs. David Metzler, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fryman. Mr. and T Mrs. Donald Ford, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Boyer.

Other graduates of Macollege who are attending Bethany are Billy Kidwell ’51, and1 Donovan Speaker, •51.

Davis-King Are Engaged

Mr. and Mrs. Edd Davis of No-cona, Texas announce the engagement of their daughter. Carole to Richard King, son of Mr. and Mrs. Reggie King of Pampa, Texas.

Both are students at Macollege —Dick being a senior, and Carole a sophomore.

No date has been set for the wedding.

Editor’s Note: The editorial staff wishes to make its apologies to Dick and Carole, for not publishing their announcement formally, sooner.

Quartette Sings At Style Show

Macollege Ladies Quartette sang two numbers at a style show sponsored by the Soroptimist Club Sept. 29. The quartette, dressed in formals, sang "When Love Is Kind” by Scott and "Evening Reverie” by Swift.

The style show included many fall fashions from the local stores for men. women, and children. Several hair styles were also shown.

The Macollege Ladies Quartette is composed of Florene Hale. Peggy Sargent. Lavon Widegren, and Elsie Kindley.

Mohler Works Toward Opening Indian Missions

Dr. R. E. Mohler of McPherson was one of a party of three sent by the General Brotherhood Board to investigate the possibility of opening Indian work in the Arizona, New Mexico and Utah area.

Others in the party were H. M. Coppock of Springer, New Mexico. Uncle to Miss Doris Coppock, apd Charles E. Zunkel on the Ministry and Home Mission of Elgin, an uncle of Alvin Zunkel.

Their trip covered a ten day period and 3.500 miles. Among the places they visited were: Gallup and Shiprock. New Mexico, home of the Hanagarnes: Flagstaff, Arizona. a Friend’s Service Center: and Brigham City; Utah, the location of the Intermountain Indian School of 2300 students which is sponsored by the U. S. government. The protestant religious work there is carried on by the National Council of Churches.

There is some possibility of opening up a Brethren mission there either in cooperation with some other mission or independently.

Dr. R. E. Mohler of McPherson, on return from a trip to Arizona. Utah and New Mexico, was called to Chicago to a meeting of the Bethany Biblical Seminary Trustees to discuss the matter of a new president to take the place of Rufus D. Bowman at Bethany. .

Zeller Will Speak At Methodist Rally

This year’s annual Methodist Youth Council Rally will be held at the First Methodist Church in Abilene, Kansas.

The theme of the rally is "United. Committed in Christ."

Rev. Harry K. Zeller of the College Church will speak at 9:30 a. m., on Saturday. Oct. 18.

Read all the advertisements in the Spectator.

McPherson Defeats Concordia Teachers

McPherson College stretched its winning streak over a period of two years to five games last Friday night by defeating Concordia Teachers College 46 to 0. For the Teachers’ the defeat was especially bitter as this was their first loss on the home turf in over four years.    •

The Bulldogs scored in every per iod of the game and were down knocking on Concordia's door for another marker when the game ended. McPherson showed superiority in all of phases of the statistics, and what really pleased the McPherson followers was the column that said 10 passes thrown 7 completed for a total of 118 yards and one touchdown.

* McPherson’s defensive platoon turned in another night of allowing the opponents practically nothing either on the ground or through the air. Concorida gained a net of only 24 yards rushing and were not able to complete any of the seven passes which they attempted. The closest Concordia ever got to pay dirt was McPherson's 30 yard line.

The Bulldogs scored early in the opening period when Eddie Ball broke away on a 30-yard end sweep to cross the double stripe and hit pay dirt. Dwight McSpadden kicked the goal for the extra point.

This ended the scoring in the first period.

A sustained drive down the field at the beginning of the second period placed the Bulldogs on the one-yard line. From here Gene Smith plunged through the middle of the line for the second touchdown. McSpadden again converted.

A short time later in the same period Gene Smith completed a pass to Bob Bechtel for a 30 yard gain to Concordia's 12 yard marker.

Wayne Blickenstaff then passed to McSpadden who went over standing up to tally 6 points. The try for the conversion was short.

Just before the half ended McPherson tallied again. This time it was Eddie Ball, who with the help of several key blocks, went 56 yards to rack up his second touchdown of the evening. The try for the conversion again failed and McPherson left the field at, halftime leading 27-0.

After the traditional halftime activities, McSpadden put McPherson in scoring position with a 15-yard run and a 16 yard pass from Wayne Blickenstaff. This put McPherson on the three-yard line. John Robison advanced it to the six-inch marker, and on the next play a pass from Blickenstaff to Bechtel was good for another score. The try for the extra point again failed.

Gene Smith scored his second touchdown of the night also in the third period. From 35-yards out, he went roaring through a mass of Concordia players and crossed the double stripe standing up. The extra point attempt failed.

In the final period McPherson inaugurated a 60-yard touchdown drive that culminated with a six-yard plunge over tackle by Bob Bean for the final score of the evening. A pass from McSpadden to Ed Frantz was good for the extra point.

The entire traveling squad of thirty, saw action in the game.

The box score:

r-»i_    Total

McPherson    7 20 12 7 46

Concordia    0 0 0 0 — 0

Game Statistics

.        M C

First downs    20    5

Yards gained rushing 398    91

Yards lost rushing 42 69 Net Yards gained rushing 346    24

Passes attempted    10    7

Passes completed    7    0

Yards gained-passing    118    0

Passes intercepted by    - 0    0

Times punting    2    6

Average punt    32    26

Yards Penalized    40    40

Fumbles    2    4

Grads Receive M. A. Degrees

The following is a list of Macol-lege graduates who received their A- degrees this summer from the Colo. State College of Education at Greeley, Colo.

Dave McGill. 40. Frances Pete-fish, 47, Jack Applegate. '48. Orville Beehler, '39. and Robert Burkholder, '47.

Intramural Leagues Are Evenly Matched

American League

W    L

Dr. Bechtel    2    0

C.    Ediger    2    0

E. Frantz    2    0

Lyle Neher    2    0

P. Radatz    2    0

D Coppock    1    0

P. Coffman    2    1

G. Gayer    1    1

B. Miller    1    1

J.    D. Pote     1    1

D.    McKellip        1    2

N. Long    0    2

B.    Powell    0    2

D.    McSpadden    0    2

T. O’Dell    0    2

M. Krehbiel    0    3

National League

W    L

G.    Jones    2    0

C.    Sharpe    2    0

B. Wilson    2    0

E.    Ball    1    0

Leon Neher    1    0

W. Blickenstaff    2    1

K.    Ilooa    2    1

L.    Frantz    1    1

H.    Zook    1    1

J. Kough    1    2

Metsker    1    2

Bechtel-Tyler    0    2

G. Button    0    2

S. McClung    0    2

A. Theisen    0    2

Pauls Is On Football Team

Army Pfc. Harvey A. Pauls, who attended Macollege 1950-51, recently won a regular position on the 8th Anti-Aircraft Artillery Group’s football team at Wiesbaden. Germany     •

Out of the 150 soldiers- who tried out. only 40 were accepted. The team will compete against other service squads in Europe.

Harvey, who entered the Army In July. 1951, is a member of a 90 mm. gun crew.

What A Life The Cat Leads!

Cats! Cats! Did you ever see so many cats? Macampus is being invaded by these furry creatures, and by the looks of things, -they seem to be getting plenty of abuse from the student body.

It seems that a few of the "Fanny” boys sent one poor, little kitten out of the window of 4th floor Harnly. Of course, they tied a silk scarf around it to serve as a parachute. After that fate, the cat is still alive, however.

Did you ever try to count all those cats? If you did. it is found that no sooner have you completed a count, that another stray will come along that wasn’t included.

These creatures arc still living but its a wonder! Does anyone know-how they arc fed? Another question- How did they get here m the first place?

Before long. you can be sure that a biology class will be chasing one down to see what makes it tick Well, such is that fate of a cat on Macampus! Aren’t you glad that you’re not one of them?

Mac, Bethany Lead Conference Standings Kansas Conference Standings All Gaines


W L T Pet. 1 0 0 1.000


33 0






19 14

C of E.





6 6






6 6

K. W. U.





14 19






0 33






0 0


All Games W L T 2 0 0




79 0






82 39

K. W. U.





35 38






33 33






32 52

C. of E.





13 20






20 41

Four Students Take Physicals

Four students and one McPherson College graduate were among the 33 conscientious objectors from McPherson County who were called for their physicals last Tuesday.

Those who were called are: Myron Krehbiel, senior. John Schrag. sophomore, Eugene Neff, senior, and D. A. Crist, 1952 graduate.

The men reported to Kansas City for their physicals.

Ullom Will Attend FFA Convention

Don Ullom, Macollege freshman from Wiley. Colorado, was chosen recently to attend the National Convention of Future Farmers of America at Kansas City from Oct. 12-18.

The Santa Fe Railroad awarded Don an all-expense paid train trip to and from Kansas City. This honor came about as a result of his activities as a member of the FFA in Colorado.

Harris Teaches Library Procedure

Miss Virginia Harris, librarian, is teaching the freshman English classes one day each week.

All freshmen enrolled in Dr. Maurice A. Hess’s English classes are receiving instruction in the use of the library. Miss Harris is giving this work during the five times that she meets the freshmen.

The instruction in library usage includes the arrangement of the college library, the parts of a book, the use of the card catalog, the use of magazine indexes, and the use of reference books.

Chivalry Is Killed By Coke Machine

Chivalry is dead—killed by the machine age.

An unidentified student was observed putting the same dime over and over again in the coke machine in the basement of Anderson Hall on Kansas State College campus. This student gallantly stepped aside to allow two K-State coeds to get cokes.

As the last girl picked up her coke, the empty sign on the machine flashed.

Last seen, this "gallant" student was going off down the hall muttering to himself.

Taken from the Kansas State Collegian, Sept. 29 issue.

The Cracked Crystal Ball

By The Seer

Starting the third week of football predictions my season’s record stands at 32 right. 11 wrong and 5 ties for a percentage of .770. The unusual thing about last week’s games were the large number of games that ended in ties.

Oklahoma and Notre Dame, two teams that in pre-season polls had received strong consideration for national honors, were lucky to come out of their respective games with ties.

The AP poll for this week shows Michigan State retaining their ranking as the number one team of the nation. Close on their heels are Maryland and K. U. both with two victories under their belts.

One of the outstanding games for this week, from a sentimentalist's point of view is the game between Princeton and Rutgers. These two teams started it all about 100 years ago.

A game that could decide the Big Seven Conference title this weekend is being played at Lawrence. This is the game between C. U. and K. U.

As long as I am predicting various things. I might as well predict the World Series as I see it. The Yankees will win in six games The Dodgers on paper almost match the Yankees man for man except for the pitching staff where the Yankees have an advantage. The main difference, though, is the spirit that the Yankees get on "big” games. They just do not lose them.

Well, here goes on another set of football games and the prob-ble (?) winners of each.

T.    C. U. over Arkansas Southern Cal over Army Wichita over Bradley California over Minnesota Kansas U. over Colorado U. Georgia Tech over S. M. U. Houston over Oklahoma A. Si M. Illinois over Wisconsin Indiana over Iowa U.

Nebraska over Iowa S.

Missouri over Kansas S.

Maryland over Clemson Michigan S. over Oregon State Stanford over Michigan U.

Navy over Cornell

Ohio State over Purdue Olahoma over Pittsburgh Oregon over Idaho Pennsylvania over Dartmouth Princeton over Rutgers Tennessee over Duke Texas over Notre Dame

U.    C. L. A. over Wahington C. of E. over Bethany Ottawa over Bethel

Drake over Emporia State Teachers

Omaha over Washburn

A Freshman stood on the burning deck.

And as far as he could learn,

He stood in perfect safety.

For he was too green to bum.

Bulldogs Play First Home Game Tonight

Tonight at 8 o’clock the referee’s whistle will blow and the curtain will ring up on McPherson College’s first home game of they 1952 season. A capacity crowd is expected to turn out to watch McPherson and Baker tangle in a league contest.

*---------□ McPherson, fresh from two vic-

Joe Pate Writes    tories in the past two weeks, is ex-

Joe Pate Writes    pected to field about the same of-

^    fensive starting unit as in the two

From Korea    previous games. This is Bechtel

and Peel at ends. Powell and Keim Joe Pate, graduate of 1951. is at tackles Bersuch and now a corporal in Uncle Sam’s guards, and Richardson over the army and is stationed north of Se-ball

oul, Korea, with an infantry divis- in the backfield will be Blicken-ion.    staff at Quarterback. McSpadden

Mrs. Pate, the former Mary Eliz-    halfs and

abeth Ball, ex ’53, and son are liv- ly ball at fullback. This is essential-ing with her parents in rural Me- ly same team that has scored Pherson.    79 Points in the first two games.

Dr. D. W. Bitlinger recently re- _ McPherson has gained 710 yards ceived the following letters from "If ground to their opponents Joe    62. They also show a marked su-

-I often think of the good days TjlT'fT°!Jgh, that I spent at McPherson College.    yards passing and the

It isn’t until a person is away from ents have only 17    oppon

it a while that he realizes his bene- h    n 17

fits from it. Not only can one gain    er ,,s,to put a team

knowledge there but make many feild tonight that will be acquaintances that will not be for- and exceedingly fast. The gotten    line will average about 175 pounds

"As I was sitting hero in our and backfeild will go at about bunker, I thought I would write         *

you a few lines to let you know I in the line for Baker will be am still thinking of ’Good Old Bruam and Lewis at ends. Gut-Mac.” I have a litUe over three schinritter and Mendoza at tackles, months yet to complete my stay . Shore and Noll at guards, and over here in Korea. I will be one in the middle is Johnson. Mendoza happy and thankful person when at 200 pounds is the heaviest of my rotation papers come in to the these.

company.    The four backs are Eddy, Mai,

“I read in the papers that it is Perry and Tucker. All of these very dry at home this year. Right backs can really move so the Bull-now. it is raining fairly hard and dogs? defensive unit should receive it does pretty often over here. quite a test tonight.

"The weather is also getting Baker has yet to win a game, cool. Winter might come early this however last week they tied deyear. I hope it waits until late fending champions, College of Em-so I can miss some of it. With poria 6 to 6. This was a hard luck I might get out of here a lit- fought battle that Baker would have tie after the 15th of December or won if it had not contracted the January 1st.    dreaded disease of Fumbilitis. Four

"I hope the football squad has a    inside the

successful season. I’ll be yelling    scored

my share from over here. I would threat fizzle out with another love to be out there in my favor-

ite position.”    Last year McPherson defeated

For anyone who might wish to SftgnSf At Balwin it rained write to Joe. his address is: Corp. all during the game and conse- Joseph E. Pate, Jr.. U. S. 55150609, qluenUY the field was one big quag-Company G 17 RCT, APO 7, Care mire. McPherson’s all time record Postmaster, San Francisco, Cali- with Baker is four wins, four ties fornia.    and 18 losses.