Five Africans Enroll Here At Mac

There are now five African students among the Macol-lege international family. James Craig was the first one to come over. The missionary of his village had known Dr. D. W. Bittinger, when he was a missionary in Africa, and told James that Dr. Bittinger was taking over the presidency of McPherson College. James then chose McPherson College as his college.

Isaac Grillo was the second person to come over from Africa. He and James had met once while they were still in Africa. Following Isaac came Joe Obi. Joe is married and is expecting his wife to join him next month.

On June 17 the French ship S. S. Banfora set sail from Nigeria.

Africa, landing in France August 1. Daniel Onyema and Elijah Oda-karu walked down the gang way, getting their first view of a foreign country.

From Marseilles, after a five day stay, they took a train to Cannes where they boarded the S. S. Independence bound for New York harbor.

They arrived in New York August 13 and came on to Kansas via Greyhound, stopping at Detroit,

Michigan for two days to visit G.

U. Onukaogu, a cousin of Daniel’s and graduate of Friend's University.

Elijah and Daniel arc here at Macollege on the Missionary Scholarship plan of the Church of the Brethren.    

Daniel, who attended the Methodist College in Uzuakoli in ’43. is planning to become an electrical engineer and will take further training at Kansas State College.

Elijah graduated from Kalahari National College in Buguma in ’50 and. as he is planning to become a medical missionary, will take future training at some medical school and at Bethany Biblical Seminary in Chicago.

Both Daniel and Elijah come from Umuhia. Nigeria, agricultural marketing center of around 5.600 inland 70 miles from Port Har-court. The name Umuhai means "children of the market".

Elijah. 21. has three brothers and two sisters. Daniel, 27. comes from a family of eight brothers and five sisters. He hopes that his wife. Eunice, will be able to join him in the near future.

All-School Party Is Tonight

An all-school party is planned for tonight. Friday night, at 7:30 p. m. The party will be held on the college tennis courts.

The Social Committee has planned for an evening full of fun with folk games and a special program.

Members of the Social Committee arc Glendon Button,chairman. Peggy Sargent. Alvin Fishbum, Ina. Ditmars. and Elsie Kindley.

Everyone is invited. In case of bad weather, other plans will be announced.

Absentee Voting Is For College Students

A project for college students this fall will be the absentee voting campaign.

College students going to school in a state other than their own frequently lose their voting privilege because they are not acquainted with the absentee voting laws.

The College Service Committee is working on a project to supply every college with material on the absentee voting law in every state. This will help all eligible voters to exercise their franchise in this coming election.

This project is being sponsored by the Young Republicans organization.

Baptist Church Has Open House

The congregation of the Baptist Church held Open House at their new church Sunday. Sept. 21. Many of the faculty members and stu-dents of Macollege attended.

The building contains fifty-five rooms. The sanctuary will seat 466 people or 600 by using overflow. A sound-proof nursery overlooks the ninety foot sanctuary.

$320,000 was the cost of the building including the location, furniture and 25.000 hours of donated labor and equipment.

Rev. Ross M. Wood is pastor of the church which is located at Marlin and Grand Avenue.

College Farm Barn is Being Painted

The barn on the College Farm is receiving a new coat of white paint. The work is being done by Prof Paul Sollenberger. music department, who is showing his versatil ity.

Vol. XXXVII McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas, September 26, 1952 No. 3

Cars Invade Macollege Campus

Some students may have noticed that there seem to be more cars on the parking lot than last semester.

There arc over 50 cars on campus owned by college students as compared with 38 cars last year. Most of the cars arc from Kansas, while Iowa follows with second place.

College Calendar

Friday 26:

Football game: McPherson at Concordia Teachers Saturday 27:

Fahnestock Open House Friday. October 3:

Football game: Baker at McPherson Saturday 4:

Arnold Hall open house.

Here the African students are pictured on the steps of Sharp Hall. They are. reading from left to right: James Craig. Isaac Grillo. Elijah Odakara. Joseph Obi. and Daniel    

tober. James Craig was the first one to Join the student body, Isaac followed

Joe came to McPherson in February/ Daniel and Elijah arrived Just shortly before the fall term. Note the freshman beanie which Daniel Is wearing.    ___

Swinger Is Appointed Macollege Trustee

Rev. Glenn Swinger, pastor of the Church of the Brethren in Ca-bool. Mo., was recently appointed to serve on the trustee board of McPherson College representing the District of Southern Missouri.

Reverend Swinger Is a graduate of McPherson College and has been a district representative of the college for the last two years.

While in college he participated in student activities, serving as class president, captain of the basketball squad, and singing in the A Cappella Choir for four years.

Besides the local pastoral dutjes which he carries, Glenn has pursued many ases of youth work. He has served as District youth advisor, camp director, and at present is a local Cub scoutmaster and adult advisor for the Western Regional Youth Cabinet.

De Coursey Plans Chemical Seminar

Prof. Wesley DeCoursey. Chemistry Department Head, announces that a Chemical Seminar will be conducted on Tuesday evenings from 7 to 8 p. m. in the Chemistry lecture room beginning next Tuesday. Sept. 30.

Programs are being designed to touch on subjects of chemistry not included in regular courses. He stated that these programs will be of interest to the non-chemist as well as the chemist and anyone interested is welcome to attend, Announcements of the coming topics will appear in the paper weekly and on the bulletin boards.

Some topics planned are as follows: Chemistry and color, using the film "Color Curves": Chemistry and water purification, softening, using the film "Clean Waters": chemistry’ amd welding, using the film "Atomic Hydrogen Torch Welding"; chemistry and textiles; chemistry and geology; and chemistry magic.

He said an emphasis will be made on making the Seminar enlightening. entertaining and broadening, giving students a closer "look - see” into the chemistry used in every day living.

Exhibits will be changed weekly in the. exhibit case on the first floor of Handy to fit the coming topic, such as colored dyes, chemicals. crystals, rock specimens and synthetic rubbers.

Prof. DeCoursey stated that all chemistry students and chemistry majors will be required to attend the Seminar.

Murrey Receives Championship

Reserve championship In the 4-H style review at the Kansas State Fair went to Eula Mae Murrey, freshmen on Macampus. Eula Mae. who is from Conway, has been enrolled in 4-H clothing projects for seven years.

The ensemble which she made in winning the award, was a dusty rose and gray checked, lined, short box jacket and a gray, wool skirt. Dusty rose gloves, hat, shantung blouse, and a purse, which she made by covering an oatmeal box, completed the outfit

Student Council Elects Officers

The Student Council held its first meeting of the year Sept. 10. electing Marilee Grove, yice-president and Esther Ikenberry Secretary.

The Board of Publications was appointed by the President, Bob Bechtel, with the following as members:    Wayne Blickenstaff,

chairman. Mary Louise Hutcherson. Don Fike and Esther Ikenberry.    -

Bob Bechtel. Lorene Marshall, Lyla Whitham, Dick King. Don Wagoner, Sarah May Vancil and Gordon Yoder.

Hollywood Radio Party Appears In McPherson

Microphone interviews, audience participation stunts and magic was the program for the "Hollywood Radio Party" last Wednesday evening.    

The presentation wus direct from Hollywood and the master of Ceremonies for the evening was Carl Webster Pierce, who was formerly with "Breakfast in Hollywood." The benefit was sponsored by the McPherson High School "M” Club.

Personal gifts for the program were given by: Art Linkletter of "People are Funny” and "House Party", Jack Bailey of "Queen for a Day". John Nelson of "Bride and Groom", Jay Stewart of "Surprise Package." Jack McCoy of “Live Like a Millionaire", and the famous "Breakfast in Hollywood" prizes were given.

Lehman Speaks At Larunel

Miss Della Lehman. Prof, and Mrs. Wesley DeCoursey and family. and Miss Marilee Grove will attend the Harvest Sunday Services at the Church of the Brethren in Lamed, Kans. Sept. 28.

Fahnestock Opens Its Doors Saturday

“Come and see us as we live” is the theme of Fahnestock Hall’s 1952 open house program, which will be open to the public Saturday night, Sept. 27, from 7:30 until 9 p. m.

i This year the Fahnestock boys .            have decided to present a variation

Regional Youth    of their usual open house program

       BY having the dorm as it usually

Edit Horizons    - is—without decoration. According-

Edit    W 8    ly they have also decided to serve

The press proof of the Horizons, no refreshments, peanuts or candy. Church of the Brethren publication for young people, has just been delivered to Berwyn Olt-man. president of the regional youth cabinet. Thus paper which will be issued to Brethren Sunday School - goers on October 26 should be of special interest to students to Macollege, since it has been prepared by young people of the Western Region.

The Western Region CBYF Cabinet shared the editing responsibilities. The personnel of the cabinet is as follows: President,

Berwyn Oltman, Enders. Neb; secretary-treasurer. Bob Powell.

Kingsley. Iowa:    Editor. Lorene

Clark. Wichita. Kans.; social education secretary. Curtis Leicht. Per-ryton. Texas: Social action secretary. LaVon Widegren. Grand Junction. Colo.; and adult adviser,

Glenn Swinger. Cabool. Mo.

By this means the talent of Regional young people is discovered and given expression, and the Brotherhood as a whole gets better acquainted with the CBYF program as it is carried on in various parts of the country. Each region Is extended the privilege of producing such an issue.

Others besides the Regional CBYF Cabinet who contributed to this issue are: Gary Williams, Enders,

Neb., who is a senior in Chase County High School; Elmer Fike, a Macollege junior, who drew a map of the Western Region for the Horizons: Esther Mohler, M a college graduate of 1952. contributed the poem. “Where Is He Found?”

Esther is presently teaching English at South Haven. Kans.

The other contributors were: Virginia Royer, a graduate of Manchester College, who has been acting as youth director for the Western Region during the past year and Esther Huston, though not from the Western Region, is a member of CBYF and is a freshman at Manchester College.

Dell Writes Article In Magazine

“Stack-Up Book Shelves” is the title of an article which appears in the October issue of Industrial Arts 9 Vocational Education.

The article was written by Prof.

S. M. Dell, head of the Industrial Arts Education Dept, and the drawings in the article were by some of his students.__

Frantz Solicits Students

Rev. Earl Frantz is touring parts of the Region soliciting students for McPherson College and attending District Conferences.

no refreshments, peanuts or candy.

Details of. open house were discussed at a recent dorm meeting by Prof. Jack Kough, head resident. and Lloyd Hummer, dorm council president. A publicity committee headed by Glendon Button was chosen to draw up posters for this event.

Rec Council Has Retreat Sunday

The Recreational Council Retreat will be Sunday at Chigawassa Springs. Following church the group will leave for Lake Marion where they will eat dinner. From there they will go to Chigawassa Springs and spend the afternoon looking for Indian relics.

In the evening the group will come back to Lake Marion for boating and swimming. Following a cook out supper there will be initiation and a campfire.

There will be approximately thirty people going.

Arrangements are being made by the steering committee consisting of Glendon Button, chairman. Rowena Merkey. secretary, and George Keim. treasurer.

Chairmen of the various committees are as follows: Food, Mildred Beck. Transportation. Bruce Miller; Recreation, George Keim; Program. Bob Powell; Initiation. Glendon Button; and Clean Up. Dolores Sigle.

English Proficiency Tests Are Given To Students

All Juniors and seniors who had not already passed the English Proficiency Test previously were required to take the test at 8 a. m. last Friday in the Chemistry Lecture room.

The tests are being graded by members of the English Department as Satisfactory. Questionable and Unsatisfactory. Each paper must have two satisfactories to be considered passing.

Beginning Monday the names will be posted on the bulletin board along with the name of a faculty member with whom they will have a conference concerning the test.

The purpose of the test is to discover students who need help in English Composition. If the student docs not pass the first semester he may take the test at the beginning of the second semester. Passing this test is a graduation requirement.

SCA Organizes

The SCA cabinet met together Sept. 23 to discuss plans for the coming year. The cabinet is as follows:

Program: Jean Bullard, Phil Ra-datz, Haisuko Kanazawa, Cletus. Cary.

Social: Lyle Neher, Ina Ditmars, Juanita Bellah. Gary Jones.

Memory Chapel: Virginia Holder-read. Esther Ikenberry Leon Albert. Norman Long.

Publicity: Al Zunkel, Kathy McLeod.

Bob Powell, President of UNESC-CO announced to the student body during Wednesday chapel that UNESCO, due to conflicts in meeting time and having many of the same members, will become a joint organization of SCA.


Bob Powell. James Craig, Faye Ellen Trostlc, Don Thralls.

Vancil Attends Northeast Kansas District Meeting

Miss -Sarah May Vancil, assistant Librarian, is visiting in Lawrence and Morrill. Kansas over the weekend with her brother David and family. She will also attend the Northeast Kansas District Meeting, and return Sunday evening.

Thinking With The President

Open Houses

It’s nice to have some one come to call at any time. It’s especially nice when one has bis house all cleaned up, flowers on the table, and clever ideas manifested everywhere.

We really should have open houses more thnn once a year in our dormitories and housing units. We always wonder how the others are living, what pictures they have on the walls, whether their rooms are homey and warm, or barn-like and uncozy. The personality and habits of the individual ate manifested in the room, at least to some degree.

Let’s profit from these open houses.

Let’s accept the hospitality with appreciation and let’s tell them.

The faculty would like to get in on the open house idea also. We have tried several ways; a progressive party, different faculty members accepting names alphabetically chosen, and so on. None of them work as satisfactorily as dorm open houses, because faculty homes are smaller. Would you like to come to open houses at the faculty homes? We would like to have you. Do you have any suggestions as to how we could best arrange it?—D. W. B.

Mays Speaks At Harvest Service

The Ladies Quartette and Bob Mays took part in the Harvest-Home program at Belleville, Kans., Sept. 21.

Bob Mays spoke on the subject of harvesting what is sown. He stated that first comes the decision to plant the crop, then it grows, and finally, comes the big harvest. This can be coupled with Christianity, he said. First comes the decision to accept Christ, then the growth in him. ond finally, the harvest.

Read all the advertisements in the Spectator.

An Ode To Maladjustment

(ACP) The philosophy behind this poem will be immediately apparent to the reader. Whether or not he cares to agree with it is strictly up to him. In any event, it was printed originally in the Northeastern News, Northeastern College, Mass., and we reprint it here without further comment. Now. Studious Sal from Southern Cal—

It must be admitted, was quite a gal:

She knew her math and physics, too.

And with each year her knowledge grew.

With angles obtuse and circles round,

Sal could cover academic ground. Latin. Spanish, even Greek.

Sh did a semester in less than a week.

Her marks were known throughout the school,

And Sal would never break a rule. Though promise of work was right nearby.

Down in the mud was her chance for a guy.

In social circles Sal wasn't advised,

So she went to a doc to be analyzed.

She wanted to know, and she wasn’t coy.

"Why the heck can’t I get a boy?"

"You’re terribly smart, your chem is great,"

The doc replied, "but before it’s too late.

Forget the stuff that comes in books.

And use your brains to improve your looks.


"When you are with Einstein out in space,

It’s clear you overlook your face, Instead of reading Roman tales,

Why not polish and trim your nails?

"Instead of looking for calculus


Why not paint and shape your lips? Go out of doors, acquire a tan. For after the sun will come s


So Sal did what the doctor said; Now she wishes she were dead. Although dates each night have become her rule.

Her marks dropped so low. she flunked out of school.

Juniata Host To BSCM Conference

The BSCM Conference will be held at Juniatia College, Huntington. Pa., from Nov. 27-30.

The conference theme, which will be Bible centered, will include many speakers from our Brethren churches and colleges.

The Colleges that will be represented at the conference are La-Vernc College. Manchester College, Elizabethtown College, Bridgewat- drer College. Juniata College, Bethany Biblical Seminary, and McPherson College.

Graduate Exams Will Be Given This Year Graduate Record Examinations, required of applicants for admission to a number of graduate schools, will be administered at centers throughout the country four times in the coming year. Application forms may be obtained from Educational Testing Service. P. O. Box 592, Princeton, N.

ors when Prof. Raymond Flory drives over from Lawrence, Kans. to teach all of his weekly classes on Wednesday.

The first class. History of the Far East, meets from 12:30 - 2:10. English History meets from 4:10-5:50, and Diplomatic History meets from 7 to 9:80.

Of course, that schedule is not too bad, but other teachers are holding classes too and many history majors are in some of those classes. In some instances, one student will have six or seven classes in one day—Wednesday!

Professor Flory holds the students responsible for the material assigned and for the week immediately preceding. He puts this procedure into effect by giving a short test at the beginning of each class. This way, the students have to reEight Classes Meet In Evening

"Thay, doth you-ums haf your lethon?" Such are the sounds that may pour forth from the lips of the students in Speech Correction. (Translation of first statement: "Say, do you have your lesson?") The class, taught by Mrs. Una Yoder. is learning how to help children who need speech correction in school and at home. The group will visit the Wichita Institute of Logopedics during this semester.

Last Wednesday a McPherson mother spoke to the class explaining what she did each day to help her two boys learn to talk correctly, and how the teachers in school could have helped their progress.

The textbook. "Speech Handicaps School Children" was written by Wendell Johnson, a former resident of McPherson.

An even dozen are enrolled in astronomy taught by Prof. Bowman. The class will study the stars and constellations and their relation to earth. They will also use the telescope to view some of the closer planets.

Prof. Metzler is teaching a class in the Life and Letters of Paul in an evening class of five women. They have begun by studying the boyhood of Paul and will trace bis life from place to place in his travels, to his death in Rome.

The Alumni Office is the scene of Jack Hough’s evening class in Guidance. The course is concerned mostly with helping others with emotional problems. A unique and perhaps happy feature of the class is no tests will be given. The students will be graded primarily on their ability to consel.

Wayne Parker is the only student in Children’s Literature taught by Miss Vancil. Wayne works 8 hours a day, is taking 15 hours of school work, drives to McPherson from Burrton every day. and practices his Children’s Literature on his small children at home. 1716 class work will include children’s poetry, fairy tales, bedtime stories, nan-fictional material, selection of children’s magazines and illustrations.

A small class In Semantics also meets in the evening. Mrs. Wettmore of Wichita teaches the class.

The evening classes are comparatively small and all of them meet on Wednesday evening. The general trend seems to be toward having a snack in the middle of class. However, Prof. Flory’s history students seem to find history is much more interesting and easier to di-

Read all the Spec advertisements

Meet A Busy Man

Johnny Mac is a popular guy. But he is also one of the busiest guys on campus. 'That cheery greeting he gives us is often forced, because he’s just plain tired.

As a freshman his classmates noted his enthusiasm and friendliness, so they elected him as class officer. He worked hard to uphold that position. He got things done. During the second semester, he was called to serve on almost every committee on which freshmen were to have a part.

Johnny Mac is now a junior and is the head of two organizations. He also carries 16 semester hours, is a member of a vocal ensemble which practices one hour every day, and plays on an intramural volleyball team.

He has been nominated for office by almost every other organization of which he is a member. He is so busy with his extra-curricular activities that he hardly has time to study. And Johnny is the kind of guy who works for A’s on his grade card.    •

Of course, we say, he didn’t have to join all of those organizations. But has it occurred to us that he might want to join a club and be just one of the members? Every-time Johnny Mac goes into an organization, the other members look at him and say, there’s a good worker; let’s put him into office.

The old adage says if you want something done, give the job to a busy man. Maybe we carry this too far. there are probably many other potential leaders in our organizations if we would just take a look around.

At one of our sister colleges a student may serve on as many committees as he wishes, but may hold only one head office.

Maybe we could help Johnny Mac a little. When we hear his name nominated for another office, maybe we should stop to enumerate jobs he already has. Maybe we should vote for another nominee. I don’t think he would mind.—L. M.

Regional Conference Jokes Are Here To Stay

To Be Held Nov. 16-20 It seems that practical jokes

Mcpherson: young ladies pulled a last one from three hundred to five hundred visitors during the Conference.

Dean Paul Roberts of the Epis- from the November 5. 1852 issue copal Temple in Denver will be of the     Courier

the chief speaker. Other speakers . At Mrs. Hanna s Female Sem-from the outside the region are: inary in Washington. Pa., a few Kenneth Morse. Editor of the Gos-J    since, some of the young

pel Messenger: Harold Row direc- ladies rigged out one of their num-tor of Brethren Service: Leland ber with an immense broom above Brubaker. Secretary of Missions head covered with drapery to rep-and a formed missionary to China. resent a gigantic apparition. One and Edward K. Ziegler, National Di- of the young ladies, whom they rector of Evangelism.    undertook to frighten by the sight

Rev. James Elrod, who is Reg- of it 'went raving mad. and though ional Secretary, will be the Con- better at the last accounts, was not feronec Director    yet restored to reason."

We Hate Wednesdays!

Its a busy day for history maj- view each assignment twice. There             is one compensation, however, no

final exams! "History majors will assure other students that they have to start studying for their Wednesday classes long before Tuesday evening.

As for the reason for this heavy Wednesday schedule. Prof. Raymond Flory is attending the University of Kansas at Lawrence to complete work on his doctor's degree. He arrives in McPherson Wednesday morning, conducts his classes, and begins the 180 mile drive back to Lawrence immediately following the dismissal of his evening classes.

On a dark Wednesday evening even a blind man could distinguish history majors by the dragging of their feet. Professor Flory probably Isn’t feeling any too chipper either.

gest if it is accompanied by pop corn.

The night classes arc principally for teachers who need more hours for distribution, certification, and graduation requirements. According to Mrs. Martin, in the Central Office, Macollege has had evening classes for many years.

The evening classes begin at 4:1C with English History taught by Prof. Flory; 4:30—Speech correction. Mrs. Una Yoder: Children's Literature. Miss Vancil: and Life and Letter of Paul. Dr. Metzler. Four classes at 7:10 are Guidance, Jack Kough:    Astronomy, Prof

Bowman; American Diplomacy: Prof Flory: and General Semantics. Prof. Wettmore.

Law School Admissions Tests Are Given The Law School Admission Test required of applicants for admission to a number of leading American law schools, will be given at more than 100 centers throughout the United States on Nov. 15. Feb. 21. April 25. and Aug. 8.

A candidate must make application for admission to each law school of his choice and should inquire whether it wishes him to take to Test and when.

Bulletins and applications for the should be obtained four to six weeks in advance of the testing date. The address of securing the tests is Law School Admission Test Educational Testing Service, P. 0 Box 592, Princeton. N. J.

The Sped


SEPT. 26, 1952

Bulldog Barks

During this past summer a num ber of weddings took place among the Macollegc couples. Lost Monday one of the newly marrieds come for a short visit with some of her frineds— Carole Huffman Crist. They ore living in Qulnter. Kans. now D. A. Crist, her husband, is farming.

The first gome of the season really came off with a bang. Except perhaps, when the freshmen know the yells, there will be more noise from Macollege kids. The cheerleaders had a time getting the crowd to stand up for kick-off's, but after the tenth one, most people would get tired of getting up.

Kline Hall gals certainly had some clever Ideas for Open House. Didn’t you like the "blue room?” The international students had an excellent program last Monday. James Craig is catching up on his American slang.

Karl Dalke. football manager of the team, took Jonas Unruh home with him to Lehigh. Kans. They said they caught up on sleep.

Friday night Stanley McClung and Joan McRoberts doubled with Glenn Gayer and Lorceen Cline to the game. Then Sunday. Loreen spent dinner and part of the afternoon at Glenn’s home here in Mac.

Do you remember that cute little gal that's been going around with Don Fike? Well, she and JoAnn Bowman left for Chicago, where they'll don the white outfits traditional of nurses.

Did anyone see a wistful-eyed blond-headed guy sitting on the football sidelines Friday—name of Don Hoch? Just a few more weeks Don. and you’ll be out there! Cheer up, boy.

A group of guys went to Lawrence Saturday afternoon to see the KU vs. TCU gome. Those going were:    John    Robison. Jack

Richardson. Ed Ball, Dick Mason, Stan McClung. Paul Heidebrecht, Dwight McSpadden, Tom Taylor, Gene Smith, and Keith Rickner.

Last weekend Wayne Jones went home with Bob Wilson to Conway Springs. He said they worked on his car.    

Roy Wilson. Bob’s younger brother, was here on Monday. He is stationed at Williams Air Base in Phoenix, Arlz.

Ann Carpenter celebrated her birthday last evening with a cake with 21 candles on it. She’s eligible to vote, now. Guests were Marilee Grove. Phyllis Beam. Beverly Turner. Peggy Sargent, Ann Powell. Elsa Kurtz, and Lu Carpenter. After a dinner uptown, the girls went back to Peg Sargent’s for cake and ice cream.

Anita Rogers invited Betty Bram-mell to her home at Mt. Etna. Iowa. last Saturday and Sunday. On the way to a district meeting, they had a flat tire and the brushes went out in the generator—whatever that means—anyway some kind soul must have helped the ladies in distress. Because they’re back in school.

Hayes Will Attend Kiwanis Meeting

Prof. Guy Hayes, lieutenant-governor of Kiwanis Division V will be official delegate - at - large to the Kiwanis district conference to be held at Hutchinson Sept. 28. 29 and 30.

Macollege Girls Prepare For Nursing In Chicago

Miss JoAnn Bowman, daughter of Prof, and Mrs. J. L. Bowman, left Sunday afternoon for Chicago to enter the School of Nursing of the Presbyterian Hospital.

During the past Summer JoAnn completed the required courses at the University of Illinois, which is affiliated with the hospital, from which she will receive her B. S degree along with the RN. or completion of her nurses training Accompanying JoAnn to Chicago was Miss Shirley Wine, Blunt, S D., who will also enter nurse’: training.

Shirley spent several weeks hep visiting friends before going to Chi cago.

Both JoAnn and Shirley are for rter students of McPherson Col leg*-_

Kline Hall Has First Open House

The first open house of the year was carried off in fine style by the Kline Hall residents last Sunday afternoon, Sept. 21.

The girls and married couples had their rooms decorated and open for anyone who wished to come in and see them.

The guests first went to third floor, where the girls had their rooms decorated in many different ways. As the guests went from room to room they were served varieties of candies and nuts by the girls in each room.

The married couples, on first and second floor of Kline, also had their apartments decorated and open for inspection of the public.

As an added attraction, punch, cake, and small crackers were served on second floor to the guests.

The next Open House to be held is Saturday. Sept. 27 at Fahnestock. followed by Arnold Hall, which is holding its Open House on the following Saturday, Oct. the 4th.

High Accepts Post In Far East

Dr. Marathon High ’25, chairman of the department of physics of the University of Kansas City, has been granted a year’s leave of absence to accept a visiting professorship at the University of Rangoon. Burma, under the Department of State’s Technical Co-operation Agency.

Dr. High departed in August for Washington for a preliminary briefing period of four weeks. He is one of five men chosen to assist in the rehabilitation of Rangoon University, which was disorganized during World War II.

Part of Dr. High's work will be to select and prepare Rangoon students to accept study grants in the United States at institutions which have contracts for training Burmese students. His work will be connected with the program of economic assistance initiated in 1950 to assist the new democratic government established in Burma since the war.

Mrs. High will accompany her husband to the Far ‘East.    

Metzlers Entertain    

Student Ministers

The Student Ministers, their wives, and Dr. D. W. Bittinger were guests in the home of Dr. j and Mrs. Burton Metzler on Tues- day evening. Sept. 16. A dessert course was served to approximate- ] ly twenty-five persons.

A short business session followed during which the group discussed plans for the program of this school year. The following members were elected as a Steering ' Committee: Walter Bough, Cletus Cary, and Leland Wilson.

John Kidwell gave a short report on his work in Puerto Rico, from which he has just recently returned. The evening activity ended with a benediction, given by Dr. D. W. Bittinger.

Dorothy Swinger Becomes Bride Of Ivan Nicholson

Miss Dorothy Swinger became the bride of Pfc. Ivan Nicholson Sunday evening. Sept. 21, at 7:30 o'clock. They were united in marriage by the Rev. James Berkebile at the Berkebile home.

Attending the bride and groom were Mary Elizabeth Swinger, sister of the bride, and Glen Nicholson. brother of the groom. Mrs. Nicholson wore a gray wool jersey street-length dress with a corsage of garnet roses and black accessories. Miss Swinger wore a red suit with a corsage of white carnations.

The groom wore the blue dress uniform of the Air Force, and his brother was attired in a light blue business suit.

Following the ceremony Mrs. Berkebile served refreshments to the newlyweds and their attendants.

Dorothy is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Swinger, Essex, Mo., and Ivan is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Nicholson of Hardin, Mo.

After a week wedding trip to Missouri. Ivan will report for duty at Denver. Colo., and Dorothy will continue her college work at McPherson.

Kenneth Evans Is III

Kenneth Evans, ('ex 54), is now ill with rheumatic fever. He hoc planned to come back to McPherson College this fall, but he be came ill with the disease in Aug ust. He is in Springfield, Oregon

Imagination does more than ac celerate material progress: it cre ates more satisfying human re lationships.—Ray Giles

Bittinger Goes To Elgin

Dr. D. W. Bittinger. president of the college, attended a meeting of the Goals and Program Committee for Annual Conference early this week.

The meeting was held at the Church of the Brethren Headquarters in Elgin, 111.

While in Elgin. Dr. Bittinger paid a visit to his daughter. Patty, and her husband. Irvin Stem who arc now attending Bethany Biblical Seminary in Chicago. Both Patty and Irvin are former students " McPherson College.

Following his brief stay in Illinois. Dr. Bittinger returned here on Wednesday morning. ’

New Jackets Are On Sale

Maroon jackets with the Macollegc seal on them, are the latest item of interest on the campus.

The maroon jackets arc priced at $4.00, and they can be bought at the college bookstore.

Hayes Entertain    (

Prof, and Mrs. Guy Hayes entertained at dinner Sunday. Sept 19. Their guests were Mr. and Mrs. George Keim and daughter, Rebecca. Jay Williams, and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rough.    

Rend all the Spec advertisements

Galz Odle Vows Are Given Sept. 21

Miss Jerry Lou Gatz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Gatz, and Lt. Robert Earl Odle. son of Mrs. Violette Odle. were united In marriage Sept. 21 at the Methodist Church.

Mrs. Odle is a graduate of Mc-Phersfln High School and Kansas State College.

Lt. Odle is a graduate of McPherson High School and McPherson College.

The couple will reside in Las Vegas, Nev., where Lt. Odle will be stationed.

Ward Returns Front Korea

John Ward. ’50 graduate of Mac-ollege, returned from Korea Sept. 16.

John left the states in December, 1951, and was in Korea for 7 months. Before leaving the states he was an instructor at Camp Gordon. Ga.

He served in the signal corp, and was stationed at the Korean Army Hadquarters.

John is visiting with his mother, Mrs. Ethel Ward at the present time.

Banner headline from the Tulsa Collegian:

“Class of ’52 Plans Graduation."

It’s All In The Grip

(ACP) Have you ever watched your girl squeeze a tooth paste tube? Does she use the death grip, the middle squeeze, or the top-end squeeze? It might make a difference as to how neat a housewife she’ll be.

At the University of Wyoming, twenty girls were tested on their tooth paste tube squeezing habits. It was found that the girls who carefully squeezed from the bottom of the tube and rolled it up as they went along, tended to be neat in other things.

Girls who grabbed the tube and squeezed at random tended to be careless. Some of the "careless” girls said they were still half asleep when dealing with the tube, and didn't much care how they squeezed it.

Dell, Willems Attend Four-States Conference

Prof. S. M. Dell and Prof. Alvin Willems are going to Pittsburg, Kans. today and tomorrow. Oct. 3 and 4. to attend the Four-States Industrial Arts Conference.

Assistants are taking over their classes during their absence.

Read all the advertisements in the Spectator.

McPHERSON COLLEGE FOOTBALL SQUAD—Left to right bottom row: Carl Metsker. Leland Lengel. Bill Smith, Bob Bechtel. Kenneth Wahl. Roland Freed. Eddie Frantz. Lowell Hoch. Jim Dougherty. Wayne Blickenstaff. Don Goodfellow and Bob Powell. Second row. left to right: Steve Bersuch. Harry Ensminger. Bob Wise. Bill Goering. Jack Richardson. Gary Jones. Bob Peel. Gene Smith. Eddie Ball. Don Moeller Clive Sharpe and George Kelm. Third row. left to right: Gerald Barnes. Bob Vance. Lewis McKellip. Paul Heldebrecht. Gene Elrod. Vernon Petefish. Howard Mehlinger. Dwight McSpadden. Jerry Green. John Robison. Don Hoch and Dwight Blough. Fourth row. left to right: Howard Todd. Joe Johns. Roland Wray. John Williams. Thomas Taylor. Alvin Fishburn. Floyd Bayer. Jonas Unruh. Tommy O'Dell. Roland Delay. Bobby Bean and Donald Ullom. Tow row. left to right. Managers Dale De Lauter and Karl Dalke; Assistant Coach Dick Wareham. Assistant Coach Guy Hayes and Coach Chalmer "Woody” Woodard. (Republican Photo).

Macollege Bulldogs Defeat Bethel



First downs



Yards gained rushing



Net yards gained



Passes thrown



Passes completed

Yards gained passing



Passes intercepted by



Times punting



Average punt



Times penalized



Yards penalized






Own fumbles recovered



15 yards, after which Bethel made three good gains. At this point Tommy O'Dell intercepted an attempted pass in the end zone ending the scoring threat.

Near the end of the period McPherson started a sustained drive for another touchdown. Wayne Blickenstaff threw a long pass to Bob Bechtel who caught it, but the officials ruled that he had stepped out of bounds just as he caught the ball. McPherson was on Bethel’s 15 when the half ended.

McPherson's scoring punch showed its greatest power in the third quarter. Ball. Smith and Blicken-staff made good gains on the ground and Blickenstaff completed a pass to Clive Sharpe good for a gain of seven yards. Ball made a first down on the 14 and two plays later Blickenstaff scored. The try for the extra point was no good.

Later in the same period, McPherson made a first down on the Bethel 47 and after a penalty Eddie Ball raced around end for the longest gain of the evening, yards. Smith and Bean, working together, advanced the ball to the 18 and two plays later Ball again went into the end zone for McPherson's third touchdown. McSpadden kicked the extra point.

Near the end of the third quarter Dwight McSpadden intercepted a Bethel pass on the 32 yard line and ran it back to the 10 before being tackled. Gene Smith scored standing up on the next play. The attempted conversion failed.

In the final quarter. Smith. Mchlinger, and McSpadden made consistent yardage on the ground with Smith finally going over from the one yard line for the Bulldogs final tally. McSpadden converted.

Time ran out on McPherson with the Bulldogs on Bethel's one yard line.

Score by periods:

McPherson    7 0 19 7—33

Bethel    0 0 0 0—0

If any man seeks for greatness, let him forget greatness and ask for truth, and he will find both.— Horace Mann

Thirty Teams Enter Volleyball Leagues

The volleyball leagues have completed two weeks of action and according to Director Dick Wareham, there are more students participating this year than in any previous year. Thirty teams have turned in rosters and are playing-games.

Because of the large number, the teams were placed into two leagues of equal strength. Each league will play a round robin tournament and there is a possibility of a playoff between the league champions at the end of the season. The leagues standings:

American League    National League

t        W L    IV L

• P Radatz    1    0    L. Neher    2    0

t C. Ediger    1    0    C. Sharpe    2    0

- Dr. Bechtel    1    OK.    Ilooa    1    0

E. Frantz    1    OB.    Wilson    1    0

. P. Coffman    1    0 E. Ball    •    1    0

1 N. Long    1    0 G. Jones    .    1    0

. D. Coppock    0    0    C. Metsker    1    0

i B. Powell    0    1    Leon Neher    1    0

1 D. McSpadden    0    1    H. Zook    0    1

r D. McKellip    0    1 Frantz    .    0    1

\ Miller-Hoch    0    1    W. Blickenstaff    0    1

s T. O’Dell    0    1    Bechtel-Tyler    0    1

y J. D. Pote    0    I S.    McClung    0    * 1

G. Gayer    0    1    J. Rough    0    1

M. Krehbiel    0    1    G. Button    0    2

e ’    “    ‘    ‘ r*-

The McPherson Bulldogs opened their 1952 football season with a 33 to 0 Kansas Conference victory over the Bethel Graymaroons at Newton last Friday night.

Coach Chalmer Woodard used all 33 players he had available for the game, and one of them, Bob Wise played the first football game he had ever played. "Woody” used several different offensive and defensive combinations to give many of his players experience and to find the best combination to use in later games.

McPherson came close to scoring three more touchdowns in the game. They were on Bethel’s one-yard line when the game ended.

McPherson’s defensive play was one of the high points in the game. They held Bethel to a net yardage gained of only 38 yards. Only once did Bethel even penetrate into Mc-Pherson territory.    

The passing attack of both teams showed up poorly with each team completing a very small percentage of the passes attempted. McPherson. however intercepted two passes, one of them run back by Dwight McSpadden for 30 yards.

Five McPherson backs entered the scoring column in the first game of the season. Gene Smith made two touchdowns. Wayne Blic-kenstaff and Eddie Ball carried for single touchdowns. Dwight Mc-Spadden scored a touchdown and added two other points with place kicks, and John Robison made an extra point plunging.

McPherson kicked off to start the game and on the first play run from scrimmage. Bethel fumbled and lost the ball to the Bulldogs on the 25 yard line.

McSpadden and Robison battered the Bethel defense and made consistent gains until the five-yard stripe was reached. Here McPherson lost the ball on an incomplete pass on fourth down and Bethel took over.

After a few plays which went nowhere. Bethel punted to McPherson and the Bulldogs took over again. McPherson found the going too rough and on fourth down Gene Smith punted out of bounds on the 5 yard line.

A few plays later. McPherson made a first and ten on the Bethel 26. Smith and Mehlinger carried to the Bethel 14. McSpadden advanced the ball to the ten-yard line. Robison moved it on to’ the one. and two plays later Dwight McSpadden went into pay dirt for McPherson's first touchdown of the season. Robison carried the ball over for the extra point.

In the second quarter Bethel made its only serious threat of the game. McPherson fumbled on Bethels 42 yard line. McPherson was penalized

B Team Defeats KWU B Squad

McPherson’s B team converted all of their extra points here last Monday night to defeat K. W. U.

B. squad 21-19. Gene Elrod scored all three of McPherson's touchdowns on Quarterback sneaks.

Two of K. W. U. touchdowns were made without a play run from scrimmage. They carried a kickoff back 85 yards, for the second touchdown and blocked a kick and carried it over for the third one.

Except for those two momentary lapses, the defensive team played tight football. Several different times Kansas Wesleyan would find themselves in the situation of having third or fourth down coming up and 15 or 20 yds. to go to make a first and ten.

In contrast. McPherson was able to make yardage almost at-will. Using only a limited variety ol plays. McPherson ground out its touchdowns on long marches.

A highlight of the game was the Elrod to Metsker passes. Carl Metsker caught a total of six passes during the night's play. One ol these was good for a gain of 42

The Cracked Crystal Ball

By The Seer

Season's Record: 16 right 2 wrong Percentage .889.

With typical beginner’s luck, I came out from last week’s predictions virtually unmarked. The only major mistake that I made, is one that all of you loyal Kansas fans knew all the time I was wrong about, that of thinking T. C. U. could defeat K. U.

Another reason for my luck was that many of the top teams were playing “breathers” last week. Do not inform Maryland that their game with Missouri was a ''breather" or they will probably just laugh at you.

Well, I guess we are ready for another glimpse into the cracked cyystal ball.

C. of E. over Baker

K.    W. U. over Bethany.

Bethel over Sterling Washburn over Emporia State


Missouri Valley over Ottawa

L.    S. U. over Alabama Arkansas over Houston U.

Army over South Carolina California U. over Missouri Oklahoma over Colorado U. Georgia Tech over Florida Illinois U. over Iowa State Ohio State over Indiana Pittsburgh over Iowa U.

Kansas State over Cincinnati Kansas U. over Santa Clara Mississippi over Kentucky Maryland over Auburn.

Michigan State over Michigan U. Minnesota over Washington U. Navy over Yale -Nebraska over Oregon

Texas over North Carolina Southern California over Northwestern.

Notre Dame over Pennsylvania ’ Purdue over Penn State

S.    M. U. over Duke Tennessee U. over Mississippi


T.    C. U. over U. C. L. A. Wichita U, over Detroit Wisconsin U. over Marquette

Football Statistics

Rushing Average Yards per try G. Smith    6.48

E. Ball    6.22

J. Robison    5.50

B. Bean    4.18

D. McSpadden    2.90

H. Mchlliger    2.86

W. Blickenstaff    2.75

B. Goering    2.00

Read all the advertisements in the Spectator.

Team Travels To Concordia

Tonight at 8 o’clock the McPherson Bulldogs play against Concordia Teachers at Seward. Nebraska in a non-conference tilt. Coach Woodard plans to start about the same two units that played the majority of the time down at Newton last week.

In Concordia, Woody meets a team that Inst year suffered only one defeat, that at the hands of McPherson 47-6. Only two other teams scored uny points against the "Teachers". Concordia is the defending champions of the Central Church College Conference in Nebraska.    

Back from last year’s team are 18 lettcrmen that will form the nucleus for this year’s team. Five of these are seniors who are striving for their fourth, award.

Ten of the returning letterwin-ners are backfield men. Three of their returning squad members last year made all-Conference. They are Herb Peter at half back. Gene Oet-ting at tackle, and Floyd Duesing at Center.

Concordia lost their first game of the season last Friday night while McPherson was trouncing Bethel 33-0.

M Club Luncheon Held On Oct. 18

The M Club will hold its annual M Club luncheon at one of the downtown hotels Saturday. Oct. 18. All lettermen will be invited.

The traditional Homecoming parade will take place on Main Street. Saturday afternoon. Jack Kough. who managed the parade last year, is also making plans for this year’s parade.

After the game the alumni will have a get-together in the college cafeteria for coffee and doughnuts.