Finals In 25 Days

Finals In 25 Days


McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas, May 1, 1953

No. 27

Juniors Win Play Day Honors

Class of '54 Takes Trophy In Third Win

The Junior Class of 1953 again captured the winning title of Play Day held Tuesday, April 28. This is their third consecutive win, and the trophy is now in their permanent possession.    _ _.

Junior-Senior Retreat Is May 2-3 At Lake Afton

Frosh Will Picnic Sunday, May 3

Coronado Heights near Lindsborg will be the setting for the Freshman class picnic Sunday, May 3.

The committee in charge have planned for games and recreation before the picnic, which will be held In the lute afternoon. A vespers service will be held after the picnic to close the day’s activities.

The committee planning the picnic is composed of Arlene Mor-key. Betty Lou Christensen. Lor-cen Cline, Don Ullom and Lewis McKellip.

College Calendar

May 2, 3:

Junior - Senior Retreat.

May 3:

Freshman Class Picnic.

May 5:

Chapel Choir Picinc.

May 8:

All Schools Day.

May 8-9:

CBYF Weekend Workcamp. May 12:

M Club Banquet.

May 15:

Allison - Hale Recital.

May 16-17:

Rec Council Retreat.

May 17:

Student Recital.

CBYF Will Prepare Camp For Youth May 8 and 9

The CBYF Work Camp will be held Friday and Saturday. May. 8 and 9 at a camp north of Wichita. This camp is sponsored by the Sal-vation Army and is for the purpose of bringing underprivileged families from Wichita into a place away from the city for a short time. Usually the mothers and the children are brought in and they stay for one week. Food and recreation are provided during the stay.

Mohler Is Named President Of Academy Of Science

Dr. Robert E. Mohler. recently retired head of the McPherson College Biology department, has been named as president of the Kansas

_    _ ,    .    ___• - j Academy of Science at its eighty-

The Salvation Army secures SUB- W annual meeting held at Mas. gestions of families from the Welcome Apri, 2, 25. fare Association, Red Cross, and4 w .,    .    

the Ministerial Association. Dr. Mohler has just recently residents attending the Work turned from an extended vacation Camp will work at cleaning bar- his family in Florida. He rebacks. painting the swimming pool tired from the College faculty last and preparing the camp for this! January, after serving for thirty-summer.    nines years on the staff of Mac

.......... Pherson College.

The Kansas Academy of Science is made up of teachers and scientists of Kansas and adjoining states, and now has over 900 members. It is in its eighty-sixth year.

Affiliated societies include the Kansas Entomological Society and the Kansas Psychological Association.

During the course of his service to McPherson College. Dr. Mohler has in addition to being Professor of Biology, served as Dean of the college, spent four years as' member of the McPherson Board of Education and as president of the board, served for three years as Secretary of the Kansas College Deans Association. and was District Governor of Rotary International.

will do so "before the cam- a greater desire for self-participa


closes. The Student Council hopes for a 100 percent participation by the college.

Ellwood Enters Wichita Art Show

Open until May 11th will be the Eighth National Decorative Arts Ceramic Exhibition at Wichita, Kansas, in which Macollegc teacher. Mrs. Garth Ellwood, has entered several ceramic pieces.

This year’s show, sponsored by the Wichita Art Association, has been proclaimed by many as being the best yet. The show includes the arts of jewelry, enameling, ceramics, weaving, and silversmithing and arc sent to the show by artists all over the United States as well as other countries. Out of several thousand entries only 362 pieces were selected for the show.

Mrs. Ellwood, instructor of McPherson College's newly formed ceramics department, entered four ceramic pieces in this year’s show and had all four accepted. They have all been sold, but will remain on display until the show closes.

The public is invited to this show, the hours being from one to five o’clock every afternoon except Monday and 7:30 to 10:00 P. M. Mondays. There is no admission charge. The address is: 401 North Belmont Avenue, Wichita, Kansas.

CBYF Will Elect New Cabinet

Election of officers for next year’s cabinet will be held at CBYF Sunday evening, May 3.

Four people will be chosen to serve on a general executive committee.

The program will feature a guest speaker.

Hershberger Talks On Youth Work

Prof. E. S. Hershberger went with Stanley Meinen to Newton Tuesday evening, April 28, to speak with families who are going to have exchange students from India living with them.

These students will come to McPherson County and the four neigh-oring counties through the International Farm Youth Exchange. They will work on the farms and learn about American farming methods.

Prof. Hershberger spent six years teaching in India, so he was able to answer questions and explain about customs in India. He also showed pictures of India to the group.

Mortvedt Will Be Bethany Prexy

Dr. Robert A. Mortvedt. Kansas City, Mo., who until recently was vice president of Kansas City Uni-verstiy, has been named president! of Bethany College.    

Dr. Mortvedt succeeds Dr. Emory Lindquist who resigned to accept a position on the staff of Wichita University.

Chapel Choir Has Picnic May 5

The Chapel Choir will have their annual picnic on May 5. They will leave Mac at 4 o'clock for Coronado Heights.

Different committees have been appointed to see that there Is food to eat, and that there is a way to Coronado Heights.

Each member of the chapel choir may invite a guest.

The Juniors had a total of 191 9-20 points. The sophomores were second with 141 9-20 points. The freshmen third with 140 4-5 points. The senior had 74% points.

In the mystery event, the juniors had 41 9-20 points. The freshmen 19 4-5. the sophomores 13 9-20. and the seniors 1.25 points.

The events that had the most points to offer were softball and skits. In women’s softball the seniors were first, then freshmen, sophomores, and Juniors. In men's softball the sophomores first followed by Juniors, freshmen, and seniors.

In the track events the juniors led the way with 37 points followed by the sophomores with 27. the freshmen with 26, and the seniors with 3 points.

The Juniors won the soccer contest. the freshmen the tug-of-war contest, the freshmen the capture of the flag contest, the men’s volleyball contest was won by the seniors, the women’s volleyball by the sophomores. Both the freshmen men and women’s teams won the wheelbarrow contest.

The skit was won by the juniors followed by the freshmen, sophomores, and seniors.

There was an estimated 300 participants in ail the events on play

Members of the faculty served as referees and supervisors of the various events.

The program of activities was set up by the recreational leadership class under the direction of Prof. Dick Wareham.

Alpha Psi Omega Gain Four Members

Four new members were initiated into the, Theta Epsilon cast dramatic fraternity. Monday evening. They are Phyllis Kingery, Glenn Bellah, Joe Kennedy, and Ted Vance.    

The initiation ceremony was held at the home of Mrs. Una Yoder. Refreshments were served following the ceremony.

Other members of Alpha Psl Omega are Kathlyn Coffman. Dolores Sigle Maxine Hanley. Dean Neher. and Bryce Miller.

Campfire Will Be Held At SCA Thursday, May 7

SCA on Thursday, May 7 will feature a campfire and program, the committee has announced. Further plans will be posted.

A number of slides on Estes Park. Colorado were shown at the meeting last night, April 30.

“Toyland” Is All-Schools Day Theme, May 8

The McPherson County Schools’ Day has been fixed for May 8, with a parade down on

Main Street in the city beginning at about 11 a. m. This year’s theme is “Toyland.”

The purpose of this celebration is to honor all the 8th grade students who will be going into High School the next year.

The dance around the May Pole will be held in the evening of May 7. at the Lakeside Park. The Queens from the different townships in the county will then be crowned by the mayor of the city.

Several floats will feature the down-town parade, these floats will represent all the schools and colleges in the county, as well as some of the commercial establishments. The McPherson College float will be prepared by the sophomore class.

During the past years, students from the college have been given the jobs of keeping the crowds back. on the parade ground. Prof. Milton Dell, who usually is in charge of this in cooperation with the police department will probably be needing student assistance again this year.    

Further plans will be announced later.

Faculty Women Attend Potluck Dinner

McPherson College faculty women will hold a potluck dinner Sunday, May 3 at the Alice Martin home. Miss Jesse Brown and Miiss Lulu Wickersham will be included in the list of guests.

Spec & Quad Staff Will Have Picnic

The Spec & Quad staff will have a picnic May 15 at Lake Marion.

On the foods committee are Mr. and Mrs. Dick King and Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Coffman.

Recreation committee is composed of Jean Walker, Adalu Carpenter, Margaret Yost and Leon Albert.

Manly Draper will be in charge of transportation.

The group will leave from McPherson at 3 p. m. and each member may invite a guest.

Neptune Reigns At WAA Banquet

"King Neptune’s Court" was the theme of the WAA Banquet held last Friday evening, April 24 in the Blue Room of the Warren Hotel.

Treasure chests and sea shells decorated the tables, fish hung -from the ceiling and fish nets draped over the walls, as King Neptune sat back and looked over the banquet.    

Doris Coppock,.sponsor of WAA gave the invocation. Beginning the program. Lu Carpenter gave an original reading entitled "Davy Jones Locker," Leon Albert and Kathy Russell acted it out

Following that. Pres. Betty Jo Baker introduced the new officers for the organization, who are President. June Blough, Vice President, Marlonna Wine. Secretary, Liz Swinger, Treasurer, Betty Hold-erread, and Publicity Chairman, Virginia Bowers.

K quartet composed, of Angie Flora, Norann Royer, Don Good-fellow and Wesley Ikcnberry were the fish aharmers,

A modern dance, with actions of the sea was performed by Leon Albert, Shirley Alexander, Kathy Russell, Bev. Scbechter, and Eu-la Mae Murrey.

Approximately forty attended the formal affair.

Students Pledge $12,082 For Drive

Since the launching of the student part of the College Expansion Drive over a week ago, Macollege students have shown active interest in supporting the drive.

Captains and workers were kept busy most of last week Interviewing students and soliciting pledges from them, as well as distributing the pledge cards.

As of date, a total of $12,082 has been realized from these student pledges. The goal set for McPherson County, including the college is $150,000. Contributions towards the present amount realized has so far come from approximately 51.3 percent of the student body. The average contribution is about $52.54 per student.

According to the latest release from Wayne Blickenstaff. chairman of the Student Drive, the overall participation per class has been very good, and encouraging. 78 percent of the senior class have given their pledges, the junior class showed 87 percent participation, while 81 percent of the sophomores have also promised to help the cause, from the freshman class 60 percent have shown interest, and have contributed. Esther Ikenberry in charge of all contributions from special students has been able to contact only 2 percent of them.

' The student campaign will close very soon, and it Is hoped by the Student Council that all those students who have not yet given any

The annual Junior - Senior retreat will be held May 2-3. on Saturday and Sunday at Lake Afton. near Wichita.

Activities on the retreat will include boating, swimming, sun-bathing. loafing, mainly depending on weather conditions. Last year's Junior - Senior Retreat was a huge success, with most of the carefree vacationers coming back with sunburned bodies and were thoroughly exhausted from swimming and boating.

Don Fike is in charge of the retreat, and Elmer Fike is in charge of the worship services.

Velva Wagner is in charge of the food. Curtis Leicht is president of the junior class, and LaVon Widegren is president of the senior class. The retreaters will return to Macampus Sunday evening.

Macollege Will Observe Music Week May 3-9

Next week. May 3-9, will be observed throughout the United States as National Music Week.

The idea of having a National Music Week originated in Boise. Idaho, in the mind of Mr. Eugene A. Farner. The idea was first put into practice in 1919. Since then many of the towns and cities of our country have established the practice of devoting a week each spring to a music festival.

Alice Challener. President of the Pittsburgh Piano Teachers Association, has compiled the following objectives of National Music Week. They are: (1) more intelligent and responsive listening: (2)

tion; (3) a better knowledge of our American composers: and (4) a more definite realization of the importance of music as a factor in everyday life.

On Macampus. National Music Week will especially be observed during the chapel program on Wednesday. May 6. Mrs. Sen Romani will be in charge of this program.

Athletes Honor Smith At Dinner

McPherson College’s new incoming coach and head of Athletics, Sid Smith, from Highland High School at Topeka, was honored at an informal dinner April 26 in the college gym.

The dinner was made possible through the efforts of the Quarterback Club, a local organization made up of interested persons in the community. Members of the McPherson College athletic squad comprising the football, track, tennis and baseball tenths were present Several high school athletes were also present.

Outgoing Coach Chalmer Woodard gave a farewell speech and welcomed Sid Smith into the McPherson College circle. Various alumni and several coaches from nearby high schools were present. Guy Hayes was master of ceremonies.

College Is Worth Your Time

Aren’t you glad you came to college? As I was sitting in on a gab session the other evening, laughing and talking about every-, thing in general, but not much of anything, it occurred to me that college is really a barrel of fun.

Just stop and think of all the new friends you've made while in college—you can hardly count them ah. can you?

In college, we arc very independent and are more or less on our own. With this feeling; we can act our true selves, and thus laugh when the occasion calls for it. or be serious when we are faced with problems or decisions.

We are here preparing for our future vocation. The way we act and get along with others here wilt somewhat carry on through in the walk of life wo choose.

Each one of us gets depressed at times and feel that we Just can’t go on—that this world is just too cruel and is not worth all the struggle.

But in a little while, a smile or a few kind or funny words from a friend or your roommate, and you forget your troubles and enjoy life again.

So when you see someone down in the dumps over something, just remember what a few words of kindness and consideration can do to put him back into seeing the bright side.

Yes. college is a lot of fun— for where else can one forget his troubles so easy and just plainly have a good time through every phase of his academic career —be it the classroom, meetings, or gab sessions? Enjoy it while you arc here!—R. P.


Congratulations; junior class!

Your class has shown great determination, school spirit and enthusiasm in winning Play Day for three consecutive years.

You have worked hard for that trophy, Which is now in your permanent possession, and you rightly deserve.

When a class, team or organization has the backing of all members, it can accomplish more than even the strongest without a little backing.

McPherson College is proud to be represented by a class that will stick together and win, even though the chances for success do look a little rugged.

Your example is one of sportsmanship and loyalty which each of us should be proud to follow and copy. Maybe the rest of us can learn something from it.—R. P.

The Spectator

Official Student Publication of McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas, Published every Friday during the school year by the Student Council

Associated Collegiate Press


Entered as second class matter November 28. 1917 at the- postoffice of Mcpherson Kansas under the act of March 3. 1997.

Address All Correspondence TUE SPECTATOR McPherson, Kansas


Roth Papa ------

James Craig-----...

Wendell Lents Adalu Carpenter Manly Draper    

Kenneth Brown Sarah May Vancll

.....- ... Editor-In-Chief

Managing Editor

......... Campus Editor

---—... Society Editor

~___ Sports Editor

Staff Photographer ......... Faculty Advisor


Maxine Hanley Harold Pallon Ina Pitman

Library Reviews More New Books

McPherson College Library has added more new books to its collection. Reviews of some of these are given for the help of students and faculty members.

Bonding Church Membership Through Evangelism by Bryan was written out of the author's wide experience and gives tested plans for more effective evangelism.

The Lore of the New Testament by Gaer presents extracanonical literature that has grown up around the New Testament.

Here’s a Faith for You by Pearson outlines some practical ways of achieving a more genuine Christian experience.

Modern Science and Modern Man

by James B. Conant presents the impact that modern physics and modem chemistry are having on the thought of modern man.

Modem science. Dr. Conant believes. returns to modern man his humanity, his common sense, his spiritual values, and his moral convictions.

Guide to the Study of Rocks by

Spock gives systematic procedure for the examination of rocks for the amateur geologist.

Identification and Qualitative Chemical Analysts of Minerals by Smith is illustrated by means of hundreds of natural color plates. Properties of minerals are listed in convenient tables.

Gardens in the Modem Landscape by Tunnard shows new conceptions of landscape and garden planning.

Model Ships and Their Construction by Reeve gives the ship building enthuiast not only a history of ships and ship modeling but also step by step plans and procedures for the building of models.

Some books of literary criticism of the Romantic Movement are The Road to Xanadu by Lowes. Shelley’s Major Poetry by Baker. Portrait of Shelley by White, and Thomas De Quincey His Life and Work by Sackville - West.

From Classic to Romantic by Bate shows that the changes in European concepts of taste reflected a shift in man's entire thinking about himself.

Collected Poems: 1917-1952 by

Archibald Mac Leish gives the poems that have built up MacLeish’s reputation' as an American poet.

Textile Design by Hunt deals largely* with furnishing fabrics. It was written to help the artist and designer as well as the manufacturer and the housewife.

Good-bye. Mr. Chippendale by Robsjohn.- Gibbings is full of caustic wit as the author ridicules the fashion for antique furniture and interior decoration.

Farmer’s Tax Handbook by Las-ser is a working guide and reference book for the farmer who wants to reduce his tax bill.

The American City by Queen and Carpenter has a new approach to urban sociology which breaks! down the dichotomy of rural and city life.

The Social Mind by Boodin i:

book of social philosophy.

To The Editor

DcaV Editor:

This article Is pertaining to the skits of Tuesday night. Before play, day,- we were told to use originality ideas; and anything within reasonable limits for these skits. I think students and faculty alike should read this—it might open their minds somewhat.

It seems to me that McPherson College is like a stagnant pool that likes to stay the same lukewarm temperature—no progress in ideas for youth. We are progressing other ways, such as the construction of new buildings and the like, but I’m speaking of things for the youth go do. such as skits.

We are so limited with ideas. The mere word, "dance.” is shunned as though it were a sin and if some one has an idea or implication  of it in a skit, they are criticized and cut down.

The acts Tuesday evening were supposed to be judged on audience response and laughter. They should ; have been judged that way. then, A good many student can’t understand the way things are done— everything scorns too literary and reserved, and this only creates resentment.

A group of us were discussing the matter and we thought that persons with unbiased opinions from town or neighboring schools would make better judges than those on our own faculty.

I realize we should not be allowed to go hog-wild, but give us a chance to live a little, because we can’t live in a place like this forever.    

Films For Finals

Brown University students go to the movies free during final exam week. The student board of governors schedules cartoons and short motion pictures to relieve the pressure of studying for examinations.

Alpha Psi Omega Elect Officers

An Alpha Psi Omega meeting was held Thursday at 9:50 in the SAR.

The following officers were elected: President. Joe Kennedy; Vice President. Phyllis Kingery; and Secretary Treasurer. Maxine Hanley. Some of the plans for next year were discussed.

The other Alpha Psi Omega members arc Bryce Miller. Kath-lyn Coffman. Dean Neher, Dolores Sigle. Glenn Bellah. and Ted Vance.

‘ Dear Dad: Guess what I need most of all. That's right. Send it along. Best wishes. Your Son. Tom.”

"Dear Tom: Nothing every happens hero. We know you like your school. Write us another letter soon. Jimmie was asking about you Monday. Now we have to say good-bye.”

Thinking With The President

Are We Afraid of Peace

Strange headlines have been stretching across the tops of our newspapers recently. Such terms as "Peace Offensive.” "Campaign for Peace." and so forth, have been used with connotations of wickedness rather than righteousness.

When "one side” makes a suggestion for peace immediately the "other side" pulls itself together to see how it can counter this offensive and beat it down. At least, that is the impression which our newspapers give us. The impression given is that to assume the initiative in sponsoring the peace is more important than achieving the peace. Each side seeks to make the other’s peace suggestion seem ridiculous or selfish. This may not be the true state of affairs, but it is the newspaper impression. Perhaps the reason this attitude appears in our newspapers is that people are thinking in those terms.

Do we really want peace?

When we seemed to be moving, even slightly, in the direction of peace, the stock markets began to tremble. People became frightened. Our economy became unsteady.

Are we afraid of peace? There are evidences that we are.

Certainly we need nothing more than we need peace. We need it from the standpoint of the actual destruction which is happening in our world. We need it. also, from the standpoint of the quietitude for which our own souls yearn.

Our economy does not need to suffer because of peace. There arc so many good things we can do with our money. There are roads to build, hospitals to build, libraries to build, schools to build.

Without fear or falsification let us work for peace. Peace lies at the very center of the Christian purpose.

Fix Your Eyes Upon A Cause

If you are looking for a sharp contrast to flabby and superficial living, fix your gaze upon Susan B. Anthony. Here was a soul possessed by a single idea, women should have equal rights with men.

For half a century, she was the organizer and director of the woman suffrage campaign. She laid siege to Congress and for forty years appeared annually before its committees.

She spoke incessantly throughout the land. She wrote numerous articles for the press and carried on a voluminous correspondence with her pen. never owning a typewriter or employing a secretary until near the end of her career.

The righteousness of her cause is now universally recognized and it is difficult for us to put ourselves in the frame of mind of her opponents.    

Yet Miss Anthony and her fellow suffragists were subjected to an

almost unparralled degree of abuse and vilification. Year after year insulting epithets of the most extreme nature were hurled at them from coast to coast.

In 1871. a Seattle editor wrote concerning Miss Anthony: "She is a revolutionist, aiming at nothing less than the breaking up of the very foundation of society, and the over throw of every social institution organized for the protection of the sanctity of the altar, the family circle and the legitimacy of our off-spring. The whole plan is coarse, sensual and agrarian, the worst phase of French infidelity!”

The truth is that Susan B. Anthony was a gentle and evout little Quaker lady with a passion for justice for women.

Nothing could swerve her. not fatigue and weariness, not opposition and abuse, not defeat piled upon defeat. Her personality was unified in a great cause.

What Is True Today?

It is easier to give intellectual assent to the Beautitudes than to live as if we know them to be true. Let us now seek new meanings from old words:

"Blessed are those, who mourn, for they shall be comforted. Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.” *

Do we really believe this? “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.

Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.” In wartime?

“Blessed arc the pure in heart, for they shall see God.

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.”

Do our lives reveal the conviction that this is so?

"Blessed are you when men revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven, for so men persecuted the prophets who were before you."

Are these words applicable to us in this age of totalitarian dictators? What is their meaning for us now?


219 North Main


Margaret Yost Esther Ikenberry Gordon Yoder ...

---—— Business Manager

. Assistant Business Manager

__________Circulation Manager

—--------— Faculty Advisor


Ladies Ready to Weer, Dresses, Coats, Suits, Sportswear, Lingerie, Hosiery, Handbags 122 N. Main    Phone 130


New and Used Appliances 219 S. Main    Phone 226

We Invite You To Visit Us


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Green's Furniture Outlet 302 N. Mow_

Hodge’s for

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Poehler Wholesale Grocery Co., Inc.

McPherson, Kansas


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322 N. Main

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A Cash Purchase is A Cash Saving!


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Auto Accessories Tires Electrical Appliances


220 N. Main Clarence H. Loewen Ph. 1294


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208-10-12 S. Main    

For The Finest In Groceries Rothroek’s

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• In 9    Out 5

Cameras fir Film

ABEL’S     108 N. Main

Peoples State Bank

Capital Accounts $275,000

Member FDIC    In McPherson Since 1898

Bulldog Barks

Betty Young went to Dean Neb-O-er’s home In Oswego, It ran to visit. and take part In a youth ratty. Lyle Neher and Betty Lou Hershberrer also went.

The ladies trio spent all day Tuesday on a deputation tour to four high school. giving concerts.

Velvo Warner went home with Don and Dual Wagoner to Adet. Iowa.. Don Butler went In the same car with Lee Hogle and the two fellows spent Sunday In the Wagoner home. The dinner was fried chicken, and fresh strawberry shortcake—home cooking!

Cupid struck another blow a week ago Thursday evening. A dorm meeting was scheduled for that night and when the girls were seated. Ina Ditmars, dorm president passed out specific rules that were to be enforced.

Some of the rules were rather pertinent and sharp, and angry thoughts were gradually building op towards a storm of voices—then they hit number 11 which said. everyone was to make note of the fact that Lu Carpenter and Ed Frants were engaged, and that all other rules except number 11 would not go into effect unless otherwise notified.

Play Day started off with a bang last Tuesday at one o'clock. Each class was determined to win over the previous victorious juniors. But they were determined too.

Well, their determination held out and they won again. Sophomores ran a close second, though and for the first time since the junior class entered school, they got pulled over the line in the tug-of-war by the freshmen.    

The juniors won in track and field events, and the mystery event, which was a way of gaining points for your class. Slips of paper were placed all over the campus.

5 of which had Dr. Bittingcr's signature and each counted 5 points. One - hundred notes were signed by Dean Berkebile amounting to 1 point each, two hundred signed by Dick Wareham for Vi point, and Gordon Yoder signed five hundred fifty for 1-10 point a piece.    

. The whole day was packed full and every one enjoyed IL Good old dependable Kansas came forth with a spring shower and the eats were moved from the tennis courts to the gymnasium.

That evening, each class put on a skit as well as the faculty and Rec Leadership Class. The juniors won that freshman second, sophomores and then seniors. Sophomores still came in second though for the play day.

The juniors theme was a take off on property assessments in the lower, middle and upper classes; sophomores had a vaudeville show; freshman, an angelic Idea In heaven; and seniors had an Arthur Godfrey show.

The morning after the night before. everyone on campus found out that they had more muscles than they knew could ache.

Over last weekend. Betty Hold-erread started to Cushing. Okla. to attend a district CBYF cabinet meeting, but missed her bus. so she spent her time doing other things. She popped her back out of place when she fell over a wire at the end of the football field on play day. too. And just a little while back she practically disfigured herself by falling over a pipe. She didn’t slip, she wasn’t pushed, she fell, hard.

Protection For Dull Profs

The Northeastern News, Northeastern University. Mass., thinks the no-cut system is merely a "protection for professors who offer dull instruction."

"Abolish this rule.” says the News, "and many classes would be deserted day after day. And it would be a lesson to those instructors who refuse to make their classes interesting.”

The behavior, of those with whom we come in contact is a mirror reflecting our own personality.— Karl Sealot.

Pre-College Students

Give Piano Recital

A piano recital sponsored by the McPherson College Music Deportment. was given by several pre-college students on April 26.

The Sunday afternoon included eighteen numbers, including "Gypsy Violins." by Schaum." "The Wiki Horseman," by Schumann.” and ’Moment Musicale, "No. 4” by Schubert."

Those taking part in the recital were Celia Ann Krehbiel. Sara Woodland, Nancy Woodland, Keith Mathes, Larry Buryanek, Muriel Bechtel. Pamela Kaufman. Sandra Stucky. Marianne Bittinger. Kay Weber. Cynthia Tucker. Sandra Lehne. Shirley Rose Regier. Deanna Goering. Karolyn Loewen and Judy Stucky.

Situation Drama Is Given At CBYF

The recently organized peace cell group on Macampus had charge of CBYF Sunday evening. April 26.

A situation drama, showing draftees speaking with their draft boards, was given. Leland Lengel. Gerald Ulrich. Kenny Brown, and Leon Neher played the part of the draft board. Gary Jones and Kenny Shaeffer represented the draftees. with Lois Stinnette and Norman Long as their ministers.

Ruth Grossnickle gave a brief history of the peace cell on the campus, and their plans for next year. Evelyn Williams, accompanied by Dorothy Lucore. led the group singing.

At the close of the meeting, the group invited any other students who are interested in promoting the cause of peace to join the cell The group meets on Sunday evenings after church and on Wednesday evenings at 7:15 in the room north of the chapel.

KU Presents Opera May 7-9

Two operas. "The Well." by Men-nini's. and Benjamin’s "Prima Donna" will be presented at Kansas University May 7-9.

Hans Schwieger. conductor the Kansas City Philharmonic orchestra will direct the operas. Mr. Schwieger is giving his services as music director without charge as a "contribution toward the establishment of a midwestern opera center at KU.”

Since 1949. Mr. Schwieger has appeared as guest conductor with the NBC Symphony orchestra, the New York Philharmonic orchestra, and the Berlin Philharmonic orchestra.

No Wemen Al Princeton

Princeton officials had their values jolted the other day when they received a letter from a midwestern girl (addressed to the Dean of Women.)

"I am sincerely thinking -about attending your university and would like some information in regards to tuition, board, books, and a parttime job if possible.

Some information on the size of the school and the campus and the situation of the dorm and sorority houses along with other information would be desired."

Since Princeton has no dean of women. Assistant Dean of the College, Hamilton Cottier, did the honors. He told her. it would be use; less to send information she requested. Princeton docs not accept women students.

To devote a portion of one's leisure to doing something for someone else is one of the highest forms of recreation.—Gerald B. Fitzgerald.

Mademoiselle Gives Tips

If you hate gym. can’t stand outdoor sports, dread the idea of games because you’re a dud at them stop worrying. You'll have the situation well in hand this summer once you’ve read Games for the Ungamely by Stephen Potter in the May issue of Mademoiselle.

Potter sets out to show how. without actually being able to play games, how one can achieve the one-up position in any given games situation.

Carpenter, Frantz Are Engaged

Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Carpenter of Las Vegas. Nov. announce the engagement of their daughter Ada-lu. to Ed Frantz, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy T. Frantz of Conway Springs. Kansas.

Both are sophomores at Macollege. where Adalu is majoring in Home Economics, and Ed is a Business Administration major.

No wedding date has been set.

Juniata Is Listed As Recommended College

Junatia College. Huntingdon. Pa., and sister college to McPherson. has been included in the 1953 listing of recommended small colleges in the annual report of James W. Hampton.

It is one of 25 independent liberal arts, colleges selected in the East by an advisory board of regional consultants.

Kansas Scraps TV For Education

The Kansas state legislature killed educational TV last week on the grounds that it would be too great an expense.

The proposed program would have put the University of Kansas and Kansas State College in charge of an extensive TV program. Chancellor Franklin D, Murphy of the University of Kansas said he was

Want The Moon For A Vacation?

The Space Age has arrived. Let’s face it. Now instead of trips to the Riviera, the Vacationist will jump in his rocket and zoom to the Moon.

As a service to this paper's great and far-flung band of readers, this reporter made just such a jaunt last week. The trip was uneventful —we passed Flash Gordon once. He was going to Mars to pick up an interspace spy known as Subversive Sam. Sam had some wild plan about heading Mars toward the Earth and jumping off just before the two crashed together. We didn’t see any flying saucers at all. which the pilot said was very unusual.

I was met at the space port by a delegation from Moonlight Bay. the planet’s most popular retort. Naturally. everything’s sky-high, including most of the inhabitants.

The scenery on the Moon is impressive—even beats the Rockies! Life is informal—no buildings of any kind. Food is plentiful if youlike dandelion greens and water-press. Things are progressing however. Song, expressions, and Broadway shows and movies have made a big hit on the Moon. Intcrplan-etial relations between the two worlds are excellent.

I shaft never forget a typical scene I saw as the space ship pulled away from the runway. A picturesque little man was sitting on a rock singing that popular new song. “How Low the Earth."

The natives stood on the shore waving me farewell from the Land of Enchantment destined to become a favorite vacationland for those who want "to get out of this world.” (Taken from the Sterling Stir.)

Asian Students Emphasize Welfare

To McPherson College

McPherson, O McPherson A cry indeed I raised That sounded like a song And then thy echo passed.

It was a hypnotizer Then joy to hear it say: Macampus has the answer Come brother, here's the way.

Can This Be Trne?

Bernes Hardware A Supply Co Hardware—-Houseware . Electrical Appliances 224 N. Main    -Phone 424



$10 for 1000 words

Subject,: A valedictory, salutory or class president’, address of afloat one thousand word, suitable for u,e in any American high school. Ten dollars will be paid for each paper accepted, as nearly all are. It must represent the thought, outlook or philosophy of youth. Send yours to Bryan Newsom, 15§0 30th Avenue Wert, Seattle Of, Washington. Payment will be sent promptly or manuscript returned if not acceptable.

"Between the senility of second childhood and the lighthearted lechery of the teens, we find a loathsome creature called a college boy. College boys come in assorted sizes. weights and sizes but all college boys have the same creed; to do nothing every second minute of the day and to protest with whining noises when their last minute of inertia is finished and the adult males pack them off to the employment office or the draft board.

“College boys are found everywhere-breaking train windows, tearing down goal posts, -or inciting riots. ... A college boy is laziness with peach fuzz on its face, idiocy with lanolin in its hair, and hope of the future with an overdrawn bank book in his pocket.

“When he wants something, it’s usually money. He likes cutting classes, double features, girls, and football weekends.

"Nobody else can cram Into one pocket a slide rule, a Marilyn Monroe calendar. Kant's ‘Critique of Pure Reason, a collapsible pool cue. a Hawaiian ukelele, a Stan Kenton record and a YMCA towel.

"A college boy is a magical creature—you can lock him out of your heart but you can't lock him out of your ice box. You can get-him off your mind, but you can’t get him off your expense account. But when you come home | at night with only the shattered pieces of your hopes and dreams.

Several Macollege students from I he can make them mighty

the Animal Husbandry and Animal can's with our works:    I fluncked

Nutritions classes will attend the "

Feeders’ Field Day meeting held at the Kansas State College of Agriculture and Applied Sciences at Manhattan, Knns.. on Saturday,

May 2. Prof. Guy Hayes, Associate Professor of Rural Life, will accompany the classes for the trip.

The Feeders' Field Day meeting for that day will begin at 9:00 a. m.. and visitors coming from all parts of Kansas and from many other states will take a tour of the college and visit the Experimental Station's feeding lots and bams, and will sec several of the experiments on livestock as are being carried out at the State College. as well as many other things of general interest to the average American farmer.

The meeting, which is being held for the benefit of formers as well as for laymen in the field-of agriculture, will last the whole day.

There win be several lectures on livestock management, feeding programs, scientific facts, and other matters to be discussed. There will also be a free meal during the middle of the day at the K.

State Field House.

The students attending this meeting from Ma college will leave around 7:00 a. m. by cars, and will spend most of the day at the State College.

McPherson. O McPherson

Thine bosom thou didst open,

To offer me a weapon My homeland for to open.

Would it that I could fire My mind to say to thee.

Good brother do not tire Great blessings wait for thee.

For see McPherson dear Thine act is like a ripple.

You know not ’cause it's here But far away it's simple.

They watch the rolling wavelets Bear witness of thy goodness.

As yet it's streaks and droplets But ’twill be showers of kindness

With this m end my song And let the echo ring.

And though I will be gone Yet will it keep ringing.

'Tis true we’re all imperfect And so my wrongs please pardon. Don't judge and do not forget Not yet. not yet. McPherson College.

—Joseph Obi.

Students Attend Feeders’ Field Day At K. State

The Rural Service League

......____.. Madras Christian College is one of

distressed at the legislature s its ^ many student welfare

tion    which are springing up at the cd-

Thoughts For The Wise

You can surmount the obstacles in your path if you arc determined, courageous and hard-working. Never be fainthearted. Be resolute, but never bitter. Bitterness will serve only to warp your personality. Permit no one to dissuade you from pursuing the goals you set for yourselves. Do not fear to pioneer, to venture down new paths of endeavor. Demand and make good

leges and universities of India and Pakistan.

These groups arc making it possible for students to take a direct and active part in doing something about their country’s problems. Students can go Into the villages and work on the problems of health, illiteracy, and agricultural development.

A group of students from the University of Californio during

use of your righto, but never fail    to India last summer

to discharge faithfully the obliga-i worked with Indian students on one tions and responsibilities of good citizenship. Be good Americans.—

Ralph J. Bunche.

This is an age in which the struggle is for the minds of men; a struggle to create understanding and sympathy between peoples of different races, culture and history; a struggle in which all those who love freedom will do all they can to establish at least a powerful mental alliance amongst themselves against the forces of tyranny. Let us each—work toward the goal that in the end we may live in peace and good will together. Percey C. Spender.

If we command our wealth, we shall be rich and free; if our wealth commands us. we are poor indeed.—Edmund Bruke.

of these projects. The Americans living with Indian students at Madras College In Calcutta have formed a Student Relief Society, which works on the distribution of grains in famine-struck villages.

In Madras there are a number of colleges with student welfare organizations. One of the oldest is that at Queen Mary's College which has an active improvement program operating in a nearby slum area. Schools and vocational training courses are provided for the children and youth of the slum.


There will be an Important meeting of the Players’ Club at 7:00 in the SAR next Tuesday evening. May 5.

out. dad.”

—The Lincoln. Nebr., Star.

Quartet Will End Tour May 4

Florcne Hale. Elsie Kindley, Peggy Sargent, and La Von Widegren are touring in Minnesota, Nebraska. Iowa. North Dakota, and Montana giving musical concerts.

The quartet left Friday. April 24 and plan to return Monday, May 4. Bob Mays of the Public Relations. Dept, is with them.

Goucher Offers Fellowship In Elementary Training

Twenty fellowships for graduate study in elementary teachter training are available at Goucher CoL lege. Baltimore, Maryland for 195JI-54. The fellowships, in varying amounts up to $1725 are open to women graduates of liberal arts colleges who have no prior training or experience as teachers.

The new program, which has been made possible by a generous grant from the Ford Fund for the Advancement of Education, will lead to a degree of Master of Education in one year.

Deadline for application is June



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McPherson and citizens hate bank

Best Wishes in Your Sixty-Fifth Year of Educational Progress.

125 N. Mein    Phone

Bulldogs, Wichita Split Twin-Bill

A three run rally in the last half of the last inning gained a split decision for the McPherson College Bulldogs in their doubleheader with the Wichita Shockers Monday, April 27.

The rally started with one out as Tommy O’Dell reached first on Shocker error. Hoch followed with a single moving O’Dell to third, and then O’Dell scored on Petefish’s single. Hoch scored when there was an error on Delay’s squeeze bunt and Eddie Ball won the game with a single that scored Petefish from second. This gave McPherson a 6-5 win.

The loss to Wichita U. in the first game was only the second loss that the Bulldogs have sustained all season. Credited with Wichita’s U.’s victory in the first game was Eli Romero. He gave the Bulldogs plenty of trouble with his control which only gave up one walk in the entire game.

Although the McPherson pitchers only allowed two hits in the first game, a combination of seven errors in the field behind them and an abundance of walks given up b.v them, resulted in a 5-1 win for Wichita U.

Joe Johns was McPherson’s winning pitcher in the last game. He gave up seven hits, walked three and struck out four. The box scores of the two games: McPherson    AB    E    h

O’Dell 2b    ..............3    2    0

Hoch If rf    ..............2    1    1

Petefish rf    lb ..........3    1    1

Delay 3b    ................3    0    1

Ball c ____ ...4    1    3

Blickenstaff    ss ..........3    0    1

McSpaddcn    cf ..........2    0    0

Ensminger    lb ..........1    o    0

Goering If    ..............2    0    0

Johns p .... 2    1    1

Blickenstaff ss ..........3

Ensminger    lb ..........3

Richardson    p ............2

Gayer p ..................1





013 000 0—4 5 210 101 x—5 2

Sports Schedule

May 1:

Track., Bethany, there.

May 1-2:

Tennis, Regionals here.

May 5:

Baseball, Tabor, here Track. Quadrarigular meet, here. May 8:

Track. Ft. Hays Relays.

May 12:

Track. Kansas Wesleyan, there. May 14:

Tennis, Conference Finals at Emporia.

May 15:

Track. Conference Meet.

“Dear John” Letters Are Posted At Ft. Riley

A “Dear John” letter to an infantryman from his girl back home can be a sad thing, depending upon the circumstances and parties concerned, but Company C of the 87th regiment at Ft. Riley, Kansas has decided to treat "Dear Johnletters realistically.

The boys now post them on the company bulletin board.

A "Dear John” letter is the kind the girl back home writes when she wishes to discourage further correspondence. Company C men have received sewn such letters since January, according to Pfc Donald .Wilstermann, company mail clerk.

Bulldogs Win Wichita Relays

The McPherson College Bulldogs won the Wichita University Relays at Wichita last April 22, by nosing out the Wichita University reserve team by 1/3 point.

Totals Wichita

Thompson 2b ____________

Pace cf ..................3

Kuhns 3b ................4

Kaufman lb ........... 4

Vigore ss '.................4

Reed rf .....i'.'...........3

McNerney p .............3

Haught c ................4

Chuck p If ..............3

25 6 8 AB R H 0 1

Bethany Wins 4-3 In Tennis Match

The Bethany College tennis team won a 4 to 3 dual match from the Macollege Bulldogs, April 22 on the Bulldogs court. Bethany won the three singles and one doubles match. Following is a summary of the match:

Berglund. Mac. defeated Larson. Bethany, 7-5, 7-5 Benson. Bethany, defeated Frantz, Mac. 6-4. 3-6, 6-4.

Royer. Mac. defeated Fry, Bethany. 6-3. 6-4.

Newcomer. Bethany. defeated Hummer. Mac. 8-6, 6-4.

Schmidt, Bethany. defeated West, Mac, >7. 7-5.

Frantz - Hummer. Mac, defeated Benson. - Fry. Bethany 5-7, 61. 63.

Larson - Newcomer. Bethany defeated Berglund - Royer, McPherson 63, 7-5.

Kansas Conference Standings

W L Pet.

McPherson ..........5    1    .833

C. of E................4    1    .800

Bethel .................1    3    .250

Bethany ...............1    3    .250

Friends ...............1    4    .200

Bulldogs Lose Track Meet To Baker U.

Macollege lost its first track meet of the year Wednesday, April 29, when Baker U. came out ahead of them in a Tri-Angular meet by the score of 60.25 to 45.75. College of Emporia was third with 29 points.

Holzapfel, Baker; Time :5t.l.

Bechtel again came through with his usual two victories, as he paced the milers and the two miles to win both events going away. In the two mile, he cut his time to the commendable time of 10:29.5.

Other firsts were won by Clive Sharpe in the 440 yd. dash and Don Goodfellow in the half mile run. Frank Hanagarne tied for first in the pole vault and the mile relay team of Wahl. Heidebrecht. Sharpe and Goodfellow won the other first.

One name that will strike a familiar note for McPherson College Football fans, was the winner of the 100 and 220 yard dashes. That was Willie Gaines, the boy that caught up with Eddie Ball last fall during the football season during the game over there. He ran the 100 in :09.8. The summary of the meet:

Mille run—1. Bob Bechtel. 1 Pherson; 2. Perry. Baker; 3. A1 Zunkel. McPherson; Time. 4:41.5.

446yd. dash — 1. Clive Sharpe. McPherson; 2. Leker, Baker; 3.


32 5 7

Wichita    201 010 1—5 7 1

McPherson    012 000 3—6 8 7

Wichita    AB R II

Thompson c ..............2    1    0

Pace cf ..................2    1    0

Kuhns 3b ................2    0    0

Kaufman lb .............1    0

Vigore ss .............. 2    1

Reed rf ________ 2    0

Chuck If .............. ~ 3 2

Haught c ...........IIIH3    0

Romero p ................j    q

Totals    . is 5

McPherson    AB    R

O’Dell 2b ............... 4    0

‘ Hoch If ............ 4    j

Goering If ..........!"”l    1

•Petefish cf ......... 0    0

Delay 3b ......... ...    0 0

Wise 3b .................;3    i

Dali c ........ 3    0

Macollege Wins Over Bethany Swedes, 7-4

The McPherson College Bulldogs. although out-hit by their opponents, defeated the Bethany College Swedes 7-4 in a Kansas Conference baseball game played April 25. The Bulldogs took an early lead oyer the Swedes, scoring two runs in the first inning adding one more in the fourth and then four more in a big sixth inning.

All four of Bethany's runs came in the final seventh inning. Errors proved damaging to the Bethany cause, with six of them being charged against the Swedes.

Glenn Gayer was again McPher-

nine hits, walked two and struck out four. Lang was Bethany's losing pitcher, giving up six hits, walking four and striking out seven.

Goering. Hoch and Blickenstaff hit extra base hits for McPherson.

After terrific struggles. Bill finally finished his exam, looked it over sadly, and then added: "Prof, if you sell any of my answers to the funny papers. I expect you to split fifty-fifty with me.”

106yd. dash—1. Gaines. Emporia; 2. Mai. Baker; 3. Elliot, Baker; Time :09.8.

886yd. run—1. Don Goodfellow. McPherson; 2. Rogers. Emporia: 3. Malicky. Baker; time 2:04.5. 220-yd. run—1. Gaines, Emporia:

2.    Mai. Baker; 3. Elliott, Baker; Time :22.6.

126yd. high hurdles—1. Lewis. Baker; 2. Gene Smith. McPherson;

3.    Krebs. Emporia; Time :15.9. Two mile run—1. Bob Bechtel.

McPherson; 2. Perry. Baker; 3. Dwight Blough. McPherson; Time 10:29.5.

226yd. low hurdles—1. Mai. Ba ker; 2. Lewis. Baker; 3. Gene Smith, McPherson.

Mile relay—1. McPherson; Emporia; 3. Baker; Time 3:38.7.

Shot Put—1. Martin. Emporia: 2. Bob Powell, McPherson: 3. Snider. Emporia; Dist. 39’ 11*4”.

Discus—1. Hardesty. Emporia; 2. Bill Smith, McPherson: 3. Snider. Emporia: Dist. 128' 7”.

Javelin—1. Hardesty. Emporia; 2. Steve Bersuch. McPherson; 3. Bob Powell. McPherson; Dist. 158’ 1".

Pole Vault—1. Frank Hanagarnc. McPherson; and Caywood, Baker; (tie) 3. Hand. Baker; and Eddie Frants. McPherson; (tie) Height II’

High jump—1. Lewis. Baker; and Brandenberg, Baker; (Ue) 3. Powell. McPherson and Ahneumen, Caywood. and Hand all Baker; (tie) height 5’ 7t4”.

..Broad jump — 1. Brandenberg. Baker: 2. Mai. Baker; 3. Elliot. Baker; Dist; 21’ 3V4".

McPherson scored 54 5-6 points to Wichita’s 54.50 points. McPherson trailed going into the final event, which was the mile relay, but picked up a third for three points while Wichita was able to rack up a fifth for a single point. This was all the margin the Bulldogs needed to nose out the Shockers.

The other places were: Kansas Wesleyan in third with 39.50 Bethel. fourth with 32 1-3, Friends U., fifth with 28.50 College of Emporia, sixth with 18. Bethany, seventh with 7 and Tabor, eighth with 4 5-6.

Bob Bechtel and Don Goodfellow picked up the only firsts for the Bulldogs. Goodfellow won the half mile run and Bechtel again won the mile and two mile runs. He ran the mile in 4:35. He ran the mile so fast that several of his nearest competitors in the mile were not even able to finish the two mile run. Following is a summary of the meet with just the first three places listed:

126yd. high hurdles—1. Verlyn Anderson. WU; 2. Bob Manning-er, Friends: 3. Charles Sodergren, Bethel; Time 15.9.

d. run—1. Don Goodfellow. McPherson; 2. Goering. Bechtel: 3 Mario Oltman. McPherson; Time 2:03.7.

Pole vault —1. Don Grimm. WU;

Frank Hanagarne. McPherson: and Nemeth Kansas Wesleyan; (tie) Height 12 feet.

226yd dash—1. Willie Gaines, College of Emporia; 2. Musselman. Friends; 3. Dick McGuire. McPherson: Time :23.1.

446yd. relay — 1. WU: 2. College of Emporia: 3. Kansas Wesleyan: Time : 44.7.

Mile run—1. Bob Bechtel. McPherson: 2. Mueller. Kansas Wesleyan; 3. Dill. WU; Time 4:35.0.

Shot put—1. Don Penncr. Bethel; 2. Kater. Bethel: 3. Bob Powell, McPherson; Dist. 41‘ 8V4".

High jump—1. Verlyn Anderson. WU; 2. Goering Bethel; 3. Siemens. Tabor; and Novak. Kansas Wesleyan; (tie) Height 6’ 1' .

446yd. dash—1. Joe Musselman, Friends; 2. Clive Sharpe. McPherson: 3. Flickenger, Friends; Time :51.5.

Javelin—1. Connie Hoffman. WU;

2.    Ed Frantz. McPherson: 3. Pfio-fer. Kansas Weslevan; Dist. 162' 10Vi".

106yd. dash—1. Willie Gaines. College of Emporia: 2. Burton. WU;

3.    Gene Smith, McPherson; Time : 10.1.

Two-mile run—1. ' Bob Bechtel, McPherson; 2. Hart, Bethel; 3. Troup. WU. Time 10:57.    ’

226yd. hurdles—1. Bob Maning-er. Friends; 2. Gene Smith, McPherson; 3. Hoffman, WU; Time :26.7.        

Broad jump—1. Connie Hoffman, WU; 2. Frazxell. Kansas Wesleyan; 3. Toburen Kansas Wesleyan; Dist. 21’ 7".

Discus—1. Ron Summers, WU; 2. Harold Frazxell. Kansas Wesleyan; 3. B. Smith, McPherson; Dist. 127’ 11.50.

Mile Relay—1. Kansas Wesleyan; 2. Bethel; 3. McPherson; Time


Seleclive Service Tests Due May 11

Major General Lewis B. Hershey, Director of Selective Service today reminded college students that applications for the May 21 Selective Service College Qualification Test must be submitted to the Educational Testing Service. Prince-New Jersey, not later than midnight May 11.

The May 21 test is primarily for students prevented by illness or other emergencies from taking the test April 23. but General Hershey emphasized that this did not bar any qualified student from taking the test if his application is mailed before the deadline. He also stressed that students who have a certificate of admission for the April 23 test. which they failed to use on the assigned date, must submit new applications if they wish to take the May 21 test.

To be eligible to take the Selective Service College Qualification Test, an applicant on the testing date must be a Selective Service registrant who intends to request deferment as a student; must be satisfactorily pursuing a fulltime college course, undergraduate or graduate, leading to a degree; must not previously have taken the test.

Read all the advertisements in the Spectator.



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