Play Day Is Tuesday, April
Next Tuesday, April 28, the fourth annual McPherson College Play Day will be held on the Macollege campus. The present plans are that activities will start at 1:30 in the afternoon, with a general assembly meeting scheduled at 1:00 p. m. In charge of setting up the program of activities, is the Recreational Leadership class, under the direction of Prof. Dick Wareham.
A full program of activities has been planned so. that all of the members of each class will be able to do something during the day. The number of events has been streamlined somewhat from previous years, to facilitate handling and to reduce the disadvantage to the Junior and senior classes that has been present In previous years.
For all of the people that are not able to participate in the organized sports, there is a special mystery event in which they will be able to add valuable points to their class total. This mystery event will be explained during the general assembly preceding the start of the games. It will be also open to people participating in sports during their spare time.
The track events for men this year will consist of six events, and in each event each class will enter four men and the four man team with the best average will win the event..
Two new team events have been added to this year's agenda. They are. for men. soccer and for women. capture the flag. These events will be worth 15 points each to the winners and the other places scaled. accordingly. As in all the other events, points will be given for all four places. This is to encourage competition for points in every division,
The highest amount of points have been set aside for three events. They are men and women’s softball, and the skits in the evening. They will be scaled from 25 points downward. Defending champions in men’s softball are this year’s sophomore class. The senior girls, helped by the expert pitching of Kathy McLeod, hold the girls softball title. And this year's Junior class last year won the play day skits.
The faculty will serve as referees and supervisors of the various events. For example, the plans are to have Prof. Guy Hayes and Coach "Woody” Woodard in charge of the track events and Professor E. S. Hershberger and Prof. Jack Hough to see that the men's softball games are run off smoothly.
At 6:15. all of the students will meet on the tennis courts and cat a supper served to them by the Rec. Leadership class. The menu
College Calendar
Today, April 24:
Tennis, College of Emporia, here. WAA Banquet. Hotel Warren. Tomorrow, April 25:
Baseball, Bethany, here.
April 26:
Student Recital.
April 27:
Tennis, Kansas Wesleyan, here. Baseball, Wichita. U., there. April 28:
Play Day.
Apirl 29:
Triangular meet at Emporia. Tennis, Friends U., here.
May 1:
Track, Bethany, here.
May 1-2:
Tennis Regionals, here.
May 1-2-3:
Junior - Senior Retreat.
May 5:
Quadrangular meet, here. Baseball. Tabor, here.
May 8:
Ft. Hays Relays.
All - Schools' Day.
Harris To Attend Library Conference
Miss Virginia Harris, librarian, will attend a district library conference at Lindsborg Monday.
A representative of a library supply firm will give a lecture-demonstration on book repair part of the program.
reads something like this: potato salad, hot dogs, beans, carrot and celery strips, ice cream, and pop.
There will be a small nominal charge to cover the expense of the meal.
After supper at about 7:30, the students and faculty will adjourn to the chapel where the four class skits and a skit by the faculty and one by the Rec. Leadership class will close off the day's activities,
Only the four class skits will be in competition for points. After the skits are over, the faculty Judges will adjourn and then will announce their decisions. With the decision, the people responsible will total up each classes points and then announce the class that will win play day. The defending champions are the Junior class, and as they have won the trophy two years in a row they need only to win it this year to have permanent possession of it.
Elsewhere in the paper is a schedule of all the events and the times that they are taking place.
This is an official schedule, but is subject to revision in case of bad weather so that the champions can be decided in each event.
In case that the weather is such that the play day con not be held on Tuesday, there will be a postponement until Thursday. April 30.
All-School’s Day Parade Is May 8
“Toyland" is the theme of this
year's annual All - Schools's Day parade which will be held in McPherson on Friday, May 8.-
Prizes for the best floats are to be given by the All - School’s Day committee, which has set aside a separate prize for the best college entry in the parade. The competing colleges are Bethany College at Lindsborg, Central College and McPherson College.
The main purpose of All-School's
Day is to honor the eighth grade __________________
students who are graduating to | excerpts from the opera
Cosmos Club Presents Play
The Cosmos Club met at "the Church of the Brethren on Tues. April 21. The program consisted of one-act play. The characters in this play were: Mrs. Don Frederick. Mrs. J. M. Berkebile, Miss Edna Neher, Miss Virginia Harris. Mrs. Paul Sargent, and Mrs. Gordon Yoder.
High School. The parade will go down Main Street.
This event is the biggest thing of it’s kind in the United States. Every school in McPherson County is supposed to enter either a float or a car representing that school.
Hale, Allison Will Give Joint Recital
On Friday. May 15. the students of Macollege and other visitors may hear a joint musical recital to be presented in the college chapel at 8:00 p. m.. by Florene Hale and Keith Allison.
This program is being planned to be very different from other programs that have ever been presented by any of the college’s singing groups. According to Keith, it is going to be "music with new twist."
Florene Hale, soprano, and Macollege senior from McPherson, and Keith Allison, tenor and Macollege senior also from McPherson arc well known from the leading parts they have been taking in the several operas presented by the college during the past few years. Both students are Music majors, and will graduate this spring.
The joint - recital will consist of several classic and operatic movements, and the program falls into seven parts. One of the parts.
' Martha”
by Flotow, will be partially acted.
Miss Anne Krehbiel, Associate Professor of Piano, will be the accompanist.
McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas, April 24, 1953
No. 26
WAA Banquet Is Tonight At Warren Hotel
Ladies’ Quartet Leaves Today In Five State Tour
The Ladies' Quartet left about 6:00 this morning April 24. for a week’s tour which will take them to five states.
La Vpn Widegren, Florene Hale. Peggy Sargent, and Bob Mays will travel to Lincoln, Nebraska this afternoon. There they will meet Elsie Kindley who has spent the past week at a Recreation Leaders’ Laboratory at Camp Ihdu-hapi, Minn. The girls will give three programs the first day.
They will travel from Octavio, Nebraska to Kingsley. Iowa; Reading. Minn.; Minneapolis. Minn.; Barnum, Minn.; Guthrie. Minn.; Surrey. N. Dak.; Froid. Mont.; York, N. Dak.; Cando. N. Dak.; and Carrington. N. Dak.
At Cando, N. Dak., the quartet program will be part of a dedication ceremony for the new church.
In addition to the church programs. several high school programs will be presented.
Five Are Installed Into Pi Kappa Della
Five new members were install-into Pi Kappa Delta Friday evening, April 17. They were: Bob Wise. Eula Mae Murrey, Norann Royer, Leland Lengel, and Lloyd Hummer.
The candlelight ceremony was held in Room 30. Sharp Hall. Mary Louise Hutcherson. Al Zunkel and Joe Kennedy were in charge of the service.
After the installation, the group went to the Hess home where they were served strawberry shortcake.
Others present besides the new members were: Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Berkebile. Prof, and Mrs. Jack Kough, Dr. D. W. Bittinger, Kathryn Coffman. Kenny Brown. Mary Louise Hutcherson. Al Zunkel. Joe Kennnedy. Gene Btchtel. Joan Keim and Dean Neher.
Freshmen Plan Picnic May 3
The Freshman Class is planning a picnic at Coronado Heights on May 3. Recreation is planned for before the picnic supper. A vespers service will close the evening.
The committee making the plans Is Loreen Cline, Arlene Merkey. Betty Lou Christensen. Don Ul-lom, and Lewis McKellip.
Juniors, Seniors Will Have Retreat May 2 and 3
The Junior - Senior Retreat has been scheduled for May 2 and 3. It will begin after lunch on Saturday and end Sunday afternoon, according to Curtis- Leieht, Junior class president.
Wayne Blickenstaff is in charge of a place for the retreat, and Velva Wagner is chairman of the Food Committee.
Students Give Support To Drive For Funds
Approximately 90 students have offered to be workers for the College Expansion Drive, under the sponsorship of the Student Council.
This drive is part of the long term 10 year expansion program, in which it hoped that 1 1/2 million dollars would be raised for the college. $150,000 is expected to come from the McPherson County. including the college.
During the supper. Tuesday. April 21. the workers were shown slides by Mr. Clifford King, McPherson County Campaign Director; on how to solicit for funds. Dr. D. W. Bittinger. president of Macollege. and Mr. John Casebeer. chairman of the McPherson County Campaign, were speakers.
After the showing of the slides, cards were distributed among the workers who signed their own pledges. The final totals realized from these pledges are not all in. but about $3,900 was collected from these workers. Pledges ranged from $50 to $200.
During chapel on Wednesday, a program was presented by the class leaders of this drive, and Dr. Bittinger and Coach '‘Woody" Woodard spoke to the students. The model of the new stadium was displayed.
Cards have been given to the student leaders, who in turn will contact the students and distribute the cards among them for their pledges. It is hoped that there will be a 100 percent participation by all students. Pledges could be paid at suitable times over a period of years on the pledger’s choosing.
Wayne Blickenstaff is chairman of the Student Fund. Bob Bechtel Is in charge of the senior class, and Don Fike will be over the juniors. while Ed Frantz and Don Moeller will spur the sophomores and freshmen, respectively- Under these leaders are the four or five captains chosen from each class, who. in turn, will each choose four or five workers to distribute the pledge cards to the students. Esther Ikenberry is in charge of all
special students.
The faculty will have their own drive independent from the student drive.
The student campaign will close as soon as possible. It is hoped by the Student Council that all students will cooperate and give generously.
Craig Edits Spec This Week
James Craig of Nigeria, West Africa, present managing editor of the Spec, is in charge of editing the Spectator this week, while present editor. Ruth Papa takes a back seat of advising and assisting.
Each semester, the managing editor must put out one edition of the paper to gain experience for their later editorship.
James will be editor-in-chief of the Spec during the first semester of the next year.
Cell Group Has Open Meeting April 26
The open meeting of the peace cell group will be held April 26. during the regular C. B. Y. F. hour in the social room of the church.
The meeting was previously scheduled to follow church services.
All interested students are invited to attend this meeting.
Head Residents For College Dorms Are Announced
Head residents for next year have been tentatively arranged, according to Dr. D. W. Bittinger, President. •
Prof, and Mrs. Alvin Willems plan to reside in Fahnestock Hall. Miss Edna Neher will be head resident in the new Girls’ Dormitory. Dean Neher and his wife-to-be. will be in Arnold Hall. The Todds will remain head residents in Kline Hall, and the Tylers will be at the College Courts.
$160 Is Raised At WSSF Auction
The 1953 WSSF Auction, held Thursday evening, April 16. netted $160. This money goes to the World Student Service Fund. The auction was sponsored by the SC A.
The highest - selling item was a picnic which will be given by 4th Floor of Arnold Hall, and was bought by 3rd Floor of Fahnestock Hall for $24. Some of the other items sold were: dates, dinners, cakes, cookies, neckties, hats, strings for a tennis racket, breakfast in bed, and a ground squirrel named Emily. Auctioneers were Lee Hogle and Joe Kennedy.
The WSSF program includes food, clothing hostels; medical aid, books, equipment; refugee aid; and international education.
Students Enroll For 1953-54 Year
19 Students Have Teaching Jobs For Next Year
Many of the Macollege students who plan to teach next year have already signed their contracts.
Pauline Hess will be teaching the first four grades at Harmony School next year. LaVerne Burger will have the 3rd and 4th grades in a Topeka school, and Ermalee Phillips. the 2nd grade. Ann Powell and Eleanor Louthan will teach at Carleton. Donna Rich, Joan Keim. and Mrs. Tenk will all be teaching in the McPherson elementary
schools next year.................
.Mildred Beck will have the 3rd grade in one of the Lamed schools. Marjorie Stucky will teach at the Turkey Creek School. Grace Kemp will teach in District 105 in Barton County. Angie Flora will teach the 8th grade at Mullinville. Barbara Banta will teach all the grades in New Gottland School. JoAnn Royer will be teaching in the Des Moines, Iowa, elementary school system.
Anita Rogers will teach Typing and Bookkeeping in the Barnard High School. Betty Jean Baerg will teach English in the Newton Junior High School. Betty Jo Baker will be the Physical Education teacher for the Junior and Senior high Schools at Larned. Wilbur Bullinger will teach English and Chemistry in. the Canton High School. Marl-lee Grove will teach English and Music in the McPherson High School.
The WAA Banquet will be held this evening at 6:30 in the Blue Room of the Warren Hotel.
The theme of the Banquet is being kept a secret until this evening. The officers for next year will be revealed at the formal dinner.
Committees in charge of the Banquet are; Program committee: Chairman Norann Royer, with Beverly Schechter and Marlonna Wine assisting. Decorating committee: Chairman Ruth Papa. with can Walker, Virginia Bowers, and Eula Mae assisting. Angie Flory who is vice president of WAA is arranging and planning the menu.
Glass Schedule For Play Day
8:00 o’clock classes will be 8:00 —8:35
8:55 o’clock classes will be 8:10 -9:15
10:25 o’clock classes will be 9:20 —9:55
11:20 o'clock classes will be 10:00 —10:35
1:20 o'clock classes will be 10:40 —11:15
2:15 o'clock classes will be 11:20
Hershberger Will Speak Al Hesston Banquet
Prof. E. S. Hershberger will be guest speaker at the Junior - Senior banquet at Hesston, High School tomorrow evening, April 25.
Miss Lehman Gives Talks
On Wednesday April 15. Miss Lehman Spoke to Central College Chapel on "Teacher on Wheels.”
On Wednesday evening of April 15. she spoke to the Bethel college women's rending Club.
May 3. Miss Lehman wilt go to Wichita to speak to the women of the Church of the Brethren in a Mother’s Day program. Her topic will be “Homelife in Europe."
On May 8. she will speak in the Topeka Church of the Brethren on a Mothers Day Program. Her topic will again be "Homelife in Europe.
Dotzours Practice Real Christian Stewardship
Tentative enrollment for the school year 1953-54 began Wednesday. April 22. Most of this year’s Macollege students, except the graduating senior class, show signs that they will be back again for the next school year. Several of the boys, however, still think that Uncle Sam might yet get them despite seeming encouragement to continue school from their several draft boards.
A total of 64 students will graduate this spring. 43 with B. S. degrees. and 21 with A. B.'s. So far, an unofficial estimate of 64 new students coming to Macollege for the next school year has been made.
There have been changes made in the school time schedule for next year. Classes will begin at 7:45 a. m.. instead of at 8:00 a. m. Chapel assemblies will be held on Tuesdays and Fridays at 9:35 a. m., instead of on Mondays and Wednesdays at 9:50 a. m., and a Pep Assembly will immediately follow Friday Chapel Assemblies. Faculty meetings will be held on Thursdays at 9:35 instead of on Fridays at 8:00 a. m. o
Enrollment will continue until May 15, which according to the Registrar, Mrs. Alice Martin, is the deadline. All students are encouraged to enroll before then. The new schedules are obtainable from the Central Office.
By D. W. Bittinger
By this time the name of Royer and Edna Dotzour is known to almost every one among the McPherson College alumni and constituency.
In this couple are depicted some of the finest Christian attributes which one can know. They attended McPherson College in the early part of the present century, met each other here, and were later married. They became farmers in Western Kansas and were able, through the years to conserve their soil and add to their holdings.
Some time ago they generously adopted the girls of McPherson College as their children and arc providing a lovely home for them.
to date in this part of the country.
The Dotzours have kept an eye on the progress of the dormitory construction. Recently they visited the campus and told us that they would like to provide, also, for the furnishing of the dormitory. This is an additional amount of somewhere in the area of $25,000. This brings the total generosity of these people In providing this home for McPherson College girls to approximately $315,000.
The name of Royer and Edna Dotzour will live long in the minds and hearts of the people of the Church of the Brethren of the Western Region. All of us should learn something more about Christian
The dormitory, which is being stewardship from these good pct. built. will be one of the most up pie.
No Formal Party
Hicre will be no faculty formal party this year because of the fullness of the schedule for the remainder of the year. This was announced Monday, by the Student Social Committee and the Faculty Social Committee.
Royer and Edna Dotzour
The Spectator 2
FRIDAY, APRIL 24, 1953
Greatness In Living
Folks, let’s get it straight, for it will be sure to save us untold heartbreak a few years from now. The greatest rewords of life come to those who are able to discipline themselves.
Life is an exact process governed ' by inflexible laws. Infections in the bloodstream destroy our health: poisonous thoughts make mental cases out of us; spiritual mistakes wreck happiness and destroy us on the top levels of life.
It’s true in athletics. Great stars like Nurmi. Gil Dod, Jackie Robinson, and Doak Walker do not try to juggle the rules. They take no chances with their physical upkeep. No men in Amereica live more strictly than they do. You could not pass enough laws to make them live the correct lives they compel themselves to live, because they know the rules of life. Narrow gates and hard ways!
It’s true in business. No one in the business demands more of himself than the boss does. If he does not. the business soon goes to
smash. It is the outfit that can hold itself more steadily in line that survives.
It’s true everywhere else. Those who are able to govern themselves find liberty at its best. Those who are unable to keep their word, play the game according to the rules, and dictate their own attitudes become the victims of life and miss everything except trouble.
Seven times nine is sixty three: two molecules of hydrogen and one of oxygen combine to produce water; four tones in exact ratio of vibration result in a perfect chord. All these are exact. No special considerations, no variations for old time’s sake, no extra privileges between friends. God is absolutely impartial. The way is hard and strict: but it leads to life! That is the way all the great ones have arrived. No hunting for shortcuts, easy ways out. alibis or evasions. And you will forget the hardness when you have found life!
Be Still, And Know God
Long ago men understood the Eternal to say, "Be still, and know that I am God." Silence enables the soul to enter the world of wonder and mystery.
Shepherds in the long watches of the night, looked far into the starry firmament and reflected on God’s purpose for man. Patriarchs in the desert heard the still, small voice of God. and journeyed on without knowing where they were going. For forty days and nights Jesus tarried in the wilderness with its majestic canopy of the heaven and its plenteous quietude.
The clamor of our spirits must be calmed if we are to receive guidance from God. We are blinded and deafened by wars without and fightings within, distracted and exhausted by outward activity and inward struggle. The human soul
needs solitude and stillness.
Listen to this testimony from Sir Francis Younghusband. who traveled from Peking to India: "We rode camels and traveled by night the whole journey across the desert taking ten weeks.
There was absolute silence except for the quiet thud of our soft-footed camels. So marked, indeed, was this silence of the desert that when we arrived at the first oasis the ordinary hum of insects and singing of birds' seemed almost deafening.
In a way that one never does in civilized life. I felt that we were part of the whole starry universe arrayed above and around me. We and the stars were not separate. We were all one.”
"Be still, and know that I am God.”
Official Student Publication of McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas, Published every Friday during the school year by the Student Council
Associated Collegiate Press
Entered as second class matter November 20. 1917 at the postoffice of McPherson Kansas under the act of March 3. 1897.
Subscription Rates for One School Year Address All Correspondence SI.S0 THE SPECTATOR
McPherson. Kansas
Wendell Lents —. Adalu Carpenter .
Manly Draper----
Kenneth Bros
Sarah May Vanell
Editor-ln.Chief . Managing Editor
...... Campus Editor
—-------- Society Editor
Sports Editor Staff Photographer Faculty Advisor
Maxine Hanley Harold Patton ina Ditmars
......------Businness Manager
. Assistant Business Manager
.—........... Circulation Manager
...............— Facuity Advisor
. JAROLD SHOPS Ladies Ready to Wear, Dresses, Coats, Suits, Sportswear, Lingerie, |
WOLf'S PLUMBING and , HEATING New and Used Appliances |
122 N. Main Phone 130 |
219 S. Main Phone 226 |
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Musical Instruments Sporting Goods — Radios and
Instrument Repair Service
Juicy Hamburgers and Fries. Frosted Malts
The Best in Steaks
Ken’s Drive In
Student Solicitors Have Dinner
Student solicitors in the college fund drive attended a dinner which was held at the 4-H Building at 6:30 Tuesday evening. April 21.
This fund drive for S150.000 is part of the ten-year expansion program for the college.
The meal was a turkey dinner, served buffet style. Those on the. program were John Casebeer, Dr. D. W. Bittinger, and Clifford King.
Clifford King spoke and showed slides, informing the group how to be good salesmenn.
The solicitors then signed ..their own pledges and each was. given a list of people whom he is to see. All students will be asked to pledg $50, which may be paid over a three to five year period.
Students who pledge money may have it accredited to their home church districts*.
Money pledged by students will go mainly for the proposed new stadium which will cost $70,000.
Youth Attend Rally
The Northwestern District Youth Rally of the Church of the Brethren was held at the Maple Grove Church in Norton, Kans.. April 17. 18 and 19. The theme of the rally was "Can We Live As Brothers?"
Several students from Macol-lege attended the rally. Among those who went were Leon Neher. president of the Northwestern District Youth Cabinet: Alberta Eb-bert, College representative; Betty Lou Hershberger of the Regional Office; Arlene Merkey; Wesley Ik-enberry. Dale De Lauter. Doyle Smith, and some of the Macol-lege International Students.
The rally' started on Friday afternoon with registrations at the Church. Edwin Rhine and Royce Roesch of Quinter showed slides and discussed the topic "What We Did In Washington.” during the evening session.
On Saturday, the youth met to discuss several topics, and to listen to the main speakers present at the meeting. A brief business session was also held at which new officers were elected; and budgets planned. During the evening session. slides on the European Work Camp were shown, and the new officers were installed.
Elected to fill office for the next year were Royce Roesch, Quinter: Wilma Ellen Dooley. Belleville: Arlene Merkey. McPherson and Clayton: Carolyn Myers and Evelyn Ankerman both of Norton. Adult Advisors were John Dit-mars. pastor at the Norton Church and Sam Flory of the Quinter Church.
High light of the meeting were the talks presented by some of Macollege’s International students. Eugen Lupri and Annaliese Koch talked about Germany, Su-ase Utu talked about Samoa, and James Craig presented Northern Nigeria.
It is pretty well demonstrated in the experience of the human race that man cannot attain his full stature as a rightly fashioned person without the inspiration and guidance of religion. It makes one feel himself to be a citizen of an enlarger universe — a two-storied world to which he belongs, the upper stdry as real as the basic material one.—Rufus Jones.
Hodge’s for
Gifts, Appliances, Hardware
--105 East Euclid
Thinking With The President
' Let Us Play More
The annual Play Day for the college has come around again. I believe all of us look forward to it with anticipation each year and enjoy it fully when it comes.
Most of us do not play enough, or we do not play in the open enough. We find ourselves busy with many things. Perhaps the things which we are doing are not very important, but they seem important at the time. There are meetings to go to, talks to make, clubs to attend, magazines to read. All of these are important, but if they crowd out some time in the open air with God’s sunshine pouring down upon us we miss something.
As we play. together, using our big muscles and entering into friendly competition with the outcome not a life and death matter something relaxing should happen to our spirits and to our emotions.
If the world could learn to play together more, some of the things that seem serious enough to justify combat, death, warfare, would seem less serious.
The Olympic games are a great institution. They should teach us how to compete in a friendly way
Play days are good things. It is worth while to dismiss some classes in order to enjoy them once in a while. Let us keep on playing however in friendly fashion as often as we can throughout the regular days of the school year as well as on play day.
These Are New At Mae’s Library
New books at the college library j tory. • ■
maybe checked out for the regular ; Financing Higher Education loan period. In the United States by John D.
Each week reviews of recent ad- Millett is an analysts of the over-ditions are given for the informal all - administrative and financial tion of students and faculty
Teachers Can Gel First Hand View Of Kansas
Kansas State Chamber of Commerce is sponsoring The Kansas Agriculture Business. Industry, and Education Tour from June 15-27.
This tour, which is planned specifically for teachers, offers a 2.100 - mile "inside look" at the mighty magnificence of Kansas. Each tour bus is equipped with a public address system to enable the instructor to describe points and scenes of interest while traveling. •
Some comments from teachers are "The teachers were able to acquire more knowledge of Kansas in two weeks time than we have ever been able to acquire in a nine-week summer school session.”
“First - hand knowledge is more vivid, more easily understood, and more usable in teaching children.”
Three hours college credit will be given to those who take the tour. Reservations are due June 1, and will be limited to 66 persons.
Dr. D. W. Bittinger. president of McPherson College, is the author of one chapter in a new book. The American Church of the Protestant Heritage edited by Vergilus Form.
This volume is a study of the backgrounds and practices of some of the larger churches of Protestantism in America today.
Your Marriage and the Law by Pilpel and Zavin is an authoritative. up-to-date volume by two New York attorneys. The authors cover the subject from the legal rights acquired at engagement to the rights of divorced spouses, referring to state variations.
African Folktales and Sculpture offers a representative collection of native African myths and folktales accompanied by selected examples of the plastic art stemming from the same culture.
Many of the 160 photographs of the sculpture of native Africa are of work done in Nigeria.
Peace in Their Time by Robert H. Ferrell is the story of the background of the Kellogg-Brian Pact.
The Closing of the Public Domain
| by Peffer gives the story of policy ' struggles over liquidation or reten-| tion of the public domain in the United States in the twentieth century.
Legend into History by Kuhl-| man is a study of the why and how i of the epic Custer massacre.
Selected Writings of Mahatma - Gandhi edited by Ronald Duncan tries to present material of permanent interest showing the development of Gandhi's philosophy and its revclancc to contemporary thought.
Communism. Democracy. and Catholic Power by Blanshard is a
BY’ers Have Treasure Hunt
A Treasure Hunt was held at CBYF Sunday evening. Apirl 19.
The group met at the church and followed the clues which finally led them to the Boy Scout Cabin. There they found the treasure. a big sack of candy.
After the search, the group had a campfire service and refreshments. Jean Bullard was in charge of worship and La Von Wildgren led camp songs.
We Invite You To Visit Us t
Furniture Store
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Auto Accessories Tires Electrical Appliances
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ABEL’S 108 N. Main
conditions and the requirements of higher education today.
100 Years of Irish Prose edited
,• Mercer and Greene includes many selections never published in the United States before.
Guide to Easier Living by Mary and Russel Wright is designed to show the values of informal living.
Invisible Man by Ellison is the novel which won the National Book Award for 1953. It is a story of modern American Negro life.^
Source Readings in Music History selected and annotated by Strunk makes available a representative selection from all the great writings on music from the times of ancient Greece through the Romantic era.
Sedimentary Rocks by Pettijohn is a guide to the observation, classification. and interpretation of one of the most basic phenomena in geology.
Vertebrate Paleontology by Ro-
mer is a revised edition of a standard text which will be of interest to students in geology and zoology.
Parasitic Animals by Geoffrey La page describes how parasitic animals live.
Outline of Fundamental Pharmacology by Marsh is designed for the student of chemistry, pharma-oology, or medicine, or for the research worker in any of these fields.
Carl Linnaeus by Hagberg is a study of the personality and ideas of the Swedish botanish and philosopher.
The Standard Manual of the Slide Rule by Thompson is the second edition of a handbook that explains how to use the slide rule easily, quickly, and efficiently.
Differential Equations by Robert Yates is designed to prepare
study of two systems of authoritar-. students for work in modern en-
ian control over men’s minds.
Winchester, the Gun That Won The West by Williamson shows the stages in the development of America's guns and ammunition and their place in American his-
gineering practice and theory.
Community Services for Older People: The Chicago Plan is a
study resulting from the Project for the Aged of the Welfare Council of Metropolitan Chicago.
AIRC Conducts Tour
Tiie Association of International Relations Clubs. (AIRC), will conduct a European Study Tour for college students this summer.
The group will leave on June 9 and will sail for Europe from Quebec. The Tour is a planned tour with seminars scheduled for Sheffield. London. Paris, and Geneva.
The groups will arrive June 19. and will spend about a month in Britain, devoted to understanding British policies, history, political problems and social system.
The group will proceed to Paris during the second week of July for a seminar on European - American relations. In Geneva, tour members will attend a seminar conducted at the Palace of Nations from July 28-August 5.
The basic cost is approximately $550.
Frantz Conducts Student Tour
Rev. Earl M. Frantz. Public Relations. is in middle and northern Iowa conducting an International Student Tour. Three Nigerian students. Isaac Grillo. Daniel Onyema, and Emmanuel Thompson left on Saturday. April '18 and will return abound April 27.
For things a man must learn to d( If he would make his record true: To think without confusion deary To love his fellowmen sincerely To act from honest motive purely To trust in God and Heaven securely.
Henry Van Dyke
Read all the advertisements the Spectator.
You Save At Penney’s
A Cash Purchase is A Cash Saving!
J. C. PENNEY (0.
“The Senior Auto Dealer in McPherson County”
Chrysler - Plymouth
Factory Trained Mechanics
208-10-12 S. Main Phone 567
Hutcherson's Wheel Aligning Service
Phone 870 310 North Main
Wheel Aligning Or Brake Repair
Capital Accounts $275,000
Member FDIC - In McPherson Since 1898
The Spectator 3
FRIDAY, APRIL 24, 1953
and .YWCA of Topeka. Kansas.
Last night. April 23. SCA consisted of a worship program, recreation led by Rec. Council members, and refreshments.
Looks like Spring has finally ar-0--
rived. Skirts and sweaters are Will Be packed away for good for the sum-; Slides Willl DC mer duration.
Betty Jo Baker and Mildred Beck Shown At have got teaching positions in
Larned. Kans.. for next year. Colored slides of Estes Park. Col-BeUy Jo will be teaching junior orado. will be shown at SCA next high and high school physical edu- Thursday evening. April 30. These cation, and Mildred will take to slides art? sent out by the YMCA the elementary grades to teach the
third grade.
Esther Ikenberry gave LaFaughn Hubbard a birthday party last Monday evening on 4th floor Arnold. Cheese, crackers and pop were the refreshments. She got a beautiful bouquet of twelve roses —American beauties — from an old friend.
Mario Oltman. Gary Jones. Ralph Royer. Ann Powell and Ruth Papa undertook the job of teaching Esther Ikenberry to drive a car. No telephone polos were knocked ov-’er. but there was a cracked window—she stopped too short.
The Interior Decoration Clan*
' took a field trip last Tuesday and visited a store in Newton which deals primarily with modern furniture and furnishings. They also
Faculty Tours Iowa On College Day
Several Macollege faculty members spent the last weekend in Iowa. visiting the various Churches, and soliciting for McPherson College. Every year, members of the faculty carry out such tours to various churches informing them about the progress and needs of the college.
On Sunday. April 19. several of _ the college professors substituted
went to an upholstery shop, a for preachers in many of the com
cabinet making shop, hobby and munity churches in Iowa. Dr. R. .
arts place and toured Innes’ furni- E. Mohler was speaker at the Ot- Are Engaged ture department in Wichita. tumwa church, while Dean Berke-
The WAA Banquet is going to bile preached at the Batavia church
English Staff To Hear Shapespeare Authority
Miss Pella Lehman and Miss Snr-arh May Vancil of the English Department, will attend the meeting of the Kansas College Teachers of English at the University of Wichita this afternoon and evening and tomorrow morning.
Hardin Craig, an authority on Shakespeare, will be the main speaker.
Miss Lehman and Miss Vancil will also attend the production of Christopher Fry’s "Ring Around the Moon" to be given at the University of Wichita Saturday night.
Bechtels, Qlsons Entertain Students
Macollege students with birthdays in April were invited to a party at the Bechtel home Sunday evening. April 19. after church.
Dr. and Mrs. Bechtel and Dr. and Mrs. Olson acted as co-hosts. There were about 17 guests present. After a period of recreation, the group was served strawberry shortcake.
At the suggestion of the Prairie Gardens experts, and under the direction of Lee Kendall, supervisor of grounds, students have been busy over the past few weeks removing unsightly shrubs from off the campus.
Jones, Peters
be held tonight. Everyone is to be dressed formally. The gals pay the way. and the fellows buy corsages.
Last Tuesday evening an “Opening Banquet" was held in the 4-H building to get a financial campaign rallying. This campaign is
in Libertyville. The South Keokuk Church was host to Prof. Guy Hayes. and Prof. Jack Kough was the speaker at the South Englsih Church.
Dr. James Elrod spoke at the Monroe County Church, and Prof. Milton Dell gave the scriptures at
to get enough funds to build a new the Salem Church in Lennox. Prof.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil M. Jones. McPherson, announce the engagement of their daughter. Connie Jones, to Don Peters, son of Dr. and Mrs. W. W. Peters, formerly of McPherson.
Connie is a sophomore at Macollege.
Don is a certified public accountant with a Wichita accounting firm.
stadium for Macollege. Some of Dick Wareham spoke on The He attended McPherson College two
the money will go for other White Corpuscle Ingredient." at the things, too. such as rebuilding of Mount Etna Church.
Sharp Hall.
Each class has a head and he chooses five captains to serve under him. who in turn, get five students to solicit in their particular class. The faculty is having a fund drive, too. as well as the students and the whole McPherson County.
Ed Martin from Pendleton. Oregon. was here Tuesday. Wednesday and Thursday of this week to get kids signed up for summer work at the pea canneries.
Krehbiel Will Give Student Recital
Miss Anne Krehbiel. Associate Professor of Piano at McPherson College, will present a group of her students in a recital in the College Chapel Sunday afternoon. May 4 at 4:00. The public is invited.
Students who will be presented , are Celia Ann Krehbiel. Sara Wood-They're offering a pretty good; and Nancy Woodland. Keith Mn-deal this year—housing is offered thes. Larry Buryanek. Muriel Bech-
at both places with no extra costs to the worker. Last summer, forty-eight students went out to Oregon to spend the summer and quite a few will be going out again this year.
Shirley McDaneld spent the last weekend in Salina visiting a girl friend.
April 21. Gordon Yoder. Lee Kendall. and J. K. Kline went to Kansas City to a business managers meeting.
The meeting was to discuss building. grounds, and maintenance.
Wednesday April 22. Glee Yoder attended a Women’s Work and Children’s work rally at Bartlesville. Okla. This was a district rally.
Play Day is coming up next Tuesday. Skits are being practiced ’ and polished over.
Things are going to start popping at 1:30 in the afternoon with track, baseball and soccer. Points will be given to the individual classes. who make up the teams, and the winner of Play Day will be announced that evening the skits are* given.
If the junior class wins again, they’ll keep the trophy which they have won now for two consecutive years, and THAT just CAN’T happen.
tel. Pamela Kaufman. Sandra Stuc-ky. Marianne Bittinger. Kay Weber. Cynthia Tucker. Sandra Lehne. Shirley Rose Regier. Deanna Goer-ing. Karolyn Loewen. and Judy Stucky.
Thoughts To Consider
The drowsy beauty of a sunny spring Sunday overcame me as I sat beneath a giant oak.
"You really love life, don’t you. oak?" I asked. "I can never tell you how much?" he replied. "Of course. J guess you’d love life. too. if you knew God. Let me tell you about Him."
"God" he began, "is the spirit of love peace, unity, creatvity. and happiness. He is a combination of
years and graduated from Kansas State Teachers College. Emporia.
An August wedding is planned.
Gamma Globulin Will Be Used In Polio Cases
The following material has been released by the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis for the benefit of Spectator readers.
Gamma globulin is the part of human blood that contains disease antibodies. It has been used for many years to combat measles and infectious hepatitis. In 1952. March of Dimes scientists proved it to be an effective but temporary preventive of crippling caused by polio.
Gamma globulin is in extremely short supply. There will be only about one million doses available from now until September.
You should not be able to buy it anywhere. If it is possible for someone to have gamma globulin, it will be allocated through the health officer.
It takes one pint of blood for the amount needed for an average gamma globulin polio shot. The same pint furnishes serum albumin for the treatment of wounded servicemen.
If gamma globulin is not available pay attention to good health rules and precautions recommended by health authorities. Consult your doctor if these symptoms ap-
Woody Tells Experiences
Chalmer Woodard told of his many new experiences as head coach at SMU during the chapel program on Monday April 20.
On Wednesday. Wayne Blicken-staff was in charge. The chapel was on the promotion of the Booster Banquet.
On April 27. J. E. Hayes, a senior from Hutchinson. Kansas will tell of his Goodwill Tour to Canada last summer.
J. E. is a nephew of Guy Hayes. Both of J. E.’s parents are graduates of McPherson College.
On April 29. the Church School class will have charge of chapel A worship service is being planned under the direction of Esther Merkey.
Octette Sings At Kansas Rally
A program of nine numbers was presented at the Norton. Kansas Church of the Brethren by the Freshman Male Octette Sunday. April 19. The Northwestern Kansas District Youth Rally was being held there at the time.
The group also appeared in Quinter. Kansas that evening. The octette is composed of Wesley Ik-enberry. Galen Slifer. Larry Brooks. Norman Long. Dwight Blough. Leon Neher. Leland Len-gel. and Bill Mollhagen. Leon Albert is their accompanist.
Interior Dec Class Takes Field Trip To Newton, Wichita
The Interior Decoration class, with instructor. Mrs. Wesley DeCoursey. went to Newton and Wichita Tuesday. April 21.
In Newton, the class visited a retail furniture store, which dealt mainly with modern interior furnishings.
In Wichita, the group went to an upholstery shop, cabinet making shop, art gallery, and spent some time in Innes furniture department, after visiting a craft and hobby shop which was mainly for weaving.
CBYF Sponsors Workcamp In May
The CBYF is sponsoring a weekend work camp May‘8 and 9. The work camp will be held at the Y.. M. C. A. camp near Wichita The work will consist. mainly of a general clean up of the camp, such as repairing buildings. Cleaning the cabins, and possibly some painting.
The CBYF Steering Committee urges those interested to attend the work camp. The group going will stay over night.
Juniors Entertain Seniors At Banquet
The junior class entertained the senior at a banquet Saturday April 18. at the Methodist Church basement.
The theme of the banquet was "Blue Symphony," with the decorations. program and menu carrying out this theme.
Both class presidents. Curtis Leicht and LaVon Widegren. spoke,
Mary Louise Hutcherson. Shirley Hamilton, and Ronald Klemmed-son played in a string trio accompanied by Berwyn Oltman on the piano.
A musical skit was presented by Norman Long. Evelyn Williams. Max Parmley, and Lois Stinnette.
The decoration committee was composed of Dolores Sigle. Velva Wagner. Marlonna Wine. Carl Mot-sker. Glendon Button and Prof, Hershberger.
The program committee was composed of Dean Neher. ElsU Kindley. and Elsa Kurtz.
Marcia Yoder Wins Contest
Marcia Yoder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. Gordon Yoder won the WCTU essay contest for all of the fifth grade in McPherson. Then she carried away the sweepstakes for all the fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth grades of McPherson.
Marcia is a member of the fifth grade of Washington school.
Coeds at Utah State College have been asked to refrain from wearing jeans in the classroom. College officials say the girls should wear jeans only when milking cows!
Red Cross Conducts Camps For First Aid Skills
Did you know that drowning is more prevalent among college-age persons than any other age group? Or that drowning ranks as the principal non-motor cause of deaths among people from 4 to44 years old?
“All people who desire to Increase aquatic and first aid teaching skills will have an opportunity to attend one of the 24 Red Cross National Aquatic Schools and 4 Small Craft Schools located all over the country this summer.” announces The American National Red Cross.
The aquatic schools scheduled for this area are: Lake Murray, Ardmore. Okla.. June 3-13; Camp Hef-feman. Towanda. 111., June 7-17; Lake Okoboji Lutheran Camp. Milford. Ia.. June 14-24; Owasippe Scout Camps. Whitehall Michigan. June 14-24; Texas State College for Women. Denton. Tex.. August 1222; Lake Poinsett Methodist Camp, Arlington, S. D., August 16-26; Lake of the Ozarks Camp. Kaiser, Mo.. August 19-29; and Lake Geneva Naval Camp, Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. August 19-29.
The cost of schools is $45, which covers board, lodgin and materials used in the courses. Individuals who enroll should have definite plans to teach water safety, first aid, or accident prevention.
Did you hear about the one-legged moron who bought himself another leg because it takes two to tango!
all the best you know. He made pear; headache, fever, sore throat, everything even you and me. He; upset stomach, stiff neck or back.
put a little of His Spirit into all --------:
of His creations. I understand
Read all the advertisements in the Spectator.
“Death Of A Salesman”
Is Tonight At KU
Kansas University Players Club will present the modern psychological play “Death of a Salesman."
This play will be presented in Manhattan on April 24 and 25.
that you humans were created in his image.
You should be extra God-like, but I guess you’re not. His presence in the life of you humans should make you a happy, peaceful people.
*1 have often heard the cry of war and the grieving sighs of life without hope. And my human visitors speak of even more horrible world wars. I guess you seek for and find the peace and rest vou want. You can have it, if you will.
Rend all the advertisements
the Spectator.
Barnes Hardware & Supply Co Hardware—Houseware Electrical Appliances 224 N. Moin Phone 424
M. C. Mathis, Cashier C. H. Hiebert, President
Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
blouses - Presses
110 No. Main Phone 30 Hapgood fir Holloway
For Your School Parties Three party rooms available.
No charge for room when meal is served.
For “Goodness Sake’’ Use
Phone 100
Appliance Store
Radios - Records Irons - Toasters All kinds of electrical and gas appliances.
118 S. Main
Remember that what you believe will depend very much upon what you are.—Noah Porter.
Regular Home Delivery Pasteurized Homogenized Vitamin “D” Milk
New Two. Pieces To .Serve You While Downtown Dairy Dip - 111E. Euclid Select Deny - 217 So. Mata You'll like our ice cream OPEN EVENINGS
Dwight Pierce, Mgr. ; Howard Renfro. Owner
Men’s, Women’s & Children's Weir
Come in and see us.
McPherson and citizens state bank
Best Withes in Your Sixty-Fifth Year of Educational Progress.
125 N. Main Phone 682
The Spectator 4
FRIDAY, APRIL 24, 1953
Meet the Crowd at
The College Inn
cali for Coke
Nash Airflyte
Service 115 E. Eudid
Bacon Motor
Dodge — Plymouth
Sales and Service
311 North Main
Mac Heads Standings By Defeating C. Of E.
The McPherson College Baseball team moved into first place in the Kansas Conference standing last Tues-' day, April 21, when they knocked off previously unbeaten College of Emporia Presbies, by a score of 6-0 on the local field. For the Bulldogs the victory was doubly sweet, because the Presbies hold the only victory over the team, a 4-3 decision won on Emporia’s field.
The key to the seme was WeyneO-BUckenstefr's mesterful pitching. as he set the Presbies down with only one hit during the entire r«me. This was a single through the box in the sixth Inning. He only faced 29 men. two more than the minimum for a nine innings game.
In doing this, he was helped considerably by Eddie Ball, who picked off several base runners, trying to steal. Petefish also helped polling down four files to the outfield, one of which was caught after a long run.
The McPherson bats boomed early in the game as the Bulldogs placed together a walk, two doubles. and a single in the very first inning to push two runs across the plate. After O’Dell had led off the inning with a walk, Hoch doubled to left field, advancing O'Dell to third and Petefish drove them both home with a ground rule double. that bounced over the left field fence. Delay followed with a single, but the scoring was over for the inning.
McPherson picked up three more runs in the fifth and another in the eighth as insurance runs.
For the Presbies, It was Swed-berg, all the way, as he allowed eight hits, walked one. and struck out nine. Wayne went the distance for McPherson, and allowed one hit walked one and struck out six. Both pitchers hit a batter with a pitch.
Hart, the shortstop for the Presbies was injured in the early innings when he cut his hand sliding into second. It was necessary to remove him from the game to put stitches in the hand.
The box score:
McPherson AB R H
O’Dell, 2b ...............3 2 1
Hoch. If ..................4 2 2
Petefish. rf ............4 1 1
Delay, 3b ....... 3 0 1
Ball, c ...................4 0 0
Wise, ss ..... 4 1 1
McSpadden, cf ..........4 0 1
Ensminger. lb ...........4 0 0
Blickenstaff, p ............4 0 1
Bulldogs Win Tennis Match With KWU, 6-0
The McPherson College Tennis Team made a clean sweep of the Tennis match with Kansas Wesleyan University by the score of 6-0 last Friday afternoon. April 17. The Bulldogs won all four singles matches and both doubles matches for their first victory of the season.
All of the players won their matches in straight sets, except for Don West who lost his middle set before winning bis match.
Frantz McPherson. defeated Casscl, Wesleyan. 6-3, 6-2.
Berglund, McPherson, defeated Cassel. Wesleyan, 6-3, 6-2.
Royer, McPherson. defeated Douglass, Wesleyan. 7-5, 6-2.
West, McPherson, defeated Naylor. Wesleyan. 6-1. 6-8, 6-3.
Frantz - Berglund, McPherson, defeated Reinhardt - Cassel, Wesleyan. 11-9, 6-2.
Royer-West, McPherson, defeated Douglas-Naylor, Wesleyan. 6-4, 6-3.
Baseball Schedule
April 25 — Bethany, here.
April 27—-Wichita U.. there.
May 5—Tabor, here.
Track Schedule
April 29—Triangular meet at Emporia.
May 1—Bethany, here.
May 5—Quadrangular meet, here.
May 6—Ft. Hays Relays.
May 12 — Kansas ' Wesleyan, there.
May 15—Conference Meet
Tennis Schedule
April 24: College of Emporia, here.
April 27: Kansas Wesleyan, here. April 29: Friends U., here.
May 1-2: Regionals here.
May 14: Conference Finals at Emporia.
Art Teachers Hold Meeting
The Kansas Art Teacher’s Association will be guests of the K-State home economics are department at an all day meeting, tomorrow, April 25.
High school and college art teachers from oil over the state will attend the meeting in conjunction With the Fine Arts Festival on campus.
Pushing Back The Voting Age
Michigan legislators are considering three separate bills which would lower the legal voting age by anywhere from one to three years.
The Michigan State News, in an informal poll of the student body, has decided that “student opinion is split about equally on the three measures. Some student comments: "People are forcing more and more responsibility on 18 year olds. I believe that most people if they have that responsiblity. will mature a lot faster.”
"To be frank, I don’t thing there are very many 21 year olds who can vote intelligently. What point would there be to allowing 18 year olds to vote?”
"There’s altogether too much reasoning being done along the lines that if I’m old enough to fight. I’m old enough to vote, and so on down the line.
Character is that which reveals moral purpose, exposing the class of things a man chooses or avoids. —Aristotle.
Be At Home In The Spirit
College of Emporia AB R H
Barber. If ..............3 0 0
Hardesty. If ............1 0 0
Dehlinger. 2b ............3 0 0
Stromgren. rf ............3 0 0
Swedberg, p ............ 3..0..0
Hart, ss .................0 0 0
Ron Ebberts, rf...........2 0 1
Sobkc.- c ................3 0 0
De Hoff. 3b ..............3 0 0
Thomson, cf ............2 0 0
Miller, cf ................1 0 0
Ebbert, lb ................2 0 0
Totals 29 0 1
College Em. 000 000 000 —0 1 6
McPherson 200 030 01X—6 8 3
Jesus recognized the universe as God’s Home and all the people in it as his children. His values are the values of the home, his virtues arc the virtues of the home, his requirements are the requirements of the home. His teaching is instruction about joyous life in the home, about right relationships with the Father and the brethren.
The ethic of Jesus Is absolutely inseparable from bis religion. His way of life is practicable only because God eagerly offers guidance and power. To remove God is to destroy the foundation of the home and to make the teaching of Jesus a counsel of perfection. But once reality of God Is felt, the values and virtues of the home are easily recognised as the most real and the most precious.
Our minds readily assent to these truths but we find great difficulty in adjusting ourselves to life in the invisible world of the spirit, to
For your Mother’s Day Gift
We will gift wrap and wrap to mail without extra charge.
Radio Service Radios Repaired 212 E. EUCLID PHONE 1240
sense the actual presence of God and to experience vital intercom-muncation with him.
Our habits of life are against us; we are overstimulated to satisfy physical cravings; we are so thoroughly enmeshed In the customs and habits of our society; we are so full of anxiety; and fear, that God is crowded out or relegated to a trivial place in our lives.
And there is. no hope for us until we take the time required for concentration on God. for the nurture of our spirits, practicing fellowship with people.
We must learn to be at home in the Invisible world of the spirit. This calls for times of escape from the deafening noise of feverish activity. of release from crushing strain and ruinous tension. It takes time to be holy, to speak often with oar Lord. Burdens mast be laid down if strength is to be had
Deluxe Cleaners
111 East Marlin
Wilker Will Speak At Dinner
A dinner, sponsored by The Kansas Foundation of Private Colleges and Universities, Incorporated, will be held at the Hotel Lassen. Wichita, April 27 or to a dinner at the Jayhawk Hotel. Topeka, April 28 for business men. and educators in Kansas.
Arthur V. Wilker, vice president of the Union Carbide and Carbon Co., New York, will be guest speaker for both dinners, using as his theme the relation of private business and industry to private education.
The sponsoring foundation is a corporation organized by most of the non - tax supported, church related colleges and universities in Kansas, of which McPherson is a member.
Each member college or university is represented on the foundations’s board of trustees. Dr. D. W. Bittinger, Mendal B. Miller and W. H. Yoder represent McPherson.
Students Hear Martin Discuss Summer Work In Oregon Cannery
Mr. Ed Martin of the Pendleton Canning and Frozen Foods Co., Pcndelton. Ore., and the Utah Canning Co., is visiting Macampus this week to tell about summer employment in Pendleton and Milton-Freewater, Oregon.
Last year over fifty; Macollegc students worked at two plants at Pendleton and Milton-Freewater. Mr. Martin has announced a 5c increase per hour which will apply on the bonus that is given for staying for the entire season.
An improvement over last years facilities has also been noted by Mr. Martin Bungalows with cooking facilities will be available to girls this year at Pendleton as well as for boys. Cooking will be permitted in the boy’s bungalow also. Conditions at Milton-Freewater will remain about the same.
If a man has peace with the universe. peace with his own soul, and peace with his fellowmen. that man has religion.—J. William Lloyd
Your Home BAKERY
Phone 82
Schedue Of Play Day Events
1:00 Assembly
1:30 Softball, men, juniors vs. seniors
Softball, women, freshmen vs. sophomores
Volleyball, men, juniors, vs. seniors
Volleyball, women, freshmen vs. sophomores
Soccer, men. freshmen vs. sophomores.
2:15 Volleyball, men, freshmen vs. sophomores
Volleyball, women, juniors vs. seniors
2:30 Softball, men. freshmen vs. sophomores •
Softball, women, juniors vs. seniors
Soccer, men, juniors vs. seniors 3:00 Volleyball, men, losers Volleyball, women, losers 3:30 Softball, men. losers Softball, women, losers Soccer, men. losers 3:45 Volleyball, men, winners Volleyball, women, winners 4:30 Softball, men. winners Softball, women, winners
Capture the flag, women, juniors vs. seniors
Volleyball, mixed, freshmen vs. sophomores
Volleyball, mixed, Junior, vs. seniors
Soccer, men, winners 4:45 Capture the flag, women, freshmen vs. sophomores 5:00 Capture the flag, women, losers
5:15 Capture the flag, women, winners
Volleyball, mixed, winners Volleyball, mixed, losers 5:00 Relays and tug of war, men and women 6:15 Supper
7:30 Skits.
' 2:00 Beginning of Track events. Listed in order Half mile relay, men High jump, men Quarter mile relay, women Broad jump, men One mile relay, men Softball, throw, women Half mile relay, women Two mile relay, men
Bulldogs Win Over Bethel In 7 To 0 Shutout
Glenn Gayer paced the Macollcge Bulldogs to a 7 to 0 9hutout victory over the Bethel Graymaroons at Newton, by pitching a three-hit game.
This was the fourth straight win for the Bulldogs, who relied on Gayer, who did not give up a single base on balls and struck out three Bethel batters. This ■was Gayer’s second victory of the season, having been the winning pitcher early last week when the Bulldogs defeated Friends University.
Bethel’s pitcher was Klippen-stein, who pitched the entire game. He walked one. struck out two, and gave up 12 hits.
Wayne Blickenstaff was the only person on the field that hit over n one-base hit. it being a double with no one on base. Don Hoch. Bill Goering and “Blick” each got three hits during the game. The box score:
'McPherson |
AB |
R II |
O’Dell 2b _____ |
..........2 |
2 1 |
Hoch rf ..... .. |
........ .4 |
0 3 |
Petefish lb ____ |
......4 |
0 0 |
Delay 3b ...... |
......4 |
0 0 |
Ball c .......... |
..........4 |
0 0 |
Blick. ss ....... |
. . ______4 |
2 3 |
McSpaddcn cf . - |
........4 |
1 1 |
Goering If ...... |
.........4 |
1 3 |
Gayer p •........ |
..........3 |
1 1 |
Totals |
33 |
7 12 |
Bethel |
AB |
It H |
Siemens 3b ... |
..........3 |
0 0 |
Kr. Wedel ..... |
..........3 |
0 1 |
Schierling ...... |
..........3 |
0 1 |
Dieterich ...... |
..........3 |
0 0 |
Kn. Wedel ...... |
.........3 |
0 0 |
Friesen c ...... |
..........3 |
0 0 |
Schraf If |
3 |
0 0 |
Hart rf ........ |
..........2 |
0 1 |
Klpnstein ...... |
..........2 |
0 0 |
Totals |
31 |
0 3 |
R |
H E | |
McPherson 000 |
014- 2-7 |
12 3 |
Bethel 000 |
000 0-9 |
3 3 |
Too often we do as Jonah did, pray only when in trouble. We are also like Jonah in that we try to run away from God. But, God has our name and address. We may thing we can hide from Him. but He knows where we arc. God needs people to work for Him. He may call you! Do not run away from Him!
There is no verbal vitamin more potent than praise.—Rev. Frederick B. Harris.
219 North Main
Wiring — Heating — Fixtures ' "
Air Conditioning
McPherson Electric & Heating Co.
211 N. Main McPherson, Kansas
You had better be ready to change your mind when needed, or your mind will change you. The way man’s mind runs is the way he is sure to go.—H. B. Wilson.
Compounded . at
Raleigh's Drug Store
Hubbell's Rexall Drug Store
104 S. Main
Fountain Service
Everything's in high gear at May FETe lime ... keeps you on the go. ^
Good idea is to pause now and then for a Coke.
”Coke is registered trade mark. COCA-COLA,COMPANY