




McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas, April 17, 1953

No. 25

Students Back

Kough Is Granted Leave Of Absence

Prof. Jack Rough, Assistant Professor of Psychology, is taking a leave of absence from his teaching position and public relations work next year.

Prof. Kough w«» chosen for this position in view of the fact that he had worked on a similar pro-

Prof. Kough will Join the University of Chicago faculty, where he will be assigned to the Human Development Research Project in Quincy. III.

This job will consist of working with young people, who have emotional* maladjustments or potential maladjustments. This type of work is called milieu therapy, which tries to integrate the young people into community activity.

Prof. Kough will be working with a group of four other faculty members. The project Is paid for by the Ford Foundation and the Moorman Foundation.

The entire project is centered around helping the community understand how they can utilize its own resources in producing more integrated young people.

Ject In Salina from 1945-18 for Brethren Service. It was a rehabilitation project.

Prof. Kough was n student at St. Thomas, .Columbia, and Harvard. He received his B. S. degree from McPherson College in 1948.

In 1950, he received his M. A. degree from the University of Chicago, and completed his Ph.D. residence requirements at the University of Chicago In 1950. He was also an instructor on the Educational Commission to Japan In 1949.

Another worker on the project will be Dr. Paul Bowman. Jr., who is the son of a former President of Bridgewater College and who also yas a Brethren Service Worker in South America and Europe.

Five Students Will Be Installed In Pi Kappa Delta This Evening

Pi Kappa Delta installation will be held in Room 30. Sharp Hall.' at 7:00 p. m. today. April 17. New members who will be installed are Eula Mae Murray. Norann Royer, Lloyd Hummer, Lcland Umgel, and Robert Wise.-......

The installation will be open to the public. Members and invited guests will go to the Hess home for refreshments at 8:00 p. m.

New Pi Kappa Delta officers are: President. Bob Wise: Vice President, Eula Mae Murray: Secretary - Treasurer. Kenny Brown; and Corresponding Secretary, Norann Royer.

CBYF Work On Heifer Project

The College CBYF has set a goal of $200 to be raised by the end of the school. This money will be applied on h heifer project This was decided at the regular meeting Sunday evening. April 12.

It was also decided to hold a weekend work camp sometime this spring. The project chosen was the cleaning of a boy scout camp near Wichita. - .

After the business meeting, a short worship service was held. Ruth Strickler led the group in singing camp songs.

College Drive

Expansion P ledges Will Begin Soon

College Calendar

Today, April 17:

Tennis, Kansas Wesleyan, there. PKD Installation.

Baseball, Bethel, there.

Saturday, April 18:

Junior Senior Banquet.

Kansas University Relays.

April 21:

Baseball. College of Emporia, here.

April 22:

Track. Tri-Angular Meet at Newton.

Tennis, Bethany, here.

April 23:

Baseball. Wichita U.. here,

Keim, Frantz, Will'Head Student Council Next Year

George Keim. Macollege junior; from Nampa. Idaho, has been elected President of the Student Council for the coming school year.

Ed Frantz, sophomore from Conway Springs. Kans., has been elected treasurer of the Council.

George and Ed have both taken an active part in organizations and activities on the campus.

George made Little American honorable mention this fall for his superb job ag tackle on the college football team.

He was co-captain of this year's team, treasurer of the Rec Council. member of the M. Club and president of his freshmen class and is now vice president of the junior class.

Ed Frantz has been active in football, basketball and is out for track.

.He was president of his freshman class, is a member of the M. Club, and a member of the Student Council.

George will take over the duties of Bob Bechtel, senior, who is now President, and Eld will take over the present position of Wayne Blick-enstaff. junior, as Treasurer.

The two were chosen by the student body in an election held Monday. April 13, after ballyhoo speeches were given by the supporters for the candidates.

Others running for President were Carl Metsker and Wayne Blickenstaff. Ruth Strickler ran for Treasurer.

rooM oy Drown

. George Keim, and Ed Frantz have been elected President and Treasurer, respectively, of Student Council for the coming school year.

George succeeds Bob Bechtel as the campus’ highest student-elected representative. Ed, as treasurer, will serve as Chairman of the Board of Publications and will be a member of the Dog House Committee.

They were elected by the student body Monday, April 13.    _    ...

The Proposed New Stadium

WAA Has Spring Banquet April 24

The WAA Banquet will be held


The theme of the Banquet is being kept a secret until that evening. The officers for next year will be revealed at the formal dinner.

Committees in charge of the Banquet are:    .

Program committee: Chairman, Florene Hale, with Dorothy Nicholson, Norann Royer and Bcv Schech-tcr assisting.

Decoration committee:    Chair

man. Ruth Papa, with Jean Walker. Eula Mae Murrey and Virginia Bowers working with her.

Wagoner Is Elected New President Of Women’s Council

Donna Wagoner. Macollege junior and education and psychology major from Adel. Iowa, has been elected President of Women’s Council for the next school year, 195354.

Election of officers wus held Monday evening, April 13 at a meeting and dinner in the home of Dr. and Mrs. Maurice A. Hess.

Other officers for the following school year are: Vico President, Marinell Johnson, McPherson; Secretary. Velva Wagner, McPherson; Treasurer. Margaret Yost, Payette. Idaho; and Publicity Chairman. Maxine Hanley: South English, Iowa. Dr. Mary Fee, Dean of Women is the sponsor of the organization.

The objectives of the council ore to promote good fellowship among women students, discuss campus problems, provide information and opportunities for practicing social behavior and serve the school 7n various ways.    '    '

The Women's Council bought a Singer Sewing Machine for the women as their project this year.

The Council sponsors the little and big sister fall tea at the beginning of the school year, The Freshman Daze and the Heart Sister Week and Party.

Retiring officers of 1952-53 are. President, Pauline Hess, McPherson; Vice President, Marilce Grove, South English, la.; Secretary, Betty Jo Baker, Friend, Kans.; Treasurer, Ruth Papa. Octavla, Nebr.; and Geraldine Gocring, McPherson. Publicity Chairman.

Dr. Metzler Conducts Pre-Easter Services

Dr. Metzler held pre-Easter services in Kingsley, Iowa. Rev. Vernon Powell,- the father of Bob and Ann Powell, is pastor there,

Biltinger Speaks At Baccalaureate

The Baccalaureate services will be held this year May 31. Dr. D. W. Bittlnger will be the speaker. Rev. Harry K. Zeller, will have charge of the devotions. The McPherson Church Choir will vender special music, and Prof. Paul Sol-lenbergcr will play a violin solo, and the Ladies Trio^ will sing.

Mrs. Lloyd Larsen* will piny the processional and the recessional numbers.

The Baccalaureate service will be held in the Church of the Brethren in the evening. ,

Richards Will Be Main Speaker At Booster Banquet

Rev. Bob “Richards, La Verne College's "pole-vaulting" preacher, has been named as the main speaker for the Booster Banquet which will be held May 22.

The Booster Banquet is held every year to raise funds for McPherson College activities. The contributors to this banquet arc made up largely of persons in and nround the McPherson area.

Rev. Richards is an associate professor of philosophy nt La-Vcmc. Calif., a sister college of McPherson. In the athletic field, he is the undisputed champion pole-vaultcr in the world today. So far he has vaulted 15 ft., W Inches. Only one man has jumped higher than him, Cornelius Wamcrdam in 1942 who Jumped 15 ft, 11 inches, which is the world’s record. He capturbd the pole-vaulting championship at last year's World Olympics at Helsinki, Finland.

Last spring Rev. Richards visited McPherson College and gave a demonstration of pole-vaulting by jumping 14 feet When asked the reasbn why he didn’t jump higher, he replied, "the pole isn’t long enough?"    •

Minister* Hold Meeting

A meeting of the ministers and their wives of the northwest and southwest districts of Kansas was held the weekend of April 10-12.

Rev. Charles Zunkel from Elgin, HI., was the guest speaker.

, Those attending from McPherson were: Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Yoder, Dr. and Mrs. James Elrod. Dr. and Mrs. Burton Metzler, Berwyn Oilman. and Walter Bough.

The Student Council, as part of the McPherson County expansion program for the college, at their meeting Wednesday evening, April 15, voted to take an active part in the drive for $150,000. This drive, which is part of the ten-year development program for $1,500,000, will be used for immediate needs, with the stadium as the main i concern.    _________

I Wayne Blickenstaff. junior, has been chosen as head campaign manager for the students. Each class will have a leader to work under him. The Senior class, will be represented by Bob Bechtel; Junior class, Don Fiko; Sophomore class, Ed Frantz; Freshman class. Don Moeller: Special students. Elsther Ikenberry.

Each class representative will have captains working under him. The campaign will involve 80 student solicitors, with each one seeing about 5 people.

The pledge by the students will cover a period of three to four years, with a suggested share set at $50 per student, which may be paid over the three to four year period.

The money which will be pledged by students will go mainly for the proposed new stadium, which will cost $70,000. The new stadium will double the number of seats, provide convenient dressing rooms, rest rooms and concession stands, as well as an improved press box.

According to the architect’s plans, the structure will be built of steel and fireproof materials, properly anchored to support 2,400 , fans. Construction will begin as soon as funds are available.

A dinner for the 80 solicitors will be held Wednesday evening at G:30 to liunch the drive.

The Student Council presents this as a challenge for the students to show and participate in a way which will improve the college.

The campaign committee for McPherson County is headed by John W. Cusebeer, chairman, W. E. Lchmberg, special gifts, John Wall, general campaign, and Howard Renfro, county area.

The Student Council is asking 100 percent student support of the college in this drive for funds.

Juniors Entertain Seniors At Banquet Tomorrow Night

The junior class will entertain the seniors at a banquet tomorrow evening, Saturday, April 18, at the Methodist Church basement. The time is 6:00.

The theme of the banquet is ’Blue Symphony." with the decorations. program and menu carrying out this theme.

Dolores Siglc Is chairman of the Decorations Committee. She is being assisted by Velva Wagner. Mar-lonna Wine. Carl Metsker, Glendon Button and Prof. E. S. Hershberger.

The Program Committee is made up of Dean Ncher as chairman. Elsie Kindlcy and Elsa Kurtz.

Arrangements for the formal dinner were in charge of Mary Louise Hutcherson and Bob Peel.

Juniors /and Seniors wishing to invite dates were to have purchased tickets by Wednesday. April 15. Curtis Leicht is president of the junior class.

Sociology Class Visits Chicago

The Sociology class under Prof. Kenneth Bechtel took a trip to Chicago over the lost weekend to study the city’s social and other problems. The group left in 4 cars on Thursday afternoon, April 9, and arrived in Chicago. Friday noon. They stayed In Chicago until Sunday afternoon.-April 12.

The class had an enjoyable time visiting places, and seeing a lot of Chicago. Several of the places visited ore of historic importance. Among the places visited were the Hull House founded by Jane Ad-dams. Skid Row, Chicago’s crime center. The Mayor’s office, and the City Hall, the Slum Section and the Gold Coast, the South-ride, and file Ghetto Jewish market. Mr. Albert Fcrone of “the Chicago Institute of Juvenile Research directed the group in one of their tours.

Some of the students had the privilege or visiting the theaters to see stage plays, some went to the Planitarlum, some went after foreign dishes in Greek and Jewish restaurants, and others were there to see the world famous trombonist, Jack Teagarden.

Some of the members of the group went to the big Negro Church in Souths idc on Sunday morning.

On the whole, the group had a successful trip. The only unusual incidence occuring during the entire trip was at the Board of Trade, when some in the group got stuck in the elevator in the tower while going up to view the city.

The group returned safely to McPherson early Monday morning, April 13.

Swinger Accepts Public Relations Position

Rev. Glenn Swinger. Cabool. Mo., has been named by Dr. D W. Bittinger to work in the public relations department of McPherson College starting next year.

Rev. Swinger will also serve as a representative of the college to the Western Region of the Church of the Brethren. At the present time, he is minister of the Cabool church and also serves as regional youth counselor to the. Western Re-

Glenn Swinger

gion Cabinet, as well as being a member of the McPherson College Board of Trustees.

Glenn graduated from McPherson College in 1945 •K* went from here to Bethany Seminary in Chicago. He will take the place of Jack Kough, present public relations worker, who is taking a leave of absence to the University of Chicago next year.

The Spectator 2

FRIDAY. APRIL 17, 1963

Let’s Mind Our Manners

Have you noticed the manners of ( After all. we aren't going to be students on Mncnmpus lately? Well. I eating cafeteria style for the rest to be sure, there is room for im- of our lives.

provement.    Manners play a large part in the

I think each one of us should j success of anyone. Take a look at take it upon ourselves to establish a few 0f the other colleges around, some type of social etiquette in our • j believe you will find most of school system for the imprdvement; them practicing their P’s and Q's

of every individual.

Since we do have a cafeteria, it is harder to put our "Emily Post into action, but still we can be considerate of others.

Also. 1 believe it would be of value to institute into some of our classes, the art of social etiquette.

Maybe every Sunday noon, we could have a dining hall style dinner with students acting as host and hostess, and making it formal enough for the students to learn how to eat and act in such an affair. .    *

Etiquette is also necessary in other things besides eating. Politeness and friendliness to everyone is necessary for social success. Take a look at some of our greatest leaders. They have gone far by simply practicing a little etiquette.

Let's be a little more conscious of how we uct—whether eating or just associating with others.

I think it would be helpful to everyone to hear other student viewpoints on this subject.—R. P.

Take Time To Live!

Take Ume to five! Pot first things first and leave lesser things undone. Budget your time and eon stantly examine your use of it. An emphatic No is essential to resolute Yes in using time. What You leave undone determines what you can accomplish. Remember that while man requires bread for survival, he does not live by bread alone, but by the things of the spirit.

Do not exhaust yourself in surviving. take time to live. It does not profit n man to gain wealth and fame and then find himself a physical wreck, a mental hulk, a spiritual derelict. Work with moderation.

Choose recreation which really re-creates. Many forms of entertainment and amusement are benumbing. Take plenty of nourishment from Mother Nature. Expose your soul to the glories of night, dawn, sunset.

Go often to beautiful and hallowed places. Listen with rapture to

flight with the poets. Discipline your mind by absorbing the wisdom of great books. Keep saturated with the stories of noble lives. Know your Bible, especially the teachings of Jesus.

Be at home tn the Invisible world of the spirit. Learn to see the unseen and hear the Inaudible. Be alert to the presence of the living Christ. Watch God at work tn nature, in creatures, hi persons.

Recognize every individual ns a sacred shrine of the Eternal. See to it that your friendships arc kept in good repair. Participate in the fellowship of an intimate group. Take the church seriously nnd give yourself to it.

Absorb its beauty and harmony, its truth and holiness. Spend much time in silent solitude. thinking and praying. In fervent Intercession. hold bp individuals before God.

Do not exhaust yourself In fruitless activities. Take plenty

Spring Is More


Than Just A Season

Bob Browning sat down one day 112 years ago and wrote a poem about how all was right with the world. He intimated broadly that

Play Day Will Be April 28

The defending champions, the juniors/ will be trying to receive permanent possession of the Play Day Trophy on April 28. The trophy Ls awarded each year to the class with the highest number of

everything was fine simply because points in the Play Day each year,

exalted music. Let imagination take of time to live!—K. P.

UCYM Collects Clothing

Despite last Saturday's bad wea-. came in. nnd also to do the secre-thcr, the UCYM had a successful j tarial business of the drive, clothing drive, in which more than; The youths worked on the project

1,700 pounds of clothing was collected to be sent to the needy in Europe and Asia.

The United Christian" Youth Organization is an organized movement of the city's youth drawn from all the protestant churches in the city, nnd from McPherson and Central Colleges.

Several youths from down town and from the two colleges assembled in the gym for a brief dedication service, and the project was launched immediately afterwards. The groups were divided into two. one which went out in trucks nnd pick-ups to collect old clothes, hats, and shoes from several homes and firms in the city, and the other group, with headquarters in the college gym. to receive and box the clothes as they

all day long, carrying parcels, bundling them, and driving on wet streets, or walking on icy pavements.    -

All the clothing collected by the organization will be sent to the Church World Service at New Windsor. Md.. this is an Interdenominational Organization. After further sorting and re-boxing, the clothes will be sent to relief centers in Europe and Asia, where the clothes will be distributed among the needy ones of those areas.

The UCYM feels very well satisfied with what has been collected despite the bad weather which hindered a more intensive tour. The UCYM also wishes to thank all those who took part both in giving and in collecting the clothing items.

it was Spring. His creation was not original. But it has lived because it said something people feel.

Spring is an exciting, exhilerat-ing time of the year. Because of that, it often seems to be more than just a season. To many it is a feeling, a state of mind, a wat of thinking. Through the efforts <k such men as Browning, it is an institution and like others, it has signs of its coming.

As Christians. Spring means that we all hear once again the reassuring answer ringing clearly from the empty tomb. And accompanying this message. God provides reassurance of continued life for nature. as grass grows green and trees begin to bud again.

Spring, then, is all these—warm sun. green grass, bright skies, and pleasant days. <Not to mention the little snow we had a few days ago. >

But for students. Spring is more. Here at Mncollege the warm air means track season, baseball, tennis .. . banquets— picnics—recitals—Concerts — parties — commencement—nnd not to forget—romances! -

Student a Are Satisfied With College Newspaper

<ACP> Most college students are

"Si!?.: Photo by %rown

and since the Juniors of this year have won the trophy for two years straight, they only need to win again this year to have permanent possession of the trophy.

All of the classes have appointed or are appointing committees in charge to see that the members of their class are used to the best advantage.

This year there will be no individual sports, all of . the sports will be team sports. This will olim-niate such things as Table Tennis Tennis, and Horseshoes. There arc

has been in previous years.

There will be skits after supper, as in previous years. Some of the innovations this year are: Specialty relays, such as the wheelbarrow relay. three legged relays, etc. * surprise event will not be announced until Play Day? but which will be for points, and the elimination of individual events from the schedule.

The faculty members will be used as officials nnd will put on n skit, as will the Rec. Council, although they won’t be judged.

If you have not yet entered in some event sec your class president or the person in your class in charge of Play Day and let them know what event you would like to be in, as the college would like to have 100 percent partici-

plans for an evening meal such as pation in this year's Play Day.

Perhaps it is because we have not learned how to give our gifts in the right way. We have handed them, not over but down. We have caused the recipients of them to feel we are condescending toward them in giving them gifts. TTiis may have been one of the reasons why Holland recently, in spite of her flood conditions, did not wish to receive gifts from the United States.

A second reason is that We may rive the impression that there are strings attached to our gifts; that we expect the recipients to ascribe to certain ideas or to make certain commitments when we give them gifts.

Actually these things arc not true. America gives out of a heart of generosity. We need to learn how to

paper, but not enthusiastic This    ‘,rw“    . .    . , - ^    iq „♦ be more skillful in our contact with

was learned in an ACP National. .The. a,boVpiFtu"e waS 1“!^® "f^h^rn’ll^rn PhnVh1 0ther    s0 that Ulcy ca" scnsc

Poll of Student Opinion    the blood bank, which was set up at the College Churcn. the genuine friendliness we feel to-

Students across the nation were Jean Slaubaugh and Margaret Baile are the donors, as ward them and our genuine desi**

Thinking With The President

On Making Friends

M. R. Ziegler. Church of the Brethren leader among the churches of Europe, said recently, after ho had traveled rather widely around Europe and had journeyed also to India nnd other areas, that never before in his knowledge was there as much 111 - will toward the United States ns at the present time.

This is an amazing statement since during recent years we have been sending service workers abroad, churches have united In Church World Service, add America has handed out millions of dollars of goods and food to the people of the world.

Why would they then feel antipathy or actual enmity toward

Are Given To Red Cross

asked: How would you rate the nurse Pat Ford looks on. job your college newspaper is do- Q7 f>«ntB Of Rlnoil ing in stimulating student thought? ' * * IIIlo APitJCFti The answers:

Excellent—12 percent Good—46 percent Fair—31 percent Poor—8 percent No Opinion—3 percent "Has only student news." is one of the usual comments. Another common remark is. “Reminds me of our high school paper."

Students were also asked. "How would you rate the job your college newspaper is doing in covering campus life?" Here.the„results:

Excellent—32 percent Good—45 percent Fair—17 percent Poor—5 percent No Opinion—1 percent

for the donators were Betty Bram-mell. Marincll Johnson. Lois Rolfs and Alberta Ebbcrt. Other students assisted in such ways as typists, receptionists, nnd waitresses.

The Red Cross was very pleased C?    wr i 1    'and bought the Blood Bank a

summer Workshop'succcss Thcv encourage the spon-

n _ x    _    I sorship on the Bloodmobile at the

college each year.

The SCA, who s

year, wishes to thank students nnd faculty for their cooperation making it such a success.

The Red Cross Bloodmobile which was on Macampus Monday. April 13 received a total of 97 pints of blood from students nnd faculty of McPherson College.

One - hundred and fifteen volunteered to give blood, but 18 were

reifCjCd’ .    .    * 21 years of age. and are responsi-

Students in charge of the dinner (or nm„.„    or(v

to help them ns our brothers.

The clothing drive put on by the yoong people of the town and the college recently is a fine example of this. We did It because we wanted to help other people. Now If the gift can be transmitted to the peo-pie In the spirit with which we needed for the Lazy Acres Pueblo gave it, brotherhood will grow.

Leaders In Camp Are Needed

Leaders and counselors a

Girl Scout Camp. Pueblo. Colo.. June 20 - August 11. The camp is located in the mountains of the San Isbcl National Forest.

Unit leaders must be over

The Spectator

Official Student Publication of McPherson Collage, McPherson, Kensos, Published every Friday during the school yeor by the Student Council

Begin June 2

The Summer session Workshops will begin June 2-6. There will be

three workshops this year. Elemen-    ¥ ,    . „ f

tary school music will be under the Students I ell Of Ideal Prof direction of Prof. Audrey San Ro- A Texas paper claims it has ‘found” the ideal professor. He is: This workshop will include work One whp can laugh with his class; several phases of elementary • a guy wno has a sense of humor

school music:    music methods,

sight singing, music appreciation, and conducting.

Arts and Crafts will be taught

ble for program planning and program-activities,    .    ...

Unit assistants must be over 18 years of age. nnd need about the same qualifications.

Horseback Counselor must be over 21. and needs to know western riding, western horses, and how to teach children to ride.

_    -    ... Nurse, needs to be over 21. nnd

The SCA, who sponsored it this must have knowledge of first aid.

to feel at home m a-lent, nnd to give sympathetic ‘treatment to homesickness or stomach aches.

The pro - camp training starts June 20. and includes a week of brushing up on skills and trying out the program possibilites.

Hie leaders will have time-off 24 hours nnd a half day every two weeks, which will give time for

and uses it in the classroom.

A well, - prepared lecturer who thoroughly understands his subject.

These seem Bke litt^p things, but it is down this avenue that pence is to be discovered.

Stinnette Edits “Horizons”

“All-material for the'Western Region issue of Horizons has been handed in to the office at Elgin. 111., according to Lois Stinnette. field editor.

Many Mncollege students, including Norman Long. Dolores Sigle. Karl Baldncr. Ruth Grossnickle. Evelyn Williams. Elmer Fikc and Leon Neher, contributed articles and poetry for the paper.

An editorial on the theme. "Pathways of Pence." was written by Rev. Glenn Swinger. Regional Youth adviser.

The issue is to come out May 24. but Lois expects to receive a proof of the copy in the near future.

_    Read nil the advertlsementa in

sightseeing, shopping or sleoping.the Spectator.


FUsociated CbSeeide Press


Entered as second class matter November 20. 1017 at the postoffice of McPherson Kansas under the art of March 3. IR07.

ess All Correspondence TIIR SPECTATOR McPherson. Kansas


. Campus Editor - Society Editor

Maxine Hanley Harold Patton Ina Dltmara


Hetty Holderread    Kenneth

. Staff Photographer --Faculty Advisor

Lyla Wbltbam .


Esther Iken berry

Gordon Yoder .

------------ Business Manager

- Assistant Business Manager ——-— Circulation Manarvr ——-— Faculty Advisor

Lake Superior Lumber Company

trary to his own may be just as sound.

One who docs not use the curve system of grading, but rather rated each individual on effort as well as achievement.

by Prof. S. M. Dell. This course! A friendly, enthusiastic person i will deal primarily with work in who is really interested in his class! basketry, silk screen printing, tex- j and who is aware that ideas con-tile painting, leather work, and    • ■

small elementary crafts. It will be j directed toward those skills which j will be of wide use in the home, j the school, and the church, i Contemporary Drama will be uni der the Direction of Prof. Della ■ Lehman. This woikshop is the first in a series of three which will be offered each summer in the area of conterrlporary literature.TTie three phases will be drama, ’ poetry, and prose. This workshop! will consist of a study of twentieth century plays in Great Britain and America.

All workshops carry one hour of' credit. Enrollment may be made! for credit or non - credit.

The cost of these workshops is *13.00. One person can enroll lh f only one workshop, since they will j be conducted during the same I time.

We Invite You


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The Spectator 3

FRIDAY, APRIL 17. 1958

Bulldog Barks

Bids for parked cars, rndios. other boy’s girl friends, pics, cakes, picnics were sold off by barkers Karl Baldner. Joe Kennedy and Keith Rickncr I ast night at the WSSF auction. It is n way to raise money for the World Student Service Fund.

Anyone who wants to auction off something, no matter whether its the back seat of your car or a date, could do it by telling what it is and Signing a card—then the auctioneers go to work and sell the thing to the hlrhest bidder. It brought a lot of laughs, money, and fun.

The ladies trio trip had to be

Students Elect Court Members

gaa Jost on the other aide of the Student Court members for the draw.    coming school year, as voted by

Betty Jo had. given n blood do- the student body. Monday. April nation the day before, and used 13. arc:

that as an excuse for not pushing. Juniors — Curtis Leicht. Gene Lois tried to steer the car while Bechtel. Elsie Kindlev. Velva Wag-thc.others pushed. Tbey finally got* ner and Don Wagoner, it to a gus station, though.    Sophomores—Paul Coffman. Ken

Kline HaR gfrla are free once Brown. Don Goodfellow. and Faye again after being put fn solitary Ellen Trostle. confinement for one Week. They Freshman — Mary Elizabeth didn't fare too badly, though, be- Swinger. Dwight Blough and Gary cktixe hamburgers and pop got Jones.-

smuggled to after •'their” hours by The Student Court, which is a friends.    part of the Student Council, deter

mines problems of student discipline. and receives complaints or requests from students or faculty, and then studies all cases and ren-

•    W°n ““V* inhi ^    1    Student* Court is in charge

A CappeMa S^rTour" which" ft JU,,C 26    ™m;,„ initial and .he

gravated the infection, so    she s    More    information on the Cerrote    All Court members must have at

been held up m Arnold Hall    for a    summer work camp projcct in    least a 15 grade    average,

week or so. now.    Pucrto Rico ^ been diRCioSed

A week ago Thursday night. Ka- by the Brethren Service Commis- Mugler Strident* Present thy Russell had a surprise party sion n1 Elgin. III.    ..    0    -

on 4th floor Arnold. Shrimp, sauce. The work camp will start June otfinio neeitai parrot slices, celery sticks, cheese.    26 and    end August 8. About $200    Tlie music department presented

and crackers were on the    menu    will be    needed for the work camp,    a studio recital by students of Miss

for refreshments.    including round-trip flight from Minnie Mugler. Saturday. April 11

Puerto Rico

me laaics trio trip naa to oc ....    ,    ■ TV l I

canceled. One of the members got WorKCZlIlip IS a secondary ear infection and is *    -    ■

George Kelm is going to run our New York. room, board and laun-student body next year as pre*l- drv. a $25 minimum should also dent and Ed Franta will carry the be’ allowed for an island tour if headaches of keeping the hooks this is desired.

balanced and the minutes written.,

Fellowship and service will be

The Foods sols arc now planning U,. maln thin)(s d(,'rived from ,his individual dinners. Each Rirl has to | projccl whk.h is,    a

plan a dinner and invite one guest. | building needed to open a church plus a student class critic and the there. nnd n clinic and recreation instructor. These meals arc planned down to the most minute detail and the person who gets invited should appreciate them.

Play day Isn’t too far away. The skits are to be given next week. In years past, these skits have made the difference between winning and losing the play day between classes.

Last Wednesday morning the Ar-

at the downtown studio.

Those appearing on the program were Ralph Juhnkc. Kay Kutino. Jill Hershberger. Mark Swanson, Janet All, Roberta Bell. Marcia Krehbiel, Carol Ann Dalke. Rae Ann Mettlen, and John Dalke.

Burkholder Will Teach New Courses

center. The camp will also feature group living, a good chance for fellowship.

Dr. D. W. Bittingcr toured Puer-    Y#*2ir

to Rico in December. 1952 and re- 1 ported on the feasibility of establishing a project at Cerrote. which

munity in the heart of Puerto Rico ; | been included in the new 1953-1^4! pnh|ic Kelation* Office The site of this project is locat-

Three new courses in the Biol-‘ ogy department curriculum have

! McPherson College catalog to be

Students Attend Peace Institute

Ten Mncollegc students attended ; a peace institute, which was held at Mountain Grove. Missouri. April 10. 11. and 12. Those who went ' were Betty Holdcrread. Virginia Holderread. Dorothy Lucorc. Betty ' Lou Hershberger. Wesley Ikcnbcr-ry. Gary Jones. Leon Ncher. Max Parmley. Gerald Ulrich, and Ted ; Vance.

Dan West was the leader of the institute. Approximately 25 Breth-| ren young people participated. -most of them high school students.

The group discussed various as-■ pccts of the problem of achieving peace and the responsibilities of youth in the world of today.

While at the conference, the girls lived together in the parsonage and j the boys in another home near the church. The group cooked all their meals in the church basement.

3 ; ow’n

55 Students Will Take Field Trips

cd near the top a large mountain

released in the near future.

Releases New Pamphlet

i,old Hall gals on 4th floor gave a on wh|ch onc |s ab,c ,0 scc lX)th Dr. John Burkho.dcr, new head p Prosnective Student* pajama breakfast party to honor ,d , thc ls,nnd and lhe. occan ot the Biology department is re-.* *    ’

Ermalec Phillips, who has ^ on toth sides    placing Dr. R. E. Mohler. who re- "Hi There" Is the title of htc

cently moved into thc dormitory *nvon~ dcs,rmt. information or lrrlxi last semester after nearly new pamphlet issued by the pub-and had a birthday. All of the girls ,l[lnl]C..,inns ,or ,bjs Dr0;ccl mav • four decades of service to McPher-. lie relations department of Me-wore their PJ’s downstairs to thc contact the’ Brethren Service Com- son College. Dr. Burkholder's new 'Phcrson College recently mailed cafeteria at 6:45 A. M. for the    —

breakfast birthday party.

Last weekend the Urban Soeloloo Class toured part of Chicago under the direction and nridtnce of the Sociolory professor at Chlcaro University. They visited Hull House.

Skid Row. the Gold Coast (rich section), and the Slams, which is four blocks west of the Gold Coast.

They went on top of the Board of

SEE « BMh State Stree.: -rsesareiCjdolog^and Histol- ou.Jo Elgin. 111.

Regional Cabinet Holds Retreat

ogy. Speciation. and Topics in Biology. All three of these courses are upper level.

Cytology and Histology is a three-

Church of thc Brethren and other prospective students.

Adalu Carpenter and Ed Frantz are thc center characters of the

' hour roi^e. It has a prerequisite

of Biology J and 2. It deals mainly t*'rou*h lhc .    °P

At Darlow Church

-----------------------™ >r;snrr

Trade Bnildinr. which Is forty-three Vouth Cabinet Retreat was held tcrnate years. 1953-1954.

stories hirh. to take pictures of at the Plensantview Church of the    . -    ,    ,    „    .

Chicago at a birds ere view    Brelbren a. Darlow. Kansas. April    j^rs M Ut

a ™wish “nterwhere ftlfra'arc Berwyn Oilman, retiring presi-

all over the streets trying to sell merchandise. They even block traffic by setting up th.eir wares in the middle of the streets.

On Sunday, they attended one or the Black Belt churches, which Is in the colored section and also toured thc University of Chicago. The group rolled In Monday, a little tired but had a better Idea of the revolving world In which we live.

A campus survey shows that blue denim is on thc rampage nnd looks like it’s here to stay a little while, especially blue denim jackets.

Grades came out last Friday. Period.

Two students. Karl Baldner of Macollege and Ann Rcinhold of Central College went to Hutchinson to attend the lecture of Nathon Cohen Beskin, a converted Russian Jew and former classmate of Joseph Stalin. He gave his speech at the Free Methodist Church.

Tuesday night, the car that Betty Jo Baker, Mildred Beck. Barbara Berry. Lois Knackstedt and Marlonna Wine were is. ran out of

dent of' thc Regional Youth Cabin- “'ilh biological mechanisms which et presided over the discussions.! have operated, and are operating. Rev. Glenn Swinger, of Cabool. <? Produce organic evolution, etc.

Mo., the Regional Youth Counselor. was present. Rev. Swinger is to be connected with McPherson College next semester.

Thc election of new cabinet members was the main item of business. Norman Long was elected president. Don Fikc. vice-president. Norann Royer, secretary. Bob Powell, treasurer, and Leon Ncher was elected new editor of the regional news letter. These officers elect will begin their dut-ics in September, and will serve for two years.

The retiring cabinet is composed of Berwyn Oltman, president, Curtis Lcicht. Social Education chairman. La Von Widegren, Social Action chairman, and Lorene Clark, editor of the regional new letter.

Most of thc time was taken up by discussion, although plenty of time was used for eating, sleeping, a wiener roast, and washing and drying dishes. They cooked their own meals in the church kit-1 chcn.

Prerequisites for this course arc Biology 1 and 2 and genetics.

Topics in Biology will be a survey of those fields of biology which have little or no consideration in other courses. This is for more advanced Biology students.

thc campus buildings, classrooms laboratories etc.    .

Extra curricular activities is-given much space, even a picture of an engagement party to emphasize the general trend of thc past few years. Other activities included arc Fahnestock Hall chess playing, WAA outings and intra-mural activities.

Anyone desiring the pamphlet to be sent to any prospective student can turn in the name xind address of the person at thc Alumni office. In the basement of Sharp Hall.

He: You remind me of the oc-

Fellowship Cell On Macampus

Discusses Peace

The Geology and thc Inorganic i Chemistry classes under Prof. Wcs-

Ile.v De Courscv will go on field trips starting as from this afternoon. April 17. and continuing tomorrow morning. April 18.

This afternoon, the two classes {will visit thc American Salt Corporation at Lyons. Kans. Thc Chemistry class, in particular, will inspect the manufacture of salt. Both classes will go down the mine i shafts to observe thc procedures underground. The two classes will then journey back to McPherson.

Tomorrow morning. April 18. thc Geology class will continue on thc tour, and will take a trip to Ka-napolis Dam. near Ellsworth, Kans. The class will also stop at a couple of places for rock and fossil hunting.

A total of about 55 students will

A fellowship cell group has been formed on campus for those who. be engaged in these trips, are devoted to working for peace. •

The group meets each Sunday and Wednesday evenings for one hour to discuss this topic.

Tbe program has included discussion of the scriptural basis of pacifism, the statement on posi-. tion and practices of the Qiurdh.’:

Of thc Brethren in relation to war. tho booklet. “Lets Join thc Human Race." by Stringfcllow Barr, and several speakers have t been featured. The group has no form of constitution or officers.

An open meeting for students who are interested in this discus-


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He: No. you

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sion will be held next Sunday. April 26 immediately following evening church services.


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For The Finest In Groceries Rothrock’s



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118 N. MAIN


McPherson and citizens state bank

Bast Wishas in Your Sixty-Fifth Year of Educational Progress.

128 N. Main

Phone 682

The Spectator 4

FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 1953

Mac Defeats Friends In Home Game, 12-8

The McPherson College Baseball team defeated Friends University on the local diamond Tuesday afternoon, April 15, by the score of 12 to 8. This was the second conference win against one defeat so far this season.

First baseman, Harry Ensminger, freshman, sparked the team with four hits in four official times at bat. He also drove two runs across the plate.

Extra base hits were made by Dwight McSpadden and Don Hoch, each hitting

Friends University started out fast picking up two runs in the top of the second and four more in the top of the third, before McPherson had scored a run. The Bulldogs came back in the last of the third with four runs to put them back in the game. Then in the fifth, the Quakers scored a single run. but the Bulldogs scored six to put them ahead for good.

McPherson added two insurance runs in the eighth, and Friends pushed across a single run in the top of the ninth to end the scoring for the day. '

Jack Richardson started on the mound for the Bulldogs, but gave way to Glenn Gayer in the third. Gayer was the winning pitcher. Fie-ser was the losing pitcher for Friends University. The box score:



O’Dell ......


Petefish -----

.. ..........4

Delay --------


Ball .........


Blickenstaff .


Ensminger _ ..


Richardson -.





Friends U.


L. Davis ____


Cox ..........


Smith .......


Ackermann ..



Rhoads .....


Peterson ......


G. Davis .....

.......... 4

Harris .......

Fieser .......


Krinshaw ____


Montgomery .


Barnes Hardware & Supply Co Hardware—Houseware Electrical Appliances 224 N. Main    Phone 424



For Your School Parties Three party rooms available.

No charge for room when meal is served.

Track Schedule

April 18—Kansas University Relays.

April 22—Tri-Angular meet at Newton.

April 24—Wichita U. Freshman Relays.

April 29—Triangular meet at Emporia.

May 1—Bethany, here.

May 5—Quadrangular meet, here. May 8—Ft. Hays Relays.

May 12—Kansas Wesleyan, there. May 15—Conference Meet.

Bulldogs Drop Tenuis Match

The Macollege tennis team traveled to Wichita April 8 and played the Friends University Quakers in a dual match, Friends winning, 3 to 2.

Friends had only three single players, so only three single matches were played. Ralph Royer won one of the singles for the Bulldogs. The two teams split the doubles matches, with Royer-Berg-lund winning for the visiting Macollege team. Results of the match are as follows:

Cleavinger. Friends, defeatqd Hummer. (Mac>. 6-1, 6-0.

Van Gieson. Friends, defeated Frantz, (Mac), 6-2, 6-2.

Royer, (Mac), defeated Wood, Friends. 6-2, 6-1.

Van Gieson - Cleavinger. Friends, defeated Frantz - Hummer. 6-3, 6-3.

Royer, Berglund, (Mac), defeated Wood - Mills, Friends, 6-0. 6-1.

Nothing gives you that rundown feeling quicker than jay-walking.

Bulldogs Win With 71 In Triangular Meet

The McPherson College Bulldogs won their second track meet of the season on April 8, by defeating Kansas Wesleyan and Bethany Colleges in a triangular meet.

McPherson finished with a total of 71 points, Kansas Wesleyan was second with 46. and Bethany was third with 20.

Bob PoweU of McPherson was the top Individual performer of the day, with 17 points to his credit. He received them by winning the Javelin, discus, and tleing for first in the high Jump. He also got second in the shot put.

The nearest any individual came to breaking a college record in any of the events, was ‘'Chief’ Hanagame going 11 feet 10 inches clearing the bar in the pole vault. This was only two inches off the college record.

McPherson captured eight firsts, Wesleyan had six and Bethany won two. Following is the summary of the meet:

MUe Run; 1. Bechtel. Me; 2. Novak; KWU; 3. Muehler, KWU: Time 4:39.3-440 Yd. dash; 1. ScheU Be; 2. GoodfeUow, Me; 3. Hayes, KWU; Time :53.3 100 Yd. dash; 1. Bowman Be; 2. Nemeth, KWU and McGuire. Me; (tie) Time


High Hurdles: 1. G. Smith. Me; 1. Sodegren. Be: 3. King. KWU Time : 16.1 880 Yd. run: 1. Novak. KWU: 2. GoodfeUow. Me: 3. Smith. Be: Time 2:07.1 220 Yd. dash: 1. Nemeth, KWU: 2. Bowman. Be: McGuire, Me: Time :23.6 Shot Put: 1. Wilbur. KWU: 2. Powell. Me; 3. Bersuch. Me: Dist. 41’ 7

Two Mile run; l. Bechtel. Me; 2. Blough. Me; 3. Ulrich. Me; Time 10:45.5 Low Hurdles; 1. G. Smith. Me; 2. Bayer. Me; 3. Hanagame. Me; Time :27.5 Mile Relay; 1. Kansas Wesleyan; 2. McPherson; Time 3:37.5 Pole Vault; 1. Hanagame, Me: 2. Nemeth, KWU; 3. Frantz, Me; Height 1U 10"

Discus:    1. Powell. Me; 2. B.

Smith, Me; 3. Adams. KWU: Dist. 122 feet Broad Jump: 1. Tobume. KWU: 2. Sodegren. Be; 2. Button. Me: Dist; 20‘ 5“

Javelin; 1. PoweU, Me; 2. Pflefer. KWU; 3. Bersuch, Me; Dist; 158* 1" High Jump; l. PoweU, Me; and Novak, KWU:    (tie) 3. Nemeth.

KWU; Height; 5* 7%"

Tennis Schedule

Apirl    17—Kansas    Wesleyan,


April 22—Bethany, here.

April 24—College of Emporia, here.

April 27—Kansas Wesleyan, here. April 29-Friends U.. here.

May 1-2 — Regionals here.

May 14—Conference Finals at Emporia.

Baseball Schedule

April 17—Bethel, there. '

Apirl 21—College of Emporia, here. %

April 23—Wichita U., here.

AprU 25—Bethany, here.

April 27—Wichita U., there.

May 5—Tabor, here.

The sign was posted in a village store window a few years ago: "Farmers, bring in your eggs. We want them bad."

Macollege Takes Third Track Win

The McPherson College Bulldog track team journeyed to Southwestern College last Tuesday, April 14. and came home victorious by the score of 75-5G. This was the third victory for the Bulldogs in three starts.

Shot Put; 1. PoweU. Me; 2. S. Smith, SC; 3. B. Smith. Me; DUt; 39’ 9". Discus; 1. PoweU, Me; 2. B. Smith. Me; 3. WUson, Me; Dist.; 119’ 3‘i". Pole Vault; 1. Lundeen, SC: 2. Hanagame, Me.; 3. Frantz, Me; Height 12’ Javelin; 1. Hudson. SC; 2. PoweU. Me; 3. Frantz. Me; Dist; 153’ 9?*". High jump; 1. Graham. SC; 2. Powell, Me; 3. Ulrich, Me and Coleman SC Height 5* 8”. Broad Jump; 1. Button. Me; 2. WUson, Me; 3. Coleman. SC: Dist; 19’ 7«i”.

Bulldogs Defeat Tabor In Non-Conference Tilt

The Macollege Bulldogs, paced by Wayne Blicken-staff pitching a two-hit game in seven innings, won a nonconference tilt, 10-4 against Tabor College at Hillsboro April 8 on the loser’s diamond

In the first two Innings Tabor gained a three-run lead before the Bulldogs came back in the fourth to blast three runs, tleing the score. Mac scored three more runs In the sixth, one In the seventh, and three In the ninth to win the ball game.

Coach Dick Wareham started Joe Johns on the mound for McPherson but lasted only the first two innings. He gave up five hits* three runs, and struck out two.

Wayne BUckenstaff was then moved to the mound from shortstop. In the seven innings that followed, "Blick" gave up only two hits, struck out 13. walked one and gave up the other Tabor run late in the seventh inning.

Wayne supplied power to the team

Long Hike    .

Fellows, take note!

Two students walked 60 miles in 12 hours, from London to Cambridge, and arrived just in time to keep a date with a girl from Girton College.


Radio Service Radios Repaired 212 E. EUCLID PHONE



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•Artca rved



mond tl«9 4135 ■> C,'"” *62.50 You can choose an Arlrarved* diamond ring with complete confidence of unqueMionrd value. Guaraniceil and registered for your protection, its beauty is as eternal as love itself. tolovd by bnrf.i for over 100 yon Adyrtifd lit lift and IOOK

only one Tabor batter.

Vernon Petefish was credited with a double. No homers were hit by either team.

D. Rhett was the losing pitcher for Tabor. He gave up 13 hits, all 10 runs, walked four and

struck out 12. Here Is the box score: McPherson    AB R II

O’Dell 2b ...............4 2 1

Moeller 2b ...

... 000

rloeh If .....-.

4 1 1

Goering If ..

... 000

Petefish rf .

...4 1 3

Delay 3b ......

.... 5 1 1

Ball c .......

.....5 1 0

Blick. ss .....

.... 4 2 2

VIeSpadden cf

.....5 0 3

Ensminger lb

_____3 0 0

Richardson ...

... 1 1 1

Johns p ......

....0 0 0

Wise ss. rf ...

.....2 1 1

______1 0 0

Wray ss ......

_______0 0 0


38 10 13



Thicssen .....

.....2 1 2

Drtman 2b ...

_____2 0 0

H. Rhett .....

_____4 0 0

Neufeld -------

......4 1 2

Klassen .......

.....4 0 0

Unruh ss .....

......4 0 1

Magcrt rf ----

......2 1 1

Gossen c .....

......2 0 0

Schultz cf ____

.....4 0 0

Wiens c. If ...

_____ 4 1 1

D. Rhett p. ...

......2 0 0

Croaker rf ...

.......0 0 0


. 34 4 7

McPherson 000


103-10 13 3

Tabor 120


001— 4 7 2

The two teams were practically tied with only three events left on the program, but the Bulldogs scored very heavily in all three of the three remaining events to win going away.    ,

Leading scorer for the Bulldogs was again Bob Powell with 16 points. He picked these up with victories in the Shot Put, DLscus and two seconds in other events.

Bob Bechtel again picked up 10 points with victories in the mile and two mile. Altogether. McPherson picked up 8 firsts and Southwestern had 8. McPherson won by picking up valuable firsts and seconds.    t

The summary of the meet:

Mile run; I. Bechtel. Me.; 2. Newman and Hensen (tie) SC Time 4:42.2 440 Yd. Dash; 1. Palmer. SC; 2. GoodfeUow, Me.; 3. Poov-cy. SC; Time :54.6 100 Yd. Dash; 1. Coleman, SC; 2. G. Smith. Me.; 3. Ling. SC: Time ; 10.7 High Hurdles: 1. G. Smith Me; 2. Witter. SC; 3. Blacke. SC: Time :16.9 880 Yd. run; 1. GoodfeUow. Me; and

220 Yd. dash: 1. Ling. SC; 2. McGuire. Me: 3. Wahl. Me: Time :23.5 Two Mile Run: 1. Bechtel. Me; 2. Newman. SC: 3. Blough. Me: Time 10:41. Low Hurdles; 1. Witter. SC; 2. G. Smith. Me; 3. McGuire. Me; Time :27.3. Mile Relay: 1. McPherson 'Wahl, Sharpe. Heidcbrecht. GoodfeUow. 3:35.

Applications Are Needed For Publications

Positions are open on publications for next year’s staff. Applications are to be presented to Wayne Blickenstaff. chairman of the board of publications.

On the Spectator, the campus editor and the assistant business pianager positions are open. They will later lead to the editorship of the paper and to that of business manager, respectively.

On the Quadrangle, the positions of assistant editor and assistant business manager are open. These, too. will later lead to editor and 7 2 business manager.


219 North Main

Hubbell’s Rexall Drug Store

104 S. Main

Fountain Service

Wiring — Heating — Fixtures Air Conditioning

McPherson Electric & Heating Co.

211 N. Main    McPherson, Kansas

Meet the Crowd at
The College Inn

Veda and “Oat” Otis

Campus capers call for Coke

How long can Jack be nimble? Square dancing’s rugged .,. belter tunc up now and then with refreshing Coca-Cola.


Phene 881


Naih Airflytc

Service 115 E. Euclid

Sid Baeon Motor Co.

Dodgt — Plymouth Salai and Sarvica

311 North Main

Phone 1450