Snake Dance Begins Football Season

McPherson College students introduced the football season of 1952 last night when they donned loud pajamas, joined hands and zig-zagged their way through stores on Main street during the 32nd annual pajama parade. Tradition was broken slightly by having the snake dance before the first game of the season instead of having it before the first home game. Cheerleaders felt this was justified since there are two games before the first home game.

Frank Forney, long-time assistant superintendent of buildings and grounds, is being confined to his home by illness.

Mr. Forney underwent an operation on June 24 and has been ill ever since.

Although he retired from the active work at the college last spring, he still maintains a keen interest in the college. He firmly believes that students nowadays are just as good as they were when he started work ing for the college 32 years ago.

Mr. Forney Is able to receive visitors, at his home, 409 North Eshleimam.

—Photo by Meloan

DON WEST, KATHY RUSSELL, LU CARPENTER, AND BOB WILSON, Macollege cheerleaders, donned bright yellow and blue striped pajamas to lead a snake dance through McPherson last night. They will again be in action tonight at the game—but they won’t be wearing pajamas.

School Events Are To Be Scheduled

Dean J. M. Berkebile has asked that any school event be cleared with Miss Sarah May Vancil. calendar committee chairman, before announcements are made.

Scheduling forms are available in Mrs. S. M. Dell’s office, secretary to Pres. D. W. Bittingcr. An event is not considered scheduled until it is entered-on the calendar by Miss Vancil.

All presidents of extra curricular organizations arc asked to notify Mrs. Dell immediately of the regular scheduled time for their organization.

Vol. XXXVII McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas, September 19, 1952 No. 2

Present Mikado November 20-21

The Mikado." a comic opera in two acts by Gilbert and Sullivan. will be presented by McPherson College students Nov. 20-21. The story' is the triangle love affair of Nanki-Po, the son of Mikado. who is in love with Yum-Yum who is the ward of Ko-Ko and is bethrothed to him.

When Ko-Ko hears that one person in his province must be beheaded he persuades Nanki-Po to be that one. Nanki Po agrees if he can marry Yum-Yum and live with her for a month. All goes well until Yum-Yum finds out that when a man is beheaded his wife must be buried alive. The Mikado appears and all is saved when Ko-Ko marries the ancient Katisha and Yum-Yum is left to Nankl-Po.

The opera, directed by Prof. Donald R. Frederick, will have two casts. ‘The first cast includes: Keith Allison as Nanki-Po; Joe Kennedy as Ko-Ko; Don West. Pooh Bah; Don Thralls, Pish Tush; Elsie Kindley, Katisha; Anita Rogers, Pitti Sing; Florene Hale, Yum-Yum; Peggy Sargent. Peep Bo; Bill Mollagen. Mikado.

The second cast is: Herb Edmonds as Nanki Po; Curtis Leicht as Ko Ko. Leon Albert. Pooh Bah; Myron Krehbiel. Pish Tush; Velva Wagner. Katisha; Margaret Bai-le. Pitti Sing; Donna Wagoner. Yum-Yum; Elsa Kurtz, Peep Bo; Leon Neher, Mikado.

Insurance Plan Is Offered Students

A new Student Health Insurance plan is being offered at McPherson College this year. The purpose of this plan is to reimburse students for any additional medical treatment at the College Health Service for which a charge must be made and for the expense of hospital, surgical, and other necessary care.

Coverage is in. effect from Sept. 2. 1952 continuously through the closing day of college, June 1. 1953 and includes vacations and all other times the student is at home or elsewhere and while traveling during this period. The cost of this insurance is $10.00.

Anyone wishing further informs tion about this plan should go to the Business Manager's office and obtain the Student Insurance Plan pamphlet.

Kline Has Season's First Open House

Residents of Kline Hall beat the other campus houses to the draw by scheduling the first open house of the season. Fahnestock Hall comes in second by throwing out the welcome mat on Sept. 27, and Arnold Hall opens its doors to the public on Oct. 4.

Green Caps Are Donned By Frosh

Green caps were donned by the freshman class Wednesday. Sept. 17. The caps went on sale immediately after the chapel period.

The green caps must be worn until Monday, Oct. 20. On that day, a tug of war between the sophomore class and the freshman class will be held at the lagoon.

If the freshman are not successful in winning the tug of war, they must wear their caps for another month until Thanksgiving.

The freshmen must learn the school song within 2 weeks, and they must sing it personally to a member of the Student Court.

Lengel Has Highest English Score

The results of the English Placement Test have been announced by Dr. Maurice A. Hess.

Leland Lengel’of Windsor, Colo., rated the highest with a score of 133 out of a possible 150. Lois Stin-nette, Denver. Colo. was second with a score of 129.

The third highest score, 128, was acquired by Donna Hooper of McPherson, Donna Ford, Preston, Minn, and Eula Mae Murrey, McPherson. both had 115.

Shirley Meyers of Norton, Kans. and William Smith, McPherson, tied with a score of 114. Lois Kes-ler of Sabetha, Kans. was eighth from the top with 113 for a score.

Betty Young, New Carlisle, Ohio and Norann Royer, Dallas Center, Iowa, completed the list of the first ten with scores of 112 and 111, respectively.

It was noted by Dr. Hess that the state of Colorado rated the upper two scores in the test this year. The test has been given to students entering McPherson College for the past fifteen years.

The cheerleaders of this year includes one veteran. Bob Wilson, who was a cheerleader in 1950-51. Adalu Carpenter follows her sister. Ann’s footsteps, who was also cheerleader in 1950-51. The other two .making up the cheerleading corp arc Don West and Kathy Russell.

The evening of shouting and running came to a climax in the Manor theatre, where the cheerleaders led the audience in the last yells before settling down to see the movie.

Thirty-one years ago Macollege had her first pajama parade, which was then called the "nightshirt parade.” From the Oct. 4 Spectator of 1921. edited by Orville D. Pote. come the following sidelights on the new traditional event. Nightshirt Parade

"The boys of McPherson College staged a rather unique Night Shirt parade last Tuesday evening in order to arouse interest among the business men of the city for the game with Fairmount which was waged last Saturday afternoon.

"One hundred fifty students garbed in ‘ghostly apparel' departed from the dorm about 8:30 and wended their way. single file, to Main Street where a snake dance was soon in its height of glory.

"Both sides of the street were lined with great numbers of curious spectators. At the corner of Kansas Avenue and Main, the zig-zag procession was greeted by a refrain from the college band. After numerous rousing college yells, the line of march was directed to the Tourney Theater which surrendered to the invaders after a short siege.

"The soothing quietness and peacefulness which reigned supreme then was suddenly broken by a half dozen peppy yells and cheers. After informing the theatre-goers of the mission of such a motley army, the theater was quickly evacuated. The long winding train then proceeded northward to the corners of Euclid and Main where another halt was made.

"Again the great crowd of curious onlookers was favored by several band selections sandwiched with plenty of college yells.

"As the group disbanded the boys were picked up by good-natured businessman and taken to the Hill."__

Honors Go To Joseph Obi

Joesph Obi. Macollege student from Africa made 63 honor points last semester, and was enrolled for 24 semester hours.

Thirty of his honor points for the semester were made by examination, ten in which he made all A's. The remaining 33 were made in classroom work.

Retired Minister Dies

Rev. Benjamin F. Brubaker. 82. a retired minister of the Church of the Brethren died Thursday night. September 11. at his home at 417 North Max Well, McPherson.

Forney Is 111

Proficiency Exams Will Be Given Today

English Proficiency Examinations will be given Friday. Sept. 19.

8 a. m. in the Chemistry Lecture Room for all juniors and seniors who have not passed it previously

.Select Berkebile As Debate Coach

Dean James M. Berkebile has been selected as the new debate coach this year. He fills the position formerly held by Dr. Maurice A. Hess. Dean Berkebile said that all persons Interested in debate should contact Dr. Hess or himself as soon as possible.

The plan this year is to have a set of practice sessions between the Macollege debate teams before the teams enter competition.

Dr. Hess commented that about six tournaments would be entered. Of these tournaments one will be scheduled at Newton sometime in November and another at Winfield in December.

The McPherson Economy Tournament will be held here January 10. 1953. with thirty to sixty teams participating. Probably the last engagement of the season will be the Kansas League Tournament on March 21. 1953.

Exchange Student From New Zealand

Thursday. Sept. 11 Fred Jackson from New Zealand, visiting America on the 4-H International Foreign Student Exchange Program, spoke in a special chapel held during activity hour.

New Zealand was settled between 1200 and 1350 by a brown skinned people believed to have migrated from the South Sea Islands. The first sighting by white man was made in 1642 but it wasn't until 1769 that Capt. James Cook planted the British flag on New Zealand soil.

It is a country with an area of 103 square miles and a population of less than 2 million. The main source of income is from agricultural products although one third of the land is mountainous. The summers are long with a ten month growing period and the winters are usually mild.

The New Zealanders follow the British Parliamentarian System Of government with emphasis on governmental reform. Women have had the right to Vote in New Zealand since 1893.

Fred's home town is Inglewood, New Zealand, near the city of New Plymouth. He lives on a farm and helps his father care for 60 head of dairy cows and around 450 pigs.

Having left his home March 8 of this year, he plans to return Oct. 20.

Before coming out to Kansas he was in the East. He said about 75 percent of the people he talked to told him with warning words how hot and dry Kansas is; "Not a tree in sight!”. Many people asked him how long it took him to learn to speak English. His reply, “I speak perfect English." (Here he said was where American and English differed.)

College Calendar


Sept. 21—Kline Hall open house. Sept. 26—Concordia Teachers at Seward, Nebr.

Oct. 3—Baker—here.

Oct. 4—Arnold Hall open house. Oct. 11 College of Emporia — there.

. Oct. 18—Kansas Wesleyan — here. (Homecoming.)

Mrs. Ward Is New Regional Office Secretary

Mrs. Ethel Ward of McPherson is the new office secretary in the Regional Office for Dr. James H. Elrod. Mrs. Ward took over the duties previously performed by Mrs. Eleanor Zook, the first part of August.

Mrs. Ward has had three children graduate from McPherson College. Adabelle. ‘48. Dean. ‘49 and John graduated in '50. Another son. Duane graduated from Emporia State in ’49.

Miss Lehman Sees Europe Via Bicycle

Miss Della Lehman, head of Macollcge English Department, took a semester’s leave of absence last January and saw Europe—via bicycle. She was so impressed by this leisurely method of travel that she brought her bike back to Kansas with her.

Miss Lehman purchased her motor bike in Rotterdam. Holland and rode it all the way to Geneva. Switzerland. The going for her bike became pretty steep in Belgium, and she was forced to peddle or push the bike up many of the hills.

While, travelling through Europe, she stayed at youth hostels. In doing so she was able to meet many of the common people from all parts of the world who were also cycling their way across the countryside. By travelling in such an unhurried and common manner, Miss n feels that she gained truer picture of life in the various countries than she would have by travelling by car or train.

She was impressed by Holland as being a very picturesque country with its windmills, many flowers and small, neat homes. She found the people of Holland to be very friendly and relaxed. In Belgium the people were likewise friendly but more excitable.

The dictatorship of Spain leaves the people strained and wary of strangers. The people there were also very poor. This was the only country in Europe in which Miss Lehman did not find inflation. Most prices in the other countries run similar to the prices in America.

The Russian Sector of Vienna. Austria, offered a vivid contrast to that Sector in Berlin. In Vienna there were no border guards. Miss Lehman stated that one could not tell when he entered the Russian Sector.

Miss Lehman visited several acquaintances in Europe. One of the highlights of her trip, being her visit with Gina Munda of Italy who was graduated from Macollege in 1950. Gina is presently employed os receptionist in the American Embassy.

She visited her cousin in Luxembourg and spent a week with the M. R. Zieglers in Geneva.

She also visited with Pearl Mes-sta, American ambassador in Luxembourg. Miss Lehman described the ambassador as being an affable person, whose main goal is to create good will among the small countries. She feels that exchange students and exchange teachers were very valuable toward increasing good will.

Another of her main purposes of the trip, was to study the language and modern art of the various countries.

Miss Lehman visited modern art museums in New York. Rome. Amsterdam, Luxembourg, Paris, Barcelona, Naples, and Venice. Through her comparative study of art, a similarity was noticed. Also while she was in Venice, the International Biennial Exhibit was being held.

At Windisgrosten. Austria, the annual Brethren Conference Europe was being held while she was there.

Miss Lehman spent five weeks as a resource leader in German work camps. Their main project was to build a road which would later enable them to build homes for refugees from the Iron Curtain. Miss Lehman is glad to be back to her old duties but she remarks, "travelling is no cure for wander-J lust.”

   Kline Hall students are holding  their Open House on Sunday after-

   noon, September 21 from two o'clock to four p. m. The students.

married couples and single girls are busy getting their rooms decorated for the big occasion.

The president. Martha Switzer, and Joanne Todd, the head resident, are co-chairmen for the open house plans.

Some of the committees are as follows:    Decorations. Margaret

Yost. Phyllis Wampler, and Evelyn Hornbaker:    publicity, Jean

Slaubaugh. Shirley Deardorff. and Glennis Parks. The food is being prepared by Joanne Todd, with the help of the married women.

Small details are being worked out by Shirley Deardorft, Shirley Coppock. Francis Hamsher. Virginia and Verlee Reist, Shirley Hamilton. Dorothy Lucore, and Dordthy Swinger.

Rec Council Chooses Thirteen New Members

The Recreational Council chose thirteen additional members from twenty-four applicants Monday. Sept. 15. Prof. S M. Dell, sponsor for the Council, stated that this is the largest group that they have had for a long time.

The new members are: Kathlyn Larson Coffman. Don Thralls, Lyle Neher. Marlonna Wine. Leon Albert. Al Zunkel, Eleanor Louthan, Margaret Yost, Betty Brammell, Dick King, Dolores Sigle, Lee Ho-glc and Don Wagoner.

Since the ones who were chosen come from homes and churches throughout the. Brethren Western Region, Professor Dell feels that the work of the Council should vitalize the recreational program of the Western Region.

For one of their first activities of the year, the Recreational Council is planning an outdoor retreat.

Steering Committee for the Council include Glendon Button, chairman, Rowena Merkey. secretary, and George Keim, treasurer. The Recreational Council meets every Monday night.

WITH MOTORBIKE ON WHICH SHE TOURED EUROPE—MU Della Lehman, Instructor at McPherson College, is shown with the Dutch model motorbike on which she rode 2,000 miles in touring the continent of Europe during the past summer months. The motor of the bike may be seen In front of the handlebars above the front wheel. (Daily Republican Photo).

Role Of Host Is Denied

McPherson College was recently chosen as a probable host for the annual Kansas state meeting of the UNESCO. However, because of certain discriminations in our city, the role had to be denied to Macollege.

The United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization is an organization sponsored by the United Nations whose purpose is to devise a code of behavior which would be accepted anywhere in the world. The UNESCO is an international organization having branches in most countries of the world, in all states of America and in cities and colleges in each state.

McPherson College has such an organization on her campus. These organizations are represented by people of all races and creeds in all walks of life.

In previous years it has been necessary for the annual state meeting to be held in nondiscrimination hotels which were large enough to house and feed from 100 to 200 Negroes, Jews, Italians, Chinese, Moselms, Greeks, etc.

This has proved to be very, expensive for those attending the meeting. This year the state board wished to hold the meeting on a college campus. After investigating the possibilities, McPherson College was chosen as one of the least prejudiced campuses in Kansas.

McPherson, as a city, has made much progress during the past decade toward wiping out prejudice. Some Negroes can now get a haircut downtown and be served in certain restaurants. Perhaps some of this progress may be accredited to our international students who have enriched the life of the college and the city.

Upon hearing of the proposed UNESCO meeting in McPherson, one hotel offered to house and feed as many visitors as possible. That was an. encouraging gesture on the part of that hotel. But one McPherson establishment can not take care of 200 people.

The fight against prejudice is a slow one, but it is a gaining one. In this modern world an idea may be sent around the world in a matter of minutes. But it sometimes takes 100 years or more to drive an ideal through a quarter inch of bone—the skull.—L. M.

The Spectator

Official Student Publication of McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas, Published every Friday during the school year by the Student Council.

1952    1955


Associated Collegaite Press


Entered as second class matter November 20. 1917 at the postoffice of McPherson Kansas under the act of March 3. 1897.

Suhrerition Rates for One School Year Address All Correspondence to


McPherson. Kansas


Lorene MarshaL Editor in Chief

REPORTERS AND SPECIAL WRITERS Lafaughn Hubbard    Darrel    McCurdy    Adalt Carpenter

Esther Ikenberry    Robert    Bacon    Garth Ellswood

Lois Stianette    Betty    HoIderread    Wendell Ledts

Jean Slaubuagh    JoAnn    Royer


Lyla Witham -----------------------------Business Manager

Cordon Yoder..............................................Facalty Advisor

The United States Marine Band of Washington. D.. C., will appear at Lindley Hall in Newton on Tuesday. Sept. 30.    

The Band is making a tour of the United States, but its time will be limited, making it possible only to visit a few cities.

There will be a matinee at 3 p. m. and evening performance at 8 p. m. For the matinee, students will be admitted for $.61, adults. $1.53. For the evening performance, general. $1.83. reserved. $.25 extra.

College Students Should Keep Alive

It is easy for college students to live or to sleep within ivoried walls.

Of course, the wall of Sharp Hall are a long dream from ivory, and with the creaking of the stairs it is difficult to imagine that any. one could fall asleep within Sharp’s walls whether they are ivory or not It is traditional, however, to think of college students as being sheltered behind ivory waits and to conceive of them as falling asleep there as far as the pressing events of the world are concerned.

I think this happens, sometimes, at McPherson College, even if our walls are not ivory. Students become very busy with the ins and outs of college life. They fail to listen to news broadcasts or to read the newspapers. Soon they do not know what are the pressing events of our time and have very few opinions concerning the rights and wrongs of the directions of our world.

The people on the outside of the college do not know this about students. and. accordingly, expect them to speak with some authority on matters of world importance. For are they not the educated people in America who should know the most?

Let me suggest that this year we do not fall asleep behind ivory walls as concerns the events in our world. Let us keep noting what happens and let us form some opinions as to whether these things are right or wrong. Very soon it will fall upon us to determine the directions of the world and we should not come into that responsibility thoughtlessly or untrained.

I would like to see, this year, some meetings of interested groups to discuss current events.

Some questions we should think about are these: Why can we not end the affair in Korea? Is Korea Russia's fault alone, or are we equally at fault? Why are we spending nearly $500.00 per man. woman, and child each year in the United States to maintain our government? Does government have to be that expensive?—D. W. B.

A Summer Spent Across The Atlantic

Starting Of Autumn Brings Many New Things

Autumn! Yes. autumn will soon be here. We think of the golden trees, the brisk nights and the beginning of school. With autumn comes the starting of many new things.

With autumn we turn to the homemaker, who thinks of housecleaning and canning, in preparation for the winter that will be approaching. The farmer starts his task of picking the golden corn, which is waiting to be brought in from the fields.

The children arc going to schools all over the country in preparation for manhood and womanhood.

The business man looks forward to a successful year of - business, whether he Is a baker or a banker.

The college student, whether he is a freshman or a senior, is also looking forward to some kind of goal for now and the future. With college, he will gain many new friends. He will be constantly striving to shake his hopes and ambitions, someday, come true.

College is the one place where it is up to each one of us to do our part for success.

Yes. college means we are on our own. It will mean only what we want it to mean.

Autumn! Yes, autumn will soon be here—the starting of new things.—R. P.    •

Civil Service Announces Exam For Scientific Aid

The U. S. Civil Service Commission has announced an examination for Scientific Aid (Cotton) for filling positions paying from $2,750 to $3.410 a year In various Federal agencies in Washington. D. C., and vicinity. To qualify, applicants must take a written test and have had appropriate experience or education.

Applications must be filed by October 7. 1952 with the Board of U. S. Civil Service Examiners for the Department of Agriculture. Washington 25, D. C. Further information and applications may be obtained from most first or second-class post offices, from civil ser-vice regional offices, or from the U. S. Civil Service Commission. Washington 25. D. C.

Marine Band-At Newton

By Perry Sargent

Our tour group, composed of 26 Brethren. Methodists, and Presbyterians were quite an excited party as we boarded the MS Nelly in New York last June. Our ship was no SS Queen Mary, but the 800 students on board had a bang-up good time from the beginning to the end of our nine days of smooth sailing across the great Atlantic.

Farm exchange students, tourists. a glee club, students going to foreign universities, as well as the Brethren work camp group, were only a few of those participating in the square dancing, singing, ping pong, movies, language study, history and music classes, or sun bathing.

Land Ahoy! sounded good to us although we could hardly see the land after trying to keep our weary eyelids open, searching for land all night.

We toured as a group first, to Paris, France, then on through Belgium to Maastrict, Holland, where we were met by our Dutch bus driver and his bus. The bus soon seemed like home to us as we traveled on through Germany, staying two nights in German homes in Kassel, the headquarters for BSC in Germany.

Visits were also made in Frankfort. Munich, and Schwarzneau, the village where the Brethren Church originated.

Austria was next in line and two days were spent there sleeping in a Ship Hotel on the Danube River and visiting with Dr. and Mrs. W. W. Peters and their Brethren Service Workers.

From Linz we traveled to Vienna in the back of a truck and had our first contact with the Russian soldiers. We were amazed to find that they were just kids away from home like any other Army.

From Austria to Italy and Venice. the city with the wet streets and believe me. those canals are really something. A person owning a car and no boat would spend his time swimming or staying at home for all the main streets are canals.

Then a night in Venice, the long dreamed of gondola ride — and what could be more romantic than a gondola ride on the moonlit canals. a gondolier singing beautiful Italian love songs—and three girls. Oh, well! You can’t have everything.

We found out we were not meant to be mountain climbers as we struggled from the cable car to the top of Mt. Blanc in the French Alps, and Switzerland seemed more like the United States than the other countries visited.

We enjoyed a swim in Lake Geneva before visiting with the M. R. Zieglers, who are continuing their wonderful work towards peace..

We hated to cross again into Germany for that meant the end of the tour and parting from our new found friends, but all good things must come to an end, and this had indeed been another good phase of a wonderful summer

As our tour group parted, new groups were being formed in the various work camps in Germany, Austria, and Greece. Kassel. Germany was now my home for five weeks spent working with students from Italy. Egypt. Austria. Germany, France, Holland, and Amer-’ a.

As the community house we were building grew, our friendships grew and all took part in work, recreation, singing, cooking, and worshipping. Though we were Brethren.

Methodist, Presbyterian. Dutch Reform; Catholic, and Mohammedan, our Christian fellowship and spirit of cooperation was as close as that found in many of our own Brethren Churches.

The devastation from war is so terrible that unless an American sees it for himself, it is difficult to comprehend, and the idea of working to help rebuild that which we so recently destroyed, should be a challenge to our youth today As the embers of closing camp fire faded away, the old urge to travel came creeping back, and 1 was on my way through France, Luxemborg, Belgium and Holland, where I was to meet two girls un-ber the big clock in Rotterdam I hadn’t known there were so many big clocks in Holland, but we finally got together and spent three days seeing more of this beautiful little country.

One night was spent crossing the Channel and then 10 days in England, enjoying the English speaking atmosphere and high tea. as well as the historical sights and theatrical performances.

The wonderful trip home by air was much faster than the boat trip across, and returning to the states and Macollege is a fine way to end a perfect summer across the wide blue ocean.

Sollenberger Has Concert Band

The College Concert Band has been organized under the direction of Prof. Paul V. Sollenberger. Rehearsals are 5 p. m. every Monday. Wednesday and Thursday.

The personnel of the band is as follows: In the woodwind section are Leon Albert. Laurence Brooks, and Carol Trostle ’ playing the flutes. Playing the clarinets are Faye Ellen Trostle. Angie Flora, and Galen Slifer. Dale Royer. Shirley Hamilton, and Lloyd Hamilton have been assigned to the alto saxophones with Ruth Grossnickle on the tenor saxaphone.

Leading the brass section are Curtis Leicht, Leon Neher and Er-malee Phillips on the cornets. Sliding those trombones will be Robert Price. Paul Spohn, Roger Hogle, and Kenneth McCosh. Giving the bass background are Berwyn Olt man, Herbert Dubus, and Jerry Miller.

M. H. Irons will be playing the baritone and Mary Louise Hutcherson will play the french horn.

In the percussion section are Cle-tus Cary, Lois Knackstedt. and Gordon Fishburn.

Professor Sollenberger states that he needs more clarinet players and could use several more cornets. French horns and a baritone saxophone.

Faculty Travels During Summer

McPherson College faculty members have traveled practically into all the corners of the United States going on vacations, taking additional graduate work, or visiting camps and churches.

Prof Guy Hayes, who is a Lieutenant Governor of the Kiwanis Club, went to the National Convention held in Washington State and also on up into Canada. The whole family took the trip with him and stopped in Idaho and Colorado on their way home. Guy also was a leader in the Kansas and Nebraska youth camps.

Prof. Dick Wareham and his family went to Southern Missouri for a three weeks Ashram. The Ashram was Dick’s own private undertaking. Several other young couples shared this experience with them.

The R. E. Mohler family probably set a record for states by traveling to Conference and going thru the Eastern states. Later they went up to North Dakota for a District Meeting and then down to Oklahoma for a camp and into Texas to visit some of their property. They concluded the summer with a trip to Iowa for another District Meeting and then took a rest in Wisconsin for some fishing.

Some of the teachers spent the summer adding to their store of knowledge. Iowa U. claimed the summer of Profs. E. S. Hershberger and Doris Coppock. They claim that they not only enjoyed the work but also the cooler weather. Prof. Raymond Flory moved to Lone Star. Kansas to take up pastoral duties there and to continue work at K. U. for his doctorate. Prof. Flory will meet some of his classes as usual this winter. Prof. Roy Mc-Auley is now in Denver. Colorado, likewise serving a church and working on his doctorate at Denver University.

Prof. S. M. Dell and wife went with the Mexican History class on their trip to Mexico. Some of the highlights of their trip were: symphony at the Palace of Fine Arts, a Mass at Guadalupe Cathedral, a visit to the town of Cholulu (sacred city) where there is a church for every day of the year, a visit to Taxco the silver city, and last but not least a bull fight.

Prof. Virginia Harris went to Lousiana for the summer to attend Librarian school at L. S. U. at Baton Bouge. La.

.Prof. Hess went all the way to California to attend the annual conference of his church and spent the remainder of the summer in Modesto. On their way back the family stopped at several of the Notional Parks.

Prof. Bowman went for a trip with his family in the general direction of Illinois and Wisconsin.

all the advertisements In


Bob Bechtel

Chapel programs for the month of September will be given largely by campus organizations.

Sept. 15 the SCA was responsible for a program of worship. Sept. 17 a quiz show’ was conducted by the Student Council concerning the constitution, rules, and duties of the Student Council and Student Court.

The Pep Club and Cheer Leaders sponsored the Pep Assembly today. Friday is the usual day for Pep Assemblys throughout the year.

The next two chapels will be given by UNESCO and the Student Ministers.

The Chapel Committee consists of Dick Wareham. chairman. Della Lehman. Burton Metzler. Paul Sollcnberger. Doris Coppock, Mrs. Audrey San Romani, Wesley De-Coursey. Dr. Bittinger, and three student members yet to be appointed.

last weekend and filled up on a steak dinner.

Loreen Cline spent her time making things for State Fair 4-H projects at her home in Conway. Kans.

Wayne Blickenstaff had a spell of "la gripe” and a sizzling temp of 104 degrees to go with it.

The football team sure misses Chuck Petefish this year. Guess someone else does. too.

Go to that game tonight and bring your pep with you!

Four Famous Dramatist* Appear At K-State College

This fall four dramatists will appear in two shows at Kansas State College. Manhattan, the Fine Arts Scholarship committee, sponsor of the events, has announced.

Elsa Lancaster wife of Charles Laughton) will present her "Private Music Hall" in the auditorium October 21.

On November 20. the Scholarship committee will sponsor the play, "John Brown’s Body by Stephen Vincent Benet starring Tyrone Power. Raymond Massey, and Judith Anderson in person at the College Auditorium.

The Lanchester show is a form of vaudeville, billed as comedy— not the slapstick pic-throwing variety. but "a smooth, funny show that moves at a swift pace, sprightly and pleasant evening’s entertainment that will make cv eryonc feel better for having seen it.”

Bulldog Barks

Eddie Ball came all dolled up in his bell-bottoms to take Kathy Russell to the Hutch State Fair along with Bob Peel and Donna Phelon. Mildred Beck. Betty Jo Baker, JoAnn Royer, and Barbara Berry took off on their own and went by train to Hutch to stay in Donna Burgin's home over Saturday night for the fair. (bet, they had fun.)

Esther Ikenberry received a phone call that really surprised her. A guy named Sonny Reynolds from Elgin. 111.

Herb Edmonds and Elsa Kurtz roared away from Macollege in that '52 Ford Victoria of his to visit his sister In Salina last weekend.

Ed Frantz and Lu Carpenter doubled with Jack Harter and Eleanor Hamm to the Hutch State Fair While they were down there, they ran into Donna Schrock with Gene Smith. They also saw "Sack-out" Hanagarne and Bill Moore.

The College Courts guys were down there too and seemed to be having a wonderful time.

Bud Wingle was here over Saturday and Sunday visiting Faye Ellen Trostle.

And who keeps getting long distance telephone calls every other day from Great Lakes. Illinois? Huh. Betty?

One of the major points of interest last week was Dick King and Carole Davis’ engagement. Butch and Kathlyn Coffman were host and hostess to a party at their home. Guests were Bob Wilson, Rowena Merkey. Lu Carpenter. Ed Frantz, and of course, Dick and Carole. During the evening Bob showed slides taken this summer, but one slide with "Dick and Carole” printed on it got mixed in with the rest. Clever, huh?

Evelyn Williams went to Virginia Bowers’s home in Wichita last weekend and filled up on stead dinner.

Six Married Couples Live In Kline Hall

At the beginning of the fall school semester there were six married couples assigned to the apartments in Kline Hall. Their apartments are found on first and second floor in Kline.

Howard and Joanne Todd are the House Residents and occupy apartment fourteen. Howard and Joanee have been married since February 29. 1952. Howard is taking a ministerial and business course, while Joanne works at Hull-Brunk Jewelers and takes parttime studies.

The other couples residing m Kline are Paul and Evelyn Meyers, Bryce and Francis Miller, Donna and Raymond Frye, Clarence and Maru Quay, and Joe Obi from Africa. Joe’s wife is also from Africa and will arrive sometime in October.

Most of these couples belong to the "MerryMacs" a campus organization for married couples.

Ninety Students Attend CBYF

C. B. Y. F. began the year with a record-breaking high in attendance Sunday night. Sept. 14. Approximately ninety students attended the meeting.

Elsie Kindley, junior, opened the meeting by directing the group in several songs. Don Thralls, Junior, led devotion.

The business session was conducted by Bob Powell, member of the C. B. Y. F. steering committee. One of the items of business was to elect another member to the steering committee. Shirley Coppock was chosen.

Bakers Are Parents

Mr. and Mrs. Jack. Baker of New Enterprise, Pa., are the parents of a son. Larry Robert, born August 3.

Mrs. Baker is the former Marianna Stinnette ('49), and Jack attended McPherson College.

To get all there is out of living we must employ our time wisely; never being in too much of a hurry to stop and sip life, but never losing our sense of the enormous value of a minute.—Robert R. Up-degraff

The free man is not ho who defies the rules but he who, recognizing the conpulsion inherent in his being, seeds rather to read, mark, lean, and inwardly digest each day's experience—Bernard I. Bell

A sense of the value of time—that is. of the best way to divide one’s time into one’s various activities —is an essential preliminary to efficient work; it is the only method of avoiding hurry.—Arnold Bennett

Mennonite Singers Tour Europe

The "Mennonite Singers” of Bethel College report a "Successful European tour."

This summer the “Singers” spent their time across the Atlantic, giving concerts in Germany, Holland and Switzerland.

Their first concert was given at Hamburg. Germany. Other concerts followed in such places as the Mennonite World Conference at Basel. Switzerland, a Mennonite Young Peoples’ Retreat in Holland, and many others.

Phyllis Matz Becomes Bride

Miss Phyllis Matz became the bride of Mr. Marion Schafer Sun-dny September 14. at 2 o’clock in the McPherson Methodist Church.

After a week’s vacation. Mrs. Schafer will return to her work in the Central Office.

Berkebile Recommends Student schedule book

An attempt is being made by Dean James Berkebile to aid the student in keeping a ready record of all his scholastic work. There is now available in the book store the handy pocket size booklet. Student Schedule Book. This contains space for keeping a semester-by-semes ter record of completed work. There is provided space for entering one’s courses submitted for meeting distribution requirements, upper level courses, work submitted to fulfill the major and supporting course requirements.

In the iatt portion of the book will be found spaces provided for teachers attempting to qualify for the 60 hour or the elementary degree certificate or for those working towards high school teaching certificates. Along with this is given the Kansas requirements which should be met to qualify for any one of these certificates. For those students desiring to transfer at the conclusion of two years to a professional school there is provided a space for entering courses which will meet their neefls for the transfer.

The faculty hopes that each student will keep up to date this schedule book and when consulting with

counselor this will be available for immediate use. It will save both time of the student and the counselor in quickly observing the work which has been done and advising easily about the work which will be necessary to complete.

The Freshmen Class is being instructed in the use of this book and it is hoped that all upper classmen will make use of this aid. Each counselor can aid the student in starting this habit of record keeping by calling for this concise record at the time of pre-enrollment.

Other schools have found this procedure a marked help in student counseling. The students who have used this method have found it quite helpful when applying for jobs transfering to other schools, and - immediatentanswering . any questions about their program by presenting this as an F. B. I. n would present his credentials.

The Dean suggests that students start this record at their earliest convenience and have their record available for their counselor before the pre - enrollment takes place next semester. The Registrar will check with students to make sure their semester-by-semester record is accurate and complete.

We must be united, we must be undaunted, we must be inflexible. Our qualities and deeds must burn and glow through the gloom of Europe until they become the veritable beacon of its salvation.

—Winston Churchill.

Royer Will Serve As Pastor’s Ass’t.

Virginia Royer, who has been on Macampus for the post ten months Regional Youth Director, left for her home in Arcanum, Ohio Friday. Sept. 12.

Miss Royer, who came here in connection with Brethren Volunteer Service, served in many aspects of youth work in this region. Among her duties was presentation of youth literature, stimulation of local CB-YF', youth rallies and camps.

Virginia worked hand in hand, with the district cabinets and served in the field of leadership inyouth rallies and in the- various camps over the region this summer.

Virginia graduated from Manchester College, and with the ten month period as youth director on Macampus. she has completed her year in Brethren Volunteer Service.

Virginia will go to Dayton. Ohio, starting the 1st of Oct., and there she will serve as a pastor’s assistant in the Macmemorial Church of the Brethren.

Fifty Enroll In Art

Prof. E. S. Hershberger states that 50 students have enrolled in drawing, painting and elementary school arts. Fifteen students have enrolled in second and third year art courses.

The Art Department plans to sponsor several art shows this year. The first one is scheduled (or November.

Any kind of knowledge gives a certain amount of power. A knowledge of details has served in many a crisis. A knowledge of details has often caught an error before it became a catastrophe.—Ajmee Buchanan.

Campus Groups Give Thoughts For The Wise

Chapels During September There are two ways of spreading

light; to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it—Edith Wharton.

Yoder, Neher Are Engaged

Mr. and Mrs. Harlan A. Yoder of Pampa. Texas announce the engagement of their daughter, Lois, to Gerald Neher, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Neher of Oswego, Kans.

Both Lois and Jerry are graduates of Ma college.

Lois is now teaching in Newton. Kans., and Jerry will enroll in Cornell University at Ithaca. New York this fall.

Choirs Elect Officers

The A Cappclla and Chapel Choirs elected officers on Tuesday, Sept. 16.    ^

Elected president of the A Cappella Choir, Which Is directed by Don Frederick, was Don West, senior from Denver. Keith Allison and Anita Rogers tied for the office of vice president, so it was agreed that Keith would take office as vice president and Anita would serve as secretary. Berwyn Oltman was elected treasurer.

Wesley Ikenberry was elected president of the Chapel Choir, directed by Doris Coppock with Dorothy Swinger assisting him as secretary-treasurer.

Campus Houses Elect Officers

Most of the campus houses have organized for the coming year. The house council Arnold Hall is headed by Marilee Grove, president. with the assistance of Rowena Merkey, vice president. Faye Ellon Trostle; and Lorene Marshall. head proctor.

Arnold Hall girls have elected no proctors as yet since they are on a three-week trial of the honor system.

Names of Kline Hall officers appear in their "Open House Story.”

Lloyd Hummer, senior, is chairman for Fahnestock Hall, and Phil Spohn is secretary-treasurer. Floor chairman are; for first floor Bob Powell, second floor. Carl Mets-ker, and third floor, John Nettle-ton.

Chairman for the College Courts is Dean Neher.

Cletus Cary is chairman over nine men at Hoerner Hall,.

Howard Mehlinger ManagesDog House

The Dog ’ House is under the management of Howard Mehlinger this year. Howard is a senior from McPherson and is majoring in History’-    .

The Dog House hours are as follows:

Monday — Friday; 8:55 A. M. to 9:50 or 10:15 A. M.

Friday night — 10:00 P. M. to 12:00 P. M.

Saturday night — 9:00 P. M. to 11:00 P. Mr.

Sunday — 4:30 P. M. to 6:00 P.

9:00 P. M. to 10:00 P. M.

Read all' the advertisements in the Spectator.

Faculty Members Will Attend District Meeting

Morrill. Kansas will be the scene a District Meeting Sept. 25 through Sept. 28.

Faculty members from Macol-lege who will be attending are Prof. Donald Frederick. Mrs. Glee Yoder. and Rev. Earl Frantz.

Costumes Must Be Checked Out

Costumes will be more difficult to obtain from the Players Club this year.

To borrow a costume one must fill out a slip telling where and for what the costume is to ‘ used, and the type of costume. Then the person borrowing the costume must sign his own name and telephone number. The slip must also be signed bya faculty member.

The costumes should be returned within two days after the performance.

Dells Entertain

The S. M. Dell’s entertained the summer Mexican history students at their home Sunday evening following church. The group viewed pictures and “talked Mexico."

Those attending were: Lois Yoder. Jerry Neher. Gordon Fishburn, Flossie Karber. LaFaughn Hubbard. Esther Ikenberry. Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Royer. Mr. and Mrs. Bryce Miller. Dr. and Mrs. D. W. Bittinger and Mainne.

Pardon Please!

The editorial staff of the Spectator wishes to correct the following statement which appeared in the last issue, "the M. Club, which sponsors the annual watemelon feed and talent show .’’ This sponsorship should have been accredited to the SCA.

Crowley BecomesJanitor For Sharp, Harnly Hall*

A change in the janitorial system has been made this year by the addition of Mrs. Katherine Crowley. Mrs. Crowley has charge of Sharp Hall and Harnly Hall.

Read all the advertisements in

the Spectator.

Read all the ads in the Sppec.

Bulldogs & Bethel Tangle Tonight

Tonight at 8 o’clock the Bulldogsswing into action against th Graymaroons at Newton to open the 1952 football season.

Not too much is known about the team at Bethel this year. Last year they finished in the Kansas Conference cellar. They have 14 returning lettermen this year. Most of these lettermen are concentrate cd in the line, leaving the way open for Coach Dan Unruh to work some of his crop of freshmen into the backfield for the opening game.

Woody was pleased with the way the team looked in scrimmage last Friday night. The spectators that were present saw a hard fought game between two teams of about equal ability. The scrimmage demonstrated one thing to the fans and that was that no player on this year’s version of the Bulldogs has a place "chinched” on the starting lineup.    ,    

As has been the trend in the last several years. Woody is planning again this year to use the two platoon system. This has the double advantage of letting the players be at their peak all during the game, as well as allowing more players to participate in the game.


Co-captains of this year’s team are two Juniors. George Keim and Dwight McSpadden. Big George has lettered both of his previous years here at Tackle. Last year he was picked on the All-Conference team as a defensive tackle.

Dwight earned his letter at defensive half back. This year he will also see some service as offensive half.

Included in the Bulldog roster arc 20 letter winners back from last year’s team. Two of these are three year letter winners trying for their fourth letter. They are Bob Bechtel, senior end and Howard Mehlinger senior quarterback. Even with this array of seasoned talent. it is expected that several freshmen will see plenty of action in tonights opening game.

This is especially true of the guard position, heree Ber-such andAlvin are battling hard to wrestle the positions away from Roland Delay and Tommy Taylor.    •

As the two tackles, they will probably be Junior lettermen. George Keim -will be returning for his third year at tackle while the other tackle will probably be Bob Powell, who lettered his freshman year at end and last year at guard.

Starting at the two flanks tonight are'two McPherson lads; Bob Peel and Bob Bechtel. Bechtel is a three time letter winner and Peel a two time winner. '

At center will go one of two sophomores. Either Jack Richardson or Vernon Petefish will receive the starting assignment, but both will sec plenty of action here.

Who will start the game at quarterback is still not certain at this time. Much depends on whether or not Wayne Blickenstaff will have recuperated from an attack of flu that had him down in bed last weekend. If Wayne is unable to start Woody can call on either of two McPherson boys. Howard Mehlinger. senior letterman. or Gene Elrod sophomore letter winner. Both have been working out at this position and the nod could go to either one.

The rest of the backfield could have any of several combinations tonight and be equally strong. Back from last years squad arc Eddie Ball. Bob Bean. Dwight McSpadden. Tommy O'Dell. John Robison, and Gene Smith.

•Raad alLthe advertisements In

The Cracked Crystal Ball

By The Seer

With this issue we are going to inaugurate a new column in the Spectator. This, writer is going to take the 25 or so games of most national significance, as well as the games played by other members of the Kansas Conference each week and predict the outcome of these games.

The reason for the shortage or games this week is that many of the major colleges and Universities of the nation do not open their schedule until next week. This is especially true of the Western Conference (Big 10) where all ten teams lie dormant this week. It is also true to a lesser extent in the Ivy League.

I guarantee aboslutely nothing except that the teams mentioned will play games against each other on the days mentioned.

With all of the preliminaries over. here goes with the first peck into the Cracked Crystal Ball. September 19:

Southern Cal. over Washington State.

William Jewell over Baker

N. W. Oklahoma State over Bethany

C. of E. over Central Missouri State.

Southwestern over Kansas Wesleyan University

Ottawa over Central College of Missouri    -

September 20:

California U. over College of the Pacific

Colorado U. over San Jose State

Georgia Tech over The Citadel

Iowa State over South Dakota

kansas State over Bradley

Villanova over Kentucky U.

Maryland over Missouri

Nebraska over South Dakota U.

Arkansas over Oklahoma A. & M.

U. C. L. A. over Oregon

Texas Christian U. over Kansas

Coach Woodard

Chalmer E. Woodard begins his third season as coach of the Macol-lege Bulldogs. During his time here he has given quite a boost to the morale of the Bulldogs. He plans to have his teams at the top of the conference again this year.

Firemen Fight Grass Fire Near College Courts

Firemen burnt off the vacant lots back of the College Courts Friday. Sept. 12. after a grass fire broke out and was controlled in the alley of the 400 block on North Lehmer.

There was no damage reported.

Volleyball Season Has Started

The intramural season opened last Monday night with a full schedule of games. All together 12 teams participated in the first night’s activities.

Twelve more teams opened their season on Wednesday night. This made a grand total of 24 teams that are entered in the loop.

Intramural Director

Football Schedule

September 19. Bethel, at Newton.

September 26. Concordia Teachers. at Seward, Nebraska.

October 3. Baker. Here.

October 11. College of Emporia. at Emporia.

October 18. Kansas Wesleyan. Here. Homecoming.

October 25. William Jewell, at Liberty. Missouri.

October 31. Ottawa, at Ottawa.

November 7. Bethany. Here.

November 14, Friends. Here.

“Dick” Wareham

Football Stadium Is Enlarged

By the time the first McPherson College football game is played on i the home field October 3. spectators will find more seats available in the College Stadium, for carpenters started the construction of additional bleachers on the east side of the field last Monday.

The capacity of the bleachers on the east side of' the field will be doubled.

Already the foundation has been poured for the bleachers. The present bleachers will be moved back from the sidelines to a point on the outside of the track behind the light poles. The present bleachers will be divided, one section being moved to the north and the other to the south, and the new section


Texas over Louisiana State U.

Boston U. over Wichita

Season Ticket Sales Number 386

McPherson College business manager, R. Gordon Yoder, announced Tuesday September 16, that so far 386 season football tickets had been sold and the money received for them. A goal of 500 season tickets had been set by the McPherson Chamber of Commerce and McPherson College Business Office, who are co-sponsors of the annual drive.

Mr. Yoder stated further that will be placed in the middle, some individuals who had sold tic- The bleachers will be of wood kets had not yet turned in the construction and how long it will number sold or the money for take to complete them is not them, so that there were still hopes known.

that the goal of 500 would be ap-    _

proached. There is even a possi- We should so live and labor in our bllity, that it will be reached. time that what came to us as seed may go to the next generation as blossom, and that which came to us as blossom may go to them as fruit. That is what we mean by progress—Henry Ward Beecher

Read all the advertisements in the Spectator.

The world cannot deprive a man of his rectitude, the nobility of his soul or his belief in Almighty God; nor can the world give these riches to a man. Only within himself can he find them, these fragrant flowers of life.—Sir Louis Beale.

The way things shape up now the offensive team line will average about 180 pounds and the back field about 165 pounds. The defensive line will run a little heavier with the weight about 185 pounds.

Game time is 8 o’clock. Lets see everybody down at Newton then.

‘Spec” Is Given Second A CP Honor Baling

The Spectator. Macollege’s weekly publication, received a second place honor rating from the Associated Collegiate Press for the first semester of 1951-52.

The “Spec” was judged along with other papers published by schools which have less than 500 students enrolled. Don Ford. ’52 graduate, was the editor-in-chief of that semester’s paper.

All-School Picnic Is Attended By 200 Students

Approximately 200 sudents and faculty members attended the allschool picnic at Marion Lake Friday, Sept. 12. Games, including soccer, softball, horseshoes, volleyball, and swimming were played in the afternoon. A moonlight campfire sponsored by the SCA followed supper.

The social committee, SCA, and Rec Council were responsible for the general planning of the picnic.

Gifts Are Made To College

Gifts to _ McPherson College in land ancaslN a mounting to $100.000 were announced at a noon luncheon in the college cafeteria Saturday, May 24.

The alumni who gave gifts were Dr. and Mrs. Harvey Horton, Carnegie. Okla.; Mr. and . E. J. Frantz. Conway Springs. Kansas . F. A. Vaniman, McPherson: and Mr. and Mrs. Ray C. Strohm, Colorado Springs. Colo.

Clive Sharpe’s team started right where they left off last year with a victory. Clive’s team last year won the intramural championship. At least three of his team members of a year ago arc this year co-captains in the own right.

The various teams in the league will be designated by the name of the male co-captain of the team

Monday’s games.

L. Neher defeated B. Powell

P. Radatz defeated J. D. Pote

C. Ediger defeated T. O’Dell

P. Coffman defeated D. McSpadden

E. Frantz defeated D. McKeil-lip

C. Sharpe defeated H. Zook.

Nothing is a waste of time ou use the experience wisely.—Auguste Rodin

Russia Has Long Been Feared

The following Is a item taken from the Delaware Courier of November, 1852. It seems that even then Russia was considered “the terror of Europe:’’

’We have lived too long, and read too much about Russia, her population her resources, and her pow-to believe all that we have heard and read within the last two months about her ■'spectral’’. powerless, exhausted condition. We know that she is not only the bugbear, but the terror of all Europe, that all the powers are afraid of her. and Great Britain not the least of any.

If the Czar could only be content with what he now has—one eighth of all the terra firma of the globe, and one-fifteenth or more of the whole population of it—peace and progress might be hoped for in Europe.

When we speak of the Czar’s ambition. we mean rather the Russian policy, which makes it worse. The Czar but carries that out, as he has done in Hungary—what the policy has been for the - last " years, and what it will be until the Empire absorbs all Europe and half of Asia1, should it not be checked by external coalition, or by internal dissension."

This Is Kansas....

(ACP) Charley Harris is a freshman.

Charley Harris is colored.

Last Friday. Charley was one of 488 University students who gave a pint of blood which will be sent to Korea for use by the armed forces. Charley's appointment was originally .for 4:30 p. m.. but because of delays in the waiting line, it was 6:45 p. m. before he finished donating his blood.

Charley was hungry, dead hungry. He hadn't eaten a square meal since breakfast, because giving blood requires a rigid diet before the blood is taken. And the extra waiting only increased his appetite.

He found the Student Union cafeteria closed. To be sure, he could still get a snndwich and coffee at the Hawk’s Nest, but that is little salve for an empty stomach.

Four private-owned restaurants are right on the campus. This Charley knew. He also knew these restaurants serve ’ complete meals.

But not to Negroes. Although in his first year at KU he had been reminded of this fact many times, and not only by classmates and restaurant owners.

He was well acquainted with the usual little sign hung on the walls of most of the cafes. Which read: “We reserve the right’ to refuse service to anyone." He knew “anyone” was not just anyone, but someone, someone With dark-colored skin just like himself. .    -

Today it’s over. It wasn’t really very important. It wasn’t a big old ugly wound like in Cicero and Detroit and Macon. Just a little cut. Just a little scar.

This is Lawrence. In Kansas, 1952.

Read allhe ads in the Spec.