Topping the 44 students who Mohlerg Now Reside In Sebriug, Fla. Dr. and Mrs. R. E. Mohler. Gen-olle. and Edwin, are now living at 232 Oak Street. Sebring. Fla. The Mohlers left McPherson in December to spend the winter months in Florida. Dr. Mohler retired from his position, as head of the Biology Department last spring, but continued to teach a few classes until Prof. John Burkholder arrived to take over as head of the department the first of this year. Ford Is New School Nurse Pat. Ford. Macollege senior, has taken over the position of school nurse, recently vacated by Betty Byers, who completed her education at the end of first semester. Pat received her nurses training at Bethel Deaconess Hospital in Newton. Her first six months was spent at Bethel College, and her junior year, she received training at Bethel Hospital. The next three months. Pat worked in Mercy Children's Hospital in Kansas City, and her last three months, in psychiatric training at Wesley Hospital in Wichita. Pat graduated from Bethel Hospital Sept. 6. 1952. Her parents arc Mr. and Mrs. Luther Ford. Pat attended Macollege for one year in 1948, and will get her B. S. degree in the spring. Pat received her inspiration for nursing when she worked at Bethany Hospital in Chicago one summer. Pat adds that Maud Ditmars was her first patient. Crowley Is 111 Mrs. Kathryn Crowley, who is in charge of cleaning in Sharp and Harnly Hall, has been in the hospital following an operation for several weeks now. She is reported to be somewhat better, but it will be a while before she can resume her duties. All-School Skating Party Is Tomorrow An all - school skating party will be held tomorrow night, Saturday. Feb. 7 at the Peterson Skating Rink, from 7:30 - 9:30. Both faculty and students arc invited to attend the party, and come cither stag or with dates. Met Gives Mozart Opera "Cosi fan tutte” (Women Are like That), an opera by Wolfgang Mozart, will be broadcast over NBC Saturday. Feb. 7. beginning at one o’clock. Eleanor Steber and Blanche The-bom, two American sopranos, will sing the leading feminine roles. Richard Tucker and Frank Guar-rera, American tenor and baritone, will have the male leads. "Cosi fan tutte” was revived by the Metropolitan in an English version last year under the direction of Alfred Lunt. Twenty-Four Take Ceramics Twenty - four students are enrolled in the Ceramics Class taught by Mrs. Garth Ellwood. The eighteen girls and six boys in the class arc presently busy with free form projects. Future work will include projects in glazing and coil methods. Nearly all the equipment needed for this course has been installed in the room in Frantz - Dell Lab., especially prepared for this course. The kiln is also here, but has not yet been booked up. A potter’s wheel is expected to arrive shortly. Two Debate Teams Go To Nebraska Two debate teams—Gene Bechtel and Joe Kennedy, Lloyd Hummer and Don West—will attend the Intercollegiate Forensics Debate Tournament sponsored by Doane College. Crete. Neb. this weekend. They will leave Macampus early Friday morning and return Saturday afternoon. Debate coach. James Berkebile will accompany the teams. During the last weekend in February several debate teams from Macollege will attend a debate tourney at Lincoln. Neb. On Saturday. March 14. they will go to Sa-lina for the State League Debate. Following Easter vacation several teams plan to attend the National Debate Tournament held in Kal-mazoo, Mich. Dr. Maurice Hess, former debate coach, will accompany the group on this trip. A Cappella Choir Will Give Concert In March Plans are being made for the ACappella Concert, which will be held during the Regional Youth Conference in March. This year will mark the 20th year that the ACappella Choir has given a concert. Plans are being formulated' to have old choir members return and all sing together in the choir. Tim--ber-r-r! "And they cut down the old pine tree—" The old pine tree which has stood for many years at the southwest corner of the library, is missing this. week. The tree was removed Saturday morning by Elmer and Don Fike. under the supervision of Mr. Lee Kendall, assistant superintendent of buildings and grounds. _ , Although the tree was one of the __ _____ Committee inspects gaCTfflt _ Furniture For Mr. Kendall stated that he thought the filling done when the library was remodeled was probably responsible for the death of the tree. The lumber from the tree will be used on the college farm. Oratorical Contests Will Be Given Oratorical contests will be conducted in February and March. The local tryout for the alcohol contest will be held Feb. 22, 7:30 p. m., with 1200-1800 words the limit. The state contest will be held in Salina in March. Prizes are 335. $25 and $15. Tryouts for the peace contest will be held Sunday, March 1. 6:30 m. The limit is 1200 words, and prizes will be $7.50. $5. and $2.50. The top man and woman of this contest will go to the state contest at Kansas Wesleyan on March 14. The anti - tobacco contest will be held March 2, 4:30 p. m. The word limit is 1800. with 250 quoted. The state contest will be held in McPherson on March 13. with prices of $35, $25, and $15 to be given. Orations must be completed two weeks before the local contest. Enrollment In Increased Enrollment figures as of Feb. 4, indicate a total of 342 students at Macollege. There are 307 regular students and 35 special students. A year ago, there were 306 regular students and 26 special, making 330 students. Elrod Speaks At CBYF Dr. James Elrod, regional secretary for the Church of the Brethren. was the speaker at CBYF Sunday evening. Feb. 1. He spoke of the responsibilities which college youth will have wherever they go after their college days. He stated that college graduates will need to. set the best examples of home - building. They will be expected to occupy positions of community leadership. They should participate actively ' church work. '. Elrod also discussed some of the problems which college youth will face. English Faculty To Have Conferences On Tests Results of the English Proficiency Test, which juniors and seniors took this morning, will be available about the middle of next week. Miss Sarah May Voncil, supervisor of the test, stated this morning. Each paper will have two read ings by members of the English faculty. Papers will be rated "satisfactory”, "questionable," or "unsatisfactory.” Papers with two ratings of ”S” will be passing; those with two ratings of "Q" or of "U” or of "U” and “Q" will be considered not passing. Names of the students taking the test will be posted on the bulletin board with the .name of the English Department faculty member to be consulted for criticisms and results on the test. Other members of the English Department are: Miss Della Lehman, Dr. Maurice A. Hess, and Mrs. Wilbur Yoder. Chess Challenges Spirit Of Mac Intelligentsia By Ken Brown Of late, that fascinating contest called chess has been challenging the pugnacious spirit of Macollege intelligentsia throughout the wee hours of numerous mornings. • Chess is a physical contest, for the victor is the enduring character who can survive with the least amount of sleep, sit with .the least amount of pain, and move the pieces with the smallest possible expended energy. The winner, although physically unsound after a night’s contest, must be able to recuperate quickly by sleeping during the day in preparation for the next nightly battle. „ The good chess player, because of his great need for large quantities of nutrition, eats more than three meals. Chess is also a mental contest. The most important aspect of this portion of the game is in the participant's ability to pass his courses with the minimum amount of study. Passing is necessary in that the "scholar” can remain on these premises’ to play more chess. Opportunity seems to have an uncanny habit of favoring those who have paid the price of years of preparation. made the honor roll of Macollege first semester is Berwyn Oltman. Macollege Junior from Enders, Ne-br. Berwyn obtained 57.5 points from the 20 hours of college work he took last semester. Berwyn is the son of Mr. and Mrs. George Oltman of Enders. Ncbr. This year Berwyn is assisting Dr. Burton Metzler in the Department of Philosophy and Religion. He is a member of the A Cappella Choir and the Concert Band. Berwyn is majoring in Philosophy and Relgion. and is also working towards the Elementary Degree Certificate. As a student minister, he is in charge of the Pleasant View Church. Next to Berwyn on the honor roil Is Maxine Hanley, who made 54 points. Others on the honor roil are Marjorie Stucky. 51 points; Dean Neher. 50; Loal Beitar. Paul Coffman. Elmer Fike, Isaac Gril-lo. and Lee Hogle with 49 points each. Elsa Kurtz and Bob Powell came up with 48 points each. Shir-‘ ley Coppock, Faye Ellen Trostle and Ruth Strickler tied with 46Va. Betty Jean Baerg and Ann Carpenter got 45 apiece. La Von Wide-gren. 44.5 Donna Sooby, Phil Spohn and Don Ullom each obtained 44. and Paul Spohn made 43.5. Betty Jo Baker, Joan McRoberts, and Bob Price each got 43, Phyllis Beam 43.5 while Shirley Alexander, Gene Bechtel. Wayne Blick-enstaff. Elton Lobban, Naomi Lu-core. Don Fike, Howard Mehling-er and Betty Young each came up with 42 points. Marilce Grove and Mary Elizabeth Swinger tied with 41.5 and were closely followed by Curtis Leicht who obtained 41.25 points. Norman Long. Mary Louise Hutcherson. and Joe Obi each got 41. Mario Oltman 40.75. while Kenny Brown. Ed Frantz. Lyle Neher. and Clarence Seever closed the roll with 40 points each. A total of 31 students also made the honorable mention. Glendon Button and Roger Hogle lead the list with 39 points each, followed by Elsie Kindley with 38.5. Eldon Coffman, Jack Harter, and Lloyd Hummer were next with 38 points each. Dorothy Nicholson and A] Zunkel got 37.5; Betty Byers, Manly Draper. Florene Hale, Dwight McSpadden. Jean Walker and Leland Wilson were next with 37 points. On the 36 point list are Clara Bechtel, James Craig. Roland Delay. Ina Ditmars. Pauline Hess. Morris H. Irons. Hatsuko Kanazawa. and Lois Stern Ilaoa. John Nettleton obtained 35.5. and Betty Christensen. Kathlyn Coffman, Lo-rene Marshall. Bryce Miller. Peggy Sargent, Gahlib Shahab, and Robert Wilson each obtained 35 points. Trustees Meet February 16 Trustees of McPherson College will hold their annual meeting here Feb. 16-18. Among the important issues to be discussed is the fate of 'Sharp Hall, in what way it will be renovated, where the sidewalks arc to be placed with the new girl dorm, and the proposed financial drive for one and one-half million dollars within the next few years. Also to be discussed are the goals of the college in the next ten years A trustee - faculty dinner will be held on Monday. Feb. 16. The meetings will be held on Monday through Wednesday. |
Burgers Give Church Program Richard Burger, recently returned missionary from Africa, spoke at chapel on Monday. Feb. 2. He told of the great agriculural needs of Africa. Dick and his wife. Ann. have been stationed at the Church of the Brethren mission center near Gark-ida for the past four years. Ann spoke during opening exercises at the college church Sunday morning. Feb. 1. and Dick delivered the morning address, Sunday evening Dick spoke and showed slides of their people and their work in Africa. Both Dick and Ann are Macollege alumni. Dick was a member of the class of 1942, and the former Ann Witmore graduated in 1945. Dick was a member of Men's Council. Rec Council, and A Cappella choir at Mac. He also served as co-chairman of SCA for two terms and was a member of the track team. Ann sang in Women’s Quartet and A Cappella choir and was also a member of SCA and the Thespian Club during her college days. It’s the little things that annoy us. We can sit on a mountain, but not on a tack. |
College Calendar Tonight . Feb. 6: College of Emporia, there. Saturday. Feb. .7: Skating Party. 7:30 p. m. Monday, Feb. 9: Bethany, here. Thursday. Feb. 12: Heart Sister Party. Friday. Feb. 13: Folk game party. Saturday. Feb. 14: Washburn, here. Feb. 16-18: Trustee Meeting. Forty-Five Enroll At Macollege Second Semester Forty - five new students have enrolled at Macollege at the beginning of this second semester. Of these 45 new students, 18 are regular students, and 27 are special students. Fifteen of the regular students are boys, and five are girls. A roll of the new students enrolled as regular students shows nine coming from McPherson. They are Glenn Becker, James Berglund. Robert Fogorquist, Dean Ollenburger. Harry Rowland, Ronald Webb, Barbara Banta. Ebert Lounsberry. and Jeane Elliott Tenk. Two from Hutchinson are Max Parmley and Margaret Meyer. From Inman is Wilbur Davisson; from Topeka. Marjorie Kendall; and from Richmond, Mo., is Von Hall. Billy Gripe comes from Weatherford Okla.; Suaese Utu from Am-ouli. Lutuila. American Samoa; Kenneth Evans. Springfield, Ore.; and Dick McGuire. Pratt. Kans. On the special students’ roll. 20 are from McPherson; two from Gal and one each from Canton. Little River, Waterloo. Iowa, Chicago. 111., and Parkersburg, West Va. Furniture For Girl’s Dorm A committee traveled to Kansas City Tuesday, Feb 3. to inspect various types of furniture which might be used in the new girls' dormitory. The committee was composed of Miss Edna Neher, Mrs. Paul Sargent. Mrs. D. W. Bit-tinger. Mr. Harold Beam, and Mr. Gordon Yoder. Dr. D. W. Bittinger stated that the committee plans to select the type of furniture to be used. It is hoped that the actual furniture can then be purchased in the near future from local McPherson merchants. Students Display Art Productions In Library Say, Mac. have you noticed the art exhibit over in the library? I want to urge you to go over and look at it. You don’t know anything about art? That’s all right, neither do I. But I want you to go over, stand in front of each picture and look at it a few seconds. then move on to another. When you find one you particularly like, return tomorrow or the next day and then again next week, and look at it again. Try to decide what there is about the picture which you like. Decide whether you-prefer bold, bright colors, or soft, mellow shades. Do you prefer still lifes or scenery? Think about these things and occasionally take time to look at art As you will learn to appreciate it more and will really begin to enjoy it. I did,—M. H. Ford Announces Office Hours Miss Pat Ford, school nurse, has announced the following schedule for her office hours: 9:50-10:20 Tues, Thun.. Friday. 12:45-2:00 Each afternoon, except Wednesday. 2:15-3:00 Wednesday. 6:00-6:45 Each evening. Sunday Emergencies only. The above schedule is to be used for having dressings changed, injections. consultation, etc. Miss Ford will be on call for emergencies at all times. |
Heart Sister Party Will Climax Week Of Giving Gifts The Women’s Council of the college presented the chapel pro-, gram on Wednesday. Febr 4. Shirley Coppock directed the singing of a hymn and Ruth Papa read the morning scripture. Donna Wagoner and Anita Rogers sang, as a duet. "I Waited for the Lord". A poem, ’Two Classes-of People," was read by Marinell Johnson. Immediately following the program. the men were dismissed while the women remained to draw names for Heart Sls-teer Week which began Thursday. Each day during the week the girls will either do some good deed for their heart sisters or give them a ten - cent gift. In either case, this will be done anonymously. On next Thursday. Feb. 12. at 8:30 p. m. the Heart Sister Party will be held in the SUR. Each girl and faculty woman will bring a twenty - five cent gift, in which she reveals herself to her heart sister. The faculty wives will bring comparable gifts to exchange in grab - bag fashion. The rest of the party will consist of a program, games, and refreshments. Players’ Club Will Present ‘Curious Savage’ "The Curious Savage," a three-act production directed by Mrs. Wilbur Yoder, will be presented March 5. in the city auditorium. This will be the first time in several years that the Players Club has given a play in the City auditorium. The play is written by John Patrick who also wrote the "Hasty Heart." It is a well-known Broadway play, and has been made into a movie. The play made its debut on Broadway two years ago. Lillian portrayed by Marilee Grove. Lehman Will Speak At Ottawa Sunday Miss Della Lehman will speak at the Ottawa Church of the Brethren Sunday evening, Feb. 8. Miss Lehman will speak on her summer experiences in Europe, with special emphasis on International work camps. She will open their School of Mission program. Building On Girls’ Dormitory Is Progressing Rapidly Very rapid progress is being made on the new girls’ dormitory, according to President D. W. Bittinger. He stated that the builders have completed everything below ground level, and all plumbing and heating pipes have been put in. Next, the upright steel pillars, which will support the floors are to be installed. The construction of this building, the lift-slab method, is a new process in this part of the country in which all floors and the roof are poured under ground and lifted to their positions by a hydraulic process. This method makes it possible to fill in between floors with whatever is wished. Picture windows are being used in the building. Steps are being taken so that furniture will be available as soon as the building is ready for it. There is a good possibility that the dormitory will be competed by September of this year, according to Dr. Bittinger and the contractor. ..... . . I |
Bulldog Barks Senator Discusses Voting Of Teens ACP — Senator James H. Duff said last week that 18-year olds should be .permitted to vote in every state. He was interviewed by four college students on ’Junior Press Conference", televised over ABC-TV. If a boy is old enough to risk his life for his country.” he said, “he should be permitted to vote. It has been my experience that, by and large, the 18-year-old is just as wise as people in other age brackets." " The movement to lower the voting age has already received support from segments of the college press and from various student organizations. The National Student Association, in a recent meeting of its executive committee, voted to "put its enthusiastic support behind the movement.” At Minnesota, a bill to lower the voting age to 18 years has been introduced-in the state legislature Supporters of the bill say .it has "better than a 50-50 chance of passing." her name in else drew it. as best man. Ushers were Adrian Saylor. St. Johns. Kans.. and Eldon Coffman. McPherson. The bride, given in marriage by her uncle. O. T. Molsbee. chose for her wedding, a waltz length gown of embroidered nylon and silk illusion over satin. The key - hole neckline was accented with a peter pan collar. The long pointed sleeves were fashioned by tiny satin buttons at the wrist. Her finger - tip veil of silk illusion fell from a white Juliet cap of white embroidered nylon to match her gown. The bride carried American beauty rose buds on a white Bible, and carried out the traditional something old. For her daughter's wedding. Mrs. Davis chose a brown faille dress, with matching accessories. Die bridegroom’s mother. Mrs. King, wore a green suit with matching accessories. Both corsages were of yellow carnations. Immediately following the ceremony. the newly - weds were honored at a reception in O. T. Molsbee home. The bride’s table was laid with lace over grey linen. Yellow baby carnations decorated the four - tiered wedding cake. Mrs. Eldon Coffman and Miss-Elaine Burkholder of McPherson served the cake and the punch. The newlyweds will be at home at 320 Maxwell St. McPherson, and are attending McPherson College. "The Lord’s Prayer" as the couple kneeled at the altar and sang “Threefold Amen" at the close of the ceremony. The traditional vows were repented before an altar banked with greenery and baskets of white gladioli. with candlebra at the altar and piano. The windows of the church wore decorated with candles. Miss Ruth Papa of Octavia. Nebr. attended the bride as maid of Jion-or. Her dark, green ballerina length gown was of net and tulle over taffeta, and was fashioned with an off shoulder neckline. She wore n small green head dress and carried a nosegay of pink carnations. Miss Rowena Merkey of Clayton. Kans. and Miss Maxine King, sister of the groom. Pampa, Tex., lighted the tall tapers. They wore Identical floor length gowns of brown net over gold satin. They wore .matching head dresses identical to that of the maid of honor. At their wrists, they wore yellow-split carnation Wristlets.
Groundhog’s Day turned out to be rather cold and glum looking last Monday Since the sun wasn’t out much and he didn’t see his shadow, maybe we’ll have some good weather for awhile. Cline and Glen Gayer celebrated Groundhog’s Day by go-ing to Inman for a smorgasbord dinner—all you could eat tor a dollar and fifty cents. Betty Jean Baerg, Ronnie Klemmedson, Margaret Yost, and Dean McKellip were two couples that took advantage of the feed, too. Dorothy Swinger Nicholson and Her sister Mary Elizabeth Swinger went with the Russell Yoders to enjoy the celebration. Donna Wagoner. Lee Hogle, Ruth . Grossttlckle, Don Wagoner, Ann Powell, and Ralph "Royer started for the Newton game Friday night in high spirits—until they ran out of gas. It seemed that the rest of the Mac kids had gone on. or just passed them by. At any rate Ralph wound up hitch-hiking to the next town to get the gas. Angie Flora went home to Quin-ter. Hans., with Wes Ikenberry and Doyle Smith for the weekend. Elsie Kindley went to Kansas University to visit her brother who is going to school there. Several students from Mac had the privilege of seeing the K-State vs. Iowa State game last Saturday. Among the Iowa rooters were Kathy Russell. Ed Ball, Bev Schechter. and Vernon Peteflsh. Donna Wagoner went with Lee Hogle to Manhattan to visit several kids that used to go here—Raymond Walker and Mary Ellen Yoder. They got to see the K-State-Iowa State game. too. Clara Bechtel. Jerry Goering. Bev Turner, Roland Freed, and Richard Trowbridge went to the Phillips game last Saturday night in Enid, Okla. Perhaps, if more rooters had gone, we could have won that one. Well, Mac won over Bethel, anyway. Several of the teachers who have been rather sick with the flu are back again to the grindstone. Miss Della Lehman was quite sick during exam week, and Prof. Donald R. ‘Frederick didn’t have choir "several times because of the flu. Prof. S. M. Dell was also another one hit with It. and for a long while now students have had sniffles and the usual accessory items that accompany the dreaded flu. Marilee Grove was the Sunday afternoon and evening guest of Mary Louise Hutcherson. Roast duck was on the dinner menu. Kathy Russell and Donna Schrock have finally got the hull on the boat they’re trying to build under the supervision of Ed Ball and Gene Smith. While the gals work the guys survey the progress and hand them tools when they need them. Anita Rogers, LaVon Widegren, and Donna Sooby spent a rather sleepless night at a slumber party at Ermalee Phillips’s home last Friday night. It seems like good deeds are being done by each girl's heart sister. The drawing was held Wed nesday In chapel. Every girl put |
Each girl is supposed to do a nice thing once a day for one week without letting her heart sister know who she is. Next Thursday night in the SUR, a party will be held with refreshments and a program. The gals will also find who’s the one that’s done things for them. Lois Knackstedt spent her weekend at her homo near Conway. Kans. She also helped to use up the food at the groundhog's dinner Leland Wilson Is the proud father of a second son; and not to be outdone is Lowell Koch, who Is busting his buttons over newly arrived Tony Wayne. Ah. the joys of childhood when flying kites was the rage! Two girls spotted a. kite in the uppermost parts of a tree behind Arnold Hall Sunday afternoon and decided to retrieve it. After bending most of the branches and breaking some, they got the kite, despite bruised shins and scraped knees. Oh well, college students wouldn’t be natural if they didn’t regress sometimes. CBYF Will Meet Sunday Evenings.The CFYF programs for the second semester will be about the same as first semester. It will meet every Sunday evening at 6:30. Plans are made for worship, discussion. projects, and recreational evenings. The average attendance for first semester was 66. Yoder Makes SpeechesMrs. Una Yoder has made several speeches recently. Mrs. Yoder spoke to the Masque and Gavel club at the local high school, and gave several character sketches. Mrs. Yoder spoke to the Girl Scouts Training School at El Dorado. Kans. on the subject “Dramatics for Girl Scouts.” Hochs Are Parents Of SonMr. and Mrs. Lowell Hoch are the parents of a son, born Sunday, Eeb. 1, The baby, which weighed 7 lbs., has been named Tony Wayne. Lowell is a junior at Macollegc this year. Kendall Assists In LibraryMarjorie Kendall has been added to the staff of library assistants. Marjorie comes from Topeka. Kansas. She is a sophomore and has been attending Washburn University at Topeka. Marjorie previously worked in the Topeka Public Library for two years. |
King, Davis Wed In TexasMiss Hellen Carole Davis, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Edd Davis of Nocona. Tex., became the bride of Mr. Richard Lee King, son of Mr. and Mrs. Reggie King of Pampa. Tex. in a candlelight ceremony at the Nocona Church of the Brethren Saturday. Jan. 24. at 4:30 p. m. Rev. Edd Davis, father of the bride, officiated in the double, ring ceremony. Miss Mary Alice Molsbee, cousin of the bride, played nuptial music preceding and following the ceremony. and the traditional wedding march. Miss Molsbee accompanied Miss Barbara King, sister of the groom as she sang "Indian Love Call." and "A Psalm of Love." Miss Elsa. Kurtz of Las Vegas. Nov., gave the 13th chapter of 1st Corinthians before the marriage vows were repeated. Herb Edmonds of McLouth. Kans. sang |
Wilsons Announce Birth Of Robert Bruce Mr. and Mrs. Leland Wilson are the parents of a son born Jan. 29. The baby, which weighed 4 lbs. II oz., has been named Robert Bruce. Mr. Wilson is a senior at Macollege. Zeller Attends Youth ConferenceReverend Harry K. Zeller has just returned from the National Youth Conference in Oklahoma City. Reverend Zeller spent ten days at the conference, making speaking tours of the high schools in. the city. Rev. Zeller said the attendance was very good, and that there were eleven hundred students present at the latest meeting. Rev. Zeller also made one T. V. appearance while in Oklahoma City. Rev. Zeller returned from the conference Thurs. night. Feb. 5th. |
Bridal ShowerA bridal shower was given for Miss Ann Carpenter last Tuesday evening by Mrs. Ellis Albright and Mrs. Royce Beam. A color scheme of pink, lavcn-dar and white was carried put. Games were played during the evening. Pink cake, pink lemonade and pineapple cubes was served. The guests were Peggy Sargent. Beverly Turner. Marilee Grove. Ad-alu Carpenter. Mildred Beck. Barbara Berry. Betty Jo Baker. Angie Flora. Mary Louise Hutcherson. Mrs. Jim Batson. Mrs. George Keim. Mrs. Eldon Coffman and Mrs. Charles Royer. Miss Carpenter will become the bride of Charles Petefish in March. Spec Writers Visit RepublicanThree members of Miss Vancil’s editing, class visited the offices of the McPherson Republican on Jan. 29 and observed the various processes in printing and putting out a newspaper. While the students were there, the paper was put to press. Those who went on the tour included Betty Holderread. Wendell Lentz and Harold Patton. |
Mac Wins 70-55Over CoyotesMcPherson College Bulldogs defeated the Kansas Wesleyan Coyotes 70-55 in a game played on the home floor Wednesday night. ""The Bulldogs started out rather slow, and the first quarter ended' with the Bulldogs behind 24 to 19. The halftime score showed Mae ahead by a margin of 15 points, 44 to 29. McPherson hit an amazing 63 percent of Its shots, while their opponents scored only live points In the second quarter. Bob Bechtel was high scorer for the Bulldogs with 19 points. Groves was high for the Coyotes with 16 points to his credit while Bilekenstaff dumped in the same number of points for the Bulldogs. Mac's B team also won its gome with the KWU B team with a score of 62-50. McPherson Fg Ft F Blickenstaff ..............7 2 3 Bechtel ..................9 1 3 Metsker .................5 3 2 Smith. G.................2 1 3 Smith. B .................1 0 0 Smith. B ................1 2 0 Frantz ..................1- 0 0 O'Dell ...................0 0 2 Sharpe ................. 0 0 0 Whirley Frantz O'Dell .1 0 2 .0 1 2 Totals Totals ...................29 12 15 Kansas Wesleyan Fg Ft F Groves ..................7 2 5 Cassel ...................4 3 1 Stephen .................,5 2 2 Wilbur ...................1 5 4 Boone ...................3 0 2 Mueller ................. 0 0 1 Werhan ..................1 1 1 Totals ....................21 13 17 Veterans Education Remains Controversial The new GI Bill covering Korean war veterans continues to be a controversial issue with institutions of higher education. Major disagreement turns around the provision which treats all veterans alike, with same payments, regardless of whether the college they attend has high or low tuition. The Association of American Colleges and certain institutions arc pressing for a change in the law to provide different benefits in accordance with the tuition charged. Meanwhile, colleges and universities are making special arrangements to assist the Korean veteran in getting his college education. A number of institutions have provided for accelerating veterans programs so that they can complete their education in less than four academic years. Some colleges arc giving the veterans the same privileges as World War II veterans. |
Bulldogs Lose To Phillips U 73-65 The Bulldogs traveled to Phillips U., Enid. Okla.. last Saturday night. Jan. 31. where they were defeated by the Oklahoma team. 73-65 in a non-conference game. The first period ended with the score tied at 15-all. but in the second quarter. Phillips pulled away to a 10 point lead and led 33-23 at halftime. Mac was still lagging in the third quarter and trailed 51-36. With four minutes of the 4th quarter gone, and with Phillips holding a 20 point lead, the Bulldogs finally broke loose. In this quarter. Mac scored 29 points, bat Phillips lead was too much, and the Bulldogs fell short by 8 points as the game ended. Wayne Blickenstaff was high scorer for Mac with 12 points. The scoring was fairly well divided among the Bulldogs. McPherson Fg Ft F Blickenstaff ............3 6 3 Bechtel ..................4 0 5 G. Smith ................3 2 4 Gayer ....................3 3 0 B. Smith .................1 4 0 0 Totals ................23 19 21 Phillips Fg Ft F Neles ....................2 1 3 Eby ......................4 2 3 Burton ....................5 7 4 Welch ...................6 10 3 Holt .....................0 2 1 Weldon ..................3 0 2 Frank ....................1 0 1 Beecher ..................3 3 2 .24 25 19 Top Conference Scorers G FG FT TP Ave Dehl. C of E. 12 103 150 356 29.7 Cassel KWU 12 100 49 249 20.7 Harder Bethel 14 93 92 278 19.9 Stephen KWU 12 76 61 213 17.7 Geise Ottawa 13 76 69 221 17.0 Simons Ottawa 13 58 81 197 15.1 Blickenstaff M 16 71 72 214 13.4 Davee Baker 12 45 71 161 13.4 Basketball Dates Feb. 6 McPherson at College of Emporia. Feb. 9 Bethany at McPherson. Feb. 14 Washburn at McPherson. Feb. 18 McPherson at Kansas Wesleyan. Feb. 21 Ottawa at McPherson. Feb. 28 Baker at McPherson. |
From The Sidelines By Draper The sports page this week, with the exception of this column which I am writing before I leave, will be in the hands of other members of the Spectator staff. It is a welcome relief after writing the sports for more than a year not to have to meet a deadline on all the stories. The reason for the vacation is that I have gone to Washington, D. C., to the political seminar. If, one operates under the assumption that any publicity, whether favorable or unfavorable, is good publicity, then the Baseball world received a lot of good free publicity last week. Fred Saigh. owner of the St. Louis Cardinals, was sentenced to a term In jail because they said that he had evaded paying the income tax that he was supposed to. What amazed me, though, was the way he was quickly removed from the ownership of that major league franchise. Baseball wants absolutely no type of taint what-so-ever on it. Not too many years back, it was a game where there was all kinds of crookedness going on. In fact, around the turn of the century and the years immediately following, any ''respectable" hotel in the country wouldn't allow anybody that had a connection with the evil sport of baseball to stay overnight. It just goes to show what three good Commissioners of Baseball in a row can do to clean up a sport. I do not know whether or not too many of yon have noticed it. but the freshmen that also have athletic ability are about as numerous as those comprising any class here on campus. It isn’t as noticeable as it was two years ago when, what are now juniors, came in and practically dominated the sports scene. There was a good team when they showed up this fall, but still many of them saw action in football and the other night in the "B" team basketball game at Bethany. "Woody" used a team composed entirely of freshmen and they clicked off good together. Times Are Set For Intramurals The Girls Intramurals schedule for Tuesday, Feb. 10 is as follows: 6:30—Grove vs. Powell— Timer. Widegren: Scorer. Burkholder — Officials. Baker. Merkey. 7:15—Lou than vs. Sigle— Timer. Beck: Scorer. Berry;—Officials. W. Jones, Powell. 8:00 Merkey vs. Wine— Timer. Hale. Scorer Hooper;— Officials Louthan. Christensen. 8:45 —McLeod vs. Baker —Timer. Kerley. Scorer. Kerley; Officials Coppock, Wine. No intramural games were played this week, due the conflict of many going to the Youth Seminar. |
Bulldogs Upset Bethel 59-46 It was the Bulldog's gome from start to finish last Friday night when they downed the Bethel Gray-maroons by a score of 59-46. Mac gained five points before Bethel even registered. The Bulldogs were ahead at the end of the first quarter by a score of 19-11. In the second quarter. Mac chalked up 14 points, while the Gray-maroons tipped in 13 points for Bethel. The halftime score stood in favor of the Bulldogs, 33-24. The Macollege Bulldogs scored 13 points in the third and fourth quarters each. The Bulldogs did a good job of holding Don Harder. Bethel College's third ranking scorer In the Kansas Conference to 14 points. Prior to Friday night’s game. Harder had averaged 19.8 points per game. Wayne Blickenstaff and Bethel’s Homer Goering led the individual scoring with 17 points each. Gene Smith and Carl Metsker each had 11. McPherson Fr Ft F Metsker ..................5 1 3 Bechtel ..................3 2 1 Blickenstaff ..............6 5 8 Gayer ....................0 0 1 B. Smith .................0 1 3 Whirley ..................1 0 1 Totals ..................23 13 16 Harder ..................6 2 3 Heidebrecht ..............0 1 2 D. Goering ...............0 3 3 H. Goering v..............7 3 2 Eitzen ...................1 2 1 Harms ...................1 3 1 Eck .......................0 0 0 Siemens .................0 0 0 Totals .................15 16 13 WAA Initiates 13 Wearing their blue - jeans backwards and wrong - side - out. their shirts backwards with a man’s lie. one man's shoe and one bedroom slipper, and with "W. A. A." Association Thursday. Jan. 29. Swinger. Marlonna Wine. Lois Knuckstedt. Dorothy Nicholson. Betty Holderread. Bev Schechter, Loreen Cline. Eula Mac Murray. Virginia Bower, and Norann Royer were required to wear these costumes all day to classes. Thursday night, accompanied by W. A. A. members, the candidates walked to town, doing stunts as they went, and then saw a show. Afterwards, they were treated with popcorn and ice - cream. |
Ottawa ........ McPherson . ... Kansas Wesleyan WAA Chooses Four Sports Bowling. Basketball, Swimming, and Individual Sports are the athletics in which W. A. A. members are participating this season. Sports heads tot the season are Jean Walker for bowling, Arlene Merkey for basketball. Elaine Burkholder for swimming, and Betty Holderread for individual sports. Watch bulletin boards for the times each will be held. Many people are like buttons. Always popping off at the wrong time. |
Girls Defeat Central College The girls’ varsity basketball team defeated Central College by a score of 23-18 in a game played Friday afternoon. Jan. 30 on the home floor. Girls seeing action for Mac were Kathy McLeod. Ann Powell. Dolores Sigle, Rowena Merkey. Marlonna Wine. Betty Jo Baker. LaVon Widergren. Florence Hale, Liz Swinger, and Lu Carpenter. High scorer for Mac was Kathy McLeod. The 1952-53 Bulldogs Hack row: Peel, Blickenstaff, Bechtel, Smith, Metsker, Frantz. Whirley. Front row: Gayer, Smith, Hanagarne, Thoml, Sharpe, O'Dell. Kansas Conference Standings