Twenty-nine Will Attend Youth Political Seminar

Twenty-nine people from McPhersonCollege will see the federal government and the United Nations in action at the Youth Political Seminar which is being held in Washington D. C. and New York City Feb. 2-5.

Elgin office of the Church--

Vol. XXXVII McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas, January 30, 1953 No. 16


Heart Sister Week Begins Wednesday, February 5

O Heart Sister Week will begin on Feb. 5 and climax with a party on Feb. 12.    

The girls and faculty Women will draw names for their secret heart sisters on Wednesday, Feb. 4. Each day during the week, the girls give their heart sister a ten cent gift or do something for her, such as serving her breakfast in bed or making her bed.

The night of the party there will be a program, refreshments, and an exchange of twenty-five cent gifts, at which time heart sisters will be revealed.

Students Are Given Opportunity To Spend Summer In Workcamp

- The General Brotherhood Board of ihe Church of the. Brethren has announced opportunities which will be open as part of the Brethren International Summer Service Projects for 1968.

The purpose of these projects is to help towards peace and international understanding through Christian service and fellowship.

The work projects, which will be held from July 11 to August 14, will accept men and women aged 18 to 30 who are “in good health, not afraid of hard work, and eager to serve.” A foreign language is helpful, but not essential.    

Cost of the summer’s work will be approximately $700 to $800. This fee includes transportation from New York to Europe and return, the 22 day tour fee, daily maintenance in camp, passport, and medical fee.

The tour will last from June 17 to July 8. The approximate sailing date will be June 7. Included will be a trip through France; Holland, Germany, Austria, Italy and Switzerland by train and chartered bus.

The work camps, to be held from July 11 to August 14, will be located in Germany, Austria, Italy and Greece. The camps will last for five weeks, and activities are planned for the total group.

Book Store Hours

Monday 8:00-8:50 11:20-12:00


Tuesday 9:00-10:20 11:20-12:00

Wednesday 11:90-12:00 2:15-3:15

Thursday 9:50-10:20 11:20-12:00 Friday 8:00^:50 11:20-12:00 2:15-3:15

KU Will Present Play

”Lily, the Felon’s Daughter,' wiU be this year’s KU Players’ production.

Written by Thomas Taggart, the play will be presented in Green Hall Feb. 25-28.

Mark Gilman, president, is directing the show under the supervision of Tom Rea, instructor of speech.

of the Brethren which is sponsoring the seminar reported on Jan. 19 that 143 young people across the United States have registered for the seminar.

The first three days of the session will be spent in Washington. D. C. and the fourth day at the United Nations in New York.

Special interests for the group will include seeing Congress in session, visiting various representatives and senators, learning the trends in Universal Military Training and perhaps catching a glimpse of the new president.

The group will make the trip by car. Some of them will leave this evening and others will leave early in the morning.

Those going from McPherson are: Betty Lou Hershberger. Doris Coppock. Florene Hale, La-Faughn Hubbard, Esther Ikenberry, Alvin Fishburn, Wayne Jones, Mario Oilman, Gary Jones, Gerald Ulrich.

Shirley Alexander, Alberta Eb-bert. BUI Russell, Loal Beitar Don Ullom, Betty Brammell, Ruth Strickler, Betty Holderread, Leon Albert. Velva Wagner, Norann Royer, John Nettieton, Paul Spohn.

Marlonna Wine, Donna Hooper, Manly Draper, Lawrence Brooks, Loren Ekquist, Eugene Neff, and Jean Walker.

Metropolitan Presents “Carmen” Saturday

•'Carmen a complete four - act opera, will be broadcast by the Metropolitan Opera Company over NBC beginning at 1 p. m. Saturday. Jan. 31.

Feodora Barbieri will sing the role of Carmen.

This opera is in the series of complete operas broadcast over NBC on Saturday afternoons during the Metropolitan opera season.

Opera News published by The Metropolitan Opera Guild carries a story of each week's opera with the cast of singers and articles about opera.

Opera News- has been loaned to the college library for the use of students and faculty.

Hesston Will Give Gospel Broadcast Over KSAL

Students at Hesston College will present their first gospel broadcast over station KSAL. Salina on Feb. 7.

The broadcast time will be 12:45 p. m., and the present contract reserves this 15 minute period of class A radio time for a 13 week interval. The program will consist largely of singing with a three minute gospel message.

Bethel Will Be Host To Conference

A Collegiate Student Peace Conference will be held at Bethel College. February 14 and 15.

Theme of the conference is "Christian Techniques of Working for Peace.” Cecil Hinshaw, Quaker minister and former _ president of Penn College, and Kay Beach, former Civilian Public Service man. will lead lectures.

The meeting is sponsored by the American Friends Service Committee at Friends University of Wichita.    .Six Weeks Summer School Will Be Held In Mexico

A bilingual summer school sponsored by the University of Guadalajara in cooperation with Stanford University faculty members will be held in Guadalajara. Mexico, June 28-Aug. 8, 1952.

Offerings include art, folklore, history, language, and literature courses. Two - hundred twenty five dollars will cover the six weeks tuition, board and room.

• Write Prof. Juan B. Rael, Box K, Stanford University, Calif.

Relief Truck Visits Mac

The Brethren Church Relief Truck from Nappanee, Ind., touring the Western Region was at McPherson last Saturday night to pick up relief goods to be sent to Europe.

Several Macollege students worked from 9:30 p. m. till midnight loading up the truck with old shoes, clothes, grease and other things, and after the loading operations were over, the boys were served coffee and cake by Mrs. James Elrod.

After leaving McPherson, the truck will visit other places in the Western Region to collect some more relief goods. Among the places to be visited by the truck are Hutchinson, Topeka, Kansas City. Mo., and Des Moines, la.

Several unmarked boxes were accredited to Macollege, as many of the students have contributed in this drive. Among the boxes are some designated to Dr. W. W. Peters, ex - president of Macollege. now at Vienna, Austria.

M^s. Elrod states that articles are still welcome, and any students who wish to contribute to this cause could do so by taking what they want to give to the garage at the Elrod home.

Among those who helped load the truck last Saturday night were John Thomas, Don Fike, Don Butler, and Berwyn Oltman.

Juniors, Seniors Take English Test On Friday, Feb. 6

Juniors and seniors who have not passed the English Proficiency Examination will take the second semester test Friday morning, Feb. 6, at 8 o’clock in the Chemistry Lecture Room.

Passing the English Proficiency Test is a graduation requirement.

Miss Sarah May Vancil. assistant professor of English, requests that anyone who cannot be present at the appointed time sec her or Dean J. M. Berkebile to make arrangements for a test date.

The test consists of the writing of a prose composition on a subject selected from a list of topics given at the time of the exam.

Students who do not pass the examination the second time will be given an opportunity for remedial work with Prof. Maruice A. Hess.

Papers are given code numbers so that the English faculty do not know the identity of the writer when the paper is graded.

The English Proficiency Exam has been given at McPherson College for six years.

Many colleges and universities are now requiring the passing of such a test before a degree is granted. Kansas State College. Man hattan. and the University of Kansas, Lawrence, have the English proficiency requirement.

Students transferring from McPherson College to Kansas State College have reported that they were excused from the exam there when they had passed McPherson’s exam.

After the English Proficiency papers are graded, each student will have a conference with one member of the English faculty to learn the criticisms on his paper.

Animal Nutrition Class Goes To Salina Meet

Prof. Guy Hayes and his Animal Nutrition Class were visitors at the Annual Meeting of Salina Production Credit Cooperative Association yesterday. Thursday. Jan. 29.

The class left Mac at about 11:15 a. m. and were at Salina in time for the luncheon served at the Kansas Wesleyan University. After the lunch, the class visited the Gooch's Milling Co., and the Board of Trade Market.

Those who accompanied Guy Hayes were Wilbur Bastin, Elmer Fike, "Butch” Coffman, Glen Gayer. Roland Wray, Bill Frantz, Clive Sharpe. Bob Bean, George Keim and James Craig.

Wilson Will Enter KU Med School

Bob Wilson, senior, -recently received word that he has been accepted by the Kansas University Medical School. He will begin his work there next fall.

Bob Wilton

As a student of Macollege. Bob has had assistantship work in the Biology Department. Last year he supervised the Biology Laboratory.

Under the direction of Dr. R. E. Mohler, Bob has taught Invertebrate Zoology at Central College and Zoology at Macollege.

For two years Bob has been varsity cheerleader. He also participated in field and track in his freshman and sophomore year, and football In his junior year. Other extra-curricular activities included McPherson Players’ Club, and a member of the M Club.

Bob is the son of Mr. Rex Wilson of Conway Springs, Kansas.

Enrollment Figures Show Slight Strop

There arc 303 students enrolled in McPherson College for the second semester. There are 111 freshmen enrolled. 74 sophomores, 62 juniors, and 56 seniors.

The enrollment last semester as of October 1, was 319 students. There were 118 freshmen enrolled. 76 sophomores. 67 juniors, and 58 seniors.

Bittinger Attends California Meeting

Dr. D. W. Bittinger, president of McPherson College, attended a meeting of college presidents in Los Angeles, Calif, the first week of January. College presidents from schools all over the United States attended the meeting which was held in the new Hotel Statler. Education and particularly the effect of military and draft on education were discussed.

Following the Los Angeles meeting. Dr. Bittinger attended a meeting of the presidents of the Brethren Colleges at LaVerne, Calif.

Suaese Returns To Mac

Suaese Utu from American Samoa. who attended Macollege in 1950-51. has returned to school after serving in the Marines the past year.

Utu is studying to be a lawyer.

Ditmars Is Chosen Arnold Hall President

Ina Ditmars. Donna Wagoner. Betty Young and Pat Ford have been elected to the Arnold Hall positions of president, vice president. secretary. treasurer, and head proctor, respectively, for the second semester.

New officers are chosen at the end of each semester, and are selected from the dorm members of the upper three classes.

According to the Arnold Hall constitution, the president must be a senior, vice president, a junior, sec-treas.. sophomore, and head proctor, junior or senior.

‘For Heaven’s Sake’ Will Be Shown Tomorrow Night

For Heaven’s Sake" is the movie which the Social Committee will show tomorrow night. Jan. 31. "For Heaven’s Sake” is a cowboy - angel comedy using angels who come to earth and materialize in order to make a couple realize the blessings which are attached to parenthood.

Witty and humorous Clifton Webb again shows his great talent for farce. Besides Clifton Webb. Joan Bennett and Robert Cummings star in this 92 minute movie.

The movie will be shown at 7:30 p. m. in the chapel.

Cafeteria Has Three New Employees

Three students are taking over now duties in the college cafeteria this semester. Evelyn Williams, freshman, replaces Maud Ditmars behind the bread and milk counter. Shirley McDaneld, freshman, takes the Job recently held by Carole Davis King. Don Butler, sophomore, joins the dish washing corps in the kitchen following the resignation of Alvin Zunkel.

Students Move Into Dorms

Arnold Hall has five new girls living within its walls this semester. They arc Marlonna Wine. Lois Knackstedt, Arilie Hudson, Pauline Adams and Phyllis Wampler.

Fahnestock Hall comes next with three 'new fellows— Bob Wise, Leon Albert, and Bill Mollhagen.

In Kline Hall there are Martha McClung and Marjorie Kendall, a sophomore from Topeka.

Art Students Display Work

First semester art students have examples of their work on exhibit in the Beeghley Library. The work includes a variety of art media.

Prof. E. S. Hershberger stated the exhibit will remain in the library until the middle of next week.

Waring Will Appear At KU March 7

Fred Waring and his entire cast of 60 Pennsylvanians, including the glee club and orchestra, will up-pear on the Kansas University campus March 7 in Hoch auditorium.        

Waring and his Pennsylvanians started on tour Jan. 26 and will go from the Pacific northwest to the south. The tour will end March 26.

Lentz Is New Campus Editor

The new campus editor for the Spec is Wendell Lentz, sophomore from Los Angeles. Calif..

Wendell Lentz is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lentz, a practicing chemist in Los Angeles. Mr. Paul Lentz graduated from McPherson College in 1926, and was editor of the Spec for that year.

Wendell has served as a reporter for the Spec during the last semester. and has advanced to succeed James Craig as campus editor for this semester. Wendell Is majoring in history.

Mays Are Parents Of Son

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mays are the parents of a son. David Robert. bom Monday. Jan. 26 at 1:30 p. m. The baby weighed 9 lbs. 14 oz.

Mr. and Mrs. Mays have two other children.

Zeller Speaks To Oklahoma Youth

Rev. Harry K. Zeller. Jr. left Monday, Jan. 26 for Oklahoma City. Okla.. where he is the main speaker in an Oklahoma City Youth Meeting.

While Rev. Zeller is there, he will speak in the seven high school assemblies and the Klwanis Club. The purpose of the meeting is to get the young people to join the church of their choice. He will return to McPherson Sunday morning.

Debaters, Wareham Present Chapel Program

Dean Berkebile was chairman of chapel held on Monday. Jan. 26. A debate was given by four of the college debaters. Don West and Lloyd Hummer took the affirmative, while Joe Kennedy and Gene Bechtel the negative on the problem. Resolved: That the Congress of the United States should enact a Compulsory Federal Fair Employment Practices Act.

On Jan. 28, Dick Wareham gave seven parables in chapel. They were: the man who opened his mouth, the track meet, the psychiatrist, the children, the detective. not knowing, and the pin point parable. Professor Paul Sollenber-ger played a violin solo.

Lounsberry Will Finish Education At Macollege

Capt. Ebbert Lounsberry of the United States Air Force has been granted a six-month leave to complete his college education that he started here at McPherson twelve years ago.

The Air Force grants leaves with full pay to their men who need twenty-four hours or less to complete their college requirements.

Lounsberry entered the Army in 1943 and transferred to the Air Force a few years later. He spent three years in Germany with the armed forces. He is married to Genevieve Wyckoff a 1943 graduate of McPherson College. His parents live in McPherson. He is a math major.

Bethel College Presents “Little Women”

The Bethel College junior class will present the play “Little Women” on Feb. 6 and 7.

The play is an adaption of the novel by Louisa Mae Alcott.

Typists And Stenos Are Wanted By The Navy Dept.

Applications arc now being taken for civilian typist and stenographer positions at Navy and Marine Headquarters in Washington, D. C.. Miss Esther Rice, civilian representative of the Navy Dept, announced in Wichita today.

Applicants must be at least 18 years of age. be in good health, a high school graduate and must type 40 words a minute. Stenographers must also be able to take dictation at 80 words a minute. The beginning salary ranges from $2950 to $3175 a year.

SCA Makes Plans For 1953    

SCA. the Student Christian Association. held the first meeting of 1953 in the SUR Jan. 29. Meetings are scheduled for each Thursday evening. La Von Widegren, co-chairman of the organization, stated that the group will hear reports from political seminar soon.

The new committees have been appointed for the semester. The program committee: Lois Stinnette. ■Leon Neher. Martin Gauby, Esther Merkey; and the memory chapel committee: Esther Ikenbcr-ry. Evelyn Williams. Dale DeLau-ter, Paul Coffman. Memory chapel. sponsored by the SCA is held in the memory chapel of the church at 6:45 - 7:00 p. m. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of each week.

Miss Widegren stated that plans are being made for the organization which include sponsoring the WSSF (World Student Service Fund) Auction sometime this Spring and Religious Emphasis Week, March 815. Also the organization will have a part in the Peace Conference held at Bethel College in Newton. Bethel, Friends at Wichita, and Macollege are the three peace colleges sponsoring the conference.

The SCA has been asked to select a representative from the college for the City UCYM (United Christian Youth Movement) Council. and interdenominational organization.

The club will also have charge of the worship programs for Regional Youth Conference, which will be on Macampus March 5-8.

The April 26 issue of the Horizons. the Sunday School paper for young people, will be compiled by the SCA's of the Brethren Colleges.

Cast Is Chosen For ‘Curious Savage’

Tryouts for the play "The Curious Savage” have resulted in the following cast of players:

Florence, Esther Merkey; Hannibal. Joe Kennedy; Fairy May, Shirley Alexander; Jeffery. Dean Neher Mrs. Savage. Marilee Grove.

Mrs. Paddy. Virginia Reist; Titus, Gene Bechtel; Samuel, Robert Vance; Lily Belle, Phyllis Kingery Miss Willie, Betty Young; Dr. Emmett, Glenn Bellah.

Students Enjoy Skating Party

Friday night. January 16, the all school skating party was held at the Peterson's Roller Skating Rink in McPherson.

The entire floor was given over to Macollege students at 9 p. m. until 11 p. m. when the time came for the closing.

Forty or fifty students and teachers attended the all school affair. Almost everyone skated except for the few who claimed they had never been on skates.

The Social committee, headed by Glendon Button, arranged With the rink that all who were in attendance were privileged to have one free bottle of "pop”.

College Calendar

Tonight, Jan. 30:

Bethel, there.

Saturday, Jan. $1:

Movie, "For Heaven's Sake." Phillips U. at Enid, Okla.

Feb. 4:

Kansas Wesleyan here.

Feb. 0:

College of Emporia.

Feb. 2-5:    *

Youth Political Seminar. .

Feb. 12:    

Heart Sister Party.

It's What You Make It

With the coming of a new semester, and also a new year, we arc going to new classes, meeting new students, new ideas, and setting new goals.

With this semester, I am happy to be your pew editor. I want to give the readers of the Spectator the kind of paper, they like. Remember, this is your paper, and if you do not like something, it is up to you to speak up and tell the staff about it.

Anything that is done for the good of everyone is always open to constructive criticism. We want you to feel this way about the Spectator, too.

Let's make 1953 a great year in every way—in our classes, sports, extra-curricular activities, and everything we do.    

I,et's face the future year as a challenge to rise above our shortcomings of the past, and to improve our lives with new vigor and enthusiasm in whatever we do.—R. P.

Give Your Dimes!

Polio was a paradox in 1952. While science last year was making its most historic strides toward polio prevention, the disease struck with force unparalleled in American history. The year saw a tug-of-war between epidemic and control which only a successful 1953 March of Dimes drive this January can decide favorably.

It is true that research financed by the March of Dimes last summer proved that the blood faction gamma globulin could provide marked, if temporary, protection against paralytic polio. It is also true that polio outbursts are getting worse in about the same proportion that polio research is getting better.

A record March of Dimes drive will be required to carry out the National Foundation’s vital activities in 1953, for these activities are entirely dependent on the funds raised by voluntary contributions to the March of Dimes.

In past years, college students have played an important part in nationwide March of Dimes. Yet in 1953, the support of college students and faculty members is needed as never before. With their support and that of other voluntary workers and contributors throughout the country, it is confidently expected that the response to the 1953 appeal will make sufficient funds available to keep the March of Dimes ahead of the March of Polio.

Africans Semi Letter Of Thanks

The following is a letter Dr. Bit-tinger received from the youth of Umuelwule in West Africa.

We. the youth and entire town of Umuekwuie have the pleasure to move a vote of thanks to you on behalf of our brother. Elijah Odo-kara. who has come to America by our unanimous vote and selection. He is one of our trustworthy and reliable youths, and as a young man. we rely on him as a light amidst our mass of illiteracy and darkness.

He has informed us that he has made a change in his style of Christendom for the better. We really need a new life and a pure one. too. If the Church of the Brethren can polish Elijah for us so that he will come home to fight and kill some of the evils eating our moral stand, we shall willingly reject the present way. which pollutes our persons.

The entire village has been polluted with imported habits of drinking and smoking. Our town, with a population of not less than two thousand, has neither a hospital or a dispensary. Disease and lack of medical and sanitary aid arc our main handicaps. Our people in their great despair are often driven victims to superstition, due to ignorance of the way out. not knowing which way to follow.

We arc happy that one day. Elijah will be returning to us as a pioneer for our relief, a minister  of the soul and a doctor of our  infirmities. The entire town rejoi-jees at the acceptance of Elijah Odo-kara into the fold of the Church of the Brethren, and in the good care fostered to him by you and other members.

Library Adds 100 New Books Since Christmas

Approximately 100 new titles have been added to the McPherson College Library since the Christmas vacation. '

A group of books for popular reading includes novels by such authors as James Boyd. Pearl Buck, John Masefield. Walter D. Edmonds. Ernest Hemingway, and George Santayana.

A Man Called Peter by Catherine Marshall is in a group of seven books of biography.

Out of the Sky by Harvey H. Ninger. a former McPherson College instructor and an authority on meteorites, tells the story of the new science, meteoritics.

Published by the University of Denver Press, the book is "intended to serve those persons who read popular science out of sincere curiosity about the physical universe."

Choir Ideas by Flora E. Breck offers suggestions for the cooperation of the choir leader with the minister. for increasing the usefulness of the choir, and for stimulating the congregation to participate in hymn singing.

Elementary Musicianship by Bauman is a guide for the beginner to the elements of musical notation and structure.

Cosmetics and How to Make Them

by Robert Bushley gives formulae and instructions for beauty preparations.

Repairing and Constructing Farm

Buildings by J. C. Wooley is organized from the point of view of actual steps involved in building repair and construction.

The Story of King Arthur and His Knights by Howard Pyle and Time for Fairy Tales Old and New compiled by Arbuthnot are additions to the juvenile collection.

The Recreation Leader by Harbin gives the why, what and how of effective recreational leadership.

Your Home Can Be Christian by Donald M- Maynard, head of the Department of Religious Education of Boston University School of Theology, faces the everyday problems of parents in the religious guidance of their children.

Books on psychology and education include: Client - Centered Therapy by Rogers. The Mentally Retarded Child by Levinson, Educating Gifted Children by Hildreth. The Film in Education by Buchanan, and An Introduction to Therapeutic Counseling by Porter.

Great Paintings from the National Gallery. Art Treasures of the Louvre. El Greca. Classic Art: the Great Mastera of the Italian Renaissance are four new books which reproduce some of the world's outstanding paintings.

Man Against Cancer by Bercn-blum. a scientist who has spent the greater part of his career in cancer research, is scientific but nontechnical in its approach.

Radio Astronomy by Lovell and Clegg gives an account of the new science which applies the techniques of radio and radar to problems which have previously been the domain of astronomy.

The Great Frontier by Walter Prescott Webb has the thesis that with the end of the global frontier came the end of a world boom and an expanding civilization adapted to it.

Read all the advertisements in the Spectator.     -

The Writer

How bright; how dull.

The life of a writer is hectic. Full of impression Loaded with depression. Carefree and gay. yet Selected and dry.

Write till you can’t Then write some more.

Hope for the light Then lose the switch.

Accept the praise For what you do.

Up to the time You know you’ve spent Your better years And never know why.

Marlin Walters.

The enjoyment an individual derives from living is largely determined by his ability to maintain an equilibrium between the external forces which act upon him and his internal desires.— John L. Childs.


I studied well what authors said.

Learning to play from what I read

Forehand, backhand, Job. and smash—

Mastering all from books in a flash.

Service to forehand: rush the net;

Placement and strategy win tho set.

So l read and studied the game.

But on the courts it was not the same.

I missed the ball: my racket turned:    

Doing, not reading, is how I learned.

—Alvin Zunkel.

Clay And People

As I stood by the potter's wheel, rolling and blending a lump of clay in preparation for centering it on the wheel, the thought came that each of our lives must be centered around some great ideal—God. service. social concern, evangelism, peace, or inner light. THe ideal will differ as people will differ; yet each left will have a center.

The forming of the clay into a cone took time, concentration more than one beginning anew, until the clay was ready to be opened. Just so in the process of growing, our hearts and minds arc made receptacles of something good, something worthwhile.

As the clay cone grew taller, it took a rough form. There was a vase: I thought of each student. The irregular top of the vase suggested. not a failure, but an opportunity for a new creation, a pitcher. Each life has its own creative possibilities. Our job is to make the best of what we have as our lives are finding shape and meaning.

Hardships and new experiences may be painful in the process, but they make us strong, as, the heat of the kiln hardens and matures the clay. If we come through the strains and hardships, we are ready for service; centered and adjusted we will reflect God’s growth in our lives by the light in our face, by the enthusiasm we bring to our work. Whether on a job. at home, or in school, let us all become instruments of pence, each in his own way.

(From The Volunteer.)

The fool who is angered, and thinks to triumph by the use of abusive language, is always vanquished by him whose words are patient.—Undanavargo.

Thinking With The President

At the college presidents meeting in Los Angeles this year, as at each of the meetings of previous years, there were representatives both from the colleges and from the military to speak on the draft situation.

They set forth their beliefs once more that the strength of our land lies in its ability to offer helpful leadership to the world. They said that whether we like it or not we have become a world power, both economically and militarily. There are many ideaologics in the world; two of these, the Communist and the American way have come into sharp competition at the present time. Each in its own way is bidding for acceptance by the rest of the world.

They said further that if we of America would present our way of life convincingly, is as imperative that we ourselves be clear and strong ideaologically. In fact, looked at from the prospective of time, ideaological strength is even more important than military strength. Whereas, military strength might preserve us for a decade or a century, ideaological strength can assure us of continuity and posterity through many centuries.

In the light of these facts we were urged as college presidents to undertake to keep able youth in college. We were told that if local draft boards indiscriminative-ly call college youth out of college when they have demonstrated ability to do college work, they are not acting within the spirit of the selective service law which provides deferrments for education.

In brief, the advice to college youth is:

1.    Keep in close touch with your college administration concerning your rights under the selective service law and the real wishes of your government for you.

2.    Hurried enlistments to avoid being drafted avail very little. They may inhibit your educational development and restrict your later, fuller service to your country.

3.    When you pass your physical or even if you get a call for induction, see your college administrative concerning what they are advised that you should do.

4.    Do not be unduly worried about the draft. Rather, keep on making the best grades you can possibly make and thus prepare yourself for long time service to humanity and to your country.

D. W. B.

Bulldog Barks

Sighs of relief were uttered as students pulled their noses out of their books a week ago Wednesday, to take a few days vacation from studies to enjoy life. But we’re back at it again, starting a new semester, buying new books, adapting a new schedule and finding out last semester's grades.

During the semester's lap - over. Carole Davis became the bride of Dick King. The ceremony was held in her home town of Nocona. Texas. They’re back at school already, just waiting for school to get out.

Ruth Papa is editor of the Spectator this semester. She was managing editor with Lorene Marshall last semester and speaking from opinion, she put out a very good paper. Ruth is now taking over the headaches, jobs and details that bo-front an editor, and she’ll do her best.

Several Macollege students have left the campus due to necessities. Stan McClung went to his home in Sacramento, Calif, to finish his major in a college near there. He left a lot of friends here, especially one—she lives in Arnold Hall.

Ann Carpenter is leaving to see her fiancee in Camp Chaffee. Arkansas. for a few days and then she will take the bus to her home in Las Vegas, Nev., to get things ready for her wedding, which will be held here in March. Though she’ll be out of school, she'll have plenty to keep her busy.

The army calls again and this time it's taking Bob Schmidt next Tuesday. He’ll go to Kansas City and from there, he'll find out where he will be stationed. He hopes it’s Fort Riley, but you never can tell.    

Three couples decided to go to Wichita a week ago Thursday in

be some kind of notice on the bulletin boards announcing where they will be and how much, so— Be they a dime or quarter Or taste like mortar Disregard how it feels

And eat between meals.

Miss Sarah May Vancil visited her parents in Ottawa. Kans.. Saturday and Sunday.

Bobby Lee Ikenberry spent Saturday and Sunday in McPherson with his grandparents Prof, and Mrs.- S. M. Dell, and his uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. - Melvin Christy.

Bobby Lee’s parents are Mr.' and Mrs. Ernest Ikenberry, Manhattan.

West, Jones Are Engaged

Mr. and Mrs. Lester Jones of Canton. Kansas announce the engagement of their daughter. Sue. to Donald West, son of Mr. and Mrs. Russell G. West of Wiley. Colorado.    

Sue attended McPherson College last semester, and Don is a senior majoring in philosophy and religion. The wedding date has not been set.

A Chemistry Student's Version Of The 23rd Psalm

I have a chemistry teacher.

I shall not pass.

He maketh me to show my ignorance

Before the whole class.

He giveth me more than I can learn.

He lowereth my grade.

Yea. though I walk though the valley of knowledge.

I do not learn.

College Students In Germany Have More Freedom

trusting faith that one of the male He fireth questions at me members had read the paper right.! In the presence of my classmates.

"There was going to be a Horace Heidt show at the Forum and it’ll really be good”. So, they donned their duds and headed that way. despite snow.

They found a parking place near there and finally got inside the door with icy gusts of wind pushing them in.

The boys hadn’t gotten the tickets yet and as they were looking around for the seller, people dressed in slacks, jeans, bobby -socks and saddle shoes kept pouring in.

They In turn stared as queerly at the couples in heels, hose and suits. And then—just over some man’s head there was a huge sign —Wrestling tonight—and right next to it—Horace Heidt. coming Saturday.

Well, thanks to Ed Frantz (alias Horace) — Lu Carpenter. Donna Phelon. Bob Peel. Betty Brammell and Carl Metsker wound up at a show eating popcorn.

Shirley McDaneld had quite an accident. She was shopping with a friend of hers and as she got out of the car. somehow the door went completely shut on one of her fingers. It’s still in a bandage and probably will be for some time. yet.

There have been a number of new girls moving into the dorm due to leavings and other reasons. Marlonna Wine is rooming with Barbara Berry on fourth and Lois Knackstedt is living on fourth too. with Robina Royer.

Pauline Adams, who was here last year, will be rooming with Ar-ilic Hudson on third. Down on first. Phyllis Wampler has moved in with the new nurse. Pat Ford. Martha McClung is staying in Kline Hall with Virgina Reist this semister.

It’s good to see Kenny Evan’s face again. Five days before he was going to leave for school last Sept., be got rheumatic fever. Bat he's up again and will be in school the rest of this year.

The Food’s class is trying something new this semester. Instead of making just enough food for themselves in the lab. they’re going to making popovers. cream puffs and such for sale. The prices will vary according to the ingredients used and the product they make. Be on the look - out for them on Tuesdays and Thursdays Next week they’ll be making cookies and pies. There will probably

He annoineth my head with problems.

My eyes runneth over.

Surely atoms and molecules

Shall follow me all the days of my life

And I shall dwell in the chemistry lab forever.

Long Is SUB Janitor

Norman Long. Macollege freshman from Worthington. Minn., was appointed janitor of the Student Uniop Room at a recent meeting of the Student Council.

The question was brought up in chapel period last semester and the students voted to hire a student to take care of the SUR. Norman is in A Cappella choir and is a member of the Freshman Octette.

Curtis Leicht Is Engaged

Mr. and Mrs. Jesse H. Dressel of Lyons, Kansas announce the engagement of their daughter. Janice. to Curtis Leicht. son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Leicht of Perryton. Texas.

Janice is employed in the office of the County Engineer at Lyons.

Curtis is a junior at McPherson College. He is in A cappella choir and is director of the Pep Band.

Ruthe Keller Becomes Bride Of Alvin Willems

The wedding of Ruthe Keller, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Peter A. Keller. Dallas Center. Iowa, and Alvin E. Willems, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Willems of Conway. Kans., took place at 7 o'clock Saturday evening. Dec. 20. at the Church of the Brethren in Dallas Center.

The bride’s father officiated at the ceremony. Gilford Ikenbcrry of McLouth. Kans.. sang Thorugh The Years" and "The Lord’s Prayer." He was accompanied at the organ by Mrs. Ikenberry.

The bride, who was escorted to the altar by her brother. J. W. Keller, wore a ballerina length gown of white velvet, regingote fashion over white lace. Her illusion veil was held in place by a hat of velvet. She carried white roses on a white Bible.

Mrs. Lawrence Myers, cousin of the bride, served as matron of honor. She wore a ballerina length gown of American Beauty velvet and carried a semi-colonial bouquet of white pompons and sweet peas.

T. James Willems, served as best man for his brother. Ushers were Robert Copeland, Jacob Eby and Bennie Peters.

Mrs. Willems, before her mar

riage. was employed by the Bren-ton State Bank in Dallas Center. Mr. Willems is Industrial Arts instructor at McPherson College.

After a wedding trip to New Orleans and Natchez. Miss., the couple are now residing in Kline Hall.

Rattliug Tumult

(ACP) At Texas Christian uni versity a student tripped in the cafeteria, broke all the dishes on his tray and started an incident which ended in enough dishes to fill a 50-gallon can.

It happened on a Sunday noon. After the student stumbled and broke the dishes, several more students dropped their trays and ran from the room, apparently in protest over the meal.

Then came a volley of soft drink bottles from the lounge. The cashier stopped serving the lines and pleaded for order. The cafeteria manager asked that a committee meet with her and discuss the grievances.

But no one is really sure that grievances are at the bottom of this. The Skiff, student newspaper there, claims that some students are loud in their complaints about cafeteria food, while others praise it highly. The entire incident might just have been a psychological chain reaction.

ACP A German student is completely free.

At Frankfurt university are studying about 5,000 students. There is no one living in dorms, fraternities or rooming - houses. They all have their own rooms on rent, without any kinds of regulations or restrictions.

And there is no student party inside and outside of the University without alcoholic drinks.

Students greet their professors in class by knocking with pencils on the desks. If they are not agreeing with their professor, they will demonstrate their contrary opinion by scraping with feet. Today, because most are wearing crepe-shoes. it is more popular to hiss by mouth.

Agreeing is expressed by knocking with pencils or by trampelling. It happens very often that one part of the class agrees, while the rest is hissing—in the same moment.

Now between high school in the U. S. A. and Germany there is a fundamental difference. The kids in Germany enter high school at the age of 10 and stay there for nine years. During this time they have to take:

Nine years English, six years Latin. four years a third language (French. Italian or Spanish), five years Chemistry, nine years Geography. six years Physics and nine years of Mathematics. In addition, they must take Sports, History, Germany, Religion, Music and Drawing.

About 45 percent of all German children are going through high school..

German universities expect that a student will do the most important part of his studies at home by reading books. Courses have only the functions of introductions. There arc no textbooks The professor names a certain number of books. The student has to decide what ho wants to read By this way, it is possible that a German university has about six months vacation during a year But a serious student has to study rather hard during this time.

Many students ‘renounce certain classes if the professor is not outstanding. They will register for the class and prefer to read good books in the field “at home.

There are no tests and examinations. between the studies. After three to four years the student will pass a big difficult examination to get the master degree.

He will apply for permission to take the examination if he has the feeling of being well prepared. But almost 30 percent will fail and can repeat the exam after a certain time.

You can get only two academic degrees at a German university, the Masters and the Doctor. Between German and other European universities is no hard difference.

Coppock, Lehman See California

Miss Doris Coppock and Miss Della Lehman were California bound during Christmas vacation.

They stopped at Doris’s home in Clovis, New Mexico on the Sunday following vacation where Miss Lehman talked, at the Morning Opening Service at the Clovis Church of the Brethren.

At Clovis Doris picked up her parents. Mr. and Mrs. X. L. Coppock.

On the way to California, the Coppocks and Miss Lehman made a side trip to Mexicali. Mexico where they shopped, tried out their Spanish and lite a Spanish meal.

The meal consisted of Tostadas, highly seasoned pigs feet. Tacos, corn meal, meat and lettuce patties, enchilades, a cheese, toma-toes and onion concoction, and "cofe con leche’’.

The Coppocks stayed at Oceanside, Calif, with Doris’s brother Dale and family. Doris said what she enjoyed most was swimming in the Pacific by moonlight, watching T. V. and just eating and sleep-


Miss Lehman took a bus to Los Angeles where she visited her brother W. C. Lehman. She lunched in Hollywood and saw several plays during her stay.

Miss Lehman met the Coppocks at La Verne where they visited friends before returning to Clovis via Palm Springs and Phoenix.

Miss Lehman spoke during the morning service Sunday. January 4. at the Clovis Church of the Brethren.

Following church, the party started back to McPherson accompanied by Mrs. X. L. Coppock.

Of Days To Come

A calendar on the wall' to me Depicts the future stress and strain In numbers not in words, you see. The future happenings taunt my brain,

And lend to let my blood run cold. But now I let my thoughts unfold.

I’ll never worry of what will be. I'll put my faith in what I see. I’ll let the future take its toll, For what I want will be my goal.

—Marlin Walters.

Great men are they who soc that spiritual is stronger than material force, that thoughts rule the World.—Ralph Waldo Emerson.

Ode-To A Borrower

I think that I shall never see The dollar that I loaned to thee.

A dollar that I could have spent.

For varied forms of merriment.

The one you needed so that day.

And which you said that you’d repay.

The one I loaned to you so gladly.

The same which I now need so badly.    

For whose return I had great hope, Just like an optimistic dope;

For dollars loaned to folks like thee.

Are not returned to fools like me.

Read all the advertisements in the Spectator.

Bulldogs Romp Swedes 64-43

The McPherson College Bulldogs found themselves after a slow first half in which they were only able to compile 23 points, to go on and defeat the Bethany Swedes by a score of 64-43.

A near capacity crowd, that-sounded even larger in Bethany’s pint size gym, went wild in the first half ns the game followed the pattern of most McPherson. Bethany games and was nip and tuck right down to the half-time whistle.

Both teams exhibited an amassing ability to miss the Utile round hoop during the first quarter. The McPherson players scored only two field goals in the first quarter, and this was one more than the Bethany players were able to score. An abundance of free throws livened up the first quarter somewhat and the quarter ended with McPherson In the lead 9-8, after the lead had changed hands four times.

Bethany moved out in front for a short lived lead right at the beginning of the second quarter on successive baskets by Lang and Fry. With about half of the quarter remaining, Bob Bechtel put the Bulldogs out in front for good when he made a lay up and since he was fouled in the act of shooting, also added a free throw. At the half. McPherson was ahead 23-19.

McPherson started fast at the beginning of third quarter on two quick baskets by Bernard Whirley and Bethany was never In the game after that. The quarter ended with a couple of nice shots by Glen Gayer to make the score at the three quarter mark, McPherson. 43, Bethany 30.

The Bulldogs continued the rout in the final period, with "Woody” using every player that was suited up before the game was over. Tommy O’Dell added a free throw before the end of the game to make the final score 64-43.

McPherson    Fg Ft F Tp

Hanagarne ............5    2    3 12

Blickenstaff ............5    5    4 15

Bechtel ................2    3    4 7

Metsker ..............4    2    2 10

G. Smith ...............1    2    4 4

Whirley ................3    0    2 6

Gayer ..... 3    J    1 7

O’Dell ..................0    2    2 2

Frantz .................0    0    10

Sharpe ...............0    0    10

Mollhagen .............0 10 1

Peel ...................0    0    0 0

Totals ............... 23 18 24 64

Bethany    Fg Ft F Tp

Kliewer ................3    3    3 9

Percival ...............1    5    4 7

Fry ...................1    3    4 5

Lang .....*............3 2 3 8

Benson ................1    4    2 6

Bowman ..............1    2    4 6

Loy ............. 0    0    1 0

Sodergren ...... 1    2    1 4

Bishop ................0    0    0 2

Vet Jets, Ball And Chain Lead

Coastal League


Vet Jets ................3

Jo fo’s     3

Pogoittes ................2

"B” Team ..............2

Faculty .... 2

College Inn ..............1

Sloppy 7     0

Rockets ..................0

Central League


Ball and Chain ..........3

Borkie’s Boys ............2

Craig’s Cadets ............2

Tigers ....................2

Hoerner Horses ............1

Aces ................1

Neher's Queers ..........1

Blocker’s Stags ............0

B Team Wins Over Bethany

The McPherson College "B” team completely overwhelmed an outclassed Bethany ”B” team by the score of 65-30 in the preliminary game Monday night. For the Bull dogs it was a pair of Freshman, who hold promise of being valuable players in the coming years, that dominated the scoring for McPherson.

Bill Mollhagen pumped in points and Bob Wise added another 18 to pace the Bulldog’s scoring. Loy was high for Bethany with 7.    

McPherson ”B”    Fg    Ft     F

Peel ....................4    0

Sharpe ..................0    1

Mollhagen ................4    6

Wahl ....................2    0

Freed .......... 2    0

Ensminger ..............4    2

Thomi ....................1    1

Wise ......................8    2

Totals ..........

Bethany "B”

Loy ......................1

Nelson ....................0

Shorman ..................1

Flohr ....................0

Whalen ..................l

Elvin ....................1

Baxter ....................3

Holt ......................1

Erickorn ................0

Totals ....................8    14    15

.26 13 16 Fg FI F

.11 21 22 43

Totals .......

Girls Were Initiated Into WAA

The, following is a list of the girls who were eligible for initiation into WAA:

Virginia Bowers. Loreen Cline, Betty Holderread. Arlene Merkey, Eula Mae Murrey, Dorothy Nicholson. Norann Royer, Bev Schech-ter, Lois Ilaoa, Mary Elizabeth Swinger. Jean Walker, and Mar-lonna Wine.

Men In The Service

Here is the address of a former Macollege student, who is now serving in the Armed Forces:

Pvt. Donald L. Stevens US 55264497 Prov. Co. 2421 APO 872    

Care P. M. New York. N. Y.

From The Sidelines

By Draper

Starting with this, the first issue of the semester, and continuing all semester. I am going to have a column dealing with some of the sidelights of sports that have occurred during the previous week.

One of the major topics of discussion on the campus the last several weeks, has been the new rule change that has taken place in football. Naturally, since McPherson's team Is supposed to have been hurt more than others In the league, most of the student reaction to this new rule has been unfavorable. However, even more Interesting, has been the comment of the players. Over the nation, the players are supposed to have celebrated the coming of the new rule with Joy and glee, but such was not the case bere.

All of the reserves, who saw at least some action last year, and ev-majority of the "1st” team players were very unhappy with the new ruling. Comment from some of the reserves was to the effect that the coaches will not have any time to spend with them because he will be working on the first two teams, so that all of them will be able to play both ways.

The main complaint from first team was that some of them were just able to play offense, or defense, and It was going to be difficult for them to learn the oth er, when they had not even played both ways in high school.

Since the paper has not come out for three weeks, there have been several basketball games that have been played that are too old to go in as regular story, but the scores should be mentioned here.

On January the tenth, the McPherson Bulldogs journeyed to the Colorado State Campus and there defeated Colo. State that had earlier in the year split with Denver U., by the score of 57-49.

On the next weekend, when most of us were worrying about semester finals, the Bulldogs took their annual two day swing through the eastern part of the state. Here they played two games in two nights and in these two conference games they split even. On the first night they lost to Ottawa U the score of 73-64, and on the next night they were able to give Baker U. a loss by a 82-61 tally.

The crowd at Lindsborg for the Bethany game last Monday night failed by quite a ways of rivaling ones of previous years. The last two years the stands were packed to capacity by 6:30, and this year person could find a seat there at any time during the game.

I won’t soy. though, that there were good scats left, because even the first people there have trouble finding a seat from where they could sec both baskets and the scoreboard.

The Bulldogs dominated the rebounds off both backboards in the game with Bethany. Carl Metsker. especially, did some magnificent rebounding. Time after time in the first half, he was catching the ball with one outstretched hand, practically stealing it from the opponents,

Well that’s all for this week, as I am running out of time as well as things to say.

Top Conference Scorers

G FG FT TP Ave. Dehl. C. E. 11 95 146 336 30.5

Cassel, W. 11 90 Harder. Beth. 11 73 Stephens. W. 11 73 Geise, Otta. 11 60 Simons, Otta. 11 51 Davec, Bgk. 10 37 Blick., Me. 14 63

45 225 20.5 82 236 19.8

59    205 18.6

60    180 16.4 69 171 15.5 64 138 13.8 62 188 13.4

Kansas Conference Standings

Ottawa .. McPherson* W. U.


0    234 185

1    349 301 1 298 282

Bethany Baker C. of E. Bethel

..2 ' 2 236 255 ..1 2 199 225 ..1 3 286 296 ..0 5 304 362

Mac Wins Over College Of Emporia

The McPherson College Bulldogs Jumped to an early lead last Saturday night and were never headed as they defeated the College of Emporia Presbies by the score of 7164. For the Bulldogs, this was their third conference win of the season against one defeat.

The first quarter found Bob Bechtel sinking two free throws to put McPherson into the lead 2-0 and they were never headed after that, in spite of the best that Charlie Dehlinger was able to give. The quarter ended with McPherson in the lead by the margin of 16-10.

McPherson’s airtight defense designed to hold Dehlinger paid off to the extent that in the second quarter they moved him to one of the guard positions for a while and let one of their other players handle the post. Dehlinger only made a total of two field goals in the first half, but did add 6 free throws. The half ended with McPherson out in front 27-22.

Both teams found the basket with amazing regularity during the third quarter. For the Bulldogs it was Wayne Blickenstaff. who had set out a major part of the first half with three fouls, that sparked the team with a total of 13 points in this quarter. In this same quarter Charlie Dehlinger added nine more points to keep C. of E. in the game. The third quarter ended with the Bulldogs ahead 55-47.

The final quarter found the Presbies unable to overcome the lead that the Bulldogs had built up. and in spite of a last minute effort by-Charlie Dehlinger McPherson won the game 71-64

Wayne Blickenstaff led the McPherson scoring with 23 points. Charlie Dehlinger was high for the Presbies with 27, 15 of which were free throws.

League Standing In Girls’ Intramurals

Around 75 girls participate in the Girls Basketball Intramural program. Following arc the league standings:


Merkey ............-.....4 0 0

Wine ....................3-1 0

Baker ............... 3    0    1

Lou than ..................2    0    2

Sicglo ............... 1    0    2

McLeod ...................1    0    3

Powell ..................0    1    3

Grove ... 0    0    3

Learning At Both Ends . . .

(ACP) The Cavalier Daily. University of Virginia, has finally figured out the definition of education. Says the Daily:

"We have been sitting around the University, man and boy, for over five years and we have finally decided that an education is a process of deadening one end in order to liven up the other.”








5 4

Blickenstaff ..

......... 8


4 23

Bechtel .....



3 13

Metsker ......

........ 4


1’ 8

G.; Smith ____

Whirley ____





4 9 1 2

B. Smith ____



1 2

Gayer ......



1 9

O’Dell .....



2 1

Frantz .......

........ 0


1 0

Totals .......

........ 26

19 23 71

C. of E.


Ray Ebberts



3 14

Swedbcrg ____

........ 1


4 3

Dehlinger ..

......... 6 15

3 27

Heckart ____

......... 2


2 6

White .......


2 7

Hein ........



0 3

Ron Ebberts



3 4




1 0

Totals .......

.........19 26

18 64

Grinnell Requests Radio Scripts

Macollege students and faculty members are invited to submit 15-minute radio scripts "of an intelligently patriotic motif.” with those selected to be paid for at 5100 a script, to Herbert Prescott. Grinnell College. Grinnell, Iowa.

The Grinnell College Radio Players directed by Prescott, plan a series of 13 shows under the aegis of a National Association of Educational Broadcasters. Fund for Adult Education. grant. In the past few years, the group has world-premiered nearly 50 original scripts, many of which are contained in three commercially published books under Prescott’s editorship.

Scripts should be submitted in standard form and may be in prose or in poetry-. Those sending scripts should enclose stamped return envelope with submission. All materials in proper form will be carefully read, and rejected scripts will be accompanied by a check - from appraisal.

Student Honor Goes On Trial

(ACP) With final exams near at hand on some campuses, students working under the honor system must again make ready for the supreme test—the test of personal integrity. ,

Here’s what some college newspapers have to say about this test:

The Baylor Loriot~-"Most of us watch people cheat, get hopping mad, but don’t do anything about it except sit around and gripe. Some say they don't want to be a tattle - tale: all right, had you report them or sit around the rest of the quarter and watch them cheat all the time causing your grade to be lower.

"We must decide for ourselves. If we want the honor system to work, we must be the ones to make it workable.”

The Tulane Hullabaloo—"If there is no honor system at Tulane, it is because there is no honor. If there is no honor it is the students’ fault.

"The teachers have caught on. There is cheating, often obvious cheating ... If the students won't stop it the school must.

"Therefore it is the duty of every student. . . to find this honor, or it is his duty to ask that the honor system be abolished so that he may be protected against himself like the intellectual midget that he is.”

The Postscript. Richmond Professional Institute — "Cheating is the easy way of doing things, but it helps no one . . . Most of us would not take money or an article from a fellow- student. Why steal his thoughts?”

Basketball Dates

Jan. 30 McPherson at Bethel. Jan. 31 McPherson at Phillips, Enid. Okla.

Feb. 4 Kansas Wesleyan at McPherson.    .

Feb. 6 McPherson at College of Emporia.

Feb. 9 Bethany at McPherson. Feb. 14 Washburn at McPherson. Feb. 18 McPherson at Kansas

Wesfeyan.    .....

Feb. 21 Ottawa at McPherson. . Feb. 28 Baker at McPherson.

Read all the advertisements in the Spectator.

Editorial Contest Opens On Problem Of Social Drinking

’What do you think about social drinking?" is the question asked by the Intercollegiate Association for Study of the Alcohol Problem. The association is opening a contest with $1,700 in prizes for editorials discussing this problem.

The contest is open to any fulltime undergraduate student registered in a college, university or Junior college in the United States or Canada for any term of the. school year 1952-63. No student who has written professionally is eligible.

General theme of the contest is social drinking. Editorials may deal with any phase of the theme and each writer shall select his own title.

Maximum length of each editorial is 800 words and the minimum length is 500 words.

Deadline of the contest is May 1, 1953. To be considered, an editorial must be postmarked not later than this date.