McPherson Makes News In December Issue Of Time Thanks, It’s Been Fun In my first editorial which was published in the Sept. 12 issue of the Spectator. I asked the student and faculty body for their cooperation in producing a good newspaper. Now it is time for me to say thank you to all of you who responded so readily. I think we have met our goal of having an interesting und timely newspaper which. I hope, is representive of Macollege. Please take special note of persons listed on the masthead below who have worked many hours each week so that you might enjoy fifteen issues of the Spectator. Since we have had cooperation between our staff and readers, we have been able to release all Spectators on Friday noon with the exception of one publication date which was pushed back to Saturday so that we could publish the story on the All-Conference football team. Special thanks are extended to faculty advisors, Sarah May Vancil and Gordon Yoder, who were always willing to lend a helping hand when the going got a little rough. Also special thanks to Dr. D. W. Bittinger, who in spite of an extremely busy schedule, always had his column ready for us. Thanks also to the entire staff of the McPherson Daily Republican who always gave us their full cooperation and helped us out of some tight spots. It has been a lot of fun for me to be editor of the Spectator. It’s always an enjoyable experience to watch the expressions on your faceB as you read the Spectator every Friday noon, but you know, it s sometimes a little embarrassing to hear you find mistakes we missed. L. M. dents can help, in making it come true by simply “acting like Christians." which is the good advice offered by Rozella Switzer. This should be done off campus as well as on campus. Let’s try to teach McPhersons’ citizens that its motto. "The Friendliest City in Kansas" should extend to all races. What’s Wrong With McPherson College Letter To The Editor Are we speaking of you? Yes, of. but because we as members of because you the students and faculty are McPherson College. What’s happened to our pep and enthusiasm? In the past two years McPherson College has become known throughout this section of the country and even beyond, for Its achievements in athletics, music, debate, science, and many other fields of study. This is the result of hard work by the student body and faculty of the school. — Whenever, we entered into something regardless of its nature, we gave it everything we had to offer. We were a challenge to others. Everywhere people commented on the new spirit that had sprung forth on our campus. |
Now we find that our spirit seems to have lost its punch. This is not due to the fact that our leaders have lost their enthusiasm nor their desire to make McPherson College something for all of us to be proud our college family, have ceased to reflect and magnify this spirit. Do you feel that McPherson college has attained the goal for which it was intended? If you do then there is no need to push on to higher accomplishments. We can all sit back and watch our college become just another church school. Or, we can really get pepped up and keep going in the way we started. Now you ask, what can we all do to help keep McPherson on the map? For one thing whenever we enter into something, let’s give it all we’ve got, regardless of what it is. Be it music, athletics, a chapel program, or what have you. Let's strive constantly to make it the best ever. Let's make McPherson College the “Best In The West.” You must remember it takes more than one to do this. Won't you join us?—Unsigned. |
These Are New At Mac’s LibraryHistory books lead the number of new additions to the college library to be reviewed this week. A History of the League of Nations by F. P. Walters was published by the Oxford University Press under the auspices of The Royal Institute of International Affairs. The aim of the book is to set forth in consecutive narrative the origins and the history of the League of Nations. Mr. Walters was closely connected with the League throughout its existence. The United States in International Banking by Siegfried Stern is the inner story of the determining role that banks have played in the expansion of the foreign commerce of the United States. The author has been engaged in international finance since 1899. From 1916 to 1945 he was connected with several leading New York banks. The Read to Reunion by Paul H. Buck treats the subject of reconciliation between the North and the South, 1865-1900. It interprets the social rather than the economic readjustment. The Anatomy of Revolution by Crane Brinton is a new and completely revised volume with the addition of a section dealing with the Russian Revolution during and after the Second World War. Brinton has explored the historical facts behind the great revolutions of the western world to sec the causes, leaders, patterns, and results of revolutions. The author is professor of ancient and modern history at Harvard. The Evolution of Modern Latin America by R. A. Humphreys is an introduction to the modern history of Latin America. The book emphasizes social, political. and economic developments. What People Wore by Douglas Gorsline is a visual history of dress from ancient times to twentieth century America. Nearly 1800 detailed illustrations and 12 plates in color appear on chronologically dated pages. Beginning Electricity by J. R. Eaton takes the mystery out of electricity for the layman. Wild Life Beyond the North by Frank Illingworth, illustrated by many photographs of animals in their natural homes, is an account of the rich animal and plant life north of the Arctic circle in a land most people consider desolate. Picture Primer of Attracting Birds by C. Russell Mason of the Massachusetts Audubon Society covers in detail the hobby of bird-attracting and gives rules for bird identification. How to Paint for Pleasure bv R. O. Dunlop gives practical hints and tips for the amateur painter. How to Understand Propaganda by Alfred McClung Lee attempts to give a sane method of dealing with the high level of pressure in society today. |
The December 29 issue of Time magazine contained an article concerning the six Macollege Nigerian students and the reaction of McPherson's citizens to these students in relation to the race problem in McPherson. The editor of the Hutchinson Herald. John McCormally. also a reporter for Time magazine wrote the article as Time’s Christmas story for 1952. Similar articles of different length were also found in the Emporia Gazette and the Salina Journal. Word quickly got around town about the article in Time, and Abel’s Stationery store in downtown McPherson sold its supply of Time Magazines In twenty minutes. The Nigerian students themselves, consisting of Joseph Obi. James Craig. Isaac Grillo. Daniel Onyema, Emanuel Thompson, Elijah Odokara. and Augustine Njo-kn - Obi (the latter coming from Central College) said that the article in Time at certain points was not completely accurate. The phrase in Time about Nigerian Communists coming home with plenty of money for political activity may have been overstressed. Although the article implied that all seven of the students received a new suit, overcoat, and gloves, only four boys actually received any sort of clothing. Hotel! a Switzer. McPherson’s postmistress, has done a wonderful job waging a campaign for equal rights for the African students in downtown establishments, but unfortunately, she has only touched the surface. Actually as far as the townspeople have been concerned 'for the last few decades, at least, there has been no race problem here because of the almost complete absence of Negroes in the city. The arrival of these seven Nigerian students has brought matters more out in the open, especially with the printing of the Time article. Although McPherson College in the article did not receive as much credit as a rightfully deserved, the prestige of the college has doubt been greatly enhanced by achieving national prominence a widely - circulated magazine. A few days after the article came out in Time. Elijah Odokara, was picked up by one of McPherson’s citizens as he was walking down Euclid avenue on his way to town. The man was very friendly and offered Elijah a job at one of the local used car lots cleaning and polishing automobiles. Elijah accepted and on his first day of employment he was given a S3 bonus! He stated that he had walked down Euclid many times, and previous to the appearance of the Time article, only college students picked him up. Evidently the arrival of these Nigerians has a far reaching influence on at least one good citizen. Time magazine says "In a short twelve months’ McPherson has cast aside its old measurements of comfortable solidarity.” |
Ode To A. F.Have you ever had the fear at church As you pass the offering plate. That those coins within its wooden waits Would be something that you’d hate. Even though you’re careful When you pass that plate next door. You have the strangest feeling When the treasury hits the floor. To hear the coins go rolling Missing everybody’s feet. And their eyes arc placed upon you That is when you admit defeat. Better luck the next time," Some one to you tries to say. But don’t you get discouraged. There will be a brighter day. Bethel College Presents “Little Women”The Bethel College junior class will present the play "Little Women" on Feb. G and 7. The play is an adaption of the novel by Louisa Mae Alcott. Read all the advertisements in the Spectator. |
Thinking With The PresidentIn 1953 — I Resolve 1. I will not become so hurried this year that I cannot take time to evaluate. Knowing that I cannot do everything I will try to select the things to do which will really be profitable to others and to myself. I will try to maintain an emotional balance in the midst of noise, hurry, stress, and strain. 2. I will be kind. Each day I will try to say a kind word or do a kind act just for the sake of doing it. This I believe will bring justifiable rewards to me, to others. and to the general community of which I am a part. _ I will do an honest piece of work. Whether my job is studying, or working for pay. or both, I will put forth an honest effort: so that I can respect myself and be respected by others. 4., I will take time to be a good family member. If I am married I will spend time being a good husband, wife, parent, which ever applies to me. If I am not married I will be a thoughtful roommate. I will keep close relations with my home, writing frequently the best letters I can. 5. I will go to church. I will not neglect my spiritual life. This, I know, is the eternal part of me: if it is neglected nothing else will be important in the long run. I will try to live in the presence of God. 6. I will laugh and smile. I know that life has enough of stress and sadness in it without my adding more. If my smile and sense of humor can brighten my corner I will undertake to do my share. I will try to add a little good cheer as I go. Signed: A Student or Faculty Member of McPherson College.
Bulldog Barks Ed Frantz went home with Lu and Ann Carpenter to Las Vegas, New Somewhere near Tucumcari. New Mexico, the ’40 Pontiac uttered its last wheezy rattle and traded in for a ’47 Olds. Dale Carpenter is the proud father of a baby girl. She was a stubborn little thing and decided to wait until 1953 rolled in to arrive —now she isn’t deductable from the income tax of 1952, but anyways the Carpenters are still proud parents of their six - pound bundle of heaven. Now that*another year has come and gone the usual celebrations and the new year is in. we students turn over again to the brighter side of life—dull studies. With semester exams, and term papers due in the near future, things will be popping on this campus. Meyers, Bloeher Are Engaged Mr. and Mrs. Harry Meyers of Norton, Kan. announce the engagement of their daughter, Shirley. to Sherman Blocher of McPherson. Shirley is a Macollege freshman and Sherman is a special student. No date has been set for the wedding. Frances Hamslier Weds John ThomasThe Church of the Brethren at Parsons, Kans., was the setting at 2:30 p. m. Sunday, Dec. 21, for the wedding of Miss Frances Ham-sher, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Hamsher and John Thomas, son of Mr. and Mrs. Basil Thomas of Leeton, Mo. The Rev. Frances Shenefelt read the double ring ceremony. Baskets of white mums before a background of greenery decorated the church and wedding tapers burned in seven - branch candelabra. Mrs. T. J. Reed played traditional wedding music and was accompanist for Miss Lois Reed as she sand "I Love You Truly” and "The Lord’s Prayer." Givon in marriage by her father, the bride wore a gown of white slipper satin styled with a full skirt which ended in an aisle-wide train. In her bridal attire she carried out the tradition of "something old, something new” and her bridal bouquet was a nosegay of yellow rose buds and small white chrysanthemums. Mrs. Wilma Correll. a sister of the bride, was her matron of honor. She wore a pink taffeta dress and carried a nosegay of pink carnations. The bridesmaids Miss Dorothy Lucore of Arriba. Colo., and Miss Elizabeth Clark, Parsons, wore dresses of green and yellow taffeta and carried nosegays of carnations to match their dresses. Jean McDill of Independence, a niece of the bride, was flower girl for the wedding. Her gown of taffeta matched the dress worn by the matron of honor and she carried a white basket filled with rose petals. Gary Hamsher of Independence. a nephew of the bride, was ring bearer and carried the rings on a white satin pillow. Ruehlen, Schmitt Are EngagedMr. and Mrs. O. T- Ruehlen of McPherson announce the engagement of their daughter, Janet, to Robert Schmitt, son of Dr. and Mrs. John Schmitt of Wichita. Both Janet and Bob are sophomores at Macollege. No date has been set for the wedding. Petty Lou Hershberger Has Appendectomy Miss Betty Lou Hershberger, Regional Youth Worker, underwent an appendectomy at the McPherson County Hospital Monday evening. Jan. 5. Her condition is reported as good. She is in room 306. Students Will Not Take Bus To Washington This year the Youth Political Seminar is being held again in Washington. D. C., Feb. 2-5. Plans for the Macollege students have not been definitely set. However, at a meeting on Tuesday, they did decide that no bus was to be taken for the trip. Estimated cost will be approximately $45. However that is in the case that a decision was reached to take a bus. There will be $3.50 registration fee for those who plan to take the trip to the United Nation Assembly in New York City. Otherwise, the registration fee will be 42.50. For all who are planning to at' tend, there will be a meeting next Tuesday. Jan. 13. At this meeting the registration fee will be taken so that it may be sent in early to get reservations. At this meeting definite plans . are hoped to be obtained so that those who are definitely planning to go con make their necessary arrangements. Christmas vacation started out with icy roads home and snow piled into drifts by the road side. However. everyone that started for home got there sooner or later. Students found their parents anxiously awaiting their arrivals since Pop whose car had been glued to the radio, heurd about storms and icy wind blasts. Speaking about ice—three Macol-legc coeds each' came back with a chunk of it on the' third finger of her left hand. Janet Ruehlen said "Yes” to Bob Schmitt the Sunday before Christmas on his grandparents’ 50th wedding anniversary. Martha McClung gave her answer to John Robison and Shirley Meyers agreed whole - heartedly when Sherman Blocher popped the question. Also, several couples are soon taking the fatal final step. Dick King and Carole Davis ure planning theirs between semesters at her home in Nacona. Texas. ‘ Bob Wilson and Rowena Merkey will take vows just before Easter vacation and Elsa Kurtz. will walk down the aisle to Herb Edmonds in Las Vegas. New this coming June. Ah. yes. extra - curricular activities have a great deal of influence on college life. Bill Goering spent part of his vacation with Shirley McDaneld at her home in Portis, Kans. Bob Wilson spent some of the Christmas holidays at Rowena Mer-key’s home, then she in turn went to his place in Conway Springs, Kans. Marvin Ferguson got one day off at Christmas to see Shirley Alexander, who has a car of her own now. The basketball guys had to come back early for practice for tournaments at Hutchinson. Wayne Blick-enstaff was one who didn't even get to go home, but he didn't seem to mind too much since Beverly Turner lives here. Kathy Russell stayed here with Jerry Goering and working during the holidays—also, to help pass the time she saw Eddie Ball a few times. Wayne Jones spent part of his time with Jean Walker in Pampa. Texas, and Margaret Baile visited Bob Hoefle at his home in Marshalltown. Iowa. |
Lois Yoder Becomes Gerald Neher’s BrideMiss Lois Ruth Yoder, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harlan A. Yoder, Pampa, Texas, and Mr. Gerald Neher, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Neher. Oswego, Kansas, were united in marriage Tuesday evening. December 23. at 7 p. m. in the First Presbyterian Church of Pampa. Dr. Douglas Nelson, pastor of the First Presbyterian church read the double - ring ceremony. The church was decorated with pine and large white bows, and baskets of white chrysanthemums with spruce and tiny blue balls. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a long white gown with satin skirt and fitted lace bodice fashioned with a round yoke. Her veil of finger tip length bridal illusion was attached to a tiara of seed pearls and tiny silyer beads. She carried a bouquet of white roses. The maid of honor. Miss Betty Jeanne Reynolds, and the bridesmaid. Mrs. J. D. Atchley. wore ballerina length gowns of blue taffeta. They wore matching net tiaras in their hair, and carried pink colonial bouquets. Flowergirls. Bonnie and Kathy, daughters of Mrs. Atchley. wore pink dresses fashioned like the other attendants' and carried white satin baskets filled with pink and white rose petals. Doyle Neher, brother of the groom, sang "The Lord’s Prayer," and Mary Ellen Yoder, the bride’s cousin recited a poem. Lyle Neher, Irwin Porter, and Gordon Yoder ushered. Acting as best man was Dean Neher. A reception following the ceremony was held in the Education Building of the Presbyterian Church. The couple took a wedding trip to points of interest in New Mexico and are now at home in Lud-lowville, New York. Lois graduated from McPherson in 1951 and has been teaching school in Newton, Kansas. The bridegroom graduated from McPherson in 1952 and is now studying at Cornell University to become an agricultural missionary. Guests included Miss Edna Nch-er, Mrs. Mary Neher, Betty Young,1 and Esther Mohler. |
Robert Hamsher of White Cloud, Kans.. was best man and ushers were Wayne Correll and Carl Hamsher. Following reception, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas left for a wedding trip in the Ozarks. Both Frances and John are students at McPherson College. Stem, Ilaoa MarryMiss Lois Stern and Mr. Kuki Ilaoa were married at 2:30 p. m. Dec. 28, in a candlelight, doublering ceremony in the Church of the Brethren at Frcdricksburg. Iowa. The bride's father. Rev. Roy Stem, and Rev. Dean Farringer officiated at the wedding. Maid of honor was Darlene Trel-or and best man was Maea Alail-Sma. Lois and Kuki arc both students at McPherson College. They are now living in College Courts. Read all the advertisements in the Spectator. |
Cline, Miller Announce EngagementMr. and Mrs. Clyde L. Cline of Conway announce the engagement of their daughter. Delma. to Merlin Miller, son of Mrs. Fern Miller of Marshalltown. Ia. Miss Cline is a graduate of McPherson College, and is teaching in the Augusta schools. Mr. Miller attended McPherson College and is now employed in Marshalltown. Mrs. Hess Breaks ArmMrs. Maurice A. Hess had the misfortune of falling and breaking her arm during Christmas vacation. * The Hesses ' were visiting with some friends, and just as they were leaving. Mrs. Hess tripped and fell. Sargent Speaks To CBYFPaul Sargent, president of People’s State Bank, will speak to the College CBYF Sunday night. Jan. 11. The meeting will start at 6:30. Rev. James Elrod will speak to the group the following Sunday night. Jon. 18. _____ McClung Robison Announce EngagementMr. and Mrs. H. L. McClung of Sacramento, Calif., announce the engagement of their daughter, Martha. to John Robison, son of Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Robison. Lawrence. Kas. No wedding date has been set. Boys Vacation In CaliforniaFive Macollege boys drove to southern California and spent their two - week Christmas vacation sight - seeing and visiting friends. Wesley. Ikenberry of Quinter. Kansas, and Dwight Blough of Waterloo. Iowa visited at the homes of Richard Wickert and Wendell Lentz in Los Angeles. Stan McClung went to his home in Sacramento from Los Angeles via train. * Much of the time was taken up by sight - seeing-which included a trip to Ensenada. Mexico and a trip to several mountain resorts for tobagganing. They also viewed the Rose Parade and the Rose Bowl game in Pasadena. Mehlinger, Case Exchange VowsMiss Carolee Ann Case, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil L. Case, and Howard Dean Mehlinger. son of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Mehlinger. were married Dec. 28. in a double ring ceremony at the First Methodist Church with Rev. C. C. Brown performing the rites. Two seven - branch candelabra with white candles, fern, and two baskets of white stox. snapdragons and greenery, white flowers on the pulpit, and Christmas decorations in the background and throughout the church, with white flowers- on the church parlor mantlepiece were decorations. Love melodies were played preceding the ceremony and Clair de Lune was played during the ceremony. Max. McAuley sang Through the Years, and Entreat Me Not to Leave Thee before the ceremony and the Lord’s Prayer as the couple knelt at the altar after the ceremony. The bride wore a gown of lace over satin with a fitted bodice and brief lace bolero, tapering lace sleeves fastened with tiny satin buttons at the wrists and a floor-length skirt of pleated lace. Her veil of fingertip length was of nylon illusion held by satin bands, and she carried a crescent - shaped bouquet of stephanotis and white camellias. Mrs. Lois Frye, sister of the bride, was matron of honor and wore a floor - length gown of royal blue velvet. The bridesmaids, Mrs. Robert Frantz, Miss Donna Dean Dyck and Miss Reta Raleigh, and the taper lighters, Miss Betty Brammell and Miss Lois Erickson, all wore coronation blue taffeta gowns with royal blue velvet boleros styled like that of the matron of honor. The flower girl. Miss Mary Elizabeth Frantz, wore floor - length royal blue velvet dress. Best man was Keith Rickner. Ushers were Roland Delay. Paul Heidebrecht. Marlin Walters, Robert Mehlinger. and Robert Kerr. For going away, the bride chose a two - piece navy blue faille suit with navy accessories. After a short wedding trip, the couple arc living at 8084 N. Main Street. Mrs. Mehlinger is a graduate of McPherson High School and has been employed at the City Hall. Mr. Mehlinger also is a graduate of McPherson .High School and a senior at McPherson College. Lehmberg Achieves High Scholastic Honor Stanford Lehmberg, a former Macollege student, was one of four seniors at Kansas University elected this semester to Phi Beta Kappa. national honorary scholastic fraternity. By being elected to Phi Beta Kappa in the fall, Stanford, a humanity major, received the highest scholastic honor given to any KU liberal arts student.
Bulldogs Defeat Friends 81 - 44Macollege Loses Twice Wins Once In CIC Tourney Central Conference tournament by a 65 to 55 score. The Bulldogs built up an eight point lead at the first quarter hut failed to maintain It and Southwestern managed to nose ahead 32 to 31 at the half. Both teams used reserve strength In the second period. The first strings started the second half but the Bulldogs had cooled off and couldn’t hit the basket as effectively as they did the first quarter. The third period ended with Southwestern ahead 48 to 46. Seven fouls in the last quarter proved costly to the Bulldogs, for on 11 attempts from the free throw line Southwestern made seven of them good besides scoring five field goals for a total of 17 points. In the same period McPherson scored only nine points, including three fielders and four points from the foul line. Farney of Southwestern was high point man for the contest with 14 points while Gene Smith dumped In 13 points for the Bulldogs. The box score: Southwestern fg ft f Farney 4 The McPherson College Bulldogs O-
Washburn bad credit. The box,score: Washburn fa points to his 31 17 21 fg ft f routed the Friends U. Quakers 8144 1ft a non - league game played last Tuesday night. “Chief" Hana-garne made a shot from out front to give the Bulldogs a 3-2 lead and they were never headed after that. Wayne Blickekenstaff and Gene Smith sparked the team to a 18-10 first quarter lead, scoring 14 points between them. The second quarter was almost an exact replica of the first quarter with Wayne adding 10 points this quarter to give the Bulldogs a 48-22 halftime margin. Neither team was able to find the basket during the third quarter, except for Carl Metsker who tallied with three field goals. The third quarter ended with McPherson out in front 62-32. The Bulldogs added 19 insurance points in the final quarter, eight of .which were contributed by Bernard Whirley. “Woody” cleaned the bench in the final quarter and everybody that made the trip got to sec some action. Wayne BUekenstaff was high for McPherson with 28 points followed hy Gene Smith and Ctrl Metsker team 79-38. Five McPherson players scored 10 or more points as everyone seemed to find the range. Pacing McPherson's attack was Bob Peel with 18 points. Mollba-ficn had 16, Sies had 13 and Thomi and Wise bad 10 apiece. High for Friends was Gary Ackerman with 12. McPherson.Friond "B" team |
McPherson Defeats Bethel In First Conference Game The McPherson College Bulldogs started their quest of the conference basketball title by defeating Bethel in the opening conference game for each team by the score of 68-60. The game was played before a small crowd because of the fact the Christmas vacation and already begun.. The game was close right up to the closing minutes when McPherson was finally able to break into a fairly substantial lead. The score was tied ten times and the lead changed hands six. Bethel moved to a early lead and was never headed all during the first quarter. The closest the Bulldogs could come was to tie the score at 10 all with about two minutes left to play in the quarter. The quarter ended with Bethel in the lead 16-14. “Chief" Hanagarne added eight points in the second quarter and coupled with two of Bernard Whir-icy’s set shots. McPherson moved to a 33-30 halftime score. The third quarter found the lead see - sawing back and forth with Don Harder sparking Bethel with a nine-point splurge. This was enough to give Bethel a 49-47 lead at the three quarter mark . The Bulldogs put a 21-point drive in the final quarter with six players figuring in the final quarter scoring. The final gun sounded with McPherson winning 68-60. Don Harder paced Bethel scoring with a 22 point attack. Frank “Chief* Hanagarne led McPherson’s scoring with 16 points. Fg Ft f Fg Ft The Bethel "B” squad defeated the McPherson "B” team by the score of 56-32. Bill Mollhagen was McPherson’s leading scorer with 7 points. Kater paced the Bethel attack with 12 points. B Team Loses To Bethel |
Washburn University rallied late in the game to come from behind and defeat the McPherson College Bulldogs 79 to 68 in a first round game in the Central Conference invitational tournament at Hutchinson's. Sports Arena. The two teams played ou even terms the first quarter with the period closing 17-17, but in the second period the Bulldogs outscored Washburn and brought the halftime score to 37-33. McPherson held leads of four and six points until midway through the third period when Washburn pulled up to tie the score at 49-all. The period ended with Washburn ahead 5451. Early in the last half Washburn gained a 60-52 lead after a few bad passes on the part of the Bulldogs and from then on the team from Topeka maintained the advantage. McPherson played a good brand ’ ball for three quarters of the game and the Bulldogs had difficulty with a few bad passes »«H a stiffer. Washburn defense. Coach Woodard's Bulldogs again had difficulty in hitting the basket, hitting only 31 percent the first half and a game percentage of only » percent The first half Wash-bum hit 38 percent and ended with a 41 percent for the game. Washburn’s height advantage was a great asset for the Topeka team, but despite this disadvantage the Bulldogs played a good defensive game except for the last period. Wayne BUekenstaff was high scorer with 17 points to his credt “Chief" Hanagarne was second for the Bulldogs with 13. Yearsley of Totals o’Deu. ......... Totals 25 18 19 Southwestern Makes Mac Kneel With 65-55 Score Played Janaary 2. 1953 McPherson College bowed to a determined and well balanced Southwestern College crew in their second basketball contest in the |
Bloxom ...... Frank ........ McPherson fg ft f Totals f 18 19 Dogs Triumph Over Swede 85-40 In Last CIC Game McPherson College chagrined after two successive defeats in the Central Conference tournament, came back to swamp the Bethany College Swedes 85 to 40 in their third round game at. Hutchinson’s Sports Arena. McPherson displayed the best brand of ball they’ve played this season. Good floorwork and good rebounding combined with excellent shooting accuracy to hand the Swedes a defeat they will long remember. The Bulldogs’ shooting percentage was a little over 56 percent. The Bulldogs got off to a fast start with two quick baskets by Bcchtcl and a free throw by Gayer. From there on the McPherson score kept mounting and the lead was never threatened by the Bethany five. The soore at the end of the first quarter was 22 to nine with the |
Basketball Dates Jan. 10 McPherson at Colorado State, Greeley. Jan. 16 McPherson at Ottawa. Jan. 17 McPherson at Baker. Jaa. 24 College of Emporia at McPherson. Jan. 26 McPherson at Bethany. Jan. 30 McPherson at Bethel. Jan. 31 McPherson at Phillips, Enid. Okla. Feb. 4 Kansas Wesleyan at McPherson. ' Bulldogs going ahead to score six more points in the second quarter before the Swedes were again able to score. At half time the score was 40 to 25 with most of the McPherson scoring being done by Gayer, Whirley, Bechtel, and Gene Smith. McPherson’s half time shooting percentage was 47 percent as against 28 percent 'for Bethany. The last half was a repetition of the first hall only more so with McPherson pouring 45 points through the basket while Bethany hit for only 15. McPherson reserves played almost the entire fourth quarter and outscored a weary Bethany five 24 to seven; Bethany had a lot of difficulty hitting the basket- and hit for only 8 percent the last half. High point man for the game was Whirley, who made eight baskets out of 10 attempts for It points. Gayer followed with 14 points and Gene Smith hit for 13. High for Bethany was KUewer with nine points. The box score: McPherson fg ft f Peterson .......1____0 1 1 |
‘Woody’ Announce Football Awards Coach Chalmer “Woody” Woodard announced today the awarding of 28- football letters, three provisional awards, and also two managing letters. Two of the letter winners received their fourth award. They were Bob Bechtel at end and Howard Mehlinger as a back. Ten players won their third award from McPherson College. They were: Roland Delay, George Keim, Bob Peel, and Bob Powell, linemen, and Eddie Ball, Wayne Blickenstaff, Dwight McSpaddon. Tommy O’Dell, John Robison, and Gene Smith, backs. Nine players won their second award. They were: Eddie Frantz. Lowell Hoch, Jack ‘ Richardson, Clive Sharpe, Thomas Taylor, Howard Todd, and Vernon Petefish. linemen., and Bob Bean, and Bill Goering as backs. Winning their first football letter are seven players. They arc: Floyd Bayer, Steven Bersuch, Alvin Fishbum, Jerry Green, Don Moeller, Bill Smith, and Bob Wise, all linemen. In addition. Coach Woodard awarded three provisional awards. These players will not receive letters, but if they earn a letter in some following year in football, it will go on the transcript as their second letter. The three provisional letter winners are: Harry Ens-minger, Don Goodfellow, and John Williams, all backfield men. Two Manager letters were awarded to Dale De Lauter and Karl Dalke. Twelve of the 31 awards went to former students at McPherson High school. Altogether, four states are represented in the awards. Nobody ever questioned the verity of signs observed on government projects: Slow Men At Work. |