Special Decorations, Parties Usher In Christmas Season
“Deck the halls with holly . . . Tis the season to be jolly” such is the spirit of Macollege students as evidenced by the singing of carols trimming Christmas trees, planning Christmas parties and looking forward to Dec. 19—the day vacation starts.
Choirs Give Cantata 'The Holy Birth'
Lehman, Simms Give Recital
There’s Another Type Of Christmas Rush
Macollege students are finding that there is another kind of Christmas rush—the rush to get term assignments in before vacation.
It seems that most professors shoved semester deadlines up before Christmas vacation in order to avoid that last rush before the end of the semester. They have also found the three weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas vacations a good time to give examinations. make minor additional assignments, and make up missed classes in evening sessions.
Ah. the price of procrastination! Students will be students, and they arc finding this rush period just as hectic and as time - consuming as ones before semester exams.
There is at least one consolation. Perhaps, students won’t have so much studying to do over vacation
Bittingers Take Boat To San Juan
Early Monday morning. Dec. 8. Dr. and Mrs. D. W. Bittinger and their two youngest children. Richard and Marianne, got started on their way to Puerto Rico.
Their plans were to drive as far as New Orleans and from there, they planned to take a boat to San Juan. Their ship sailed Wednesday afternoon the 10th and they planned to arrive in San Juan sometime Monday the 15th.
The Bittinger family will leave San Juan on the 27th to start their return trip.
From San Juan they will fly to Miami and from there they will take a train back to New Orleans and drive back to McPherson.
The trip will be the children's first boat and train trip, as well as their first trip to Puerto Rico.
King Meets First Quad Deadline
So far. everything is going well towards the publication of the 195253 school annual, the Quadrangle," says Dick King, editor.
According to Dick the first deadline. Dec. 1, was met satisfactorily.
The first deadline is the first twenty - nine pages of the Quad which contain the pictures of the, campus buildings, and those of students as per classes. In all, there arc four deadlines, Jan. 15, Feb. 15, and March 12, 1953, at which time all material for the Quad’s 116 pages will bo due.
The 1952 - 53 Quadrangle will be of modem design, with white back- La Verne takes the lead In part
Five Schools Will Enter Debate Tournament
Although there arc no debate tournaments in sight for a while, the one coming on January 10th a big one.
Dean Berkebile stated that the debaters will start "limbering up” around the first week in January for the coming Economy Debate Tournament which will be held on Macollege campus.
There are five schools who arc participating so far and that number is expected to be doubled or tripled.
Sophomores Have Skating Party
The Sophomore Sunday School Class will sponsor a skating party at Peterson’s skating rink tonight.
The rink has been reserved for members of the sophomore class and their guests from 9 until 11 o'clock.
Officers of the class planned the party. They are: Paul Coffman, president: Esther Ikenberry, vice president; and Maud Ditmars, secretary.
ground and red lettering. Myers and Co., of Topeka, Kan. are in charge of the printing and publishing of the annual.
Those on the Quad staff arc, Dick King, editor; Kenny Brown, associate editor; Don Wagoner, business manager: and Karl Bald' ner, assistant business manager.
In all. 340 copies will be printed at a total cost of about $2,600.00,
September 7 Is Opening Day Of School Next Year
The faculty has released the calendar for the 1953-1954 school year. The opening date of school next year will be Sept. 7, with enrollment and freshman orientation on the 7th, 8th, and 9th.
The classes will convene on Sept. 10. Nov. 15-19 will be Regional Conference. The Thanksgiving recess will begin Nov. 25 and end Nov. 30.
Christmas recess will begin Dec. 18 and will last until Jan. 4. Enrollment for second semester will be on Jan. 21 and 22. Classes will convene on Jan. 25.
From April 9 to April 20 will be the Easter recess. May 14 will be set aside for All Schools Day. Baccalaureate will be on May 30 at 7:30 p. m., and Commencement will be on May 31. -
Choirs Present Christmas Story
Scenes from the Christmas story will be presented by The A Cap-pella and Chapel Choirs at the Chapel program Dec. 15. The scones will include Gabriel’s Announcement to Mary, the Road to Bethlehem, a Street Scene in Bethlehem. the Shepherds, and the Nativity.
Miss Doris Coppock wrote the scenes and scores for some of the music. Prof. Donald R. Frederick will direct the combined choirs. _Ad-ulu Carpenter will play the part of Mary, Don Fike, Joseph. Leon Albert will be the main character in the street scene and has written corresponding music. Marilee Grove is the organist. Gene Neff is in charge of lighting.
‘Razor’s Edge’ Is Shown Saturday
The "Razor’s Edge" by W. Somerset Maugham is the next movie to be shown Dec. 13. 1952 at 7:30 in the Chapel.
This movie is Maugham’s story of a young man's quest for spiritual peace among the anxieties and frustrations of a modern world, and his attempts to be a positive force for Good. It is screened against the background of Chicago, Paris, and the Himalays.
Tyrone Power, Gene Tierney, Herbert Marshall. Anne Baxter, and Clifton Webb star in this 150-minute movie. This movie has received the Academy Award Winners and honorable mention.
Ceramics Course Will Be Offered
A two - hour course in ceramics will be offered second semester announced Prof. E. S. Hershberger, head of the Art Department.
The course will be taught by Mrs. Garth Ellwood who majored in .ceramics at the University of Kansas. The class, will meet on Monday and Tuesday afternoons from 4:20 to 6 o’clock.
Hershberger stated that the
course-will be open to all students and others who are interested in this phase of adult education.
During Christmas vacation, the old laundry room next to the art laboratory will be prepared for this class.
Prof. Sheldon Carey, head of the KU Art Department, visited the Macollege Art Department and stated that the lay out was adequate for such a course. He also gave suggestions for the organization and presentation of the course. 
Students Plan To Attend Youth Political Seminar
More interest is being manifested in the Youth Political Seminar to be held in Washington. D. C. Feb. 2-5 as evidenced by 25 students tentatively planning to attend.
At present there is divided interest between transportation by bus or car.
Cost of the trip will be approximately the same as that estimated for the BSCM Conference trip. Transportation would be approximately $25 per person plus two dollars a night for lodging and cost of food which would be up to the individuaL
Players Plan Party,
Spring Production
•Plans for a properties party and next spring's play production will be discussed at the Players Club meeting Tuesday evening, according to Mrs. Una Yoder, director. The meeting will be at 7 p. m. in the SAR.
Christmas trees appear in Arn-old Hall, Kline Hall, the gym and the Dog House. Several dormitory students wanted to bring the festive spirit a little closer home and placed trees and other decorations in their rooms.
Work on the Arnold Hall tree was started by Betty Young. Lois Rolfs. Loreen Cline. Beverly Schechter, and Donna Wagoner: but before they were finished they were receiving aid and hindrance from most of the girls in the dorm plus a few fellows.
Kline Hall girls put the cooperative spirit of Christmas into effect and all worked together on the Christmas tree which stands in their parlor.
Personnel of the Dog House also worked together to add the holiday spirit to their business. They came forth with a Christmas tree well covered with angel hair and colored lights outlining the counter.
Miss Virginia Harris, librarian, decorated the library bulletin board to give studious persons a colorful Christmas greeting.
The Playground Activites class added the festive spirit to the gym by placing a tree and class room decorations there. These were decorations for a party which they had Tuesday night.
Rec Council Has Party
Members of Recreational Coun cil and their guests will have a Christmas party tonight at 7:30. The party will be held in Bitting-er’s recreation room.
Committees for the party were appointed at their last meeting Nov. 24.
Chairman of the refreshments committee is Marilee Grove. Lee Hogle and Mildred Beck will assist
her. Decorations are being planned by Elsie Kindley, chairman. Lyle Ne-her. and Eleanor Louthan.
Recreation for the group will be directed by Clara Bechtel, chairman, and Marlonna Wine and Leon
Albert. Bob Powell and Alvin Zunkel are in charge of worship.
SCA Goes Caroling
Members of SCA met last night to plan a caroling party to be held Thursday night. Dec. 18. Those planning the party are Gary Jones. Juanita Bellah. Lyle Neher. and Jna Ditmars. More information about this will be announced later.
Faculty Suggests Change In Classes
The Administrative and Curriculum Committees have suggested a change in the class schedule for next year.
For the morning classes, the following plan has been recommended:
7:45-8:35 Period 1 8:40-9:30 Period 2.
9:35-10:25 Period 3 10:30-11:20 Period 4 11:25-12:15 Period 5.
» The afternoon classes would start at 1:15 and proceed as scheduled. The periods would then be as follows:
1:15-2:05 Period 6 2:10-3:00 Period 7 3:05-3:55 Period 8 4:00-4:50 Period 9 The following would change in the present schedule: The period 3:05 - 3:55 would be allocated to the Music Department for scheduling their ensembles, * bands, etc.
The Monday and Friday 9:35 period would be scheduled as follows: The first 30 minutes would be scheduled for chapel and the latter part of the period would be reserved; either lor overrun chapels and assemblies, or class meetings and committee meetings.
The 9:35 - 10:25 period, Tuesday. Wednesday, and Thursday would be used to schedule the present conflicting academic studies upon a complete survey of a two - year schedule, as now outlined in the catalog. |
Trustees Will Meet In February
Dean J. M. Berkebile has announced that there will be a trustee meeting Feb. 16, 17. 18.
No further details are known at the present time.
‘Brazilian Gold’ Cast Is Touring With Success
Mrs. Una Yoder, who directed the presentation of "Brazilian Gold” here, has received word from the cast which is now touring northern Missouri, that they had given several successful performances.
The drama troupe Reported that the audiences seemed to enjoy the play and that they have been having a lot of fun.
In one church, they ran across the problem of having a tiny stage with only two entrances, but they managed to work out this difficulty.
The cast of the play Includes. Betty Jean Baerg. Maxine Hanley. Dale DeLauter. Myron Kreh-biel, Lyla Whitham. and Marlin Walters. |
College Calendar
Friday, Dec. 12:
Rec. Council Party.
Sophomore Sunday School skating party
Saturday. Dec. 13:
Movie: "Razor's Edge" 7:30 p. m. in the Chapel High School Clinic at Ness City Sunday. Dec. 14:
Christmas Cantata at the Church of the Brethren Monday, Dec. 15:
Southwestern basketball game here.
Thursday. Dec. 18:
SCA Caroling Party Friday, Dec. 19:
Bethel basketball game here Friday. Dec. 19 to Monday. Jan. 5 at 8:00 A. M.
Christmas vacation Saturday. Jan. 10:
Movie: "Broken Arrow” in technicolor
Students Plan Peace Conference
Tentative plans for the 1953 Peace Conference under the auspices of the Institute of International Relations through the American Friends’ Service Commission are under way.
Last Saturday, several Macollege students were at Bethel College, Newton, Kan., and together with students from Bethel College and the Friends* University of Wichita, helped to make plans for the 1953 conference. Those who went from Macollege were Miss Betty Lou Hershberger, the Regional Youth Director. Myron Kreh-biel. Norman Long. Isaac Grillo, and James Craig.
During the past few years, these conferences have been well attended by students from almost all the universities and colleges in Kansas. These conferences are held with the purpose of stimulating human relationships, and peace in the world through pacifism, and have been led by prominent advocates of peace, among whom are people like Bayard Rustin, Paul Haines. Don Royer, Dr. Amjya Cha-karavarty of India, and Dr. W Bittinger.
Three of the participating colleges have been tentatively assigned to the work they had been doing in relation to this conference. Friends’ University, whose duty it was for the past few years to be responsible for the promotion and publicity of the conference, has again been assigned these responsibilities. Bethel College will plan for the program, and McPherson College will again be responsible for the music, recreation, and worship during the conference.
The 1953 conference which is tentatively scheduled for Feb. 14-15, will be held on the Bethel College campus, at Newton. Leaders slated for conference will probably include Dr. Cecil Hinshaw. ex - President of Penn University. Oskaloo-sa. Iowa; Kay Beach, traveller in India and the Middle East under the Technical Assistance Program of the American Friends’ Service Commission; the Rev. Dan West, Peace Education Director of the Church of the Brethren; and the Dean Paul Roberts. Dean of Den ver, who was one of the speakers at Regional Conference.
The 1953 topic will be "Christian Techniques of Working For Peace.”
Final plans will be concluded at Bethel College, on Saturday, Jan. 15. 1953.
Loyalty Sunday Is December 14
Sunday, Dec. 14 will be Loyalty Sunday at the College Church. The goal of $10,000 is to be raised for the building of a new religious education building.
Sunday, Dec. 7, the sermon con sisted of talks by John B. Wall, Mary Spessard, Mrs. Kenneth Bechtel, Dr. R. E. Mohler and Rev. Harry Zeller, and was concerned with raising this money, and the reasons for needing a new religious education building.
Catalog For Next Year Is Being Prepared
Some of the items will be changed in the catalog. The faculty will be put at the back of the catalog, and there will possibly be Just one picture of the entire faculty taken, The semester expenses will l" placed in the front of the book.
The faculty is still working on change in schedule of classes for next year. The faculty decided to continue a study on a schedule, rather than give an approval immediately. This will also cause a change in the preparing of the catalog.; |
’The Holy Birth.” a Christmas Cantata by Haydn Morgan, will be presented by the church choir and sixteen vocal students of McPherson College Dec. 14, at 7:30 in the Church of the Brethren.
The Biblical text is adapted by Gerald R. Johnson. Prof. Donald R. Frederick is directing, Mrs. Lloyd Larsen is organist.
The voice students ensemble includes: Donna Ford. Florene Hale. Anita Rogers. Donna Wagoner, Elsie Kindlev, Elsa Kurtz. Dorothy Nicholson, Evelyn Williams. Keith Allison, Herbert Edmonds. Gordon Fishburn, Robert Price. Myron Kechbiel. Leon Neher. Don Thralls. Don West.
The church choir is composed of: Barbara Bowman. Phyllis Johnson. Florene Hale, Cosetto Ware-ham. Olive Ranck, Miriam Albright. Barbara I-app, Peggy Sargent. Peggy Kerley. Clara Bechtel. Mary Jo Christy, Doris Cop-, pock, Phyllis Beam. Anne Krch-biel. Alice Colyn, Kathryn Bechtel. Velva Wagoner.
Earle Lapp, Harold Beam, Mcl-vyn Christy. Paul Sollenberger. Paul Sherfy. Julius Steele, Royce Beam. Wilbur Ediger, E. S. Hershberger. Bob Bechtel. Paul Sargent, George Keim, Gordon Yoder, and Ellis Albright.
Mac Leads La Verne In Enrollment
Macollege has again taken the lead in enrollment of students as compared with her sister college. La Verne College, at La Verne, California, with a total of 378 students. compared with La Verne's 297.
time enrollment with 86 special students enrolled, compared with McPherson’s 13. Macollege has 306 full time students compared with 211 enrolled at La Verne.
Most of the La Verne students are composed of the 249 Californians who attend there. Oregon and Washington make up the rest of the bulk of the student body.
Walters Will Speak To Student Ministers
Dr. Orville S. Walters. M. D. will speak to the student ministers on the subject of "The Minister and the New Counseling’’, Tuesday at 6:45 in the room north of the Chapel. Dr. Walters has recently completed research on this subject.
Messiah Is Presented At Mentorial Hall
' Handel’s Messiah is to be sung Dec. 14. at 8 p. m. in Memorial Hall by the Newton community chorus.
Director Walter H. Hohmann and the chorus have rehearsed since early in October for this Sunday evening concert.
An admission fee of 50 cents will be charged. |
Say Please
“The germ of courtesy is contagious, spead it widely.” These words put into practice could cure many mental maladies in rushing, bristling society of America.
For some reason there is something in each one of us which longs for authority. There are always a few people whom we feel we have the privilege of "bossing around.” The larger this circle becomes the more secure we feel. To counteract this "authority stripe” there is another stripe in each of us which rebells against being "bossed around." Many turn someone down with the thought, "If he’s asked me politely, I would-have done it.”
"Will you do this for me, please?” has much more persuasive power than "Do this!”
Yet, we see these authoritative "requests" everywhere. On our college campus they appear most often on bulletin boards. As if these "requests” were not enough, sometimes an "or else” is added.
Such a notice is seldom heeded, and it finally has to be taken down because too many pencils have made lines through the words with saucy notations attached thereon. Of course, the one who wrote the notations is probably as much a an offender as the one who wrote the notice. But isn’t it a perfect example of chain-reaction?
Somewhere this chain must be broken. Maybe it can be broken by simply remembering to say please and to ask instead of order. A thank you after the request has been granted might help too.—L. M.
Thanks For Toys
The steering committees of the SCA and CBYF wish to thank everyone who helped with the Chirstmas project, students who brought toys from home and those who helped to repair them last Friday evening. Also, we would like to extend our appreciation to those members of the church who brought toys to us for the project.
The CBYF will meet in the social room of the church this Sunday evening at 6:30. We will sing Christmas carols at -this last meeting before Christa mas vacation. Pittsburg Has Ugly Man Contest
Kansas State Teachers College at Pittsburg is sponsoring a unique popularity contest Dec. 8-12. The ugliest man on campus is to be selected at that time.
This is their fifth year for such a contest. Its purpose is to raise money for service projects instigated by the Alpha Phi Omega service fraternity.
Students may vote for their choice by paying one cent a vote and they may vote as many times as they have a penny. However, there is a fee of one dollar to have a person’s name entered in the contest. |
These Are New At Mac’s Library
A few of the recent additions to the college library are reviewed for Spectator readers, but this brief space cannot include all the new
Two new books in the home economics field arc on clothing.
Better Clothes for Your Money by Mary Evans is a shoppers’ manual. For the benefit of the consumer. Professor Evans explains how to determine value in clothes and how to obtain better values for the money spent.
Tailoring- Suits the Professional Way by Clarence Poulin gives detailed diagrams and illustrations showing how all parts of the suit are designed and fitted.
Special problems such ns cutting and pressing arc explained and illustrated.
Decorate Your Home for Better Living by Mary L. Brundt tells how to plan and arrange rooms.
The book is written by an authority on interior decoration and is a guide for both period and modem furniture decoration.
Smith’s Story of the Mennonites is a new revised edition of a history which now includes the experiences of Mennonites in Europe in World War II and gives accounts of the transplanting of’ displaced European Mennonites to Canada and South America.
Both the original author. Dr. C. Henry Smith, and the reviser, Dr. Cornelius Krahn, have taught at Bethel College, Newton, Kansas.
Men, Women, and Morals by Sylvanus M. Duvall, a marriage counselor, considers the problems and the conduct of normal young people and adults — the married, the unmarried, the older married. He gives straight forward realistic answers.
A new addition oh basketball is Basketball Techniques Illustrated,
specially designed for the younger player and the beginning coach.
Economic Anthropology by Melville J. Herskovits is a study in comparative economics.
Perfumes and Spleen by A. Hyatt Verrill tells the interesting little - known facts about spices, perfumes, soaps, and cosmetics.
To Whom It May Concern
I’m a happy member of the Macol-lege family.
I can’t write poetry, as well you can see.
But I have a question which bothers me.
It isn’t griping that I mean it to
But prices have gone higher now of late.
And I’m a victim of this sad fate.
What I want to know is simply this:
(I hope it isn’t a question amiss!)
Why haven’t college wages gone
higher, too?
I'll give you examples, just a few—
College jobs—an hour for just 50 or 60 cents,
And. by comparison, much higher are rents.
Assistantships arc GO dollars for half a year,
But tuition rates are $11 an hour, my dear.
Beloved Macollege what shall I do?
That’s what I want to ask you!
—Ann Onymous
Read all the advertisements the Spectator. |
Thinking With The President
Great Ideas and Lowly Places
It is interesting that the groat ideas which have moved the world; even changing the very direction of civilization, have come from lowly and lonely places.
The greatest idea ever to enter into the world of men originated in a stable when God came down from heaven to give the world a loving little child.
A star stood over the place and the angel chorus sang, “Glory to God and Peace Among Men.”
Efforts were made to destory the child. His parents had to flee with him into a foreign land; there among strangers he grew.
Presently from a hillside in a mountainous country he said to his followers, “Go now and teach this idea everywhere. Never let it fall to the ground. Never let it die. Teach all men about God above and about helpfulness, good will, and peace among men.”
Other ideas have been bom in lowly places, also. Each of the great religions came from desert places where men could walk with God in quietude and without disturbance. John the Baptist was a great preacher in the wilderness beside a river; Moses met God on a mountain top alone; Mohammed dwelt in desert caves; Ghan-di also walked alone.
We here at McPherson are common people. Some of us feel as if we are lowly people; but great ideas can grow from common beginnings. Even from people like us, who are dedicated to the spirit of Christmas, can grow a spirit of helpfulness and peace which the whole world will see and feel.
—D. W. B
“Town Meeting" is Broadcast From Newton
Town Meeting of the Air” will be broadcast from Memorial Hall, Newton. Kans.. over station KFBI and the American Broadcasting Company network on Tuesday, Jan, 6, 1953. This program is the second number of the Memorial Hall series.
Since 1935 “Town Meeting” has been recognized as the leader in the field of educational programs. Participants of the program are outstanding authorities in government. education, journalism, business, and labor. |
Christinas Season Centers on Love
Customs change as do the sen-sons. And various countries have a multitude of various customs.
However, in the Christmas sen-son, most of the customs center around love and its possibilities. For example merry old England Has the mistletoe, as docs the United States which adopted it from England.
Then in Germany arc the sawdust trails. By this is meant that if you follow the trail one way you will find it lends to a - girl’s home and naturally the other way is to the man who lores her; This is not done by neither of the two. but by their friends.
Persia offers a strange love custom at the Yuletide season. In this country a man will take twelve well baked cakes' to his love. If she accepts them, he is to marry her within the next three months. But if she rejects he can come again to her and offer her the twelve cakes again but this time he has eggs and raisins on the plate to show his sincerity to her. But she still can reject him. Then he gives the cakes and eggs and raisins to poor people.
Apple blossoms are the flower for the Season of Joy in Bohemia. A few months before the festival time arrives, single girls grow branches of apple trees so that when the time arrives their blossoms are in rare beauty. With these blossoms they weave corsages for their hair. Then during the season if any man comes and takes a blossom from her corsage it is his proposal of marriage.
So go seasons, so go customs.  |
BVS And Music Dept Give Chapel Programs
The Chapel program for Dec. 8, was sponsored by the Brethren Volunteer Service. Sixteen young people, who have been in Brethren Volunteer Service, told of their experiences. Miss Della Lehman was chairman of the program.
On Dec. 10, the chapel program was sponsored by the music department. Galen Slifer. Norman Long, Leon Neher. and Leland Len of the Freshmen Octette sang “Good King Wencclas.” ”We Three Kings.” and “O Come All Ye Faithful”. The Ladies Trio — LaFaughn Hubbard, Margaret Baile. and Elsa Kurtz sang “Lovely Things’ and “On This Good Christmas Morn.”
Berwyn Oltman and Mrs. San Romani played- "Jesu Bambino” as a duct. Berwyn played the piano and Mrs. San Romani played the organ. The Ladies Quartet composed of Florene Hale, Peggy Sargent, Lavon Widegren. and Elsie Kind-ley sang two numbers. Frantz Speaks On-Bethany Hospital
Rev. Harrison A. Frantz who is a field representative of the Bethany Hospital in Chicago. III., spoke at the Sunday evening worship service at the college church.
The Bethany Hospital, which is Brethren owned and operated, is starting a nurses’ training program. The hospital had its beginning on the McPherson College campus, with A. C. Wieand as the first to start it.
“The hospital is in need of this nurses' training school, because there is a shortage of nurses trained for Christian service,” stated Rev. Frantz.
From 1930-1941, a nurses’ training program was operated, but was closed because the law required it to be a separate building from the hospital.
Financially, the hospital is in need of $400,000 for this program, with $90,000 of this raised at the present time.
Rev. Frantz is a brother of Earl Frantz, director of Public Relations.
The Spectator 3
FRIDAY, DEC. 12, 1962
Basketball is under way this year with twenty - three games to be played.
A week ago Wednesday Charles Petefish left to go to his ‘’home sweet home" of khaki colored barracks and beds in Fort Smith. Ark. He’ll probably stay there for the remainder of his army time since he was one of the lucky 24 out of 50 in his division who didn’t have to go to Korea. If you’re wondering why he came back to visit McPherson on a twelve-day leave, her name is Ann Carpenter.
Another lucky one on campus ts Shirley Alexander. Marvin Ferguson has come down several times on weekend leaves to enjoy the bright side of life which Macollege affords. His barrack home Is Fort Riley; however, he will probably get a leave for Christmas to go to his real home and take Shirl along.
Also a week ago Wednesday night at the annual football banquet. Donna Phelon was passing bread and celery plates like mad with her left hand in hopes that someone would see her diamond. After everyone had eaten, Eddie Ball looked over at Peel and said. "Is it now?” And Peel said “Yeah!” Well, it was true this time. Donna couldn’t eat her dinner, so Peel had two that night. He ate like nothing had ever happened.
Woody could do was shake his head and sigh. "Poor guy."
Bob Wilson took Rowena and Arlene Merkey to Conway Springs last Sunday for a short visit with his aunt and uncle there. Coming back, his car hit a chuck hole In the road and knocked two bolts out of the steering wheel. They landed in a ditch half - way upturned, but no one was hurt seriously.
Dick King. Carole Davis. Katy and Butch Coffman and Elaine Burkholder went to Adrian Saylor's home to go rabbit hunting and to fill up on home cooking. They got 14 rabbits, and two squirrels and less sleep than if they’d stayed here, but then, what’s sleep?
You never hear of it around here any more what with all those shot gun jests and sectional tests. We’re all going to be nervous wrecks before vacation starts.
Foreign Students Spend Vacation In Various Ways
The majority of the International students at Ma college will be staying on the campus during Christmas vacation. Among the ones who will not be leaving are Daniel Oneyma. Emmanuel Thompson. Joe Obi, and Elijah Odokara. Nigerian students, and Jimmy Ohse, student from Japan.
Eugene Lupri and Anneliese Koch will also remain on campus and will spend Christmas Day at the home of Prof, and Mrs. Joseph L. Bowman.
James Craig. Nigerian student, will spend the vacation in Nickerson. Kansas at the home of Mr. Frank McGonigle.
Zeller Attends Meetings
Rev. Harry K. Zeller attended meetings of the National Council of Churches in Denver, Colo, this past week, Dec. 9-12.
On Saturday. Dec. 13, he will go to Colorado Springs where-he will meet with the arrangements and programs committee for the 1953 Church of the Brethren Annual Conference which is to be held in Colorado Springs in June.
Reverend Zeller will return to McPherson early Sunday morning.
Monitor Church Holds-Birthday Party A birthday party was held at the Monitor Community Church of the Brethren on Sunday, Dec. 7. Every church member Is invited to attend and contribute money according to his age. The money is then used for flowers for church members who are ill or for funerals.
John Nettleton, Don Hoch. Dwight McSpadden, Al Zunkel. Bill Moore. Don Moeller. Lewis McKellip. Joe Johns, Leland Lengel Karl Bald-ner. Lloyd Hummer. Joe Kennedy. Ken Sheaffer. and Phil Spohn drove new cars of Miller - Kennedy's to Albuquerque, N. Mex. last Thursday morning. They returned Saturday noon. What an easy way to make money.
There’s a basketball game Monday and then one Triday night of next week. After that, vacation— n-h-h-h. s.
Students Present Recital
The Music Department presented a studio recital, given by the students of Miss Minnie Mugler, Saturday afternoon. Nov. 22. at the downtown studio.
The students appearing on the program were; Jill Hershberger. Roberta Bell, Janet All, Kay Kuti-na, Karin Anderson, Steven Wood. Lorna Lehmberg, J. Reed Pierce, Carolyn Cotton. Cynthia Lackie. and Janice Boyce.
Class Invites Children To Christinas Party
The Playground Activities class, with Miss Doris Coppock as teacher, held a Christmas party in the gym Tuesday evening. Dec. 9.
Each member of the class brought a child to the party from the age of 5-12. Members of the class planned the party, led the games, and served the refreshments.
The party gave the members of the class experience in leading games for small children.
Bethany Will Have African Student
Bethany College at Lindsborg is to bring its first African student to the campus next semester.
The General Administrative Committee of the Lutheran Church of Northern Tanganyika has selected Mr. Solomon Eliufoo. native of Tankanyika Territory. East Africa, to be a student there. This announcement was in a letter received from Dr. Elmer Danielson, superintentdent of the Lutheran Church of Northern Tanganyika.
Joint action was taken by the Bethany Home and Foreign Missionary Society and the Bethany College League last February to support one or two African students on the Bethany campus.
Mr. Eliufoo studied at Makerere College. Kampala. Uganda from 1941 - 1943. Following his graduation. he taught in a government school in Tanganyika. Since 1948. Mr. Eliufoo has served as secretary and treasurer of the Lutheran Church of Northern Tanganyika, whose membership totals 80,000 Africans.
Tuition is being provided by the college. Transportation costs will be taken care of jointly by the Board of Foreign missions of the Augustana Lutheran Church and the Commission of Younger Churches and Orphan Missions of the National Lutheran Council.
In My Day
This way my son, but watch your step.
And we’ll find the place the picture’s kept.
Round this corner and down six paces.
Ah! Here we are. Did ever you see such faces?
That’s the proud college football team
And, looking back, to me it seems
That both young and old came far to see
The Bloody Bulldogs of ’23.
A rough and determined lot they were
And made their toughest opponents purr.
What? You say they look quite idle?
You forget, my son, they won a title!
Those two at the left that look so kind
Were the roughest in the Bulldog line.
And that man in back—I forget his name—
Although he’s smaller, was about the same.
That man right there was one chief reason
Why we had a successful season.
He would leave the fans in awe.
I swear, he’s the best guard I ever saw.
Say, my son, just why do you ponder
On that crowded showcase yonder?
You say that down that way you’ve seen
A really high scoring machine?
But son. down there you’ll never find
A football team of this kind.
For, due to many a kind of reason.
We scored sixty points in just one season!
Bosh, son! No team is able!
To score more points than that is fable.
You say this team of ’52
Outscored our team by thirteen to two?
Phelon, Peel Are Engaged
Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Phelon announce the engagement of their daughter. Donna Lorone, to Robert Loren Peel, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Peel all of McPherson.
Donna, a former student, is now employed by the Farmers Alliance Insurance Companies, and Bob is a junior at McPherson College.
A summer wedding is being planned.
Weaver, Irons Wed
Miss Leila Ilene Weaver, South English. Iowa, becames the bride of M. H. Irons, Jr., on Wed. Nov. 26.
The wedding took place at Newton. Mrs. Irons went to McPherson College for two years. Mr. Irons is a freshman at Macollege.
Why, son. how dare you imply
That the team of years gone by—
What’s that, boy? May it please remain clear
That things have changed since I was here.
Now more men compete in sports.
And have protective gear of all sorts.
Shut up, boy! No more idle chatter.
As of now, we’ll dispose of this matter.
Come on, son, and I’ll show to you
Some more of the life I once knew.
We’ll see the dorm where I once slept.
This way. my son, but watch your
This poem was written by Garth
Curfew Rings For Frosh
I am a Freshman. One day I asked myself, “Percy, just what is the best way to relax and get your mind off studies?"
Of course my first and only answer was. "Get a date." That I did; with the cute redhead in my English class.
When the big night came, I took her to a movie, and then out to eat in a cute little place.
Since this was my first college date, I knew nothing of curfews. Right in the middle of : swallow of milk. Prudence remarked casually in the true naivety of womanhood. "Just think, it’s 9:20 already and curfew in 9:30 tonight ”
After I mopped up the milk, I paid the bill, grabbed Praidie and ran out to my Model "A". I know I would have to hurry to make it back in time, so I had Prudie ride on the hood to hold it down. Now the problem was how to hold Pru-die down, but of course that was her worry!
I tramped down on the gas, and we shot up to a cool 85 m. p. h all the way into town.
I had just shaken hands with her (?) when the housemother appeared to batten down the hatches—we made it in time.
Cost: Show $1.20, Food $2 00, Fine for Speeding, $20.00, and a complete nervous breakdown.
Women-Phooey ! ! !
Taken from The Midland College newspaper.
Classes Go To Wichita
The Non - Typical Child class taught by Prof. Jack Kough and the Social Work class taught by Dr. Kenneth Bechtel went on a field trip to Wichita Tuesday afternoon, Dec. 9.
The classes visited the Institute of Logopedics and then went to East High where a tour was taken of the counseling and guidance program at the high school.
E-Town College Gives
Christmas Cantata
Selected members of the Elizabethtown College chorus will combine with the choir of the Washington Street Church of the Brethren to present a Christmas cantata on Sunday evening, Dec. 14.
The cantata. "Come, Let Us adore Him.” by Lawrence Keating will be directed by Prof. Galen Herr. .
Mohler's Vacation In Florida
Dr. and Mrs. R. E. Mohler and their two children, Genelle and Edwin, left Monday Dec. 8, for Se-bring. Fla. where they will vacation for ten weeks.
The children will enroll in school there.
Dr. Mohler retired from the college faculty last spring but has continued to do some teaching.
Mead; Eck Marry
Miss Emma Jean Mead daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Max Mead, became the bride of Lavern Allen Eck. son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Eck of Elyria Sunday, Nov. 30.
Lavern was a student here last year, and is presently employed by Carlson - Rankin Implement Company.
Why Are Glosses Cut?
(ACP) A poll at Smith College. Mass., shows that sophomores do more class cutting than other students. Fifty-eight percent of the class cut at least once a week.
Three main reasons for cutting were given: Studying for exams; dull classes; and (for Saturday classes) out-of-town weekends.
Commented the Sophian, student newspaper, "The reasons or- excuses for missing class reveal neither maturity nor responsibility. The most frequent excuse, studying, shows, if not a poor value judgment. at least a lack of planning. The dull class routine is even more ridiculous.” -
Moyer Goes To Puerto Rico
An alumni of Macollege, Ronald Moyer '49, and his wife flew to Puerto Rico Nov. 29 for two years of service. They were in New Windsor, Maryland for training prior to their departure.
Their present address is:
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Moyer Castaner, Puerto Rico.
Hesston Holds Youth For Christ Rally
Hesston College’s seventh annual Youth for Christ Rally was held in Hess Memorial Hall on the campus from Nov. 26-30. The main speaker of the rally was Edwin I. Weaver, returned missionary from India who gave an illustrated message on India.
Hesston College is located in Hesston, Kansas, and is a Men-nonite church college.
Scholastic Goal ... ,
From the Varsity News, University of Detroit:
I serve a purpose in this school on which no man can frown—
I quietly sit in every class and keep the average down.
McPherson Loses To St. Benedict
The McPherson College Bulldogs dropped their opening basketball game of the season at Atchison last Sat-uday night to the St. Benedict’s College Ravens by the score of 64 to 47.
McPherson had the "First game." In other words, the team
was not able to put the ball through the hoop effectively during the game. To try to combat this Coach "Woody" Woodard used 10 players in seeking the most effective combination of players.
St. Benedict’s led all the way. 9-8 at the end of the first period. 25-16 at the half and 47-29 at the end of the third period.
High man for McPherson was Carl Metsker. who scored eight points. Close behind him was Tommy O’Dell with seven points and Bob Peel with six points.
High scorer for St. Benedict’s was Stueve, who hit 20 points, ten of which were free throws. He also scored two for McPherson in a mix-up underneath the basket in the third quarter. The box score: St. Benedict’s
Fg Ft Fta F |
Peters |
3 12 4 |
Lord |
10 0 0 |
Samuels |
7 5 7 1 |
Stueve |
5 10 14 1 |
Lazzo |
13 6 5 |
Sears |
0 0 0 2 |
Massarand |
3 2 3 3 |
Staletty |
112 0 |
Totals |
21 22 36 18 |
Fg Ft Fta F |
Hanagarnc |
2 0 0 4 |
Blickenstaff |
10 4 1 |
Peel |
2 2 4 3 |
Bechtel |
13 4 5 |
Metsker |
4 0 0 0 |
Whirley |
2 0 12 |
Gayer |
2 2 3 2 |
G. Smith |
0 3 3 4 |
O’Dell |
2 3 4 2 |
Totals |
17 13 23 23 |
B Team Wins
The McPherson B team won the preliminary game from the St. Benedict’s B by a score of 56 to 41. The score was tied at nine-all at the end of the first period. McPherson led 22-19 at the half and 41-29 at the end of the third period. Clive Sharpe. McPherson forward. was high scorer of the game with 16 points. Gibbons was high for St. Benedict’s with eight points. The box score:
McPherson B Team
Fg Ft Fta F
Bulldogs Play First Home Game Monday Night
Next Monday night. Dec. 15. McPherson College opens its home basketball season with a game against Southwestern College from Winfield.
The Southwestern Moundbuild-ers arc expected to field a veteran team against the Bulldogs. They have seven returning lettermen around which to build their team.
-Their outstanding player is Jim Farney who last year was the leading scorer in the Central Intercollegiate Conference as well as one of the all - conference selections.
They also have one player who is 6’6" and another who is 6’4”. On the roster are also three freshmen.
Their record last year was nine wins and 13 losses. In the game with McPherson they came out on the losing side by the score of 57-51.
Their new coach W. W. "Bill" Monypeny has led the team to one victory in their first three outings this year. They defeated N. W. Oklahoma State by the score of 59 to 48 and lost to Wichita U. and Phillips U. by the score of 86-53 and 69-57.
McPherson will have played three games by next Monday night. They lost their first game to St. Benedict’s and then they played two games in the Central Kansas Collegiate Tournament at Mound-ridge.
Adult Education Workshop Is Planned
An adult education'' workshop leadership training program for directors of adult education, supper-intendents of schools and others interested in adult education will be held at the University of Kansas in Lawrence Dec. 12 and 13.
3 13 4 |
Sharpe |
6 4 7 0 |
Wise |
2 115 |
Mollhagen |
13 3 1 |
Thomi |
6 0 0 0 |
B. Smith |
2 2 12 0 |
Sics |
13 3 1 |
Totals |
20 14 29 11 |
St. Benedict’s |
B Team
Fg Ft Fta F |
Thompson |
2 113 |
Gibbons |
2 4 5 4 |
Shields |
0 2 2 0 |
Holland |
10 0 0 |
Saesnick |
10 0 0 |
Dillon |
10 0 0 |
Stenger |
2 2 4 0 |
Hegart |
0 0 0 1 |
Scaletty |
2 0 0 4 |
Tome |
0 2 2 1 |
Scars |
2 0 0 4 |
Eastman |
10 0 0 |
Phicpher |
0 2 2 1, |
Totals |
14 13 16 18 |
Stick To Your Knitting . ..
(ACPTo prove that girls know their football, a gust girl reporter wrote up the account of the Michigan State Normal - Hope College football game as follows:
"During the first quarter neither side scored, and there were some spectacular plays by M. S. N. C. 0 I heard a fellow behind me say so.)
"Second quarter. Masy came into our section in her new cashmere coat, and it was noticeably colder. Also the team earned a penalty. That means they had to go backwards after they'd already gone forward. We girls didn’t understand why. but that’s okay. ( cold enough to have worn boots!)
"Two wonderful touchdowns were scored in the second half: (No. 64 from Hope was cute, and No. 32 was hurt.)"
Way Of Him Who Shares Thy Room
Blessed is the roommate who cur-seth not when forced to clean the room alone, yes. though he must need clean it twice a month. Blessed is he who leaveth not his shoes under the bed and thrice blessed is he who putteth the other fellow’s in the closet. Blessed is he who putteth not his gym suit on the table and his football shoes oft the bureau.
As for him that riseth early on a fall morning while it is still dark and the temperature is low and putteth down the window that the room may become warm before the sleeping occupant need venture forth from the bed and coverings thereof, he' shall be called perfect among the roommates of the earth.
Fortunate are ye if fate hath given ye the perfect roommate. Treat him wonderous well. If he doeth one thing for you, give him another to do, and so keep him content.
Then shall your path be strewn with roses from which he hath plucked the thorns and your joy as boundless as that of him who get-teth an A on a history test. —Article from Bridgewater College newspaper. B. C. Bee.
Intramural Games Of Basketball Follow Vacation
Intramural director. Dick Ware-ham. announced Friday, Dec. 5, that the Intramural Committee met the night before and decided on the rules governing the basketball program this year and also that the program will start immediately after Christmas vacation.
Quite a few of the rules are carryovers from last year. Some of these are for instance: There will again be a limit of eight players to a team. Anybody carrying 12 college hours is eligible to participate. The two - league idea that seemed to work so well last year will be in effect again this year, and the leagues will again be called the Central and Coastal Leagues. The time will be eight minutes to a quarter with one-min-utc time outs.
Anybody can qualify as a captain and form a team. After all the teams are formed, they have to be turned in by today, the various captains will meet with Dick War-ham and decide on the teams that will play in each league.
There have been several important rule changes that should be mentioned here. The major one is the decision to play two games at the same time this year. That will mean playing cross court instead of using the full court. That will enable twice as many .games to be played, so this year each team will play the other teams twice instead of just once.
At the end of the season there ’will be a single elimination tournament among the top four teams In each league. The winners of these two tournaments, if different than the team that finished on the top of the league, will play that team to decide the conference championship.
There will be eight games played each evening. This will consist of two games each at 6:30. 7:30, 8:30. 9:30. The nights that the games will be played will be decided at a later date. The week’s schedule will be posted at the beginning of each week and the rescheduling of any games, because of conflicts with all-school activities. will be listed.
The Intramural Committee will be the board of final decision on all matters pertaining to the basketball program. This committee is composed of J. D. Pole: Howard Mehlinger; Dwight McSpadden; Bob Powell; and Bob Bechtel.
This year the part of the varsity. basketball team that does not go on road trips will make up one team in the Coastal League and will be considered in the standings.
The faculty will have at least one team playing this year, returning after a year’s absence when they were just intermingled in all of the teams.
Bob Powell, who captained the Lazy Eight to victory in the Coastal League last year is again forming a team to try to repeat the performance. Ills greatest handicap will be the fact that four of his players have graduated.
It is not known, at this time, whether Loren Frantz, whose team won the Central League title last year, will captain a team this year to try to repeat his perfomrance. There is a possibility that may move up to the Coastal League.
Any boy interested in playing intramural basketball that has not been contacted to play on any of the teams should see Dick Ware-ham at once.
Read all the advertisements in the Spectator.
Basketball Rules Change
By Guy Hayes, Basketball Official
Basketball Rule Changes and Interpretations Professor Guy Hayes, Basketball Official
The great game of basketball will be ployed under fundamentally the same rules as last year, yet. what the overage spectator will see, will be considerable different until a major rule change or two are familiar to most fans.
Primary rule changes involve various foul shots. Actually, many of the shots awarded at the free throw line will be unchanged from last year. These are as follows:
1. All Technics! fouls carry an award of one free throw.
Fouls against a player, in the act of throwing for a goal from the field, that is the "shooter." one throw If his field goal is made, two throws If the field goal is missed. This applies for the entire game.
3. For all flagrant or intentional personal fouls, including those against a player who is in the act of shooting for a goal, two throws awarded, this rule applies throughout the entire game.
4. For aU multiple fouls and double fouls, one shot is awarded for each four, throughout the entire game. A multiple four is one in which more than one player foaled an opponent at the same time, and
double four Is one in which players foul each other simultaneously.
The big change arises in the former usual one - shot foul. For these the player now receives a one and one option: that is if he misses the first shot or free throw, he is awarded an alternate throw. If the first throw is made, the opponents immediately put the ball in play. If the first is missed, after the second, the ball is either put in play by the opponents if the throw is successful, or continues in play if missed.
On all ordinary one shot fouls in the last three minutes, two shots are awarded, regardless of whether the first throw is made or missed. This of course, puts an especially heavy penalty on fouling throughout the game, and particularly during the last three minutes.
There are two more major changes which might be noticed occasionally. This year, no free throw can be declined, that is. the throw will always be attempted, and the throwing team can not retain possession of the ball, except In the case of a technical foul, which gives any player on the offended team a right to one throw and whether made or missed, possession out of bounds.
Also, a player of the shooting team can this year touch the ball or basket when the ball is on the basket. As before, opponents of the shooter can not touch the basket nor the ball when it is on its
downward flight toward the basket. (this has happened only occasionally).
The spectator might also understand the rules and activity better if he would watch the official’s motion, particularly of his hands, to observe motion that violation has occurred, such as traveling with the ball, stepping Into the free circle or lane too soon, not getting across the "10 second” or "backcourt" restraining line within 10 seconds, not getting the ball passed into the playing court within five seconds after he gets it at his disposal, or being in the free throw lane more than 3 seconds at the offensive end of the court.
It might be helpful if there was popular student demand, to have a demonstration or explanation of various rules and violations explained in pep assembly or a specially planned practice session.
Certainly we should strive to be well informed about the rules of the gome, and be fair minded in our reaction to the arbiter (officials) who make the game of basketball possible for our enjoyment, pleasure, and sport.
Seventy Report For Intramurals
Seventy girls have signed up for girls’ intramural basketball. Games will be played Tuesday nights at 6:30, 7:15, 8:00 and 8:45.
Five of the members of the original team must be present. Games will consist of six minute quarters, with one minute for time out, two minutes at quarters, and five minutes at half time.
Captains of the teams are Kathy McLeod, Marilee Grove. Betty Jo Baker, Eleanor Louthan, Ro-wena Merkey, Ann Powell, Delores Sigle, and Marlonna Wine.
Play Football;
It’s Healthy
(ACP) The old belief that football players get fat and start going .to seed as soon as they quit playing football has been shattered by a study at Michigan State college.
The survey compared athletes with non - athletes. It showed that at graduation the average weight of athletes was 189 pounds, the average weight of non - athletes. 159. But during a period of from 15 to 25 years, the athletes gain an average nine pounds while the nonathletes gain 16.
The study also found that medical ailments are more common among non - athletes.
Athletics Become Business
(ACP) Robert A. Hall. Yale’s athletic director, and chairman of the NCAA television committee, told a college press group recently that if college football continues its present trend toward commercialization, it deserved to be called a business, hot a sport.