Sixteen Leave Wednesday For BSCM Conference

This year the BSCM conference (Brethren Student Christian Movement) is to be held Nov. 27-30 at Juniata College in Huntingdon, Pa.    

A group of students and two faculty members are planning to make the trip east.

M Club Carnival Is Saturday Night

1100 People See Opera

More than eleven hundred people attended McPherson College's presentation of Gilbert and Sullivan’s comic opera. "The Mikado" Wednesday night. Nov. 19. This was the college's second operatic production and was even better received than "Bohemian Girl.”

The opera offered color and variety in costumes, dialogue, and music. The cast in wigs and Japanese attire, the chorus with their hair blacked with carbon and dressed in brightly colored kimonas singing against a backdrop of Mount Fugi presented a convincing Japanese scene.

Mrs. Florene Hale, interpreting the role of Jum-Yum in her effortlessly clear soprano voice was outstanding among the soloists. Her husband. Sgt. Russell Hale, who is stationed in San Antonio was in the auditorium to hear and see the performance.

Joe Kennedy, playing the role of Ko-Ko. was outstanding for his acting and drew a laugh on almost every move.

Mrs. Florene Hale and Keith Allison were the only leads who were leads in last year’s opera. They again were romantically convincing as the young lovers.

The other soloists, Elsie Marie Kindley. Don Thralls, Don West. Anita Rogers. Peggy Sargent, Joe Kennedy, and Bill Mollhagen, had not done much solo work previously and met their largest audience Wednesday night.

Of these seven only three will graduate this spring, which leaves promise of hearing more of the other four in the future.

Prof. Donald R. Frederick, conductor of the opera, was pleased with the performance and termed it as a success. Since the opera was so well attended, it more than paid for itself.

After many hours of practice, many of those who participated in the production stated that it was well worth all the time and effort.

Old Folks Home -Will House 68

A new Brethren Old Folks’ Home is being built in McPherson and will be ready for occupancy in the next five to seven months. Rev. H. D. Micheal is superintendent of the new home.

The house and grounds, located at 1111 E. Kansas Ave. were bought by the Church of the Brethren for $30,000 after the death of Mrs. J. W. Fields in May. 1952. The home, which will be completely modem throughout, is being built to serve the entire Western Region. Seven districts other than the four Kansas districts have voted to assist in the building of the home.

The previous Brethren home in Kansas was built in Darlow, in 1891. It was sold four years ago because the buildings were badly damaged by a tornado.

Employment difficulties at the former location were also one of the reasons for the moving of the home to McPherson. Students from the college, both men and wom-en, will be used in various jobs, such as nurses aides and coretaking, stated Reverend Micheal.

The completion of the entire home may take some years, according to how well donations are received. The present drive is for the completion of 32 rooms, kitchen, and storage room. The original Fields’ home will serve as the administration building.

Although $10,000 has been subscribed. S70.000 is needed yet to complete the first unit of building An additional 32 rooms and a chapel arc planned to be added later, to give a total of 64 rooms, making the capacity of the home 68 persons.

Twenty tentative applications for admission have been received; and by the time that the home opens, the home will undoubtedly be fill-

Saturday night at 7:30 o'clock in the gymnasium, the M-Club is having its annual penny'carnival.

Members of the club and special committees of the club have been busy during the last few days in attempting to make this carnival the biggest attraction ever put up by the club. Special features are being planned, and already, the student body and certain faculty members, and some Regional Conference visitors, have been contributing their pennies to elect the king and queen for the carnival.

Special feature at this year's carnival will be the floral show during the intermission, at which time the king and queen for the carnival will be announced. Also at the Intermission, prizes will be awarded to winners of the various competitions. Prizes have been contributed by many of the down town stores and other merchants. Win-in cake - walk competitions will receive cakes baked by faculty members' wives, and wives of married club members.

The object of the carnival Is to raise money for the various club projects, and for the purchase of award blankets' for senior letter-men of the club.


Reverend Micheal has led quite a diversified life in the service of the Church of the Brethren. He served in the mission field in Mexico from 1943-46, teaching and aiding Mexican farmers in agricultural methods. He has also conducted summer camps for youth. He and his wife were the first leaders of the Falfurrias, Texas. Brethren project when it was first organized in 1923. He has lived in California. Oregon, Washington. Texas, as well as Kansas. Like all loyal Kansans, he calls Kansas his home state in spite of the fact that he was born in Oregon.

Reverend Micheal attended McPherson College and went to Bethany Biblical Seminary in Chicago.

Construction of the home is now in process. Harold E. Johnson, general contractor from Canton, Illinois, is in charge of building operations. Mr. Johnson has been hired by the Church of the Brethren to work on church projects throughout the region. He was previously working on the new Lincoln, Neb Church of the Brethren on which construction has been stopped on account of lack of funds.

Reed Art Exhibition Is Held Open To Public

An art exhibition with paintings by Ralph Reed is being held open to the public, in the Beeghley Library from Nov. 1-22.

Ralph Reed was born in 1890 in New Haven. Conn. He graduated from Yale in 1912. Mr. Reed later attended Columbia University where he took up painting and travel.

Mr. Reed worked in Colorssi's studio in Paris. The art oxhibit is being loaned to the library by the Studio Guild of New York.

The paintings are of places Mr. Reed visited in his travels. They are priced from approximately $200 to $300 apiece.

A display card with Mr. Reed’s picture in it, was painted by Elmer Fike.

Students Are Asked To Give Toys

The SCA and CBYF arc asking students who are going to their homes over Thanksgiving vacation, to bring back old toys with them These toys will be sent to needy children at Christmas time.

Students will meet in the Industrial Arts Building Friday evening, Dec. 5. to work and fix toys A lunch will be served.

Sunday evening, Dec. 7. a dedication of these toys will be made at the College Church. Rev. Harry K. Zeller, Jr. will be the speaker,

Six Hundred See ‘Brazilian Cold’

Approximately 600 persons viewed the one-act play, "Brazilian Gold." presented by the dramatics department Nov. 17. The missionary play shows the results of Christian good policy at work.

The cast included: Betty Baerg as a young nurse; Dale DeLauter as a young engineer; Ted Vance, a diamond buyer; Marlin Walters, a missionary; Lyla Whitham, hotel proprietress; Maxine Hapley, servant: Myron Krehbiel, a desperado.

The South American backdrop was painted by Virginia Bow-Macollege freshman. The Industrial Department built doors and frames for the set.

Phyllis Kinsery was in charge of props and makeup; Bob Vance lighting; Margaret Yost, ushers; and Al Zunkel, posters. Mrs. Una Yoder directed the play.

Brizilian Gold" will be taken on tour through northern Missouri during December._

Atkinson Honored

Esther A. Atkinson, faculty member and supervisor of residence hall food service at McPherson College 1933-41, became secretary of the American Dietetic Association Fri day evening, Oct. 24. at a banquet in Minneapolis, Minn.

Miss Atkinson has been associate professor and head of the department of hotel and institution administration at Pennsylvania State College since 1944. Before that she was affiliated with Kansas State College, Manhattan, and the University of Idaho,. Moscow.

Building Starts On Girls’ Dorm; Arnold Was Planned 37 Years Ago

At last, men are working on the site of the new girls' dormitory. While the present building scene consists of no more than a few stakes driven into the ground, the shed headquarters of Jarvis Construction Company, heavy digging equipment, and several piles of freshly unearthed soil, the building process has started.

Looking back to May 1915, the trustees were formulating plans to build Arnold Hall, the present girls’ dormitory. Following are several excerpts from the Iftay 31. 1915 Issue of the McPherson Daily Republican, which was devoted entirely to articles about McPherson College.

"With every room taken for next year and more calls coming in daily, McPherson College has a problem on hand. This Is the demand for room in the ladies' section the dormitory (old Fahnestock Hall). The call for accommodations has become so strong that it is likely that some concerted action for a new building will follow shortly and the manner of raising the money is being considered at this time.

"The college is receiving full recognition at the State University and

Council Makes New Budget

The Student Council approved the following budget for the first semester of the 1952-53 year: Women’s Council    $ 20.

Men’s Council Social Committee    $    150.1

M-Club    S25.00

Expenses so far this year:

Growl    $

Spectator    $    150.

Quadrangle    $    750.00

3 Percent Depreciation for SUR     $

Flowers for Homecoming $ 17. Gifts to Queen & Attends. $ 12.00 Campus Decoration Prizes $ 18.00Miscellaneous    $

Enrollment Deadline Is December 5

Students are to enroll with their counselor. A list of each student's counselor is on the bulletin board in Sharp Hall. All enrollment Is to be done by Dec. 5.

Students will fill out a form indicating the courses they wish to talie next semester. Also- the counselor will help in seeing that each student meets the adequate requirements.

Total Expenses. Income:    

Student Activity Fee Balance from 1951-52 Balance at present


$1350.00 $ 478.18 $ 204.00

This croup consists of Dr. Burton Metzler. Doris Coppock, John Nettleton. Shirley Coppock. Delores Sigle, Velva Wagoner, Dale DeLau-ter. Leon Albert, LaFauchn Hubbard. Don Thralls, Lorene Marshall. JoAnn Royer, Esther Merkey. Hatsuko Kanasawa. Evelyn Williams and Esther Wiliams (La-Verne’s representative).

Plans are that the group will leave Mscampus Tuesday night, Nov. 25 and return in time for Thursday classes, Dec. 4.

Those who are taking cars are Dr. Mctzler, Doris Coppock and John Nettleton.

The speakers for the conference are: Al Brightbill, former director of music at Bethany Biblical Seminary in Chicago; Bob Byerly, who Is on the faculty at Elisabethtown College: and Ed Crill. National Youth Director for the Church of the Brethren.

Vernard Elier. editor of youth publications; C. C. Ellis, president, of Juniata College:    and Burton

Mctzler. professor of Bible at McPherson College.

T. Wayne Rieman, director of religious activities at Manchester: Harold Row. secretary of Brethren Service and Bob Richards, the pole-vaulting parson, who is on the faculty at La Verne College.

Don Royer, who is on the Manchester College Faculty: Bill Willoughby. professor of sociology’ at Bridgewater, and adult advisor of the southeastern regional youth; Don Smucker. associate professor of Biblical Theology at Bethany Biblical Seminary; and John Oliver Nelson of the Yale Divinity School find author of "Young Laymen—Young Church."

The conference being over Sunday noon and also the fact that Macollege has an extra -day for the Thanksgiving holidays, will facilitate the proposed trip to New York City that the group is planning to take.

The cost of the trip, including the side trip to New York City, will be approximately fifty dollars.

There arc representatives from all of the six, Brethren Colleges.

It was hoped that thirty-three students could have gone from Macollege and La Verne. If this plan would have gone into effect then a bus would have been chartered to take the group.

Class Tackles Major Writing Assignments

A short story was the first large project of the year for Miss Sarah May Vancil’s Creative Writing class. This assignment proved to be no easy job for the seven members of the class. Many hours of work went into the planning and writing of these short stories and the final results, according to the author, were not as satisfactory as they had hoped they would be.

Several persons in the class started their stories as much as four and five times while others had trouble bringing their stories to a close.

The next project was a radio script. All wrote the Doctor Christian type script.

The last part of the one - semester course will be on the study and writing of poetry.

Just to keep an edge on the class's enjoyment and interest, Miss Vancil has set aside Tuesday of each week for the writing of individual creative work. This is read in class and then criticized by Miss Vancil and the class.

Berkebile Appoints Research Group

Committees have been appointed by Dr. James Berkebile to work toward 'interstate teacher certification. In order to accomplish this interstate certification. McPherson College must enter American Associations of Colleges for Teacher Education.

Teachers who teach one or more subjects in the Psychology and Education Department will do research work which is necessary for entrance to the AACTE.

The following teachers have been chosen to do this research: Dr. Mary Fee, Dr. Maurice A. Hess. Dr. Kenneth Bechtel. Dr. James Berkebile. Prof. Guy Hayes, Prof. Jack Kough, Prof. Sarah May Vancil. Miss Doris Coppock, Prof. S. M. Dell. Prof. E. S. Hershberger. Dr. O. A. Olson, and Mrs. Audrey San Romani.

There -are seven standards on which the faculty will work. They are; Definition, objectives, and organization for teacher education; Student personnel services; preparation of faculty: teaching load of faculty; curriculum-instructional patterns: professional laboratory experiences and the library.

College Calendar

Saturday Nov. 22 M. Club Carnival Wednesday. Nov. 26-Tuesday, Dec

Thanksgiving Recess.

Friday. Dec. 5 SCA-CBYF Project Saturday. Dec. 6 Basketball, St. Benedict’s at Atchison    •

Saturday, Dec. 6 Movie Dec. 10-11

Kansas Collegiate Basketball Tournament at Moundridge

Moundridge Holds Collegiate Tourney December 10,11

The dates Dec. 10 and 11 have been set for the Second Annual Central Kansas Collegiate Basketball Tournament to be held in the new high school gymnasium at Moundridge. The tournament this year is held under the sponsorship of the participating colleges in cooperation with Moundridge High School.

Of great importance is the fact that this tournament has received the official sanction of the Kansas Conference as a permanent institution in view of the outstanding success that it attained in Moundridge last year. The colleges were thoroughly pleased with the facilities at Moundridge and expressed genuine satisfaction as to the planning and publicity provided for the tournament by the management group at Moundridge.

The same colleges will participate again this year, namely Bethany. Bethel. McPherson and Tabor. Winner of the First Annual Tournament was Bethany College. By plan of the colleges it is necessary for one school to win three years in succession in order to receive the Challenge Trophy.

The admission schedule is as follows:

$1.00 Adult, single admission, non


$1.75 Adult, season non - reserve.

$2.00 Season reserved, south bleachers.

$2.25 Season reserved chairs on main floor.

$1.25 Special season non - reserve rate for students of participating colleges. These tickets can be purchased only at colleges and will - be on sale only until Saturday, Dec. 6.

Macollege Huskies Were Used To Pull Fire Wagon

It wasn’t too many years ago that McPherson College and even the entire town was guarded over by the McPherson College Volunteer Fire Department. Made up of college huskies, they were subject to call at any time, of the day or night.

The fire wagon, pulled -by man power, had huge wooden spoked wheels and long shafts between which the volunteers would place themselves and heave. Often a long rope was tied to the shafts in order that more men could pull the wagon.

The building in which the wagon was stored has long since been torn down, but a part of the library now covers the spot where it once stood.

Since McPherson had no fire department. many times the college fire fighters were called upon to combat a fire off the campus. In many cases it was due to their heroic efforts that much of the town didn’t go up in smoke. Fire hydrants weren’t as numerous or well-placed as they arc now and this was an ever present handicap to the volunteers.

If anyone desires to sec this ancient fire wagon, a picture of it can be found in the 1924 Quadrangle.    

Ruth Papa Edits Next Spectator

Ruth Papa, managing editor of the Spectator, will put out the next issue of the paper after Thanksgiving, Dec. 5. She will follow Lorene Marshall as editor-in-chief next semester.

Ruth Marie, a sophomore this year, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John J. Papa. Octavia, Neb. Her interest in journalism began when Ruth took journalism her senior year at Schuyler High School and worked on the “Torn - Tom" the school newspaper.

Last year Ruth took Reporting and Editing, which included writing for the Spectator.

Conference Draws Many People

McPherson was host to over 400 guests attending the Church of the Brethren Regional Conference Nov. 15-20. Visitors from all over the Western Region were present.

The main speaker was Dean Paul Roberts, Denver. Colorado. Dean Roberts, the rector at St. John’s Episcopal Cathedral in Denver, gave his first address "The Relev. ance of the Church," Tuesday evening, Nov. 18. He spoke of the church as the people in it. the personal lives of its members make the church relevant in the community.

In his address. "What’s Ahead," given in chapel Wednesday morning, he spoke of the people of today as pioneers. The many exciting things which have to be done require the courage of pioneers. Dr. Roberts mentioned three things necessary for world unity: to recognize some old values which are always useful, to have faith, not fear, and to have a basis for competent judgment. Whether or not we have peace, said Dr. Roberts, depends upon the willingness of our own lives.

At the 11:20 hour Wednesday he spoke on the topic, "The Upper Room.” and he closed the Conference with an address "Your Place, Thursday morning.

The evening worship on Sunday evening, November 26. featured "Christianity and Communism," by A. Blair Helman, Pastor of the Ottawa Church of the Brethren and Professor at Ottawa University. Ottawa. Kansas. A Bible Hour was held each morning, led by Charles E. Zunkel and Kenneth Morse. Norman J. Baugber spoke in chapel Monday on "Wii Against Odds."

Sectional conferences were held each day at which various aspects of the church at work in its community were discussed. Leaders included Archie L. Patrick, Mrs. Gordon Yoder, Russel West, and ,Ra]ph Skaggs. A session on the Region at Work was held each day by Rev. Paul E. Miller, moderator.

Rev. Kurtis F. Naylor. Pastor of the Church of the Brethren in Denver. Colorado, was elected moderator for the Regional Conference of 1953.

Musical Features . Octette, Trio, Choir

vesper musical, directed by Donald R. Frederick, was held at the McPherson Church of the Brethren on Sunday afternoon, Nov. 16. The McPherson Church Choir, the freshman male octette, and the college ladies’ trio sang. Mrs. Lloyd Larson was organist.

"Great and Glorious." by Haydn and "If With All Your Hearts,** Mendelssohn were two of the numbers done by the choir. The octette sang "Lead Kindly Light," Dukes, and others. The trio sang an arrangement by Mendelssohn - Elliot of "The Lord is my Shepherd."

LaFaughn Hubbard. Margaret Baile. and Elsa Kurtz make up the trio. Members of the octette are Wesley Ikenberry. Lawrence Brooks, Norman Long, Leon Albert, Leon Neher, Dwight Blough, Leland Lengel, and Paul Stern. Both groups were accompanied by Shirley Coppock.

Bayard Rustin Will Speak In Chapel November 26

Bayard Rustin, an American Quaker, and College Secretary of the Fellowship of Reconciliation will speak in chapel Wednesday, Nov. 26.

For the past six months Mr. Rustin has traveled in Africa for the American Friends Service Committee and The Fellowship of Reconciliation. He will speak about Africa.

Mr. Rustin will also speak at the First Congregational Church in McPherson Wednesday, Nov. 26 at 7:30 p. m.

The Institute of International Relations of the American Friends Service Committee is presenting this lecture.

the statement that Dr. Frank Blackmar of the State University made, that McPherson College has sent a higher class of students than any other institution, must appeal so strongly to outsiders. The school can expect between four and five hundred enrollment next year of-resident students, it is stated.

Hence the need for a new building. The structure would relieve the demand for rooms by the young men. as the present building would be occupied by them entirely.

’The plans for a new structure have not been outlined in any way, but it is understood that it is to cost about $20,000. This would accommodate about seventy - five students and secure a splendidly appearing and altogether modern building."

It was estimated by J. H. Fries, who came to McPherson as college accountant in 1916. that the actual cost of the building and equipment for Arnold Hall was between $30,000 and $35,000. Girls moved into the completed dormitory in November of 1916.

The price “of Arnold Hall is a definite contrast to the cost of the new dormitory which will be $259,240.00,

Give Soccer A Chance

By Emmuel Msa Thompson

Only The Cross Can Replace Hammer, Sickle

“Korea is a trap,” stated A. Blair Helman, “and we have fallen into it.” Militarism is not the way out. Since June 1950 when the Korean war started, 40,000 Americans have been killed. Not one Russian has been killed.

Right now, men are sitting in Washington trying to decide whether or not to drop atomic bombs in Korea. Frankly, that is just what the Russians want us to do. They know that we, by so doing, will lose Asia—India, Japan, and China to Communism.

Communists are the most highly organized group of people in the world today. To them only the end result is important, and it makes no difference to them what means are used in bringing about the desired result.

The Communists biggest and most effective weapon against United States is the race prejudice which exists in America. Every time there is a race riot in America or a Negro is treated with gross injustice. Communists relay this incident to their followers and would-be followers all over the world.    

After each of the last two World Wars, Communists have become stronger. War-weary people are seeking for a new order, and Communists are trying their best to convince these people that Communism is THE New Order. Communists expect a third world war, not immediately but when the time is ripe for their purpose. After this world war they expect Communism to sweep and engulf the world.

Communism cannot be defeated by militarism. It thrives on militarism. America must work through social reform. “Only the the cross will take the place of the hammer and sickle."—From a speech by A. Blair Helman.

Orchids And Thorns

Orchids to Dwight McSpadden, Gene Smith. Eddie Ball for their outstanding performances crossing the goal line, and to Wayne Blickenstaff. the other member of the Biff Four.

Orchids to Una Yoder and the members of the “Bra-zlian Gold” cast for an outstanding presentation Monday night.

Orchids to Don Frederick and his members of the opera orchestra for the many, many hours of patient rehearsals.

Orchids to Radio Station KNEX for giving (free of charge, that is) fifteen minutes of broadcast time to the College for advertising “The Mikado.”

Orchids to all the committees that worked to make the opera the success that it was.

Thorns to me. I can think of nothing else.

D. M. W.

Play is fundamental in education as well as in life; and the school which serves the real needs of its students must surely realize this fact, and in some measure utilize it In our modern schools today. McPherson College not excepted. (but thanks to the well organized and balanced management.) this fact is fully realized or else there would not be a department of physical education. It has already become an accepted fact that “means sane in corpore sane(a sound mind in a sound body.) is the order of the day for a complete educational career.

I have written this article not to incur the displeasure of anyone, nor to encroach upon a right that is not mine; but as a cog in wheel, as a part of McPherson College student body. This being the only channel through which i can air my views.

Since my arrival at the college campus. I have studied the atmosphere with interest and care. I have not found games wanting; nor can there be any undue criticism about physical education in Mac-ollege. I have twice watched our formidable Bulldogs go to victory in the American game of football when they beat Kansas Wesleyan University and the Bethany Swedes. They deserve my heartiest congratulations, and in my opinion. much of the praise goes to Coach Chaimer Woodard.

In Macollege the following games are played: football, basketball, baseball, volleyball, tennis, and field and track events, and perhaps a few others with which I am not acquainted. However. I still find a gap yet unfilled. I have often wondered and asked “Why?” A game that is so popular with the world not played at Mac. So I put forth my question to the authorities concerned in physical education. “Why not give soccer football a chance among others?”

It is a well esteemed pride to have a national sport. England has her national sport, so does America. Bat If every nation was to stick to her own form of sport alone, how very few- games would he played In the world.

It Is. however, Interesting and note worthy that certain parts of America are well awake to the game of soccer football. It Is the spirit of high sporting adventure coopted with the consciousness of doing a thing and doing It well that has led America Into victory last year over England in the soccer World Series. This game Is played by a good many schools in the U. 8., and I hope that in due course, it will he played at Mac. We shall look forward to see not only the Bulldogs football team march on to victory, but also a Bulldog soccer team.

I advocate this form of sport

New Book Shelf Offers Variety

New books ready for circulation at the college library are placed on the New Book Shelf in the reference room. Books on the shelf at the present time cover a wide variety of subjects.

Windows far the Crown Prince by Elizabeth Cray Vining gives an intimate story of the author's four years spent at the Japanese court as private tutor to the prince.

Mrs. Vining. under the name_

Elizabeth Janet Gray, has written 11 books for young people, including the 1943 Newbery prize winner. However, this book of her Japanese experiences is for adults.

The modest Quaker, author reveals the qualities of her personality which endeared her to the Japanese royal family and enabled her to see Japan in a new light and to bring new insights to the royal family.

The Creatleo of the Universe by

George Gomow is a survey which both the scientist and the general reader can enjoy.

Dr. Gamow examines and rejects conflicting theories of the "beginning.” and then be attempts to explain the universe in terms of know nuclear reactions.

Rockets, Missiles, and Space Tra rel by Willy Ley presents the almost incredible advances made in rocket research in the last few years as well as the history and possible future of space travel.

American Trees, a Book of Discovery by Rutherford Platt covers the trees of all parts of the United States and Is a parade of tree personalities.

What tree has no leaves? What wood burns brightly when green What bark is as lasting as rock' High Bright Buggy Wheels by Luella Creighton is a novel about the conflict a Mennonite girl found in standards of life Cavalcade of the American Novel by Edward Wagenbnecht offers interpretive comment on nearly every American novelist of any significance.

Flower Arrangements for All Occasions by Marie Johnson Fort is a beautiful book with 32 color reproductions and 64 black and whites

The purpose of the book is not to tell people what they must do to arrange flowers properly, but to show what they can do.

Understanding Children's Play by three psychologists shows how play serves as an indicator of the development of the child’s personality and enables him to translate impulses. feelings, and fantasies into action.

Teachers, parents, and social workers will find this book of value in understanding the children under their care.

for McPherson College for many reasons. Macollege is a growing and in doing this. her students. professors, buildings, and general curriculum must grow along with her. With these too must grow the physical education system. Let soccer football be the new growth in games, and this too. like other sports will soon find its place in the hearts of many students. Other reasons may purely personal; yet I think they wiU be persuasive enough to make the authorities concerned give the matter a second thought, if not, a third.

Since my arrival here. I have

I can fit into property; ner have many other students from other foreign countries. Yet If we must ttaue la keep well, we must recreate. I have found tennis very resting, yet I can not think of playing it often due to weather condition. With the coming of spring, field and track events commence along with other sports. How I long very much for soccer to begin then.

Besides the foreign students who might be interested in soccer, there might be, for sure, other American students who would cither of their own volition, or out of sheer curiosity participate in playing.

From the economic point of view, soccer is not an expensive game. In thrill. I think soccer stands in every measure comparable to the American football. Once again I advocate and say. "Please, give soccer football a chance.”

Women’s Council Sells Christmas Cards

Chirstmas cards are being sold by the Women's Council. The cards went on sale Monday. Nov. 10 and are being sold in Sharp Hall and in the cafeteria line at noon.

Cards will still be sold next week in both Sharp and Arnold Hall.

There is a variety of cards from which to choose. There arc scripture cards, humorous cards, all occasion cards and stationery.

Thinking With The President

They Went To College

Recently. Ernest Havemann and Patricia Salter West published a book entitled. They Went to College. It was paid for by Time. Inc.

In preparing the material for ‘this book nine thousand college graduates from 1037 colleges took part. Every type of college was represented in the study from the small Bible college to the large university. They came to many interesting conclusions, some of which follow:

About two and one half million young people are now in college. This is about one out of six. The college student is therefore a selected type of person.

About six million of the people of America are college graduates. This is six percent of the total population who could be college graduates.

Seventy - one percent of our college graduates in America worked their way in whole or in part while in college.

By far the larger percentage of college graduates, ranging from seventy - two to ninety - eight percent would go back to the same college if they were to go to college again.

College graduates have fewer divorces than non - college graduates. and of those who are divorced college graduates stay married longer; college education prevents or postpones divorce.

Those who work in the profession or skilled jobs are almost wholly college graduates: the professions are becoming still more selective; non - college graduates find their way into unbilled and non - professional jobs.

The median yearly earnings of college men is $4,689. The median yearly earnings for all men is $2.200. It pays to go to college. ,

Read all the ads in the Spec.

Bulldog Barks

Thanksgiving Varies In Other Nations

Obi Entertains At Dinner

Joseph Obi. Macollege sophomore from Nigeria, held a dinner party for friends in his apartment in Kline Hall, Nov. 16.

* The party was held in celebration of his wife’s escape in a traffic accident in Nigeria a few weeks ago. when she slipped in front of an oncoming bus. which ran over her. but did not hurt her.

Mrs. Obi will leave Nigeria on Nov. 23. and will arrive in America sometime in late December. She and her husband will live here on Macampus in Kline Hall.

Nigerian food was the bill of fare of the meal. Those who attended were. Jim Craig. Isaac Gril-ke. Daniel Onyema, Elijah Odoka-ra. Emmannuel Thompson, Wendell Lentz. Nwaneri Obi, and Her-Iwyn La Due. The latter two were visitors from Central College.

Thanksgiving festivals vary as do the countries in which they are observed.

The land of beautiful mountains and sea coasts. Puerto Rico, celebrates the holiday very much like the United States.

On the same day, November 25. families congregate to worship and feast together. Everyone ’goes to church to give thanks and then returns home to a meal of tempting turkey and all the trimmings.

The children have the most fun as they prepare for the festivities in school before the day arrives. School windows become decorated with drawings of turkeys and pumpkins. A program of stories and songs sends the children home full of mischief.

As the Puerto Rican children prepare for Thanksgiving, the Ernte Dank Fest of Germany had ended, as it takes place the first Sunday in October.

The emphasis of thanks is the main theme as the biggest fruits and shocks of grains are presented at a special church service.

Social festivities then reign as gaily colored costumes arc worn at the parade of a grain decked wagon.

Boys from ten to fourteen years of age then try to climb a soap covered pole to get the prizes and fruits at the top. The pole is just, about the same height as Mac’s flag pole.

Wreaths of grains decorate the doors and tables of many homes. A barn is also decorated with wreaths where the people come together to dance, sing, and eat.

Paralleling the visiting custom of Germany, the people of Palestine visit one another as the Eid Sag-hercr time arrives.

This festival, occurring in June, shows a marked contrast from the others previously mentioned. The people eat twice a day, once at 7 p. m. and once at 2 a. m.. and then go the rest of the day without food. This is done for a month before the festival.

When festival time arrives the large feast of lamb is held. Then all that is left over from the feast, is given to the poor.

About the same time Palestine is celebrating, the drums of an African tribe sound as native dances and songs are performed. The time of Ajodun Ikore has arrived.

Church services with special anthems and a special sermon start the traditional activities. A large feast then follows of the food that has decorated the church's exterior and interior.

With the food that remains a bazaar is held and the food is sold at a much higher price than normal. Donations arc also given to the church.

Native dances and songs ring across the jungle as festival time comes to a close.

After the game Friday, to celebrate the sizzling season, five couples went to Eddie Ball’s for hamburgers, ice cream and cake.

Wednesday night Jean Walker and Wayne Jones. Virginia Bowers and Gerald Ulrich, Bev Schecter and Leon Albert. Eula Mae. Murrey and Leon Neher went to Gen-eseo to Leon Heher's sister's place, Rowena Neher Nicholson, for a rabbit supper. They played a game called “Corks.’’ of all things and didn't get home ’till 12 o'clock p. m. Kinda’ late for freshman, isn’t it?

Adrian Saylor was here visiting friends over last weekend.

Four gals went swimming, mind you in this weather—but it was down nt the Y pool. Even so, they got the sniffles.

The stars, understudies, etc., of the Mikado can lay their fans aside now and breathe a sigh of relief and take it easy for a while after their hours of headaches, hopes, fears, anxieties and forgotten lines

WPA week is nearly over and seems like the girls are taking advantage of it, too. if you see a shy blush, and hear a sigh, you’ll know some boy has been asked out.

Thursday night Bev Turner had Wayne Blickenstaff. Lu Carpenter and Ed. Frantz, Ed Ball and Kathy Russell at her place for dinner. Of course, the girls footed the bill for minute steaks, potatoes, salad, rolls and all the rest.

Eula Mae Murrey had seven couples at her home in Conway for hot buttered popcorn — real butter. too. They ate apples, made hot chocolate and played games.

Friday evening, Nov. 21. all the Kline Hall girls asked dates to a spaghetti dinner in one of the empty apartments over there. Howard and Jo Ann Todd, head residents, were there too.

Some of the older alumni and visitors where here during the Regional Conference which ended Thursday.

The M Club carnival is Saturday. Don't miss it—it’s going to be crazier than last year.

They’re going to have a "duck throw”—you have to throw rings around the necks of docks, swimming In water. Bango will be played. They’ll have some beautiful and delicious cakes that some lucky person will get for a dime in the “cake walk." Announcing of the

Clothes Linen Are Built

No longer do the freshly washed clothes drag on the ground because of a sagging clothes line. The old clothes line has been replaced by new poles firmly set in cement and by new lines.

Most of the work on the new lines was done by George Thom, freshman.

Remember the tea kettle when things get tough. It’s always up to its neck in hot water, but it still keeps singing.

Friday. Not. 14. was the last football game of the season for ’32. The end of an undefeated season; but there’s no time to rest for the weary, for Woody a rot them running- the basketball court in place of a field. The first game is the 6th of December against St.

king and queen will be told that night.

They're going to have “Snafu” again this year— you have to hit certain board with a baseball. When the board is hit. a person sitting behind a screen about 10 feet over a mattress is dropped. Spectators can be the ones to sit on the board—usually they’re girls, and as soon as they are dropped you can expect a scream.

Side shows, barkers, everything at the M Club Carnival— not to forget the egg throw. Bernard Whir-ley. Ed Frants and Stan McClung will try to dodge the eggs this year. That's going to be a smeary mess.

The thing will start at 7:30 and run 'till they run out of eggs and all the rest.

Bittinger, Mohler Speak To Chicagoland Alumni

President D. W. Bittinger and Dr. R. E. Mohler were both speakers at the annual fall meeting of the Chicagoland Macollege Alumni Association Sunday. Nov. 9. 1952.

Apprixmately 105 alumni met in Speech Hall on the campus of Bethany Biblical Seminary for a pot luck dinner at 1 p. m. with a business meeting and program following. The theme was The Spectator.

The officers elected to represent the Chicagoland chapter for the following year arc Mrs. Curtis Bowman ’17, president; David Metz-ler ’52, vice president; and Wilma Ford '52. secretary - treasurer.

Retiring officers are Bob Keira '49. president: Nina Kagarise ’49. vice president: and Patty Stern '51, secretary - treasurer.

Marvin Hanson '48, Albert Guyer 51, Albert Rogers ’51. and Max Shank ’50. the chapel artists as the program termed them, then presented a medley of numbers arranged by Marvin. Max played the piano, Albert Guyer the trombone, and Marvin and Albert Rogers cornets.

The medley concluded with the familiar ’Altho out on broad Kansas plain . . .’ — the alumni standing and singing.

Carl Beckwith, ex - Macollege cheerleader, led the group In the college yell, ’fifteen rahs for McPherson.’    

The society editors, so the program termed them, Leroy Doty ’50, Barbara Doty '50. Don Speaker ’51, and Avis Speaker ’50, presented the society news in the December Spec tator. This included humorous tidbits concerning Macollege personalities.

The group decided to hold the project of providing a kiln and ceramics department of the college again for another year. The offering at this meeting was $83.

President Bittinger spoke to the group concerning the future of Macollege and Dr. Mohler spoke of the past in connection with the present. The speakers pictured for the group the dreams of ages past and their present and onlooking fulfillment.

Deans Attend Conference

On Thursday. Nov. 20. Dean James Berkebile, Mrs. Alice Martin, and Prof. S. M. Dell attended an all - day state meeting for college deans, registrars and deans of men in Lawrence, Kan.

Hanson, Pote Marry Sunday

Phyllis Hanson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Hanson of McPherson will become the bride of J. D. Pote at four o’clock Sunday, Nov. 23. The wedding will be in the Trinity Lutheran Church in McPherson.

Phyllis attended Macollege for two years and J. D. is a senior this year.

A Bag Of Tools

Isn’t it strange The princes and kings.

And clowns that caper In sawdust rings.    -

And common people Like you and me Are builders for eternity?

Each is given a bag of tools, shapeless mass, book of rules;

And each must make—

Ere life is flown— stumbling block

—R. L Sharpe This poem was used by the Rev. Norman J. Baugher. secretary of the Brotherhood Board of the Church of the Brethren, in his chapel address to the college students and Regional Conference guests Monday.

Reverend Baugher’s use of the poem caused numerous requests at the college library for copies of it this week. Miss Virginia Harris, librarian stated.

Lions Club Sponsors Civic Drama Festival

A Civic Drama Festival is being sponsored in McPherson by the McPherson Lions Club. The drama festival may be compared to community concerts which were presented in McPherson a few years ago.

The festival will send three Broadway comedies with New York casts to McPherson this season. One is a new musical comedy version of the opera. “The Fleder-maus." “Jenny Kissed Me” in which Helen Hayes and daughter. Mary, appeared will also be presented. The last of the three is "Glad Tidings” in which Signe Has-so and Melyyn Douglas played.

The first play to be presented is “Glad Tidings" which will be given Dec. 1.

Keller, Willems To Marry Dee. 20

Rev. and Mrs. P. A. Keller. Dallas Center, Iowa, announce the approaching wedding of .their daughter, Rutbe Elizabeth Keller, to Mr. Alvin E. Willems, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Willems of Conway. The wedding will take place Dec. 20 at the Church of the Brethren in Dallas Center.

Miss Keller is employed as senior teller at the Brenton State Bank in Dallas Center, and Mr. Willems is instructor of Industrial Arts at Macollege.

The couple will reside in Kline Hall.

Four Men Report For Physicals

Four MacoTTege men students reported for their Selective Service physicals at Kansas City on Nov. 4-5.    

Eugene Elrod. Stan McClung. Manly Draper and Edward Meloan boarded a special bus at Newton. Kans., which took them to Kansas City, where they were quartered at the Snyderhoff Hotel.

Stan McClung and Manly Draper visited Mary Ellen Yeater for mer Macollege student, who work's as a ticket-seller in a movie theatre in downtown Kansas City.

The men left Tuesday noon and got back Thursday evening.

Hershbergers Will Entertain At Party

party will be given at the home of Prof, and Mrs. E. S. Hershberger Sunday evening. Nov. 23 at 8:30 for all students who arc celebrating November birthdays.

The following is a list of Novembers birthday celebrants:

Allen Blocher. LaVerne Burger. Eldon Coffman. Ina Ditinars, Herbert Edmonds, Glenn Gayer, Gerry Goering. Don Moeller. Shirley McDaneld. Kathy McLeod. Joseph Obi. Elijah Odokara, Virgie San Romani. Jean Slaubaugh. Donna Sooby, Omer Terrill. Richard Trowbridge. Robert Wilson, and Roland Wary.

The Women and Men’s Council are in charge of the birthday parties each month.

There arc three kinds of people in the world—the will, the won’ts, and can'ts. The first accomplish everything, the second oppose everything, and the third fail in everything.    




Inside Linemen



Inside Linemen


George Keim Makes Offense, Defense Teams

Second Team Offense


Norman Kliewer. Bethany Wayne Blickenstaff, McPherson

Allan Killingsworth, Ottawa Bill Butterworth. Ottawa Palmer Mai. Baker Ends:

Bob Peel. McPherson Bob Bechtel. McPherson Inside Linemen

Cracraft. C. of E.

Don Johnson. KWU Dudley Geise. Ottawa Ivan Harshbarger. Bethel Ray Wilbur, KWU Center

Mike Ireland. Ottawa Second Team Defense

Backs:    •

Norman Kliewer, Bethany Harold Frizell. KWU Gerald Toburen. KWU Walter Moore, Ottawa Dwight McSpadden. McPherson Linebackers:

Don Johnson. KWU Phil Boban, C. of E.


David Ryan. Ottawa Eddie Frants, McPherson Inside Linemen:

Don Johnson. KWU Tony Snider. C. of E.

G. Shoemaker. Bethany Ed. Johnson. Bethany Honorable Mention McPherson players who made honorable mention, on either offense or defense are: Dwight McSpadden. Vernon Petefish. Lowell Hoch. Steve Bersuch. Tommy O’Dell. Clive Sharpe. Alvin Fishburn. Bill Smith. Bill Goering, and Howard Mehlinger.

The Kansas Conference today released the All Conference teams as picked by the coaches of the conference. Dominating the selections were the players from Ottawa and McPherson. The Bulldogs placed six men on the first offensive team and three men on the first defensive unit.

Ottawa placed four on the first offensive team and two on the first defensive unit. -    .

Heading the list for the Bulldogs in the backfield were the two lop ground-gainers for McPherson this year Gene Smith and Eddie Ball. They both gained over 1000 yards by rushing alone.

The coaches paid their respects especially to the men up front- for Mac by awarding four of the line postions to the players who paved the way for the Backs long jaunts. Three of the four inside linemen positions, tackles and guards, went to McPherson—they were George Keim, Bob Powell, and Roland Delay.

Jack Richardson, a sophomore holds down the center postion. The defensive unit saw three McPherson players on it. two of them returnees from last year. The two holdovers are George Keim and Bob Peel. In addition John Robison made it this year as a linebacker.

All in all. 21 McPherson players were selected by the coaches for some position on the team.

The teams are selected by the coaches of the conference. Each coach picks a first and second team offense and defense, with, the only qualification being that he can not vote for any member of his own squad. The votes are then tabulated with a first team mention being worth twice as much as a second team mention.

Of the 21 McPherson players selected for the All - Conference teams, only three of them are seniors. Barring some unforseen incident, the rest of them should return for next year's team.

The Cracked Crystal Ball

Seasons Record: 157 right; 52 wrong; 11 ties; .751 Pct.

Each week all of the reporters are handed a sheet on which they are told what stories they are to write. Usually mine just says ’Sports Roundup" and leaves it at that. But this week there was a special notation that said (don’t forget the cracked crystal ball). Now the only thing that I can figure out as to why they would say a thing like that is since the way my percentage has been decreasing they must have thought that I would want to forget It, (which I would.)

All joking aside this is the last week for this column. Since there will be no paper next week, I am going to predict next week’s games as well as this week’s in today's column. After we come back from Thanksgiving vacation I will run some notation as to how I finished the season. It will probably be in death notices.

After finding out the games that have to bo predicted for the next two weeks I begin to wonder whether this Job was as soft as it was made out to be. For example some of the games to be yet played are: Purdue and Indiana Michigan U. and Ohio S., USC and UCLA, Navy and Army, and last but far from least USC and Notre Dame.

Well, here goes. This week’s games are listed first.

Week of November 22

California over Stanford Arkansas over Tulsa Maryland over Alabama Georgia Tech over Florida S. Illinois over Northwestern Purdue over Indiana Kansas S. over Iowa S.

Iowa U. over Notre Dame Kansas U. over Missouri Tennessee over Kentucky Michigan S. over Marquette Michigan U. over Ohio S. Wisconsin over Minnesota - Oklahoma over Nebraska Duke over North Carolina Washington S. over Oklahoma A & M

Pittsburgh over Penn. State USC over UCLA Week of Nov. 29 Alabama over Auburn Navy over Army Colorado U. over Colorado A &

Pennsylvania over Cornell Georgia Tech over Georgia USC over Notre Dame Oklahoma over Okalhoma A & M

TCU over SMU

from Downing for the final one.

The issue was really never in doubt as the McPherson defensive unit held Friend’s and forced them to punt to Mac right at the beginning of the game. With only two minutes and 15 seconds gone in the game McPherson already had its first touchdown. By the end of the quarter the score was 21-0 with Coach Woodard’s Bulldogs out in the lead comfortably.

The McPherson attack bogged down noticably in the second quarter as they only tallied once. Friends also tallied once and the score stood 28-6 at halftime.

The Bulldogs came out fired up in the second half. Before the end-of the third quarter Mac had pushed across four touchdowns and three extra points for a third quarter score of 55-6.    .

The final quarter saw the reserves playing most of the way. They were still able to tally three times to the Quaker's twice to give a- final score of 75-20.

One of the highlights of the game was when "Woody" had a "all freshman” defensive unit in the game at one time and not included in this team were the freshmen that have been playing regular for “Woody". It showed the promise that there will be good players at McPherson for several years yet.

First Team Defense

_______Hart, C. of E.

Gillam, K. W. U.

Mai, Baker

____________Lemanuel Harkey, C. of E.

John Robison, McPherson _________Bob Peel, McPherson

Roy Sloy, Bethany

______________Ivan Shrashbarker, Bethel

Claire Pope, Ottawa Cracraft, C. of E.

Harry Vopat, KWU.

George Keim, McPherson First Team Offense

..............._.Lemual Harkey, C. of E.

Jack Patty, Otawa Eddie Ball, McPherson Gene Smith, McPherson

________.....Don Simons, Ottawa

Dave Ryan, Ottawa

______________Wilbur Wheaton. Ottawa

George Keim, McPherson Bob Powell, McPherson Roland Delay, McPherson ............Jack Richardson, McPherson

Kansas Conference Final Standings







McPherson ..







Ottawa .......

........ . 5






Bethany .....







C. of E. . ..







Baker ......







K. W. U......







Bethel ----------







Four Seniors Play Last Game

The game Friday night, Nov. 14 ended the football career of four senior players. These four players are the last of the "pre-Woody” era here at McPherson College. The four arc: Roland Delay, guard; Bob Bechtel, end; Paul Heidc-brecht. end and halfback; and Howard Mehlinger. quarterback.

These four players all played for McPherson high school before coming out here. Thus, they have played together for the last eight years.

Roland Delay plays guard this year after being shifted there from fullback postion last year. He has adapted himself well to this unfamiliar postion at left guard, playing on the offensive unit. Small for a guard, weighing only 170 pounds, he is still able to clear the way for the backs to go all the way.

Bob Bechtel has played end all four years. This year he has been seeing duty mainly as an offensive end. He has so far this year caught four touchdown passes, as well as many others for- substantial gains. In addition he is used as - a decoy for many pass plays and is the man that usually is clearing the safety man out of the way to make possible the terrific rushing average that the backs have.

This is Howard Mehlinger's fourth year at the QB postion. During Howard’s freshman year, McPherson used the single wing which placed him at the blocking back position. These last three years he has had the misfortune to be QB behind Wayne Blickenstaff so hasn’t seen as much service as would otherwise be possible. This year he has also been playing the safety position on defense at times.

Paul Heidebrecht, defensive end and offensive halfback, had the misfortune, along with several other McPherson players, to be injured at the beginning of the football season and the injury was serious enough that he hasn’t been able to play any of the rest of the season.

Squad Is Undefeated

Bulldogs Down Friends With Score 75-20

McPherson College ended it's most successful football season in history last Friday night, as they defeated Friend’s U. by the lopsided score of 75-20. This gave the Bulldogs a season record of 8 wins. 0 losses, and 1 tie. They also captured the conference crown for the first time in 29 years.

In winning this final game of the season McPherson's three backs again shared almost equally in the scoring. Each of them crossed the goal line three times, with Dwight McSpadden also converting on seven extra point attempts. This was enough to make him McPherson’s leading scorer for the year with 105 points.

Smith and Ball’s three touchdowns apiece gave them season totals respectively of 99 and 93 points.

Harry Ensminger and Don Good-fellow each added a touchdown apiece to give McPherson it's final touchdown total. Good fellow’s was scored on a "Ball - like" run of 68 yards.

One of the touchdowns that Smith scored was on a touchdown pass from Wayne Blickenstaff. This was Wayne's 12th touchdown pass of the year.

Young was either directly or indirectly responsible for all three of Friend’s tallies. passing to Rhoades for one, running one over himself and receiving a TD pass

Men Are Safe Until June

(ACPI If a man has a 2S draft deferment, it’s likely the draft board won’t bother him till the end of this year.

Selective Service officials say the manpower situation will be adequate till June. But next year there will be a manpower shortage which may make it necessary to draft men under 19.

Draft director Lewis B. Hershey said two weeks ago that tighter regulations are due which would "reduce the number in college whose military service has been deferred.”

He contemplated a program in which "military training should precede college training.”

A recent Gallup Poll shows that 69 percent of the country thinks students getting good marks in college should be allowed to graduate before being drafted; and slightly more than half feel that 18-year-olds who have finished high school should be drafted.


Read all the advertisements in the Spectator.