Regional Conference Opens Sunday

“The Church At Work” In Its Community

be presented twice on Monday night. Nov. 17. in the college Chapel by the McPherson College Players’ Club. This is a play in which one catches a glimpse of the results of a Christian good neighbor policy at work. The first showing will be particularly for Conference guests; the second will be for college students'.

On Wednesday night, Nov. 19. a two-act opera, “The Mikado," by Gilbert and Sullivan, will be presented at the Community Building downtown, by the Music Department. The Dramatics Department of McPherson College will assist.

Thursday will be the last day of the conference. The last session at 11:25 will feature an address. “Your Place" by Dean Paul Roberts.


Friday 14:

Friends football game Pherson.

Saturday 15:

Movie: "Miracle on 34th Street” at 7 p. m. and at 9 p. m. Shown in chemistry lecture room.

Sunday 16-20:

Regional Conference.

Monday 17:

Play: "Brazilian Gold" 7:15 p. m. and 8 p. m.

Wednesday 19:

Opera: “The Mikado."

Saturday 22:

M Club Penny Carnival. Wednesday 26 - Tuesday Dec. 2: Thanksgiving vacation.

Friday 5:

CBYF and SCA Saturday 6:

Movie, basketball game with St Benedicts at Atchison.


Vol. XXXVII McPherson College McPherson Kansas November 17 1952

Dean Paul Roberts

The Very Reverend Dean Paul Roberts, St. John’s Episcopal Cathedral, Denver, Colorado, is to be the main speaker at the Church of the Brethren Regional Conference, Nov 15-20.

Dr. Roberts has been at St. John’s Cathedral since 1936. He obtained his A. B. at Trinity College In Hartford, Conn., his A. M. at Berkeley Divinity School, and his D. D. at Colorado College, Colorado Springs.

Addresses given by Dr. Roberts will be based on the general conference theme, “The Church at Work in its Community."

Paul Miller

First Movie Shown Tomorrow

Coming to our campus Saturday, Nov. 15. is the first movie of the year. "Miracle on Thirty - Fourth Street."

This movie centers around the gentle department store Santa Claus and the happiness which he brings into others’ lives.

The film has been awarded both the “Ten Best" and Academy Award Winners awards.

Maureen O’Hara, John Payne, and Edmund Gwenn play in this 90-minute, 20th Century - Fox film

The movie will be shown in the chemistry lecture room at 7 p. m and again at 9 p. m.

An offering will be taken to cover expenses. The Social Committee, who sponsors the movies, suggests 25c a piece. By taking an offering instead of charging admission, the Social Committee is able to get the-movies at less cost.

The next movie will be shown Dec. 6.

Poo-Ban, Lord High Everything venes in a kiss between Yum-Yum Poo as Yum-Yum's sister, Pitti-Sing Bo look on.

As the Mikado watches approvingly, Ko-Ko lands in Katisha's lap. Ko-Ko's motive is to,-make a play for Katisha so that he may save his life by marrying her.

Present Mikado Wednesday

A. Blair Helman

Other outside speakers In the conference will include Norman J. Baugher, newly appointed Secretary of the Brotherhood Board; A. Blair Helman. Pastor. Ottawa Church of the Brethren: and Charles E. Zunkel. Secretary Ministry and Home Missions.

Kenneth Morse and C. Ernest Davis will also appear in the conference. Since Ruth Shriver and Des-sie Miller will be unable to attend, Mrs. Charles Zunkel and Miss Hazel Kennedy will serve in their places.        

Sectional conferences and other sessions will be held, for District, Local, and Regional workers. Leaders of these groups are pastors of the Western Region and members of the McPherson College faculty.

The Executive Committee and the Baord of Trustees will have meetings on Saturday. Nov. 15.

The sermon. “On Being at One’s Wits End," will be delivered by Rev. Harry K. Zeller. Jr.. Pastor of the McPherson Church of the Brethren, on Sunday. Nov. 16.

A Bible Hour, led by Charles E. Zunkel and Kenneth Morse will be held each morning at 8:55, and Chapel programs will follow.


Those seizing as chairman for each day will be Vernon Powell, H. M. Coppock. Lawrence E. Lehman. and G. A. Zook.

Sectional conferences for local di-mraSte of children’s work and all district and local officers of women’s work will be held Saturday. November 15. Business sessions of the women's and men’s organizations will be held Monday morning following chapel.

All meeting will be held in the McPherson Church of the Brethren unless otherwise stated on the conference program.

All conference guests will eat in the College Cafeteria or the Dog House. Lodging will be furnished by McPherson residents.

Conference sessions are open to all, including all guests and students, stated Bro. James Elrod.

Girl Bites Dust

Once again the fatal fall has fell— fallen — failed, well, at least, another girl on Macampus has "bit the dust".

Have you noticed who it is? She is well marked by a large red spot on her chin and a bandage around her wrist.

It seems that the fatal night was the night of the burning of the Swede. And that the heroine of this epitaph was gayly tripping (using the word loosely) near the fire, For trip she did.

The fall could have been fatal, but fortunately fate failed for the female lives to face the facts of the future.

Now some think she had one too many and tripped over the "Silver Rail". Still others think she was chasing a man and that she "fell" too hard for him.

But this is not true in her case though one must admit that she does have a peculiarity, that is counting the trees on Euclid Street,

At least, she proved that there are now two reasons for the pipes in the parking lot—one to stop cars and the other to stop people.

Could it be that she is getting her spring plowing done early this year? It seems that one other girl has tried that already. But be assured girls, that plowing must be done in the spring of the year as well as doing it in the “fall"

M Club Carnival is November 22

The M Club is planning to hold its annual penny carnival Saturday. Nov. 22, starting at 7:30 o'clock in the evening.

This year the M Club has a membership of 38. and under the direction of its president, Howard Mehlinger. senior from McPherson, the M Club hopes to put up a better carnival than has ever been put up.

On the program this year are numerous forms of entertainment, bingo, cake - walk, snafu, ring-toss on live ducks, marksmanship games.

New Equipment Purchased

The dramatics department received about $40 worth of new equipment last week, according to Mrs. Una Yoder, head of the department. The equipment includes a large metal box for carrying make-up and new make - up-grease paint, lipstick, eye brow pencil, liners, hair rinses, and crepe hair for beards, mustaches, etc.

The play. "Brazilian Gold," will ence.

Dell Attends Industrial Conference In Chicago

Prof. S. M. Dell is attending the Industrial Arts Conference of the Mississippi Valley being held in Chicago, Nov. 13, 14 and 15.

Professor Dell was assigned to the committee for research into the I problem of accepting shop work for credit in graduate school, and he will report on this at the confer-

All characters are shown, on stage as the cast rehearses “Brazilian Gold,” a one-act play which will be presented Nov. 17. Mrs. Una Yoder is director.

Players Present ‘Brazilian Gobi’ Monday Night

Brazilian Gold,” an hour - long one - act play by Elliot Field, will be presented by the Players Club Nov. 17 at 7:15 and 8:30 p. m. The plays shows the results of Christian good policy at work. The story, in a South American setting, tells of the influence of a church school which remains in the lives of two young people after they become a nurse and an engineer. Betty Baerg and Dale Delauter play these parts.

The role of a diamond buyer who nearly leads the young man astray Is taken by John Vance, and the part of the missionary who stands steadfastly by is played by Marlin Walters. A matchmaker who helps the plot along is Lyla Whitham, and her servant is Maxine Hanley. A desperado who nearly shoots up the scenery is acted by Myron Krehbiel.

South American scenery is being painted by Virginia Bowers, Macollege freshman from Wichita. The scenery will be seen through the door, in the background.

Phyllis Kingery is in charge of props and makeup; Ted Vance, lighting; Margaret Yost, ushers, and Al Zunkel, posters. Mrs. Una Yoder is directing the play.

The play, presented during Regional Conference, will be taken on tour.

Five Trustees Are Elected

Five new members have been elected to the trustee board. They are: George Grove, Dayton Roth-rock, Harvey Lehman, Harold Moh-ler. and Glenn Swinger.

Two of the men fill in unexpired terms of previous trustees. Glenn Swinger succeeds P. L. Fike as representative of Southern Missouri and Arkansas District. Swinger’s term will expire in 1953. Dayton Rothrock was elected by the Nebraska District after the resignation of Harvey Rasp. Rothrock’s term will expire in 1957.

The other three trustees were elected to full terms which will expire in 1958.

George Grove, South English. Iowa. succeeds Charles Albin as representative of the Southern Iowa district. Grove is a graduate of Mt. Morris College, and is now farming near South English. His daughter, Marilee. is a Macollege senior.

Elected by the Southwest District of Kansas to succeed "Roy Frantz is Harvey Lehman of Nickerson, Kan. Lehman graduated from McPherson College Academy in 1923 and received his A. B. from McPherson College in 1927. After taking graduate work he taught in high schools and since then has served as pastor of various churches.

His daughter Joann attended McPherson College and is now doing graduate work in Gottinger University in Germany.

Harold Mohler replaces R. Gibbs as representative of the Middle District of Missouri. He also is a graduate of McPherson College, having received his degree in 1938. He is presently employed by Johnson County Mutual .Insurance Company in Warrensburg, Mo.

Both Rothrock and Swinger are graduates of McPherson College. Rothrock is now superintendent of schools at Gresham, Neb. and Swinger is pastor at Cabool, Mo.

New York Trip May Follow BSCM Conference

Plans are being made by students to attend the Brethren Student Christian Movement (BSCM) Conference to be held at Juniata College in Huntingdon, Pa., Nov. 2730.

A tentative trip to New York City is being planned following the conference. The estimated cost for the trip including the trip to New York, is approximately fifty dollars.

Outstanding leaders speaking and directing the activities of the Conference will be:

A1 Brightbill, former director of music at Bethany Biblical Seminary in Chicago; Bob Byerly, who is on the faculty at Elizabethtown College: and Ed Crill, National Youth Director.

Vernard Eller, editor of youth publications; C. C. Ellis, president of Juniata: and Burton Metzler, Professor of Bible at McPherson.

T. Wayne Rieman. director of religious activities at Manchester; Bob Richards who is with the faculty at La Verne College; and Harold Row, secretary of Brethren Service.

Don Royer, who is on the Manchester College faculty list; Don Smucker, associate professor of Biblical Theology at Bethany Seminary; Bill Willoughby. Professor of sociology at Bridgewater, and adult advisor of the southeastern regional youth; and John Oliver Nelson of Yale Divinity School and author of "Young Laymen—Young Church”.

Each region is represented by a leader at the Conference.

College Receives Athletic Holiday

Thanksgiving recess will begin on Wednesday, Nov. 26, at 4:00 p. m., and will end Tuesday, Dec. 2, at 8:00 a. m., according to a faculty announcement issued Nov. 7.

The statement in its entirety, reads as follows: "Because of the excellent way in which the football squad have played throughout the entire season, and because of the spirit of the entire school in support of and participation in the athletic program, and all other phases of the school program, we declare that the Monday following our regular Thanksgiving be also a school holiday. This will hold true whether we win, tie or lose our remaining games."


by Dr. D. W. Bittinger, President

Trustees Will Discuss “Ten Year Plan”

The "Ten Year Dream” which Dr. D. W. Bittinger discussed in Chapel Wednesday. Nov. 5, is the main topic of discussion for a special Trustee Meeting on Nov. 15.

The trustees will discuss the various advantages and disadvantages of the proposed ten year plan.

’The Mikado." a comic opera in two acts by Gilbert and Sullivan, will be presented by Macollege Nov. 19 at 8:00 p. m. in the civic ’ auditorium. The story, in a Japanese setting, is of the love affair between Nanki Po. the son of the Mikado, and Yum-Yum, who is already bethrothed to her guardian. Ko-Ko. Nanki-Poo conceals his identity by wearing the disguise of a wandering minstrel.

When Ko-Ko hears that one person in his province must be beheaded he persuades Nanki - Poo to be that one. Nanki-Poo agrees if he can marry Yum-Yum and live with her until the time of "decapitation." The Mikado appears and all works out well when Ko-Ko marries the ancient Katisha, who was supposed to marry Manki Poo in the first place, thus leaving Nanki-Poo and Yum-Yum together.

The cast includes: Keith Allison as Nanki-Poo; Joe Kennedy as Ko-Ko; Don West. Pooh - Bah, Don Thralls, Pish - Tush. Elsie Kind-ley, Katisha; Anita Roger, Pitti-Sing; Florene Hale. Yum-Yum; Peggy Sargent. Peep-Bo; Bill Moll-hagen, Mikado.

The understudies are: Herb Edmonds as Nanki - Poo; Curtis Leicht, Ko Ko; Leon Albert, Pooh-Bah; Myron Krehbiel. Pish-Tush; Velva Wagner. Katisha; Margaret Baile, Pitti - Sing; Donna Wagoner, Yum—Yum; Elsa Kurtz, Peep-Bo; Leon Neher, Mikado.

Prof. Donald R. Frederick of the music department is the director of music. Mrs. Una Yoder, is stage director. Prof. Paul A. Sol-lenberger is concertmaster.

The chorus, accompanied by the orchestra, is made up of Chapel and A Cappella choir members. They are: Donna Wagoner, Margaret Baile. Barbara Berry, La-Faughn Hubbard, Lorene Marshall, Kathy McLeod. La Verne Burger. Angie Flora, Dolores Sigle, Donna Ford, Norann Royer, Barbara Bowman. -

Elsa Kurtz. Velva Wagner, Clara Bechtel, La Von Widegren, Mildred Beck, Marilee Grove. Evelyn Williams, Esther Ikenberry. Dorothy Nicholson, Elaine Burkholder, Evelyn Hornbaker. Lois Stinnette.

Herb Edmonds, Gordon Fishbum, Laurence Brooks, John Nettleton. Norman Long, Don Wagoner. Al Zunkel. Wesley Ikenberry. Myron Krehbiel. Karl Baldner. Garth Ellswood. Berwyn Oltman, Don Fike, Dale Royer, Paul Stern, Eugene Neff.     -

Committees selected from the Players Club to assist in staging and make up are: staging - Ted Nance, Eugene Neff, and Jerry Miller. Make up is divided into four groups and will be done assembly line style. On base make up are Phyllis Kingery. Martha Switzer, and Lyla Whitham; eye makeup arc Maxine Hanley, Evelyn Williams, LaVon Widegren, and Jean Slaubaugh; powder - Wayne Hutcherson, Margaret Yost, and Jack Harter; rouge and lipstick - La-Fa ughn Hubbard, Lois Stinnette and Betty Baerg.

Dean Neher, Gordon Yoder, and Barbar Berry are on the business committee: Garth Ell wood, La-Faughn Hubbard, and Lorene Marshall on publicity; Al Zunkel, LaVon Widegren, Peggy Sargent, Kathy McLeod, and John Nettleton on ticket sales.

Conference Has Been Held Yearly Since ’36

The Conference of the Western Region of the Church of the Brethren has been held annually since 1936, according to Bro. James H. Elrod, Executive Secretary of the Western Region.

At the time when Brethren Schools were being organized, the annual conference of the church authorized that the regions send visitors to these schools to spend ohe week giving lectures and teaching about the Bible. This practice grew Into the Bible Normal.

About 1927 this became the Minister's Conference. It was not until 1930, when the Region was organized, that Regional Conferences bw-gan. W. H. Yoder, who, at the time, was the Representative of the region on the Brotherhood Ministerial Board, was made chairman: Dr. Burton Metder was vicechairman. and James H. Elrod, secretary.

In 1942, Bro. Elrod was made a full - time employee of the Western Region as Executive Secretary.

Macollege's Future

Seniors can be especially proud to graduate from McPherson College this spring. They can graduate knowing that their alma mater has a great future. They can reasonably be assured that Macollege will be an even greater school to which to send their children.

The gift from the Dotzours brought part of the dream of the future into focus—a new girls’, dormitory. Now, the dream of the ten-year expansion program is being unveiled and definite plans are being made.

Our international student program is growing and the phrase "McPherson College family” is becoming more than just words. No longer do international students walk alone, eat alone.                

Last weekend our college experienced another triumph when the Bulldogs became champions of the Kansas Conference. This event has given us more prestige and popularity than we have had in many years

Improvements are being made in all college departments, and there is more unity between the facuty and stu-

dents. Yes, Macollege is a-great college and we’ll be proud to name her as our alma mater.—L. M.

Orchids And Thorns

Orchids to Cart Leicht and the Pop band for playing so mourth at the funeral Thursday night, Nov 6, 1952

Orchids to the Pep Club For publicizing the Swede

Orchids to the merchants of McPherson for furnishing the wood that burned so brightly on the sad occasion.

Orchida, individually, to every person who attended the ceremony.

Orchida to Kathy Russell and all who helped prepare the body for cremation.    k

Orchids to Coach "Woody” Woodard and his football team .for winning the Kansas Conference Championship for this first time since Richard Koim and Paul Sargent were members of the squad (Some time ago I'd say.)

Orchids to the students who yelled so faithfully Friday night, especially to those who remained to give fifteen rah's for the "Conference Champs."

Thorns to the few who were heard booing at various times during the Bethany-McPherson game.    

Thorns to the students who have failed to attend pep-assemblies this fall.

And incidentally—Orchids to my Instructors for passing me this nine weeks.    D. M. W.

Thinking With The President

Here's How My Money Goes

Last year the average earning tor every man, woman, and child in the United States was $1,584.00 according to the United States Department of Commerce. This was ah increase of $145.00 or about 10 percent over the year before. The total personal income for the people Of the United States was $254,675,-

How did we spend this money?

The largest single expenditure was for food; next to that was housing. These two required 22.3 percent and 19 percent respectively of our income. The third Item In total expenditure was for taxes which amounted to 15 percent to the average income.

Several comparative values in spending are interesting.

We spent for recreation—$11,308,600,000

We spent for personal care (haircuts. etc. $2,413,000,000

We spent tor cosmetics—$1,312,-


We spent for tobacco—$4,703,000,000

We spent for alcoholic liquors— $9,150,060,000

In contrast to these expenditures we spent only $795,000,060 for higher education. This was considerably less than we had spent the year previously.

For our total welfare and religious activities in the United States we spent $2,006,000,000.

A comparison of some of the figures is interesting. For instance, we spent nearly 15 times as much for recreation as we spent for higher education and about five times as much for recreation as we spent for religion and humanitarian activities. We spent about 12 times as much for alcohol as we spent for higher education and about 5 times as much for tobacco as we spent for higher education and nearly 3 times as much tot tobacco as we spent tot religious activities. We spent more for cosmetics than we spent for higher education and we spent about 2-3 as much for cosmetics as we spent for religion.

On the favorable side it should be said that we increased our expenditures for religion by about 5 percent over the year previously. For some unknown reason we reduced our expenditures for college education by $10,000,000.

If each of us had given 10 percent of his income to the work of the Lord we would have averaged $156.40. Actually we averaged $2614 last year for the work of the church. This was about fifty cents per week. Some gave much more, of course. Some gave nothing.

We can do better, in the way we spend our money.—D. W. B.

Team Continues Fine Record

Looking at the thirteen football lettermen for McPherson in 1923 we find that they have continued to make tint records for themselves as they did on the college gridiron.

Starting, with right end we find Paul "Si” Sargent. He is now president of the Peoples State Bank here in McPherson.

At right tackle was Stanley Keim. He is now in the meat packing in-, dustry in Nampa, Idaho, with his brother, Richard, who played guard and was captain of the 1923 conference winning team.

At the center post was Paul Kurtz. He now lives in Modesto. California, and has taken up the teaching profession.

John Lengel and Leon “Peanuts” Morinc both saw action from the left guard spot. Lengel is now farming at Englewood. Colorado, and Morine is an officer of the U. S. Coast Guard and is serving with the public relations department at Washington, D. C.

Bill Mudra played left tackle and when last heard of was a captain in Uncle Sam's Air Force.

Playing left end was Frank Barton. No information as to his present location has been found.

In the backfield was Gordon “Joe" Heaston at quarterback. "Joe” now owns an oil company and is also an automobile dealer in Albuquerque. New Mexico. The halfbacks were Cleo Hill. Henry “Heinfc” Hahn, and Carl ”Tok" Carter. Cleo Hill is now a resident of McPherson, owning farming interests in McPherson County. He is also associated with the Morris and Son clothing store here. "Heinie” Hahn is superintendent of schools at Ellsworth, Kansas. No Information can be found on "Ibk” Carter.

Harold "Hal" Barton was fullback on the ’23 Bulldog team. He is now teaching at Vashon, Washington.

Sargent Tells Of 1923 Thrills

Paul "Si" Sargent, former end on tire 1923 championship Bulldogs staled in an interview that there were many thrills for the players and student body alike in ’23. While recalling back fend memories he said that perhaps the two biggest thrills came when the Bulldogs defeated Bethany and Washburn.

In the Bethany game the Bulldogs rolled up over four hundred yards from scrimmage while the Swedes lost more than they gabled. McPherson made twenty first downs to Bethany’s 0, yet the game ended with the score 7-3. This was the first time McPherson had defeated Bethany. The reason for the seeming low score is that when the Bulldogs made a touchdown they played defensive ball until the opposition scored again. Then McPherson would go back to offense.

The second biggest thrill was defeating Washburn. The coach of the Washburn eleven was "Dutch" Lonbetg who had been head coach here the year before. Wash-bum had spent much money on n rejuvenation of their athletic department and the Bulldogs were quite happy when they obliged their former coach by beating his highly touted team 14-7.

FRIDAY, NOV. 14, 1952

Mac Is Football Champion After Twenty-Nine Years

This is a shot of the 1923 team in the Bethany game which they won 7-3. The game was held at Lindsborg.. The McPherson players are in the dark jerseys.

Coach Chalmer E. Woodard set his football boys on top of the Kansas Conference this season. His team Is also the only underfeated football squad in Kansas. Thunks to. Woody's efforts and the loyal support of the entire Macollege team, our football team has been changed from pushover to power.

Leading the Conference Champions are George Helm, a rough and rugged tackle, und Dwight McSpadden, a hard-running and hitting half back. George Kelin, Nampa, Idaho, Its a junior as is Dwight McSpadden, who is from Wiley, Colo. This season, both boys saw much action offensively us well as defensively.    

Eddie Ball, one of the five Juni- Wayne Blichenstaff. junior, or members of the backfield, has quarterback, has already this in his first three years of college year thrown 11 touchdown passes, football scored over 160 points which far surpasses the total for for McPherson College.    any previous year.

Like Father, Like Son

Gene Smith is at the moment the leading Kansas Conference and McPherson College scorer with 81 points.

Half Is Better Than None

It was the. custom in 1923 for each football game to be played with a new ball. The winner of the game would then get to take the ball home with them to be displayed in a prominent place.

This presented a problem when the Bulldogs played the Baker Wildcats to a 3 to 3 tic in the first game of the '23 season. Deciding that half a football was better than none. Richard "Dick” Keim. captain of the Bulldogs, elected to cut it in two and bring the half football home for our showcase.

1923 Captain, Dick Keim

ing his father’s footsteps, came to McPherson College. Now Big George is a Junior and was chosen u co-captain of this year's football team. A rugged tackle. George played an invaluable part in leading the 1952 Bulldogs to a very decisive championship in the Kansas Conference. Their record of six wins, no losses, and no tics in conference play, is the best in the history of McPherson College.

it would almost seem that there is magic in the name, Keim, and that McPherson can't have a winning football team without a Keim in the lineup. If so, the Bulldogs should have a successful season again next year , since Big George Keim will again be at his tackle spot making life miserable for the opposition.

1952 Co-Captain,

It was many years ago that McPherson College’s Bulldogs won their lust conference championship. We arc all painfully aware that it was 29 years ago. to be exact—one generation. This one generation must have brought back to McPherson some of the determined aggressiveness that marked the play of the 1923 Bulldogs.

Looking back we see that the Bulldogs of 1923 were captained by

a rugged and determined guard by

THE MCPHERSON COLLEGE CHAMPS OF 1923—This is the Me Pherson College football champions of the Kansas Conference in 1923. when the Bulldogs won seven gamed one and lost one. In the hack row. left to right, are Assistant Coach Harry Colburn, "Tok" his team to seven conferences Carter. Hal Barton Joe Heaston, Henry "Heinie” Hahn, Cleo Hill an d Head Coach Floyd Mishler,. In the line, left to right, are Paul "Si" victories, one defeat, and one tie Surgent. Stanley Keim. Richard "Dick" Keim, father of Big George Ke im who is a member of the 1952 championship team; Paul Kuirtz, in his Junior year here at McPher Leon "Peanuts" Morinc, John Lingle and Frank Burton. (Photo courtesy of .Marvin Sweeney).    son College.

They Had A Team In ’23 Too

By Manly Draper

side against this McPherson jaug-ernaut. The final score was 14-7. The first Mac score was made by a pass from Hall Barton to his brother Frank Barton. Later in the game Cleo Hill scooted around end for the final tally.

McPherson's defeat of KWU by 8-0 featured a 72 yard TD run by "Tok” Carter. In the Bethel game which was won by McPherson 150 there was a 30- yard TD run by Sam Kurtz along with a field goal by F. Barton. Hal Barton scored the other TD in this game.

McPherson's winning of the con- was made up of 17 teams. They them 3-3 with a 27-yard field goal ference championship last Friday were Emporia St., Fort Hays. Pitts, by Frank Barton. St. Mary’s was night led this reporter to start Teachers, Southwestern, and Wash- the next game on the schedule and checking back to sec what kind of burn of the present CIC confer- resulted in the only, loss of the team made up the last previous ence; all of the present members season for the Bulldogs by a 6-0 championship team. Twenty - nine of the present Kansas Conference score.

years ago McPherson got a new and Friends U. Sterling, St. McPherson then defeated Fort coach by the name of Floyd Mish-    Mary’s, and Fairmount. •    Hays Teachers by a    7-0    score. The

Icr. Along with this new coach they    The Bulldogs played nine    games    scoring play was set    up    when Mun-

had a team that was probably the in 1923, all of them conference tilts, dre blocked a punt and it was fall-best that McPherson had put out    Their season's record was    seven    en on by Si Sargent    on    the Teach-

until this year.    wins one loss and one tie.    era two-yard line.    "Tok" Carter

At the time McPherson was in The first game of the season was scored on the next play, the old Kansas Conference which against Baker and McPherson tied Washburn also fell by the way-

Eddie Ball carried the ball around end for eight yards* on this play. On the ground after throwing a block is Roland Delay. In the background are the two ends; Bob Bechtel and Bob Peel.

Ladies Ready to Wear, Dresses, Coats, Suits, Sportswear, Lingerie, Hosiery, Handbags 122 N. Main    Phone 130

SENIORS—HOWARD MEHLINGER. PAUL HEIDEBRECHT, BOB BECHTEL AND ROLAND DELAY—will play their last college football tonight. However, Paul will be cheated out this last chance since his injury a few weeks ago puts him out of the game for the season.


Conference Football

MCPHERSON COLLEGES FOOTBALL SQUAD—Left to right bottom row. Carl Metsker, Leland Lengel. Bill Smith. Bob Bechtel. Kenneth Wahl, Rolad Freed Eddie Frantz. Lowell Hoch, Jim Dougherty. Wayne Blickenstaff. Don Doodfellow and Bob Powell Second row. left to right- Steve Ber ' Marry Ensminger. Bob Wise. Bill Goering. Jack Richardson. Gary Jones, Bob Peel. Gene Smith. Eddie Ball. Don Moeller Cliro Sharpe and George Helm. Third row. left to right Gerald Barnes. Bob Vance. .Lewis McKellip. Paul Heidebrecht. Gene Elrod Vernon Patefish, Howard Mehlinger. Dwight McSpadden. Jerry Green. John Robison. Don Hoch and Dwight Blough. Fourth row. left to right- Howard Todd. Joe Johns, Roland Wray. John Williams. Thomas Taylor. Alvin Fishburn. Floyd Bayer. Jonas Unruh. Tommy O’Dell Roland Delay, Bobby Bean and Donald Ullom. Top row. left to right. Managers Dale De Lauter and Karl Dalke; Assistant Coach Dick Wareham, Assistant Coach Guy Hayes and Coach Chalmer *'Woody." Woodard. (Republican Photo).

1052 Scores

(Non-Conference Games)

Sept. 19—McPherson-Bethel - -


Oct. 25 McPherson-William Jewell


"Sept. 26—McPherson-Concordia -

- 46- 0

Oct. 31— McPherson-Ottawa - - -


Oct. 3—McPherson-Beker - - -

- 52-13

Nov. 7—McPherson-Bethany - - -


Oct. 11—McPherson-C. of E. - -

- 26-20

"Nov. 14—Friends

Oct. 18—McPherson- K. W. U. -


Congratulations Team

Bessier's Decorative Supplies

Hubbell’s Sweeney’s Shoe Store


Johnson’s Paint & Wallpaper Store

Hawley Hardware Parrent Camera Shop J. M. McDonald Co. Gambles

McPherson Electric Co.

Stanley’s Store for Women

- Morris, Sons......

Select Dairy

Western Auto Assoc. Store Raleigh’s Drug Store College Inn Abel’s Gift Shop Todd Printing Co.


Matson’s Radio & Television    

Peoples State Bank


H. A. Quiring, Furniture

' Janzen Jewelry

Hodge Farm & Home Store, Inc.

Gorden A. Hedquist Hull-Brunk’s

The Spectator 5    

FRIDAY, NOV. 14, 1052

Bulldog Barks

Conference Champs-—,just look at | weekend for a visit. He's working those Words.. They spell victory in some Kansas oil field now. right out loud. The last time we Friday night, after the game a were conference champs, George number of couples went to Desna

Four Girls And A Man Complete 3400 Mile Trip

By the Ladies’ Quartet

Keim's dad was a junior and captain of the team In the year 1823. And now this year, 1952, George Is one of the co-captains and a junior. Maybe in years to come a dividend of his will carty oh the seemingly family tradition.

Thanks go out whole heartley to Woody far all his headaches, strained vocal chords and extra gray hairs.

The whole season has been a good one. and it’s been clean all the way through. It Would have to be, because Woody is our coach. Take last Friday for example. We could have hit the 10O to 0 mark if he’d left in all the A string team, but he didn’t. He gave the whole team a chance to play, and there’s going to be a lot of good players coming up.

The Sadie Hawkins’ party Went over with a bang. Some or the crazy bombers that showed up there. Don Hoch and Kotabk Roy-<*r switched genders for the evening when he came as Daisy Mae and she dressed as a "hick freth the sticks." Don would make a cute looking gal, but have yon ever seen a girl with a burr haircut?

Costumes ranging from baby diapers and teething rings to hoboes and Li’l Abners were there. Various designs descriptive of "Dog-patch” were around the wails. Games were played and contests won, refreshments served, and feet ached, but all seemed to have a good time.

Last weekend around this time, some kids had salty tears splash-lag down their cheeks and otfeen were all smiles—one guess why— nine weeks’ grade cards. Anyway, you can be sure when they come oat, vacation is just around the corner.

Monday night at 10 o’clock, two girls were surprised when Second Floor Arnold gave Carol Trostle a party and Fourth Floor gave Shirley McDaneld one. They grouped themselves in the hall and bad a song fest of popular songs. Christmas carols, hill-billy songs and"Grandma’s Lye Soap." (don't know what category that one takes.)

Several Kline Hall gals get together for a party at Mrs. Hamilton’s apartment just accross the street from campus. Shirley Hamilton and Leland Lenged, Eleanor Lou than and Artie Thiessen, Verlee Reist and Tommy Taylor, ami Colleen Martin and Bob Wise were the couples. They played monopoly and various other games. They had their fid of food, too.

Rowena Merkey and Bob Wilson went to Conway Springs last Sunday for his grandparents’ 50th wedding anniversary. Generations of relation were there to congratulate the two.

Ermalee Phillips stayed overnight in the dorm with Donna Lou Sooby Monday night.

Harvey Miner was here over the

i both for sloppy Joes, cocoa and good talk carried on by the boys about the ins and outs of of the game. Everyone—from married to engaged to singles—expected something that didn’t take plheb. Is It how Bob

Alailima Visits Campus

Vaiao Alailima, who was the first Samoan student to graduate from McPherson College, visited the campus last Friday. '

Vaiao graduated from Mcpherson in 1950 and received his Master's Degree at the University of George Washington In Wash., D.


He and his wife are now on their way back to Samoa where he will work in Personnel Administration. they plan to spend one month in Honolulu before going on to Samoa.

Hershberger Is New Youth Fieldworker

Miss Betty Lou Hershberger is he new youth fieldworker for the Western Region CBYF. She takes the place of Virginia Royer who left the job in September.

Betty Lou is being initiated into the regional work by attending sessions of the Regional Conference. This gives her a chance to become acquainted with ministers and youth advisers in the region.

’Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, is the home of Miss Hershberger. She a graduate of Manchester College and has taught school one year. She cannot trace any relationships to Prof. E. S. Hershberg-although she was an art major in college.

The work of youth fieldworker includes leading at youth rallies and conferences, promoting youth ings, handling correspondence, and lending at camps. The work is a project of the Brethren Volunteer Service financed by the

youth of the Western Region. Betty lou completed her training at New Windsor with the September unit.

The new fieldworker attended the meeting of the National Youth Cabinet and Fieldworkers at Camp Mack in Indiana Oct. 30-Nov. 3.

There she hod a chance to confer with Berwyn Oltman, Western Region youth president:    Glenn

Swinger, adult adviser, and Virginia Boyer, retiring fieldworker. Ten days in the National Youth Office at Elgin, Nl. completed her orientation sessions.

Betty Lou will have her headquarters In the Western Region office on the first floor of Sharp Hall. Youth leaders may consult her at my time.

Members of the Regional Youth (Cabinet with whom the fieldworker Works are Berwyn Oltman, Bob Powell. La Von Widegren, Curtis Leicbt and Lorene Clark.

Betty Lou has a great interest in dramatics. She was a member of a cast which presented a day at the Christian Youth Conference of North America in August.

Stern, Ilaoa Are Engaged

Rev. Ray Stem, Fredericksburg. Iowa, announces the engagement of his daughter, Lois, to Kuki Ilaoa of American Samoa.

Lois is a Macollege sophomore and Kuki is a senior. December 28 hs been set for the date of the wedding.

pressed were they all that they had a spontaneous vespers sevice singing hymns and quoting psalms as they rode along. There were many serious and enlightening discussions that accompanied the inspirations of the days.

The last lap of the trip was Western Colorado. Saturday afterhoon and Sunday was spent in the Widegren home near Grand Junction. Some of them ate their first venision. elk, and trout that weekend. Sunday the quartet gave 5 programs—a total of 51 songs for the day,

They did some sight seeing in the mountians hear Grand Junction. At one place they stood on what is known as "Cold Shiver’s Point” and sang into the deep canyon below as the sounds echoed back to them twice with the force of choir.

interesting things happened every day. One day as they went through Keim's meat packing plant In Nampa, they were watching the butchering of sheep. Suddenly— splosh!! a big clot Of blood lit in Peggy’s eye. "Here’s blood in yer bye!" Later in the Week oh a cook out as Bob and La Von built the fire, Elsie and Peggy peeled the apples for baked apples and Florene got the biscuits ready, the pressure in the can bad built up too much so when Florene opened it up the biscuits really shot out. It so happened the can was pointed toward Peggy so they had to scrape the dough from her shoulder before they could have any biscuits with their baked apples. Another day they had a snow ball fight oh the Continental Divide on Monarch Pass.

You can't beat Bob Mays for introductions. You never know who’s coming next. One night he introduced Florene as the soprano who made the rafters tremble. Elsie as the alto who made the floor tremble, and Peggy—who made the boys tremble.

Several times Peggy’ was asked to talk to the congregation follow-

Have you wondered What was the matter with Bob Mays recently?

Anything he says or 'does should not be held against him for he has Just survived a 3400-mile trip with; the college Ladies Quartet.

A few extra miles were added to the regularly scheduled trip perhaps because Bob thought it was too soon after Halloween and practical jokesters had been at work on the highway signs. It was 40 miles later when Bob finally realised that 5’s in front of the 50's were supposed to be there and was traveling. not highway 50 as he supposed. but highway 550.

They stayed in the home of Bob Mays’ parents in Denver the first night and had a weiner roast the next day going through Wyoming.

That night in Montpelier, Idaho they were invited by a new found friend to a square dance club. It was interesting observing.

In Nampa they ate In the Blicken home and stayed with the Bloughs, Eshelmans and Keims.

And did you see those pumpkins they brought back? Well, those were really apples that Prof. Wesley De-Coursey’s mother gave them.

Four programs in four different churches on Sunday kept them all so busy that LaVon forgot it was her birthday until the others remembered and sang "happy birthday” to her. That night the Fruit-land young people had a party for the girls so they added to LaVon’s tray a candle on a vanilla wafer.

Speaking of Fruitland, that's where "Si" Sargent grew up. so they met a lot of Peggy’s relatives.

There were quite a few. but Bob was probably overestimating when lie told the congregation at Woiser thnt the last count on her relatives was 1,206. They stayed in the Yost home at Payette and the Mc-Kellip home at Melba and even met another Vance brother at Twin Falls.

One afternoon they gave a 1/2 hour    the     __

Sky Is Limit On Sadie Hawking Day

"Up is the air Junior Birdmen," "Up in the air any-which-way! The Sky seemed to be the limit this year. Borne took to trees and fire-totabM. But for the most part, the fettaa look refuge on top of buildings Sadie Hawkins Day.

Harnly Hall was the most heavily populated, the gym seemed next in popularity, and the rest were scattered over the remaining buildings of the campus.

Leon Albert and Wilbur Bastin clambered up the Industrial Arts building roof with girls in hot pursuit. Kenny Brown and Alvin Fish-burn parked themselves on the roof of "Fanny’s” porch and wouldn’t budge even tho’ they were threatened by some girls with a ladder, the scene of the start of the ft the football field, girls outnumbered boys three to one.

and prospectives looked gloomy.

Donna Sooby fired the fatal shot, and it was fatal to some poor hopless souls who weren't quite ready.

It was then that a dozen or more heads popped themselves over the edge of Hamly’s flat top and shouted down taubts of glee.

Of course, female ire arose and plans of vengeance went into action as some of the more wrathful armed with a key, clambered up. as far as they were able, to their goal.

Dean put up quite a fight for Betty Young. He wouldn’t even get "Neher" but she finally caught him Friday morning following breakfast, having missed him earlier as he fled, after being unexpectedly pounced upon outside his door before breakfast.

Norman Long’s legs aren’t so very long, but it sure took a long time for Lois Stinnette to catch up with him.

Bob Wilson vowed he wouldn’t get caught, but “was finally tackled Friday morning by Ms "sister-inlaw”, Arlene Merkey.

Family Women Dine A faculty women’s dinner meeting was held Thursday evening. Nov. 6. in the Blue Room at the Hotel Warren.

Swinger Will Speak To CBYF Sunday

Glenn Swinger. Adult Advisor for the Regional Youth will speak at CBYF Sunday evening, 6:36 Nov. 16. His topic will be "The Answer Is With You".'

The devotions for the evening will be led by Maxine Hanley.

Wesley Ikenberry was one of the first to get caught. He must hot have minded much because Barbara Bowman became his bride in a "shot gun" wedding at the party Saturday night.

They were married up by "Mar-ryin Sam." Leon Albert, as "Mammy Yokum", Evelyn Williams, stood ready to use her shotgun.

The annual Sadie Hawking Patty was held in the gym Saturday night, Nov. 8. Approximately 50 couples attended.

Read all the ads in the Sppec.

Hodge’s for

Gifts, Appliances, * Hardware

204 N. Main    Phone 1044

Inflation Is Everywhere

Inflation la everywhere. Prices are up and so ore football scores.

The 1952 Bulldogs made twelve more points in last week's game with Bethany than the 1923 team did in their entire season when they scored 60 points.

Ore. Peggy had a little trouble with intestinal flu but she came through gallantly on every program in spite of it Elsie held her upright so all Peggy had to dp was sing.

On their way back they spent an afternoon and evening in Sait Lake City. They sang in the Mormon tabernacle (Bob and the caretaker were the sole listeners), saw the movie, "The Mikado." and listened to the University of Utah Symp-phony rehearse for their concert the following night.

Also in an excursion out to the great Salt Lake, Bob, Elsie, and LaVon arrived on the scene just in time to get the greatest effect of the fumes arising from a nearby smelting plant that was being cleaned out for the day. Mac’s Bay Refinery doesn’t even make a showing when it comes to odors. Those three just barely escaped before they stopped breathing permanently.

There was extremely beautiful scenery for the trip. The trees were at their prettiest and the mountains were arrayed with a mass of color. Scenes that were new to all of them accounted for many thrilling experiences. One evening as they drove toward the west, the sky was aglow with the vivid colors of an Idaho sunset. So Im-

work camp experiences. One night LaVon got carried away, when she was telling about that beauti-. ful sunset they saw, so now they call bet preacher Widegren. For reasons needless to mention Peggy was the sleepiness, Elsie the eat-inest, LaVon the preachinest, and Florene the silliest.

ft might be noted that Bob and the girls couldn’t wait for news of the football games played while they were gone so they had

egram sent to Nampa and Grand Junction the

Teacher: Now Bobby, tell me where the elephant is found.

Bobby, (Alter a moment’s hesitation) The elephant, teacher, is such a large animal it is scarcely lost.

had a tel-one week next.

McPherson Winds Up Victorious Season

Tonight, November 14. McPherson College Bulldogs wind up what has proved to be the greatest season ever had by a Bulldog team.

Starting out fast against two opponents that should not have been on the same field with them, they held them scoreless. Then they returned home for their second conference game of the season. Baker found the road to defeat broad and wide as they crumpled to defeat 5213.

Then came the real test for the Mac Bulldogs. For four weeks in a row they played in homecoming battles, and if ever a team is "up" for a game it is their homecoming. They more than proved their mettle in these games winning three and tying William Jewell in a game that was publicized over a large portion of the midwest

Then last Friday night they came home and returned the trouncing that Bethany had administered to McPherson only three short years ago with an almost identical score.

Tonight they face a non - conference opponent that would like nothing' better than to defeat Mac.

Friends University perennially tries to become the eighth member of the conference only to be told that they do not play a quality of sports that is the equal of the Kansas Conference.

They believed that they partially disproved that last week when they upset the "dope sheet” and delt Baker a 12;7 defeat To prove that it was no fluke the Friends team is working overtime for Coach Earl Craven this week in preparation for the game with McPherson. For example, school was excused at Friends last Monday because of the Baker victory, but the football team voted to practice anyway.

Friends’ uses the two platoon system extensively, changing nine or ten players whenever the ball changes hands. In the Friends’ backfield are Jerry Young at QB.

Jim Downing and Jack Tipton at left halfback, Kenton Harris at right halfback, and Gary Boatright at fullback.

. Friends’ have been operating out of the T formation until the game last. Friday night, when they switched to the old double wing formation and defeated Baker with it. They plan to use this formation against McPherson.

. The Bulldogs are in top physical condition for this game. No- Eddie Ball's body was injured in the Bethany 20 yard line, game and the players are in top condition for tonight. Coach Woodard has not worked the players too hard this week, but the players

Know that a win tonight will give cm an undefeated season and they are not planning on letting Friends ruin that.

Bulldogs Defeat Swedes In Last Conference Game

McPherson received the hall on the opening kickoff and in seven plays drove 72 yards for a touchdown. That just about describes what happened as McPherson humbled Bethany here last Friday night 72-13. Not once during the game did McPherson punt and except for a pass interception evey time they had their hands on the ball they scored until midway in the third quarter when the reserves were in.

capacity crowd estimated to be over 4000 was present to witness McPherson capture the Kansas Conference crown for the first time in 29 years. It looked more like homecoming than homecoming itself as there were many teachers that forgot to attend the evening state teachers session at Salina and somehow wound up at the football field sometime before eight o’clock.

The crowd was In a holiday mood and their enthusiasm never dampened. Even after Woody had swept the bench clean and there were players playing that the crowd didn’t even know were out for football they were yelling just as loud for just "one more touchdown."

The score represented the greatest margin of defeat ever handed Bethany team by the Bulldogs. Many of the teachers and students in the stands remembered a short three years ago when Coach Ray Hahn let the Bethany’s first team remain in the contest until the closing minutes to run up score against McPherson and the revenge was doubly sweet when Mac was able to defeat them by the almost identical score and still let everybody on the bench see action.

McPherson received the opening kickoff and immediately marched the length of the field, going the last 21 yards on that famous touchdown pass from Wayne Blickenstaff to Dwight McSpadden. The try for the extra point failed.

The Bulldogs kicked off and then the defensive unit held for three straight downs, forcing Bethany to kick on the fourth down. They got off a good one that settled into Eddie Ball's arms on McPherson's

Mac Lists Three Men As Leading Scorers Scorers    TD

Smith McPherson McSpadden McPherson Ball McPherson Harkey C. of E.

Ryan Ottawa Clifton Ottawa Killings worth Ottawa Simons Ottawa Hart C. of E. ~ Klicwer Bethany

PAT TP 13    3    81

11    14 80

12    3    75

11 0 66 4    38    62

.Read all the advertisements in the Spectator.

Receiving good blocking aU the way, a huge hole opened up and Ball sped through it. It looked for a moment as though he might be gone, but the referee ruled that he stepped out of bounds on the five-yard line so the ball was handed to Smith the next play and be lugged It over. Score now 12-0. Smith also made the extra point and with only five minutes gone in the quarter the score was 13-0.

After Bethany picked up a first down the tough-as nails McPherson line again stiffened and forced Bethany to punt. They did. and McPherson was again on the touchdown trail. Several times the runners almost broke loose only to be stopped by just one man. Finally Ball went over from the eight-yard line and Gene Smith made the extra point to end the scoring for the first quarter and McPherson was in the lead 20-0.

Early in the second quarter Robison intercepted a Bethany pass to set up another McPherson score. Gene Smith did the honors this time from 37 yards out as the McPherson line opened a hole in the line big enough to drive a truck through. This time the extra point

was made by a pass completion from Blickenstaff to Clive Sharpe. Score now 27-0.

Same old story again. Mac’s defense holds, Bethany kicks .and McPherson starts a touchdown inarch. The final five yards were covered by Gene Smith. This time Robison carried the ball over for the extra point.

McPherson got possession of the ball next time a little differently. Jerry Green broke through the Bethany line and hit the QB before he had a chance to hand the ball off. He fumbled and Bob Wise recovered to set up another TD. Gene Smith, who ran rampart all night long broke loose this time for a 39-yard run and another TD. Dwight McSpadden carried for the extra point and the score in this football game, that was beginning to resemble a track meet with McPherson doing all the running, was 41-0 at halftime, with McPherson safely in the lead.

The second half was almost an exact replica of the first half with MePherson scoring at will until Woody started substituting at will. Bethany received the kickoff and immediately and conveniently fumbled. Two plays later McPherson had their score, this time for variety through the air as Bllck-enstaff hit McSpadden for a 14-yard touchdown pass. McPherson missed their extra point.

On the first series of' downs Bethany made the mistake of believing that they did not have to kick and so the impregnable McPherson defense just held for four downs. Three plays later McSpud den found the necessary hole in the line and covered the last seven yards and the double stripes again felt the pounding of Bulldog feet For some reason or other the try for the extra point failed and the score remained 53-0.

Bethany punted out on McPherson one yard line several minutes later. With a partially new lineup in McPherson again headed for the double stripes. Don Goodfellow carried for 17 yards to the Mac 32 and several more plays say the ball advanced to the Mac 39. From here John Robison carried around end and headed for the goal posts. At the 50 he was in the clear and nobody even came close to him. Goering made the point after touchdown and for you who are keeping a running score of the game that made it 60-0.

At this point Woody poured reserves Into the battle. There were so many new faces that even the coaches were slightly confused and twice only 10 McPherson players were on the field, but both times they held for no gain. With 22 seconds left in the third quarter Ma-cey threw a one yard pass to Lundgren that gave Bethany their first score. They also converted and the score at the end of the quarter was 60-7.

Just before the quarter ended, BUI Goering took Bethany’s kickoff and returned It 65 yards before being brought down on Bethany's 20-yard line. On the first play after the quarter. Eddie Ball scooted those last 20 yards, thanks to a key block by Howard Todd, and since Mac missed their extra point the score was 66-7.

Keim Nominated For Little All-American

McPherson received a boost Nov. 11, lor the enviable position of having one of its players selected for the Little All - America Team. To receive this selection requires a terrific combination of good luck coupled with good playing.

The good luck consists of being on a team that is conference champs and if at all possible, undefeated. Besides this it takes publicity and plenty of it. Here is where the “Topeka Daily Capital” came through with a valuable boost Tuesday.

They sent to the Associated Press the nomination of Big George Keim, McPherson tackle, to be considered for Little All - American honors. While this docs not mean that he will be chosen, it is a considerable help to be nominated by the paper that is recognized all over Kansas as the authority on small college football in Kansas..    

The Broken    

Crystal Ball

By The Seer?

Season's record: Right 137; Wrong 45; Ties 11 Pet. .753.

I continued in my slump last ; week. As the returns started com- . ing from all over the country, my j blood pressure started to drop and I started to feel faint. The Solid South again confounded the experts. No, this isn’t a report on the ■ election returns, but on the football scores. Such teams as Georgia, Kentucky, and Virginia won games that were supposed to be in the bag for the opponents. In other parts of the country Washington. Notre Dame, Nebraska, Pittsburgh, and Friends U. also pulled upsets.

However, the Michigan S. powerhouse kept rolling right along. : After a slow first quarter they got j angry, six Indiana players and two Michigan S. players were thrown out of the game, and Michigan S. won the game 41-14.

Now for the predictions:

Georgia Tech over Alabama    .

Arkansas over SMU Pennsylvania over Army Georgia over Auburn California over Washington S. Kentucky over Clemson Colorado U. over Kansas S.

Navy over Columbia    

Wichita U. over Drake Tennessee over Florida    '

Illinois over Ohio S.

Wisconsin over Indiana Northwestern over Iowa U.

Kansas U. over Oklahoma A & M Maryland over Mississippi Michigan S. over Notre Dame Michigan U. over Purdue Minnesota over Nebraska Oklahoma over Missouri Navy over Columbia North Carolina over South Carolina

Oregon S. over Idaho Oregon U. over Stanford Pittsburgh over North Carolina State

USC over Washington Texas over TCU Ottawa over Baker C. of E. over Kearny St. Teachers

Fort Hays State over KWU "

McPherson Tops Conference Standings

Team    Conference Games    All Games

W L T Pct. Pts Op W L T Pct Pts Op

McPherson-----—6    0    0    l.OOfr    268    100    7    0    1    .937    334    120*

Ottawa --------------4    1    0    .800    182    93    7    1    0    .875    312    178

Bethany -------------3    3    0    .500    72    167    4    4    0    .500    123    198

Baker -------------2    2    1    .412    84    97    2    4    1    .357    105    144

C. of E----------------2    3    1    .416    122    91    3    4    1    .437    187    117

K- W. U............ 2    4    0    .400    94    143    4    4    0    .500    128    169

Bethel .....—........—0    6    0    .000    46    177    2    7    0    .222    91    208

Woody Announces Tentative Schedule For Basketball

Coach Chalmer Woodard today announced the tentative schedule of games that the McPherson College Bulldogs will play this year. There is a possibility of several more games because of open dates remaining on the schedule.

At the moment 16 regular games, one high school clinic and two tournaments round out the schedule. Contrary to the last two years, no extensive Christmas tournament is planned. However the Bulldogs are planning on participating in a tournament at Hutchinson just before school reconvenes.

On the schedule are four of the non - conference opponents that we played last year. They are St. Benedicts and Southwestern from the Central Intercollegiate Conference and Phillips U. of Enid. Okla. and Colorado State at Greeley. Colo.

The first chance local fans "will get to see the Bulldogs perform on the home court will be the game with Southwestern Dec. 15. Probably many fans will travel to the tournament at Moundridge the 10th and 11th to see the Bulldogs when they are playing within a reasonable traveling distance.

Already Coach Woodard has started the boys who are not out for football working on such things as getting themselves into condition. The practices will include all the members starting next week after the football season.

The basketball schedule:

St. Benedicts, there Dec. 6.

Moundridge Invitational, there Dec. 10-11.

H. S. Clinic at Ness City. Dec; 13.

Southwestern, here Dec. 15.

Bethel, here Dec.’ 19.

Central Conference Tournament at Hutchinson Jan. 1-3.

Colorado State at Greeley, there Jan. 10.

Ottawa, there Jan. 16.

Baker, there Jan. 17.

C. of E.. here Jan. 24.

Bethany, there Jon. 26.

Bethel, there Jan. 30.

Phillips U.. there Jan. 31.

KWU. here Feb. 4.

C of E.. here Feb. 6.

Bethany, here Feb. 9.

KWU. here Feb. 18.

Ottawa, here Feb. 21.

Baker, here Feb. 28.

Volleyball Leagues Finish Season

The volleyball leagues finished their last games of the season last night. The Winner in each league will meet in a play-off game to decide the champion volleyball team.    

This year 31 teams competed in volleyball play. This was the highest number ever to play in McPherson’s intramural program. About 220 players were on the various teams. The boys outnumbered the girls as several of the teams were made up entirely of boys.

With the end of the volleyball season, the weather is beginning to point to the start of the intramural basketball season. Dick Wareham. director of Intramural athletics, announces that it will be of no avail to start forming teams yet. There will be an announcement in a later Spectator as to the exact method of forming’ teams this year and when it can be started.

American League

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